The Project Gutenberg EBook of List of Post Offices in Canada 1864, by 
Postmaster General of Canada

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Title: List of Post Offices in Canada 1864

Author: Postmaster General of Canada

Release Date: December 18, 2017 [EBook #56203]

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8


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Transcriber’s Note: A large number of obvious printer’s errors have been
corrected, mostly around punctuation and accents, but more or less no
attempt has been made to standardise the varying spelling of the names of
people and places.

                              POST OFFICES
                                WITH THE
                        NAMES OF THE POSTMASTERS,
                         THE 1st JANUARY, 1864.

               Printed by Order of the Postmaster General.



Principal Officers of the Post Office Department.

  HON. O. MOWAT               _Postmaster General_.
  WILLIAM HENRY GRIFFIN       _Deputy Postmaster General_.
  H. A. WICKSTEED             _Accountant_.
  WILLIAM WHITE               _Secretary_.
  JOHN ASHWORTH               _Cashier_.

  PETER LESUEUR               _Superintendent Money Order Branch_.


  JOHN DEWE       in charge of Toronto Division  Toronto.
  G. E. GRIFFIN        ”       London     ”      London.
  M. SWEETNAM          ”       Kingston   ”      Kingston.
  E. F. KING           ”       Montreal   ”      Montreal.
  W. G. SHEPPARD       ”       Quebec     ”      Quebec.


                                                  POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT,
                                                       1st January, 1864.

Postmasters will correct their Lists by the Notices of Post Office
Operations, with which they will be furnished from time to time; and
should any Postmaster discover an error in the description of his Office,
as set forth in this List, he will please notify the same to this



_The Offices whose names are printed in Italics are authorized to Grant
and Pay Money Orders._

                      |TOWNSHIP IF IN |                 |
                      | CANADA WEST,  |                 |
                      | AND TOWNSHIP, |                 |
                      | SEIGNIORY OR  |                 |
                      |PARISH, IF IN  |ELECTORAL COUNTY |  NAME OF
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Abbott’s Corners    |               |Missisquoi       |H. H. Smith
  Abbottsford         |               |Rouville         |Mrs. Eliza Fisk
  Aberarder           |Plympton       |Lambton          |D. McBean
  Abercorn            |Sutton         |Brome            |Benjamin Seaton
  Aberfoyle           |Puslinch       |Wellington, S. R.|S. Falconbridge
  Abingdon            |Caistor        |Lincoln          |Thomas Pearson
  Acton               |Esquesing      |Halton           |J. Matthews
  _Acton Vale_        |Acton          |Bagot            |A. Quintin dit
                      |               |                 |  Dubois
  Adamsville          |Farnham        |Brome            |George Adams
  Adare               |Biddulph       |Huron            |William Clarke
  Addison             |Elizabethtown  |Town of          |Coleman Lewis
                      |               |  Brockville     |
  _Adelaide_          |Adelaide       |Middlesex, W. R. |John S. Hoare
  Admaston            |Admaston       |Renfrew          |Arch. Patterson
  Adolphustown        |Adolphustown   |Lenox            |J. J. Watson
  Agincourt           |Scarboro’      |York, E. R.      |John Lowther
  Ailsa Craig         |West           |Huron            |Shackleton Hey
                      |  McGillivray  |                 |
  Alberton            |Ancaster       |Wentworth, S. R. |James Galloway
  _Albion_            |Albion         |Peel             |Samuel Walford
  Albury              |Ameliasburg    |Prince Edward    |Isaac Dempsey
  Aldboro’            |Aldboro’       |Elgin, W. R.     |D. McDougall
  Aldershott          |Flamboro’ E.   |Wentworth, N. R. |Alexander Brown
  Alderville          |Alnwick        |Northumberl’d,   |R. Mulholland
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  _Alexandria_        |Lochiel        |Glengary         |Alex. McDonell
  Alfred              |Alfred         |Prescott         |John Hill
  Algonquin           |Augusta        |Grenville, S. R. |Silas Wright
  Allanburg           |Thorold        |Welland          |John Rannie
  Allandale Mills     |Otanabee       |Peterborough     |Richard Short
  Allan Park          |Bentinck       |Grey             |G. B. Allan
  Allan’s Corners     |Durham         |Chateauguay      |W. McArthur
  Allendale           |Innisfil       |Simcoe, S. R.    |B. Sheridan
  Allisonville        |Ameliasburg    |Prince Edward    |
  Alliston            |Tecumseth      |Simcoe, S. R.    |George Fletcher
  Alloa               |Chinguacousy   |Peel             |William Sharp
  Allumette Island    |Allumette      |Pontiac          |John Lynch
                      |  Island       |                 |
  Alma                |Peel           |Wellington, N. R.|Thomas Graham
  Almira              |Markham        |York, E. R.      |John Bowman
  _Almonte_           |Ramsay         |Lanark, N. R.    |James H. Wylie,
                      |               |                 |  Jr.
  Alport              |Monck          |Simcoe, N. R.    |J. B. Browning
  Alton               |Caledon        |Peel             |John S. Meek
  Altona              |Pickering      |Ontario, S. R.   |Joseph Monkhouse
  Alvinston           |Brooke         |Lambton          |J. Brannan
  Ameliasburg         |Ameliasburg    |Prince Edward    |Owen Roblin
  _Amherstburg_       |Maldon         |Essex            |James Kevill
  Amiens              |Lobo           |Middlesex, W. R. |D. McArthur
  Amulree             |North Easthope |Perth            |A. Dallas
  Ancaster            |Ancaster       |Wentworth, S. R. |G. B. Rousseaux
  Ancienne Lorette    |Quebec         |Quebec           |Michel Gauvin
  Ange Gardien        |Ange Gardien   |Montmorency      |Mme. Louis Goulet
  _Angus_             |Essa           |Simcoe, S. R.    |John Mather
  Antrim              |Fitzroy        |Carleton         |
  Appin               |Ekfrid         |Middlesex, W. R. |Thomas Hamilton
  Appleby             |Nelson         |Halton           |T. A. Atkinson
  Appleton            |Ramsay         |Lanark, N. R.    |Albert Teskey
  Apto                |Flos           |Simcoe, N. R.    |D. Gallagher
  Argyle              |Eldon          |Victoria         |Donald McEachern
  Ariadne             |Clinton        |Lincoln          |Solomon Hill
  Arkell              |Puslinch       |Wellington, S. R.|H. Willoughby
  _Arkona_            |Bosanquet      |Lambton          |Levi Schooley
  Arkwright           |Arran          |Bruce            |J. Faulkner
  Arlington           |Adjala         |Simcoe, S. R.    |Thomas Kidd
  Armagh              |Armagh         |Bellechasse      |C. Roy
  _Arnprior_          |McNab          |Renfrew          |Andrew Russell
  _Artemesia_         |Artemesia      |Grey             |James P. Fowler
  Arthabaska Station  |Arthabaska     |Arthabaska       |Louis Foisy
  _Arthur_            |Arthur         |Wellington, N. R.|William Mitchell
  Arva                |London         |Middlesex, E. R. |W. B. Bernard
  Ashburn             |Whitby         |Ontario, S. R.   |Edward Olver
  Ashburnham          |Otanabee       |Peterborough     |Robert D. Rogers
  Ashgrove            |Esquesing      |Halton           |John Hunter
  Ashton              |Goulburn       |Carleton         |John Sumner
  Ashworth            |Scott          |Ontario, N. R.   |
  Atha                |Pickering      |Ontario, S. R.   |W. Calhoun
  Athelstan           |Hinchinbrooke  |Huntingdon       |Harvey Mills
  Athens              |Scott          |Ontario, N. R.   |R. Bingham
  Atherly             |Mara           |Ontario, N. R.   |W. C. McMullen
  Athlone             |Adjala         |Simcoe, S. R.    |John Kidd
  Athol               |Indian Reserve |Glengary         |George McDonell
  Auburn              |Colborne       |Huron            |James Sutherland
  Audley              |Pickering      |Ontario, S. R.   |Robert Graham
  Aughrim             |Euphemia       |Lambton          |J. McKeune
  _Aultsville_        |Osnabruck      |Stormont         |J. R. Ault
  _Aurora_            |Whitchurch     |York, N. R.      |Charles Dean
  Avening             |Nottawasaga    |Simcoe, N. R.    |W. H. Thornbury
  Avoca               |Grenville      |Argenteuil       |John McCallum
  Avon                |Dorchester     |Middlesex, E. R. |Simon Whaley
  Avon Bank           |Downie         |Perth            |James Muir
  Avonton             |Downie         |Perth            |A. Shiells
  _Aylmer (East)_     |Hull           |Ottawa           |J. R. Woods
  _Aylmer (West)_     |Malahide       |Elgin, E. R.     |Philip Hodgkinson
  Aylwin              |Aylwin         |Ottawa           |J. Little
  _Ayr_               |Dumfries       |Waterloo, S. R.  |Robert Wylie
  Ayton               |Normanby       |Grey             |John McPhillips
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Baby’s Point        |Sombra         |Lambton          |James Menten
  Babyville           |Sherrington    |Napierville      |Humphrys Nesbitt
  Baden               |Wilmot         |Waterloo, S. R.  |Jacob Beck
  Bagot               |Bagot          |Renfrew          |John Halliday
  Bagotville          |Bagot          |Chicoutimi       |L. Z. Rousseau
  Baillargeon         |St. Etienne de |Levi             |A. Simoneau
                      |  Lauzon       |                 |
  Baillieboro’        |Cavan          |Durham, E. R.    |James Fitzgerald
  Balderson           |Bathurst       |Lanark, S. R.    |A. McDonald
  Baldwin             |Camden         |Addington        |Gordon P. York
  Ballantrae          |Whitchurch     |York, N. R.      |Richard L. Macy
  Ballinafad          |Erin           |Wellington, S. R.|John S. Appelbe
  Ballycroy           |Adjala         |Simcoe, S. R.    |John McClelland
  Ballyduff           |Manvers        |Durham, E. R.    |W. A. Maxwell
  Ballymote           |London         |Middlesex, W. R. |J. W. O’Brien
  Balmoral            |Walpole        |Haldimand        |Lewis Anguish
  Balsam              |Pickering      |Ontario, S. R.   |Robert Dodds
  Baltimore           |Hamilton       |Northumberl’d,   |John Gilbard
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  Bamberg             |Wellesley      |Waterloo, N. R.  |F. Walter
  Banda               |Mulmur         |Simcoe, S. R.    |John Cleminger
  Bandon              |Hullett        |Huron            |John Leighton
  Bangor              |Pickering      |Ontario, S. R.   |Isaac Turner
  Bannockburn         |Madoc          |Hastings, N. R.  |W. H. Carpenter
  Barnett             |Nichol         |Wellington, N. R.|James Elmslie
  Barnston            |Barnston       |Stanstead        |John Humphrey
  _Barrie_            |Vespra         |Simcoe, N. R.    |Alfred Lane
  Barrington          |Hemmingford    |Huntingdon       |Oliver Lyttle
  Bartonville         |Barton         |Wentworth, S. R. |S. F. Depew
  _Bath_              |Ernestown      |Addington        |W. J. Fairfield
  Batiscan            |Batiscan       |Champlain        |D. Lacourcière
  Batiscan Bridge     |Batiscan       |Champlain        |J. Fugère
  Battersea           |Storrington    |Frontenac        |Cornelius
                      |               |                 |  Vanluven
  _Bayfield_          |Stanley        |Huron            |James Gairdner
  Bayham              |Bayham         |Elgin, E. R.     |Thomas Springall
  Beachburg           |Westmeath      |Renfrew          |George Surtees
  _Beachville_        |Oxford, W.     |Oxford, S. R.    |H. J. Moore
  _Beamsville_        |Clinton        |Lincoln          |J. B. Osborne
  Bear Brook          |Cumberland     |Russell          |W. H. Walsh
  _Beauharnois_       |Beauharnois    |Beauharnois      |Ovide Payment
  Beaumont            |Beaumont       |Bellechasse      |Z. Turgeon
  Beauport            |Beauport       |Quebec           |Patrick O’Brien
  _Beaverton_         |Thora          |Ontario, N. R.   |Donald Cameron
  Becancour           |Becancour      |Nicolet          |B. Rivard
  [1]Becancour Station|Somerset       |Megantic         |E. Ouellette
  Bedford             |Stanbridge     |Missisquoi       |Nelson Adams
  Belfast             |Ashfield       |Huron            |John McCrostie
  Belford             |Markham        |York, E. R.      |Israel Burton
  Belfountain         |Caledon        |Peel             |Noah Herring
  Belle Rivière       |               |Two Mountains    |F. X. Brazeau
  _Belleville_        |Thurlow        |Hastings, S. R.  |J. H. Meacham
  _Bell Ewart_        |Innisfil       |Simcoe, S. R.    |P. Edward Drake
  Bellrock            |Portland       |Frontenac        |D. Brown
  Bell’s Corners      |Nepean         |Carleton         |George Arnold
  Belmont             |Dorchester, S. |Elgin, E. R.     |James Waterberry
  Belmore             |Turnberry      |Huron            |F. W. Irwin
  Belœil Station      |Belœil         |Verchères        |S. Dillon
  Belœil Village      |Belœil         |Verchères        |J. R. Frillon
  Benmiller           |Colborne       |Huron            |Edwin Gledhill
  Bennett             |Bathurst       |Lanark, S. R.    |C. H. Bennett
  Bennie’s Corners    |Ramsay         |Lanark, N. R.    |Alex. Leishman
  Benfort             |South Monaghan |Northumberl’d,   |James W. McBain
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  _Bentinck_          |Bentinck       |Grey             |A. B. McNab
  Beresford           |Beresford      |Terrebonne       |V. Charbonneau
  Berkeley            |Holland        |Grey             |John Fleming
  _Berlin_            |Waterloo, N.   |Waterloo, N. R.  |William Jaffray
  Berne               |Hay            |Huron            |G. Murner
  Bersimis            |Bersimis       |Saguenay         |M. Fortescue
  Berthier, en bas    |Berthier       |Montmagny        |F. X. Corriveau
  _Berthier, en haut_ |Berthier       |Berthier         |Alex. Kittson
  Bervie              |Kincardine     |Bruce            |Nichol McIntyre
  Berwick             |Finch          |Stormont         |J. A. Cockburn
  Bethany             |Manvers        |Durham, E. R.    |F. Bleakley
  Bethune             |Grenville      |Argenteuil       |
  Bewdley             |Hamilton       |Northumberl’d,   |John Sidey
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  Bic                 |Bic            |Rimouski         |J. R. Colclough
  Binbrook            |Binbrook       |Wentworth, S. R. |Henry Hall
  Birchton            |Eaton          |Compton          |J. McNeight
  Birkhall            |Moore          |Lambton          |F. McKenzie
  Birmingham          |Pittsburg      |Frontenac        |Mrs. E.
                      |               |                 |  Birmingham
  Birr                |London         |Middlesex, E. R. |Elias Place
  Bishop’s Mills      |Oxford         |Grenville, N. R. |Asa W. Bishop
  Black Creek         |Willoughby     |Welland          |J. H. Allen
  Black Heath         |Seneca         |Haldimand        |J. Goodbrand
  Black River Station |St. Giles      |Lotbinière       |Louis Olivier
  Blair               |Waterloo, S.   |Waterloo, S. R.  |Henry Bechtel,
                      |               |                 |  Jr.
  Blakeston           |Windham        |Norfolk          |H. E. Ford
  Blandford           |Blandford      |Arthabaska       |T. Laflèche
  Blantyre            |Euphrasia      |Grey             |James Paterson
  Blessington         |Tyendinaga     |Hastings, S. R.  |John Lally
  Bloomfield          |Hallowell      |Prince Edward    |Jonathan Striker
  Bloomingdale        |Waterloo       |Waterloo, N. R.  |J. G. Moyer
  Bloomington         |Whitchurch     |York, N. R.      |S. Patterson
  Bloomsburg          |Townsend       |Norfolk          |M. M. Kitchen
  Bluevale            |Turnberry      |Huron            |John Messer
  _Blyth_             |Morris         |Huron            |Wm. Drummond
  Blytheswood         |Mersea         |Essex            |John Hope
  _Bobcaygeon_        |Verulam        |Victoria         |Mossom Boyd
  Bodmin              |Morris         |Huron            |William Harris
  Bogart              |Hungerford     |Hastings, N. R.  |James McIntosh
  Bomanton            |Haldimand      |Northumberl’d,   |Richard Knight
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  Bonaventure (sub)   |Hamilton       |Bonaventure      |
  _Bondhead_          |W. Gwillimbury |Simcoe, S. R.    |Hiram Lount
  Bongard’s Corners   |Marysburgh     |Prince Edward    |John Bongard
  Bord à Plouffe      |Between Isle of|Laval            |V. Lemay
    (sub office)      |  Montreal and |                 |
                      |  Isle Jesus   |                 |
  Borelia             |Reach          |Ontario, N. R.   |J. W. Morris
  Bornholm            |Logan          |Perth            |T. Hegarty
  Boscobel            |Ely            |Shefford         |William Hackwell
  Boston              |Townsend       |Norfolk          |Oliver C. Rouse
  Bosworth            |Peel           |Wellington, N. R.|M. Schneider
  _Bothwell_          |Zone           |Kent             |Capt. John Taylor
  Boucherville        |Boucherville   |Chambly          |Louis Normandin
  Bourg Louis         |Bourg Louis    |Portneuf         |E. A. Panet
  _Bowmanville_       |Darlington     |Durham, W. R.    |J. B. Fairbairn
  Bowmore             |Nottawasaga    |Simcoe, N. R.    |James Russell
  Bowood              |Lobo           |Middlesex, W. R. |Archibald Bell
  Boyne               |Trafalgar      |Halton           |
  _Bradford_          |W. Gwillimbury |Simcoe, S. R.    |Mrs. Anne Douglas
  Braemar             |E. Zorra       |Oxford, N. R.    |John Forbes, Jr.
  _Brampton_          |Chinguacousy   |Peel             |K. Chisholm
  Branchton           |Dumfries, N.   |Waterloo, S. R.  |Andrew Burnet
  _Brantford_         |Brantford      |Brant, W. R.     |A. D. Clement
  Breadalbane         |Lochiel        |Glengary         |P. M. Stewart
  Brechin             |Mara           |Ontario, N. R.   |James P. Foley
  Breslaw             |Waterloo       |Waterloo, N. R.  |Ephraim Erb
  Brewer’s Mills      |Pittsburgh     |Frontenac        |Robert Anglin
  Brewster            |Hay            |Huron            |J. H. Cook
  Bridgend            |Harwich        |Kent             |Ann Warner
  Bridgenorth         |Smith          |Peterborough     |Marcus S. Dean
  Bridgeport          |Waterloo, N.   |Waterloo, N. R.  |P. N. Tagge
  Bridgewater         |Elzevir        |Hastings, N. R.  |G. W. Wood
  Brigham             |Farnham        |Brome            |E. O. Brigham
  Bright              |Blandford      |Oxford, N. R.    |W. A. Sharp
  _Brighton_          |Murray         |Northumberl’d,   |Joseph Lockwood
                      |               |  E. R.          |
  Brinkworth          |Rawdon         |Hastings, N. R.  |
  Bristol             |Bristol        |Pontiac          |William King
  Britannia           |Toronto        |Peel             |Joseph Muir
  Britonville         |Morin          |Argenteuil       |George Hamilton
  Brock               |Brock          |Ontario, N. R.   |
  _Brockville_        |Elizabethtown  |Town of          |John Crawford
                      |               |  Brockville     |
  Brodhagen           |Logan          |Perth            |Charles Brodhagen
  Brome               |Brome          |Brome            |Henry R. Williams
  Bromemere           |Outlet of Brome|Brome            |C. H. Jones
                      |  Lake         |                 |
  Brompton            |Brompton       |Richmond         |E. B. Stevens
  Brompton Falls      |Brompton       |Richmond         |James Dean
  Bronte              |Trafalgar      |Halton           |Thos. C. Hagaman
  _Brooklin_          |Whitby         |Ontario, S. R.   |Robert Darlington
  Brooksdale          |West Zorra     |Oxford, N. R.    |John Innis
  Brougham            |Pickering      |Ontario, S. R.   |Richard Taun
  Broughton           |Broughton      |Megantic         |C. H. J. Hall
  Brownsburg          |Chatham        |Argenteuil       |Alex. McGibbon
  Brownsville         |Dereham        |Oxford, S. R.    |E. McDiarmid
  Brucefield          |Stanley        |Huron            |Robert H.
                      |               |                 |  Gairdner
  Bruce Mines         |        On Lake|Huron            |J. Coatsworth
  Brudenell           |Brudenell      |Dist. of         |John Reynolds
                      |               |  Nipissing      |
  Brunswick           |Manvers        |Durham, E. R.    |S. R. Beamish
  Bryanston           |London         |Middlesex, E. R. |John Standfield
  Buckhorn            |Harwich        |Kent             |Hugh McPherson
  Buckingham          |Buckingham     |Ottawa           |James Wilson
  Buckland            |Buckland       |Bellechasse      |C. Goulet
  Bulstrode           |Bulstrode      |Arthabaska       |T. Geoffroy, Jr.
  Bulwer              |Eaton          |Compton          |A. Williams
  _Burford_           |Burford        |Brant, W. R.     |John Catton
  Burgessville        |Norwich        |Oxford, S. R.    |Josiah Campbell
  Burn-brae           |Seymour        |Northumberl’d,   |Alex. Donald
                      |               |  E. R.          |
  Burnhamthorpe       |Toronto        |Peel             |Geo. Savage
  Burns               |Mornington     |Perth            |
  Burnstown           |McNab          |Renfrew          |James Douglas
  Burritt’s Rapids    |Oxford         |Grenville, N. R. |John Meikle, Jr.
  Burtch              |Brantford      |Brant, W. R.     |Geo. Taylor
  Burton              |Manvers        |Durham, E. R.    |James McGill
  Bury’s Green        |Somerville     |Victoria         |John Fell
  Bute                |Somerset       |Megantic         |J. McKinnon
  Buttonville         |Markham        |York, E. R.      |John Harrison
  Buxton              |Raleigh        |Kent             |Rev’d W. King
  Byron               |Westminster    |Middlesex, E. R. |Robert Sadler
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Cacouna             |Cacouna        |Temiscouata      |J. B. Beaulieu
  Cæsarea             |Cartwright     |Durham, W. R.    |James Cæsar
  Cainsville          |Brantford, E.  |Brant, E. R.     |Margaret Grenny
  Caintown            |Yonge          |Leeds, S. R.     |W. Tennant
  Caistor             |Caistor        |Lincoln          |James Tisdale
  Caistorville        |Caistor        |Lincoln          |M. G. Scott
  Calabogie           |Bagot          |Renfrew          |D. Dillon
  Caldwell            |Caledon        |Peel             |Patrick Murphy
  Caledon             |Caledon        |Peel             |George Boll
  Caledon East        |Caledon        |Peel             |James Munsie
  Calumet Island      |Calumet        |Pontiac          |Louis Brisard
  Camborne            |Hamilton       |Northumberl’d,   |George Stewart
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  Cambray             |Fenelon        |Victoria         |William Hunter
  Camden East         |Camden East    |Addington        |Samuel Clark
  Cameron             |Fenelon        |Victoria         |James Bryson
  Camilla             |Mono           |Simcoe, S. R.    |Hugh Currie
  Campbellford        |Seymour        |Northumberl’d,   |James M. Ferriss
                      |               |  E. R.          |
  Campbell’s Cross    |Chinguacousy   |Peel             |E. T. Hagyard
  Campbellville       |Nassagiweya    |Halton           |F. J. Jones
  Campden             |Clinton        |Lincoln          |H. W. Moyer
  Canboro’            |Canboro’       |Haldimand        |H. C. Birdsall
  Canfield            |Cayuga         |Haldimand        |John Wilson
  Cannifton           |Thurlow        |Hastings, S. R.  |Jonas Cannif, Jr.
  Canning             |Blenheim       |Oxford, N. R.    |Samuel Allchin
  Cannington          |Brock          |Ontario, N. R.   |Charles Gibbs
  Canrobert           |               |Rouville         |James Malarkey
  Cantley             |Hull           |Ottawa           |George Brown
  Canton              |Hope           |Durham, E. R.    |William Deacon
  Cap Chat            |               |Gaspé            |F. G. Lamontagne
    (sub office)      |               |                 |
  Cape Cove           |Percé          |Gaspé            |William Tilly
  Cape Rich           |St. Vincent    |Grey             |Donald McLaren
  Cap Magdeleine      |               |Champlain        |Sévère Rocheleau
  Cap Rouge           |St. Foy        |Quebec           |Charles Drolet
  Cap St. Ignace      |               |Montmagny        |Miss H. C. Larue
  Cap Santé           |Portneuf       |Portneuf         |G. A. Allsopp
  Carden              |Carden         |Victoria         |R. Delaney
  Carillon            |Chatham        |Argenteuil       |George Schneider
  Carleton, (B. C.)   |Carleton       |Bonaventure      |Joseph Meagher
  _Carleton Place_    |Beckwith       |Lanark, S. R.    |Paul Struthers
  Carlingford         |Fullarton      |Perth            |A. Davidson
  Carlisle            |Flamboro’, East|Wentworth, N. R. |John C. Crooker
  Carlow              |Colborne       |Huron            |James McDonagh
  Carlton West        |York           |York, W. R.      |E. S. Tiernay
  Carluke             |Ancaster       |Wentworth, S. R. |James Calder
  Carnegie            |Elderslie      |Bruce            |Samuel Ewart
  Carp                |Huntley        |Carleton         |J. W. Fetherston
  Carronbrook         |Logan          |Perth            |Joseph Kidd
  Carthage            |Mornington     |Perth            |Charles Brown
  Cartwright          |Cartwright     |Durham, W. R.    |William Vance
  Cashel              |Markham        |York, E. R.      |Samuel Jennings
  Cashmere            |Mosa           |Middlesex, W. R. |George Mansfield
  Casselman           |Cambridge      |Russell          |John Casselman
  Castlebar           |Shipton        |Richmond         |Roderick McLeay
  Castleford          |Horton         |Renfrew          |
  Castlemore          |Gore of Toronto|Peel             |John Hooper
  Castleton           |Cramahe        |Northumberl’d,   |John C. Pennock
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  Cathcart            |Burford        |Brant, W. R.     |Thomas Muir
  Caughnawaga         |Sault St. Louis|Laprairie        |W. de Lorimier
  Cavagnol            |Vaudreuil      |Vaudreuil        |John A. Mathison
  Cavan               |Cavan          |Durham, E. R.    |William Graham
  _Cayuga_            |Cayuga         |Haldimand        |G. A. Messenger
  Cedar Grove         |Markham        |York, E. R.      |Michael Brooks
  Cedar Hill          |Pakenham       |Lanark, N. R.    |S. Dickson
  Cedars              |Soulanges      |Soulanges        |Benjamin Joassim
  Cedarville          |Proton         |Grey             |Thomas Rogers
  Centre Augusta      |Augusta        |Grenville, S. R. |A. B. Commins
  Centreton           |Haldimand      |Northumberl’d,   |T. H. McAuley
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  Centreville         |Camden, East   |Addington        |James N. Lapum
  Chambly Basin       |Chambly        |Chambly          |Dr. Ph. B.
                      |               |                 | Verchères de
                      |               |                 |  Boucherville
  _Chambly Canton_    |West Chambly   |Chambly          |John Hackett
  Champlain           |Champlain      |Champlain        |J. E. Lanouette
  Charing Cross       |Harwich        |Kent             |Jane Gay
  Charlesbourg        |Quebec         |Quebec           |M. Tremblay
  Charleston          |Escott         |Leeds, S. R.     |P. F. Green
  Charleville         |Augusta        |Grenville, S. R. |Samuel Throop
  Chateauguay         |Chateauguay    |Chateauguay      |N. Mallet
  Chateauguay Basin   |Chateauguay    |Chateauguay      |John Jack, Sr.
  Chateau Richer      |Montmorency    |Montmorency      |Mdme. L. B.
                      |               |                 |  Rousseau
  Chatham (East)      |Chatham        |Argenteuil       |James B. Cushing
  _Chatham (West)_    |Raleigh        |Kent             |B. F. Barfoot
  Chatsworth          |Holland        |Grey             |Henry Cardwell
  Cheapside           |Walpole        |Haldimand        |William Pugsley
  Chelsea             |Hull           |Ottawa           |H. B. Prentiss
  Cheltenham          |Chinguacousy   |Peel             |John Campbell
  Cherry Creek        |Innisfil       |Simcoe, S. R.    |William Main
  Cherry Valley       |Athol          |Prince Edward    |Isaiah T. Insley
  Chertsey            |Chertsey       |Montcalm         |Marc Granger
  Chester             |Chester        |Arthabaska       |Jasper Emerson
  Chesterfield        |Blenheim       |Oxford, N. R.    |George Baird
  Chichester          |Chichester     |Pontiac          |Joseph Bargeron
  Chicoutimi          |Chicoutimi     |Chicoutimi       |John Guay
  _Chippawa_          |Stamford       |Welland          |Arch. Couper
  Churchill           |Innisfil       |Simcoe, S. R.    |H. Sloane
  Churchville         |Toronto        |Peel             |James E. Painter
  Clachan             |Aldboro’       |Elgin, W. R.     |J. Marchbank
  Claremont           |Pickering      |Ontario, S. R.   |J. McM. McNab
  Clarence            |Clarence       |Russell          |Thomas Wilson
  Clarenceville       |Noyan          |Missisquoi       |Charles Stewart
  Clarendon           |Clarendon      |Pontiac          |A. Wilson
  Clarendon Centre    |Clarendon      |Pontiac          |James Shaw
  Clareview           |Sheffield      |Addington        |Samuel C.
                      |               |                 |  McDonnell
  Clarke              |Clarke         |Durham, W. R.    |James Lockhart
  Clarksburg          |Collingwood    |Grey             |Thomas Nixon
  Claude              |Chinguacousy   |Peel             |Henry Perdue
  Clayton             |Ramsay         |Lanark, N. R.    |O. Banning, Jr.
  Clear Creek         |Houghton       |Norfolk          |Jonathan Bridgman
  _Clearville_        |Orford         |Kent             |John Scott
  Clifford            |Minto          |Wellington, N. R.|T. Brown
  _Clifton_           |Stamford       |Welland          |J. W. Dunklee
  [2]Clifton House    |Stamford       |Welland          |J. Shears
    (sub)             |               |                 |
  _Clinton_           |Tuckersmith    |Huron            |Thomas Fair
  Clontarf            |Sebastopol     |Renfrew          |T. P. French
  Clover Hill         |Essa           |Simcoe, S. R.    |Thomas Saunders
  Cloyne              |Barrie         |Frontenac        |F. Clark
  Clyde               |Beverley       |Wentworth, N. R. |W. McPherson
  _Coaticook_         |Barnston       |Stanstead        |Horace Cutting
  Cobden              |Ross           |Renfrew          |Jason Gould
  Coboconk            |Bexley         |Victoria         |J. H. Cronk
  _Cobourg_           |Hamilton       |Northumberl’d,   |Thomas Scott
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  Codrington          |Brighton       |Northumberl’d,   |William Kilbank
                      |               |  E. R.          |
  _Colborne_          |Cramahe        |Northumberl’d,   |C. R. Ford
                      |               |  E. R.          |
  Colchester          |Colchester     |Essex            |John Cheyne
  Coldsprings         |Hamilton       |Northumberl’d,   |D. McIntosh
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  [3]Coldstream       |Lobo           |Middlesex, W. R. |Jacob Marsh
  Coldwater           |Medonte        |Simcoe, N. R.    |James Shaw
  Colebrook           |Camden, East   |Addington        |Charles Warner
  Coleraine           |Toronto Gore   |Peel             |
  Colinville          |Moore          |Lambton          |John Butler
  Collfield           |Litchfield     |Pontiac          |M. Hughes
  _Collingwood_       |Nottawasaga    |Simcoe, N. R.    |W. B. Hamilton
  Collin’s Bay        |Kingston       |Frontenac        |Lawrence Herchmer
  Colpoy’s Bay        |Albemarle      |Bruce            |L. Kribs
  Columbus            |Whitby         |Ontario, S. R.   |Robert Ashton
  _Comber_            |Tilbury, West  |Essex            |Henry Reichenbach
  Como                |Vaudreuil      |Vaudreuil        |John Hodgson
  _Compton_           |Compton        |Compton          |A. W. Kendrick
  Concord             |Vaughan        |York, W. R.      |John Duncan
  Conestogo           |Woolwich       |Waterloo, N. R.  |William Hendry
  [4]Conroy           |Gore of Downie |Perth            |John Rutledge
  Consecon            |Hillier        |Prince Edward    |A. Marsh
  Constance           |Hullet         |Huron            |John Lawson
  Contrecœur          |Contrecœur     |Verchères        |Olivier Lamoureux
  Conway              |Fredericksburg |Lenox            |E. Howard
  Cookshire           |Eaton          |Compton          |R. H. Wilford
  _Cookstown_         |Essa           |Simcoe, S. R.    |Henry Harper
  _Cooksville_        |Toronto        |Peel             |F. B. Morley
  Cooper              |Madoc          |Hastings, N. R.  |Robert Kinnear
  Copetown            |Beverley       |Wentworth, N. R. |Thomas Milne
  _Cornwall_          |Cornwall       |Town of Cornwall |G. C. Wood
  Corunna             |Moore          |Lambton          |H. J. Miller
  Côteau du Lac       |Soulanges      |Soulanges        |A. St. Amour
  Côteau Landing      |Soulanges      |Soulanges        |John Bermingham
  Côteau Station      |Soulanges      |Soulanges        |Rodger Duckett
  Côte des Neiges     |Montreal       |Hochelaga        |Alfred Blanchard
  Côte St. Paul       |Montreal       |Hochelaga        |Edmond Latour
  Coventry            |Albion         |Peel             |
  Covey Hill          |Hemmingford    |Huntingdon       |W. Barrett
  Cowal               |Southwold      |Elgin, W. R.     |N. McBride
  _Cowansville_       |Durham         |Missisquoi       |W. H. Kathan
  _Craighurst_        |Flos           |Simcoe, N. R.    |John Craig
  Craigleith          |Collingwood    |Grey             |A. G. Fleming
  Craigvale           |Innisfil       |Simcoe, S. R.    |James Fraser
  Cranbourne          |Cranbourne     |Dorchester       |John Colgan
  Crawford            |Bentinck       |Grey             |Hector McRae
  _Credit_            |Toronto        |Peel             |James Magrath
  Crediton            |Stephen        |Huron            |John Parsons
  Creek Bank          |Peel           |Wellington, N. R.|James Graham
  Creemore            |Nottawasaga    |Simcoe, N. R.    |George J. Bolster
  Cressy              |Marysburg      |Prince Edward    |S. W. Carson
  Crieff              |Puslinch       |Wellington, S. R.|Hugh Stewart
  Crinan              |Aldboro’       |Elgin, W. R.     |D. McIntyre
  Cromarty            |Hibbert        |Perth            |Robert Leggatt
  Crosshill           |Wellesley      |Waterloo, N. R.  |James McCutcheon
  Crosspoint          |Restigouche    |Bonaventure      |John Fraser
  Croton              |Camden         |Kent             |J. H. Johnston
  Crowland            |Crowland       |Welland          |Luther Boardman
  Croydon             |Camden, E.     |Addington        |John M. Williams
  Crysler             |Finch          |Stormont         |E. K. Johnstone
  Culloden            |Dereham        |Oxford, S. R.    |Mrs. M. McKenzie
  [5]Cumberland       |Cumberland     |Russell          |G. G. Dunning
  Cumminsville        |Nelson         |Halton           |Robert Thomson
  Cumnock             |Nichol         |Wellington, N. R.|John Anderson
  Curran              |Plantagenet    |Prescott         |
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Daillebout          |Daillebout     |Joliette         |L. I. Déziel
  Dalesville          |Dalesville     |Argenteuil       |Peter McArthur
  Dalhousie Mills     |Dalhousie Mills|Glengary         |William Chisholm
  Dalston             |Dalston        |Simcoe, N. R.    |H. A. Clifford
  Danforth            |Danforth       |York, E. R.      |Henry Hogarth
  _Danville_          |Danville       |Richmond         |J. W. Stockwell
  Darrell             |Darrell        |Kent             |Edward Hall
  Dartford            |Dartford       |Northumberl’d,   |William Bailey
                      |               |  E. R.          |
  Davenport           |Davenport      |York, W. R.      |George S. Yearley
  Dawn Mills          |Dawn Mills     |Kent             |James Smith
  Daywood             |Daywood        |Grey             |A. S. Cameron
  Dealtown            |Dealtown       |Kent             |Isaac Russell
  De Cewsville        |De Cewsville   |Haldimand        |T. B. Dier
  Deerhurst           |Deerhurst      |Simcoe, S. R.    |Samuel Walker
  Delaware            |Delaware       |Middlesex, W. R. |C. J. Ladd
  _Delhi_             |Delhi          |Norfolk          |James Whitsides
  Delta               |Delta          |Leeds, S. R.     |W. H. Denant
  Demorestville       |Demorestville  |Prince Edward    |B. Smith
  Denison’s Mills     |Denison’s Mills|Richmond         |Joseph R. Denison
  Deniston            |Deniston       |Frontenac        |J. J. Wilson
  Denmark             |Denmark        |Wellington, N. R.|John Greene
  De Ramsay           |De Ramsay      |Joliette         |James Read
  _Dereham_           |Dereham        |Oxford, S. R.    |Lachlen McLean
  Derry West          |Derry West     |Peel             |William Wilson
  Deschambault        |Deschambault   |Portneuf         |François Hamelin
  Détour du Lac       |               |Témiscouata      |Mdme. A. Cloutier
  Devizes             |London         |Middlesex, E. R. |B. Armstrong
  _Devon_             |Stephen        |Huron            |James Stephenson
  Dewittville         |               |Huntingdon       |John Oliver
  Dexter              |Yarmouth       |Elgin, E. R.     |W. Collier
  Diamond             |Fitzroy        |Carleton         |R. Walker, Jr.
  _Dickinson’s        |Osnabruck      |Stormont         |Charles Wagner
    Landing_          |               |                 |
  _Dingle_            |Grey           |Huron            |William Grant
  Dixon’s Corners     |Matilda        |Dundas           |William Wood
  Donegal             |Elma           |Perth            |J. R. Foster
  Doon                |Waterloo, North|Waterloo, N. R.  |Robert Strong
  Doran               |Bathurst       |Lanark, S. R.    |William Doran
  Dorchester          |Dorchester,    |Middlesex, E. R. |Thomas Putnam
                      |  North        |                 |
  Dorchester Station  |Dorchester     |Middlesex, E. R. |J. N. Hardy
  Douglas             |Bromley        |Renfrew          |A. W. Bell
  Douglastown         |Douglas        |Gaspé            |Charles Veit
  Dover South         |Dover          |Kent             |S. Gervais
  Downeyville         |Emily          |Victoria         |
  Drayton             |Peel           |Wellington, N. R.|James Echlin
  Dresden             |Gore of Camden |Kent             |C. P. Watson
  Drew’s Mills        |Barford        |Stanstead        |Samuel Child, Jr.
  Dromore             |Egremont       |Grey             |Alex. Taylor
  _Drumbo_            |Blenheim       |Oxford, N. R.    |James McKenzie
  Drummondville, E.   |Grantham       |Drummond         |James Millar
  _Drummondville, W._ |Stamford       |Welland          |Peter Ker
  Drumquin            |Trafalgar      |Halton           |T. H. Patterson
  Duart               |Orford         |Kent             |James Tait, Sr.
  Dudswell            |Dudswell       |Wolfe            |Zerah Evans
  Dufferin            |Oneida         |Haldimand        |H. Martin
  Dumblane            |Saugeen        |Bruce            |John Fraser
  Dunany              |Wentworth      |Argenteuil       |Samuel Smith
  Dunbar              |Williamsburg   |Dundas           |William Beckstedt
  Dunbarton           |Pickering      |Ontario, S. R.   |John Parker
  Duncrief            |Lobo           |Middlesex, W. R. |James Barnes
  Dundalk             |Melancthon     |Grey             |Elias B. Grey
  _Dundas_            |Flamboro’, West|Wentworth, N. R. |J. M. Thornton
  Dundee              |Dundee         |Huntingdon       |David Baker
  Dungannon           |Wawanosh       |Huron            |R. Clendinning
  Dunham              |Dunham         |Missisquoi       |Edward Baker
  Dunkeld             |Brant          |Bruce            |Andrew Brown
  _Dunnville_         |Moulton        |Haldimand        |John Armour
  [6]Dunsford         |Verulam        |Victoria         |W. Cassady
  Dunvegan            |Kenyon         |Glengary         |Hector McLean
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Eagle               |Aldboro’       |Elgin, W. R.     |W. Mowbray
  Eardley             |Eardley        |Ottawa           |Wyman C. Davis
  East Arthabaska     |Arthabaska     |Arthabaska       |P. N. Pacaud
  East Bolton         |Bolton         |Brome            |Amos Austin
  East Chester        |Chester        |Arthabaska       |N. Darois
  East Clifton        |Clifton        |Compton          |Hugh E. Cairns
  East Dunham         |Dunham         |Missisquoi       |Orlin Wales
  East Farnham        |Farnham        |Brome            |Rodney Hutchins
  East Frampton       |Frampton       |Dorchester       |James Kennedy
  East Glenelg        |Glenelg        |Grey             |Eliza L. Atkinson
  East Hawkesbury     |Hawkesbury     |Prescott         |James Gamble
  East Hereford       |Hereford       |Compton          |Thos. B. Heath
  Easton’s Corners    |Wolford        |Grenville, N. R. |W. G. Ferguson
  East Oro            |Oro            |Simcoe, N. R.    |William Simpson
  East Templeton      |Templeton      |Ottawa           |Lewis Dunning
  East Williamsburg   |Williamsburg   |Dundas           |Lindsay Pillar
  Eastwood            |Oxford, South  |Oxford, S. R.    |Henry Vansittart
  Eaton               |Eaton          |Compton          |J. McNicol
  Eddystone           |Haldimand      |Northumberl’d,   |M. Bradley
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  Eden                |Bayham         |Elgin, E. R.     |John Nethercott
  Eden Mills          |Eramosa        |Wellington, S. R.|Samuel Meadows
  Edgecombe           |Mornington     |Perth            |Thomas Martin
  Edgeworth           |Tilbury, East  |Kent             |John Ker
  Edmonton            |Chinguacousy   |Peel             |James
                      |               |                 |  Collingbourne
  Edwardsburgh        |Edwardsburgh   |Grenville, S. R. |William S. Akin
  Eganville           |Grattan        |Renfrew          |John Quealy
  Egerton             |Luther         |Wellington, N. R.|James Hunter
  Eglinton            |York           |York, E. R.      |Joseph Hargrave
  Egmondville         |Tuckersmith    |Huron            |T. J. Marks
  Egremont            |Egremont       |Grey             |Thomas Smith
  Eldon               |Eldon          |Victoria         |
  Elgin               |Crosby, South  |Leeds, S. R.     |Philemon Pennock
  Elginburg           |Kingston       |Frontenac        |Peter Bates
  Elginfield          |London         |Middlesex, E. R. |W. H. Ryan
  Elizabethville      |Hope           |Durham, E. R.    |J. McMurtry
  Ellengowan          |Division Line  |Bruce            |Samuel Hopper
                      |  between Brant|                 |
                      |  & Elderslie  |                 |
  Ellesmere           |Scarboro’      |York, E. R.      |Arch. Glendinning
  Elm Grove           |Essa           |Simcoe, S. R.    |Richard Love
  Elmvale             |Flos           |Simcoe, N. R.    |William Harvey
  _Elora_             |Pilkington     |Wellington, N. R.|John Finlayson
  Elphin              |Sherbrooke,    |Lanark, N. R.    |John McDougall
                      |  North        |                 |
  Elsinore            |Amabel         |Bruce            |D. McLeod
  _Embro_             |Zorra, West    |Oxford, N. R.    |D. Matheson
  Embrun              |Russell        |Russell          |Joseph Lalonde
  Emerald             |Amherst Island |Addington        |John Hitchin
  Ennis               |Enniskillen    |Lambton          |John Woodleigh
  Enniskillen         |Darlington     |Durham, W. R.    |John Pierce
  Ennismore           |Ennismore      |Peterboro’       |P. Gallivan
  Enterprise          |Camden, East   |Addington        |Robert Graham
  Epping              |Euphrasia      |Grey             |John Benson
  Epsom               |Reach          |Ontario, N. R.   |G. Fergusson
  Eramosa             |Eramosa        |Wellington, S. R.|
  Erbsville           |Waterloo       |Waterloo, N. R.  |John L. Erb
  _Erin_              |Erin           |Wellington, S. R.|William Cornock
  Erinsville          |Sheffield      |Addington        |Patrick Walsh
  Erroll              |Plympton       |Lambton          |George Whiting
  Escott              |Yonge          |Leeds, S. R.     |Andrew Todd
  Esperance           |Ham            |Wolfe            |Alexis Demers
  Esquesing           |Esquesing      |Halton           |John Murray
  Ethel               |Grey           |Huron            |Jonathan Carter
  _Etobicoke_         |Etobicoke      |York, W. R.      |William Gamble
  Eugenia             |Artemesia      |Grey             |R. McLean Purdy
  Everton             |Eramosa        |Wellington, S. R.|D. F. Stewart
  _Exeter_            |Stephen        |Huron            |William Sanders
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Fairfax             |Lansdown       |Leeds, S. R.     |S. A. Heaslip
  [7]Fairfield        |Harwich        |Kent             |Sarah A. Burt
  [8]Fairview         |Gore of Downie |Perth            |L. Robinson
  Falkenburg          |Macaulay       |Victoria         |Wm. Holditch
  Falkirk             |Williams       |Middlesex, W. R. |James Priestley
  Falkland            |Brantford      |Brant, W. R.     |M. Stally
  Farmersville        |Yonge          |Leeds, S. R.     |Arza Parish
  Farmington          |Amaranth       |Wellington, N. R.|
  Farnham Centre      |Farnham        |Brome            |John Johnston
  Farquhar            |Usborne        |Huron            |William Edmond
  Farran’s Point      |Oznabruck      |Stormont         |George N. Hickey
  [9]Father Point     |Ste. Luce      |Rimouski         |
    (sub)             |               |                 |
  Fenaghvale          |Caledonia      |Prescott         |James Proudfoot
  Fenella             |Haldimand      |Northumberl’d,   |Thomas Frank
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  Fenelon Falls       |Fenelon        |Victoria         |James Fitzgerald
  Fenwick             |Pelham         |Welland          |J. Hume Taylor
  _Fergus_            |Nichol         |Wellington, N. R.|James McQueen
  Ferguson’s Falls    |Drummond       |Lanark, S. R.    |Robert Hicks
  Fermoy              |Bedford        |Frontenac        |Edward Botting
  Feversham           |Osprey         |Grey             |Mary Sproul
  _Fingal_            |Southwold      |Elgin, W. R.     |Samuel Tubby
  Fish Creek          |Blanshard      |Perth            |John Bell
  Fisherville         |Rainham        |Haldimand        |T. McCombs
  Fitch Bay           |Stanstead      |Stanstead        |Joseph Munro
  Fitzroy Harbour     |Fitzroy        |Carleton         |Robert Shirreff
  Flinton             |Kaladar        |Addington        |Charles R. Flint
  Flora               |Woolwich       |Waterloo, N. R.  |Isaac Devitt
  Florence            |Euphemia       |Lambton          |G. P. Kerby
  Foley               |Whitby         |Ontario, S. R.   |Thomas Williamson
  Fonthill            |Pelham         |Welland          |David Keltie
  _Forest_            |Plympton       |Lambton          |R. Dier
  Forester’s Falls    |Ross           |Renfrew          |
  Forestville         |Charlotteville |Norfolk          |G. W. Griffin
  Forfar              |Bastard        |Leeds, S. R.     |W. H. Young
  Formosa             |Carrick        |Bruce            |F. X. Mesner
  Fort Coulonge       |Mansfield      |Pontiac          |Thomas Bryson
  _Fort Erie_         |Bertie         |Welland          |George Lewis
  Fort William        |               |(Lake Superior)  |Robert McVicar
  Fort William        |Esher          |Pontiac          |Hector McKenzie
  Fournier            |Plantagenet    |Prescott         |C. Fournier
  Foxboro’            |Thurlow        |Hastings, S. R.  |R. Papineau
  Fox River           |               |Gaspé            |J. C. Parant
  Frampton            |Frampton       |Dorchester       |M. Fitzgerald
  Frankford           |Sidney         |Hastings, S. R.  |William Gilbert
  Franklin            |Manvers        |Durham, E. R.    |William Maguire
  Franktown           |Beckwith       |Lanark, S. R.    |E. McEwen
  Frankville          |Kitley         |Leeds, N. R.     |William Smith
  Freelton            |Flamboro’, West|Wentworth, N. R. |Thomas McKay
  Freeport            |Waterloo       |Waterloo, N. R.  |Charles Lutz
  Freiburg            |Waterloo, North|Waterloo, N. R.  |Ferdinand Romback
  Frelighsburg        |St. Armand     |Missisquoi       |W. M. Pattison
  French Village      |Kingsey        |Drummond         |François Pothier
  Frogmore            |Toronto        |Peel             |B. Anderson
  Frome               |Southwold      |Elgin, W. R.     |R. Kettlewell
  Frost Village       |Shefford       |Shefford         |Robert Craig
  Fulford             |Brome          |Brome            |Lemon Orcutt
  Fullarton           |Fullarton      |Perth            |James Woodley
  Fulton              |Caistor        |Lincoln          |C. White
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Gad’s Hill          |Ellice         |Perth            |William B.
                      |               |                 |  Crinckley
  _Galt_              |Dumfries, North|Waterloo, S. R.  |John Davidson
  Galway              |Galway         |Peterboro’       |Thomas Probert
  _Gananoque_         |Leeds          |Leeds, S. R.     |D. F. Britton
  Garafraxa           |Garafraxa      |Wellington, N. R.|John Dickson
  Garneau             |Lafontaine     |L’Islet          |
  Garthby             |Garthby        |Wolfe            |David Grenier
  Gaspé Basin         |Gaspé          |Gaspé            |J. J. Kavanagh
  Geneva              |Argenteuil     |Argenteuil       |G. A. Hooker
  Gentilly            |Gentilly       |Nicolet          |Joseph O. Dion
  _Georgetown_        |Esquesing      |Halton           |Arthur Burnside
  Georgeville         |Stanstead      |Stanstead        |Alex. Finch
  _Georgina_          |Georgina       |York, N. R.      |J. O. B.
                      |               |                 |  Bourchier
  Gifford             |Cayuga, South  |Haldimand        |B. M. Gifford
  Gilbert’s Mills     |Sophiasburgh   |Prince Edward    |Daniel Gilbert
  Gilford             |Gwillimbury,   |Simcoe, S. R.    |Thomas Maconchy
                      |  West         |                 |
  Glammis             |Bruce          |Bruce            |J. Crawford
  Glanford            |Glanford       |Wentworth, S. R. |John Atkinson
  Glanmire            |Tudor          |Hastings, N. R.  |Andrew Jelly
  Glanworth           |Westminster    |Middlesex, E. R. |R. J. Webb
  Glascott            |Glenelg        |Grey             |John English
  Glastonbury         |Kaladar        |Addington        |James A. Jaynes
  _Glenallan_         |Peel           |Wellington, N. R.|George Allan
  Glenburnie          |Kingston       |Frontenac        |D. J. Waggoner
  Glencoe             |Ekfrid         |Middlesex, W. R. |Donald McRae
  Glenelg             |Glenelg        |Grey             |Mark Appleby
  Glenloyd            |Inverness      |Megantic         |John Percy
  Glenlyon            |Carrick        |Bruce            |J. Shannon
  Glen Morris         |Dumfries       |Brant, E. R.     |Gavin Fleming
  Glen Sutton         |Sutton         |Brome            |Daniel Dodge
  [10]Glenvale        |Kingston       |Frontenac        |Robert Gibson
  Glen William        |Esquesing      |Halton           |Charles Williams
  Goble’s Corners     |Blenheim       |Oxford, N. R.    |William L. Goble
  _Goderich_          |Goderich       |Huron            |James Watson
  Golden Creek        |Bosanquet      |Lambton          |Allen Kennedy
  Goodwood            |Uxbridge       |Ontario, N. R.   |Michael Chapman
  Gore’s Landing      |Hamilton       |Northumberl’d,   |Sarah Gabetis
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  Gormley             |Markham        |York, E. R.      |James Gormley
  Gorrie              |Howick         |Huron            |Henry Besanson
  Gosfield            |Gosfield       |Essex            |Joseph Coatsworth
  Gosport             |Adolphustown   |Lenox            |Nicholas Bogart
  Gould               |Lingwick       |Compton          |James Ross
  Gourock             |Guelph         |Wellington, S. R.|James Mewhort
  Gowanstown          |Wallace        |Perth            |Thomas H. Gowan
  Gower Point         |Westmeath      |Renfrew          |William Cannon
  _Grafton_           |Haldimand      |Northumberl’d,   |Cyrus Winter
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  Grahamsville        |Chinguacousy   |Peel             |Thomas Graham
  _Granby_            |Granby         |Shefford         |Horace Lyman
  Grande Baie         |Bagot          |Chicoutimi       |J. A. J. Kane
  Grande Grève        |               |Gaspé            |Charles Esnouf
  Grande Ligne        |               |St. Johns        |R. A. Girardin
  Grand River         |               |Gaspé            |Joseph O. Sirois
  Gravenhurst         |Muskoka        |Simcoe, N. R.    |James McCabe
  Greenbank           |Reach          |Ontario, N. R.   |John Asling
  Greenbush           |Elizabethtown  |Town of          |William Foster
                      |               |  Brockville     |
  Greenleaf           |Arthur         |Wellington, N. R.|D. McIntyre
  Greenock            |Greenock       |Bruce            |J. B. Ritchie
  Green Point         |Sophiasburg    |Prince Edward    |Philip Roblin
  Greensville         |West Flamboro’ |Wentworth, N. R. |James Joyce
  Greenwood           |Pickering      |Ontario, S. R.   |A. Fullarton
  _Grenville_         |Grenville      |Argenteuil       |Edwin Pridham
  Gresham             |Bruce          |Bruce            |E. J. Brown
  Grey                |Grey           |Huron            |Thomas Johnson
  Griersville         |St. Vincent    |Grey             |Andrew Grier
  Griffith            |Griffith       |Renfrew          |W. B. Aird
  _Grimsby_           |Grimsby        |Lincoln          |J. A. Nelles
  Grondines           |Grondines      |Portneuf         |Jean Côté
  Grovesend           |Malahide       |Elgin, E. R.     |W. B. Lyon
  _Guelph_            |Guelph         |Wellington, S. R.|William Kingsmill
  Guysboro’           |Houghton       |Norfolk          |R. S. Hobbs
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Hagersville         |Oneida         |Haldimand        |Charles Hager
  Halifax             |Halifax        |Megantic         |P. C. Pelletier
  Halloway            |Thurlow        |Hastings, S. R.  |William Peck
  Hall’s Bridge       |Harvey         |Peterboro’       |John Hall
  Ham                 |Ham            |Wolfe            |Louis C.
                      |               |                 |  Bourgeois
  Hamburg             |Fredericksburg |Lenox            |A. D. Fraser
  _Hamilton_          |Barton         |City of Hamilton |Edmund Ritchie
  Hampton             |Darlington     |Durham, W. R.    |H. Elliott
  Hannon              |Glanford       |Wentworth, S. R. |Joseph Hannon
  Hanover             |Bentinck       |Grey             |A. Z. Gottwalls
  Hardinge            |Barrie         |Frontenac        |A. Hawley Stevens
  Hargrave            |Litchfield     |Pontiac          |W. G. Le Roy
  Harlem              |Bastard        |Leeds, S. R.     |William Gainsford
  Harley              |Burford        |Brant, W. R.     |J. L. McClellan
  Harold              |Rawdon         |Hastings, N. R.  |John Clark
  _Harpurhey_         |McKillop       |Huron            |M. MacDermid
  Harrietsville       |Dorchester     |Middlesex, E. R. |John McMillan
  Harrington, East    |Harrington     |Argenteuil       |Donald B.
                      |               |                 |  Campbell
  Harrington, West    |Zorra, West    |Oxford, N. R.    |D. L. Demorest
  Harrisburg          |Dumfries, South|Brant, E. R.     |O. A. Spoor
  _Harriston_         |Minto          |Wellington, N. R.|A. Harrison
  Harrow              |Colchester     |Essex            |
  Harrowsmith         |Portland       |Frontenac        |Samuel Stewart
  Hartford            |Townsend       |Norfolk          |William Bradley
  Hartman             |Gwillimbury,   |York, N. R.      |D. Terry
                      |  East         |                 |
  Harvey Hill Mines   |Leeds          |Megantic         |P. M. Rogan
  Harwich             |Harwich        |Kent             |James Hutchison
  Harwood             |Hamilton       |Northumberl’d,   |R. Drope
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  _Hastings_          |Asphodel       |Peterboro’       |Henry Fowlds
  _Hatley_            |Hatley         |Stanstead        |W. G. Cook
  Havelock            |Belmont        |Peterboro’       |Peter Pearce
  _Hawkesbury_        |Hawkesbury     |Prescott         |Z. M. S. Hersey
  Hawkstone           |Oro            |Simcoe, N. R.    |James Houston
  Hawksville          |Wellesley      |Waterloo, N. R.  |M. P. Empey
  Hay                 |Hay            |Huron            |James Murray
  Haysville           |Wilmot         |Waterloo, S. R.  |Margaret
                      |               |                 |  Somerville
  Hazeldean           |Goulbourn      |Carleton         |John Young
  Headford            |Markham        |York, E. R.      |John Montgomery
  Head Lake           |Laxton         |Victoria         |James Riley
  Headville           |Grantham       |Drummond         |Henry Menut
  Heathcote           |Euphrasia      |Grey             |Thomas J. Rorke
  Hebron              |Elma           |Perth            |
  Heckstone           |South Gower    |Grenville, N. R. |G. Adams
  Heidelburg          |Woolwich       |Waterloo, N. R.  |John Krassler
  Hemmingford         |Hemmingford    |Huntingdon       |John Scriver
  Henry               |Hawkesbury,    |Prescott         |C. W. Hamelin
                      |  West         |                 |
  Henryville          |Sabrevois      |Iberville        |E. S. Goodnow
  Herdman’s Corners   |Hinchinbrooke  |Huntingdon       |John Johnston
  Hereford            |Hereford       |Compton          |Aaron Workman
  _Hespeler_          |Waterloo       |Waterloo, N. R.  |Conrad Nahrgang
  Hiawatha            |Otanabee       |Peterboro’       |George Evans
  Highland Creek      |Scarboro’      |York, E. R.      |Eli Shackleton
  Hillier             |Hillier        |Prince Edward    |Solomon Flagler
  Hillsboro’          |Plympton       |Lambton          |Thomas L. Hill
  Hillsburgh          |Erin           |Wellington, S. R.|William How, Sen.
  Hilton              |Brighton       |Northumberl’d,   |A. A. Becker
                      |               |  E. R.          |
  Hoath Head          |Sydenham       |Grey             |R. Hoath
  Hochelaga           |Island of      |Hochelaga        |F. Painchaud
                      |  Montreal     |                 |
  Hockley             |Adjala         |Simcoe, S. R.    |Thomas Martin
  _Holland Landing_   |Gwillimbury,   |York, N. R.      |W. J. Sloane
                      |  East         |                 |
  Hollen              |Maryborough    |Wellington, N. R.|S. Robertson
  Holmesville         |Goderich       |Huron            |Jonas Copp
  Holstein            |Egremont       |Grey             |N. D. McKenzie
  Holt                |Gwillimbury,   |York, N. R.      |John Quibell
                      |  East         |                 |
  Holyrood            |Kinloss        |Bruce            |John Anderson
  Homer               |Grantham       |Lincoln          |William Smith,
                      |               |                 |  Jr.
  Hopefield           |Radcliffe      |Dist. of         |H. Y. Read
                      |               |  Nipissing      |
  Hopetown            |Lanark         |Lanark, N. R.    |W. Rankin
  Hornby              |Esquesing      |Halton           |John McMillen
  Horning’s Mills     |Melancthon     |Grey             |Paul Jarvis
  Houghton            |Houghton       |Norfolk          |D. Jackson
  Howe Island         |Pittsburgh     |Frontenac        |R. Urquhart
  Howick              |Georgetown,    |Chateauguay      |Thomas Gebbie
                      |  South        |                 |
  Hubbell’s Falls     |Fitzroy        |Carleton         |James Reddell
  Hull                |Hull           |Ottawa           |G. J. Marston
  Hullsville          |Walpole        |Haldimand        |John Hull
  Humber              |Etobicoke      |York, W. R.      |Thomas Bell
  Humberstone         |Humberstone    |Welland          |John Thompson
  Hunsdon             |Albion         |Peel             |William Prest
  Hunterstown         |Hunterstown    |Maskinongé       |William Parker
  _Huntingdon_        |Godmanchester  |Huntingdon       |W. Marshall
  Huntingville        |Ascot          |Richmond         |Caleb P. Mallory
  Huntley             |Huntley        |Carleton         |John Graham
  Huston              |Maryboro’      |Wellington, N. R.|W. Robinson
  Hyde Park Corner    |London         |Middlesex, E. R. |John Squares
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  _Indiana_           |Seneca         |Haldimand        |Thomas Slaven
  _Ingersoll_         |Oxford, North  |Oxford, S. R.    |Joseph Thirkell
  Inkerman            |Mountain       |Dundas           |John Renwick
  Innerkip            |East Zorra     |Oxford, N. R.    |Robert Lindsay
  Innisfil            |Innisfil       |Simcoe, S. R.    |Benjamin Ross
  Innisville          |Drummond       |Lanark, S. R.    |Thomas Code
  Inverary            |Storrington    |Fontenac         |Hugh Ralston
  _Inverhuron_        |Bruce          |Bruce            |John Thorrington
  _Invermay_          |Arran          |Bruce            |Abraham Neelands
  Inverness           |Inverness      |Megantic         |Robert Layfield
  Iona                |Dunwich        |Elgin, W. R.     |Daniel Decow
  Irish Creek         |Wolford        |Grenville, N. R. |George Cross
  Iron Hill           |Brome          |Brome            |Isaac Cutting
  _Iroquois_          |Matilda        |Dundas           |James Grier
  Islay               |Fenelon        |Victoria         |T. Smithson
  Isle aux Coudres    |               |Charlevoix       |
    (sub-office.)     |               |                 |
  Isle aux Grues      |               |L’Islet          |P. G. Lachaine
                      |               |                 |  dit Jolicœur
  Isle aux Noix       |               |St. Johns        |
  Isle Perrot         |Isle Perrot    |Vaudreuil        |Marie S. Jobin
  Isle Verte          |Isle Verte     |Temiscouata      |Louis Bertrand
  Islington           |Etobicoke      |York, W. R.      |Thomas Musson
  Ivanhoe             |Huntingdon     |Hastings, N. R.  |Thomas Emo
  Ivy                 |Essa           |Simcoe, S. R.    |T. D. McDonald
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Janetville          |Manvers        |Durham, E. R.    |J. McDermid
  Jarratt’s Corners   |Oro            |Simcoe, N. R.    |Charles Jarratt
  _Jarvis_            |Walpole        |Haldimand        |James Sill
  Jersey, River       |St. George     |Beauce           |Michael Cahill
    Chaudière         |               |                 |
  Jerseyville         |Ancaster       |Wentworth, S. R. |H. F. Young
  Johnson             |Sydenham       |Grey             |William Johnstone
  Johnson’s Mills     |Hay            |Huron            |Henry Green
  Johnville           |Eaton          |Compton          |Charles Smith
  [11]_Joliette_      |               |Joliette         |L. T. Groulx
  Jordan              |Louth          |Lincoln          |Jacob Snure
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Kaladar             |Kaladar        |Addington        |E. F. Dunham
  _Kamouraska_        |Kamouraska     |Kamouraska       |Alexis Gagné
  Kars                |North Gower    |Carleton         |Henry Dunham
  Katesville          |Metcalfe       |Middlesex, W. R. |William
                      |               |                 |  McClatchey
  Kazubazua           |Aylwin         |Ottawa           |James Pritchard
  Keenansville        |Adjala         |Simcoe, S. R.    |G. P. Hughes
  _Keene_             |Otanabee       |Peterboro’       |George Read
  Kelvin              |Burford        |Brant, W. R.     |John Armour, Jr.
  _Kemptville_        |Oxford         |Grenville, N. R. |W. H. Bottum
  Kendall             |Clarke         |Durham, W. R.    |W. Trull
  Kenilworth          |Arthur         |Wellington, N. R.|Robert Hayward
  Kenmore             |Osgoode        |Russell          |M. E. Tobin
  Kent Bridge         |Camden         |Kent             |William Webb
  Kerrwood            |Adelaide       |Middlesex, W. R. |J. H. Thomas
  Kerry               |Caledonia      |Prescott         |A. S. McLennan
  Kertch              |Plympton       |Lambton          |James Oxenham
  Keswick             |N. Gwillimbury |York, N. R.      |Henry Stennett
  Kettleby            |King           |York, N. R.      |Jacob Walton
  Kilbride            |Nelson         |Halton           |Thomas L. White
  Kildare             |Kildare        |Joliette         |O. Vigneault
  Kilkenny            |Kilkenny       |Montcalm         |
  Killarney           | North Shore of|Lake Huron       |Solomon Thebe
  Kilmanagh           |Chinguacousy   |Peel             |Isaac Lowes
  Kilmarnock          |Wolford        |Grenville, N. R. |George Newsome
  Kilmartin           |Metcalfe       |Middlesex, W. R. |D. McKellar
  Kilsyth             |Derby          |Grey             |Thomas Sloan
  Kinburn             |Fitzroy        |Carleton         |
  _Kincardine_        |Kincardine     |Bruce            |M. McKendrick
  King                |King           |York, N. R.      |Richard Machell
  Kingsey             |Kingsey        |Drummond         |A. Wilcocks
  Kingsey Falls       |Kingsey        |Drummond         |Hayes Gilman
  _Kingston_          |Kingston       |City of Kingston |Robert Deacon
  Kingston Mills      |Kingston       |Frontenac        |Thomas Burrowes
  _Kingsville_        |Gosfield       |Essex            |John Kennedy
  Kinkora             |Ellice         |Perth            |James Moriarty
  Kinloss             |Kinloss        |Bruce            |
  Kinlough            |Kinloss        |Bruce            |Simon Corrigan
  Kinmount            |Somerville     |Victoria         |John Hunter
  Kinnear’s Mills     |Leeds          |Megantic         |James Kinnear
  Kinsale             |Pickering      |Ontario, S. R.   |John Fairless
  Kintail             |Ashfield       |Huron            |John Boyd
  Kintore             |East Nissouri  |Oxford, N. R.    |W. Murray
  Kippen              |Tuckersmith    |Huron            |Robert Bell
  Kirkhill            |Lochiel        |Glengary         |James Dunn
  Kirk’s Ferry        |Hull           |Ottawa           |John Kirk
  Kirkton             |Usborne        |Huron            |William Currie
  Kirkwall            |Beverley       |Wentworth, N. R. |W. McMillan
  Klineburgh          |Vaughan        |York, W. R.      |H. S. Howland
  Knowlton            |Brome          |Brome            |Albert Kimball
  Komoka              |Lobo           |Middlesex, W. R. |O. D. Mabee
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  La Baie             |La Baie        |Yamaska          |Joseph Rousseau
  Labarre             |Labarre        |Chicoutimi       |C. Hébert
  La Beauce           |Ste. Marie     |Beauce           |J. B. Bonneville
  L’Acadie            |L’Acadie       |St. Johns        |C. T. Charbonneau
  L’Acadie Station    |L’Acadie       |St. Johns        |Thomas Lyons
  Lachenaie           |Lachenaie      |L’Assomption     |J. O. Laurier
  _Lachine_           |Montreal       |Jacques Cartier  |Fabien Caisse
  _Lachute_           |Argenteuil     |Argenteuil       |John Meikle
  Lac Noir            |Fournier       |L’Islet          |J. B. Pelletier
  _Lacolle_           |Lacolle        |St. Johns        |T. Van Vliet
  Lafontaine          |Tiny           |Simcoe, N. R.    |M. A. Pilon
  Laggan              |Kenyon         |Glengary         |Donald Cattanach
  La Guerre           |Godmanchester  |Huntingdon       |John McDonald
  Lake Aylmer         |Stratford      |Wolfe            |F. Legendre
  Lake Beauport       |St. Dunstan    |Quebec           |A. Simmons
  Lake Doré           |Wilberforce    |Renfrew          |James Leech
  Lakefield           |Gore           |Argenteuil       |G. Rogers
  Lake Megantic       |Whitton        |Compton          |J. McDonald
  Lakeside            |Nissouri, East |Oxford, N. R.    |H. F. Sharp
  Lake Temiscouata    |               |Temiscouata      |George Dall
  L’Amaroux           |York           |York, W. R.      |James Taylor
  Lambeth             |Westminster    |Middlesex, E. R. |Almond Buck
  Lambton             |Lambton        |Beauce           |Dr. Louis
                      |               |                 |  Labrecque
  _Lanark_            |Lanark         |Lanark, N. R.    |A. G. Hall
  Lancaster           |Lancaster      |Glengary         |K. McPherson
  Langside            |Kinloss        |Bruce            |Peter Reid
  Langton             |Walsingham     |Norfolk          |D. W. Boughner
  Lanoraie            |Lanoraie       |Berthier         |E. Lescault
  Lansdown            |Lansdown       |Leeds, S. R.     |W. H. McNeil
  L’Anse à Giles      |L’Islet        |L’Islet          |G. F. Giasson
  L’Anse au Foin      |Tremblay       |Chicoutimi       |P. Potvin
  L’Anse St. Jean     |St. Jean       |Chicoutimi       |L. E. Otis
  La Petite Rivière   |               |Charlevoix       |
    St. François      |               |                 |
    (Sub office)      |               |                 |
  La Pigeonnière      |La Salle       |Napierville      |M. Blain
  _Laprairie_         |Laprairie      |Laprairie        |James Charlton
  La Présentation     |La Présentation|St. Hyacinthe    |N. Bergeron
  Largie              |Dunwich        |Elgin, W. R.     |D. McCallum
  Larner              |Hibbert        |Perth            |John Larner
  Laskay              |King           |York, N. R.      |George S. Baldwin
  _L’Assomption_      |St. Sulpice    |L’Assomption     |J. Guilbault
  Laterrière          |Notre Dame du  |Chicoutimi       |George McKenzie
                      |  Grand Brûlé  |                 |
  Laurel              |Amaranth       |Wellington, N. R.|
  Laval               |Laval          |Montmorency      |Rev’d H. Gagnon
  Lavaltrie           |Lavaltrie      |Berthier         |Joseph Charland
  Lavender            |Mulmur         |Simcoe, S. R.    |I. B. Mastin
  L’Avenir            |Durham         |Drummond         |H. S. Griffing
  Lawrenceville       |South Ely      |Shefford         |F. Lawrence
  Leamington          |Mersea         |Essex            |Warren Kimball
  Leaskdale           |Scott          |Ontario, N. R.   |George Leask
  Leavens             |St. Vincent    |Grey             |S. Cunningham
  Leelerville         |Ste. Emelie    |Lotbinière       |Joseph Lord
  _Leeds_             |Leeds          |Megantic         |Sarah Jiggens
  Lefroy              |Innisfil       |Simcoe, S. R.    |David Davidson
  Leinster            |Richmond       |Lenox            |M. Jordan
  Leith               |Sydenham       |Grey             |James Ross, Sr.
  Lemonville          |Whitchurch     |York, N. R.      |John Hill
  _Lennoxville_       |Ascot          |Town of          |J. P. Cushing
                      |               |  Sherbrooke     |
  Lenox               |Fredericksburg |Lenox            |John C. Lucus
  Leonard’s Hill      |Wickham        |Drummond         |M. Leonard
  L’Epiphanie         |St. Sulpice    |L’Assomption     |F. Le Blanc
  Les Eboulemens      |Eboulemens     |Charlevoix       |Edward Slevin
  Les Ecureuils       |D’Auteuil      |Portneuf         |Pierre Pagé
  Les Escoumains      |               |Saguenay         |John C. Barry
  Leskard             |Clarke         |Durham, W. R.    |P. McIntyre
  Leslie              |York           |York, E. R.      |George Leslie,
                      |               |                 |  Jr.
  Les Petites         |               |Saguenay         |R. Boulliane
    Bergeronnes       |               |                 |
  Lévis               |Lauzon         |Levi             |François Bertrand
  Lifford             |Manvers        |Durham, E. R.    |
  Limehouse           |Esquesing      |Halton           |John Newton
  Lime Lake           |Hungerford     |Hastings, N. R.  |James Jarmin
  _Lindsay_           |Ops            |Victoria         |Thomas Adam
  Linton              |King           |York, N. R.      |Joseph Lynn
  Linwood             |Wellesley      |Waterloo, N. R.  |Robert C. Coote
  Lippincott          |York           |York, W. R.      |Mary Larkin
  Lisadel             |Howick         |Huron            |Arthur Mitchell
  Lisbon              |North Easthope |Perth            |John Zinkann
  Lisburn             |Huron          |Bruce            |G. Ruttle
  L’Islet             |L’Islet        |L’Islet          |Mrs. E.
                      |               |                 |  Ballantyne
  _Listowell_         |Elma           |Perth            |W. H. Hacking
  Litchfield          |Litchfield     |Pontiac          |John W. B. Ford
  Little Britain      |Mariposa       |Victoria         |John Broad
  Little Rapids       |Portland       |Ottawa           |D. McMillan
  Little Rideau       |Hawkesbury     |Prescott         |
  _Lloydtown_         |King           |York, N. R.      |Anthony Eastwood
  Lobo                |Lobo           |Middlesex, W. R. |Mrs. E. Fares
  Loch Garry          |Kenyon         |Glengary         |James Fraser
  Lochiel             |Lochiel        |Glengary         |Owen Quigley
  Lockton             |Albion         |Peel             |Adam Parkinson
  Logierait           |Moore          |Lambton          |D. Hossie
  Londesborough       |Hullet         |Huron            |John Neelands
  _London_            |London         |City of London   |Lawrence Lawless
  Long Island Locks   |Nepean         |Carleton         |Moses Gamble
  Long Point          |Island of      |Hochelaga        |J. B. Morin
                      |  Montreal     |                 |
  _Longueuil_         |Longueuil      |Chambly          |P. Lespérance
  Longwood            |Ekfrid         |Middlesex, W. R. |Thomas Gordon
  Lonsdale            |Tyendinaga     |Hastings, S. R.  |Richard Wildman
  Lorette             |Lorette        |Quebec           |J. G. Vincent
  _L’Orignal_         |Longueuil      |Prescott         |C. Johnson
  Lorraine            |Mono           |Simcoe, S. R.    |John Mills
  Lotbinière          |Lotbinière     |Lotbinière       |M. Lemay
  _Loughboro’_        |Loughboro’     |Frontenac        |Hugh Madden
  Louisville          |Chatham        |Kent             |R. C. Struthers
  Low                 |Low            |Ottawa           |Caleb Brooks
  Lower Ireland       |Ireland        |Megantic         |Edward Redman
  Lowville            |Nelson         |Halton           |R. P. Rogers
  _Lucan_             |Biddulph       |Huron            |William Porte
  Lucknow             |Kinloss        |Bruce            |M. Campbell
  Lunenburg           |Osnabruck      |Stormont         |F. Kirkpatrick
  Lurgan              |Huron          |Bruce            |James McCrindle
  Luther              |Luther         |Wellington, N. R.|Samuel Stuckey
  Luton               |Malahide       |Elgin, E. R.     |L. R. Tyrrell
  _Lyn_               |Elizabethtown  |Town of          |N. Baxter
                      |               |  Brockville     |
  Lynden              |Beverley       |Wentworth, N. R. |William Smith
  Lyndhurst           |Lansdown       |Leeds, S. R.     |William P. Lee
  Lynedoch            |Charlotteville |Norfolk          |George Gray
  Lyons               |Dorchester,    |Elgin, E. R.     |P. J. Putnam
                      |  South        |                 |
  Lyster              |Nelson         |Megantic         |John King
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  McDonald’s Corners  |Dalhousie      |Lanark, N. R.    |Hugh McLean
  McGillivray         |McGillivray    |Huron            |D. Shoff
  McIntyre            |Osprey         |Grey             |John McLean
  Macnider            |Macnider       |Rimouski         |O. A. Lamontagne
  Macton              |Peel           |Wellington, N. R.|J. M. McCormick
  Macville            |Albion         |Peel             |R. H. Booth
  Maddington          |Maddington     |Arthabaska       |F. H. St. Germain
  _Madoc_             |Madoc          |Hastings, N. R.  |A. F. Wood
  Magdalen Islands    |               |Gaspé            |John D. Tuzo
  Magog               |Magog          |Stanstead        |Calvin Abbott
  Maidstone           |Maidstone      |Essex            |Thomas Moran
  Maitland            |Augusta        |Grenville, S. R. |George C. Longley
  Malakoff            |Marlborough    |Carleton         |W. J. Pierce
  Mallorytown         |Yonge          |Leeds, S. R.     |Frederick F. Lee
  Malmaison           |Stanbridge     |Missisquoi       |A. Lanthier
  Malone              |Marmora        |Hastings, N. R.  |D. N. Powell
  Malta               |Bruce          |Bruce            |Walter Macfarlane
  Malton              |Toronto, Gore  |Peel             |J. B. Allen
  Malvern             |Scarboro’      |York, E. R.      |David Brown
  Manchester          |Reach          |Ontario, N. R.   |Abel W. Ewers
  Mandamin            |Plympton       |Lambton          |James Dunlop
  _Manilla_           |Mariposa       |Victoria         |Mary Douglas
  Manitowaning        |        On Lake|Huron            |T. C. Dupont
  Mannheim            |Wilmot         |Waterloo, S. R.  |N. Huether
  Manningville        |Franklin       |Huntingdon       |Fisher Ames
  Mansfield           |Mulmur         |Simcoe, S. R.    |M. Colquhoun
  Maple               |Vaughan        |York, W. R.      |Joseph Noble
  Maple Grove         |Ireland        |Megantic         |Jared B. Hall
  Maple Leaf          |Newport        |Compton          |William G. Planch
  Mapleton            |Yarmouth       |Elgin, E. R.     |Noah Lee
  Marbleton           |Dudswell       |Wolfe            |J. B. Bishop
  March               |March          |Carleton         |Thomas Read
  Marchmount          |Orillia, North |Simcoe, N. R.    |Charles Powley
  Marden              |Guelph         |Wellington, S. R.|C. McD. Blyth
  Maria               |Maria          |Bonaventure      |J. R. Michaud
  _Markham_           |Markham        |York, E. R.      |James J. Barker
  Marlbank            |Hungerford     |Hastings, N. R.  |W. G. Allan
  Marlow              |               |Beauce           |James Armstrong
  Marmion             |Sullivan       |Grey             |S. B. Conger
  Marmora             |Marmora        |Hastings, N. R.  |D. G. Bowen
  Marnoch             |Wawanosh       |Huron            |P. Porterfield
  Marshville          |Wainfleet      |Welland          |Edward Lee
  Martintown          |Charlottenburg |Glengary         |Robert Blackwood
  Martinville         |Clifton        |Compton          |Amasa Martin
  Marysville          |Tyendinaga     |Hastings, S. R.  |James Kilmurry
  Mascouche           |Mascouche      |L’Assomption     |M. Delfausse
  Masham              |Masham         |Ottawa           |E. Trempe
  Maskinongé          |Maskinongé     |Maskinongé       |O. Masson
  Massawippi          |Hatley, West   |Stanstead        |Luther Abbott
  Matane              |Matane         |Rimouski         |L. N. Blais
  Mawcook             |Granby         |Shefford         |L. N. Hungerford
  Maxwell             |Osprey         |Grey             |Joseph Maxwell
  Mayfield            |Chinguacousy   |Peel             |Wm. Speirs
  Mayne               |Wallace        |Perth            |John Callanan
  Maynooth            |Monteagle      |Hastings, N. R.  |Michael Doyle
  Meadowvale          |Toronto        |Peel             |James Gooderham
  Medina              |Nissouri, E.   |Oxford, N. R.    |J. H. Beck
  Medonte             |Medonte        |Simcoe, N. R.    |Edmund Moon
  Melancthon          |Melancthon     |Grey             |James Brown
  _Melbourne_         |Melbourne      |Richmond         |Thomas Tait
  Melbourne Ridge     |Melbourne      |Richmond         |William Beattie
  [12]Melocheville    |Beauharnois    |Beauharnois      |George Ellis
  Melrose             |Tyendinaga     |Hastings, S. R.  |George Duncan
  Melville            |Hillier        |Prince Edward    |Caleb Johnson
  Menie               |Seymour        |Northumberl’d,   |James Mather
                      |               |  E. R.          |
  _Merrickville_      |Wolford        |Grenville, N. R. |J. H. Holden
  Mersea              |Mersea         |Essex            |Jonathan Wigfield
  Méthot’s Mills      |St. Flavien    |Lotbinière       |E. W. Méthot
  Métis               |Métis          |Rimouski         |W. E. Page
  Meyersburg          |Seymour        |Northumberl’d,   |Thomas Oliver
                      |               |  E. R.          |
  Middleville         |Lanark         |Lanark, N. R.    |William Croft
  Midhurst            |Vespra         |Simcoe, N. R.    |George Sneath
  Mile End            |Island of      |Hochelaga        |A. Piché
                      |  Montreal     |                 |
  Milford             |Marysburg      |Prince Edward    |James Cook
  _Millbank_          |Mornington     |Perth            |W. Rutherford
  Mill Bridge         |Tudor          |Hastings, N. R.  |John Bull
  _Mill Brook_        |Cavan          |Durham, E. R.    |Richard Howden
  Mille Isles         |Mille Isles    |Argenteuil       |John Pollock
  Mille Roches        |Cornwall       |Town of Cornwall |S. H. Moss
  Mille Vaches        |               |Saguenay         |
  Mill Grove          |Flamboro’, West|Wentworth, N. R. |James Tyner
  Mill Haven          |Ernestown      |Addington        |George B. Forward
  Milliken            |Markham        |York, E. R.      |W. Gorvett
  Millington          |Mara           |Ontario, N. R.   |John Harrington
  [13]Mill Point      |Richmond       |Lenox            |James Bowen
  Milnesville         |Markham        |York, E. R.      |
  Milton, East        |Milton         |Shefford         |Charles Gillespie
  _Milton, West_      |Trafalgar      |Halton           |William D. Lyon
  Mimico              |Etobicoke      |York, W. R.      |Herod Noble
  Mimosa              |Erin           |Wellington, S. R.|Henry Reed
  Minden              |Anson          |Victoria         |Daniel Buck
  _Mitchell_          |Logan          |Perth            |John Hicks
  Mohawk              |Brantford, W.  |Brant, W. R.     |William L. Jones
  Moira               |Huntingdon     |Hastings, N. R.  |Henry Ostrom
  Molesworth          |Grey           |Huron            |John Mitchell
  Monck               |Luther         |Wellington, N. R.|George Brain
  Monckland           |Roxborough     |Stormont         |A. McIntosh
  Moneymore           |Hungerford     |Hastings, N. R.  |John Harigan
  Mongenais           |Newton         |Vaudreuil        |H. R. McDonald
  Monkton             |Elma           |Perth            |Edward Greensides
  Mono Centre         |Mono           |Simcoe, S. R.    |Robert Laidlaw
  _Mono Mills_        |Mono           |Simcoe, S. R.    |
  Montague            |Montague       |Lanark, S. R.    |John Telford
  Montcalm            |Rawdon         |Montcalm         |J. B. LeBlanc
  Monte Bello         |Petite Nation  |Ottawa           |Charles Major,
                      |               |                 |  Jr.
  _Montmagny_         |St. Thomas     |Montmagny        |J. S. Vallée
  _Montreal_          |Montreal       |City of Montreal |E. S. Freer
  Montrose            |Stamford       |Welland          |N. E. Thompson
  Mont St. Hilaire    |St. Hilaire    |Rouville         |J. E. Ducharme
  _Moore_             |Moore          |Lambton          |Wm. McPherson
  Morewood            |Winchester     |Dundas           |A. McKay
  Morningdale Mills   |Mornington     |Perth            |J. Nicklin
  _Morpeth_           |Howard         |Kent             |Andrew Heyward
  Morrisbank          |Morris         |Huron            |Benjamin Draper
  _Morrisburg_        |Matilda        |Dundas           |James Holden
  Morrisdale          |Grey           |Huron            |Donald Scott
  Morriston           |Puslinch       |Wellington, S. R.|R. B. Morison
  Morton              |Crosby, South  |Leeds, S. R.     |George Morton
  Morven              |Ernestown      |Addington        |Daniel Henwood
  Moscow              |Camden, East   |Addington        |Zara Vanluven
  Motherwell          |Fullarton      |Perth            |James Brown, Sr.
  Mountain Grove      |Olden          |Frontenac        |E. L. Godfrey
  Mountain View       |Ameliasburgh   |Prince Edward    |W. H. Way
  Mount Albion        |Barton         |Wentworth, S. R. |G. B. Grey
  _Mount Brydges_     |Caradoc        |Middlesex, W. R. |Edward Handy
  Mount Carmel        |Mount Carmel   |Kamouraska       |R. Lavoie
  Mount Charles       |Toronto        |Peel             |Charles King
  Mount Elgin         |Dereham        |Oxford, S. R.    |F. G. Coulton
  _Mount Forest_      |Egremont       |Grey             |T. G. Smith
  Mount Healy         |Oneida         |Haldimand        |Charles L. Harvey
  Mount Horeb         |Ops            |Victoria         |W. D. Smith
  Mount Hurst         |Albion         |Peel             |John Wallace
  Mount Johnson       |St. Grégoire   |Iberville        |John McQuillen
  Mountjoy            |               |Soulanges        |Finlay McQuaig
  Mount Oscar         |Rigaud         |Vaudreuil        |D. McDonell
  Mount Pleasant      |Cavan          |Durham, E. R.    |S. J. Best
  Mountsberg          |Flamboro’, East|Wentworth, N. R. |M. M. Crooker
  Mount St. Louis     |Medonte        |Simcoe, N. R.    |J. B. Hussey
  Mount St. Patrick   |Brougham       |Renfrew          |Thomas Brady
  _Mount Vernon_      |Brantford, West|Brant, W. R.     |Thomas Perrin
  Mount Webster       |Lansdown       |Leeds, S. R.     |Robert Webster
  Muddy Branch        |Chatham        |Argenteuil       |Fernandez Naubert
  Mulgrave            |Bertie         |Welland          |Joseph J. Zavitz
  Mulmur              |Mulmur         |Simcoe, S. R.    |John Little
  Muncey              |Caradoc        |Middlesex, W. R. |
  Murray              |Murray         |Northumberland,  |Richard O.
                      |               |  E. R.          |  Dickson
  Murray Bay          |Mountmurray    |Charlevoix       |Edward Tremblay
  Murvale             |Portland       |Frontenac        |Michael Davy
  Muskoka Falls       |Draper         |Victoria         |
  Musselburg          |Mornington     |Perth            |George Shearer
  Myrtle              |Whitby         |Ontario, S. R.   |Selah Orvis
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  _Nairn_             |Williams       |Middlesex, W. R. |Donald McLeod
  Nanticoke           |Walpole        |Haldimand        |C. E. Bourne
  _Napanee_           |Richmond       |Lenox            |Gilbert Bogart
  Napier              |Metcalfe       |Middlesex, W. R. |John Arthurs
  _Napierville_       |De Lery        |Napierville      |N. Palin
  Nashwood            |Farnham        |Brome            |Philip Wood
  _Nassagiweya_       |Nassagiweya    |Halton           |Thos.
                      |               |                 |  Easterbrooke
  Navan               |Cumberland     |Russell          |M. O’Meara
  Nelson              |Nelson         |Halton           |A. G. MacKay
  Netherby            |Humberstone    |Welland          |James Zavitz
  Neustadt            |Normanby       |Grey             |D. Winkler
  New Aberdeen        |Waterloo, South|Waterloo, S. R.  |Jos. Thomson
  Newark              |Norwich        |Oxford, S. R.    |Augustus Gary
  Newbliss            |Kitley         |Leeds, N. R.     |John Edgar
  _Newboro’_          |Crosby, North  |Leeds, S. R.     |Thomas Webster
  Newboyne            |Bastard        |Leeds, S. R.     |James Lytle
  _Newburgh_          |Camden, East   |Addington        |Robert Hope
  _Newbury_           |Mosa           |Middlesex, W. R. |Thomas Robinson
  New Carlisle        |Cox            |Bonaventure      |Matthew Calder
  _Newcastle_         |Clarke         |Durham, W. R.    |Hiram Hodges
  New Dundee          |Wilmot         |Waterloo, S. R.  |A. Moyer
  New Durham          |Burford        |Brant, W. R.     |E. F. Schooley
  New Glasgow         |Lacorne        |Terrebonne       |William Furse
  _New Hamburg_       |Wilmot         |Waterloo, S. R.  |Andrew Ross
  Newington           |Oznabruck      |Stormont         |Jacob Baker
  New Ireland         |Ireland        |Megantic         |Richard C. Porter
  Newland             |Gwillimbury,   |York, N. R.      |R. Hunter
                      |  East         |                 |
  New Liverpool       |Lauzon         |Levi             |Damase Roberge
  New Lowell          |Sunnidale      |Simcoe, N. R.    |P. Paton
  _New Market_        |Whitchurch     |York, N. R.      |William Roe
  Newport             |Brantford      |Brant, W. R.     |Lyman Chapin
  New Richmond        |New Richmond   |Bonaventure      |Richard Brash
  Newry               |Elma           |Perth            |C. Coulter
  Newton Brook        |York           |York, W. R.      |M. Richardson
  Newton Robinson     |Tecumseth      |Simcoe, S. R.    |William Chantler
  _Niagara_           |Niagara        |Town of Niagara  |Robert Warren
  _Nicolet_           |Nicolet        |Nicolet          |H. A. Chillas
  Nile                |Colborne       |Huron            |J. Rhynas
  Nilestown           |Dorchester, N. |Middlesex, E. R. |Mary Putnam
  Nissouri            |Nissouri, East |Oxford, N. R.    |Joseph Howes
  Nithburg            |North Easthope |Perth            |James Brown
  Nobleton            |King           |York, N. R.      |William Munsie
  Norham              |Percy          |Northumberl’d,   |Dr. B. G. G.
                      |               |  E. R.          |  Demorest
  Norland             |Laxton         |Victoria         |A. A. McLaughlin
  Normandale          |Charlotteville |Norfolk          |John W. Sheppard
  Normanton           |Saugeen        |Bruce            |John J. Lehnen
  North Adjala        |Adjala         |Simcoe, S. R.    |William Donehy
  North Augusta       |Augusta        |Grenville, S. R. |Samuel J. Bellamy
  North Bristol       |Bristol        |Pontiac          |R. Shirley
  North Douro         |Douro          |Peterborough     |Robert Casement
  North Eldon         |Eldon          |Victoria         |William McCradie
  North Ely           |Ely            |Shefford         |G. Bartlett
  North Georgetown    |Beauharnois    |Chateauguay      |Joseph Turcot
  North Glanford      |Glanford       |Wentworth, S. R. |Jacob Terryberry
  North Gower         |North Gower    |Carleton         |Geo. E. Johnston
  North Hatley        |Hatley         |Stanstead        |
  North Keppel        |Keppel         |Grey             |David Dewar
  North Lancaster     |Lancaster      |Glengary         |Charles Leclair
  North Mountain      |Mountain       |Dundas           |James Cleland
  North Pelham        |Pelham         |Welland          |Mrs. M. A.
                      |               |                 |  McQueen
  _North Port_        |Sophiasburg    |Prince Edward    |Samuel Solmes,
                      |               |                 |  Jr.
  North Ridge         |Gosfield       |Essex            |W. H. Billing
  North Stanbridge    |Stanbridge     |Missisquoi       |E. B. Stone
  North Stukeley      |Stukeley       |Shefford         |S. Paquette
  North Sutton        |Sutton         |Brome            |S. Sweet
  North Wakefield     |Wakefield      |Ottawa           |A. Pritchard
  North Walsingham    |Walsingham     |Norfolk          |John K. Simons
  North Williamsburg  |Williamsburg   |Dundas           |Wm. Gordon
  Norton Creek        |Beauharnois    |Chateauguay      |Thomas Cantwell
  Norval              |Esquesing      |Halton           |Joseph Kyle
  _Norwich_           |Norwich        |Oxford, S. R.    |Gilbert Moore
  _Norwood_           |Asphodel       |Peterborough     |James Foley
  Notfield            |Indian         |Glengary         |Peter Kennedy
                      |  Reservation  |                 |
  Notre-Dame du       |               |Témiscouata      |M. Michaud
    Portage           |               |                 |
  Nottawa             |Nottawasaga    |Simcoe, N. R.    |Andrew Melville
  Noyan               |Sabrevois      |Missisquoi       |T. B. Derick
  Nutt’s Corners      |Sabrevois      |Missisquoi       |David Nutt
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Oak Hill            |Laxton         |Victoria         |Wm. Corbett
  _Oakland_           |Oakland        |Brant, W. R.     |John Toyne
  Oak Ridges          |Whitchurch     |York, N. R.      |Frederick Suttle
  _Oakville_          |Trafalgar      |Halton           |R. Balmer
  Oakwood             |Mariposa       |Victoria         |E. A. Bowes
  Oban                |Plympton       |Lambton          |William Carrick
  _Odessa_            |Ernestown      |Addington        |P. S. Timmerman
  _Oil Springs_       |Enniskillen    |Lambton          |William Harrison
  Olinda              |Gosfield       |Essex            |John C. Fox
  Omagh               |Trafalgar      |Halton           |Thomas Little
  Omemee              |Emily          |Victoria         |Robert Grandy
  Oneida              |Oneida         |Haldimand        |J. T. Mutchmore
  Onondaga            |Onondaga       |Brant, W. R.     |Wm. S. Buckwell
  Onslow              |Onslow         |Pontiac          |Walton Smith
  Ontario             |Saltfleet      |Wentworth, S. R. |
  _Orangeville_       |Garafraxa      |Wellington, N. R.|Wm. S. Hewat
  Orchard             |Normanby       |Grey             |Thomas Caldwell
  _Orillia_           |Orillia        |Simcoe, N. R.    |Thomas Moffatt
  Orleans             |Gloucester,    |Russell          |
                      |  North        |                 |
  Ormond              |Winchester     |Dundas           |Ira Morgan
  Ormstown            |Beauharnois    |Chateauguay      |R. N. Walsh
  Oro                 |Oro            |Simcoe, N. R.    |Donald Grant
  _Orono_             |Clarke         |Durham, W. R.    |Joseph L. Tucker
  Orwell              |Yarmouth       |Elgin, E. R.     |D. Sutherland
  Osceola             |Bromley        |Renfrew          |Alex. McLaren
  Osgoode             |Osgoode        |Russell          |Adam J. Baker
  _Oshawa_            |Whitby         |Ontario, S. R.   |Francis Keller
  Osprey              |Osprey         |Grey             |
  Ospringe            |Erin           |Wellington, S. R.|William Symon
  Ossian              |Enniskillen    |Lambton          |George McPherson
  Ostrander           |Howard         |Kent             |James Ostrander
  _Ottawa_            |Nepean         |City of Ottawa   |G. P. Baker
  _Otterville_        |Norwich        |Oxford, S. R.    |John H. Cornell
  Oungah              |Chatham        |Kent             |Stephen Kinny
  Overton             |Camden         |Addington        |Edward Storr
  _Owen Sound_        |Sydenham       |Grey             |George Brown
  Owl’s Head          |Potton         |Brome            |A. C. Jennings
  Oxford Centre       |Oxford         |Oxford, S. R.    |
  Oxford Mills        |Oxford         |Grenville, N. R. |Richey Waugh
  Oznabruck Centre    |Oznabruck      |Stormont         |Jacob Poaps
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  _Paisley_           |Elderslie      |Bruce            |Thomas Orchard
  _Pakenham_          |Pakenham       |Lanark, N. R.    |
  _Palermo_           |Trafalgar      |Halton           |H. M. Switzer
  Panmure             |Fitzroy        |Carleton         |James King
  Papineauville       |Petite Nation  |Ottawa           |Stephen Tucker
  Parham              |Hinchinbrooke  |Frontenac        |T. A. Grant
  _Paris_             |Dumfries, South|Brant, E. R.     |George Stanton
  Paris Station       |Dumfries, South|Brant, E. R.     |
  [14]Park Hill       |West Williams  |Middlesex, W. R. |James Plewes
  Parma               |Fredericksburg |Lenox            |John C. Green
  Paspebiac           |               |Bonaventure      |D. Bisson
  Pefferlaw           |Georgina       |York, N. R.      |George Johnson
  Pelham Union        |Pelham         |Welland          |
  _Pembroke_          |Pembroke       |Renfrew          |Alexander Moffatt
  Pendleton           |Plantagenet    |Prescott         |J. M. C.
                      |               |                 |  Delesderniers
  _Penetanguishene_   |Tiny           |Simcoe, N. R.    |D. J. Mitchell
  Peninsula-Gaspé     |Gaspé          |Gaspé            |
  Penville            |Tecumseth      |Simcoe, S. R.    |Edward T. Turner
  Percé               |Percé          |Gaspé            |J. E. Tuzo
  Perch Station       |Sarnia         |Lambton          |John Irwin
  Perrytown           |Hope           |Durham, E. R.    |R. A. Corbett,
                      |               |                 |  M. D.
  _Perth_             |Drummond       |Lanark, S. R.    |William J. Morris
  Petawawa            |Petawawa       |Renfrew          |Charles Young
  _Peterboro’_        |North Monaghan |Peterboro’       |S. J. Carver
  Petersburg          |Wilmot         |Waterloo, S. R.  |John Ernst
  Peterson            |Anson          |Victoria         |Walter Dickey
  Peterson’s Ferry    |Sophiasburg    |Prince Edward    |Paul Peterson
  Petrolea            |Enniskillen    |Lambton          |Patrick Barclay
  Petworth            |Portland       |Frontenac        |E. L. Carscallen
  Peveril             |Newton         |Vaudreuil        |Alexander
                      |               |                 |  Morrison
  _Philipsburg, East_ |St. Armand     |Missisquoi       |D. T. R. Nye
  Philipsburg, West   |Wilmot         |Waterloo, S. R.  |G. C. Doering
  Philipsville        |Bastard        |Leeds, S. R.     |George Brown
  _Pickering_         |Pickering      |Ontario, S. R.   |Mrs. Elizb’th
                      |               |                 |  Whitney
  _Picton_            |Hallowell      |Prince Edward    |David Baker
  Pierreville         |Pierreville    |Yamaska          |Louis Gill
  Pigeon Hill         |St. Armand     |Missisquoi       |Noah Sager
  _Pike River_        |St. George de  |Iberville        |C. Roberts
                      |  Henryville   |                 |
  Pine Orchard        |Whitchurch     |York, N. R.      |Cornely Randall
  Pine River          |Huron          |Bruce            |D. McDermid
  Pinkerton           |Greenock       |Bruce            |M. Pinkerton
  Pittsferry          |Pittsburg      |Frontenac        |Daniel Root
  Plainfield          |Thurlow        |Hastings, S. R.  |H. G. Gillespie
  Plantagenet         |Plantagenet    |Prescott         |Henry Smith
  Plattsville         |Blenheim       |Oxford, N. R.    |Samuel Platt
  Playfair            |Bathurst       |Lanark, S. R.    |G. C. Mills
  Pleasant Hill       |Walsingham     |Norfolk          |J. D. Morgan
  Plum Hollow         |Bastard        |Leeds, S. R.     |J. R. Alguire
  Point Abino         |Bertie         |Welland          |Ralph Disher
  Point Alexander     |Rolph          |Renfrew          |Benjamin
                      |               |                 |  McConnell
  Pointe au Chêne     |Grenville      |Argenteuil       |Archibald Cameron
  Pointe aux Anglais  |Two Mountains  |Two Mountains    |Bazile Charlebois
  Pointe aux Trembles |Island of      |Hochelaga        |
                      |  Montreal     |                 |
  Pointe aux Trembles |Pointe aux     |Portneuf         |Frederic Larue
                      |  Trembles     |                 |
  Pointe Claire       |Montreal       |Jacques Cartier  |L. B. D’Aoust
  Pointe du Lac       |Pointe du Lac  |St. Maurice      |Louis Comeau
  Point Fortune       |Rigaud         |Vaudreuil        |A. St. Denis
  Point Levi, East    |Lauzon         |Levi             |Charles Bourget
  Point St. Charles   |Island of      |Jacques Cartier  |E. Blomeley
                      |  Montreal     |                 |
  Point St. Peter     |Malbaie        |Gaspé            |George Packwood
  Poland              |Dalhousie      |Lanark, N. R.    |W. Rogers
  Pomona              |Glenelg        |Grey             |W. Martin
  Ponsonby            |Nichol         |Wellington, N. R.|James L. Halley
  Pont Chateau        |Soulanges      |Soulanges        |Israel Milord
  Pont de Maskinongé  |Maskinongé     |Maskinongé       |A. J. Lafrenière
  Poole               |Mornington     |Perth            |D. Matthews
  _Portage du Fort_   |Litchfield     |Pontiac          |D. F. McLaren
  Port Albert         |Ashfield       |Huron            |Thomas Hawkins
  Port au Persil      |Mount Murray   |Charlevoix       |John McLaren
  Port Bruce          |Malahide       |Elgin, E. R.     |Amasa Lewis
  _Port Burwell_      |Bayham         |Elgin, E. R.     |Thomas Pilcher
  _Port Colborne_     |Humberstone    |Welland          |L. G. Carter
  Port Credit         |Toronto        |Peel             |Robert Cotton
  _Port Dalhousie_    |Grantham       |Lincoln          |John H.
                      |               |                 |  Martindale
  Port Daniel         |Port Daniel    |Bonaventure      |Patrick Sweetman
  _Port Dover_        |Woodhouse      |Norfolk          |David Abel
  Port Elmsley        |North Elmsley  |Lanark, S. R.    |Joseph McCormack
  Porter’s Hill       |Goderich       |Huron            |Robert Porter
  Port Granby         |Clarke         |Durham, W. R.    |George Elliott
  Port Hoover         |Cartwright     |Durham, W. R.    |Thomas Hoover
  _Port Hope_         |Hope           |Durham, E. R.    |David Smart
  Portland            |Bastard        |Leeds, S. R.     |S. S. Scovil
  Port Lewis          |Godmanchester  |Huntingdon       |B. B. Carson
  Port Maitland       |Sherbrooke     |Haldimand        |James Moss
  Port Nelson         |Nelson         |Halton           |Hugh Cotter
  Portneuf            |Portneuf       |Portneuf         |Charles Gaulin
  Port Perry          |Reach          |Ontario, N. R.   |Joseph Bigelow
  _Port Robinson_     |Thorold        |Welland          |Andrew Murray
  _Port Rowan_        |Walsingham     |Norfolk          |Andrew McLennan
  Port Royal          |Walsingham     |Norfolk          |Mark Barrett
  Port Ryerse         |Woodhouse      |Norfolk          |William H. Ryerse
  Portsmouth          |Kingston       |Frontenac        |George McLeod
  _Port Stanley_      |Yarmouth       |Elgin, E. R.     |John Tennent
  Port Talbot         |Dunwich        |Elgin, W. R.     |John Clark
  _Prescott_          |Augusta        |Grenville, S. R. |
  _Preston_           |Waterloo, South|Waterloo, S. R.  |Conrad Nispel
  Priceville          |Artemesia      |Grey             |John H. Yeomans
  Primrose            |Mono           |Simcoe, S. R.    |John Stewart
  [15]_Prince Albert_ |Reach          |Ontario, N. R.   |M. G. Robson
  Princeton           |Blenheim       |Oxford, N. R.    |J. G. Lindsay
  Prospect            |Beckwith       |Lanark, S. R.    |John Burrows
  Proton              |Proton         |Grey             |George Armstrong
  Puslinch            |Puslinch       |Wellington, S. R.|William Leslie
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  _Quebec_            |Quebec         |Quebec           |John Sewell
  Queensborough       |Elzevir        |Hastings, N. R.  |Daniel Thompson
  Queenston           |Niagara        |Lincoln          |James Wynn
  Queensville         |East           |York, N. R.      |James Aylward
                      |  Gwillimbury  |                 |
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Raglan              |Whitby         |Ontario, S. R.   |Loren Foster
  Railton             |Loughboro’     |Frontenac        |John Walsh
  Rainham             |Rainham        |Haldimand        |
  Rainham Centre      |Rainham        |Haldimand        |Margaret Jones
  Rapides des Joachims|Aberdeen       |Pontiac          |Walter Colville
  Ratho               |Blandford      |Oxford, N. R.    |Joseph Williams
  Ravenshoe           |East           |York, N. R.      |J. B. Oliver
                      |  Gwillimbury  |                 |
  Ravenswood          |Bosanquet      |Lambton          |
  Rawdon              |Rawdon         |Montcalm         |Michael Skelly
  Reading             |Garafraxa      |Wellington, N. R.|M. Leeson
  Rednersville        |Ameliasburgh   |Prince Edward    |George Roblin
  Reekie              |Kincardine     |Bruce            |Joseph Shier
  _Renfrew_           |Horton         |Renfrew          |Wm. Mackay
  Renton              |Townsend       |Norfolk          |James B. Smith
  Repentigny          |L’Assomption   |L’Assomption     |Joseph Etu
  Riceburg            |Stanbridge     |Missisquoi       |C. A. Rice
  Riceville           |Plantagenet    |Prescott         |Peter McLauren
  Richmond, East      |Shipton        |Richmond         |G. K. Foster
  Richmond, West      |Goulburn       |Carleton         |W. H. Butler
  _Richmond Hill_     |Vaughan        |York, W. R.      |Matthew Teefy
  Richmond Station    |Richmond       |Richmond         |A. Donnelly
  Richview            |Toronto Gore   |Peel             |John Davis
  Richwood            |Blenheim       |Oxford, N. R.    |J. L. Laycock
  Ridgetown           |Howard         |Kent             |L. S. Hancock
  Rigaud              |Rigaud         |Vaudreuil        |A. W. Charlebois
  _Rimouski_          |Rimouski       |Rimouski         |J. T. Couillard
  Ringwood            |Whitchurch     |York, N. R.      |G. H. Silvester
  Ripley              |Huron          |Bruce            |Thomas Harris
  River Beaudette     |               |Soulanges        |Colin McPherson
  River David         |               |Yamaska          |J. B. Commeault
  River Desert        |               |Ottawa           |James McAuly
  Riversdale          |Greenock       |Bruce            |Thomas Corrigan
  Rivière Bois Clair  |St. Edouard    |Lotbinière       |A. Lemay
  Rivière des Prairies|Montreal       |Hochelaga        |Louis Bélanger
  _Rivière du Loup    |Rivière du Loup|Temiscouata      |Charles H. Gaudry
    (en bas)_         |               |                 |
  Rivière du Loup     |Rivière du Loup|Maskinongé       |Louis Baribeau
    (en haut)         |               |                 |
  Rivière Ouelle      |Rivière Ouelle |Kamouraska       |Louis Frénette
  Rivière Trois       |Trois Pistoles |Temiscouata      |Nazaire Têtu
    Pistoles          |               |                 |
  Roberval            |Roberval       |Chicoutimi       |
  Robinson            |Bury           |Compton          |Lemuel Pope
  Roblin              |Richmond       |Lenox            |William Paul
  Rochelle            |Stukeley       |Shefford         |Louis Dubé
  Rochester           |Rochester      |Essex            |P. Dumouchelle
  Rockford            |Townsend       |Norfolk          |Abraham Masecar
  Rock Island         |Stanstead      |Stanstead        |A. A. Barry
  Rockland            |Chatham        |Argenteuil       |J. Huston
  Rockport            |Escott         |Leeds, S. R.     |William Cornwall
  Rockside            |Caledon        |Peel             |D. Kirkwood
  Rockton             |Beverley       |Wentworth, N. R. |B. Cornell
  Rockwood            |Eramosa        |Wellington, S. R.|Robert Pasmore
  Rodgerville         |Usborne        |Huron            |James Bouthron
  Rokeby              |Sherbrooke     |Lanark, S. R.    |A. Adams
  Rolph               |Middleton      |Norfolk          |E. D. Buchner
  Romney              |Romney         |Kent             |Thomas Renwick
  Rondeau             |Harwich        |Kent             |J. K. Morris
  Rosa                |Murray         |Northumberl’d,   |James S. Waldron
                      |               |  E. R.          |
  Rosebank            |Brantford      |Brant, E. R.     |John Thomas
  Rosedene            |Gainsboro’     |Lincoln          |Cornelius McKay
  Rosemont            |Tosorontio     |Simcoe, S. R.    |George Cumming
  [16]Roseneath       |Alnwick        |Northumberl’d,   |John Harstone
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  Rosetta             |Lanark         |Lanark, N. R.    |John Dods
  Roseville           |Dumfries, North|Waterloo, S. R.  |John Unger
  Roslin              |Thurlow        |Hastings, S. R.  |William Gilroy
  Ross                |Ross           |Renfrew          |James McLaren
  Rothsay             |Maryboro’      |Wellington, N. R.|James Davidson
  Rouge Hill          |Pickering      |Ontario, S. R.   |M. Brooks
  Rougemont           |St. Césaire    |Rouville         |D. Bachelder
  Round Plains        |Townsend       |Norfolk          |John Weaver
  Rowan Mills         |Walsingham     |Norfolk          |Decimus Burrows
  Roxton Falls        |Roxton         |Shefford         |Félix Lauzon
  Rugby               |North Oro      |Simcoe, N. R.    |Walter Hunter
  Ruisseau des Chênes |Upton          |Drummond         |Thos. L.
                      |               |                 |  Desaulniers
  Runnymede           |Ristigouche    |Bonaventure      |Henry Lodge
  Russell             |Russell        |Russell          |Richard Helmer
  Russeltown          |               |Chateauguay      |Cyrille Turcotte
  Rutherford          |Dawn           |Lambton          |A. McDonald
  Ruthven             |Gosfield       |Essex            |Hugh Ruthven
  Ryckman’s Corners   |Glanford       |Wentworth, S. R. |
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Ste. Adèle          |Abercrombie    |Terrebonne       |P. A. Labrie
  St. Agatha          |Wilmot         |Waterloo, S. R.  |Anthony Kaiser
  Ste. Agathe         |Ste. Agathe    |Lotbinière       |L. Boulanger
  Ste. Agnès          |Ste. Agnès     |Charlevoix       |Flavien Boily
  St. Aimé            |               |Richelieu        |P. Gélinas
  St. Alban           |Deschambault   |Portneuf         |John D. McCormick
  St. Alexandre       |               |Kamouraska       |
  St. Alexandre       |               |Iberville        |A. A. L. Brien
  St. Alexis          |St. Sulpice    |Montcalm         |Léandre LeBau
  St. Alphonse        |               |Joliette         |Luke Corcoran
  St. Anaclet         |St. Anaclet    |Rimouski         |O. Couture
  St. André           |St. André      |Kamouraska       |P. C. Marquis
  St. André Avelin    |Petite Nation  |Ottawa           |Jos. A. Levis
  _St. Andrews, East_ |Argenteuil     |Argenteuil       |T. B. Meikle
  St. Andrews, West   |Cornwall       |Town of Cornwall |Lackey Masterson
  Ste. Angélique      |Petite Nation  |Ottawa           |J. B. N. Papineau
  St. Anicet          |Godmanchester  |Huntingdon       |F. S. Bourgeault
  Ste. Anne, Bout de  |Montreal       |Jacques Cartier  |Thomas Sauvé
    l’Isle            |               |                 |
  Ste. Anne de la     |Ste. Anne      |Champlain        |Thélesphore
    Pérade            |               |                 |  Méthot
  Ste. Anne des Monts |               |Gaspé            |J. Perré
  Ste. Anne des       |Ste. Anne      |Terrebonne       |Hector Granger
    Plaines           |               |                 |
  _Ste. Anne la       |Ste. Anne      |Kamouraska       |Joseph Dionne
    Pocatière_        |               |                 |
  St. Anns, Lincoln   |Gainsboro’     |Lincoln          |Jacob Upper
  St. Anselme         |St. Anselme    |Dorchester       |F. F. Buteau
  St. Antoine,        |St. Antoine    |Lotbinière       |Edmond Larue
    Lotbinière        |               |                 |
  St. Antoine, River  |               |Verchères        |Narcisse Cartier
    Richelieu         |               |                 |
  St. Antonin         |St. Antonin    |Temiscouata      |Rev. G. Talbot
  St. Apollinaire     |St. Croix      |Lotbinière       |N. Marchand
  St. Armand Centre   |St. Armand     |Missisquoi       |C. H. Potter
  St. Arsène          |Cacouna        |Temiscouata      |Miss M. Casault
  St. Athanase        |St. Athanase   |Iberville        |P. Regnier
  St. Aubert          |St. Jean, Port |L’Islet          |C. Bourgault
                      |  Joli         |                 |
  St. Augustin,       |               |Portneuf         |C. East
    Portneuf          |               |                 |
  St. Augustin, Two   |               |Two Mountains    |Louis Paquette
    Mountains         |               |                 |
  St. Barnabé, St.    |St. Barnabé    |St. Maurice      |
    Maurice           |               |                 |
  St. Barnabé, River  |St. Barnabé    |St. Hyacinthe    |Edouard Mathieu
    Yamaska           |               |                 |
  St. Barthélemi      |St. Barthélemi |Berthier         |J. Fauteux
  St. Bazile          |St. Bazile     |Portneuf         |G. Jobin
  Ste. Beatrix        |Ste. Beatrix   |Joliette         |H. Fortin
  St. Benoit          |Two Mountains  |Two Mountains    |Ernest Lemaire
  St. Bernard         |St. Bernard    |Dorchester       |Pierre Plante
  Ste. Brigide        |Monnoir        |Iberville        |William Murray
  Ste. Brigitte des   |Ste. Brigitte  |Yamaska          |Urbain Beaudet
    Saults            |  des Saults   |                 |
  St. Bruno           |Montarville    |Chambly          |A. P. Paré
  St. Camille         |St. Camille    |Wolfe            |Flavien Milette
  St. Canute          |St. Canute     |Two Mountains    |John Hanna
  St. Casimir         |St. Casimir    |Portneuf         |Narcisse Paré
  St. Catharines, East|Fossambault    |Portneuf         |Joseph Maloney
  _St. Catharines,    |Grantham       |Lincoln          |W. L. Copeland
    West_             |               |                 |
  St. Célestin        |               |Nicolet          |C. E. Houde
  St. Césaire         |               |Rouville         |C. Dorval
  St. Charles, River  |St. Charles    |St. Hyacinthe    |J. E. LeBlanc
    Richelieu         |               |                 |
  St. Charles, River  |Bellechasse    |Bellechasse      |T. Montminy
    Boyer             |               |                 |
  St. Christophe      |Arthabaska     |Arthabaska       |Noël A. Beaudet
    d’Arthabaska      |               |                 |
  Ste. Claire         |Ste. Claire    |Dorchester       |L. V. Royer
  St. Clements        |Wellesley      |Waterloo, N. R.  |John Stroh
  St. Clet            |Soulanges      |Soulanges        |A. Bourque
  St. Columbin        |               |Two Mountains    |M. J. Phelan
  St. Constant        |Laprairie      |Laprairie        |
  Ste. Croix          |Ste. Croix     |Lotbinière       |Moïse Couture
  St. Cuthbert        |               |Berthier         |J. Chenevert
  St. Cyrille         |               |L’Islet          |J. B. Cloutier
  St. Damase          |St. Damase     |St. Hyacinthe    |P. H. Petit
  St. Davids          |Niagara        |Lincoln          |C. Fisher
  St. Denis, River    |St. Denis      |St. Hyacinthe    |Michel Laprise
    Richelieu         |               |                 |
  St. Denis de la     |               |Kamouraska       |J. D. Lavoie
    Bouteillerie      |               |                 |
  St. Didace          |Lanaudière     |Maskinongé       |Elzéar Germain
  St. Dominique       |               |Bagot            |Mdme. M. L.
                      |               |                 |  Dupont
  St. Edouard         |               |Napierville      |J. Blain
  Ste. Elizabeth      |               |Joliette         |P. L. Hudon dit
                      |               |                 |  Beaulieu
  St. Eloi            |               |Temiscouata      |Charles Thériault
  St. Ephrem d’Upton  |Upton          |Bagot            |S. B. Warner
  St. Esprit          |               |Montcalm         |C. Dalpé dit
                      |               |                 |  Pariseau
  St. Etienne         |St. Maurice    |St. Maurice      |D. Decoteau
  St. Eugène          |East Hawkesbury|Prescott         |A. McBean
  _St. Eustache_      |               |Two Mountains    |David Mitchell
  St. Evariste de     |               |Beauce           |M. Beaudoin
    Forsyth           |               |                 |
  St. Fabien          |               |Rimouski         |Vital Roy dit
                      |               |                 |  Lauzon
  Ste. Famille        |Island of      |Montmorency      |Joseph Prémont
                      |  Orleans      |                 |
  St. Félix de Valois |               |Joliette         |Max. Crépeau
  St. Féréol          |               |Montmorency      |
    (sub office)      |               |                 |
  Ste. Flavie         |               |Rimouski         |J. B. LaMontagne
  St. Flavien         |St. Flavien    |Lotbinière       |L. Bédard
  St. Foy             |Quebec         |Quebec           |Joseph Roy
  St. Francis         |               |Yamaska          |O. H. Coutu
  St. François,       |               |Montmagny        |E. C. Boulet
    Montmagny         |               |                 |
  St. François, Beauce|Beauce         |Beauce           |Hilaire Poulin
  St. François        |Island of      |Montmorency      |C. E. Dagneault
    d’Orléans         |  Orleans      |                 |  dit Laprise
  St. Frédéric        |St. Frédéric   |Beauce           |P. A. Bélanger
  St. Gabriel de      |Brandon        |Berthier         |M. O’Heir
    Brandon           |               |                 |
  Ste. Geneviève      |Montreal       |Jacques Cartier  |J. M. Paquin
  St. George, Beauce  |St. George     |Beauce           |F. X. Bonhomme
                      |               |                 |  dit Dulac
  _St. George, Brant_ |Dumfries, South|Brant, E. R.     |Samuel Stanton
  St. George de       |Windsor        |Richmond         |Henri Remi Benoit
    Windsor           |               |                 |
  Ste. Gertrude       |Ste. Gertrude  |Nicolet          |Léon Champoux
  St. Gervais         |St. Gervais    |Bellechasse      |J. P. Labrèque
  St. Giles           |St. Giles      |Lotbinière       |George Côté
  St. Grégoire        |St. Grégoire   |Nicolet          |S. Doucet
  St. Guillaume       |Upton          |Drummond         |Onézime Bellemare
    d’Upton           |               |                 |
  Ste. Hélène         |               |Kamouraska       |N. Peltier
  Ste. Hélène de Bagot|               |Bagot            |J. T. Poitras
  St. Helens          |Wawanosh       |Huron            |William Gordon
  Ste. Hénédine       |               |Dorchester       |J. Baquet dit
                      |               |                 |  La Montagne
  St. Henri           |Lauzon         |Lévis            |E. H. Marceau
  St. Hermas          |               |Two Mountains    |P. E. Clairoux
  St. Hilaire Station |St. Hilaire    |Rouville         |Thomas Valiquet
  St. Hilaire Village |St. Hilaire    |Rouville         |E. Goulet
  St. Hubert          |               |Chambly          |M. Vincent
  St. Hugues          |               |Bagot            |Hubert Piché
  _St. Hyacinthe_     |St. Hyacinthe  |St. Hyacinthe    |E. L. R. C.
                      |               |                 |  Desprès
  St. Irénée          |               |Charlevoix       |Joseph Gosselin
  St. Isidore,        |               |Dorchester       |B. Morin
    Dorchester        |               |                 |
  St. Isidore,        |               |Laprairie        |F. L. Langevin
    Laprairie         |               |                 |
  St. Ives            |West Nissouri  |Middlesex, E. R. |Thomas Howard
  St. Jacobs          |Woolwich       |Waterloo, N. R.  |Isaac E. Bowman
  St. Jacques         |St. Sulpice    |Montcalm         |J. F. Ecrement
  St. Jacques le      |               |Laprairie        |Joseph O. Poirier
    Mineur            |               |                 |
  St. Janvier         |St. Janvier    |Terrebonne       |
  St. Jean Baptiste   |Rouville       |Rouville         |C. S. Gigon
  St. Jean            |               |Chateauguay      |J. A. Leriche
    Chrysostôme,      |               |                 |
    Chateauguay       |               |                 |
  St. Jean            |Lauzon         |Lévis            |Louis Gosselin
    Chrysostôme,      |               |                 |
    Lévis             |               |                 |
  St. Jean des        |               |Lotbinière       |P. C. Le Vasseur
    Chaillons         |               |                 |
  St. Jean de Matha   |Brandon        |Joliette         |F. X. Lasalle
  St. Jean d’Orléans  |Island of      |Montmorency      |F. X. Turcotte
                      |  Orleans      |                 |
  St. Jean, Port Joli |St. Jean, Port |L’Islet          |Mathilde Fournier
                      |  Joli         |                 |
  St. Jérôme          |               |Terrebonne       |J. B. L.
                      |               |                 |  Villemure
  St. Joachim         |St. Joachim    |Montmorency      |Isaïe Simard
  _St. Johns, East_   |               |St. Johns        |W. A. Osgood
  St. Joseph          |St. Joseph     |Beauce           |Joseph O. C.
                      |               |                 |  Arcand
  St. Joseph du Lac   |Two Mountains  |Two Mountains    |John McColl
  St. Jude            |               |St. Hyacinthe    |J. A. Fournier
  Ste. Julie          |Belœil         |Verchères        |Pierre Chenk
  Ste. Julie de       |Somerset       |Megantic         |Louis Roberge
    Somerset          |               |                 |
  Ste. Julienne       |               |Montcalm         |J. E. Thienel
  St. Justin          |               |Maskinongé       |Louis St. Antoine
  St. Lambert         |Lauzon         |Lévis            |M. Brochu
  St. Lambert,        |Laprairie      |Chambly          |Andrew Irving
    Montréal          |               |                 |
  St. Laurent         |Island of      |Montmorency      |J. Audet dit
                      |  Orleans      |                 |  Lapointe
    d’Orléans         |               |                 |
  St. Laurent,        |Montreal       |Jacques Cartier  |N. Lecavallier
    Montréal          |               |                 |
  St. Lazare          |               |Bellechasse      |Pierre Coté
  St. Léon            |Dumontier      |Maskinongé       |F. X. A. Rivard
  St. Liboire         |St. Liboire    |Bagot            |W. McNichols
  St. Liguori         |               |Montcalm         |J. Octave G.
                      |               |                 |  Belisle
  St. Lin             |               |L’Assomption     |Thomas Garault
  St. Louis de        |               |Beauharnois      |A. H. Leclaire
    Gonzague          |               |                 |
  Ste. Louise         |St. Roch       |L’Islet          |F. Lausier
  St. Luc             |Longueuil      |St. Johns        |Samuel Hamilton
  Ste. Luce           |Lessard        |Rimouski         |James Miller
  St. Marc            |St. Marc       |Verchères        |Z. de St. Aubin
  St. Marcel          |               |Richelieu        |G. Ouellet
  Ste. Marguerite     |               |Dorchester       |
  Ste. Marie de       |St. Marie      |Rouville         |F. H. Gatieu
    Monnoir           |               |                 |
  Ste. Marthe         |Rigaud         |Vaudreuil        |E. H. Lalonde
  St. Martin          |Isle Jésus     |Laval            |Louis Lavoie
  Ste. Martine        |Beauharnois    |Chateauguay      |François Gagné
  _St. Mary’s,        |Blanshard      |Perth            |Arundel Hill
    Blanshard_        |               |                 |
  St. Mathias         |East Chambly   |Rouville         |Paul Bertrand
  St. Maurice         |               |Champlain        |G. E. Bistodeau
  St. Michel          |St. Michel     |Bellechasse      |E. S. Belleau
  St. Modeste         |Wentworth      |Temiscouata      |Narcisse Miville
  Ste. Monique        |Nicolet        |Nicolet          |P. Nourie
  St. Narcisse        |Champlain      |Champlain        |D. Hamelin
  St. Nicholas        |               |Lévis            |Morris Scott
  St. Norbert         |Berthier       |Berthier         |Jules Huguenin
  St. Onézime         |               |Kamouraska       |L. Ouellet
  St. Ours            |St. Ours       |Richelieu        |L. Chapedelaine
  St. Pacôme          |               |Kamouraska       |Alexandre Hudon
  St. Paschal         |Kamouraska     |Kamouraska       |A. Blondeau
  St. Patrick’s Hill  |Tingwick       |Arthabaska       |J. P. O’Brien
  St. Paul d’Industrie|               |Joliette         |Pierre Guibord
  St. Paulin          |St. Paulin     |Maskinongé       |P. Desmarais
  St. Paul l’Hermite  |L’Assomption   |L’Assomption     |B. Moreau
  St. Paul’s Bay      |St. Paul’s Bay |Charlevoix       |T. Fortin
  St. Philippe        |               |Laprairie        |E. Roy
  Ste. Philomène      |               |Chateauguay      |J. B. D’Amour
  St. Pie             |               |Bagot            |A. Gauthier dit
                      |               |                 |  Landreville
  St. Pierre d’Orléans|Island of      |Montmorency      |F. Fortin
                      |  Orleans      |                 |
  St. Pierre,         |               |Montmagny        |Charles Bacon
    Montmagny         |               |                 |
  St. Pierre les      |               |Nicolet          |Elie Godin
    Becquets          |               |                 |
  St. Placide         |               |Two Mountains    |
  St. Polycarpe       |New Longueuil  |Soulanges        |John Taylor
  St. Prosper         |               |Champlain        |Philippe Gérard
  St. Raphael, East   |               |Bellechasse      |Narcisse Fortier
  St. Raphael, West   |Charlottenburg |Glengary         |A. McDonell
  St. Raymond         |Bourg Louis    |Portneuf         |Edouard Plamondon
  _St. Rémi_          |La Salle       |Napierville      |Charles Bédard
  St. Robert          |               |Richelieu        |M. Dumontier
  St. Roch de         |St. Ours       |Richelieu        |P. Kemneur
    Richelieu         |               |                 |
  St. Roch des        |               |L’Islet          |A. Morin
    Aulnaies          |               |                 |
  St. Roch l’Achigan  |               |L’Assomption     |B. Rocher
  St. Romaine         |Winslow        |Compton          |E. Bélanger
  Ste. Rosalie        |St. Hyacinthe  |Bagot            |P. S. Gendron
  Ste. Rose           |Isle Jésus     |Laval            |J. B. Filiatrault
  St. Sauveur         |St. Sauveur    |Terrebonne       |W. H. Scott
  St. Sauveur de      |Banlieue de    |Quebec           |J. L. Saucier
    Québec            |  Québec       |                 |
  _Ste. Scholastique_ |               |Two Mountains    |A. Fortier
  St. Sévère          |               |St. Maurice      |Adolphe Lamy
  St. Simon de Yamaska|De Ramsay      |Bagot            |Alfred Brien
  St. Simon de        |               |Rimouski         |A. Pelletier
    Rimouski          |               |                 |
  Ste. Sophie         |Halifax        |Megantic         |Olivier Hébert
  Ste. Sophie de      |Lacorne        |Terrebonne       |William Campbell
    Lacorne           |               |                 |
  St. Stanislas       |               |Champlain        |Basilide Roy
  St. Stanislas de    |               |Beauharnois      |Alderic Barbeau
    Kostka            |               |                 |
  St. Sulpice         |L’Assomption   |L’Assomption     |Jacques Royal
  St. Sylvester       |               |Lotbinière       |John Machell
  St. Sylvester, East |               |Lotbinière       |George Macrea
  St. Théodore        |Acton          |Bagot            |E. Fontaine
  _Ste. Thérèse de    |Blainville     |Terrebonne       |David Morris
    Blainville_       |               |                 |
  St. Thomas, East    |Lanoraie       |Joliette         |Louis Voligny
  _St. Thomas, West_  |Yarmouth       |Elgin, E. R.     |E. Ermatinger
  St. Timothée        |               |Beauharnois      |J. B. Scott
  St. Tite            |               |Champlain        |P. O. Trudel
  St. Urbain          |               |Chateauguay      |Narcisse Dorais
  Ste. Ursule         |               |Maskinongé       |L. Lupien
  St. Valentin        |               |St. Johns        |Maurice Racicot
  St. Valérien        |Milton         |Shefford         |Rev. D. J. B.
                      |               |                 |  Veronneau
  St. Vallier         |St. Vallier    |Bellechasse      |F. Bélanger
  Ste. Victoire       |               |Richelieu        |
  _St. Vincent_       |St. Vincent    |Grey             |D. L. Layton
  St. Vincent de Paul |Isle Jésus     |Laval            |C. Germain, Jr.
  St. Zéphirin        |Courval        |Yamaska          |Thomas N. Hart
  St. Zotique         |               |Soulanges        |O. F. Prieur
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Sable               |West Williams  |Middlesex, W. R. |A. McDonald
  Sabrevois           |Sabrevois      |Iberville        |Thomas Jones
  Saintfield          |Reach          |Ontario, N. R.   |Alex. Horne
  Salem               |Malahide       |Elgin, E. R.     |George Smades
  Salford             |Dereham        |Oxford, S. R.    |William Boon
  Sandford            |Scott          |Ontario, N. R.   |Edward Taylor
  Sandhill            |Albion         |Peel             |Robert Dwyer, Jr.
  [17]Sandhurst       |S.             |Lenox            |David Allan
                      | Fredericksburg|                 |
  Sand Point          |McNab          |Renfrew          |Alexander
                      |               |                 |  McDonell
  _Sandwich_          |Sandwich, West |Essex            |P. H. Morin
  Sandy Beach         |South Gaspé Bay|Gaspé            |H. Bailey
  Sarawak             |Sarawak        |Grey             |Benjamin Jones
  _Sarnia_            |Sarnia         |Lambton          |Alfred Fisher
  _Saugeen_           |Saugeen        |Bruce            |Thomas Lee
  Sault au Récollet   |Montreal       |Hochelaga        |Edouard Dauphin
  Sault Ste. Marie    |    Entrance to Lake Superior    |David Pim
  Sawyerville         |Newport        |Compton          |William Sawyer
  Scarboro’           |Scarboro’      |York, E. R.      |A. MacLean
  Schomberg           |King           |York, N. R.      |William Moore
  Scone               |Brant          |Bruce            |Thomas Bearman
  Scotch Block        |Esquesing      |Halton           |Thomas Hume
  _Scotland_          |Oakland        |Brant, W. R.     |H. Lyman
  Scugog              |Scugog         |Ontario, N. R.   |W. T. Farewell
  _Seaforth_          |Tuckersmith    |Huron            |Archibald Dickson
  Sebringville        |Downie         |Perth            |S. P. Hesson
  Seeley’s Bay        |Leeds          |Leeds, S. R.     |William Coleman
  Selby               |Richmond       |Lenox            |David Wartman
  Selkirk             |Walpole        |Haldimand        |Henry Kent
  Selwyn              |Smith          |Peterboro’       |John Holloway
  _Seneca_            |Seneca         |Haldimand        |John Scott
  Settrington         |Settrington    |Charlevoix       |Charles Chouinard
  Severn Bridge       |Morrison       |Simcoe, N. R.    |James H. Jackson
  _Shakespeare_       |South Easthope |Perth            |Geo. Brown
  Shamrock            |Admaston       |Renfrew          |P. Gorman
  _Shannonville_      |Tyendinaga     |Hastings, S. R.  |Hiram Holden
  Shanty Bay          |Oro            |Simcoe, N. R.    |William Heard
  _Sharon_            |Gwillimbury,   |York, N. R.      |John C. Hogaboom
                      |  East         |                 |
  Sharpton            |Kingston       |Frontenac        |Robert N. Storms
  Shawbridge          |Abercrombie    |Terrebonne       |William Shaw
  Shawenegan          |Shawenegan     |St. Maurice      |Jos. Desaulniers
  Sheffield           |Beverley       |Wentworth, N. R. |Edwin Bond
  Shefford Mountain   |Shefford       |Shefford         |D. R. Savage
  _Sherbrooke_        |Ascot          |Town of          |Samuel J. Foss
                      |               |  Sherbrooke     |
  Sheridan            |Toronto        |Peel             |Joshua Pollard
  Sherkston           |Humberstone    |Welland          |Wilson Sherk
  Sherrington         |Sherrington    |Napierville      |George Busby
  Shrewsbury          |Chatham, West  |Argenteuil       |John Chambers
                      |  Gore         |                 |
  Shipley             |Wallace        |Perth            |E. Bristow
  Sillsville          |Fredericksburg |Lenox            |Donovan Sills
  Silver Creek        |Esquesing      |Halton           |John Foreman
  Silver Hill         |Charlotteville |Norfolk          |Elizabeth Cole
  Silvershoe          |Sunnidale      |Simcoe, N. R.    |James A. Mather
  _Simcoe_            |Woodhouse      |Norfolk          |Henry Mulkins
  Singhampton         |Osprey         |Grey             |J. R. Sing
  Skye                |Kenyon         |Glengary         |J. R. McKenzie
  Sleswick            |Caledon        |Peel             |P. C. Campbell
  Sligo               |Caledon        |Peel             |Thomas Bell
  Smithfield          |Brighton       |Northumberl’d,   |Abijah Smith
                      |               |  E. R.          |
  _Smith’s Falls_     |North Elmsley  |Lanark, S. R.    |James Shaw, Jr.
  _Smithville,        |Grimsby        |Lincoln          |Robert Thompson
    Lincoln_          |               |                 |
  Sombra              |Sombra         |Lambton          |P. Cattanach
  Somerset            |Somerset       |Megantic         |H. Jutras
  Sonya               |Reach          |Ontario, N. R.   |Lewis Harper
  _Sorel_             |Sorel          |Richelieu        |J. O. Duplessis
  South Bolton        |Bolton         |Brome            |John McMannis
  South Douro         |Douro          |Peterboro’       |Daniel Sullivan
  South Dummer        |Dummer         |Peterboro’       |
  South Durham        |Durham         |Drummond         |Asa Leighton
  South Elmsley       |South Elmsley  |Leeds, N. R.     |John Ferguson
  South Ely           |Ely            |Shefford         |Amos W. Lay
  South Finch         |Finch          |Stormont         |Nelson Gray
  South Gloucester    |Gloucester     |Russell          |
  South Gower         |South Gower    |Grenville, N. R. |Robert Magee
  South Granby        |Granby         |Shefford         |Elias Clow
  South Hinchinbrooke |Hinchinbrooke  |Huntingdon       |J. Holbrook
  South March         |March          |Carleton         |Samuel Scisson
  South Monaghan      |South Monaghan |Northumberl’d,   |Robert Waddell
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  South Mountain      |Mountain       |Dundas           |John Morrow
  South Potton        |Potton         |Brome            |Alvin Barry
  _South Quebec_      |Lévis          |Lévis            |Mrs. Anne Winsley
  South Roxton        |Roxton         |Shefford         |A. Sanborn
  South Zorra         |Zorra          |Oxford, N. R.    |Thomas Cross
  _Sparta_            |Yarmouth       |Elgin, E. R.     |John A. Eakins
  Speedside           |Eramosa        |Wellington, S. R.|Rev’d John Brown
  Spencer Cove        |               |Quebec           |Denis Maguire
  Spencerville        |Edwardsburgh   |Grenville, S. R. |W. B. Imrie
  Spring Arbour       |Walsingham     |Norfolk          |J. W. Hazen
  [18]Springfield     |Dorchester,    |Elgin, E. R.     |W. H. Graves
                      |  South        |                 |
  Springford          |Norwich        |Oxford, S. R.    |John Wood
  Springville         |North Monaghan |Peterboro’       |A. Goodfellow
  Staffa              |Hibbert        |Perth            |Thomas Dunn
  Stafford            |Stafford       |Renfrew          |Robert
                      |               |                 |  Childerhose
  Stamford            |Stamford       |Welland          |Ellen Wilson
  Stanbridge, East    |Stanbridge     |Missisquoi       |E. J. Briggs
  Standon             |Standon        |Dorchester       |John Nicholson
  Stanfold            |Stanfold       |Arthabaska       |James Huston
  Stanhope            |Barford        |Stanstead        |Alexander Murray
  Stanley’s Mills     |Chinguacousy   |Peel             |C. Burrell
  _Stanstead_         |Stanstead      |Stanstead        |B. F. Hubbard
  Starnesboro’        |St. Antoine    |Chateauguay      |Charles McGill
                      |  Abbé         |                 |
  _Stayner_           |Nottawasaga    |Simcoe, N. R.    |Robert Ross
  Stella              |Amherst Island |Addington        |William Perceval
  Stevensville        |Bertie         |Welland          |Benjamin House
  _Stirling_          |Rawdon         |Hastings, N. R.  |William Judd
  Stirton             |Peel           |Wellington, N. R.|John Sanderson
  Stoco               |Hungerford     |Hastings, N. R.  |Francis Murphy
  Stonefield          |Chatham        |Argenteuil       |Owen Owens
  Stoneham            |               |Quebec           |Nicholas Murphy
  _Stoney Creek_      |Saltfleet      |Wentworth, S. R. |Alva G. Jones
  Stornoway           |Winslow        |Compton          |Colin Noble
  Stottville          |               |St. Johns        |Wm. Burland
  _Stouffville_       |Whitchurch     |York, N. R.      |John White
  _Strabane_          |Flamboro’, West|Wentworth, N. R. |Matthew Peebles
  Straffordville      |Bayham         |Elgin, E. R.     |R. J. McNaughton
  Strangford          |York           |York, E. R.      |Isaac Blain
  _Stratford_         |South Easthope |Perth            |L. T. O’Loane
  Strathburn          |Mosa           |Middlesex, W. R. |Hugh McRae
  Strathglass         |Roxborough     |Stormont         |C. McRea
  _Strathroy_         |Caradoc        |Middlesex, W. R. |Timothy Cook
  _Streetsville_      |Toronto        |Peel             |James E. Rutledge
  Stretton            |Reach          |Ontario, N. R.   |R. Stretton
  Stromness           |Sherbrooke     |Haldimand        |A. W. Hawn
  Stukeley            |Stukeley       |Shefford         |L. H. Brooks
  Sullivan            |Holland        |Grey             |William Buchanan
  Summerstown         |Charlottenburg |Glengary         |David Summers
  Summerville         |Toronto        |Peel             |William Bemrose
  Sunnidale           |Sunnidale      |Simcoe, N. R.    |Alexander
                      |               |                 |  Gillespie
  Sutherland’s Corners|Euphemia       |Lambton          |
  Sutton              |Sutton         |Brome            |G. C. Dyer
  Sweaburg            |West Oxford    |Oxford, S. R.    |James H. Hill
  Sweetsburgh         |Dunham         |Missisquoi       |G. H. Sweet
  Switzerville        |Ernestown      |Addington        |Calvin W. Miller
  Sydenham Place      |Kingsey        |Drummond         |Joseph Millington
  _Sylvan_            |Williams       |Middlesex, W. R. |Robert Burns
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Tadousac            |               |Saguenay         |Joseph Radford
  Talbotville Royal   |Southwold      |Elgin, W. R.     |John Stacey
  Tamworth            |Sheffield      |Addington        |Robert Herchmer
  Tannery West        |Montreal       |Hochelaga        |A. Desève
  Tapleytown          |Saltfleet      |Wentworth, S. R. |John Springstead
  Tara                |Arran          |Bruce            |D. Sutherland
  Tatlock             |Darling        |Lanark, S. R.    |James Guthrie,
                      |               |                 |  Sr.
  Tavistock           |South Easthope |Perth            |L. J. C.
                      |               |                 |  Fredericks
  Tecumseth           |Tecumseth      |Simcoe, S. R.    |Joseph R. Hipwell
  Teeswater           |Culross        |Bruce            |M. Hadwen
  Telfer              |London         |Middlesex, E. R. |Adam Telfer
  Templeton           |Templeton      |Ottawa           |James Hagan
  _Terrebonne_        |Terrebonne     |Terrebonne       |John McKenzie
  Tessierville        |Matane         |Rimouski         |J. E. Genereux
  Teviotdale          |Minto          |Wellington, N. R.|M. G. Miller
  Thamesford          |Nissouri, East |Oxford, N. R.    |N. C. McCarty
  _Thamesville_       |Camden         |Kent             |J. C. Collier
  Thistletown         |Etobicoke      |York, W. R.      |Richard Johnston
  Thomasburg          |Hungerford     |Hastings, N. R.  |W. W. Jones
  Thornbury           |Collingwood    |Grey             |Isaac N. Hurd
  Thorndale           |Nissouri, West |Middlesex, E. R. |Thomas Harrison
  Thorne              |Thorne         |Pontiac          |Joseph Hill
  _Thornhill_         |Vaughan        |York, W. R.      |Josiah Purkiss
  Thornton            |Innisfil       |Simcoe, S. R.    |John Henry
  _Thorold_           |Thorold        |Welland          |Jacob Keefer
  Thorold Station     |Grantham       |Lincoln          |S. M. Stephens
  _Three Rivers_      |Three Rivers   |T’n of Three     |C. K. Ogden
                      |               |  Rivers         |
  Thurlow             |Thurlow        |Hastings, S. R.  |William T. Casey
  Thurso              |Lochaber       |Ottawa           |G. W. Cameron
  Tilbury East        |Tilbury, East  |Kent             |James Smith
  Tiverton            |Bruce          |Bruce            |N. McInnes
  Toledo              |Kitley         |Leeds, N. R.     |
  Topping             |North Easthope |Perth            |S. Crozier
  Torbolton           |Torbolton      |Carleton         |H. Younghusband
  Tormore             |Albion         |Peel             |William Graham
  _Toronto_           |York           |City of Toronto  |Joseph Lesslie
  Tottenham           |Tecumseth      |Simcoe, S. R.    |John Walker
  Townsend Centre     |Townsend       |Norfolk          |Hiram Slaght
  Trafalgar           |Trafalgar      |Halton           |James Appelbe
  Treadwell           |Plantagenet    |Prescott         |Humphrey Hughes
  Trecastle           |Maryboro’      |Perth            |D. Scroggie
  Tremblay            |Tremblay       |Chicoutimi       |Marcel Côté
  Trenholm            |Kingsey        |Drummond         |Simon Stevens
  _Trenton_           |Murray         |Hastings, S. R.  |James Cumming
  Tring               |Tring          |Beauce           |Augustin Bolduc
  Trois Pistoles      |Trois Pistoles |Temiscouata      |T. P. Pelletier
  Trois Saumons       |St. Jean, Port |L’Islet          |G. C. Caron
                      |  Joli         |                 |
  Trout River         |Godmanchester  |Huntingdon       |James Marshall
  Trowbridge          |Elma           |Perth            |G. Code
  Troy                |Beverley       |Wentworth, N. R. |Alexander
                      |               |                 |  McRoberts
  Trudell             |Tilbury, East  |Essex            |S. Aubry
  Tuam                |Tecumseth      |Simcoe, S. R.    |P. H. Derham
  _Tullamore_         |Toronto Gore   |Peel             |J. Mulligan
  Tuscarora           |Onondaga       |Brant, E. R.     |
  Tweed               |Hungerford     |Hastings, N. R.  |Richard Marshall
  Tweedside           |Saltfleet      |Wentworth, S. R. |Gilbert Johnson
  Tyrconnell          |Dunwich        |Elgin, W. R.     |Peter Cameron
  Tyrone              |Darlington     |Durham, W. R.    |John T. Welch
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Udora               |Scott          |Ontario, N. R.   |S. Umphrey
  Ulverton            |Durham         |Drummond         |James Mairs
  Underwood           |Bruce          |Bruce            |J. H. Coulthard
  Union               |Yarmouth       |Elgin, E. R.     |James Height
  Unionville          |Markham        |York, E. R.      |
  Utica               |Reach          |Ontario, N. R.   |
  _Uxbridge_          |Uxbridge       |Ontario, N. R.   |William Smith
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Valcartier          |Valcartier     |Quebec           |Charles S. Wolff
  Valleyfield         |Beauharnois    |Beauharnois      |John Madden
  Vandecar            |Oxford, East   |Oxford, S. R.    |Thomas H. Arnell
  _Vankleek Hill_     |Hawkesbury     |Prescott         |Duncan McDonell
  Varennes            |Varennes       |Verchères        |J. N. A.
                      |               |                 |  Archambeault
  Varna               |Stanley        |Huron            |Josiah B. Secord
  Vaudreuil           |Vaudreuil      |Vaudreuil        |F. Desalles
                      |               |                 |  Bastien
  Verchères           |Verchères      |Verchères        |Trefflé Lussier
  Vernon              |Osgoode        |Russell          |J. W. Imlay
  Vernonville         |Haldimand      |Northumberl’d,   |Thomas Speers
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  Verona              |Portland       |Frontenac        |
  Vesta               |Brant and      |Bruce            |Robert Cannon
                      |  Elderslie    |                 |
  Victoria Corners    |Reach          |Ontario, N. R.   |W. H. Stevenson
  Victoria Square     |Markham        |York, E. R.      |Henry Teel
  _Vienna_            |Bayham         |Elgin, E. R.     |John P. Macdonald
  Viger               |Viger          |Temiscouata      |Thomas Tremblay
  Village des Aulnaies|St. Roch des   |L’Islet          |A. Dupuis
                      |  Aulnaies     |                 |
  Villanova           |Townsend       |Norfolk          |John McLaren
  Violet              |Ernestown      |Addington        |Jacob Lane
  Virgil              |Niagara        |Lincoln          |James M. Bristol
  _Vittoria_          |Charlotteville |Norfork          |Simpson McCall
  Vroomanton          |Brock          |Ontario, N. R.   |S. Parrish
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Wakefield           |Wakefield      |Ottawa           |James McLaren
  _Walkerton_         |Brant          |Bruce            |Malcolm McLean
  Wallace             |Wallace        |Perth            |D. M. Williams
  _Wallaceburg_       |Chatham        |Kent             |Daniel Johnson
  Wallacetown         |Dunwich        |Elgin, W. R.     |John McKillop
  Wallbridge          |Sidney         |Hastings, S. R.  |John Frederick
  Walsingham          |Walsingham     |Norfolk          |Henry L. Kitchen
  Walter’s Falls      |Holland        |Grey             |John Walter
  Walton              |Grey           |Huron            |George Bigger
  Wanstead            |Plympton       |Lambton          |John Dewar
  Warden              |Shefford       |Shefford         |E. D. Martin
  _Wardsville_        |Mosa           |Middlesex, W. R. |Henry R. Archer
  _Warkworth_         |Percy          |Northumberl’d,   |Israel Humphries
                      |               |  E. R.          |
  [19]Warner          |Caistor        |Lincoln          |W. Brooks
  Warrington          |Nottawasaga    |Simcoe, N. R.    |Jesse Peckham
  Warsaw              |Dummer         |Peterboro’       |Thomas Choat
  Warwick, L. C.      |Warwick        |Arthabaska       |L. T. Dorais
  _Warwick, U. C._    |Warwick        |Lambton          |James M. Burns
  Washington          |Blenheim       |Oxford, N. R.    |Daniel Wakefield
  _Waterdown_         |Flamboro’, East|Wentworth, N. R. |James B. Thompson
  _Waterford_         |Townsend       |Norfolk          |James L. Green
  _Waterloo, L. C._   |Shefford       |Shefford         |Jonathan Robinson
  _Waterloo, U. C._   |Waterloo, North|Waterloo, N. R.  |C. Kumpf
  Waterloo, Kingston  |Kingston       |Frontenac        |Joseph Northmore
  Waterville          |Compton        |Compton          |Charles Brooks
  Watford             |Warwick        |Lambton          |James Merry
  Watson’s Corners    |Dalhousie      |Lanark, N. R.    |James Purdon
  Waverly             |Flos           |Simcoe, N. R.    |Alexander Kettle
  Way’s Mills         |Barnston       |Stanstead        |E. S. Southmayd
  Weedon              |Weedon         |Wolfe            |Siméon Fontaine
  _Welland_           |Crowland       |Welland          |Thomas Burgar
  Welland Port        |Gainsboro’     |Lincoln          |Samuel Holmes
  _Wellesley_         |Wellesley      |Waterloo, N. R.  |John Zoeger
  Wellington          |Hillier        |Prince Edward    |Donald Campbell
  _Wellington Square_ |Nelson         |Halton           |C. Richardson
  Wellman’s Corners   |Rawdon         |Hastings, N. R.  |Andrew Sherman
  West Arran          |Arran          |Bruce            |John Biggar
  West Brome          |Brome          |Brome            |S. L. Hungerford
  West Brook          |Kingston       |Frontenac        |Benjamin Clark
  West Broughton      |Broughton      |Megantic         |J. St. Hilaire
  Westbury            |Westbury       |Compton          |James Ryther
  West Essa           |Essa           |Simcoe, S. R.    |Thomas Drury
  West Farnham        |Farnham        |Missisquoi       |L. G. Foisy
  Westfield           |Wawanosh       |Huron            |H. Help
  _West Flamboro’_    |Flamboro’      |Wentworth, N. R. |A. Wield
  West Huntingdon     |Huntingdon     |Hastings, N. R.  |J. H. O’Dell
  West Huntley        |Huntley        |Carleton         |Edward Horan
  West McGillivray    |McGillivray    |Huron            |George Stonehouse
  Westmeath           |Westmeath      |Renfrew          |M. M. Drew
  _Weston_            |York           |York, W. R.      |Robert Johnston
  West Osgoode        |Osgoode        |Russell          |John C. Bower
  Westover            |Beverley       |Wentworth, N. R. |W. E. Westover
  Westport            |North Crosby   |Leeds, S. R.     |Walter Whalen
  West’s Corners      |Mornington     |Perth            |John Pierson
  West Shefford       |Shefford       |Shefford         |John N. Mills
  West Winchester     |Winchester     |Dundas           |William Bow
  Westwood            |Asphodel       |Peterboro’       |
  West Woolwich       |Woolwich       |Waterloo, N. R.  |Peter Winger
  Wheatland           |Wickham        |Drummond         |Edward McCabe
  _Whitby_            |Whitby         |Ontario, S. R.   |David Smith
  White Lake          |McNab          |Renfrew          |John Paris
  White Rose          |Whitchurch     |York, N. R.      |B. Pearson
  Whitevale           |Pickering      |Ontario, S. R.   |Donald McPhee
  Whitfield           |Mulmur         |Simcoe, N. R.    |P. D. Henry
  Whittington         |Amaranth       |Wellington, N. R.|R. Bowsfield
  Wick                |Brock          |Ontario, N. R.   |James Brebner
  Wicklow             |Haldimand      |Northumberl’d,   |Andrew McCann
                      |               |  W. R.          |
  Widder              |Bosanquet      |Lambton          |Adam Duffus
  _Widder Station_    |Bosanquet      |Lambton          |Thos. Kirkpatrick
  Wilkesport          |Sombra         |Lambton          |William Kimball
  _Williams_          |Williams       |Middlesex, W. R. |Colin McKenzie
  Williamstown        |Charlottenburg |Glengary         |Duncan McLennan
  Williscroft         |Elderslie      |Bruce            |George
                      |               |                 |  Williscroft
  Willowdale          |York           |York, W. R.      |Jacob Cummer
  Wilmur              |Loughboro’     |Frontenac        |
  Wilton              |Ernestown      |Addington        |Sydney Warner
  Winchelsea          |Usborne        |Huron            |A. Smith
  Winchester          |Winchester     |Dundas           |C. T. Casselman
  Windham Centre      |Windham        |Norfolk          |James Robertson
  _Windsor_           |Sandwich, East |Essex            |Alex. H. Wagner
  Windsor Mills       |Windsor        |Richmond         |C. E. Wurtele
  Winfield            |Peel           |Wellington, N. R.|Ira B. Kilborne
  Wingham             |Turnberry      |Huron            |E. Foley
  Winterbourne        |Woolwich       |Waterloo, N. R.  |Elizabeth Gordon
  Wisbeach            |Warwick        |Lambton          |John Bowes
  Woburn              |Scarboro’      |York, E. R.      |John Irving
  Wolfe Island        |Wolfe Island   |Frontenac        |George Malone
  Wolfstown           |Wolfstown      |Wolfe            |Levi Hodgkinson
  Wolverton           |Blenheim       |Oxford, N. R.    |L. B. Cole
  _Woodbridge_        |Vaughan        |York, W. R.      |John F. Howell
  Woodburn            |Binbrook       |Wentworth, S. R. |William Ptolemy
  Woodford            |Sydenham       |Grey             |Robert Lemon
  Woodside            |Halifax        |Megantic         |Thomas Wood
  Woodslee            |Maidstone      |Essex            |W. S. Lindsay
  _Woodstock_         |Blandford      |Oxford, N. R.    |Chas. DeBlaquière
  Woodville           |Eldon          |Victoria         |John Morrison
  Wooler              |Murray         |Northumberl’d,   |Reuben Scott
                      |               |  E. R.          |
  Wotton              |Wotton         |Wolfe            |C. Ducharme
  Wright              |Wright         |Ottawa           |J. G. Williams
  _Wroxeter_          |Howick         |Huron            |
  Wyandott            |Maryboro’      |Wellington, N. R.|G. Thomlinson
  Wyebridge           |Tiny           |Simcoe, N. R.    |James Plewes
  Wynford             |Nichol         |Wellington, N. R.|S. Winter
  _Wyoming_           |Plympton       |Lambton          |George Brown
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Yamachiche          |Machiche       |St. Maurice      |Elie Lacerte
  Yamaska             |Yamaska        |Yamaska          |E. G. Dugré
  Yarker              |Camden         |Addington        |J. A. Shibley
  Yarmouth Centre     |Yarmouth       |Elgin, E. R.     |William Mann
  _York_              |Seneca         |Haldimand        |Charles L. Hudson
  York Mills          |York           |York, E. R.      |John Hogg
  York River          |Faraday        |Hastings, N. R.  |James Cleak
  Yorkville           |York           |York, E. R.      |James Dobson
                      |               |                 |
                      |               |                 |
  Zetland             |Turnberry      |Huron            |L. J. Brace
  Zimmerman           |Nelson         |Halton           |H. P. Zimmerman
  Zurich              |Hay            |Huron            |Frederick Knell

[1] Re-opened--formerly Tamarack.

[2] Closed during winter.

[3] Re-opened.

[4] Re-opened.

[5] Late Osborne.

[6] Late Willocks.

[7] Re-opened.

[8] Re-opened.

[9] Open during summer only.

[10] Late Ballynahinch.

[11] Late Industry.

[12] Late Teohauta.

[13] Late Bowen.

[14] Late Swainby.

[15] Late Reach.

[16] Re-opened.

[17] Re-opened--formerly Fredericksburg.

[18] Late Clunas.

[19] Re-opened.

List of Post Offices closed between 1st January 1863, and 1st January
1864, inclusive.

  Bonaventure              |Bonaventure |Re-opened as a sub-office.
  Caledonia Springs        |Prescott    |
  Fleetwood                |Durham      |
  Mara                     |Ontario     |
  Metabechouan             |Chicoutimi  |
  North Onslow             |Pontiac     |
  Point Platon             |Lotbinière  |
  St. Dominique des Cèdres |Soulanges   |
  Shantz                   |Waterloo    |
  Totnes                   |Perth       |

List of Changes in the names of Post Offices, between 1st January 1863,
and 1st January 1864.

  Ballynahinch         |Frontenac   |Glenvale
  Eblana               |Bruce       |Tara
  Osborne              |Russell     |Cumberland
  Oxenden              |Hastings    |Maynooth
  Reach                |Ontario     |Prince Albert
  Teohauta             |Beauharnois |Melocheville
  Thorpville           |Wellington  |Ponsonby
  Walmer               |Wellington  |Bosworth
  Swainby              |Middlesex   |Park Hill
  Bowen                |Lenox       |Mill Point
  Clunas               |Elgin       |Springfield
  Industry             |Joliette    |Joliette
  Willocks             |Victoria    |Dunsford

The Postmaster General established the following New Post Offices in
Canada on the 1st January, 1864.

  Amulree         |North Easthope |Perth    |Alex. Dallas.
  [20]Conroy      |Gore of Downie |Perth    |John Rutledge.
  St. Camille     |St. Camille    |Wolfe    |Flavien Milette.
  Torbolton       |Torbolton      |Carleton |H. Younghusband.

[20] Re-opened.

Post Office Department, Quebec, 5th January, 1864.

The Postmaster General established the following New Post Offices in
Canada, on the 1st February, 1864.

                        |PARISH.      |COUNTY.     |
  Dundee Centre         |Dundee       |Huntingdon  |W. Smallman.
  Kirkfield             |North Eldon  |Victoria    |Silas Smith.
  Larochelle            |Halifax      |Megantic    |Joseph Poulin.
  Rockburn              |Hinchinbrook |Huntingdon  |Andrew Oliver.
  Six Portages          |Bouchette    |Ottawa      |T. B. Hudson.
  Woodlands             |Oznabruck    |Stormont    |R. H. Stuart.
                        |             |            |
  [21]Bonaventure (sub) |Hamilton     |Bonaventure |

[21] This Office, which was closed on 1st July 1863, was re-opened as a
sub-office on 1st January last.

Post Office Department, Quebec, 8th February, 1864.

The Postmaster General established the following New Post Offices in
Canada, on the 1st March, 1864.

                  |PARISH.           |                  |
  Alvanley        |Derby             |Grey              |Jas. Webster.
  Ashfield,       |Ashfield          |Huron             |Alex. Frazer.
    (re-opened.)  |                  |                  |
  Desmond         |Camden            |Addington         |J. W. Bell.
  Goldstone       |Peel              |Wellington, N. R. |John Hans.
  Gretna          |N. Fredericksburg |Lenox             |W. J. Mellow.
  Ilderton        |London            |Middlesex, E. R.  |George Ord.
  Kirby           |Clarke            |Durham, W. R      |Richard Gilbank.
  [22]Macnider    |L’Assomption      |Rimouski          |François Saucier.
  Moe’s River     |Compton           |Compton           |Joel Baker.
  Sunbury         |Storrington       |Frontenac         |John McBride.
  Venice          |Noyan             |Iberville         |James Lewis.

The Post Office at Brinkworth, Co. Hastings, has been closed.

[22] On the establishment of this office, the name of the office
heretofore known as Macnider was changed to “Sandy Bay.”


The Postmaster General established the following New Post Offices in
Canada, on the 1st June 1864.

                    |PARISH.     |                      |
  Ardtrea           |Orillia     |Simcoe, N. R.         |Wm. Blair.
  Ascot Corner      |Ascot       |Town of Sherbrooke    |C. Lebourveau.
  [23]Blandford     |Blandford   |Arthabaska            |Revd. C. A. de
                    |            |                      |  Carufel.
  Courtland         |Middleton   |Norfolk               |C. S. Harris.
  Elder             |Mono        |Simcoe, S. R.         |C. Conn.
  [24]Mattawa       |Mattawa     |District of Nipissing |John Bangs.
  Green River       |St. Antonin |Temiscouata           |Geo. April.
  Ravenna           |Collingwood |Grey                  |Wm. Reid.
  Tempo             |Westminster |Middlesex, E. R.      |A. Remey.
  Purdy             |Bangor      |Hastings, N. R.       |W. Lake.
  Utterson          |Stephenson  |Victoria              |Jas. F. Hanes.
  Village Richelieu |St. Mathias |Rouville              |G. Franchère.

[23] The name of the office heretofore known as _Blandford_, has been
changed to “_Domain de Gentilly_.”

[24] Re-opened.

Post Office Department, Quebec, 10th June 1864.

The Postmaster General has established the following New Post Offices in

                          |PARISH.      |COUNTY.         |
                          |             |                |
  _1st July, 1864._ (_Omitted from previous List._)
                          |             |                |
  St.-François, Nord-Est. |St.-François |Beauce          |J. E. Proux.
                          |             |                |
  _16th July, 1864._      |             |                |
                          |             |                |
  River Gilbert           |Do.          |Do.             |Geo. W. Chapman.
                          |             |                |
  _1st August, 1864._     |             |                |
                          |             |                |
  Bookton                 |Windham      |Norfolk         |P. N. McIntosh.
  Bracebridge             |Macauley     |Victoria        |A. Bailey.
  Brinsley                |McGillivray  |Middlesex, W. R.|Wm. Macklin.
  Burleigh                |Burleigh     |Peterboro’      |Jas. Golborne.
  Chandos                 |Chandos      |Do.             |Henry Maxwell.
  Coulson                 |Medonte      |Simcoe, N. R.   |Jas. Coulson.
  Keyser                  |Adelaide     |Middlesex, W. R.|P. H. Keyser.
  Loretto                 |Adjala       |Simcoe, S. R.   |P. D. Kelly.
  Merivale                |Nepean       |Carleton        |E. B. Hopper.
  Minesing                |Vespra       |Simcoe, N. R.   |John Laird.
  Munster                 |Goulburn     |Carleton        |Thos. Tubman.
  Ronaldsay               |Proton       |Grey            |Jos. McArdle.
  Shigawake               |Hope         |Bonaventure     |Thos. Byers.
  Stittsville (re-opened) |Goulburn     |Carleton        |J. S. Argue.
  Veighton                |Cumberland   |Russell         |Jno. McVeigh.

The name of the Post Office at Bowmore, Co. Simcoe, has been changed to

The Post Office at North Walsingham, Co. Norfolk, has been closed.


End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of List of Post Offices in Canada 1864, by 
Postmaster General of Canada


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