“PARTY SWEETS”

                            By _Mary Blake_

C-168—Litho in U.S.A.

               Copyright 1960 Carnation Company, Los Angeles, California


    [Illustration: Candies]

_Make candies cream-smooth with today’s Carnation—the milk you can use
like cream, with ½ the fat calories!_

_The proof of good candy is in its texture. It should be creamy-smooth,
not coarse or granular._

_Cream itself couldn’t make candy smoother than Carnation does—with ½
the fat calories of cream! Carnation looks like cream, cooks like cream,
even whips! An exclusive method of evaporation slowly removes only
water, at low temperature. This low-heat method gives Carnation the
consistency of rich cream—with ½ the fat calories, and at ½ the cost!_

                                 * * *

Peanut Clusters

                                                   —Makes about 3½ dozen

  2 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
  â…” cup (small can) _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  1 teaspoon vanilla
  ½ cup peanut butter
  1½ cups (6¼-ounce can) chopped peanuts

Mix sugar and Carnation thoroughly in a 2-quart saucepan. Bring to a
rolling boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium. Boil for 5 minutes,
stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Add vanilla, peanut butter and
peanuts. Beat until well-mixed. Drop candy rapidly from a teaspoon onto
a buttered cookie sheet. Cool.

                                 * * *

Use a candy thermometer to take the guesswork out of candy-making when
cooking to a specific temperature.

                                 * * *

Chocolate Bon Bons

_Sweet-tooth favorite ... Carnation keeps them creamy longer...._

                                    —Makes about 3 dozen 1-inch bon bons

  ½ cup granulated sugar
  ½ cup sifted all-purpose flour
  ¼ teaspoon salt
  2 tablespoons butter
  1 egg
  1 cup _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  1 cup (6-ounce package) semi-sweet chocolate pieces
  1 cup chopped nuts
  1 teaspoon vanilla

Combine all ingredients except nuts and vanilla in saucepan over medium
heat. Stirring constantly, cook until very thick (about 10 to 12
minutes). Chill about one hour. Drop chocolate mixture from teaspoon
into chopped nuts. Roll into small balls, and chill until served.

Cream Pralines

                                                 —Makes 20 to 24 patties

  1 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
  1 cup granulated sugar
  â…” cup (small can) _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  ½ teaspoon vanilla
  2 cups pecan halves

Mix sugars and Carnation thoroughly in 2-quart saucepan. Cook over
medium heat to soft ball stage (234° F.), stirring constantly. Remove
from heat. Add vanilla and pecans. Stir until mixture begins to thicken
(1 to 2 minutes). Drop candy rapidly from tablespoon onto wax paper or
buttered cookie sheet to form patties. If candy becomes too stiff at the
last to drop, stir in one or two tablespoons of hot water.

Quick Chocolate Fudge

_The newest thing in fudge ... quick, easy, failproof...._

  Ingredients      Children’s Fudge Family Fudge     Party or Gift

                   16 1-inch        About 2 pounds   About 5 pounds
  Butter           1 tablespoon     2 tablespoons    â…“ cup
  _Undiluted_      ½ cup            ⅔ cup (small     1⅔ cups (large
  Carnation                         can)             can)
  Evaporated Milk
  Sugar            1 cup            1⅔ cups          4½ cups
  Salt             ¼ teaspoon       ½ teaspoon       1 teaspoon
  Marshmallows     12               16 (4 oz.)       32 (8 oz.)
  Semi-sweet       1 cup (6 oz.)    1½ cups          4 cups
  chocolate pieces
  Vanilla          ½ teaspoon       1 teaspoon       1 tablespoon
  Chopped nuts     ¼ cup            ½ cup            1½ cups
  Cooking Time     3 minutes        5 to 6 minutes   7 to 8 minutes
  Stirring Time    About ½ minute   1 to 2 minutes   2 to 3 minutes
  Pan Size         8-inch square    9-inch square    2 9-inch squares

Combine butter, undiluted Carnation, sugar and salt in saucepan over
medium heat. Allow to come to boil. Cook for time indicated, stirring
constantly. Remove from heat, stir in diced marshmallows, chocolate,
vanilla and chopped nuts. Stir vigorously for time indicated (or until
marshmallows are completely melted and blended). Pour into buttered pan
and allow to cool. Cut into squares.

“Cream” Caramels

                                                          —Makes 1 pound

  1 cup granulated sugar
  ¼ teaspoon salt
  1 cup light corn syrup
  ¼ cup butter
  â…” cup (small can) _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  1 teaspoon vanilla

Combine all ingredients except vanilla in saucepan over low heat. Cook
until syrup forms firm ball in cold water (or 245° F. on candy
thermometer). Stir constantly. Add vanilla. Pour into buttered 8-inch
square pan. Cool at room temperature, then chill in refrigerator until
caramel hardens. When ready to cut caramels, set pan in warm water to
loosen from bottom and sides of pan. Turn onto cutting board. Cut into
small squares with a heavy, sharp knife using a saw-like motion.


                                                    —Makes about 1 pound

  2â…“ cups (1 pound) firmly packed brown sugar
  ¼ teaspoon salt
  2 tablespoons light corn syrup
  2 tablespoons butter
  ¾ cup _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  1 teaspoon vanilla
  â…” cup chopped nuts

Mix sugar, salt, syrup, butter and Carnation thoroughly in 2-quart
saucepan. Cook over medium heat to soft ball stage (236° F.), stirring
constantly. Cool to about 110° F. Stir in vanilla and nuts. Beat until
thick and creamy. Turn into buttered 8-inch square pan. Cool and cut
into squares.

                         Quick Chocolate Fudge!

    [Illustration: Heat butter, Carnation and sugar in saucepan over
    medium heat. Allow to come to boil. Cook for time indicated in
    recipe above, stirring constantly.]

    [Illustration: Remove from heat. Add marshmallows, chocolate,
    vanilla, and nuts. Stir until marshmallows are completely melted.
    Pour into buttered pan.]

    [Illustration: Top with additional nuts, if desired. Cool until
    firm; cut into squares. It takes Carnation—the milk you can use like
    cream—with ½ the fat calories!]

                           Icings & Toppings

    [Illustration: Icings and Toppings]

_“Creamier” icings and toppings—yours with today’s Carnation, the milk
that does what cream can do—with ½ the fat calories!_

_No other form of milk—not even cream itself—can give results so_
perfectly _smooth in these rich-tasting recipes. Carnation does it with
½ the fat calories, and at ½ the cost of cream!_

_Carnation’s “creamy” consistency works wonders in_ all _your
recipes—makes casseroles richer, sauces smoother, everything more
delicious. Have you tried cooking with_ today’s _Carnation?_

                                 * * *

Extra Smooth Vanilla Icing

_Always creamy rich and super smooth ... it’s made with Carnation...._

                                 —Makes icing for two 8-inch cake layers

  â…“ cup _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  1 teaspoon vanilla
  ¼ teaspoon salt
  4 to 4½ cups sifted confectioners sugar
  ¼ cup soft butter

Combine all ingredients except butter until smooth. Add butter; beat
until creamy. Spread between, on top and sides of cooled cake layers.

Nippy Lemon Icing

_The tang of fresh lemons ... the sweetness of sugar ... and the
creaminess of Carnation...._

                                      —Makes icing for two 8-inch layers

  ¼ cup _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  ¼ teaspoon salt
  4 to 4½ cups sifted confectioners sugar
  1 tablespoon grated lemon rind
  2 tablespoons lemon juice
  ¼ cup soft butter

Blend all ingredients except lemon juice and butter until smooth. Add
lemon juice and butter; beat until creamy. Spread between, on sides and
on top of cooled cake layers.

Orange Icing: Use orange juice and orange rind in place of lemon.

1-2-3 Fudge Sauce

_Quick as 1-2-3 ... and so easy to remember...._

                                                          —Makes 2½ cups

  1 large can (1â…” cups) _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  2 cups granulated sugar
  3 squares (3 ounces) unsweetened chocolate
  1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix Carnation, sugar and chocolate in saucepan. Bring to a boil over
medium heat. Cook 5 minutes, stirring vigorously. (Start timing when
mixture starts to “bubble” around edges of pan.) Remove from heat. Add
vanilla. Beat with rotary-type beater for 1 minute. Serve hot or cold on
ice cream or cake. If sauce is too thick when cold, add additional
_undiluted_ Carnation just before serving.

                                 * * *

With your “party dessert,” you’ll serve coffee, of course. And to
millions of real coffee lovers the only way to “cream” their coffee is
with Carnation. They love the creamier, richer flavor—and more tempting
color Carnation gives to coffee. Fill your cream pitcher with
Carnation—the milk that whips!

Butterscotch Sauce

_A dessert sauce that adds a party touch to ice cream, cake,

                                                    —Makes about 1½ cups

  1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
  ½ cup corn syrup
  ¼ cup _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  ¼ cup butter
  1 teaspoon vanilla
  ½ cup _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk

Mix brown sugar, corn syrup and ¼ cup Carnation in saucepan. Heat to
boiling. Boil 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add butter and vanilla.
Stir until butter is melted. Cool mixture slightly. Add the ½ cup
Carnation. Serve hot or cold.

Fluffy Chocolate Icing

_Rich and creamy ... easy to spread ... so quick to mix...._

                                      —Makes icing for two 8-inch layers

  1 cup (6-oz. package) semi-sweet chocolate pieces
  ¼ cup butter
  1½ cups sifted confectioners sugar
  â…“ cup _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk

Melt chocolate and butter. Allow to cool thoroughly. Blend in sugar
alternately with undiluted Carnation. Beat briskly to spreading
consistency or on mixer at medium speed until creamy. Spread between
layers, on sides, and on top of cooled cake layers.

Chocolate Marshmallow Icing: Melt ½ cup diced marshmallows (4-5 medium)
with chocolate before adding sugar.

Chocolate Crunch Icing: Add ½ cup finely chopped nuts to icing before
spreading on cooled cake layers.

Broiled Coconut Crunch Topping

_Can’t wait for your cake to cool?... Use this “broiled” icing...._

                                            —Makes topping for loaf cake

  ¼ cup soft butter
  1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
  â…” cup shredded coconut
  ½ cup chopped nuts
  â…“ cup _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk

Combine all ingredients; spread over warm loaf cake (8″ x 12″). Place
under broiler 3 to 4 inches from unit. Broil 1 to 2 minutes or until
topping is bubbly and brown.

Chocolate Sauce

_Couldn’t be simpler to make!... Couldn’t be better to serve!..._

                                                          —Makes 1¼ cups

  ½ cup semi-sweet chocolate pieces
  â…” cup (small can) _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk

Combine chocolate pieces and Carnation in saucepan over hot water or low
heat. Stir constantly until chocolate melts (about 3 to 5 minutes).
Remove from heat; cool. For a thinner sauce, add a little Carnation
Evaporated Milk just before serving.

                                 * * *

For a higher, lighter cake....

In your favorite cake recipes, instead of ordinary bottled milk, use
Carnation Evaporated Milk mixed with an equal amount of water. This
mixture will give you a higher cake ... a lighter, more tender cake
every time ... and a smooth, more evenly browned surface for icing. Cool
cake thoroughly on wire rack before icing.

    [Illustration: {Cake}]


    [Illustration: Desserts]

_For heavenly sherbets and whipped desserts, use today’s Carnation like
whipping cream. It has far less fat calories!_

_These extra-special recipes are not only easy on the budget but easy on
the calories. Today’s Carnation whips even higher than cream!_

_These recipes are guaranteed to be light, luscious and failure-proof
when you make them with Carnation—the milk that does what cream can do,
with ½ the fat calories, and at ½ the cost._

                                 * * *

Easy Lemon Sherbet

_Rings the bell for every occasion ... melt in your mouth

—Makes 4 to 6 servings

  1â…” cups (large can) _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  2 tablespoons lemon juice
  ½ cup granulated sugar
  ¾ cup (6-ounce can) frozen lemonade

Chill Carnation in refrigerator tray until soft crystals form around
edges of tray (about 20 to 25 minutes). Whip until stiff (about 2
minutes). Add _lemon juice_ and whip until very stiff (about 2 minutes
longer). Fold in granulated sugar and softened lemonade. Freeze in
refrigerator tray until firm, stirring occasionally.

Tropical Freeze

_No luck needed ... and just watch your guests beam...._

                                                  —Makes 4 to 6 servings

  1â…” cups (large can) _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  ¼ cup lemon juice
  ½ cup granulated sugar
  ¾ cup (6-ounce can) frozen orange concentrate

Chill Carnation in refrigerator tray until ice crystals form around
edges of tray (about 20 to 25 minutes). Whip until stiff (about 2
minutes); add lemon juice and whip until _very_ stiff (about 2 minutes
longer). Fold in sugar and softened orange concentrate. Freeze in
refrigerator tray or sherbet dishes 1 to 2 hours.

Cranberry Freeze

_Holiday favorite for year-round eating_

                                                  —Makes 6 to 8 servings

  1 cup _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  2 tablespoons lemon juice
  1½ cups (about 16 medium) diced marshmallows
  2 cups (1 pound can) whole cranberry sauce
  1 cup drained crushed pineapple
  ¼ teaspoon salt

Chill Carnation in refrigerator tray until ice crystals form around the
edges of tray (about 20 minutes). Whip until stiff (about 2 minutes).
Add lemon juice and whip very stiff (about 2 minutes more). Combine
marshmallows with cranberries, pineapple, and salt. Fold in whipped
Carnation. Freeze in refrigerator tray until ready to serve (about 3 to
4 hours).

Chocolate Mint Creme

                                                 —Makes about 6 servings

  â…“ cup _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  1 cup semi-sweet chocolate pieces
  1½ cups (about 16 medium) diced marshmallows
  2 egg yolks
  1 teaspoon peppermint flavoring
  â…” cup _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  1 tablespoon lemon juice
  2 egg whites
  ¼ cup chopped nuts

Mix ⅓ cup Carnation, chocolate pieces and marshmallows in 1½-quart
saucepan. Heat over medium heat until chocolate and marshmallows are
melted, stirring occasionally. Beat egg yolks slightly. Add to chocolate
mixture. Stir in peppermint flavoring. Cool. Chill â…” cup Carnation in
refrigerator tray until ice crystals form around edges of tray, (about
15 minutes). Whip until stiff (about 2 minutes). Add lemon juice and
whip very stiff (about 2 minutes longer). Beat egg whites until soft
peaks form. Fold egg whites and whipped Carnation into chocolate
mixture. Spoon into parfait or sherbet glasses. Garnish with nuts. Chill
about 2 hours until set.

Chocolate Souffle

                                                  —Makes 4 to 6 servings

  3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  2 tablespoons butter
  1 cup _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  2 squares (2 oz.) melted bitter chocolate
  ½ cup granulated sugar
  3 eggs
  1 teaspoon vanilla

Prepare cream sauce by combining flour with butter over low heat.
Gradually add Carnation. Stir constantly until thickened (about 5
minutes). Add melted chocolate and sugar. Separate eggs. Beat yolks
until thick. Add small amount of chocolate sauce to egg yolks and return
to sauce mixture over low heat. Stir until thickened (about 2 minutes).
Beat egg whites until stiff. Fold egg whites and vanilla into chocolate
mixture. Pour into 1½-quart buttered casserole. Place in pan of hot
water. Bake in moderate oven (350° F.) about 45 minutes. _Serve at

    [Illustration: Strawberry angel cake]

Strawberry Angel Cake

                                                 —Makes 8 to 10 servings

  1 large angel food cake
  1 package (10 ounces) frozen strawberries
  Juice from strawberries plus water to make 1 cup
  1 package (3 ounces) strawberry-flavored gelatin
  ½ cup marshmallow whip
  1 cup _undiluted_ Carnation Evaporated Milk
  2 tablespoons lemon juice

Prepare cake by cutting around cake ¾ inch in from the outer edge and ½
inch in from center edge. Cut to within 1 inch of bottom. Scoop out cake
between cuts with a fork. Defrost strawberries. Drain juice. Add water
to make 1 cup liquid. Heat to boiling. Place gelatin in large bowl. Add
hot liquid. Stir until dissolved. Add marshmallow whip. Stir until
blended. Chill to the consistency of unbeaten egg white. Chill Carnation
in refrigerator tray until soft crystals form around edges (about 10 to
15 minutes). Whip until stiff (about 1 minute). Add lemon juice and whip
until _very_ stiff (about 2 minutes longer). Fold strawberries and
whipped Carnation into marshmallow mixture. Fill cake cavity and frost
top with mixture too, if desired. Chill until firm (about 3 hours).
Slice and serve.

                                 * * *

FREE! Carnation Recipe Book

16 pages of “Failure-Proof Recipes”—meat and fish, sauces, cakes, pies,
desserts. Full-color illustrations. For your FREE copy, send your name
and address to:

                           Carnation Company
                              Dept. PS-34
                       Los Angeles 19, California

                       _MODERN REVISED EDITION OF
                     “YOU AND YOUR CONTENTED BABY”_


32 illustrated pages of authoritative information covering pre-natal and
post-natal care. Just send a postcard with your name and address to:
Carnation Company, Dept. PS-33, Los Angeles 19, California.

                           _FUN TO COOK BOOK_

    [Illustration: Fun to COOK BOOK]

48 pages of fun-filled recipes, especially written for girls 7-14. Hard
“stand-up” covers, big clear printing, bright pictures throughout. Just
send 25¢ in coin to Carnation Company, Dept. PS-32, Los Angeles 19,

    [Illustration: Carnation EVAPORATED MILK
    _the milk you can use like cream—with ½ the fat calories_]

                          Transcriber’s Notes

—Silently corrected a few typos.

—Retained publication information from the printed edition: this eBook
  is public-domain in the country of publication.

—In the text versions only, text in italics is delimited by

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Party Sweets by Mary Blake, by Anonymous