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Title: The Journal-Lancet, Vol. XXXV, No. 5, March 1, 1915
       The Journal of the Minnesota State Medical Association

Author: Various

Editor: W. A. Jones

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5, MARCH 1, 1915 ***


 The Journal of the Minnesota State Medical Association
 and Official Organ of the
 North Dakota and South Dakota State Medical Associations


 VOL. XXXV Minneapolis, March 1, 1915 No. 5

       *       *       *       *       *


 By E. J. Huenekens, A. B., M. D.
 Instructor in Pediatrics, University of Minnesota

[1] Read before the Hennepin County Medical Society, Nov. 2, 1914.

The science of infant-feeding has been revolutionized in the last
twenty years, and, in the process, it has advanced too radically in
many directions. Lately, the pendulum has been swinging backward, so
that the most advanced knowledge of today probably represents a middle
ground between extreme radicalism and extreme conservatism. In no other
direction is this more manifest than in the feeding intervals. The
religious adherence to the four-hour feeding interval is giving way
to a more rational system. I am one of the firmest adherents of the
longer interval: the food is better digested, the stomach has a period
of rest, and the general well-being of the infant is better furthered
than with more frequent feedings. But there are certain infants who
do not receive enough nourishment in this interval, especially young
breast-fed infants in whom it can be demonstrated by accurate weighing,
before and after nursing, that they receive considerably more milk
in twenty-four hours with the three-hour interval. This is the more
important in that Rosenstern has demonstrated that a large proportion
of infants up to the age of six weeks require more than the usual 100
calories per kilogram of body-weight. One hundred calories represents
150 grams of breast-milk, so that a five-kilo, or eleven-pound, baby
should receive a minimum of 750 c.c. of breast-milk in twenty-four

By far the best food for the healthy infant in every way--and this
cannot be emphasized too strongly--is mother’s milk. There are
certain alimentary disturbances in which it may be advisable to
replace breast-milk with certain artificially prepared foods, such,
for instance, as albumin milk in alimentary intoxication; but this is
never true of the normally healthy infant. While, as regards growth
and freedom from digestive disturbances, certain artificially prepared
foods may, when used with exceeding care, produce as good results as
breast-milk; nevertheless, this is only one function of breast-milk.
The other function which can be imparted to no artificial food is the
passive immunization of the child against infection. Ehrlich (_Zeit.
f. Hyg. u. Infectionskr._, 1892, xii, 183) has proved that antibodies,
antitoxin, and agglutinins are transmitted directly through the milk
from mother to child; and it has been shown that the blood of a
breast-fed child is considerably more bactericidal than the blood of a
bottle-fed infant.

The practice of weaning the baby for trivial reasons has increased in
the last decade, and can be laid largely at the door of the medical
profession. For all practical purposes the only absolute indication
for weaning the baby is open tuberculosis in the mother. For the last
few years I have been making a systematic inquiry at the University
Dispensary and Infant Welfare Stations as to reasons for weaning
young infants; and in nine cases out of ten, the answer has been that
“the milk gave out.” In only a very small proportion of cases has
an ordinarily well-nourished mother insufficient milk; far oftener
the fault lies with the child. Insufficient and late development of
the sucking reflex prevents these infants from completely emptying
the breast, which in time “dries up.” This period can be tided over
by nursing from both breasts, by temporarily increasing the number
of nursings, or temporarily employing “allaitement mixte.” In cases
in which, after long, patient effort the supply of milk is still
insufficient, either supplementary or complementary feeding of cow’s
milk can be given. Where this mixed feeding is employed a minimum
amount of cow’s milk should be given; and the opening in the nipple
should be as small as possible, otherwise the child gets too much cow’s
milk, and with too little effort, and gradually refuses the breast.

Another excuse, and one fostered to some extent by physicians, is, that
certain breast-milks are “poison for the baby.” This has even less
foundation in fact; and here again the fault must be looked for in the
baby rather than in the mother. Outside of certain variations in the
fat-content, all breast-milks are alike in composition. In proof of
this Finkelstein has fed these babies at the breast of tried wet-nurses
with absolutely no benefit, while the children of the wet-nurses would
thrive at the breast of the “poison-milk mother.”

Abscess of both breasts may force a temporary cessation of nursing,
but the breast should be regularly emptied until the inflammation has
subsided; and then the nursing should be re-established. Cracked or
sunken nipples may render nursing impossible, but they do not stop the
flow of milk. In both these latter conditions the milk may be manually
expressed or removed with the breast-pump. In this connection I wish to
recommend the improved Jaschke pump, in which, by means of a releasing
valve, the sucking movements of the child can be very closely imitated.

Where artificial feeding must be started early, cow’s milk is almost
universally employed. Whenever possible, “certified milk” should be
used; the ordinary milk, however, can be boiled with little or no
harm. In diluting and preparing this milk, we have the choice of
several methods. The so-called percentage feeding, favored in America,
is difficult and cumbersome, and has no advantages over its simpler
rivals. Pfaundler’s rule may be safely employed. It is as follows:
One-tenth body-weight of milk, one one-hundredth body-weight of sugar
diluted up to one liter; give 200 c.c. five times in twenty-four
hours. Even simpler is the following: One-third milk for the first
month, one-half for the second month, two-thirds for the third and
fourth months, each with the addition of 4 to 6 per cent sugar. Either
milk-sugar or ordinary granulated sugar may be employed. The malt
sugars and extracts should be reserved for sick children. After the
second month, oatmeal water may be used as a diluent in place of plain

Recently Friedenthal, a Berlin physiologist, has attempted an exact
imitation of mother’s milk, including that important element, the
salt, which had, until recently, been entirely neglected. Langstein is
very enthusiastic over this milk as a food for healthy infants; but
Finkelstein, in a personal communication, assured me that it has not
as yet proved itself. Schloss, dissatisfied with the results of the
Friedenthal milk, has modified it in the direction of casein milk by
replacing the milk-sugar with the malt preparations, and increasing
the protein content. He claims good results, and is supported by
Leopold, of New York, who has used it extensively. But we must leave
the final word as to both these milks for the future to decide. From
the sixth to the ninth month for both breast-fed and bottle-fed
babies, cooked cereals, toast, and vegetables should be gradually
added to the diet. At the ninth month, unless this is one of the hot
summer months, the nursling should be weaned, and a small amount of
cow’s milk substituted. The weaning should be gradual by omitting one
nursing period each week. The one important exception to the foregoing
rules for the first year of life, is the premature infant. In the
ninth month of fetal life, reserves of calcium and iron are stored
up in the body, which the infant gradually uses up during the first
nine months of extra-uterine life. The premature infant lacks this
store, and manifests it in different ways. As early as the second or
third month a breast-fed premature infant may develop a most extensive
craniotabes. This is not due to a true rachitis, i.e., disturbance of
calcium metabolism, but to a want of calcium in the body. Small amounts
of cow’s milk, which contains much more calcium than human milk, or
calcium in the form of calcium lactate or chloride, will remedy this
condition. A similar process happens in the case of iron. The premature
infant is born with a hemoglobin percentage of 100 to 110; by the third
or fourth month this may sink to 40 per cent, and for this reason green
vegetables should be added to the diet as early as the fourth month.

The diet of healthy children in the second year should include cooked
cereals, vegetables, toast, cooked fruits, and meat-juices; and the
quantity of cow’s milk should be limited to one and one-half pints
in twenty-four hours. The question of the addition of meat to the
diet is important. Some authors have recently advocated the giving
of meat as early as the ninth month. During the past year, working
in Finkelstein’s laboratory, I have been able to gather some facts
which have a direct bearing on this question. (_Zeitschrift für
Kinderheilkunde_, July, 1914.) By means of the new electrometric
determination of absolute acidity (that is, the number of H ions), I
was able to show that the acidity of the stomach before the eighteenth
month of life is insufficient to permit any peptic, i. e., protein,
digestion. Solomon, working in the same clinic, in a report not yet
published, has shown the same thing from a clinical standpoint. He
found that on a meat diet up to the end of the second year large
quantities of muscle fibers passed through with the bowel-movement
unchanged; but after that age they rapidly decreased in number. It
is, therefore, worse than useless to add meat to the diet before the
beginning of the third year.

Eggs frequently produce profound disturbances in young infants,
perhaps on account of the absorption of egg albumin, unchanged, in the
blood-stream; and they should be kept from the diet-list until the
beginning of the fourth year.

These rules for feeding are generalized, and there may be many
exceptions. Each child is to some extent a law unto itself, and this is
especially true of those children with nervous or exudative diathesis.

In conclusion, I wish to make a plea for greater uniformity in our
rules for infant-feeding. Even more than in strictly medical affairs
has the public the right to demand information. Heretofore, every
new book and every public lecture on infant-feeding has deviated
markedly from its predecessors, until the confused laity, and even
general practitioners, have turned in disgust to proprietary foods and
formulas. Pediatrics is a new science, and as such is bound to undergo
rapid changes and conflicting opinions. But that need not hinder us
from agreeing on certain fundamental facts which can be given as guides
to the general practitioner and to the public.

I believe that the simple rules for infant-feeding here laid down
are neither too conservative nor too radical to serve as a basis
of agreement upon which the medical profession may show to the
public a united front on this important question. Such uniformity of
opinion--and the sooner it can be reached the better--will not fail to
have a beneficial effect on both the profession and the public.


 Dr. Jacob Hvoslof: I would like to ask about the value of lime-water
 added to the milk. I recently had an experience where I mixed an ounce
 of lime-water to a pint of milk, as I thought that would improve it.
 but for some reason or other the baby would not digest his milk. After
 a while I left the lime-water out, and everything went well. Whether
 this is a “post” or “propter” I should like to find out.

 Dr. O. R. Bryant: In case of an exudative diathesis, where you
 probably will start solids early, you will also be able to use meat
 earlier. An infant that does well on solids at six months can probably
 have meat once a day at fifteen months and show a normal stool.

 Dr. S. R. Maxeiner: I would like to ask Dr. Huenekens where he classes
 eggs and egg albumin.

 Dr. C. G. Weston: I have been very much interested in Dr. Hueneken’s
 paper. I care only for the babies during the three or four weeks after
 birth; and of late years many of them have passed from me directly
 into the hands of the pediatrists. I formerly had the babies nursed
 every three hours, but finding that the baby specialist immediately,
 on assuming charge, put them on the four-hour schedule, I changed,
 about a year and a half ago, to that interval; and I thought my
 troubles would cease, but such has not been the case, and it has been
 my impression, as well as that of the nurses who have had the care of
 the infants, that it has made very little difference.

 The four-hour schedule is not a new thing in Minneapolis. Many of the
 older members of this Society may remember that twenty years ago Dr.
 R. O. Beard always fed his babies in this way.

 It seems to me that we should make no hard and fast rules for the
 feeding of babies, except the one that mother’s milk should be used
 whenever possible. We should individualize with the babies. If they
 do well on the four-hour schedule, follow it, as it makes the care of
 the child easier for the mother; if, however, the child does not get
 sufficient milk on this interval to properly nourish it, diminish the
 latter to three hours.

 The only way to accurately determine how much milk the nursing infant
 is getting, is to weigh the baby before and after nursing. One is
 often surprised at the varying amounts obtained by the same baby at
 different nursings with no obvious difference in the condition of the
 breasts. We have had a baby obtain as much as three ounces in the
 first five minutes of nursing, and at the next feeding take only one
 or one and a half ounces in twenty minutes.

 The green and frequent stools, with evidences of colic, etc., are
 often found to be due to too much milk, or taking it too rapidly; and
 the weighing method is the only way to determine this.

 I most heartily endorse what Dr. Huenekens said with reference to the
 importance of encouraging in every way maternal nursing. Many a mother
 gives up the attempt to nurse her baby on account of some soreness of
 the nipples or because she has thought she had too little milk to be
 of any use. Most of these cases may become, by the means recommended
 by the reader, good milkers, and many a baby’s life may thus be saved.

 Dr. E. K. Green: I would like to ask a question in regard to putting
 babies on cow’s milk. I have adhered very closely to the principle
 that modified cow’s milk is absolutely the best food for infants, if
 it is impossible to get mother’s milk, but many times when I have had
 the opportunity to follow these cases carefully I have had all sorts
 of stomach and bowel disturbances on cow’s milk until someone would
 suggest some other food, such as malted milk, or Mellin’s Food, or
 even condensed milk, which seems to be the farthest from the natural
 food, and then the babies would get along fairly well. Is this a
 common experience, or is there something wrong with my method? We
 have in our own home two children brought up on the bottle, one with
 malted milk and the other with Mellin’s Food. In both these cases I
 tried, not only once, but several times to use the modified cow’s
 milk, but failed absolutely. I would like to know if you consider the
 fault usually with the modified milk, or does the individual have
 considerable to do with the case?

 Dr. A. S. Fleming: I would like to ask if in the case of the healthy
 infant the mother’s diet would modify the constituents of the milk
 otherwise than in the facts stated. For instance, will it modify
 the character of or the percentage of the sugar, or will any of the
 aromatic constituents disturb the infant’s digestion?

 Dr. M. J. Jensen: Dr. Huenekens dealt with the feeding of the healthy
 infant only. I would like to ask if it is not true that nearly all
 infants born alive, are born as healthy and sound as any infant
 ever is, so far as the functions of its organs and tissues are
 concerned? Nature frequently decides on producing premature births
 and “still”-births, rather than running the risk of producing a sick
 or sickly infant. In young infants it is very often difficult to
 determine when to classify them as healthy or unhealthy, realizing the
 conditions of their environment and usual care that is given in the

 In regard to the sterilization or boiling of cow’s milk: I do not
 think that children fed on pasteurized or boiled milk develop as well
 as those who are fed upon raw milk as it comes from the cow. Dr.
 Palmer, of Chicago, fed seven hundred children on raw milk during the
 midsummer months and only lost three of the number. The miserable,
 atrophied children began to live the moment treatment with raw milk
 was begun. If the process of milking was carried out in a sanitary
 manner, or by means of a suction apparatus, then cooled, and placed
 in sterilized bottles, I believe we would prohibit the development
 of bacteria, and save the food which exerts so marked a protective
 influence upon the infant’s organs.

 When raw milk free of all objections cannot be obtained, it is
 sometimes advisable to use another milk product namely, buttermilk.

 Dr. S. Marx White: There is just one point I have been thinking about
 in the discussion on the question of infant-feeding, and that is
 whether Dr. Huenekens really means us to believe that in practically
 all cases the mother can furnish sufficient milk for the child. He
 passed that over in saying that in nine out of ten cases the mother
 gave as a reason for discontinuing the milk that the milk gave out. Is
 it not true that in a good many instances the mother needs treatment
 quite as much as the infant? I do not mean medical treatment, but
 management. Is it not true that an overworked, tired, nervous,
 worrying mother is unable to supply sufficient milk for the child? It
 has been my impression from a very limited experience in this field,
 that the mental and nervous and physical state of the mother is a
 very large factor in the production of the milk. When upset and under
 deleterious influences she is really not a proper producer for the
 child; and the management of the mother is often quite as important a
 factor as any other.

 Dr. W. H. Aurand: In such cases as Dr. White just mentioned, what are
 we going to do to increase the supply of milk? Also, I would like to
 ask Dr. Huenekens if he means to feed to the new-born baby 200 c.c. at
 a feeding?

 Dr. Huenekens (closing): As regards lime-water: I cannot recommend its
 use. Wherever there is a specific demand for calcium, as in premature
 infants or spasmophilic cases; or where it may help to produce a firm
 stool; or, as in diarrheal disturbances, it may be of great value, but
 in the normal healthy infant it is of no benefit whatever.

 Dr. Bryant mentioned the giving of meat in exudative diathesis: His
 statement that such infants can probably have meat once a day at
 fifteen months, and show normal stools, is beside the question. A
 normal macroscopic stool does not necessarily mean that the meat has
 been digested. However, I am now working on this problem, that is, to
 determine whether an early solid diet produces an earlier digestion of

 I would classify eggs and egg albumin as proteins, and therefore
 not digestible until the beginning of the third year: but, over and
 above this, there is danger of anaphylaxis from the absorption of the
 unchanged egg albumin into the blood-stream.

 What Dr. Weston says of the feeding intervals is very interesting. I
 do not want to be considered an enemy of the four-hour feeding, for I
 use it wherever possible, and I think it the best interval; but when
 the infant cannot get enough in that period, we have to choose between
 two evils. I think the lesser evil is to give the child more milk at
 shorter intervals, and take the risk of a slightly poorer digestion.
 We should, also, wherever possible, control the amount of breast-milk
 by weighing the child before and after nursing. It is highly important
 to determine whether the baby is getting too much or too little.

 As to Dr. Green’s statement, “Modified milk” is a very general term.
 What is usually meant is milk with a high percentage of fat and a
 low percentage of sugar, while malted and condensed milk have a high
 percentage of carbohydrate. In my opinion, if he had used cow’s milk
 without the addition of cream and with large amounts of cane sugar, he
 would not have had this trouble. But a large number of children will
 not do well on this diet. We have special rules for abnormal children
 with exudative and nervous diathesis.

 In reply to Dr. Fleming’s question regarding the mother’s diet and
 its effect on her milk: What the mother eats has absolutely no effect
 on the composition of the milk in any way whatever, except perhaps
 in the percentage of fat. Now-a-days we do not advise any particular
 foods for the mother’s diet,--anything she likes, and can digest, plus
 large quantities of fluid;--otherwise there is no single food we
 advocate--none that will make the milk richer or better, or increase
 the quantity.

 I cannot agree with Dr. Jensen that raw milk is so far superior
 to boiled milk. Of course, wherever it is possible, we should use
 certified milk, which does not require boiling; but, if we have
 inferior cow’s milk contaminated with bacteria, we can boil the milk
 with very little harm. It is just as well digested, and the food value
 just as great. There is of course slight danger of scurvy; but that is
 very easily diagnosed, and very easily cured by a little fresh milk or
 small doses of orange juice. Where we have inferior milk, it should be
 boiled in every case.

 Dr. White brought up a very interesting point in regard to nervous
 mothers. Their milk supply is subject to wide fluctuations; but,
 if the breasts are well emptied at each nursing, they will secrete
 sufficient milk. I will admit that these cases are difficult to
 handle, for the infants usually have nervous diathesis, and do
 not respond well to ordinary food. The one important point is to
 completely empty the breasts; and that is the only measure we can take
 to increase the supply of milk.

 In reply to Dr. Aurand: I would feed a new-born infant 200 c.c. at a
 feeding if the milk is sufficiently diluted. The liquid part of the
 food passes very quickly into the duodenum, so that, before the infant
 has finished feeding, a part of this quantity has already left the

 In conclusion: We have an opportunity in our infant-feeding to
 practice the really scientific prophylactic medicine of the future.
 We can do more in preventing infant-mortality by proper feeding than
 by any other single measure; and we should encourage mothers to bring
 their new-born infants to the physician for advice on feeding, and
 to continue to consult him at longer or shorter intervals during the
 whole of the first year of life.

 By George H. Freeman, M. D.
 Superintendent of the Minnesota State Hospital for Inebriates

[2] Read at the 46th annual meeting of the Minnesota State Medical
Association, St. Paul, October 1 and 2, 1914.

The Minnesota Legislature of 1907 passed a bill establishing the
Hospital Farm for Inebriates, placing its management under the State
Board of Control, and providing for its maintenance by setting aside
2 per cent of the saloon-license money for that purpose. Later, a law
was enacted providing for the issuance of certificates of indebtedness;
and active construction work soon commenced. The Hospital was opened
on Dec. 26, 1912, with Dr. Tomlinson, formerly Superintendent of the
St. Peter State Hospital, at its head. Through his untimely death, five
months later, Minnesota lost one of her most faithful officials. The
principles underlying the work at Willmar, are, with but slight change,
those that he so earnestly advocated.

This paper is based upon the study of the patients admitted from the
opening of the Hospital until the close of the biennial period, on July
31, 1914,--approximately eighteen months.

Patients are admitted to the Hospital following an examination in a
probate court. In such cases there is no expense to the patient’s
relatives, except that they are expected to furnish clothing, and a
little money for the purchase of tobacco and small luxuries. Voluntary
patients are also received following their own application in a probate
court. They pay at the rate of $1.00 a day, each month in advance. No
distinction is made in the treatment of the two classes of patients,
except that a voluntary patient cannot be detained if he wishes to
leave. Any resident of Minnesota who is habitually addicted to the use
of alcohol, morphine, cocaine, or other narcotics, may be admitted to
the institution, provided the history of the patient, as furnished by
a probate court, indicates that the man can be benefited by treatment.
It is presumed that anyone can be benefited who wants to be, unless
afflicted with irremediable chronic disease.

The requirement that the history be furnished, and the ability to
refuse admission, have kept out of the Hospital many undesirable
individuals who could be cared for only under the discipline of a
well-regulated reformatory. However, some, no matter how carefully the
history is taken, slip by. The majority of those discharged as not
proper subjects, come from that class. As there are no accommodations
for individuals suffering with tuberculosis, no one known to be
suffering with that disease is admitted. Once in a while a tuberculosis
individual gains admittance, but, if not too ill to be released, he is

During the eighteen-month period, 209 men and 32 women were regularly
committed; and 18 men and 3 women were received as voluntary patients.
In addition to those classified as voluntary patients, a considerable
number have, of their own volition, applied for treatment, and,
being unable to pay, have submitted to commitment, in order to obtain
treatment for their habit.

There has been a fairly uniform increase in the number of patients
received each month, which is gratifying, as showing the need of such
an institution and also as an appreciation of the benefit that may be
expected. During the last month of the period, twenty-five patients
were admitted.

While the causes of inebriety are diverse, it is a significant fact
that 182 patients, out of 262, assign associates as their reason for
drinking; and observation of their history clearly shows that they
have drifted along, drinking now and then and more and more each year.
A few assign illness, domestic trouble, or financial worry as a cause
for drinking. In only 6 instances was heredity noted. In 132 cases the
parents were abstainers.

We have found it impossible to formulate any system of classification
of the unfortunates under our care. In order that some idea may be
obtained as to the number using alcohol and the various drugs, we have
constructed the following table:


                                   Men  Women
  Steady drinkers                  130      2
  Periodical drinkers               76      8
  Morphinism                         3     11
  Alcohol-morphine                   5      2
  Alcohol-cocaine                    3     ..
  Alcohol-heroin                     3     ..
  Alcohol-morphine-cocaine           3      1
  Alcohol-morphine-cocaine-heroin    1     ..
  Alcohol-morphine-veronal           1     ..
  Morphine-cocaine                  ..      1
  Morphine-cocaine-heroin            2     ..
                                   ---     --
    Total                          227     35

The treatment of the inebriate naturally divides itself into two
stages: the treatment, first, of the immediate effects of indulgence,
and, second, such treatment as will tend to prevent a repetition of
the indulgence. The treatment of the immediate effect of alcoholic
indulgence is regarded as the easiest part of the work. While patients
are at times received under the influence of intoxicants, in no case
have they been unruly. For an obstreperous intoxicated person the
quickest soberer is apomorphine judiciously used; but we have never yet
resorted to it. Generally, a fairly rapid reduction in the amount of
alcohol consumed is made, instead of immediate withdrawal. Only in the
most exceptional cases is alcohol given over three or four days. As a
rule, during the first day it is given fairly freely. The treatment
received during this period depends entirely upon the individual; and
the treatment of one may be entirely different from that of another.
Many receive baths at a temperature of 98° to 100° F. for thirty or
sixty minutes for nervousness and sleeplessness. Some receive the
coal-tar hypnotics, veronal or sulphonal; the more restless, hyoscine;
and for others paraldehyde is used,--and occasionally chloral is used
in combination with hyoscine and cannabis indica.

As long as he receives alcohol, the patient remains in bed and receives
only liquid diet. In cases of considerable digestive disturbance,
capsicum is freely used, but we have seldom found it necessary.

All receive preliminary catharsis, but no attempt is made at prolonged
elimination in that way.

For about a month tonic treatment with strychnine nitrate is used in
doses of 1-20 to 1-40 gr. three times a day. Any other medication
depends entirely upon the physical condition of the patient as revealed
on examination. Only under the most exceptional circumstances are drugs
given in alcoholic vehicle.

In morphine or cocaine users, the reduction is usually made more
gradually, requiring a week to ten days. Generally, we find a patient
comfortable with one-half the drug he has been accustomed to taking.
In some cases we find it best to reduce the quantity to about one-half
grain, and then abruptly cease.

Under this plan, diarrhea, cramps, restlessness, and insomnia are much
less marked. We regard the free use of the prolonged warm bath as more
advantageous to those addicted to drugs than to alcohol. Generally, it
is the only measure that seems to offer relief. We particularly do not
use hypodermic medication in any drug users.

Heroin users, who seemingly are more numerous, receive their drug only
once in twenty-four hours. The withdrawal of the drug does not cause
the discomfort that the withdrawal of morphine causes. Vague sensations
of discomfort, some perspiration, and insomnia are met with in such

No users of cocaine only have been met with, but in mixed forms this
drug is at once withdrawn.

The removal of alcohol or drugs is the easiest part of the work.
Under the regular discipline of the institution, and the absence of
temptation, the great majority of patients get along without any
trouble because of abstinence. But there is the future to fear. The
patient must go out into the world again, and engage in the daily
struggle for his livelihood. One must aim to put him in such condition
that he may be able to resist the temptations that will surround him on
every hand. Our work, then, is to build up and re-educate, to strive
to form a new character, to encourage a habit of sobriety, instead of
drunkenness, to teach the man to work, to occupy himself, to obtain for
him a new outlook on life, and to teach him his duty to himself, to
his family, and to his neighbor. Here is where our difficulty begins.
Nearly every inebriate has a firm belief in his ability to abstain
from alcohol or drugs at any time and under any condition, because he
thinks he is not really responsible for the condition into which he has
fallen, and that, had not certain things happened, he would not have
been drinking.

He is insistent in iterating and reiterating that he has now made
up his mind to stop drinking, and that is all that is necessary.
Though admitting that, for five, ten, or fifteen years, he has been
going steadily downward, he has full confidence in himself, and he
believes injustice is being done him when his parole is refused and he
learns that he is expected to remain until he has strength to resist

In this upbuilding of body and character the following are essential:
regularity of habits, discipline, work, food, and recreation, together
with the personal influence of the physician and those coming into
close and personal contact with the patient.

Regular work is one of the most valuable of the remedial agents at
our command. It should be suited to the individual, and, as a rule,
should not be that to which the man has been accustomed. Particularly
is this true of the man who is used to mental labor only,--the clerk,
the physician, the pharmacist, the merchant, etc. For them out-of-door
work on the farm, lawn, or in the garden, is the very best, and next
comes indoor shop-work. We must provide something that engages time and
attention, that provides some new outlook upon life, and enlarges some
field of endeavor in which the patient has labored before coming to the
Hospital. Thus far the work has been on the farm or the improvement
of the grounds, or has been carpenter, cement, or some construction
work. The women do all the mending, and make all needed articles, such
as bedding, towels, etc. They also work in the laundry. At present we
are teaching embroidery of various kinds, no one of our patients having
ever learned any such work.

The future must see us provided with shops, especially for winter work.
With a capacity of ninety-nine men we are able to keep them fairly well
occupied during the winter months, but any increase will have to be
cared for under special conditions.

A very important factor is the length of time, as mentioned above under
prognosis, that a patient remains under care. As a general thing, it
is expected that the average patient will remain, approximately, six
months. The period of detention is determined only after a study of
the individual. An endeavor is made to consider all factors that may
influence the future life of the patient,--the length of time and the
amount he has been drinking, the effect on his character and physical
health, the surroundings and occupation to which he must return. Some
patients are paroled at the end of six months, some remain seven
months. Drug users require treatment for a much longer period of time
than users of liquor; and they remain from nine months to a year. The
law provides that a patient shall not be paroled in less than two
months, nor shall he be detained longer than two years without parole.
This, of course, introduces the disagreeable aspect of the work. The
detention is compulsory; and in some patients antagonism possibly
over-balances the benefit of detention.

“One of the most pronounced features of inebriety is, however, the
inability of many inebriates to appreciate the necessity for treatment;
and the more severe the inebriety, the less easy it is first to get the
patient under treatment at all, and, secondly, to get him to remain
long enough for any treatment to have a permanent curative effect. One
has only to work among inebriates, no matter to what class of society
they belong, to know that fear of interfering with the liberty of a
subject who has no real liberty, in that he is a slave habitually or
periodically to the drink craze, results in the interference with the
liberty of all those who have to put up with his irresponsible behavior
under the influence of alcohol and other narcotic drugs.

“Were the treatment of the inebriate only possible in a free
sanatorium, only a small minority of inebriates would come under
treatment at all, and these would be of the less severe type.”
(Pathological Inebriety, by J. W. Ashley Cooper, 1913.)

Discipline is of great importance, but great care must be taken in its
enforcement. It is of more value for one to perform a certain duty
because one regards it either as the proper thing or as likely to
benefit one’s self or others.

The personal influence of those who come into close contact with the
inebriate can hardly be overestimated. He is easily influenced, often
easily led, and a few thoughtless words or careless actions can undo
the result of patient work.

All factors that may influence the future life of the patient must be
taken into consideration,--the length of time and amount he has been
drinking, the effect on his physical health and character, and the
surroundings and occupation to which he must return. Very often the
cause of the commencement of the patient’s excessive drinking may be
removed or may have disappeared. Such would favorably influence the

The presence or absence of irremediable disease is important. For
instance, a woman recently committed to our care suffered from what was
supposed to be, or was, neuralgia. She still has occasional twinges of
pain; but we believe when the dentist has finished his work these will
disappear, and her prospect be reasonably bright. A man, 56 years of
age, four years ago, suffering from stone in the bladder, was given
morphine, following an operation. The bladder condition was permanently
relieved, but he became a morphine user. Such a case is a promising
one. In him the destruction of character is but little marked.

A boy, chasing around the city, acquired the cocaine habit, and became
a loafer, drinker, and follower of loose women. For him the future
offers practically no prospect. Were he a little younger, and had the
attempt to rescue him been made earlier, there would have been much
more promise. But I doubt whether he can withstand the lure of his
former life. With a few drinks, his judgment becomes paralyzed, and he
is back to cocaine again.

Another man, an alcoholic, a printer, became nervous and exhausted
after six months of linotype work. He probably will not get over his
drinking permanently unless he changes his occupation.

One of the most important factors as regards recovery is the length of
time a patient remains at the Hospital. It is sheer folly to expect
that in a few short weeks a man shall have entirely recovered from the
effect of excesses extending over a period of years, to expect him to
regain a lost will power in that time.

Another important factor is the insight a patient obtains into his
own condition. We cannot claim to make a man stop drinking. All we
can do, is to place him in such mental and physical health that it is
unnecessary for him to resort to stimulants.


The result of treatment in a disease of the nature of inebriety, can
hardly be estimated in such time as the Hospital has been open. Our
statistics are simply offered to show possibilities. As the statute
under which the Hospital operates, contemplates a period of detention
and treatment for not less than two months,--and that period is even
too short in the vast majority of cases,--anyone resident in the
Hospital for less than two months has been placed in a separate class,
and we can learn that only two of these are doing well. Of 172 men,
aside from those who have been discharged as not proper subjects, 54
were paroled, of whom 37, or 68 per cent, are reported as doing well,
27 were released under bond, of whom 17, or 63 per cent, are reporting.
Over one-half of the voluntary patients are reporting.

Averaging all, we find 57 reporting as doing well; 30 fail to report;
29 are escaped, and we can learn nothing of them; and 56 were here less
than two months, 38 of these being escaped; 7 voluntary patients; and
8 were released under bond. A percentage of abstainers of 25, is to be
regarded as most excellent; and as one-third of those who have left
here are still abstaining, the greater number of failures occurring in
the first month, the outlook for the future is very encouraging.

So far, we have been speaking of what we are trying to do for the more
hopeful class of patients. But what are we to do in the future with the
incurable, the recidivists? Are we to send them back into the world
time and again, let them abuse themselves, perchance their families,
and let them be, as it were, a constant menace to society? No, society
has a right to protect itself and to protect an individual against
himself. There should be provision made for this class. They should
be cared for in an institution under strict discipline, and made to
support themselves there and to contribute to the support of those who
may be dependent upon them.

As soon as considerable numbers are received at an institution, the
more apparent becomes the need of means for classification, especially
as to character. It is decidedly unwise to allow the intermingling of
the young lad who has just commenced to drink, with the incorrigible or
the sodden, whose every thought may lie bestial.

The most practical means of classification is by the use of cottages;
and it is on that plan that Minnesota’s institution has been started.
If two cottages were built at Willmar we should be able to make four
groups of patients with decided advantage to our inmates. Not more than
forty inmates should be cared for in each cottage: and I am strongly in
favor of separate rooms for sleeping-quarters, instead of dormitories.


The essential in the treatment of the inebriate as we meet him, is
upbuilding of body and character, which requires time, and in which
drugs play only a small part.

Compulsory abstinence is of great value if we expect to care for a
majority of the inebriates.

It would be wise for the State to undertake the custody, care and
control of all non-criminal inebriates in one institution, provided
adequate facilities for classification were available.


 Dr. C. R. Ball (St. Paul): I have been very much interested this
 afternoon in this symposium on the treatment of fractures, the last
 word in obstetrics, and the inebriate, only it seems to me the
 Program Committee put the cart before the horse, and should have put
 the inebriate first, and the other things would naturally follow

 Dr. Freeman has splendidly presented his work and results at the
 Willmar institution. It is a subject to which I think medical men
 pay too little attention. I have more and more come to look upon the
 inebriate as a type of nervous disease and, in the great majority
 of cases, a functional nervous disease. It may be classified as we
 classify nervous diseases. We classify in one way functional nervous
 diseases as to their cause,--acquired, hereditary and acquired, or
 wholly hereditary.

 The inebriate may be also classed in the same way. There are perhaps a
 few cases in which the habit of taking alcohol is absolutely acquired,
 but they are comparatively few. There are also a few cases of nervous
 prostration or functional nervous conditions from overwork, from a
 depleted condition, where the nervous condition comes on; and we may
 say it is acquired, and the prognosis in both of these cases is good.
 It requires but little effort to put them on their feet. Then we have
 that larger class of neurasthenic or functional nervous conditions,
 belonging to the second group, in which the nervous disease, as well
 as the inebriety, is partially acquired and partially hereditary.
 There is a large class here. They have an unstable nervous system,
 and whether they drink or break down depends a great deal upon the
 environment and physical condition. This type of inebriate must be
 treated along the same broad lines that we treat a person who is a
 neurasthenic, who is subject to repeated nervous breakdowns.

 There is another type which, unfortunately, is rather large; and
 this is the wholly hereditary, and in this type we may classify
 the dipsomaniac. I have looked for a long time upon dipsomania as
 a periodical nervous disturbance, similar to periodical attacks of
 migraine or epilepsy, or periodical attacks of insanity. Often where a
 son is an inebriate we find a history of migraine in the mother. Very
 often there is insanity, and very often there is epilepsy, so that
 when we come to consider the dipsomaniac we have a tremendous problem.
 He does not drink for the fun of it, but chiefly because of mental
 depression, mental restlessness, which is so great that he turns to
 alcohol to buoy up his spirits and get rid of the feeling which rather
 than suffer with, he would often prefer to die. I have a man of that
 description who came to me, and said that at a certain time he became
 depressed and suspicious, began to hate himself, went along the back
 streets, absented himself from his usual associates, and always did
 this at the beginning of his drinking bout. That is the case with all
 dipsomaniacs. It is a disease similar to epilepsy, and our success in
 treating this type is just about as good as in treating epilepsy. It
 is not the alcohol: it is an inherited condition; it is a periodical
 nervous disturbance, just as epilepsy and migraine are.

 We hear a great deal about the prevention of tuberculosis, and much is
 done to prevent it. I think we hear much more about the evil effects
 of syphilis than of alcohol, but, in my experience, I would place
 alcohol at the top of the list as being the most damaging both to the
 individual himself and to his offspring. We have heard a great deal
 about the effect on the offspring. In my clinic at the Free Dispensary
 I have many epileptic children, and I should say in sixty per cent
 of the cases one parent is an alcoholic. An address of Dr. Rogers,
 of Faribault, with reference to the ill effects of one intoxication,
 when a conception occurs during that time, put the subject of drinking
 before me in a new light. Much interesting experimentation has within
 recent years been done with rabbits and guinea-pigs to show the
 harmful effect of a single dose of alcohol given to either the male or
 female parent before conception, on the after-coming litter.

 Not long ago I read an article by some man in New York in which he
 stated he had traced seven cases of epilepsy to the evil results of
 a single intoxication in seven different parents. That was something
 rather new to me, as I thought, in order to get the bad effects,
 on the descendants, of alcohol, it was necessary to be a chronic
 alcoholic, and I believe very few of the laity understand that,
 if conception happens to occur during one drunk, the parent being
 otherwise a temperate person, the ill effects may be visited on the
 offspring to as great an extent as if the parent were a chronic
 inebriate. These are some of the things which would do good if given

 In regard to the treatment: I can fully agree with Dr. Freeman in
 everything he has said. There is certainly no specific when you come
 to consider the nature of the trouble. The treatment must be carried
 along the same general lines of physical and moral upbuilding as those
 we seek to follow in functional nervous disease.

 Dr. W. A. Jones (Minneapolis): I wonder how many members of the State
 Association have visited the hospital for inebriates at Willmar. I
 would like to ask all those who have, to hold up their hands. Five
 or six of this audience, representing the twelve hundred doctors
 belonging to this Association. That gives one a fair estimate of
 those familiar with the State farm for inebriates. I should like to
 know further how many members of the legislature have visited this
 institution, and how many have tried to condemn it or perhaps to take
 it for a tuberculosis hospital. That is what they will do unless we
 physicians stand by Dr. Freeman and the institution.

 There is too much sentiment, too much sympathy among friends,
 relatives, courts, juries, and charity workers, as to the inebriate;
 but once he gets to Willmar and is under a proper regimen, his
 attitude changes totally toward himself and toward the world. After
 one has watched the treatment at Willmar and has seen the benefit
 these patients derive, he wonders why so many women and so many men
 are sent to quack institutions for inebriety and drug habits. Willmar
 costs the patient practically nothing, except a small per capita
 borne by the State. The average quack institution charges $150.00 for
 a cure, so called, whether the cure lasts for three days, or, as in
 some of the more conservative (?) quack institutions, the period is
 extended to ten days, and in the notoriously drink-habit cures, to
 thirty days. This ought to appeal to a doctor forcibly, inasmuch as
 all these claims of cures made by quack institutions are limited to
 thirty days at the outside, an absolutely absurd statement, and, for
 that reason, if for none other, we should all support and entertain
 anything that tends to increase the efficiency of the State farm for
 inebriates at Willmar.

 One thing which Dr. Freeman wants to emphasize is the necessity at
 times of forcible restraint in a building especially constructed
 for detention cases. There is a small class of people who are,
 perhaps, suffering from a disease state, who are irresponsible. Most
 of them are common drunkards, who create all sorts of disturbances
 and who really need discipline--who need to be detained forcibly
 for a sufficient length of time to enable them to recover their
 normal physical tone, and until they recover something of their
 natural mental tone. If this could be incorporated in the rules and
 regulations of the governing body of the inebriate farm it would make
 a great increase in the total number of improvements and recoveries.

 Dr. Freeman has emphasized the necessity of getting the physical
 condition up to a high point. He has said all that is really needed
 on the subject. I believe drugs and drink should be reduced rapidly
 in almost every case. If you look over some of the literature of some
 institutions that take these people, you will find they reduce the
 morphine down from fifty grains to forty, and then to thirty-nine,
 until, finally, after a period of so many weeks or months, they cut it
 down to the two-hundredth of a grain, and give it hypodermically. You
 can readily see the absurdity of that treatment. The average man can
 have the total reduction made within thirty-six or forty-eight hours.

 I hope you will take more interest in the inebriate farm, and see that
 your legislator is interested as well.

 Dr. Haldor Sneve (St. Paul): I have listened with a great deal of
 pleasure to Dr. Freeman’s paper, and especially because there are some
 statistics as to what can be accomplished in such an institution even
 in a comparatively short time. Personally, I think that six months as
 an average time to stay in this institution would be too short. It
 will be found, however, in time, whether this is true, but just now
 the institution is in the experimental trial stage.

 A great many legislators are, as Dr. Jones said, trying to convert
 this institution either into an insane asylum or a tuberculosis
 sanatorium; and it is up to the profession of the state to back up the
 establishment of this institution for the treatment of a class which
 is growing.

 Personally, I think drink is a vice and not a disease, and until we
 can eradicate from the minds of the laity and from the minds of some
 physicians the idea that a man who drinks is some sort of a nervous
 invalid, the sooner we shall get better results in the handling of
 this question. Even the dipsomaniac has periodic brain-storms, which
 Dr. Ball has likened to attacks of migraine; that is a good simile,
 they do not always take to drink, but go off in other ways.

 I have treated from twenty to fifty cases of delirium tremens at the
 City Hospital every year for twenty years, and I have had considerable
 experience in institutions; and yet I cannot find anything to
 criticize about the principles of treatment that Dr. Freeman has put
 forth here today. The idea in the minds of the laity is that inebriety
 is a disease, and they want drugs for it to make them well, and
 that is one reason why so many patients go to Keeley cures and get
 well. They go there because they find a drug that cures _disease_.
 I find that the Towne-Lambert treatment is an excellent _mental_
 treatment for the inebriate in private practice. It can be used in the
 institution at Willmar, as well as in private practice, and putting a
 patient upon the Towne-Lambert treatment satisfies his desire to cure
 the disease he is suffering from.

 I think the profession will have to keep their eyes on the
 legislators, perhaps on the new governor, and see that this
 institution is not thrown into the waste-basket, so to speak, or
 converted into some other sort of institution, because we need a place
 of this kind. Even if Minnesota can go prohibition pretty soon--and I
 rather think it will--we shall not get rid of our drunkards for that
 reason. We shall still have to have a hospital for the treatment of
 the morphine, cocaine, and alcoholic habits. The doctors who send
 patients to Willmar, I think, ought to be careful, and not try to
 help some municipality out of taking care of old battered hulks, who
 cannot hope to recover, who cannot be made well simply because they
 have been drinking for so many years, and their other habits of life
 have resulted in such a deterioration of the brain that there is no
 possibility of bringing them back and making really good citizens of
 them. Those patients should be kept in a work-house or in a special
 department at Willmar or some other place. We should try to reclaim
 all of our young men and young women habitues.

 Owing to the absence of proper writeups about this hospital it is not
 generally known throughout the state that pay-patients can be received
 and treated just as in any sanitarium and at very moderate rates.

 Dr. Freeman (closing): I really have nothing to add in closing except
 to say a word with regard to prohibition. I have a second-hand
 statement from the police of one of the Twin Cities that he is
 positive in his city there are five thousand drug-users from his
 experience in the police court.

 With regard to the maintenance of discipline at the institution: We
 have sufficient law or authority for discipline, but we have not
 the facilities. The thing in my opinion that we mostly require is a
 building where we can take care of a man who is incorrigible, or a
 man who runs away. For two reasons: In the first place, I have known
 a number of men who came there unwillingly, who later were greatly
 benefited by their compulsory stay; second, the effect of disciplinary
 measures upon the population in general. If a man knows that, when he
 goes there, he must stay, he naturally gets over his constant thought
 that he is going to sneak away, and put it over. The custodial cottage
 to take care of forty people would allow, in all, four classes of
 patients. We should have a reception-ward in which to examine all new
 patients; one ward for the incorrigible; and we should have two other
 places to care for two classes of men received. This would prevent the
 influence of the older men who have gone further in their habits upon
 the young boy who has just started.


 By Joseph C. Beck, M. D.

[3] Read before the Sioux Valley Medical Association, July 22, 1914,
and published in these columns at the request of the Association.

The most important causes of intracranial complication from the middle
ear and nasal accessory sinuses, are suppurations, consequently I shall
confine my remarks to that subject, and not take up the neoplasms,
trauma, etc.

In the diagnosis it is most important to recognize suppurative
disease of the ear and sinuses, but this subject is not within the
province of this paper, therefore I shall satisfy myself by mentioning
only that the presence of the pus from the middle ear and nose,
and Röntgenographic examination, are the most important signs of
affections of these structures. The one symptom more than any other on
the part of the patient of a threatening extension into the cranial
cavity, is localized pain or headache, which is very persistent,
instead of periodic. Especially important is this in connection with
the cessation or diminution of the discharge. The knowledge of the
pathological change present in the sinuses and middle ear and mastoid,
is of additional value as, for instance, tuberculosis, syphilis, and

The frequency of intracranial complication in suppuration of the
middle ear is much greater than that following sinus disease, about
twenty-five to one in my experience.

The intracranial complications which I shall consider are--

  1. Meningitis.
  2. Sinus thrombosis.
  3. Brain abscess.

The meningitis may be serous or suppurative, and later localized or

The sinus thrombosis may be partial or parietal, and complete with or
without involvement of the jugular bulb and vein. The brain abscess
may be extradural or genuine within the brain substance proper. The
complications may be further divided as to bacteriologic or etiologic
factors as, for instance--


These complications may arise following acute, or chronic and acute,
exacerbation of chronic suppuration of the ear and sinuses. Meningitis
and sinus thrombosis (this latter condition is very frequently
associated with a localized meningitis) are usually complications
following acute, or acute exacerbation of chronic, suppuration of the
ear and sinuses. Brain abscess, however, is most frequently associated
with the chronic form of the ear and sinus disease; but these become
more manifest following an acute attack of ear or sinus trouble.
Tubercular or syphilitic meningitis is chronic inflammation _per se_;
but these conditions are also lit up by the acute processes within the
ear and sinuses.

The cardinal symptoms of any intracranial complications are--

 1. _Pain or headache._--This may be localized or diffuse; it is,
 however, very persistent and quite intense. It is in the recognition
 of this symptom that has helped me more than any other in suspecting
 intracranial trouble.

 2. _Nausea and vomiting._--This symptom is quite constant, especially
 early in the disease; and projectile vomiting is quite characteristic
 of intracranial pressure or irritation.

 3. _General septic appearance._--This of course will vary in the
 different conditions under consideration, but in all is it quite

 4. _The vision_ is very frequently affected due to the choked disk
 that is present.

 5. _Temperature, pulse, and respiration_ are very frequently disturbed.

 6. _Definite focal symptoms_ of brain localization are of the utmost
 importance in the diagnosis.

 7. _Blood and spinal fluid examinations_ give very valuable

 8. _Röntgenographic findings_ are at times valuable.

 9. _Exploratory operation and treatment_, as in lues, is at times
 necessary to make a diagnosis.


(a) _Serous meningitis._--One of the first signs is the increasing
headache, at first localized, usually near the seat of the perforation
or path of infection, and soon becoming diffuse over the head. The
patient loses his appetite, his tongue becomes coated, the emunctaries
become sluggish in their action, and nausea is a very common symptom.
The temperature rises, and, if the septic form is going to follow, this
rise is often quite rapid, so that there may occur small chills from
the infection of the cerebrospinal fluid. The pulse and respiration
rate is now considerably increased. The patient is very irritable and
restless, and does not sleep. As soon as the fluid increases within the
cavity there is observed the characteristic syndrome of rolling the
eyes, especially upward, the neck is drawn backwards, and finally the
leg upon the thigh and thigh upon the abdomen. Attempts to straighten
them out is resisted and appears to be painful,--Kernig’s sign.

Stroking the bottom of the feet with some semisharp instrument
or the finger-nail will cause the big toe to turn up instead of
down,--Babinski’s sign.

Taking the head and tilting it forward against the chest will cause the
limbs to be drawn up,--Brudzinski’s sign.

All the other symptoms, as pressing over the peroneal nerve and muscle
(Gordon’s sign), which will cause the extension of the toes, the
stroking of the anterior tibial surface (Oppenheim’s sign), or the
stroking of the region of the external malleolus (Chaddock’s sign),
will produce retraction of the toes. All these signs, I say, prove that
the upper neuron (within the cranium) is involved. The patient now will
lapse into unconsciousness, and be roused with more or less difficulty
to again relapse in the same condition. The pupils become sluggish in
their action, at first becoming small, then irregular, and finally

Ophthalmoscopic examination may reveal a choked disk. Spinal puncture
shows increased pressure by fluid very frequently coming through the
hollow needle with a spurt, and clear or slightly cloudy. Following
such a puncture the patient is very often much improved for from a
half an hour to a whole day, but the symptoms soon return. A complete
examination of the cerebrospinal fluid thus removed, will aid a great
deal in diagnosis. This includes the following:

 1. Remove about 25 c. c. at spinal puncture.

 2. Make several slides and stains for organisms, as septic and

 3. Examine and count the endothelial cells, leucocytes, and pus cells.

 4. Make cultures.

 5. Make a Noguchi (butyric-acid) test for excess of albumin.

 6. Make a Lange colloidial test.

 7. Wassermann, Nonne, and Noguchi tests for syphilis.

 8. Test for sugar.

 9. Test for total acidity and relative acidity.

 10. Cholin may be tested for.

In the serous form one will find the cells increased somewhat,
especially the leucocytes, but the micro-organisms are conspicuous by
their absence.

The Lange (colloidal-goldchloride) test will show the characteristic
color reaction of a septic process.

The Noguchi (butyric-acid) test will be positive. Excess of albumin.

The Wassermann, Nonne and Noguchi tests for syphilis are negative.
(Unless such a case should be a complicated one.)

The test for sugar is very important in that in serous meningitis sugar
is present.

The relative acidity is not markedly affected, and cholin is not
present, or, if so, in only small quantity.

(b) _Septic meningitis._--If this is _localized_, and there is a
collateral serous meningitis associated with it, then the symptoms may
be the same, as just described; however, the cerebrospinal fluid will
show a greater degree of irritation, and the fluid may contain some
micro-organisms. The majority of localized septic meningitis cases,
however, are not as severe in their course as the serous or diffuse
septic forms. The one important symptom is the localized headache,
which is quite persistent, and the greater rise in the temperature.
There are, undoubtedly, many cases of localized meningitis that show a
perfectly normal cerebrospinal fluid, and most of the cardinal symptoms
absent; and these are the cases that usually get well or lead to
extradural abscesses subsequently.

The _diffuse septic meningitis_ is the most discouraging intracranial
complication that we have to deal with, and the diagnosis as a rule is
not difficult. It usually is preceded by the serous form, but within
a very short time develops the graver symptoms of sepsis. The most
positive symptom is the spinal puncture. The fluid comes out under
pressure, but not so great as in the serous form, and is turbid.
The turbidity varies in degree with the amount of infection. It has
the appearance at times of pure pus; in fact, that is what it is.
Bacteriologically one will find many micro-organisms of the character
of the infection; and leucocytes or pus cells are very numerous.

The sugar reaction is always absent, and the acidity is much increased
as is the quantity of cholin.

The pressure or irritative symptoms as the Kernig and Babinski tests,
as well as the pupillary reactions, are practically the same as in the
serous meningitis, only that they soon give away to the paralytic form,
namely: pupils dilate, patient is in a constant stupor or coma, and
the involuntary urination and bowel movements become very manifest.
The patient is, as a rule, unable to take or be given nourishment. The
outcome is, in my experience, with one exception, always fatal, due
to diffuse cerebritis. I have had a case of diffuse septic meningitis
in the early stages of a pneumococcic type which I operated on by the
Haynes’ method of drainage of the cyscterna magna, and which recovered;
and I believe that the success in that case was due to the very early
intervention, because I have operated by the same method on eight other
cases more advanced and of streptococcic and staphylococcic type of
infection, which ended fatally.

_Sinus thrombosis._--This complication is the one that is recognized as
giving the best prognosis because it can be very readily recognized,
and even exploration is warranted to make such diagnosis. It most
frequently follows, or is associated with, acute infections of the
middle ear and mastoid process. The most important symptoms are the
chills and fever of a distinct septic type, and, as a rule, increasing
in frequency. There is invariably a blood-picture of sepsis, namely,
a very high leucocyte count and the polymorphonuclear type in marked
excess. Blood cultures are, as a rule, positive of a bacteriemia. If
the process has extended to the bulb and internal jugular vein, then
one may feel a thickening or cord-like mass along the anterior border
of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle. The fundus examination often
reveals a choked disk, especially on the side where the thrombosis is
located. A symptom recently described by Beck, of Vienna, and Crowe, of
Baltimore, and proven by me to be of positive value in several cases,
is the production or increase of a choked disk by compression of the
healthy internal jugular vein. Urbanschitch has shown in quite a number
of cases of sinus thrombosis that the blood-clotting time is very much
enhanced. This of course is true of any case of bacteriemia or septic
phlebitis anywhere in the body. I have proven this test to be of value
to me in several cases of sinus thrombosis. The exploratory exposure of
the lateral sinus is of distinct value, and the only fact to remember
is to expose a sufficient area so that one is able to deal with the
sinus in case it be opened accidentally, because such an accident when
this precaution was not taken has led to serious consequences.

The diagnosis of a thrombotic sinus when exposed is made first by its
discoloration, usually of a grayish pink; secondly, it feels harder
than normal and is not resilient when compressed, that is, it does
not spring back. It, however, may be soft in case the thrombus has
broken down; and in cases of parietal thrombosis it may spring back
because there is blood circulating through it. One will at times
find a small collection of pus about the sinus, a condition known as
perisinus abscess, and in many instances of this condition the sinus
itself is not thrombosed. The puncture of the sinus by a hypodermic
needle and attempt to withdraw some blood, is not at present considered
good practice owing to the danger of infecting a non-infected sinus.
An incision is considered a wiser plan, and subsequently packing
both sides (torcular and bulb) so they are shut off from the general
circulation. There are many instances of secondary infection by
embolism, either in or about the joints, and infection into the lungs,
spleen, pancreas, etc., with the entire train of symptoms from such

_Brain Abscess._--This is most frequently associated with chronic
suppuration of the middle ear and mastoid, and labyrinthine disease.
As stated before, we must consider two principal types, namely, those
outside the dura and those within. They may exist at the same time,
or the intradural abscess may frequently follow, especially in acute
exacerbations, the extradural abscess. The paramount symptom is the
great pain in the head, most frequently localized at or in close
proximity to the abscess. I have, however, found several instances
where the patient located the pain in the anterior portion of the head,
and operation or post-mortem examination disclosed it in the posterior
cerebral fossa. This pain is not at all unlike that in brain tumor,
and there are exacerbations in the headaches sometimes at night, other
times in the mornings, and in one of my cases the patient would have
about ten attacks of severe head-pains within twenty-four hours, and in
the intervals be fairly comfortable.

The next group of symptoms of importance are the focal lesions, which
will correspond to the anatomicophysiologic locations and actions.
These focal symptoms will vary in degree in that they be either
irritative or destructive. So, for instance, a small abscess pressing
over the motor area will cause clonic contraction and a still larger
abscess, especially if it be intradural, will produce paralysis of
that portion of the body governed by that particular area. Again,
if it be located in the cerebellar region it will cause a train of
symptoms of imbalance and loss of interpretation of direction, which
must be carefully differentiated from the irritation of the labyrinth.
In this department there has been much work done by Barany, Ruttin,
Neumann, and other Viennese, and many others to make it possible to
make a differential diagnosis; and there is a great deal more to be
done. One of the most important recent contributions in this regard is
the “pointing test” of Barany in connection with cerebellar lesions;
and careful study and experimenting at every opportunity is very much
recommended, in order to familiarize one’s self with this test. This
in connection with the various labyrinth tests makes the differential
diagnosis much more easy. One must remember that both labyrinthian
irritation in connection with suppuration of the ear and cerebellar
irritation from brain abscess may exist at the same time.

_Intracranial pressure_, being increased in brain abscess, will
cause the cerebrospinal fluid to be increased and found to be so by
spinal puncture, although no pus cells or micro-organisms will be
found, unless there is also a concomitant diffuse septic meningitis
or ventricular infection present. The ocular symptoms of intracranial
pressure, such as pupillary (often one large and one small) and
choked disk, are usually present. The _pulse rate_ and _respiration_
will be affected, as in brain tumor, according to the size of the
abscess. The larger the abscess the slower the pulse and respiration.
The temperature, as well as the pulse and respiration, will vary
as to whether the abscess be intradural or extradural. Intradural
abscesses will frequently cause considerable rise of temperature, and
acceleration of the pulse and respiration, and a remission when the
abscess has become partially walled off. As soon as a fresh invasion of
brain tissue takes place another rise of temperature, etc., occurs.

_Projectile vomiting_ is, as in brain tumor, quite frequently

_The Röntgenogram_, especially a stereoscopic one, will be of some
value in cases where through its chronicity a change of bone by
pressure has taken place, or if one may follow the path of necrosis
from the nasal accessory sinuses or the middle ear and mastoid process
towards the brain. I will state, however, as I have stated on several
occasions before, that not too much emphasis should be laid on the
diagnostic value of the _x_-ray in intracranial lesions, especially
abscess. I have been disappointed in this great method of diagnosis
(_x_-ray) and much annoyed at the positiveness of some observers
without sufficient evidence.

As in sinus thrombosis, so in brain abscess one should not hesitate in
the exploratory operation, because waiting too long will often reduce
the patient’s ability to stand an operation later on. Should one not
find the abscess, then the decompression has done a great deal to
prevent destruction of brain tissue by pressure, besides the patient
will be very much relieved of the severe head-pains. This may be said
also of spinal punctures. In this way one may wait for development of
localization for another operation.

In conclusion, I would like to repeat the words of Prof. Neumann as
to the differential diagnosis between meningitis, sinus thrombosis,
and brain abscess: “A patient that has meningitis is one that wishes
to be left alone and allowed to sleep, although when roused is not
particularly irritable. If he has brain abscess then he is constantly
very irritable and difficult to manage, while a patient that has sinus
thrombosis when he is free from the chill and fever is very pleasant,
apparently well.”


Arthur Edward Smith, M. D. MINNEAPOLIS

In ophthalmology, as in other branches of medical science, the advance
in therapeutics has hardly kept pace, in recent years, with that
in pathology and diagnosis. Comparatively few of the therapeutic
innovations of the past decade have stood the test of time; and, in the
main, the ophthalmological materia medica of today bears a striking
resemblance to that of fifteen or twenty years ago. Our poverty of
therapeutic resource has been notably exemplified in the generally
accepted method of treatment of gonorrheal ophthalmia; and the results
obtained with the conventional treatment as outlined in the current
text-books are far from satisfactory.

Gonorrheal ophthalmia, in both infants and adults, continues to cause
an appalling amount of blindness; and only a part of this can, with
justice, be ascribed to ignorance and neglect. The number of cases
which, in spite of the most careful treatment, go on to corneal ulcer,
perforation, panophthalmitis, and irreparable blindness, continues to
be considerable. Further, a decided difference of opinion still exists
among well-trained oculists of wide experience as to the best method
of handling these cases. For over a hundred years silver nitrate has
enjoyed an unquestioned pre-eminence in the treatment of the purulent
ophthalmias, particularly those cases in which the gonococcus was the
etiological factor; and even now to question its right to a place in
the treatment of gonorrheal conjunctivitis seems to many to be as
heretical as to abandon mercury in the treatment of syphilis. For
many years the only difference of opinion in regard to silver nitrate
seemed to be as to whether it should be employed in the first stage
of the disease, or whether one should wait until the discharge became
purulent. Of late years, however, a number of experienced oculists
have gone on record as being of the opinion that the majority of these
cases do distinctly better without the nitrate than with it. As is
well known, the nitrate destroys only those gonococci lying upon the
surface or in the most superficial layers of the conjunctiva; and, far
from reaching those in the deeper layers, rather forms a film over the
surface which protects them from the irrigating solution used later.
It also appears to be certain that the use of the nitrate, for a time
at least, increases the ratio of extra-to intracellular gonococci in
the discharge, which furnishes another valid argument against its use.
That a subsequent chronic conjunctivitis with hypertrophy is often a
disagreeable sequel in cases in which an energetic course of silver
nitrate has been used is a matter of common observation. The vogue of
certain of the organic silver salts, such as argyrol, protargol, etc.,
is no doubt, not so much due to any intrinsic therapeutic merit which
they possess as to the fact that the average case gets along better
without the local application of strong chemical antiseptics. However
one may feel about the abandoning of such a time-honored drug as the
nitrate of silver in the treatment of this disease, it must be conceded
that it is entirely inadequate to control the process in the severer
cases, and as a therapeutic sheet-anchor leaves a great deal to be

The use of cold compresses in gonorrheal ophthalmia continues to be
advocated in text-books and practiced in many clinics, especially in
America, in spite of the fact that the progressive men in general
medicine and surgery seem pretty generally to have abandoned the use of
cold applications in the treatment of acute inflammations of bacterial
origin. Any merit the cold compresses may have in the reducing of the
edema and relieving pain are more than counterbalanced by the fact that
the vitality of the tissues is at the same time lowered. In cases in
which there is a sufficient swelling of the lids to cause a dangerous
pressure on the eyeball, cold should not for a moment be depended
upon to control the inflammatory edema but instant recourse had to
canthotomy: in cases where this swelling is not marked cold compresses
are unnecessary and apart from a certain analgesic effect, of no
value. The skepticism, which is becoming more general, in regard to
the value of silver nitrate and cold applications has not extended to
the third member of the classic trinity,--irrigations,--the efficacy
of which seems to be generally conceded. Various substances have been
advocated for this purpose,--boric acid, potassium permanganate,
bichloride of mercury, normal salt solution, etc., and the consensus
of opinion seems to be that it is practically indifferent which one
of these is used, the action being mechanical rather than chemical.
The ordinary method of half-hourly irrigations has been abandoned by
Hosford, Ulbrich, and others in favor of the constant irrigation with
the Hosford apparatus or some modification of it.

The English adherents of the constant irrigation treatment, who, for
the most part, dispense with the use of silver nitrate altogether,
report excellent results; but the method is not without its drawbacks.
The apparatus is awkward to use, requires as much or more attention
than the intermittent irrigations, and undoubtedly disturbs the rest of
the patient at night more. Further, since the lids are, of course, not
held apart for the constant irrigation, but the flow of the solution
across the palpebral fissure is depended on to cleanse the eye of
secretion, one is inclined to question whether the mechanical cleansing
is as thorough as when the lids are gently held apart while the eye is
being irrigated.

The more one sees of these cases, the more one is impressed with two
things: first, that a certain percentage of them would make a complete
and uncomplicated recovery, even if they were entirely untreated
(undoubtedly this number is larger than we think, especially in
children); second, that the usual treatment is entirely inadequate
in those cases in which there is an especially virulent infection or
a lowered resistance of the tissues. When antigonococcic serum was
first developed and its action observed in cases of acute gonorrheal
ophthalmia, the results were, as in acute urethritis, disappointing.
Many oculists are of the opinion that the serum is entirely without
value in acute blenorrhea, even though its use be indicated in
metastatic eye disease of gonorrheal origin. Of late, however, at least
two men in America have written enthusiastically of serum-therapy in
acute gonorrheal conjunctivitis, advocating its employment in the usual
manner and also its use locally, i.e., dropped into the conjunctival
sac in place of the usual antiseptics. It would seem that the data
now available hardly warrant a positive statement in regard to the

The pathological findings in gonorrheal ophthalmia are simple but
significant, in that the gonococcus of Neisser is found, not only
on the surface and in the superficial cells of the conjunctiva, but
also, often within forty-eight hours, has invaded the deeper layers of
the epithelium and the subepithelial connective tissue. This at once
makes clear the reason for the inefficacy of the local antiseptics,
particularly those like silver nitrate, the action of which is very
superficial. Organic silver preparations and irrigations of various
kinds are equally powerless to reach any but the most superficially
situated of the bacteria.

Since the destruction of the bacteria lying on the surface is not
sufficient to control the disease, it may be stated that the problem
of the destruction or inhibition of the deep-lying bacteria is the
essential problem in curing gonorrheal ophthalmia.

The gonococcus numbers among its biological peculiarities an unusual
intolerance of extremes of temperature, its growth in culture being
inhibited by temperature above 38° C. or below 18° C. Text-books on
bacteriology state that exposure to a temperature of 60° C. for a
period of ten minutes destroys the gonococcus. Experimentation in the
laboratory of the Dimmer Clinic in Vienna in April and May, 1913, with
cultures from forty-two cases of acute gonorrheal urethritis, seemed
to indicate that this point may be placed from one and one-half to two
degrees lower than this, i.e.,--from 58° C. to 58.5° C.

Thus, theoretically, at least, it would appear that, if the conjunctiva
could be subjected to a temperature as near as possible to this
without injury to the tissues, a marked effect should be observed in
the course of the disease, particularly if the heat can be applied
in such a way as to penetrate as deeply into the tissues as does the
gonococcus. This theoretical requirement has, in my opinion, been
perfectly met practically by the local use of steam as practiced in
the Dimmer Clinic since February, 1913, with the apparatus devised by
Lauber and modified by the writer. Goldzieher of Vienna was probably
the first to employ steam in the treatment of the purulent ophthalmias;
and in his first series of cases reported fifteen patients treated
with the application of steam passing through a nozzle held at a
distance of about four centimeters from the eye, the temperature of
the steam striking the tissues being about 45° C. (113° F.). Although
the results indicated that the method was a distinct step in advance
there were still a number of important details to be worked out, in
order to get the best possible results. First of all, experiment
showed that the temperature of the steam at a given distance from the
nozzle was not constant, so that an arbitrary distance could not be
set. This suggested the advisability of providing the apparatus with a
sliding-guard, which could be set at the exact distance from the nozzle
where the steam was shown by the thermometer to be at the desired
temperature. Secondly, it was determined that the tissues would sustain
without injury a considerably higher temperature than that set by
Goldzieher, and that the effect upon the diseased process was markedly
better when the temperature was raised. Steam at from 50° C. to 53° C.
gave the best results; and in one case in which a temperature of 55°
C. was inadvertently reached no injury was done the tissues. Further
experience naturally suggested other changes in the original technic.
In the first place, the lids were held apart by an assistant in the
usual manner; but, even with gloves on, the exposure of the fingers to
the steam was more or less painful, and gauze wound on little sticks
was substituted. The time of exposure was finally set at six minutes;
and since the application of the steam could not be borne for longer
than from forty-five to sixty seconds without severe pain it usually
took twenty minutes or so to complete the six-minute exposure. This was
done once every twenty-four hours, and was combined with half-hourly
irrigations with potassium-permanganate solution. No other treatment
was used. The results attained with this method in 34 cases (7 adults,
2 children and 25 infants) has left nothing to be desired. In no case
has there been any corneal complication; swelling and pain subsided
with unusual promptness; and the course of the disease was notably
shortened, whereas, after the first application of silver nitrate a
considerable increase in the number of gonococci in the discharge is
often observed. A striking diminution in the number is noted after
the initial application of the steam. In 8 of the cases in the series
mentioned (all infants), the disease affected both eyes; and in 5 of
these cases the experiment was made of treating one eye with steam in
the manner described and the other with applications of silver nitrate
in the usual manner, using the permanganate irrigations in both. The
difference in the results attained was very striking. In every instance
the eye in which the steam was used was brought much more quickly under
control than the one under nitrate. In cases brought under treatment
early the edema of the lids did not become severe; and the course of
the disease seemed, in general, to be shortened by about one-third.
There were no corneal complications, except in one case in which there
was a corneal ulcer present when the man presented himself at the
clinic. In no case was canthotomy necessary; and no case was followed
by a chronic hypertrophic conjunctivitis. The application of the steam
is undeniably painful, but not unbearably so.


    By R. R. Cranmer, M. D.

I wish to report this case of vaginal hysterectomy under spinal
anesthesia on a patient whose age and physical condition were not
favorable for the use of ether or chloroform. The case belonged to that
comparatively small class in which a general anesthetic cannot be used;
and it was because of this fact that spinal anesthesia was resorted to.
Had it not been necessary for this patient to earn a livelihood by hard
labor the operation would not have been done; but, in her case, it was
necessary, and the condition of prolapse, therefore, was a source of
continual pain and trouble. The fact that the diet was not restricted
after the operation assisted greatly in shortening her stay in bed and
her rapid recovery.

 Patient, aged 59, married, mother of six children. She had been
 suffering from prolapsus uteri of a severe degree for five years. The
 cervix presented at the vaginal orifice at times. Mitral insufficiency
 and arteriosclerosis were present. She also had chronic bronchitis and
 a mild nephritis. Chloroform and ether being contra-indicated, spinal
 anesthesia was used, two drachms of 2 per cent novocaine solution
 being injected through the fourth lumbar interspace. The vagina was
 prepared for operation, and the hysterectomy started within four
 minutes after the spinal injection. The patient did not complain of
 any pain; and there was no shock or other untoward symptoms. She was
 immediately put upon a general diet and was able to leave the hospital
 on the twelfth day.


The Journal of the Minnesota State Medical Association and Official
Organ of the North Dakota and South Dakota State Medical Associations


W. A. JONES, M. D., Editor


  R. D. Alway, M. D.         Aberdeen, S. D.
  H. J. Rowe, M. D.         Casselton, N. D.


  THOS. McDAVITT, M. D.         St. Paul
  J. L. ROTHROCK, M. D.         St. Paul
  F. A. KNIGHTS, M. D.       Minneapolis

W. L. KLEIN, Publisher

  Subscription         $2.00 a year


  839-840 Lumber Exchange         Minneapolis, Minn.

March 1, 1915


Diseased teeth and gums have an undoubted and pernicious effect upon
the general health of the individual. This condition as a cause of
disease has been the subject of many papers written by physicians and

Now a new remedy has been proposed by Bass and Johns which promises
relief in the majority of cases. Emetin is the drug that destroys the
ameba of pyorrhea just as ipecac destroys the ameba of dysentery. The
lesion should be attacked persistently until healed and the use of
emetin continued to prevent reinfection.

Emetin may be used hypodermically in one-half grain doses for at least
three days and as often as is necessary to destroy the ameba.

The presence of the ameba can be determined only by proper microscopic
examinations. The healing process may require considerable time,
according to the extent and character of the necrosis. Deep pockets
require careful cleansing to clear the pus-forming cavities. After
this has been accomplished and pus ceases to form Bass and Johns
recommend the use of fluid extract of ipecac as a local application to
prevent reinfection. Ipecac will actually destroy the ameba if used
persistently and is preferable to the many commercial preparations now
in use. The teeth should be brushed in the ordinary way, after which
one drop of fluid extract of ipecac should be applied to the wet brush,
forcing some of the solution between the teeth and spitting out the
excess without further washing of the mouth.

The investigators have found that this simple procedure will keep
the mouth free from pyorrhea. It stands to reason, however, that the
teeth must be thoroughly cleaned in the usual manner by the dentist,
otherwise it will be impossible for the emetin or ipecac to penetrate
the deep crusts which are found about old and uncared for mouths. It
is remarkable how many people neglect the care of their teeth and it
is equally strange that so little constitutional disorder is found in
those who neglect an ordinary and simple sanitary toilet requisite.
One of the first rules for hospital patients when they come under
the supervision of the nurse is the provision of a tooth brush and a
suitable mouth wash.

Many patients from the country, a lesser number from the cities, never
employ a tooth brush. Some even resent a suggestion of clean teeth.
Nature gave them teeth and nature is supposed to keep them in order,
but unclean teeth are the rule rather than the exception in hospital

Not infrequently animals need the services of a dentist, but their
numbers are few compared to man. When a simple remedy for pyorrhea,
like ipecac, promises to clear the teeth of amebas, there is no excuse
for neglecting nature’s adornment.


A bill has been introduced in the Minnesota State Legislature for the
purpose of lowering the butterfat requirement in milk from three and
one-quarter to three per cent. This means a reduction of solids in milk
from thirteen to eleven per cent, and it further means that more water
will be added to much of the milk sold in Minnesota. A Minneapolis
ordinance prescribes the butterfat content to be as high as three and
one-half per cent. Minneapolis has enough water in its milk now, and,
if this bill goes through, the city may expect to use skim-milk almost

It hardly seems credible that any one should desire the quality of milk
to be reduced for any purpose whatever unless it is for commercial

Fortunately, at this writing the bill is held up for consideration,
and it is to be hoped that sufficient pressure will be brought to bear
to insure its defeat. Too many cows give poor milk and any effort
to standardize and legalize the inferior cow is a reflection on the
integrity of milk sellers. Inferentially, there are too many under-fed
children and yet if milk is reduced in quality, we must expect less
vigor in the growing child.

One wonders why such a bill should get into the Legislature; what are
the real reasons for its passage?


The late issue of “Leaves of Healing,” published by the Dowieites at
Zion City, near Chicago, has been sent broadcast among physicians. This
sheet is an antivaccination propaganda, and is profusely illustrated by
horrible pictures of supposed diseased states caused by vaccination.
The text is, as is all others of its ilk, full of misinformation,
garbled extracts from known and unknown writers and speakers, and
tirades against all who believe in vaccination.

If these sheets would present a fair and broad view of the evils of
vaccination they might find more adherents to antivaccination doctrines
among medical men; but, as it contains so many misstatements and is
so overbearingly one-sided in its efforts, the effect is nil, except
when it is circulated among those unbalanced in mind and judgment.
Physicians in general freely acknowledge that vaccination, or the
introduction of a serum, may produce, in some people, unexpected and
sometimes disastrous results. Most physicians hesitate to vaccinate
people with active syphilis, or even those in whom the syphilis has
been seemingly inactive for years, or those who have hereditary
syphilis. These persons are quite apt to have an accentuation of their
old blood disorder under slight infections or injuries; but that should
not militate against vaccination when an epidemic is probable. Some
of the pictures in “Leaves of Healing” were undoubtedly pictures of
syphilis, and should have been so labeled; but that could not have been
expected in a partisan publication.

Physicians also know that people who have chronic eczema should not
be vaccinated until the eczema clears up; and doubtless in hurried or
extensive vaccinations that are deemed necessary to prevent the spread
of smallpox in a community cases of eczema are overlooked. Children
who are the victims of chronic digestive disorders, or who react to
mild febrile or diarrheal conditions more than the average child, are
commonly exempted from vaccination. On the whole, there are but few
conditions that are made worse by careful vaccinations with proper
dressings and after-care.

When one considers what wonders in the way of control of smallpox have
been recorded in medical history, the few mishaps that occur among
the vaccinated, the proportion of illness due to vaccination is so
infinitesimal that they cannot be classed among the “fearful” results
of vaccination.

“Leaves of Healing” leaves out of its vaporings the fact that Zion
City had a smallpox epidemic not long ago, and was quarantined by
the health authorities, and that the people submitted to vaccination
with gratifying results. Nor does the above-mentioned magazine record
the fact that the president and secretary of a local branch of
antivaccinationists in Minneapolis, who were fighting a compulsory
vaccination law before the Minnesota Legislature a few years ago, died
of virulent smallpox during that meeting of the Legislature.

The antivaccinationist usually has at his command a set form of
speech that contains more vituperant adjectives, and less reason and
judgment, than the average self-constituted reformer. Smallpox and
other preventable diseases will continue to exist while the uneducated
and ill-balanced minds are permitted their volley of wind-laden speech.
Some day the people will wake up, cast the “reformer” aside, and climb
on to the band-wagon of health and happiness.

It will take our educators and sanitarians some time to harness the
team to the wagon, but when it starts it will go on merrily to its


In answer to a number of inquiries the following statement is made:

The stock of the JOURNAL-LANCET is held by a number of Twin City
physicians, and the publisher, Mr. W. L. Klein.

The JOURNAL-LANCET is the official organ of the State Medical
Associations of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. The
responsibility for its reading matter and editorials rests with the
publication committees of the state associations.


To the Physicians of the State of Minnesota:

The Committee on Public Policy and Legislation most earnestly asks the
co-operation of every physician in the State of Minnesota in procuring
the passage of the several bills that have been decided upon, and
either have been or will be introduced into the legislature during this
session. It is believed that there is not a man upon the roster of the
State Medical Society, or indeed any physician in Minnesota, who does
not see the necessity of certain legislation for the protection of the
physicians in the State, and also that the common weal will be advanced
by the passage of the telephone bill introduced by Senator Andrews, of
Blue Earth, and by the passage of the bill relative to trachoma, which
is a constant menace to the public health, and several other bills that
are in course of preparation, but which await certain developments
before their presentation. The committee earnestly begs of all the
physicians in the State that they will write to their representatives
and senators from time to time urging with great earnestness their
support for the several measures advanced by the Committee on Public
Policy and Legislation. It is believed that every physician can
influence at least from 10 to 100 votes at a general election, and this
fact, of itself, makes the physician a factor in the election of any
candidate. It is believed by this committee that the medical men of
the State, if they will but unite and act in concert, can measurably
influence legislation. The time has come for the physician to take his
place in the political system of the State, both as an active agent
and, indirectly, through his influence of others.

The telephone bill provides for physical connection between all
telephone companies in the State without extra charge, except a small
toll. It provides that telephone companies shall be placed under the
direction of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission. It provides that no
greater net income than 5 per cent shall be allowed upon the capital
actually used in the operation of the telephone companies. It provides
for intercity telephone service in the cities whose city limits adjoin
without extra charge.

The trachoma bill provides for the segregation of trachomats, and,
under certain circumstances, for the maintenance by the State of
special schools for their education in school districts having as many
as 20 trachomats.

There is also drafted and ready for introduction a bill requiring all
persons who seek to practice medicine in any form whatever to pass the
regular examination before the State Board of Medical Examiners.

There is in contemplation a bill for the purpose of procuring certain
lands for the building of cottages thereupon and establishing farms
to be worked by lepers who may be or shall have been committed to the
leprosarium farm, the intention being that those lepers in the State
that are able to work shall have an opportunity to do so, and that the
said lepers should care for lepers who are unable to work or earn a
living. It is also proposed to purchase a small tract of land not far
from the State University for the purpose of allowing an exhaustive
study of certain forms of leprosy with the aid of the State University
Medical Staff. The leprosarium farm would be under the direction of the
State Agricultural School.

The Chairman of this Committee will be very glad to receive advice and
suggestions from the physicians in the State.

  Cornelius Williams, M. D.,
  Chairman of the
  Committee on Public Policy and Legislation.
  St. Paul, Minn., February 3, 1915.



The Academy met at the St. Paul University Club, Feb. 3. Dr. C. M.
Carlaw presided.

Four doctors were proposed for membership: Drs. W. H. Condit and
Stephen Baxter, of Minneapolis, and Drs. Wilhelm Lerche and F. C.
Schuldt, of St. Paul. All four names were referred to the executive

Dr. Arnold Schwyzer showed some x-ray pictures of a penetrating gastric
ulcer. He also made a report of a case where gall-stones gave a feeling
of emphysematous crackling, due to small marble-sized stones with no
more fluid than enough to fill the spaces between the stones (perhaps a
teaspoonful in all).

The paper of the evening was presented by Dr. A. E. Benjamin, the
subject being “Goiter Operations with Simplified Technic.” The paper
was thoroughly discussed, the whole evening being given over to its

The reading of Dr. White’s thesis was deferred until another meeting.

Twenty-seven were present.

  Fred E. Leavitt, M. D., Secretary.


  To the Editor:

In the February 15th issue of THE JOURNAL-LANCET is a discussion by
Dr. Klaveness, of Sioux Falls, S. D., on a paper on “Syphilis and Its
Relation to Society” by Dr. McLaughlin, of Sioux City, Iowa. In this
discussion Dr. Klaveness states: “We are unfortunate here in South
Dakota in this respect, that we do not have the population and the
laboratory facilities for resorting to the Wassermann reaction at all
times, and any man within the State who would systematically carry out
a Wassermann reaction now and then would invalidate his findings very
materially, inasmuch as it is very well established that, in order to
obtain reliable readings, you must have a serologist or bacteriologist
to follow this work exclusively in order to get accurate findings. It
is immensely important, and it would be a boon to the suffering people,
if we could have a state serologist.”

This statement by Dr. Klaveness is contrary to the facts as they now
exist and did exist at the time he discussed the paper at Watertown, S.
D., in May, 1914.

We have a well equipped medical laboratory in South Dakota in
connection with the medical department at the State University at
Vermillion, and we have been doing the Wassermann test.

This misstatement should have been corrected at the time it was made,
but was not, as I was in Watertown but part of one day during the State
Meeting last May and did not hear the paper or its discussion.

Permit me to state through your columns that we do the Wassermann test
at the State Health Laboratory and have been doing it on Thursday
of each week since March 21, 1914. At that time a circular letter
announcing the fact was sent to every physician in the State, including
Dr. Klaveness. This announcement was made only after several months of
experimental work in perfecting the technic and controlling all factors.

We do the original Wassermann test, using the Nogouchi antigen. All
our reagents are prepared in our laboratory and every possible control
is carried out each time the test is set up. We therefore believe that
our results will compare favorably with the best scientific work of
this character.

At the present time a fee of $5.00 for each test is charged, containers
and instructions are supplied upon request.

We have done the Wassermann test for the State Hospital for the Insane
at Yankton from the first.

  Mortimer Herzberg, M. D., Director.
  Vermillion, S. D., February 18, 1915.

       *       *       *       *       *


  To the Editor:

My attention has just been called to an article published in THE
JOURNAL-LANCET, August 1, 1914, it being an address by Dr. George D.
Head to the graduating class of the Asbury Hospital. The advice Dr.
Head gives to the nurses seems very good, and very elevating to our
profession, but I would like to analyze it to show that it is not quite

It has taken considerable effort on the part of nurses to convince
the people, and to convince some doctors, that they are any more than
machines. Because we ask for three hours rest out of the twenty-four,
and because we asked for a fixed rate for service, Dr. Head says that
our loyalty to high ideals is diminishing. Unfortunately, in the
nursing profession, as in all other professions, there are some who
are incapable and unconscientious; and, if Dr. Head had the experience
of having a nurse leave a patient, unattended, at a critical time, she
probably was one of the few incapables, or was so overtired from loss
of sleep that it was necessary for her to have rest. When Dr. Head says
that a nurse should waive her rest hours for days or a week at a time,
if necessary, I think he is making a mistake. A nurse cannot do her
duty by a patient if she does not have proper rest. It is unfair to
both the patient and the nurse. Dr. Head may say that most patients are
not in need of constant attention for more than a few days or a week,
and that a nurse can stand it for that length of time without rest
hours. This is true; but we have to consider that the next case may be
just as critical, and so the nurse must reserve some strength for the
cases to follow. And more often than not, the nurse is obliged to take
cases with very little or no rest between them.

In the second place, Dr. Head thinks that the nurses ought to have a
varying scale of charges for service. The doctors do it; why shouldn’t
the nurses? Dr. Head does not seem to consider the fact that the nurse
has one patient, while the doctor has many. Suppose a nurse takes care
of a poor patient for five or ten dollars a week, where is the rich
patient who is willing to pay forty or fifty dollars a week to make up
the loss? The nurses have found that twenty-five dollars a week is the
price that is necessary for them to live on in order to keep themselves
clothed, pay for their laundry (no small item), and carry them over the
few weeks of rest or over the dull season. The average life of a nurse,
as a nurse, is, I believe, not more than ten years. In that length of
time, at the wages she gets, she is not able to lay away a great amount
for a rainy day, which usually comes all too soon.

We have a number of good hospitals in Minneapolis where people
in moderate circumstances can be very comfortably cared for at a
considerably less expense than employing a nurse in their homes. The
poor in our city, I think, are fairly well taken care of in the city
hospitals and by the visiting nurses, who are paid for such work.

As for nurses refusing cases because they are afraid of them: I think
there is usually some just cause. If a nurse has a tendency towards
tuberculosis, she should refuse such cases; or if she has a tendency
towards throat troubles, she should refuse diphtheria and scarlet-fever
cases. A nurse who is constantly with a patient runs considerably more
risk of infection than the physician, whose visits are usually short.
There are nurses who make a specialty of such cases, and usually there
is no trouble finding such a nurse. Nurses who make a specialty of
obstetrical cases or of children should not take contagious work. As
for a nurse refusing a typhoid case because she is afraid of it: I
cannot believe that any real nurse would do such a thing.

It also seems to me very ridiculous, and it surely cannot be a common
thing for a nurse to inquire before she consents to take a case whether
or not the plumbing is modern and how many servants are kept.

As to just what Dr. Head means by saying that a nurse should be willing
to do any kind of service about a house. I do not know; but I do know
that nurses are not usually physically fit for washing or scrubbing,
yet, as a rule, nurses are glad to perform duties which are not just
in their line, in order to help the household to run smoothly.

Most of the nurses in general work are engaged in nursing because they
are obliged to earn their living, and in most cases because they are
especially interested in this particular field; and, although most
nurses take some charity cases, it is impossible for them to take many,
even to satisfy what Dr. Head calls “the inner, higher longings of the

    Harriet M. Prime, R. N.

  Minneapolis, February 4, 1915.


 MANUAL OF OBSTETRICS. By Edward P. Davis, A. M., M. D., Professor
    of Obstetrics in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. 12mo
    of 463 pages, 171 illustrations. Philadelphia and London: W. B.
    Saunders Company, 1914. Cloth, $2.25 net.

As indicated by the name this is a handy book. It is well illustrated,
the text is brief and well written, and as complete as could be
expected in a work of its size.

It presents no features which are especially new, though it takes up
many of the most recent advances in obstetrics.

It is a work that aims to give those who wish it a concise account of
the status of obstetrics at the present time.


    Prof. Dr. Theodor Schott, Bad-Nauheim. Published by Blakiston,
    Philadelphia. Price, $2.50.

This brochure sets forth in the main, preceded by a short chapter on
medical treatment, the philosophy, technic, and clinical results of
balneogymnastic therapy in chronic heart-conditions.

It would appear, inasmuch as Prof. Schott admits the non-establishment
of the probable curative factors of either the carbon dioxide or
mineral constituents, that possibly, as Dr. Anders in the foreword
surmises, the curative properties may reside in the “advantage of being
far removed from the cares and responsibilities growing out of the
practical affairs of life at home.”

Relative to the more firmly established value of the gymnastic
element, it is quite evident that the “resistance movements,” are an
improvement over the Zander mechanico-gymnastic, and of similar value
to the so-called “Terrain Kur,” with the added advantage of personal


 DISEASES OF BONES AND JOINTS. By Leonard W. Ely. M. D., 220
    pages, 94 illustrations. Surgery Publishing Co., N. Y. Price,
    cloth. $2.00.

Few men are better fitted than Dr. Ely to write an authoritative book
on joint and bone diseases. He has gone at his study from the only
logical end; that is, the study of the underlying pathology. The
book throughout shows the result of much conscientious work in the
pathological and x-ray laboratories, carefully checked up from the
clinical aspect.

The average specialist who writes a manual for the use of the general
practitioner seems to think he must mention every theory which has ever
been brought out since the time of Hippocrates, together with a list
of every form of treatment ever proposed. The bewildered family doctor
gets about as much help as he would from the perusal of a few pages of
the Index Medicus. One good theory, clearly stated, even if it is not
universally accepted, may form a practical working basis which will be
of great aid to the doctor in the understanding and care of his cases.
In this particular Dr. Ely is most satisfactory. He has worked out
the pathology of the tubercular and other chronic joint diseases in
a clear and logical manner. While much may have to be altered in the
light of further research, at least one can feel sure that Dr. Ely has
convictions, and that his work will form a useful basis for further

The illustrations are taken almost entirely from photographs or
photomicrographs and are mostly original. So many works on Orthopedic
Surgery appear which are filled with cuts handed down from one
text-book to another, cuts of impossible people wearing impossible
appliances, that it is hard to imagine that such a book, illustrated
with such quaint old prints, can represent the latest word or offer
anything new.

Dr. Ely’s discussion of the pathology of joint tuberculosis is perhaps
the most interesting thing in the book. His idea of the red bone marrow
and the synovia being the sole tissues to be primarily involved does
not agree with the recent work of Fraser, of Edinburgh. Evidently more
work must be done in order to harmonize these findings.

In general, while not much space is given to treatment, what there is,
is clear and is carefully selected by the author, instead of leaving
this important point to the discretion of the reader.

His discussion of the chronic arthritides is quite full and very
instructive. He points out particularly the resemblance between the
pathological conditions found in various chronic infectious joints and
in the various stages of joint tuberculosis.

This little book will certainly be of use to anyone who has to treat
bone and joint diseases.



Dr. Chas. Pierce, of Wadena, has moved to Menahaga.

Dr. J. L. Stewart, of Spearfish, S. D., has located at Custer, S. D.

Dr. Jas. Farrage, formerly of Deering, N. D., has located at Park

Dr. Hugo Neukamp is leaving Fessenden, N. D., to locate in Beulah, N. D.

The Dell Rapids Hospital was completed and opened the latter part of

Dr. H. A. Gueffroy, of Chicago, has taken over the practice of Dr. D.
F. Sullivan, of Frankfort, S. D.

The new St. Alexius hospital, at Bismarck, N. D., was formally opened
to the public February 15th.

The entire surplus of the old Homeopathic Hospital Association,
amounting to $1,000, was voted to the support of the Maternity
hospital, of Minneapolis, at a recent meeting.

The Physicians’ Hospital company has been incorporated at Thief River
Falls for the purpose of building and maintaining a hospital at that
place. The company is capitalized at $25,000.

In a previous issue we stated that Dr. G. P. Shepard, of Chicago, had
located at Jamestown, N. D. Dr. Shepard is from Courtenay, N. D., and
not from Chicago, though he has been taking postgraduate work in that
city for the past few weeks.

The Medical Society of the State of New York invites all physicians
of the country to its hundred and ninth annual meeting which is to
be held in Buffalo, April 27-29. This will probably be the largest
medical meeting of the year, except perhaps that of the A. M. A. in San

Messrs. J. D. Edgar, Arnold Hamel, R. A. Johnson, and H. A. Rudd,
and Miss Olga Hansen, all of the class of 1915, have been elected to
the Minnesota chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha, the national honorary
fraternity in medicine, the membership of which is based solely upon

Dr. James E. Moore, who has practised in Minneapolis for thirty-two
years, twenty-eight of which have been devoted to the exclusive
practice of surgery, has given up his practice and will, hereafter,
give his entire time to the Medical School of the University of
Minnesota, except for a limited amount of consultation work.

In our last issue we made the statement that the Ramsey County Medical
Society would not admit a physician to membership until he had been a
resident of the county for one year. This should have been written so
as to convey the meaning that a physician must have been a resident of
some county for at least a year, not necessarily Ramsey County.

It is the desire of the publishers of the Journal-Lancet to make this
department of news as interesting to its readers as possible. The items
are obtained from a number of sources, and, though a great deal of
care is given to their preparation, mistakes will necessarily occur.
Will you not help to keep up the interest of this column by sending in
anything which may be of interest to the readers? Notify us of mistakes
as they occur that we may make a correction in the next issue.

“The Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Incorporated,”
with an initial endowment fund of $1,500,000, has recently been
incorporated. It has for its object the endowment of the graduate
medical instruction and research work which has for years been a
feature of the Mayo Clinic, at Rochester. The founders are: William J.
Mayo, Charles H. Mayo, Henry S. Plummer, Edward Starr Judd and Donald
C. Balfour. The board of temporary trustees having in charge for the
present the investment of the fund is composed of Bert W. Eaton, George
W. Granger and Harry J. Harwick. The board of scientific directors is
composed of Louis B. Wilson, William F. Braasch, E. Hessel Beckman, A.
H. Sanford, and Walter D. Sheldon. For the present the expenses of the
foundation will be met by annual contributions from the Mayo Clinic,
the income from the endowment being allowed to accumulate and increase
the principal.

       *       *       *       *       *


To locate in a thriving North Dakota town. For full information
correspond with Andrew Erickson, Makote, N. D.


A good roll-top desk and other office furniture is offered for sale at
a reasonable price. 616 Syndicate Bldg., Minneapolis.


An established practice in a town of 2,000 for sale for the price of
the office outfit. If you mean business, write at once. Address 205,
care of this office.


A new, strictly modern, 50-bed sanitarium with three acres of land on a
beautiful lake, located near the Twin Cities, for sale cheap. Address
206, care of this office.


An eye, ear, nose, and throat man who is willing to work. Must be
sober, competent man. State the salary expected, and give credentials
in the first letter. Address the C. A. Hoffman Co., 814 Nicollet Ave.,
Minneapolis, Minn.


In Minnesota or South Dakota town, with some future and where English
is spoken. This is wanted by physician who has had several years’
experience in practice, and has done laboratory and hospital work.
Address 198, care of this office.


A physician and surgeon to locate at Judson, North Dakota. No doctor
located within seven miles on the west and twenty-three miles or more
in other directions. One who could start small drug-store in connection
with his practice preferred. Address First State Bank, Judson, N. D.


Contract mining practice, on Iron Range, with modern hospital, complete
equipment, autos, good roads, drive all the year, best contracts, $600
to $800 cash each month; future very bright. Owner wishes to correspond
with an A 1 physician and surgeon with a good stand in or very near the
Twin Cities, with the view of effecting an exchange for part of the
year. Address, 204, care of this office.


To a man with surgical ability, one-half interest in my private
practice and well-equipped hospital, located in a live up-to-date
county-seat town in Minnesota; population 2,500; two railroads; good
schools and roads; good fees. This is an excellent opportunity to get
into a place with a good future. Price, $5,000 for one-half interest
in hospital building, equipment, office fixtures, and practice; $2,500
cash. Don’t write unless you mean business and have the cash. Address
202 care of this office.

       *       *       *       *       *

Doctor: If you want practical post-graduate work during the fine season
in the delightful city, write for particulars. Twenty-eighth annual
session opens September 28, 1914, and closes June 5, 1915. New Orleans
Polyclinic, P. O. Drawer 261, Post-graduate Medical Dept., Tulane
University of Louisiana.


The Battle Creek Method in Diabetes

Diabetes, though not always curable, is controllable. Practically all
diabetics can be made sugar-free and the acidosis disappears with the
sugar. By a special regimen the reappearance of the sugar and the
acidosis may be prevented.

The Battle Creek method is based upon experience gained in the
treatment of many hundreds of cases supplemented by the observations
and discoveries of Von Noorden, Falta, Guelpa, Benedict, Allen, and
numerous other investigators. The essential features of the method are--

 1. A thorough preliminary examination and repeated examinations
 comprising (a) complete quantitative examination of the urine daily,
 (b) differential study of the blood, (c) chemical, microscopic and
 bacteriological examination of the feces and study of the pancreatic
 function, (d) X-ray examination of the stomach and intestine with
 special reference to stasis.

 2. Study of the patient’s metabolism by the respiration apparatus to
 determine his respiratory quotient, CO2 tension and basal ratio.

 3. Establishment, by the aid of metabolism studies of each case, of a
 regimen adapted to the individual by determining the proper proportion
 of protein, fats and carbohydrates to keep the urine free from sugar.
 The kind of protein, fat and carbohydrate is considered important, as
 well as the amount.

 4. The patient’s metabolism is regulated by baths, voluntary and
 automatic exercise, photo- and thermotherapy and other physiologic

 5. The results of the regimen and treatment are accurately controlled
 by a “Metabolism Graphic” which shows the daily variations in the
 amount of urine, amount of sugar, acidosis, coefficient of sugar
 utilization, coefficient of carbohydrate utilization, nitrogen
 balance, glucose nitrogen ratio, weight balance and energy balance.
 These factors are all worked out by expert chemists and dietitians
 and with this data before him, and a great variety of special foods
 of known energy value suited to diabetics at ready command, and the
 assistance of a strong corps of specially trained dietitians, the
 physician is able easily to arrange a dietary adapted to each case and
 to note each patient’s progress with the most careful scrutiny.

Under this comprehensive management the sugar usually disappears from
the urine in two or three days, and does not return so long as the
prescribed regimen is followed.

A few weeks’ treatment usually suffices to train the patient to a
suitable dietary which he may safely follow under the guidance of his
home physician.

We will be glad to send full information concerning the Battle Creek
Method in Diabetes to any physician who will mail to us the attached


The Battle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich.

  Box 350
  Battle Creek,

Please send to the undersigned full information concerning the Battle
Creek method of treating diabetes.







Doctors all over the country are advising the use of oat foods for the
old as well as the very young child. It is for young folks developing,
for grown-ups, who are hard workers, and for the old folks who wish to
keep young. You can safely use Quaker Oats. It costs no extra price,
and when you use it you are certainly getting the very best in oat
foods. Physicians should read their page announcement in this paper.


The Scheidel-Western X-Ray Coil Co. announce on another page that they
have the latest appliance in electro-therapeutics, namely, the Columbia
Treatment Transformer No. 9.

The apparatus is illustrated and described on another page, and more
fully in the Company’s new catalog.

As the Company is the largest manufacturer of x-ray apparatus in the
world, their catalog should be in the hands of every man using this
line of treatment.


Every doctor and dentist in the United States should know about this
new preparation for the local treatment of pyorrhea alveolaris.
Boremetine is a 1-2 per cent solution of emetine hydrochloride,
together with boric acid, zinc sulphocarbolate, and aromatics.

The emetine is amebicidal, the boric acid bactericidal, and the zinc
sulphocarbolate astringent. These three drugs meet the three essential
factors necessary for the successful treatment of pyorrhea. Boremetine
should be used in every case, either alone, or (in some severe cases)
in association with the subcutaneous injection of Emetine Hydrochloride

A special free booklet on “Pyorrhea Alveolaris: How to treat it
successfully with Emetine” will be sent on request. Send for it today.
The Abbott Alkaloidal Company, Chicago.


The State of Wisconsin has an enviable reputation for not a few things
in which it excels all the other western or middle-western states.
One of these is its sanatoriums, or health resorts. The climate, the
beautiful scenery, the pure water, the proximity to the large cities of
Milwaukee and Chicago, and the high-grade medical specialists made it
possible to found such institutions in southern Wisconsin long before
other parts of the middle west had the population or transportation
facilities to make success in this line either probable or possible.

The Oconomowoc Health Resort is one of the best equipped and best
managed of these institutions. It accepts only nervous and mild mental
cases. It is under the management of Dr. Arthur W. Rogers as resident
physician. Dr. Rogers has both the professional equipment and the
personality that are necessary in the treatment and care of persons
suffering from nervous and mental disorders.


Fifty years ago examination was largely a matter of pulse finding; now
it is possible to weigh and measure the organic functions of the body
with as much accuracy as is possible in the testing of an intricate
mechanism. This becomes possible through a series of tests in many of
which elaborate equipment is required. Perhaps no other institution
has a more complete organization for diagnosis than the Battle Creek

The physical inventory possible there is a very thorough and accurate
stock taking of the vital functions. Many business and professional men
visit the sanitarium each year in order to take full advantage of the
diagnostic facilities.

An interesting booklet, “The Measure of a Man,” is offered free by
the sanitarium to those who care to know more regarding the system of


Why Pituitary Liquid should be specified:

It is a pure preparation.

It is free from objectionable chemicals.

It is made from absolutely fresh raw glands. It does not require

It is standardized physiologically.

It is sold in dated packages, permitting the physician to discard old

Pituitary Liquid is required in such particular classes of cases that
the practitioner can afford to use the best only.

The use of Pituitary Liquid obviates the necessity of forceps in a
great many cases.

Pituitary Liquid is of great service in parturition uterine
inertia--peristalic paralysis.

We shall be pleased to send you a sample of Pituitary Liquid with

Note the name of the perfect pituitary preparation--_Pituitary Liquid


Even the most robust and generally healthy children show the
deleterious results of the modern system of educational “forcing” that
prevails in most of our larger cities. The child that starts the school
year in excellent physical condition, after the freedom and fresh air
of the summer vacation, in many instances, becomes nervous, fidgety,
and more or less anemic, as the term progresses, as the combined
result of mental strain and physical confinement in overheated, poorly
ventilated school-rooms. How much more likely is such a result in the
case of the delicate, high-strung, sensitively organized, adolescent
girl? It is certainly a great mistake to allow such a girl to continue
under high mental pressure, at the expense of her physical health and
well-being, and every available means should be resorted to to conserve
the vitality and prevent a nervous breakdown. Regularity of meals,
plenty of sleep, out-of-door exercise without fatigue, open windows
at night and plenty of nutritious food, should all be supplied. Just
as soon as an anemic pallor is noticeable, it is a good plan to order
Pepto-Mangan (Gude) for a week or two, or as long as necessary to bring
about an improvement in the blood state, and a restoration of color
to the skin and visible mucous membranes. This efficient hematinic is
especially serviceable in such cases, because it does not in the least
interfere with the digestion nor induce a constipated habit.

Transcriber’s Notes:

 A number of typographical errors have been corrected silently.

 The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the
 public domain.

 References to other pages noted in the Publisher's Department section
 were not available for transcription

 The two lines below were swapped from the original:
   by a chronic hypertrophic conjunctivitis. The
   canthotomy necessary; and no case was followed

5, MARCH 1, 1915 ***

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