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February 1888, by Trinity College

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Title: The Trinity Archive, Vol. I, No. 4, February 1888

Author: Trinity College

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                     VOL. I. FEBRUARY, 1888. No. 4.
                            TRINITY ARCHIVE.

 MONTHLY.                TRINITY COLLEGE, N. C.           PRICE, 15 CTS.


 NOTES: Change of Editors; To Alumni; M. Renan; Volapûk;              63

 TWO SHAKESPEARIAN CHARACTERS,                                     64–65

 EDITORIAL: An Error in Consolation; A Vilification; Object of
   Higher Education; Newspapers Again; Prof. Duggan; Aping;
   Eccentric You Know; The “Clerical Whine”; Stump Speaking;
   Society Work,                                                   66–69

 REVIEWS: Studies in Literature; Labor Report; Lights of Two
   Centuries; French Grammar,                                      70–71

 EXCHANGES                                                         72–73

 LOCALS                                                            74–76

 ALUMNI                                                            77–78

 MISCELLANEOUS                                                        79

                           MANAGERS’ NOTICES.

Correspondents will please send all matter intended for publication to
Prof. J. L. Armstrong, Trinity College, N. C.

                         TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.

One dollar, per scholastic year (nine issues), if paid in advance; if
not paid in advance, one dollar and twenty cents.

To any one who will send us a Club of Five cash yearly subscribers, we
will give a year’s subscription, free.

Remittances should be made by postal note, postal order, or registered
letter, and made payable to “Business Managers of the TRINITY ARCHIVE.”

                         TERMS OF ADVERTISING.

        1 column, per issue, $3.00; per scholastic year, $20.00
        ½     „        „      1.75;          „            12.00
        ⅓     „        „      1.25;          „             9.00
        1 inch,       „        .75;          „             5.00

All business communications should be forwarded to

                                            NICHOLSON & JONES,
                                                    _Business Managers_,
                                                TRINITY COLLEGE, N. C.

 _Entered as second-class matter in Post Office at Trinity College, N.


                             F. FISHBLATE,


                            LEADING CLOTHIER

                           OF NORTH CAROLINA.

                    WE KEEP ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN

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Our line of Fine Dress Suits and Overcoats is the largest and finest
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                                                   F. FISHBLATE,
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P. S. Suits made to order from samples a specialty. Orders by mail will
receive prompt attention.

                  *       *       *       *       *

                             A FREE TICKET


                          Farrior & Crabtree’s

                          Boot and Shoe Store,

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                            SOLE AGENTS FOR

                     Zeigler Bros., Jas. Means’ $3,

                         And Wm. Dorsch & Son’s

                              FINE GOODS.

                  *       *       *       *       *

                            C. B. HAYWORTH,

                       _The People’s Liveryman_,

                           HIGH POINT, N. C.

Good Stock and conveyances. Prices reasonable. Patronage of Trinity
Students solicited.

                  *       *       *       *       *

                          MOFFITT & BRADSHAW,

                      _DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS_,

             Next Door above Bank,      _High Point N. C._

                               DEALERS IN

                       PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES,

              Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, &c.

We cordially invite students and friends of Trinity College to call and
see us when in need of anything in our line.

                  *       *       *       *       *

                          FRIENDS OF TRINITY,

                             SUBSCRIBE FOR

                         _THE TRINITY ARCHIVE_.

                            $1.00 PER YEAR.

               _Business Friends Send us Advertisements._

                  *       *       *       *       *

                Richmond Straight Cut No. 1  Cigarettes.


Cigarette smokers who are willing to pay a little more than the price
charged for the ordinary trade cigarettes, will find this brand superior
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               The Richmond Straight Cut No. 1 Cigarettes

  are made from the brightest, most delicately flavored and highest
  cost gold leaf grown in Virginia. This is the old and original brand
  of Straight Cut Cigarettes, and was brought out by us in the year
  1875. Beware of imitations and observe that the firm name as below
  is on every package.

                                     ALLEN & GINTER, MANUFACTURERS,
                                                     RICHMOND, VIRGINIA.

                  *       *       *       *       *


                            Female College,

                           GREENSBORO, N. C.

The Sixty-Sixth Session of this well-equipped and prosperous School will
begin on the 11th of January, 1888. Faculty (consisting of three
Gentleman and eleven Ladies) able, accomplished and faithful.
Instruction thorough in all departments. Superior advantages offered in
the departments of

              Music, Art, Elocution and Modern Languages.

Location, healthful and beautiful; fare good. Premises large, with ample
walks for out-door recreation. Buildings large, convenient, comfortable,
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Special attention paid to physical health, comfort, and developement,
and moral and spiritual culture.

For catalogue apply to

                                                 T. M. JONES, PRESIDENT.

                  *       *       *       *       *

                           Group Photographs.

I would announce to the students of Trinity College that with a view to
doing school work I have specially fitted myself for making

                             LARGE GROUPS,

such as Classes, Fraternities, Literary Societies, &c. Will be glad to
serve with whatever they need in Photography, in that or any other line
of work. I also make

                   Portrait Frames and Mats to Order.

                                               S. L. ALDERMAN,
                                                       GREENSBORO, N. C.


                            TRINITY ARCHIVE.

        Published under Supervision of the Professor of English.

                      TRINITY COLLEGE, FEB. 1888.

In accordance with the regulations governing the management of the
ARCHIVE, the Editors from the Hesperian Society are changed. Two new
ones take their places in this issue on the staff, and three of the
former set are retained, but are assigned to new work. The
representatives of the Columbian Society do not go out till the last
quarter. By this arrangement part at least of the staff is always
familiar with the duties of the office.

                  *       *       *       *       *

This paragraph is especially addressed to that “old” student whose eye
falls upon it. Write to the ARCHIVE, and in so doing you will furnish
entertainment to many a friend of your college days. We mean _you_.

                  *       *       *       *       *

That toy of modern linguists—Volapûk—is having a wonderful run with
publishers. Handbooks to it “now tread on one another’s heels.” The
American Philosophical Society, at a meeting last fall, appointed a
committee to examine into the scientific value of this “universal
language.” Their report points out the requirements for such a language,
and finds on comparing them with Father Schleyer’s system, that it is
“synthetic and complex,” and therefore unsuited to modern needs.

                  *       *       *       *       *

M. Renan has a picturesque way of putting things. In his “History of the
People of Israel,” (Vol. I, lately published) he says of David:

“We shall see the _brigand_ of Adullam and Ziglag adopt by and by the
ways of a saint. He will be the author of the Psalms, the sacred
choragus, the type of the future Saviour. Jesus will be a son of David.
The pious souls who will find delight in the resignation and the
melancholy contained in the finest of liturgical books, will think
themselves in communion with this bandit. Humanity will believe in a
final justice on the testimony of David, who never thought of it, and of
the Sibyl, who never existed. _Teste David cum Sibylla!_ O divine


The Tragedy of Cymbeline was written during the latter ten years of
Shakespeare’s life and has much of the exquisite beauty and austere
sweetness of _Othello_ and _The Tempest_, which belong to the same
period. In structure this Tragedy is quite complex. There are in it no
less than four distinct groups of persons, all of whom, however, though
without any concert or common purpose, draw together with perfect
smoothness and harmony in working out the author’s plan.

Of all the characters that acquit themselves in this drama, no two show
such different dispositions as Imogen and the Queen; for, wherever and
under whatever conditions they are found, antagonism in character is
sure to be shown. The leading purpose of the play is to be sought for in
the character of Imogen. She is an impersonation of the moral beauty of
womanhood. This beauty is the vital current of the whole delineation,
and everything about her, her form, her features and expression, her
dress, her walk, her every motion are steeped in its efficacy. This
virtue radiates from her on others and exercises a wonderful influence
on almost all about her. Already a wife when we first see her, Imogen
acts but little in any other quality; yet in this one she approves
herself mistress of that womanly perfection which would make glad the
heart and perfect the character of every one who stood in any
relationship with her. To make up a perfect woman, she possesses sound
judgment and decision of character, which are most admirably displayed
in her choice of a husband. Irrespective of parental desires and the
efficacy of royal blood, she wisely preferred a true, though humble man
to a royal personage that could well be regarded as a counterfeit of
humanity. Posthumus sprang of heroic stock. Having been left an orphan
at birth, he was taken by the king and grew up the foster-brother and
playmate of the princess; and their love, rooted in the innocence of
childhood, interlacing all their childish thoughts and pleasures, has
ripened with their growth; and now appears the settled habit of their
very souls. Cloten, whom she had the good judgment to refuse, was well
described when Mr. Hudson phrased him a “noble instance of a man or
thing, with not merely a loose screw in the gearing but with all the
screws loose.” He was, therefore, the last man that any body, of such
sense and refinement as Imogen possessed, could ever be brought to
endure. Her faithfulness is seen in her bearing Cloten’s persecutions
with patience, till he begins to abuse her exiled husband; then, true to
him who is a part of her very nature, she quickly turns upon Cloten, at
the same time regretting that he puts her to “forget a lady’s manners by
being so verbal.” That Imogen was sincerely virtuous is proved by the
fact that Iachimo, upon approaching her with evil intentions, was
compelled to exclaim, “Boldness, be my friend! arm me, audacity, from
head to foot!” Truly appropriate was this language, for having once
learned his wilful intention she with one word shattered his armor of
“audacity.” So great was the influence of her purity that Iachimo was at
once charmed and chastened, for “under the ribs of death” her moral
beauty had created a soul. And further is the truth of her virtue
confirmed when Iachimo discovers himself and speaks of her as “that
paragon for whom my heart drops blood, and my false spirits quail to
remember.” That her moral delicacy shrinks from the least atom of
untruth, is touchingly shown in this, “If I lie, and do not harm by it,
though the gods hear, I hope they’ll pardon it.” Imogen might don a
man’s attire, but her pure motives and God-given virtues had shaped a
heart that could not contain the sterner qualities of the other sex; and
so utterly did she fail in her attempt to appear as a man, that we find
wise and reverend manhood exclaiming at sight of her, “Behold divineness
no elder than a boy!”

It might be with reluctance that we would turn from contemplating a
perfect character to look at the faults of an imperfect one, if we did
not first remember that the Queen possesses only those commonplace
elements of character that characterizes, though in a less degree, all
moral beings. But, since we are through natural instinct and acquired
inclination always ready to blame poor human nature, we cannot but give
vent to our feelings when we find so mean a grade as is possessed by
Cymbeline’s Queen. She is deeply false, false to everything but her son
and her own ambition. She has the king quite under her power, the lords
blame not the king for any wrong act, knowing that he sees only through
her eyes, acts only as she plans, and speaks only as she dictates. The
Queen has set her heart upon matching her son with the princess, who is
expected to succeed her father in the kingdom, not so much through love
for the poor clod, as that she knows him to be a clod whom she will be
able to control, and thus secure the continuation of her power. Perhaps
the depth of her character is not fathomed by all, and certainly not by
the king, until on her death-bed she reveals the most detestible
qualities of a corrupt nature.

Thus it is seen that in these characters we have simplicity and harmony
of character, clearness of understanding, depth and purity of feeling,
the whole circle and aggregate of eloquent womanhood contrasted with a
character inconsistent only with the truth, vile deceit, a masculine
disposition combined with all that is complex, detestible and fiendish,
last, but most prominent of all, a woman destitute of womanhood.

                                                                   R. R.


 G. N. RAPER, _Columbian_,                      │EDITORS.
 M. C. THOMAS, _Hesperian_,                     │           „

Some boys console themselves for their want of energy in study by the
fact that Patrick Henry, for instance, was a very poor student at
school, or that Byron, or some other illustrious character was the
poorest member of his class at College. They have the presumption to
imagine that, because they follow in school the example of Henry and
Byron, they will be as renowned in after life as an inevitable sequence.
They dream of doing great things bye and bye, but are very indifferent
about the present little things, which are the essentials of greatness.
Such boys forget to compare what Patrick Henry was, with what he might
have been, had he diligently applied himself at school. Therefore it is
no wonder that in after life they realize their mistake and exclaim
farewell, a long farewell to all my anticipated greatness!

                  *       *       *       *       *

That old bigot Berkley, governor of the colony of Virginia, once said,
“I thank God that there are no free schools, nor printing-presses, and I
hope we shall not have them these hundred years!!” It was thought that
this sentiment had long ago been eradicated from the minds of the
American people, especially of the higher classes, but it is a sad fact
that a few weeks ago an expression of like import was uttered even
within the halls of the United States Senate. Now, two centuries after
Berkley, a United States Senator says that, were he called upon to frame
a title for the Blair Educational Bill, he would call it an act to erect
a monument to Alexander Hamilton, and to encourage mendicancy in the
South. Such a sentiment as this needs no comment, for every man who is a
true patriot and has ever been outside of his own county will condemn
the Senator’s remarks upon him who first “smote the rock of national
resources and abundant streams of revenue gushed forth, who touched the
corpse of public credit and it sprang upon its feet.”

                  *       *       *       *       *

The primary object of a collegiate education should not be to educate
for the sole purpose of making money, but to educate for education’s
sake. The statement can be made, without too much self-laudation, that
many Southern boys give evidences of great original ability while at
college, but just as soon as they complete the course, too many think
only of making money, and therefore entirely neglect literary work.
Never can the South boast of a golden age of literature, nor can she
furnish her own text-books, until this mistaken idea of education is
driven out by the substitution of one which will give us a higher
standard of refinement, and make us independent so far as poetry,
history, fiction and text-books are concerned.

                  *       *       *       *       *

People cannot do without news, and therefore newspapers are necessary.
Furthermore, if their object be improvement in literary attainments,
they exert an indispensable influence for good. They unite the people
more closely, and have a great tendency to prevent sectionalism. But in
our modern newspapers there is too much of the sensational and of the
worthless. There is a continual contest between some papers to see which
one can give the best account of the most brutal murders. In addition to
this, every little thing, of no importance whatever, must be noticed,
and therefore it takes up the space which should be occupied by good
solid reading. Zeb. Vance can’t have a photograph taken, nor can
President Cleveland wear a plug hat without its being mentioned in some

Wake Forest has sustained a great loss by the death of Prof. J. R.
Duggan. It is sad to see one so young and at the same time so promising
and so devoted to his profession, taken from the field of scientific
investigation. The President of his _alma mater_ said that he never
missed a college duty. This is a compliment which indeed only a very few
boys ever win. Punctuality is just as essential to success as a
knowledge of text-books. Had morning prayers no other object than to get
boys to conform to systematic habits, they could not be abolished
without detriment to the scholars. For the boy who learns to be punctual
at school will be so in life.

                  *       *       *       *       *

Many young men who read of the eccentricities and vices of men of genius
at once try to become eccentric by practicing the same vices. Some who
have morbidly sensitive dispositions, imagine that they are exactly like
Edgar Allan Poe, and determine to become poets. They let their hair grow
long, assume a dreamy expression of face, write poetry that is enough to
exasperate any man of sense, and because every body does not go into
ecstacy over their literary performances, talk about how inappreciative
the world has always been of the first efforts of genius. These same
young men will practice the vices of Goldsmith, Byron, Poe, and other
great geniuses of the past, and imagine that it is conclusive proof of
the fact that mentally they are like these great men. Some are always
trying to say something witty in a brusque way, because that was the way
Dr. Johnson did. Others imagine that they can never become lawyers or
politicians unless they get drunk occasionally. They say that Sheridan,
Webster, Prentiss, and other great orators drank freely.

                  *       *       *       *       *

It is a lamentable fact that a large number of the young men of the
present day who intend to enter the ministry seem to think it necessary
to be able to speak in a drawling, sanctimonious tone, until this method
of talking has been denominated the “clerical whine.” There is no reason
why a preacher should speak in the pulpit with an entirely different
voice from that which he employs on other occasions. The truth of it is,
some young preachers hear a man who has a big reputation as a preacher
speak with the nasal twang, and straightway fancy that they can never
become good preachers unless they can speak in the same way. Other young
preachers try to imitate Sam Jones, or some other popular preacher,
especially their eccentricities. The world makes allowances for the
eccentricities and vices of genius, but never countenances them in
mediocrity. The young man who thus tries to _ape_ other men, not only
loses the respect of others, but soon loses his own self respect.
Individuality is a characteristic of genius, so that a young man who
tries to imitate others proves by his actions that he is devoid of real
ability, and makes himself contemptible in the eyes of sensible people.
Every young man should determine to preserve his identity, and have the
stamp of individuality upon all his actions, and he will then at least
command respect, if he does not become distinguished as an eccentric

                  *       *       *       *       *

It is to be feared that stump speaking, in its highest and best sense,
is becoming a thing of the past. People no longer delight to hear the
great political questions of the day discussed in a sound, sensible
manner on the stump, but seem to have a morbid appetite for smutty jokes
and low buffoonery. The man who can tell the most anecdotes is the man
for the office. It is a shame for the citizens of a State to applaud the
vulgar jokes of men running for high offices. Such men deserve to be
frowned upon with the virtuous indignation and contempt of every true
citizen. It matters not how well they may tell their jokes, yet they are
corrupters of the morals of the young who hear them, and do injury to
the State in which they live, just in proportion to their talent and
influence. Why is it that we so rarely have discussions now to which
ladies can listen? Why is it that we do not have canvasses like that of
Prentiss in Mississippi years ago, when he stumped the State for
Congress, and the ladies turned out to hear the famous orator? Such
stump speeches as those made by Douglas and Lincoln in Illinois, and
Gov. Wise in Virginia, in which these great men discussed the political
issues of the country in a statesman-like way? Why was President
Garfield abused so outrageously by the stump speakers of opposite
political faith to him, and a few months afterwards, when he was
assassinated, lauded to the skies by the same men? Stump speaking in
these latter times seems to have been assigned, in the main, to the
lowest demagogues in each party, who see how much mud they can throw at
each other, and how many vile jokes and political lies they can tell.

                  *       *       *       *       *

The students of Trinity have in the past had the reputation throughout
the State of being good speakers. They should determine to maintain this
reputation. The way to do this is for them to take an interest in
Society work. Society training is an invaluable part of every young
man’s college education. No student should fail to improve the
opportunities offered to him in this line. There is nothing that should
be more congenial to a student who has any ambition than a good literary
society—a society where he can learn to express himself with ease and
fluency, with grammatical correctness, and rhetorical finish, where he
can learn to clothe his thought in appropriate language, where he can
cultivate his imaginative and reasoning powers. Some students seem to
think that because they gave not the rhythmic flow of language of a
Cicero, the information of a Burke, or the wit sarcasm and fluency of a
John Randolph, that it is useless for them ever to try to become
speakers. They seem to forget that no man can be a grand success right
at the start, and that persistent effort is required to succeed at
anything. Those who have no natural talent for speaking should be
encouraged when they think of Demosthenes and other great orators, who
possessed little natural powers of oratory. Let every student, at the
beginning of this new year, take more interest in society work, and
strive to become at least a moderately good speaker.


 D. C. ROPER, _Columbian_,                      │EDITORS.
 J. S. BASSETT, _Hesperian_,                    │           „

    Principal of the Central State Normal School, Lock Haven, Pa., and
    Author of “Lessons in English,” “Practical English Grammar,” etc.,
    468 pp. Cloth. Philadelphia. Raub & Co. 1887.

This is one of the books “to meet a long-felt want.” The work is
intended not only to give a biographical sketch of the representative
writers, but also a criticism of their work, and, following this, a
masterpiece selected from each author’s writings, with such explanatory
notes appended as will lead the pupil to study more critically and with
more profit not only the beauties but also the defects, of his language.
It is a book on literature, criticism, and the literary analysis of the
English classics in one, and is an admirable supplement to the study of
both Rhetoric and English Grammar. The plan is the now so popular method
used by Kellogg, Swinton, and others, thereby giving this book many of
the excellences found in the works of those scholars. If, however, it be
pertinent to mention among its good qualities a defect, it may be said
that the number of American authors is out of proportion to the English,
thereby unduly emphasizing American literature. In the main, this is a
very good book, and is altogether worthy of the ready acceptance which
it is receiving in quite a number of our schools and colleges.

                  *       *       *       *       *

    discussion of capital letters, punctuation, letter-writing, style
    and composition. By Albert N. Raub, A. M., Ph. D., author of
    “Lessons in English,” “Practical English Grammar,” “Studies in
    English and American Literature,” “Methods of Teaching,” “School
    Management,” etc. 320 pp. Cloth. Philadelphia. Raub & Co. 1887.

In the preparation of this work the author’s aim has been to compile a
treatise on the subject of Rhetoric and Composition that may claim to be
wholly _practical_ and teachable. The arrangement of subjects varies
from the usual order, and to good purpose. The influence of the school
to which Bain belongs is made manifest to a great and quite beneficial
degree, giving the book characteristics worthy of great commendation.
Each topic or principle discussed is followed by copious examples which
are in the main fresh and apposite. “Letter-Writing,” while well
treated, is extended out of proportion to the rest. A great deal of
space is given in this work to Poetry. Since the appearance of the works
of Gummere, Mayor, and Schepper, the attempt to force Latin meter upon
the English accentual verse is unpardonable. On the whole, however, this
is a very good Elementary Rhetoric.

                  *       *       *       *       *

  LIGHTS OF TWO CENTURIES: Edited by Edward Everett Hale. Illustrated
    with fifty portraits. A. S. Barnes & Co. New York. 1887. 8vo. pp.
    vi, 603.

This work is a series of biographical essays comprehending fifty of the
leading artists, sculptors, prose writers, composers, poets and
inventors of the last two hundred years. It treats of those master
spirits who, in contradistinction to those who belonged to “schools”,
have caused by their individual efforts material improvements in their
respective spheres. The essays are written in a perspicuous and easy
style, although the matter is very condensed. They treat of the
subject’s life as directly influenced by his works, carry the reader
through philosophy, veiled by incident, and finally drop him much
pleased and wishing there were more. We may learn a little of our
national inclinations by looking over the Table of Contents. Among the
artists, sculptors and composers, not one American is found, showing
that in these features we are deficient. Among prose writers and poets,
America claims one each. But when we come to the inventors we find that
four of the nine, classed leading in two hundred years, were natives of
our one-hundred-year-old republic. An agreeable feature is the
pronunciation affixed to all proper names, so that we feel more at ease
when we meet in print our cousins from abroad. The portrait of each one
is given, and dubious points are explained in ample foot-notes. The type
is large and leaded, and the volume tastefully bound.

                  *       *       *       *       *

    NORTH CAROLINA, for the year 1887; W. N. Jones, Commissioner;
    Josephus Daniels, State Printer and Binder.

Besides following reports of other States as models, taking from each
that feature which he considers best, the Commissioner has introduced a
chapter on railroads, a feature by no means out of place. In chapters
III and IV, the agricultural interests receive their due share of
consideration. The chapter on Convict Labor, however, shows a deficiency
of information on the general subject, confines itself to opinions of
politicians, employers of laborers, and labor organizations, and lacks
statistics, which perhaps time may improve. For the first effort the
report is a very creditable affair. It is well indexed, and thus
rendered useful to general readers, all of whom can obtain it free by
writing to the Commissioner at Raleigh, N. C.

                  *       *       *       *       *

The first part of Whitney’s French Grammar, supplemented by
conversational exercises and lists of idiomatic phrases, has just been
brought out by Henry Holt & Co. This adds what was lacking in the other,
and affords a welcome relief from the imperfections of the
conversation-grammars of the Bôcher-Otto type.


 W. A. BARRETT, _Columbian_,                    │EDITORS.
 A. M. SHARP, _Hesperian_,                      │           „

In the _Randolph-Macon Monthly_, for January may be noted the article
entitled “Hanover Court House,” around which cluster memories of Patrick
Henry; also “De Quincy,” in which the author gives a graphic criticism
of some of the “English Opium Eater’s” productions. But the most
pleasing feature of the periodical is a neat cut of Randolph-Macon’s new
gymnasium. This is a reminder that an article appeared in this magazine
last month relative to the advantages of a gymnasium. But it is an
established fact that a weak body and soft muscles will ever be a
serious hindrance to a strong mind, so too much cannot be said favorable
to that great agent of physical culture. No College can count itself
fully equipped without this very necessary feature. In the acquisition
of her “Physical Culture Hall,” Randolph-Macon may rest assured that she
has taken a long step in the right direction.

In the Sophomore and Freshman years, students use _text-books_, but in
the Senior and Junior years they use _subjects_,—_Haverfordian_.

Were ‘should’ inserted in each place preceding ‘use,’ the above would be
true here. Text-books should blaze the way, as it were, for the student
in the acquisition of an education. Nothing is more difficult to instill
into the mind of a student than the principle that he is to study for an
education and not for a grade. He will not comprehend that, when school
days are over, the world is not going to look in the “grade-book” for
figures by which to size him up, but is going to estimate him by what is
in his head. The abolition of the marking system would be a great boon
to the cause of education. Then would students leave off worrying and
cramming their heads with the contents of dry text-books, the knowledge
of which remains only temporarily, and broaden out with a course of
reading, making the acquisition of knowledge not a burden but a

The _Wake Forest Student_ for January has a very interesting article on
“States Rights.” It begins by calling attention to the late decision
rendered by the Supreme Court in the case of Judge Bond’s injunction.
The writer states in reference to the decision that it has given to the
doctrine of State Rights, which received almost its death-blow in the
Civil War, “new strength and new limbs.” It will be remembered that
strength and life began to be infused in 1872 when the decision was
rendered in reference to the Louisiana Slaughter house cases; also by
the subsequent decisions “which pronounced null and void the ‘Kuklux
Act’ and the ‘Civil Rights Act,’ because the absurd theory on which they
were based would make Congress take the place of State Legislatures and
supersede them.” Taking into consideration that the late decision was
rendered by Justices appointed by Republican Presidents, the principle
of State Rights has indeed received a wonderful impetus. The author is a
very able champion of the sovereignty of States as the only sure plan of
retaining our individual rights. We feel sure that his words voice the
sentiment of every true lover of his State.

In the last number of the _College Message_ appears an article of merit
entitled “The Novel Again, A Protest.” The author is not lacking in
appreciation of novels of the first order, and, indeed, assigns to works
of fiction, by standard authors, the honor of performing a great and
good office; but justly criticises that slimy stream of inferior fiction
which is flooding the marts of literature, and disseminating vicious and
corrupting sentiments in the minds of the young. The article shows its
author well versed in the subject. It is acknowledged that cigarettes
and whiskey are the uncompromising enemy of boys. Inferior novels are
the inveterate enemies of both boys and girls. The former foes inflict
wounds, for the time being, upon the body, yet these being vanquished
the wounds will heal; but the latter attack the mind—the soul—and war
with poisoned weapons whose hurt is incurable.

Many of the ARCHIVE’S political exchanges are sharply censuring Speaker
Carlisle on account of his treatment of North Carolina representatives
in regard to the formation of the House Committees. True, all of them
occupy rather insignificant places. But, upon taking second thought,
fair-minded men will not accuse Mr. Carlisle of partiality, but will
rather ascribe the placing of North Carolina members to the short
duration of their membership. North Carolina has many able sons and
delights to honor them all. To do this, she distributes Congressional
honors too frequently, so that, when a representative’s reputation and
influence is just budding, he must step down and out to make place for a
new member. Thus the State suffers. In regard to this, North Carolina
may well take a lesson from the North and West.

The Raleigh _Chronicle_, one of the best weeklies in the State, and one
eagerly read by Trinity’s students, lends a helping-hand to the
Endowment Fund in the shape of a well written, broad-minded editorial.
As long as the editor wields his pen in behalf of education, may success
attend him.

The Greensboro _North State_, notwithstanding its politics, is one of
the most interesting, ably-edited papers that visit the ARCHIVE.

                  *       *       *       *       *

The editor of _The Tobacco Plant_ writes, as the fruit of his visit to
Trinity, an article on the College. In it he pays a graceful tribute to
his instructors in the days of yore, and closes with a stirring appeal
to North Carolina Methodists in behalf of Trinity.


 D. C. Branson, _Hes._,                         │REPORTERS.
 J. C. Montgomery, _C._,                        │           „

Good looking set of “Newies.”

Rain, hail, sleet and snow on the 17th.

One hundred and fifty-five students enrolled.

Rev. Mr. Sharp and family are boarding at Mrs. Carr’s.

The special Department has grown quite popular since examinations.

The Editors in the Hesperian Society have been changed according to the
regulations governing the paper.

C. L. Jenkins, class of ’85, spent a few days in Trinity. “Cod Liver”
has many friends and fellow students who were glad to see him.

Every thing, you know, is very dull immediately after Christmas. The
Local column must have its share of everything that comes along.

The bulletin-board was a great curiosity to those who made their
requisite number. We cannot find out what the balance thought about it.

Mr. Raper has the Book-room in charge. Open from four to five o’clock
every afternoon except Saturday and on that day from eight to nine

We learn from some members of the Faculty that in a few weeks a “Senate”
will be organized at Trinity College. This is something that all
colleges should have. Who knows but Senate halls may be filled with
Trinity students.

Those who remained in Trinity during the holidays say that it is not by
any means the dullest place in the world. With the frolics, parties,
&c., every body seemed to have had a jolly time.

We were glad to see our friend, W. G. Burkhead of the _Tobacco Plant_,
in the “city” on a few days’ visit to his Alma Mater.

Prof. Henry of the State University will lecture here, Feb. 8th, on an
educational subject. Everybody is invited to attend.

Several of our boys on their return found their names on the
“black-list” and had to stand some of their examinations over.

Prof. Heitman has been relieved of the Treasurer’s duties in order that
he may give more time to his department, and the President is
temporarily acting as Treasurer.

Mrs. Linton and child from Philadelphia are visiting President Crowell.
Hope they will have a pleasant visit in our little “city.”

Recitation hours have been extended until 5 o’clock, P. M. Won’t
somebody “kick” for the novelty of the thing?

Miss Ida Shaw, of High Point, spent last week with Miss Maggie Carr.

No student is allowed to act as agent for any book-firm.

The Trinity Boarding House combination to make 28 days a board month has
failed. The strikers were successful.

The Seniors in Political Science will have the pleasure of studying the
labor reports. Of course they are very interesting, as every reader will

’Tis now afloat that the Railroad to run by Trinity College will
immediately be completed. This may be merely a passing notice to some,
but the people of Randolph county have determined no longer to be cut
off from the busy world. When she gets her Telegraph line and Railroad
she will no longer be classed _Trinity via hackman’s express_.

State Superintendent Finger lectured in Trinity Chapel, January 18th, on
the Public School Problem. His lecture was interesting and beneficial
and enjoyed by all, especially by the young folks. Our President in
conclusion said we were like a little child, when we got a good thing,
we wanted more of it.

A Chemistry class in Qualitative Analysis has been organized. Each
member of the class has his desk of apparatus and chemicals. Four hours
work a week is required, with privilege to spend as much more time as
the student may desire.

The Reading-room is flourishing. The Societies have appropriated $50 to
it. With this amount and with fees from other sources the committee
propose to make it first-class in all respects. Through the courtesy of
the State press most of our own papers are received in addition to a
fine selection of magazines, dailies, &c. THE ARCHIVE desires to thank
them, and still has thanks ready for the remainder of the profession on
receipt of their papers.

One of the Local Editors, while visiting at the Hundley House had one of
his over-shoes carried off, supposed to have been done by boy or dog.
Any person finding the same will please return it. It must have been
hard to hide that shoe.

The Concert by the ladies and gentlemen of Greensboro was postponed on
account of inclement weather. We hope to have them come over this month.
Every body look out for announcement. Be with us when they come, and
enjoy a rare treat.

Election for Chief Manager and Marshal took place in the Society Halls
on Friday the 20th, resulting as follows: L. L. Burkhead was elected
Chief Manager by the Columbian, and E. L. Moffitt, Chief Marshal by the

We are glad to know that Mr. Callum, the groceryman of High Point, has
decided to deliver goods in Trinity free of charge. Good for Mr. Callum
and convenient for Trinity. Lookout for his ad. in next ARCHIVE.

              “To meet, to know, to love—and then to part
              Is the sad tale of many a human heart,”

sighed a chorus of students when our fair Pennsylvania visitors took
their leave last month. Knowing what joy you brought to our quiet little
village, can you refuse to come again in the near future? Here’s THE
ARCHIVE’S cordial invitation to our Commencement.

The Hundley House boys say they are all glad to be together again under
“Father’s” hospitable roof. His dry and witty remarks are an unfailing
source of fun and merriment. He seems to enjoy hugely the German games
in Prof. Armstrong’s room. “Father” answers the call of “Herein!” as
promptly as the brassiest linguist in the house. Just persevere,
“Father,” and you will soon be able to astonish the natives with your

$25,000 turned loose in Trinity every year by the students alone!
Merchants, ponder over that and remember that THE ARCHIVE furnishes an
excellent advertising medium. Let us, again, say to the students that it
is to their interests to patronize those firms which are represented in
our advertising columns.

                            RUMOR WHISPERS.

—That red-birds and sparrows were thinned out mightily during the
holidays by those skillful quail (?) hunters.

—That “Possum” is as sweet as ever on the girls, notwithstanding recent

—That Dick “_Betts_” a certain freshman got left recently.

—That one of our pious theologians was perfectly carried away with the
“Scotch-ramble” at a Xmas party.

—That “Ettiquette” was smitten anew during his sojourn at home. Wonder
if they correspond?

—That Miss — left just in the “_Nick_” o’ time for one of the boys.

—That the third-story front, College building, is a long way from the
Hundley House breakfast bell.

—That Bro. H. thinks a speculative account is one on which a fellow
makes a “_speck_.”

Last term the Junior class received lectures from Prof. Armstrong on
Poetics. The Bard of the class signed his examination paper in the
following strain:

                     “Upon examination day
                     No aid received or given,
                     As on this English exercise
                     Two weary hours I’ve striven;
                     And now I sing a weary strain,
                     I neither laugh nor caper,
                     The only damage I have done
                     Is to deface this paper.”


 W. H. RHODES, _Columbian_,                     │EDITORS.
 G. T. ADAMS, _Hesperian_,                      │           „

—C. R. Adams is engaged in the mercantile business with his father at
Fair Oaks, N. C.

—W. H. Nicholson, ’83, is now at the University of Virginia, taking a
medical course.

—E. P. McDaniel is farming near Trenton, N. C. He has a daughter at
Kinsey’s school, La Grange, and a son old enough to come to Trinity.

—John A. Richardson, who was the most popular Railroad conductor in the
State, is now Custom House Collector at Newberne, N. C.

—J. F. Brower, who has more than nine years experience in teaching, has
recently taken charge, as principal, of Oak Institute, Moresville,
Iredell Co., N. C. Best wishes to Mr. Brower in his new field of labor.

—Cyrus Fascue is farming in Jones county, N. C. His son, Keneth Fascue,
who was here in ’81 and ’82, is also farming near his father.

—A. Anderson, ’83, who established a flourishing male school at
Middleburg, N. C., and gained quite a reputation as a teacher in that
section, is now studying medicine at the University of Virginia.

—C. C. Hinds, ’61, has been a member of the South Georgia Methodist
Conference for quite a number of years. He is now principal of the
District school at Spring Hill, Ga., and has a son whom he expects to
send to Trinity, probably next scholastic year.

—G. D. Ellsworth, ’80, was principal for several years of a very fine
school at Henderson, N. C. He now has an office in the Treasury at
Washington, D. C.

—H. E. Norris, ’79, on receiving his license to practice law, located at
Apex, his native village, where he has been following his profession and
farming. In ’85, he was a member of the Legislature. He expects soon to
remove to Raleigh, and devote himself wholly to the practice of law.

—G. W. Koonce, ’79, who received the first Wiley Gray Medal awarded,
after graduating taught school several years at Polloksville, N. C. He
enlisted in the Signal Service for five years. During this interval, he
was promoted several times and graduated in law at Washington, D. C. At
the expiration of this time, he was appointed clerk in the War
Department, which office he now fills.

—D. B. Parker, ’77, having become sufficiently amused with teaching
school in South Carolina and Georgia, has decided to settle in North
Carolina, and is now principal of a flourishing school at Cypress Creek.
His patrons are to be congratulated upon the selection they have made.
He graduated with distinction and is a fine teacher. The ARCHIVE extends
to him a warm welcome to his native State, and bespeaks for him that
full measure of success which he so justly merits.

—O. J. Spears, after leaving Trinity, began the practice of law in
Richmond county. Having a fondness for politics he soon entered the
public arena and was elected to a seat in the Senate, the duties of
which position he faithfully and creditably discharged. At the
expiration of his term of office, he returned to his home in Harnett
county, and is now located at Lillington, N. C., where he has a
lucrative law practice.

—Wilbur E. Ormond is principal of Hookerton Collegiate Institute,
Hookerton, N. C., and reports an attendance of 71 students. Besides this
work, he has been recently engaged to deliver lectures on Temperance in
his section. Noble work, old friend.

—Joseph Kinsey, one of the best teachers in the State, is now principal
of a most excellent school for young ladies in La Grange. He has
recently erected a large and commodious building for his school, and has
five accomplished lady assistants. Mr. Kinsey, soon after leaving
Trinity, chose the profession of teaching which he has been following
for nearly twenty years. La Grange is indebted to him for the first
impulse given to education.

—H. B. Koonce, who was in college in ’81, is merchandising and farming
at Richlands, N. C. Notwithstanding his extreme bashfulness in youth, he
had the courage during Xmas to stand up with a young lady in the
presence of witnesses, while the minister officiated. We had the
pleasure of attending their reception and meeting many pleasant friends.
From the number of receptions given them, we should judge Henry and his
bride to be favorites at Richland.

                  *       *       *       *       *

—J.C. Brown, D. D. S., ’68, the only Alumunus of Trinity College who is
a regular graduate of dentistry, and has the degree of Doctor of Dental
Surgery conferred upon him, now lives in Ansonville, N. C., and has a
paying practice. He has three sons whom he will soon send to his Alma
Mata to have them finish their education. Mr. Brown states that there is
a fine school building in his village for sale, and wishes that some
“good young man under thirty-five years old, who is up with the times in
teaching and in the modern style and system,” would purchase the
property and open a school at once. This is a good opportunity for some
one who has had experience in teaching or desires to engage in that


                            TIME IS FLYING.

               Gather the rose-buds while ye may,
                 Old Time is still a-flying,
               And this same flower that smiles to-day,
                 To-morrow will be dying.

               The glorious lamp of heaven, the Sun,
                 The higher he’s a-getting,
               The sooner will his race be run,
                 And nearer he’s to setting.

               That age is best which is the first,
                 When youth and blood are warmer;
               But, being spent, the worse, and worst
                 Times shall succeed the former.

               Then be not coy, but use your time,
                 And while ye may, go marry;
               For, having lost but once your prime,
                 You may forever tarry.      —_Herrick._

                  *       *       *       *       *

Princes in their infancy, childhood and youth, are said to discover
prodigious parts and wit, to speak things that surprise and astonish;
strange, so many hopeful princes, so many shameful kings! If they happen
to die young, they would have been prodigies of wisdom and virtue; if
they live, they are often prodigies indeed——but of another

                  *       *       *       *       *

The imputation of novelty is a terrible charge amongst those who judge
of men’s heads as they do of their perukes, by the fashion, and can
allow none to be right but the received doctrines. Truth scarce ever yet
carried it by vote anywhere at its first appearance; new opinions are
always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but
because they are not already common.—_Locke._

                  *       *       *       *       *

There never was any party, faction, sect, or cabal whatsoever, in which
the most ignorant were not the most violent; for a bee is not a busier
animal than a blockhead. However, such instruments are necessary to
politicians; and perhaps it may be with states as with clocks, which
must have some dead weight hanging at them, to help and regulate the
finer and more useful parts.—_Pope._

                  *       *       *       *       *

Some divines make the same use of Fathers and Councils as our beaux do
of their canes, not for support or defence, but mere ornament or show;
and cover themselves with fine cob-web distinctions, as Homer’s gods did
with a cloud.—_Brown._

                           AFRICAN APHORISMS.

                           BY “UNCLE GEORGE.”

Sho’ me de man what am a-co’tin’ an ugly gal an’ she at de same time
po’, an’ I will sho’ you a fit subjec’ fo’ de fool-killer.

When I sees de av’rage student a-contemplatin’ de law, I advises dat
student to diet hisse’f on green simmons an’ draw his stummick up, ’case
he ain’t agwine to need a very big one.


                            TRINITY COLLEGE,

                    TRINITY COLLEGE, N. C., U. S. A.

  FACULTY.—Separate chairs in History and Political Economy, Latin and
      French, English and German, Greek and Metaphysics, the Natural
      Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering, Business and Pedagogy.

  DEPARTMENTS.—_Collegiate_, leading to Degrees of A. B. and Ph. B.

      _Preparatory_, preparing for admission to college.

      _Business_, five months’ training for business life.

      _Post-Graduate_, advanced studies beyond graduation.

      _Pedagogics_, lectures and special work for teachers.

      _Theological_, preparatory training for the Christian Ministry.

  EXPENSES.—_Tuition_, $3 to $5 per month.

      _Board_, $8 to $12 per month.

      Tuition should be paid in advance, and books at the time of

  SPECIAL LECTURES are given weekly to all who may wish to attend, free
      of extra charge, on topics of interest. The lecture program of
      prominent speakers for the weeks will be announced later.

EXAMINATIONS.—Examinations in course are held twice a year or at the
completion of any particular subject. Examinations for admission to
college in 1888 to any of the regular classes will be held in June on
the day following Commencement, and in September on the day before the
opening of college. Students are admitted to the Preparatory and
Business Departments without examination, but to no other.

The requisites for admission to the Freshman class in 1888 are
Arithmetic, including the Metric System; Algebra to Quadratics; U. S.
History; English Grammar and Analysis; Geography, Descriptive and
Physical; Natural Sciences, Physiology and Hygiene; Latin, three Books
of Cæsar and Latin Grammar, including Prosody.

An extra year’s work in Latin and Greek will be required for admission
in 1889 to the classical course only (A. B. degree.)

LOCATION.—In Randolph county. Reached _via_ High Point, N. C., over the
Piedmont Air Line. Healthfulness and quiet location render it peculiarly
safe and well adapted to the education of youth and young men.

INFORMATION.—Special circulars issued quarterly, and the regular annual
catalogue will be sent or any desired information given respecting the
Institution, upon application to

                                    JOHN F. CROWELL, A. B. (Yale),

                  *       *       *       *       *

                             DIKE BOOK Co.,


                          Books and Stationery
                             OF ALL KINDS.

                  _Sets of Books by Standard Authors_,
                      For sale by sets or singly.

Books of great value, including History, Biography, Poetry, Travels,
&c., for young men and students, at low prices.

                       _FULL LINE OF THE POETS._

  Latest Publications of Lovell’s Library, Munro’s Library and others.

                  *       *       *       *       *

                            BROWN & MATTON,



  Invite the students and friends of Trinity College to examine their
                            complete line of

                Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Stationery,

      and all articles usually found in a first-class drug store.

                  *       *       *       *       *

                        THE BEST.      THE BEST.

Holmes’ New Readers, Maury’s Geographies, and Holmes’ New History are
recommended by the State Board of Education for exclusive use in the
schools of North Carolina. Best books at lowest prices. Every school
should have them.

                                                    UNIVERSITY PUB. Co.,
                              19 Murray St.,                   NEW YORK.

                  *       *       *       *       *

                         _THOMAS, REECE & Co._,


                         Book AND Job Printers,

                           GREENSBORO, N. C.

                      _Printers of “The Archive.”_


                          TRANSCRIBER’S NOTES

 1. Silently corrected typographical errors and variations in spelling.
 2. Archaic, non-standard, and uncertain spellings retained as printed.
 3. Enclosed italics font in _underscores_.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Trinity Archive, Vol. I, No. 4,
February 1888, by Trinity College


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