*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 53144 *** Transcriber’s Note: inconsistencies in spelling, etc are left unaltered. THE CAMDEN MISCELLANY, VOLUME THE EIGHTH: containing FOUR LETTERS OF LORD WENTWORTH, AFTERWARDS EARL OF STRAFFORD, WITH A POEM ON HIS ILLNESS. MEMOIR BY MADAME DE MOTTEVILLE ON THE LIFE OF HENRIETTA MARIA. PAPERS RELATING TO THE DELINQUENCY OF LORD SAVILE, 1642-1646. A SECRET NEGOCIATION WITH CHARLES THE FIRST, 1643-1644. A LETTER FROM THE EARL OF MANCHESTER ON THE CONDUCT OF CROMWELL. LETTERS ADDRESSED TO THE EARL OF LAUDERDALE. ORIGINAL LETTERS OF THE DUKE OF MONMOUTH. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FAMILY OF HADDOCK 1657-1719. LETTERS OF RICHARD THOMPSON TO HENRY THOMPSON, OF ESCRICK, CO. YORK. [Illustration] PRINTED FOR THE CAMDEN SOCIETY. M.DCCC.LXXXIII. WESTMINSTER: PRINTED BY NICHOLS AND SONS, 25, PARLIAMENT STREET. [NEW SERIES XXXI.] COUNCIL OF THE CAMDEN SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR 1882-3. _President_, THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF VERULAM, F.R.G.S. J. J. CARTWRIGHT, ESQ., M.A., _Treasurer_. WILLIAM CHAPPELL, ESQ., F.S.A. F. W. COSENS, ESQ., F.S.A. JAMES E. DOYLE, ESQ. REV. J. WOODFALL EBSWORTH, M.A., F.S.A. JAMES GAIRDNER, ESQ. SAMUEL RAWSON GARDINER, ESQ., _Director_. J. W. HALES, ESQ., M.A. ALFRED KINGSTON, ESQ., _Secretary_. CHARLES A. J. MASON, ESQ. THE EARL OF POWIS, LL.D. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, ESQ., M.A. (_the late_) REV. W. SPARROW SIMPSON, D.D., F.S.A. WILLIAM JOHN THOMS, ESQ., F.S.A. J. R. DANIELL-TYSSEN, ESQ., F.S.A. (_the late_). The COUNCIL of the CAMDEN SOCIETY desire it to be understood that they are not answerable for any opinions or observations that may appear in the Society’s publications; the Editors of the several Works being alone responsible for the same. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FAMILY OF HADDOCK 1657-1719 EDITED BY EDWARD MAUNDE THOMPSON PRINTED FOR THE CAMDEN SOCIETY M.DCCC.LXXXI. PREFACE. Settled from remote times in the little town of Leigh, in Essex, at the mouth of the Thames, the family of Haddock, we may be sure, took early to the sea, as was befitting their name. There are traces of Haddocks of Leigh to be found as far back as Edward the Third’s days; but we need not search for earlier generations than those which sprang from Richard Haddock, a captain in the Parliamentary Navy. That the family had followed the sea from father to son in bygone times, and had so established a tradition to be observed by their descendants, might be argued from the regularity with which the Haddocks of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries served in the Navy for upwards of a hundred years. This regularity is only to be equalled by that with which they named their children Richard, to the perpetual confusion of their biographers. Captain Richard Haddock, to whom reference has been made above, served under the Commonwealth. In 1642 we find him in command of the ship Victory, and in 1652 he received a reward of £40 for good service. He died in 1660 at the age of 79. His eldest son William, also a Parliamentary captain, commanded the ship America in 1650, and the Hannibal in 1653. He survived his father only seven years, dying in 1667, aged 60. Captain Richard Haddock had another son, Richard, who was probably a good deal younger than his brother. He served with distinction in the Dutch war in 1673;[1] and was in all probability the father of William Haddock whom the family papers show to have been a lieutenant in the Cornwall in 1696-1697, and who commanded a ship in the action off Cape Passaro in 1718 (p. 54) and died in 1726. William Haddock, the Parliamentary captain, had at least four sons: Richard, Andrew, Joseph, and William. Richard will be noticed presently. Andrew is mentioned in the first letter of this Correspondence. William was at sea with his brother Richard in 1657 and 1658. Joseph was a lieutenant in the Lion in 1672, and in the Royal Charles in 1673, and served in the Dutch war in those years; and afterwards held a command in the East Indies, whence he wrote an interesting letter here printed (p. 37). Richard Haddock was born about the year 1629, and must have entered the service at an early age; for in 1657, when the present Correspondence begins, he was already a captain in command of the Dragon frigate, which formed part of the squadron cruising off Dunkirk. In 1666 he was captain of the Portland; but from 1667 to 1671 he appears to have temporarily left the Navy and engaged in trading to the Mediterranean. On the breaking out of the Dutch war, however, he was made captain of the Royal James, the ship on which the ill-starred Earl of Sandwich hoisted his flag in the battle of Southwold Bay. He was one of the few officers of that vessel who survived the day, though he did not escape unwounded. He next commanded the Lion; but early in 1673 he was appointed to the Royal Charles, Prince Rupert’s ship, and within a few weeks followed the Prince into the Royal Sovereign, when the bad qualities of the former ship in action became evident. In July of the same year he was made Commissioner of the Navy; and on the 3rd of July, 1675, he was knighted. In 1682 he was appointed to the command of the Duke and to the chief command of ships of war in the Thames and narrow seas; and in the next year became First Commissioner of the Victualling Office. After the Revolution he was named Comptroller of the Navy, which office he continued to hold till his death, and received a pension of £500 a year. He was one of the joint commanders-in-chief of the fleet in the expedition to Ireland in 1690. He died on the 26th of January, 1715, in his eighty-sixth year, and was buried in his native town of Leigh. Sir Richard represented the borough of Shoreham in the parliament of 1685-1687. He was twice married, his first wife being named Lydia, probably a member of the family of Stevens, which was settled at Leigh. The maiden name of his second wife Elizabeth is unknown. He probably married her not earlier than 1670, when she was about twenty years of age, the inscription on her tomb recording her death in 1709, at the age of 59. Sir Richard appears to have had at the least six children, three sons and three daughters. The sons were Richard, William, and Nicholas. Of the daughters the name of only one, Elizabeth, has survived, who married John Clarke, of Blake Hall in Bobbingworth, co. Essex. Another daughter married a Lydell. The third daughter died unmarried. William, apparently the second son, died young. Richard and Nicholas both entered the Navy. Richard, the eldest son, was, in 1692, fifth lieutenant of the Duchess, and was present at the battle of La Hogue. He afterwards served in the London, and in 1695 was in command of the Rye. At the beginning of 1702 he received his commission as captain of the Reserve, and in the following year succeeded to the Swallow. In the latter ship he served with Sir George Rooke in the Mediterranean. But in 1707 he had the misfortune to be surprised by the French when convoying the Archangel merchant fleet and to lose fifteen ships; and, although appointed to the Resolution early in the following year, he seems to have soon retired from active service. In 1734, however, he re-appears as Comptroller of the Navy, and held the post for fifteen years, dying at an advanced age in 1751. From the entries in Leigh parish registers it seems that he was married thrice and had issue, none of whom, however, survived him many years. Of Nicholas, the youngest son of Sir Richard Haddock, we first catch sight in the following pages (p. 43) as distinguishing himself at Vigo in 1702, and serving in Spain in 1706. In the following year, on the 7th April, he received the command of the new ship Ludlow Castle, being not yet twenty years old. At the battle of Cape Passaro he fought his ship, the Grafton, with great gallantry; and indeed at all times proved himself a very skilful and dashing officer. He rose eventually to the rank of Admiral of the Blue, and commanded the squadron sent into the Mediterranean to overawe the Spaniards in 1738-1741. He returned to England invalided and did not long survive, dying in 1746, aged 60. About the year 1723 he purchased Wrotham Place, in Kent, where he occasionally lived. He left three sons: Nicholas, Richard, and Charles. The first died in 1781; Richard served in the Navy; Charles was still living at Wrotham in 1792. Here the male line of the Haddocks fails; and it is not necessary to follow the family history further. A pedigree, which may be found useful, is appended.[2] * * * * * It will be seen that the letters and papers here printed belonged, for the most part, to Sir Richard Haddock. His long life enabled him to embrace four adult generations in his correspondence. The collection of documents from which they have been selected was purchased by the Trustees of the British Museum in 1879, and now forms the Egerton MSS. 2520-2532. It is to be regretted that the Correspondence is so comparatively scanty, for no doubt at one time the collection was a good deal larger. From Nichols’s _Literary Anecdotes_ (vol. v. p. 376) we know that the Haddock papers were placed in the hands of Captain William Locker, the Lieutenant-Governor of Greenwich Hospital, who contemplated a publication of naval biography which was carried out by Charnock in his _Biographia Navalis_ from the same materials. There is also evidence among the papers themselves, in the form of a letter written by Charles Haddock in 1792, to show that they were placed in Locker’s hands. The fate of borrowed books and papers is a mournful one. But, few as they are, a selection from the Haddock Papers has been thought worthy to appear in print. As specimens of the letter-writing of a seafaring family of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the letters have a value of their own, even apart from the personal interest which they inspire as the record of long and honourable service. E. M. T. _24 March, 1881._ Richard Haddock, Captain in the Parliamentary Navy, = ... d. 22 May, 1660, æt. 79. | | +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | | Anna ..., = William Haddock, Richard Haddock, = ... d. 6 Jan. | Captain in the R.N. | 1688, | Parliamentary Navy, | æt. 78. | d. 22 Sept. 1667, æt. 60. | | [William Haddock, | Captain R.N., | d. 1726.] | +---+----------------------+---------------+--------+ | | | | 1. Lydia = Sir Richard Joseph Haddock, William Andrew [Stevens]. | Haddock, R.N., and East Haddock, Haddock. 2. Elizabeth | Admiral, R.N., Indian Service. R.N. ..., d. 26 | d. 26 Jan. Feb. 1709, | 1715, æt. 85. æt. 59. | +---+--------------+--------+------+-----+----+ | | | | | | | William Haddock, | A dau. | A daughter, | d. 1697. | m. ... | unmarried, | | Lydell. | d. 24 Mar. 1. Martha ... d. = Richard | | | 1732. 1722. | Haddock, R.N., | A son. | 2. Elizabeth ... | Comptroller | | d. 1730. | of the Navy, | | 3. Mary, daughter | d. 1751 | Elizabeth = John Clarke, of Charles | | Haddock. | of Blake Compton, 4th | | | Hall, in son of George | | | Bobbingworth 4th Earl of | | +---------+-------+ Northampton. | | | | | | | Richard Elizabeth Fanny | | Clarke. Clarke. Clarke. | | +-----------------+ Nicholas Haddock, = Frances ... | Admiral, R.N., d. | d. 22 Nov. | 26 Sept. 1746, æt. 60. | 1735. | | | +---------+----------+--------+-----+---+ | | | | | | | Richard Fleetwood Nicholas Richard Charles | Haddock, Haddock, Haddock, Haddock, Haddock, | d. 1717. d. 1722. d. 1781. R.N. living in 1792. | +----+----------+------------+------------------+ | | | | Martha Richard Elizabeth = ... Mary, = George Calvert, Haddock, Haddock, Haddock, Harman. d. Lieutenant in d. 1722. d. 1756. d. 1754. 1818. the Guards, d. 1781. [1] See p. 19 in the Correspondence. Charnock in his _Biographia Navalis_, i. 334, has made him out to be the son of Andrew Haddock, his own nephew. [2] The best account of the Haddock family is to be found in a paper written by Mr. H. W. King and printed in _The Archæological Mine_, a work relating to Kentish history by A. J. Dunkin, vol. ii., pp. 41-51. Charnock’s _Biographia Navalis_ of course gives particulars of the services of the family; and a number of original naval commissions of its different members are still extant in Egerton MS. 2520. See also _The History of Rochford Hundred_ by Philip Benton, 1872, pp. 35 _sqq._ CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FAMILY OF HADDOCK. CAPTAIN RICHARD HADDOCK[a] TO HIS FATHER. Dragon frigáµ— in the Downes, this 30áµ—Ê° May, aáµ’ 1657. HONᵈ FATHER, Sir, these I hope will congratulate yoʳ safe arrivall at Leghorne, wᶜʰ God graunt may be with yoʳ health and well fare, for the continuation whereof I shall ever pray. I cannot yet forgett my unhapynes yáµ— soe short a tyme and small distance hindred me the inioymáµ— of seeing yoᵘ before you gote out yᵉ Channell, seeing I made it my aime and bussines to performe it, but pleased God to frustrate me of my intended hapynes. I hope yáµ— our next interview may be with the greater ioy and comfort. Indeed, when I returned to Dover, which was the Sonday following yoʳ departure, I was not a little greived when Major GenË¡Ë¡ Kelsey[b] tould me yᵉ unwellcome news of yoʳ being past by; and himselfe was very sory when I gave him an accáµ— yáµ— I mett yoᵘ not, and tould me, if I had in yᵉ least desired not to have gone for Zeinhead, he would have ordered an other ship in oʳ roome. I was very thankfull for his respect he exprest towards yoᵘ, but I knew not before yáµ— I might be soe bould wáµ—Ê° him as to desire such a favor. Yoᵘ saild hence yᵉ Fryday evening; and Satuarday, by 10 in yᵉ forenoone, we were soe neare yᵉ head of Beachy yáµ— noe shipp could or did passe by us, but we spake wáµ—Ê° in hopes of meeting yoᵘ. Surely the wind blew the harder to deny me yáµ— hapynes. God in mercy goe alongst with yoᵘ and preserve yoᵘ from the rage of unreasonable men. I shall not be wanting, as I am bound in duty, to make it my earnest request to God for yoʳ preservation. My wife, in good health, presents her humble duty to yoᵘ, and hath ever since bine very sorrowfull she stayed not behind to present her duty and respects to yoᵘ at yoʳ departure. Sir, litle of novelty ofers at present, only of great preparations for yᵉ fitting out seavrall great shipps, as yᵉ Resolution, Naiesby, and Andrew, from Portsmáµ’; yᵉ Tryomph, Victory, Vantguard, and Entrance, from Chatham. I cannot give you an accáµ—, yᵉ occasion or upon wáµ— designe yᵉ shipps are prepared; only suppose it may be to be in a readynes to defend our selves if any treachorus act should be ofered by the Hollander, who will have 70 saile men of warr out very sodainely, as is certainely reported. I hope noe act of hostillity against us is intended. We have iust cause to feare yᵉ worst; and I think, as farr as I am able to aprehend, yoᵘ will have little occasion to trust or put any confidence in them abroad. God send us peace at home and abroad; but, if these faile us, peace wáµ—Ê° God will beare up our spirits in the greatest dificulties yáµ— doe atend our earthly pilgrimage. Sir, my wife desires yoᵘ please, at yoʳ arrivall at Venᵃ, to buy for her a foiled stone of the measure I conseave was given by her sisters to Brother Andrew at Leigh; as alsoe a pott ketle and 2 stue panns, one lesser than the other; as alsoe a jarr from Leghorne, with wáµ— other things nessesary for a howse, to yᵉ value of £3 in fower pound in all, which shall be thankfully repayed. I intend to wright yoᵘ to Venᵃ, when [I] conseave you may ataine thither, and what ofers shall not be wanting of advizeing yoᵘ. My Lord Protector hath denyed yᵉ governmáµ— of the Comonwealth under yᵉ title of King,[c] and since, its established to him in the title he now beares.[d] I have not heard from home since yoʳ departure. My intire love with my wives remembred to our 3 brothers wáµ—Ê° all oʳ freinds on bord yoᵘ. Brother Wm., in health, presáµ—Ë¢ his humble duty to yoᵘ, wáµ—Ê° his love to his Broʳ. My saluts to Mr. Holder; and, with my most humble duty presented to yoʳ self, I remayne, Sir, yoʳ ever lo. and obedient sonne till death, RICHARD HADDOCK. My wife being present desires, wáµ—Ê° yᵉ presenting her humble duty to yoᵘ, to subscribe herselfe yoʳ lo. daughter till death, LYDIA HADDOCKE.[e] Since yᵉ wrighting yᵉ above lynes I have recᵈ order to goe over and ryde before Dunkerk, and to take yᵉ comand of yáµ— squadron now riding there. This day is arrived hapy news, GenË¡Ë¡ Blake’s burneing and sinking 16 saile of the K. of Spaine’s gallions and shipps at Sᵗᵃ Cruse, most welcome and true.[f] R. H. To his honᵈ. father, Capt. Wm. Haddock, Comander of the shipp Hanniball, these present, Livorno. * * * * * [a] Afterwards Admiral Sir R. Haddock. [b] Major-General Thomas Kelsey, commanding in Kent and Surrey. [c] On the 8th May. [d] On the 25th May. [e] Richard Haddock’s first wife. Perhaps her maiden name was Stevens. (See letter of 1 May 1658, in which Haddock sends his duty to “Father and Mother Steevens.â€) [f] Blake’s last victory at Santa Cruz, in the Canaries, 20th April. He died on his voyage home, in sight of land, on the 17th August. THE SAME TO THE SAME. Dragon frigáµ— in Dunkirk Road, this 15áµ—Ê° June, aáµ’ 1657. HONᵈ FATHER, Sʳ, my most humble duty wáµ—Ê° Bro. Wms. presented unto you wáµ—Ê° oʳ intire loves to oʳ loveing brothers and freinds wáµ—Ê° you. These only serve to advize yoᵘ of our wellfare, hopeing and earnestly praying to the Lord that yᵉ like good health atends you yáµ—, blessed be God, we injoy. These I hope will find yoᵘ safe arrived at Leghorne. My last from the Downes gave yoᵘ an accáµ— yáµ— we were ordered over hither to take the command of this squadron that now lyes wáµ—Ê° us before this place.[a] Since oʳ arrivall heere, wᶜʰ is 14 dayes since, not anything of action hath ofered worth yoʳ advice; the good we doe heere is only to keepe there men of warr in yáµ— are in, and prevent those comeing in wáµ—Ê° there prisses yáµ— are abroad. But they want not harbours in Holland to secure them and wáµ— they ketch from us. I conseave yoᵘ want not letters of caution from yoʳ owners to be carefull of trusting the Hollanders. I feare they will prove treacherous to there ingagemáµ—Ë¢ wáµ—Ê° us in the peace agreed betwixt us. They are almost ready to saile wáµ—Ê° 50 or upward men of warr, besides 16 saile now in or Channell. My Lord Protector is not wanting to prevent there treacherous actions, if any intended against us. I conseave in 14 dayes we may have upwards of 40 saile, considerable men of warr, in the Downes, to answer any atempt may be ofered by them; and doe beleive both we and the squadron before Ostend may be called of, as soone as we have any intelligence of there redynes to saile. All oʳ freinds in England, I heare, are in health. My wife still at Deall, and stayes to accompᵃ Aunt Morgan to London; my unkle now being in the Downes, and conseave may saile very sodainely, the wind presenting faire at present. Sir, please at yoʳ arrival at Venᵃ to present my service and respects to my Mr. and Mrs. Hobson, with Mr. Jno. Hobson, junʳ, my saluts; as also to Mr. Jones and his wife. Sir, I have not else at present worth yoʳ advice. With my earnest prayers to Almighty God to preserve you out of the hands of yoʳ mercyles enemyes, and send yoᵘ a safe returne to the injoymáµ— of yoʳ relations, for the happy accomplishmáµ— whereof itt shall be the earnest request of, Sir, yoʳ most affetionate and obedient sonne till death, RICHARD HADDOCK. To his honᵈ freind Capt. Wm. Haddock, Comander of the ship Hanniball, these present, at Livorno. * * * * * [a] By the treaty (23 Mar. 1657) with France against Spain, Cromwell agreed to find 6000 men, with a sufficient fleet, to operate against Gravelines, Mardike, and Dunkirk; the two latter towns, when reduced, to be delivered to the English. Mardike was captured in September of this year, and Dunkirk in June 1658; and both towns were duly handed over to the English forces. THE SAME TO THE SAME. Dragon frigáµ— in Dunkirke Road, this 26 Aprill, 1658; Monday. HONᵈ FATHER, Sʳ, my most humble duty presented unto yoᵘ wáµ—Ê° my deare Mother, Grandfather, and Grandmáµ’, wáµ—Ê° my loveing saluts to my wife, broË¢, sisters, and freinds. My last, of 18 instant, I sent by my Broʳ Wm., whome I gave leave to goe to London; wᶜʰ hope is safely arrived with you. Since wᶜʰ, litle of acction here in these parts. The 21 instant, about midnight, heere escaped out a small pickeron of 4 or 6 guns out this haboʳ, notwáµ—Ê°standing our vigilancy and indeavors for his surprizall, haveing oʳ boates in wáµ—Ê° the shore and a small frigáµ—, who gave him chase and fired seavrall guns at him; but the darknes of the night prevented there long keepeing sight of him, and, notwáµ—Ê°standing they made after him to the best of there understanding, yet he got away and noe sight of him at day light. Last Saturday heere went from Mardike Marshall d’Aumon, Duke of Bouligne,[a] wáµ—Ê° 13 hundred French souldiers, imbarqued in seaverall vessells, and gone to Oastend, before wᶜʰ place they arrived that night wáµ—Ê° the Vice Admirall.[b] If the intelligence given me be true, we shall see a sodaine alteration in Flaunders. Its said yáµ—, for a considerable summe of mony, the towne of Ostend is to be delivered up to yᵉ King of Fraunce by the Governor and inhabitants of sᵈ place, they being in such a sad condition by reasone of the extreame burden yáµ— lyes upon them. For security of performance there is a considerable man, who hath confirmed the accord wáµ—Ê° the K. of Fraunce, now wáµ—Ê° Marshall d’Aumon, that belongs to Ostend, who hath ingaged his life for performance. I pray God they faile not in there undertakeings; and, although treachery be hateful and odious throughout the world, yet doubtles ’twill prove hapye for our poore traders when such a considerable place as yáµ— is, a neast of roages, shall be routed. If it proves efectuall, farwell most páµ—Ë¢ of Flaunders this sumer. Sʳ, please to keepe this intelligence to yoʳ selfe, least it should come from me, being privately advized me. I hope, when our victualling is out, we shall come over to tallow; wᶜʰ God graunt, that I may not fayle of my earnest desire of seeing you before you goe forth. I intend sodaynly to send to the Vice Admirall to know where we shall be disposed by him or otherwise from the Comissʳˢ of Admiralty. Sʳ, I have not other at present. Wáµ—Ê° my humble request to yᵉ Allmighty for yoʳ preservation, I remayne Yoʳ most loveing and obedient son till death, RICHARD HADDOCK. To his honᵈ freind Capt. Wm. Haddock, at his howse nere the Newstaires in Wapping, these present, in London. * * * * * [a] Antoine, Marshal d’Aumont, Governor of Boulogne. Negotiations had been opened with traitors within Ostend; but the matter was kept no secret, and the garrison was prepared. When therefore D’Aumont attempted a surprise, the tables were turned; he was caught in a trap and had to surrender.--Sismondi, _Hist. des Français_, vol. xxiv. (1840), p. 564. [b] Edward Montague, afterwards Earl of Sandwich, who had command of the English fleet. THE SAME TO THE SAME. Dragon frigáµ— in Dunkirke Road, this primáµ’ May, 1658; Satuarday. HONᵈ FATHER, Sʳ, my last from this place was of 26th past, since wᶜʰ not anything hath ofered. The great Monsʳ with the soldiers I gave yoᵘ accáµ— of are yet before Oastend with the Vice Admirall have efected nothing, not haveing had opertunity, these out winds preventing there landing. God sending us shore winds, we shall quicklie see the result of the action in hand. I sent to the Vice Admirall to desire he would order us into the river to tallow and revictuall; but he wrights me, in regard he hath noe ship with him to place in our roome, he will not wáµ—Ê°out order from the Admᵗʸ. Soe this day I have wrote to them, advizeing the neere expiration of our victualling, also makeing it my humble request that we may come to Chatham to tallow and revictuall; wᶜʰ I hope they will graunt, but am dubious of my desired hapynesse of seeing yoᵘ before yoᵘ goe forth. My humble duty presented to my deare Mother, Grandfather, and Grandmáµ’, Father and Mother Steevens, wáµ—Ê° my loveing saluts to my wife, brothers, sisters, and freinds in genË¡Ë¡; and, wáµ—Ê° my most humble duty to yáµ’r selfe, wáµ—Ê° prayers to the Allmighty for yoʳ continued preservation, I remaine, Sʳ, your most loveing and dutyfull sonne till death, RICHARD HADDOCK. Being hast, yᵉ frigáµ— under saile with a lee tyde, my wife must excuse my not wrighting her at present. THE SAME TO SIR WILLIAM COVENTRY.[a] Portland frigáµ—áµ— in Oasely Bay,[b] 11áµ—Ê° Sept. 1666; Tuesday, 8 at night. RIGHT HONᵇˡᵉ, Yours of 8th instant, wáµ—Ê° his R. Highnesse order inclosed, I received this afternoone; wᶜʰ shall put in execution to morrow morning, wind and weather permiting. Sonday last, in compᵃ wáµ—Ê° the Adventure and a fire ship, we sayled out of Oasely bay through the Slade Way,[c] intending for the North Forland, and soe unto the Downes, in search of our fleet. About noone we gote sight of the Forland, and within one hower after we espied a fleet of shipps on the back of the Goodwin sand, wᶜʰ we deemed to be our fleet; but, standing wáµ—Ê° them, we found them to be the Dutch fleet, consisting of 70 in 75 sayle. Two ships of the fleet makeing us bore downe wáµ—Ê° us, and presantly after two more followed them. We stood away from them to the eastwards, towards a ship then to leewards, wᶜʰ we suposed to be a Hollander, but proved a Sweed bound for Burdaix Light; and, finding two of the men of warr spring there luffs againe and only 2 bore downe wáµ—Ê° us, we clapt upon a wind and stood towards them, haveing gote them about 5 or 6 miles to leewards of yᵉ body of there fleet. But, when they came wáµ—Ê°in neere shote of us, they keept there wind, would not come neere to fight us, but kept fireing guns to windwards and makeing a waft wáµ—Ê° there ensignes for more assistance; whereupon 7 or 8 sayle more bore away wáµ—Ê° us. Night comeing on, we thought it not convenient to lye by for them, but stood away for our owne coast, not being able to keep our lower tire of guns out to windwards, and but 32 brË¡Ë¡Ë¢ powder on bord. Yesterday we got into Alborough bay, when I gave accáµ— to the Comissʳ at Harwᶜʰ by an expresse from Alborough of our proceedings, desireing him to send the said letter to yoʳ Honʳ, if he thought it convenient. I have now recᵈ from Harwᶜʰ an aditionall suply of sixty barills of powder. The Adventure intends alongst wáµ—Ê° us. The Litle Mary, I understand, will not be ready in 3 or 4 dayes. To conclud, Sonday night proved such a hard galle of wind yáµ— I iudge the Dutch fleet either drove or bore away towards there owne coast, for we saw them all under sayle before twas dark. I shall not be wanting to give yoʳ Honʳ an accáµ— of our proceedings, wᶜʰ is wáµ— ofers at present from, Ráµ— Honᵇˡᵉ, yʳ humble serváµ— att Comᵈ, RICHARD HADDOCK. _Endorsed_: “Copie of lettʳ to Sʳ Wm. Coventry, from Sʳ Rᵈ Haddock.†* * * * * [a] Sir William Coventry was at this time one of the Commissioners of the Navy. [b] Hollesley Bay, or Haven, on the Suffolk coast, between Orford Ness and the River Deben. [c] The channel leading south from Hollesley Bay. DECLARATION OF CAPTAIN RICHARD HADDOCK. Aáµ’ 1657, Novembʳ. Dragon frigáµ—, Novembʳ, 1657. 18. The 18th November I recᵈ orders from Sʳ Richard Stainer[a] to sayle out yᵉ Downes, and in company wáµ—Ê° the Colchester frigáµ—áµ— to plye of of Ostend. 26. The 26 day, Thursday, we sailed out yᵉ Downes, yᵉ wind at west. We went out at yᵉ North Sand Head, twixt yᵉ Brake and Goodwin. This noone we spake wáµ—Ê° the Pembrooke frigáµ—áµ—, come from Harwich cleane tallowed; N.E. from yᵉ north Forland, in 15 fadoms watter, we clapt by under a maine course, intending to drive all night; but, upon sight of 6 sayle of Holland men of warr, 3 wáµ—Ê° there flaggs abroad, to say AdmË¡Ë¡ Vice and Rear Admirall, we stood with them. Yᵉ Pembrooke haveing espied them before us, though bound into yᵉ Downes, bore away on the back of the Goodwin towards them; comeing up with them, first fired at yᵉ AdmË¡Ë¢ flagg, but was not struck. Upon wᶜʰ yᵉ Comandʳ of the Pembrooke sent his boats on bord to know yᵉ reason of itt. Whilst they were in dispute, we, comeing in shote, fired at yᵉ AdmË¡Ë¡Ë¢ flagg alsoe, and presantly after they sent up a man to topmasthead and struck the flagg, wᶜʰ his Vice and Reare AdmË¡Ë¡ did the like. Then we bore under his lee ahead of him, and hayld him and stood asterne, and, after, tackt and came and lay on his weather quarters. There flaggs hang as a waft for about ½ an hower, and afterwards furld them; the AdmË¡Ë¡ fired a gun to lewards, filld, and stood away to yᵉ eáµ—wards. We answerd him with another; lay by and drove all night. These men of warr came there from yᵉ coast of Portugall, yᵉ Lᵈ Updam AdmË¡Ë¡, as I was informed by Sʳ Richard Stayner at my returne into yᵉ Downes. This I can testifie upon oath, if calld thereunto. Given under my hand this primo January, 1671/2. RICHARD HADDOCK. * * * * * [a] Admiral Sir Richard Stayner was knighted for his gallantry in Blake’s attack on Santa Cruz. (See above, p. 3.) CAPTAIN RICHARD HADDOCK TO HIS WIFE.[a] On bord yᵉ R. James, at anchor 4 miles wáµ—Ê°out St. Hellens, this 5áµ—Ê° May, 1672; Sonday night. MY DEARE BETTY, This afternoone we arrived this place wáµ—Ê° our noble fleet. Wáµ—Ê°in, at Spitthead, we see yᵉ French fleet gote heere before us wilbe good company. Tomorrow I doubt not but we shall joyne wáµ—Ê° them. A few daies will prepare us to goe to seeke yᵉ Hollanders, who are out. We saw some of there scouts that day we sailed out yᵉ river. I have no other news to write thee at present. I hope these will find yᵉ at London, where I advize thee to stay that I may the more certainely direct my letters to thee. I shall not be wanting to give the advice by all opertunities how itt fares with us. God Almighty preserve and keepe the and us in good health, and in His good tyme send us a ioyfull meeteing. My deere love to all myne and thy loveing relations. Wáµ—Ê° intire saluts to thy selfe and my daughter, I remayne thyne, whilst I am RICHARD HADDOCK. My love to my deare Coz Goodlad at Wapping. Pray venture a letter or two to Portsmáµ’ to me. R. H. * * * * * [a] His second wife, Elizabeth; maiden name unknown. THE SAME TO THE SAME. On bord the Royall James, this 14áµ—Ê° May, 1672; Tuesday evening, at anchor neere Dungenesse. MY DEAREST LOVE, These are to give the an accáµ— of my wellfare and good health, wᶜʰ I blesse God I doe injoy. We are now at anchor neere Dungenesse wáµ—Ê° our whole fleet, consisting of 80 men of warr, English and French, about 20 or 22 fireships, and many small vessells besides. We have bine tydeing it up from the Isle of Wind (_sic_). Ever since Wedensday last the winds have hung easterly. The Dutch fleet, we heard yesterday, were at yᵉ North Forland. We doe our utmost endeavor to get to them, if they have a mind to fight us. To yᵉ westwards of yᵉ Downes they may easely be wáµ—Ê° us; but we judge there designe is to ingage us amongst the sands, wᶜʰ posibly they may be deceaved in there expectation. God Almighty goe along wáµ—Ê° us and give us victory over our enemyes. I know I shall not want thy prayers and the well wishes of all my deare relations for my preservation. We have a brave fleet and, in the maine, well mand. For our parts we doe not complayn, haveing neere 900 men on bord us; yᵉ Duke 1000, I beleive, and upwards. It is probable, before we ingage, we may have yᵉ ships in the river ioyne wáµ—Ê° us, wᶜʰ are 10 or 11 men of warr and 4 fire ships. I desire we may put our strength in God Almighty; but soe noble a brave fleet have not bine seene together in our dayes. My deare, speake to my broʳ Joseph for the ballence of the mony I desired him to recᵉ for me of Mr. Forth and Mr. Beare, and to pay out of it severall debts wᶜʰ at present I doe not remember the perticulars. I know not how to direct the to answer these, nor where you may send to meet us. If this arrive yoᵘ on Thursday, you may venture a lyne or two to Dover Road, where posibly we may stop 24 houres to watter, and next I supose for Sowle Bay or the coast of Holland. Desire my Coz Goodlad, the draper, to recᵉ three pounds for the of Cozen Boys, wᶜʰ is due April last; and pray, when the bond is due of Mr. Welsted and Temple, goe to them and recᵉ the interest £9, and desire them to lett me have £100 or more, if posible, to suply my occasions. Thou knowest the imploymáµ— I am in is very expencive, and therfore let me not faile of haveing £100 at least of them. Twas Mr. Welsted’s promise in a month, but I have stayd neere 10 weeks. Pray let me know wáµ— is done wáµ—Ê° the mony in broʳ Hurleston’s hands and brother Thornburgh. I know they will be very kind. I have heere inclosed sent the my will, wᶜʰ have made for all good respects. I desire the to keepe it by the, sealed as it is. If God Almighty in His providence should take me out this life, you will find I have not failed of my promise to thee, though I have some reason to lament the kindnes done me by thy freinds; but that shall not trouble me at this tyme. God Almighty, I doubt not, will preserve me, that I may live to see the againe wáµ—Ê° ioy and comfort. Pray lett me know by some meanes or other of the receipt of these. My deare love to my sister Jessen, broʳ and sister Thornburgh, broʳ Hurlestone. My respects to my Unckle Moyer; all of them. My kind saluts to my dear Coz Goodlad at Wapping. To all my loveing freinds comend me. My deare, I have only to add my prayers to God for thy wellfare. Wáµ—Ê° my intire love and saluts to thee and my daughter, I remaine Thyne, till death us páµ—, RICHARD HADDOCK. These I send to Dover by our kitch, who is goeing to watter for us, but doe beleive we may get thither ourselves as soone. THE SAME TO THE SAME. R. James, neare Sowle Bay, this 21 May, 1672; Tuesday evening. MY DEARE BETTY, The 18th instant, wᶜʰ was Satuarday last, I wrote the by one of the yachts, and as thou advised. Yᵉ next day we saw the Dutch fleet. We drew ours into a lyne of bataile, the French leading, we in the reare, all prepared to fight, haveing stav’d and heft over bord all ours, and I think all the cabins of the whole fleet. The Hollanders stood over for yᵉ Flaunders Banks and yᵉ Weelings. About 7 at night we were up wáµ—Ê° them in a lyne, as they lay in the same posture very orderly to recᵉ us; but, finding it would have bine darke before we could have well began with them, being about 4 or 5 miles to leewards of us, yᵉ wind at W.S.W., we thought it not convenient to ingage them. Yᵉ night following, upon there tacking of, we tackt in yᵉ reare, yᵉ whole fleet following to keep them to leewards of us, as we did yáµ— night by our twice tacking againe. Yesterday morning it proved a very thick fogge. We wáµ—Ê° our division anchored, standing in wáµ—Ê° the Banks of Flaunders of Oostend. About 10 in yᵉ morning, upon cleareing up, we wayed anchor, yᵉ Dutch fleet 3 miles to leewards of us. We stood of and mett our fleet standing in. Yᵉ Dutch stood of wáµ—Ê° us. This day it proved much wind, that we could not fight them; whereupon we stood in to our shore N.W., and about ½ seas over we anchored all night. This morneing we saw yᵉ fleet again. We stood of towards them, expecting they would have stood wáµ—Ê° us; but they stood of intending to draw us over amongst those shoulds, to fight them there. We keeping our wind, and they bearing away, as we suposed, from yᵉ wind, we lost sight of them. It blowing hard we tackt, and now come neare to Sowle Bay, where I supose we may stay a day or two to watter our fleet. This day came into us the Katherine, Princes, and Advice, wáµ—Ê° 2 fire ships more; soe yáµ— I supose we are neerer 90 then fowerscore men of warr, upwards 25 fireships, amongst wᶜʰ my unckle R. H. is come. The Dutch fleet not soe many men of warr as we, I beleive, by 8 or 10 saile, many small vessells and fire ships. Had it pleased God yesterday to have given us faire weather, God assisting, we had given a good accáµ— of oʳ actions; our men briske and brave and very ready and willing to fight. The Earle of Bristow[a] on bord wáµ—Ê° us. I thinke a fourth part the nobles of England in the fleett. This I send on shore to Sowle, to take its fortune towards thee. Being in hast, have not tyme to wright any body else. If my broʳ Bradenham be in towne, shew him this letter. I two dayes since recᵈ a letter from Mr. Clarke, yᵉ apothecary, wáµ—Ê° a case of spiritts, come very opertunely (as he wrights me) to raise my courage, but I have not yet tasted them. Pray returne him my kind thanks. I hope shall survive this warr to make him amends. My deare, I should be glad to heare from the, but I know not how. I shall not be wanting to give the a constant advice, as opertunity presents, of my wellfare and our actions. Youl excuse me to my loveing relations yáµ— I wright none of them. At present it is fowle weather. Am glad we gote hither, for stormy weather may shatter us and disable us more then a bataile. God Almighty be our guard and defence, and give us victory over our enemyes. His providence hath hitherto prevented our ingageing twice. My deare and loveing saluts to all my loveing relations at Rederif,[b] and to my lo: Coz. Goodlad at Wapping and London, &c. Wáµ—Ê° intire love and saluts to thyselfe wáµ—Ê° my daughter, I remaine Thy loveing husband till death us part, RICHARD HADDOCK. His Royal Highness the Duke of Yorke is very zeolus to ingage yᵉ Dutch, God sending a good opertunity and watter enough under our keels. I had almost forgot to desire the to returne my thanks to Capt. Grantham for yᵉ barill of Muscadine he brought me from Mr. Wilkinson, of Messina, and for a chest of Florence he sent me from himselfe, wáµ—Ê° seavrall other things, all wᶜʰ I recᵉᵈ, wáµ—Ê° a chest of Florence for my Lord Sandwᶜʰ. Pray pay him three pound for itt. I shall recᵉ it heere of Mr. Lowe, my Lord’s serváµ—. Thyne, R. HADDOCK. * * * * * [a] George Digby, 2nd Earl of Bristol. [b] Rotherhithe. THE SAME TO THE SAME. R. James, in Southold Bay, this 25th May, 1672; Saturday evening. MY DEAREST LOVE, These I send by Capt. Poole,[a] who, wáµ—Ê° the Garland frigáµ—áµ— in compᵃ, hath leave to goe his former intended voaidge for Barbados. Pray advize my broʳ Bradenham of itt. They will be good convoy for Mr. Naufan’s ship wáµ—Ê° masts, &c., wᶜʰ lyes at Gravesend, to goe thorough the Channell wáµ—Ê° them. This day I gote two protections from the Duke, one for Mr. Naufan’s ship at Lancaster for 50 men, yᵉ other for yᵉ ship wáµ—Ê° stores for 20 men, wᶜʰ is speciall protections, yáµ— the men will not be molested. Tell my Broʳ Bradenham I have given them to Mr. Sam. Hawkes, who is comeing wáµ—Ê° them. I am sory to heare poore Sam Lane was prest into yᵉ French Victory, and since caryed into Holland. I pitty the losse of the men in her, but yᵉ Capt. will have his reward for looseing her soe basely. The Dutch fleet lye now neare the Gallaper in expectation of us; we are very neere, ready to waite on them. 2 or 3 days must not breake square wáµ—Ê° us; but they are deceaved to think we intend to fight them amongst the sands. I supose our martch wilbe over for yᵉ coast of Holland into sea roome and deepe watter. We are, notwithstanding Capt. Poole and his consarts leaveing us, 90 men of warr, 26 fire ships, many small vessells. I supose the Dutch daylie add to ther strength as well as wee. God Allmighty be our defence. My deare, I am sory that my first letter from Southold, wᶜʰ went by land, advized the of our 2 days stay, whereas we have bine heere 4 days, and shall stay 3 or 4 longer. Then we shall have wattered our whole fleet for one month, and victualld compleat for 2 months, and mand I beleive thoroughout yᵉ fleet, not 500 wanting. I rather think, in a day or two longer, we may have 1000 supernumeraryes. A very worthy brave fleet, I think, as ever were together. God give us couragious hearts, and then I beleive they may be ventured. I hope all my loveing relations at Rederif and Wapping are in health, to whome present my love and saluts. I expect to heare from the by the yacht wᶜʰ I sent my last letter by, Captain Burstow, Comander.[b] I blesse God I am now in good health, though 5 or 6 days since, and when we were going to fight the Dutch, I had such a paine in my right arme that could not use it but very litle; but now, thanke God, am very well. My deare Betty, I have only to add my saluts to thyselfe wáµ—Ê° my daughter; doe remaine thyne till death us part, RICHARD HADDOCK. This I intended thee by Capt. Poole, but was gone ere I could put it on bord him; therfore doe send it by the post. I recᵈ last night broʳ Thornbrugh’s letter, 23 instant, by yᵉ Dreadnought’s Leivetenáµ—. He wrights me of thy health, and yáµ— I shall recᵉ a letter from the by yᵉ Hatton ketch. I am thyne, R. HADDOCK. 26 May, ’72. * * * * * [a] Sir William Poole, distinguished by his share in the reduction of Tobago, this year. [b] William Bustow or Burstow, commanding the Mary yacht. COPY OF CAPTAIN RICHARD HADDOCK’S[a] ACCOUNT, GIVEN HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF YORK, OF THEIR ENGAGEMENT, MAY 28TH, 1672, IN THE ROYAL JAMES. In obedience to your Royal Highness’s commands, I here humbly present to your view a brief narrative of our actions on board the Royal James, the 28th May last past, as followeth: Upon signal from our scouts of the Dutch fleet’s approach (betwixt 3 and 4, the wind E. by S.), we put our ships immediately into a fighting posture, brought our cable to the capston, and heaft a peak of our anchor, which, upon firing a gun and loosing foretop-sail of your Royal Highness’s ship, we presently weighed, and afterwards lay kedging with our headsails at the mast till our anchor was up; which done (steered N.E. by N.), we made sail and stood off, with our signal abroad for the squadron[b] to draw into their line of battle, which was done as well as the short time we had would permit. But, finding myself one of the weathermost ships, I bore to leeward till I had brought ourselves in a line; the Vice Admiral and part of his division right a head, the Rear AdmË¡ and his right astern; only two or three frigates to leeward, and so near, one of them within call. The Dutch squadron, Van Ghent, attacked us in the body and rear very smartly, and let the van go ahead sometime without engaging them, so far as I could perceive. We engaged about an hour and an half very smartly. When the Dutch found that they could do no good on us with their men of war, they attacked us with two fire ships, the first of which we fired with our shott, the second disabled by shooting down his yards. Before which time I had sent our barge, by my Lord’s[c] command, ahead to Sir Joseph Jordaine,[d] to tack, and with his division to weather the Dutch that were upon us and beat them down to leeward of us, and come to our assistance. Our pinnace I sent likewise astern (both coxswains living) to command our ships to come to our assistance; which never returned, but were on board several who endeavoured it but could not effect it. About two hours after we engaged we were boarded athwart hawse by one of their men of war, notwithstanding our endeavours to prevent him by wearing our ship two or three points from the wind to have taken him alongside. When he had been athwart our hawse some short time, my Lord would have had me boarded him with our men and taken him, which I refused to do by giving him my reason that it would be very disadvantageous to us: first, that I must have commanded our men from our guns, having then I believe 300 men killed and wounded, and could not expect but to lose 100 in taking him; secondly, had we so done, we could not have cut him loose from us, by reason the tide of flood bound him fast; and, thirdly, had we plyed our guns slowly by taking away our men, we had given cause to the enemy to believe we had been disabled, and consequently more of them would have boarded us, which might possibly have overpressed us, and would have been more dishonour to have lost her by that means than being at last burnt;--so that my Lord was satisfied with my reasons, and resolved we should cuff it out to the last man, still in expectation of assistance. About 10 o’clock Van Ghent himself, finding those his other flags could do no good upon us, nor the party with them, came up with us himself, we having lost the conduct of our ship. He ranged along our side, gave us a smart volley of small shot and his broadside, which we returned to him with our middle and lower tier, our upper guns almost all disabled, the men killed at them. He passed ahead of us and brought his ship too to leeward, and there lay till I was gone off the deck. Some short time after, Sir Joseph Jordaine (our barge having been with him and given him my Lord’s commands) passed by us very unkindly to windward, with how many followers of his division I remember not, and took no notice at all of us; which made me call to mind his saying to your Royal Highness, when he received his commission, that he would stand betwixt you and danger; which I gave my Lord account of, and did beleive by his acting yourself might be, in his view, in greater danger than we, which made my Lord answer me: “We must do our best to defend ourselves alone.†About 12 o’clock I was shot in the foot with a small shot, I supposed out of Van Ghent’s main top, which pressed me after a small time to go down to be dressed. I gave my Lord account of it, and resolved to go up again as soon as was dressed. In the mean time, when I went off the deck, sent up both Sir Charles[e] and Lieutenant Mayo[f] to stand by my Lord; and, as soon as I came down, remembring the flood was done, sent up to my Lord to desire him to command the ship to anchor by the stern, which was immediately done; and, after we had brought up, the ship athwart our hawse fell away, and being entangled with our rigging our men boarded and took her, cut her loose from us, and, at my Lord’s command, returned all aboard again. Upon which I, hearing the ship was loose, sent up to my Lord that the cable might be cut and the ship brought to sail before the wind, and loose our mainsail; which was presently done. Then my Lord sent me his thanks for my advice, and withall doubted not but to save the ship. At that time the surgeon was cutting off the shattered flesh and tendons of my toe; and immediately after we were boarded by the fatal fire ship that burnt us. * * * * * [a] The MS., which is a modern transcript, has “Sir Richard Haddock;†but he was not knighted until 1675, and therefore, for uniformity, the title is suppressed. [b] The blue squadron. [c] Earl of Sandwich. [d] Sir Joseph Jordan, Vice-Admiral of the Blue. See a defence of his conduct, as described in this letter, in Charnock’s _Biographia Navalis_. [e] Sir Charles Harbord, who served as a volunteer and perished. [f] Thomas Mayo. He was one of the few who escaped from the Royal James. CAPTAIN RICHARD HADDOCK TO HIS WIFE. On bord the R. Charles, this 29th May, 1673; 7 leagues of Oostend. MY DEAREST LOVE, These are to give the an accáµ— of God’s goodnes to me. I am very well and in health, praised be His name therfore. Yesterday, the 28th instant (yᵉ same day twelve month they atacqued us in Sowle bay), we atacqued the Dutch fleet, consisting of 74 or 76 men of warr and 20 fire ships, as the Dutch prisoners informe us. We set upon them in the Schoon Velt, the wind at W.N.Wáµ—., but changed to yᵉ N.N.E. in the bataile towards evening. We buoyed the outward banks wáµ—Ê° our smacks and ketches, and had a smart brush with them from 12 at noone as long as daylight lasted. The damage we have done them we certainly know not. Severall of ther ships we disabled, wᶜʰ we forced into leewards. Trump, whose squadron we ingaged wáµ—Ê° ours, shifted his ship once, if not twice. What number of men we have lost in the fleet not yet know; I believe not 500. In our ship not above 20, as I can learne; some mortality wounded, others dismembred. Amongst our dead men is poore Capt. Wasey, who first lost his arme close to his shoulder, and about 6 howers after dyed of his wounds. My brother Joseph very well; was wáµ—Ê° me last night after yᵉ bataile. My unckle Richard very well: he hath burnt his ship; was faire to burne De Rutter within his length, when they shote his masts about his eares; for wᶜʰ indeavoured service yᵉ Prince[a] hath given him one hundred pounds, and gratified also his oficers, &c. I supose we shall not atacque them in that place againe. Our greatest care was to keepe cleere of the sands in that narrow hole. Our ship, so tender with a saile that we fought wáµ—Ê° the watter some tymes comeing into our lower tire of ports, wᶜʰ was very disadvantagious, could not do that service intended by us. There is severall Capáµ—Ë¢ killed that we have already an account of; I hope no more. Capt. Finch in the Yorke, Capt. Tempest in the Sweepestakes, Capt. Fowles in the Lyon; and Capt. Werden, in the Heneretta, mortality wounded.[b] We have severall of our ships shattered, not above two disabled, and none, as I heare of, lost, but 2 or 2 fire ships burnt. We ride now wáµ—Ê°in 3 leagues of the Dutch fleete; they ride in the place we atacqued them in, and we in our former birth, only about 2 leagues further of the shore. How soone we shall fight them againe cannot resolve, but in yᵉ place they now ride I iudge we shall not atacque them a second tyme. I beleive the Prince may shift his ship and goe into some other; but of yáµ— in my next. I desire that thanks and prayes may be returned to Almighty God for his preservation of me. My humble duty to my deare mother; loving saluts to my brothers and sisters, and all my deare relations. God in mercy blesse and preserve them all, and send us a joyfull meeteing. Wáµ—Ê° my intire love and saluts to thee wáµ—Ê° my daughter and litle Dickee, I remaine Thine, till death us part, RICHARD HADDOCK. We have a rumor that Capt. Trevanion[c] is killed, comdáµ the Dreadnought; but I hope it is not true. * * * * * [a] Rupert. [b] William Finch, third son of Thomas, first Earl of Winchilsea; John Tempest, Thomas Foules, and Robert Werden. The last was not killed in this action, according to Charnock, _Biogr. Navalis_. [c] Richard Trevanion. He was not killed. He followed James II. into exile. THE SAME TO THE SAME. Yet on bord yᵉ R. Charles, this 31 May, 1673. MY DEARE BETTY, I wrote the two dayes since of God’s goodnes to mee in oʳ late bataile. I gave the accáµ— of Capt. Trevanions suposed to be killed, but he is well; and allso Capt. Courtney,[a] wᶜʰ was reported to be killed, is alive and well. Capt. Worden is since dead of his wounds.[b] We are now shifting ships, goeing on bord the London; the reason I gave in my last. Sʳ Jnáµ’ Harman[c] goes from the London into the Sovraigne, and Capt. Hayward[d] out ye Sovraigne into this ship. It is no smal trouble to me to part from this brave ship; her only fault is she is tender sided, in all respects otherwayes the best ship in the world. My deare, I am very well; My broʳ Joseph and unckle Richard likewise. The Prince in good health, and our fleet prepareing for another incounter, if the Dutch comes out. My deare, I am thyne till death, RICHARD HADDOCK. Pray, if Comʳ Deane[e] be not in towne, send forward the inclosed to Portsmáµ’. * * * * * [a] Francis Courtney. He fell in the action with the Dutch on the 11th August of this year. [b] This is denied. (See above, p. 20, note b.) [c] Became Vice-Admiral of the Red, on the death of Sir Edward Spragge, this year. [d] John Hayward. He fell in the action of 11th August, this year. [e] Anthony Deane, Commissioner of the Navy at Portsmouth. THE SAME TO THE SAME. R. Charles, rideing Náµ’, 7 leagues from Oostend, this 1st June, 1673; Sonday. MY DEARE BETTY, Wee ride in sight of our neighbours the Dutch, not above 3 in 4 leagues distant. This morning they were under saile; we thought they would have come of to us. We put ourselves in a posture to recᵉ them. They have now the wind of us, being easterly; and may come out if they please. This morning we have accáµ— from a good hand from Oostend yáµ— they sent in 6 or 7 disabled ships to Flushing, two whereof sunck in going in. They likewise sent on shore 400 or 500 wounded men, and, as they advize from Oostend, comᵈ was given not to speake of the fight at Flushing. So doe beleive, till they recrute ther strength, we shall not heare of them; however, we are not wanting to prepare ourselves agáµ— they come. The Swiftsure is this day come to us; had like to have bine snapt Tuesday last by the Amsterdam squadron yáµ— came into the Schoon Velt tyme enough to fight. I have but little else to write to thee. Sʳ Roger Strickland sends his hoy to Deptford for watter; and these goe by Sʳ Ed. Spragg’s yacht, who caryes up one Coll. Hambliton into the River, who lost his legg on bord us. Pray lett me heare from thee by one or both of them. My humble duty to my deare mother; love and saluts to all freinds in genË¡Ë¡. Wáµ—Ê° my deare love to thy selfe, my daughter, and little Richard, I remayne Thyne, till death us part, RICHARD HADDOCK. JOURNAL [OF CAPTAIN RICHARD HADDOCK] IN HIS MAJᵗʸˢ SHIP R. CHARLES, MAY, 1673. _Aáµ’. 1673._ May 11. This Sonday morneing, about 7 aclock, we anchored in the Prince’s fleet, to the westwards of them, about 2 leagues to the westwards of Dongenesse, in 1 fadom watter, yᵉ lighthouse beareing N.E. by E. This day I went on bord the St. Michell to waite on yᵉ Prince, who comanded me to weigh and plye up to his ship; but, bloweing so hard, could not. 12. This Monday morneing wind at N.E. and N.E. by N.; blew very hard, and raine some part of the forenoone; could not weigh. 13. This Tuesday morneing, yᵉ wind at north, we wayed and gote up to the Prince’s ship, the St. Michel; anchored alongst her side without her. This forenoone his Highnes Prince Rupert came on bord us, but went of at noone; dyned on bord the R. Prince; after diner returned on bord us. This day we tooke on bord all the Prince’s retenue and goods, &c.; struck downe some of our gunns into hold, to recᵉ new ones in ther roomes. All this afternoone yᵉ wind at north; constant rain. 14. This Wedensday we tooke on bord seaverall of the new gunns and mounted them. The wind this day came round from the N.W. to S.Wáµ—., S.E. and E. by Náµ’. This day the French fleet apeared in sight about noone; being litle wind, they anchored short of us about 3 leagues. 15. This Thursday we mounted all the rest of the new gunns; the wind at N.Eáµ—. to E.N.E. Yᵉ French fleet wayed and plyed towards us; anchored about 4 miles short of us. 16. This Fryday morneing the French fleet weighed and plyed up to us. About 9 a clock this morneing Monsʳ Conte d’Estrees,[a] ther AdmË¡Ë¡, who wore his flagg at yᵉ foretopmast head, being V. AdmË¡Ë¡ of Fraunce, past by us about musket shote or somewáµ— more asterne of us; struck his flagg, lored his topsailes and saluted us, I meane yᵉ Prince, wáµ—Ê° 13 peece of ordnance; we returned him eleven in answer. Presantly after Monsʳ Conte d’Estrees came on bord us, to waite on his Highnes yᵉ Prince. This evening came of from Rye his Majᵗʸ and R. Highnes in there yachts; came on bord us; stayed about one hower and a halfe, and then returned to the yachts againe after 8 at night. 17. This Satuarday morneing, the wind at N. by E., blowing very fresh, the Prince went on bord the Cleeveland yacht to waite upon his Majᵗʸ; and about ½ an hower after the King, Duke, and Prince came on bord this ship. This forenoone we spread a standard in the mizen shrowds, fired a gunn to call on bord us the flagg oficers. This day the King and Duke dyned on bord us. The wind hath blowne very hard at N.N.E. and N.E. by N. all day. 18. This Sonday the wind vered to the east and by north, and back to yᵉ N.N.Eáµ—. at night; blew very fresh all day. This day the King dyned on bord Conte d’Estrees; the standard at maine topmast head; his flagg struck wᶜʰ he wore at the foretopmast head. This evening the King and Duke supt on bord us, and at 9 aclock tooke ther leaves of us and went on shore to Rye. This day the noble Lord Ossory[b] hoysted the Reare AdmË¡Ë¡ blew flagg on bord the St. Michael. 19. This Monday morning, about 3 aclock, being at anchor still, the wind at E.N.Eáµ—., we designed to weigh, but, bloweing fresh, we rode fast all this day. 20. This Tuesday, at 3 in the morneing, being alaramed by seavrall gunns from the eastwards, we fired a gunn and put out a light in the mainetopmast shrowds, our signall of weighing, but did not weigh by reason of the ebb tyde, the wind being at S.Eáµ—. We had intelligence, by a sloop, of 70 saile of Hollanders seene on the back of yᵉ Goodwin, and wáµ—Ê°out the Sáµ’ Sands Head; but proved to be, by our 2d intelligence by the litle Greyhound, a fleet of Hamburghers of 26 saile only. This forenoone we weighed with all the fleet; stood to the southwards; at noone tackt; litle wind. We anchored about 2 aclock, yᵉ Nesse light howse N. by E., in 21 fadoms, 7 miles distance. This day his Highnes the Prince dyned on bord the Conte d’Estrees, who struck his flagg as soone as the Prince was on bord him, and the Prince’s Jack flagg hoysted up at mainetopmast head; and, whilst the Prince remaind on bord him, his flagg (I meane yᵉ Conte d’Estrees) was kept furld. Towards evening the Hamburgʳˢ fleet plyed by us to the wáµ—wards; gave us many gunns in saluts. Yᵉ wind, since 4 in the afternoone, at W.S.W. and Wáµ—. This night we rode fast. 21. This 21 day, Wedensday morneing, at 4 aclock, we wayed wáµ—Ê° the whole fleet; wind at W. by Náµ’., a fine fresh gale. By 10 aclock the wind came to yᵉ S.Wáµ—. We steered away on the back of the Goodwin. About 4, afternoone, we anchored in 10 fadom watter, on the flatts of the Náµ’ Forland, the lighthouse beareing W. by S. southerly, about 6 miles distant. 22. This Thursday morneing we wayed by 5 aclock; steered away E. by Náµ’. and E.N.Eáµ—. to goe cleare of the showld of the Falls;[c] the wind at S.W., a fine gale. After we had gote without ye Falls, we hauled up E. b. S. and E.S.E.; a fresh gale at S.W. About 4 in the afternoone we made the coast of Flaunders. At 6, evening, we anchored in 15 fadoms watter, Oostend spire steeples beareing S.E. by Sáµ’, 5 leagues distant. This evening we saw the Dutch fleet, part of them; they rode in Schonvelt. Our scout gave us accáµ— they were but 86 saile, the outside, small and great. They wayed and turned up amongst yᵉ bancks towards the Weelings. 23. This Fryday morneing, by 6 aclock, yᵉ flood being done, we wayed; wind at S.S.W., litle wind. We stood in; drew our ships into a lyne of batayle. Our squadron ledd the van, the French in the midle, and yᵉ blew squadron in the reare. We sayled and drove soe farr to the N.E. wards that we brought Oostend steeples south easterly, about 5 leagues or six leagues of. Anchored in 11 fadom watter, within the oyster bancks. Yᵉ Dutch fleet, yᵉ náµ’most, bore E.N.E.; and yᵉ southmost Eáµ—, southerly from us, about 3 leagues. This night have had but litle wind at S.S.W. and S.Wáµ—. 24. This Satuarday morneing we intended, if the should watter hindred not, to goe in wáµ—Ê° our fleet and set upon the Dutch; sending a party of 35 men of warr, 13 fire ships, and 24 tendors ahead of us, to make the onsett, and we wáµ—Ê° the whole fleet to have seconded them. But this our intention was this day prevented by God Almighty’s providence, the wind bloweing very hard at S.W. and Wáµ—.S.Wáµ—. This morneing came in to the fleet the Soveraigne, Victory, and Dyamond, out of the river of Thames. Yesterday our scouts gave us accáµ— that yᵉ Dutch fleet, of all sorts that could be told, did not exceed 84. All this day the wind hath blowne very hard at S.W. and W.S.W.; forct us strick our yard, and some ships both topmast and yard. 25. This Sonday the wind hath blowne very hard at W.S.Wáµ—.; forct us in yᵉ afternoone to strick our topmasts and get our sprit-saile yard under the boltsprit. This day severall of the French ships broke from ther ground tackle, but brought up againe wáµ—Ê° other anchors and rode fast. 26. This Monday, in the forenoon, the wind continued bloweing hard at W.S.W., as did also the night past, but not so violently as the day formerly. In the afternoone the wind dullered. We sett our topmasts and got up oʳ yards; our neighbours the Dutch did the like also. Toward evening indiferent faire weather. 27. This Tuesday the wind hath bine from the S.Wáµ—. back to yᵉ S.Eáµ—., wáµ—Ê° very thick weather, and then veered to the N.Wáµ—., wáµ—Ê° some tymes very thick [weather] and raine and wind; all this day very unconstant weather. This afternoone we spread our red flagg for the severall divissions drawne out of the fleet to get themselves into a body for the first onsett upon the enemy; but did not weigh ourselves. Our party out of our squadron anchored to leewards of us, and neere half way betweene yᵉ Dutch fleet and ours. This day yᵉ standard was spread for the flagg oficers. When come on bord, twas resolved that tomorrow, about 10 in the morning, the flood being done and faire weather, that we weigh and atacque the Dutch fleet now rideing in the Schoonvelt, steereing with an easey saile upon them; and, in case they go in to Flushing, then to anchor in their places; and, that they stand of into sea, to stand out with them. 28. This Wedensday morneing, being indiferent faire weather, we prepared our ship; gote upp our sheat anchor, slung our yards, &c. The wind at west, a fresh gale. By 10 aclock we gote up our anchor, and made sayle. Brave weather; wind at W. b. N. and W.N.Wáµ—. We wáµ—Ê° our squadron steered N.E. b. E. wáµ—Ê° the north end of the Dutch fleet, yᵉ French wáµ—Ê° the body, and yᵉ blew squadron wáµ—Ê° the south part of them. To 11 aclock thay rode most of them fast at anchor, not so much as ther fore topsailes loose. About 12 at noone we bore downe upon the Dutch and ingaged ther van, and the French in the body, our blew squadron in the reare. We fought till twas darke, tacking to and againe in the Schoon Velt. What certaine damage we did the enemy we cannot tell. This night we sailed and drove out againe; came into 6 fadom watter on yᵉ oyster banck. By day light we were gote 3 leagues without the Schoon Velt. 29. This Thursday morneing we anchored in 13 fadom watter by our judgement, S. b. Eáµ—. from Oostend, 6 or 7 leagues of. This day yᵉ Prince called a councill of flagg oficers. Ordered, that yᵉ respective flaggs call ther divissions on bord and take accáµ— of what damages recᵈ yesterday in the bataile. This day the wind blew very hard at S.Wáµ—.; forct us to strick our topmasts and yards and veere out our shot of cable 2½ without bord. This afternoone, about 3 aclock, the Prince sent away a packet for Whitehall, by whome I wrote for London. 30. This Fryday the wind blew very hard, most part of the day, at S.Wáµ—. and W.S.Wáµ—. Towards evening lesse wind. We got up our topmasts. 31. This Satuarday forenoone, foggy weather; afternoone, very faire weather; the wind at N.Eáµ—. This day the Prince tooke resolution to shift shipps, ours being so tender that we could not beare out our lower tire of gunns in the late bataile. June 1. This Sonday, yᵉ first day of June, the Dutch fleet many of them were under saile, but came not out to us. We gote up our anchor and came to saile wáµ—Ê° all the fleet, but anchored againe and birth’t our selves in our anchoring posture agreed on, to say: the flaggs to ride N. and south of each other, 4 cables length distant; and the ships of the severall divissions to ride N.W. and S.E. from there flaggs, 2 cable length distant of one side and the other; the flagg ships as they are ranged in ther line of bataile. This day we struck some broken gunns down into hold, and some whole, to the number of tenn, to stiffen our ship if posible. 2. This Monday the wind blowes very fresh at N.E., and did so all the last night and the day before. This day the Prince resolved to shift his ship and goe on bord the R. Soveraigne. 3. This Tuesday evening his Highnes the Prince went on bord the Soveraigne. I and Capt. Young[d] followed him, and this night lay on bord her. 4. This Wedensday morneing, very early, I went on bord the R. Charles to shift the men. Chose out 250 men to come on bord the Soveraigne. * * * * * [a] Jean, Comte d’Estrées. [b] Thomas Butler, Earl of Ossory. [c] A long narrow shoal off the North Foreland. [d] Henry Young. JOURNALL IN THE R. SOVERAIGNE, JUNE, 1673. This 4th day of June, Wedensday, before noone, the Dutch fleet, then rideing in Schoonvelt, all wayed and came to saile and came out to us. We wayed with our fleet; put ourselves in the best posture we could; but, makeing saile, we gote ahead next the blew squadron, leaveing most of the French in the reare, with our Vice Admirall. Betwixt 4 and 5 aclock the Dutch fleet--Trump in the van, De Rutter in the body--bore downe towards us (the wind at N.Eáµ—., a very fresh gale). We ingaged till twas darke, more then ½ range of our shot distant. We kept our lufe; they did likewise the same; would not come close to us. What damage we did them we know not. On our parts we lost 2 fire ships; shatterd our ships, many of them, in hull, masts, yards, and rigging. Comdʳˢ killed were: Capt. White of the Warspight, and Capt. Sadleton of the Crowne.[a] What number of men slaine in the fleet, know not. This night we stood to the northwards with our foresaile and mainetopsailes only. Most of the Dutch fleet, at 12 aclock at night, tackt away from us; the remainder tackt after them at 2 aclock. 5. Betwixt 4 and 5 we tackt of after them; stood of wáµ—Ê° 2 topsailes; put out our Jack flagg. Called a council of warr to know the condition of our fleet; found our ships to be shatred in our masts and rigging, not to be repaired in the sea; our powder and shot the greatest part spent in two batailes. Haveing no shot in the fleet for recrute, twas resolved by the Prince, for the more expedition (_sic_) fitting the fleet out againe, to saile for the buoy of the Nore. We tackt; stood in for the shore, seeing Laistoforland.[b] Stood away alongst the shore, wáµ—Ê°out the sands called Alborough knapes. The wind at N.E., we steered away S.W. by S., haveing an ebb tyde to goe without the Shipwash.[c] The flood comeing upon us sett us in so neare yᵉ Sheepewash, that we were within a mile and a halfe of itt. We hauld of south, and, after we were about that sand, we steered up the Swine.[d] After 8 at night we anchored in 13 fadom watter, above the Gunflit at least 2 miles. All the fleet likewise anchored. 6. This Fryday morneing the wind came to the S.W.; litle wind. We wayed to plye up, and plyed the tyde to an end. Anchored about 2 miles belowe the Midle Ground buoy,[e] in 8 fadom watter. 7. This Satuarday, 8 in the morning, we wayed; wind at Wáµ—. and W. b. N. We turned up as high as the Oase Edge buoy;[f] there anchored and rode all night. 8. This Sonday, wind at east, we wayed and ran up to the buoy of the Nore. There anchored, about a mile below the buoy. 9. This Monday the wind blew very hard at Eáµ— and E.S.Eáµ—, with raine; forct us to strick our topmasts and yards. The wind hath blowne very hard all this day, and vered back to the E.N.Eáµ—. 10. This Tuesday, wind came to the north. Slaby weather and cold; bloweing a fresh gale. 11. This Wedensday wind at N.Wáµ—. and north. This day the King and Duke came on bord us. At night, after they had supt, went on bord ther yachts. 12. This Thursday the wind at Eáµ— to S.Eáµ—. The King came out Sheerenes about noone and dyned on bord us. This evening his Majᵗʸ and Duke of Yorke tooke there leave of us and went in ther yachts to London. 13. This Fryday the wind blew hard at E.N.Eáµ—. This day we were falcely allarum’d by the Holmes frigáµ—áµ— comeing up from the Gunflet wáµ—Ê° topgalant sails flying and fired gunns, uppon a certaine, or rather uncertaine, intelligence that 19 or 20 saile of Dutch men of warr were seene wáµ—Ê°out the Gallaper. All this day it hath blowne very hard, wáµ—Ê° some raine. 14. This Satuarday morneing, about 5 aclock, his Highnes Prince Rupert went up the river in our barge for Black Heath. The wind at S.Eáµ—. This day Sʳ John Harman, upon the receipt of a packet from Whitehall, called a councill of warr. There ordered to send downe 7 or 8 frigáµ—áµ—Ë¢ and as many fireships, to ride twixt the Oase Edge and Redd Sand,[g] and the rest to birth themselves N.N.E. and S.S.W. one of each other, at yᵉ Nore. 15. This Sonday the wind hath bine from north to W.S.W.; little wind till evening. It then blew hard, westerly. This day we had intelligence, by a Hellicar land[h] dogger, that 17 saile of Dutch men of warr were rideing without the Gonflitt. Yesterday he was on bord them. 16. This Monday the wind hath bine at Wáµ—. bloweing fresh. Towards evening the wind came to the S.S.Wáµ—. This day I sent up the Barbabella wáµ—Ê° our empty caske to London. Tookeing (_sic_) aship of beere about 60 ts. 17. This Tuesday wind at S.E.; faire weather; I sent Bassets hoy up to Chatham againe for stores. 18. This Wedensday morning wind at south and S.Eáµ—. I went into yᵉ Swale, to setle our muster booke of the R. Charles. 19. This Thursday wind at north and N.Wáµ—.; some tyme badd weather. 20. This Fryday we tooke on bord 16 ts. of watter. The wind hath bine at north and back to W.S.Wáµ—.; sometymes badd weather. 21. This Satuarday the wind at S.W. In the afternoone the Prince returned on bord againe. 22. This Sonday wind southerly. The Prince went into Sheerenes. 23. This Monday wind at S.S.W. to W.N.Wáµ—.; sometymes bad weather. This day yᵉ Prince went on shore on Essex side; came on bord againe at noone. This day severall of our fleet came out Sheerenes. 29. To this Sonday we have had the winds southerly to the west; some 3 days badd weather. Have bine dispatching our ships out Sheerenes, and takeing in our provissions. The Dutch fleet rideing in the Slade Way and at the Gonflitt since Wedensday. This night his Highnes yᵉ Prince lay on bord the Monmouth yacht. * * * * * [a] Richard White and Richard Sadlington. [b] Lowestoft Ness. [c] The Shipwash sand-bank off the mouth of the Deben. [d] The King’s Channel or East Swin, running down east of the Gunfleet sands, off the Essex shore. [e] The Middle Ground shoal lies at the mouth of the Thames, some miles below the Nore, on the Kentish side of the river. [f] The Oaze Edge shoal near the Middle Ground, but on the Essex side. [g] The Red Sand lies between the Ooze Edge and the Middle Ground. [h] Heligoland. NAVAL OPERATIONS, 1652-1673; WITH OBSERVATIONS BY CAPTAIN RICHARD HADDOCK. -----+-------+-----+------------------------+--------------------------- Year.| Mo. | D. | | Observations. -----+-------+-----+------------------------+--------------------------- | | | | 1652 |June[a]| 19 |Fight in Downes between |GenË¡ Blake comanded. Fight | | |English and Dutch. |to the wáµ—ward off Dover. | | | | | Sept. | 5 |French fleet beat by |GenË¡ Blake comanded. | | |English | | | | | | Nov. |15[b]|Blake worsted by Dutch. |True; and retired to the | | | |Buoy of the Nore over the | | | |Flats. | | | | | Feb. | 18, |Fight near Portland. |True. Blake, Deane, and | | 19, |Dutch beaten. |Monck. GenË¡ Blake and | | 20 | |Deane in the Tryumph; | | | |Monk in the Vanguard. | | | |Blake wounded. | | | | | | |English worsted in |True. Capáµ— Rᵈ Balilo | | |Levant by Dutch. |commanded. | | | | | June |--[c]|Dutch beaten. |Deane and Monk GenË¡Ë¢. | | | |Deane killed. | | | | ’53 | July | 29, |Fight between English |True. Dutch beaten. GenË¡ | | 30 |and Dutch.[d] |Monk only comanded. Trump | | | |killed, and his flag shot | | | |down. | | | | ’64 | Dec. | 30 |Fleet off Portsmouth |True. Brought into Portsmáµ’ | | [e] |took 112 Dutch prizes. |and afterwards made prizes. | | | | ’65 | AprË¡ | 20 |De Ruyter attempted |True. | | |Berbadoes; and beaten. | | | | | | May | 30 |Hamburgh fleet taken by |True. Were taken with their | | |Dutch. |convoy. | | | | | June | 3 |Dutch beaten by yᵉ |True. Opdam then blown up; | | |Duke, and 30 capitË¡ |the rest taken and burnt. | | |ships taken and | | | |destroyed. | | | | | | Aug. | 16 |Dutch Smerna Streights |True; and was forced away by | | |East India ships |the Danes and Dutch, who | | |attacqu’d by Rʳ AdmË¡ |landed ther guns contrary | | |Tiddiman[f] in Bergen. |to, the concert between the | | | |two Crowns of England | | | |and Denmark.[g] | | | | | Sept. | 4 |2 East India and sevË¡ |True; and two men-of-war | | |mercháµ— ships taken by |then taken by Sprag in the | | |E. of Sandwich. |RË¡ James, formerly called | | | |the Richard. | | | | | †| 9 |18 sË¡ of Dutch beaten, |True. | | |and greatest part taken.| | | | | | Feb. | 8 |Dutch chas’d into |True. | | |Weilings by Myngs[h]. | | | | | ’66 | June | 1 |Duke Albemᵃ engaged 90 |Fought 3 days. Then came | | |sË¡ of Dutch on coast |Prince Rupert in the RË¡ | | |of Flanders. |James, wáµ—Ê° the squadron | | | |wᶜʰ had been to the | | | |westwᵈ to look out for | | | |Beaufort from Toulon. Were | | | |sent for back. Yᵉ 3ᵈ day, | | | |Sonday, on our retreat, the | | | |RË¡ Prince was lost on the | | | |Galliper; set on †| June | 4, |Dutch beaten. |fire. The Swiftsure taken | | 5, | |by the Dutch. The 4áµ—Ê° day | | 6 | |both fleets retird: Prince | | | |Rupert and Duke of Albemarle | | | |to the Nore, the Dutch | | | |to their own coast. | | | | †| July | 25, |Dutch beaten by Prince |The Dutch run home to their | | 26 |Rupert and Dáµ |harbours. | | |Albemarle. | | | | | †| Augáµ— | 7 |Sʳ Ráµ— Holmes burnt |True. Sʳ Ráµ— Holmes went in | | |150 Dutch in yᵉ Fly. |the Tyger wáµ—Ê° the Dragon | | | |and some fireships and | | | |ketches. Burnt 3 men of | | | |war that were in the Fly | | | |amongst the number. | | | |Afterwards burnt the town of | | | |Brandros[i] before he went | | | |out. | | | | †| Dec. | 25 |Robinson[j] took and |True. It was in his return | | |destroyed 3 Dutch men |from Gottenburgh, whither | | |of warr near yᵉ |he was sent to convoy | | |Texell. |home a great fleet laden | | | |with naval stores. | | | | 1667 | April | 30 |Dutch attempted Burnt |True, I beleive. | | |Isleand in Scotland | | | |and beaten of. | | | | | †| June | 11 |12 Dutch taken and 2 |True. | | [k] |sunck near Norway. | | | | | †| June | 20 |Rich Dutch East India |True. Taken by Sʳ Jeremy | | |ship, 74 guns, taken. |Smyth in his sayling about | | | |Scotland to Ireland. | | | | †| June | 25 |Sʳ Jno. Harman wáµ—Ê° |True. | | |16 Engl. men of warr | | | |engaged 30 French near | | | |Martinego; burnt and | | | |destroyed most of them. | | | | | †| | 26 |8 Dutch prizes with |True, I beleive. | | |masts and deals taken. | | | | | †| July | 19 |Dutch attemptᵈ Torbay, |True. | | |but beaten off. | | | | | †| | 23 |23 Dutch make up yᵉ | | | |Thames. | | | | | †| July | 24 |Fought by Spragg near |True. He forc’t ’em out of | | |yᵉ Hope and retire. |the River, after having | | | |burnt and taken 12 sayle | | | |of their fireships; and we | | | |lost but one of our 12. So | | | |forct them down the King’s | | | |channel below the Middle,[l] | | | |having but 6 men of war | | | |and 12 fireships. Sʳ Joseph | | | |Jordain came from Harwich | | | |in a smal man of war with | | | |sevË¡ colliers made | | | |fireships. We rode then at | | | |Lee Road.[m] Dutch at the | | | |Nore. Wind blew hard | | | |easterly. Did no execution | | | |on the Dutch. | | | | †| Augáµ— | 3 |De Ruyter attempts yᵉ |True, but did no execution | | |Virginia fleet. |on yáµ. | | | | †| | 24 |Six Engl., cruiseing |I beleive it true, but know | | |northwᵈ, fought a |not of it. | | |squadron of Dutch | | | |and took 3. | | | | | ’71 | May | 10 |10 Algerines burnt at |True. The boom was first cut | | |Bugia by Sʳ Ed. |by Capt. Harman,[n] that | | |Spragg. |comanded the boats. | | | | †| July | 5 |Sʳ Christophʳ | | | |restor’d by the French. | | | | | ’72 | Mar. | 14 |Sʳ Ráµ— Holmes fought |True; but ’twas not for | | |yᵉ Dutch refusing to |refusing to strike. | | |strike. | | | | | †| May | 28 |Fight wáµ—Ê° yᵉ whole |True. In that fight the RË¡ | | |Dutch Fleet off |James was burnt, after she | | |Southwold bay. |had quitted herself of | | | |Brackel,[o] a Dutch 70 gun | | | |ship, that lay athwort her | | | |hawse, which she took; and | | | |being disabled gave | | | |opportunity of a fireship | | | |clapping her aboard. | | | | †| Dec. | 20 |Tobago Island taken |True. | | |from yᵉ Dutch. | | | | | ’72 | Dec. | 31 |Sáµ— Hellena taken by |True. | | |yᵉ Dutch. | | | | | ’73 | May | 6 |Sáµ— Hellena retaken by |True. | | |Capt. Monday. | | | | | †| May | 28 |Engl. Fleet engage yᵉ |True. Fought in yᵉ | | |Dutch and force them |Schonvelt. | | |to retreat. | | | | | †| June | 4 |2ᵈ engagemáµ— wáµ—Ê° |True. Fought yᵉ Dutch on | | |yᵉ Dutch on yᵉ coast. |yʳ coast, but stood over to | | | |our own all that battle. The | | | |next morn we tackt on the | | | |Dutch: but they stood away | | | |for their own coast; and we | | | |stood back and came to the | | | |Nore after 2 battles in | | | |eight days. | | | | †| Aug. | 11 |3ᵈ victory against yᵉ |Fought the Dutch; but no | | |Dutch by Pʳ Rupert. |great victory. The French | | | |declined fighting, and fleet | | | |retired to the Nore some | | | |time after. Sʳ Edwᵈ Sprag | | | |then drownd. RË¡ Prince’s | | | |mainmáµ— shot down; had like | | | |to have been burnt. -----+-------+-----+------------------------+---------------------------- [a] A mistake for May. [b] On the 29th November. It was after this action that Van Tromp hoisted the broom at his mast-head. [c] On the 2nd and 3rd June, off the North Foreland. [d] Off the Dutch coast. [e] Before declaration of war, in retaliation for attacks by the Dutch on the colonies. [f] Sir Thomas Tiddiman, or Teddiman. [g] The Governor of Bergen not having yet received the instructions from his Government and refusing to admit the English fleet. [h] Sir Christopher Mings; died of wounds received in the action of 1st June. [i] Bandaris in the island of Schelling. [j] Sir Robert Robinson. [k] The day that the Dutch were in the Medway. [l] The Middle, a shoal off Foulness, between the West Swin and the East Swin or King’s Channel. [m] Near the mouth of the Thames, off the village of Lee on the Essex side. [n] Thomas Harman. [o] Adrian Brackell, the captain of the Dutch man-of-war. WILLIAM BRANDON TO SIR RICHARD HADDOCK. Portsmáµ’ Victualláµ Office, July 24áµ—Ê°, 1688. HONᵇˡᵉ Sʳ, The last post brought a news letter to this place, wherein are these words: It is reported that Sʳ Richᵈ Haddock, Capt. Pennyman, and severall other seamen, are gone for Holland; wᶜʰ are lookt upon heere as a verry greate reflection upon your Honʳ, that cannott without ingratitude and breach of duty omit acquainting you with itt and the author’s name, wᶜʰ is Edmond Sawkell, att the Generall Post Office. I have and shall vindicate your Honʳ to my outmost power; and begg leave to subscribe myself Yoʳ Honʳˢ Most humble and obedient serváµ—, Wáµ BRANDON. To the Honᵇˡᵉ Sʳ Richᵈ Haddock, Knáµ—, one of the Commʳˢ for Victualling his Majᵗʸˢ Navy, att the office on Tower Hill, London, These. SIR RICHARD HADDOCK TO PHILIP FROWD.[a] Tower Hill, London, this 29th July, 1688. Sʳ, The last weeke, in a news lettr wrote by a serváµ— of yours, one Mr. Edmᵈ Sawkell, there is a scandallous reflection on my honʳ and reputation, by his writeing that Sʳ Rᵈ Haddock wáµ—Ê° seuerall other seamen were gone into Holland, wᶜʰ I have recᵈ aᶜᶜᵗ of sᵈ letter from 3 or 4 countys, and must beleive it hath flowne all the kingdome over. Sʳ, I was this day to waite on you at yʳ post ofice; but, haveing accáµ— given me that you were in the country, thought fitt, before I spake wáµ—Ê° Mr. Sawkill, to give you notice hereof, and yáµ— you will readylie conclude I shall expect satisfaction from him for this scandall, at least yáµ— he finds out his author or else must conclud him to be the inventor himselfe. I do presume you know me so well as to beleive, however the King may please to deale wáµ—Ê° me (wᶜʰ hetherto hath bine extra kind), I shall never forsake my loyalty and duty to him, even to my last breath. Praying a lyne or two in answer, with great respect, I remaine Your very afectᵉ servant, Rᵈ H. TO JN. (_sic_) FROWD, ESQ. * * * * * [a] Postmaster-General. CAPTAIN JOSEPH HADDOCK TO HIS BROTHER, SIR RICHARD HADDOCK. Abord the Ship Princess of Denmark, 17th Xber, 1688. Balasore Roade. Sʳ RICHᵈ HADDOCK. MY EVER HONᵈ BROTHER, My last, of the 7áµ—Ê° Augáµ— from Visagapatam, gave yoʳ Honʳ accáµ— of our arrivall Madras and of our affaires to that tyme. The 10áµ—Ê° Augáµ— we saild thence for Balasore, wher we arriv’d the 15áµ—Ê°; in wᶜʰ bay we have contᵈ and rid out the monsoone, wᶜʰ has prov’d favourabler then expected (beinge leape yeare). The 15áµ—Ê° 7ber Capáµ— Heath arriv’d this place, who, by virtue of the President and Counsell of Madras order requir’d my goeinge up wáµ—Ê° hime to Chuttynutte[a] in the river of Hugly (the place where our Agent and factorie resided), myselfe wáµ—Ê° the rest of the comandʳˢ of the Europe Shipps then in the river to assist hime in the Ráµ— Honᵇˡᵉ CompË¢ affairs.[b] In fews days after our getting up to Chuttynutte, a letter was writ to the Nabob of Dacca (the cheife govenʳ of that citty), who had formerly requested our Agent that if we would assist hime wáµ—Ê° ships to transport soulders and horss from Chottagam to Arraccan (they beinge in warrs wáµ—Ê° that Kinge), he would give us his Pharwanna[c] of a settlemáµ— of trade, wáµ—Ê° prevaledges as formerly accordinge to the 12 articles formerly sent hime from our agent &c. Capt. Heath, in the letter sent, condesended to the Nabob’s request, in suplyinge hime wáµ—Ê° 10 ships and vessells for the Mogull’s occations, to transport ther soulders and horss, provided they would allow of the buildinge of a fortyfiction wáµ—Ê°in the river of Hugly, for the better security of the Ráµ— Honᵇˡᵉ CompË¢ estate and seráµ—Ë¢; wáµ—Ê°out wᶜʰ grant of a fortyfied place the CompË¢ ordʳˢ possitive are, to wáµ—Ê°draw off all our factory from this place. We continued heere 5 weeks for the Nabob’s answer to the proposall: but not comeing, we, haveinge taken off all the Honᵇˡᵉ CompË¢ concernes from the shoare, saild from Chuttynᵗʸ the 8áµ—Ê° 9ber, and passed by ther fortts peaceably. At our arrival Balasore found that the govenʳ of the towne had (some tyme before our comeinge) detaind the Ráµ— Honᵇˡᵉ CompË¢ goods, beinge this yeares investmáµ—Ë¢, alsoe partic. mens goods; and would not permit none of the factors, nor our people that were ashoure buying provit[ions], to come off. Capáµ— Heath sent 2 of our factors wáµ—Ê° a letter to the govenʳ (who was come downe to the bancksall, or point of sand goeinge into the river, wher he was makeinge a fortyfication), to demand the Ráµ— Honbᵉ CompË¢ goods wáµ—Ê° all our men. His answer was, what he did was by order from the Nabob; and, if he did dilliver our goods and men, should loose his head. 3 days after, 2 of the factors were againe sent to aquaint the govenʳ that our intention was to depart out these parts peaceable, we haveinge come away out Hugly river wáµ—Ê°out doeinge any act of hostillity to any of the Mogull’s subjects; therfore requird hime to send off our goods and people by faire meanes; if not, we would have them by force of armes. Wᶜʰ hee not permitting them too goe off, the next day all our soulders, about 320, and upwards 240 seamen were put into the small vessels and all our boates; and early next morninge they landed a mile to the W.ward of the fort (wᶜʰ the govnʳ had rais’d); against wᶜʰ landinge place they had planted 5 small guns on a sandhill, wᶜʰ they discharg’d at our men, and killd 2 and wounded 2 more; soe fled from the guns. And soone after, the cheife capáµ— of our soulders had drawne all the soulders and seamen in order of battalia, marcht up to the fort, wᶜʰ, at ther aproach, fired all ther guns they had planted to the land; but, soone after, the govenʳ and all his men fleed out the fort wáµ—Ê°out doeing much harme to our men; the wᶜʰ we possest wáµ—Ê°out any farther opposition. In and about this fort they had upwards 40 guns mounted and a good wall made wáµ—Ê° timber and clay; might have bine sufficient (if manag’d by Europeans) to [have] wáµ—Ê°stood a great armie of men, or at least done much more mischief then they did. The govenʳ, after deserted his fort, made all hast possable up to Balasore towne, and orderd the factory house (in wᶜʰ were confind all our people, thirteene in number) to be sett on fire. Our people in the house defended themselves bravely, killinge sevË¡ of the Moors; but by the firsness of the fire were forct to surrender themselves on tearmes to have ther lives and good useage. The next day Capt. Heath (who went ashoare wáµ—Ê° the soulders--Capáµ— Sharpe comanded the small vessells and boates that were to goe over the barr, leaveinge mee in comand of the ships in the roade) went up with all the soulders and seamen to Balasore towne by watter and landed short of old Balasore fort, the wᶜʰ they soone tooke; soe marcht into the towne, few or noe people beinge left to oppose them; the govenʳ disertinge it at ther comeinge, caryinge wáµ—Ê° hime all our English, amongst wᶜʰ are 3 of our ships compᵃ, vizáµ—. Mr. Davenant (beinge ashoare buyinge provit[ions]), Charles Scarlet, midshipman, and Sam Harbin, gunʳ, seráµ— of Capâ¿ Heath’s, his pursur, and 3 more, Mr. Stanly, cheife of the factory, the rest free men that trades in the country. As yet we cannot gett the govenʳ to give ther releasemáµ—. We have sent sevË¡ messingers to hime, that we have not burnt ther towne nor ships, expectinge he would dilliver up our men; but, if not, we will returne and doe both. Our soulders (but seamen more espetially) have comitted many inhuemane actions in the towne, plundringe not only Moors but sevË¡ Portugeese houses, and killed sevË¡ innocent people. We have had the greatest loss in this axtion, vizáµ—. 4 men killd and 3 wounded. Ther names are: Mr. Starland, 3d mate, Henry Grove, cheife trumpetter, Christopher Hogg, and Jnáµ’ Hinton, who very indiscreetly went out wáµ—Ê° sevË¡ more seamen to a garden house, expectinge great plunder, were cut off, sevË¡ of them, by a party of horss. The 3 wounded are Henʳʸ Roxby, FranË¢ Johnson, and Jnáµ’ Smart. I have, by the Williamson (by whom this is alsoe intended you), sent Sʳ Henʳʸ Johnson and Sʳ Tho. Rawlinson, and alsoe to my wife, a list of our dead &cᵃ men, in all 44. Our supernumery men wᶜʰ I brought out of England, beinge 27, at my arivall Madras, I aquaintd the President therwáµ—Ê°, who offred them to Cap. Bromwell, the Rotchester haveinge lost most of ther men. But he refuseinge to pay the charge the Honᵇˡᵉ Compᵃ were at sendinge them out, they were not taken out ther; and what of them that are alive doe still remaine in our ship, not beinge demanded here by the agent. I supose our owners will be alowed for them at 50Ë¢ per máµ’, noe longer then our departure Madras, to wᶜʰ tyme we had lost 30 men. I doe not repent ther continueinge abord, haveinge had soe great mortolaty and most of them the best of our seamen. I supose our next enterprize will be towards Chottagam, a place neere the coast of Arraccan. The Ráµ— Honᵇˡᵉ Compᵃ possative orders are for endeavouringe the takinge it; but I feare we shall not have strength sufficient to effect it, the Nabob haveinge sent many thousand of [men] this yeare ther to over run and take the kingdome of Arracan. The king of that country beinge some tyme since dead, part of the people are in rebelion against the present govermáµ—; by whᶜʰ its supos’d the Mogullers will goe farr in takeing that country this yeare, and we frustrated of our designe. Honᵇˡᵉ Sir, I have not writt to any of owners (except the 2 in charty party), beleivinge we shall returne to Madras before the Williamson sailes for England. Our ship is in a very good condition and very thite. I beleive our stay in India will be the extreme of our tyme, for at present noe prospect of a freight for Europe; and I feare the brave trade of Bengall will be lost, at whᶜʰ the Dutch and French rejoyce, that this trade may wholy fall to them. I have not elce to add; only please to present my duty, respects, and love to all our deere relations and freinds. Thus, wáµ—Ê° my due respects to yoʳ selfe and my good lady sister, doe remaine, Honᵇˡᵉ Sʳ, yoʳ affectionate bro. and Seráµ—, whilst JOË¢ HADDOCK. Sʳ I recᵈ yoʳ letter, alsoe one from my wife sent per the Defence; and returne my humble thancks for it. For the Honᵇˡᵉ Sʳ Richᵈ Haddock, at his house on Tower Hill. Present. London. Pʳ the Williamson, Capt. Ashby, Comandʳ, D.G. * * * * * [a] Chuttanuttee, now Calcutta. [b] Early in 1686 the Company fitted out an expedition to retaliate on the Nawab of Bengal for past injuries, and to attempt to seize Chittagong. But before the arrival of the forces a premature quarrel with the natives forced the English to abandon Hoogly and retire to Chuttanuttee. In Sept. 1687, a truce was patched up, but the Company was not satisfied. An armament was despatched under command of Heath. The result was the attack on Balasore, as told in this letter, an abortive attempt on Chittagong, and the abandonment of the Company’s factories in Bengal.--See Mill’s _Hist. of British India_, book i. chap. v. [c] Farwana, the licence granted by a viceroy; as distinguished from a firman, granted by a sovereign. RICHARD HADDOCK[a] TO HIS FATHER, SIR RICHARD HADDOCK. Aprill[b] yᵉ 23ᵈ [1692]; Munday, in yᵉ Hooke.[c] HONOURD Sʳ, This is to acquaint of our ingaging wáµ—Ê° yᵉ French and of our haveing gott yᵉ victory. Wee mett yáµ of sea, May 19. There was about 60 saile. Wee fought yáµ from 11 to 9 att night; since wᶜʰ, have been in pursuit of yáµ. There is run ashoare, in Sherbrook bay, Torveil[d] wáµ—Ê° 3 more capitall ships, wᶜʰ are now burned. Cozen Tom Heath[e] burnt Torveil; and have chased 14 saile more in yᵉ Hooke, where wee now are. Sʳ Cloudsly Shovel is goeing in wáµ—Ê° yᵉ 3ᵈ rates and fire-ships to destroy yáµ. Wee have been soe unfortunate as [to] lose Rear AdmË¡Ë¡ Carter[f] in yᵉ fight. I am very well and have received no wound; only a small splinter hitt mee on yᵉ thigh, but did no damage, only made itt black and blew. I would write more particularly, but yᵉ vessell I heare is goeing away presently; soe, haveing no more att present, butt duty to your self and my mother, I remain your dutyfull Son, RICHᵈ HADDOCK. Cozen Ruffin is alive and very well. I will write yᵉ particulars of our fight as soon as wee come into any port. Rᵈ H. For Sʳ Richᵈ Haddock, att yᵉ Navy Office, in Crutched Fryers, London. * * * * * [a] Afterwards Comptroller of the Navy. See Preface. [b] A slip of the pen for _May_. [c] “The Hooke†and “Sherbrook,†nautical English for La Hogue and Cherbourg. [d] Tourville fought in the great three-decker “Royal Sun,†the largest vessel afloat. [e] Afterwards captain of the Chester. Died in the West Indies in 1693. [f] “Carter was the first who broke the French line. He was struck by a splinter of one of his own yard-arms, and fell dying on the deck. He would not let go his sword. ‘Fight the ship,’ were his last words; ‘fight the ship as long as she can swim.’â€--Macaulay, _Hist. of England_, chap. xviii. ISABELLA CHICHELEY[a] TO SIR RICHARD HADDOCK. Wedensday night, the 4 July, [16]94. Your good nature, Sʳ, hath drawne upon you the gossupin of a company of women. My sisters desire we may drinke our punch with you to-morrow in the evening, about six aclocke, if it is not inconvenient to you. I should have sent to you to day, but was prevented. However, Sʳ, it may yett be ajorned for longer time, if you are othere wise disposed. The docters are sending me to Tunbridge ere long, soe that a warm foundation before drinking those cold waters will not [be] amisse for, Sʳ, Your oblidged, humble servant, ISABELLA CHICHELEY. For Sʳ Rich. Haddocke, These. * * * * * [a] Probably related to Admiral Sir John Chicheley. SIR RICHARD HADDOCK TO HIS SON RICHARD. Navy Office, this 27th Novʳ, 1702. DEARE SON, I have yoʳˢ of yesterday’s date, from the Downes, wᶜʰ brings us the joyfull tydeings of yoʳ safe arrivall there. Yoʳ long passage from Newfoundland put us in great feare of your wellfare, and perticularly your moʳ hath bine for a month or 5 weekes crying for you and yoʳ brother NicË¢ safety; but blessed be God you are both come well home. Your broʳ now with us came up from the Downes by leave from his Captâ¿, and hath behaved himself with so much bravery and couradge that he hath gained the good report of the Duke of Ormond, his Captâ¿, &c., both in the action at Rotta and St. Mary Port,[a] and Vigo, and was the first man that borded one of the gallions at Vigo,[b] wᶜʰ is come home. I do not find by yoʳ letter that you were wáµ—Ê° your Comodore at the takeing and destroying the French shipps to the southwards of Trepassa,[c] and consequently you will not come in for your share of that capture. The news papers tells us yoʳ prize is got into Plymáµ’, and for your boate wáµ—Ê° 5 men you say you left behind at Plymáµ’ we never heard anything of it, wᶜʰ gives you trouble; and because you write not of my Coz Wáµâ€™Ë¢[d] wellfare, I am conscernd for feare he might be in that boate. To morrow morning I intend to go to yᵉ Admᵗʸ and endeavor you may come into the River, if his R. Highness orders your cleaneing. God Allmighty hath blest yᵉ forces of her Majᵗʸ and her Allies, both by land and sea, in a wonderfull manner; for wᶜʰ we lately had a publick day of thanksgiveing in this citty. The Queene, House of Lords and Comons, wáµ—Ê° the Bishops, Judges, &c. came to Sáµ— Paul’s Church, where, after sermon, Te Deum was sung. Since your leaveing England, two of our bord are dead, vizáµ—. Mr. Sotherne and my good freind Comʳ Willshaw,[e] who dyed yᵉ 23ᵈ Sepʳ last. My Coz Anna Babb, that was in one of our almes houses at Stepny, is likewise dead, and my poore Cozâ¿ Lockwood’s son in law, Cozâ¿ Hodges, dyed lately at Gosport, since his arrivall from Cadix and Vigo, who waited a tender on yᵉ Duke of Ormond’s shipp. We are all in good health, praised be God, and do kindly salut you. I am your most afectionáµ— father, Rᵈ HADDOCK. Pray let me know how yoʳ shipp proves. I have concernd my selfe to get one of yᵉ 4áµ—Ê° rates building at Deptford for you, and this day spake to Sʳ Geo. Rooke about it, and formerly to yᵉ other 3 Councill of yᵉ Lord High AdmË¡Ë¡. I know she is tender by your reifeing your courses; and twas well hinted in yours to yᵉ Admᵗʸ. I am glad you past by Plymáµ’. Orders went thither some tyme since to cleane you and severall of yoʳ consarts. Rᵈ H. On Her Majesty’s Service. To Captâ¿ Richard Haddock, Comandʳ of her Majᵗʸ Shipp the Reserve, these present, In yᵉ Downes. * * * * * [a] In the expedition against Cadiz, the Duke of Ormond effected a landing at Rota at the north end of the Bay of Cadiz, on the 15th August, and occupied Puerto de Santa Maria, on the east of the Bay, six days afterwards. [b] The attack on the shipping in Vigo took place on the 12th October. [c] Trepassey, in Newfoundland. [d] This is probably the William Haddock noticed by Charnock, _Biographia Navalis_, iv. 44, who died in 1726. He may have been the son of Richard Haddock, Sir Richard’s uncle. [e] Thomas Willshaw, Commissioner of the Navy and Master of the Trinity House. THE SAME TO THE SAME. Navy Office, this 10áµ—Ê° Decembʳ, 1703. MY DEARE SON, Your letter of the 17áµ—Ê° Novʳ past, giveing me accáµ— of the unhapy disaster of your ship being run ashore by a Dutch pilot and of your happy getting off againe, I recᵈ 3 or 4 ds. after its date; but, hopeing you might have gote away before an answer could arrive you, I forbore answering it to you to Helvoet Sluce. I have just now recᵈ yours of the 7áµ—Ê° instant, Tuesday, and, to our great joy, the accáµ— of God Almighty’s wonderfull preservation of you in the late most dreadfull storm,[a] wᶜʰ no man liveing can remember the like. I perseave you have had an accáµ— of the most sad and lamentable efects of it heere in England, not only in the losse of our shipp[ing], but about 1500 men in the Queen’s shipps. I shall not eneumerate yᵉ perticulars of the losse, only that Capt. Emes,[b] wáµ—Ê° his wife and son and all yᵉ men in yᵉ Restauration, lost on yᵉ Goodwin, and poore Tom Blake drowned at Bristoll in yᵉ Canterbury store ship cast away. The Dorcetshire we have accáµ— of her being on yᵉ back of Yarmáµ’ Sands, cruseing, I supose for want of anchors and cables, and hope yᵉ Association is cruseing in the sea on the like occasion. My deare son Nicáµ’ hapend to be sick on bord her, as Sʳ S. Fairebone[c] wrote me from the Downes. I sent Tom Apleby imediatly to Deale to bring him up; but the ship sailed yᵉ morning before he gote downe. I hope he will come well home to us. Pray God the Russell may be got of yᵉ sands and into Helvoet Sluce. Wee haue 7 or 8 vessells wáµ—Ê° anchors and cables in Harwᶜʰ or Oasely bay, ready to put to sea when we heare where Sʳ Stafford is. Sʳ Cloud. Shovell I hope now safe at the Nore; his mainemast cut downe after he had drove 3 leagË¢ from yᵉ Longsᵈ, very neare the Galloper. Yᵉ Sáµ— Geo. and R. Oake, now at Blackstakes, rode out yᵉ storme wáµ—Ê°out damage; and the Cambridge I beleive the same. The 4 ships that broke from their ground takle was the Association, Russell, Revenge, and Dorcetshire. The Revenge was in Solebay some tyme since, and furnish wáµ—Ê° anchors and cables from yᵉ Nottingham and another man of warr yáµ— went out Yarmáµ’ roads to looke for our shipps. Capt. Kerr[d] in yᵉ Revenge gave accáµ— that he saw yᵉ Association, Monday last was sevenight; so that we are in hope she is very well. I shall not inlarge, only to give you our kind saluts. Pray God send you wáµ—Ê° yᵉ King of Spaine well out that place and over to us. My harty and humble service to Sʳ Geo: Rooke. I am your most afecáµ— father, R. H. * * * * * [a] On the 26th November. [b] Fleetwood Emms. [c] Sir Stafford Fairborne, Vice-Admiral of the Red. [d] William Kerr. Dismissed the service, in 1708, for joining in a contraband trade with the enemy. CAPTAIN EDWARD WHITAKER[a] TO SIR RICHARD HADDOCK. Dated on board her Majáµ—â±áµ‰Ë¢ ship Dorsetshire, in Gibralter Bay, July yᵉ 29áµ—Ê° [1704]. Sʳ, I heare give you an accoáµ— of our good success, especially what has related to my own particular part. July 21ˢᵗ we anchor’d here in yᵉ Bay, and about 4 in the afternoon landed about 2000 marrines, Dutch and all. I commanded yᵉ landing with three captaines more; all which was don wáµ—Ê° little opposition. About 40 horse came downe from yᵉ towne, wᶜʰ was all; and they run away soe soon as our guns began to play upon them. We landed about 2 miles from the towne, in yᵉ Bay, and march’d directly to the foot of the hill, were they posted themselves within muskett shott of the gates; so cutt of all manner of communication from yᵉ land. We hove into yᵉ towne this evening about 17 shells. The Prince of Hess[b] landed with us and immediatly sent a summons to the Governer, wᶜʰ did not returne any answer tell the next morning, and then the Governer said he would defend the towne to the very last. Then Admirall Byng, who commanded the cannonading, began to draw up all his ships in a line before the towne; but, it proving little wind, could not gett in with them all, so that we did little this day. There was three small ships in the old mold, one of which annoy’d our camp by fireing amongst them, having about 10 guns lying close in the mold and just under a great bastion at yᵉ north corner of the towne. I proposed to Sʳ George[c] the burning her in the night. He liked itt; accordingly ordered what boats I would have to my assistance; and about 12 at night I did it effectually, wáµ—Ê° the loss of but one man and 5 or 6 wounded. July 23rd. At 4 this morning, AdmË¡ Byng began with his ships to cannonade, a Dutch Rear AdmË¡ with 5 or 6 ships of theirs along with him; which made a noble noise, being within half shot of the towne. My ship not being upon service, I desired Sʳ George to make me his aducon to carry his comands from tyme to tyme to admirall Byng, which he did accordingly; and after about 2 hours continuall fireing sent me with orders to forbare. Upon this I went to every ship in the line wáµ—Ê° this orders, and coming on board Capt. Jumper,[d] in yᵉ Lenox, found him extraordinary well posted within muskett shott of the new mold head, and had beat them all out of yᵉ battery and of the mold, so that I beleived we might attack it with our boats. I went immediatly and acquainted AdmË¡ Byng wáµ—Ê° it, who ordered all the boats to be man’d and arm’d. From him I went to Sʳ George and gave him my oppinion that the mold might be attack’d. He immediatly made the signall for all the boates in yᵉ fleet, and gave me the command of yᵉ attack, wáµ—Ê° 3 or 4 captaines along wáµ—Ê° me. I made all the hast I could with orders to Admirall Byng to send me accordingly; but some of the boats got ashore before I could reach them, wáµ—Ê° little or no opposition. Severall of our men gott into yᵉ Castle; upon which it blew up. We had kill’d between 40 and 50 men. Most of all the boates that landed first were sunk; about 100 or two wounded; upon which, all yáµ— remain’d came running downe and leap’d into the water, being so mightyly surprized. I landed within a minute after the accident, and rallied our men. We went over a breach in the wall but one at a time, and took possesstion of the hill. I immediatly sent Capt. Roffy[e] and Capt. Acton,[f] wáµ—Ê° between 40 and 50 men, and took possesstion of a bastion of 8 guns within less then half muskett shott of the towne wall: and there we pitch’d our collours. Soon after, AdmË¡ Byng came ashore to me and sent in a drumer wáµ—Ê° a sommons, who returnd in about 2 hours wáµ—Ê° a letter in answer that they would surrender the next day; wᶜʰ they accordingly did. I beleive I had wáµ—Ê° me, at the first onsett, between 2 and 300 men; but we grew in a very little time to neare 1000. This was the manner we took Gibralter, which I hope we shall maintaine. I hope, Sʳ, youle excuse this trouble I give, butt, beleiving that every boddy here rights att this tyme uppon this occation, I could not forbeare giveing my very good friend Sʳ Ricᵈ this perticuler accáµ—áµ— of yᵉ whole matter; which I dont doubt butt Capt. Haddock will give yᵉ much yᵉ same accoáµ—áµ—. Pray please to favour my spouse with a line or two, feareing mine should miscarry. My most humble servis to my good lady and all yʳ good family. I beg youle make use of this as farre as you shall think fitt, itt being a trew accoáµ—áµ— of yᵉ whole matter. I am Yʳ most harty humble Seráµ— and kinsman to serve, whilst EDWᵈ WHITAKER. P.S. This is rite all in a hurry, so yáµ— I hope youle excuse me. * * * * * [a] Afterwards knighted and Rear-Admiral. This letter has been printed by Charnock in his _Biographia Navalis_; but it is worth re-printing. [b] George, Prince of Hesse-Darmstadt. [c] Rooke. [d] Afterwards Sir William Jumper, Commissioner of the Navy. [e] Kerril or Kerrit Roffey. [f] Edward Acton, killed in action in 1706. NICHOLAS HADDOCK[a] TO HIS FATHER SIR RICHARD HADDOCK. Sáµ— George in Barcelona Road, this 1ˢᵗ of May, 1706, O.S. HONᵈ Sʳ, This comes to you by the Faulcon pink, which is sent home express wáµ—Ê° the good news of our releiving Barcelona in the greatest extremity. The French had made preparations for a generall assault that very day we came; and it must have been infallibly taken, had we not had the luckiest passage imaginable (being but five days from Lisbon to Cape Martin, where we joynd Sʳ Jno. Leake). Saturday last in the morning, when were about 5 leagues to the wáµ—ward of Barcelona, my Lord Peterborow came of to the fleet wáµ—Ê° twelve hundᵈ soldiers embarqued in felucas and boats, and in the afternoon got in and landed them, wáµ—Ê° all the soldiers out of the transports and most of the marines of the fleet. We have now about nine thousand soldiers in the towne. The French army consisted at first of twenty thousand; four of wᶜʰ, horse under the command of the Duke of Anjou.[b] Their loss during this seige is computed to be five [thousand] including a thousand sick and wounded they have left behind, when they raised the seige, wᶜʰ was at twelve aclock last night. They have left 50 peices of brass cannon mounted and 15 mortars, and are now bound to Roussilion. They will find great difficultys on their march. The Miquelets,[c] being very numerous and all in arms, will destroy a great many of ’em before they get out of Catalonia, it being a close country. The French squadron before this place consisted of 26 saile, line of battle ships. They sailed the night before we came, having intelligence of us by their scouts. They were all the supply the army had for provisions, for the Catalans have not given them the least; nor could a man of ’em stirr from his tent a musquet shot out of the Camp but they killed him. We are now sending four ships with 6 hundred soldiers for Girone, to reinforce that garrison, lest the French should make any attempt on it, it lying in their way. I hear there is an express come to Barcelona from my Lord Gallaway, giving an account of his being got to Toledo and on his march for Madrid. The lucky turn Providence has given to our affairs in these parts I suppose will be joyfull news in England; and this being the first certain accáµ— you’l have, this long letter wont seem tedious. I can expect no letters from you till Sʳ Clowdsly joyne us, and then do hope shall hear of your welfare and some good news in return of all this, which, with my duty to yʳ self and mother and love to all friends, is from, Honᵈ Sir, Yʳ dutifull Son, NË¢ HADDOCK. P.S.--We have had an eclipse of the sun to-day; lasted above two hours, and for a quarter ’twas total and as dark as night. Wáµ— it may portend, I leave to the learned. Our fleet consists of 50 saile in the line; 13 of wᶜʰ, Dutch. * * * * * [a] Afterwards Admiral. [b] Philip V. of Spain. [c] Irregulars of the militia of Catalonia. THE SAME TO THE SAME. Alicant, this 31ˢᵗ of July, 1706. HONᵈ Sʳ, I have both yʳ letters by Captâ¿ Delevall,[a] as also the butter and cheeses, for wᶜʰ I returne you thanks. I’m glad to hear both my sisters are so well recovered by the Bath. Pray God continue their healths. Sunday last we took this place, attacking it by land and sea; and almost all the people of it are run up to the castle, wáµ—Ê° the garrison, for protection. We assisted our army with 500 seamen. I have been ashore with 50 of our ship’s company during the seige; am very heartily fateigued, but very well in health. After we have got the castle, I hear the fleet will go for the Islands of Minorca and Majorca, and, after that, I hope home. If the Sáµ— George should not do, intend asking Sʳ Jnáµ’ Leake leave for my self. I’m glad to hear the ship at Sheernes will be launcht so soon as March. I hope I’m pretty secure of her. I desire your excuse for this bad scrawle and blotted paper, but I write wáµ—Ê° a pen made wáµ—Ê° an old razor that I find in the house I’m quartered in. I have no more to say but my duty to yʳ self and mother and love to all freinds in London and Mile end, and remaine, Honᵈ Sʳ, Yʳ dutifull Son, N. HADDOCK. P.S.--This lettʳ goes by the Rye. To Sʳ Richᵈ Haddock, at the Navy Office in Crutched Fryars, London, these. * * * * * [a] George Delaval, of the Tilbury. SIR RICHARD HADDOCK TO THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY. 25áµ—Ê° July, 1709. GENTLEMEN, In the yeare 1672 I comanded as Captâ¿ of the Royall James, under the Ráµ— Honᵇˡᵉ the Earle of Sandwᶜʰ, in the Sowle Bay fight. The said shipp, after a vigorous defence, was burnt by the Dutch; in wᶜʰ action I was wounded, the cure of wᶜʰ cost me, in surgeons, apothicary, nurses, &c., betwext fower score and a hundred pounds. I have bine so remise and negligent as not to demaund satisfaction for my reimbursemáµ—. Do pray the favor of the bord I may have a bill made out, what you shall think convenient, haveing bine out of my mony now 36 ys. I likewise, in the yeare 1690 (being then one of the Comʳˢ for Victualling), was taken into custody at Portsmáµ’, and brought up a prisoner from thence by order of the then House of Comons, and remained as such a considerable tyme in yᵉ hands of Mr. Topham, then sergant at armes to sᵈ house, under pretence of our poisoning the fleet then at sea (under comᵈ of AdmË¡Ë¡ Herbert, now Earle of Torrington), with gutts in our beere and gaules in our beefe;[a] and with great dificulty obtained to be bailed. I must not call it injustice in that august assembly, what they did to me; but it cost me about a hundred pounds to Mr. Topham for his fees, and to lawyers soliciting the House of Comons, wáµ—Ê° expences of entertainment whilst in custody; for satisfaction of wᶜʰ I presume the bord will not think fitt to allow me, except directed soe to doe by order of the Lord High AdmË¡Ë¡, for wᶜʰ shall make my aplication to him; but for my cure, I doubt not the favor and justice of the bord in ordering a bill to be made out. I remain, Gentâ¿, yoʳ very humble serváµ—, Rᵈ. HADDOCK. * * * * * [a] Macaulay’s “casks of meat which dogs would not touch, and barrels of beer which smelt worse than bilge water.â€--_Hist. of England_, ch. xiv. SIR RICHARD HADDOCK TO HIS GRANDSON.[a] Clapham, 28áµ—Ê° May, 1712, Wedensday. DEARE GRANDSON, I came yesterday to this place, and, according to my promise, do answer yours of 18áµ—Ê° instant from Christ Colledge in Oxford. It happens to be this day 40 years that I was burnt out of the Royall James in the Sole Bay fight against the Dutch. Am well pleased to find the efforts you intend to make yourselfe famous in Westminster Hall. It is like the saying of your Unckle NichË¢, who doubted not but to be as great as Sʳ Cloudesly Shovell was; and he pushes very faire for it. Your father and family went to Wakehurst Satuarday last; tooke Betty and Fanny Clark[b] downe wáµ—Ê° them; gote well thither. Yoʳ Unckle Richard, the weeke past, hath bine very ill wáµ—Ê° a feavor and ague, wᶜʰ kept me from hence longer then I designed; is under the advice of Doctor Ratclif,[c] who gave me leave to come downe hither, promiseing his care of him; and was downe staires when came away. With my harty prayers for yoʳ health and wellfare, I am Yoʳ most afecáµ— grandfather, Rᵈ. H. * * * * * [a] This must be a son of Sir Richard’s daughter, who married a Mr. Lydell. [b] Children of another of Sir Richard’s daughters, who married John Clarke, of Blake Hall, in Bobbingworth, co. Essex. [c] No doubt Dr. John Radcliffe. CAPTAIN NICHOLAS HADDOCK TO HIS WIFE. Grafton at sea, about 10 leagues from Cape Passaro, Aug. the 4áµ—Ê°, 1718. MY Dʳ FANNY, The Superbe being orderd from the fleet wáµ—Ê° the Admirall’s letters, I send this to tell you I am well. Five days ago we had a battle wáµ—Ê° the Spanish fleet off of Cape Passaro,[a] on the Island of Sicily, in wᶜʰ severall of their ships were taken and some destroyd. The Grafton had her share in that action, and the Admirall has been pleased to make me great compliments on my behaviour that day. I shall soon be orderd to be refitted at Port Mahon, the ship requiring it. I had fifty men killd and wounded. Among the former was Láµ— Bramble, who was appointed by the intrest of Sir Cha. Wager. I’m sorry for him, he being a good officer. My Cousin Haddock[b] chased towards the shoar after part of the Spanish fleet, when they separated, wáµ—Ê° 4 or 5 other ships whose signalls were made for that purpose, and they are not yet come into the fleet. However, I doubt not but he is well, the ships that they were sent after being of the smaller sort. My dʳ, pray send to Mrs. Harris to tell her her spouse is well.[c] He dined aboard me the day after the action; he was one of the ships engaged. Just before we saild from Naples I received yʳ letter, and am glad to hear yʳself and the little boy are well. I give my love to all freinds, and remaine, my dʳ Fanny, Yʳ most affecáµ— husband, NË¢. HADDOCK. * * * * * [a] On the 31st July, when Sir George Byng almost destroyed the Spanish fleet. [b] Probably William Haddock. See above, p. 43, note d. [c] Captain Barrow Harris, of the Breda. THE SAME TO THE SAME. Grafton, at Regio, Janʳʸ the 19áµ—Ê°, O.S., 1718/9. MY DEAR SPOUSE, I send this to tell you I am well. I believe, before this come to you, you will have heard of my having forced ashoar on Sicily a Spanish man of war of 70 guns, wᶜʰ is overset and sunk. I recᵈ some shot from her, but without much damage. My dʳ, we are here at an anchor, in company wáµ—Ê° the Kent, RoyË¡ Oake, and Rochester, to block up Camock,[a] who is at Messina and will not venture out, his squadron being much inferiour to us. By the news we receive from England, I conjecture Spain will soon be oblidgd to accept the terms proposed to ’em; after wᶜʰ I suppose the bigger ships will be orderd home, where I shall always be glad to be, whenever it consists wáµ—Ê° my honour; for, indeed, my dear Fanny, I heartily love you. Pray give my love to all freinds, and I remaine, my dʳ, Yʳ most affect. husband, NË¢. HADDOCK. P.S. This goes for Naples wáµ—Ê° an express that Capt. Mathews[b] sends to the AdmË¡, and from thence it will be forwarded to you. NË¢. H. * * * * * [a] George Cammock, the Spanish Rear-Admiral, who had taken refuge in Messina. He slipped out in a frigate, which however he had to abandon, and escaped by boat to land. He was an Irishman who had served with distinction in the English navy under Queen Anne, but had been dismissed on account of his Jacobite tendencies. He then entered the Spanish service; and it is said that, if the Spanish Admiral had followed his advice, the battle off Cape Passaro might have had a different result. [b] Thomas Mathews, afterwards Admiral, who commanded the blockading force. INDEX. Acton, Edward, Captain: at the capture of Gibraltar, 48 Aumont, Antoine d’, Marshal: attempt on Ostend, 5, 6 Babb, Anna: 44 Balasore: attacked by the English, 37-39 Barcelona: relief of, 49 Blake, Robert, Admiral: his last victory, 3 Blake, Thomas: 45 Bramble, Lieutenant: 53 Brandon, William: letter, 35 Bristol, George Digby, Earl of: 13 Burstow, William, Captain: 15 Byng, Sir George, Admiral: at the capture of Gibraltar, 46-48 Cammock, George, Spanish admiral: 54 Carter, Richard, Admiral: killed at La Hogue, 42 Charles II. of England: visits the fleet, 23, 24, 29 Chicheley, Isabella: letter, 42 Clarke, Elizabeth: 53 Clarke, Fanny: 53 Courtney, Francis, Captain: 21 Coventry, Sir William: 7 Cromwell, Oliver, Lord Protector: 2 Davenant, ----: 39 Deane, Anthony, Navy Commissioner: 21 Delaval, George, Captain: 50 Emms, Fleetwood, Captain: 45 Estrees, Jean d’, Comte, Admiral: 23, 24 Fairborne, Sir Stafford, Admiral: 45 Finch, William, Captain: 20 Foules, Thomas, Captain: 20 Frowd, Philip, Postmaster: 36 Galway, Henry de Massue de Ruvigny, Earl of: 50 Gibraltar: its capture, 46-48 Goodlad, ----: 10, 11, 12, 14 Grove, Henry: 39 Haddock, Andrew: 2 Haddock, Elizabeth: letters to, 10, 12, 14, 19, 21 Haddock, Fanny or Frances: letters to, 53, 54 Haddock, Joseph, Captain: 11, 19, 21; letter from India, 37; at attack on Balasore, 37-39 Haddock, Lydia: 3 Haddock, Nicholas, Captain: at Vigo, 43, 45; letters, 49, 50, 53, 54; at Barcelona, 49; at Cape Passaro, 53; at Messina, 54 Haddock, Richard: 4, 13, 21; his gallantry, 19 Haddock, Sir Richard, Admiral: letters, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 19, 21, 36, 43, 44, 51, 52; with squadron off Dunkirk, 3-7; declaration on the Dutch striking their flag, 9; serves against the Dutch, 10-31; account of the battle of Southwold Bay, 16-19; wounded, 18; journal, 22-31; observations on naval engagements, 31-35; reported desertion, 35, 36; claim for compensation, 51, 52 Haddock, Richard, Captain: 43, 44, 53; letter on the battle of La Hogue, 41-42 Haddock, William, Captain: letters to, 1, 3, 5, 6 Haddock, William: 3, 5, 43; at battle of Cape Passaro, 54 Hambliton [Hamilton?] Colonel: 22 Harbin, Samuel: 39 Harbord, Sir Charles, 18 Harman, Sir John, Admiral: 21, 30 Harris, Barrow, Captain: 54 Hayward, John, Captain: 21 Heath, Captain: attacks Balasore, 37-39 Heath, Thomas: gallantry at La Hogue, 41 Hesse-Darmstadt, George, Prince of: at the capture of Gibraltar, 46 Hinton, John: 39 Hodges, Captain: 44 Hogg, Christopher: 39 Hogue, La: battle of, 41-42 Johnson, Francis: 40 Jordan, Sir Joseph, Admiral: his conduct at Southwold Bay, 17, 18 Jumper, William, Captain: at the capture of Gibraltar, 47 Kelsey, Thomas, Major-General: 1 Kerr, William, Captain: 45 Lane, Samuel: 15 Lydell, ----: 52 Mathews, Thomas, Captain: 55 Mayo, Thomas, Lieutenant: 18 Ossory, Thomas Butler, Earl of: 24 Ostend: attempt on, 5, 6 Passaro, Cape: battle of, 53 Pennyman, Captain: 35 Peterborough, Charles Mordaunt, Earl of: relieves Barcelona, 49 Philip V. of Spain: 49 Poole, Sir William, Captain: 14, 15, 16 Roffey, Kerril, Captain: 48 Rooke, Sir George, Admiral: 44, 45; at the capture of Gibraltar, 47 Roxby, Henry: 40 Rupert, Prince: 23, 24, 28, 30, 31; his actions with the Dutch, 19, 20, 26-28 Sadlington, Richard, Captain: 28 Sandwich, Edward Montague, Earl of, Admiral: commanding off Dunkirk, 5; at Southwold Bay, 16-19 Sawkell, Edmond: 35 Scarlet, Charles: 39 Sharpe, Captain: 39 Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, Admiral: at La Hogue, 41, 45 Smart, John: 40 Sotherne, ----: 44 Southwold, or Sole, Bay: battle of, 16-19 Stanier, Sir Richard, Admiral: 9 Stanley, ----, Factor at Balasore: 39 Starland, ----: 39 Storm of 1703: 45 Strickland, Sir Roger, Admiral: 22 Tempest, John, Captain: 20 Thanksgiving-day: 44 Topham, ----, Serjeant-at-Arms: 52 Trepassey, in Newfoundland: action off, 43 Trevanion, Richard, Captain: 20, 21 Wasey, ----, Captain: 19 Werden, Robert, Captain: 20, 21 Whitaker, Edward, Captain: account of the capture of Gibraltar, 46-48 White, Richard, Captain: 28 Willshaw, Thomas, Navy Commissioner: 44 York, James, Duke of: account of battle of Southwold Bay addressed to, 16-19; visits the fleet, 23, 24, 29 Young, Henry, Captain: 28 End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Correspondence of the Family of Haddock 1657-1719, by Various *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 53144 ***