The Project Gutenberg eBook, Travels in the Interior of North America,
1832-1834, Part III (the Text Being Chapters XXVIII-XXXIII of the London
Edition, 1843, and the Appendix a Combination of the Appendices of the
London and German [Coblentz, 1839] Editions), by Maximilian, Prinz von
Wied, Edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites, Illustrated by Karl Bodmer

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Title: Travels in the Interior of North America, 1832-1834, Part III (the Text Being Chapters XXVIII-XXXIII of the London Edition, 1843, and the Appendix a Combination of the Appendices of the London and German [Coblentz, 1839] Editions)
       Early Western Travels, 1748-1846, Volume XXIV

Author: Maximilian, Prinz von Wied

Editor: Reuben Gold Thwaites

Release Date: February 11, 2015  [eBook #48235]

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Early Western Travels


Volume XXIV

Early Western Travels


A Series of Annotated Reprints of some of the best
and rarest contemporary volumes of travel, descriptive
of the Aborigines and Social and
Economic Conditions in the Middle
and Far West, during the Period
of Early American Settlement

Edited with Notes, Introductions, Index, etc., by

Reuben Gold Thwaites, LL.D.

Editor of "The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents," "Original
Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition," "Hennepin's
New Discovery," etc.

Volume XXIV



Cleveland, Ohio
The Arthur H. Clark Company

Copyright 1906, by
The Arthur H. Clark Company

All Rights Reserved

The Lakeside Press
R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company


[Part III of Maximilian's Travels in the Interior of North America]

  CHAPTER XXVIII--Winter Sojourn at Fort Clarke, from
  November 8th to the end of 1833                                     11

  CHAPTER XXIX--Continuation of our Winter Residence
  at Fort Clarke, till our Departure, from January 1st to
  April 18th, 1834                                                    55

  CHAPTER XXX--Return from Fort Clarke to the Cantonment
  of Leavenworth, from April 18th to May 18th                         84

  CHAPTER XXXI--Voyage from the Cantonment of Leavenworth
  to Portsmouth, on the Mouth of the Ohio River,
  from May 18th to June 20th                                         116

  CHAPTER XXXII--Passage of the Ohio Canal and Lake
  Erie to the Falls of Niagara, from the 21st to the 30th of
  June                                                               146

  CHAPTER XXXIII--Return on the Erie Canal and the River
  Hudson to New York--Voyage to Europe                               177

  APPENDIX (combination of German and English editions)--

  I--Vocabularies of some of the Tribes of Northwestern
  America. Translated for the present edition from the
  original German edition (Coblentz, 1839), by _Asa Currier

  (a) Introduction                                                   199

  (b) Vocabularies: Arikkaras, Assiniboins, Blackfeet,
  Chayennes, Crows, Dacota Yanktonans, Dacota
  Tetons, Fall Indians, Flatheads, Kickapus, Konsa,
  Krih, Kutanä, Mandans, Minnitarris, Musquake,
  Ojibuä, Omaha, Otos, Pahni, Puncas, Saukis, Snake,
  Wasaji [Osage]                                                     210

  (c) Indian Sign Language                                           300

  II--On the Origin of the Otos, Joways, and Missouris; a
  tradition communicated by an Old Chief to Major Bean,
  the Indian Agent. From the London edition, 1843                    313

  III--Sale of Land by the Indians--Extract from the published
  Contract. From the London edition                                  315

  IV--Treaty of Peace between the American Fur Company
  and the Blackfeet. From the London edition                         317

  V--Meteorological Observations at Fort Union and Fort
  Clarke on the Upper Missouri. Summarized from the
  original German edition, by _Asa Currier Tilton_                   318

  VI--Bird Calendar for the Region of the Mandan Village,
  for the Winter of 1833-34. Translated from the original
  German edition, by _Asa Currier Tilton_                            320

  VII--Catalogus Plantarum in Monte Pocono (North Hampt.,
  Pennsylvaniæ), observatarum a L. D. Schweinitz. From
  the London edition                                                 323

  VIII--Systematic View of the Plants brought back from my
  Tour on the Missouri, drawn up by President Nees von
  Essenbeck, at Breslau. From the London edition                     326

  IX--Catalogue of Birds, observed in the months of November,
  December, January, and February, at the mouth of
  the Wabash. Translated from the original German edition,
  by _Asa Currier Tilton_                                            345


(The following are text cuts in original)

  Plan of Minitaree medicine feast                                    25

  Club, with carved head                                              25

  Plan of Mandan hut                                                  37

  Mandan, in bull-dance costume                                       37

  Heads of sledge dogs                                                37

  Double rainbow                                                      59

  Little Soldier (Tukan Haton), a Sioux chief                         59

  Plan of Niagara Falls                                              169

  Harpoon for dolphins                                               169


The Text, a reprint of chapters xxviii-xxxiii of the London edition,
1843; the Appendix, a combination of the Appendices of the London and
German (Coblentz, 1839) editions.





  Present State of Fort Clarke--Mr. Mc Kenzie's Journey--Peace
    between the Mandans and the Yanktonans--Ravages of the Cholera
    on the Lower Missouri--Mato-Topé--Sih-Chida--Return of my
    People to Fort Union--Sih-Sa--Narrative of Dipauch--Completion
    of our New Dwelling--Visit to a Winter Village of the
    Manitaries--The Great Buffalo Medicine Fête--Juggleries
    of the Manitari Women--Visit to the Winter Village of the
    Mandans--Festivity on the Sale of the Dance of the Half-shorn
    Head--Hunting Excursion--Cold Snow-storms--Accounts from St.
    Louis--Dance of the Ascho-Ochata--Violation of the Peace
    by the Sioux--Christmas Festivals--Dance of the Women of
    the White Buffalo Cow--News from Fort Union--Scarcity of
    Provisions--Employment of the Dogs for drawing Sledges--Dance
    of the Half-shorn Head in the Fort--Departure of Mr. Kipp to
    Fort Union--Increase of the Cold.

No important change had taken place at Fort Clarke during our absence.
We found there, besides Mr. Kipp the director,[2] and his family,
two interpreters, Belhumeur for the Mandan language, and Ortubize
for the Sioux; the former was a half-breed Chippeway, and did not
speak the Mandan language as well as Mr. Kipp.[3] Besides these men
and their families there were in the fort only six white _engagés_,
one of whom was a smith: some of them were married to Indian women.
We unfortunately missed Mr. Mc Kenzie, who had left only four days
before to return to Fort Union.[4] We had received, through him, a very
welcome packet of letters from Germany, which I found here. As I had
written to Mr. Mc Kenzie, requesting him to provide us with a winter
residence at Fort Clarke, in order more closely to study the Indian
tribes in the neighbourhood, instead of accepting his invitation to
pass that season with him at Fort Union, where we should have been
accommodated in a far more comfortable and agreeable manner, he had
had the kindness to give orders for completing a new building at Fort
Clarke, in which we were to reside. This order unfortunately came too
late, and it was necessary to finish the work in a hurry in the month
of November, when the frost was very severe, particularly during {413}
the nights, so that our dwelling, being very slightly built, afforded
us, in the sequel, but little protection from the cold. The large
crevices in the wood which formed the walls, were plastered up with
clay, but the frost soon cracked it, so that the bleak wind penetrated
on all sides. Our new house, which was one story high, consisted of two
light, spacious apartments, with large glass windows; we inhabited one
of these rooms, while the other served for a workshop for the carpenter
and the joiner. Each room had a brick chimney, in which we burnt large
blocks of green poplar, because, for want of hands, no stock of dry
wood had been laid in for the winter. The consequence was, that we were
obliged to send men every morning, with small carts or sledges, for
some miles into the forest, to fetch wood for the daily consumption,
which in the intense cold was a truly laborious task. An _engagé_ who
was employed in our service brought the wood covered with ice and snow
into our room, which considerably increased the cold which we already

As our lodging was not habitable for some time after our arrival, and
there was no other room in the fort, Mr. Kipp received us in the small
apartment which he himself inhabited with his family, and, though
our beds were removed in the morning, yet our presence made it more
difficult and troublesome to find accommodation for the numerous Indian
visitors who came every day. The stores of the fort were at this time
well filled; there were goods to the value of 15,000 dollars, and, in
the loft, from 600 to 800 bushels of maize, which a great number of
Norway rats assiduously laboured to reduce. Some changes had taken
place among the Indians in the vicinity of the fort. At the time of my
first visit, in the summer of 1833, the Yanktonans[5] had expressed
a wish to make peace with the Mandans and the Manitaries, in which
they did not succeed at that time, but accomplished it in September.
Two hundred tents of those Sioux had then been pitched in the prairie
behind the village; they remained there three or four days, and some
traces of their camp still remained. There had been feasting and
dances, and Fort Clarke was crowded the whole day with Indians of the
three tribes. At this time the prairie in the neighbourhood of the
fort was desolate and deserted; part of the Indians had already gone
to their winter villages in the forest; many, however, remained in the
summer villages, and we had plenty of Indian visitors during the whole

Unpleasant news was received from the United States. The cholera had
again broken out at St. Louis, and carried off a great number of
persons. It had been brought, by the steam-boats, to the trading-posts
on the lower Missouri; at Bellevue, Major Dougherty's post, seven of
the ten white inhabitants had died in a few days.[6] The major himself
had been very ill, but had happily recovered. Several persons were
likewise carried off at the post of Major Pilcher, formerly that of
Mr. Cabanné.[7] This dangerous disease had not penetrated to that part
of the country where we were; but, as there was too much reason to
apprehend that it might extend so far, Mr. Mc Kenzie had taken a young
physician with him to Fort Union.

{414} Our first employment was to go on hunting excursions into
the prairies round the fort, which afforded us an opportunity of
collecting the seeds of the dried plants of the prairie. On one of
these excursions, when Mr. Bodmer and Mr. Kipp had gone out together,
they happened to separate, when a couple of Indians approached the
former with their bows bent, and uttering the war-whoop; he cocked his
double-barrelled gun and prepared to defend himself, when Mr. Kipp came
up, and relieved him from these unwelcome visitors, the Indians taking
flight as soon as they perceived him. Fresh scaffoldings for the dead
were erected in the vicinity of Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kush, several Indians
having died of the hooping-cough, which was very prevalent. Every day
we saw inhabitants of the summer villages removing, with much baggage,
laden horses and dogs, to the winter villages. Among other things they
carried the strange dresses belonging to the several bands, such as the
buffalo heads of the band, Berock-Ochata, and a live owl, which they
keep as a fortune-teller. Other Indians dragged dead dogs by a strap,
probably as a bait to catch wolves or foxes. We heard, in the village,
loud lamentations, and saw the women working at the erection of a
scaffold for a woman who had just died.[8]

On the 13th of November, early in the morning, several Indians arrived,
who related, with much gravity, that in the preceding night they had
observed an extraordinary number of falling stars, all moving in a
westerly direction, which they said was a sign of war, or of a great
mortality, and asked Mr. Kipp what he thought of it. Many other Indians
visited us, of whom several were in mourning, that is, rubbed over
with white clay, and all of them spoke of the ominous phenomenon. They
were much pleased with Mr. Bodmer's Indian drawings, and asked us many
questions about their enemies, the Blackfeet. Among our most constant
visitors were the distinguished chief, Mato-Topé, and Sih-Chida (the
yellow feather). The former came with his wife and a pretty little
boy, to whom he had given the name of Mato-Berocka (the male bear).
He brought his medicine drum, painted red and black,[9] which he hung
up in our room, and so afforded Mr. Bodmer an opportunity of making
a drawing of it. Sih-Chida, a tall, stout young man, the son of a
celebrated chief now dead, was an Indian who might be depended on,
who became one of our best friends, and visited us almost daily.
He was very polished in his manners, and possessed more delicacy of
feeling than most of his countrymen. He never importuned us by asking
for anything; as soon as dinner was served he withdrew, though he
was not rich, and did not even possess a horse. He came almost every
evening, when his favourite employment was drawing, for which he had
some talent, though his figures were no better than those drawn by
our little children. Ortubize, the interpreter, had moved, with his
family, to the post of Picotte, a trader among the Yanktonans, where
he was to pass the winter.[10] The people who had been sent thither
returned, on the 14th of November, with the information that the Sioux
were dispersed in the prairie, and that they had made capital bargains
with them for beavers' skins. At our post we had to encounter the
mercantile opposition of Messrs. {415} Soublette and Campbell, whereby
the price of the buffalo skins was very much raised.[11] As our armed
men now consisted of seventeen _engagés_, Mr. Kipp went to work and had
my Mackinaw boat drawn to land, and secured from the ice, a task which
the people had much difficulty in accomplishing. The 15th of November
was the first day we saw ice in the Missouri; the sand banks were
covered with a wide, thick sheet of ice and the river was still open,
no aquatic birds had been seen for a long time; while, on the other
hand, small flights of _Fringilla linaria_, which travels southward in
the winter appeared in the prairie.

On the 16th November Mr. Kipp sent the men who had come down with me
back, on foot, to Fort Union. They took with them two dogs, which
drew well-laden _travails_ (sledges), and hoped to arrive there in
about nine days. We had a visit from the wolf chief, Charata-Numakshi,
accompanied by half-a-dozen Manitaries,[12] among whom was a tall,
stout fellow, named Tichinga; his hair was tied in a thick knot on
his forehead; to this was attached a piece of leather, so ornamented
with fringes that his eyes were almost concealed, and he could hardly
see. At midday, I saw the first flight of the snow bunting (_Emberiza
nivalis_), on the Missouri. They pass the winter here in the prairie
bushes, and live upon such seeds as they can pick up. Sih-Sa (the red
feather), the young Mandan Indian who, during the day, takes charge
of the horses belonging to the fort in the prairie, came back to-day,
having painted his whole body with spots of white clay. I asked him why
he had done this? to which he replied, that he was thereby enabled to
run faster. We likewise received a visit from a Mandan of half French
extraction, named Kipsan-Nüka (the little tortoise), whose father was
a French Canadian. He affirmed that he had formerly spoken both French
and English, but he had entirely forgotten both. Neither his features
nor his colour differed materially from the other Indians, whose
manners, customs, and dress he closely followed. Every evening brought
me a visit from Dipauch, who came to tell me all the legends and
traditions, as well as the religious views of his people--conversations
which interested me much, and which frequently lasted till late at
night. Among his auditors were several young people, who sat listening
with the most riveted attention to the disjointed sentences of our
narrator; while Mr. Kipp, with great patience, performed the office of

On the 17th of November we were visited by an old chief, Ahda-Miga (the
man without arms), who, however, has no longer any influence among
them. The bowl of his tobacco-pipe was made of an old iron gun-barrel.
Mr. Kipp had many similar bowls made by the smith, which he sold to the
Indians for six dollars. Dipauch and his friend, Berock-Itainu (the
bull's neck), who was his inseparable companion, were presented with
bowls of this kind, made in the form usual among the Indians. In the
evening a white wolf approached so closely to the fort, that he was
fired at from the gate, and attacked by our dogs.

On the 22nd of November we took possession of our new apartment,
which was now completed, except that the whitewashed walls were still
damp, and the constant wind generally {416} filled it with smoke. We
were, however, thankful to have space to carry on our labours, to
which we now applied with great assiduity, to make up for the time we
had lost. The large windows afforded a good light for drawing, and
we had a couple of small tables and some benches of poplar wood, and
three shelves against the walls, on which we spread our blankets and
buffaloes' skins, and reposed during the night. The room was floored;
the door was furnished with bolts on the inside, and the fire-wood,
covered with frozen snow, was piled up close to the chimney. We all
felt indisposed soon after we took up our abode in this lodging, and
were obliged to have recourse to medicine, but this was, probably,
to be ascribed principally to the way of living and the state of the
weather; for Sih-Sa and other Indians had bowel complaints, catarrh,
and violent coughs, for which Mr. Kipp gave them medicines. I examined
all the medical stock of the fort, and found neither peppermint nor
other herbs, which would have been serviceable at this time; only a
handful of elder flowers, and rather more of American camomile, which
has a different taste to the European. There were some common remedies,
but unfortunately we were without a medical man. Snow-storms, with a
high west wind, had set in, and on the 23rd the country was covered
with snow, and the Missouri froze for the first time on that day, below
the village of Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kush, and it is remarkable that it was
frozen on the very same day in the preceding year. We saw the Indian
women, as soon as the river was covered with ice, break holes in it,
to wash their heads and the upper part of their bodies. The Indians
had brought many beaver skins for sale, of which Mr. Kipp purchased
eleven large ones, in exchange for a horse and some red cloth; the
remainder, for which they demanded another horse, they took back with
them. We had a visit from a young Mandan who had a bag made of the skin
of the prairie dog, containing some pieces of a transparent selenite
from which these Indians extract a white colour by burning it in the
fire. Mato-Topé had passed the evening with us, and, when we went to
bed, laid himself down before the fire, where he soon fell asleep. On
the following morning he rose early, washed himself, but left his two
buffalo skins lying carelessly on the floor, for us to gather them up,
these Indians taking every opportunity to be waited on by the Whites.
As we were molested during the night by numerous rats, we put my little
tame prairie fox into the loft above us, where some maize was kept,
and here he did excellent service. This pretty little fox afforded us
much amusement during the long winter evenings. He was nearly a year
old, but still liked to be caressed and played all kinds of antics to
attract notice.

Several wolves, which the Indians had brought to me, were laid down
near the fort, after they had been stripped of their skins, but we did
not succeed in alluring one of their species by this bait. Dreidoppel,
on his excursion, had killed a couple of wolves, which he allured by
imitating the voice of a hare, and then shot with his fowling piece.
The hares had now put on their white winter coats, and could scarcely
be distinguished from the surrounding snow. They {417} were seen
sitting singly on the hills, and we took them for buffaloes' skulls
when there was no snow on the prairie.

On the evening of the 25th of November we were alarmed by information
that some hostile Indians were near the fort. Dipauch and
Berock-Itainu, who were called the soldiers of the fort, immediately
took their arms, cautiously opened the gate, and discovered a Manitari,
who was concealed near one of the block-houses, from which he was soon
driven rather roughly. At this time, Charbonneau came to invite us to a
great medicine feast among the Manitaries, an invitation which I gladly

On the morning of the 26th we had fine weather and a clear sky, very
favourable for our expedition. At nine o'clock, Bodmer, Charbonneau
and myself set out, on foot, with our double-barrelled guns and the
requisite ammunition, accompanied by a young Manitari warrior. We
proceeded up the Missouri in a direction parallel with the river,
leaving Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kush on our right hand, and taking the way to
Ruhptare which runs along the edge of the high Plateau, below which
there is a valley extending to the Missouri, covered with the maize
plantations of the Mandans, with some willow thickets and high reeds.
On the left hand the prairie extended to the hills: it was covered
with low, withered, yellowish grass, and presented a barren, desolate
appearance. After proceeding about an hour, we came to a stone,
undoubtedly one of those isolated blocks of granite which are scattered
over the whole prairie, and which the Indians, from some superstitious
notion, paint with vermilion, and surround with little sticks, or rods,
to which were attached some feathers. This stone, and many similar
ones in the prairie, are considered, by many Indians, as medicine; but
I was not able to learn what ideas they entertain concerning the one
here described. A little farther on, in a small ravine which crosses
the path, there was an elm, the trunk of which was painted in many
places with vermilion; rags, stained with vermilion, were suspended
from it, together with a little bag containing some of the same colour,
as a sign that the tree was sacred or medicine. A covey of prairie
hens rose, with loud cries, from this ravine. At this spot 1000 or
1200 Sioux had attacked the united Mandans and Manitaries thirty years
before, but lost 100 of their people. One of those Indians was afraid
to proceed on this path, because he suspected that a wolf-pit, or trap,
might be in the way; but the partisan, or chief, wishing to shame
him, went before, and actually fell into such a pit, with sharpened
sticks at the bottom, by which he was killed. From this place we came,
in about half an hour, to the Mandan village, Ruhptare, which is now
totally abandoned. The construction of the huts and medicines, the
stages for the dead, everything, in short, is just the same as at
Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kush, only a much greater number of the stages stood
near the huts, and flocks of ravens sat upon them. To the left of the
village there is a little hill, which was quite covered with these
strange erections, and poles with offerings suspended from them.

{418} We went through the village, in the centre of which there is a
circular space, with the representation of the ark of the first man,
and the figure of Ochkih-Hadda on a pole before the medicine lodge. We
soon came to the bank of the river, and saw three Indians attempting
to cross the ice of the Missouri, which had scarcely been frozen
over twenty-four hours. Charbonneau went first, and we followed him
on the path marked out by some poles stuck in the ice. While we were
proceeding, carefully examining the ice with the butt-end of our guns,
we were overtaken by the old Mandan chief, Kahka-Chamahan (the little
raven), who wore a round hat, with a plume of feathers, and who now led
the way.[14] After we had passed the Missouri we met, on the beach,
some elegantly dressed Mandans, with whom we did not stop to converse.
We turned to the close willow thicket which skirted an extensive
forest on the north bank of the river: the path led through it, in
many windings, till we reached the winter village, Ruhptare, which
is closely surrounded by a thicket of willow, poplar, ash, cornus,
and elm. Here the chief took leave of us, as we could not accept his
invitation to his hut. We saw the women everywhere busy in tanning
skins, and carrying wood. Most of the high trees in the forest had been
cut down; but there was a shrub-like symphoria, with rounded elliptical
leaves, and small bunches of whitish-green berries, which, when quite
ripe, are of a bluish-black colour. This plant grows in great abundance
as underwood in all the forests in these parts. Vitis, celastrus, and
clematis, were entwined about some of the trees, but the wild vine was
nowhere thicker than a little finger. There are many open spots in the
wood, covered with thin grass and other kinds of plants, and also reeds.

We followed the winding path through this intricate wilderness, to
the hills, which bound the prairie, at the foot of which we proceeded
parallel to the Missouri: they are partly clay hills, of angular
forms, from which marshy springs issue in many places, all which were
at this time frozen over. Several of these places were covered with
extensive thickets of reeds, and at the foot of the hills there were
some bushes, among which the Indians had set fox-traps, which they
endeavour to conceal with brushwood and buffaloes' skulls laid on it.
We here saw some Indians, and heard the report of their guns. At the
foot of the hills we saw the foot steps of the Virginian deer, but
we observed only a few birds, chiefly crows, ravens, snow buntings,
and the coal titmouse. When we had gone about half an hour, the hills
receded from the river, and as soon as the wood terminates, the wide
prairie extends along the Missouri, where we lately visited, on our
arrival, Ita-Widahki-Hischa (the red shield). We proceeded for several
hours through the desolate plain, which was covered with yellow,
withered grass, now and then broken by gentle eminences, where bleached
buffaloes' bones, especially skulls, are scattered about. We met with
a couple of Indians, heavily laden with skins, resting themselves,
who immediately asked us for tobacco. We had here an opportunity of
seeing the wolf pits, in which the Indians fix sharp stakes, and the
{419} whole is so covered with brushwood, hay, and dry grass, that it
cannot be perceived. As our feet began to be very painful, we sat down
to rest near a stream, now almost dry, bordered with high grass, which
at this time was lying on the ground. As I was no longer accustomed to
such long journeys on foot, I had asked Mr. Kipp for horses for this
journey, but there were none in the fort at that time. Our European
boots and shoes had wounded our feet, and it was with much pain that
we ascended the pretty steep hills which now again came nearer to the
river. I obtained from Charbonneau a pair of Indian shoes, in which I
found it easier to walk, but the thorns of the cactus, which grew on
the hills, pierced through them, and caused me pain in another way.

Towards evening, when we descended from the hills to the river, we
again came to an extensive wood on the banks, in which one of the
winter villages of the Manitaries is situated. We had, however, to
walk several miles along a very winding path before we reached it.
Being extremely tired, and our feet sore and wounded, it cost us some
exertion to get over fallen trunks of trees, sharp stones, &c., in the
way. The scenes which are inseparable from the dwellings of the Indians
soon appeared; slender young men, galloping without saddle, who were
driving their horses home from the pasture; women cutting or carrying
wood, and the like. A young Indian joined us, who immediately offered,
out of civility, to carry my gun, which I did not accept. He was an
Arikkara, who had been captured, when a child, by the Manitaries--a
good-tempered, well-behaved young man. He was tall and slender, with a
pleasing countenance, long, narrow eyes, and a slightly curved nose.

[Illustration: Plan of Minitaree medicine feast]

[Illustration: Club, with carved head]

It was nearly nightfall when we reached the Manitari village, the
large huts of which were built so close to each other that it was
sometimes difficult to pass between them. We heard loud lamentations
as we approached, and learnt that a child had just died, and that a
corpse had been deposited, a few days before, on poles placed in the
boughs of a tree. At the farther end of the village was the residence
of Mr. Dougherty[15] a long, low, log-house, divided into three
apartments, of which that in the centre was used for a storehouse,
the northern apartment being assigned to the family, and the southern
to the _engagés_. We were received with much kindness, and, being
thoroughly tired by a fatiguing journey of, at least, nine leagues, we
were truly glad to rest our weary limbs before a blazing fire. A number
of Manitari Indians were assembled, who, however, gradually retired
whilst we took some refreshment, not having tasted anything since we
breakfasted at Fort Clarke. It being reported that herds of buffaloes
were at no great distance, a party of Indians resolved to give them
chase on the following day, and to implore the blessing of heaven upon
their undertaking by a great medicine feast. Notwithstanding the pain I
suffered in walking, the prospect of witnessing so novel a scene was so
exciting that I immediately set out about seven o'clock in the evening,
accompanied by Dougherty and Charbonneau, to see the Indian ceremony,
which was instituted by the women. Between the huts, in the centre of
the village, an elliptical {420} space, forty paces or more in length,
was enclosed in a fence, ten or twelve feet high, consisting of reeds
and willow twigs inclining inwards.[16] An entrance was left at _a_;
_b_ represents the fence; _d_ are the four fires, burning in the
medicine lodge, which were kept up the whole time. At _e_ the elder and
principal men had taken their seats; to the right sat the old chief,
Lachpitzi-Sihrisch (the yellow bear); some parts of his face were
painted red, and a bandage of yellow skin encircled his head. Places
were assigned to us on the right hand of the yellow bear. At _f_,
close to the fence, the spectators, especially the women, were seated:
the men walked about, some of them handsomely dressed, others quite
simply; children were seated around the fires, which they kept alive by
throwing twigs of willow trees into them. Soon after Charbonneau had
introduced us to this company, six elderly men advanced in a row from
the opposite hut, and stopped for a moment at the entrance of the great
medicine lodge.

They had been chosen, by the young men, to represent buffalo bulls,
for which they afterwards received presents. Each of them carried a
long stick, at the top of which three or four black feathers were
fastened; then, at regular intervals, the whole length of the stick
was ornamented with small bunches of the hoofs of buffalo calves, and
at the lower end of the stick were some bells. In their left hand
they carried a battle-axe, or war club, and two of them had a stuffed
skin which they called a badger, and used as a drum. They stood at
the entrance, rattled their sticks incessantly, sang alternately,
and imitated, with great perfection, the hoarse voice of the buffalo
bull. They were followed by a tall man, whose physiognomy strikingly
resembled that of a Botocudo. He wore a cap, trimmed with fur, because
he had been formerly scalped in a battle. He represented the director
of the ceremony and the leader of the old bulls, behind whom he made
his appearance. The bulls now entered the medicine lodge and took
their seats at _c_, near the fence, behind one of the fires. In front
of them they laid the badger, which is equivalent to what is called
the tortoise in the Okippe of the Mandans.[17] Each of the bulls fixed
his weapon in the ground before him; two of them had clubs, with a
head, on which a human face was carved.[18] Several young men {421}
were now employed in carrying round dishes of boiled maize and beans,
which they placed before the guests. These dishes were handed to each
person successively, who passed them on after tasting a small quantity.
Empty wooden dishes were frequently brought and placed at our feet, the
reason of which I could not, at first, comprehend, but soon learned
from my neighbour, the Yellow Bear. As soon as the provision bearer--a
tall, handsome, very robust, and broad-shouldered man, wearing only
his breechcloth, ornamented at the back with long tufts of hair--came
to take away one of these empty dishes, the old chief held his hands
before his face, sang, and made a long speech, which seemed to me to
be a prayer uttered in a low tone of voice, and then gave him the
dish. These speeches contained good wishes for success in hunting the
buffalo, and in war. They invoke the heavenly powers to favour the
hunters and the warriors. In this manner two dishes were sometimes
placed before us, and we also exerted ourselves in uttering good wishes
in the English and German languages, which the Indians guessed from our
motions, though they could not understand our words. If the speech was
lengthy, they were specially gratified; the provision bearer stopped,
listening very attentively, nodded his satisfaction, and passed his
hand over our right arm from the shoulder to the wrist, and sometimes
over both arms, and then again spoke a few words expressive of his
thanks. In this manner the ceremony of the repast lasted above an hour;
every person present partook of it, and offered up their good wishes
for a successful buffalo chase. Meantime, the young men, in the centre
of the space, prepared the tobacco pipes, which they brought first to
the old men and the visitors; they presented the mouth-piece of the
pipe to us in succession, going from right to left: we each took a
few whiffs, uttered, as before, a wish or prayer, and passed the pipe
to our next neighbours. Among those who carried the dishes and pipes,
there was another young man who had been scalped, and who also wore a
cap; he had received many wounds in the attack made by the Sioux on
the Manitari villages, and had been left on the field as dead. The
pipe bearers often turned their pipes towards the cardinal points,
and performed various superstitious manœuvres with them. The six
buffalo bulls, meantime, sitting behind the fire, sang, and rattled
the medicine sticks, while one of them constantly beat the badger
skin. After a while they all stood up, bent forward, and danced; that
is, they leaped as high as they could with both their feet together,
continuing to sing and rattle their sticks, one of them beating time
on the badger. Their song was invariably the same, consisting of loud,
broken notes and exclamations. When they had danced for some time, they
resumed their seats.

The whole was extremely interesting. The great number of red men, in a
variety of costumes, the singing, dancing, beating the drum, &c., while
the lofty trees of the forest, illumined by the fires, spread their
branches against the dark sky, formed a _tout ensemble_ so striking
and original, that I much regretted the impracticability of taking a
sketch of it on the spot. When the ceremony had continued a couple of
hours, the women began to act their part. A {422} woman approached her
husband, gave him her girdle and under garment, so that she had nothing
on under her robe; she then went up to one of the most distinguished
men, passed her hand over his arm, from the shoulder downwards, and
then withdrew slowly from the lodge. The person so summoned follows
her to a solitary place in the forest; he may then buy himself off
by presents, which, however, few Indians do. This honour was offered
to us, but we returned to the lodge, after having made a present, on
which pipes were again handed to us. The fires already burnt dim, many
Indians had retired, and we asked the old chief, whether we might be
permitted to do the same? At first he refused, but, on our repeating
the question, he gave us leave. On other occasions, when circumstances
allow all the inhabitants of the village to unite, many additional
ceremonies take place; more dances are performed, and each of the
bands dances that which is peculiar to itself, which could not be
done to-day. The dance of the old buffalo bulls, with entire buffalo
skulls, is said to be very interesting. This festival always continues
for four successive nights, and, even on this occasion, the rioting and
noise continued uninterruptedly throughout the night.

On the following morning, the 27th of November, the weather continued
bright and clear. I observed in the thickets near the dwelling of
Dougherty, large numbers of the little coal titmouse, but no other bird
except the _Picus pubescens_. A number of Indians congregated very
early around our fire, one of them having even ventured to take up his
night's quarters with us. The Yellow Bear and the man who was scalped
came early, the former to beg for some coffee; he looked miserable and
faint, as if he were in want of food, and had a black silk handkerchief
tied round his head. The scene outside was very animated: we observed
many very handsome young men, in fine new dresses, some of whom
were playing the game called billiards, and on the river, which was
now quite frozen over, many children and young people were amusing
themselves with sliding and other gambols. Some women were bringing
wood from the forest, others cutting holes in the ice to procure water,
and some playing with a leathern-ball, which they flung upon the ice,
caught it, and then threw it into the air, catching it as it fell. At
noon the thermometer was at 47°, but a high wind arose, and we were
obliged to pass the whole day under shelter of Mr. Dougherty's roof,
where we witnessed many very interesting scenes, the apartments being
visited by a succession of Indians throughout the day.

The following day was spent in the same manner. The younger people,
half naked, again played upon the ice, and I paid a visit, accompanied
by Charbonneau, to the Yellow Bear. Mr. Dougherty had formerly resided
in the hut which he now inhabited, and for which he had to pay 80 or
100 dollars. The beds, consisting of square leathern cases, were
placed along the sides of this spacious hut, and the inmates sat
round the fire variously occupied. The Yellow Bear, wearing only his
breechcloth, sat upon a bench made of willow boughs, covered with
skin, and was painting a new buffalo robe with figures in vermilion
and black, having his colours standing by {423} him, ready mixed, in
old potsherds. In lieu of a pencil he was using the more inartificial
substitute of a sharp pointed piece of wood. The robe was ornamented
with the symbols of valuable presents which he had made, and which
had gained the Yellow Bear much reputation, and made him a man of

About twenty Manitaries had gone to hunt buffaloes, and as we had no
meat, we waited with no small degree of impatience for their return.
Our fast was of longer duration than we liked, for it was late before
a few of our hunters arrived, and the scalped man brought us some
meat, so that we did not get our meal till evening. At nightfall, a
handsome young man came to us, accompanied by two girls, it being the
custom of the Indian youths to stroll about in this manner. They had
not been long in our room, when somebody knocked at the door, on which
the two girls crept into Charbonneau's bed to hide themselves, as they
suspected it was some of their friends come to look after them; but it
proved to be only a messenger from Charbonneau, who, wishing to procure
us a pleasant diversion for the evening, let us know that the women in
a certain hut were about to perform a medicine dance; and, availing
ourselves of the intimation, we hastened to the spot without loss of

On the left hand of the wooden screen at the door of the hut a fire was
burning, and before it were spread out skins upon some hay, on which
five or six men were seated in a row, one of whom beat the drum, and
the other rattled the schischikué. They were more than usually vehement
in the performance of this music; the drummer especially exerted
himself to the utmost, and all the rest accompanied him with singing.
Some elderly women were seated near the wall; a tall, robust woman,
however, especially attracted our attention; she was standing in the
centre of the hut; her dress consisted of a long yellow leather robe,
trimmed with a quantity of fringes, and ornamented with pieces of red
and blue cloth. We took our places to the right of the musicians, just
in front of a number of spectators, consisting of women and children,
who were prevented from pressing forward by a young man, who made use
of the official dignity of a stick, with which he was invested for the
occasion. The woman standing in the centre pretended that she had a
head of maize in her stomach, which she would conjure up, and again
cause to disappear. We had come rather too late, for the ear of maize
had already disappeared; but Charbonneau spoke to the people, to whom
we gave ten carrots of tobacco, and the trick was repeated. Our tobacco
was thrown on a heap of roasted buffalo ribs, which were piled up on
willow boughs, and there it remained till the end of the ceremony, the
object of which was to procure a good crop of maize in the succeeding
year. The din of the music now recommenced with renewed vehemence, and
four women began to move. They waddled like ducks, making short steps,
with their feet turned inwards, and keeping time to the quick beat of
the drum; while their arms hung down motionless by their sides. The
medicine woman danced alone near the fire, to which she {424} sometimes
put her hands, and then laid them upon her face. At length she began to
totter, to move her arms backwards and forwards, and to use convulsive
motions, which became more and more violent. Now, as she threw her head
backwards, we saw the top of a white head of maize fill her mouth, and
gradually came more forward, while her contortions greatly increased.
When the head of maize was half out of her mouth, the dancer seemed
ready to sink down, when another woman advanced, laid hold of her and
seated her on the ground. Here, supported by her companion, she fell
into convulsions, and the music became overpoweringly violent. Other
women brushed the arm and breast of the performers with bunches of
wormwood, and the head of maize gradually disappeared; on which the
juggleress rose, danced twice round the hut, and was succeeded by
another female. After this second woman had danced in the same manner,
a stream of blood suddenly rushed from her mouth over her chin, which,
however, she extracted from a piece of leather that she held in her
mouth. She, too, was cured of her convulsions as she lay on the ground,
and then danced around the fire. Other women came forward and danced
behind one another, which concluded the ceremony.

Almost all these people pretended that they had some animal in their
stomach; some a buffalo calf, others a deer, &c. The scalped man told
us that he had a buffalo calf in his left shoulder, and often felt it
kick. Another, who pretended that he had three live lizards in his
inside, complained to Charbonneau that these animals gave him pain, on
which Charbonneau gave him a cup of coffee, but as this remedy did not
relieve him, a cup of tea was given him, and this produced the desired
effect. Notions of this kind are so common among the Indians, and they
are said to have so firm a hold on the faith of the people, that it
would be labour lost to attempt to convince them of their folly.

On the 29th of November, during which we continued in the Manitari
village, the whole forest was covered with hoar frost; all the woods
on the banks were clothed in white, and the red youths were sporting
on the ice; the whole forming an interesting and animated scene. Mr.
Bodmer painted several animals and birds for the Indians, such as
cocks, eagles &c., which they pretended would make them proof against
musket balls. In the evening Mr. Bodmer and Dougherty again went to the
medicine feast, but the women did not, on this occasion, make their
appearance, for which nobody, not even Charbonneau, who was so well
acquainted with the Indians, could assign any reason. After dark our
house-door was twice forced open, and we again observed how much more
rude and savage the Manitaries are than the Mandans. Dougherty, who
did not yet possess a fort, and was obliged to live among the former,
suffered greatly from their importunity and rudeness; he was afraid
even to give them a refusal, lest he might thereby bring upon himself
greater inconveniences, for a continued and close intercourse with
these people is always attended with danger. We had not been able to
borrow horses to {425} return to Fort Clarke; but, on the 30th, Mr.
Dougherty succeeded in obtaining one, and Durand, a clerk of Messrs.
Soublette and Campbell, who had arrived on horseback, returned with us,
and allowed Mr. Bodmer to ride with him.

At nine o'clock we took leave of our kind hosts, Dougherty and
Charbonneau, and set out on our return. In the forest-village belonging
to the inhabitants of Ruhptare, we stopped at a hut, in which Garreau,
an old trader of Messrs. Soublette and Campbell, resided.[19] There was
an abundance of meat hanging up in this hut, as they had had a very
successful buffalo hunt. From this place I sent back my horse; but
Durand, though with great difficulty, got his across the frozen river;
the poor beast was nearly exhausted, it often slipped, and sometimes
fell down. At twilight we reached Fort Clarke, where, during our
absence, good news had been received of the cessation of the cholera in
St. Louis and the neighbourhood.

During November the weather had, on the whole, been tolerably pleasant:
a few days were stormy, with some snow and slight frost; and this kind
of weather continued at the beginning of December. A high stage of
strong posts was erected in our court-yard, where a part of the stock
of maize was deposited, thereby to protect it from the voracity of the
rats. It was defended from the rain by the leather covering of Indian

The Mandan village near the fort was now entirely forsaken by the
inhabitants. The entrances to the huts were blocked with bundles of
thorns; a couple of families only still remained, one of which was
that of Dipauch, whom Mr. Bodmer visited every day, in order to make
a drawing of the interior of the hut.[20] Instead of the numerous
inhabitants, magpies were flying about, and flocks of snow buntings
were seen in the neighbourhood about the dry plants of the prairie,
where the Indian children set long rows of snares, made of horsehair,
to catch them alive.

Belhumeur had been sent several times to the prairie, and had brought
back buffaloes' flesh; but the animals were so far off that we could
not always be supplied, and were forced to live on hard dried meat
and boiled maize; our beverage consisted of coffee and the water of
the Missouri. Dreidoppel had killed several wolves, prairie dogs, and
prairie hens; the Indians had brought me some white hares and other
smaller animals. One of our dogs was shot in the foot by an Indian,
with an arrow. Neither the motive nor the perpetrator of this hostile
act could be discovered.

[Illustration: Heads of sledge dogs]

[Illustration: Plan of Mandan hut]

[Illustration: Mandan, in bull-dance costume]

Having been invited by the Indians to the winter village, to be
present at a great medicine feast, we proceeded thither, on the 3rd
of December, in the afternoon. Mr. Kipp took his family with him,
and Mato-Topé and several other Indians accompanied us. We were all
well armed, because it was asserted that a band of hostile Indians
had been seen among the prairie hills on the preceding day. Our
beds, blankets, and buffalo skins were laid on a horse, on which Mr.
Kipp's wife, a Mandan Indian, rode. Thus we passed, at a rapid pace,
through the prairie, along the Missouri, then below the hills, which
are pretty high; and I cannot deny that, in the valleys and {426}
ravines, through which some small streams that we had to pass flowed,
our whole company looked anxiously to the right and left to see
whether any enemies would issue from their ambush. We had to pass a
narrow gorge behind a little thick copse, where many Indians had been
killed by their enemies. After proceeding about an hour and a half
we reached the village in the wood, which is the winter residence of
the inhabitants of Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kush. We stopped at the hut of Mr.
Kipp's father-in-law, Mandeek-Suck-Choppenik (the medicine bird), who
accommodated us with a night's lodging. The description of this hut may
serve for all the winter huts of these Indians.[21] It was about twenty
paces in diameter, and circular: _h_ is the fence or wall of the hut,
supported inside by strong, low posts, on which rests the vaulted roof,
which has a square hole to let the smoke escape; _g_ is the entrance,
protected by two projecting walls covered above. At _f_ is the door,
consisting of a piece of leather stretched on a frame. At _d d_ there
is a cross wall of considerable height, made of reeds and osier twigs
woven together, to keep off the draught of air. At _e e e_ there is
another cross wall, only three feet high, behind which the horses
stand; _a_ is the fireplace, round which, at _c c c c_, are the seats
of the inmates, consisting of benches formed of basket-work, covered
with skins; _b b b b_ are four strong pillars which bear the roof, and
are very well united above by cross beams. At _i_ there was a large
leather case for the beds in which the family slept. A chain, with a
large kettle, was suspended from the roof over the fire, to cook our
supper, consisting of very pleasant flavoured sweet maize. The master
of the hut was absent, but his wife, daughter, and son-in-law, received
us very kindly. We had still a little time before the commencement of
the medicine feast, which consisted of the dance of the half-shorn
head, which the soldiers sold to the raven band. This feast was to last
forty nights, and the son-in-law of our host was among the sellers. We
sat around the fire and smoked, while the drum was beat in the village
to call the two parties together. After seven o'clock we repaired to
the medicine lodge; it was entirely cleared, except that some women
sat along the walls; the fire burned in the centre, before which we
took our seats, near the partition _d d_, with several distinguished
men of the band of the soldiers. At our left hand, the other soldiers,
about twenty-five in number, were seated in a row; some of them were
handsomely dressed, though the majority {427} were in plain clothes.
They had their arms in their hands, and in the centre were three men,
who beat the drum. On the right side of the fire stood the young men of
the raven band, who were the purchasers; they were obliged to satisfy
the soldiers, who were the sellers, by making them valuable presents,
such as horses, guns, powder and ball, blankets of different colours,
kettles, &c.; to continue the feast forty nights; to regale them, for
that time, with provisions and tobacco, and offer their wives to them
every evening. The soldiers had consented to these terms, and the
festival took place every evening in the following manner:--

We had all taken our seats before the band of the sellers arrived; but
we soon heard them singing, accompanied by the drum, and they entered
with their insignia; these consisted of four poles, or lances, seven
or eight feet long, the iron points of which resembled sword blades,
and were held downwards; the rest of the instrument was wrapped round
with broad bands of otter-skin, like that of the Blackfeet,[22] and
decorated at the point and other places with strips of skin: two of
these poles are curved at the top. The others were a club with an iron
point, painted red and ornamented with feathers; then three lances,
decorated alternately with black and white feathers;[23] and, lastly,
a very beautifully ornamented bow and quiver. These nine insignia
were brought in, the soldiers, however, stopping, at first, near the
door behind the cross wall. When they had remained for some time in
this position, singing and beating the drum with great violence, they
entered, placed the lances against the wall, and fixed the club in the
ground near one of the pillars that supported the hut; after which
they all took their seats near the wall. While the singing and dancing
were continued alternately for some time, the purchasers filled their
pipes and presented them to all of us in succession. We took one or two
whiffs; they did the same, and carried the pipe round to the left hand,
but offered it only to the visitors and to the sellers. This smoking
continued a long time, during which each of the guests received a small
cake of sweet corn baked in fat. In about half an hour two of the
soldiers rose and danced opposite each other. One of them was a tall,
powerful man, with a weak, effeminate voice. He wore nothing but his
robe and leggins, but without any ornaments; he took the club and held
it firmly in his left hand; his right hand hung straight down; he bent
his body forwards and danced, that is, he leaped with his feet close
together, keeping time with the music. The head and legs of the other
dancer were very handsomely ornamented, but the breast and shoulders
were bare. He took one of the first four lances, which he held in both
hands, and the two men then danced, or leaped, opposite each other. In
a few minutes the first dancer put the lance aside and sat down, while
all the other members of this band uttered the war-whoop, accompanied
by the quick beating of the drum, now and then shouting aloud. Silence
then ensued; the man with the club addressed the purchasers, called
them his sons, and enumerated some of his exploits; after which he
presented to them the war club. One of the purchasers called him his
father, passed his hand along his arm, took {428} the weapon from
his hand, and put it in its place again. The other dancer again came
forward, did the same, spoke of his exploits, and presented the lance
to a man or son of the other band, who received it with the same
ceremony, and put it also in its place again. There were singing and
dancing in the intervals, but no schischikué was heard. Two other
soldiers then rose, related their deeds, how they had stolen horses,
taken a medicine from the enemy, and the like, and presented two of
the insignia to the purchasers. When this had been done four or five
times, the women of the raven band rose; four of them threw aside their
robes, snatched up the lances, carried them successively out of the
hut, and, some time after, brought them in again. They hastened to
pass by us, and some of them appeared to feel ashamed. This ceremony
was repeated twice: these women then came, passed their hands down the
arms of the strangers and of the fathers, took up their robes and went
out, in the same manner as has been related in the medicine feast of
the Manitaries. When they returned the second time, Mr. Kipp rose to go
away, and I followed him. Some of the women were fat and corpulent,
others very young, and one but little past childhood.

This feast was continued in the same manner forty nights. During the
purchase of the dance of the half-shorn head, the buffalo medicine
feast, which continues four nights, was celebrated in another hut. We
retired to the hut of the Medicine Bird, smoked our cigars, and lay
down in our clothes to sleep on buffalo skins spread on the floor. The
weather was frosty, and it was very cold even in the hut; the Indians
set a watch, during the night, that they might not be surprised by
their enemies.

On the 4th of December, early in the morning, we left the village;
we did not keep along the hills, but took another path through the
thickets, which led in some places over frozen marshes, which were
partly covered with reeds. The wood, which was spangled with hoar
frost, is very much cleared, and contains but few large trees. A
high, cold southeast wind blew in the prairie, and afterwards became
violent. At eight o'clock we reached the fort, where we much enjoyed
a hot breakfast. Several Mandans came to see us, among whom was the
strongest man of this nation, named Beracha-Iruckcha (the broken
pot), whom no one had yet been able to overcome in wrestling, though
he had been matched with white men, negroes, and Indians, remarkable
for their strength. Sih-Chida and Maksick-Karehde (the flying eagle),
also visited us; the latter was the tallest man among the Mandans, and
belonged to the band of the soldiers.[24]

Snow had already set in, yet still the buffaloes did not come nearer,
and we were in want of fresh meat, and of tallow to make candles;
and all the meat we could get was obtained from individual Indians
returning from the chase. In the environs of the fort there were,
at this time, wolves, foxes, and a few hares, and during the night
we heard the barking of the prairie wolves (_Canis latrans_, Say),
which prowled about, looking for any remnants of provisions. In our
excursions {429} we everywhere met with wolves, foxes, hares, weasels,
and mice, especially on the banks of the streams, and set snares of
iron wire, in order to learn what species of mice could bear this
winter weather. Our snares were often carried away by the wolves and
foxes, but we frequently caught the _Mus leucopus_, which is especially
the prey of the weasel. If any one imitate the voice of the hare, in
order to attract the wolves, a number of magpies immediately come
and settle in the neighbourhood. Scarcely any kinds of birds were
found in the forest but _Pica hudsonica_, _Picus pubescens_, _Parus
atracapillus_, _Fringilla linaria_, and _Tetrao phasianellus_, of which
several were shot.

On the 10th of December, Charbonneau returned to the service of the
American Fur Company, and took up his quarters in the fort, which gave
me an opportunity to have much conversation with him respecting the
Manitaries, with whom he was well acquainted. On the 11th, Dreidoppel,
with his rifle, shot a prairie wolf (_Canis latrans_) on the ice of the
Missouri, which crept into a burrow, where he could not get at it. He
was returning to the fort, when a couple of Indians called after him,
who had dragged the animal alive from its retreat, and brought it to
our lodging, when Mr. Bodmer made a sketch of the head.[25] On the 13th
of December, when Fahrenheit's thermometer was at 17°, several birds of
the species _Bombycilla garrula_ were brought to us: they are found in
these parts during the summer also, and are said to breed here, which I
think is doubtful. I obtained many wolves from the quite white to the
perfectly grey, common variety, which the Indians sold for two rolls of
tobacco a-piece. They also often caught ermines in horsehair snares,
which they sell dear. As we continued to be in want of fresh meat and
tallow, we had to send people for these necessaries to the Indian
villages, and Mr. Kipp likewise went thither in his sledge, in order
to trade. On one occasion his horse broke through the ice, so that it
remained for an hour in the water, and was quite benumbed. An extremely
cold storm from the north had blown away the wooden screen from our
chimney. On the 15th of December, and on the preceding evening, we had
a heavy fall of snow, which ceased when the wind veered a little to the
north. At eight o'clock the mercury in Fahrenheit's thermometer was at
14°. The appearance of the prairie at this time was very remarkable,
resembling the sea agitated by a terrible storm. The extensive surface
of the snow was carried by the wind in a cloud; it was scarcely
possible for the eye to bear the cold blast which drove the snow before
it, and enveloped us in a dense cloud, above which the sky was clear,
and the tops of the prairie hills were visible. We were, therefore, the
more sensible of the enjoyment of our bright fire, seated about which
we passed our time agreeably in various occupations. About this time
the enemy had stolen six horses from the Manitaries. We had been for
some time without meat, when the Indians, hunting at a considerable
distance, at the forks of Teton River,[26] killed fifty-five buffaloes.
On this occasion, Mr. Kipp's horse was lost, which, bridled and saddled
as it was, had joined a herd of buffaloes; and two foals had perished
in the cold.

{430} On the 16th the mercury was at 2°, Fahrenheit, below zero.
For some time past the water in our room was frozen every day,
notwithstanding the large fire which we kept up. Towards the 19th of
December, the weather was again fine; in a few days there was snow,
and the Missouri rose so high that it partly overflowed the ice that
covered it. Some of Mr. Soublette's people arrived from St. Louis,
which they had left on the 14th of October, and confirmed the accounts
which we had already received of the cessation of the cholera. They
told us that, in October, the snow was fifteen inches deep on the
banks of the Konzas River, and that the party escorting the caravan
from Santa Fé had been so closely hemmed in by the Indians (probably
Arikkaras), that they had been compelled, by want of provisions, to
slaughter fourteen of their horses.[27]

On the 22nd of December, a number of white maggots were found under
a piece of poplar bark, which were completely enclosed in ice, but
all came to life when they were warmed at the fire. On the 23rd, the
mercury was at 10° Fahrenheit, above zero; the sky was bright and
clear, the wind blew from the east, the icy covering of the river
smoked and the woods were covered with hoar frost. The ravens came near
to the fort to pick up food; the wolves, in consequence of our frequent
excursions, had retired to a greater distance.

On this day, at noon, we heard the drums of the Indians, and a crowd
of their people filled the fort. At their head were fourteen men of
the band of the bulls, from Ruhptare, distinguished by their strange

{431} The whole head was covered with a wig, consisting of long plaits
of hair, which hung down on every side, so that even the face was
completely concealed. The appearance of these men was very singular in
the cold weather, for their breath issued from between the plaits of
hair like a dense vapour. They wore in their heads feathers of owls,
ravens, and birds of prey, each of which had at the tip a large white
down feather. One of them had a very handsome fan of white feathers on
his head, doubtless the entire tail of a swan, each of the feathers
having at the tip a tuft of dyed horsehair. They were closely enveloped
in their robes, and had bow-lances ornamented with feathers, coloured
cloth, beads, &c., and most of them had foxes' tails at their heels.
Some of these men beat the drum, while they all formed a circle, and
imitated the bellowing of the buffalo bulls. After they had danced
awhile, some tobacco was thrown to them, and they proceeded to the
village in the forest further down the river, taking off their wigs.
The frozen Missouri was covered with Indians on this occasion, and
presented an interesting scene. At this time the Sioux stole from the
prairie thirty-seven horses belonging to the Mandans. On this day
Dreidoppel had dragged the entrails of a hare about the prairie, and
then concealed himself; he soon saw six wolves follow the scent and
approach him; but it was so cold that he could not wait for them. Our
cook, a negro, had a violent dispute with an Indian from Ruhptare, who
had taken a piece of meat out of his pot, and the affair might have led
to unpleasant consequences. The Indians of that village are the worst
of the Mandans. Several articles had been stolen, which was nothing
uncommon among our worthy neighbours, for even the wife of Mato-Topé
had pilfered something in our room.

On the 24th of December, and on the preceding night, there was a very
strong cold wind from the northwest (Fahrenheit's thermometer +12½°),
which blew all the hoar frost from the trees. Many Indians knocked
violently at our door, and attempted to force it, as we did not open
it immediately. About four o'clock Papin and three other _engagés_,
with seven horses, arrived from Picotte's post among the Yanktonans,
which they had left two days before, and told us that they had there
found 200 tents of the Yanktonans. At midnight the _engagés_ of the
fort fired a volley to welcome Christmas day, which was repeated in the
morning: the 25th of December was a day of bustle in the fort. Mr. Kipp
had given the _engagés_ an allowance of better provisions, and they
were extremely noisy in their Canadian jargon. The poor fellows had had
no meat for some time, and had lived on maize, boiled in water, without
any fat. Pehriska-Ruhpa, a robust Manitari, who had long lived among
the Mandans, visited us, and soon afterwards Mato-Topé, but they took
no notice of each other, as they were not on good terms, and the former
immediately withdrew. He promised to have his portrait taken in his
handsome dress.[29]

At noon there was a concourse of Indians in the fort: the woman's band
of the white buffalo cow came to perform their dance.[30] The company
consisted of seventeen, mostly old women, {432} and two men, with the
drum and schischikué; the first of these two men carried a gun in
his hand. A stout elderly woman went first; she was wrapped in the
hide of a white buffalo cow, and held, in her right arm, a bundle of
twigs in the form of a cornucopia, with down feathers at the top, and
at the lower end an eagle's wing, and a tin drinking vessel. Another
woman carried a similar bundle. All these women wore round their
heads a piece of buffalo's skin in the form of a hussar's cap, with a
plume of owl's or raven's feathers in front, some of which were dyed
red; only two of them wore the skin of a polecat; all the men were
bare-headed. The women were uniformly painted; the left cheek and eye
were vermilion, and they had two blue spots on the temple near the
right eye.[31] All except the first wore painted robes, and two of them
only had the hairy side outwards. When they had formed a circle the
music began in quick time; the men sung, and the women who were dancing
responded in a loud shrill voice. In their dances they rock from side
to side, always remaining on the same spot. After they had been dancing
for some time there was a pause, when the dance recommenced. Only the
oldest of these women, most of whom were exceedingly plain, had the
tattooed stripes on the chin which are peculiar to this band.

They had scarcely left us, after receiving a present, when three
_engagés_ arrived with letters from Fort Union. They informed us that
Mr. Mc Kenzie had built a new fort at the mouth of the Rivière aux
Trembles, which he had called Fort Jackson, and appointed Mr. Chardon
director.[32] Up to the 15th, when these messengers left Fort Union,
the weather had been very mild; the river was quite free from ice,
and no snow had fallen. Mr. Mc Kenzie invited me to visit him at Fort
Union, but the inclemency of the weather rendered such a journey
extremely unpleasant. The wind had blown down all the pickets at Fort
Union, and some Indians, probably Gros Ventres des Prairies, had shot
a white man on the Yellow Stone. Information had been brought by some
Indians that Doucette, when on a journey from Fort Mc Kenzie to the
Kutanas, had been shot by the Blood Indians.[33]

On the 26th of December the wind blew the snow into the air and
obscured the sky. With a temperature of 12°, Fahrenheit, early in
the morning we observed a rainbow among the clouds of snow, with a
parhelion in the centre. We dispatched a number of letters, which were
forwarded on the 27th by _engagés_, from station to station, down the
river. Four men, with two sledges, and a number of horses, were sent
from the fort, two of whom were to receive a supply of fresh meat
for use at the trading post of the Yanktonans, from which they were
expected to return in four days. Sih-Chida brought us the paper which
his father, at that time the first chief of the Mandans, had received
from General Atkinson and Major O'Fallon, several years before, when a
treaty of friendship and commerce was concluded with the Indians.[34]
This document was written on large paper in the English and Manitari
languages. Most of the Indian names, which were doubtless given by
Charbonneau, were incorrectly written. As we had now {433} no meat,
our breakfast consisted of coffee and maize bread, and our dinner of
maize bread and bean soup. Our people caught an Indian dog in the fort,
intending to put him in a sledge, but he was so wild and unruly, bit
and howled so furiously, that it was long before they could obtain the
mastery. An _engagé_ then knelt upon him to put on the harness, but
when this was done he discovered that he had killed the poor dog.
These dogs, if they are not broken in, are quite unfit for the sledge;
when, however, they are accustomed to the work, they draw a sledge
over the snow more easily than the best horse. If the snow is frozen,
they run over it, where the horse sinks in, and they can hold out much
longer. They can perform a journey of thirty miles in one day; and if
they have rested an hour on the snow, and had some food, they are ready
to set out again. A horse must have sufficient food, frequent rest, and
a good watering place, and when it is once tired it cannot be induced
to proceed. I have been assured by some persons that they had made
long journeys, for eight successive days, with dogs, during which time
the animals did not taste any food. In the winter, when the Indians
go to hunt the buffalo, they drive, in light sledges, over the frozen
snow, into the midst of the herd; the Indian, with his bow and arrows,
sits or kneels down in the sledge; and dogs that have been trained,
cannot be held back when they perceive the buffalo herd. In the north
three good dogs are seldom to be purchased for less than 100 dollars.
A single dog, when it is very good and strong, costs sixty or seventy
dollars; on the Missouri, however, they are by no means so dear.

On the 28th December, about noon, we again heard the Indian drums:
several soldiers announced the band which had lately purchased the
dance of the half-shorn head. The whole company, very gaily and
handsomely dressed, soon afterwards entered the fort, followed by a
crowd of spectators. About twenty vigorous young men, with the upper
part of the body naked (having thrown off their robes which they wore
at their entrance), painted and ornamented in the most gaudy manner,
formed a circle in the court-yard of the fort. Their long plaits of
hair were covered with reddish clay. One eagle's feather, or several
other feathers, were fixed transversely in the hair; others had a long
plait hanging down, with five or six brass rosettes, in the manner
of the Sioux; several had a bunch of owl's feathers hanging down,
necklaces of bears' claws and otters' tails, wolves' tails at their
heels, red cloth or leather leggins, often painted, or with bells
fixed to them; they had a looking-glass suspended from the wrist, or
the waist, and carried the several insignia of the dance, such as the
long hooked sticks, or rods, adorned with otter's skin and feathers,
the straight rod, covered with red cloth[35] &c., and had guns or
bow-lances in their hands. One of them wore a long feather cap, with
horns and strips of ermine on his head; another sat on horseback, and
was daubed with yellow clay, and bleeding wounds were painted on his
body: he carried a bow and arrows, without a quiver; his leggins were
of red cloth, trimmed with a row of bells. His horse was likewise
painted, {434} and the bridle ornamented with red and black cloth. The
three musicians belonged to the band of the soldiers. They were dressed
in shabby blanket robes. As soon as the drum was beat, the dancers bent
their bodies forward, leaped up with both feet together, holding their
guns in their hands, and the finger on the trigger, as if going to
fire. In this manner they danced for about a minute in a circle, then
gave a loud shout, and, having rested a little, began the dance again,
and so on alternately. Some tobacco was thrown on the ground before
them, after which they soon broke up, took up their robes and went to
Ruhptare, where they danced and passed the night, and then exhibited
their performances among the Manitaries.[36]

Mr. Kipp had received orders from Mr. Mc Kenzie to go to Fort Union,
and he accordingly made the necessary preparations for this winter's
journey. He purchased, from the Indians, eighteen dogs; and the
getting sledges in readiness caused some bustle in the fort.

On the 29th of December, the thermometer, at eight o'clock in the
morning, was at 19° Fahrenheit, and the high northwest wind was
so cutting that we could not hold it out long in the prairie.
Notwithstanding this, the dogs were collected, and harnessed with
considerable difficulty, as they made much resistance. Mr. Kipp
travelled with five Indian sledges, with a sufficient number of
well-armed _engagés_. Charbonneau accompanied him on what is called a
cariole (a convenient wooden sledge, drawn by one horse), in order to
purchase meat for us of the Indians. The appearance of the caravan was
very amusing, for many of the dogs, not trained to this service, jumped
from one side to the other and could not be brought into order but by
the use of the whip. The three dogs which drew the principal sledge
had, on their collars, a large double bow, covered and ornamented with
red, yellow, blue, and white fringe, to which a bell was suspended.[37]

About noon the snow storm increased, and it was so cold in our
apartment that, notwithstanding a good fire, we were unable to work.
The high wind drove the snow through the crevices in the walls and the
doors, and the whole place was filled with smoke. The thermometer at
noon was 14° Fahrenheit. The night, too, was stormy, and on the 30th
the hurricane from {435} the west roared exactly as at sea; a great
deal of snow lay in our room, and the water was frozen. In the prairie
we could not keep our eyes open on account of the excessive glare:
exposure to the weather was painful both to man and beast. It was
hoped, however, that it would soon cause the herds of buffaloes to come
nearer to us; but this expectation was not realized though it was said
that there were many at the post of the Yanktonans. Our horses were
obliged, during this dreadful weather, to walk about the whole night in
the court-yard of the fort, with a mass of ice and snow on their backs.
As Gautier, an old _engagé_, was bringing wood into the room, and the
door remained open a short time, Mr. Bodmer's colours and pencils
froze, so that he could not use them without hot water. Writing, too,
was very difficult, because our ink was congealed; and, while the side
of our bodies which was turned to the fire was half roasted, the other
was quite benumbed, and we were often forced to rise in order to warm
ourselves. The cook had his ears frostbitten in going to the river to
fetch water.

To add to our chapter of misfortunes, news was received that the
Yanktonans had stolen some horses from the Mandans, and killed several.
This was the fourth time that these Indians had broken the peace
concluded in the preceding September, and the Mandans were so incensed
at their treachery that they were disposed to recommence the war.

This day Mr. Kipp got no further on his journey than the Manitari
village, because some of his dogs had broken loose and run away, and
several of his people had their faces frostbitten. The last day of the
year was clear and cold: at eight o'clock in the morning the mercury
was at 16½°, by Reaumur's thermometer, below freezing point: a vapour
rose from the river. Towards noon the wind again blew high, the frozen
snow crackled, and no animals, not even wolves or ravens, were to be
seen. Before this weather set in, the Indians had ridden fifteen miles
into the prairie, where many of them were almost frozen to death, but
were recovered by being wrapped up in blankets, and laid before the


[1] Part III of our reprint of Maximilian's _Travels_ begins with
chapter xxviii of the original London edition (1843).--ED.

[2] For Fort Clark and its custodian, James Kipp, see our volume xxii,
p. 344, note 317, and p. 345, note 319.--ED.

[3] Simon Bellehumeur, probably this interpreter's father, was in
1804 a North West Company's voyageur on upper Red River. One of the
same name also acted as express and scout in the time of General
Alfred Sully's campaign (1864) through the Little Missouri Bad Lands.
See Montana Historical Society _Contributions_, ii, pp. 314-330; and
_Larpenteur's Journal_, ii, p. 362.--ED.

[4] For Kenneth Mc Kenzie, see Wyeth's _Oregon_, in our volume xxi, p.
45, note 25. Fort Union is noticed in our volume xxii, p. 373, note

[5] See our volume xxii, p. 305, note 263, for account of the Sioux
bands, of which the Yanktonai was one of the largest. They were
inclined toward peace with the United States although tradition relates
that one of these bands participated in the sieges of Forts Meigs and
Stephenson in the War of 1812-15. Their habitat was the Upper James
River, above the Yankton. They are divided into two bands, Upper
and Lower Yanktonai, the former being now located on Standing Rock
reservation, North Dakota, the latter near Crow Creek agency, South

[6] For Major Dougherty, see our volume xiv, p. 126, note 92; for
Bellevue, xxii, p. 267, note 221.--ED.

[7] Pilcher is noted in our volume xiv, p. 269, note 193; Cabanné, in
volume xxii, p. 271, note 226.--ED.

[8] For burial customs, see our volume xxiii, p. 360, note 329.--ED.

[9] See Plate 81, figure 17, in the accompanying atlas, our volume

[10] Honoré Picotte was a French-Canadian who came to the Missouri
about 1820, and entered the Columbia Fur Company. Afterwards (1827-30)
he was a member of the French Fur Company; and when that was merged
in the American Company he became a partner in the Upper Missouri
Outfit. He had much influence with the Sioux, among whom he married,
and for many years was stationed at Fort Pierre (see our volume xxii,
p. 315, note 277). Audubon met him at this post in 1843; and in later
years he had charge of the annual voyage of the trading steamer to
the upper river. In 1846 Father De Smet was his guest at Fort Pierre.
About two years later Picotte retired from the active business of the
company, and removed to St. Louis. In the early days of the trade, he
had a brother associated with him; and his half-breed son, Charles F.
Picotte, was a noted figure in early Dakota history. See South Dakota
Department of History _Collections_, ii, pp. 246-248.--ED.

[11] For Sublette and Campbell, and the rivalry of their company with
that of the American Fur Company, see our volume xxiii, p. 198, notes
154, 155.--ED.

[12] For this chief, see our volume xxii, p. 345, note 318.--ED.

[13] A sketch of Charbonneau is found in our volume vi, p. 32, note 3;
consult also _Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition_,
vii, pp. 329, 330; see also index to that work.--ED.

[14] Lewis and Clark made (1804) this Mandan second chief of the
village of Ruhptare. Upon the return voyage of the explorers, two years
later, he agreed at first to accompany them to the United States, but
later, through jealousy of another Mandan chief, refused. See _Original
Journals_, i, pp. 212, 216; v, pp. 341, 343.--ED.

[15] Joseph Dougherty, for whom see our volume xxiii, p. 218, note

[16] See p. 25, for plan of Minitaree medicine feast. See also our
volume xxiii, p. 334.--ED.

[17] For this instrument, see our volume xxiii, p. 325, note 293.--ED.

[18] See p. 25, for illustration of club with carved head.--ED.

[19] Garreau settled among the Arikara Indians at an early day (about
1785), being probably the first white settler in South Dakota. Lewis
and Clark found him in the Arikara villages on both their outward and
return journey--_Original Journals_, i, pp. 7, 272; v, p. 355. His son
Pierre was a noted interpreter, being for many years located at Fort
Berthold. See _Larpenteur's Journal_, i, p. 124, for his portrait; see
also Boller, _Among the Indians_, pp. 181, 182, 245-248.--ED.

[20] See Plate 52, in the accompanying atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[21] See accompanying ground-plan of Mandan hut.--ED.

[22] See our volume xxiii, p. 113, for Blackfeet badge of Prairie-dog

[23] See our volume xxiii, p. 113, for badge of Raven band.--ED.

[24] See Plate 53, in the accompanying atlas, our volume xxv; the
figure in the background represents Maksick-Karehde (the Flying Eagle);
that in the foreground, Sih-Chida (the Yellow Feather).--ED.

[25] See our volume xxiii, p. 247, for head of this animal.--ED.

[26] Teton River, so named by Lewis and Clark from that tribe of Sioux
Indians, was originally called by the Dakota Watpa Chicha, a term
translated into the modern Bad River. It is a South Dakota prairie
stream, between White and Cheyenne rivers. Its forks were probably at
the entrance of Frozenman's Creek, its largest northern tributary.--ED.

[27] For the Santa Fé trade, see preface to our volume xix; the caravan
for 1833 went out under the leadership of Charles Bent, and brought
back large returns. See _Niles' Register_, xliv, p. 374.--ED.

[28] See p. 37, for portrait of a Mandan, in bull-dance costume. For
an account of this band or company, see our volume xxiii, pp. 294,

[29] See Plate 56, in the accompanying atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[30] See previous mention of this union in our volume xxiii, p.

[31] For a representation of this costume, see Plate 28, in the
accompanying atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[32] Fort Jackson was built by Chardon (for whom see our volume xxiii,
p. 188, note 144) in December, 1833. It was sought thereby to intercept
the Assiniboin and Cree tribesmen who came from the Saskatchewan
Valley, thus getting possession of their furs before they reached the
rival traders of Sublette and Campbell's opposition. Chardon took
twenty men with him from Fort Union, and built a post fifty feet
square, naming it in honor of the president of the United States.
The post was not long maintained. In 1845 Larpenteur made a camp on
Poplar River, but does not mention any preceding fur-trade station

[33] For this expedition, see volume xxiii, pp. 153, 154.--ED.

[34] For a brief account of this expedition of 1825, see our volume
xxiii, p. 227, note 182. The treaty is given in _Treaties between the
United States and the Several Indian Tribes 1778 to 1837_ (Washington,
1837), pp. 356-359. Sih-Chida was son of the chief known commonly as
Four Men.--ED.

[35] See badges of Prairie-Dog and Raven bands in our volume xxiii, p

[36] For the dance of this band, see Plate 25, in the accompanying
atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[37] See illustration, p. 37, for heads of sledge dogs.--ED.



  Increase of the Cold in the beginning of January--The
    Arrival of our People from Picotte--Parhelia--Changes
    of Temperature--Sih-Chida's Prayer--My Thermometer
    stolen--Reconciliation of Mato-Topé and
    Pehriska-Ruhpa--Consecration of a Medicine Son at
    Ruphtare--Visit of some Yanktonans--Hunting of the Indians in
    the severe Cold--Dance of the Women of the White Buffalo Cow at
    Ruphtare--Mr. Kipp's Return--Scarcity of Provisions--Enemies
    in the Indian Village--Rapid Thaw--The Mandans kill an
    Assiniboin--Cunning and Boldness of the latter--The Scalp Dance
    of the Manitaries--Superstition of the Indians--They remove to
    their Summer Village--The Arikkara, Pachtuwa-Chta--Dance of
    the Meniss-Ochata--Blindness caused by the Snow--Commencement
    of my Illness--Arrival of the Spring Birds--The Mad Dogs'
    Dance in the Fort--Dance of the Ischoha-Kakoschochata in the
    Fort--Breaking-up of the Ice in the Missouri--Dance of the
    Berock-Ochata--Arrival of the People entered for my Service--My
    Recovery by the use of Green Herbs--Preparations for our

January set in with increasing cold, which at eight in the morning was
18° Reaumur, and on the 2nd, at the same hour, 25°, Reaumur, below
freezing point. On the 3rd the mercury sank into the ball, and was
frozen; it remained there on the 4th, but on the 5th it rose, and
at eight in the morning was 9° below zero. During these cold days,
some of our woodcutters had their noses and cheeks frostbitten. The
horizon was hazy; the river smoked; neither man nor animal was to be
seen; yet a party of Mandans, with their wives, were in the prairie
hunting buffaloes, of which they killed forty. At night the cold was so
intense, that we could not venture to put our hands from our bodies,
lest they should be frozen. In the morning we could scarcely endure the
severity of the weather, till we had a blazing fire, for the bleak
northwest wind penetrated through all the seams of the building. We
received information that Mr. Kipp had remained with the Manitaries
till the 2nd of January, and had not proceeded on his journey till
the cold had somewhat abated. Almost all his people had some part of
their body frostbitten, and eight of his {437} dogs had run away. Some
Indians who visited us presented rather a novel appearance, having
their hair, and even their eyelashes, covered with hoar frost and
icicles. In our own room, the boots and shoes were frozen so hard in
the morning, that we could scarcely put them on; ink, colours, and
pencils were perfectly useless. During this cold we were visited by
a deaf and dumb Mandan, who had no covering on the upper part of his
body under his robe. On the 3rd of January, at noon, when the sunbeams,
shining on the frozen snow, were extremely dazzling, the thermometer
being at 24° below zero, I saw no living creatures in the neighbourhood
of the Indian village, except flocks of the snow-bunting, and a few
ravens, two species of birds which are capable of enduring the severest
cold. The Yanktonans, and the people whom we had sent to Picotte,
returned, on the 4th of January, with dried meat, as well as tallow for
candles: they said that, during the two coldest days, they had halted
in the forest, but that, in the night, the wolves had carried off part
of their meat. On the 5th of January the air was misty, and at one
o'clock there were two parhelia at a considerable distance from the
sun; they were, however, faint and rather irregular. It was scarcely
possible to obtain water from the river, and the water-casks in our
room were frozen to the bottom. Unfortunately, too, our woodcutters
brought us only driftwood, which had lain so long in the water that it
would not burn. Picotte had sent a small cask of wine by our people, as
a present from Mr. Mc Kenzie for the Mandans, which was delivered to
the chiefs for distribution.

At eight o'clock in the morning of the 6th, there was a fall of snow;
the temperature in the open air was 29° Fahrenheit, in our room only
25°. The wind blew from the west, and at noon the snow was mixed with
rain, so that the water dripped on our books and papers from the loft,
which was covered with snow. The robes and hair of the Indians were
wet, and they very unceremoniously, therefore, came to dry themselves
before our fire; this was not very agreeable, nevertheless we were glad
that we could resume our usual occupations. At noon the temperature
was 39½° Fahrenheit, and in the evening it became considerably warmer,
so that we could leave our hands at liberty during the night, without
their being affected by the cold. The night, however, was very stormy,
and Sih-Chida laid himself down to sleep on the ground before our fire.
These changes of temperature were very remarkable. On the 7th we again
had cold, with a tempestuous west wind; at noon, the thermometer stood
at 12°, and in the afternoon it again snowed. Sih-Chida once more
passed the night with us, and, when all was silent, made a long address
to the lord of life, in which he besought him to send buffaloes, that
they might not starve. He spoke in a rapid half-suppressed tone of
reproach, and without any gesticulation.[38] On the following day,
Dreidoppel went into the forest in quest of game, but could not proceed
on account of the drifted snow; he only saw some flocks of prairie
hens. At noon, when I went to look at the thermometer, I found that it
had been stolen by the Indians. Our {438} friend Sih-Chida immediately
ran out, and discovered the instrument concealed by a woman under
her robe, and, to my great joy, brought it back to me. Bidda-Chohki
(generally called La Chevelure levée, the scalped man), visited us, and
gave me some words of the Manitari language, but he was not in a very
good humour, because he could not get any brandy. The next day this man
dressed himself very handsomely in order to have his portrait taken,
but the mercury was again 20° below zero, and it was too cold in our
room to paint, for colours and pencils were frozen, though standing
close to the fire, and had to be thawed in hot water. We calculated
that we should burn in our chimney at least six cords of wood in a
month if this cold continued. Mato-Topé had become reconciled to
Pehriska-Ruhpa, and purchased a green blanket, which he showed to us,
as a present for him. We heard that a wolf had attacked three Indian
women in the forest, who had been obliged to defend themselves with
their hatchets.

On the 14th of January, the cold was only 8° below zero, but there was
such a high, piercing wind, that our woodcutters complained more than
when the cold was more severe. In these prairies it is, for the most
part, the wind which makes the cold intolerable; and though persons who
ventured out wore woollen caps which left only the eyes exposed, yet
their faces were frostbitten. Our provisions were very bad, for Picotte
had sent us only tough, hard, stale meat, besides which we had nothing
but maize and beans, and the water of the river. Mato-Topé, in his
finest dress, accompanied by many Indians, visited us. He wore a large
hood of red cloth, adorned with forty long eagles' feathers, and was
going to Ruhptare, where a medicine son was to be adopted.

[Illustration: Double rainbow]

[Illustration: Little Soldier (Tukan Haton), a Sioux chief]

In the night of the 14th, the wind blew with such violence, that it
scattered the heap of ashes from the fire place all over the room, so
that our beds, benches, and clothes were completely covered with them.
Mato-Topé returned on this day from Ruhptare, and told us, with great
satisfaction and self-complacency, that he had enumerated all his
exploits, and that no one had been able to surpass him. Old Garreau,
who was constantly with our _engagés_ in the fort, complained to me,
that, for a long time, he had lived on nothing but maize boiled in
water; and this was really the case with many persons at this place,
as game became more and more scarce. When Garreau first came to these
parts, game abounded, and beavers were heard in all the streams,
striking with their tails; now, however, even the Indians are often
reduced to want of food. On the 21st of January, while the Indians
passed the night without fire, in the prairie, in order to hunt, the
thermometer was at 30° below 0 (27½° Reaumur); the wind was easterly,
and pretty high. The land and the river were covered by a dense mist,
through which the sun penetrated when just above the horizon; on either
side was a large crescent, which rose as high as the upper surface
of the mist, the eastern one extending to the frozen surface of the
river. They were at some distance from the sun, {439} and, like it,
appeared of a light yellowish-white through the misty vapour.[39]
Sometimes we observed, in the light misty clouds on the horizon, two
short, beautifully coloured rainbows, at some distance from the sun,
which, being interrupted by the upper stratum of clouds, did not rise
to any great height. The snow was now frozen so hard, that it could
be broken into large pieces, which emitted a clear sound when struck
with the foot. In the sunshine the atmosphere sparkled with innumerable
particles of floating ice. The Indians had cut some holes in the ice on
the Missouri, to procure water, and fenced them round with poles and
brushwood covered with buffalo hides, as a protection against the cold
wind. At noon the weather was rather milder, the temperature being 10½°
below zero. Three Yanktonans came to the fort with a view to persuade
the Mandans to join in an expedition against another tribe.

Mr. Bodmer took a very excellent likeness of Psihdje-Sahpa, one of the
three Yanktonans.[40]

On the 23rd of January information was brought that a herd of buffaloes
was only six miles from the fort; accordingly, three _engagés_, with
the Arikkara, were sent in pursuit of them, and returned at night with
two cows and a young bull, two of which were given to the fort. The
Mandans had killed about fifty of this herd: our hunters had almost all
their fingers frozen, but they knew well how to restore circulation by
rubbing the limbs with snow. The Indians did not visit us so frequently
at this time, because they were well supplied with meat: the Arikkara,
however, came to us to attend a feast in Belhumeur's apartment, where
we were to be regaled with buffalo flesh. On the 29th, the women of
the band of the white buffalo cow, from Ruhptare, came to the fort to
perform their dance, on which occasion they were dressed in the same
manner as the women from Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kush, only they had not the
bundles of brushwood. The musicians were three men, who wore caps of
white buffalo skin. Knives, tobacco, and glass beads were laid on the
ground as presents for them, after which they proceeded to the lower
Mandan village, from which they came back, the following day, in grand
procession, over the frozen river. Mr. Kipp soon afterwards arrived
from Fort Union, with three or four dog sledges, and six men: they were
completely covered with ice, their noses and cheeks were {440} livid,
and they appeared quite frostbitten. Besides staying four days with
the Manitaries, Mr. Kipp and his party had been twelve days on their
journey to Fort Union. At the beginning they had nothing to eat; and
the poor dogs had been so completely starved for nine days, that they
could scarcely crawl along, so that no burden could be laid upon them,
and the party were obliged to travel the greater part of the way on
foot, in deep snow. They encountered a war party of nine Assiniboins,
some of whom ran away, but the others were sent by Mr. Kipp to hunt,
by which means he procured meat, and the _engagés_, too, succeeded
in killing a few elks and deer. It was affirmed that the mercury of
Fahrenheit's thermometer had been for a whole fortnight at 45° below
zero (77° below freezing point), at Fort Union. No buffaloes had
appeared in the vicinity, nor any Indians, who remained farther down
the river. The hunters of Fort Union had been absent nearly a month, in
which time they killed only two bulls, two cows, and a calf. Except in
some few places, provisions were extremely scarce this winter on the
whole of the Missouri, from Fort Clarke upwards. No accounts had been
received from Fort Mc Kenzie. I had wished to receive several articles
from Fort Union; but Mr. Hamilton was not able to send them, the sledge
being too heavily laden; he, however, promised to forward them without
fail, in the spring, with the people who were to be sent to conduct
us down the Missouri to Fort Pièrre. Mr. Kipp had been eleven days on
his journey back, and had again been obliged to perform a considerable
part of it on foot. The dogs had had nothing to eat for three days, and
now the poor beasts were fed with hides cut in pieces, for we had no
meat. Numbers of the fowls in the forest perished in the cold. On the
last day of January there was a change in the weather; at eight in the
morning, with a west wind, the mercury was at 22° Fahrenheit, and we
could scarcely bear the warmth of the fire in our apartment. Towards
noon a complete thaw set in, and the mild weather immediately brought
us a number of Indian visitors.

On the 1st of February, Mr. Kipp sent three _engagés_, with two dog
sledges, down the river, to the post among the Yanktonans, which
was under the superintendence of Picotte, to procure meat, for we
subsisted entirely on maize broth and maize bread, and were without
tallow for candles; the dogs that were sent with the _engagés_ howled
most piteously when they were harnessed, their feet being still sore
and bleeding from the effects of their late journey. On this day news
was received from Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kush, that three hostile Indians
(Assiniboins), had been in the village during the night, for the
purpose of shooting somebody, for in the morning the place where they
had concealed themselves was discovered, from one of the party having
left his knee-band behind. They had not been able to fire through the
wall of the hut, and had retired at daybreak without attaining their
object; traces were also found of some hostile Indians, who had come
over the river.

On the 2nd of February, one of the sledges sent to Picotte came back,
having been broken on the way. The man who came with it fell in with
the Mandans, who were going to hunt {441} buffaloes, and detained him,
lest he should frighten the animals away. In the preceding night, the
Assiniboins had stolen three horses from the Manitaries, 150 of whom
immediately mounted their horses to pursue and kill them.

At eight o'clock on the morning of the 3rd, the thermometer stood at
39°; the face of the country had assumed quite a different aspect;
large tracts of land were wholly free from the snow, which was fast
melting away, and only the hills were partially covered; yet, with this
rapid thaw, the ground had not become wet, for it was immediately dried
by the continual wind; but there was a considerable quantity of water
on the ice which covered the river. The ravens and magpies again flew
about in the prairie in quest of food.

In the afternoon news was received that the Manitaries, who had gone
in pursuit of the Assiniboins, had overtaken a small party, and killed
a young man, whom they had found asleep, cruelly awakened with whips,
and then murdered in cold blood. These Assiniboins are very daring,
and often approach the villages of the Mandans and Manitaries, either
singly or in small parties, and sometimes surprise individuals and
shoot them. Thus an Assiniboin suddenly fired at a number of young
people who were standing near the palisades of the village, and killed
one of them. The others raised an alarm, while the murderer took the
scalp of the youth he had killed, fled down the steep bank of the
river, where many persons were bathing, and made his escape through the
very midst of all these people. Other Assiniboins stole eleven horses
from a Manitari hut, and were not even perceived till they were in the
act of leading off the last of the animals. They stole four horses
from a hut in which Charbonneau was sleeping, and made their escape
with their booty, without being seen by any one. To-day arrows were
found sticking in the huts and posts of the village, which they had
discharged at random during the night in the hope of killing one of
their foes.

On the 4th and 5th, the weather was mild; the horses were again sent
out to graze in the prairie, our waggons went to fetch grass, and,
towards noon, the day was really quite warm. We were still without
meat, none of the parties whom we sent out having been able to procure
any. Our stock of tallow, too, was exhausted, and we were obliged to
content ourselves with the light of the fire. For several succeeding
days, the weather being still mild, we were much interested in watching
the activity of the Indians on the river; among them a number of women
brought heavy burdens, especially of wood, from the lower forest
village, to Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kush. They had to pass, opposite the fort, a
channel formed through the midst of the frozen river, which was covered
with a thin coat of ice; this they broke very deliberately with their
long poles, and then waded through. Some carried their small leathern
boats to the channel, in this they deposited the wood, and then
pushed it along. The manner in which they took up the heavy burdens
was remarkable. A woman lay down on her back, upon the bundle of wood,
while another raised her with the burden till she was able to bend
forward, and then stand upright with her load. A great many women were
thus {442} occupied, for the Indians were desirous of going to their
summer village, because they were now too much scattered to be safe
while the enemy was so near at hand.

On the 9th of February the inhabitants of Ruhptare had all removed
from their winter to their summer quarters; they were evidently afraid
that the ice would break up early, and the water of the Missouri rise

On the 10th, two of our people came from Picotte, with a sledge
drawn by two dogs, and informed us that there were many buffaloes in
the neighbourhood, consequently our fear of want of provisions was
dispelled. At Fort Pièrre, on the River Teton, the cold had been more
intense than had been known for many years, the mercury having remained
for a considerable time between 30° and 40° below zero. Three of Mr.
Laidlow's people,[41] who were travelling at the time, had suffered
so severely from the frost, that their lives were despaired of. The
ice of the Missouri had, for a few days, been very unfavourable for
travelling, as it was covered to some depth with water, and our people,
consequently, had suffered much. In the afternoon of that day, the
Manitari chief, Lachpitzi-Sirish (the yellow bear), arrived, bringing
on his horse a small supply of meat, and a young buffalo calf, which he
presented to us, this disgusting little black animal being reckoned a
great dainty by them. His robe was painted with suns, and on his back
he carried his bow, with a beautifully ornamented quiver of panther's
skin. Charbonneau immediately accommodated him in his bed room. On
the following day we sent a couple of our hunters to Fort Union, with
letters to Mr. Mc Kenzie. The fort was crowded with Manitaries who
wished to perform before us the scalp dance, in commemoration of having
slain an enemy on the preceding day. A number of tall, handsomely
dressed men, having their faces blackened, soon filled every apartment.
Itsichaika (the monkey-face), and the other chiefs, had arrived, and
these Indians, who are not nearly so well behaved as the Mandans, very
deliberately took possession of all our seats and fireplaces. We bolted
the door of our own apartment, where we quietly remained, permitting
only a very few of the Indians to enter.

At two o'clock the Manitari women arrived in procession, accompanied
by many children and some Mandans. Eighteen women, marching two and
two in a close column, entered the court-yard of the fort, with a
short-measured, slow pace. Seven men of the band of the dogs, having
their faces painted black, or black striped with red, acted as
musicians, three of them having drums, and four the schischikué. They
were wrapped in their buffalo robes, and their heads were uncovered,
and ornamented with the feathers of owls and other birds. The faces
of some of the women were painted black, others red, while some
were striped black and red. They wore buffalo dresses, or blankets,
and the two principal were enveloped in the white buffalo robe. The
greater part of them had the feather of a war eagle standing upright,
and one only wore the large handsome feather cap. In their arms they
carried battle-axes or guns, ornamented with red cloth and short black
feathers, which, during the dance, they placed with the butt-end on
the {443} ground; in short, while performing this dance, the women are
accoutred in the military dress and weapons of the warriors. The right
wing was headed by the wife of the chief, Itsichaika, who carried in
her hand a long elastic rod, from the point of which was suspended
the scalp of the young man slain on the preceding day, surmounted by
a stuffed magpie with outspread wings;[42] lower down on the same rod
hung a second scalp, a lynx skin, and a bunch of feathers. Another
woman bore a third scalp on a similar rod. The women filed off in
a semicircle; the musicians, taking their stand on the left wing,
now commenced a heterogeneous noise, beating the drum, rattling the
schischikué, and yelling with all their might. The women began to
dance, waddling in short steps, like ducks; the two wings, or horns
of the crescent, advanced towards each other, and then receded, at
the same time singing in a shrill tone of voice. It was a complete
caterwaul concert. After awhile they rested, and then recommenced, and
continued dancing about twenty minutes. The director of the fort now
caused tobacco, looking-glasses, and knives, from the Company's stores,
to be thrown on the ground in the middle of the circle. Hereupon the
women once more danced in quick time, the musicians forming themselves
into a close body, and holding their instruments towards the centre.
This concluded the festivity, and the whole band retired to the Mandan
forest village.

There was a heavy fall of snow during the night, and the morning of the
12th again presented the landscape clothed with its white covering. Mr.
Bodmer had taken an excellent portrait of Machsi-Nika, the deaf and
dumb Mandan, in his war dress. He came to our residence to-day with
angry gestures, and evidently greatly enraged against us, so that I was
afraid that this half-witted, uncivilized man would attack the artist.
Mr. Kipp was requested to clear up the matter, and it appeared that his
anger had been caused by a malignant insinuation of the perfidious old
Garreau, who had pointed out to him that Bodmer had drawn him only in
a mean dress, while all the other Indians were represented in their
handsomest robes. This ill-natured insinuation completely exasperated
the poor man, and we in vain endeavoured to pacify him, by assuring
him that we intended to make him known to the world in a truly warlike
costume. Mr. Bodmer then thought of an expedient: he quickly and
secretly made a copy of his drawing, which he brought in, tore in half,
and threw into the fire, in the presence of the Indian. This had the
desired effect, and he went away perfectly satisfied.

In the afternoon the Manitaries returned from the Mandan village, and
again took deliberate possession of the various apartments of the fort.
The Monkey-face, a cunning, perfidious Indian, who wore a new red
felt hat, is the chief who now takes the lead among the Manitaries.
Accordingly, as soon as he took leave, all the Indians followed him.
One of the chiefs, with his family, sat a long time in our room, and
were much interested with Mr. Bodmer's drawings, and astonished and
delighted with our musical box. A Mandan who was present thought
that a little white man, who was making this pretty music, must be
concealed in it. All of them asked for presents, {444} and they would
certainly have pilfered many things if we had not kept close watch
over them. At length our door was opened, and a tall, heavy man, with
a blackened face, entered, and, like all the rest assembled there,
demanded something to eat. We, however, gave him to understand that we
had nothing to give them, as we were supplied by Mr. Kipp, and with
this answer they were obliged to be satisfied. Towards evening our
provision store was replenished by three sledges, laden with meat, sent
by Picotte, which arrived in the fort.

On the following day, a very high, cold wind arose, which blew the snow
off from the ice that covered the river, and the Indian women, carrying
their burdens, frequently fell down on the slippery surface. The
Mandans had found a dead buffalo cow in the prairie, and, although it
was in part decayed, they greedily devoured it.

On the 17th, at eight in the morning, with a temperature of 1° below 0,
the woods were covered with hoar frost; the wind blew from the south,
and veered to the southwest; the river had risen considerably, and, in
some places, overflowed its banks. The sledges had much difficulty in
crossing the river without getting into the water, and the ice broke
under one of them. At noon, the temperature was 10°, and afterwards
there was a fall of snow. Dreidoppel shot a beautiful red fox in the
prairie, but had no success against the wolves. The Mandans told us,
that they had gone, some days before, to hunt buffaloes, and had driven
a herd of them towards the mountains, where there is a good opportunity
to use the bow and arrows; they had, therefore, pursued the animals
rapidly, but, on reaching them, they found but a very few buffaloes,
the others, as they affirmed, having sunk into the ground: they had,
doubtless, taken refuge in the nearest ravines. They assigned, as
the cause of this sudden disappearance of the buffaloes, that their
party was headed by a man who, in the preceding year, had caused five
Assiniboins, who had come to them as messengers of peace, to be killed,
and that, on account of this unjust act, he was now always unsuccessful
in hunting.

The mercury remained now a little above or below zero, but at noon
the sun had much power, and the reflection from the snow was very
dazzling, which induced our hunters to make for themselves wooden snow
spectacles, in the manner of the Esquimaux. The dumb Mandans had been
successful in hunting, and brought several horse-loads of meat, which
we bought of them. In the afternoon, when the temperature was 8° or 9°,
I heard an Indian child crying at the door of our room; it had touched
a piece of iron with its tongue, and the skin immediately came off.

At daybreak, on the 27th, in the morning, the mercury was at 26°,
Fahrenheit, below zero, or 59° below freezing point; and at 8 o'clock,
when the sun shone brightly, at 11° below zero, with a west wind.
During the night, the horses had broken a window in Mr. Kipp's room, so
that we had a very cold breakfast there. In our apartments everything
fluid was frozen, and the quilts on the beds were covered with hoar
frost. We had now some fresh meat, but our stock of sugar was at an
end, and we had to sweeten our coffee with treacle. We were visited
by the three {445} deaf and dumb Mandans, whose fourth brother,
Berock-Itainu, whom we have before mentioned, is not so afflicted:
there is, likewise, a deaf and dumb child in the village. Kiasax, the
Blackfoot, who had accompanied us to Fort Union, visited us to-day for
the first time, and we showed him the portraits of his countrymen, with
which he was much pleased. The Indians were busy in conveying many
things to the summer village, though the prairies were covered with
snow; and numerous horses were seeking a scanty subsistence by scraping
it away with their hoofs to get at the dry grass.

On the 27th of February, Mr. Kipp had pieces of ice hewn on the river
to fill his ice cellar. A high west wind increased the cold, but the
snow melted away because the thermometer was at 38° at noon. We saw the
Indian boys pursue and catch the snow-buntings, of which there were
large flocks in the neighbourhood of the villages; and the prairie
wolves now prowled about in couples: in the evening there was a heavy
fall of snow. The Indians removed to their village: all their horses,
even the foals, were loaded: they likewise cut blocks of ice from
the river, which the women carried home on their backs, in leather
baskets, in order to melt them to obtain water. The Indian children
amused themselves with ascending the heaps of snow, and gliding down
on a board, or a piece of the back-bone of a buffalo, with some of
the ribs attached to it. Mato-Topé paid us a visit in a very strange
costume; his head-dress was much more suitable for an old woman than
for a warrior. His head was bound round with a strip of wolf's skin,
the long hairs of which stood on end, and which hung down behind. Some
feathers, standing upright, were placed among the hair, which, except
at the tip, were stripped, and painted red. This chief, indeed, had on
a different dress almost every time he came to see us. Sometimes he
wore a blue uniform, with red facings, which he had obtained from the
merchants. Mr. Bodmer took the portrait of a handsome Manitari partisan
to-day.[43] He was not pleased that we intended to keep his portrait,
as he was going on a military expedition, and said that Mr. Bodmer
ought, at least, to give him a copy of the drawing. This being refused,
he drew a portrait of the artist, and his performance showed that he
possessed some talent for the art.

On the evening of the 28th of February, Picotte sent up the letter-bag
from St. Louis, and I had the pleasure of receiving despatches from
Germany, with very agreeable intelligence. This post was forwarded,
on the 2nd of March, to Fort Union, by two of the _engagés_ in
dog-sledges. Bodmer drew the portrait of an old Manitari, whose proper
name was Birohka (the robe with the beautiful hair), but the Mandans
called him "Long Nose," on account of the prominence of that feature.
He wore a cap of white buffalo skin, and an ample brown robe painted
with wreaths of feathers; before he would suffer his portrait to be
taken, he demanded a black silk neckerchief as a recompense, which
was given him.[44] As all the Indians had now removed to their summer
village,{446} Mr. Kipp took the usual complement of soldiers into the
fort, four of whom served as a guard against the importunities of the
women and children; they were Mato-Topé, Dipauch, Berock-Itainu, and
another whose name I do not know. The first never smoked his pipe in
another person's room, if anybody stirred from his place or looked at
him. We had some interesting conversations with several sensible and
inquiring Indians, especially with the soldiers of the fort.

On the morning of the 5th of March, the mercury being at 29°, we had
a very severe snow storm from the north, which continued till near
ten o'clock. On the following day, Mato-Topé introduced to us a tall,
robust Arikkara, named Pachtuwa-Chta, who lived peaceably among the
Mandans. He was a handsome man, but not to be depended upon, and was
said to have killed many white men.[45] Another tall man of the same
nation frequently visited us, generally observing that he was not like
Pachtuwa, as he had never killed a white man. Mato-Topé, after repeated
solicitations, prevailed on Mr. Bodmer to paint for him a white-headed
eagle, holding in his claws a bloody scalp, to which he, doubtless,
attached some superstitious notion, but I could not see exactly what it
might be. Mato-Topé gave me very accurate information respecting his
own language, and that of the neighbouring Indian nations, and took
great pleasure in communicating to me some words of the Mandan and
Arikkara languages, the latter of which he spoke fluently.

On the 7th of March, the band of the Meniss-Ochata (dog band), from
Ruhptare, danced in the medicine lodge at Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kush. Mr.
Bodmer went to see the dance, and met Mato-Topé, who, however, puffed
up by his high dignity as a dog, would not notice him. Sih-Chida, who
also belonged to this band, went into the lodge, where he discharged
his gun. In the afternoon the band approached the fort, and we heard
the sound of their war pipes at the gates. A crowd of spectators
accompanied the seven or eight and twenty dogs, who were all dressed
in their handsomest clothes. Some of them wore beautiful robes, or
shirts of bighorn leather; others had shirts of red cloth; and some
blue and red uniforms. Others, again, had the upper part of their body
naked, with their martial deeds painted on the skin with reddish-brown
colour. The four principal dogs wore an immense cap hanging down upon
the shoulders, composed of raven's or magpie's feathers, finished at
the tips with small white down feathers. In the middle of this mass of
feathers, the outspread tail of a wild turkey, or of a war eagle, was
fixed. These four principal dogs wore round their neck a long slip of
red cloth, which hung down over the shoulders, and, reaching the calf
of the leg, was tied in a knot in the middle of the back. These are
the true dogs, who, when a piece of meat is thrown into the fire, are
bound immediately to snatch it out and devour it raw.[46] Two other
men wore similar colossal caps of yellow owl's feathers, with dark
transverse stripes, and the rest had on their heads a thick tuft of
raven's, magpie's, or owl's feathers, which is the badge of the band.
All of them had the {447} long war pipe suspended from their necks. In
their left hand they carried their weapons--a gun, bow and arrows, or
war club; and in their right hand the schischikué peculiar to their
band. It is a stick adorned with blue and white glass beads, with
buffalo or other hoofs suspended to it, the point ornamented with an
eagle's feather, and the handle with slips of leather embroidered with

The warriors formed a circle round a large drum, which was beaten by
five ill-dressed men, who were seated on the ground. Besides these,
there were two men, each beating a small drum like a tambourine. The
dogs accompanied the rapid and violent beat of the drum by the whistle
of their war pipes, in short, monotonous notes, and then suddenly began
to dance. They dropped their robes on the ground, some dancing within
the circle, with their bodies bent forward and leaping up and down with
both feet placed close together. The other Indians danced without any
order, with their faces turned to the outer circle, generally crowded
together; while the war pipe, drum, and schischikué made a frightful

On the 10th of March, two _engagés_, sent by Picotte, arrived, with
letters and a sledge laden with dried meat. One of these men was
blinded by the snow, a circumstance very usual in this month, from the
dazzling reflection of the sun from an expansive surface of snow. He
was obliged to get his companion to lead him by taking hold of the end
of his stick.

On the 11th of March I felt the first symptoms of an indisposition,
which daily increased, and soon obliged me to take to my bed. It
began with a swelling in one knee, and soon extended to the whole
leg, which assumed the colour of dark, extravasated blood. A violent
fever succeeded, with great weakness, and, having neither medical
advice nor suitable remedies, my situation became daily more helpless
and distressing, as there was nobody who had any knowledge of this
disorder. The other inhabitants of the fort were likewise indisposed,
and our provisions were very bad and scanty. To economize our stock
of coffee we were forced to make it wretchedly weak, and, for want
of sugar or treacle, to sweeten it with honey, of which we had about
twenty pounds. Our beverage was, generally speaking, the water from
the river; and, as our supply of beans was very low our diet consisted
almost exclusively of maize boiled in water, which greatly weakened our

The man blinded by the snow was so far recovered on the 13th, that
he was able to return to Picotte. The first wild ducks were seen on
this day, flying up the Missouri, and Mr. Kipp immediately set about
making shot, to go in pursuit of these birds, which we had been most
anxiously expecting. On the 14th, a store (_cache_) of maize was opened
in the fort, the contents of which were perfectly dry, and in good
preservation. Pehriska-Ruhpa spent several days with us, in order to
have his portrait taken in his dress of one of the chiefs of the dog
band. When the sitting was over, he always took off his ponderous
feather cap, and rubbed it twice on each side of his head, a charm or
precaution which he never neglected. He then seated himself {448} with
his friend, Mato-Topé, by the fire-side, when both took their pipes,
the latter, however, always turning round first, and making everybody
in the room sit down. During the tedium of my confinement to bed, I was
enlivened by the frequent visits of the Indians, and I never neglected
to continue my journal, which, from fever and consequent weakness, was
often very fatiguing. Mr. Kipp kindly sent me some new-laid eggs every
day, as well as rice, which he had reserved for me, and from which I
derived great benefit. The inmates of the fort had nothing to eat but
doughy maize bread and maize boiled in water; but Mr. Kipp, who did not
like the latter, was obliged to fast.

On the 16th of March, the first wild swans were seen flying towards
the northwest. Ducks were in the pools of water in the maize
plantations of the Mandans; and Dreidoppel had observed the _Fringilla
Canadensis_, as a harbinger of spring. Violent storms from the
northwest had prevailed for some days; the Missouri was much swollen,
but the breaking-up of the ice could not yet be expected, and we had
repeated falls of snow. Mato-Topé and Pehriska-Ruhpa, who had gone out
to hunt, succeeded in killing five buffaloes, and from them we obtained
some meat; for, to show their liberality, they gave away a great deal
of it, together with several coloured blankets. The first white-headed
eagle (_Aquila leucocephala_) was seen to-day; and I received the first
prairie dog, which was also a sign of the approach of spring, as these
animals leave their burrows at this season. On the 27th of March,
the band of the mad dogs danced in the fort; and, towards evening,
an Indian from Ruhptare, who had had a dispute with Mr. Kipp about a
beaver skin, revenged himself by breaking a pane of glass in our room.
Our people pursued, but could not overtake him. As it was feared that
he might commit greater acts of violence, the soldiers of the fort were
sent to Ruhptare on the 28th, to protect a fur trader who resided there.

On the 30th, the first flock of fifteen or twenty wild geese passed
over: the wind was high, and, on the following day, a good deal
of ice broke up in the river. On the 1st of April the wind blew
stormy, with a thermometer of 33° at noon. On the 2nd, the women at
Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kush celebrated the spring corn feast, of which Mr.
Bodmer made a sketch. This feast is always observed on the return of
the wild geese, which are the messengers of the old woman who never
dies. The Indians had already killed some of these birds. The festival
was over at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, but some of the women
remained the whole day, reclining near the offerings hung up in the
prairie. Great numbers of young men were running races, and all was
animation about the village.

On the 3rd of April, the band of the Ischoha-Kakoschochata, eighteen
in number, danced in the fort, led by Mato-Topé, on horseback, in full
dress, wearing his splendid feather cap. The ice broke up so rapidly
in the river, that it was necessary to set a watch over our boats
during the night, lest the rising water should carry them away. On
the following day the icy covering of {449} the river gave way, but
soon froze again, only leaving a channel across the middle. Many ducks
and geese, as well as a plover, appeared on the ice. On the 5th of
April, the weather being stormy in the morning, and the temperature
59½° Fahrenheit, the river had risen about a foot, and towards noon
it suddenly rose between three and four feet more, so that, at twelve
o'clock, the ice on the surface began to move, the temperature being
68°. But in the night the river again fell a foot, and there was a
slight frost. At nine in the evening the temperature was 55°, and we
had a storm of thunder and lightning.

On the 7th of April there was but little floating ice on the river,
which had fallen during the night. We saw several swans. On the 8th the
Manitaries danced the scalp dance in the fort, and the Indians amused
themselves in the prairie with races and various games. At one o'clock
in the afternoon, the ice in the upper Missouri suddenly broke up, and
brought down many trunks of trees, which endangered our boats. The
Indians immediately availed themselves of this opportunity to land a
good deal of the wood; they also brought ashore a drowned elk, which,
though already in a state of decomposition, they actually ate, and the
smith of the fort, a Canadian, did not disdain to partake of it with
them. Some dead buffaloes likewise floated by, and the Indians followed
them, for the same purpose. In the evening, though the quantity of ice
was considerably diminished, yet some people who were to have gone down
the river were obliged to defer their voyage.

The morning of the 9th of April being fine and serene, and the ice
having almost entirely disappeared from the river, seven men were sent
down to Picotte in Indian leather boats. The grass began to sprout,
and some young plants appeared in the prairie, even a pulsatilla,
with purple blossoms, apparently the same as the _P. vulgaris_ of
Europe; the Indians call this plant the red calf-flower. At noon
the thermometer stood at 65°, with a northeast wind, and the river
was free from ice. Towards evening, nine men of the band of the
buffalo bulls came to the fort to perform their dance, discharging
their guns immediately on entering. Only one of them wore the entire
buffalo head;[48] the others had pieces of the skin of the forehead,
a couple of fillets of red cloth, their shields decorated with the
same material, and an appendage of feathers, intended to represent
the bull's tail, hanging down their backs. They likewise carried
long, elegantly ornamented banners in their hands. After dancing for
a short time before us, they demanded presents. Besides the strange
figures of this dance, Mr. Bodmer painted the chief, Mato-Topé, at
full length, in his grandest dress. The vanity which is characteristic
of the Indians induced this chief to stand stock-still for several
days, so that his portrait succeeded admirably.[49] He wore on this
occasion a handsome new shirt of bighorn leather, the large feather
cap, and, in his hand, a long lance with scalps and feathers. He has
been so often mentioned in my narrative, that I must here subjoin a few
words respecting this eminent man, for he was fully entitled to this
appellation, being not only a distinguished warrior, but possessing
many fine and noble traits of character. {450} In war he had always
maintained a distinguished reputation; and on one occasion, with great
personal danger, he conducted to Fort Clarke a numerous deputation of
the Assiniboins, who had come to Mih-Tutta-Hang-Kush to conclude peace,
while his countrymen, disregarding the proposals, kept firing upon
the deputies. Mato-Topé, after having in vain exerted himself to the
utmost to prevent these hostilities, led his enemies, with slow steps,
amidst the whistling balls and the arrows of his countrymen, while he
endeavoured to find excuses for their culpable conduct. He had killed
many enemies, among whom were five chiefs. He gives a facsimile of a
representation of one of his exploits, painted by himself, of which he
frequently gave me an account.[50] He was, on that occasion, on foot,
on a military expedition, with a few Mandans, when they encountered
four Chayennes, their most virulent foes, on horseback. The chief of
the latter, seeing that their enemies were on foot, and that the combat
would thereby be unequal, dismounted, and the two parties attacked
each other. The two chiefs fired, missed, threw away their guns, and
seized their naked weapons; the Chayenne, a tall, powerful man, drew
his knife, while Mato-Topé, who was lighter and more agile, took his
battle-axe. The former attempted to stab Mato-Topé, who laid hold of
the blade of the knife, by which he, indeed, wounded his hand, but
wrested the weapon from his enemy, and stabbed him with it, on which
the Chayennes took to flight. Mato-Topé's drawing of the scene in
the above-named plate, shows the guns which they had discharged and
thrown aside, the blood flowing from the wounded hand of the Mandan
chief, the footsteps of the two warriors, and the wolf's tail at their
heels--the Chayenne being distinguished by the fillet of otter skin on
his forehead. The buffalo robe, painted by Mato-Topé himself, and which
I have fortunately brought to Europe, represents several exploits of
this chief, and, among others, in the lower figure on the left hand,
the above-mentioned adventure with the Chayenne chief.[51]

The 10th of April was warm and fine, the thermometer at noon at
80°, the wind south, and the river had fallen three feet. Several
of our Indian friends, among whom was Sih-Chida, had taken leave,
intending to assist a large party of Manitaries and Mandans in a
military expedition. They set out on their march about this time,
and we afterwards learnt that a war party of the Manitaries had
completely plundered a couple of beaver hunters, white men; and that
their partisan, whose name was Pierce Iron, had acted the principal
part on this occasion. On the other hand, the Assiniboins had stolen
thirty-four horses from the Manitaries, who shot one of the thieves.

On the afternoon of the 14th of April, the people whom Mr. Mc Kenzie
had promised to send to accompany me down the river to Saint Louis,
at length arrived from Fort Union. There were, however, many others
with them, and the whole party amounted to twenty men, among whom
were Belhumeur and Mr. Chardon as leader. The violent storm on the
preceding days had hindered them from travelling, and they were obliged
to halt. They brought us letters from {451} Fort Union, and news
from Fort Mc Kenzie. As my people could now be spared, I looked daily
for the arrival of Picotte, who, with many men, was to go up to Fort
Union, as, without the help of his men, my Mackinaw boat could not
be caulked. A main point now was my recovery, which was singularly
rapid. At the beginning of April I was still in a hopeless condition,
and so very ill, that the people who visited me did not think that
my life would be prolonged beyond three or, at the most, four days.
The cook of the fort, a negro from St. Louis, one day expressed his
opinion that my illness must be the scurvy, for he had once witnessed
the great mortality among the garrison of the fort at Council Bluffs,
when several hundred soldiers were carried off in a short time; of
this there is an account in Major Long's expedition to the Rocky
Mountains.[52] He said that the symptoms were in both cases nearly
similar; that, on that occasion, at the beginning of spring, they had
gathered the green herbs in the prairie, especially the small white
flowering _Allium reticulatum_, with which they had soon cured the
sick. I was advised to make trial of this, recipe, and the Indian
children accordingly furnished me with an abundance of this plant and
its bulbs: these were cut up small, like spinage, and I ate a quantity
of them. On the fourth day the swelling of my leg had considerably
subsided, and I gained strength daily. The evident prospect of speedy
recovery quite reanimated me, and we carried on with pleasure the
preparations for our departure, though I was not yet able to leave my

On the 15th of April, Picotte arrived with about twenty men, and had
his boat laden with maize, which he was to carry to Fort Union. They
immediately set about preparing the Mackinaw boat for our voyage down
the river, and Picotte set out on the 16th, notwithstanding a heavy
rain. Every preparation was completed on the following day; the boat
was brought to the landing-place, furnished on the deck with a spacious
Indian tent covering, and all was made ready for our voyage, Mr.
Chardon resolving to accompany me to Fort Pièrre on the Teton River.

On the 18th of April, at noon, the boat was loaded; and, after we had
partaken of our last frugal dinner at Fort Clarke, we took a cordial
farewell of Mr. Kipp, with whom we had passed so long a time in this
remote place, and who had done everything for me that was possible
in his circumscribed condition. Accompanied by the inhabitants of
the fort, and many of our Indian friends, among whom was Mato-Topé
and Pehriska-Ruhpa, all of whom shook hands at parting, we went on
board our boat. The weather was favourable, though there was a strong
wind from the southwest. Some cannon-shot were fired by the fort as a
farewell salute, and we glided rapidly down the beautiful stream of the


[38] Compare with this the invocations of the Omaha, given in Dorsey,
"Siouan Cults," U. S. Bureau of Ethnology _Report_, 1889-90, p.

[39] See p. 59, for illustration of a double rainbow.--ED.

[40] See Plate 45, in the accompanying atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[41] For sketch of this trader, see our volume xxii, p. 316, note

[42] See Plate 50, in the accompanying atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[43] The second figure from the left, in Plate 50, in the accompanying
atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[44] This portrait is in Plate 50, the third figure from the left,
atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[45] See Plate 27, in the accompanying atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[46] A "very admirable likeness of Pehriska-Ruhpa in this strange
costume" is represented in Plate 56, in the accompanying atlas, our
volume xxv.--ED.

[47] For a description of this dance among the Minitaree, see our
volume xxiii, pp. 314, 315.--ED.

[48] See Plate 51, in the accompanying atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[49] See Plate 46, in the accompanying atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[50] See Plate 55, in the accompanying atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[51] See Plate 54, figure 1, in the accompanying atlas, our volume

[52] See our volume xiv, pp. 282, 283.--ED.



  Violent Storms and Bad Weather--Arikkara Villages--Meeting with
    two Fur Boats--Fort Pièrre, and our Stay there--The Mauvaises
    Terres--Sioux Agency--Cedar Island--Punca Island--Melone's
    Insubordination--Meeting with Punca Indians--L'Eau qui
    Court--Meeting with the Assiniboin Steamer--Melone's Mutiny
    and Punishment--Gardner as Pilot--Council Bluffs--Visit to
    Major Pilcher's Trading House--Belle Vue--Beauty of the
    Environs--Caterpillars--Nishnebotteneh--Roubedoux House on
    the Black Snake Hills--The Otos and Missouris--Village of the
    Kickapoos--The Cantonment of Leavenworth--Stay there--Dr.

Spring had but partially clothed the surrounding prairies with new
verdure, even the willow bushes, which are generally the most forward,
had scarcely assumed a slight tint of green; and, though some solitary
ducks appeared as heralds of the fine season, the chilly temperature
reminded us that winter was still lingering. On the 18th, we lay to on
the right bank, on the other side of Goose-egg Lake,[53] and, on the
following morning, encountered a very violent storm, and I discovered
that my pretty prairie fox had escaped during the night, a loss which
I the more regretted, as this rare animal has, probably, never been
brought alive to Europe, whither I had fondly hoped to carry it. We had
now made all our arrangements for the voyage, and my people had taken
their respective posts. Our steersman, Fecteau, was very unskilful, and
our three rowers, Melone, an American from the lower Missouri (whose
real character we did not learn till some time after), Bourgua, a
Canadian, and an old Pole, who had roamed half the world over, but was
still the most industrious of the whole, all proved very indifferent
workmen. Having partaken of our breakfast which was prepared on the
shore, we passed the Butte Carrée[54] at seven o'clock; here we saw a
troop of twelve elks, and many white cranes, swans, wild geese, and
ducks of various species. At twelve o'clock we reached Heart River,
where we found great numbers of wild geese. Our thermometer stood at
61°. At three o'clock we stopped at Picotte's winter post {453} among
the Yanktonans, to which we had so often sent from Fort Clarke for
supplies of meat, &c., but the house was now deserted.[55] In the
neighbourhood is a pond, to which our hunters immediately bent their
steps, to shoot water-fowl. In the vicinity they saw prairie hens,
woodpeckers, thrushes, turkey-buzzards, and birds of prey, also a
couple of swans, one of which they wounded, but did not succeed in
securing, and brought back only a few ducks. In the evening twilight,
when we were about to lay-to, a troop of ten or twelve elks came
down to the river to drink, but one of my people, firing his piece
prematurely, frightened them away, and we thus lost our chance of
taking one of these large animals. During the night a tremendous storm
of rain came from the north; on the 20th of April the whole country
was covered with snow, and at nine in the morning the thermometer had
fallen to 35°. The storm obliged us to remain at the spot where we had
passed the night, and my people, who always lighted a fire on shore,
found but slight protection from the storm among the willow bushes. The
thermometer, at noon, was at 41°. The hunters had seen some game, but
shot only a prairie hen, which had a strong taste of garlic, the chief
food of this, bird. The snow ceased to fall at about four o'clock; the
night was cold, and the men who slept near the fire were aroused by
some wild animal, which made them conjecture that Indians were near, on
which Chardon, who had lived many years among the Osages, set a watch
for the rest of the night.

On the 21st we passed the mouth of Cannonball River.[56] The hills
were sprinkled with snow, and not a vestige of verdure was to be seen,
though, the preceding day, the willows and rose-bushes had a tinge of
green. Our hunters again set out on an excursion towards a neighbouring
lake, where they saw many cranes and water-fowl, but shot only a few
ducks. Some cabris crossed the river right in front of us, but, in
spite of the exertions of our rowers, we could not overtake them. We
were equally unsuccessful with a herd of buffalo cows and some bulls.
The following day was again so stormy that we were not able to proceed
on our voyage, and the wind threatened to rend our leathern tent on
deck; the country was covered with snow: towards evening the wind
abated, the night was pleasant, and the next morning opened upon us
calm and cheerful. The poplar and other thickets were beginning to bud,
and some of the willow bushes were quite green. Cabris were seen in the
prairie, vultures in the air, and pigeons on the bank.

At noon we reached the abandoned Arikkara villages, and landed a little
further down.[57] While our dinner was preparing, Mr. Bodmer and
Chardon, well armed, made an excursion to the forsaken Indian huts,
in order to procure for me some skulls and prairie bulbs. They found
the graves partly turned up by the wolves, and the bodies pulled out,
wrapped in their blankets and robes. They brought two well preserved
male skulls, which I added to my collection; one of these is now in
the anatomical museum of the university of Bonn, and the other in
the collection of Mr. Blumenbach at Göttingen.[58] At half-past four
o'clock, when we had proceeded about ten miles from the villages, and
were opposite the mouth of the Grand River,[59] we {454} were again
visited by so heavy a storm, that we were compelled to lay-to, and
light a fire for our people to warm themselves. While here, a couple
of flocks of more than 160 pelicans passed over us in their way up
the river, but we did not succeed in obtaining any of these fine
birds. Towards evening the storm and rain, mingled with snow, were so
extremely violent, that our boat was driven by the waves against the
stones on the bank, and became leaky. Our people on shore found no
protection under their blankets; they were kept awake throughout the
night, and were frequently obliged to bale the water out of the boat.
Towards midnight there was a frost, and on the morning of the 24th the
country was again covered with snow. Our effects, which had, in the
first instance, been completely soaked by the water, were frozen quite
stiff. At eight o'clock the thermometer was at 33°, with a northwest
wind. We saw a good deal of game, and Dreidoppel wounded, at a great
distance, a cabri, in the midst of a troop of eighteen or twenty of
those animals, but unfortunately brought us back nothing but a prairie
dog. In the evening we lay-to at a steep bank opposite the mouth of
Little Chayenne River.[60]

Early in the morning of the 25th we perceived a couple of fires burning
on the bank, which must have been just left by some persons, and
shortly afterwards we saw, in our van, two leather boats, which we
succeeded in overtaking in about an hour's time. The people had halted
to make a fire, and I therefore stopped to hold some conversation with
them. They were Picotte's men, among whom were Ortubize, with his
family, and Papin the hunter, returning to Fort Pièrre from the winter
post, with the furs which had been obtained during that season. While
we were conversing with them, Dreidoppel collected prairie bulbs.
Papin gave me a part of a cabri; and the clerk who directed the boat,
and whose name was likewise Papin, gave me a beautiful swan, but the
large wing feathers were unhappily pulled out. The weather being very
warm and fine, we rested here till eleven o'clock, and I then received
into my boat a couple of women and a man named Crenier, who had been
severely wounded. We passed the mouth of Big Chayenne River, and halted
in the evening fifteen or twenty miles above Fort Pièrre. The heavily
laden leathern boats having likewise come up, and set up their tents
on the bank, we bivouacked together, and supped magnificently upon our
roasted swan.

About two o'clock of the afternoon of the following day (the 26th),
after our boat had several times run aground, we reached the
landing-place at Fort Pièrre. Here there was still snow in the ravines
of the mountains, and the bushes were but just beginning to bud.
Several Sioux Indians, who were on the bank, shook hands with us.
Mr. Laidlow, with some clerks of the Company, came to meet us, and
conducted us to the fort, amidst a salute of several cannon-shot.

Fort Pièrre was in excellent condition.[61] The whole surrounding plain
was covered with scattered tents of the Sioux, mostly of the Teton
branch, and a few Yanktonans. Mr. Laidlow very kindly accommodated
us, and assigned to us a spacious dwelling: I caused my boat to be
{455} unladen, as it was hinted that the vicinity of the half-starved
Indians might prove dangerous to my bears. We found Fort Pièrre in
great want of fresh provisions, no buffaloes having been seen during
the whole winter, and the inmates of the fort, as well as the Indians,
being very numerous. I could easily have taken on board, at Fort
Clarke, a considerable cargo of maize for Fort Pièrre, but we had not
been informed that there was any scarcity existing here. For his own
table, consisting of ten or twelve persons, Mr. Laidlow had generally
bought dogs of the Indians, but these were now scarce, and consequently
very dear: twelve dollars were paid for the dog destined for our
repast to-day. There were, however, many superior provisions in the
fort, which we enjoyed at Mr. Laidlow's table, after having long been
deprived of them: one of these luxuries was new wheaten bread, and
there were also potatoes, cabbages, carrots, several kinds of preserves
and pickles, as well as coffee, sugar, tea, &c. I found here, also, a
part of my stock of provisions which I had brought from St. Louis last
year, such as coffee, sugar, brandy, candles, &c., which would have
been invaluable to me at Fort Clarke. The brandy had, however, been
almost exhausted, and the cask filled up with water.

We were soon invited, with Messrs. Laidlow, Chardon, Papin, and the old
interpreter, Dorion,[62] to the tent of one of the Sioux. After we had
taken our seats on a new blanket ornamented with porcupine quills, the
flesh of a dog was taken from the kettle, and handed to the company.
It was very fat, about the colour of mutton, but the taste was really
so excellent, that we speedily surmounted our prejudice and antipathy.
Other Indians continued coming in, and, ranging themselves in a circle,
commenced smoking, but they suddenly started up, and left the tent. Mr.
Laidlow received as a present the robe upon which he had sat. Before
we commenced our meal, the host made a formal address to his visitors,
in which he spoke of his attachment to the Whites, for which Mr.
Laidlow returned thanks through the interpreter. We went back to Mr.
Laidlow, where another fat roasted dog was served up. Mr. Laidlow's
spacious sitting apartment was filled the whole day with a large party
of Indians, whose chief motive for coming was to see us. Among them
was our old acquaintance, Wah-Menitu,[63] who was rejoiced to see us
again. Generally speaking, it was not Mr. Laidlow's custom to admit the
Indians into his own room.

A high wind prevailed throughout the day, and my people slept on
board the boat. The two bears, which were brought into the fort,
attracted great attention from the Indians, many of whom were
constantly assembled about the animals to look at them. The prairie in
the environs of the fort was already green, and several small early
plants were in flower. I much regretted that I could not remain long
enough to visit the interesting tract of the Mauvaises Terres, which
is some days' journey from hence. Mr. Laidlow, who had been there in
the winter, gave me a description of it. It is two days' journey,
he said, southwest of Fort Pièrre, and forms, in the level prairie,
an accumulation of hills of most remarkable forms, looking like
fortresses, churches, villages and ruins, and doubtless consisting
of the same sand-stone as the conformations near the Stone Walls. He
further stated that the bighorn abounds in that tract.[64]

{456} On the 27th of April I visited the stores of the Fur Company,
which contained goods to the amount of 80,000 dollars. In the afternoon
some hunters arrived, with twenty horses, who had been absent about
three weeks on a buffalo chase, but returned with only one horse-load
of meat. From their appearance I should certainly have taken them for
savages. In the afternoon I took a walk in the prairie, though my
strength was not fully restored, and the sight of the verdant plain
was most refreshing to my mind. No birds were to be seen except the
starling (_Sturnella ludoviciana_), which enlivened me with its short
whistling note. Below the ridge which bounds the low bank of the river,
the wild plum was covered with its snowy blossoms, which appear at
the same time with the leaves; the scent is exactly like that of the
flowers of our blackthorn. A small pink flower of the class _Tetra
dynamia_ covered the prairie. The beautiful yellow blossom of the
_Hyerochloa fragrans_ was likewise open. The Indian horses, which graze
here, had now abundance of food, and quickly recovered from the effects
of their fast in the severe winter. I visited the tents of the Indians,
of whom, at least, fifty had gone away this morning on account of the
scarceness of provisions. I was much struck with the difference of the
physiognomy of the Sioux, after living so long among other tribes.
Their features are much less agreeable, the cheek-bones more prominent,
and their stature is lower and less vigorous than that of the Mandans,
Manitaries, Arikkaras, and Crows. On the other hand, the expression
of their countenances is more frank and good-tempered than that of
those tribes. By way of comparison, I subjoin a woodcut of the Little
Soldier, our former travelling companion, who, at this time, was absent
on an expedition.[65]

{457} Mr. Bodmer took several views of the country, and also made a
sketch of the stage of a distinguished Sioux warrior, whose remains had
been brought from a great distance with much pomp, and were covered
with red cloth. Groups of Sioux were in the vicinity.[66] My people
erected a new awning with large tent coverings for our voyage down the
river; and I received, by the kind care of Mr. Laidlow, many fresh
provisions of different kinds, which greatly contributed to the perfect
re-establishment of my health. On the 29th Mr. Laidlow sent some men
with pack-horses, under the direction of La Chapelle the interpreter,
to Fort Clarke, in order to obtain a supply of maize from Mr. Kipp.

A heavy storm, accompanied with rain, retarded our departure for some
hours, but towards evening the weather improved, and about six o'clock
I was able to take leave of Mr. Laidlow and the inmates of the fort.
The crew of my Mackinaw boat now consisted of ten persons, for I had
obtained an able rower, named Dauphin, from Carondelet, near St. Louis,
who was, at the same time, a better steersman than Fecteau. A man named
Descoteaux,[67] who intended to sell his beaver skins, of which he
possessed about 200, in the United States, requested me to give him a
passage, in return for which he promised to work. I likewise took on
board a sickly young man, who was too weak for the service of the Fur

We glided rapidly down the Missouri, and soon passed the mouth of Teton
River, which is about two miles and three quarters distant from Fort
Pièrre in a south-easterly direction. At this place, Messrs. Soublette
and Campbell, the opponents of the American Fur Company, had built a
fort, at which I was not able to stop.[68] We lay-to, at night, about
six miles from Fort Pièrre.

On the 30th of April we had a heavy rain throughout the day, so that
the poor men at the oars were wet through. Descoteaux, who had remained
behind, and had run along the banks through the whole night in order to
overtake us, made his appearance at eight o'clock, thoroughly soaked.
The weather was so very unfavourable on this day that we found it
necessary to stop repeatedly and kindle a fire, that the people might
dry and warm themselves. We therefore lay-to a good deal earlier than
usual in the evening, near a very fine wild forest of old red cedars a
foot and a half in diameter. In the evening the rain ceased, and the
night was calm. On the morning of the 1st of May the weather was very
cool: at about six o'clock we reached the Big Bend, where Dreidoppel
and Dauphin landed to seek for game, while the boat made the great
_détour_ on the river.[69] They found a number of impressions of shells
on the burnt hills, and saw a large village of prairie dogs, one of
which they shot; in the dry bed of a stream they found several tents
of the Sioux, the inmates of which met them on horseback, and had
some amicable conversation with them. At noon the weather was warm,
the thermometer being at 64°, and at three o'clock we arrived at
Sioux Agency, the post of Major Bean.[70] Here we found Cephir, the
interpreter, and three white men, who were suffering greatly from want
of provisions. No buffalo herds {458} had been seen here during the
winter, and the men had lived on salt pork and the flesh of the cabri.
The Sioux constantly pursue this animal, and on our arrival sent one
to the fort. They were impatiently expecting the Company's steam-boat,
with which Major Bean was to return. Thirteen Sioux tents were at this
time near the fort; others had been here waiting for the steamer, but
the want of provisions had forced them to disperse. It was not long
before we received a visit in our boat from Wahktageli, whose portrait
Mr. Bodmer had before taken, and who now repeated the assurance of
his great attachment to the white men. We took advantage of the fine
evening to prosecute our voyage, and then lay-to on the north bank.
Dreidoppel had shot a duck, and several good-sized catfish were caught.
The croaking of the frogs and howling of the wolves were our vesper

The following morning (2nd of May) was very cool, and a thick fog hung
over the river. We soon passed the mouth of White River, but the wind
becoming too high compelled us to lay-to on the south bank, where the
waves drove the boat with such violence against the rocky bank, that
it sprung a leak, and let in much water. We found it necessary to cut
down a couple of trees, and fasten the boat to them, in order to make
it more steady. Meantime we made an excursion to the ravines and hills.
Cactus and yucca grew here in abundance, and some plants of the prairie
were already in flower; and on the banks of the stream the young
foliage was partly eaten away, which was said to have been done by the
porcupines. We found prints of the footsteps of some game, and, in the
dry bed of a brook, traces of the musk-rat, one of which Mr. Bodmer had
killed. We likewise saw some black-tailed deer, and small hares (_Lepus
Americanus_), the beautiful yellow-headed oriole, the sparrow-hawk, the
turkey-buzzard, and several other kinds of birds. We left this place
about noon on the 3rd of May, but made little progress on account of
the storm and rain, and lay-to in the evening on the north bank, not
quite a mile beyond Bijoux Hills.[71] The storm became very violent
during the night; most of the people slept on land, as they were afraid
that a tree which was standing very obliquely might give way to the
storm and fall on our boat: nothing but the state of weakness, caused
by my illness, could have made me so indifferent to this danger that
I did not attempt to avoid it. The tree, however, did not fall. The
wind abated towards the morning, and was succeeded by such torrents of
rain, that on the following day (the 4th) we saw the water pour down
from the left bank like cascades, the greater part of the neighbouring
prairie being overflowed. Opposite to Bijoux Hills we were for a long
time aground on a sand bank. Here we saw the first swallows returning
to the north for the summer. In the afternoon we reached Cedar Island,
and, proceeding a little further, lay-to for the night on the north
bank.[72] Vegetation was pretty forward; but no birds had yet come;
only the woodpecker and titmouse, which brave the winter, were to be
seen. On the 5th, the wind being favourable, a sail was hoisted, but
at eight o'clock the wind increased so much that we were obliged to
stop at a large and beautiful island (Punca Island), where, having
secured the boat, {459} we dispersed in search of game. When I returned
to the boat I learned that Dauphin had killed an elk calf, and most
of my people had gone with him to the place where the animal lay, in
order to secure the prize. We waited an hour and a half by the fire
till they returned, when I wished immediately to proceed on our voyage;
but Melone, one of my rowers, stepped forward, and positively declared
that he would not go on board till he had had his fill of the venison,
though he had taken a sufficient portion of meat in the morning. A
violent altercation ensued; the obstinate fellow was compelled to go
on board; but I was now aware of the character of this troublesome
American, who was so much addicted to drinking that it was necessary
to keep a watchful eye over him. We proceeded through the channel near
the island, but at the further end the wind suddenly caught the vessel,
so that it was quite unmanageable, and the sail was rent. We crossed
over to the south bank, and lay-to near an extensive thicket of willow.
It was so full of climbing plants and trees, that we could scarcely
penetrate into it, and tracks of wild animals were everywhere to be
seen. All the birds had sought refuge from the storm in the thickest
recesses of the wood, and scarcely a living creature was visible. We
here found, as on our first visit, the beautiful _Sylvia coronata_
(Latham), and shot a turkey-buzzard, the crop of which Fecteau took
out, affirming that it was an effectual remedy for the bite of venomous
serpents. Towards five o'clock, as the storm abated, we proceeded on
our voyage, passed the mouth of Punca River, and soon after sunset
came to three tents of the Punca Indians on the south bank, where the
trader, Dixon, with several _engagés_ from Fort Pièrre, was at that
time residing. Primeau, the Punca interpreter, who, in the preceding
year, when on board the steam-boat, had communicated to me some words
of the Punca language, was also with these people.[73]

We were informed that the Fur Company's steamer was near at hand, on
its way up the river, intelligence which was very agreeable to me.
The Punca Indians whom we saw here had a miserable, dirty appearance,
and they, too, had suffered from want of provisions. They had their
hair cut short in the nape of the neck and across the forehead. Their
leather tents, some of which were painted, stood on a narrow green
plain at the foot of steep hills, where the wood had been felled and
burnt. I here procured the skin of a skunk, which differed from all
the animals of this kind that I had hitherto seen. It was all over of
a blackish-brown colour, with only a small white stripe on the upper
part of the neck. From this place I crossed the river, and we kindled
our fire in the willow thicket before the steep rocky hills. This
place was directly opposite the mouth of L'Eau qui Court. At daybreak
on the following morning (the 6th of May) we heard the note of the
wild turkey, but did not stop. A large flock of pelicans flew up the
Missouri, and numbers of blackbirds were on the banks. We passed
Rivière à Manuel,[74] and towards eleven o'clock saw the Assiniboin
steamer, which lay still on the north bank for want of water. We were
hindered by the sand banks and the high wind from getting up to the
Assiniboin, {460} and therefore lay-to on the south bank, directly
opposite. At this place there was a dense thicket of willows, and
behind it an extensive forest. The woodcutters of the steam-boat
happened to be engaged in felling wood, under the direction of a
clerk, about a mile higher up, and, having observed our fire, came
to us towards noon. A boat was afterwards sent to fetch them, which
brought me a note from Captain Bennet, commander of the Assiniboin,
in which he invited me to make haste to come on board, as they were
impatient to see me again, after so long an absence. Captain Bennet
also sent a number of men to row my boat across the stormy river, and
with their aid we reached the Assiniboin at noon. We were received with
much joy by our former travelling companions, Messrs. Sanford, Bean,
Bennet, &c., and our accounts and news from the upper Missouri filled
up a good part of the day. We also found on board our Indian friend,
Schudegacheh, the Punca chief, who was extremely glad to see me again.
There was likewise another chief, and several Indians. Schudegacheh's
dress was remarkably handsome. His shirt was of beautiful otter skin,
with a red cloth collar: he wore a cap of otter skin, and a tobacco
pouch of the same material. This dress was extremely becoming to this
fine man. The other chief wore a robe painted with red figures. They
had a long conference with their agent, Major Bean, after which they
took off all their clothes, and laid them on the ground before him,
as a present, so that they sat quite naked, except the breechcloth.
Major Bean at first declined accepting these things, but Schudegacheh
would not take back his otter garment. The village of these Indians,
consisting of nearly 100 tents, was about four days' journey up L'Eau
qui Court.[75]

After spending the afternoon and evening on board the steamer, we took
leave of our friends, and returned to our boat, intending to proceed
early on the following morning; but, to my no small vexation, I found
my people in a very excited state, and partly drunk; Dauphin alone
seemed to know what he was about.

On the following morning (the 7th of May), Fecteau, Descoteaux, and
Melone were still intoxicated, so that our departure was delayed, and
I had to bear the noise and disorderly conduct of these men. We got
over a dangerous place, where there were many snags; passed, at eleven
o'clock, the mouth of the Rivière à Jacques, and then, the wind being
very high, lay-to on the right bank.[76] My hunters went to a lake,
about a mile off, in the hope of shooting some water-fowl, but did not
succeed. I made my way, through the willow thicket, to the extensive
verdant prairie, where a red fox sprang up before me. I saw many
birds of various kinds--swallows, woodpeckers, finches, sylvias, and
a couple of falcons (_Falco cyaneus_, Cuiv.); likewise butterflies,
among which, _Papilio plexippus_, and many _Libellalœ_, in very warm
places, sheltered from the wind. When I returned to the fire, I found
my people asleep on the grass, in consequence of their excesses on the
preceding day: Melone, however, was busy in bringing his trunk and
other things from the boat to the land; after which he stepped forward
and declared that "he {461} would not go any further with us, and that
his comrades, the other rowers, had agreed with him to leave us;" so
that we Europeans would have been left alone in this wilderness. The
news of this plot, arranged by the men in their drunken fit, during
my absence yesterday, surprised me not a little. I called the other
people, and asked them if this was really their intention; but they had
now thought better of it, and protested that they would not leave us.
Melone, enraged at their want of resolution, broke out into violent
abuse; so I told him that, conformably to his wish, he might remain
here by himself. On this he suddenly changed his tone, spoke civilly,
and at length begged for a passage to his native place, Liberty; but
I kept him to his word: we went on board, and left him alone in this
wilderness. This evil-disposed man, who had formerly been a soldier in
the service of the United States, and was much addicted to drinking,
had exchanged his rifle, on board the Assiniboin, for a considerable
quantity of provisions, a hatchet, brandy, &c., and thus sufficiently
proved his intention of leaving me in this shameful manner. As he
was skilful in the use of the hatchet, and had a sufficient stock of
provisions, it would be easy for him to make a boat of large poplar
stems, and reach the neighbouring post of Le Roi.

On this day we proceeded twelve or fifteen miles. The country was flat,
and the banks, in some parts, clothed with fine forests. At sunset
we lay-to at a convenient place on the right bank, where a narrow
strip of lofty, verdant wood filled the space between the river and
the steep white hills: there was an undergrowth of the red willow
(_Cornus sericea_), which was just coming into flower. The _Fringilla
Pennsylvanica_ was numerous, and fresh tracks of wild animals appeared
in all directions. At twilight a great many of the whip-poor-wills flew
round the fire within three paces of it, and quite stunned our ears by
their cries. A couple of them were shot, the first of these birds that
I had seen.

On the following morning (the 8th of May), we passed some extensive
sand banks, on which we observed the avoset, and many wild geese.
Towards ten o'clock we reached the mouth of Vermilion River,[77] where
many Sioux Indians were at that time assembled: here commence the lofty
forests, which are peculiar to the banks of the lower Missouri, and in
which the note of the whip-poor-will resounds in the evening.

I had been informed, on board the steamer, that a man named Gardner,
one of the best pilots on the whole course of the Missouri, and, at
the same time, thoroughly acquainted with the Indian wilderness from
his having been long engaged in hunting beavers, had gone down the
river a short time before me, and I was advised to overtake him, and,
if possible, to engage him as pilot, as our steersman was unskilful,
and the snags in many parts of the river very dangerous.[78] We soon
perceived Gardner's miserable flat leather boat, with a cargo of skins,
before us, and presently overtook it. I immediately offered to take his
furs into my boat, which was more secure, if he would act as steersman,
to which he most readily agreed. His boat was very unsafe and bad,
and at the same time was so heavily laden, that its edge was scarcely
above the water, {462} and it proceeded very slowly. He was on his
return from hunting beavers on the Upper Yellow Stone, and had two men
with him. We lay-to, and, while the people were transferring the cargo
of Gardner's boat to ours, we made an excursion into the interesting
country. The chain of hills was clothed with young verdure, and covered
and surrounded with tall trees and forests; beautiful thickets, mixed
with cedars, grew on the banks; all appeared in the fresh loveliness
of spring. In the hollow upper boughs of the lofty, colossal trees,
numbers of the purple swallow (_Hirundo purpurea_) had built their
nests; flocks of blackbirds were among the high grass, between the
trunks of the trees, where the little wren (_Troglodytes aedon_) poured
forth its cheerful song; the sparrow-hawk was sitting at the end of
a high branch; and on the ground, among the roots of the trees, we
descried what we thought was a mouse running along, which, however,
proved to be a little bird; it was too near to be fired at, and we
could not make it rise on its wing. At length, however, we killed
it, and found it to be the pretty little finch called, by Wilson,
_Fringilla candacuta_. The ash-grey finch (_Fringilla hyemalis_), the
snow-bird of Wilson, who represents this bird larger than it is in
nature, built its nest here.

Towards one o'clock in the afternoon we reached Le Roi's plantation,
and lay-to at the sand bank opposite to it, the wind being very high.
We dispersed in order to try our fortune with our fowling-pieces,
but found on the bank an intricate thicket full of burs, so that we
could scarcely penetrate it. Numbers of birds animated this thicket,
the cormorant (_Carbo_) sat on the tall trees on the bank, the
whip-poor-will uttered its plaintive note, and bats hovered over the
river. We passed the evening sitting round our fire, when Gardner told
us anecdotes of his many adventures and combats with the Indians.
He gave me a particular account of the death of Glass, the old
beaver-hunter whom I have already mentioned, and which particularly
interested me, because I possessed the scalp of one of the two Arikkara
Indians who were killed by Gardner on account of that murder. The
following were the circumstances of that event. Old Glass, with two
companions, had gone from Fort Cass to hunt beavers on the Yellow
Stone, and, as they were crossing the river on the ice further down,
they were all three shot, scalped, and plundered by a war party of
thirty Arikkaras who were concealed on the opposite bank. These
Indians, who are most dangerous enemies to the Whites, went then to
the sources of Powder River, and it happened that Gardner, with about
twenty men, and thirty horses, was in the neighbourhood.[79] As it was
dark when they were seated about several fires, the Indians suddenly
appeared, addressed them in the Manitari language, surrounded the
fire, and dried their shoes. Gardner, being well acquainted with the
character of the Indians, immediately took some precautions, which
was the more necessary, as a Manitari woman, who was with his party,
told him that the strangers were Arikkaras. He gradually collected
his people round one of their fires, with their arms in readiness to
act. He was also afraid for his horses, which were scattered in the
prairie, and some of which were actually missing, and he had already
sent some of his men to {463} erect in the neighbourhood what is
called a fort, of trunks of trees, for the night. The Indians are
accustomed, when they intend to steal horses, suddenly to give a
signal, on which they all jump up, scatter the horses, and drive them
away with them. Gardner, aware of this, watched the enemy closely,
and when, on the signal being given, they all withdrew, three of them
were seized, thrown down and bound. When the Arikkaras perceived this,
several of them came back, pretended to be innocent of the stealing
of the horses, and begged for their captive comrades; but Gardner
declared to them that, if they did not immediately deliver up all
the horses, the prisoners must die; one of whom, however, had cut the
cords with which he was bound, and escaped. The Indians entreated for
a long time, but were refused. The others seeing that they must die,
commenced their death-song, related their exploits, and affirmed that
they were distinguished warriors. One of them had old Glass's knife,
and his rifle also had been seen in the possession of these Indians.
The horses, however, were not brought, and the prisoners, alleging
a pressing necessity, were taken aside; but in the thick copse they
attempted to escape, on which one of them was stabbed, and several
shots fired at the other, who was then killed with the knife. They were
both scalped, and I received one of the scalps as a present, which
was unfortunately lost in the fire on board the steamer. Gardner, by
way of precaution, had all the fires put out, and passed the night in
the fort, which was now completed. They were not disturbed during the
night, and found, in the morning, that the Indians had retired with
their booty, leaving the prisoners to their fate. The Arikkaras had
begged for one of them in particular, who was a celebrated warrior, and
had even brought back three horses, which they tied up near at hand, to
exchange them for the prisoners; but Gardner did not attend to their

On the 9th of May we reached the mouth of Joway River, and at three in
the afternoon that of Big Sioux.[80] The heat was pretty considerable;
and we saw the great heron (_Ardea herodias_), and a flock of pelicans,
some of which were grey, go up the river. We then came to Floyd's
Grave, and at a bend in the river reached a spot, to the northwest of
which there was a village of the Omahas, of about fifty huts. I wished
much to visit these people, but we could not well stop, because our
provisions were getting low, and we had already lost too much time
through the continued storms. In the evening we stopped for the night
on the left bank opposite the mouth of Omai Creek.[81]

On the following morning the weather was fine and warm, the thermometer
at eight o'clock being at 72°. Wood-ducks in pairs, and flocks of wild
geese and pelicans, attracted our attention, till we reached, about ten
o'clock, the beautiful green hills of Waschinga-Saba's grave,[82] where
we saw some deer and wolves, and found the tracks of these animals
in all directions. The rising wind afterwards obliged us to lay-to,
because there was a very dangerous place, with many snags, just before
us; but when the wind abated Gardner steered my boat very skilfully
between the snags. About sunset we passed the mouth of Little Sioux
River, and lay-to three miles {464} below it, on the opposite bank. On
the 11th we were very frequently obliged to stop, and meanwhile amused
ourselves with looking at the beautiful birds in the thickets. At six
o'clock we reached Soldier's River, and lay-to in a safe bay on the
left bank. The weather was cool on the 12th. When we set out, one of
my hunters shot a cormorant with his rifle. At ten o'clock we passed
the ruins of the old fort of Council Bluffs, and in the afternoon
reached Boyer's Creek, just before which we saw the first plane tree
on the Missouri.[83] From this spot this species of tree becomes more
and more common as you descend the river, which is very winding. We
landed, between one and two o'clock, at Major Pilcher's trading house,
formerly belonging to Mr. Cabanné.[84]

Mr. Pilcher gave us a very cordial reception after so long an absence,
and we passed the whole day with him. A lawyer, of the name of
Randolph, was at this time here to investigate a criminal case which
had lately occurred; an _engagé_ had shot his comrade, as was supposed
in cold blood. There were not many Indians at the trading house at this
time; however, there were some Otos, Missouris, Omahas and a couple of
Joways, and Ongpa or Onpa-Tanga (the big elk), the principal chief of
the Omahas, was daily expected;[85] I would gladly have waited to see
him, had time permitted my doing so. Mr. Bodmer took the portraits of
an Omaha and an Oto Indian. These two tribes do not differ in their
manners, dress, and personal appearance. They wear their hair short,
nay, sometimes the head is completely shorn, except a tuft behind, and
in front; the upper part of the body naked, and strings of wampum in
their ears.

At this time there was more order and cleanliness in Mr. Pilcher's
house than during our former visit, and the store had been removed
into the upper floor. It contained a large quantity of skins, among
which were 24,000 musk-rats, which are sold at twenty-five cents a
piece. The packs of these latter were very regularly piled up in a
square. There was also a good stock of buffalo and beaver skins. Mr.
Pilcher presented me with a very beautiful skin of a large dark brown
wolf, which had been killed on the upper part of Boyer's Creek; it is,
however, not a species, only a variety.

After dinner I took an excursion to the neighbouring finely wooded
hills, which were now flourishing in the greatest luxuriance. Birds of
various kinds were very numerous in a beautiful gently sloping valley,
through which the Omahas pass when they go to their villages. Among the
many kinds of trees and shrubs, I observed cratægus, or pyrus, twenty
feet in height, covered with white blossoms, oaks, elms, &c. Near the
house very fine cattle were grazing, and numbers of swine, all of
which roamed at liberty in the woods. There are extensive plantations
of maize and fields of potatoes, and Mr. Pilcher was so good as to
furnish me with a supply of provisions from his store. This place had
likewise been visited by the cholera in the preceding summer, but it
had not carried off so many persons as at Dougherty's agency at Belle
Vue, because Mr. Pilcher had a better stock of medicines. At nightfall
we took leave of Mr. Pilcher, and went on board our boat, intending
to proceed early the next morning, the 13th of May. During the night
a dog stole a part of our stock of meat, the {465} door of the cabin
not having been very well secured. Towards eight o'clock we lay-to on
the right bank of the river, at a lovely verdant prairie covered with
thickets and tall insulated trees. There we found many beautiful birds;
among them were numbers of the red-breasted _Fringilla ludoviciana_; we
shot a good many of them, but they were so fat that we had considerable
difficulty in preserving the skins. We had a fruitless chase after some
wild turkeys. Towards noon we arrived at Belle Vue, Major Dougherty's
agency,[86] which is about thirty-four miles from Pilcher's trading
house, and lies at the foot of the wooded chain of hills on which Mr.
Pilcher's residence is situated. We landed, but unfortunately found
only a few _engagés_, for Major Dougherty was absent at St. Louis,
and was not expected to return till the middle of July. The majority
of the persons whom we had seen here on our first visit had died of
cholera, during the preceding summer, seven of ten persons having been
carried off in the short space of twenty-four hours. They had all been
buried by one man, who was now here, and who himself was ill when he
was obliged to perform this last office for the dead. The disease had,
however, quite passed away, and the fort was now healthy. The environs
of Belle Vue presented great attractions to the naturalist at this
season. The richly wooded hills, with their deep shady ravines and wild
glens, were animated by the cuckoo, and a number of splendid birds,
while innumerable bright winged butterflies fluttered about over the
strawberry blossoms, the magnificent azure phlox, and a variety of
other beautiful flowers.

After we had luxuriated in this romantic spot, we returned to take in
a stock of provisions, and, being refreshed by that great rarity, a
glass of new milk, we continued our journey. Towards noon we reached
the mouth of the river La Platte, which is about six miles distant from
Belle Vue. At sunset we passed Fife-Barrel Creek, and stopped opposite
an island of the same name on the right bank of the Missouri. As soon
as we landed I set out with my gun in my hand, and, passing through
a lofty avenue of willows, came to a narrow marsh, quite overgrown
with typha. The ground was swampy, but the raccoons had trod a regular
footpath. The morass was bounded by hills covered with trees and bushes
of the loveliest verdure, enlivened by the baltimore and the green
icteria. The latter incessantly poured forth its song, which contains
a strophe similar to that of the nightingale. It is remarkable that
the cheerfulness and activity of these birds increase greatly towards
evening. The whip-poor-wills were very numerous in the willow copse on
the bank, and in the evening twilight their notes resounded on every

The morning of the 14th opened brightly upon us, and we set out early
and passed Weeping-water River, landing several times to pursue the
wild turkeys, whose note attracted us to their retreats.[87] We often
saw these proud birds in the lofty trees, perched up beyond the reach
of small shot. The most beautiful birds of this country select for
their resort the airy summits of the woods, especially of the fine
primeval forest on the bank, where we lay-to at ten o'clock. This
noble forest comprises all the varied trees of this climate, with an
undergrowth of prickly {466} ash, hazel-bushes, cornus, &c., entwined
with _Vitis hederacea_ and other parasitic plants. The stems are tall,
straight, and closely crowded together; many were lying on the ground
decayed, covered with moss and lichens, which frequently impeded our
progress. Here we soon shot a variety of birds, and saw some parrots,
which Gardner had already observed on Weeping-water River. In short we
might have found here ample employment for a long time. A particular
species of caterpillar abounded to such a degree in these forests, that
all the branches of the trees, especially the willows and poplars, were
thickly loaded with them. As soon as we entered the copses our clothes
were covered with these caterpillars and their webs. We lay-to for the
night about a mile below Little Nemawha Creek, where Dauphin caught a
catfish weighing 15 lbs.

On the 15th we were about five miles from our night's quarters to the
mouth of the Nishnebottoneh, which we reached at eight o'clock. In
the fine forest at this spot our hunters shot only one rabbit, and
wounded a deer, which we did not obtain. At noon we lay-to on the
right bank, Gardner having promised to look for some wild honey. I may
remark by the way, that though the bee was not known in America till
it was introduced by the Europeans, it is now spread over the whole
continent. The Indians are said to call it "the white man's fly." It is
now common far up the Missouri, where the honey is eagerly sought for
by both Whites and Indians, who cut it out of the hollow trunks of the
trees. The spot where we rested and prepared our dinner was below the
beautiful verdant wooded hills, and was shaded by high trees, inhabited
by the most brilliant birds, which afforded much sport to our hunters.
Along the bank and distant hills extended a splendid forest, through
which winded a solitary Indian path, where the grey squirrels were
very numerous. We found much recreation in this solitary wilderness,
but here, too, the caterpillars annoyed us greatly; they were of a
bluish-green colour, with a double row of green and yellow spots.
We afterwards passed the Grand Nemawha, and lay-to, for the night,
opposite Solomon's Island, six miles above Wolf River.[88]

On the 16th of May the river was covered with a thick fog, which
prevented our proceeding on our voyage as early as usual. At half-past
seven o'clock we were opposite the mouth of Wolf River, where we saw
a herd of six or seven deer, and lay-to at nine o'clock on the right
bank. The lofty forest here had a thick undergrowth of box-alder and
cornus, which was completely covered with caterpillars and their webs.
At noon we reached Nodaway River, and were charmed with the prospect of
the sublime forest scenery of the banks, and the picturesque islands in
this river.[89] Luxuriant woods appeared on every side, covered to the
summits of their highest branches with graceful light green climbing
plants, so that the trunks looked like verdant columns.

Their foliage was shining and juicy, like the whole of the luxuriant
vegetation that surrounded them. Even from our boat we could see, in
the dark forest, the scarlet plumage of the beautiful red tanagra,
which the French on the Mississippi call the pope, the splendid
cardinal, and the bright red baltimore. The meridian sun shed a
glorious effulgence over this magnificent scene; where, {467} however,
the red-bud, and the other early blossoming trees, had already lost
their flowers. Most of the trees of these forests on the lower
Missouri have not the beautiful large flowers common to those of
Brazil, but, with a few exceptions, have only catkins. For the first
time after a long interval we saw the kingfisher on the bank. Towards
four o'clock in the afternoon we reached the beautiful chain of the
Black Snake Hills, and, not long after, Roubedoux's trading house
in the neighbourhood of the Joways and Saukies, or Sacs.[90] The
forest-covered hills, as well as the prairie stretched at their foot,
were now adorned with the most lovely verdure. The two houses at this
spot were painted white, which, when seen from the river, gave them
a very picturesque appearance amid the surrounding green. Behind the
dwelling houses were extensive fields of maize, protected by fences,
and very fine cattle were grazing in the plain. Mr. Roubedoux, the
owner of the house, and his son, were from home, and some ignorant
_engagés_ could not comply with my desire to obtain fresh provisions,
and to pay a visit to the Indians in the vicinity, to accomplish
which I requested them to provide me with horses. About thirty Oto
and Missouri Indians had been here a couple of days, and had just
gone to the neighbouring Indians to purchase brandy. About six miles
from hence lies a village of the Joway Indians, and at about the same
distance down the Missouri, one of the Saukies. These Indians are able
to obtain as much brandy as they please at the extreme settlements of
the Americans, about fifteen miles from this place, who, at their own
risk, pass the limit of the Indian country, fixed by the government in
the latitude of the Cantonment of Leavenworth. This great facility of
procuring cheap and bad spirits is extremely ruinous to the Indians,
and accelerates the destruction of their race. We were dissuaded from
visiting these two Indian tribes, because they had, for several days,
been indulging in the immoderate use of whisky, and were in a dangerous
state of excitement. A great number of Oto Indians gradually assembled
near Roubedoux's house: many of them were quite intoxicated, and nearly
all had four or five casks of this fatal draught fastened to their

The Oto, Missouri, and Joway Indians, at least the young people, had
their hair shorn in the manner of the Saukies and Foxes: several,
however, especially the elder men, wore their hair short in the neck. I
saw one of the Missouris with his hair hanging half-way down his back.
Their dress and customs are said not to differ from the Saukies. They
had holes in their ears, in which they wore bunches of wampum: some
young men had red cloth tied round their heads, and one of them wore
a cap made of the entire skin of a bear's head, with the ears, which
gave him a very grotesque appearance. All these Indians were weaker,
and of lower stature, than those of the upper Missouri, especially the
Manitaries, Mandans, and Crows. The Otos and Missouris intended to go
to-day with their stock of whisky to their villages on the other side
of the river, and wished us to set them over, to which, however, I was
not disposed to accede. Mr. Bodmer took the portrait of an athletic
Missouri youth. This tribe was formerly numerous and {468} powerful,
but, being defeated by the Foxes, Saukies, and Osages, it lost its
independence, and the few that remain have intermingled with the Otos.

We made some little excursions in the neighbourhood, and found in the
prairie and the lofty trees many beautiful plants and fine birds; the
day was hot, and the evening remarkably pleasant; a numerous company
of Indians, who were not a little troublesome, visited us in our boat,
and stopped till ten o'clock. We left our night's quarters early on the
following day, the 17th, and proceeded down the river, the banks of
which were clothed with tall forests. The thermometer at noon was at
75°, but the wind was high, and compelled us to lay-to; we therefore
took advantage of the delay to go ashore, and make some addition to our
collection of plants and birds. About four in the afternoon, though the
wind was still high, we were enabled to pursue our course. We were not
long in making Cow Island, about nine miles from Leavenworth, where
a good deal of cattle belonging to the military post were grazing. A
little before sunset we came to the isolated dwelling of a white man,
and saw several Indians, there being a settlement of the Kickapoos, who
were removed from the eastern provinces, at a short distance from the
river. We lay-to for the night on the right bank, and several of my
people went on before us to Leavenworth. On the 18th, during a heavy
rain, we made the three miles to the post; we heard some musket-shot, a
signal that the guard was relieved, and soon reached the landing-place
of the Cantonment. The sentinel informed us that we must immediately
appear before the commanding officer, and compelled us, in an imperious
manner, to keep close and march before him. We arrived like prisoners
at the house of the commander, where Major Ryley received us with
tolerable politeness, and supplied me with the provisions, meat, bread,
&c., which I required, taking care, however, to be well paid for

The Cantonment of Leavenworth is pleasantly situated; ten or twelve
neat and spacious buildings, surrounded with a gallery or verandah, are
occupied by two companies of the 6th regiment, not more than eighty
men, with ten officers, who were detached from Jefferson Barracks, near
St. Louis. Dr. Fellowes, the military physician, who in the preceding
year travelled with us to this place, received me with much cordiality,
and gave me a good deal of information respecting this interesting
country. He had been very successful with his cholera patients, for,
out of a great number, one only had died, because he always attacked
the disorder at its very commencement.

The heavy rain had converted the surrounding country into a swamp, so
that we could not conveniently visit the environs of the Cantonment.
The soil is very fruitful, and the whole country clothed in rich
verdure. About four miles from this place, down the river, the Indian
line meets the Missouri at right angles; this is the frontier of the
Indian territory, which the Cantonment is destined to protect. Near
this post is the village of the Kickapoos, inhabited by a poor and
rather degenerated race. Major Morgan,[92] who kept a large store
of provisions and other {469} necessaries, had a share in Gardner's
fur trade; the latter accordingly quitted me at this place. To
celebrate his happy return the people drank rather too freely, and
were endeavouring to make Descoteaux do the same, in order to induce
him to sell his beaver skins below their value, but I would not suffer
this, and took him with me. The people here have a sufficient number
of cattle and swine, as well as plenty of milk, butter, and cheese. My
collections were here enriched with many interesting specimens. Dr.
Fellowes had the kindness to give me a goffer (a large field-mouse),
undoubtedly _Diplostoma bulbivorum_. Unfortunately the specimen was not


[53] Not the lake of that name noted in our volume xxii, p. 368, note
344, but one between Knife and Heart River, North Dakota.--ED.

[54] For the location of Butte Carré (Square Butte), see our volume
xxii, p. 340, note 312.--ED.

[55] This post was probably at or near Apple Creek, which by its
connection with the lakes east of the Missouri furnishes communication
with the upper James, the usual habitat of the Yanktonai.--ED.

[56] See our volume xxii, p. 338, note 306.--ED.

[57] For the site of these villages, see our volume xxii, p. 335, note

[58] See our volume xxii, p. 173, note 87.--ED.

[59] Grand River, the Weterhoo of Lewis and Clark (_Original Journals_,
i, p. 183; vi, p. 49), rises near the sources of the Little Missouri in
northwestern South Dakota, and flows east into the Missouri in Boreman
County. It is a prairie stream paralleling Cannonball and Cheyenne
rivers, and largely destitute of timber.--ED.

[60] For this stream, see our volume xxii, p. 334, note 295.--ED.

[61] For Fort Pierre, see our volume xxii, p. 315, note 277.--ED.

[62] See, for this man, Bradbury's _Travels_, our volume v, p. 38, note

[63] For the visit of this Teton Sioux, see our volume xxii, p.

[64] This tract was the area later famous as the Bad Lands of White
River. Had Maximilian been able to visit this region, he might have
antedated the discoveries made by J. V. Hayden and F. B. Meek, which
awakened much interest in the scientific world. This area, extending
nearly five hundred miles in each direction, lies between Cheyenne and
White rivers east of the Black Hills. It is a tertiary formation of
indurated sands, clays, and marl, cut up into ravines and cañons by
streams and climatic action. In certain places it takes on the form of
a gigantic city in ruins. To the scientist, however, the chief interest
is its fossils, immense numbers of which are imbedded in the formation.
The first descriptive account was that of Dr. H. A. Prout, who visited
the region in 1847, given in the _American Journal of Science_, iii, 2d
series, pp. 248-250. Two years later, Dr. John Evans went through this
district, and the next year it was visited by Thaddeus A. Culbertson in
the interest of the Smithsonian Institution. A thorough examination was
made in 1853 by J. V. Hayden and F. B. Meek; the former passed through
again in 1857, the results being embodied in American Philosophical
Society _Transactions_, xii, new series (Phila., 1863). The fossil
remains were described by Professor Joseph Leidy in _Contributions to
Extinct Vertebræ Fauna_ (Washington, 1873). Hayden made still another
visit to this region in 1866, the results of which were published in
his _Geographical and Geological Survey of the Territories_. The White
River Bad Lands are still difficult of access, and not as yet visited
by tourists.--ED.

[65] See p. 59, for portrait of Little Soldier (Tukan Haton), a Sioux
chief. Consult also our volume xxii, pp. 311-313, for Maximilian's
relation of this chieftain's visit.--ED.

[66] See Plate 44, in the accompanying atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[67] In the early part of the nineteenth century there was a
free-trader of this name on Minnesota River, where he was later
murdered by his Indian wife. See _Henry-Thompson Journals_, p. 941.--ED.

[68] The opposition post had been built since our author ascended
the river. It was begun October 17, 1833, a "little below old Fort
Tecumseh." According to Maximilian it was directly at the mouth of
Teton River, probably in the northern angle. It was occupied only
about a year, then being sold with all its effects to the American Fur
Company. See Chittenden, _Fur-Trade_, iii, p. 956.--ED.

[69] See our volume xxii, p. 313, note 272.--ED.

[70] For the agency and agent, see our volume xxii, p. 235, note 171,
and p. 304, note 261.--ED.

[71] For Bijoux Hills and White River, see our volume xxii, pp. 301,
302, notes 258, 259, respectively.--ED.

[72] For Little Cedar Island, see our volume xxii, p. 296, note 257.
Maximilian here intends the present island of that name.--ED.

[73] For Primeau and Ponca River, see our volume xxii, p. 286, note
248, and p. 291, note 253. The trader was William, half-breed son of
Colonel Robert Dickson, who had been agent for the British government
among the Northwestern Indians during the War of 1812-15. William's
mother was a Sioux, and he assisted his father during that war, being
still in the pay of that government in 1817; see _Wisconsin Historical
Collections_, xi, p. 350. By 1821 he was established in trade on Lake
Traverse, whence one of his letters (written in French) shows traces of
considerable education; _ibid._, x, p. 140. He accompanied a delegation
to Washington in 1824 as interpreter for the United States (consult
_Minnesota Historical Collections_, vi, p. 205), and two years later
was licensed as a trader. Some time before 1832, he crossed to the
Missouri River and entered the employ of the American Fur Company, for
whom he had a post called by his name, near the mouth of Petit Arc
Creek in South Dakota. There Larpenteur met him in 1838, and states
that he shortly after committed suicide. Compare also E. D. Neill,
_History of Minnesota_ (Minneapolis, 1882), p. 452.--ED.

[74] For Niobrara River (l'eau qui court), see our volume v, p. 90,
note 54. Emanuel Creek (Rivière à Manuel) is noted in volume xxii, p.
290, note 251.--ED.

[75] For the Ponca Indians, see our volume v, p. 96, note 63. When
Lewis and Clark ascended the river (1804) the village of this tribe
was on the stream called by their name, not on the Niobrara. The name
of the chief Schudegacheh signified Smoke, and Catlin speaks (_North
American Indians_, i, p. 212) of him as "a noble specimen of native
dignity and philosophy."--ED.

[76] For James River (à Jacques), see our volume xxii, p. 282, note

[77] See our volume vi, p. 87, note 31.--ED.

[78] For this trapper, see our volume xxiii, p. 197, note 153.--ED.

[79] For the earlier adventures of Hugh Glass, see our volume xxii, p.
294, note 255. Powder River, called Red Stone by Lewis and Clark, is
the most easterly of the great southern affluents of the Yellowstone.
It rises in Central Wyoming, on the eastern slopes of the Big Horn
Mountains and south thereof, near the sources of the Big Cheyenne
and North Fork of Platte. The valley of Powder River was a favorite
rendezvous of trappers, for it afforded both game and pasturage in

[80] For these streams, see our volumes xxii, p. 280, note 236; and vi,
p. 85, note 30, respectively.--ED.

[81] For Floyd's grave, see our volume v, p. 91, note 56. Omai is now
Omadi Creek, in Dakota County, Nebraska.--ED.

[82] See Plate 12, in the accompanying atlas, our volume xxv. For this
noted chief, known in English as Blackbird, see Bradbury's _Travels_,
our volume v, pp. 84-86.--ED.

[83] These are all three Iowa streams, the last two entering the
Missouri in Harrison County, and Boyer's in Pottawattamie County. See
our volume xxii, p. 275, note 231, for the fort at Council Bluffs.--ED.

[84] For Cabanné and his post, see our volume xxii, p. 271, note 226.
Cabanné had been obliged to return to St. Louis to defend himself
against the legal action of Le Clerc. See Chittenden, _Fur-Trade_, i,
pp. 346-350. A brief sketch of Joshua Pilcher is in our volume xiv, p.
269, note 193.--ED.

[85] For this chieftain, see our volume v, p. 90, note 52; also, our
volume xiv, pp. 258-262, where Big Elk holds council with the officers
of Long's expedition.--ED.

[86] For a brief history of Bellevue, see our volume xxii, p. 267, note

[87] For the geographical places mentioned in this paragraph, see our
volume xxii, p. 264, note 217.--ED.

[88] For the rivers mentioned, see our volume vi, pp. 72, 73, notes 23,
24. Both Solomon's Island and Wolf Creek are mentioned by Lewis and
Clark (_Original Journals_, i, pp. 72, 73); the former has been swept
away by the river. For Wolf Creek, see our volume xiv, p. 181, note

[89] Nodaway River is described in our volume v, p. 37, note 5.--ED.

[90] For this trader and his post, see our volume xxii, p. 257, note

[91] See our volume xxii, p. 253, note 204, for the persons and places
mentioned in this paragraph.--ED.

[92] The eastern boundary of the Indian country, which was also the
western boundary of Missouri, consisted of a line running directly
north and south through the middle of the channel of the mouth of
Kansas River. In 1824 commissioners were appointed to survey the
western and southern line of Missouri, and in 1830 this was adopted as
the boundary of the Western Territory (see our volume xxi (Wyeth), p.
50, note 31). This boundary is, however, nearly thirty miles (by the
river) below Fort Leavenworth. Probably Maximilian confused this with
the boundary of Fort Leavenworth military reservation.

The treaty of 1832 with the Kickapoo tribe arranged for their removal
to a tract southwest of the Missouri, situated about Fort Leavenworth;
see _Indian Treaties_ (Washington, 1837), pp. 532-535.

Major Morgan was not the military officer who accompanied Long's
expedition, referred to by Maximilian, _ante_ (our volume xxii, p.
260). The one here mentioned was a trader and early settler near Fort
Leavenworth--probably Alexander G. Morgan, who in 1831 was postmaster
at the fort.--ED.



  Little Platte River--William's Ferry--The Mormons, a Religious
    Sect--St. Charles--Land Journey to St. Louis--Residence
    there--The Indian Barrows--Mouth of the Ohio--New
    Harmony--Journey to Vincennes and Louisville on the

On the afternoon of the 18th of May, I left the Cantonment of
Leavenworth amid a very heavy rain, which continuing on the 19th I
lay-to, and made my people light a fire on shore, to warm themselves,
and dry their clothes. As soon as we had left Little Platte River, I
observed numerous isolated settlements, from which others had taken
their rise. At Portage l'Independence, I saw Mr. Soublette, who had
been ill for some time.[93] As I had very recently visited his trading
post on the upper Missouri, I was enabled to give him the most recent
intelligence respecting it. He has always been engaged in the fur
trade; in the first instance, in opposition to the American Fur
Company; subsequently, however, in connection with it; he was now
waiting for the steam-boat, Oto,[94] intending to go by it to St. Louis.

About five o'clock we reached the landing-place of Liberty, but I
did not make any stay there. Descoteaux here fell in with one of his
acquaintances, a Canadian beaver hunter, and begged permission to leave
me; I did not wish to detain the man, and accordingly set him on shore
with all his furs and skins. At nightfall we came to a settlement
called William's Ferry, or Charaton-Scatty; here, on the northern
bank, we lay-to for the night, under shelter of a lofty umbrageous
forest.[95] We passed the 20th on the same spot, our boat having
received some injury, and we accordingly had it repaired; at the same
time we caused our effects to be dried, as they had been thoroughly
drenched by the rain.

We met with a friendly reception in a house near the landing-place,
where the mistress sold us poultry, buttermilk, &c., for which she at
first declined accepting any payment. The {471} whole country in the
valleys, as well as on the mountains, was covered with a lofty shady
forest of magnificent trees, of every variety common to this climate,
which, being refreshed by the late rains, were clad in the most
brilliant verdure. The splendid plumage of the bright red baltimore,
and the vermilion tanagra (_Tanagra rubra_) was very striking, amidst
the dark foliage of the forest; the latter is here called the
flax-bird, from its feeding on the buds of that plant. We listened
with pleasure to the note of the cuckoo, which much resembles that of
the European bird. We heard frogs and tree-frogs in the vicinity, and
the whistle of some animal exactly like that of our yellow-striped
salamander, and doubtless one of that family,[96] under the fallen
trunks of the trees. I was much surprised, during these travels in
North America, to meet with so few animals of the lizard kind, whereas
tortoises were very numerous.

There was only a single path along the bank from one plantation to
another; all else was covered with a thick forest. There were wild,
lonely valleys, with colossal tulip trees, and an undergrowth of papaw,
which was now in flower; a carpet of ferns was spread on the ground in
the dark shade, where a small clear stream meandered among the grasses
and other plants. The dwellings of a few planters were scattered on
the hills. In this wild and romantic valley I saw but few birds; and,
in general, I remarked, in these woods on the Missouri, that far more
birds lived in the vicinity of the plantations than in the recesses
of the forest, an observation which is confirmed by McKenney,[97] and
of which I have spoken in my travels in Brazil. We saw no mammalia in
these woods, though there are many squirrels; the number of which,
however, must have greatly decreased if what Bradbury says is true,
that 2,000 of them had been shot in one hunting excursion.[98] I
unwillingly left a spot so interesting to the naturalist, especially as
I had no agreeable conversation to expect on board the boat. My live
bears attracted all the inhabitants {472} in the neighbourhood; nay,
the people here were more eager to see the much-dreaded grizzly bears
than even in Europe.

Our vessel was crowded with curious persons, and, besides these, an
unwelcome intruder had intoxicated the greater part of my people.
Among our inquisitive visitors there were several men belonging to
a religious sect known here by the name of Mormons. They complained
bitterly of the unjust treatment which they had lately experienced.
They had lived on the other side of the Missouri, and, as they
asserted, had been expelled, on account of their doctrines, by the
neighbouring planters, their dwellings demolished and burnt, their
plantations destroyed, and some of them killed, on which they settled
on the north bank of the river. I was not able to learn whether all
this was true, or why, after an interval of one or two years, they have
not obtained redress from the government. So much, however, is certain,
that, if these people spoke the truth, it would be a great disgrace to
the administration of justice in this country, which calls itself the
only free country in the world.[99]

According to their account, an angel appeared in 1821 to the founder
of their doctrine, and brought him golden tables of law, on which the
contents of a certain chapter of the Bible were engraved, and which
is the substance of the doctrine. The inscription was translated, and
the angel took the tables away. They spoke also of a prophet Mormon,
but I was not able clearly to comprehend the mystical meaning of their
words.[100] A sensible old man gave me some notion of their doctrine,
to which he seemed to be much devoted. He affirmed that their sect was
perfectly harmless, and never molested others, a point respecting which
their neighbours might, perhaps, give a different testimony.

These backwoodsmen were much interested by all our effects, and were
particularly struck with our percussion guns and rifles. In those parts
where the woods have been cleared, the country which they inhabit is
extremely fertile. Deer and wild turkeys are still met with; but bears
are not numerous, and the panther is only now and then seen. The elk
(_Cervus Canadensis_) has been long since extirpated. The wood-rat
(_Neotoma?_) is not uncommon; it does mischief to the fruits, and gets
into the so-called smoke-houses, where meat is smoked and dried. The
common grey wolf is said to be very numerous: the black race is seldom
seen here, and the white never, which is a proof that it is a distinct

On the 21st of May we passed Fire Prairie and the mouth of Fishing
Creek,[101] and again saw magnificent forests, the trees of which were
so lofty that our guns were unable to reach the birds perched on the
upper branches. The ground was covered with flowers, among which was
a beautiful sky-blue iris, and with an undergrowth of papaw trees,
above which arose the tall forest trees, such as the _Gleditschia
triacanthos_, sassafras, tulip trees, &c., entwined with the _Vitis
hederacea_. The red tanagra shone like a glowing coal amid the dark

On the following day, the 22nd of May, we met the Joway steamer,
which could with difficulty {473} proceed up the shallow river. Old
Roubedoux, who was on board, brought news from St. Louis. He had
purchased from the Fur Company, for 500 dollars, the trading house
on the Black Snake Hills, from which we had just come.[102] Having
halted near the steam-boat at noon, with a temperature of 89°, we
made a short excursion into the wood, where I procured the beautiful
red adder, _Coluber coccineus_. The colour of its exquisitely marked
body is a brownish vermilion, and, therefore, not so purely vermilion
as the splendid coral adder of Brazil. The forest was so full of the
caterpillars which have been already mentioned, that walking through
it was most disagreeable. At five in the afternoon we passed Grand
River,[103] and lay-to for the night six miles further down, on the
south bank, at a plantation, the friendly inmates of which, though very
well disposed, could give us only a small supply of provisions.

On the 23rd, in the neighbourhood of Little Arrow Rock,[104] we saw
some persons catching an immensely large white catfish, the weight
of which must have been very great, but I was not able to stop and
examine it. At this place we heard a strange noise under the boat,
which my people affirmed was produced by the prickly fins of the fish
called by them casburgot, or malacigan (_Catastomus carpio_, Les.),
and by the Americans, buffalo-fish. It weighs from five to six pounds.
Towards evening we passed Franklin, and stopped at Boonville.[105]
Two negro slaves, who were returning from the plantations, were very
much astonished at the sight of my bears: one of them had a long tin
speaking-trumpet, with which these men, when working in the forest,
are called together. It may not be irrelevant to remark that all the
negroes of these parts are slaves. Fine tall trees covered the hills on
the bank, which my people ascended in order to purchase provisions in
the scattered dwellings of the planters.

On the 24th we passed the small town of Columbia, below the mouth of
the Manitu stream, where a quantity of logs of wood, for the use of
the steam-boats, was piled up on the bank. At noon the thermometer was
at 90°. An uninterrupted forest, with beautiful scenery, adorned the
canal during the entire extent of this day's voyage. Having passed the
village of Maryanne, on the northern side, we reached Jefferson City at
six in the afternoon.[106] This place is still in its infancy and most
of the habitations are scattered, while the ground between them is not
yet levelled. It is covered with heaps of stones and high weeds; and
cows and pigs were roaming about at liberty. We could not obtain any
provisions except salt pork, biscuits, and whisky. In the bookseller's
shop, as it is termed, we only found a few school books. In the evening
I proceeded to the plantation of a person named Ramsay,[107] where a
number of negroes congregated about our boat, from whom I was fortunate
enough to purchase some poultry. These people were dressed in all sorts
of left-off clothes, and forcibly reminded me of similar scenes in

At eight o'clock in the morning of the 25th, we passed Côte sans
Dessein; and at noon, when the thermometer was at 88°, reached the
little town of Portland, which was founded about two years since.
Near the mouth of Gasconade River we met the Oto steam-boat.[108] We
stopped {474} for the night below the Rivière à Berger, and on the
morning of the 26th lay-to at the settlement of a man named Porter,
to which the name of Washington has been given, though at present it
consists of only a few isolated dwellings: the inhabitants were very
courteous and obliging.[109] The adjacent forest was animated by many
interesting birds; and I here purchased a live young bear. Opposite to
this place, four or five miles up the country, a Mr. Von Mertels, of
Hanover, has settled; and here, a few years since, Dr. Duden resided,
who has written on North America, and who is still much talked of in
this country.[110] In the evening we reached St. Charles, to which
great numbers of German emigrants now resort,[111] and lay-to at the
settlement of Mr. Chauvin, who keeps an inn, and has set up a stage
between this and St. Louis. Here we passed the night, but the rain
was so heavy, that we were prevented leaving the house. The people
spoke to us a great deal of the many persons who had fallen victims to
the cholera the year before. There is a ferry at this place over the
Missouri, in which the large wheel is set in motion by six horses.

On the 27th, after the rain had ceased, we went by land to St. Louis:
the weather was warm and damp, and the brilliant humming-birds
fluttered about the plants in the court-yard of the house. As the stage
did not run to-day, I hired a long, open, farmer's wagon, with three
horses, in order to reach the Mississippi as speedily as possible,
while Dreidoppel was to go by water, with my collections, &c. We
immediately entered the forest, where colossal trees, especially the
sugar maple, oak, elm, &c., covered a hilly ground, overgrown with
many interesting plants, about which the most beautiful butterflies
peculiar to this country were hovering. From time to time we saw
planters' dwellings all built of wood, covered with planks, and roofed
with shingles, the chimneys being of brick. Among the many species of
trees is the black oak, which is used for dyeing and tanning. A great
quantity of the bark is sent to England. The forest extends many miles,
and, becoming gradually thinner, is succeeded by the open prairie,
which does not differ from the prairies of the west, especially of the
upper Missouri. We stopped at an isolated inn to refresh our horses,
and were still six or seven miles from St. Louis. The last part of
the road lay through a wood of dark green oaks, in which I saw many
circular pools of water, which undoubtedly owed their origin to the
sinking of the earth, of which Mr. Say speaks, in the account of
Major Long's expedition.[112] These pools are fifty or sixty paces in
diameter, and are inhabited by numerous frogs, whose croaking is heard
at a great distance. At noon we alighted at the Union Hotel in St.
Louis, after an absence of above a year.

St. Louis was now healthy, and not suffering from the cholera, as we
had expected; there had, however, been a couple of cases in a steamer
from New Orleans. No change of consequence had taken place since our
last visit. At the factory of the American Fur Company I found very
agreeable letters from Europe. Here I saw Mr. Lamont, to whose amiable
family we were introduced, but I greatly regretted the absence of
General Clarke.[113] We received much {475} kindness in the house of
Major O'Fallan, who is perfectly acquainted with the Missouri, and the
aboriginal inhabitants. Here we saw a collection of Indian portraits
and scenery by Mr. Catlin, a painter from New York, of which we were
able to form an opinion after our recent travels in the country.[114]
Major Dougherty, our friend and travelling companion, had the goodness
to give us a night's lodging, and we were highly gratified by his
conversation about the countries which we had just left, and with which
he is well acquainted.

Among the remarkable objects in the vicinity of St. Louis are the
ancient Indian barrows, the traces of which I had hitherto in vain
attempted to find on the whole course of the Missouri. In order to
take a view of them, we crossed the Missouri in a steam-ferry, where
there is room for the horses and carriage, and in the upper story of
its pavilion, a light, airy chamber. On the opposite bank are a good
many houses, inns, and shops, under the shade of lofty old trees. Fish,
turtles, vegetables, and other provisions, are daily sent from this
place to the market in the town. The surrounding country is level,
sandy, and, in part, marshy; the road passes alternately through open
meadows and copses to the skirts of an extensive verdant plain, or
prairie, after we had crossed a wooden bridge thrown over the pretty
stream called Kahokia Creek, the banks of which are picturesquely
bordered with fine trees.[115] The colour of the water is dark brown,
like many forest streams in Brazil, and forms a beautiful camera
obscura. The open plain, which we now reached, was everywhere clothed
with young grass, and in several spots with low bushes. As soon as we
had passed the skirts of the forest on the Mississippi, a long row of
very flat ancient Indian barrows came in sight, extending parallel
with the river, and a second row, forming an angle with the first, in
which some of the barrows are higher than others. Right in front of the
angle formed by the two rows is the most considerable barrow of all,
which does not appear at first sight, though it is at least sixty feet
high. It is called Trappist's or Monk's Hill, because some French monks
of the order of La Trappe formerly lived here.[116] I may remark by
the way, that many settlers of French origin live in this part of the

We proceeded in the direction of the above hill, which is about six
miles from the river; it is covered with greensward and a few old
trees, and some new wooden buildings are erected on it. In the prairie
stood a group of very tall poplars, under which a herd of cattle was
reposing. Here we left our wagon, but the bull, who seemed to be lord
and master, was at first much inclined to oppose our passage. Numerous
birds of many species and beautiful butterflies were fluttering
about in the ardent noontide sun. The Indian hills, or barrows, of
which Say counted seventy-five, have a very striking appearance;
they stand in a row, generally isolated, but sometimes two are side
by side. Some of them still retain their conical form, while others
are very much flattened. There are similar barrows near St. Louis on
the other side of the Mississippi, most of which have, however, been
destroyed by cultivation and building. The destination and the origin
of these remarkable barrows and walls, which have been the subject
of so much discussion, {476} are still involved in obscurity; while
the government of the United States alone might have collected the
necessary materials on the subject, if it had employed competent
persons to excavate, carefully to examine, survey, and describe all
the monuments of this kind that are scattered over the states of
the Union.[117] Even at this time, it is not wholly too late to do
much towards the accomplishment of so interesting an inquiry; not a
moment should, however, be lost. Baron Alexander Von Humboldt has
given an interesting essay on the subject in his valuable works; and
several American writers have collected and published many particulars
respecting these remains. Of some of them Warden has given ground
plans and sketches, but no favourable result can be expected till the
excavation is prosecuted in earnest.[118] Perhaps the flint knives
resembling those of Mexico[119] might be found near St. Louis. These
barrows have a close resemblance to the ancient German barrows which
are everywhere found in our forests. A late traveller (Dr. De Wette)
conjectures that the American barrows are not produced by art, but by
nature, because there is no fosse round them from which the earth was
taken; this notion is, however, very easily refuted, as the barrows and
walls are arranged in regular figures and lines, and in like manner
no fosse or excavation is to be seen round the barrows in the German
forests. The earth was taken from the surface in the neighbourhood, but
it was by no means necessary on that account to excavate a fosse. With
regard to the regular position of the barrows of St. Louis, they have
in this respect a close resemblance to the kurghans of the Russian
steppes, which also lie in long regular lines. The very form, too, of
both seems to be quite similar, if we except the stone images which
are often seen on the kurghans. Pallas, in his "Tour through Southern
Russia" (Vol. I. Vig. 1), gives a sketch of a row of barrows which
perfectly resemble those of St. Louis.[120]

A pleasant westerly breeze which sprung up, was a great relief to us in
the sultry heat, and continued till we returned to the shady forests
on Kahokia Creek, which we reached at two o'clock. Numerous tortoises
live in this stream. The banks of the Mississippi, near St. Louis, are
likewise remarkable for various impressions of shells and zoophytes
in the limestone; among them are the beautiful crinoides, which are
found in great perfection close to the buildings of the town. Mr.
Lesueur has collected and sent to France specimens of all these fossil
remains, and every information on the subject is contained in his and
other similar works. I neglected, while I was at St. Louis, to see the
tame buffaloes which Mr. Pièrre Chouteau kept on his estate near the
town, though I should have been very glad, for many reasons, to have
seen these animals in a domestic state. I have been frequently told,
in America, of hybrids of the buffalo (bison) and the tame race, but
never saw any; and several naturalists, especially Mr. Thomas Say,[121]
have {477} always affirmed that no instance ever occurred of hybrids,
capable of propagating their kind, of that animal and the tame species.
He declares that every case into which he examined turned out to be
unproved. Mr. Gallatin has, indeed, lately spoken on the subject, and
pronounced against Mr. Say's opinion. He calls the bison a mere variety
of the common ox; but this may be easily refuted.[122] The bison is
quite a different species from the ox, as is clear, not only from its
outward form, high withers, short tail, the formation of the head, and
the peculiarity of its long hair, but likewise from the osteology, the
number of the ribs and vertebræ being different in the two animals.

There is another point on which I differ from Mr. Gallatin, namely, his
denial of the great decrease in the number of buffaloes in general.
For when we consider how far these animals have been driven up the
country, and that, in these very parts, they are even less numerous
than formerly, we have a fact which at once proves a great decrease, of
which nobody in the interior of the country can entertain a doubt.

After staying about a week we took leave of our friends at St. Louis,
and embarked on board the Metamore steam-boat, which left on the 3rd of
June. Messrs. Chouteau, Lamont, General Pratte, and Ortley, accompanied
me on board, where we bade each other farewell.[123] We glided rapidly
down the Mississippi, and passed Chester before evening, but were soon
obliged to lay-to, because we were apprehensive that the night would be

Our voyage on the 4th of June was extremely pleasant; the forests on
the Mississippi were clothed in the brightest verdure, climbing plants
interlaced the tall trees, and the papaw was in greater luxuriance
than I have anywhere seen; but here, too, the caterpillars had partly
stripped the bushes. Towards nine in the morning, after the early
vapours were dispelled, we reached the mouth of the Ohio, the clear
green water of which contrasted strongly with the grey and muddy stream
of the Mississippi. We stopped at the landing-place at the junction
of the two rivers, to wait for the steamer expected from New Orleans,
and to take on board some of its passengers. The Ohio is at this time
too shallow for the large Mississippi steam-boats to ascend it, and
they, therefore, transfer their passengers to the smaller boats from
St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville, and Pittsburg, which, in the present
instance, occasioned us a most unpleasant delay. The Boonslick, a large
boat from New Orleans, lay aground in the Mississippi, waiting to be
relieved.[124] We therefore proceeded to her with a flat boat, by the
aid of which she was lightened of a part of her cargo, consisting of
lead. This business detained our Metamore a considerable time, after
which we returned to the landing-place: we made use of this delay to
undertake an excursion into the forest which borders upon the town.
_Papilio Ajax_ and _Turnus_ were very numerous, and we caught a great
many, especially of the former. In the shade of the forest we found
the red Mississippi tanagra, which I had not before seen on my whole
journey; and, likewise, observed its nest, which did not seem to annoy
the birds. The beautiful baltimore and many {478} other interesting
birds were likewise frequent. At three o'clock the boat's bell summoned
the scattered party to return. Two large New Orleans steam-boats,
the Mediterranean and the Chester, now arrived. The former, which is
the largest on the Mississippi, and about the size of a frigate, only
much higher, came along side our vessel.[125] It had several cholera
patients on board, and two persons had died of that disorder during
the voyage. It was by no means pleasant to us to be obliged to receive
passengers from this boat; nevertheless we took a good number of them
on board higher up the river, at Smithland, whither this large boat
was able to accompany us. In the evening we arrived at the village of
Paduca, where we passed the night; and at noon the following day (the
5th of June) reached Smithland at the mouth of Cumberland River, where
we stopped no longer than was necessary to receive the passengers from
the Mediterranean; after which we proceeded on our voyage, in calm,
hot weather, up the Ohio, which appeared in all its beauty, passed
Cave-in-Rock,[126] continued our voyage during the night, and early in
the morning of the 6th of June reached Mount Vernon, where we quitted
the steamer. We then procured a carriage (dearborn), and pursued our
journey to Harmony by land.[127]

This road, which I have already described, was extremely pleasant,
on account of the luxuriant foliage of the lofty forest, though the
trees, especially the beeches, had in many places suffered from the
frost. The finest tulip, storax, and sassafras, with many other kinds,
spread a cool shade, while innumerable butterflies afforded us much
entertainment. The ajax, the blue and black philenor, the yellow and
black turnus, &c., were countless. Our driver frequently alighted from
his seat to shoot with his rifle some grey squirrels, which are here
very common, for dinner. About noon we had the pleasure of meeting Mr.
Say and our other friends at Harmony, in good health. I here became
acquainted with Mr. Robert Dale Owen,[128] a very well informed man,
and derived much instruction and gratification from my conversation
with Messrs. Say, Lesueur, Owen, Macklure, Twigg, &c., by whom we were
most kindly received.

On the 9th of June, after taking leave of our friends, I left New
Harmony, with Mr. Lesueur, to continue our journey by way of Vincennes,
to which place Mr. Twigg accompanied us on horseback.[129]

The whole country through which we passed, except near Vincennes, close
to the Wabash, is an uninterrupted forest, in which the dwellings
of the settlers or backwoodsmen lie scattered on both sides of the
wood. They are, as I have already described them, for the chief part,
block-houses, &c. and only here and there is a brick building to be
seen. The fields are everywhere surrounded with fences. The country
soon becomes hilly, and the soil in the vicinity of the Wabash is very
fertile. The heat and dust were excessively annoying in this dry
season; however, fresh, cool water was everywhere to be found, each
dwelling-house being usually supplied with a well. A stranger is much
struck with the dress of the women, living in small, wretched cottages,
where he not unfrequently sees, if not a lady in fashionable {479}
attire, yet in a style of dress which, in Europe, he would neither look
for nor see in habitations far superior. In these little cages there
are immense four-post bedsteads, which occupy nearly the whole of the
small chamber, which, like the cobbler's stall, "serves for bedroom,
parlour, kitchen, and all." The door and windows of these hovels are
generally open. Though the weather was particularly dry this spring,
the corn looked very well; the soil of the forest is everywhere a
very rich black mould, except in one place, where, for a couple of
miles, sand suddenly appears. Mr. Lesueur, who has often visited and
examined this part of the country, directed my attention to the entire
change of vegetation. Instead of the many kinds of lofty trees in
the forests of Indiana, we find, in this sandy tract, the low, black
oak, which is not above thirty or forty feet high; as soon as that is
passed the tall trees again appear. Here the fallen trunks give a wild
and romantic appearance to the forest, where great numbers of cattle
and swine were feeding. We here saw a place where the inhabitants of
the neighbourhood assemble for religious exercises, which are called
camp meetings. These singular assemblies have been described by many
travellers, and Mrs. Trollope does not appear to have exaggerated in
her account of them.[130] We observed vestiges of huts, fireplaces, and
the eminences fenced round, which serve as pulpits, from which their
spiritual teachers preach. We stopped, at noon, at a small village
in the wood, consisting of only five or six houses, which is called
Owensville.[131] Close to the cottage where we dined was a large clover
field, in which innumerable butterflies, especially ajax and philenor,
were fluttering. Volney observes, that he travelled through the
extensive forest, from Louisville to Vincennes, in the month of July,
without seeing a single settlement, or hearing the song of a bird.[132]
The first part of this sentence is no longer applicable; but I can
confirm the latter, for which many authorities might be quoted.

Before evening we reached Prince Town, which is built with a large
square in the centre.[133] We passed the night in a good inn, where,
as is common in this country, a sort of punca was suspended over the
table in the dining-room; this was drawn backwards and forwards by a
negro, and served at once to cool the air, and to chase away the swarms
of troublesome flies. On the following day we passed through lofty and
more thickly-wooded forests than yesterday, consisting in many places
of old beeches which had suffered much from the frost: indeed, both the
fruit and mast were destroyed completely by the frost in this part of
the country. The catalpa was in full blossom, but, though the ground
was covered with a luxuriant growth of plants, none of them were yet in
flower. We saw numbers of the grey squirrel, which was served up to us
in the inn as a delicacy. Beautifully romantic little valleys intersect
the tall and gloomy forest, where we now and then met some farmers,
whose wives were all on horseback, smoking their pipes. After taking
some dinner at an isolated saw-mill in the wood, we reached, three
miles further off, the White River, in a fertile valley, where the heat
was very oppressive, because the {480} forest completely impeded any
circulation of air. The wild vine flourishes here in great luxuriance,
the soil being very rich.

The White River is a fine stream, rather narrower at this place than
the Wabash, and there is a ferry to cross over to the other side.[134]
There the face of the country is considerably changed, for, the soil
being sandy, the vegetation of the sand and prairies of St. Louis again
recurs. It is worthy of remark, that all the plants in the sandy soil
were now in flower, whereas in the rich black mould of the forest none
were yet in blossom.

When the rather hilly country on the White River was passed, it became
flatter, and we at length issued from the forest into the verdant
plain of the Wabash, in which Vincennes is situated, at the distance
of twelve miles from the White River. As we approached Vincennes, we
observed, on the right hand, a hill covered with oak bushes, called
Warrior's Hill, from which the Americans observed the enemy when they
took this place from the English.[135]

Vincennes is one of the most ancient settlements of the French, founded
in 1736. There was formerly a fort here, belonging to the series of
posts by which a communication was kept up in this wilderness. It
was subsequently called Old Post, and is said to have received its
present name from a Captain Vincennes, who possessed the confidence
of the Indians, and to whom they presented a piece of land.[136] It
is now a mean-looking, scattered place, consisting of several unpaved
streets, on the bank of the Wabash. Many old buildings are still to be
seen, remaining from the time in which so many French settlements were
founded in the west. Most of the houses built at that time are small,
and have only one story; which is likewise the case at Vincennes, but
the Americans have, however, erected many new brick buildings. The
court-house, standing at the verge of the prairie, is, as usual, a
square edifice, covered with white plaster. The descendants of the
French, of whom there are many families, do not belong to the better
class of the inhabitants, but are low, ignorant, and superstitious.
The place is, however, thriving, and promises to possess, in time, a
considerable trade. Many Americans have settled in it, and some of them
have well furnished shops: but a bookseller who set up a shop there met
with no encouragement whatever, and was obliged to leave.

In front of the house of the former governor, which stands in a
pleasant open spot near the river, are some ancient shady trees, and a
garden, containing many rare and beautiful plants, is attached to it;
formerly it was kept in good order, but it is now sadly neglected and
suffered to run to ruin.[137]

We put up, in Vincennes, at Clarke's Hotel, where the stages start
from; and I intended to proceed on my journey the following day, but
the landlord and postmaster declared, rather laconically, that I must
wait for the next opportunity, because our baggage was too heavy. This
caused a delay of two days, which I endeavoured, in Mr. Lesueur's
company, to turn to the best {481} account. Mr. Badolet, of Geneva,
who has long resided at this place, and is thoroughly acquainted with
the country, was unfortunately indisposed.[138] He takes much interest
in the promotion of knowledge, and through his instrumentality a
library has been formed, which, though still in its infancy, consists
of about 1500 volumes. New books are added every year, and there are
already some valuable works. Mr. Badolet likewise purchased the well
preserved lower jaw of a mastodon, which was found in the White River.
Mr. Lesueur made a drawing of this jawbone, which is deposited in the
library. Another interesting character lives here, but forgotten,
neglected, and in great poverty--I mean Colonel Vigo, who rendered
important services to the Americans at the capture of Vincennes. They,
indeed, gave him the rank of colonel, but suffer him to starve.[139]

In our excursions in the vicinity of this place we found many
interesting plants. Mr. Bodmer took a view of Vincennes from the top of
Warrior's Hill; while Mr. Lesueur visited the Indian barrows, of which
there are several in the plain, and which the French settlers call
_mamelon_.[140] One of these hills was examined on a former occasion,
and an excavation made through a wolf's den on one side of it, but
nothing was taken from it but white clay; without doubt the examination
must have been superficial.

On the 13th of June we parted from our friend, Mr. Lesueur, and left
Vincennes by the stage. We first passed through a tract of alternate
meadows and thickets, and then, for a couple of miles, through the
unbroken forests which characterize Indiana. After proceeding thirteen
miles we came to a solitary post-house in the wood, where breakfast
was ready, and of which we partook while they were changing horses.
We then crossed in a ferry, an arm of White River, which runs between
picturesque wooded banks. The roads were bad; decayed trunks of trees
were constantly in the way; the ground broken and uneven; and our
stage, drawn by four very spirited horses, sustained many a violent
jolt. We came to Washington and Mount Pleasant,[141] where the farmers
were cultivating their fields, in which isolated trees were frequently
seen, but which afforded no shade from the sultry sun, for they were
all destroyed by the fire. They are cut down, from time to time, when
the people are in want of timber; and, as a sign that they are to be
felled in the next winter, a circular ring is hewn into the bark. It
is said to be very difficult to cultivate the land in Indiana, on
account of the extremely vigorous vegetation. Except in the vicinity
of the Wabash and the White River, it is, however, not so fertile as
in Illinois, where, in the environs of Springfield, for instance, it
is scarcely necessary to do more than hoe the ground, in order to
obtain the finest crops. An acre of land there yields from sixty to
eighty bushels of maize, and fifty bushels of wheat. The effects of
the frost were everywhere visible on the trees: it had caused much
damage, and killed all the fruit for this year. The fruits of the field
were about as forward as they would be on the Rhine at this season. In
the plantations there were great numbers of oxen, horses, sheep, and
swine, the former of which were particularly large and handsome. At
Mount Pleasant we {482} found in the inn a good many books lying about;
among them were some geographical works. From this place we descended
an eminence to the bank of the second arm of the White River, which
flows through fine forests. The water was transparent, and the banks
steep. Being set over with a ferry, we came to a tall, gloomy forest,
consisting almost wholly of large beech trees, which afforded a most
refreshing shade. The forest continued without intermission, but the
beeches were soon succeeded by other species of trees indigenous to
this country. We passed the most elevated part of the road through the
picturesque forest scenes, where the lofty crowns of the trees shut out
the sky from our view. They were the most splendid forests I had yet
seen in North America. In the evening we stopped, twenty-three miles
from Mount Pleasant, at a capital inn, called Horsit, surrounded with
farm buildings in good condition. We were quite astonished at meeting,
in this lone, wild, sequestered spot, with such a respectable house
and table; everything was particularly neat and comfortable. Early
on the morning of the 14th we set out again. About six miles further
on, is the little town of Paoli, in a calcareous spot, where pieces
of limestone everywhere stand out. We then proceeded by the side of
Litcreek, some miles from whence the stage stopped, and the passengers
breakfasted at the house of Chambers, a Quaker.[142] We were told that
this part of the country is very salubrious, and the air extremely
pure, but it takes strangers some time to get accustomed to the water,
which is impregnated with lime. We saw numbers of horses in the
forest, but the breed is not so good in Indiana as in other states. At
Greenville, a small village, was a large concourse of the neighbouring
farmers, whose horses and vehicles were tied to the fences. They had
come to take part in the election of some magistrate. The heat was
excessive, and the dust very troublesome. Several parties of farmers
were in the public-houses, where a rude, noisy crowd were drinking
whisky and playing at various games. We soon reached the summit
of the calcareous chain of hills, which we had ascended gradually
and imperceptibly, and approached the southern declivity, where an
extensive and magnificent prospect opened before us. The wide valley,
or, rather, the vast plain of the Ohio, suddenly unfolds itself to the
eye of the astonished traveller. As far as the eye can reach, a dense,
uninterrupted forest covers the country, and the beauteous river, like
a streak of silver, meanders through the landscape. In the distance lie
the red masses of the houses of the towns of Louisville and New Albany,
which extend on both sides of the Ohio. We soon passed the slope of the
chain, and drove rapidly through a highly cultivated country to New
Albany, on the banks of the river.[143]

I did not stop at New Albany, where there had lately been several cases
of cholera, but proceeded to Louisville, where we soon arrived, and
embarked the same evening, on board the Paul Jones steamer. In this
town, too, there had been some cases of cholera, but the people did
not seem to be afraid of that disorder. After proceeding about thirty
miles up the Ohio, some accident happened to our engine, and we were
obliged to lay-to. On the following day, the 15th, the {483} forests
of the Ohio appeared in the luxuriant verdure of the varied foliage
of their lofty trees, among which the colossal planes were especially
conspicuous. Near Kentucky River our engine again broke; it was,
however, repaired, during the night, at Vevay.[144]

On the 16th we reached Rising Sun, saw Petersburg and Aurora, where the
United States mail steam-boat, the Franklin, passed rapidly by us, then
came to Lawrenceburg, and arrived about noon at Cincinnati.[145]

Cincinnati is a considerable town, and carries on an extensive trade,
and is frequented by numerous steam-boats, of which a considerable
number were now lying on the banks of the Ohio. Many travellers have
already described everything worthy of notice in this town, and I
will, therefore, only mention some establishments connected with
natural history, which we were now able to visit at our leisure, as
we were no longer apprehensive of the cholera. The Western Museum,
belonging to Mr. Dorfeuille, which Mrs. Trollope has described, is the
only one worthy of notice. I observed several interesting articles,
though all American establishments of this kind are calculated, not
for the advantage of science, but for pecuniary gain. This museum is
lighted up every evening at eight o'clock, and an indifferent concert
is performed, chiefly by Germans. In one of the rooms was a small
fountain, round which the visitors sat upon benches, gazing at it with
astonishment. The owner has a taste for the sciences, and would pay
greater attention to them, if he met with more encouragement to do so;
but his museum did not attract many visitors till he introduced, in
the upper rooms, an absurd representation of hell. Grottoes, in which
a number of frightful skeletons are moving about, and among whom the
devil acts a principal part; these, and other hideous scenes, attract
the vulgar multitude, and bring considerable profit. Mr. Dorfeuille
has, however, several interesting specimens, such as petrifactions,
fossil impressions, Indian antiquities, Mexican curiosities, and some
fragments of parchment with hieroglyphics painted on them; the best
of which, however, was at this time in the hands of Mr. Bullock, an
Englishman, who resides some miles from hence, and which I therefore
did not see.[146]

On examining the booksellers' shops, I found only some elegantly
bound works on the _belles lettres_, a few on the statistics of
different countries, but none relating to natural history, nor any
portraits or history of the too much neglected Indian nations. I
there formed several valuable acquaintances, among others, Dr. Daniel
Drake, who is well known as an author, and whose work, "The Picture
of Cincinnati," and other essays, prove that he has not neglected the
study of nature.[147] I met with many old acquaintances, among others,
Mr. Richard Owen, of New Harmony;[148] and in all my excursions saw
great numbers of Germans, of whom it is estimated that 10,000 reside
here. German is everywhere spoken. German peasants arrived continually,
and traversed the streets, but most of them are of the lowest and
most uneducated class, and are not calculated to give the Americans a
favourable impression of our nation.

Instead of going immediately into the country, and hiring themselves
to the farmers, in order to learn the nature of the agriculture
{484} of this country, they loiter about the town, where they fall
into the hands of abandoned countrymen of their own, squander the
little property they have brought with them, and are then despised
by the inhabitants. At present, however, there are many respectable
and intelligent Germans here, who have already contributed to give
the Americans a more favourable opinion of our people. Some of these
estimable men have conceived the laudable plan of establishing a
society for the protection and settlement of their countrymen, which
will certainly prove highly useful.

On the 19th of June I left this town on board the United States
mail-boat, Guyandotte, and proceeded up the Ohio. The Lady Scott
steamer set out at the same time with us, but our steamer soon left her
far behind. As slavery is abolished in the state of Ohio, the crew of
our vessel were nearly all white men. There are three such mail-boats,
which have to forward the despatches of the government, but they
perform this office only occasionally, because they receive only five
dollars each time. The most rapid vessels are chosen for this service;
they have the words, "United States Mail," painted on their paddle-box.

About noon, on the 20th of June, we lay-to at Portsmouth,[149] above
the mouth of the Sciotto River, and I landed at this place, intending
to proceed on the Ohio Canal.


[93] For the Little Platte, see our volume xiv, p. 174, note 141.
Independence is noted in our volume xix, p. 189, note 34 (Gregg). As it
was situated three miles from the river, both Wayne City and Blue Mills
contended for the business of the landing place. Portage l'Independence
was at the former, or even higher up the river--possibly cutting off
the bend wherein the Kansas River enters, since Maximilian does not
speak of passing that stream.

The person whom Maximilian met was Milton G. Sublette (for whom see
Wyeth's _Oregon_, in our volume xxi, p. 67, note 44). He went out with
the Wyeth expedition in the spring of 1834, but because of illness
turned back (May 8) near the Kansas River, and had just arrived at
Independence Portage when the prince's vessel came down the Missouri.
William L. Sublette, the chief partner of Sublette and Campbell, had
led out a party to the mountains which passed Wyeth's about May 12. See
Townsend's _Narrative_, in our volume xxi, p. 151; and "Correspondence
and Journals of Captain Nathaniel J. Wyeth," in _Sources for the
History of Oregon_ (Eugene, Oregon, 1899), pp. 132, 221, 224.--ED.

[94] The "Oto" (Otto), built at Jeffersonville, Indiana (1831), was
Sublette and Campbell's steamer, which visited the upper Missouri in
1833. Somewhere on the upper river Sublette sent the boat back, and
proceeded by keelboat to Fort Union. Probably the steamer had wintered
near Council Bluffs.--ED.

[95] For Liberty, see our volume xxii, p. 249, note 197. Williams's
Ferry was at the present site of Missouri City; the settlement had been
begun by Shrewsbury Williams shortly before Maximilian's visit, and was
incorporated as a city in 1859.

"Charaton Scatty" is the phonetic spelling of "Charretins écartés," two
creeks separated by a short distance. Lewis and Clark, in _Original
Journals_, i, p. 57, give the name as "Sharriton Carta."--ED.

[96] The knowledge of naturalists respecting reptiles or amphibia has
been increased in a surprising manner of late years. The work now
publishing by Messrs. Duméril and Bibron, promises to be the most
complete on the subject. A vast number of species has been found,
some of which are hardly capable of being sufficiently defined: thus,
the authors of the above-mentioned excellent work seemed to have
proceeded, in some cases, rather hastily. I will mention only one or
two instances: vol. v., p. 88, I find in the synopsis, "_Tupinambis
monitor_, Maxim., Prince of Wied;" whereas I never thought of calling
the lizard in question _Tupinambis_. Vol. iii., p. 80, _Alligator
sclerops_, and page 86 the same, where I am quoted in reference to
two species of crocodile, though it is very certain that I could not
observe in Brazil more than one species. In these two descriptions
there is much confusion; and in this respect we must also not follow
Spix, who considered the varieties of age as distinct species. I could
quote many other instances, if this were a proper place for such

In the work of Messrs. Duméril and Bibron there are likewise many
mistakes with respect to the Brazilian reptiles described by me; and
it seems that the authors, like many other French naturalists, quote
my descriptions of those animals without having read or even seen
them, otherwise they would certainly have preferred my statement of
the colour of the animals from the life, to a description of the faded
specimens preserved in spirits, which are met with in the museums;
or to the equally incorrect statements of Dr. Spix, who, it is well
known, forgot to note the colour of the animals when alive, and whose
representations of them are likewise from specimens preserved in

[97] For Thomas L. McKenney, see our volume xxii, p. 29, note 3.--ED.

[98] See our volume v, p. 280, note 157.--ED.

[99] For a contemporary description of the troubles with the Mormons
in Jackson County, Missouri, see Gregg's _Commerce of the Prairies_,
in our volume xx, pp. 93-99. Gregg's point of view is that of a
sympathizer with the Missouri backwoodsman; Maximilian's is that
of the doctrinaire. For a recent historical description of these
events, consult W. A. Linn, _Story of the Mormons_ (New York, 1902),
pp. 161-207; see also J. H. Kennedy, _Early Days of Mormonism_ (New
York, 1888); and Thomas Gregg, _Prophet of Palmyra_ (New York, 1890),
pp. 127-148. The Mormon point of view is presented in B. H. Roberts,
_Missouri Persecutions_ (Salt Lake City, 1900). A conflict between
two such differing classes as the Missouri pioneers and the Mormon
emigrants was inevitable, and it was fortunate that there was so little
consequent bloodshed.--ED.

[100] On the psychology of the Mormon movement, and the origin of the
Book of Mormon, see J. W. Riley, _Founder of Mormonism_ (New York,

[101] For these geographical place-names, see our volume xxii, pp. 247,
248, notes 192, 194, respectively.--ED.

[102] Robidoux had formerly been in charge of an American Fur Company's
post higher up the river. In 1826 he was transferred to the trading
house at Blacksnake Hills, where he was a salaried employé until the
purchase here narrated by Maximilian. See _History of Buchanan County_,
Missouri (St. Joseph, 1881), pp. 391-396.--ED.

[103] For Grand River, see our volume xv, p. 178, note 62.--ED.

[104] See, for this point, our volume xiv, p. 162, note 127.--ED.

[105] Old Franklin and the town of Boonville, on the opposite bank, are
noted in our volumes xix, p. 188, note 33 (Gregg), and xxi, p. 89, note
59 (Wyeth), respectively.--ED.

[106] Columbia, the seat of the state university, is described in our
volume xxi, p. 133, note 8 (Townsend); Jefferson City, the capital, in
volume xxii, p. 242, note 183.

Marion, on the southern (not northern) bank of the Missouri, is a
village in Cole County, in a township of the same name. It was platted
at Moniteau Rock, below a creek of the same name, and at first was
county seat for Cole. Defeated in the contest for the state capital,
the town lost also the court-house, which was removed (1826) to
Jefferson City. The place was incorporated in 1837, but has never
attained prominence.--ED.

[107] Major Josiah Ramsey, Jr., was one of the first two settlers of
Jefferson City, of which he was appointed trustee in 1825.--ED.

[108] Côte sans Dessein is noted in our volume v, p. 48, note 20.
For Gasconade River, see our volume xiv, pp. 136, 137. Portland, in
Auxvusse Township, Callaway County, was laid out in September, 1831. It
no longer exists as a separate village.--ED.

[109] Berger Creek is a small Franklin County stream, flowing into the
Missouri from the southwest.

Washington (Missouri) was settled some time prior to 1818, and
incorporated in 1841. The first brick house was built in 1834. It is
the largest town in Franklin County, and originally had a considerable
German element among the population.--ED.

[110] Gottfried Duden was a young German physician, who, after a
journey to the United States and a residence of several years (1824-27)
in Montgomery (now Warren County, Missouri), wrote a book relating
his experiences. His work was much read, and as he gave a pleasant
picture of life in the interior of North America, it induced a large
emigration, especially from southwest Germany and along the upper
Rhine. Many of these emigrants were of the educated classes, and have
been valuable citizens to Missouri. See Duden, _Bericht über eine
Reise nach den westlichen Staaten Nordamerika's und einen mehrjährigen
Aufenthalt am Missouri_ (Elberfelt, 1829); several later editions

[111] For St. Charles, see our volume v, p. 39, note 9. This was
originally a settlement of French inhabitants, but during the decade of
1830-40 German immigration flowed in so rapidly that both the township
and county of St. Charles have a majority of settlers of German

[112] See our volume xv, p. 173. The theory there advanced is, that the
land between the Mississippi and Missouri "would appear rather to have
subsided from the waters of a quiet ocean than to have been brought
down from above."--ED.

[113] A brief sketch of Daniel Lamont is in our volume xxii, p. 314,
note 274. General William Clark made his home in St. Louis after his
Western expedition (1804-06), and died there in 1838. See our volume v,
p. 254, note 143, for a brief sketch of his career.--ED.

[114] See our volume xxii, p. 32, note 9; also Smithsonian Institution
_Report_, 1885, part ii.--ED.

[115] Cahokia Creek is a small stream in St. Clair County, Illinois. It
formerly discharged into the Missouri at the French village of the same
name; but its channel is now changed, so that its mouth is some miles
above. For the tradition that this change was of artificial origin
caused by a habitant who attempted to injure the village, see Flagg's
_Far West_, in our volume xxvii, chapter xli.--ED.

[116] The Trappist order and monastery are described in much detail
by Flagg in his _Far West_, published in volume xxvi of our series,
chapter xv. Consult this account, with accompanying notes.--ED.

[117] For recent government work on this subject, consult Lucien Carr,
in Smithsonian Institution _Report_, 1891; Cyrus Thomas, in United
States Bureau of Ethnology _Report_, 1890-91; and also Flagg, _op.

[118] For von Humboldt, consult our volume xviii, p. 345, note 136;
Warden is noted in volume xxii, p. 149, note 63.--ED.

[119] See design in Plate 81, in the accompanying atlas, our volume
xxv. See also our volume xxii, pp. 174, 175.--ED.

[120] Peter Simon Pallas (1741-1811) was born in Berlin, but early
invited to Russia to assume charge of scientific explorations in
that empire. His _Bemerkungen auf einer Reise durch die südlichen
Statthalterschafter des russischen Reichs_ was published in

[121] For a brief sketch of this naturalist, whom Maximilian visited at
New Harmony, see our volume xiv, p. 40, note 1.--ED.

[122] Albert Gallatin (1761-1849), a Swiss emigrant, whose services as
United States statesman in finance and diplomacy were considerable,
devoted the latter portion of his career to scientific pursuits,
especially to the subject of North American ethnology. Maximilian
here refers to his well-known "Synopsis of Indian Tribes of North
America," published in American Antiquarian Society _Transactions_,
ii (Cambridge, 1836). The reference to the bison appears on pp. 139,
140, wherein Gallatin claims to have had upon his farm in western
Pennsylvania a mixed-breed ox of the domestic cattle and bison

[123] The "Metamore" steamer was built at Louisville in 1832. For these
St. Louisians, see our volume xxii, pp. 235, 282, 314, notes 168, 239,
274, respectively.--ED.

[124] The "Boone's Lick" was built at Pittsburg in 1833; she was when
built one of the largest of the river boats, being of two hundred and
ninety-five tons displacement.--ED.

[125] The "Mediterranean" and "Chester" were both built at Pittsburg in
1832; the former, of six hundred tons burden, exceeded any other river
craft by nearly two hundred tons.--ED.

[126] See Plate 7, in the accompanying atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[127] For Maximilian's earlier visit to New Harmony, see our volume
xxii, pp. 163-197.--ED.

[128] Robert Dale Owen (1801-77) was the son of the founder of the
New Harmony community. Born in Glasgow, he was educated largely in
Switzerland, and came to the United States with his father in 1825.
After the failure of the community, the younger Owen conducted a
journal in New York for some years; but, having married, he returned
to New Harmony about the time of Maximilian's visit, to make this
his permanent home. He was influential in Indiana politics, serving
in the State legislature (1835-41), two terms representing his state
in Congress (1843-47), and materially assisting in the revision of
the Indiana constitution in 1850. In 1853 he was appointed chargé
d'affaires at Naples, being later raised to ministerial rank (1855-58).
Owen was a radical in religion and politics, and to spread his opinions
wrote many books. His argument for immediate emancipation is said to
have had much weight with Lincoln.--ED.

[129] William A. Twigg, son of a clergyman of the Church of England,
was one of the original members of the New Harmony community; his
descendants still live in the region. See George B. Lockwood, _New
Harmony Communities_ (Marion, Indiana, 1902).

Alexander Maclure, brother of William, one of the founders of the New
Harmony settlement, was the person Maximilian here intends. He lived
for many years at this place.--ED.

[130] For Mrs. Trollope and her notes on America, see our volume xxi,
p. 44, note 24 (Wyeth).--ED.

[131] Owensville, in Gibson County, was laid out in 1817 and named for
Thomas Owens of Kentucky. John C. Warrick was the first merchant and
postmaster. By 1900 the town had attained a population of 1,019.--ED.

[132] For Volney, see Flint's _Letters_, in our volume ix, p. 237, note

[133] For a brief notice of Princeton, Indiana, see Hulme's _Journal_,
in our volume x, p. 46, note 16.--ED.

[134] White River rises near the Ohio line, and flows southwest across
Indiana into the Wabash, embouching between Knox and Gibson counties.
It is the largest stream wholly within the state, and waters a fertile,
well-wooded valley of about nine thousand square miles.--ED.

[135] For an historical sketch of Vincennes, see Croghan's _Journals_,
in our volume i, p. 141, note 113. Warrior's Hill was called by the
Americans under George Rogers Clark (1779), Warrior's Island, since
they had, upon the expedition against Vincennes, been wading through a
submerged district, and found this grove of oaks the first considerable
spot of dry land on which to encamp. It was situated immediately
northeast of Grand Morass Pond, in full view of Vincennes. See
Thwaites, _How George Rogers Clark won the Northwest_; for a detailed
account, consult C. W. Butterfield, _George Rogers Clark's Conquest
of the Illinois and the Wabash Towns_, 1778 and 1779 (Columbus, Ohio,
1904), pp. 323-326, 711.--ED.

[136] François Margane, sieur de Vincennes, is frequently confused
with his uncle, Jean Baptiste Bissot, also sieur de Vincennes. Both
commanded for the French among the Miami Indians, but the younger built
(probably in 1727) the fort at the site called by his name. He was
born in Canada in 1672, succeeded to his uncle's estate in 1719, and
about the same time came to the Wabash. His death occurred during the
Chickasaw campaign (1736); while leading the Miami contingent he was
captured and burned at the stake. The town of Vincennes was frequently
called "O Post," a corruption of the French form "Au poste."--ED.

[137] The residence of General William Henry Harrison, first governor
of Indiana Territory, still stands in the northwestern portion of
the town, at the intersection of Water and Scott streets. It was the
earliest brick mansion in this section of the country, and was begun in
1805 on the plantation that Harrison had bought the previous year, and
named "Grouseland." At this place occurred the famous interview between
its owner and Tecumseh, the Indian chief who was afterwards vanquished
in the battle of Tippecanoe (1811). Upon Harrison's departure for North
Bend, Grouseland became the residence of his son, John Cleve Symmes
Harrison, whose wife was the only child of General Zebulon M. Pike. The
gardens were long noted for their beauty.--ED.

[138] Jean Badollet, born in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1758, was the son
of a Protestant minister. He was a college friend of Albert Gallatin,
and at his request immigrated in 1785 to the United States. Taking
charge of a colonizing project in southwestern Pennsylvania, he for
some years acted as Gallatin's business manager. Upon the organization
of Indiana Territory, Badollet was appointed register of the land
office, removing to Vincennes, which he thereafter made his home. He
retained his office until 1836, when his son was appointed in his
stead. Badollet served as a member of the constitutional convention of
Indiana in 1816 and strongly opposed the introduction of slavery into
the new state. His latter years were clouded because of poor health,
and he died in 1837.--ED.

[139] For a brief sketch of Vigo, see André Michaux's _Travels_, in our
volume iii, p. 31, note 8.--ED.

[140] The highest Indian mounds of the state are found in the vicinity
of Vincennes. For a critical discussion, see E. T. Cox, "Archæology,"
in Indiana Historical Society _Publications_, i, pp. 217-240.--ED.

[141] For Washington, Indiana, see Faux's _Journal_, in our volume xi,
p. 203, note 68.

Mount Pleasant was a post village on the Vincennes-New Albany turnpike,
thirty-five miles east of the old capital. It was the seat for Martin
County until 1846; but being avoided by the railroad, has declined in
importance, having now no post-office.--ED.

[142] The turnpike road being followed by the travellers crossed
Daviess, Martin and Orange counties, substantially along the line of
the present Ohio and Mississippi Railway.

For Paoli, see Welby's _English Settlements_, in our volume xii, p.
230, note 37.

"Litcreek" is Lick Creek, a small westward-flowing affluent of the East
Fork of White River, in Orange and Martin counties, Indiana.

For Samuel Chambers, see Hulme's _Journal_, in our volume x, p. 62,
note 29.--ED.

[143] Greenville is a small post village in Floyd County, Indiana,
twelve miles northwest of New Albany; in 1900 it had a population of
three hundred.

For New Albany, consult Hulme's _Journal_, in our volume x, p. 44, note

[144] For the Swiss settlement of southeastern Indiana, of which Vevay
was the capital, see our volume v, p. 316, note 164.--ED.

[145] Rising Sun, of Ohio County, Indiana, thirty-five miles southwest
of Cincinnati, was platted (1814) by John James, an emigrant from
Maryland. Its population in 1900 was 1,548.

Aurora, in Dearborn County, four miles below Lawrenceburgh, was laid
out in 1819, and incorporated three years later. At the time of
Maximilian's visit the population was about six hundred; by 1900 it had
increased to 3,645.

Petersburg was a small hamlet three miles below Aurora; it never
attained commercial prosperity.

For Lawrenceburgh, see our volume xiii, p. 62, note 36.--ED.

[146] See Mrs. Trollope's description in _Domestic Manners of
Americans_ (London 1832), pp. 68-70.

For William Bullock, whose residence was at Hygeia, near Covington,
Kentucky, see our volume xix, preface.--ED.

[147] For a brief sketch of Dr. Drake, see Nuttall's _Journal_, in our
volume xiii p. 61, note 35.--ED.

[148] Richard, a younger son of Robert Owen, was born at New Lanark,
Scotland, in 1810. He was educated chiefly in Switzerland, and came
to New Harmony (1828) fresh from his literary studies. His tastes
inclining to scientific pursuits, he was associated with his brother,
David Dale, in several geological surveys, among them an exploration
(1849) of Lake Superior. He engaged in the Mexican War with the rank of
captain, and in the War of Secession held an Indiana colonelcy. Upon
the death of his brother (1860), Richard Owen was appointed Indiana
state geologist, and for fifteen years thereafter held the chair of
natural science in the state university, publishing a _Key to the
Geology of the Globe_. Upon retirement from professional duties, Owen
returned to New Harmony, where he occupied the Rapp mansion until his
death in 1890.--ED.

[149] For a sketch of the history of Portsmouth, see Nuttall's
_Journal_, in our volume xiii, p. 59, note 31.--ED.



  Voyage on the Ohio Canal--Chillicothe--Circleville--Licking
    Summit, the Highest Part of the Canal--Hebron--Fall
    of the Canal at Akron--Cleveland--Lake Erie; its
    Navigation--Buffalo--The Seneca Indians--The Six
    Nations--Niagara River--The Village of Niagara--The Falls of
    Niagara--Divine Worship of the Tuscarora Indians.

Portsmouth is rather an inconsiderable town, with low houses, and
broad, unpaved streets, built in the angle of the confluence of the
Sciotto with the Ohio. Here begins the Ohio Canal, which connects that
river with Lake Erie.[150] This fine canal is navigated by numerous
boats, which are built in the same style as the keel-boats of the
Missouri, but have many convenient small chambers; they are from
seventy-seven to eighty feet in length, fourteen in breadth, and are
drawn by two horses, on which the driver is seated. These Ohio Canal
boats are not so well arranged and fitted up as those on the Erie
Canal, where they have distinct boats for passengers and goods, which
is not here the case. They are also slower, because fewer horses are
employed. In the middle of the boat is the long space for the goods; in
front two small cabins; and at the back is the saloon or dining room.
At the sides of the cabins are cushioned seats, on which, as well as on
the floor, the beds are arranged for the night. In the other cabins are
berths for the ladies.

On the afternoon of the day on which we arrived we went on board a
canal boat, where I met with an agreeable, well-informed, travelling
companion in Dr. Pitcher, an attentive observer of nature, and
military physician of Fort Gibson, on the River Orkansa, who was
accompanied by his family.[151] We set out at six o'clock in the
afternoon, with very fine weather. The banks of the canal were covered
with wood, especially sugar maples. Before night we came to some {486}
sluices, and a mill with seventy saws for cutting freestone, which is
found in the neighbourhood, into blocks for building, tombstones, &c.

On the 21st we passed through very fine forests of sugar maples and
beeches, where numerous baltimores were flying about. The country is
very fertile; it was formerly clothed with wood; and the detached
block-houses of the settlers are constantly met with. On many spots
of the surrounding hills the may-apple (_Podophyllum_) grew in
abundance; others were covered with an undergrowth of the papaw tree:
the kingfisher was frequently seen on the banks of the canal. Near
three combined sluices is a feeder, which connects the canal with the
Sciotto. There is a weir in the river, in the deep waters of which it
is said there are a very great number of soft-shell tortoises. About
a league and a half from Chillicothe, after passing Indian Creek, the
canal is carried over a stream called Paint Creek. This aqueduct is
broad, has three arches, and two stone pillars, over which the water
of the canal flows; and on each side of the aqueduct is a floored way,
with a railing for the horses and foot passengers. Towards evening we
arrived at Chillicothe, a small town, with 2000 or 3000 inhabitants,
in the wild and fertile valley, which is evidently in a state of rapid
improvement.[152] There are about 150 Germans here, who are in general
well spoken of. The breeding of cattle is the chief occupation of the
inhabitants of this part of the country, and they export oxen and
swine. They have, however, begun likewise to follow agriculture, and
now export a small quantity of wheat.

When the first planters settled here, they found two Indian tribes--the
Shawnees of the Americans, or Chavenons of the French, and the
Wyandots, who had been driven hither from the north.[153] On the spot
where the town now stands were formerly several conical Indian barrows,
in one of which were found some bones, potsherds, and beads, which were
made of hard wood. Another barrow was composed, at the upper part, of
stones; it contained bones, and two copper bracelets, which appeared to
be beaten or hammered, not cast. A third barrow, overgrown with trees,
which still exists, and is situated on a rather lofty wooded eminence,
had at the summit a mixture of sand and stones, and then clay, under
which were ashes mixed with bones, which crumbled away when exposed to
the air.[154]

An extremely violent thunder-storm, with torrents of rain, surprised
us when we were leaving Chillicothe, at nine o'clock in the evening,
where an obliging German, of the name of Bauman, had given us
hospitable entertainment. We proceeded during the night, and early in
the morning of the 22nd passed several sluices, and then traversed
a low, wooded country on the Sciotto, which is here full of small
verdant islands, covered with trees. Fine lofty forest trees adorned
the country; the elder bushes were in blossom; and the red-headed
woodpecker and the kingfisher everywhere displayed their beautiful
plumage. We now came to the considerable town of Circleville, which
has many brick buildings, and must have increased greatly since {487}
it was visited by Duke Bernhard of Saxe Weimar.[155] The duke gives a
detailed description of the remarkable ancient walls, in the interior
of which this place was built; but they have been greatly demolished
since that time. The court-house stands in the centre of the Indian
circle wall, and the greater part of the town still lies within it.
This wall enclosed a space of seventeen acres and three quarters, but
the greater part of it has now disappeared. Withoutside the western
extremity lies a hill, from whose summit an admirable view of the town,
&c., is obtained. Here, too, we see another deplorable instance of
the love of destruction which animates the Americans; for, instead of
preserving these interesting ancient remains with the greatest care,
they have erected buildings exactly on the site of the levelled walls,
respecting the former state and opening of which nothing now remains,
except some scanty, superficial accounts given by Attwater and other
American writers.[156]

After we left Circleville we saw, on the canal, a great number of
shells (_Unio_), of a greenish colour, with darker stripes, which are
very frequent here; most of them were floating without the animal,
which was, however, found dead in some of them. The canal traverses a
country agreeably diversified with wood and meadows, which was formerly
covered with uninterrupted primeval forests. We saw, likewise, some
low, marshy land, overgrown with rushes and reeds, upon which the
beautiful oriole (_Psaroc phoeniceus_), with its splendid plumage,
was sitting. This fine bird lives chiefly in the marshes and by the
water-side, where it builds its nest. Sandpipers, and other birds of
that kind, animated the low meadows; and among the bushes I saw the

After traversing a wooded country, with remarkably fine sugar maples
and walnut trees, we came to Walnut Creek, which flows through a shady
forest. Near the little town, Lockbourn, which was founded only three
years ago, there are eight sluices close together, where the Columbia
feeder issues from the canal, which rises at this place about 100
feet, and then runs along the eminence.[157] The forest is not so lofty
on the summit, and the tops of many of the trees are withered. Thus we
traversed by water the fine forest of the state of Ohio, and, as it
was Sunday, saw the inhabitants in their best dresses. It was a most
agreeable journey, during which we sat quite at our ease on the deck.
We had left the Sciotto at Lockbourn, passed Waterloo, Winchester,
Havensport, New Baltimore, and Millersport, and on the morning of the
23rd reached the highest point over which the canal has to pass.[158]
This point is called Licking Summit, because it is in Licking township,
in the county of Muskingum, which contains the towns of Irville and
Nashport. From Portsmouth to the highest point of the canal there are
fifty-one sluices.[159] At sunrise we reached Hebron, a town commenced
in November, 1825, in Union township, on the great national road from
Zanesville to Columbus, which commences at Hagerstown, comes from
Cumberland, on the Potomac, and passes through the states of Ohio,
Indiana, and Illinois.[160] Many workmen were employed upon the road,
and a quantity of stones was brought, on the canal, in large square
flat boats. About nine o'clock we passed the first three sluices
downwards, {488} for the canal gradually descends from Licking Summit
to Lake Erie. We came to Licking River, and soon after to the little
town of Newark, through which the canal passes. In the year 1830 Newark
had 1000 inhabitants, but has now considerably increased. This town has
broad streets, a large market-place, and several new churches.[161] All
the plantations and fields in this part of the country have fences, on
which the red-headed woodpecker is frequently seen. Seven miles from
Newark the canal joins Licking River, a very pretty little stream,
which flows through a picturesque rocky valley, overgrown with pines
and other trees. The rocks, which appear to consist of grauwacke, have
a singular stratification, with caverns in which the cattle seek the
protection of the shade from the sultry sun. The passage of about a
mile or a mile and a half through this beautiful wooded chain of hills
is very romantic. It is succeeded by open spots with plantations, where
the canal leaves the Licking, which it soon afterwards approaches more
closely. In the hollow between the two waters many lofty trees were
growing, especially planes and poplars, partly entwined with lovely
climbers. It is sixteen miles from Newark to Nashport, a small place,
where some Indian barrows still exist. The bank of the canal is covered
with verbascum in flower, which was introduced from Europe. Ironstone
and coal are found in the vicinity. On the banks there is always some
wood, but not so tall or luxuriant as on and near the Ohio. Sometimes
we came to picturesque spots, then to sluices, and to a great many
bridges, under which the boats have to pass: sometimes the canal runs
in a straight line through beech forests. About twenty-three miles from
Newark it is carried, at a considerable height, over the Tomaha Creek.
We then came to the village of Frazeysburg, a place with detached
wooden houses, where many witch-hazel bushes grow on the side of the
canal, the branches of which were formerly used for divination, like
those of the hazel bush in Europe; for this superstition was brought by
the emigrants across the Atlantic Ocean.[162]

During the night we passed the little villages of Webbsport and Roscoe,
and at daybreak came to Evansburg, and then to New-comers Town, a
village which has now only seven or eight houses.[163] The country
round is pleasant and diversified. In the canal a yellow-striped snake
swam rapidly past us. We had seen the black snake and the water snake
the day previous. Near the village of Port Washington, the valley was
broad and wooded;[164] having passed which, we came to Gnadenhütten,
a village consisting of about seven houses, originally founded by the
Moravians, who have, however, abandoned it. The present inhabitants are
chiefly of German origin; they speak German, and among them were some
newly arrived German settlers.[165] In this country, near Trenton and
Newcastle, are considerable coal mines.

At Lockport, a small village in Tuscarora county, there are beautiful
prospects from the river; the banks are clothed with forests, the
stagnant branches are covered with nymphæa, and other water plants,
and immense plains stand in the valleys. At Dover, a neat little town,
in an agreeable situation, the canal comes very near the river; over
this is a large covered bridge, in the {489} erection, much timber has
been needlessly expended.[166] Not far from Dover is Zoar, a pretty
settlement of Würtemberg Separatists, at which we arrived in the cool
of the evening. A man named Bäumler, who is advanced in years, but
said to possess considerable talents, is the chief of this colony;
it is in Tuscarora County, on the east bank of the river of the same
name.[167] In the year 1833, this colony had sixty very neat buildings,
all roofed with new red tiles, which are not common in America, and
which looked remarkably well in the green valley. At a distance we
observed considerable buildings, and the inn in the form of a church.
The Ohio Gazetteer says, that the settlement was originally founded
on a piece of land of 4,000 acres, which the company purchased in
1810, and the greater part of which is now well cultivated.[168]
The Separatists possess, besides, 1500 or 2000 acres of land in the
vicinity, as well as some vineyards, which are said to produce very
good wine. The situation of Zoar, at the bottom of the broad level
valley, with luxuriant fields and lofty trees, at a short distance from
the river, is extremely pleasant. The inhabitants are said to be very
industrious, and to have several manufactories, and I regret that I was
unable to make myself better acquainted with this interesting place. A
long wooden bridge is thrown across the canal and the river: close by
is an inn, built by the inhabitants, and called the Zoar Canal Hotel.
Just as I was at the spot, the shepherd drove a numerous flock of sheep
over the bridge, and answered my questions in genuine Swabian German.
His entire dress and equipments were quite in the German fashion: a
shepherd's crook, a broad leather bandolier, ornamented with brass
figures, a flat broad-brimmed hat, and a large grey coat; a costume
very uncommon in America. His dogs, too, were exceedingly careful in
keeping the flock together. During the night we passed the villages of
Bolivar and Bethlehem, and at daybreak, on the 25th of June, were at
Massillon, a picturesque spot, in Stark County, which was founded in
1826, and has now 100 houses and 500 inhabitants.[169]

At eight o'clock we reached Fulton, a village with some neat houses
in Stark County. This whole country was manifestly once covered with
a primeval forest. The cat-bird was common on the banks; we observed
turtles, bull-frogs, and tree-frogs, and often saw snakes swimming
rapidly across the canal. There were most charming wood scenes on
the Tuscarora, where a dwarf-rose grew in abundance, and had a most
pleasing appearance with its large flowers. About noon we reached the
town of New Portage, where the traders used formerly to convey the goods
which were intended for the trade with the Indians, from one river to
the other. Soon afterwards we came to a marshy place, with a forest of
larches, which shed their leaves in the winter time: it grows round a
small lake, through which the canal passes. A bridge is built over the
whole length of the lake, for the horses which tow the canal boats. A
little further on, where the canal expands into a kind of small lake,
is Akron, a considerable town in a remarkable situation.[170] It was
founded in 1825 in Portage County, and has already an extensive trade,
many neat wooden houses, stores, manufactories, an iron foundry, and
an establishment where, {490} by means of a wheel, bedsteads and other
articles of furniture are turned. At Akron the valley begins to decline
rapidly: the canal passes through the middle of the town, and, in order
to bring the boats down from a considerable, steep, rocky eminence,
ten or twelve sluices are erected one above the other. The vicinity
is one of the most curious spots on the course of the canal, with
scattered buildings, a busy population, much water, and fine forests.
On reaching the foot of the eminence, you glide along the beautiful
dark brown mirror of the canal, through luxuriant verdure, where wood
and meadows alternate, and the tall tulip, walnut, and sassafras trees
reflect their graceful forms in the unruffled surface of the water. The
sluices, of which we counted twenty-one in a space of two miles and a
half, were at greater intervals from each other as we approached the
River Cayahoga, which the canal follows to Lake Erie.[171]

The next morning we were still five miles from Lake Erie, a distance
which we accomplished at about ten o'clock, when we reached the little
town of Cleveland. The sea-like expanse of the large Lake Erie was
very striking when emerging from the wooded valleys, and the sight of
it reminded me of my approaching voyage to my native country. The dark
blue lake stretches to the far horizon, like the ocean; the eye is
attracted by the white sails and the smoke of the steam-boats; while
the finest weather and the purest atmosphere favoured the illusion.

Cleveland is a large, rapidly improving town, with several thousand
inhabitants, full of life, trade, and business.[172] It is situated
in Cayahoga or Cuyahoga County, and is built partly on a high ridge,
partly on the river below. The outskirts are scattered, but the
principal streets are regular. It contains many large buildings,
several churches, a school or academy, a prison, good inns, and
numerous shops and stores; the trade is very considerable in
consequence of the junction of the great lakes with the Ohio and the
Mississippi. Numbers of canal boats are assembled here, and also the
two-masted schooners which navigate the lake. Several large, commodious
steamers, generally full of passengers, come and depart daily. The
Cayahoga flows through the lower part of the town; both sides of the
mouth of the river are lined with wood; and on the right bank there is
a long mole, with a lighthouse at the extremity. A second lighthouse is
built a little to the right, upon an eminence; and in the far distance,
on the right hand, the coast is lost in the misty horizon, and, on the
left, disappears amid thick forests.

We met with many Germans at Cleveland, especially newly-arrived
emigrants, and also an obliging young fellow-countryman, whom I
had seen at Pittsburg, and who had obtained a good situation in
a mercantile house in this place. Several steam-boats arrived and
departed, bound to Detroit, and, at length, the Oliver Newbery came in,
on its way to Buffalo. I immediately availed myself of the opportunity
to visit that town, and set out from Cleveland at noon. On leaving
the mouth of the Cayahoga there is an uninterrupted view of the vast
expanse of Lake Erie, the splendid bluish-green waters of which, like
those of all the great Canadian lakes, are exactly of the same colour
as those of Switzerland. The dark brown waters of the Cayahoga are
strongly contrasted {491} to a considerable distance with those of
the lake.[173] We steered along the south bank, where we had a fine
prospect of Cleveland, and we were favoured by the most charming
weather, which showed the lake to great advantage: in a storm the waves
often run very high, and prove dangerous to navigation. The southern or
American shore is not much elevated; the northern forms the boundary
of Canada, the English possessions in North America. The south coast
has no lofty eminences, and is entirely covered with forests. The
steamer touched at Fairport, Ashtabula, and Salem, where great numbers
of bats were hovering over the entrance into the port. After leaving
Salem our engine got into disorder; and on the following morning, the
27th, we reached Dunkirk, a small place, built in the Dutch fashion,
of which there is no mention in the Ohio Gazetteer of 1833.[174] A
lighthouse stands on a neighbouring point of land. At eleven o'clock
we came in sight of Buffalo, lying at the end of the lake, where we
saw a race between two large steam-boats. As we approached the town,
where we landed at twelve o'clock, a great number of steamers presented
a very animated scene. Buffalo has been rapidly improving of late,
and in a few years will be a considerable and important place. It has
at present about 1000 houses, and 12,000 inhabitants, and promises
to become one of the chief commercial ports of the country. The Erie
Canal, which connects the great lakes with the eastern seaports of the
Union, commences here. In the summer months, the neighbouring Falls of
Niagara attract a great number of strangers, all of whom visit Buffalo.
The streets of this town are, for the most part, regular and broad,
crossing each other at right angles, and contain many handsome brick
buildings, large inns, nine or ten churches and chapels, and good shops
and magazines of every kind. In the lower part of the town, the water
of the lake and the canal has been conducted into the streets, forming
small harbours, where numbers of ships lie in perfect security. The
town extends along the slope, and on the ridge of a gentle eminence;
and from one of the highest points there is a striking prospect of the
bright mirror of Lake Erie, which vanishes in the misty distance, and
on the land side, of the Niagara River, and its opposite or Canadian
bank. Buffalo was burnt by the English in 1814; it is said that only
one house was left standing. The town was not immediately rebuilt,
and it is only since the construction of the fine Erie Canal that it
has risen so rapidly. When we consider the shortness of the time, the
sudden improvement of the town, which is now of so much importance,
really seems incredible; and perhaps there is no other country in the
world where such a sudden rise would be possible.[175] They are now
laying down iron railroads, one of which is to lead to Niagara. There
are at present above thirty steam-boats for the communication between
Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, and Niagara, and the number increases
every year. The object, however, which most attracted me was the
village of the Seneca Indians, in the vicinity of Buffalo. They possess
a piece of land, which begins a mile and a half southeast of the town.
Here they live in small, neat, wooden houses, which are surrounded by
their fields {492} and plantations, in a wooded country, and the pretty
little church is in the centre of this Indian colony. The Indians who
are settled here are employed in agriculture, the breeding of cattle
and horses; and, like other country people, they go to the town with
their wagons. Their dress is nearly the same as that of the Whites.
Both the men and women frequently wear round felt hats: the men have,
in general, a red girdle under their large blue upper coat, and the
women wrap themselves in blankets. I found the physiognomy of most
of these people quite genuine and characteristically Indian, as well
as the brown colour, and their smooth, coal-black hair; some of them
do not much differ in this respect from the Missouri tribes. A good
many of them speak English, but some are quite ignorant of it; and, in
their communications with each other, all use the old Indian dialect.
It is said that there were at first 900 Indians settled here, mostly
Senecas, mixed with a few Onondagos and Cayugas; but their numbers have
decreased. All these tribes spoke the same language. They received
from the government 49,000 acres of very fine fertile land. They have
a clergyman and a school. The inn is kept by a half-breed Indian, who,
however, did not appear to value himself on his Indian descent, but
rather desired to be considered a white man.[176]

The Senecas are one of the six nations who, in former times, were
the enemies of the French in Canada, and, with the exception of
the Oneidas, assisted the English, in the war of 1775, against the
Americans. The works of Charlevoix, Lahontan, and Colden, give
information respecting the history of these once powerful, warlike
people, who dwelt on the borders of the great lakes. The six allied
nations were the Senecas, Cayugas, Onondagos, Tuscaroras, Oneidas, and
Mohawks; the latter came from the south, and were admitted at a later
period into the union of the five tribes.[177]

We visited some of these families, who showed us their bibles and
prayer books in the Indian language; we bought specimens of their work,
adorned with porcupine and other dyed quills, and likewise bows and
arrows, which they still esteem. Deeply regretting the destruction of
the remarkable aboriginal inhabitants of the east of North America,
I returned in the evening to Buffalo, where our baggage and the live
animals were embarked under the superintendence of Dreidoppel, on board
an Erie Canal boat, for Albany, a distance of 363 miles. I myself took
a place in the stage for Niagara, and we left Buffalo on the 28th of
June. The road lies along the Erie Canal, which is here parallel with
the River Niagara, passes through the village of Blackrock, and, near
the hamlet of Tonawanta, crosses the creek of that name, which falls,
at no great distance, into the river.[178]

The River Niagara issues from the east end of Lake Erie, forming the
channel which connects it with Lake Ontario, the level of which is
lower. The length of the course of the Niagara, from Lake Erie to
Lake Ontario, is 36½ miles, and its fall in this distance amounts to
322 feet. It is the frontier between Canada and the United States,
and forms, between the two great lakes, the celebrated waterfall. Its
surface is adorned with several islands, the largest of which, called
{493} Grand Island, was sold in 1815, by the Seneca Indians, to the
state of New York, for 1000 dollars, and an annuity of 500 dollars.
This island is said to be twelve miles long, and from two to seven
broad: it is in the vicinity of Lake Erie, and the river is afterwards
pretty free from islands till you come near the falls, where there
are several small ones. The water of the Niagara has the splendid
green colour of the Swiss lakes, and is nearly twice as broad as the
Rhine; on the opposite bank is the village of Chippeway, where, on
the 5th of July, 1814, there was an action, in which the English were

There is a considerable population along the road from Tonawanta to
the falls of Niagara, which are twenty-two miles from Buffalo. Towards
noon we came to the village of Niagara, which we entered at the side
furthest from the river, and put up at a very good inn. It is a small
village close to the falls, forming two irregular unpaved streets, but
containing some good houses.[180] The banks present a very picturesque
diversity, with pines and other trees, bearing a general resemblance to
the scenery of Switzerland. Opposite to our inn was the house of a man
named Hooker, who acts as guide to travellers visiting the falls, and
has a small collection of natural curiosities, and specimens of Indian

The grand, sublime scene, which we now visited, has been described
by a vast number of travellers--Larochefaucault-Liancourt, Weld,
Volney,[181] and many others since their time;[182] so that all
accounts must be in some measure mere repetitions; but, as the
diversity of such descriptions can but tend to give a more correct view
of the subject, a few remarks may not be considered irrelevant here.

At a short distance from the village of Niagara, the river, which,
according to Volney, is 1200 feet in breadth, begins to flow in an
uneven rocky bed, with a rapid descent, and its whole surface is, in
many places, in violent commotion, covered with white foam, and, as it
were, boiling, in consequence of its breaking in high waves against the
masses of rock. Portions of these rocks, the larger of which deserve
the name of islands, are covered with pines, some green, others in
a decayed state: of these rocky islets there are fifteen above the
falls. The pines being frequently broken and snapped, and here and
there piled up in the water, greatly contribute to heighten the effect
of the savage grandeur and sublimity of the scene. The roaring of the
cataract is heard at a considerable distance,[183] and lofty columns
of mist and vapour ascend into the air. The stranger is conducted from
the village to the above-mentioned rapid, and then proceeds, by a
long, strongly-built wooden bridge over the end of the rapid, to Bath
Island, where there are warm and cold baths (_a_, in the subjoined
woodcut).[184] A considerable paper-mill has {494} been erected here,
and a toll for passing the bridge is paid, once for all, for the whole
time you may remain here. The toll-keeper sells refreshments and
various curiosities of the country, minerals, Indian rarities, and the

A second bridge leads from Bath Island to Goat Island,[185] which is
about seventy acres in extent, entirely covered with a beautiful forest
of sugar maples, beeches, hornbeams, elms, birches, &c., beneath which
the asarabaca, may-apple, and various other plants, are growing; none
of them were, however, in flower. The shores of this island are shaded
by old pines and very large white cedars, such as we should in vain
look for in Europe, and many fine shrubs grow on the banks. There were
formerly a great number of Virginian deer in this beautiful forest,
but they grew so familiar, and became so troublesome by running after
strangers, that they were removed. The blueheaded jay and the Hudson's
Bay squirrel are numerous. From the bridge which leads to Goat Island
there is a convenient path, on the right hand, which goes along the
shore through the wood; and, after proceeding a short distance, the
stranger suddenly finds himself on the rather steep declivity,
immediately above the fall of the right or southern arm of the river,
which is called the American branch. The sight is striking, and much
grander than all the descriptions I had read of it led me to conceive.
The broad expanse of bright green water falls perpendicularly 144 to
150 feet into the abyss below, which is entirely concealed by the
vapour, the whole torrent of falling water being completely dissolved
into foam and mist in the midway of its descent. Below the fall, and
before its surface is quite calm, it recovers its green colour, which
is, of course, totally lost in the rapidity of its descent. To make
my description more clear, I subjoin a little plan of the cataracts
drawn by Mr. George Catlin,[186] and published in Featherstonehaugh's
"Essay on the Ancient Drainage of North America, and the Origin of the
Cataract of Niagara," in the Monthly American Journal of Geology, Vol.
I., July, 1831.

[Illustration: Plan of Niagara Falls]

[Illustration: Harpoon for dolphins]

The southern or American part of the fall, _c_, is divided above by a
narrow rocky island, _f_, to which a bridge has been thrown. This rocky
island is closely overgrown with white cedar {495} (_Arbor vitæ_),
the tall, thick, whitish trunks of which, with their stiff, extended
boughs, scarcely leave space for the shrubs that grow between them,
in which the cedar bird (_Bombycilla cedrorum_) builds its nest. The
northern chatterer or silk tail, of which the Prince of Musignano[187]
has given a plate in his "Supplement to Wilson's Ornithology," is
likewise found here in small companies during the winter. After we
had admired the lesser, or American part of the fall, we returned to
the top of Goat Island, again following the path which now runs along
the eastern edge of the island through the dark shade of the forest,
and, having gone between 500 and 600 paces, came in sight of the
second larger fall, which is called the English or Horse-shoe Fall,
_b_, which is formed by the left, or the northern arm of the river.
This splendid waterfall occupies the whole breadth of the bed of the
river, forming, towards the Canadian shore, a receding angle, where
the masses of water from both sides of the Horse-shoe meeting each
other, fall, with a thundering noise, in one conjoined body, 150 feet
perpendicular height. The clouds of vapour that rise from this cataract
are far more considerable than those of the American fall. They cover
and veil the neighbouring rocky, wooded banks, by their rising columns,
in which the sun forms the most beautiful rainbows. In the angle of the
fall, where the waters, pouring from three several sides, meet with a
fearful concussion, and, dissolving into snow-white spray, are lost
to the eye in vapour, they rage and boil with tremendous fury. This
is the focus from whence rise the clouds of steam and vapour which
involve the circumjacent country to a great distance in rain and mist,
and, according to the direction of the wind, assume manifold and most
fantastic forms.

In order to approach nearer to the sublime scene, a staircase has
been contrived on the steep bank at the place where we now stood, and
where a small house, with seats, _m_, has been built; and below, at
_h_, a wooden tower is erected, with a winding stair, from the upper
gallery of which, as well as from windows made here and there at the
sides, there is a view of the wondrous scene, gradually changing as
you ascend. Here we were struck mute at the overwhelming sight of this
abyss of waters.

Beautiful plants grow among the boulders, the rocks on the banks of the
river, such as the gueldar rose, the white cedar, the _Rubus odoratus_,
now flowering in all its loveliness, the lime, maple, and sumach. By
proceeding from the waterfall, below the bank of Goat Island, along
the river, and round the point of the island, we come to the cauldron
of the American fall, and can almost go under the precipitous mass of
waters, at the risk of encountering the penetrating rain and wind. In
the same manner one may likewise get under the Horse-shoe Fall, and
both are points of view indescribably interesting. We now ascended
the wooden stair, and came to the small house, from whence, in the
gloomy shade of the forest, we enjoyed a view of the surpassing scene
from above. The walls are here completely covered with names and
initials of visitants from all quarters of the globe. After resting
here, the delighted spectator is conducted, by another stair, to the
river below, and thence, across a long wooden bridge, to a high stone
tower, built on the {496} rock, in the water. This tower is erected
immediately over the angle of the Horse-shoe abyss; it is ascended
by a stair, and the visitor is suddenly transported into an entirely
new scene of stupendous magnificence. The eye is lost in the depth of
the foaming whirlpool, the light spray of which envelops the admiring
spectator, whose ear is stunned with the roaring sound of the cataract.
No language can describe the grandeur and sublime impression of the
scene, from which we could with difficulty tear ourselves. We remained
long lost in admiration while contemplating the unique phenomenon;
and, returning to our inn, made an excursion, some time afterwards,
to the other side of the river. For this purpose we descended, by a
covered wooden staircase, from the village of Niagara to the south
side of the American fall, and came to the bank of the river below the
falls. Though not more than 300 or 400 paces beneath them, the water
is but very slightly agitated, and we were soon ferried over to the
Canadian bank. Here we had the falls directly before us, and enjoyed
an excellent view of both. From this spot Mr. Bodmer took his general
view of this sublime scene, which is the best that I have yet met with,
and is, in every respect, perfectly faithful to nature.[188] On the
eminence above there is what is here called a confectionary, in which
there are some tolerably good representations of the falls by Megarey.
From this place we went to an isolated house, in which an Englishman
has placed a zoological cabinet, which contains a fine collection of
the birds of Canada. It occupies two stories of the house, and is shown
for money. There are many interesting specimens, but I met with only
a few that I could purchase. At a short distance from this house is
a small projection from the high bank, called Table Rock, from which
there is an incomparable view of the Horse-shoe Fall, which has been
described by many persons.[189] At a neighbouring dwelling the curious
traveller is provided with a covering of oiled silk, or oiled cloth,
to enable him, without getting wet, to descend a high flight of steps
which leads him under the rushing mass of waters of the Canadian fall.

The next day being Sunday, I took the opportunity to go and see divine
service performed among the Tuscarora Indians, who are settled about
eight miles from the Falls of Niagara. The road to it leads towards
Lake Ontario, along the high banks of the beautiful Niagara River,
alternating with woods and fields, where the inhabitants live dispersed
in their wooden houses. The forests consist of furs, Weymouth pines,
oaks, chestnuts (the latter in full bloom), sassafras, and wild cherry
trees, the fruit of which was not yet ripe. The European fruit trees
were loaded with fruit, and appeared not to have suffered from the
frost, but the Italian poplar does not seem to thrive in this climate.
About three miles from Niagara, the view, looking back on the falls,
was very striking; the clouds of spray and vapour rose at this time
very high, and were most splendidly illumined by the sun's rays. A mile
and a half further on we looked down into a wild ravine, 150 or 200
feet, overgrown with pines and other trees, under which the river forms
a rapid, covered with white foam. This rapid is called the Devil's
Hole; but the descriptions {497} given of it are greatly exaggerated,
for in Europe, in Switzerland for instance, there are much grander
scenes of this kind. A small English corps here suffered a defeat in
the American war, being driven by the Americans and their Indian allies
into this ravine.[190]

When I had passed the wood and came again into the fields, where the
scattered houses of the Indians, built in the European style, are
situated, I saw before me their small white church, and had a near
and charming view of the wooded rocky shores of the splendid green
Ontario.[191] The scenery about that lake and the Niagara, and that
on the banks of the Hudson, is, unquestionably, the finest that I saw
in North America. The road leads along the edge of the valley of the
Niagara, and affords a wide view into the distant plain beyond Lake
Ontario. A gloomy forest extends, without interruption, to the distant
horizon, and in the foreground there is a dark inlet, where the end of
the lake is hidden by lofty trees. Volney very accurately describes
this scene as "Une vêritable mer de forêts, parsemées de quelque fermes
et villages, et de nappes d'eau des lacs Iroquois."

I drove up to the church, which was crowded with Indians; the clergyman
was already in the pulpit. As he did not understand the language of the
Tuscaroras, he preached in English, and the schoolmaster at his side
interpreted all he said.[192] When the sermon was ended and prayers
read, during which all the Indians remained sitting, the interpreter
began to sing, and the congregation, in which there were only three
or four Whites, joined in a very good tone, the men generally singing
a second part. The clergyman, a young man, who had not been long in
this parish, gave me some account of his congregation, which consisted
of about 300 souls. Another portion of the Tuscaroras is settled, I
think, on Grand River.[193] Very few understand English--they are
Presbyterians, and live on the whole like the Senecas, whom they
resemble in external appearance, and whose language is the same. There
is less originality among them than among the Senecas at Buffalo. Their
features, colour, and hair seem to be more changed by their intercourse
with the Whites; yet I saw, now and then, a characteristic physiognomy,
especially among the women. They are of middle stature, and their dress
is like that of the Senecas at Buffalo. They were allied with the
English in the American war.

After a stay of several days, the greater part of which was passed on
the banks of the great falls, lost in admiration of their sublimity, I
took the stage to Tonawanta, intending to return to New York by Lake
Erie and the River Hudson.[194]


[150] For the Ohio and Erie Canal, see Bullock's _Sketch_, in our
volume xix, p. 151, note 22.--ED.

[151] Dr. Zina Pitcher (1797-1872) was a graduate (1822) of Middlebury
College, Vermont. He entered the army (1822) as assistant surgeon,
becoming surgeon with rank of major in 1832. In 1836 he resigned from
the army, and began practice in Detroit, where he became a prominent
citizen. In 1842 and 1844-47 he was mayor of the city, held the office
of county (1843) and city physician (1848-51), and served upon the
board of health. Dr. Pitcher was interested in education and was one
of the first regents of the University of Michigan (1837-51), giving
much time and thought to the establishment of that institution,
especially its medical school. Upon retiring from the board of regents,
he was made professor emeritus of medicine. Dr. Pitcher's literary
interests were considerable; he was librarian of the first Michigan
Historical Society, editor of the _Peninsular Journal of Medicine_, and
contributor to Schoolcraft's work on Indians, in whose therapeutics
he took much interest. His home in Detroit was the seat of widespread

For Fort Gibson, on the Arkansas, see Gregg's _Commerce of the
Prairies_, in our volume xx, p. 105, note 73.--ED.

[152] Indian Creek is a small, eastward-flowing affluent of the Scioto,
in Ross County, Ohio. See, for Paint Creek, our volume ix, p. 118,
note 56; Chillicothe is noted on p. 186, note 35, of F. A. Michaux's
_Travels_, our volume iii.--ED.

[153] Chillicothe was a Shawnee term for town or village. This tribe
had in the Scioto Valley several dwelling-places thus named; compare
Thwaites and Kellogg, _Dunmore's War_ (Wisconsin Historical Society,
1905), p. 292, note 7; see also Croghan's _Journals_, in our volume i,
p. 134, note 102.

For the Wyandot, consult Weiser's _Journal_, our volume i, p. 29, note
26. The habitat of the Wyandot was in northwest Ohio and southeast
Michigan, but on their hunting excursions ranged to the Shawnee

[154] Consult, on the mounds of Ohio, a recent account by Gerard Fowke,
_Archæological History of Ohio_ (Columbus, 1902); see also Mrs Cyrus
Thomas, "Bibliography of Earthworks of Ohio," in _Ohio Archæological
and Historical Quarterly_, i (1887-88).--ED.

[155] For the work in which Duke of Saxe-Weimar describes his travels
in the United States, see Wyeth's _Oregon_, in our volume xxi, p. 71,
note 47.

Circleville was so named from an ancient earthwork found upon the
site. Near this place were the chief villages of the Shawnee, also the
Pickaway Plains, well known in pioneer history, where Lord Dunmore
halted his army and made the treaty of Camp Charlotte (see _Dunmore's
War_, cited in note 153 above, pp. 302, 386). Circleville was selected
(1810) as the seat of the newly-erected county of Pickaway; in 1814 it
was incorporated as a town, and in 1853 became a city. The population
in 1900 was about seven thousand.--ED.

[156] Caleb Atwater was Massachusetts born (1778) and in 1816
emigrated to Ohio, where he lived chiefly at Circleville, until
his death in 1867. His services to the state were in many lines,
political, educational, and legal. During a term in the legislature,
he laid the foundation of the public school system of the state,
and furthered public improvements, especially canals. He was much
interested in antiquities, and a corresponding member for Ohio of
the American Antiquarian Society. Under their auspices he published
the work on "Western Antiquities" to which Maximilian here refers.
Atwater therein gives a description and ground plan of the Circleville
circumvallations; see American Antiquarian Society _Transactions_
(Worcester, Massachusetts, 1820), i, pp. 109-267. This article was
republished in _Writings of Caleb Atwater_ (Columbus, Ohio, 1833).--ED.

[157] Soon after leaving Circleville, the Ohio and Erie Canal crosses
Scioto River, and follows its eastern bank as far as Lockbourne, on the
southern boundary of Franklin County, passing Walnut Creek--an eastern
affluent of the Scioto--in Pickaway County. Lockbourne was laid out in
1831, by Colonel Kilbourne, who compounded its title from the eight
canal locks at this site, and the last syllable of his own name. The
spur of the canal which runs hence to Columbus (not Columbia) is eleven
miles in length. The first canal-boat to make the trip from Chillicothe
to Columbus passed over the route in 1831. Its arrival at the state
capital was the occasion of a celebration in honor of the completion of
the enterprise.

Columbus was laid out (1812) on the east bank of the Scioto, opposite
the older town of Franklinton, by four proprietors who offered to the
legislature inducements, which were accepted, to make this the state
capital. The place was incorporated in 1816, and made a borough in

[158] At Lockbourne the canal leaves the valley of the Scioto,
and, turning north across Franklin and Fairfield counties, follows
the valley of Walnut Creek until near Licking Valley. All the
places mentioned by Maximilian were platted about the time of the
determination of the canal route.

Canal Winchester, in southeastern Franklin County, was laid out (1826
or 1827) by a family named Dove, from Winchester, Virginia. Waterloo
and Millersport are in Fairfield County, and even now are small

[159] Licking Summit, the highest point on the canal, 413 feet above
the level of Portsmouth, is on the watershed between the Scioto and
Muskingum systems. At this place excavation for the canal was begun
July 4, 1825, when Governor Clinton, of New York, threw out the
first spadeful of earth, as one of the features of a celebration in
anticipation of the building of the canal. Near this point, also, was
constructed the Licking reservoir, with an area of three thousand
acres, to supply water for the lower reaches of the canal.--ED.

[160] For the westward extension of the National, or Cumberland Road,
see Woods's _English Prairie_, in our volume x, p. 327, note 76.

Hebron, in Union Township, Licking County, when laid out (1827) by
John Smith, at the junction of the Ohio Canal and the National Road,
appeared destined to a considerable future. With the building of
railways, however, its commercial importance declined, the population
in 1900 being but 455.--ED.

[161] For Newark, now chief city of Licking County, with a population
(1900) of 18,157, see Flint's _Letters_, in our volume ix, p. 305, note

[162] Nashport and Frazeysburg, both in Muskingum County, are canal
towns which have acquired no particular importance.--ED.

[163] These are all canal towns, the first three in Coshocton County,
of which the first-named is entirely extinct. Roscoe was first named
Caldersburg, and laid out in 1816; when the canal came, the name was
changed in honor of the English author.

Evansburg was laid out (1830) by Isaac Evans, a pioneer and veteran of
the War of 1812-15.

New Comerstown, in Tuscarawas County, is interesting as the site of an
early Delaware Indian town, called by Heckewelder, Gekelemukpechink.
When the Delawares, in the middle of the eighteenth century, removed
from the Allegheny to the Tuscarawas Valley, their principal chief,
Netawatwes (the Newcomer), built his village near this site, which was
the centre of tribal activity until the Revolutionary War. The American
town was not laid out until the time of the canal building (1827).--ED.

[164] Port Washington, in Salem Township, Tuscarawas County, was
originally called Salisbury. It was laid out as a canal town and
incorporated in 1827. Abram Garfield, father of the future president,
contracted for the work on the canal between New Comerstown and Port

[165] The Moravian missions to the Indians were begun about 1745, in
eastern Pennsylvania. In 1772, at the special request of their Delaware
converts, the mission was removed to the Tuscarawas Valley, and three
towns founded therein--Salem, Shoenbrunn, and Gnadenhütten. The latter
was the scene of the massacre (1782) of the Christian Indians by a
party of backwoods militia. See Theodore Roosevelt, _Winning of the
West_ (New York, 1889), ii, pp. 142-167; and Thwaites, _Withers's
Border Warfare_ (Cincinnati, 1895), pp. 313-329. For sixteen years
after this atrocity, the village of Gnadenhütten was deserted. About
1798 it was restored by the Moravians, and the following year white
settlers began to move in. The first emigrants were Pennsylvania
Germans; later, many Germans came direct from Europe to this region,
which has still a considerable Teutonic element in its population. The
town of Gnadenhütten was incorporated in 1824.--ED.

[166] Lockport, usually called Blake's Mills, was platted (1829) by two
German proprietors above Lock No. 13.

Dover was principally settled (1807) by Pennsylvania Germans. When the
canal passed through, Canal Dover became the official name of the town.
At one time the village aspired to be county seat.--ED.

[167] Because of persecution in their native land, the Würtemberg
Separatists left their homes in several parties. One of these, led by
George Rapp, founded the New Harmony and Economy settlement; another,
under the leadership of Joseph M. Bäumler, came to Philadelphia in
1817, and by December of that year had begun a settlement on the
Tuscarawas, which they named Zoar. Not until 1819 was the community
system established, and then because of the exigencies of the situation
and their position on the frontier, rather than doctrinaire theory.
The numbers of the settlement were largely increased in 1832, when a
second band arrived from Würtemberg. The leader of the colony, Joseph
Bäumler (later spelled Bimeler), was of obscure peasant origin, but a
man of ability and enterprise. Under his care the community prospered
until his death in 1852. Celibacy was at first imposed as a rule of
the community, but later was rescinded. In 1898, by mutual consent
of the members, the community dissolved, the majority still living
at the village of Zoar, which in 1900 possessed but two hundred
and ninety inhabitants. For further details, consult W. A. Hinds,
_American Communities_ (Chicago, 1902), pp. 91-123; and E. O. Randall,
"Separatist Society of Zoar," in _Ohio Archæological and Historical
Quarterly_, viii, pp. 1-100.--ED.

[168] _The Ohio Gazetteer, or Topographical Dictionary_, was first
compiled by John Kilbourn, of Columbus, Ohio. The edition used by
Maximilian was probably the eleventh issue, published at Columbus in
1833. The statement therein is, that the land was purchased in 1818
(not 1810). The details of the purchase in Bäumler's name were arranged
in 1817; but the title did not pass until the next year, and it was the
spring of 1818 before the main body of the Zoar colonists arrived from
Philadelphia, where they had been charitably entertained during the
preceding winter by the Society of Friends.--ED.

[169] Bolivar, in the northern portion of Tuscarawas County, owed its
existence to the Ohio Canal. The town was laid out in 1825 by two
proprietors from Canton, Ohio, who at first christened it Kelleysville,
for one of the canal commissioners. He, however, declined the honor,
whereupon the name of the South American emancipator was chosen.
Between the villages of Zoar and Bolivar, Maximilian passed the site
of the former Fort Laurens, erected during the Revolution (1778) as
an outpost for the protection of the Western frontiers. In February
and March, 1779, the garrison, under command of Colonel John Gibson,
sustained a protracted siege by a motley host of Wyandot and Mingo
warriors, led by a few British soldiers. After the raising of the
siege, Fort Laurens was found too remote from the frontier to be
provisioned without undue risk; whereupon, in the autumn of 1779, the
post was abandoned.

The township of Bethlehem, Stark County, was so named for the original
home in Pennsylvania of the Moravian missionaries, one of whom,
Christian Frederick Post, built (1761) within its precincts the first
cabin in the present state of Ohio (see his _Journals_, our volume i).
The village of Bethlehem, on the northern boundary of the township, was
laid out about 1806 by Jonathan W. Condy, who intended to found there
a religious society of Swedenborgians, upon the model of the Moravian
settlement in Pennsylvania. The plan failed, and the village only
revived upon the building of the canal.

Massillon (a thriving place of about 12,000 inhabitants) was a canal
town, platted after the route had been arranged. Upon the opening of
the line thence to Akron, a celebration was held at the new town of
Massillon, which had been named in honor of a famous French theologian
of the seventeenth century.--ED.

[170] Canal Fulton was laid out in 1826 by two residents of Canton,
Ohio. Its population in 1900 was 1,172.

New Portage is the southern terminus of the once well-known portage
path from the Cuyahoga to the Tuscarawas, which furnished in early
Indian history the most practicable route from Lake Erie to the Ohio.
The road was about eight miles long, and has recently been retraced;
consult A. B. Hulbert, _Red-Men's Roads_ (Columbus, 1900), p. 33. This
path also furnished a boundary between Indian Territory and that of the
United States, as agreed upon by the treaties of Fort McIntosh (1785),
Fort Harmar (1789), and Greenville (1795). The American town of New
Portage was expected to be the future metropolis of the region, but
declined with the growth of Akron.

The marshy place described by Maximilian is Summit Lake, which later,
connected with surrounding basins, became the reservoir, partly
natural, partly artificial, for the canal upon the watershed between
Lake Erie and the Ohio.

Akron (named from a Greek word meaning elevation) was a canal town;
when founded it was in Portage County, but later was made the seat of
Summit County, erected in 1840. Although founded in 1825, the town was
not incorporated until 1836; it was erected into a city in 1865, and by
1900 had attained a population of 42,728.--ED.

[171] The descent from the summit of the portage to Lake Erie is steep,
and requires a stairway of forty locks (sluices). This was the first
portion of the work to be completed. The first boat from Akron to
Cleveland went through July 4, 1827, amid popular rejoicings.

For Cuyahoga River and its early history, see Croghan's _Journals_, in
our volume i, p. 107, note 72.--ED.

[172] Cleveland, the metropolis of the Western Reserve, was first
surveyed in 1796, when the original log-cabin was built, and the site
named in honor of Moses Cleaveland, agent for the Connecticut Land
Company, then engaged in exploiting the reserve. During the early
years, its growth was extremely slow, the total population in 1800
being but seven. After the War of 1812-15, settlers began to arrive
with more frequency, the village being incorporated in 1814. The era of
prosperity opened in Cleveland with the period of canal transportation.
The inauguration of the Erie Canal (1825) gave impetus to the place,
which increased with rapidity when made the terminus of the Erie and
Ohio Canal. Cleveland was incorporated as a city in 1836; in 1900 it
was the largest borough in Ohio, and the seventh city in size in the
United States.--ED.

[173] Lake Erie is 290 miles in length, and sixty-eight miles at its
greatest breadth. Its depth is said nowhere to exceed 100 or 120

[174] For the early history of this region, see Croghan's _Journals_,
in our volume i, pp. 103-106, with accompanying notes.

Fairport, in Lake County, Ohio, was laid out in 1812 by Samuel
Huntington and four partners at the mouth of Grand River, three miles
from the earlier city of Painesville. The first villages were platted
south of Lake Erie, on higher ground, the lake ports being neglected
until commerce increased. Fairport has a good harbor, and had (1900) a
population of 2,073.

Ashtabula, on a creek of the same name, gives its title to a county.
The town is two miles from the mouth of the creek, and was incorporated
in 1827.

Salem Crossroads was the early name for the village of Brocton, in
Chautauqua County, New York. The first settlement was made about 1805.
The nearest harbor, which is not a good roadstead, lies below Van Buren

Dunkirk would not appear in the Ohio Gazetteer, being a town in New
York State, first settled (1805) at the mouth of Canadaway Creek. In
1809 the harbor was known as Chadwick's Bay, from the first permanent
settler on the coast. The name Dunkirk was given about 1817, in honor
of the famous French port.--ED.

[175] For the early history of Buffalo, see Buttrick's _Voyages_, in
our volume viii, p. 42, note 4; upon its destruction in the raid of
1814, see Evans's _Tour_, in our volume viii, p. 182, note 40; also
William Dorsheimer, "Buffalo during the War of 1812," in Buffalo
Historical Society _Publications_, i, pp. 185-210; and S. C. Becker,
_Sketches of Early Buffalo_ (Buffalo, 1904), pp. 118-132.--ED.

[176] For another account of this village, see Evans's _Tour_, in
our volume viii, p. 183, note 41; on the mission, see H. R. Howland,
"Seneca Mission at Buffalo Creek," in Buffalo Historical Society
_Publications_, vi, pp. 125-164.--ED.

[177] For the authorities mentioned in this paragraph, consult J.
Long's _Voyages_, in our volume ii, p. 28, note 3, and p. 41, note
10; also Nuttall's _Journal_, our volume xiii, p. 116, note 81. The
Tuscarora, not the Mohawk, was the tribe migrating from the South.
Concerning this migration, see our volume ii, p. 44, note 12.--ED.

[178] For the history of Black Rock, see Buttrick's _Voyages_, in our
volume viii, p. 46, note 9.

Tonawanda Creek rises in Wyoming County, New York, flows north through
Genesee, and, turning west, forms the boundary between Niagara and Erie
counties, entering Niagara River opposite Grand Island. The name in the
Seneca language means "rapids," or "riffles." The site of the town of
Tonawanda was first settled in 1808; three years later, a block-house
was built, in anticipation of an Indian attack, nevertheless, during
the War of 1812-15, the hamlet was burned, and little was done to
rebuild the place until 1823, when, upon prospect of the near approach
of the Erie Canal, the town was platted. The village growth was slow,
however, and the place was not incorporated until 1854. It had in
1900 a population of 7,421, and was a manufacturing village of some

[179] Grand Island, with a cultivable area of 17,381 acres, was in
dispute between the United States and Canada until the boundary
commission of 1819 decided that the main current of Niagara River lay
west of the island. Previously, however (1815), New York had made
the purchase from the Seneca, referred to by Maximilian; the price
aggregated about $11,000. In 1819 squatters were driven off by order of
the state, and in 1824 the island was surveyed and opened for purchase.
A contemplated Jewish settlement, to be called Ararat, came to nought.
The island was erected into a separate township of Erie County in 1852.

For a brief notice of the battle of Chippewa, see Evans's _Tour_, in
our volume viii, p. 175, note 33.--ED.

[180] The first permanent settler on the American side of the falls was
Stedman, one of a company of traders whom Sir William Johnson permitted
(about 1760) to build a log cabin at the place. This was maintained,
chiefly for the portage business, until 1795, when Stedman removed
to the Canadian side; after the British evacuation (1796), the land
lay unoccupied until 1805, when it was offered for sale, one of the
first purchasers being Augustus Porter, a prominent citizen of Niagara
village. He removed his family to this place in 1806, and built a mill
and blacksmith's shop, obtaining also the portage lease for several
years. After the destruction by the British (1813), settlement began
again; the village was incorporated in 1847, and in 1892 the city of
Niagara Falls, which now has a population of about 20,000.--ED.

[181] For the American travels of Count Chassebœuf de Volney, consult
Flint's _Letters_, in our volume ix, p. 237, note 121.

François Alexandre Frédéric, duc de la Rochefoucault-Liancourt
(1747-1827), travelled in America during his exile, which was
occasioned by the French Revolution, in whose early stages he had taken
a prominent part. He was a friend to republican institutions, and his
_Travels_ are replete with just and favorable accounts of American life
and customs. His work appeared first in French, in 1798; the English
edition was entitled, _Travels through the United States, the Country
of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada in 1795-97_ (London, 1799).

Isaac Weld was an Irishman (1774-1856) whose American travels were
undertaken in order to induce the immigration of his people to the
United States. His excellent and accurate work, _Travels through the
States of North America, and the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada
(1795-97)_, (London, 1799), was much quoted and ran through several
editions, including a translation into French.--ED.

[182] For other descriptions of Niagara Falls included in our series,
see Evans's _Tour_, volume viii, pp. 174-179; Flint's _Letters_, volume
ix, pp. 315-321; and Bullock's _Sketch_, volume xix, pp. 142-149.--ED.

[183] Mrs. Trollope, page 203, considers that the reason why the noise
of the falls is not very great, is because they are not confined
between high rocks, and I agree with her. Though the colossal
Falls of Niagara may, doubtless, be called some of the greatest in
the known world, yet Captain Back, in his "Journey to the Frozen
Ocean," page 451, affirms, that the cataract, called by him "Parry's
Fall," surpasses the former, and all others, in "splendour of

[184] See p. 169, for plan of Niagara Falls.--ED.

[185] Goat Island was purchased (1816) from the state by Augustus
Porter (for whom see Evans's _Tour_, in our volume viii, p. 178, note
35), who pastured a flock of goats thereon. About 1816 the first bridge
was built, which was carried away during the succeeding winter. That
built in 1818 endured until 1856, when it was replaced by an iron

[186] For Catlin, see our volume xxii, p. 32, note 9.--ED.

[187] See our volume xxii, p. 39, note 15, for Charles Bonaparte,
prince of Musignano and Canino.--ED.

[188] See Plate 72, in the accompanying atlas, our volume xxv.--ED.

[189] For the fall of this interesting eminence, see Bullock's
_Sketch_, in our volume xix, p. 145, and note 13.--ED.

[190] The Devil's Hole is a small ravine about two miles below
Suspension Bridge, on the American side of Niagara River. The defeat
here mentioned did not occur during the Revolution, as Maximilian
intimates, but at the time of Pontiac's Conspiracy (1763). A company of
traders, crossing by the Lewiston-Fort Schlosser portage, was ambushed
by a band of Seneca, and driven over the precipice. Reinforcements of
troops from Fort Niagara met with a similar fate, and fell into an
ambush, when all but eight were slain. The relics of this massacre were
long in evidence in the vicinity.--ED.

[191] Lake Ontario is twice as deep as Lake Erie, and Volney considered
it to be the crater of a volcano.--MAXIMILIAN.

[192] After their migration from North Carolina, the Tuscarora lived
upon Oneida lands until the period of the American Revolution. When
General John Sullivan raided the Iroquois territory (1779) he was
ordered to spare the neutral Tuscarora; the British sympathizers among
them fled to the English Fort Niagara, and after the war the majority
of the tribe settled upon a tract a mile square, given them by the
Seneca, two miles east of the fort. Later the Holland Land Company
ceded to this tribe two square miles of contiguous territory, and still
later the Tuscarora purchased 4,329 acres with the proceeds of a sale
of their North Carolina lands. Here the majority of the tribe lives to
this day. In 1813, their houses and church were burned by a raid of
British Indians, whereupon the Tuscarora retreated to Oneida Castle,
to return to their reservation at the close of the war. From 1838-46
there was agitation about removal, first to Wisconsin, later to Indian
Territory. Of one band who went out (about 1846), a third died in a
year, and many returned to their old homes. The Tuscarora are the most
progressive Indians of the state of New York, having good farms and
fine orchards; many desire to become citizens, and to have their lands
allotted in severalty. See Bullock's _Sketch_, in our volume xix, p.
150, note 20.--ED.

[193] The Tuscarora mission was begun in 1805 by the New York
Missionary Society, and for some years conducted by the American Board
of Foreign Missions; in 1821 the charge of this mission was transferred
to the Presbyterians. At the time of Maximilian's visit Reverend Joel
Wood was the missionary, but he remained only one year (October,
1833-October, 1834). The few Tuscarora who had followed Joseph Brant
to Canada after the Revolutionary War settled on Grand River, north of
Lake Erie, in a township called from their name in the present county
of Brant, Ontario.--ED.

[194] Maximilian here intends the Erie Canal, instead of Lake Erie.
For a brief sketch of the building of this waterway, see Buttrick's
_Voyages_,, in our volume viii, p. 88, note 37.--ED.



  The Erie Canal--Lockport--Rochester--Perinton on
    the Irondequot--Clyde--Montezuma Marshes--The
    River Seneca--Syracuse--Saline Tract near
    Salina--Remains of the Onondago Nation--Onondago
    Hill--Manlius--Canastote--Oneida--Remains of the Oneida
    Nation--Verona--New London--Rome--Oriskany--Beautiful
    Valley of the Mohawk River--White's Town--Utica--German
    Flats--Amsterdam--Rotterdam--Schenectady--The Iron Railroad to
    Albany--Hudson River--New York--Voyage to Europe.

Early in the morning of the 1st of July we left the Eagle Hotel, at
Niagara, and travelled twelve miles to Tonawanta, where we found a
packet boat, towed by three horses, on board which we embarked about
noon. The boats on the Erie Canal are much the same as those on the
Ohio Canal; but here they are fitted up only for passengers, and
take no goods on board, except their baggage; hence they are more
convenient, lighter, and more rapid than luggage boats. Our boat had
fourteen or sixteen berths, which were very commodiously arranged. The
horses drawing these boats are always on the trot, and they perform a
distance of 104 miles in twenty-four hours. Twelve hundred such boats
navigate this canal, the original cost of which was 700,000 dollars;
whereas that of the Ohio Canal was only 400,000. This great work was
commenced in 1817, and completed in eight years.

We proceeded first on the Tonawanta River as far as the village of
Pentleton, where we entered the canal. About five miles from this
place it is cut through a stratum of grauwacke, which rises from four
to fifteen feet above the water; but the depth of the ravine soon
increases, and the bridges are thrown, at a great height, over the
canal. At Lockport, an extensive place, situated on the eminence, the
canal is conducted, by means of five sluices, down a slope of at least
sixty feet.[195] The prospect from the eminence is very beautiful. The
canal descends between two hills, connected at a considerable elevation
by a bridge, under which the boats pass. On the following day {499} we
came to Rochester, on the River Genessi, which has a large aqueduct
eighty feet in length. This river is celebrated for its waterfalls.
There are many fine forests, especially of beech; some, however,
consist entirely of oaks. I observed in the canal many turtles and
water-snakes. Near the village of Perinton is Irondequot or Irondequit
Creek, with wooded banks. The forests here were filled with the finest
species of trees. Beyond Fairport the _Arbor vitæ_ grew vigorously
to the height of thirty and forty feet, as well as larches, planes,
walnuts, oaks, elms, maples, all entwined by wild vine and ivy.[196]
The peculiar smell of the _Arbor vitæ_ was powerfully wafted to us by
the wind. These forests are wild and magnificent. Dry trunks of pines
lay confusedly one over another: in the shade cattle were feeding,
whose bells produced an agreeable harmony. We could have fancied
ourselves transported to the forests of the Hartz, if the country had
been mountainous. The wheat was not yet ripe, nor the potatoes in
blossom. The land was still in part covered with the stumps of the
trees that had been cut down. All the dwellings are of wood, and the
fields are everywhere intersected by wooden fences. The dense beech
forests constantly reminded us of the scenery of Germany.

In the afternoon we came to the rising town of Clyde, which lies on
Clyde River, and towards evening to the Montezuma Marshes, which are
about three miles in extent.[197] They are formed by the overflowing of
the lakes of Cayuga and Seneca,[198] and the water in them is said to
be from four to eight feet deep. The farmers have cultivated the dry
spots in these marshes. At twilight we came to some places where the
canal crosses Seneca River; and at eight o'clock were at the mouth of
that river, over which a long wooden bridge is built for the horses
that tow the boats.

On the following day, the 3rd July, we came to the neighbourhood of
Syracuse, in Onondago County, which is traversed by Onondago Creek,
and was formerly the abode of the numerous Indian tribe of that name,
which was one of the six nations.[199] It is now cultivated; the soil
is fruitful, and thriving towns have arisen in various parts. This
tract was purchased from the Indians, and part of it settled by them.
Syracuse is a place of some importance; it is usually denominated
a village, but it certainly looks as if it were entitled to the
appellation of town. Twenty years ago there was one solitary dwelling
on this spot; now there are 500 houses, among which are some large
buildings, several churches, a large inn, a court-house, prison,
bank, and many respectable shops.[200] All the environs are strongly
impregnated with salt, and there are saline springs, from whence a
great quantity of salt is obtained. The salt water is conducted for
about {500} a mile from the springs at Salina to the vicinity of
Syracuse, where it is evaporated by the sun in shallow vessels, and the
salt crystallized. The works are to the north of Syracuse.[201]

As several roads and canals cross at this place, we had to wait for
passengers, especially for the packets from Lake Oswego, which is now
navigated by steam-boats. During this interval we viewed the traces
of the extensive fire which had taken place in the preceding spring.
Though many buildings have been rebuilt in a better style than before,
the marks of the fire are everywhere to be seen. To the southwest of
Syracuse there is an extensive valley, bounded by wooded eminences, in
which many neat villages are seen; among them one called Onondago Hill,
erected upon a verdant rising, is worthy of notice, the remnants of the
Onondago Indians being settled here. It is reckoned to be eight miles
from Syracuse to the spot where the chief town, Onondago, lay. Here
they had their council fires, and here the powerful and warlike nation
deliberated on public affairs, resolved upon war, concluded peace, &c.
Onondago Hill is said to be a neat town, and was formerly the seat of
the courts of justice, which, however, are now removed to Syracuse.
At the latter place we saw several Onondago Indians, who do not much
differ from the Senecas and Tuscaroras; their costume is exactly
similar, and the women were also wrapped in white blankets.

After some delay, our boat pursued its voyage, and I saw large tracts
of land entirely covered with the stumps of woods that had been
cleared; others with the remains of stems burnt black, which present a
singular, unattractive sight. The dry heights are covered with pine,
of which the inhabitants affirm that six different sorts are here
found--the hemlock, the spruce, the white, the yellow, the Norway, and
the pitch pine, the two latter of which grow on barren grounds.

We took on board a great number of passengers at Syracuse, so that our
boat was crowded to excess; yet the arrangements for the accommodation
of so many people of every description, and of both sexes, were
extremely judicious and well contrived.

Beyond the village of Manlius I observed thickets of _Arbor vitæ_,
especially in marshy spots, where pines flourish. After passing
Chittenango Creek we came to the village of the same name; and an hour
later to Canastote, a large village with new houses, and a couple of
churches. The few fields of wheat in the vicinity were not yet ripe. At
noon we were in the village of Oneida, which is irregularly built on
both sides of the canal.[202] Here we happened to meet with above 100
Oneida Indians, whose lands, assigned to them by the government, lie
to the south of this place. The women wore round black felt hats; the
men red woollen scarfs over their blue great coats. Their complexion
was a yellowish-brown, not dark. They were of low stature, especially
the women, as has been observed of all the remnants of the six nations,
and have retained more of the national features than the men. We were
informed that some of these people were to embark here and proceed
to Green Bay, near which they intended to settle.[203] They lived
hitherto {501} twelve or fifteen miles from this place, scattered on
their plantations, and their settlement is usually called a village,
though the dwellings are all isolated. Here stands a building, commonly
called Oneida Castle, where they discuss the affairs of their tribe,
and the Council Grove, a spot with lofty old trees, under which the
Oneidas assemble on important occasions. They now meet every year at
Oneida Castle, on the 6th of June, form a circle in Council Grove,
every family by itself, and the agents of the government pay seven
dollars to each of them, because they sold their land to the United
States. The counties of Oneida and Madison comprise the former abode
of the Oneidas, but they now live in this part of the country, having
sold a portion of their land to the United States. Of all the tribes of
the six nations, they were the only one who remained faithful to the
Americans in the early wars.[204]

From Oneida we soon came to Verona, a small village, where there is
a manufactory of window glass, to the south of Lake Oneida, to which
it was intended to make a canal from this place. At two we arrived
at the little village of New London, in a country abounding with
hemlock pines. Large quantities of timber, planks, logwood, &c.,
are sawn here, and shipped in flat-bottomed canal boats.[205] Five
miles from New London is Rome, at a small distance from the canal; it
is a considerable place, with five churches, which are seen from a
distance.[206] The country round is an extensive plain, through which
the Mohawk flows, and is bounded by forests in the horizon. The canal
then traverses the village of Oriskany, on Oriskany Creek, which was
one of the principal abodes of the Oneida nation.[207]

Passing through a rich, verdant country, adorned with pleasant
habitations and fine forests, illumined with the most cheerful
sunshine, we came, at six o'clock in the afternoon, to White's Town,
a neat and thriving place on the left bank of the canal, founded
by a person of the name of White, who, as the first settler, gave
his name to the town, and whose grandson, Mr. Henry White, was on
board our boat.[208] On the right of the canal stands the great
cotton manufactory of Mr. Marshall, of New York, which forms an
entire village;[209] two similar establishments are in the immediate
neighbourhood, and it appears that there are at least twelve cotton
manufactories on Sacquit Creek, which falls into the Mohawk. When
Mr. White settled here, this large tract of country was inhabited
by the Oneida Indians, whose chief, Skenandoah, kept up a very good
understanding with the new settlers. This was the scene of the event
already recorded by other travellers, when Mr. White entrusted them
with his eldest daughter, at that time a child two years old, because
they had conceived a particular affection for her. In the sequel, the
family were uneasy about the fate of the child, but the Indians brought
her back, loaded with presents, and were delighted at this proof of

The country about White's Town, and, in fact, the whole valley of the
Mohawk, is picturesque and beautiful, and is unquestionably the most
pleasant that I have yet seen in North America. On every side there
are neat, cheerful towns, manufactories, corn, saw, gypsum, and other
mills, in the latter of which, the gypsum, which is piled up on the
banks of the canal {502} in large grey blocks, is ground to manure the
fields. This country was formerly inhabited by the Mohawks, who, being
friends to the English, removed, and settled in Canada.[211]

At Utica,[212] a large town with regular streets and good houses, there
was a brisk traffic, and the servants of the inns crowded about the
boats to receive the passengers; but I proceeded on the voyage, and
enjoyed the fine scenery, the Mohawk meandering, between lofty trees,
through the extensive verdant valley. During the night we passed German
Flats, which was originally cultivated by Germans, whose descendants
still live here, and whose language is spoken by many settlers near
the canal.[213] We passed through Canajoharie, and on the 4th of July
still followed the valley of the Mohawk, which had much increased in
breadth. In the river, the navigation of which is now transferred to
the canal, there are beautiful islands covered with poplar, willow, and
other thickets, and a covered bridge crosses it at Amsterdam, a place
consisting of about 100 tolerably good houses, from which it is sixteen
miles to Schenectady, where, having passed Rotterdam during dinner, we
arrived at three in the afternoon.[214]

Schenectady, where the passengers quit the boats to proceed by the
railway to Albany, is a considerable place. Carriages stood ready to
convey the passengers to the railway, and we entered them without
delay. They are long and roomy, contain many passengers, and run on ten
small wheels. One horse drew each carriage for 200 paces towards an
eminence, where it was taken off, and the carriages fastened to a rope,
and drawn up by a steam-engine. On the eminence, the whole train, with
the closed carriages for the luggage of the passengers on the river,
is connected with the steam-engine, and in about an hour we arrived at
Albany, sixteen miles distant.[215]

It was early in the afternoon when we reached Albany, a large town with
26,000 inhabitants, the capital and seat of government of the state
of New York, on the bank of the fine, large River Hudson. I will not
repeat what may be found in every American hand-book for travellers,
but only observe, that it was the Day of Independence, one of the
great festivals in America, which was interesting to us, because it
was on that day (the 4th of July) two years before, that I landed on
the American coast. We heard some firing, and now and then cannon were
discharged in the streets, and sky-rockets and fireworks displayed.
Crowds of people thronged every place. An introduction from Dr.

Pitcher, with whom I had travelled on the Erie Canal, procured me the
interesting acquaintance of Dr. Edwin James, author of the account
of Major Long's "Expedition to the Rocky Mountains," who is well
known in the literary world as a botanist and geologist. I found him
a singularly amiable, unassuming person, and passed the evening very
agreeably in his family circle. He is at present engaged on the Indian
languages, especially that of the Chippeways, among which people he
resided for a long time.[216] He had the kindness to escort me about
the city, which has many handsome buildings, some broad streets, and
in the centre a large square, round which the most important public
edifices are erected. The capitol is built on a gentle eminence; it
cost 120,000 dollars, is 115 feet long, 90 feet wide, and 60 feet {503}
high, and is adorned on the east front with four Ionic columns. The
academy, which cost 92,000 dollars, and the city hall, built of white
marble, likewise stand in this square. The square itself is laid out
very tastefully, covered with greensward, and intersected with broad
walks, and is a great ornament to the town.

At eight o'clock in the morning of the 5th of July we embarked in
the Albany steamer for New York. The Hudson or North River is even
here a fine broad stream, with picturesque banks, but soon widens
considerably: my navigation of it is unquestionably the most agreeable
voyage that I made in America. The distance, which is 144 miles (by
land 160 miles), is conveniently performed in one day, though it is
often accomplished in twelve or fourteen hours. The steam navigation is
very brisk on the river, except in winter, when it is impeded by the
ice. The steamers on the Hudson are very large, and no such accidents
occur as on the Mississippi and the Ohio, because only low pressure
engines are employed.

The Albany was a large vessel, of the size of a frigate, with three
decks, of which the upper one was covered by an awning. The middle
deck was eighty paces in length; the lower space contained three very
elegantly furnished cabins--the two at the back for the ladies, and,
in front, the large cabin or dining-room, which was adorned with oil
paintings. Our proud vessel glided swiftly down the stream, and the
beautiful banks speedily vanished from our view. After proceeding
thirty miles, we reached the town of Hudson, opposite the Catskill
Mountains, a picturesque range, with fine summits, such as are seldom
seen in North America. This range is also called Catsbergs; the highest
summit is near Greene, eight or ten miles distant from the river. Along
the shore, at the foot of this range, lies the village of Catskill,
on Catskill Creek, which runs through the village, and flows into the
Hudson. Here we landed, and took in some passengers, who, in token of
their having come from those more elevated regions, brought in their
hands large bunches of the beautiful kalmia blossoms. The village
contains about 350 houses and 5000 inhabitants. I would recommend the
view of the Catskill Mountains to every landscape painter.

Lower down, the character of the banks of the river has much similarity
with that of Italian Switzerland; bright verdant plains alternate
with the loveliest woods; while numerous little vessels, especially
schooners, glide swiftly on the bosom of the river, which is double
the width of our Rhine; and many steamers (among them the colossal
Champlain, with four chimneys), towing large flat boats filled with
passengers, added greatly to the animation of the scene. After dinner
we lay-to at Newbury. Below this, rounded hills covered with wood
appear along the shore, not unlike the Rhenish. The river now runs
through a narrow, picturesque gorge, almost shut in by the verdant
hills. On the western coast lies West Point, where the military academy
of the United States is situated; below this, the country grows more
open and flat, and the river becomes very broad and majestic. We passed
the large house of correction at Singsing, on the eastern coast, and
arrived at New York before evening.

{504} We rejoiced to find the town in a perfectly healthy state, and
all our friends well. On the 8th of July I visited Philadelphia, which
can now be easily accomplished by means of the railway from Amboy. At
Bordentown we went on board the Philadelphia steamer, and reached that
town at five in the afternoon. Our two days' stay here was devoted to
visiting friends; and I am indebted to Professor Harlan for introducing
me to Mr. Duponceau, a learned investigator of the Indian languages, as
well as for taking me to several collections of natural history.[217]
The museum of the society of natural sciences contains many interesting
curiosities, among which I may mention Dr. Morton's collection of
skulls.[218] In the museum of Mr. Titian Peale I saw many objects which
deserve close investigation.

Early on the 11th of July we re-embarked on board the Burlington for
Bordentown; thence by railway to Amboy, and returned to New York
by the Swan steamer. Here we found an accumulation of business,
consequent upon our approaching voyage to Europe; Messrs. Gebhard and
Schuchart, however, very kindly gave us every assistance, and greatly
helped to expedite our affairs. I again spent a most pleasant day at
the country-house of Mr. Schmid, the Prussian consul, where I had
the gratification of seeing Mr. Astor, so justly esteemed in the fur
countries.[219] There was a great uproar at this time in the streets of
New York; the mob attacked the negroes, and some clergymen, who took
their part, had their windows broken and houses demolished. Towards
evening, the militia paraded the streets, and occupied different posts,
in order to check these riots. Dr. Julius gives an account of this
assault upon the negroes in New York, page 369.[220]

We engaged berths on board the packet-boat Havre, Captain Stoddart;
it belongs to the Havre Line, whose vessels are from 400 to 600
tons burden, and go every week, in winter as well as in summer. The
arrangements are particularly good, the table capital, with abundance
of fresh milk and meat every day.

As the packet was to leave on the 16th of July, our collections,
&c., were put on board on the 15th, and we bade our friends and
acquaintances farewell. At ten o'clock on the day fixed for our
departure we went, accompanied by many friends, on board the Rufus
King steamer, which received her passengers on the North River Pier,
and conveyed them in twenty minutes to the packet, which was lying in
the fine harbour near the city. The anchor was already weighed, and
the pilot on board. As soon as the baggage of the several passengers
was disposed of in the hold, the Havre spread all her sails, but the
wind being very faint, it was eleven o'clock before we were opposite
the lighthouse of Statenland, which lay on our right hand, and the
batteries of Long Island on our left. The wind soon became quite
contrary, and we were obliged to cast anchor and take in our sails:
several steam-boats passed us, and we wanted them to take us in tow,
but, to our great vexation, they refused to stop. Towards evening,
however, the wind rose a little, and we tacked slowly towards the sea.

{505} At six in the morning of the 17th of July we lay opposite Sandy
Hook, a little above the lighthouse. At half-past twelve we saw, at
a distance on the left hand, Fire Island lighthouse, which is forty
miles from Sandy Hook; and on the 18th we lost sight of the coast.
Our voyage was on the whole favourable: we did not pass over the bank
of Newfoundland, but on the 24th and 25th of July were very far to
the south of it. We afterwards had a fresh and favourable wind, and
followed the track of the Columbia, (as laid down in the charts), which
performed the voyage from Portsmouth to New York in fifteen days.

On the 30th of July we made 5° in twenty-four hours. The sight of the
numerous vessels which passed us full sail was very striking, and
greatly cheered the whole of the ship's company. We proceeded at the
rate of nine or ten knots an hour; the wind was favourable, and, though
very strong, even our topmost sails were spread, an experiment which
other nations do not often venture upon; but the Americans are very
bold seamen. On the 2nd of August we were to the north of the Azores,
which I had seen in 1817, and on the following day spoke the brig Helen
Douglas, from Hamburgh, and communicated reciprocally our longitude
and latitude. We overtook several ships, which the Havre soon left far
behind her.

Our people endeavoured to harpoon some dolphins, but the handle of the
instrument, which was admirably contrived, soon broke.[221]

At _a_ there is a joint; _b_ is a movable ring; _d_ is the sharp edge
of the instrument; _f_ the back, which is blunt. When the point _e_
is forced into the body of the animal, it penetrates so far, that the
resistance of the body moves the ring _b_; the whole head springs from
the position in which it was held by the ring; the edge _d_ continues
to act in an horizontal direction, and the point _c_ forms a barb by
which the instrument remains fixed in the animal.

On the 6th of August we overtook the Congress, a large ship bound
from New Orleans to Liverpool, which had come thus far in forty-eight
days. We soon got the start of her, and on the following day were
already in the channel, having passed Cape Lizard in the night. At
three in the afternoon land was descried from the mast-head; it was
the Island of Guernsey: we then saw Alderney, and afterwards Cape la
Hogue on the French coast, very clearly. The wind became more fresh
every moment, and, twilight setting in, we greatly desired to obtain a
pilot. At length we saw a boat contending with the waves, which, with
considerable exertion, brought us a pilot from Havre. We sailed in the
dark, passed the lighthouse at Cherbourg, and afterwards saw that of
Harfleur, our ship running seven or eight knots an hour.

Early on the morning of the 8th of August we were off Havre de Grace,
with a violent head {506} wind, and waited for the proper time to
enter, which, as in many ports in the channel, can only be done at
high water. We were the more impatient for this moment, as the wind
continued to increase, and threatened to rise to a storm. Large ships
from Martinique and Guadaloupe, under French colours, shared the same
trial of patience with ourselves. At length, after ten o'clock, the
pilot gave the signal--the sails were spread, and the Havre hastened
to enter the port. A great crowd of people was assembled on the pier,
and breakers raged at the narrow mouth of the harbour; however, we soon
felt the effect of the mole which human art has opposed to the fury of
the elements, and at half-past eleven o'clock the Havre cast anchor in


[195] Pendleton, in Niagara County, was settled before the projection
of the canal by Sylvester Pendleton Clark, who built the first log
tavern here in 1821. Although a junction on the canal, and later a
station on the Erie Railway, the town has not attained much prosperity.

For Lockport, see Bullock's _Sketch_, in our volume xix, p. 151, note

[196] Rochester, Perinton, and Fairport, all in Monroe County, on the
canal, were settled before the route was laid out. The first permanent
settlement at Rochester was not until 1803, although saw and grist
mills had been built some years earlier, and worked intermittently. The
name given to the village in 1811 was in honor of Nathaniel Rochester,
of Maryland, an early purchaser of lands. The village incorporation
took place in 1811.

Perinton, named for its first settler, Glover Perrin (about 1790), had
little growth until the opening of the canal; the name is now applied
to the township in which Fairport is situated. The first settler of the
latter town came in 1810; there were but nine houses there, seven of
which were log-cabins, at the opening of the canal (1822). It numbered
in 1900, 2,439.

Irondequot Creek was an early highway into Iroquois territory. It was
the rendezvous (1687) of the expedition led by Denonville, governor of
Canada, against the marauding Seneca. See Thwaites, _Lahontan's Voyages
in North America_ (Chicago, 1904), i, pp. 123-130.--ED.

[197] Clyde, in Wayne County, New York, had its first permanent
settlers in 1811. It was at first called Lauraville; later, the river
was, by a Scotch settler, named Clyde, and upon incorporation (1836)
this was applied to the settlement.

Montezuma marshes, in southwest Cayuga County, were called by the
aborigines Tiohero.--ED.

[198] This part of the country is remarkable for the number of fine
lakes, all of which have very harmonious names, taken from the old
Indian language, such as Canandaigua, Cayuga, Seneca, Onega, Ontario,
Oswego, Onondago, &c. From the immense Lake Superior, the area of
which is estimated at 30,000 square miles, to the small lakes only
a few miles in length, their forms differ entirely, and are in part
highly picturesque. These lakes and rivers have been judiciously
suffered to retain their ancient harmonious Indian names; whereas the
Americans have, in general, transferred the names of European towns and
districts to this land, where we often meet with excessively dissonant,
inappropriate names, which frequently call forth a smile, as Dr. Julius
very justly observes, Vol. I. p. 420.--MAXIMILIAN.

_Comment by Ed._ Nicolaus Heinrich Julius, author of _Nordamerikas
sittliche zustande, nach eigener Enshauungen in den jahren 1834-36_
(Leipzig, 1839).

[199] For the Onondaga, see Croghan's _Journals_, in our volume i, p.
60, note 23.--ED.

[200] The site of Syracuse had been that of an Indian village, where
Ephraim Webster, coming from New England, built a trading post in 1786.
It was included in the salt reservation established in 1797 and offered
for sale by the state in 1804. The first purchaser was Abraham Walton,
who built a mill upon the site the following year. Walton intended
to found a village, but not until the establishment of the canal did
Syracuse outgrow its embryonic stage. Meanwhile several names had been
in use; Milan was suggested in 1809; South Salina was used for three
years (1809-12); Corinth was desired, but a Corinth post-office already
existing, Syracuse was suggested, because of a certain resemblance to
the site of the famous Sicilian city. Organized as a village in 1825,
Syracuse finally became a city in 1847.--ED.

[201] The salt springs of this vicinity were noted by Jesuit
missionaries in the seventeenth century. By 1770, salt from this region
was an article of barter among Indian tribes. The first made by white
men was in 1788; primitive methods were followed, however, until in
1797 the state set apart a reservation of thirteen thousand acres,
embracing the saline springs, and the next year manufacture on a large
scale was begun. Although much of the land was afterwards sold by the
state, control of the salines was maintained by the government for a
hundred years; in 1898, however, the state finding participation in
this manufacture unprofitable, the springs became private property.--ED.

[202] Manlius was first settled in 1792, when a log-cabin inn was
opened upon its site, which was first called Liberty Square. Shortly
after 1800 the name was changed to Manlius, and the first postmaster
appointed. The town had in 1900 a population of 1,219.

Chittenango and Oneida, in Madison County, were not early settlements,
but due to the growth of canals and railroads. Oneida was incorporated
in 1848, and had (1900) a population of 6,364.

The site of Canastote (signifying "Cluster of pines") was purchased
(1810) by Reuben Perkins; the settlement was, however, due to the
canal, and was incorporated in 1835. It has attained a population of
about three thousand.--ED.

[203] The Oneida Indians, one of the "five nations" of the Iroquois
confederacy, lived east of the Onondaga, in the present Madison and
Oneida counties. In 1788 they ceded their land to New York state,
retaining a large reservation, which has been gradually disposed of
for successive annuities. About 1820 the project of their removal
to Wisconsin was broached, and two delegations representing diverse
interests among the Oneida, headed respectively by Dr. Jedidiah Morse,
and Reverend Eleazer Williams, visited the West, and entered into
arrangements with the Menominee and Winnebago tribes for territory
contiguous to Green Bay. These treaties were the subjects of much
negotiation, but the controversy was finally settled (1831) by the
United States government in favor of the New York Indians. With the
Oneida were three tribes of New England Indians--the Stockbridge,
Munsee, and Brothertown--who had previously been (in the latter part
of the eighteenth century) received among the Oneida in New York. The
migration of these various tribes began about 1823, and continued at
varying intervals until about 1846, a small remnant only remaining
in New York. In Wisconsin they located permanently; the Munsee and
Brothertown having assumed citizenship, are for the most part absorbed
in the white population of Brown, Outagamie, and Calumet counties,
chiefly the last named, although a few are mingled with the Oneida
on their reservation near Green Bay. The latter number about two
thousand, and are in a fairly prosperous condition, chiefly farmers.
On the Stockbridge reservation in Shawano County there are about five
hundred engaged in farming and lumbering. Consult _Wisconsin Historical
Collections_, ii, pp. 415-449; xv, pp. 25-209; and J. N. Davidson,
_Unnamed Wisconsin_ (Milwaukee, 1895).--ED.

[204] Oneida Castle was located south of the modern town of that name,
in Lenox Township, Madison County, on the borders of Oneida County.
At this village Reverend Samuel Kirkland established himself as a
missionary in 1766, and it was chiefly due to his influence that the
main body of the Oneida remained neutral during the Revolutionary
War. After the removal to Wisconsin a few of the tribe clung to their
original home, and about a hundred and fifty are still to be found in
this vicinity.--ED.

[205] Verona's first settlement was made in 1797 by Captain Ichabod
Hand, who kept a tavern on the road from Rome to Oneida Castle.

New London is a small hamlet in Oneida County, erected during the
progress of the canal. Its first settler came in 1824, and the
following year a post-office was erected.--ED.

[206] The site of Rome was on the Oneida portage between the Mohawk
Valley and waters flowing into Lake Ontario. As early as 1756 the
English had erected Fort Bull at the western extremity of the portage,
but this was promptly captured and destroyed by French troops. Two
years later, Fort Stanwix was erected by the British general of that
name; the cost was $60,000, and the fort was heavily garrisoned until
the close of the French and Indian War. In 1768 the famous treaty with
the Iroquois, making a great land cession to the English colonies took
place at this outpost. At the outbreak of the Revolution the name of
the fort was changed to Schuyler, and the next year (1777) it was
besieged by Major Barry St. Leger with a force of Indian allies; the
post was finally relieved by General Benedict Arnold. The first settler
near the fort was a German, Johann Reuff (or Roof). He fled at the time
of the siege, and the place was without inhabitants until 1785-87, when
New England colonists began to arrive. The site of Rome was purchased
by a New York merchant named Lynch who laid out a town (1796) and
called it Lynchburg; this was later changed for the classic cognomen,
and the village of Rome incorporated in 1819.--ED.

[207] Oriskany (Indian dialect, signifying "nettles") was the site of
the battle of August 6, 1777, when General Nicholas Herkimer, of the
American army, repulsed the invading British forces under Major St.
Leger. The village was settled in 1802 by Colonel Garrett Lansing, a
Revolutionary soldier, and a post-office opened about 1821.--ED.

[208] Hugh White of Middletown, Connecticut, was one of the four
purchasers of a confiscated Tory patent known as Sadequahada, he being
the first settler west of German Flats, on the Mohawk. Coming out to
his purchase in 1784, with his entire family of sons and sons-in-law,
he settled what was for a time known as Whitestown, whither a number of
Connecticut relatives and friends followed in succeeding years. Judge
White was a man of ability and much physical strength. He attained
considerable influence with the Oneida, who adopted him into their
tribe. Dying in 1812, he left many descendants. Originally known as
Whitestown, the village surrendered that title to the township, and
was incorporated (1811) as Whitehall Landing, a name changed two
years later to Whitesborough. The Oneida Historical Society in 1884
celebrated the centennial of the founding of this place by erecting a
granite shaft upon the village green. Whitesborough at one time bid
fair to rival Rome and Utica, but has now a population of only two

[209] The village of New York Mills, the site of the first cotton
factory in the state, was founded in 1808 by Walcott and Company. In
1825 a partnership was formed with Benjamin Marshall, of New York City,
who retired in 1847. The mills are still owned and managed by the
Walcott family.--ED.

[210] Skenandoah (Skenando) died in 1816, reputed to be a hundred and
ten years old. He favored the Americans in the Revolutionary War, and
was long known as the white man's friend, an eloquent advocate for
peace, and a Christian of strong character. His grave is at Clinton,
Oneida County, near that of his friend, the missionary Samuel Kirkland.

The incident in relation to White's granddaughter (not daughter) is
well authenticated. See D. E. Wager, _History of Oneida County_, New
York (Boston, 1896), p. 618.--ED.

[211] At the close of the American Revolution a grant of 300,000 acres
upon Grand River, Ontario, was secured from the British government,
and the entire tribe of Mohawk removed thither, accompanied by
British sympathizers from the other Iroquois tribes. The reservation
is now reduced to about 60,000 acres. Mohawk also live at St. Regis,
Caughnawaga, and Bay of Quinte, Quebec. A descendant of Joseph Brant,
the great Mohawk chief, recently stated that there were still 30,000
Iroquois in Canadian boundaries. See F. W. Halsey, _Old New York
Frontier_ (New York, 1901), p. 320.--ED.

[212] At Utica, originally a ford on Mohawk River, a small fort was
erected during the French and Indian War, named Fort Schuyler, but it
was abandoned before the Revolution. The first two houses were built
upon the site in 1786; the early prospect for growth was not bright,
and the increase was slow. The village was incorporated in 1798, when
the new name was selected by lot. The city charter was received in

[213] German Flats was the original seat of the Palatines who emigrated
to New York in large numbers in 1710, and began to settle as early
as 1712 on land patented to them by the Mohawk. The settlement was
for many years the outpost of the Mohawk Valley, and thus was sadly
harassed in Indian wars. In November, 1757, French and Indians led
by Belestre fell upon the village, carried away captive many of its
inhabitants, and burned the entire settlement. A similar fate befell
the place in 1778, when the Mohawk chief Brant advanced against this
valley, and continued attacks were maintained by his people until
the close of the war. The Germans were loyal to the American cause,
and under General Nicholas Herkimer formed the bulk of the army that
won the day at Oriskany. About 1784 there was a large influx of new
settlers of American stock. The chief town of the settlement is now
known as Herkimer, with a population of about six thousand.--ED.

[214] Canajoharie, in Montgomery County, was the site of a Mohawk
village where Joseph Brant had his early home. In 1750 Philip Van
Alstine built the first house upon the site, and ten years later
erected thereon a mill. The early settlers were chiefly Germans, and
the place suffered severely during the Revolutionary War, being raided
successively in 1780 and 1781. By 1790 the settlement had taken on new
life, and by 1829 was incorporated as a town.

Near Rotterdam, an early Dutch settlement, is located the oldest house
of that region now extant, thought to have been built in 1680, and
known as the Jan Mabie house.

Schenectady (also called Corlaer in early days) was laid out in 1662 by
Arent Van Curler and fourteen associates. As a frontier settlement in
King William's War, it suffered an attack and massacre by French and
Indians (1690). In 1705, Queen's Fort was built therein, and it was
garrisoned until the Revolution. The first town charter was obtained in
1763, and the city incorporated in 1798.--ED.

[215] The Mohawk and Albany Railway was projected by George W.
Featherstonehaugh, an Englishman of some eminence, who had married an
American and settled near Albany. A friend of George Stephenson of
England, Featherstonehaugh conceived the idea, as early as 1825, of
uniting Albany and Schenectady by a railway. The next year a company
was incorporated, whose president was Stephen Van Rensselaer. Delay
was incident upon construction, and the line was not opened until
August, 1831, when the locomotive "Detroit Clinton" drew a train of
carriages from Albany to Schenectady. The Mohawk and Albany Railway
was the progenitor of the present New York Central and Hudson River
Railway. See G. S. Roberts, _Old Schenectady_ (Schenectady, 1904), pp.

[216] For a biographical account of Dr. Edwin James, see our volume
xiv, preface, pp. 13-25.--ED.

[217] For sketches of these scientists, see our volume xxii, p. 29,
note 3, and p. 64, note 27.--ED.

[218] Samuel George Morton (1799-1851) was educated in medicine at the
Universities of Pennsylvania and Edinburgh. In 1823, he settled in
practice in Philadelphia, and interested himself in the development of
natural science, being a member for many years and finally president
(1850) of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. To this
institution he bequeathed his collection of skulls, which he began in
1830, and which is the largest museum of comparative craniology in
the United States, containing over fifteen hundred specimens, nearly
two-thirds of which are human. For the origin of Peale's Museum, see
our volume ix, p. 55, note 22. Titian Peale is noted in our volume xiv,
p. 40, note 1.--ED.

[219] For brief notice of John Jacob Astor, see Franchère's
_Narrative_, in our volume vi, p. 186, note 8.--ED.

[220] For Dr. Julius, see _ante_, p. 179, note 198. The riots of July
9-11, 1834, were occasioned by popular opposition to the abolition
movement. The American Anti-Slavery Society held a meeting in New York
on the fourth of July; immediately excitement arose, and the leaders
were threatened. On the night of the ninth, the attempt to hold a
meeting of the society resulted in an attack on the Chatham Street
chapel--the place of meeting--and the house of Lewis Tappan, one of
its prominent members. See _Niles' Register_, xlvi, pp. 332, 346,

[221] See p. 169, for illustration of harpoon for dolphins.--ED.


            Translated and adapted from the German edition
            (Coblentz, 1839), by _Asa Currier Tilton_.

            From the London edition, 1843.


            THE BLACKFEET. From the London edition.

            Summarized from the German edition, by _Asa Currier

            WINTER OF 1833-34. Translated and adapted from the
            German edition, by _Asa Currier Tilton_.


            London edition.

            WABASH. Translated and adapted from the German edition,
            by _Asa Currier Tilton_.



Much has been written by scholars in recent times on the Asiatic
extraction of the American peoples; and the attempt has been made,
particularly in the United States, to prove such a relationship. This
exceedingly interesting subject opens to the investigator a boundless
field; but one whose paths are dark and difficult to make clear. Many
good reasons can be given for an Asiatic descent of the Americans;
on the other hand, objections can be made which cannot easily be set
aside. In either case strikingly similar traits have been found in the
peoples of the two continents, as may be seen from Delafield's new
work, where everything that can be said on the subject has been brought

As the traveller stands in front of the long lines of the old Indian
burial mound near St. Louis, he can easily believe that he has
before him one of the south Russian kurgans. Moreover, surprising
correspondences are found from a comparison of the works of art, as
well as the intellectual and moral characteristics, of the peoples of
Mexico and Peru with those of India and Egypt. But we search in vain
for Mongols in North America. When one has seen the Hindoos, Kalmucks,
Bashkirs, and Chinese, he will find that the features and complexion
of the type of man now inhabiting North America are very different from
those of the Asiatic peoples; and will feel justified in regarding the
Americans as a distinct race.

The most firmly-grounded objections to the theory of the Asiatic
extraction of the Americans seems to lie in the difference in the color
of the skin and in the slight relationship of the languages; for the
few words related to American, which have so far been sought out with
great difficulty in the Asiatic languages, do not appear to have much

D'Orbigny[223] assumes that there are different races among the peoples
of America. But even if it is necessary, for the sake of clearness, to
make various subdivisions in such an extended and varied population,
on the basis of distinguishing characteristics, nevertheless such a
division is difficult and arbitrary. If representatives of all these
peoples could be brought together, a classification would present fewer
difficulties; but great distances often separate related tribes, and
memory rarely suffices for making these exact comparisons. I cannot
render a decision on D'Orbigny's supposition that in the American
branch of humanity the North Americans form a different race from the
South Americans, since I have become acquainted with only a small
number of the South American nations.

One claim, which seems to me to have decided probability, is that
the ancient Mexicans migrated from the more northern parts of the
continent of America. There are many indications of this. The
hieroglyphic painting of the migration of the people, which later
rose to a higher culture in Mexico, which was discovered by Boturini
and brought out by Delafield, is, from this standpoint, a highly
interesting document.[224] The drawings of the present North American
Indians still show many similarities to those of old Mexican pictures,
although it must be said that they are much rougher, cruder, and
more childish.[225] Therein, also, foot prints are represented when
it is desired to show a continued movement of the figures; and other
correspondences have already been pointed out. In various places in
the account of my travels, I have sought to call attention to them and
to the conjectured southward migration of the Americans. The skulls,
however, which have been taken from the old burial grounds on the
Wabash, do not show that flattening of the heads that is portrayed on
Delafield's first plate; but their crowns are rounded just as nature
formed them.

All conjectures over the origin and relationship of these peoples must
await the more trustworthy conclusions which it will be justifiable
to draw from the relationship of their languages; only through more
exact knowledge of them can we hope to make progress in this broad
and obscure field. Several of the North American dialects are already
fairly well known to philologists; for a majority of the rest there
are, at least, vocabularies which allow a superficial classification
according to relationship. Distinguished American philologists,
Duponceau, Pickering,[226] Edwin James, Gallatin, and several others
have accumulated much material, but there has been no comprehensive
work on the subject. This lack has in part been filled by Mr. Albert
Gallatin, whose learned work is in the hands of the publishers.[227]
Since at the present time the attention of travellers is being directed
more and more to this highly interesting subject, these materials
are likely to be largely increased in the near future, and to give
American scholars the chance of constantly perfecting their work. Some
authors, among them McKenney, in his _History of the Indian Tribes of
North America_,[228] do not seem to attach much value to vocabularies
collected by travellers. To be sure, these often are handled in a
thoughtless and superficial manner; but it must be remembered that in
the interior of North America excellent interpreters of the Indian
languages may now be found, and that the Indians themselves often
fluently speak several languages. Through these agencies interesting
contributions to our knowledge of the dialects referred to may always
be expected.

In an examination of the tribes of America, the multiplicity of their
languages is very striking. These languages are often confined to
quite small tribes; their origin is quite correctly explained by Mr.
Gallatin.[229] From the interesting work of this scholar it appears,
however, that a certain similarity of character belongs to this
multitude of tongues--a circumstance that testifies to their common
origin as well as to the antiquity of the American population.[230]
All this material thus gains value in the eyes of the philologist;
and in this connection it is with pleasure to be noticed, that with
the extension of these investigations the interest in them in America
constantly brings forward diligent co-operators.

Such work would be far easier and much more useful if all the
vocabularies were compiled and copied on the same principles. Most
of those in existence have been written down by Englishmen, or
Anglo-Americans; and as a rule they, like the French, cannot, as
Gallatin admits, correctly reproduce the Indian gutturals;[231] yet
it is characteristic of all these languages that they abound in
gutturals. Another defect in the usual vocabularies, lies in the
omission of accents; for these, also, are peculiarly characteristic
of the American languages. One of the dialects which I investigated
is so difficult to write, that even after the greatest effort I could
reproduce but a few words--I refer to that of the Grosventres of the
prairies, sometimes called by the English Fall Indians.[232] For
this tongue, even the fur trade company had not been able to find an
interpreter; and was compelled to carry on all business with those
Indians in the Blackfoot language. Most of the other languages of
the Missouri Valley can more easily be reproduced by the Germans and
Dutch than by other nations; because, as has already been explained,
their own speech abounds in gutturals and regularly has hard endings.
Consequently the English vocabularies for these tribes are always
more or less defective. Pickering felt this very decidedly, and has
consequently proposed for his countrymen a notation of tones which is
analogous to the German, and which, if it comes into use, will produce
most beneficial results. Pickering's scheme requires that the vowels be
pronounced in America as follows:

  _a_ as in the word _father_,
  _e_ as in _there_,
  _i_ as in _machine_,
  _o_ as in _note_,
  _u_ as in _rule_,
  _y_ as in _you_ (or as _ee_ in English).

In short, he adopts the German system, completely. In place of the
German _æ_ and _œ_, or _ä_ and _ö_, he proposes to write in English
_aᵉ_ and _oᵉ_; in place of _c_ to use _k_, a change that will avoid
many misunderstandings; and when the pronunciation is hard, to use
_z_, etc. If this system had been used earlier, a smaller number
of errors would have crept into the works on this subject, and
into the translations from one language to another. For instance,
my vocabularies of the Brazilian peoples have in places been very
incorrectly reproduced by French translators.

Another defect in the usual English system, for such vocabularies,
arises from the division of all words into syllables, a method
which Duponceau very rightly censured; for in this way the correct
pronunciation of the words is generally lost. When the word with its
accents has been written as a whole, the division into syllables is the
next task, in order thus to reach conclusions regarding its inflection
and derivation--something quite indispensable for the philologist. A
word divided in the English style into its component parts, could be
correctly pronounced neither by a German nor by a Frenchman; besides,
every language has its own intonation, not common to others. I have,
therefore, held it to be the surest way of making the Indian words
intelligible to all my readers, to call to my aid the pronunciation of
several nations. For instance, _on_ and _an_, in the Indian languages
are spoken, sometimes as in German, sometimes as in French; in such
cases I have noted in a parenthesis the system according to which the
word or syllable is to be pronounced. Other notes of this character
have seemed necessary, and these require the following explanations:--

    (1) Sharp _c_ is designated as in French by _ç_.

    (2) Guttur. denotes guttural, _i.e._, the German or Dutch

    (3) _aº_ or _oª_ denotes full _a_ or _o_, somewhat like _aw_
    in English. Here I might have written _o͡a_; but by using _aº_
    and _oª_, I also indicate that the sound of the lower letter

    (4) d. d. N. (durch die Nase) denotes through the nose: _i.e._,
    a nasal sound.

    (5) When the sign ½ follows a letter, it means that it is to
    be only half pronounced, somewhat as the first _e_ in the
    German word _gegangen_, or the second _e_ in the English word

    (6) I have tried to indicate the length of a syllable by adding
    an _h_, a plan which I preferred to the ordinary signs ∽ or ⏝,
    since these might easily be confused in printing.

    (7) A _g_ is often heard at the end of the syllables _on_ and
    _an_; consequently I have written them _ong_ and _ang_. This is
    the German system, as I have indicated by the word "German."
    It is assumed that the philologist will be familiar, at least
    in general, with German as well as with French and English

    (8) As the French acute accent seemed to me entirely adequate
    for indicating the correct intonation of the Indian words, I
    have chosen it to show on what letter or syllable the emphasis
    is to be placed. Occasionally, owing to haste or lack of time,
    it may have been forgotten or omitted.

    (9) In the case of the letter _j_, I have not followed Mr.
    Pickering's scheme, for everyone knows how it is pronounced in
    French and in German. When it has the former value--as very
    often in the American languages--I have noted "French:" _i.e._,
    pronounce as in French. In no other way, it seems to me, can
    the soft French _j_ be clearly indicated.

    (10) The German guttural sound _ch_, as in the syllables _ach_,
    _och_, or _uch_, is, as Gallatin observes, difficult for
    Englishmen and Frenchmen;[233] but it occurs everywhere in the
    American languages, and the reader must learn it if he wishes
    to pronounce such words correctly.

    (11) The _r_ is never pronounced by these peoples as a
    guttural, but always with the point of the tongue against
    the roof of the mouth; _d_ and _r_, as well as _r_, _l_,
    and _n_,[234] are quite often interchanged, or indistinctly

    (12) On the syllable _in_, I have often noted that _n_ is to
    be pronounced as in French: _i.e._, the syllable _in_ does not
    sound like _ain_ in French, but merely the _n_ is pronounced as
    in French; the whole sound is, therefore, almost _i_ nasal, and
    only a little at the end sinks to _n_.

It is the duty of every traveller in distant, little-known lands to
make contributions, according to his ability, to the knowledge of
their languages; hence I have brought together in the following
pages my own notes, however insignificant and incomplete they may
be, under the difficulties which stand in the way of such work.
The ignorance of the interpreters, their lack of sympathy with any
kind of scientific investigation, the frequent unwillingness of the
Indians to assist, superstitious and unintelligible ideas, and lack
of time and leisure--these usually combine to make such examinations
difficult. When, here and there, I detected some deviations from Mr.
Gallatin's vocabularies, it was my duty to record them in order to aid
investigation and come nearer the truth. The fault-finding spirit would
certainly never prompt me to this, since we are concerned here, not
with the use of the material, but with the former method of collecting

I have written these vocabularies, in part from the pronunciation of
the Indians themselves; in part, from that of interpreters, who are
usually half-breeds, and therefore thoroughly acquainted with the
Indian as well as with the French or English languages--they have,
at least, lived for a long time with those nations; finally, in part
from the pronunciation and with the kind assistance of the Indian
agent, Major Dougherty,[235] who speaks several of these languages
fluently. From some tribes, owing to lack of time or interpreters,
I have obtained but few words; from others, more; the most complete
vocabularies are in the Mandan and Minnitarri languages, because I
passed the winter among them. While I was living with the Mandans I
undertook something of a grammatical study of their language; but
unfortunately its continuation and completion were interrupted by

Since but a moment was sometimes at my disposal for collecting a
few words, I chose a list of twenty of those that frequently occur,
and asked for them first, in order to make a comparison and draw
conclusions regarding the relationship of the tribes. These words were
as follows:

  tobacco pipe

In each of the vocabularies I have noted the source from which it was
obtained. The order in which the tribes are arranged is not according
to linguistic relationship, but alphabetical for the sake of easier

From an examination of the following examples of the languages of
twenty-three peoples it appears, as is observed by the Rev. Dr. Reck,
a philologist,[236] that the Sauki, Musquake, Kickapuh, Ojibua, and
Krih tribes belong together--a circumstance that has long been known.
The speech of the Wasaji [Osage], Konsa, Oto, Omaha, Punca, Dacota,
Assiniboin, and Mandan tribes appear to be only dialects of the Dacota
(Sioux) linguistic group, of which the last, which I can give most
completely, has been but little known. The ten remaining tribes seem to
be more foreign to one another--only between the Blackfoot and Snake
(Shoshone) dialects, do we find word relationships. There are likewise
many similarities between the Mandan and Minnitarri languages; but
these, as I was repeatedly assured, arose only after the two peoples
had lived near each other, as I have already related elsewhere in the
account of my travels. The name of the deity is "manito" among the
Musquake [Fox], Sauki, Kickapuh, Ojibua, and Krih tribes, all of which
belong to the Algonkin, or Algic linguistic group; among the seven
tribes of the Dacota group, it is "wakonda," or "wakanda," which has
the same or a similar meaning in half of the tribes mentioned. The word
for water is very similar among most of these people, and the name of
the tobacco pipe is the same or similar in half of the dialects.

First and last, various corrections have been made in these lists;
yet they remain incomplete, and further observation will add many
new corrections. I must, therefore, as always, request consideration
from learned critics. Finally, I must note that if in the body of
my narrative some words are not written as in the vocabularies, the
spelling of the latter is to be preferred.[237]


[222] S. Delafield, _Inquiry into the origin of the antiquities of
America_. Cincinnati, 1836.--MAXIMILIAN.

_Comment by Ed._ The author is John Delafield, Jr., and the work bears
the imprint of New York, London, and Paris, 1839. A few copies are also
marked Cincinnati, 1839.

[223] For d'Orbigny, see our volume xxiii, p. 300, note 273.--ED.

[224] Chevalier Lorenzo Boturini Beneduci was an Italian scholar who
came to Mexico in 1736 on a mission for a descendant of Montezuma.
Becoming interested in Mexican antiquities, Boturini spent eight years
in making a valuable collection of aboriginal manuscripts; but having
incurred the suspicion of the government, he was imprisoned and his
collection confiscated (1745). On his return voyage to Spain, whither
he was sent for trial, the galley was captured by the English, and
the last vestiges of his antiquities disappeared. In Spain he sought
redress, which was granted him, but this of course did not restore his
collection. While in Spain he published _Idea de una nueva historia
general de la America septentrionale_ (Madrid, 1746), in which appears
a catalogue of this collection. A portion was recovered, and is now in
the museum in the City of Mexico. The manuscript seen by Delafield was
the property of William Bullock (for whom see our volume xix, preface),
who was also a specialist in Mexican antiquities.--ED.

[225] Consult Plate 55, in the accompanying atlas, our volume xxv; also
the authorities quoted in note 53, p. 184, of Brackenridge's _Journal_,
in our volume vi.--ED.

[226] For Duponceau, see our volume xxii, p. 29, note 3.

John, eldest son of Timothy Pickering, the Massachusetts statesman, was
born at Salem in 1777; being graduated from Harvard (1796), he began
the study of law at Philadelphia, where his father was in residence as
a member of the federal cabinet. The following year, however, John went
to Portugal as legation secretary, being transferred to the embassy
at London, where he remained until 1801. Returning to Salem, he again
devoted himself to the legal profession, also to linguistic studies
which he had diligently pursued abroad, making contributions to Greek
philology, and publishing a lexicon of that language. He was offered
chairs of both Hebrew and Greek at Harvard, but declined, preferring
to live in Boston, whither he removed in 1829. His interest in North
American linguistics was awakened (1819) by Duponceau's work, and the
following year he published an "Essay on a Uniform Orthography for the
Indian Languages of North America," in the American Academy of Arts
and Sciences _Transactions_, iv. He also edited, with copious notes,
John Eliot's _Indian Grammar_, Jonathan Edwards's _Observations on the
Mohegan Language_, and Father Sebastian Rasle's _Dictionary of the
Abnaki Tongue_; and prepared the article on North American languages
for the _Encyclopædia Americana_. Pickering was a member of many
learned societies, at one time being president of the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences, and was granted the degree of LL. D. by both
Bowdoin (1822) and Harvard (1835). His death occurred at Boston in

[227] See _Archaeologia Americana_, vol. 2. Cambridge, 1836. In this
volume is Mr. Gallatin's _Synopsis of the Indian tribes within the
United States east of the Rocky mountains_.--MAXIMILIAN.

[228] See our volume xxii, p. 29, note 3.--ED.

[229] Mr. Gallatin (p. 151) expresses himself on this subject as
follows:--"on the other hand, the great extent of ground necessary
to sustain game sufficient for the subsistence of a very moderate
population, compels them (the Indians) to separate and to form a number
of small independent communities. It may easily be perceived that the
perpetual state of warfare, in which neighboring tribes are engaged,
had its origin in the same cause which has produced the great diversity
of American languages or dialects. We may also understand how the
affections of the Indian became so exclusively concentrated in his own
tribe, the intensity of that natural feeling, how it degenerated into
deadly hatred of hostile nations, and the excesses of more than savage
ferocity, in which he indulged under the influence of his unrestrained
vindictive passions."--MAXIMILIAN.

[230] Gallatin, _Ibid._, p. 142.--MAXIMILIAN.

[231] _Ibid._, p. 4.--MAXIMILIAN.

[232] See on these Indians, Franchère's _Narrative_, in our volume vi,
p. 371, note 183.--ED.

[233] Gallatin, _Ibid._, p. 4.--MAXIMILIAN.

[234] _Ibid._, p. 45.--MAXIMILIAN.

[235] For Dougherty, see our volume xiv, p. 126, note 92.--ED.

[236] Johann Friedrich von Recke, born at Mitau, in Livonia, in 1764,
early turned his attention to historical and linguistic pursuits.
Educated under a brother of Emanuel Kant, he studied at Göttingen
with Professor Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, who later gave an impetus
to Maximilian's investigations. About 1785 Recke retired to Mitau
where for over forty years he was state archivist, with leisure to
pursue his special investigations. As a philologist his fame rests on
his _Allgemeinen Schriftsteller und gelehrten Lexikons der provinzen
Livland, Esthland, und Kurland_ (Mitau, 1827-32). It would appear
that Maximilian consulted Dr. Recke upon the analogies of his Indian

[237] In transcribing the Indian words of these vocabularies, the word
divisions and diacritical marks of the German edition have been copied
exactly as they stand, save when the division of a word at the end of
a line has necessitated an additional hyphen. Most of the diacritical
marks are explained by the author in his introduction. The vertical
accent seems to be used to indicate secondary, or less emphatic stress;
the horizontal superior ° appears, likewise, to be used to show that
the sound is less prominent than when the usual superior ° is used.

Exact translation of the German words has been very difficult in
some cases, owing to the entire absence of context. The parentheses
following the English contain alternative or explanatory words. Some
of these are given by Maximilian himself, some lie in the form of the
German word, and some are supplied by the translator.--TRANSLATOR.

ARIKKARAS (Rikkaras; French, Ris)[238]

  =American= (an), Nehsikuss (Long Knife, the name which the
    Americans have among all Indian nations).

  =Arm=, ui̍hnu (_uih_ very long; _nu_ very short and low).

  =Arrow=, ni̍h-schu (_nih_ with strong accent; _sch_ very short
    and falling in tone).

  =Autumn=, niskútsch.

  =Beans= (the fruit), a̍ttika-hunáhn.

  =Beard=, hakaráhnuch (_uch_ guttural).

  =Bird=, nix.

  =Black=, tecati̍h.

  =Blind=, tschirikarúch (_uch_ guttural).

  =Blood=, páhtu (_u_ barely audible).

  =Blue=, tischidanáhuisch.

  =Bone=, dje̍h-schu (_schu_ short and low; _je_ French).

  =Bow=, náhtsch (_sch_ hissed softly at the end; German

  =Bow-lance=, na̍hts-saha̍hn.

  =Brave=, ui̍hta-nakóh.

  =Brave= (n), ui̍hta-ti.

  =Bridle= (horse), hah-karachkóhku (_ach_ guttural; _koh_ with
    strong emphasis).

  =Brook=, taháhneni-kaki̍rihu.

  =Brother=, ináhn (_i_ barely audible).

  =Chief= (leader), däscháhn.

  =Child=, pi̍hrau (German throughout; _r_ with the point of the

  =Cold=, tipsi̍h.

  =Come here=, schi-schá (both short); or, schi-schá-pisch, come
    here quickly.

  =Dance= (v), tiráhnaui̍sch-uischu (very short; run together).

  =Day=, tiuëne-sáhkaritsch (second _e_ ½; the last word low and

  =Deaf=, kaketschiesch (first _e_ ½; otherwise German throughout).

  =Devil= (evil spirit), sziri̍tsch (same word as for wolf).

  =Die= (v), necksáhn.

  =Door=, hihuattóhnin (_nin_ short and low; _hih_ together).

  =Dream= (v), itcháhn (_it_ barely audible; _ch_ guttural).

  =Drink=, metetschi̍hka.

  =Dumb=, wakárru (_u_ barely audible).

  =Ear=, atkaha̍hn (_at_ barely audible).

  =Earth=, honáhnin (_n_ barely audible; _nah_ very long; German
    pronunciation throughout).

  =Enemy=, páh-tu (like word for blood).

  =Englishman=, Sáhnisch-takapsia (_a_ low and short; _i_ and _a_

  =Evening=, hinách (_ach_ guttural).

  =Eye=, tschiri̍hko (_ko_ short and low).

  =Father=, hiáchti (_ti_ low and short; _ach_ guttural).

  =Feather=, hi̍h-tu (_u_ barely audible; the whole run together).

  =Fire=, ha-ni̍h-tu (_ha_ short; _tu_ barely audible; the whole
    run together).

  =Fish=, tschiuátsch (_t_ indistinct; _ua_ like _wa_).

  =Flesh=, sászsch.

  =Fog=, uettetara̍nsa (_e_ full value).

  =Forehead=, nikakinn.

  =Forest=, waráhkt (_t_ barely audible; _r_ with the point of the

  =Frenchman=, Sáhnisch-táhka.

  =Friend=, sih-nánn (German, run together).

  =Go= (v), tiuáhwanuck.

  =God=, pachkátsch (_ach_ German guttural).

  =Good=, tunahä.

  =Great=, teüitschähs.

  =Green=, same word as for blue.

  =Gun=, tnáhku (_t_ and _u_ barely audible), or nahku.

  =Hair=, u̍hchu (_ch_ guttural; _uh_ guttural sound; final _u_
    very short).

  =Hand=, éschu (_u_ barely audible).

  =Head=, pá-chu (_ch_ guttural; the whole run together).

  =Heart=, ui̍ssu (_u_ indistinct).

  =Heat=, tah-weri̍stu (_u_ short; the whole run together).

  =Horns= (of stag), warikaráhn.

  =House= (hut), akáhn.

  =Hunger=, tiriuatä̍.

  =Hunt= (v), tiráhuisch-kaë̍hsch (_a_ and _e_ separated; _e_ and
    _h_ together).

  =I=, náh-tu (_tu_ short; run together).

  =Ice=, nachéhtu (_ch_ guttural; _u_ short and low).

  =Island=, auáhk (_a_ and _u_ separated).

  =Jar= (pot), kószsch.

  =Knife=, nisi̍tsch.

  =Laugh= (v), täwa̍chko (_ko_ short and low).

  =Lead= (ball), nischtiúidu.

  =Leg=, káhchu (_u_ barely audible).

  =Life=, ti̍hko (_ko_ short and low).

  =Lightning=, hunachtschipsch.

  =Maize=, nä̍hschü (_schu_ very low and short).

  =Man=, ui̍t-h (_h_ prolonged as an aspiration).

  =Meal= (to eat?), teuah (_e_ and _u_ separated).

  =Medicine=, tiua̍hruchi (_i_ and _u_ separated; _ti_ short; _ah_
    with strong accent; _uch_ guttural).

  =Medicine drum=, akadéhwuchnahch (_ch_ guttural; _wuch_ and
    _ahch_ very indistinct).

  =Medicine pipe=, napàhruchti (_uch_ guttural).

  =Moon=, pa̍.

  =Morning=, hina̍chtit.

  =Mother=, scha̍chti (German; _i_ indistinct).

  =Mountain=, wáo-tiri̍huh.

  =Mouth=, hah-ka̍u (_kau_ together, with the accent).

  =Much=, tiráhnehun (_e_ full value; _un_ like _oun_ in French).

  =Negro=, sa̍hnisch-kahtitt.

  =Night=, uettekattih-si̍ha (_e_ full value; final _a_ short and

  =Nose=, sini̍ht.

  =One-eyed=, tschirikak-cho (_ch_ like a guttural breath).

  =Partizan= (leader of a war party), däschtschi̍ta (German

  =People= (folk), sa̍hnisch.

  =Pipe= (tobacco), nauschkatsch (German throughout).

  =Pouch= (for ammunition), ischtachkóhku (_ach_ guttural).

  =Powder= (gun-powder), it-ka̍hn (_it_ barely audible; otherwise

  =Pumpkin= (the fruit), neka̍hse (first _e_ full value; final _e_

  =Quick=, pi̍sch.

  =Quiver=, uachtáss (_ach_ low; _uach_ very low, in the throat).

  =Rain=, uettasuhe (_e_ ½).

  =Rattle= (sysyquoy, or gourd-rattle), atschihikúchtsch (_uch_

  =Red= (color), tippaha̍ht (_t_ barely audible).

  =Red= (to paint red), tippaha̍hnu (_u_ barely audible).

  =Revenge= (v), uëuittetut-kaui̍ht (_aui_ separated; likewise

  =River=, sahá-nin (German throughout).

  =Saddle=, anari̍tschi-tauï (the whole low; _ta_ together; _a_,
    _u_, and _i_ separated).

  =Scalp=, uittirah-hunnu (_nu_ very short and barely audible; _u_
    and _it_ separated).

  =Sick=, tenáhchehu (_ch_ guttural; _e_ full value).

  =Small= (short), kakirihuh.

  =Smoke=, tira̍h-uchschka̍ (_uch_ very short guttural; _schka_
    very strong emphasis).

  =Snow=, huna̍ho (_o_ short and low).

  =Speak=, tihuáhwachtéhku (_u_ short and low; _ach_ guttural).

  =Spirits= (distilled), séh-sannach (_ach_ guttural as in German).

  =Star=, sakka̍h.

  =Stingy=, tähui̍ss-ch (_ch_ guttural prolonged).

  =Stirrup=, achkatatáu (_ach_ merely a guttural sound, nearly

  =Stone=, kanéh-tsch (_tsch_ merely hissed at end).

  =Strong=, tetárach-tschisch (last word loud with emphasis; _ach_

  =Sun=, schakúhn (German).

  =Sunflower= (helianthus), stschüpünáh-núhchu (_ch_ guttural).

  =Sweet=, uettáh.

  =Teeth=, a̍hna (_a_ barely audible, thus nearly _ahn_).

  =Thunder=, uaruchte-teuachnáho (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Tobacco=, nahuischkáhn (_nah_ together; _uisch_ like _wisch_,
    merely a hiss).

  =Tobacco-pouch=, nanochkóhku (_och_ guttural; _koh_ rather

  =Tomahawk= (with the pipe), katarátsch-nauschkatsch (German

  =Tomahawk= (without the pipe), katarátsch.

  =Tongue=, háhtu (_u_ barely audible).

  =Toothache=, tikuchkaráhnu (_uch_ guttural; _nu_ short and low).

  =Trail=, hatúhn.

  =Ugly=, kakúchne (_ch_ rather indistinct; _e_ ½).

  =Village=, etúhn.

  =War=, na̍minakohn, i.e., to fight.

  =War-club= (with the iron head), akachtáhka (_ach_ guttural).

  =Wash=, tani̍h-karúhku (final _u_ short and low).

  =Water=, stóh-cho (_st_ with the point of the tongue; _ch_

  =Weep= (v), titschi̍ck.

  =White= (the color), tetschéh-schauatá (together).

  =White-man=, sáhnisch-thaka.

  =Wind=, tihútt.

  =Winter=, hunáhka (_a_ merely a guttural aspirate).

  =Wood=, náh-ku (_u_ low and short; run together).

  =Wood= (piece of), natsch (German throughout; same word as for
    bow, but pronounced shorter).

  =Yellow=, tirachkatáh (_ach_ German guttural).

  =Yes=, haa (nasal).

_Names of Animals_

  =Antelope= (general term), nanonatsch; the buck, arikatoch (_och_
    guttural); doe, achkahuahtaesch.

  =Bat=, wa̍hch.

  =Bear= (black), mató.

  =Bear= (grizzly), kúhnuch (_uch_ guttural).

  =Beaver=, tschi̍ttuch (_uch_ guttural).

  =Bighorn=, arikússu; usually arikúss.

  =Buffalo= (bull), hoh-kúss; the cow, watahésch.

  =Deer= (black-tailed), tahkati̍tt.

  =Deer= (common), nochnuna̍hts (_noch_ barely audible).

  =Dog=, chahtsch (_ch_ guttural, German throughout).

  =Duck=, kúh-ha (_ha_ merely a breathing).

  =Eagle= (bald-headed), ari̍chta (_ich_ German, with the point of
    the tongue).

  =Eagle= (war), dä̍htach-ka̍ss (_ach_ guttural).

  =Elk= (general term), ua̍; the stag, ua̍-nukúss; the doe,

  =Fox= (gray), tschiwakóh-kussohtara̍huisch (_rah_ together; _u_
    and _i_ separated).

  =Fox= (prairie), tschiua̍hk (_ua_ separated, accent on _uahk_,
    abruptly ended).

  =Fox= (red), tschiwakúh-kuss.

  =Horse=, chawa̍hruchtä (_ch_ and _uch_ guttural).

  =Moose=, wah-sucha̍rut (_ch_ guttural).

  =Mule=, chawaka̍du (_du_ barely audible; _ch_ guttural).

  =Otter=, tschita̍hpat, or tschittahpatte (_e_ ½).

  =Skunk=, nimbi̍tt.

  =Swan=, scha̍htu (_tu_ very short).

  =Turtle=, tschi̍u-ha̍hn (_i_ and _u_ separated: _i_ accented;
    _hah_ very strong emphasis; the whole run together).

  =Wolf= (gray), sziri̍tsch-tehunéhnoch (_e_ full value).

  =Wolf= (prairie), pachka̍tsch (_ach_ guttural; same word as for

  =Wolf= (white), sziri̍tsch-sta̍hka.

_Articles of Dress and Implements_

  =Breechcloth=, mischa̍ch-kaë̍htu (_ach_ guttural; _ka_ and _eh_
    separated; _tu_ short).

  =Buffalo-robe=, sahóhtsch (German throughout).

  =Hair-ornament= (the crow), nachkúch-katóch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Head-dress= (the long hood of feathers), pachta̍hruka-wüe (_ach_
    guttural; _wu_ and _e_ separated; _e_ ½).

  =Leggings=, gógutsch (_go_ guttural; _o_ full; German throughout).

  =Moccasins=, chútsch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Necklace= (of bear's claws), kunúch-chwü̍tu (_ch_ guttural).

  =Powder-horn=, pah-ri̍h-ku (_ku_ short).

  =Sledge=, ta̍ruch-ta̍hsch (_uch_ guttural).

  =Whip=, pi̍nnuch (_uch_ a strongly hissed, low guttural sound).

  =Wolf-tail= (ornament for heel), ha̍chtit-kutawö̍ (_hach_ merely
    a guttural sound like _ch_).


  =One=, a̍chku (_u_ barely audible; _ku_ merely a guttural

  =Two=, pi̍ttcho (_o_ barely audible; _cho_ merely a guttural

  =Three=, ta̍h-uitt (_uitt_ very short and low; _tt_ barely

  =Four=, tschetéhsch (_e_ full value).

  =Five=, si̍-huch (_huch_ low and short; an aspirate).

  =Six=, tscha̍hpis (_pis_ short and low).

  =Seven=, taui-scha̍hpis-uahn (the last two words run together;
    _a_ and _u_ separated).

  =Eight=, tauischa̍hpis (_a_ and _u_ separated).

  =Nine=, nochenéh-uahn (_ch_ guttural; first _e_ ½).

  =Ten=, nochén (_ch_ guttural).

  =Eleven=, pitkóche-nëuahn (first _e_ ½; _ne_ and _u_ separated;
    _ch_ guttural).

  =Twelve=, pitchóchin (_ch_ guttural; _in_ German).

  =Twenty=, uïta̍.

  =Thirty=, sauï (_a_ and _u_ separated).

  =Forty=, pitkonane-nonchen (_on_ French; _chen_ as above).

  =Fifty=, here they begin again with ten and count to one hundred
    by tens; fifty is thus five times ten.

  =Hundred=, schucktahn; i.e., all the tens.

_Names of Rivers_

  =Bighorn=, Arikúss-okaháhn.

  =Cannonball=, Natschi̍o-háu (_i_ accented; _i_ and _o_ separated;
    _hau_ pronounced together as in German).

  =Grand=, Sáchkau-waháhn (_ach_ guttural; _au_ together as in
    German, but barely audible).

  =Heart=, Tostschi̍ta.

  =Knife=, Ésitsch-kaháhn.

  =Little Bighorn=, Ariksúh (really Arikússu)-kaháh-schiripáss.

  =Little Missouri= (upper), Okaháh-tschiripáss.

  =Missouri=, Swarúchti (_uch_ guttural); or Hokaháh-ninn (_nin_
    German), i.e., Medicine-water.

  =Muddy= (upper), Hohrutschítt (_r_ with the point of the tongue;
    German throughout).

  =Musselshell=, Skápedoch-saháhn (_och_ guttural; _e_ ½).

  =Powder=, Kanáchtu-suhukaháhn (_ach_ guttural; German throughout).

  =Rivière à Moreau=, Kadi̍h-kahi̍tt.

  =Rivière au castor=, Zitech-saháhn (_zi_ German; _ech_ guttural;
    _e_ nearly the same as ü, and barely audible).

  =Rivière au rempart=, Laráh-páhwi.

  =Rocky Mountains=, Wagátti-stáhga (_ga_ German; _sta_ with point
    of the tongue).

  =Square Butte creek= (Butte-carrée) Tschi̍h-issu (emphasis on the
    first word; the second word low; German throughout).

  =Teton=, Sih-sawi̍h-tii; i.e., the stagnant water.

  =Tongue=, Hatúhu-kaháhn (German, run together).

  =White= (lower), Hokahach-kúss (_ach_ guttural).

  =White-earth=, Horúss-tuhusscháhn (German throughout; _ch_

  =Yellowstone=, Wáh-hukaháhn.

_Names of Neighboring Tribes_

  =Arrapahos=, Schahä̍.

  =Assiniboins=, Pa̍hoak-sa̍.

  =Blackfeet=, Chochkátit (_ch_ guttural; last _t_ barely audible).

  =Crows=, Tuch-káh-ka (_uch_ guttural; _ka_ low and short).

  =Dacotas=, Schaónn.

  =Minnitarris=, Uïtatt-saháhn.

  =Pahnis=, Tschi̍hrim (_ri_ very short).


[238] Written from the pronunciation of the Arikkara Indians
themselves. The words are pronounced exactly as in German; _ch_ has
almost always a guttural sound; _r_ is spoken with the point of
the tongue. Mr. Gallatin remarks (_ibid._, p. 129) that up to this
time there has been no vocabulary of this tribe; it is, therefore,
gratifying to me to be able to fill this gap, at least to some


  =American= (an), Mi̍na-haske (_e_ ½; run together); i.e., Long

  =Arm=, nistó.

  =Arrow=, uahi̍ntepä (_pa_ short; _e_ ½).

  =Bird=, sittekanne (_e_ only ½ in both cases).

  =Black=, sáhpa.

  =Blind=, chóncha (_ch_ guttural; _on_ French).

  =Blood=, uä̍.

  =Blue=, schunktóh (_o_ full).

  =Bone=, hóh.

  =Bow=, nta̍sipa (_n_ barely audible).

  =Brave= (adj), uïuktschasch (German).

  =Brook=, kachä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Brother=, mitschi̍nna.

  =Child=, hokschinn.

  =Cold= (adj), osni̍h.

  =Dance= (v), uatschi̍we.

  =Day=, ampa (_am_ French).

  =Deaf=, nóge-wanintsche (_ge_ guttural; second word low).

  =Devil= (evil spirit), uakan-schi̍dja (_an_ and _dj_ French and

  =Die= (v), ti̍nktä (_t_ separated from _i_, and barely indicated).

  =Door=, tióhpa.

  =Dream= (v), ui̍-hamana (_hamana_ short and low).

  =Drink= (v), me̍nat-ki̍nte (first _e_ ½; _te_ short and low).

  =Dumb=, non-chäk-kpah (_on_ French; _ch_ guttural).

  =Ear=, nóhge (_g_ guttural).

  =Earth=, manká.

  =Enemy=, toͣge (_o_ between _a_ and _o_; _e_ ½).

  =Englishman=, Uasiáh-maschidju (_j_ French; second word low and
    without emphasis).

  =Evening=, chtaiétu (_ch_ guttural).

  =Eye=, nischta̍.

  =Father=, atä̍.

  =Feather=, hen (_n_ French; the whole nasal).

  =Fire=, pähte (_e_ barely audible).

  =Fish=, hogan (_an_ French; _g_ guttural).

  =Flesh=, tanó (_o_ short).

  =Forest=, tschon-tanke (_on_ French; _tanke_ German; _e_ ½).

  =Frenchman=, Uaschi̍dju (_j_ French and soft; final _u_ short).

  =Friend=, koná (_a_ short).

  =Go= (v), honktáu (_au_ pronounced together).

  =God= (the creator), uakán-tang-e (_an_ French; _e_ ½; the whole
    pronounced together; _tange_ lower than the first word).

  =Good=, uaschtä̍ (_ta_ cut short with emphasis).

  =Great= (tall), hanska (_an_ French).

  =Green=, tóh (_o_ full).

  =Gun=, tschótange (German throughout; _e_ ½).

  =Hair=, pahá.

  =Hand=, nampä̍.

  =Head=, páh.

  =Healthy=, tä̍hdja (_dj_ French; _a_ short).

  =Heart=, tschantä̍.

  =Heat=, oni̍nitta.

  =Horns=, tahä̍; the name of the animal is added, e.g.,
    tatánka-tahä̍, buffalo horns.

  =House= (of the white-man), uaschi̍-dutti (_dutti_ without

  =Hunger=, oah-tink-täch (_ach_ guttural; the whole pronounced

  =Hunt= (v), eiámeia (_ia_ together; the whole short).

  =I=, meiä̍ (_ia_ together).

  =Ice=, tscháh.

  =Island=, uï̍ta (_ta_ short).

  =Jar= (pot), wóhan-pe-ä (_an_ French; the whole pronounced

  =Knife=, mi̍hna (_na_ short).

  =Laugh= (v), ncháh (_ch_ guttural).

  =Lead= (ball), mandassú (_an_ French).

  =Leg=, hussänn.

  =Life= (n), uintschone (German throughout; _e_ ½).

  =Lightning=, uaki̍än-tua̍mpi (_n_ and _am_ French; _pi_ short).

  =Man=, uïtschá (_ui_ separated).

  =Meal= (to eat?), wótinkä (_o_ full; _ta_ short and low).

  =Moon=, hayétu-hiáye (_e_ ½).

  =Morning=, háhkena (_kena_ even and rather low).

  =Mother=, iná (_a_ short).

  =Mountain=, chä̍ (guttural).

  =Mouth=, ih.

  =Much=, o̍hta (_oh_ full).

  =Negro=, hatsáhpa.

  =Night=, kpása.

  =Nose=, póhge (_o_ full; _g_ guttural; _e_ ½).

  =One-eyed=, schtakeba (_e_ ½).

  =Pipe= (tobacco), tschanú-hupa (_hupa_ low).

  =Powder= (gun-powder), tschachni̍.

  =Quick=, kontschüe (_on_ French; _schue_ short and rapid).

  =Red=, scháh.

  =Revenge= (v), aóin-tsï̍a (_in_ German; _i_ and _a_ separated).

  =River=, sih-uatpáh-tanga (_tanga_ low; the whole pronounced
    rapidly together).

  =Sick=, uaiasa.

  =Small= (short?), tschihk-at.

  =Smoke= (n), schóhta.

  =Snow=, uáh.

  =Speak= (v), i-á.

  =Spirits= (distilled; i.e., literally fire-water), meni̍h-pä̍ht
    (run together).

  =Star=, uitschachpe (_ch_ guttural; _e_ ½).

  =Stingy=, uate̍china (_ch_ guttural; _china_ short).

  =Stone=, i̍ng-a (run together and nasal).

  =Strong=, menih-han (_an_ French).

  =Sun=, hanuï (_an_ French; _u_ and _i_ separated).

  =Teeth=, hi̍h.

  =Thunder=, uaki̍an (_i_ and _a_ separated; _n_ French).

  =Tobacco=, tschandi̍.

  =Tomahawk=, tschanúpa-tschachpä (_ach_ guttural).

  =Tongue=, tschä-ji̍ (_ji_ short and French).

  =Trail=, tskankú.

  =Ugly=, schi̍djä (_j_ French; _e_ short).

  =Village= (camp), uïntschóti (_ti_ short).

  =War=, ketschi̍sawe (_awe_ short and low).

  =Warmth=, tschäki̍.

  =Wash= (v), jujaje (_jaje_ French; _e_ ½).

  =Water=, meni̍h (_e_ ½).

  =Weep= (v), tschä̍a (_tscha_ together).

  =White= (the color), ska̍la (_sk_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Widow=, uïtaschnau (nasal; _nau_ pronounced together).

  =Wind=, katä̍.

  =Winter=, uaniä̍to.

  =Woman=, huï̍na (_hui_ nasal; _na_ short).

  =Wood=, tschán (_an_ French).

  =Yellow=, si̍h (soft).

  =Yes=, hán (French).


  =One=, ua̍ntscha (_an_ French).

  =Two=, nompa (_om_ French).

  =Three=, ja̍mene (_ne_ short).

  =Four=, tópa (_o_ full).

  =Five=, sa̍hpta.

  =Six=, schahkpe (_e_ ½).

  =Seven=, schagoë.

  =Eight=, schaknóga (_a_ short).

  =Nine=, namptschúnak (_n_ French).

  =Ten=, uïktschemane (final _e_ ½).

  =Eleven=, akéhuaji (_ji_ French; short).

  =Twelve=, akéh-nómpa (_om_ French).

  =Twenty=, tschimna-nómpa.

  =Twenty-one=, tschimna-nómpa akéh-uaji: and so on in the same way.

  =Hundred=, opan-uache (_an_ French; _e_ full value; _opan_ with
    emphasis and loud; the whole indistinct and rapid).

       *       *       *       *       *

  =I eat=, woáht-atsch (_woa_ almost like _uoa_).

  =You eat=, uaiáta.

  =He eats=, juht-atsch.

  =We eat=, wóh-untáhpi (_untahpi_ without emphasis).

  =You eat=, uitáta-hetsch (together).

  =They eat=, wóht-atsch (together).

  =I shall eat=, héianko-toh-uauat-atsch (the whole pronounced

  =I would eat=, jenk-uaua-tschinkte.

  =I have eaten=, uauáht-atsch.

  =Eating=, uanóh-uóhmantucke (_e_ ½).

  =Eat= (imperative) uóhtam (_o_ full).

_Names of Animals_

  =Antelope=, tatógana.

  =Bear= (black), ui̍nketschenna (_ke_ barely audible; _na_

  =Bear= (grizzly), mató.

  =Beaver=, tsápe (_e_ ½).

  =Bighorn=, hä̍hktschischka.

  =Buffalo=, tatánga.

  =Dog=, schónka (_on_ French).

  =Elk=, choiá (_ch_ guttural).

  =Fox= (gray), tohk-hanne (_e_ short).

  =Fox= (red), schonga-schanne (_e_ ½).

  =Horse=, schón-atanga (_schon_ with emphasis; _n_ French;
    _atanga_ low).

  =Mountain goat= (white), schunkä̍-ukänne (_e_ ½).

  =Otter=, peta̍n (_an_ French; _e_ short and ½).

  =Skunk=, manka̍h.

  =Wolf=, schunk-tógitsche (_e_ ½).


[239] Written from the pronunciation of the half-breed interpreter,


  =American= (an), Omakstoä; i.e., Long Knife.

  =Arm=, ot-tiss.

  =Arrow=, a̍pse (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Bird=, pehkseü (final _u_ barely audible).

  =Black=, sicksinámm.

  =Blind=, náh-pesti (_e_ ½; _pesti_ short).

  =Blood=, ahah-pane (_pane_ short; _e_ ½).

  =Bone=, ochkinn (_och_ guttural).

  =Bow=, spikenn-áhmai (_mai_ German and together; _sp_ with the
    point of the tongue).

  =Boy= (small boy), sa-kú-man-pö (_an_ French; _o_ distinctly
    pronounced); usually pronounced sachkó-ma-pö (_ach_ guttural).

  =Brave= (a trusty man), iehkitappeh (_ie_ German).

  =Brook=, asséh-tachtay (_tach_ guttural and very short).

  =Brother= (elder), nehs.

  =Brother= (younger), niskánn.

  =Chief= (n), nachkóhzis (_ach_ guttural; _zis_ low); or ninau
    (_au_ together, and German).

  =Child=, póh-ka.

  =Dance= (n), paskáhn.

  =Day=, kristikui (_kui_ together).

  =Deaf=, sanastóke (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Die= (v), ä̍nih (accent on _a_); i.e., he is dead.

  =Door=, kitsi̍mm.

  =Dream= (v), papokahn.

  =Drink= (v), simih.

  =Drink= (imperative), simii̍tt.

  =Dumb=, katä̍h-puie; i.e., one who does not speak.

  =Ear=, ochtóhkiss (_och_ guttural).

  =Earth=, ksáchkum (_ach_ guttural; the whole German).

  =Eat this=, auáttoht (_au_ together).

  =Enemy=, kachtumm.

  =Englishman=, Suiápä.

  =Evening= (towards evening), attakui (_ui_ together).

  =Eye=, o-abs-pih (_oabs_ together; German).

  =Father=, ninnah.

  =Feather=, mami̍nn.

  =Fire=, sti̍h (_st_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Fish=, mami̍h.

  =Flesh=, ehksakuy (German; _uy_ together).

  =Forehead=, oh-niss.

  =Forest=, atsoahskoi (_koi_ German and together).

  =Frenchman=, Náhpi-kuäcks.

  =Friend=, this word is wanting; my kinsman, nézichkáoah (_zich_
    guttural; _kaoah_ short).

  =Girl= (small girl), ah-ké-kuann (German).

  =Go=, ätapoh; i.e., he has gone; the infinitive is wanting.

  =Go= (imperative), estapóht (_e_ barely audible).

  =God=, their god is the sun.

  =Good=, achséh (_ach_ guttural).

  =Great= (tall, used of men), espitáh.

  =Green=, kómonä.

  =Gun=, náhmay (German).

  =Hair=, same word as for head.

  =Hand=, o̍h-ke-ti̍ss (_i_ almost like _u_ umlaut).

  =Head=, oh-tu-kuáhn (_kua_ together).

  =Healthy=, katäkiuaht; i.e., he has no sickness.

  =Heart=, uskitsi-pachpé (second _i_ barely audible; _ach_

  =Heat= (it is hot), kristotisséh (_tis_ very short).

  =Horn=, ohtsihkinnah; the name of the animal is always added.

  =House= (their lodges), moiéhs.

  =Hunger=, nitóh-nontsi (_on_ French).

  =Hunt= (v), sáhme (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =I=, nistó.

  =Ice=, sahkukotoh.

  =Kettle= (iron), äski̍.

  =Knife=, stoa̍nn (_st_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Laugh= (v), ajimih (_ji_ German).

  =Lead= (musket ball), uaksopánn (_uak_ together).

  =Leg=, ohchkatt (_ohch_ guttural).

  =Live= (he still lives), sa̍keh-tapéh; i.e., he is still in the

  =Man=, nahpe (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Meal= (to eat?), oyé-ü (final _u_ barely audible).

  =Moon=, kokui-éta-úawakah (_ui_ pronounced together).

  =Morning=, skonna̍h-tonni̍h.

  =Mother=, nikrist.

  =Mountain=, messtäck.

  =Mouth=, ma-å-ih (pronounced together).

  =Much=, akajimm (German).

  =Negro=, siksahpä-kuä̍nn; i.e., a black Frenchman.

  =Night=, kohkui (_ui_ together).

  =Nose=, ohkrississ.

  =Old= (an old man), náhpe, or nahpi (final _e_ or _i_ short).

  =One-eyed=, apa̍u (_au_ together as in German).

  =People= (two young people in love), neta̍kka.

  =Pipe= (tobacco), akuï-nima̍hn (German).

  =Powder= (gun-powder), satsóhpats (German).

  =Quick= (go quickly; hasten), kipanétsit.

  =Red=, ahsa̍hn.

  =Revenge= (I have taken revenge), nitäht-skitáh.

  =River=, omachkéh-táchtay (German throughout; _ach_ guttural);
    i.e., a large river.

  =Sick=, pastimmä̍hsi, or aiochtokúh (_och_ guttural).

  =Small=, enakutsi (_kutsi_ very short, almost _tsi_).

  =Smoke= (n), sahtsi̍h.

  =Snow=, kóhn.

  =Speak= (v), äpuiéh (_ieh_ pronounced together).

  =Spirits= (distilled), sti̍och-keh (_och_ guttural; _st_ with the
    point of the tongue).

  =Star=, kakatóhs (German throughout).

  =Stingy=, sickimisi̍h.

  =Stone= (rock, or cliff), o̍hkotock.

  =Strong=, miskapéh; i.e., a strong man; miss, a strong horse.

  =Sun=, nantóhs (_an_ French; otherwise German).

  =Sweet=, the word does not occur; they say, good to eat, achséh
    (_ach_ guttural).

  =Teeth=, ochpéhkinn (_och_ guttural).

  =Thunder=, kristikúmm.

  =Tobacco=, pistáchkan (_ach_ together).

  =Tomahawk=, kaksáhkin (German).

  =Tongue=, matsinnih.

  =Track= (trail), ochsokui (_och_ guttural; _ui_ together); a word
    is added to tell whether of men or a certain animal.

  =Trail=, ochsokui (_och_ guttural; _ui_ together).

  =Ugly= (not good), pachkápe (_ach_ guttural; _e_ full value).

  =War= (to go out to war), sohóh.

  =Wash= (v), siskiochsatis (German; _och_ guttural).

  =Water=, ochkéh (_och_ German guttural).

  =Weep=, auáhsann.

  =Widow=, this word is wanting; they say in general, a woman who
    has no husband, náhmakeü (final _u_ barely audible).

  =Wind=, suppúy (_sup_ almost like _sep_; the whole German).

  =Winter=, this word is wanting; they say, the cold, stuyä̍h
    (German; _st_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Woman=, ah-ké.

  =Wood=, mehsti̍ss.

  =Yellow=, otachkui (_ach_ guttural; _ui_ together).

  =Yes=, a̍h.


  =One=, séh.

  =Two=, náhtoka.

  =Three=, nohóka.

  =Four=, nehsohúi (_ui_ together).

  =Five=, nehsitó.

  =Six=, nau (_u_ and _a_ separated; _u_ indistinct).

  =Seven=, äkitsikkům.

  =Eight=, nahnisuji̍m (German throughout).

  =Nine=, pehksúh.

  =Ten=, kehpúh.

  =Twenty=, náhtsipo.

  =Thirty=, nehépu (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Forty=, nehsi̍ppu.

  =Fifty=, nehsitsi̍ppu.

  =Sixty=, nä̍hpu.

  =Seventy=, äkitsikki̍ppu.

  =Eighty=, nahnisi̍ppu.

  =Ninety=, pähksi̍ppu.

  =Hundred=, käpippu.

  =Thousand=, kipipi̍ppi.

_Names of Animals_

  =Antelope=, auokáhs (_au_ short and together).

  =Bear= (black), si̍ku-kiä̍yu (German throughout).

  =Bear= (grizzly), a̍poch-kiäyu (_och_ guttural).

  =Beaver=, kéhstake (_e_ pronounced distinctly).

  =Bighorn=, ä̍mach-ki̍kinägs; plural, ä̍mach-ki̍kinä; from ämach,
    meaning large horns.

  =Buffalo= (bull), stomi̍ck.

  =Dog=, emitá.

  =Elk=, purnokä̍hstomick.

  =Horse=, purnakö̍mitä (_mita_ short).

  =Moose=, sikitisuh.

  =Mountain goat= (white), apumachkikiná (_mach_ German guttural).

  =Otter=, emonä̍hs.

  =Skunk=, a̍hpikaieh (_ah_ accented; _pi_ short).

  =Wolf= (common gray), sikkapéhs.

  =Wolf= (prairie), sehnipa̍h.[241]


[240] Written from the pronunciation of the interpreter Berger, and
several Blackfoot Indians.--MAXIMILIAN.

_Comment by Ed._ For Berger, see our volume xxiii, p. 23, note 11.

[241] The words from the Blackfoot language given by Gallatin (_ibid._,
p. 373), are for the most part, incorrectly written. We find, for
instance, that in the word _pistachkan_ the copyist avoided the
guttural sound and wrote _pistarkan_. I must also remark here that
Townsend in his _Narrative of a Journey across the Rocky Mountains to
the Columbia River_, speaks in very exaggerated terms of the Blackfoot
Indians. This is due to the fact that his information came from
trappers and fur hunters who usually have the greatest respect for
those Indians who are their bitterest enemies. On the other hand, what
Townsend says of the injustice of the fur hunters towards these Indians
is thoroughly justified.--MAXIMILIAN.

_Comment by Ed._ Townsend's Narrative is published in our volume xxi.

CHAYENNE (Shyenne of the Anglo-Americans)[242]

  =Arrow=, mah-hóss.

  =Axe=, jóh-ie-wúch (German throughout; _uch_ guttural).

  =Bad=, iháwa-süwa (very short).

  =Bow=, máh-tachk (run together; _ch_ guttural).

  =Bullet=, wihóh-imáh-husch (the last three syllables are run

  =Cherries=, máhmenuss.

  =Chief= (leader), wi̍h-hu (_hu_ short; _u_ between _o_ umlaut and

  =Child=, kaichkúnn (_ich_ guttural).

  =Day=, wawóhn.

  =Far= (distant), háh-iss.

  =Father=, ni̍ho-ä̍h.

  =Fire=, hoi̍sta.

  =Fire= (to kindle a fire), dä̍cho-ihä̍s (_ch_ guttural).

  =God=, okúhme (_e_ ½).

  =Good=, ipáua (_a_ and _u_ separated; final _e_ very short).

  =Great= (of bodies), hiáh-est (_hi_ together; _ah_ together;
    _est_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Gun=, mah-ah-tán (run together; _ma_ short).

  =Head=, mi̍hk (_k_ with a peculiar breathing).

  =Kettle= (of metal), máï-taï-tó.

  =Knife=, wó-tach-ke (_ach_ guttural; _ke_ very short).

  =Left-handed person=, náhbuchs (_uch_ guttural; _s_ audible).

  =Little=, o̍ch-kumm (_och_ guttural).

  =Man=, itán.

  =Man= (old), waháhkis (_kis_ low).

  =Man= (young), cassuáhä.

  =Mother=, nachkuä̍ (_ach_ guttural).

  =Much=, iháhstuch (_uch_ guttural).

  =Near=, kách-kiss (German; _ach_ guttural).

  =On that side= (of the river), o̍hhä-hohúmm.

  =On this side= (of the river), o̍hhä-hastó.

  =One-eyed= (a one-eyed man), o̍kinn.

  =Pipe= (tobacco), hióchko (_och_ guttural; _ko_ almost like _ke_,
    _e_ ½).

  =Poor= (to be poor), staminóhha (_st_ with the point of the
    tongue; _ha_ very short; the whole run together).

  =Powder= (gun-powder), páï.

  =River=, o̍h-hä (pronounced as if _oh-o-a_).

  =Rocky Mountains=, Húh-hunáu (_nau_ together).

  =Small= (of bodies), i̍kokesta (all syllables equal).

  =Sun=, ischä̍.

  =Water=, má-pe (_ma_ nasal; _pe_ short; _e_ full value; the two
    syllables run together).

  =Weep= (v), i̍h-acháh (_ih_ with emphasis; _ch_ guttural).

  =Wife=, hi-i̍h-u (run together).

  =Woman= (old), machta-máh-hä (_ach_ guttural; the whole run

       *       *       *       *       *

  =Comrade, I am going to sleep=, húa-manna-aus (German throughout;
    _u_ and _a_ separated; accent on _u_; _aus_ together).

  =Comrade, let us smoke=, húa-hi̍hputt.

  =Comrade, take care of the kettle=, hóa-niomů̈st-nomostetúnn.

  =Give to me=, ni̍sta (_ta_ short).

  =I have finished=, ihi̍hs (with strong emphasis; abruptly ended).

_Names of Animals_

  =Antelope=, wóh-ka (run together; _ka_ lower).

  =Bear= (grizzly), náchku (_ach_ guttural).

  =Buffalo= (bull), hottúe (_u_ and _e_ separated).

  =Buffalo= (calf), wohksá (_sa_ short).

  =Buffalo= (cow), issiwóhn.

  =Dog=, chotónn (_ch_ guttural).

  =Elk=, mo-úi (_ui_ together).

  =Hedge-hog=, ichtú-messi̍mm (_ich_ German with the point of the
    tongue; _e_ ½).

  =Horse=, woindohámm (_oi_ separated).

  =Mule=, akéhm.

  =Wolf=, hoh-ni̍ (_ni_ short).

_Names of Indian Tribes_

  =Arikkaras=, O̱̤̠̍hnunnu (short).

  =Awatichay= (village) [Minnitarri], Amatsichá.

  =Crows=, Hóh-otann.

  =Dacotas=, O̱̤̠̍hohma.

  =Mandans=, Wi̍hwatann.

  =Minnitarris=, Honúhn.

  =Minnitarris= (the small village) [Ahwahnaway], Hahpeiu (_e_ full
    value; _peiu_ short and separated into two syllables).

  =Pahnis=, Hóh-ni-tánn.

  =Ruhptare= [Mandan village], Wóh-ah (run together).


[242] Written from the pronunciation of a Mandan Indian. The Chayennes
call their nation Istayú (German pronunciation). Gallatin says
(_ibid._, p. 124) that they formerly lived on the Red River near Lake
Winipik [Winnipeg]. They were driven out by the Sioux, according to
Mc Kenzie, and now live at the sources of Chayenne River, a branch of
the Missouri. What Gallatin states regarding the signatures of the
treaty in the Dacóta language is something which repeatedly occurs,
since there are frequently no interpreters for little-known nations,
and recourse must be had to the translation of other Indians. I shall
instance a similar case in connection with the Mandan language, where
the signatures of a treaty were translated into the Minnitarri language
by Charbonneau.--MAXIMILIAN.

CROW (Corbeau)[243]

  =Arm=, a̍hdä.

  =Arrow=, annúhtä.

  =Bow=, mannáchi-iahsä (the last word even and lowered in tone).

  =Child=, wah-káh-tä (run together).

  =Eye=, ischtä̍.

  =Fire=, biddä̍ (short).

  =God= (the ruler of life), búattä (_u_ and _a_ separated; _ta_

  =Hair=, ichsi̍e (_ich_ German with the point of the tongue; _si_
    and _e_ separated; _e_ ½ and short; _i_ with strong accent).

  =Hand=, ischsä̍.

  =Head=, a̍nschua (_an_ French; _sch_ and _u_ separated; _a_

  =Man=, matsä̍.

  =Moon=, minitásia (_sia_ short and low; _i_ and _a_ a little

  =Mouth=, i̍h-a (_a_ very short and ½; pronounced together).

  =Pipe= (tobacco), i̍impsä (accent on the first _i_; separated
    from the second _i_).

  =Star=, ichkä̍.

  =Sun=, achá-se (run together; _se_ distinctly pronounced but

  =Tomahawk=, mani̍htsip-ihpse (_an_ French; _e_ distinctly

  =Water=, minä̍.

  =White-man=, máeste-schi̍hrä; literally yellow-eye.

  =Woman= (wife), mi̍a (_mi_ run together; _a_ separated; the whole


[243] Written from the pronunciation of a Crow Indian. They pronounce
the words in the manner of the Minnitarri; _ch_ is guttural, _r_ is
spoken with the point of the tongue unless there is an exception noted.
According to Donald Mc Kenzie who lived among the Crows (Gallatin,
_ibid._, p. 125), they number some three hundred lodges and three
thousand souls. This seems to me to be a correct estimate.--MAXIMILIAN.

_Comment by Ed._ Gallatin doubtless intends Kenneth (not Donald)
Mc Kenzie, for whom see our volume xxi, p. 45, note 25.

[244] According to Captain Bonneville, it is called _popo_ in the Crow
language; this does not agree with my experience.--MAXIMILIAN.

_Comment by Ed._ This refers to Washington Irving, _Rocky Mountains; or
Scenes, Incidents and Adventures in the Far West_ (Philadelphia, 1837).

DACOTA (Sioux) of the band of the Yanktonans[245]

  =American=, Mi̍na-haska (_haska_ nasal); i.e., Long Knife.

  =Arm=, istó.

  =Arrow=, uahi̍tpe (_ua_ nasal).

  =Beard=, putä-hin (_n_ French; _hin_ nasal).

  =Bird=, sitká (_s_ soft).

  =Black=, sáhpa.

  =Blind=, ischtá-chon-gä (_ch_ guttural; _on_ French; _g_ in the
    roof of the mouth; _chonga_ nasal and without emphasis).

  =Blood=, uä̍h.

  =Blue= (also green), tóh.

  =Bone=, huh-huh.

  =Bow=, itáh-sipa (_itah_ with emphasis; _si_ very short; _pa_
    without emphasis).

  =Brave= (adj), uadi̍take (_uadi_ with emphasis; _e_ ½ or a little
    more; _take_ lower and without emphasis).

  =Brook=, uathpanne (_e_ short).

  =Brother=, tschi̍-ä (emphasis on the first syllable).

  =Child=, okschiókapa.

  =Cold=, sni̍h.

  =Dance= (v), uatschi̍.

  =Day=, hanposka (_an_ French).

  =Deaf=, nóchät-pá.

  =Die= (dead), táh.

  =Door=, thiópa (_i_ and _o_ somewhat separated).

  =Dumb= (v), ihéschni (_ni_ short).

  =Dream= (v), uihamana (_ui_ together; _hamana_ short and rapid).

  =Drink= (v), uatkan (_an_ French).

  =Ear=, nónchä (_on_ French; emphasis on _non_; _ch_ guttural; low
    and short).

  =Earth=, manká (_an_ French).

  =Enemy=, tohk-ha.

  =Englishman=, Sakedaschi (_e_ short; _i_ barely audible).

  =Evening=, chta-ié-tu (_chta_ guttural; _ie_ together; _tu_

  =Eye=, ischtá; one-eyed, pschtat-pä̍.

  =Father=, atä̍; i.e., my father.

  =Feather=, uï̍-iak-ha (_ha_ guttural; _iakha_ low and short).

  =Fight= (n), ketschehsap (first _e_ short).

  =Fire=, pä̍hta.

  =Fish=, rochan (very guttural; _an_ French).

  =Flesh=, tadó.

  =Fog=, pó (_o_ full).

  =Forest=, tchán (_an_ French).

  =Frenchman=, Uaschi̍djo (_jo_ French and very short).

  =Friend= (comrade), koͣdá (great friend); or ketschi̍uah (friend).

  =Go= (v), máhni (_ni_ short).

  =God= (the creator), uakán-tanka (_an_ French nasal); i.e., great

  =Good=, uaschtä̍ (_ua_ almost like _wa_; run together).

  =Great=, hánska (_an_ French).

  =Green=, tóh (_o_ rather full).

  =Gun=, mansak-han (_an_ French; the whole run together).

  =Hair=, pihi̍.

  =Hand=, napä.

  =Head=, páh.

  =Healthy=, uaschtä̍; or uaiá-saschni (last word short and low);
    i.e., not sick.

  =Heart=, tschåtä̍.

  =Heat=, didi̍tach (_ach_ German guttural).

  =Horns= (antlers; and horns of all animals in general), hä; the
    name of the animal is added.

  =House= (lodge), tihpi.

  =Hunger=, wóta-wacheda (all syllables of second word even).

  =Hunt= (v), uïheni (_e_ short; the whole indistinct, short,
    nasal, and run together).

  =I=, miä̍.

  =Ice=, tschága (_g_ in the roof of the mouth).

  =Island=, uï̍hta (_u_ and _i_ separated; _ta_ short).

  =Jar= (pot), tschä̍ga (_g_ guttural; _ga_ short).

  =Knife=, mi̍hna (_na_ short).

  =Laugh= (v), icháh (_ch_ guttural).

  =Lead= (metal), mansassuh (_an_ French).

  =Leg=, húh.

  =Lightning=, uakán-hädi̍(_an_ French; _hadi_ short).

  =Live= (life?), uanickt.

  =Lodge or tent= (of leather), wakä̍a.

  =Man=, uïtscha.[247]

  =Meal=(to eat?), wóhta (_ta_ short).

  =Moccasin=, hánpa (French).

  =Moon=, hahépi-uïh (first word rather nasal).

  =Morning=, hi̍h-hanna (emphasis on _hih_; _hanna_ low and short).

  =Mother=, inan (_an_ French).

  =Mountain=, chä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Mouth=, ih.

  =Much=, ö̍hta (_o_ full; _ta_ short).

  =Negro=, uaschi̍tschu-sáhpa (run together).

  =Night=, hanhöp (_an_ French).

  =Nose=, póhchä (_ch_ guttural; _a_ short).

  =Pipe= (tobacco), schandúh-hupa (_hupa_ short and low, without

  =Powder=, tschachedi̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Quick=, kohán (_an_ French).

  =Red=, duhta.

  =Revenge= (v), itoh-kidjuh (emphasis on first word; _j_ French;
    second word lower).

  =River=, uathpá; the Missouri, Uathpá-mnischoschá; i.e., the
    river with muddy water.

  =Sick=, uaiasa (short).

  =Small=, tihstina.

  =Smoke= (n), schóhta (_o_ full; _ta_ short).

  =Snow=, uáh.

  =Speak= (v), jáh (_i_ and _a_ separated).

  =Spirits= (distilled), meni̍h-uakán (_an_ French); i.e. divine,
    or medicine water.

  =Star=, tscháchpi (_ach_ guttural).

  =Stingy=, ocha̍n-schitscha (_ochan_ with emphasis; second word
    without emphasis; the whole short and run together).

  =Stone=, ihia (emphasis on _i_; nasal).

  =Strong=, waschahke (_e_ ½; _ke_ short).

  =Sun=, uï̍h.

  =Sweet=, skúia (_sk_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Teeth=, i̍h.

  =Thunder=, uaki̍n-a (_n_ French, nasal; _a_ short).

  =Tobacco=, tschandi̍h (_an_ French).

  =Tomahawk=, onspä̍-tschanupa (final word without emphasis and

  =Toothache=, ih-asan (_asan_ French).

  =Trader=, wópäton-uïtschásta (_o_ full; _on_ French; last word

  =Trail=, tschankuh.

  =Ugly=, schi̍dja (_ja_ French).

  =Village=, otón-a (_on_ French; _a_ short; the whole nasal).

  =War=, suiá (_s_ soft).

  =Warmth=, päti̍schka.

  =Wash= (v), waiújaja (_jaja_ French, without emphasis, and low;
    _iu_ German).

  =Water=, meni̍h.

  =Weep= (v), tschä̍a (final _a_ short).

  =White=, skáh.

  =Widow=, juá-sitscha (_j_ and _u_ separated).

  =Wind=, tatä̍h.

  =Winter=, uani̍ete (_u_ and _a_ separated; _e_ very short in both

  =Woman=, uïïa (_ui_ nasal).

  =Wood=, tschan (_an_ French).

  =Yellow=, si̍h (softly pronounced).

  =Yes=, ha̍n (French nasal).


  =One=, wántscha (_an_ French).

  =Two=, nómpa (_om_ French).

  =Three=, jámen (_men_ German and low).

  =Four=, tópa (_o_ full).

  =Five=, sáhptan (_s_ very soft; _an_ French).

  =Six=, scháhkpe (_pe_ short; _e_ ½).

  =Seven=, schakoï (_o_ and _i_ separated).

  =Eight=, schákedoch (German).

  =Nine=, nahptschi̍-uanká (_uan_ nasal; _n_ French; last word
    without emphasis, nasal, and low; the whole run together and

  =Ten=, uïktschémna (_u_ and _i_ separated; _na_ short).

  =Twenty=, numm.

  =Twenty-one=, uïktschemna-nom-sommuaji (the whole run together
    and short; _ji_ French).

  =Thirty=, jamen.

  =Forty=, toop; or toom.

  =Fifty=, sáhpta.

  =Sixty=, scháhkpe.

  =Seventy=, schakoï.

  =Eighty=, schakedoch.

  =Ninety=, nahptschiuanká.

  =Hundred=, opánuachä (_an_ French; _u_ and _a_ separated; _ch_
    guttural; the whole run together and short; _uacha_ nasal).

  =Thousand=, iktó-panuachä (_an_ French; the whole run together
    and short).

       *       *       *       *       *

  =I eat=, uauáhta (_u_ and _a_ separated).

  =You eat=, uayáta (German).

  =He eats=, uóhtä (_u_ and _o_ like _w_; _o_ full; _ta_ short).

  =We eat=, o̍ntape (in pronouncing _tape_ the voice falls; _pe_
    distinctly pronounced).

  =They eat=, uóhtapä (_o_ full).

  =I shall eat=, uauáhtäkta (_u_ and _a_ separated; _takta_ low and
    without emphasis).

  =I have eaten=, uauáhta.

  =I had eaten=, hähan-uauáhta (_an_ French).

  =I would eat=, hähan-uauáhta-net-schetscha (last word short and

  =Eat= (imperative), uóhta-io (together; _o_ full).

  =Eating=, uóh-tä-sa (_sa_ short).

_Names of Animals_

  =Antelope=, tatóhka; or tatókana (_na_ rather inaudible).

  =Bear=, (black), uachánk-sitscha (emphasis on _chank_; _sitscha_

  =Bear= (grizzly), mantó (_an_ French).

  =Beaver=, tscháhpa (_pa_ short).

  =Bighorn=, kihská.

  =Buffalo= (bull), tatánka; cow, ptäh; calf, ptäh-sidja (_j_
    French); the general word is that for cow.

  =Dog=, schónka (_on_ French).

  =Elk=, upán (_pan_ nasal; _an_ French); this is the general word.

  =Elk= (stag), acháhka (_ch_ guttural).

  =Horse=, schónka-uakán (_on_ and _an_ French): erratum says read

  =Otter=, ptán (_an_ French).

  =Skunk=, mankáh (_an_ French, very short, and barely audible;
    _kah_ loud and with emphasis).

  =Turkey= (wild), sisitscha-kanka (_s_ soft; _kan_ in the throat).

  =Wolf=, schuk-tóketscha-tanka.

  =Wolf= (prairie), mi̍htschak-si̍h.


[245] Gallatin writes "Dahcota;" but I think that it is more correct
to write Dacóta. He divides the Sioux into a northern and a southern
group; and includes in the latter division eight tribes, the Quappas,
or Arkansas at the mouth of the Arkansa river, the Osages, the Kansas,
the Ayowäs (Jowas), the Missouris, Otos, Omáhas, and Puncas, since
they speak dialects of the Dacóta language (Gallatin, _ibid._, p.

[246] Not _wakatunka_, as Vail says. This name is composed of two
words; and, therefore, is not to be written as one. The first word,
_uakan_, less correctly _wakan_, is the expression for god, divine,
supernatural; the second, _tanka_, not _tunka_, means great. Vail and
others also very often write _uakan_, incorrectly _wah-kon_. The Dacóta
words which I give here are written from the pronunciation of the
half-breed interpreter, Ortubize.--MAXIMILIAN.

_Comment by Ed._ This reference is to Eugene A. Vail, _Notice sur les
Indiens de l'Amerique du Nord_ (Paris, 1840).

[247] Mr. Gallatin (_ibid._, p. 195) thinks that the word _uitschá_
is an abbreviation of _uitschasta_. I cannot decide the question
with certainty. The singular number, man, was always given to me
as _uitscha_; _uitschasta_ seems to me to be the plural, or a
general term, as for instance, in the word _uitschasta-iuta_, man

DACOTA of the Teton Tribe

  =Antelope=, tatóhkana.

  =Bear= (black), wåchánk-sitscha (the first word with emphasis).

  =Bear= (grizzly), matóh.

  =Comb=, ipáhks.

  =Day= (the day breaks), àm-pa-inam-pä (_am_ French; _pa_ short).

  =Elk=, upán (_an_ French and rather long); the stag, hächáhka.

  =Fish-hook=, hoï̍tzua (_o_ and _i_ separated).

  =Fish-line=, hachóhta (_ch_ guttural).

  =Hoop= (of wood), sankodeska.

  =Hoop= (game of), sankodeska-kutépi.

  =Moccasins=, hán-pa (_an_ French).

  =Morning= (early), a̍m-pa (_am_ French).

  =Prairie dog=, pispi̍sa.

  =Rattle= (sysyquoy, gourd rattle), tascháhka.

  =Shield=, oahát-sanka (first word with emphasis; last word low
    and without emphasis).

  =Water=, meni̍h.[248]


  [248] The variations in the different tribes of the Dacótas seem to be
very insignificant.--MAXIMILIAN.

  FALL INDIANS, or Grosventres of the Prairies[249]

  =Antelope=, hottewianinay (_ay_ German).

  =Arm=, nah-köth (the syllables separated).

  =Arrow=, nennitch (_ch_ with the point of the tongue and not

  =Bear= (black), uatániss.

  =Bear= (grizzly), uosse (_uo_ like _wo_; _e_ very short).

  =Beaver=, hábass (_a_ almost like _a_ umlaut, but ½ and short).

  =Bighorn=, hottéh.

  =Black=, wå-atåh-nits (_wa_ short; _atah-nits_ a little lisped).

  =Blood=, mah-ahtz.

  =Bow=, nemáth (_e_ ½).

  =Buffalo= (bull), enáhkiä (_e_ barely audible; _kia_ like _kie_,
    short and ½).

  =Buffalo= (cow), bü̍h.

  =Child=, tä̍yalle (all syllables cut rather short and separated;
    _e_ ½).

  =Day=, e̍hse (_eh_ long; _se_ very short).

  =Deer= (black-tailed), bü̍he-i (_e_ ½; _i_ short).

  =Deer= (common), låsikge (_ge_ German; _e_ ½).

  =Dog=, hótewi.

  =Ear=, nenottónnü (_ton_ with emphasis; _e_ ½).

  =Earth=, meth-auuch (_au_ together; _auuch_ very short).

  =Elk=, uósseh.

  =Eye=, ne-séh-seh (_ne_ short and ½; accent on the first _seh_).

  =Fire=, esittah (_e_ very short).

  =Foot=, nesse-estan (_se_ short and ½; _tan_ French and distinct).

  =God=, mehåa (_e_ short; the two _a_'s separated).

  =Hair=, näwi-táss (_tass_ with emphasis).

  =Hand=, nah-kettinach (rather indistinct).

  =Head=, nöth-ah (indistinct; _ah_ separated).

  =Heart=, nö̍ttah.

  =Hot=, be-ke-néh-se (_be_ rather longer; _ke_ short; _neh_ very
    long; _se_ short).

  =Ice=, wå-awuh.

  =Leg=, na-áhtz (_na_ short and ½; _ahtz_ long).

  =Man=, neni̍tta (_e_ and _a_ short).

  =Moon=, kahå-hássa (together).

  =Mountain goat= (white), otteh-nozi̍bi (_zibi_ short).

  =Mouth=, nö̍t-ti (_ti_ rather lower).

  =Night=, taiké-ee (_ee_ separated and distinctly pronounced).

  =Nose=, nä-es (_es_ ½ and low).

  =Pipe= (tobacco), eht-tsá.

  =Rain=, a-sá-nitz (lisped).

  =Snow=, i̍h-i (_ih_ very long; _i_ short).

  =Star=, a̍to (_o_ almost like _o_ umlaut).

  =Sun=, ehsi̍ss.

  =Tomahawk=, aha-loss.

  =Water=, netse (_e_ very short).

  =Wolf=, kïati̍ssa (indistinct).

  =Woman=, e̍sta (_es_ lisped).


[249] Written from their pronunciation. They call their tribe,
Ä̍hni-ninn. Gallatin (_ibid._, p. 125) speaks of them in connection
with the Minnitarris. He calls them the Rapid, Fall, or Paunch
Indians; and remarks quite correctly, that from the latest information
their language is wholly different from those of the Minnitarris and
Blackfeet (_ibid._, p. 132).--MAXIMILIAN.

FLATHEADS of the Rocky Mountains[250]

  =Arrow=, tah-pu-minn.

  =Bear=, semachann (_ch_ guttural).

  =Beaver=, skaló.

  =Bow=, soh-nónn; same word as for gun.

  =Buffalo=, zotúnn (soft low, and indistinct; _o_ full).

  =Child=, skochkússa (_ch_ guttural; _sa_ low and indistinct).

  =Deer=, zinechkóhch (_ch_ guttural; the whole indistinct and low).

  =Dog=, nachketsä (_e_ short).

  =Ear=, tchäh-sä̍uonn.

  =Earth=, sopúth.

  =Elk=, chton-skutsiss (_ch_ guttural; the whole indistinct and

  =Eye=, ehsuetst.

  =Fire=, stehchke (_st_ with the point of the tongue; _ch_
    guttural; final _e_ ½).

  =Foot=, tah-essi̍nn (_e_ ½).

  =God=, inuméhcho (_i_ like _e_; _ch_ guttural).

  =Head=, estáchk (_es_ soft; _ch_ guttural).

  =Man=, taiskáltomo (little emphasis and low).

  =Moon=, ehs-pach-kann (low and in the roof of the mouth).

  =Mouth=, onuchuaye (_ch_ guttural; final _e_ ½).

  =Pipe= (tobacco), simä̍h-noch (_simah_ short; _noch_ guttural;
    little emphasis).

  =Star=, skoch-koiomm (low and run together; _och_ guttural).

  =Sun=, ehs-pach-kann (low and in the roof of the mouth).

  =Tomahawk=, soh-nónn.

  =Water=, saotuch (low; _ch_ guttural).

  =Woman=, semääm (_e_ ½; _a_ and _a_ separated).


[250] Written from the pronunciation of the Blackfoot chief,
Ninoch-Kiä̍iu. The Flatheads live in the Rocky mountains; and according
to the missionary, Parker, number only eight hundred souls. They are
said to speak the same language as the Ponderas [Pend d'Oreille] and
Spokein [Spokan] Indians. The custom of flattening the head by pressure
is not found among them, at least at present (Townsend, _op. cit._, p.
175); but this is done by several tribes on the Columbia as is stated
also in _Astoria_. All travellers who have visited this people bear
witness to their upright and noble conduct, as well as to their piety.
Like the Nez-Percés, of whom the same is said, they have borrowed a
number of Christian usages and beliefs, among them the conscientious
observance of Sunday (see _Adventures of Captain Bonneville_, p. 248;
and Ross Cox). They are reputed to be brave warriors; of this I was
assured by the Blackfoot Indians themselves, who are often at war with
them and are their bitterest enemies, and who also showed me many
trophies taken from them.--MAXIMILIAN.

_Comment by Ed._ Samuel Parker, _Journal of an Exploring Tour beyond
the Rocky Mountains_ (Ithaca, N. Y., 1838). See also our volume xxi,
p. 335, note 112; Washington Irving, _Astoria_ (Philadelphia, 1836);
Ross Cox, _Adventures upon the Columbia River_ (London, 1831); and our
volume vi, p. 276, note 84.


  =Arm=, nenächkonn (_ach_ guttural).

  =Arrow=, pequikihi.

  =Belly=, näjäck (_j_ French).

  =Bow=, måstahá (_a_ between _a_ umlaut and _o_ umlaut; _ha_ often
    barely audible).

  =Breast= (the whole) ne-kå̍-kä (_ka_ short).

  =Ear=, nettouakaian (_ua_ nasal; _kaian_ likewise).

  =Eye=, neskescheck.

  =Foot=, nekåtan (_n_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Hair=, ninessónn.

  =Hand=, nenä̍chkonn (_ach_ in the roof of the mouth).

  =Head=, nehch (German).

  =Knife=, peskoatéska (_ka_ without emphasis).

  =Knife= (long), måtatä̍.

  =Leg=, nemóttata (_a_ somewhat as if with umlaut).

  =Leggings=, nekóchkuahan (_och_ German guttural).

  =Mouth=, netohn.

  =Nail= (on the hand), näskóssähk.

  =Nose=, näkiuónn.

  =Pipe= (tobacco), póakan (emphasis on _poa_).

  =Skunk=, schekakw (_w_ barely audible).

  =Sun=, kischess.

  =Teeth=, nepitonn.

  =Thunder=, kä̍hschko (_kahsch_ slightly drawled).

  =Tobacco=, nessåman (_an_ French).

  =Tomahawk=, popokiä̍.

  =Tongue=, ninónni.

  =Water=, neppé (final _e_ somewhat like _a_ umlaut).


  =One=, näkút.

  =Two=, ni̍hsw (_w_ barely audible).

  =Three=, nássue (_sue_ like _we_).

  =Four=, niäua (nasal).

  =Five=, nianan (nasal).

  =Six=, noiká.

  =Seven=, nohiká (nasal; _ka_ short).

  =Eight=, nessua-siká (_ka_ short).

  =Nine=, schohaká (_schoha_ indistinct; _ka_ short).

  =Ten=, metaa-tue (_e_ short).


[251] Written from the pronunciation of a Ki̍ckapu. These Indians
speak the same language as the Saukis and Foxes. According to Gallatin
(_ibid._, p. 62), they do not now number over five hundred souls. They
all live at present west of the Mississippi.--MAXIMILIAN.


  =Arrow=, måh.

  =Bear= (black), uåssóbä.

  =Child=, schi̍nga-schi̍nga.

  =Earth=, móhnika (_n_ nearly like _h_).

  =Eye=, ischtá.

  =Fire=, pähdjé (_j_ French).

  =God=, wahkoͣ̍ndagä.

  =Hair=, på-hi̍.

  =Hand=, nom-pö̍ (_om_ French).

  =Head=, påh.

  =Island=, rumätschi̍.

  =Man=, niká.

  =Mountain=, påhü̍.

  =Mouth=, hüh.

  =Pipe= (tobacco), nåh-hi-ba.

  =River=, wâti̍schka (_t_ often like _h_).

  =Sun=, pih.

  =Tomahawk=, må-sospä-jingá (_j_ French).

  =Water=, nih.

  =Woman= (wife), wåh-ko.


[252] The Konsas, or Kansas Indians have always lived on the river
of that name (Gallatin, _ibid._, p. 127). For the past thirty years
they have lived at peace with the Osages; and the two tribes have
intermarried. They still number fifteen hundred souls, and possess a
tract of three thousand acres. They speak the Osage dialect, which
belongs to the Dacota linguistic group.--MAXIMILIAN.

KRIH, or Knistenau[253]

  =American= (an), Ketsemohkoman (_e_ short and ½; otherwise

  =Arm=, ospetonn.

  =Arrow=, atúss.

  =Autumn=, taquáhkinn.

  =Bird=, piesiss (_i_ and _e_ separated; _e_ full value).

  =Black= (the color), kaskitä̍hsu (_su_ short).

  =Blind=, nanon-ski̍ssiko (_on_ French).

  =Blood=, mich-kó (_mich_ short, like _mi_).

  =Blue=, kaskitähuakinn.

  =Bone=, oskánn; plural is oskanná.

  =Bow=, adsabi̍ (_adsa_ soft).

  =Brave= (adj), sohketäheu (_e_ ½; _eu_ short; _u_ barely audible).

  =Brook=, sihpi-siss.

  =Brother= (elder), niståhs.

  =Brother= (younger), nissim.

  =Child=, auáhsis (_sis_ short and low).

  =Cold= (adj), kesinnau (_e_ ½; _au_ German and together).

  =Dance= (v), neméhetu (second _e_ ½; _tu_ short).

  =Day=, uapánn.

  =Deaf=, kakehpi-teu (_pi_ like _pich_, guttural; _e_ and _u_

  =Devil= (evil spirit), matsimann-tuh (short and run together).

  =Die= (v), nepúh.

  =Dog=, ati̍mm.

  =Drink= (v), menih-kuä (final syllable short).

  =Dumb=, namanich-tauéu (_manich_ short and guttural; _e_ and _u_

  =Ear=, ochtauakay (_ch_ guttural; _aua_ separated; _kay_ German,
    with the rest of the word).

  =Earth=, aski̍.

  =Enemy=, ayachzi̍nuack (German; _a_ barely audible).

  =Englishman=, Hakaiahsu.

  =Evening=, otahgusinn (_gu_ German).

  =Eye=, oski̍hsick.

  =Father=, nochtauï (_noch_ nasal; _ch_ German, but barely

  =Feather=, meh-koánn (_koann_ very short and run together).

  =Fire=, skuttéhu (_u_ barely audible).

  =Fish=, kinussäu (_au_ separated and short).

  =Flesh=, wuiïäs (_wui_ almost like _wi_ or _ui_).

  =Forest=, sakao (_a_ and _o_ separated).

  =Frenchman=, Wemstegosó (German; second _e_ short).

  =Go= (v), pümontä̍.

  =God=, keseh-mann-tóh (first _e_ short).

  =Good=, mioassih.

  =Great=, ki̍nussuh.

  =Green=, zipätákassu.

  =Gun=, pasksigan (soft).

  =Hair=, uästöchaiah (rather indistinct).

  =Hand=, otsä-tschih.

  =Head=, ustekuáhn (_us_ very short).

  =Healthy=, namoyáhkussu (_kussu_ low and short).

  =Heart=, otä̍.

  =Heat=, ksasteo (_eo_ short and half pronounced).

  =Horns= (of a stag), hähskann.

  =Horse=, mesatimm (_e_ ½).

  =House= (lodge), uaskaëgan; i.e., house of the white man;
    matsehkin, a leather tent.

  =Hunger=, notä̍-keteu (_keteu_ short; _u_ barely audible).

  =Hunt= (v), máhtsíu (_u_ barely audible).

  =I=, neia̍ (emphasis on _ia_, which is very short).

  =Ice=, miskuami.

  =Knife=, mohchkumann (_ch_ barely audible, guttural).

  =Laugh= (v), páh-piu (_i_ barely audible).

  =Lead= (ball), mosasinni̍.

  =Leg=, oskáht.

  =Lightning=, uauase-skutä̍-paiú (_e_ ½; emphasis on second word;
    last word lower).

  =Live= (v; life?), pemah-tesuh (second _e_ ½).

  =Man=, hiyenú.

  =Meal= (to eat?), meh-tsú (_tsu_ very short).

  =Moon=, tepiskao-pissi̍mm (_o_ barely audible).

  =Morning=, kichsäpah.

  =Mother=, enkauï (_e_ barely audible).

  =Mountain=, uatsih.

  =Mouth=, otóhn.

  =Much=, meh-zett.

  =Negro=, keskiteuias (_e_ short and ½; _e_ and _u_ separated).

  =Night=, tipskao (_a_ and _o_ separated).

  =Nose=, uskiuánn.

  =One-eyed=, páskahpu (_pu_ short).

  =Pipe= (tobacco), spoagánn (soft).

  =Powder= (gun-powder), kaskitéu (_e_ and _u_ separated).

  =Quick=, kiépa (_e_ ½; _pa_ short; _i_ and _e_ separated).

  =Red= (the color), mechkossúh (_ch_ barely audible and with the
    point of the tongue).

  =Relate= (v), a̍h-tsimo (last word short).

  =River=, kistsissibi.

  =Sick=, ahkussú.

  =Small=, apsáhsinn (_sin_ very short and without emphasis).

  =Smoke=, (n), kaskaba-teu (_e_ and _u_ separated).

  =Snow=, kóhna (_na_ short).

  =Spirits= (distilled), skutä̍-uapui (_pui_ run together).

  =Spring= (the season), meiuskamin (short; _n_ French; _in_ almost
    like _i_ nasal).

  =Star=, atsah-kossack (short and run together).

  =Stingy=, sasahkiu (_i_ and _u_ separated).

  =Stone=, assiniack (_i_ and _a_ separated).

  =Summer=, nehpi̍nn.

  =Sun=, pisi̍mm.

  =Teeth=, uï̍pitt.

  =Thunder=, piéh-su (pronounced together; _su_ without emphasis).

  =Tobacco= (smoking), tstäman (_an_ French).

  =Tomahawk=, tschi̍ga-hi̍ka-spoagánn.

  =Tongue=, uttäh-eni̍ (_e_ ½).

  =Trail=, mäskanó.

  =Tub= (barrel?), machkaak (_ch_ guttural).

  =Tub= (small), mach-kach-kuss (_ch_ guttural).

  =Ugly=, mayahtan.

  =War=, notintuock (_u_ and _o_ separated and barely audible).

  =Water=, nipi̍.

  =White= (color), wahpiskesu (_e_ ½).

  =Wind=, jeoti̍nn (_ie_ German; run together).

  =Winter=, pöpúnn or pipúhn.

  =Woman= (wife), iskwä̍u (_au_ separated; _u_ barely audible).

  =Wood=, mistick.

  =Yellow=, ussáussu (_a_ and _u_ separated).

  =Yes=, ähä̍.

       *       *       *       *       *

  =I eat=, nemitsonn.

  =You eat=, kimitsonn.

  =He eats=, meh-dsú (_ds_ soft).

  =We eat=, nemitsunann.

  =They eat=, mit-sú.

  =Eat= (imperative), mihtissú.

_Months of the Year_

    They reckon the months from one full moon to the next. [The
    order here given is that of the original.--ED.]

  =November=, Kaskattinoh-pisimm; i.e., the ice moon.

  =December=, Kaie-iequatä̍-pisimm.

  =January=, Kesäh-pisimm (_e_ ½); i.e., the big moon.

  =February=, Paua-zakenassis-pisimm (_a_ and _u_ separated; _za_
    short and like _a_); i.e., the moon which shakes the trees.

  =March=, Mekssiuh-pisimm (_e_ short and ½; _siuh_ almost like
    _suh_); i.e., the moon when the eagle comes.

  ----, Niski-pisimm; i.e., the moon of the wild geese.

  ----, Ayiki-pisimm; i.e., the moon of the frogs.

  =May=, Opineya-uäu-pisimm (_uau_ separated), i.e., moon when the
    birds lay their eggs.

  =June=, Opaskoh-pisimm; i.e., the moon when the geese shed their

  =July=, Oochpahoh-pisimm (_ooch_ guttural); i.e., moon when the
    birds fly.

  ----, Onont-chicheto (_on_ French; _tch_ with the point of the
    tongue; _e_ ½); i.e., moon when the buffalo is in heat.

  =October=, Opinna-skoh-pisimm; i.e., the moon when the leaves


  =One=, pähek (_e_ ½).

  =Two=, nehsu.

  =Three=, nistó.

  =Four=, neó (_e_ and _o_ separated).

  =Five=, neanann (_e_ full value and separated from _a_).

  =Six=, nguttuahsick (_n_ barely audible).

  =Seven=, tähpakup (_up_ like _ufp_).

  =Eight=, aehnaneu (_a_ and _e_ separated; _ne_ and _u_ separated
    and short).

  =Nine=, kähkametatatt (_e_ ½).

  =Ten=, mitahtat.

  =Twenty=, nehsittano.

  =Hundred=, mitahtat-tamittanoh.

  =Thousand=, kich-tche-mta-tach-tommetano (_ich_, _tch_, and _ch_
    with the point of the tongue; _e_ ½).

_Names of Animals_

  =Antelope=, apestat-jéhkus (_e_ ½; _j_ French; _jeh_ with
    emphasis; _kus_ low and without emphasis).

  =Bear= (black), kaskitäh-maskuá (_kua_ German).

  =Bear= (grizzly), uapi̍h-maskuá.

  =Beaver=, ami̍sk.

  =Buffalo=, mostúss; the general term.

  =Buffalo= (bull), japö̍h-mostúss.

  =Buffalo= (cow), onintcháh-oniuack.

  =Elk=, uauasskéhsu (_su_ short and barely audible).

  =Elk= (stag), eyapeu-uauasskéhsu.

  =Fox=, machkéhsiss (_ach_ guttural).

  =Otter=, niki̍tt.

  =Skunk=, sikáhk.

_A Few Phrases_

  =Sit down=, a-péh.

  =Sit down and smoke=, a-péh-pih-tuá.

  =Sit down and smoke and relate to us=, a-péh-pit-tuá-ah-tsimo.

  =Whence do you come?= tan-täh-kotuch-tann (_ch_ guttural).


[253] Written from the pronunciation of a Krih Indian.--MAXIMILIAN.

KUTANÄ, or Kutnehä̍[254]

  =Arm=, achkusóttis (indistinct; _ach_ guttural).

  =Arrow=, a̍hk (_k_ prolonged as a guttural).

  =Black=, kamokoch-kukossni (_ch_ guttural; the whole very short
    and indistinct).

  =Blood=, uann-muh (short and run together).

  =Blue=, confused by most tribes with green and given the same

  =Bow=, zü̍pil (_i_ very short, indistinct, and almost like _e_).

  =Child=, skámmu (low and soft, guttural).

  =Cold= (adj), uanéht.

  =Day=, kiukiet (indistinct).

  =Dead=, epinih.

  =Ear=, akochkuates (_ch_ guttural).

  =Earth=, a̍m-ma.

  =Eye=, akaksisches (_es_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Fire=, akingkóko (indistinct).

  =Foot=, achksikkis (_ch_ guttural; _k_ clicked with the tongue;
    final _i_ like _e_).

  =God=, núma.

  =Green=, kekochmacha (_ch_ guttural; _e_ ½).

  =Hair=, akuksammus (_k_ lisped with the tongue).

  =Hand=, achkehs (low and guttural).

  =Head=, achksemnis (_k_ lisped; indistinct, short).

  =Heart=, achkissuehs (_ch_ guttural).

  =Hot=, jaehsukket.

  =Ice=, a̍chkuitt.

  =Leg=, akesokkes (_e_ barely audible).

  =Man=, aks-macki (a slight pause after _aks_).

  =Moon=, same word as for sun.

  =Mouth=, achkesmaës (_ach_ guttural; _s_ lisped).

  =Night=, zesmuiet (indistinct; _iet_ like _et_, distinctly
    pronounced but short).

  =Nose=, achkúnes (_es_ distinct; _ch_ guttural).

  =Pipe= (tobacco), achkússa (_ch_ and the whole guttural and low).

  =Rain=, esuch-kukuttunn (very short and indistinct; guttural).

  =Red=, kanóhs (_a_ almost like _e_; short and low).

  =Snow=, achksoh (_ks_ like _sch_ with a clicking of the tongue).

  =Star=, akisnohs (_s_ with a peculiar clicking sound).

  =Sun=, natánnik (_k_ barely audible, only a slight guttural

  =Tomahawk=, achkensä (_ks_ with a clicking of the tongue, like

  =Water=, woh (short and abruptly ended).

  =White=, kamonuckso (_so_ with a clicking of the tongue).

  =Woman=, páski (_ki_ low and short).

  =Yellow=, kemacktze (first _e_ ½; final _e_ distinctly

_Names of Animals_

  =Antelope=, nestukp.

  =Bear= (black), népke.

  =Bear= (grizzly), ksaus (German; _s_ with a clicking of the
    tongue, like _sch_).

  =Beaver=, si̍nna.

  =Bighorn=, kuisskussä (_kus_ short and indistinct).

  =Buffalo=, jiámmo (first _i_ barely audible).

  =Deer=, zupka (_u_ between _u_ and _o_).

  =Deer= (black-tailed), aknesni̍nk (_s_ like _schw_).

  =Dog=, cháhtsin (_ch_ guttural; _a_ almost as if with umlaut).

  =Elk=, keskásse (_sk_ with a clicking of the tongue).

  =Mountain goat= (white), zenúchcho (_ch_ guttural; the whole run

  =Wolf=, kachki, or kachkin (_ch_ guttural).[255]


[254] Written from the pronunciation of the old Kutanä̍ Indian,
Hómach-Ksáchkum, the Great Earth, of whom a most excellent likeness is
given on Plate 79 of my Atlas. I have spoken of this people in several
places in the first volume of this work. Parker (_ibid._, p. 304)
says of the Kutonä̍s, Kutnehä̍s, or Kutanihs: "The Cootanies inhabit
a section of country to the north of the Ponderas along M'Gillivray's
river, and they are represented as an uncommonly interesting people.
They speak a language distinct from all the tribes about them, open and
sonorous, and free from gutturals, which are common in the language
of the surrounding tribes. They are neat in their persons and lodges,
candid and honest, and kind to each other. I could not ascertain their
numbers, but probably they are not over a thousand." In Ross Cox, (p.
242), there is also information regarding them; but the missionary
Parker (_ibid._, p. 286) seems to call this traveller's truthfulness
in question. From my carefully copied words of the Kutanä language, it
is evident that it is not easy to pronounce on account of its lingual
clicking; and that it has a large number of guttural tones.--MAXIMILIAN.

[255] The Kutanä̍s, or Kutunä̍s, also Kutnehä̍s, dwell in the Rocky
mountains beyond the sources of Maria river; and on their mountains
lives the white mountain goat. They are said to call themselves
Kutonachä; the French know them as Coutonais; and the Blackfeet
call them Kutanä̍. They are few in number, having only some forty
lodges. Among their ornaments they highly prize cylinders cut from
mussel-shells, especially those cut from the shell of the dentalium,
which they obtain from the western seacoast. The Blackfeet, especially
the Blood Indians, are their declared enemies. They do not live on
the flesh of the buffalo, which is not found in their mountains; but
in their country many beaver are obtained, excellent fish (trout),
and several other species of animals, especially the orignal (_cervus
alces amer._), the white mountain goat, and the bighorn; also many
kinds of roots and berries serve them as food. They raise large
numbers of strong and handsome horses; they are well clothed; and are
expert beaver hunters. They are skilful in making bows and arrows.
Their language is difficult to learn. The words are spoken softly and
indistinctly; in addition there are many clicking tones and hollow
gutturals; and they also lisp.--MAXIMILIAN.

MANDAN, or Númangkake[256]

  =Abode= (dwelling place), iwakschúntusch.

  =Above=, a̍hkitta.

  =Abyss= (precipice), pähúsch.

  =Ahead=, untihä̍ddisch (_un_ French, like _oun_).

  =Aim= (v; take aim), mitáhrusch.

  =All= (everything), ekúnhä (_n_ French, like _oun_); all men, or
    people, a̍mbä (_m_ French).

  =Alone=, jï̍cha (_ch_ guttural).

  =Always=, amánkahu-sch (_an_ French; _husch_ run together as a
    final syllable).

  =American= (n), Mánhichtä (_an_ French; _ch_ guttural); i.e.,
    Long Knife.

  =Animal= (quadruped), wáhockschukkä.

  =Another=, táhonsch (_on_ French; _honsch_ lower and shorter than

  =Anxiety= (fear), wohkarachka (_ch_ guttural).

  =Approach stealthily= (v), cherúhradéhusch (_che_ guttural; _r_
    with the point of the tongue).

  =Arm=, a̍hdä.

  =Arrow=, manna-máh-hä (the whole pronounced together).

  =Ashes=, uáraschuntä.

  =Ask= (v), kiimáhche-sch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Awake= (v, intr), i̍wakschuntusch (_un_ German).

  =Awake= (v, tr), kittáhrusch.

  =Axe=, o̍hmanatä.

  =Back= (n), (v; to move with a jerk?), nápp-chä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Back= (adv), kiri̍je (_je_ French); i.e., he is back, (_il est

  =Backward=, naschi̍tta (_ta_ short).

  =Bad=, warákä-ächkasch (_e_ full value).

  =Bald=, pah-e-sérroko-sch (_e_ ½ and barely audible).

  =Ball= (for playing), mihp-toht-kisch (pronounce together); the
    game is called by the same name.

  =Ball= (same word as for lead), uáhtöschemáhhä (_o_ almost like
    _e_; _e_ only ½).

  =Ball-game of the women=, mi̍hptott-kä̍; ball, mi̍hptodä̍.

  =Basket= (leather; used by women for carrying), chä̍hank (_ch_

  =Bear= (v; give birth), éhtu-sch (_eh_ long).

  =Beard=, hi̍h.

  =Beautiful=, schi̍naschusch.

  =Behind=, náschitero (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Belly=, ä̍hchi (_ah_ long and accented; _ch_ guttural).

  =Below= (beneath), mánpeta (_an_ French; _e_ ½; _ta_ short).

  =Bend= (v), kihskóppohärrisch (_arrisch_ barely audible).

  =Berdash=, mi̍hdäckä.

  =Beside= (near), mipä̍chtihsch (_ach_ guttural).

  =Best= (man), koschi̍sch (final _sch_ slightly hissed).

  =Between=, nastá.

  =Big= with young, same word as for pregnant.

  =Bile= (the yellow water on the stomach), wáh-sih-dä (_da_ low
    and short).

  =Bill= (bill or beak of a bird), same word as for nose.

  =Billiard game= (Billard-spiel), skóhpe (_e_ ½).

  =Bird=, mándeck-sukkä̍ (_an_ French); wild-fowl, menickä̍.

  =Bite= (v), naschä-sch (run together; _ch_ slightly hissed).

  =Bitter=, páhrusch.

  =Black=, psi̍h.

  =Bladder=, i̍hdächä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Blind= (adj), istá-chädetosch (_ch_ guttural; _chade_ short; the
    whole run together).

  =Blond=, pahi̍n-si̍hdusch (_n_ French; _hin_ like _hi_ nasal).

  =Blood=, i̍hdä (_da_ short).

  =Bloody=, i̍h-kerréje (_je_ French).

  =Bloom= (v), hóh-säddähosch (_hoh_ accented; second word short;
    _sch_ sometimes slightly hissed).

  =Blue=, tohä̍.

  =Blush= (v), stassä̍härreh (_st_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Boil= (v), umpä̍sch (_sch_ sometimes slightly hissed).

  =Bone=, wahúhdä.

  =Bough=, does not occur in the singular; boughs, o̍hchancha (_ch_

  =Bow=, woraërúhpa (_e_ full, distinct, and short), or waraërúhpa;
    this is the bow of elm.

  =Bow= (strengthened with elk or sheep horn), wahú-erúhpa.

  =Bow-lance=, erúhpa-hichtä̍ (_ich_ guttural).

  =Box on the ear=, rotkä̍sch (_r_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Braid= (v), kaschkä̍-sch (_sch_ slightly hissed).

  =Brain=, nathenu (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Break= (v; shatter), pä̍hrusch.

  =Breast=, táchärächä (_ch_ guttural; _r_ with the point of the

  =Breath=, o̍nnihä.

  =Bridge= (tree-bridge), mánna-achkini̍hnde (second word without
    emphasis; _ach_ guttural).

  =Bridle= (of a horse), mani̍ssikaskä.

  =Brilliant= (splendid), éduchtukosch.

  =Broad=, pchi̍hrusch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Brook=, passán-kschuck (_an_ French); kschuck, narrow.

  =Broom=, i̍ngka-gischka (_ing_ German; second word low).

  =Brother= (eldest), mong-ká.

  =Brother= (youngest), pschong-ká.

  =Brown=, tkópp: that is brown, anttkopposch (_an_ French); it is
    brown, tkópposch.

  =Bud= (n), aschi̍ngkohsch.

  =Burn= (v), ratsiposch: the prairie burns, máh-ódisch; i.e., the
    prairie is colored black.

  =Burn= (v, tr or intr; destroy by fire), náchuhdusch (_ch_

  =Buttock=, i̍h-ta (_ta_ very short).

  =Buy= (v), wikáhrusch.

  =Call= (v; shout), ruhä̍rrisch (short).

  =Calm= (n), i̍hpatta-häschkasch.

  =Canoe= (of leather), minnánke (_an_ French; _ke_ short and low).

  =Carrion= (a dead animal), kómmahä.

  =Catch= (v; capture), owáschakosch.

  =Caught= (taken prisoner), i̍hnissä.

  =Cave= (house in the rock), mi̍hsánnakeh-kúhsta-auti-túhsch.

  =Chew= (v), rapsáhkosch.

  =Child=, suck-chámahä.

  =Chin=, i̍hku.

  =Circle= (n), o̍hkamischkakusch.

  =Clear=, karáschäkosch (_sch_ but slightly audible).

  =Clouds= (masses of cloud), háhdä.

  =Coal=, bä̍chchä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Cold= (adj), schi̍nnihusch.

  =Collar=, warapening-gä (_e_ ½; the whole run together).

  =Colt=, u̍npa-manisini̍hka-sch (_n_ French).

  =Comb=, pai̍wachunkä (_ch_ guttural; _ai_ together; _ka_ short).

  =Come= (v), kuhóhsch, or kuhosch.

  =Come here= (imperative), hú-ta (first syllable long; last
    syllable very short).

  =Console= (v), kehápp-herrisch (_e_ distinctly pronounced;
    _herrisch_ short; the whole run together).

  =Convenient= (comfortable), o̍hmannaka-schi̍hsch (second word
    spoken lower).

  =Corpse=, uattä̍h-hädde (_e_ distinctly pronounced; the whole
    run together).

  =Cough= (v), hokä̍rukä.

  =Count= (v), pakkiri̍hdusch.

  =Cover= (v; ornament), a̍h-kuposch (_osch_ barely audible).

  =Cowardly=, wakarrachkáhsch (_rr_ with the point of the tongue;
    _ach_ guttural).

  =Crack= (v; crack a whip), karaparaschusch (_r_ full, with the
    point of the tongue).

  =Crooked=, skóposch.

  =Crow= (way of wearing the hair), pahi̍n-okaskäsch (_sch_
    slightly hissed).

  =Cure= (v), kimikóh-sch.

  =Curly=, minni̍menihsch (_e_ ½).

  =Curry= (v), ruhi̍ntu-sch (_ruhintusch_).

  =Cut= (v), pauä̍-schusch (run together; _paua_ short; _a_ and _u_

  =Cut down= (v), pauïschosch (short).

  =Cut down= (a tree), mánna-kassähherrisch (_herrisch_ very short
    and run together; the last two words pronounced together).

  =Dance= (n), uáhnapä.

  =Dark=, hapä̍hreschka (_pah_ long; _ka_ half short).

  =Daughter=, suck-mi̍h-husch; i.e., maiden.

  =Day=, kaschä̍kosch.

  =Day after to-morrow=, mahtke-óhmaestá (_e_ barely articulated,
    heard only as a light sound).

  =Dead=, ottä̍hrusch.

  =Deaf=, nakóckä-sidikosch (_ch_ guttural; the whole run together).

  =Dear= (costly), i̍scha-hähónsch (_on_ French).

  =Dearest= (i.e., "the most beautiful"),

  =Death=, tä̍hrusch.

  =Deceive= (they say "he has not paid his debts"),
    i̍hscha-häuahma-kuï-néhchusch (_ch_ guttural; _e_ distinctly

  =Decoy= (v; an animal), wattáchakhuhrosch (_ch_ guttural); i.e.,
    because I imitate their call, I make them come.

  =Delay= (v; make late), o̍hhi-kahunuahärrisch (_hun_ run
    together, like French _oun_; the whole short and pronounced

  =Demolish= (v; e.g., take down a lodge), ohséhrusch (_rusch_ low).

  =Destroy= (v; ruin, spoil), tellepóhsch.

  =Devil= (evil spirit), o̍mahank-chikä̍ (_an_ French; _ch_

  =Dew=, béddädä (_e_ distinctly pronounced; the whole short).

  =Die= (v), tä̍hrusch.

  =Dirty= (v), tkappoahärrisch (pronounced very short).

  =Dirty=, warát-keddisch (run together; _keddisch_ short; _e_ full

  =Dish= (of wood), mánna-pachä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Dive= (v), kschi̍ppo-sch.

  =Divide= (v), i̍hkappähdusch.

  =Do= (v), isä̍kosch; do not do it, káhdä-isä̍ckta.

  =Door=, béddähä (_da_ and _a_ short).

  =Double=, náhta-sch (_natusch_; _sch_ slightly hissed).

  =Drag= (v), paschi̍h-husch (run together).

  =Draw= (v; draw water), i̍nnisusch (run together; short).

  =Dream= (n), same word as for verb.

  =Dream= (v), chi̍ckhäddähsch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Drink= (v), hi̍hndosch (_n_ French).

  =Drive= (v), kochä̍hrutosch.

  =Drop= (n; e.g., of water), sä̍hhusch.

  =Drown= (v; to be drowned), numangkáke-kámahä.

  =Drum= (n), mánna-berächä̍ (_e_ distinctly pronounced; _ch_

  =Dry= (adj), sáhkosch.

  =Dung=, ä̍hde (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Dumb=, uáhronächa (_ch_ guttural).

  =Dust=, uaratä̍; it is dusty, uaratä̍dachingkosch.

  =Ear=, nakóchä (_ch_ guttural and short).

  =Ear-ornament=, uóhkaske (_e_ distinctly pronounced and short).

  =Early= (of time), koskäch-chámahä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Earth=, máhhankä (_an_ French; _ka_ short and low).

  =Egg= (bird's), mándeck-suck-ni̍ï̍tka (_an_ French).

  =Elbow=, akschi̍sche-náhde (first _e_ ½; final _e_ distinctly

  =Embroider= (v), ni̍hhä-ohwaptäsch.

  =Empty= (adj), okikóhhä.

  =Enemy=, uï̍hratandä (_an_ French).

  =Englishman=, Uaschi̍, or Waschi̍mihsiháhkta; i.e., a Frenchman
    from the north.

  =Enough=, a̍ntechksach (_e_ ½; _ech_ guttural).

  =Entangle= (v; involve), i̍hki-ruhmenisch.

  =Even= (flat), kahósta; really a level prairie or plain.

  =Evening=, istúnhä-dähus (_n_ French).

  =Everywhere=, äkunhä-ahkskä-üahä̍rrisch (the two last words short
    and run together).

  =Expectorate= (v; vomit), oksóhkusch.

  =Eye=, istá; both eyes, istómmi.

  =Eyelid=, istá-rupchä (_ch_ guttural; the whole run together).

  =Face= (sight), istá.

  =Fade= (v; grow pale), sterruckäschä̍h.

  =Fade= (v; wither), dachi̍hdusch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Fail= (v; miss), kakáhon-sch (_kakahonsch_; _on_ French;
    _honsch_ short and low).

  =Fall= (v), dóhbchösch (_chosch_ short and guttural).

  =Fall= (v; of the leaves), haráhrusch (_r_ with the point of
    the tongue): mánna-ahpöharáhrusch, the leaves are falling;
    mánna-ahpó, the leaves.

  =Fan=, i̍hkärä-hädittä̍ (_ka_ short).

  =Far= (distant), téhhan-sch (_tehhansch_; _an_ French).

  =Far= (remote), ruhchäddäta (_ta_ short).

  =Fat= (melted), ihkiri̍.

  =Fat= (stout), si̍hndä.

  =Father=, kóhtä (_o_ full; _ta_ short).

  ---- (his), kóhtosch.

  ---- (my), wáhtosch.

  ---- (your), ráhtosch (_r_ with the point of the tongue); the
    plural is never used, they say instead "the father."

  =Feather=, si̍h.

  =Feel= (v), paschkáttusch.

  =Female= (of animals), mi̍hkasch.

  =Fin=, póssi.

  =Find= (v), onóppohsch.

  =Finger=, ungkáh-hä (_ha_ very short and lower).

  =Finger= (fore), ungkóh-mihä̍ (_mi_ short).

  =Finger= (fourth), unghnátsä-mingkä̍.

  =Finger= (little), ungkni̍-ingka (run together).

  =Finger= (middle), ungknátka-kánachkah (_ach_ guttural).

  =Fire=, uáradä (_ua_ nearly like _wa_; _da_ distinctly pronounced
    and short).

  =Fire-brand= uára-rakschä̍.

  =Fish=, pó.

  =Fish= (v; catch fish), póhru-pschikóhsch (first _e_ with the
    point of the tongue).

  =Fish= (v), póhrup-schi̍kohsch.

  =Fish-hook=, poïkinnih (short).

  =Fist=, ongkirrussa-nakä (_russa-naka_ very short).

  =Flame=, uára-kapi̍dihä.

  =Flat=, pschi̍hdä (_da_ short).

  =Flatter= (v), i̍hkiri-áhkawaschusch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Flea= (insect), péschki.

  =Flee= (v; escape), ptähó-sch (_ptahosch_; _sch_ slightly hissed).

  =Flesh=, mánskapö (_an_ French).

  =Flint=, máhkick-schukä̍.

  =Flood= (v; overflow), mönnih-suckhä̍ddisch.

  =Flute= (with holes for fingering), i̍h-wochka (_och_ guttural).

  =Flute= (without holes), i̍h-koschka.

  =Fly= (v), kikárehdusch (_r_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Foam=, puchtä̍ (_ch_ guttural; _ta_ short).

  =Fog=, masihsch.

  =Food= (something to eat), wóhruté.

  =Foot=, schi̍h.

  =Foot-path=, nánko (_n_ French).

  =Force= (v; compel), si̍n-hin-kehde (_e_ distinctly pronounced;
    _in_ in both cases like _i_ nasal; the whole run together).

  =Forehead=, ithakä (_ka_ short and low).

  =Forest=, mánna-rucktá.

  =Forget= (v), ikihanchikusch (_an_ French; _ch_ guttural).

  =Free= (he is no slave), waïnihsi̍hnichosch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Freeze= (v), ktáhohsch.

  =Frenchman=, Waschi̍, or Uaschi̍.

  =Friend=, manuká (_a_ ½).

  =Frost= (hoar-frost), istúnhä-uáhätúhsch (_n_ French; _ua_

  =Full=, ohi̍hsch.

  =Full moon=, mi̍hnangkä-okahi̍ (short and run together); it may
    also be written, mihnang-ga.

  =Fully=, ráttacosch.

  =Game= (play), ki̍hni.

  =Gay-colored=, puhsä̍; it is gay-colored, or spotted, puhsä̍hsch.

  =Go= (v), déh-husch.

  =Go hunting= (v; go on a hunt), schánterähusch (_an_ French; _e_
    ½; _ra_ short).

  =God=, o̍hmahank-numákschi (_an_ French); literally the lord or
    chief of the earth.

  =Good=, schihsch (_sch_ often slightly hissed; but not regularly).

  =Grandchild=, tauï̍hangka-sch (_hankasch_; _sch_ slightly
    hissed), or tauï̍h-hangkasch.

  =Grape-vine=, hasch-huhdä (_a_ short).

  =Grass=, chahä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Grave=, there is no such word; burial scaffold, maschóttä; see
    below, under "inter."

  =Gray=, chóttä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Gray-haired=, pahi̍n-chóttä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Great= (tall), haschkasch (_sch_ slightly hissed).

  =Green=, wi̍ïratohä.

  =Ground=, mánpeterroh (_an_ French; _e_ ½; _terroh_ short and

  =Grow= (v), ini̍hndusch (first _i_ rather long).

  =Gums=, hiddó-sä (very short and run together).

  =Gun=, wáhta-schirúhpa, or erúhpa (_e_ sometimes pronounced like
    _i_); rifle, ehrúhp-achtä̍ (the whole run together).

  =Gut= (intestines), sihpä.

  =Gut= (v; gut an animal), pokkanáhhusch.

  =Hail= (n), rakánnandeh (_kannan_ short; _an_ French).

  =Hair=, pahi̍n (_n_ French; somewhat like a nasal _pahi_).

  =Half=, i̍hschanhä (_an_ French).

  =Hand=, ung-kä̍.

  =Hard=, kahsäsch (_sch_ sometimes slightly hissed).

  =Hate= (v), woráttehusch (_r_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Haul= (v; fetch), kittáhhusch, or kichkararusch (_ich_ guttural).

  =Head=, pá (short).

  =Headache=, panáhrusch (_r_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Hear= (v), ä-sch (run together; but _sch_ is sometimes

  =Heart=, nátka.

  =Hearty= (stout-hearted), kakáhhonsch (_on_ French; _sch_ often a
    little prolonged).

  =Heat= (n), dádeschusch (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Heat= (v; inflame), manassinko-sch (_manassingkosch_; _sch_
    slightly hissed); i.e., I am warm.

  =Heaven= (sky), cháre-toho-sch (_ch_ guttural; _e_ ½; the whole
    run together).

  =Heavy=, tkä̍hsch.

  =Heel=, schirúttä; plural, schirutosch.

  =Help= (v), o̍hta-iuássakusch (pronounced together).

  =Hem= (v; clear one's throat), háuikissekusch (the whole run

  =Hide= (v), achawéhsch (_ch_ guttural).

  =High=, wáh-kohrusch.

  =Hoarse=, hoh-chikóhsch.

  =Hole=, o̍hoh-pusch (_o_ full; the whole run together).

  =Hollow= (adj), chówokosch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Hoof=, scháh-hä (_ha_ short).

  =Hoop= (of a barrel), mánna-bihduckä-i̍h-kamenihnde (first _e_ ½).

  =Hope= (v), iwatéhrusch.

  =Horns=, ansä̍ (_an_ French).

  =Horse=, u̍mpa-meni̍ssä (_m_ French; _e_ ½).

  =Hot=, dádähschusch.

  =House= (lodge), oti̍.

  =Hunger=, warúhtä-sch.

  =Hungry=, wawarútä-sch; i.e., I am hungry.

  =Hunt= (n), schántä (_an_ French).

  =Hunt= (v), wáhnin-déhusch (_a_ full; _nin_ German).

  =Hunter=, kaschánteka (_an_ French; _e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Hurricane=, schächtä-sch (_ach_ guttural), or schächtäsch.

  =I=, mi̍h.

  =Ice=, chóhde (_ch_ guttural; _de_ distinctly pronounced), or

  =In= (come in), dóbcheta (_ch_ guttural; _e_ ½; _ta_ short).

  =Incurable=, o̍hkemick-härrächi̍hkusch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Indistinct=, ihi̍nnikosch.

  =Inter= (v; place on the scaffold), omáhchä-dähhereje (_ch_
    guttural; _hereje_ barely audible; _je_ French; _e_ barely
    pronounced); ohmáhchä, or maschótta, the burial scaffold.

  =Interior=, kúhschta.

  =Intoxicate=, russidi̍hrusch (_r_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Iron=, uáhtasche (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Island=, uittká (_ka_ short).

  =Itch= (n), schirúhha (_ha_ short).

  =Jar= (of clay), berä̍chä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Jaw=, dóhhupa.

  =Joy=, nettkaschi̍-sch (_sch_ slightly hissed).

  =Kernel= (of a fruit or seed), tsúhnta (_n_ French; _ta_ short;
    _uhn_ somewhat nasal).

  =Kidneys=, pi̍cksukkäh.

  =Kindle=, raptähärri-sch (_harrisch_ very short and indistinct).

  =Knee=, súhpachä.

  =Kneel= (v), súhpachä-natannakosch.

  =Knife=, man-hi̍ (_man_ French; often nearly _ma_ with superior

  =Know= (v), i̍hua-hähkohsch (_ih_ together; _ua_ separated).

  =Know= (v; be acquainted with), i̍hwahäkosch.

  =Knuckle=, assóh-keninde (first _e_ ½; _in_ German; final _e_
    distinctly pronounced; the whole run together).

  =Lame= (limping), onni̍-ndächi̍kosch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Lament= (v; they say "he has pain, he weeps"), náhdä-irratahusch
    (_ch_ guttural; _r_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Lance=, mánna-hiteruck-schukkä.

  =Land=, same word as for earth.

  =Laugh= (v), ihkchanhosch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Lay= (v), makhä̍rrähsch.

  =Lead=, same word as for ball.

  =Leader= (chief), numákschi.

  =Leaf=, a̍hpä.

  =Leap= (v; spring), skä̍-sch.

  =Leave= (imperative; go out of the way), húh-ketá.

  =Left= (adverb), nusúskasch.

  =Leg=, oti̍h.

  =Lick= (v), pédeh-sch (first _e_ distinctly pronounced but short).

  =Lie= (v; deceive), schähäkóhsch.

  =Life=, nán-kesch (_an_ French; _kesch_ moderated; the whole run

  =Lift= (v), ruhchóhku-sch.

  =Light= (n), i̍ddä-ä̍chä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Light= (v), i̍hdä-chä̍waharisch.

  =Lightning=, chä-kúhnde (_ch_ guttural; _e_ ½).

  =Like= (v), wati̍hkidasusch.

  =Lip=, i̍hchdobchi (_ch_ guttural).

  =Little=, sánkasch (_an_ French).

  =Liver=, pi̍h.

  =Long=, hánschka (_an_ French; _ka_ short; usually pronounced

  =Loose= (of clothes), pchi̍hdä (_pchi_ guttural; _da_ short).

  =Lungs=, koppähk (_o_ between _a_ and _o_).

  =Maiden=, suck-mi̍h-husch (the whole run together).

  =Maize=, kóhchantä (_ch_ guttural; _an_ French).

  =Man=, númangkohsch, or númangkosch.

  =Man=, (human being), numangkáhkesch.

  =Marry= (v), they say "he has taken a wife," or "she has taken a

  =Meal= (to eat?), warrutó-sch, (_warrutosch_; _sch_ slightly

  =Medicine=, chóppeni (_ch_ guttural).

  =Medicine-feast=, machóppenihuahäddisch.

  =Medicine-lodge=, ti-chóppenisch (_ch_ guttural; pronounced

  =Medicine-man=, numánk-chóppenisch (_ch_ guttural; _e_ ½).

  =Melt= (v), raschedä̍hsch.

  =Merchant=, kaui̍kahka (_aui_ separated; _u_ short).

  =Messenger=, kasäddä̍hsch; i.e., I employ him in order to send

  =Mirror=, ih-mi̍ngkiäsch (run together).

  =Mistake= (v; lose one's way), chi̍qua-härrisch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Money=, matáschä-schóttä; i.e., the white metal: or
    okihkikidasusoch; i.e., that which the white men love very much.

  =Moon=, istú-menahke (first _e_ ½; final _e_ distinctly
    pronounced; the whole run together).

  =Moon= (which is full), mi̍hnangkäokahi̍sch.

  =Moonshine=, istú-menahke-iddäechosch (_e_ ½; _ch_ guttural; the
    last two words short and run together).

  =Morning=, mámpsita (_amp_ French; _ta_ short).

  =Mother=, kohúhndä (_n_ French; _da_ short).

  ---- my, mihúhndä.

  ---- your, nihúhndä.

  ---- his, ih-kohúhndä.

  ---- (plural), kohúhnka (_n_ French).

  =Mountain=, maháhk-chtä̍sch (_ch_ guttural; _sch_ slightly

  =Mouth=, i̍h-hä.

  =Much=, hunsch (_un_ like French _oun_).

  =Murder= (v; same word as for kill), tä̍hrusch.

  =Music=, there is no such word; they say "song."

  =My=, uawakáhrusch, or uáwaka-s.

  =Nails= (on the feet), ung-ka-hä̍.

  =Nails= (on the hands), ung-ka-hä̍.

  =Naked=, ikara-súh-ninakosch (_r_ with the point of the tongue;
    the whole run together).

  =Name=, dássä.

  =Nape= (of the neck), náhkuttä.

  =Narrow=, kschukó-sch (_sch_ slightly hissed).

  =Navel=, dähp-ta-súh.

  =Neck= (throat), itaïnú.

  =Needle= (for sewing), mihstuheräóhhopä-túhsch (short).

  =Negro=, waschi̍psi; i.e., the black man who has everything.

  =Nest= (of birds), tachánde (_an_ French; _ch_ guttural; _e_
    distinctly pronounced and short).

  =Net= (fish-net), pó-i̍kuhndä (_n_ French; _da_ very short).

  =New=, nánkasch (_an_ French).

  =New= moon, mi̍hnangkä-nangkanakóhsch.

  =Night=, istú-hunsch (_istu_ very short; _hun_ like _houn_ in

  =Noon=, hapánnatosch.

  =Northern lights=, wauawáschirutä.

  =Nose=, páhchu (_pah_ a nasal tone between French _ah_ and _an_,
    the same in _mahchsi_, eagle; _chu_ guttural).

  =Nostril=, páhchu-suh.

  =Not= (nothing, none), mikóhsch; chosch (_ch_ guttural) is the
    French _pas_, or not.

  =Old=, chihósch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Old man=, wáratohka-chihósch (_chi_ guttural).

  =Old woman=, rokánka-chihénn (_an_ French; _ch_ guttural).

  =Oldest= (the), koráttorusch.

  =On the other side=, kutá.

  =Once=, máchana-iï̍cha (_ch_ guttural).

  =Over=, a̍hkita.

  =Oversleep= (v; neglect by sleeping), o̍wakinate-kahun-husch
    (first _a_ distinctly pronounced; _n_ French like _oun_; the
    whole short and run together).

  =Pain= (n), wahúhde-náhdusch (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Paint= (v), uå̍hkapusosch (_a_ somewhat like å, or full).

  =Pair=, nupschá.

  =Palate= (roof of the mouth), nuti̍ske-okissángka (_e_ distinctly

  =Partizan= (leader of a war party), karókkanakah.

  =Peace=, herróhka-härri-sch (run together; lisped).

  =People= (lowest people), wáhchikanaschä̍ (_ch_ guttural); this
    is the most abusive word used by the Mandans.

  =Pinch= (v; to carouse?), rúschkapusch.

  =Pipe= (big medicine pipe), i̍h-hinkchóppenih (_ch_ guttural;
    _ihhink_ run together).

  =Pipe= (tobacco), i̍h-hink-ossúhä (run together); usually
    ih-hingkä (the whole run together).

  =Pitch= (rosin), ohruschkop.

  =Plant= (v), uå̍hkihäddäisch (_haddaisch_ short).

  =Play= (v), meni̍cheni (_ch_ guttural).

  =Pluck= (v; feathers), pachkä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Point= (v; with the finger), hä̍hmeni-häddisch.

  =Pointed=, schi̍h-husch.

  =Poison=, there is no word for it.

  =Polish= (v), ihkich-kánusch (_ch_ guttural; _an_ French).

  =Pond= (or pool), mö̍nnih-chä̍dochä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Pouch= (of leather), i̍hdukä.

  =Pouch= (painted, of leather), i̍hwatarrackä.

  =Powder= (gun-powder), waráschuntä.

  =Prairie=, o̍h-karachtah (_ach_ guttural).

  =Pregnant=, ähchichtä̍ (_ah_ rather long; _ch_ guttural; _ta_

  =Press out= (v; to express?), i̍hkastatusch.

  =Pretty=, schi̍hnaschusch.

  =Prick= (v; or sting), rápäsch.

  =Prisoner=, iniss-hä̍ddisch.

  =Proud=, tahuichtä-schi̍hkerisch (_u_ and _i_ separated; _ch_
    guttural; _ta_ short; final _e_ ½).

  =Pulse=, katink-tink-kanáhgisch (run together).

  =Push= (v; thrust), patkä̍h-sch.

  =Quarrel= (v; fight), ráhpusch.

  =Quarter= (of the moon), mi̍hnangkä-kaschúra-déhusch.

  =Quick=, kattuscho-sch (_scho-sch_ like a subdued _schosch_).

  =Quiver= (for arrows), schuntháschk-ichti̍ckä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Race= (contest in running), pti̍hhing-kikéhrusch.

  =Rain= (n), chä̍h-husch (_ch_ guttural; the whole run together).

  =Rainbow=, chä̍h-ikuhndä (_ch_ guttural; _da_ short).

  =Rattle= (sysyquoy, gourd rattle), i̍nahdä (_nah_ occasionally
    like _nan_ in French, nasal).

  =Ready= (completed), wakingkosch; it is not ready,
    wáuakin-ki̍nichosch (_n_ French; _ch_ guttural).

  =Reconcile= (v), härróhka-härrisch (run together).

  =Red=, sä̍hsch, or sä-sch.

  =Refuse= (v; deny), rúhkahusch.

  =Revenge= (v), taüi̍hscha-hätúhsch.

  =Rib=, dút-huh-dä (_da_ short; the whole run together).

  =Ring= (v), ni̍hhä.

  =Ripe= (of fruit), ráttakosch.

  =River=, passan-hächtä̍ (_an_ French; _ch_ guttural; usually run
    together, then pronounced _passachta_, _ach_ guttural).

  =Roast= (v, or n), roki̍nni.

  =Rock= (cliff), i̍hschanschekeh (_an_ French; first _e_
    distinctly pronounced).

  =Rocky= Mountains, Mi̍hndämánkä (_an_ French).

  =Root=, mánna-hissä̍.

  =Rot= (v), tä̍rräpo-sch (_sch_ slightly hissed).

  =Rotten= (lazy?), natkachi̍hpo-sch (_ch_ guttural; _sch_ slightly

  =Round= (adj), sánnakohsch.

  =Row= (v; paddle), ihuachákasch (_ih_ together).

  =Run= (v), ptä̍-husch (run together).

  =Saddle= (for a horse), mannissáhganakä (run together).

  =Salt= (v; or sweeten), skuhóhsch.

  =Sand=, mapúschakohsch (_sch_ slightly hissed).

  =Scalp=, padóbchi (_ch_ guttural).

  =Scalp-dance=, ui̍hskäkä-náhpisch (_uihs_ long; _kaka_ short).

  =Scar=, ocha-túhsch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Scratch= (v), ungkáh-härrisch (_harrisch_ low; the whole run

  =Scream= (v), saráhrusch.

  =Sea=, mönni̍h-kerre, or monni̍h-kärrä (_kerre_ low, even, and
    without emphasis; _e_ distinctly pronounced but short; _r_
    with the point of the tongue).

  =Secret= (adj), achawä̍hsch (first _ch_ guttural).

  =See= (v), hä̍-sch.

  =Servant= (marmiton, kettle-tender), kapä̍chka (_ach_ guttural).

  =Shade= (shadow), a̍hkunchä (_n_ like French _oun_; _ch_

  =Shake= (v; rock), kati̍dirischusch.

  =Shallow= (water), mönni̍h-psi̍hkasch.

  =Sharp= (keen), schi̍h-husch (run together).

  =Shave= (v), hi̍hkirukess.

  =Shed tears= (v; or n, tears?), istámönni-húhrusch (the whole run

  =Shield= (pare flèche), waki̍hdä.

  =Shin= (shin-bone), dobkáhgä (_g_ guttural; _ga_ short).

  =Shiver= (v; with cold), kachóhkahárra-wáhankisch (_an_ French).

  =Shoot= (v; with a bow), mánnamahni̍hndusch.

  =Shoot= (v; with a gun), eruhpákahtä (run together).

  =Shooting-star=, chkäkä-rohhankadéhhusch (the whole run together).

  =Shore= (bank), mö̍nnih-wakáchta (_kach_ a strong nasal sound).

  =Short=, sánnakosch.

  =Shoulder=, ahki̍ttä.

  =Show= (v; instruct in a matter), i̍kikuhntäsch.

  =Sick=, ahgä̍nnadusch (also with _rusch_ instead of _dusch_).

  =Side= (of the body), dóh-i̍schanhä (_an_ French; the whole run

  =Sigh= (v), i̍nihä.

  =Sing= (v), wakanáhrusch.

  =Sister= (youngest), ptánka (_an_ French); eldest sister, menúkä
    (_e_ ½).

  =Sit= (v), ki̍kanakä.

  =Skin= (hide of animal), dohbchi̍h (_ch_ guttural).

  =Sledge= (dog-sledge, travail), man-i̍ssischan (_an_ French, but
    often like _a_).

  =Sledge= (sled), mánna-uïratahne.

  =Sleep= (v), hánnarusch.

  =Sleepy=, hannaruck; I am going to sleep, wahánna-edúck-sanhúsch
    (_an_ French; the whole short and run together).

  =Slow=, chä̍hrusch (_ch_ guttural; _rusch_ low and short).

  =Small= (short), chámahä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Smell= (v; sniff, scent), ui̍hhä.

  =Smoke= (n), pi̍h-husch.

  =Smoke= (v; tobacco), manóschhi̍hndusch (short and run together).

  =Smooth=, sánhisch (_an_ French).

  =Snarl= (v; growl), channah-hahosch (_ch_ guttural; the whole run

  =Snow=, wáh-hä.

  =Sole= (of the foot), schirokä.

  =Son=, konickä̍.

  =Song=, wakánnarusch.

  =Sore-throat=, itäï-nunahrusch.

  =Spark=, uarani̍hka (_ua_ almost like _wa_ in the word for fire).

  =Speak= (v), róhdä.

  =Spirits= (distilled), mönni-páhre (_e_ short).

  =Spittle=, óksohkä.

  =Spoon=, mansä̍ (_an_ French); if it is of the horn of the
    buffalo or bighorn the name of the animal is added.

  =Spot= (v), a̍hksehusch (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Spring= (the season), bäh-hinundä (_n_ French; the whole run

  =Spring= (source), mannahinni̍h.

  =Spy= (v), mi̍nnakochä-uakärup-schä-sch (_sch_ slightly hissed).

  =Squint= (v), istáck-chä̍kohsch (_ch_ guttural; _a_ short).

  =Star=, chkäkä (_ch_ begins as a guttural).

  =Start= (v; to start an animal), kachä̍rutosch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Steep= (adj), kascháppähschkasch.

  =Step-father=, called father; likewise step-mother is called

  =Sterile=, o̍hro-mikohsch.

  =Stick= (n), mánna-kschúkä.

  =Stifle= (v; choke, repress), russi̍ng-ko-sch (_russingkosch_;
    _sch_ slightly hissed).

  =Still=, happoähärohn-nkúnihusch (_r_ with the point of the

  =Stinginess=, schi̍rukohsch.

  =Stirrup=, maniss-iwachungkä.

  =Stomach=, tachárachä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Stop= (v; stop up), pattarókosch (_r_ with the point of the
    tongue; _o_ accented).

  =Stone= (n), mi̍sannakä.

  =Storm= (they say "a bad day," or "bad weather"),
    hapä̍h-chikóhsch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Straight=, schóhrusch (_sch_ often slightly hissed).

  =Strike= (v), dótkihsch.

  =Strong= (of drink or other things), páhrusch.

  =Strong= (physical strength), sinhusch (_in_ nasal like _i_).

  =Stump=, sónkohsch.

  =Stupid=, ochka-sch (_ochkasch_; _och_ guttural; _sch_ slightly

  =Summer=, ráskikä.

  =Sun=, maháp-mi̍h-nangkä (the whole run together).

  =Sunrise=, mi̍hnangkä-ti̍hsch.

  =Sunset=, mi̍hnangkä-opókkohusch.

  =Surround= (v; enemies), ikisánpasch (_an_ French).

  =Swallow= (v; choke), oschárroposch.

  =Swamp= (or lake), manichtä̍; a dirty place, tuntukosch.

  =Sweat= (v), dássing-kohsch (run together).

  =Sweet=, skunhó-sch (_hosch_ abruptly ended; _un_ like _oun_ in

  =Swim= (v), paschún (_n_ French; _un_ like French _oun_).

  =Swollen=, páh-hosch (run together; _sch_ slightly hissed).

  =Tail= (of bird), i̍hpä (_pa_ short).

  =Tail= (of animal), schunntä̍ (_ta_ short).

  =Teach= (v), ikkikúhntä (_ta_ short).

  =Tear= (v; tear or break to pieces), ruchángkosch

  =Tear out= (v), pachkä̍; same as to pluck.

  =Tears=, istá-mönni-húhrusch (the whole run together).

  =Teeth=, hi̍h.

  =Testicle=, asútka.

  =There= (yonder), e̍tta.

  =Thick= (stout), chtä̍-sch (_ch_ guttural; _sch_ slightly hissed).

  =Thin=, pampi̍h-sch (_pampisch_; _sch_ slightly hissed; _am_ or
    _an_ French).

  =Throat=, nutiskä.

  =Thumb=, umká.

  =Thumb=, umpkä̍.

  =Thunder=, chä̍-i-nihä (_ch_ guttural; the whole run together).

  =Tickle= (v), ruksicksikusch (_r_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Tie= (v; fasten), kaskéhje (final _e_ barely audible; _j_

  =Tinder-box=, mi̍hka-de (low and short).

  =Tobacco=, mannaschä̍.

  =Tobacco= (mixed with red willow), mánna-séka.

  Tobacco (mixed with sakkakomi or bear-berry), mannaschot-kuschä̍.

  =Tobacco-pouch=, mánnaschä-dockä̍.

  =Toe=, schi̍-nihka.

  =To-morrow=, máhtke (_e_ distinctly pronounced, but short).

  =Tongue=, dä̍hsike (_e_ ½).

  =Toothache=, hi̍h-náhrusch.

  =Top= (summit), mahakáhgitta.

  =Toughness=, käddä̍hrusch.

  =Track= (of an animal), oni̍hnde (_de_ short; _e_ nearly full

  =Trade= (n), uïh-karusch.

  =Trap= (for animals), a̍hchkatachka (_ka_ short; _ch_ guttural).

  =Tree=, mannáh, or mánna.

  =Tremble= (v), kati̍derischusch.

  =True=, tkuschósch.

  =Turn= (v, twist), mi̍h-nuptakohsch (run together).

  =Turn back= (v, return), kiptáhanni-kuhosch (the whole run

  =Ugly=, chikósch (_ch_ guttural), or chikóhsch.

  =Unhealthy=, uáhschi-chi̍hsch (run together; _ch_ guttural).

  =Unripe=, schánhohsch (_an_ French).

  =Until= (unto), o̍hdähä.

  =Urine=, dä̍chä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Valley=, o̍wako-pä̍.

  =Vein= (artery), ji̍dukkä, or hissä̍ (German throughout).

  =Void= (adj; stale; or cool, moderate),
    nahnka-wawarut-tenech-osch (first _e_ French and so somewhat
    nasal; _e_ distinctly pronounced; _ch_ guttural).

  =Wait= (v, await), kiháhnakosch.

  =War=, there is no such word; to fight, ki̍ddack-sahndusch.

  =War-club= (of stone), mi̍h-kaské.

  =War-club= (of wood), mánna-paui̍schä.

  =War-club= (small iron tomahawk), o̍hmanat-tchámahä (_ch_

  =War-club= (with iron point), mono-pschi̍hdä, or mánna-ókatanhä
    (_an_ French).

  =Warm=, dadéschusch (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Warmth=, same word as for warm.

  =Warrior= (a brave fighter), kirak-san-charakusch (_an_ French;
    _ch_ guttural; _r_ with the point of the tongue).

  =War-whoop=, scheddekóhsch.

  =Wash= (v), kirúskikusch.

  =Water=, mönni̍h; occasionally, menni̍h.

  =Water-jar=, mönni-mi̍hnda (_da_ short).

  =Wax=, o̍hkerusche-schi̍pka-o̍hdä-chä (_e_ in _sche_ ½).

  =Weary=, ïua-hatésch (_iua_ separated; _h_ barely audible; _e_
    distinctly pronounced; the whole run together).

  =Weather= (fair), happe-schiéhsch (_e_ ½; run together without
    break); i.e., it is fair weather.

  =Weep= (v), rattachósch (_ch_ guttural).

  =Wet=, skapposch.

  =What= (or how), taschká-tl (_tl_ lisped as in Mexico).

  =Whip= (for horses), i̍h-kaparaschä.

  =Whirlpool=, mö̍nnih-ruhmenischka (_e_ ½)

  =Whistle= (v; or pipe), i̍hkoschä.

  =White=, schóttä.

  =White-man=, waschi̍, or uaschi̍; i.e., he who has everything, or
    everything good.

  =Whole=, ekún-ha (_n_ French; _ha_ short).

  =Widow=, they say "the husband is dead."

  =Wind= (n), schä.

  =Wind= (v; of game), i̍hkamenihn-dusch (_e_ ½).

  =Wing= (n), ahpcha (_ch_ guttural; final _a_ almost as if with
    umlaut, short and low).

  =Winter=, máhna.

  Wither (v), ráhsakosch.

  =Woman= (wife), mi̍h-hä; this is a woman, mii̍h-husch.

  =Wood=, mánna.

  =Work= (v), wai̍sakosch (_wai_ pronounced together).

  =Wound= (v), u̍hsch.

  =Wound= (v), o̍hcha-tu-kä̍rähusch (_ch_ guttural); i.e., he went
    away wounded.

  =Wrap up= (v), ikikáhmenisch (_e_ ½).

  =Wrinkle= (n), si̍hpo-sch (_sihpohsch_).

  =Yawn= (v), ichbedä̍hrusch (_ch_ guttural; _sch_ slightly hissed).

  =Year=, máhna: there is really no word for year; they say
    "winter,"--"I am so many winters old."

  =Yellow=, si̍hdä (_da_ short).

  =Yellowish=, chi̍hdä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Yes=, hon (_on_ French), or hau (pronounced as in German).

  =Yolk= (the yellow in the egg),

  =Young=, suck-chámahusch.

  =Young animal=, koni̍hnka (second _n_ French; _ihn_ somewhat


  =Antelope= (general term), kokä̍; the buck, kockberockä̍.

  =Antelope= (with horns), kokástu.

  =Badger=, mahtä̍ckä.

  =Bat=, háhchurahdä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Bear= (black), ischii̍dda (_da_ short).

  =Bear= (grizzly), mató.

  =Beaver=, uárapä, or wárapä.

  =Bighorn=, ansechtä̍ (_an_ French; _e_ barely audible; _ch_
    guttural; _ta_ very short; the whole therefore almost

  =Buffalo= (bull), berockä̍.

  =Buffalo= (calf), ni̍hka.

  =Buffalo= (cow), ptihndä, orpti̍hnde.

  =Crane=, tä̍hräcke (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Crane=, (white), tä̍hräck-schóttä.

  =Crow=, chóhchichanka (_ch_ Dutch guttural throughout).

  =Deer= (black-tailed), schumpsi.

  =Deer= (common), máhmanakuh.

  =Duck=, pattóhä.

  =Eagle= (bald-headed), pattáckä.

  =Eagle= (old war-eagle), kichká (_ch_ guttural).

  =Eagle= (war-eagle), máhchsi (_mah_ almost like _man_, French
    nasal; _ch_ guttural).

  =Eagle= (young bald-headed), chtachtáha (_ch_ and _ach_ guttural).

  =Elk=, o̍mpa, or u̍mpa (_om_ French, _um_ like _oum_ in French).

  =Elk= (doe), o̍mpa-mi̍hkasch.

  =Elk= (stag), o̍mpa-berockä̍.

  =Fisher= (mustela pennantii), ichti̍ck-psi̍h (_ch_ guttural).

  =Fox= (black), hirútt-psii̍h.

  =Fox= (cross-fox), hirútt-chack-chäh (_ch_ guttural).

  =Fox= (grey), hirútt-chóttä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Fox= (prairie), o̍hcha (_ch_ guttural).

  =Fox= (red), hirútt-sä̍.

  =Frog=, psánka (_an_ French).

  =Goose= (white), mi̍hhan-schóttä.

  =Goose= (wild), mii̍hhan-kschukkä̍ (_an_ French).

  =Gopher= (arctomys hoodii, striped prairie squirrel),

  =Hare= (white), máhchtikä (_ch_ guttural; _ti_ short).

  =Horse=, u̍mpa-meni̍ssä (_um_ like _oum_ in French; _e_ ½).

  =Horse=, (young), u̍mpa-meni̍ssini̍hkasch (_sch_ sometimes
    slightly hissed).

  =Humming-bird=, manasch-chóhpkocháchka (_ch_ guttural; the whole
    run together).

  =Lizard=, mi̍hkanatka.

  =Lynx=, schontä̍-pussä̍.

  =Magpie=, uihkchák-chäkä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Mink=, mönnika-súnntackä.

  =Mole= (gopher), machtóhpka (_ach_ guttural; _o_ full).

  =Moose=, páhchub-ptaptá (_ch_ guttural).

  =Mouse=, mi̍htickä.

  =Mule=, schúmpsi-mani̍sseh.

  =Nighthawk= (goatsucker), pi̍hska.

  =Otter=, pä̍hchtekeh (_ch_ guttural; _e_ ½; _keh_ somewhat

  =Owl= (German uhu, strix bubo; western horned owl?), ichki̍hä
    (_ch_ guttural).

  =Panther=, schuntä̍-háschka; literally the long tail.

  =Pelican= (great, or "scheteck"), nuthkuchtä (_uch_ guttural);
    i.e., the thick throat.

  =Pigeon= (passenger-pigeon), uárawit-chtä̍.

  =Pigeon= (turtle-dove, columba carolinensis), uárawit-kschukä̍.

  =Rabbit= (lepus americanus), máhchtikä (_ch_ guttural; _ti_

  =Rat=, mi̍htick-chtä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Raven=, kä̍hka.

  =Skunk=, schóchtä (_och_ German guttural).

  =Snake=, wahchkeruchká (_ch_ guttural; _e_ distinctly pronounced
    and short).

  =Snake=, (rattle-snake), matáh-chóppenih (_ch_ guttural; _e_ ½).

  =Swan=, mandéh-chóppenih (_an_ French; _ch_ guttural); i.e., the
    medicine bird.

  =Swine=, waschi̍ta-mató; i.e., the white man's bear.

  =Titmouse=, patáhpsi.

  =Toad=, chatká (_ch_ guttural).

  =Troupial= (red shouldered), a̍hpcha-sä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Turkey= (wild), máhnu (_a_ rather full, almost as if with
    superior _o_).

  =Turkey buzzard=, ruh-hah-deh.

  =Turtle=, ki̍psandä (_an_ French; _da_ short).

  =Waxwing=, o̍hpa-kótika (_oh_ and _o_ full).

  =Weasel= (stoat), máhchpach-pi̍rakä (only slightly separated;
    _ch_ guttural).

  =Weasel= (the small weasel), machschipka (_ach_ guttural).

  =Wolf= (black), cháhratä-psi̍h.

  =Wolf= (gray), cháhratä-chóttä.

  =Wolf= (prairie), schähä̍ckä, or schähä̍cke (_e_ short).

  =Wolf= (white), cháhratä-schóttä.

  =Wolverene= (gulo borealis), matóka (_ka_ abruptly ended; run

  =Woodpecker=, tóschka.


  =Ash=, tapsá.

  =Birch=, wáhchochä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Negundo maple=, mi̍hnchka-tah-manaka, (_n_ French, barely
    audible; last word short and run together).

  =Oak=, itá-huhdä.

  =Poplar=, wáhchä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Prairie turnip= (pomme blanche), mahä̍ (short).

  =Reed=, wi̍h-puhdä (_puhda_ lower; _da_ short).

  =Willow= (salix), háchsä-huhdä (_hach_ with emphasis and nasal;
    _sa_ and _huhda_ low; _ach_ guttural).

_Clothing and Implements_

  =Bracelets of metal=, u̍nki-tanhä̍ (_n_ and an French; _un_ like

  =Breechcloth=, nókkä.

  =Buffalo robe=, mahi̍tu, or mi̍h-ihä.

  =Cache= (hiding place), mochä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Girdle= (belt), i̍chparakä (_ich_ guttural).

  =Gloves= (or mittens), ogi̍chtikä (_gich_ guttural).

  =Hair-ornament= (for the front part of head), itáhua-schúngkä
    (_ua_ separated).

  =Head-dress= (the long feather hood), máhchsi-akub-háschka
    (German throughout).

  =Leather shirt=, wapánpi-i̍maschottä (_an_ French).

  =Leggings=, wapánpi-húnschi (_an_ and _n_ French, like _oun_).

  =Moccasins=, humpä̍ (_um_ like French _oum_).

  =Necklace of bear's claws=, matóunknappi-nihudä (the last two
    words run together).

  =Place in a cache= (v), mochdaráhkosch (_och_ guttural).

  =Pouch= (for ammunition), mánhä-i̍hdukä, or assóh-kacherúkkä
    (_ch_ guttural).

  =Scraper= (for cleaning hides), i̍hwachipka (_ch_ guttural).

  =Snow-shoes=, mánna-humpä̍.

  =War-whistle=, i̍hkoschka.


  =Cousin=, same words as for brother and sister.

  =Daughter-in-law=, ptaui̍h-hangkasch (_au_ together; _ih_ with

  =Father-in-law=, ptútt.

  =Father's brother=, same word as for father.

  =Father's sister= (aunt), kotóminikohsch.

  =Grandfather=, táttä-chihä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Grandmother=, nan-chihä̍ (_an_ French; _ch_ guttural).

  =Mother-in-law=, ptó-hinix (run together).

  =Mother's brother= (uncle), ratodé.

  =Mother's sister=, same word as for mother.

  =Son-in-law=, roh-hángkasch.

_Names of Rivers_

  =Cannonball=, Passáchtä.

  =Chayenne= (Great Chayenne), Passáchtä.

  =Grand=, Wáraschunt-pássahä.

  =Heart=, Nátka-pássahä.

  =Knife=, Mánhi-pássahä.

  =Little Missouri=, Máhtach-schukä̍.

  =Missouri=, Mántahä (_an_ French, rather nasal, like _ah_).

  =Muddy=, Mattúhntu-pássahä.

  =Muscleshell=, Tóhki-pássahä.

  =Rivière à Moreau=, Pássahä-i̍htahi.

  =Rivière au castor=, Mattúhntu-pássahä.

  =Rivière du rempart=, Manáhmeni-pássahä.

  =Teton= (Little Missouri), Mönnichä̍h-pássahä.

  =Upper White earth=, Matáck-pássahä.

  =White=, Mönni̍h-schott-pássahä; literally Water-white river.

  =Yellowstone=, Mi̍hsi-pássahä.

_Names of Tribes_

  =Assiniboins=, Hósika.

  =Blackfeet=, Schipsi̍.

  =Chayennes= (Chats of the French), Tamáh-ónruschkahpe (_on_
    French; _e_ distinctly pronounced; last word low and short; the
    whole run together).

  =Crows=, Hä̍hderuka (_e_ ½).

  =Dacota=, Hahä-numangkosch (run together).

  =Grosventres of the prairies=, Arrapahó, or Ächichtä-numangkake
    (_ich_ guttural).

  =Kayaüas=, Káy-ua (the whole run together; _u_ and _a_
    separated): the French call them Gens des ptat-côtés [_sic_].

  =Krihs=, Schahi̍.

  =Omahas=, O̍hmaha.

  =Otos=, O̍hto.

  =Pánis=, Cháratä-numangkä; i.e., the People of the Wolf, or of
    the Wolves.

  =Snakes, or Shoshonés=, Wáhkiruchka-númangkä (_uch_ guttural).


[256] I am indebted to the untiring patience of Mr. Kipp, who is
thoroughly familiar with this language, for this extensive vocabulary
which I wrote down with the help of several Mandans. My attempt at
a grammar, as I have already said, was interrupted by illness. Mr.
Gallatin (_ibid._, p. 125) includes the Mandans with the Minnitarris;
but he had no vocabulary of their language and could, therefore, in no
wise form a correct judgment. The signatures to the treaty which he
mentions (pp. 125 and 379) were translated into the Minnitarri language
because of the lack of a Mandan interpreter. This is shown clearly from
the words _matsa_ (man) and _lahpeetzee_, or _lachpitzi_ (bear), both
of which are pure Minnitarri words. I hope by means of the following
examples of the Mandan language to refute many of the errors regarding
this people which were formerly spread abroad.--MAXIMILIAN.

_Comment by Ed._ For a brief biography of James Kipp, see our volume
xxii, p. 345, note 319.

Notes on the Grammar of the Mandan Language[257]


  =From= (German, von; French, de), tá.

  =Near= (German, unweit; French, proche, près de), askásch.

  =To= (German, nach; French, à), óh.


    I come from Ruhptare: Ruhptáre ä̍ta wa huh-rusch; i.e.,
      Ruhptare from I come.

    I go to Ruhptare: Ruhptáre hiddä wa dä̍hhusch; i.e., Ruhptare
      to I go.

For "close to" or "hard by," they say also "on the margin of." On
the margin of Ruhptare: Ruhptáre i̍wakachta (_ach_ guttural); from
i̍wakachta, on the margin of the water, a pond, etc.


       There are nearly as many interjections as in our language.

  =Ä̍h-hä-hä!= (run together), an expression of surprise.

  =Ji̍a= (nasal), used in case of exertion which is not wholly

  =Héi! héi! héi!= (German, shrill, pronounced with the tongue),
    thank you, thank you.

  =Wáh i sack chárackä!= (_ch_ guttural), oh, my God (German, mein

  =Schá!= oh (German ach).

  =Wáh-ah!= or =o̍hsch!= ho there!


  =And=, káni.

  =Or=, does not occur in our form; at least, it is difficult to


    A man and a dog, numánk kani manissuérutä.

    The one or the other, kotä̍wäcktosch; kitosch signifies that
    the event is yet to happen.

    Kotä̍wa, which is it? in this expression it is difficult to
    find our word "or."

_The Definite Article_

  Singular                            Plural

  _Nom._, =the man=, numangkä.        _Nom._, =the men=, númank-keréhsch.
  _Gen._, =of the man=, numangkä-óh.  _Gen._, =of the men=, numangkáke.
  _Dat._, =to the man=, numangkä.     _Dat._, =to the men=, numank-keréhsch
  _Accus._, =the man=, numangkä.
  _Voc._, =O! thou man=, numangkä.
  _Abl._, =from the man=, numank-dä̍ta.


    _Gen._ The knife of the man whom I have seen: numank uahä̍ssiro
      óh támanhisch; i.e., the man whom I have seen, this is his

    _Dat._ I will give this to a man and not to a woman: numangkä
      wáh kuhk tusch mi̍hhä wah wach kuhnichtusch; i.e., to a man I
      will give it woman I will not give.

    _Accus._ I saw a man do this: numangkä áhska uáhissache
      uahähsch; i.e., a man this do I have seen.

    _Abl._ The knife comes from the man to whom you have given it:
      numank dä̍ta mánhi sakuh-rusch-idä̍ta waruschesch.

_The Indefinite Article_

  _Nom._, =a man=, numánk.

  _Gen._, =of a man=, numánk.

  _Dat._, =to a man=, numánk-ä, or numankä̍.

  _Accus._, =a man=, numank.


    _Gen._ The head of a man, numank-pa.

Remark. No difference in form is made for sex; and in the case of
human beings, appears to be only occasionally indicated by an ending.
They say: a man, numánk-máchana; and in exactly the same way, a woman,
mi̍hha-máchana; an egg, máh-ni̍hka-máchana. The case where the sexes
are indicated is when, for instance, some one addresses a person and
tells him he should do something; if it is a man the syllable _tá_ is
affixed, if a woman the syllable _na_.

_Auxiliary Verbs_

  =To be=, kitóhsch. This word does not occur frequently.


      To be rich: wá kah dä hun; i.e., much wealth.

      To be tall is good: háschka kä schihsch; i.e., tall that is

    =I am tall=: máh káschkasch; máh, I.

    =You are tall=: ni̍h káschkasch.

    =He is tall=: ih káschkasch.

    =We are tall=: núh dä̍ta háschkasch.

    =You are tall=: ni̍h dä̍ta haschkasch.

    =They are tall=: i̍h dä̍ta háschkasch.

  =To do=, isä̍kosch:

    =I shall do it=: waë wasácktosch.

    =You will do it=: wa idá sácktosch.

    =He will do it=: ih wah esácktosch.

    =We shall do it=: nuh dä̍ta esácktosch.

    =You will do it=: nih dä̍ta i̍hda sä̍cktosch.

    =They will do= it: ih dä̍ta ih säcktosch.

      Dä̍ta always signifies the plural in this use.

    =Do not do it=: (imperative): káhdä isä̍ckta.

    =To do=: isä̍ckosch.

    =Done=: kúhrusch.

    =Doing=: isäkka-mánkahusch (_an_ French).

  =To have=, wakáhtosch.

    =I shall have him= (or it): wa káhktosch.

    =He will have him= (or it): ih wa káhktosch; or, in káhktosch
      (_n_ French; _in_ nasal).

    =We shall have him= (or it): núh káhktosch.

    =You will have him= (or it): wa ra káhktosch.

    =They will have him= (or it): ih onn na káhktosch.

    =I shall not have him= (or it): wa wa kánechosch (_ch_

    =I shall have=: wa káhktosch.



  =The old man=: waratóhka-chihosch (_ch_ guttural).

  =The old woman=: rokánka-chihénn (_ch_ guttural).

  =The fish-hook=: poïkini̍h (_o_ and _i_ separated).

  =The arm=: a̍hdä.

  =The branch=: o̍hchancha (_ch_ guttural; _an_ French).

  =The eye=: istá.

  =The eyelid=: istá-rupchä̍.

  =The axe=: óhmanatä.


  =The old men=: waratóhka-keri̍sch; really keréhsch.

  =The old women=: rokánke-keri̍sh.

  =The fish-hooks=: poïkini̍h-keréhsch.

  =The arms=: a̍hdä-keréhsch.

  =The branches=: o̍hchancha-keréhsch.

  =The eyelids=: istá-rupchi-keréhsch.

  =The axes=: o̍hmanat-keréhsch.

  =A great forest=: mánna-keréhsch; i.e., many trees, from mánna,

Remark. From these instances it is easy to derive the rule that to form
the plural of nouns the word keréhsch is affixed. It is occasionally
pronounced kerisch, and denotes plurality.


    Máhna, the year; the plural is not mána-keréhsch, but manáhna,
      the years, or better, the winters.

    Both arms, i.e., the arms, are called in the plural,
      a̍hdä-náhta; the legs, dóhke-náhta. This exception is due to
      the fact that the number of arms on the body is definitely
      known; they are never more than two, so the plural is "both."

    The word keréhsch also signifies in some few cases that objects
      of only one kind are included, yet always in the plural.
      Thus, when one enters a lodge where old men or women are
      assembled, he would say waratóhka-keréhsch, only old men; or
      rokánka-keréhsch, only or merely old women; waschi̍-keréhsch,
      merely white men; waschipsi(_waschi-psih_)-keréhsch, merely
      negroes, etc.

_Declension of the Noun_


    _Nom._, =the man=, númang-kä.

    _Gen._, =of the man=, numank-ä̍da.

    _Dat._, =to the man=, o̍h-numank.

    _Accus._, =the man=, númank-kä.

    _Voc._, =O man!= numánk.

    _Abl._, =from the man=, númang-kä.


    _Nom._, =the men=, numang-kä̍rrä.

    _Gen._, =of the men=, o̍h-numang-kä.

    _Dat._, =to the men=, númang-kärrä-tá.

    _Accus._, =the men=, numang-kärrä.

    _Voc._, =O men!= numang-káke.


    _Nom._, =the bow=, woraërúhpa.

    _Gen._, =of the bow=, woraërúhpa-dä.

    _Dat._, =to the bow=, woraërúhpa-ä̍ta.

    _Accus._, =the bow=, woraërúhpa.

    _Voc._, =O bow!= woraërúhpa.

    _Abl._, =from the bow=, woraërúhpa-tá.


    _Nom._, =the bows=, woraërúhpa-keréhsch.

    _Gen._, =of the bows=, woraërúhpa-kärrä-tá.

    _Dat._, =to the bows=, woraërúhpa-kärrä-ätá.

    _Accus._, =the bows=, o̍h-woraërúhpa-keréhsch.

    _Voc._, =O bows!= woraërúhpa-keréhsch.

    _Abl._, =from the bows=, woraërúhpa-kärrä-tá.

The word "from," motion towards the speaker, is expressed by tá; as in
hutá, come here. The word "to," motion from the speaker, is expressed
by the word ä̍ta.


    Idä̍ta-keréhsch, the others; in this expression keréhsch is
      usually omitted, and only idä̍ta used.

_Proper Names_

The names of these Indians always have a meaning, and often include a
whole phrase. All familiar objects and their different states are drawn
upon for the names of persons, and these are often very vulgar. I have
given some of them above.


Adjectives are placed after the nouns; e.g., meni̍ss-schóttä, horse
white, not as in German and English, the white horse.


    Mandeck suck-sä (_an_ French), the red bird; i.e., bird the red.

    Numank-chárakä (_ch_ guttural), the brave man.

    Passán-schi̍hsch (_an_ French), the beautiful river.

    Mani̍ssuarut-psi̍hsch, the black dog.


The comparative degree is formed by affixing the word opáchadehsch, or
opáchádähsch (_ch_ guttural), i.e., more. The superlative degree is
formed by affixing the word mi̍hkasch, i.e., the most.

  =Good=, schihsch: better, schi̍h-opa̍chadehsch: best,

  =Bad=, chi̍cosch: worse, chikä̍-opáchadehsch: worst,

  =Near=, askahá: nearer, aská-opáchadähsch: nearest (next),

  =Much=, hunsch: more, hun (_un_ like French _oun_)-opáchadähsch:
    most, hun-mi̍hkasch.

  =Old=, chihósch (_ch_ guttural): older, chihä-opáchadähsch:
    oldest, chihä-mi̍hkasch.

  =Sure= (certain), does not occur: they say instead,
    true, tkúschosch; truer, tkschä̍-opa̍chadäsch: truest,

  =Great= (tall), háschka: greater, háschka-opáchadähsch: greatest,

  =Wise=, schi̍rukosch: wiser, schi̍ruko-pa̍chadähsch: wisest,

Remark. Occasionally the comparative and superlative are used together
in order to give greater emphasis.


    The most beautiful river: pa̍ssanhä(or

_Use of Adjectives as Nouns_

  =The rich man=, ko-wakáhdä-hunsch; ko, the.

  =The poor=, ko-áhchkereh-keri̍sch (_ch_ guttural; second _e_ ½).

  =The divine= (godlike), máh-choppenih-tá.

  =The beautiful=, they say "the good," ko-schi̍hsch.

The colors are expressed in the plural just as in German and English.


    The greens (the various greens), wi̍hra-tohä̍-tatá-keréhsch;
    i.e., wi̍hra-tohä̍, green; tatá, the various.

_Indefinite Numerals_

       These answer the question, how many times? or; how often?

  =Once=, schanáhre-máchanasch.

  =A single one=, máchana-i̍ncha (in the second word, _in_ almost
    like _i_ nasal).

  =Twice=, schanáhre-numpóhsch; and so on to and including ten.
    First, second, third, etc. are expressed in like manner.

  =Stosch= (with the point of the tongue), a single one.

_The Positive Degree_

  =That is large= (great): äth-háschkasch.

  =That is good=: äth-schi̍hsch.

  =That is bad=: äth-chikósch (_ch_ guttural).

  =That is much=: äth-hunsch (_un_ like French _oun_).

  =It is long=: háschkasch.

  =It is thick=: chtä̍hsch; from the word chtä̍, thick.

  =It is beautiful=: schi̍hsch; from schi̍h, beautiful.

In these instances, therefore, _sch_ is added [to form the positive].



There are as many expressions for them as in the language of civilized
peoples, from one to 1,000,000, etc.

  =One=, máchana (_ch_ guttural).

  =Two=, numpä̍ (_m_ French, _um_ like French _oum_).

  =Three=, náhmeni (_e_ ½).

  =Four=, tóhpe (_e_ ½); often shortened to tóhp; tóhposch, there
    are four.

  =Five=, kächón (_ch_ guttural; _on_ French).

  =Six=, ki̍hma.

  =Seven=, kúhpa.

  =Eight=, tä̍ttake (_e_ or _a_ umlaut).

  =Nine=, máchpe (_ach_ guttural; _e_ about ½).

  =Ten=, pitágh (_gh_ guttural); really pi̍rakosch, but it is very
    much shortened.

  =Eleven=, a̍hga-ma̍chana (_ga_ guttural).

  =Twelve=, a̍hga-numpä̍.

  =Thirteen=, a̍hga-náhmeni.

  =Fourteen=, a̍hk-tóhp.

  =Sixteen=, a̍h-ki̍hma.

  =Seventeen=, a̍h-kúhpa.

  =Eighteen=, ahk-tä̍ttake.

  =Nineteen=, a̍hga-ma̍chpe (_ch_ guttural).

  =Twenty=, nompá-piráhg (_om_ French).

  =Twenty-one=, nompá-pirákä-roh-máchana.

  =Thirty=, na̍hmeni-ampi̍rakosch.

  =Forty=, tóhpa-pi̍rakosch.

  =Fifty=, kächón-ampi̍rakosch.

  =Sixty=, ki̍hma-ampi̍rakosch.

  =Seventy=, kúhpa-ampi̍rakosch.

  =Eighty=, ta̍ttake-ampi̍rakosch.

  =Ninety=, máchpe-ampi̍rakosch.

  =One hundred=, éhsuck-máchana.

  =One hundred and one=, éhsuck-máchana-roh-máchanasch.

  =One hundred and two=, éhsuck-máchana-roh-numpóhsch.

  =Two hundred=, éhsuck-numpá.

  =Three hundred=, éhsuck-náhmeni.

  =One thousand=, isúkki-kákohi.

  =One thousand and one=, isúkki-kákohi-roh-máchanasch.

  =One thousand one hundred=, isúck-áhga-máchanasch; i.e., eleven

  =Two thousand=, isúck-ikákohi-numpóhsch.

  =Ten thousand=, isúck-ikákohi-pi̍rakosch.

  =One hundred thousand=, isúck-ikákohi-isuck-mácha-pi̍rakosch;
    i.e., one thousand ten times one hundred.


  =The first=, ko-ónti (_on_ French).

  =The second=, ko-númpä-hank.

  =The third=, ko-náhmeni-hank.

  =The fourth=, ko-tóhp-hank.

They continue in like manner, Ko, the, is always prefixed; and hank is
always affixed; it is equivalent to German "te," or French ième.

  =The thousandth=, ko-sukkikáhkohi-hank.

  =The last=, ko-i̍hkaháhschä.


  =One half=, i̍hschanhä (_an_ French).

There is a word for half; the other fractions are expressed by saying
"a part."


        [No attempt has been made by the translator to rearrange
                         these confused forms.]

I, you, he, we, you, they; she and it are lacking.


    =I=, mi̍h.

    =You=, ih.

    =He=, ih.


    =We=, nuh.

    =You=, ni̍h-ä̍tta.

    =They=, i̍h-ä̍tta.

First Person Singular

    _Nom._, =I=, mi̍h.

    _Gen._, =of me=, man-nan (_an_ French, nasal like _ah_).

    _Dat._, =to me=, mó (rather full).

    _Dat._, =to me=, róh-dätá.

    _Accus._, =me=, uáck. _Abl._, =from me=, roh-ätá.

First Person Plural

    _Nom._, =we=, núh.

    _Gen._, =of us=, nuétta.

    _Accus._, (or dative; German, uns), =us=, nuétta.

Second Person Singular

  _Nom._, =you=, i̍h.

  _Gen._, =of you=, nittá.

  _Dat._, =to you=, ni̍h.

  _Accus._, =you=, ni̍h.


    Mi̍h ni̍h rotkä̍, I shall strike you; i.e., I you shall strike.

Example of the first person:

    You are ashamed of me: man-nan i̍hnkidichihsch (_n_ French;
      _ch_ guttural); i.e., of me you are ashamed (German, shame

Third Person Singular

    _Nom._, =he=, i̍h.

    _Gen._, =of him= (his), i̍hta.

    _Dat._, =to him=, i̍hta.

    _Accus._, =him=, i̍h.

Third Person Plural

    _Nom._, =we=, núh.

    _Gen._, =of us=, nuthá.

    _Dat._, =to us=, róh.

    _Accus._, =us=, róh.


    His eye has served him ill: i̍hta istá i̍h kirúchikosch; i.e.,
      his eye him has served ill; i̍hta istá, his eye.

These notes were interrupted by sickness.


  =I eat=, wawarutóhsch.

  =You eat=, wararustosch.

  =He eats=, i̍hwarutohsch.

  =We eat=, wanurutohsch.

  =You eat=, i̍hwarutochedesch.

  =They eat=, roh-waruta-mankahusch.

  =I have eaten=, wawarut-makibchasch (_ch_ guttural).

  =I shall eat=, wawarustosch.

  =I would eat=, ihua-haraposch (run together).

  =Eat= (imper sing), warustá (_ta_ short).

  =Eat= (imper plur), wárutenistá.

  =Eating=, warútta-mánkahusch.


[257] These were discontinued owing to illness, and are, therefore,

Mandan Village Dialects

[The two villages are Mih-tutta-hángkusch and Ruhptáre; the
variants are distinguished by prefixing thereto (M) and (R)

  =Blanket= (white woolen): (M) manhi̍chtä-schóttä; (R)
    waráchschóttä (_ach_ guttural).

  =Board= (plank): (M) mánnaopschi̍hdä; (R) mánna-gapschi̍hdä.

  =Boat=: (M) minnanke (_an_ French; _ke_ short); (R)
    mánna-kinihnde (_de_ distinct and short).

  =Bow=: (M) woraërúhpa, waraërúhpa, or baraëruhpa; (R)
    warauïruhpa-gapschihde (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Child=: (M) suck-chámahä (_ch_ guttural); (R) sucke-hi̍nnichä
    (_e_ ½).

  =A child who cries constantly=: (M) suck-chámahä-nattach-sinhusch
    (_ach_ guttural; _n_ French): (R) suckchinick-saráh-sinhusch
    (_e_ ½; in the second word _n_ is French).

  =Cloth= (blue or black) (M): manhi̍chtä-psi̍h; (R) warách-psi̍h.

  =Cloth= (green): (M) wi̍ratohä; (R) warách-tohä̍.

  =Cloth= (scarlet): (M) manhi̍chtä-sä̍; (R) warách-sä̍.

  =Clothes= (article of dress): (M) i̍hmaschuntä (_un_ like French
    _oun_); (R) ihmakotä̍.

  =Cotton cloth= (Indian): (M) maächtepáhpe; (R) marachpáhpina
    (_ach_ guttural).

  =Cover the fire=: (M) uáradä-wakatachta; (R) uaráhdä-wáchkuhárata
    (the two last words run together).

  =Covering of a lodge=: (M) ti̍hähnachtah (_ach_ guttural; _ta_
    long); (R) tihä̍h-karastáh.

  =Cut meat for drying= (v): (M) wahgap-chi̍hda (_ach_ guttural);
    (R) wahgap-schi̍hdä.

  =Dress yourself= (imperative): (M)
    i̍nni-maschuntä̍-okáwaschacktá; (R) onni̍wakottä-okawakostá.

  =Dried meat=: (M) móh-ihp-ka; (R) wah-i̍h-hip-kä.

  =Ear of corn= (maize): (M) húhpatka; (R) húhpan.

  =Entrance to a lodge= (tambour): (M) berrä-páhchu (_r_ with the
    point of the tongue; _ch_ guttural); (R) berrä-óschiduhdä.

  =Fort= (of the white men): (M) mannach-kinihnde (_ach_ guttural;
    _e_ distinctly pronounced); (R) mannách-kini̍hnde (_e_
    distinctly pronounced).

  =Four inner posts of a lodge=: (M) tidock-húhdä; (R)
    mahun-kih-häddä (_un_ like French _oun_; the last three
    syllables run together.)

  =Give me water=: (M) mönnih-mámakutta; (R) mönni̍h-mam-makúhta.

  =Go and tell this=: (M) náhha-ki̍nahta; (R) náhha-kiki̍nihta.

  =He beats the drum=: (M) bäräch-dot-kisch (_ach_ guttural; _r_
    with the point of the tongue); (R) bärächt-ki̍h-osch (_ach_
    guttural; _r_ with the point of the tongue).

  =He dances=: (M): wánapisch; (R) wáh-ana-pohsch.

  =He has arrived=: (M) kirihsch; (R) kiri-osch.

  =He is dead=: (M) tä̍hrusch; (R) tä̍h-isch.

  =He is here=: (M) mánkahusch (_an_ French); (R) a̍hkamehusch (_e_
    distinctly pronounced).

  =He is victorious=: (M) wachkaná-hrusch; (R) wachkanná-asch
    (_ach_ guttural).

  =He rises= (stands up): (M) nán-teh-isch (_an_ French); (R)
    náh-etosch (_e_ barely audible).

  =He seeks= (tries): kichkárarusch (_ich_ German); (R) kikáraasch.

  =Hoe=: (M) chúnapa; (R) a̍hhudäne (_e_ ½).

  =I have found the bones=: (M) wahuh-kärrewa-huhsch; (R)
    húh-kärräwáni-isch (the two last words run together).

  =I have given= (rejeté): (M) kahärre-isch; (R) kahä̍rre-usch.

  =I have said it= (said so): (M) ä̍h-pisch; (R) wahä̍nni-waä̍h-äs
    (run together).

  =I have scraped it= (a hide): (M) warrúh-hintuhsch; (R)
    wapácho-husch (_ch_ guttural).

  =I have seen=: wahähsch; (R) waháusch (German).

  =I sell=: (M) wi̍h-káhrusch: (R)wi̍h-tusch.

  =I sew=: (M) i̍wa-tarakosch; (R) kikáh-akosch (_a_ barely

  =I shall tell him= (say to him): (M) wakinnahktusch (run
    together); (R) waki̍kinihktusch.

  =I sleep=: (M) wahánarusch; (R) wahána-asch.

  =I talk with you=: (M) waháh-dohrusch; (R) wáhko-haráhrusch.

  =I think it is so=: (M) on-usch-ka-iwa-paschidéhhusch (_n_
    French); (R) o̍nschka-ewadehusch.

  =I throw out the dirt=: (M) wapattikosch; (R) wacktóhsch (_wack_

  =I sit=: (M) wakich-kanakosch (_ich_ guttural); (R) kikánakosch.

  =It is sold= (the meat): (M) dá-cherä-pusch (_ch_ guttural; _r_
    with the point of the tongue); (R) dáhktun-wehdusch (_un_ like
    French _oun_).

  =Lower part of a hill=: (M) káh-werisch-kat (_e_ ½);(R)
    mahä̍h-kar-astá (_r_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Medicine=: (M) chóppenih (_ch_ guttural); (R) chóppenih-hosch
    (_ch_ guttural).

  =This is medicine=: (M) chóppenisch (ch guttural); (R)
    chóppeni-osch (_e_ short and ½).

  =One year old buffalo cow=: (M) ninkiï-patú (_in_ like _i_ nasal;
    _ii_ separated); (R) ninkiï-páhtune (_e_ barely audible).

  =Otter=: (M) pä̍hchtekeh, or pä̍chtackä (_ach_ guttural); (R)
    chóhpäckä (_o_ full).

  =Pray go there!= (M) dahhini-ä̍häta; (R) hä̍nni-ä̍äta.

  =Pretty=: (M) schi̍h-óchadisch (run together); (R)
    schi̍do-óchorusch (_r_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Put on your leggings and moccasins=: énni-ki̍htata; (R)

  =Robe=: (M) mi̍h-ihä (run together); (R) má-i-hä.

  =Scaffold= (frame): (M) maschóttä; (R) waschtähn (_w_ like _ua_;
    occasionally an _e_ is heard at the end).

  =Seat yourself=: (M) kichkánackta (_ich_ German); (R)
    nunschiman-hihárata. (_n_ and _an_ French).

  =Shield=: (M) waki̍h; (R) waki̍hdä, or wähkachkopä (_ach_

  =Small brook=: (M) passách-kschukkä (_ach_ guttural); (R)

  =Sow= (v): (M) wahih-häddisch; (R) bóhwachtosch (_ach_ guttural).

  =Thank= (jemand zum danke streichen): (M) wáhki-ähsch; (R)
    owáh-kuhunsch (_un_ like French _oun_).

  =The water is high= (or deep): (M) mönni̍h-pä̍hosch; (R)

  =They come=: (M) hóhrusch (_r_ with the point of the tongue); (R)

  =They have shot=: (M) erúhpa-ka-tähsch (_r_ with the point of the
    tongue); (R) erúhpa-ka-tamm-unusch (_un_ like French _oun_).

  =They strike one another violently=: (M) o̍hki-sa-charakosch
    (_ch_ guttural; _r_ with the point of the tongue); (R)
    ki̍hkawo-sin-hosch (_in_ like _i_ nasal).

  =Thread= (n): (M) wäï-wattarakänn; (R) wi̍hkikankähne (_n_
    French; _e_ ½).

  =We have arrived=: (M) núhtisch; (R) wä̍h-te-usch (_e_ distinctly
    pronounced; the whole run together).

  =You have said= (singular): ähtisch; (R) ähto-sch.

  =You tell the truth=: (M) on-usch-kasch; (R) unsch-kusch (_un_
    like French _oun_).

  =Young cow=: (M) ptin-chámahä (_in_ like _i_ nasal; _ch_
    guttural); (R) ptin-ihi̍nikä (_n_ as before).

MINNITARRIS, or Grosventres[258]

  =Abode= (dwelling place; shooting stand), uakö̍h-schähs.

  =Above=, a̍h-kuka (_ah_ strongly emphasized).

  =Abyss= (precipice), awarä̍ta-dach-api̍hsäs.

  =Ahead= (forward), wi̍h-akuwatáhs.

  =All= (the whole, all together), ä̍hsa (_sa_ short).

  =Alone= (single), i̍chsaki (_saki_ short).

  =Always=, ti̍h-achkuss.

  =American=, Mahtschi-ichti̍ä.

  =Another=, iháh-s (_s_ slightly hissed).

  =Answer= (v), wih-a-kákiwähs (the whole short and run together).

  =Antelope park= (the), o̍h-chidäi (_dai_ run together).

  =Anxiety= (fear), wah-erei̍chu-pascháhsis (_sis_ distinctly

  =Approach stealthily= (v), uïtadähs (_ui_ somewhat separated).

  =Arm=, a̍hra (_r_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Arrow=, bi̍dda-arúhtischa (_scha_ short).

  =Ashes=, wirásipa (the whole short).

  =Ask= (v), kiwáschusch (_wa_ very short; _chusch_ low).

  =Awake= (v, intr), mah-kä̍i-sähs. (_kai_ shrill, with the point
    of the tongue).

  =Axe=, waïpsá.

  =Back= (adverb), kiï̍ss (_ii_ separated); i.e., he is back.

  =Back= (n, or v; to move with a jerk?), äschitá.

  =Backward=, epéhtïqua (_e_ ½; _qua_ run together and short).

  =Bad= (angry), natatähs.

  =Bald=, a̍hchtu-rukotis (_ahch_ long).

  =Ball= (bullet), o̍hwassa-werúchaarúhtischa; or simply arúhtischa.

  =Ball= (for playing), maóh-tape (run together; _e_ distinctly

  =Ball-game of the women=, ma-úhtape (_e_ distinctly pronounced;
    the whole run together).

  =Bathe= (v), wirichpi̍ (_pi_ short).

  =Bear= (v; give birth), eïmattúhäs (indistinct and short).

  =Beard=, ih-ih-tass (pronounced together).

  =Beautiful=, saki̍chtiss (_ich_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Behind= (back of us), wapi̍-tikua.

  =Belly=, i̍hchi.

  =Below= (beneath), mechtáhchqua (_e_ ½; _qua_ together).

  =Bend= (v), rúhskupiss.

  =Berdash=, biatti̍ (_ti_ short; _bi_ separated from _a_).

  =Beside= (near), watáh-óhtiruch.

  =Best= (all genders), akussaki̍ss.

  =Between=, nu-uáh-taru (the whole run together; _taru_ low and
    without emphasis).

  =Big with young=, same word as for pregnant.

  =Bile=, wáh-aruschi̍de (_schi_ long; _de_ short and low).

  =Billiard game= (Billard-spiel), máh-kache (_e_ ½; the whole

  =Bird=, sakkanka.

  =Bitter=, arauiss.

  =Black=, schüpi̍scha (_scha_ short).

  =Bladder=, arachi.

  =Blind=, ischtá-läjiss (_ji_ French); i.e., no eyes.

  =Blond= (of hair), arrasi̍hdiss.

  =Blood=, i̍hdi; bloody, i̍hdi-saki̍ss.

  =Bloom=, (v), ohrakapakiss.

  =Blow out= (v; blow), kah-sahs.

  =Blue=, tóhhiss.

  =Blush= (v), ehtu-wihähs.

  =Boil= (v), birruáss (very short; _ass_ soft).

  =Bone= (n), hädú (_du_ very short and explosive; _ha_ almost like
    German _hai_).

  =Bough=, birá-arukaká(_kaka_ short).

  =Bow=, berúcha-paruiï̍.

  =Bow-lance=, bidúcha-háski.

  =Box on the ear=, ji̍h-tarricki̍ (_ii_ separated; second word

  =Braid= (v), naksútti.

  =Break= (v; shatter), irúchupiss.

  =Breast= (female), a̍hsi (_si_ short).

  =Breast= (the whole breast), i̍hwaki (_ki_ short, almost like

  =Breath=, idi̍achis (_i_ with emphasis).

  =Brilliant= (splendid), hopháh-hischötts (second word low and

  =Broad=, schúchkass.

  =Brook=, ahji-karischtá (_ji_ French).

  =Broom= (for sweeping), mahchschi̍a-i̍hcha.

  =Brother= (eldest), ih-akáss.

  =Brother= (youngest), hä̍hderusch (_r_ with the point of the
    tongue, as always).

  =Brown=, takápiäs (_i_ and _a_ somewhat separated).

  =Bud= (n), bi̍dda-ächpú (the whole short).

  =Burn= (v, reflexive), a̍hotiss (_ah_ and _o_ separated).

  =Burn= (v, tr or intr; destroy by fire), arach-púpiss (run

  =Buttock=, ischi̍ttarucka (_tarucka_ short).

  =Buy= (v), mah-éh-ho.

  =Call= (v; call anyone), haä̍hdaha (_a_ and _ah_ separated;
    _daha_ short).

  =Calm= (n), há-hei-hischess (_hei_ German, together; _ha_ with
    emphasis; the whole pronounced together).

  =Candle= (light), biddá-i-awacháhtä (the whole run together).

  =Canoe=, máhn-ti (_mahn_ nasal; _n_ French; _ti_ short).

  =Carrion= (a dead animal), wah-puhä̍s (_s_ barely audible).

  =Catch= (v; capture), dúhchsiss.

  =Caught= (taken pri̍soner), náhchke (_nahch_ long and with
    emphasis; _e_ ½ and short).

  =Chew= (v), marúchtuas (_as_ moderated).

  =Child=, máh-karischtá.

  =Chill= (v; be cold, freeze), mih-áhkapahts (run together).

  =Chin=, wi̍hchka.

  =Circle= (n), kaki̍chis (short).

  =Clap= (v; with the hands), lacksútti.

  =Clasp= (v; enclose), kidachpáhs.

  =Claws= (of an animal), isä̍chpo.

  =Clear=, kischi̍ss.

  =Clear= (bright), awacháhtis.

  =Clouds= (masses of cloud), achpáhchä (_cha_ short).

  =Coal=, bi̍dda-apuckschá (_scha_ short and explosive).

  =Coals= (glowing), bi̍dda-arra-áracha (the whole run together,
    short explosive).

  =Cold= (adj), siddi̍h-as (first word with emphasis; _as_

  =Color= (n), o̍hdä.

  =Comb= (n), máh-ara-ä̍chkidochokä.

  =Come= (v), húhs; come here, hú.

  =Console= (v), di̍ddä-ätá (the whole short).

  =Corpse=, tä̍es (_a_ and _e_ separated).

  =Cough= (v), máh-hoáss (last word short).

  =Count= (v), kirruwi̍ss.

  =Cover= (v; cover up), i̍ruchupiss.

  =Cowardly=, maä̍h-sa-kiáss.

  =Crooked=, schakupi̍ (_pi_ very short).

  =Crop= (maw), ahpichti̍a (_ich_ German, not guttural; final _a_

  =Cure= (v), kirai̍schachkais (_rai_ and _kais_ run together; the
    whole short).

  =Curly= (of hair), araschiki̍äs (emphasis on _i_).

  =Curry= (v; tan), mánpachu (_an_ French; _pachu_ low and short).

  =Cut= (v), pá-sakiss (run together).

  =Cut down= (v), wahk-ksakkes (run together; _kes_ short).

  =Cut down= (v; fell), bidda-rachkoáss.

  =Dance= (n), mahdischi̍ (_schi_ short, explosive).

  =Dark=, haphähischäs.

  =Daughter=, same word as for maiden.

  =Dawn= (daybreak), lackscháhwaräs (run together; _ras_ not very

  =Day=, áhtas.

  =Dead=, arrutä̍hs.

  =Deaf=, ach-ko-chi-táh-us (the whole run together).

  =Dear= (costly), ei̍hwassi-akuss (_e_ short; _ih_ with strong
    emphasis; the whole run together).

  =Death=, tä̍es (_a_ and _e_ separated).

  =Death's head= (totenkopf), dokaráhcha-atú (_atu_ short and

  =Decoy= (v; an animal), watáhchiwahuhs.

  =Delay= (v; make late), arrukü̍hdak-schüpi̍ss.

  =Dependent=, awahä̍hrichka (_ka_ short).

  =Devastate= (v), háh-wihä̍hs.

  =Devil= (evil spirit), i̍hsichka-wahä̍ddisch.

  =Dew=, bi̍ddi-bitáss (_tass_ with strong emphasis).

  =Die=, (v), tä̍es (_a_ and _e_ separated; _e_ ½).

  =Dirty=, awach-sákiss (words pronounced in quick succession).

  =Dirty= (v), awachsákkis.

  =Dive= (v), sippi̍ss.

  =Divide= (v), i̍hwakisshähs (most of the word without emphasis).

  =Door=, biddä̍.

  =Double=, rúhpassakua (_kua_ together, German, short).

  =Drag= (v), rúh-sirruä (_ru_ and _a_ separated; _a_ very short).

  =Draw= (v; draw a load), dúh-särruäs (_u_ separated from _as_).

  =Draw= (v; draw water), aúschähs (_au_ almost like full _o_; _s_

  =Dream= (n), same word as for verb.

  =Dream= (v), mah-schi̍hrähs.

  =Dress= (clothing), wa-ich-kikschiss (the whole pronounced
    together), or wikit-schi̍wiss (_schiwiss_ short).

  =Drink= (v), hä̍-ihs (_ha_ loud cry; _ihs_ lower).

  =Drive= (v), nak-hi̍as (_hi_ and _as_ separated; _i_ with strong

  =Drop= (of water; or v), chä̍hs.

  =Drown= (v; be drowned), nachpáhka-nacksá.

  =Drum= (n), biddá-charriki (the whole very short).

  =Dry= (adj), u̍hsiss (_siss_ short).

  =Dumb=, idä̍htas.

  =Dung=, pä̍hri (_ri_ very short).

  =Dust=, abá.

  =Ear=, achpá (_pa_ very short).

  =Ear-ornament=, wa-achpóhksche (_o_ very full; _e_ ½).

  =Early=, a̍ntarähts (_an_ French; _tarahts_ low, especially

  =Earth=, auá (strong emphasis on _a_; _a_ and _u_ separated,
    almost like _awa_).

  =Egg= (of a bird), sakkáh-karáhka; or sakkáh-kanáhka.

  =Elbow=, ischpachä̍.

  =Empty= (adj), wa-aúscha-rä̍hschi̍s (_au_ together).

  =Enemy=, mah-ehá (_e_ almost like _i_).

  =Englishman=, Waschi̍-pachsi̍ttako (_sittako_ very short).

  =Enough=, kochk-kats (_k_ half modulated; _kats_ low; the whole
    run together).

  =Entangle=, (v; involve), chachaodi̍ss.

  =Entertain= (v), sakkii̍uahs.

  =Even= (flat), arusuchka.

  =Evening=, o̍hksies (_o_ full; _sies_ distinctly pronounced; _e_

  =Everywhere=, chakáhäta.

  =Exchange= (v; or mistake), koatóhk-madiäsisch-eschiwáhwarähs
    (_o_ full; _i_ and _a_ separated; _i_ with emphasis; _a_ ½).

  =Expectorate= (v; vomit), aruschúha (final _a_ short).

  =Eye=, ischtá.

  =Eye-ball=, ischtárusche-pischa (_e_ ½).

  =Eye-lash=, ischách-pi.

  =Eyelid=, ischtarach-pé.

  =Face= (sight), jïtá.

  =Fade= (v; wither), chéhdis (_cheh_ with strong emphasis; _dis_
    short and low).

  =Fail= (v; miss a shot), dachkisi̍ss.

  =Fall= (v), patthiss.

  =Fall= (v; of the leaves), beréhpehahsi̍ss (second _e_ ½).

  =Fan= (of feathers), o̍hhiddi-ächkidda-kóhdi (_iddi_ and _idda_
    very short).

  =Far= (distant), téh-i-schiss (run together).

  =Far= (distant), téh-schiss.

  =Fat= (stout), schuwi̍ (_wi_ very short and with strong emphasis).

  =Father=, a̍htuch (_ah_ nasal).

  =Feather=, maïs-chóhki (the whole pronounced together).

  =Female= (of animals), wuü̍chka.

  =Festival= (corn festival), wah-rui̍kohke (_u_ and _i_ separated;
    _e_ distinctly pronounced; the whole run together).

  =Fin=, wóa-éschu (_schu_ short).

  =Find= (v), óhrapiss (_o_ full; _piss_ indistinct and low).

  =Finger=, maschákke-arussáwi (_e_ ½).

  =Finger= (fore), mati̍-wa-óhwi (_waohwi_ together).

  =Finger= (little), maschákke-káhscha (_a_ only ½, almost like

  =Finger= (middle), maschákke-eruhaski (the whole very short and
    run together).

  =Finger= (third), maschákke-náhschidasche (_e_ ½); i.e., the
    finger without a name.

  =Fire=, bidá-a (_da-a_ short and explosive).

  =Fire-brand=, bida-assá (_assa_ short and explosive).

  =Fish= (n), buá (_a_ with strong emphasis and rather full, like

  =Fish (v), wóhrak-schi̍ass (_ass_ like _att_ and indistinct=).

  =Fish= (v; catch fish), wóhrak-schi̍es (_es_ together; and
    distinctly pronounced).

  =Fish-hook=, woh-ich-tikúhe (pronounced together).

  =Fist=, scháhki-waóhpa-kichkähs (_ich_ German, with the point of
    the tongue; the whole run together).

  =Flame=, bi̍da-adaä̍ëchi (_e_ ½).

  =Flat=, súhchkas.

  =Flatter= (v), saráhki-páhchus (_ki_ and _us_ lower in tone).

  =Flee= (v; escape), karáhs (_s_ barely audible).

  =Flesh=, erúkschitti (short; _schitti_ short and low).

  =Flint=, o̍wassa-widuchá.

  =Flood= (v; overflow), biddi-uhahahs.

  =Foam=, biddi-puchä̍ (_biddi_ short).

  =Fog=, nakahotä̍.

  =Force= (v; compel), issi̍h-achkehs (the whole short, indistinct,
    and run together).

  =Forehead=, ih-chi̍.

  =Forest=, bi̍dda-wahukáh.

  =Forget= (v), uichkaráhchischess.

  =Foot=, ittsi̍ (_si_ very short).

  =Foot-path=, adii̍h (_a_ short).

  =Free=, arrudi̍tass (_di_ accented; _tass_ sinks in tone).

  =Freeze= (v), maruchán-kapan (_an_ French; _kapan_ indistinct and

  =Frenchman=, Uaschi̍, or Waschi̍.

  =Friend=, marakoá (_koa_ short).

  =Frost= (hoar frost), macháurakiss (_au_ together).

  =Full=, ma-ássiss.

  =Full-moon=, wáhch-kubbedi̍h-áhchkakóhri (_ri_ pronounced lower).

  =Fully=, a̍otti (_a_ and _o_ separated; _ti_ low and short).

  =Gay-colored= (variegated), pohji̍ss (_j_ French).

  =Go= (v), dähts (indistinct and low at the end).

  =God= (lord of life), ehsich-kawáh-hiddisch (_hiddisch_ without
    accent or emphasis and low; _ich_ German and not guttural).[259]

  =Good=, sakki̍ss (_kiss_ very short; _ss_ barely audible).

  =Grandson=, matauapi̍scha.

  =Grape-vine=, bi̍dda-páheri (_pah_ together; _e_ ½; _ri_ short).

  =Grass=, miká (_mi_ very short; _ka_ strong explosive).

  =Gray=, sáotta.

  =Gray-haired=, arrahascheháh-attakits (_e_ ½; _its_ low; the
    whole short).

  =Great=, hatskits (low).

  =Green=, maëilö̍üichka (_ich_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Ground=, same word as for earth.

  =Gums=, ihch-schá-arúh-idú (last four syllables run together;
    _idu_ very short).

  =Gun=, o̍hwa-tsawirúcha (second word short and low); rifle,
    a̍rruhappissúa (_u_ and _a_ separated).

  =Gut= (intestines), schi̍hpa (_pa_ short).

  =Gut= (v; gut an animal), ehri-hatáhs.

  =Hail= (n), múhkach-pittauï̍ (run together).

  =Hair=, ará (nasal).

  =Half=, súhta (_ta_ short and low).

  =Hand=, waschaki̍.

  =Hard=, sa-su-ki̍ss (_sa_ short; the whole short and run

  =Hate= (v), arre-ä̍-wahs (_arre_ short; _e_ ½; the whole
    pronounced together).

  =Haul= (v; fetch), kiki̍hriss.

  =Head=, ah-tú (_ah_ nasal; _tu_ very short explosive).

  =Headache=, ah-tú-areä (_e_ ½; last word short and indistinct).

  =Hear= (v), ui̍hkikess.

  =Heart=, waratá.

  =Hearty= (stout-hearted), uútahs (_uu_ separated; _s_ somewhat
    like _t_).

  =Heat= (n), sauä̍hs (_a_ and _u_ separated).

  =Heat= (v; inflame), mi̍h-sa-uähs.

  =Heaven= (sky), achpáhchi-tóhä.

  =Heavy=, taksi̍äs (_as_ short; _i_ and _as_ separated; _i_ with

  =Heel=, issä̍hki (_ki_ short).

  =Help= (v), a̍h-pewahais (second word pronounced softly and
    short; _hais_ German, together; _e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Hem= (v; clear one's throat), áhpatsekickschiss (strong emphasis
    on _ah_; _e_ ½).

  =Hide= (v), a-áchoass (_ass_ low; the whole run together).

  =High=, wáhkuss.

  =Hill of the children=, Máh-karistáhti.

  =Hoarse=, erúhschiäs (short and run together; final _s_ distinct).

  =Hole=, máh-arhoppe (_e_ has almost full value).

  =Hollow= (adj), cháhkupiss.

  =Hoof= (cloven), esi̍chpu (_e_ like _i_).

  =Hoop= (of wood), wirrawáh-apé (_ape_ very short; _e_ ½).

  =Hope= (v), ihwati̍ss.

  =Horn=, aaschi̍ (_aa_ separated); or aanschi̍; (_a_ and _an_
    French and separated).

  =Horns=, máhroka-ánschi (_an_ French; second _a_ barely audible).

  =Hot=, sawáis (German; the whole short and run together).

  =House= (lodge), atti̍, (_i_ short).

  =Hunger=, wah-ahri̍tis; i.e., they are all hungry; mari̍htis, I
    am hungry.

  =Hunt= (v), wáhri-iwaráhs (second _i_ barely audible).

  =Hunter=, wáhri-irakurähs (second _i_ barely audible).

  =Hurl= (v; or overthrow), mih-pati̍ss.

  =Hurricane=, hóhsi-ichti̍as (_ich_ German and not guttural; _i_
    with strong accent; _i_ and _a_ separated).

  =I=, mi̍h.

  =Ice=, warúchi.

  =In= (come in), bidä̍ht.

  =Incurable=, arrukischidä̍hset (_dah_ prolonged with emphasis;
    _arru_ short).

  =Indistinct= (of seeing), i-ä̍ss.

  =Interior=, awahuká (_awa_ short).

  =Intoxicate=, waráchapahs.

  =Iron=, u̍hwassa (_sa_ short).

  =Island=, wiritáhä.

  =Itch= (n), chediä̍ss (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Jar= (vessel), biddachá.

  =Jaw=, mara-oróhpa (_o_ full; the whole run together).

  =Joy=, naatássakiss (_aa_ separated).

  =Kernel=, súhwa (_wa_ short).

  =Kindle= (v), arachahähs.

  =Knee=, wachóh-acha (_choh_ together; the whole pronounced

  =Kneel= (v), äschuwissä̍.

  =Knife=, máhtsi.

  =Know= (v), ahchkähs (first _a_ ½, almost like _a_ umlaut).

  =Know= (v; be acquainted with), a̍wachkähs (_kahs_ low and

  =Knuckle= (n), watsi̍-orussáh (short and run together).

  =Lame= (limping), ashkáus (_kaus_ almost like _kohs_).

  =Lament= (v), arra-aki̍wiät; i.e., he weeps from pain.

  =Lance=, bi̍dda-tirutä̍ (last word short).

  =Land=, same word as for earth.

  =Laugh= (v), káhs (German throughout).

  =Lay= (v; lay down), rúhscha (_scha_ short).

  =Leader= (chief), uassä̍-issis.

  =Leaf=, a̍hpa.

  =Lean= (v), ihtáhkachta (_ta_ short).

  =Leap= (v; spring), sich-chi̍ss (_sich_ short; _chiss_ likewise).

  =Left= (adverb), i̍rach-ki̍scha (the whole short; _scha_ short).

  =Lick= (v), náhsipiss.

  =Lie= (v; deceive), wittapáss.

  =Life=, nachkúss.

  =Lift= (v), dóhkiss (rather indistinct).

  =Light= (v), awachath-hähs (run together).

  =Light (nimble=), dagóchtiss (_go_ German guttural).

  =Lightning=, karichkáhs (_ich_ hissed as in German and not

  =Like= (v), kiráschiss.

  =Lip=, i̍hdä-ätá (_ta_ short).

  =Little=, kohsch-táss (_o_ full).

  =Long=, háski; this word was undoubtedly borrowed from the

  =Loose= (of clothes), ichti̍ass (_ich_ German, with the point of
    the tongue; _i_ with emphasis and separated from _ass_).

  =Maiden=, bi̍h-akáhsa (final _a_ ½); they also use akáhscha for

  =Maize=, kóhchatä (_o_ full); this word was certainly borrowed
    from the Mandans.

  =Man=, matséh, or matsä̍h.

  =Man= (human being), massä̍, or matsä̍h.

  =Meal= (eat?), babuti̍ss.

  =Medicine=, chupáhs (_ch_ guttural).

  =Medicine-feast=, mah-chupáh-ääs.

  =Medicine-feast= (the Okippe of the Mandans), akupéhri (_ku_ very
    short; _ri_ short and with the point of the tongue).

  =Medicine-lodge=, atechupáhs.

  =Medicine-man=, madséh-akuchupáhs.

  =Medicine-stone=, wi̍hdä-katachi̍ (_da_ and _chi_ very short).

  =Melt= (v), suki̍ss.

  =Messenger=, dáchkahts (_a_ peculiarly modulated).

  =Milk= (n), ma-áhtsi-biddi̍ (short and run together; _biddi_ very

  =Mirror=, ma-ich-ki̍h-ka (_ich_ with the point of the tongue;
    _ka_ short).

  =Mistake= (v; lose one's way), wachkaráhchisschess (_schess_ low
    and soft).

  =Moon=, wáhch-kubbedi̍h (the whole short and run togeher; _e_ ½).

  =Moonshine=, wáhch-kubbedi̍h-sihsah (_sah_ lowered).

  =Morning=, kirahkutá (_ta_ short).

  =Mother=, ächká (_ach_ not guttural, but _ch_ hissed).

  =Mountain=, awacháüi (the whole together).

  =Mouth=, bi̍h.

  =Much=, ahúss.

  =Murder= (v; kill), tawahs (_wa_ like _ua_).

  =Music= (beat the drum), wi̍rrachárriki (the whole short).

  =My=, watawá.

  =Nail= (on the hand), wascháckächpú.

  =Nail= (on the foot), wassi̍chpu.

  =Naked=, widdi-bikkikoáejes (_e_ ½; _a_ and _e_ separated; _je_
    French; _s_ ½).

  =Name=, náhji (_nah_ with emphasis; _ji_ French, low and short).

  =Nape= (of the neck), machpóh-ottä (together; _otta_ short).

  =Narrow=, kari̍schtass (_ss_ indistinct).

  =Navel=, watarächpá.

  =Neck= (throat), a̍hperu (_peru_ very short).

  =Negro=, waschi̍h (or uaschih)-ischüpi̍scha.

  =Nest= (of bird), ichki̍schi (_schi_ short).

  =Nettle= (n), wáh-ächáhke (_e_ ½).

  =New=, hiddáhs (short, _s_ low).

  =New-moon=, wáhch-kubbedi̍h-kiddahi̍ss.

  =Night=, aúk-sïe (_auk_ together, with emphasis; _u_ somewhat
    like _i_; _si_ together; _e_ ½, separated and somewhat like

  =Noon=, widdiwáh-péirapi (_pei_ together and shrill; the whole
    short and rapid); i.e., the sun is in the middle.

  =Nose=, apá (short).

  =Nostril=, apáre-hopö̍ (_e_ ½; the whole short).

  =Not= (no), dä̍hsches (_e_ ½; _s_ soft).

  =Old=, chiäs (_as_ soft and low).

  =Old man=, itháka-chiäs.

  =Old woman=, káhru-chiäs.

  =Oldest= (the oldest), akouáh-ichti̍äs (_o_ and _u_ separated;
    _ch_ guttural; _ti_ together; _as_ together).

  =On the other side=, tsóo-ka (_ka_ lowers in tone, short; _oo_
    somewhat separated).

  =On the other side of the hill=, awa-itá-sohqua (_qua_ together).

  =Outside= (without), atáhjikua (_ji_ French; _kua_ together).

  =Over=, máh-kuka (run together).

  =Oversleep= (v; neglect by sleeping), hä̍ddauitti̍äs (_ti_ and
    _as_ separated, _ti_ with emphasis).

  =Pain= (n), hädú-ade-ä̍ss (_e_ ½; strong emphasis on _ass_; the
    whole run together).

  =Paint= (v), warahk-hiriss.

  =Pair=, rúhpassa (_passa_ low and short).

  =Palate= (roof of the mouth), nóotisch-karuscháscha (_oo_
    separated and full; _karuschascha_ short; _scha_ sinks in tone).

  =Pardon= (v; forgive), kirä̍h-schachkähs (run together).

  =Partizan= (leader of a war party), akuri̍hdi (_di_ short).

  =Past= (over; go past), eischiss (_ei_ very shrill, with the
    point of the tongue, with strong emphasis).

  =Peace=, make-itteruchpahk-hatsch (_e_ ½; _hatsch_ low and
    indistinct, like _hahts_).

  =People= (men, folk), ruchpáhga (_ga_ German guttural).

  =Pinch= (v; to carouse?), wirúskapis (_pis_ distinctly

  =Pipe= (tobacco-pipe), éikipi (_ei_ very shrill, almost like _i_
    and with strong accent; _kipi_ low and short).

  =Plant= (v), awa-áuschess (_au_ together).

  =Play= (v), bidáchatichke (_ich_ German, with the point of the
    tongue; _e_ ½).

  =Pluck= (v; feathers), i̍hruketiss (_e_ ½).

  =Pointed=, apsáss.

  =Polish= (v; adorn), ächkikschi̍ss.

  =Pond= (or pool), bi̍ddicha-kúp-hä.

  =Pouch= (for ammunition), beädse-i̍schi (_e_ distinctly

  =Pouch= (painted, of leather), wákiischi (run together).

  =Pouch= (of leather), wassitó-üschi.

  =Powder= (gun-powder), birá-sipa.

  =Prairie=, ama-awesuchka (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Pregnant=, äcdichti̍äs (_i_ with emphasis; _i_ and _as_

  =Press= (v), sasuck-hähs (run together).

  =Press out= (v; express?), núhbiris.

  =Pretty=, sacki̍chtiss (_ich_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Prick= (v; or sting), mah-aráchpüwiss.

  =Prisoner=, náhkehäs (_e_ ½).

  =Proud=, ichóa-ischi-saki̍ssas (_o_ and _a_ separated; _ischi_

  =Pulse=, dúschi-schi̍äs (_i_ with strong accent; _i_ and _as_

  =Push= (v; thrust), páki-di̍äs (_di_ and _as_ separated; the
    whole run together).

  =Quarrel= (v; fight), aúk-schass-hähs (_auk_ with strong
    emphasis; the whole run together).

  =Quarter= (of the moon), wáhchkubbedi̍h-erúschkapiss.

  =Quick=, hih-itats (run together; _tats_ low; the whole short).

  =Quiver=, arúhtischa-i̍schi.

  =Rain= (v), charä̍hs.

  =Rainbow=, bi̍ddi-apóka; i.e., the cap of the water.

  =Rattle= (sysyquoy, gourd rattle), éi-poh-chä (_ei_ like _ai_,
    together; a loud, shrill fore-tone).

  =Reconcile= (v), make-ikáh-as (_e_ ½; the whole pronounced

  =Red=, heischi̍ss (_hei_ together and pronounced very shrilly
    with the point of the tongue).

  =Refuse= (v; deny), e-ischi̍-arähs (the whole run together);
    i.e., I will not.

  =Rib=, wirrúh-tirrú (the whole very short).

  =Ring= (v), tawóes (_o_ and _e_ separated; _es_ together and ½).

  =Ripe= (of fruit), a̍otiss (_ao_ separated; the whole short and
    run together).

  =River=, a̍nji-ischti̍äss (first _i_ often silent; _j_ French).

  =Roast= (v; or n), wahweriti̍ (_e_ ½).

  =Rock= (cliff), bi-hách-pa (_hach_ guttural, yet almost like

  =Root=, äscháhwichkä (_wich_ German, with the point of the

  =Rot= (v), karä̍hs.

  =Rotten= (lazy), nah-ta-chéh-piss.

  =Row= (v; paddle), wáh-tirachóhke (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Run= (v), tiriä̍s (_s_ very low and barely audible).

  =Saddle= (for a horse), matanáh-chukchä-rubidá.

  =Sand=, póhcha-ka (_ka_ short).

  =Scaffold= (for the dead), mánsachti (_man_ French, long; _ti_
    very short).

  =Scalp= (n), biddarú (_ru_ with the point of the tongue, short,
    and soft).

  =Scalp= (v), addadúhs.

  =Scar=, oh-áttass.

  =Scratch= (v), rúchkapiss.

  =Scream= (v), saski̍ss.

  =Sea=, bi̍ddi-akichti̍a (_biddi_ very short; first _a_ barely
    audible; _ti_ and _a_ separated).

  =Secret= (adj), a-achóas (together; _as_ ½ and low).

  =See= (v), i̍kahs.

  =Seize= (v; attack), wapach-ti̍siss.

  =Shade= (shadow), arru-oͣhkse (_e_ ½; _o_ between _a_ and _o_).

  =Shake= (v; rock), chakáhrachkuss.

  =Shallow= (water), biddi-chä̍hpis.

  =Sharp= (keen), apsáss (second _a_ modulated).

  =Shield= (pare-flèche), widáhki (_ki_ short).

  =Shin= (shin-bone), wassóhpa (_pa_ short).

  =Shiver= (v; with cold), wi̍htarichtiss (_ich_ German, with the
    point of the tongue).

  =Shoot= (with a bow), bi̍dda-arúhschischa-iwáhre-i̍ss (_e_ ½).

  =Shoot= (with a gun), o̍hwassabérucha-ihwáhre-i̍ss (_e_ ½).

  =Shooting-star=, ichkaró-han-kar-ä̍hs (_ich_ German, with the
    point of the tongue; _an_ French; the whole run together).

  =Shore= (bank), biddi-däh-tadu; (first and last words very short).

  =Short=, párruwi (short and rapidly pronounced).

  =Shoulder=, ah-tirú (_tiru_ very short).

  =Show= (v; instruct in a matter), kikúhs-ki̍ss (short and run

  =Sick=, ächurä̍hs (_u_ and _a_ separated).

  =Side=, itá-sú (_su_ very short).

  =Sigh= (v), idi̍ahiss (_di_ and _a_ separated; emphasis on _i_).

  =Sing= (v), mah-páh-hiss.

  =Sister=, ittawi̍a (first _i_ barely audible; _i_ and _a_
    separated, emphasis on _i_ not very strong).

  =Sit= (v), amáhgis (_mah_ very long; _gis_ German guttural).

  =Skin= (hide of animal), dachpi̍.

  =Sledge=, bi̍dda-wa-ádussadua (the whole run together; the last
    word indistinct and short).

  =Sleep= (v), hi̍ddawiss, or heidabi̍ss (_hei_ shrill, with the
    point of the tongue).

  =Slow=, hóp-ha (_ha_ short).

  =Small=, kari̍schta.

  =Smell= (v; sniff, scent), wúhpiss.

  =Smoke= (n), pi-ä̍hs.

  =Smoke= (v; tobacco), aúpe-hihs (_ua_ together; _e_ ½).

  =Smooth=, a̍h-atats (run together).

  =Snarl= (v; growl), eháhte (final _e_ distinctly pronounced;
    first _e_ short).

  =Sneeze= (v), mahhachpi̍ss.

  =Snore= (v), appatáhchis.

  =Snow= (n), máh-a (short and run together).

  =Sole= (of the foot), ittsi̍-wahú (_wahu_ very short).

  =Son=, idischá.

  =Sore-throat=, a̍hperu-arreä̍ss (first _e_ distinctly pronounced;
    last word very short).

  =Spark= (n), bi̍dda-alánka (_bidda_ very short; _an_ French;
    _lan_ prolonged).

  =Speak= (v), i̍ddähs.

  =Speech= (language), máh-arúhdä (run together).

  =Spirits= (distilled), widi̍h-araüi.

  =Spittle=, arukschuá (strong accent on _a_).

  =Split= (v; wood), bi̍dda-kiriki.

  =Spring= (the season), ama-arä̍hs (run together).

  =Spring= (source), mahá.

  =Spy= (v; listen), achkochä-ruktahs.

  =Squint= (v), ischtä̍rruchtahs.

  =Star=, ichká (_ich_ German, with the point of the tongue; _ka_

  =Start= (v; start game), kárahäs.

  =Steep=, nacháppäischass (_a_ and _i_ somewhat separated).

  =Step-father=, same word as for father.

  =Step-mother=, same word as for mother.

  =Stick= (n), bidda-káhscha (_scha_ short).

  =Stifle= (v; choke, repress), dút-hapiss.

  =Still=, há-chä-hi-schi̍ss (pronounced together).

  =Stinginess=, márachzats (_zats_ low and indistinct; the whole

  =Stomach=, bi̍hwaki (_bi_ with stronger accent; _i_ short; _waki_
    sinks in tone).

  =Stone= (n), bih-i̍ (_i_ very short and explosive).

  =Stop= (v; stop up), kipáhtakiss.

  =Storm= (n), maapischi̍a (_aa_ separated; final _a_ short and

  =Straight=, zawóchtsitz (_tsitz_ low).

  =Strike= (v), niki̍ss.

  =Strong=, iss-hi̍h-äs (run together; strong emphasis on _hih_;
    _as_ very short and low).

  =Stump=, schohkiss (_o_ full and long).

  =Stupid=, wahruchtahs.

  =Summer=, abba-adä̍hs (_abba_ very short).

  =Sun=, maápi-widdi̍ (_aa_ separated).

  =Sunrise=, widdi̍-atä̍hs (_widdi_ very short).

  =Sunset=, widdi̍-eihwachpiss (_ei_ shrill; pronounced together as
    in German).

  =Swallow= (v; choke), dáh-aschúhtis.

  =Swamp=, biddichti̍a-karä̍hs (_i_ with strong emphasis; _ti_ and
    _a_ separated).

  =Sweat= (v), sabähs.

  =Sweat-medicine=, bih-óh-aku-es (the whole short and run
    together; _oh_ with strong accent; _akues_ sinks in tone; _es_
    short and low).

  =Sweep= (v; clean), maschi̍-arachahs.

  =Sweet=, si-kóh-as (_si_ and _as_ short).

  =Swim= (v), biddi-di̍hris (_biddi_ very short; the whole run

  =Swollen= (swell), póh-ats (_ats_ very soft and low).

  =Tail= (of a bird), i̍hpi.

  =Tail= (of a quadruped), si̍hta (second _i_ barely audible; _ta_
    short; _sih_ long).

  =Tattooing= (n), arukpi̍ (_pi_ with strong emphasis and very

  =Teach= (v), kikúhs-ki̍ (_ki_ very short, explosive).

  =Tear= (v; tear or break to pieces), duuchä̍hschis (_uu_
    separated; _schis_ low).

  =Tear out= (v), rúhkitiss.

  =Tears=, istá-biddi-huhs (short and run together).

  =Teeth=, ihch-schá (_ihch_ German, with the point of the tongue;
    _scha_ short and explosive).

  =Testicle=, a̍hschuka (_ka_ short).

  =There=, hidóhs.

  =Thick= (stout), ichti̍häs (_tih_ together).

  =Thin=, chahpis.

  =Thorn=, wah-apsáh.

  =Throat=, nóhtischka (_ka_ short).

  =Thumb=, scháhkitta, or mascháktá (_ta_ very short).

  =Thunder=, tachúrakiss.

  =Tickle= (v), wihscheschúkhäs (_e_ ½; _has_ soft and modulated).

  =Tie= (v; fasten), warut-hiss (run together).

  =Tinder-box=, bi̍discha (_scha_ short).

  =Tobacco=, aópi (_ao_ somewhat separated; _pi_ short).

  =Tobacco-pouch=, áopischi.

  =Toe=, ittsikansa (_an_ French, and prolonged; _sa_ short).

  =To-morrow=, a̍htaruck.

  =Tongue=, däh-eschi (_dah_ with strong emphasis, _e_ ½; and
    short; _eschi_ short; the whole run together).

  =Toothache=, ihch-schá-adä̍hs.

  =Top= (summit), awa-áhguka (_awa_ nasal; _gu_ guttural; _guka_

  =Toughness=, erúhpupiss.

  =Track= (of an animal), etsitti̍.

  =Trade= (n), maschaki̍ (_i_ short).

  =Trader=, akuwa-éh-hu (_kuwa_ and _hu_ short).

  =Tree=, widá (_da_ short and with emphasis), or bida.

  =Tremble= (v), tadichti̍ss (_ich_ German, with the point of the

  =True=, káh-tähs.

  =Ugly=, i-schi̍-äs (run together).

  =Unmarried=, u̍h-arä̍hschis; i.e., he has no wife.

  =Unripe=, sáhs (nasal).

  =Until= (unto), arudähs.

  =Urine=, wä-ä̍h-chiss (_chiss_ guttural, short, and low).

  =Valley=, arúcha-kupi̍ (_pi_ short).

  =Vein= (artery), akáhscha.

  =Village=, awati̍ (_ti_ short).

  =Void= (adj; stale; or cool, moderate), wi̍htau-auschirähsches
    (_wih_ with emphasis; _au_ together).

  =Wait= (v; await), áh-kuch-takahs (_ah_ nasal, with strong

  =War=, matauáh-ehá (_e_ ½; _aua_ has each vowel separated); i.e.,
    they are my enemies.

  =War-club= (casse-tête; with the iron point), bi̍dda-i̍hktärrä
    (_tarra_ very short; _bidda_ likewise), or bi̍dda-aspapsá.

  =War-club= (of stone covered with leather), biï̍-dakútse (_bii_
    very short; _e_ ½), or wa-óh-upake (_e_ distinctly pronounced;
    the whole run together).

  =War-club= (of wood with knots), bi̍dda-pahuachi (the whole

  =War-whistle=, i̍h-akóhschi (short).

  =War-whoop=, i̍h-kiriki̍ss.

  =Warmth=, same word as for warm.

  =Warrior=, wassaréhrickschack.

  =Wash= (v), kiruski̍schis.

  =Water=, biddi̍, or bidi̍.

  =Weary=, wahr-häkatis (the whole run together).

  =Weather= (it is good weather), wáhpe-saki̍ss (_e_ ½, almost like

  =Weep= (v), éhwüass (_eh_ with strong emphasis).

  =Wet=, scharä̍hs.

  =What? how?= toháhsi (nasal).

  =Whip=, mata-i̍hki.

  =Whirlpool=, bi̍ddi-arúhwiddi (_widdi_ very short; likewise

  =Whirlwind=, hoh-si-paruwi̍ (_wi_ short).

  =Whistle= (or flute), bi̍dda-kóhotse (_o_ full; _ot_ short; _e_

  =Whistle=, (v; or pipe), i̍h-akóhsche (_a_ barely audible; _e_ ½).

  =White=, ächóhtakiss (_o_ full; _takiss_ short).

  =Whole=, chákahä-tan (_an_ French).

  =Widow=, there is no corresponding word.

  =Wind= (n), hoh-si̍ (_si_ short).

  =Wind= (v; of game), mah-wóh-piss.

  =Wing= (n), ächpá (_pa_ very short).

  =Winter=, má-arahts.

  =Woman= (wife), bi̍a (_a_ subdued).

  =Wood=, biddá, bidá, or widá.

  =Work= (v), wah-hid-a̍hch-kuss (German).

  =Wound= (n), oh-átta (_ta_ short).

  =Wound= (v), uh-uss.

  =Wrap up= (v), wah-ipúh-wiss.

  =Wrinkle= (n, or adj; wrinkled), chi̍hpiss.

  =Turn= (v; twist), wipatáh-üiss (run together).

  =Turn back= (v; return), kiwi-achkúhs (run together).

  =Yawn= (v), büidahts (_u_ and _i_ separated; the whole

  =Year=, máh-ara (the whole run together; _ara_ very short).

  =Yellow=, zi̍hdits (_dits_ very low).

  =Yes=, äi̍ (together; a shrill sound).

  =Young=, they say small.

_Clothing and Ornaments_

  =Bracelets of metal=, itråuwassa (_sa_ short; the whole short).

  =Breechcloth=, edde̍-ipschake (_edde_ very short; _e_ distinctly

  =Buffalo robe=, waschi̍.

  =Buffalo robe= (painted), waschi̍-i̍rutsicki.

  =Girdle= (belt), ma-i-páschagih (_gih_ guttural).

  =Gloves= (or mittens), chu-ti̍ (_ti_ short and explosive).

  =Hair-ornament= (flat ornament for the back of the head),
    arraúhwassa (_arra_ with the point of the tongue; in last word
    _a_ is only ½).

  =Hair-ornament= (on the temples), ächidúhwassa.

  =Head-dress= (feather crown), wahaschu-lakukárahä.

  =Leather-shirt=, wacháhpi-wa-itóhchi.

  =Leggings=, wacháhpi-hu-psi̍h.

  =Moccasins=, huupá (_uu_ somewhat separated).

  =Necklace of bear's claws=, lachpitzi̍-sichpo-ahpöä (run


  =Ash=, wüschpá.

  =Poplar=, máhchku.

  =Prairie turnip= (pomme blanche, psoralea esculenta), ahi̍.

  =Reed= (arundo), wüskapa-ah.

  =Willow= (salix), bi̍dda-hahsi̍ (_si_ very short).


  =Antelope= (cabri̍), u̍hchi; or o̍hchiki̍hdapi (_dapi_ short).

  =Badger=, amakáh.

  =Bat=, äschuattischi̍a (short).

  =Bear= (black), haschidá.

  =Bear= (grizzly), lachpitzi̍.

  =Beaver=, wi̍rapa.

  =Bighorn=, ansichti̍a (_ti_ and _a_ separated; strong emphasis on
    _ti_; first _i_ barely audible).

  =Buffalo=, witä̍.

  =Buffalo= (bull), ki̍hrapi (_pi_ short).

  =Buffalo= (calf), nahksi̍hdi.

  =Buffalo= (cow), üichti̍a (_ich_ with the point of the tongue,
    German; _i_ and _a_ separated).

  =Crane= (gray), api̍ssa.

  =Crane=, (white), api̍ssa-tocki (_tocki_ lower and short).

  =Crow=, a̍hrischa (_scha_ short).

  =Deer= (black-tailed), si̍h-tschüpischa.

  =Deer= (common; general term), si̍h-tatacke (_e_ distinctly

  =Deer= (stag or buck), si̍h-tatacke-ki̍hrape (_e_ distinctly
    pronounced); the doe, si̍h-tatackte-mi̍chka (_ich_ German, with
    the point of the tongue).

  =Dog=, maschúkka.

  =Duck=, mi̍hchahka.

  =Eagle= (war eagle), mah-eschó (_e_ short).

  =Fox= (black), éhchokuschi-sü̍pischa.

  =Fox= (cross-fox), éhchokuschi-cháchi.

  =Fox= (gray), éhchokuschi-sáotta.

  =Fox= (prairie), éhchochka.

  =Fox= (red), éhchokuschi.

  =Gopher= (arctomys hoodii), dáhksassi (_sassi_ even and without

  =Hare= (white), i̍htaki.

  =Hedge-hog=, apäh-dii (run together; _dii_ slightly separated,
    almost like _di_).

  =Horse=, eisóh-waschukka (_ei_ very shrill, with the tongue;
    second word very short).

  =Horse= (young), éhsu-wassucka-náhnka (some pronounced first word
    _ehsu_, others _eisoh_).

  =Lizard=, wahkachpa.

  =Lynx= (wildcat), si̍h-ta-chahe (_sih_ with strong accent; _e_ ½;
    the whole run together).

  =Magpie= (pica), i̍h-pe (_ih_ with strong emphasis; _e_ ½).

  =Mink=, dacksúa (_u_ with strong emphasis; _u_ and _a_ separated).

  =Mole=, appa-apsá.

  =Mole= (gopher), kippapúhdi.

  =Moose= (orignal), apatapá.

  =Mouse=, éhtaho (_taho_ low and short; _eh_ with strong emphasis).

  =Mule=, achichtia (_ich_ German, with the point of the tongue).

  =Muskrat=, zi̍h-zirúkka (strong accent on _zih_).

  =Nighthawk= (goatsucker, caprimulgidae), péhriska, or pä̍hriska.

  =Otter=, bi̍dda-póhkä.

  =Owl=, etáh-kupä̍.

  =Owl= (German uhu, strix bubo; western horned owl?), itáhkupä.

  =Panther=, itupáh-ächti̍a (_ach_ with the point of the tongue;
    _i_ and _a_ separated; _i_ with strong emphasis).

  =Pigeon= (great), máh-adach-kakichti̍a.

  =Prairie-dog=, sihchpá.

  =Prairie-hen=, sihská.

  =Rabbit=, i̍htach-schüpi̍scha.

  =Raccoon=, si̍h-tachächä (_sih_ with strong emphasis).

  =Rat= (common, or house rat), ä̍hta-hichti̍a (_ti_ with strong
    accent, and separated from _a_).

  =Rat= (wood rat), ai̍hta-hiti̍a (_ti_ and _a_ separated; _i_ with

  =Skunk=, chúchkä.

  =Snake=, mapúckscha (_scha_ short).

  =Snake= (rattle-snake), arrussidi̍awattú (the whole very short;
    _i_ and _a_ separated; _i_ with strong accent).

  =Swan=, dúhwisch-scha (the whole run together; _duh_ long and
    with emphasis; _sch_ very short).

  =Toad=, schánke-káhru (_an_ French; _e_ ½; likewise _u_).

  =Troupial= (red-shouldered), ichpáhka-hischi̍.

  =Turkey= (wild), sihs-kichti̍a (run together; _ich_ with the
    point of the tongue; _ti_ and _a_ separated).

  =Turtle=, wattáchä.

  =Waxwing= (bombycilla), máhsi-pi̍schakurúhti.

  =Weasel= (stoat), o̍hsisa (_oh_ with special emphasis and force).

  =Wolf= (black), sä̍h-tschüpischá.

  =Wolf= (gray), sä̍hscha (_scha_ short).

  =Wolf= (prairie), bóh-sa (_boh_ long and full; _sa_ very short).

  =Wolf= (white), sä̍hsch-attácki.

  =Wolverene= (gulo), eh-tupáh.

  =Woodpecker=, toschká.

_Names of Tribes_

  =Arrapahos=, I̍ta-i̍ddi.

  =Arrikkaras=, Arakárahu.

  =Assiniboins=, Haduschi̍h-idi (run together; _idi_ short).

  =Blackfeet=, Issi-schüpi̍scha.

  =Chayennes=, Itáh-ischipáhji (first _i_ very short; the whole
    short and low).

  =Crows= (general term), Haideróhka.

  =Crows= (the one band), Gi̍hchaitsá; i.e., the fighters for the

  =Crows= (the other band), Haideróhke; i.e., those who dwell in
    the middle.

  =Dacota=, Schaónni.

  =Grosventres of the Prairie=, Eirichti̍-aruchpáhga (_ei_
    together; _tih_ with emphasis; the whole short).

  =Krihs=, Schahi̍.

  =Mandans= (inhabitants of Mihtutta-hangkusch), Awatirátácka
    (_tacka_ short).

  =Mandans= (inhabitants of Ruhptare), A̍wa-ichpawati̍ (_awa_ very
    short; _ich_ with the point of the tongue; _pawati_ short; _ti_
    very short).

  =Pahnis=, Sä̍jeruchpaga (_j_ French; _ga_ guttural).

_Names of Rivers_

  =Grand=, Birridsipáhji (_ji_ French).

  =Heart=, Nah-táh-schi (_schi_ short).

  =Knife=, Maëttseruáhji (_e_ ½; _ji_ French).

  =Missouri=, Amáhti (_ti_ short).

  =Muscleshell=, Mató-káhsi (_o_ full; _si_ low and short).

  =Teton=, Bi̍ddi-schu-wah-áhji.

  =Upper Little Missouri=, Amáhtikasche (_mah_ nasal; _e_ ½; _sche_

  =White=, Biddi-attakáhsi, or Aúkatakáhsch.

  =White earth=, O̍h-katakáhsi (_si_ barely audible).

  =Yellowstone=, Wi̍sih-dáschi.


  =One=, nowassá (low).

  =Two=, dúupa (_uu_ separated); usually pronounced rúhpa.

  =Three=, náhwi (_wi_ very short).

  =Four=, tohpá (_o_ full; _pa_ short and explosive).

  =Five=, kechú (_e_ distinctly pronounced; _u_ short and

  =Six=, akahuá (_kah_ long; _wa_ together and short).

  =Seven=, scháchpu.

  =Eight=, dúhpachpi (_pi_ short).

  =Nine=, nowássachpi (_pi_ short).

  =Ten=, piraká.

  =Twenty=, dúchpa-pirakas (_as_ low).

  =Thirty=, dá-wi̍a-pi̍raka.

  =Forty=, tochpáh-pi̍raka.

  =Fifty=, kechóa-pi̍raka.

  =Hundred=, pirikchti̍a (_ti_ together and with strong accent;
    _ti_ and _a_ separated).

  =Two-hundred=, pirikichtia-rúhpa.

  =Thousand=, pirakichti̍a-achkakóhri.

  =I eat=, mah-woh-tü̍wiss (_tuwiss_ very short).

  =You eat=, máh-raruti.

  =He eats=, mah-aruti̍ss.

  =We eat=, máh-woh-tüwihas (final word short).

  =They eat=, máh-ruta-áss (_ruta-ass_ pronounced together).


[258] Written from the pronunciation of the Indians themselves,
especially that of the old chief, Addi̍h-Hi̍ddisch, and with the help
of the Mandans who best understood the language. Where no exception is
noted, _ch_ always has the guttural sound; _r_ is always spoken with
the point of the tongue. Gallatin says that the Minnitarris consist
of three tribes, of which two are the Mandans and Annahaways. I have
already refuted this statement; besides, the Mandans themselves say
that they had nothing in common with the Minnitarris, and that their
language was utterly different when they came together; in the case
of the Annahaways the statement is equally unfounded, for I could not
even find this term, which no one recognized. I have already said that
the Minnitarris are a branch of the Crows. These Indians, as well
as the Mandans, have not moved their village for many years; they
are, moreover, quite safe in them, for Indians do not usually attack
fortified places, especially since the two tribes together can at any
time put six hundred warriors into the field. Neither did I find among
these Indians unusually light complexions nor blue eyes; they do not
differ in this respect from the other Indians of the Missouri valley.
The legend, likewise, that the Minnitarris are a white race, descended
from the Welsh, has just as little foundation, as Gallatin has already
shown (_ibid._, p. 125). Gallatin's words from the Minnitarri language
are not correctly written, doubtless through the fault of incompetent

_Comment by Ed._ See, for the Ahnahaway, our volume xxii, p. 350, note

[259] God is said by some to be called _manhopa_ in this language; but
this term was never mentioned to me, and is, therefore, without doubt,

MUSQUAKE, or Fox[260]

  =Arm=, neneck.

  =Arrow=, onué.

  =Beard=, nemisstóllakan.

  =Beaver=, amachkuá (_kua_ short; _ach_ guttural).

  =Bell=, katúchtåoal (_uch_ guttural).

  =Black=, machkettauaw (_a_ and _u_ separated).

  =Blanket= (woolen), makunaan.

  =Bow=, matáck.

  =Buffalo=, moskutáck-nallusuá (final _a_ short): i.e., prairie
    cattle; for they call the domesticated ox, nallusuá.

  =Child=, apannó.

  =Cool= (of weather), kesü̍a.

  =Day=, kischek.

  =Devil= (evil spirit), matsché-mánito; often shortened to mallato.

  =Dog=, honémua (_mua_ short and indistinct).

  =Elk=, maschauáwe (_e_ short).

  =Eyes=, naskissako; i.e., my eyes.

  =Fire= (n), ascutä̍.

  =Foot=, nassöt.

  =God= (good spirit), kasché-manité.

  =Green=, askipokáhk.

  =Hair=, minásse; the red hair-ornament or deer's-tail, kateüikúnn.

  =Hand=, nalake (_e_ very short).

  =Head=, uësche (_e_ somewhat short).

  =Heart=, netä̍.

  =Horse=, nákoto-kaschá.

  =Lance= (spear), achtauáll (_ach_ guttural; _a_ and _u_

  =Leader= (chief), hokimaw (_w_ audible, but soft).

  =Leg= (entire), nakátsch.

  =Man=, nini̍.

  =Mouth=, nattóle (_e_ barely audible).

  =Night=, pachkuttáwe.

  =Nose=, nakiuólle (_e_ very short).

  =Otter=, kattatawe (_w_ between _u_ umlaut and _w_; _e_ short).

  =Red=, meschkuáwe.

  =Red-head= (General Clark), Maskata-pate (_e_ short).

  =Sun=, kischés.

  =Sword-lance= (lance with a sword blade), táüan (short).

  =Teeth=, nettóne.

  =Tongue=, ninoni̍ (indistinct).

  =Turkey= (wild), mässesá (_a_ short); or messesá.

  =War-club= (with the iron point), pakakachkó (_ach_ guttural).

  =Warm=, nihoͣs.

  =Water=, nápch (_pch_ almost like German _pich_).

  =White=, wapé; wapé-mallato, the white devil; this was the name
    of the Indian who gave me the words of this vocabulary.

  =Woman= (wife), ikuá; hence the word "squaw."

  =Wood=, mattäque (_que_ pronounced separately; _e_ short).

  =Yellow=, assåuake (_e_ short).

  =Yes=, hehä.


[260] These words were written down from the pronunciation of a
Musquake Indian.--MAXIMILIAN.


  =American= (an), Tschimoh-kuman (_an_ French).

  =Arm=, uni̍ck.

  =Arrow=, uïbmah (_u_ and _i_ separated).

  =Autumn=, tagoagick (_gick_ German).

  =Black=, machkattä̍h-uah (_ach_ guttural).

  =Blind=, kagipin-inquá (_n_ French; _qua_ together).

  =Blood=, miskui̍ (_ui_ separated; the whole short; emphasis on

  =Blue=, machkattä̍-uah.

  =Bone= (bones), ochkánn (_och_ guttural).

  =Bow=, miti̍guap.

  =Brave= (adj), sungedä̍ (_su_ with the point of the tongue); a
    brave man, mangodas.

  =Brook=, sibins (_n_ French; _s_ soft but audible).

  =Brother=, nitschkoé-esin (_esin_ low, short, and indistinct).

  =Child= (boy), kuiuisän (short and run together; second _ui_
    somewhat separated; the whole short; _an_ like French _ain_).

  =Child= (small girl), squasän (_an_ like French _in_).

  =Cloud= (n), anakuä̍tt.

  =Cold= (n), kissi̍nna.

  =Die= (v), nipú (_u_ between _o_ and _u_).

  =Dog=, animúss.

  =Drink= (v), mönnikué.

  =Ear=, otauack (_o_ rather inaudible, short).

  =Earth=, achki̍.

  =Enemy=, boanack, or poanack; i.e., the Sioux, or Dacota.

  =Englishman=, Ságanasch (German throughout).

  =Evening=, onáhkuschink.

  =Eye=, oschki̍njick (_n_ French).

  =Father=, ohsann.

  =Feather=, mikuánn, or miguánn.

  =Fire= (n), schkuttä̍h.

  =Fish= (n), kikon (_on_ French).

  =Flesh=, uiiahs, (_ui_ separated; _iahs_ German).

  =Forehead=, oskattick.

  =Frenchman=, Uämestihóhsch.

  =Friend= (my friend), nsaag-itimih (short and run together);
    i.e., they love each other.

  =Go= (v), pimussä̍h.

  =God=, kijä̍h-mannittá.

  =Good=, onischisching.

  =Great= (tall), ischpigáboë.

  =Green=, squáh.

  =Gun=, pahskejigann (_e_ ½ and short).

  =Hail= (n), sassä̍hgan.

  =Hair=, uïnisiss.

  =Hand=, uninjinn (_j_ French; otherwise German).

  =Head=, uschteguán.

  =Healthy=, nimino-aïá; i.e., I am well.

  =Heart=, otä̍h.

  =Heat=, kijachtä̍ (_j_ French; _ch_ barely audible).

  =Heaven= (clear sky), mischáhkuätt.

  =Horns= (of deer), otäsch-kanann.

  =Horse=, päbäjiko-caji̍.

  =House= (lodge), uïkiuámm.

  =Hunger=, nuiuissinn (_ui_ separated); i.e., I am hungry.

  =Hunt= (v), giussä̍ (_g_ palatal).

  =I=, nin (_in_ soft).

  =Ice=, michkuamm.

  =Knife=, mohkuman (_an_ French).

  =Laugh=, paach-pi̍.

  =Lead= (n), annoin-abick (run together).

  =Leg=, ochkaht.

  =Life=, pühmáhtiss.

  =Lightning=, oahstigann.

  =Man=, hinnini̍.

  =Meal= (or to eat?), uistinnetá (_e_ ½ and short); i.e., let us
    all eat.

  =Milky-way= (le chemin de St. Jacques), michkanank (_ich_ as in
    German); i.e., the trail.

  =Moon=, tibi̍ck-ki̍hsis.

  =Morning=, pi̍ht-áhbann (_ah_ somewhat lengthened).

  =Mother=, ning (_g_ like French _gue_).

  =Mountain=, uattschiu (_u_ and _a_ somewhat separated; _i_ and
    _u_ likewise).

  =Mouth=, otóhn.

  =Negro=, machkatä-üiahs (_ch_ guttural).

  =Night=, tibichkatt (_ich_ German).

  =Nose=, oschung-guann.

  =Otter=, nikick.

  =Pipe=, poagánn.

  =Powder= (gun-powder), machkatä̍ (_ach_ guttural).

  =Quick=, uï̍ha.

  =Rain= (n), kimi̍huann; it rains, papángi-pi̍ssa.

  =Red= (color), miskuáh.

  =River=, ktschissi̍hpi.

  =River= (a very large river), missisi̍hpi.

  =Sea=, kitsikami̍n (_n_ French).

  =Sick=, ndahgkuss.

  =Small=, agaschin (_in_ like _i_ nasal; _ga_ German).

  =Smoke= (n), kaschkáhbattä.

  =Snow=, kóhn; it snows, soh-kipunn.

  =Speak= (v), ki̍h-kitó.

  =Spirits= (distilled), skutéo-apó.

  =Spring= (the season), minóchkaming.

  =Star=, anánk: otschi̍ganank (i.e., the Star of the Pekan,
    or Fisher), the Wain, or Great Bear; otáhua-moh (les trois
    rois), "the Three Kings" of the Canadians; makúsch-teguann
    (run together) the Seven Stars, or the Pleiades; uåh-banank
    (l'étoile du jour), Venus.

  =Stingy=, sasáhgissi (_si_ short); or shortened to sasáhgiss.

  =Stone=, assi̍nn.

  =Strong=, maschkåh-uissih (run together).

  =Summer=, nibi̍nn.

  =Sun=, ki̍hsis.

  =Thunder=, (n), nimeki̍h (_e_ ½).

  =Tobacco=, assäman (_an_ almost like _ah_).

  =Tomahawk=, uagachkuatons-poagann (_ach_ guttural, _ons_ French,
    but _s_ audible; _ann_ German).

  =Trail=, mihkannah.

  =Ugly=, manah-ti̍ss.

  =War=, mikahtink.

  =Water=, nipi̍.

  =White=, uahpisch-kah (somewhat nasal).

  =Wind= (n), noti̍nk.

  =Winter=, pibúhnk.

  =Woman= (wife), ichkuá (_ich_ German).

  =Wood=, misti̍ck.

  =Yellow=, ossáuah (_uah_ shortened).

  =Yes=, häa (like a prolonged _hae_).


  =One=, pä̍hjick (_j_ French).

  =Two=, ni̍hsch.

  =Three=, nissúe (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Four=, neh-uinn (short and run together).

  =Five=, nóhnonn (first _o_ full).

  =Six=, nkótto-uåssoe (_soe_ short; _e_ rather distinctly

  =Seven=, nijoåssoe (_j_ French; _e_ rather distinctly pronounced).

  =Eight=, schoåssoe.

  =Nine=, jank (_j_ French).

  =Ten=, mitassoe (_e_ distinctly pronounced, but short).

  =Twenty=, nischtanna.

  =Thirty=, nissoe-mitannáh.

  =Forty=, neh-mitannáh.

  =Fifty=, náhno-mitannáh.

  =Sixty=, nkotoásse-mitannáh.

  =Seventy=, nijóasso-mitannáh.

  =Eighty=, schwásso-mitannáh.

  =Ninety=, jangasso-mitannáh.

  =Hundred=, ngottóack.

  =Thousand=, ktschi̍-ngottóack.


  =Antelope=, api̍sti-tigosch.

  =Badger=, mitánnask.

  =Bear= (female), machkuáh-nojä̍ahkuann.

  =Bear= (male), machkuáh-ayáhbä.

  =Bear= (black), machkadéh-machkuáh (_ach_ guttural).

  =Bear= (grizzly), ktschi̍-ayáh: when whitish he is called,
    wåbachquah (_ach_ German and guttural).

  =Caribou= (cervus tarandus), ati̍ck.

  =Deer= (black-tailed deer, cervus macrotis), machkadéh-uanósch:
    machkadeh, black; uanosch, tail.

  =Deer= (common deer, cervus virginianus), uauáschkess.

  =Elk= (cervus major), omaschkóhs.

  =Elk= (the doe), onidjánn-omaschkohs.

  =Elk= (the stag), ayábä-omaschkóhs.

  =Fox= (general term), uagóhsch; the name of the color is added.

  =Hare=, uabóhs.

  =Hedge-hog=, káhk.

  =Lynx= (loup cervier), pischúh.

  =Lynx= (red; felix rufa, le chat sauvage), ä̍h-säbban (_sabban_

  =Marten=, uahbischänsch (_an_ like French _ain_).

  =Mink=, tschang-goäsch (run together).

  =Moose= (cervus alces), mons (French, but _s_ audible).

  =Muskrat=, uaschásk.

  =Pekan= (stone marten, or fisher), otschi̍hk.

  =Skunk=, schikáhk.

  =Weazel= (stoat), sching-gohs (run together).

  =Wolf=, mai̍hngann (_ihn_ like _i_ nasal).

  =Wolverene=, kuing-gua-agä̍ (run together).


[261] Written from the pronunciation of an Ojibua Indian. The letter
_l_ is said to be wanting in this language, and the words given here
seem to confirm this view. These Indians received the name Sauteurs
from the French, because they lived at the falls (sauts) of St.
Anthony. They are commonly called Chipeways (Tschipewäs); but pronounce
this name, themselves, Ojibua.--MAXIMILIAN.

_Comment by Ed._ The name "Saulteurs" was derived from the residence of
these Indians at Sault Ste. Marie.


  =Ahead= (in front), påhanga.

  =All= (the whole), så-ni, or wå-så-ni̍.

  =Alone=, snog-djé (_j_ French; _g_ almost like German _ch_).

  =Always=, schon-schon (_on_ French).

  =American= (an), Må̍hi-tánga; i.e., Long Knife.

  =Anxiety= (fear), no-pä̍.

  =Arm=, ah-schih.

  =Arrow=, måh.

  =Ashes=, må-chu-dä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Ask= (question), j-uá-cha-ga (_ch_ palatal; _ga_ short).

  =Awake= (v, intr), wåtómbe-najeh (_j_ French; _e_ distinctly

  =Awake= (v, tr), ih-ki-räh (the whole even); same word as in the
    Oto language.

  =Axe=, måsöppä.

  =Back= (n), nokkån (_n_ French).

  =Back= (backwards), chára (_ch_ guttural).

  =Backward= (back), charah (_ch_ guttural); charah-monni, go back,

  =Bad= (malicious), båskidä.

  =Ball= (bullet), måh-seh-man (_an_ French).

  =Beard=, ndähi̍.

  =Beautiful=, oh-campé (_campe_ French; the whole pronounced

  =Belly=, ni̍cha (_ch_ guttural).

  =Below= (beneath), mottata (all syllables even).

  =Beside= (near), ohanga.

  =Between=, ohrisa.

  =Bird=, uåji̍nga (_j_ French).

  =Bite= (v), wåråchta (_ch_ guttural; _ta_ short).

  =Bitter=, ski-da-jä (_j_ French); i.e., not sweet.

  =Black=, såh-bä̍ (_ba_ short).

  =Bladder=, nä̍chä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Blind= (adj), ischtá-uäraje (_je_ French; final _e_ distinct).

  =Blond=, på-hi̍ssong.

  =Blood=, uåh-mi̍.

  =Bloody=, uåh-mi̍-ogippi.

  =Blow= (v; blowout), abichä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Blue=, túh.

  =Bone= (bones), uaï-hih.

  =Bough=, jån-jinga (French).

  =Bow=, mondähi̍.

  =Break open= (v), grabä̍.

  =Breast=, mong-gä̍.

  =Breast= (female), månsä̍ (_an_ French), i.e., iron.

  =Bridge=, ohäata.

  =Broad=, bróska.

  =Brook=, wåtischka-jinga (_j_ French).

  =Brother=, sónga.

  =Brown=, chudä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Burn= (v), nåh-ning-gä.

  =Burn= (v; consume by burning), nåh-chu-dä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Bury=(v; inter), oh-chä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Buy= (v), uåh-ri-mäh.

  =Calm= (n), obrágä (_ga_ short).

  =Call= (v), hah-gä.

  =Canoe=, mondäh.

  =Cave=, mon-schont-djé (_on_ French, likewise _j_; _e_ audible).

  =Caught= (taken prisoner), uåhnihih.

  =Child=, schi̍nga-schi̍nga.

  =Circle=, uah-nasseh (run together).

  =Clear= (bright), kéhra (_ra_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Cloud= (masses of cloud), mååchpi̍h.

  =Cold=, sni̍h.

  =Come= (v), gih-ga.

  =Conquer= (v; be victorious), uåhuang.

  =Convenient= (comfortable), same word as for good.

  =Count= (v; number), råh-uä (_a_ short).

  =Cure= (v), gini̍h.

  =Cut= (v), måh-chån (_ch_ guttural; _an_ French).

  =Cut= (v; cut down, fell), gå-säh.

  =Cut down= (v; fell), gåhsä̍.

  =Cry= (v; scream, shout), pån (French).

  =Dark=, hogan-nåpasseh.

  =Daughter=, ih-jang-gä (_j_ French).

  =Day=, ombá; to-day, ombara.

  =Dance= (n), uatschi̍-góchä (_cha_ guttural).

  =Dead=, tsä̍h.

  =Deaf=, nåh-chiddä-ning-gä (_ch_ guttural; the whole run

  =Dear= (costly; of goods), uåhrimitächä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Death=, tsä̍h.

  =Deceive= (v; cheat), siesch-tánka.

  =Devil= (evil spirit), wåhkonda-pehjhé (_j_ French).

  =Die= (v), gih-tsäh.

  =Dirty=, mån-chri-chri (_n_ French; _ch_ guttural).

  =Dirty= (v; or adj), må-cherihcherih (_ch_ guttural; _e_ very
    short; the whole short).

  =Door=, tih-ombah (_om_ French).

  =Double=, nombá (French).

  =Drag= (v; pull along), påhi̍-gåh-chä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Draw= (v; draw water), nih-isé.

  =Dream= (n), ombrä̍ (_om_ French).

  =Dream= (v), ihra-ombrä (_om_ French).

  =Drink= (v), ratan (_an_ French).

  =Dry= (adj), bihsä (_sa_ short).

  =Dust=, måh-åh-schudä̍.

  =Dwelling place= (hunting stand), goss-sin (_in_ like _i_ nasal).

  =Ear=, nittá.

  =Ear-ornament=, uh-uï̍n (_in_ nasal, like _i_).

  =Early=, chossonn (_ch_ guttural).

  =Earth=, moniká.

  =Egg=, uë̍sa.

  =Enemy=, oki̍thä.

  =Englishman=, Ságanasch (German throughout).

  =Enough=, schéhna (_na_ short).

  =Entertain= (v; eat), wåratä-gih-i.

  =Evening=, påh-séh.

  =Everywhere=, mánschon-brughä̍ (_on_ French).

  =Eye=, ischtá.

  =Eyelid=, ischtá-hi̍.

  =Face= (sight), indjäh (_i_ barely audible; _j_ French).

  =Fall= (v) gochhiára (_ch_ guttural; the whole short).

  =Far= (distant), uä̍-ahiddä (the whole run together).

  =Far= (distant), uä̍h-ahiddäh.

  =Fat=, uä̍gri.

  =Father=, dah-dä̍h.

  =Feather=, måh-schung.

  =Female= (of animals), ming-gá.

  =Finger=, nombä̍; same word as for hand.

  =Fire=, pädé.

  =Fish=, hů́h.

  =Fish= (v), hu-issä.

  =Fish-hook=, hu-uä-gossä̍.

  =Fist=, nombä̍-sóngä̍ (_om_ French).

  =Flee= (v; escape), o̍nhä (_on_ French, and nasal).

  =Flesh=, tah-núka; i.e., fresh meat.

  =Flesh= (dried), táh.

  =Flint=, manhissi̍ (_an_ French).

  =Flow= (v), kahirá.

  =Fog=, schuschudä̍.

  =Foot=, sihá.

  =Forehead=, pä̍h.

  =Forest=, chråbä (_ch_ guttural; _ba_ short).

  =Forget= (v), gih-sirajäh (_j_ French; the whole run together).

  =Freeze= (v), osnih.

  =Frenchman=, Uǻchä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Friend=, kågä̍.

  =Full=, ogipi.

  =Go= (v), monni̍h.

  =God= (creator, good spirit), wǻhkonda.

  =Good=, udá; the best, eh-jna-udá (_j_ French).

  =Gray=, són (French).

  =Gray-haired=, påhi̍-son (French).

  =Great= (tall), tangá.

  =Green=, tuch-tsche (_e_ short); i.e., literally, very blue.

  =Ground= (earth), moniká.

  =Grow= (v), granräh-tigräh (_an_ French; _gr_ with the point of
    the tongue).

  =Gun=, uahutan (_ua_ like _wa_; _an_ French).

  =Hair=, påhi̍.

  =Hand=, nombä̍ (_om_ French).

  =Hard=, sågäh.

  =Head=, nasch-kéh.

  =Healthy=, uåh-kägajäh (_j_ French).

  =Hear= (v), nåhk-on (_on_ French; the whole run together).

  =Heart=, nondä̍.

  =Heavy= (difficult), sking-gä.

  =Hide= (v), na-che-ran (_ch_ guttural; _an_ French; _e_ short).

  =High=, manschih (_an_ French).

  =Hope= (v), bräh-gan (_an_ French).

  =Horn=, hä̍h.

  =Horns=, hä̍h.

  =Horse= (a young horse), schantón-schi̍nga (_an_ and _on_ French;
    first word with emphasis; second without).

  =Hot=, manschtä̍ (_an_ French).

  =House= (lodge), ti̍h.

  =Hunger=, nånpähi (_an_ French).

  =Hunt= (v), åh-baäh.

  =Hurricane=, taddäh-soggäh-noppewårre (_e_ always distinctly

  =I=, ui̍h.

  =Ice=, nuchä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Incurable=, ginitä̍chä.

  =Intoxicate= (v; intoxicated), tǻhni.

  =Iron=, månsä̍ (_an_ French).

  =Jar= (vessel), dähchä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Knife=, må-ni̍h, or mahi̍.

  =Know= (v), ihpahan (_an_ French).

  =Know= (v; be acquainted with), ih-pahán (_pa_ short; _an_

  =Lance= (spear), måndähi̍ (_an_ French).

  =Land=, manschon (_an_ and _on_ French).

  =Laugh= (v, or n), måndehi̍ (_an_ French).

  =Leader= (chief), kahigä.

  =Leaf=, jån-hich-pä (_jan_ French; final _e_ distinct).

  =Leg=, jägá (_j_ French).

  =Lie= (v; deceive), i-uh-sisch-tan (_an_ French; the whole run

  =Lip=, ih-há.

  =Little= (in quantity), diuba.

  =Loose= (of clothes), gran-deh (_an_ French).

  =Maiden=, mi̍h-jinga (_mih_ with emphasis; _ji_ French; _jinga_
    without emphasis).

  =Maize=, uå-tån-säh (_an_ French).

  =Man=, núh.

  =Man= (human being), núh.

  =Marry= (v), ming-grán (_gran_ French).

  =Meal= (or to eat?), uǻrateh.

  =Messenger=, ikih-monnäh.

  =Milk= (n), påsé-nih.

  =Mirror=, ni̍o-kigrásse (_a_ audible; _i_ and _o_ separated).

  =Moon=, mih-om-ba (_mih_ with emphasis; the whole run together).

  =Morning=, kåsi̍n (_in_ French).

  =Mother=, nåh-håh.

  =Mountain=, påhi̍-moschä̍.

  =Mouth=, hi̍h.

  =Much=, ah-hi̍gä.

  =Music=, uåhuan (_an_ French).

  =My=, uïh-uïh-tá.

  =Nail= (on hand, foot, hoof, claw), schagä̍.

  =Naked=, juh-núka (_j_ French).

  =Name=, jajä̍ (French).

  =Neck= (throat), táh-hi.

  =Necklace=, uåh-nompi̍ (last word French).

  =Needle=, uåkóh.

  =Negro=, nikka-schinga-sóbbä; or wåchä-sóbbä (_ch_ guttural).

  =New=, tähga.

  =Night=, hán (_an_ French).

  =Noon=, mih-oh-kan-ska (_an_ French).

  =Nose=, pǻh.

  =Old=, isch-ágä.

  =Old man=, isch-ágä.

  =Old woman=, uåu-schi̍nge (_uau_ somewhat separated).

  =Oldest=, jini̍ (_j_ French); my oldest brother, vijini̍.

  =Over= (above), manschiata (_an_ French).

  =Pain= (n), nih-ä (run together).

  =Paint= (v), gih-kon-sä (_on_ French; _sa_ short).

  =Peace=, manchon-úda (_an_ and _on_ French); i.e., not war.

  =Pipe= (tobacco), ninibǻh.

  =Play= (v), skådä.

  =Pluck= (v; feathers), hi-snú-djä (_j_ French).

  =Pray= (v), wåkonda-berihs-tubä̍ (_e_ short; otherwise German

  =Prisoner=, uåh-nihih.

  =Point= (n), påhi̍.

  =Pouch= (sack), uh-ji̍.

  =Powder= (gun-powder), måh-chudä̍ (_ch_ guttural; the whole run

  =Pull= (v; draw), gih-snuh.

  =Punish= (v; whip), uh-tih.

  =Quarrel= (v; fight), kihkinna.

  =Quick=, hocherä (_ch_ German).

  =Rain= (n), nah-jé (_j_ French).

  =Red=, jidä̍ (_ji_ French).

  =Rib=, rittih.

  =Ripe=, (of fruit), nidä̍.

  =River=, uåti̍schka.

  =Roast= (v, or n), djä-gran (French).

  =Rock= (cliff), in-in (French nasal).

  =Round=, buut-ton (_on_ French).

  =Run= (v), toh-neh.

  =Sack= (leather), uh-ji̍-hå.

  =Sand=, bih-saak.

  =Sea=, ni̍h-tánga; i.e., big water.

  =See= (v), tom-bä̍.

  =Sharp= (pointed), på-hi̍.

  =Shave= (v), båhs-kébbä.

  =Shoot= (v; with a bow), måh-wåkiddäh.

  =Shoot= (v; with a gun), wåhutonwåkiddäh (_on_ French).

  =Shore= (bank), nih-cǻhan (_an_ French).

  =Show= (v), ahbasuh.

  =Sick=, uåh-ká-ga.

  =Sister=, tangä̍.

  =Sit= (v), gerin (_e_ short; _r_ with the point of the tongue;
    _in_ like _i_ nasal).

  =Skin= (hide), håh.

  =Sleep= (v), ajan (French).

  =Sleepy=, ján-gonda (_jan_ French).

  =Small=, jingá (_j_ French).

  =Smell= (v; sniff at, scent), amberan (French).

  =Smoke= (n), schudä̍, or schudé.

  =Smoke= (v; tobacco), ninihi̍.

  =Snow= (n), måh.

  =Son=, ji-ingä̍ (_j_ French; the whole run together).

  =Speak= (v), i̍h-ä.

  =Spirits= (distilled), pädji-ni̍h (_j_ French).

  =Spring= (source), ni̍h-hónga.

  =Spring= (the season), mä̍h.

  =Spring= (v; leap, jump), o-uis-seh (run together).

  =Squint= (v), tåguscheh.

  =Star=, pikä̍.

  =Stomach=, mång-gäh.

  =Stone=, ih-in (_n_ French; _in_ like _i_ nasal).

  =Storm= (thunder storm), tadähsoggäh.

  =Strong=, uååsch-kán-tanga (_an_ French).

  =Stump=, buhtan (_an_ French).

  =Stupid=, uåje-ningé (_j_ French).

  =Summer=, núgä.

  =Sun=, mi̍h.

  =Sunrise=, mi̍h-hi̍h.

  =Sunset=, mi̍h-núschä.

  =Sweet=, skidä̍.

  =Swim= (v), ni̍huan (_an_ French); same word as in the Oto

  =Tail= (of an animal), sindä̍ (German throughout).

  =Tear= (v; tear, or break to pieces), ih-bråh-sä (_ah_ French;
    _sa_ short).

  =Tear out= (v; pull out), schuúdä.

  =Tears=, ischtá-nih; i.e., eye water.

  =Teeth=, ihí.

  =Thick=, tångá.

  =Thin=, bräkä.

  =Tobacco=, nini̍h.

  =Toe=, sih-schogä̍.

  =Tomahawk=, mǻse-päji̍inga (_se_ short; _j_ French; last word
    rapidly pronounced).

  =To-morrow=, kåsonn.

  =Tongue=, rä̍hse (_e_ distinctly pronounced); téh-rähs, buffalo

  =Toothache=, ihí-nidä̍.

  =Top= (summit), måschiadä̍.

  =Trace= (track of an animal), sihgerä.

  =Trader=, uåh-ri-mäh.

  =Tree=, chråbä (_ch_ guttural).

  =True=, mikkä.

  =Turn= (v; twist), ohma-terischan (_an_ French).

  =Unhealthy= (sickly), wåh-kägaschtån (the whole even and run

  =Unripe=, nihd-aije (_ai_ together; _j_ French; _e_ low but

  =Wait= (v), ihra-pä̍.

  =War=, noh-dan (_an_ French).

  =Warm=, moschtä̍.

  =Warmth=, tåhbrä (_bra_ short).

  =Warrior=, uå-schu-schäh.

  =Wash= (v), ni̍h-ja-hä̍ (_j_ French).

  =Water=, ni̍h.

  =Water-jar= (water cask), ni̍h-ujé (_j_ French).

  =Wax=, kegranchä-uägrä (_an_ French; _ch_ guttural; _g_ with the
    point of the tongue).

  =Weep= (v), hahgä.

  =Wet=, núka.

  =What? how?= dah-dan (_an_ French).

  =Whirlpool=, nih-berih-berin (short and run together; _e_ short;
    _in_ like _i_ nasal).

  =Whistle= (v; pipe), suhdä̍.

  =White=, ská.

  =White man=, nika-schinga-hi̍chaskah (_ch_ guttural).

  =Widow=, igrangä-tsäh (run together).

  =Wind= (n), tahdä.

  =Wind= (v; wind game), obrán (_an_ French).

  =Wing=, ahi̍.

  =Winter=, måhrä (_ra_ short).

  =Woman= (wife), wåh-úh.

  =Wood=, ján (French).

  =Work= (v), monni̍.

  =Wound= (v; shoot), o̍h.

  =Wrap up= (v), ih-kónta.

  =Yellow=, si̍h.

  =Yes=, anhán (indistinct, nasal).

  =Young=, jingáh (_ji_ French; _g_ guttural).


  =One=, miachtscheh (_ach_ guttural).

  =Two=, nombáh.

  =Three=, råh-beneh (_be_ short).

  =Four=, túba.

  =Five=, såtoͣn (_n_ French).

  =Six=, schåh-peh.

  =Seven=, péh-nombáh.

  =Eight=, péh-rǻbene (first _e_ short; second _e_ audible).

  =Nine=, schónka.

  =Ten=, chrä̍bene (_bene_ short).


  =Bear= (black), wåssóbbä.

  =Bear= (grizzly), mån-tchú (_an_ French; _tchu_ German).

  =Beaver=, jǻbä (_j_ French; _ba_ short).

  =Buffalo=, téh, or tä̍h.

  =Deer= (common), tahg-tchä (German).

  =Dog=, schinúda (_da_ short).

  =Elk=, onpǻh (_on_ French).

  =Horse=, schóngä-tónga.

  =Lynx=, igrong-gá (pronounced together).

  =Otter=, tuhsch-nongä̍.

  =Ox= (European), tä̍h-ská (run together).

  =Panther=, igronga-sindä̍-snaddäh; sindä-snaddäh, with long tail.

  =Skunk=, móng-ga.

  =Snake=, ueh-sá.

  =Swine=, kokosch.

  =Turkey=, (wild), sihsikah.

  =Turtle=, kehtan (_an_ French).

  =Wolf=, (black), schánton-sóbbä (_a_ short).

  =Wolf=, (gray), schánton-son (_an_ and _on_ French).

  =Wolf= (prairie), mikkasseh.


[262] Written from the pronunciation of Major Dougherty, who understood
this language perfectly. The Omáhas belong to the Dacóta linguistic
group, and form with the Osages, Konzas, Ayowäs (Joways), Missouris,
Otos, and Puncas, Mr. Gallatin's southern Sioux. Among the nations
named there are several different dialects, of which the Osages and
Konzas speak one; the Otos, Ayowäs, and Missouris another; and the
Omahas and Puncas a third. On these peoples, see Gallatin (_ibid._, pp.
126-28). There it is noted that a vocabulary of the Ayowäs (Jówäs) is
lacking; a gap which I can claim to have filled, since I was assured by
Major Dougherty that the Ayowäs speak the Oto language, whose words are
given below.--MAXIMILIAN.


  =Abyss=, moksché; iro-moksché, steep cliff.

  =Air=, ta-djä̍ (_j_ French).

  =All= (all together), brogä̍; the whole mass (or multitude),
    akiwoasan (_woa_ like _voi_ in French; _an_ French).

  =Alone=, asch-nå (_sch_ like _j_ French).

  I myself alone, mij-nå (_j_ French here and below).
  You (thou) alone, dij-nå.
  He alone, ij-nå.
  We alone, guj-nå.
  You alone, dij-nå.

  =Always=, eiiåhma (_ei_ together).

  =American= (an), Måhi-hónn-ie (_ie_ short; _e_ audible); i.e.,
    Long Knife.

  =Another=, i-tan-dö (_an_ French).

  =Answer= (v), i-hä̍.

  =Anxiety= (fear), nongguä̍ (_gua_ short).

  =Approach stealthily= (v; stalk), sridje-monnä̍ (_j_ French).

  =Arm=, asché.

  =Arrow=, mi̍to.

  =Ashes=, må-chudjé (_ch_ guttural).

  =Awake= (v, intr), uatá-nayé (run together).

  =Awake= (v, tr), ih-ki-reh.

  =Axe=, i̍suä (_sua_ short).

  =Back= (adverb), hatá.

  =Back= (n), nåh-kan (_an_ French).

  =Bad= (malicious), tsichogä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Bald=, nantó-rusch-ra (_an_ French).

  =Ball= (bullet), måh-seh-måh; same word as for lead.

  =Bathe= (v), ni-uah (_uah_ nasal).

  =Beard=, ndä-hi (_n_ only a fore-tone).

  =Beautiful=, ocompih (French).

  =Before= (ahead), på-gran (_an_ French).

  =Behind= (behind us), a-rúcha-gä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Belly=, ni-cha (_ch_ guttural).

  =Beside= (near), oh-kang-äh.

  =Best=, pi-tånra, (_an_ French).

  =Bird=, wåe-ing-ä (_e_ barely audible; the whole together).

  =Bite= (v), rochtagä.

  =Bitter=, sehko-schkunä̍; i.e., not sweet, they do not have a
    direct expression.

  =Black=, seuä̍ (_e_ and _u_ separated).

  =Bladder=, nächä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Blind=, ich-tåch-hidje (_j_ French; final _e_ short).

  =Blood=, wåpågä̍-oyú.

  =Bloom= (v), pahüson (_on_ French).

  =Blow= (v; blow out), a-bi-chä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Blue=, tóh.

  =Blush= (v), schudjö (_j_ French).

  =Boil= (v; cook), oh-hon (_on_ French).

  =Bone= (bones), uah-hi̍ (_uah_ nasal).

  =Bough=, nå-ing-ä (run together).

  =Bow=, måndehi̍ (_an_ French).

  =Break= (v), to-ié.

  =Break open= (v; force open), wå-gre-ue.

  =Breast= (female), påsä (_sa_ short).

  =Breast= (the whole breast), mong-ä.

  =Breath=, hi̍; same word as for mouth and tooth.

  =Bridge=, ohä̍.

  =Broad=, brå-ské (final syllable short).

  =Brook=, nischna-ing-ä (run together).

  =Brother=, song-ä̍; my brother, mi-song-ä̍.

  =Brown=, chudje (_ch_ guttural; _e_ distinctly pronounced); i.e.,
    dark, smoky, they have no word for brown.

  =Burn= (v), todjé (_j_ French).

  =Bury= (v; inter), ochä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Buy= (v), wå-ru-mäh; same word means to trade.

  =Calm= (n), oh-bra-gä̍.

  =Canoe=, på-djé (_j_ French).

  =Carrion= (a dead animal), uå-hu-mä̍ (_ua_ short and together).

  =Catch= (v; capture), rusä̍.

  =Caught= (v; captured), ua-ni-hih (_u_ and _a_ separated).

  =Cave=, i̍ro-chrogä̍; i.e., a hollow rock.

  =Chew= (v), same word as for meal, or to eat.

  =Child=, tchitching-ä (_ch_ like _tgi_, with the point of the

  =Choke= (v; press to death, smother), o-nong-ä̍.

  =Clear= (bright), o-haun-uäh (_n_ French; _uah_ nasal).

  =Clear= (water), ni-bréjé (French); they give this name to the

  =Cloud= (masses of cloud), moͣch-pih (_ch_ guttural).

  =Coal=, åchudjeh (_ach_ guttural).

  =Coals= (glowing), pedjé-sih (_j_ French).

  =Cold= (adj), sni̍h.

  =Comb= (n), härusäh, i.e., louse-catcher; from hä, louse, and
    rusäh, catch.

  =Community= (company, many men), manksché-gerohan (_an_ French;
    _ge_ German).

  =Compel= (v; force), a-u-scheh-geh (run together).

  =Convenient= (comfortable), pi̍; same word as for good.

  =Cough= (v), hogh-pä̍.

  =Count= (v; number), uårauä (_au_ together).

  =Cowardly=, same word as for lazy, or rotten.

  =Crooked=, rutan-schkunäh (_an_ French).

  =Crow= (way of dressing hair), nantó (_an_ French).

  =Cure= (v; heal), ginih.

  =Curly= (hair), påhi̍-riberin (_in_ nasal, like i̍).

  =Cut= (v), gron-tschéh (_on_ French).

  =Cut down= (v; fell), gron-tsché (_on_ French).

  =Cut down= (v; fell), grontsché (_on_ French).

  =Cut into= (v; incise, carve), grontsché (_on_ French).

  =Dance= (n), woͣtschí.

  =Dark=, ohånsä̍ (_an_ French).

  =Daughter=, ih-wung-ä.

  =Day=, han-uä (_an_ French, the whole short and run together).

  =Dead=, tsä̍h.

  =Deaf=, nå-cho-dje-ning-e (_j_ French; _ch_ guttural; _e_ short).

  =Dear= (costly), tschä-chäh (_ch_ guttural).

  =Deceive= (v; cheat), gistoncha (_ch_ guttural).

  =Decoy= (v; decoy an animal), tah-sching-ä-on (_sching_ and _a_
    pronounced together; _on_ French).

  =Devastate= (v), schéh-na.

  =Devil= (evil spirit), wåhkondapisch-kunnä̍h.

  =Die= (v), tsä̍h.

  =Dirty=, måh-chrih (_ch_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Dirty= (v), måchré (_ch_ guttural).

  =Dive=(v), ni̍h-rotata. [MS. note in Library of Congress copy by
    J. O. Dorsey, says that this is not a verb but ni, water, and
    rótata, under.--TRANS.]

  =Divide= (v; share), ikirutan (_an_ French).

  =Door=, tschi-okä̍ (run together).

  =Double=, nouä̍; same word as for two.

  =Drag= (v; drag a load), påhi̍-on-reh (_on_ French).

  =Draw= (v; draw water), nih-ru-seh.

  =Dream= (v), ombrä̍; ira-ombrá, you dreamed (plural).

  =Drink= (v), ratan (_an_ French).

  =Dry= (adj), buh-sä.

  =Dumb=, i-tiä-ru-scha-gä.

  =Dung=, ming-grä.

  =Dust=, månschuh-schudje (_an_ French; likewise _j_; _e_ short).

  =Dwelling place= (hunting stand), irappä (final _a_ between _e_
    and _a_ umlaut).

  =Ear=, nan-toa (French).

  =Ear-ornament=, uåhnon-pin (_non_ French; _pin_ nasal, like _pi_).

  =Early=, heruh-tach-tsché (_ach_ guttural); early in the day.

  =Empty= (adj), chroschkä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Enclose= (v; shut up), uå-nåssé.

  =Enemy=, okitsché.

  =Englishman=, Sanganasch.

  =Enough=, kahä̍na (_na_ short).

  =Entertain= (v), nontutan (_on_ and _an_ French).

  =Even= (equal, flat), bra-ské, or bras-ké; same word as for
    broad, or great.

  =Evening=, pi̍-kuiä̍, or pi̍kuiä̍; from pi, sun, and kuiä̍, low.

  =Everywhere=, mayon-brughä (_on_ French); i.e., over the whole

  =Expectorate=(v), grä-uä.

  =Eye=, ichtá (_ich_ German and not guttural; nearly the same as
    with the Dacota, Omahas, Osages, and Puncas).

  =Eyelid=, ichtá-hi.

  =Face= (sight), indéh.

  =Fall= (v), o-chua-nä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Far= (distant), ha-rä.

  =Far= (distant), hah-reh.

  =Fat=, uå-schi.

  =Father=, ing-koh.

  =Feast=, same as meal, or eat; they say, give to eat; also gi-ko.

  =Feather=, manschon (_on_ French).

  =Female= (of animals), ming-eh.

  =Festival=, så-gä.

  =Fever=, okisché-gétachran (_ch_ guttural; _an_ French).

  =Find= (v), ikiré.

  =Finger=, nau-ue (_ue_ short).

  =Fire=, pedjé (first _e_ distinctly pronounced; _j_ French).

  =Fish= (n), hó.

  =Fish= (v), ho-rusä̍.

  =Fish= (v; catch fish), same word as for fish-hook.

  =Fish-hook=, horusé.

  =Fist=, nauä̍-sogä.

  =Flame= (n), pedjé-takan (_j_ and _an_ French).

  =Flat= (level), braskä̍.

  =Flee= (v; escape), hå-sä.

  =Flesh=, tåh.

  =Flint=, ju-tsché-ogran (_an_ French).

  =Flood= (v; overflow), nih-ton (_on_ French).

  =Flow= (v), kahi̍ra (_ra_ short).

  =Fog=, schuschudjä (_j_ French).

  =Foot=, si̍.

  =Foot-path=, nong-ä̍.

  =Forehead=, pä̍h.

  =Forest=, chrå-uäh (_ch_ guttural).

  =Forget= (v), giksuh-schkúnnä.

  =Freeze= (v; chill), o-snih.

  =Freeze= (v; congeal), nih-tåh.

  =Frenchman=, Måsongkä-okannä (_a_ umlaut, also pronounced like

  =Friend=, ntará.

  =Full=, oh-yuh.

  =Fully= (of cooking, done), ni-djä̍ (_j_ French).

  =Gall= (bile), grä-ue-sih.

  =Gay-colored= (variegated), gréjé (_j_ French).

  =Go= (v), monnih.

  =God= (creator), wåhkonda.

  =Good=, pi̍h.

  =Grandson=, intaqúa.

  =Grape-vine=, hå-seh-hih.

  =Grave=, óh-chä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Gray=, cho-djé (_j_ French; _ch_ guttural).

  =Gray-haired=, pahi-son (French).

  =Great= (tall), grón-rä (_n_ French).

  =Green=, tohch-djä̍ (_ch_ guttural; _j_ French).

  =Ground= (earth), måhå.

  =Gun=, jútschä (_tscha_ short); rifle, jútschä-ki̍h-berúh-berúh
    (the whole short, and run together).

  =Gut= (intestines), schiuä̍.

  =Gut= (v; gut an animal), nicha-gi-na-sché (_ch_ guttural).

  =Hair=, på-hi̍.

  =Half=, oskisserä (_e_ short); så-ning-ä̍, the second part.

  =Hand=, nau-uä.

  =Hard=, sågeh.

  =Hate= (v), hasch-ing-äh.

  =Head=, på.

  =Headache=, nan-soh-nih-djä (_an_ French; _dja_ likewise).

  =Healthy=, ogischegä-schkúnnä (_e_ short).

  =Hear= (v), nåkon (_on_ French).

  =Heart=, mon-tchä (_on_ French; _ch_ with the point of the

  =Heat= (v; inflame), tåcherang (_ch_ guttural); i.e., warm; they
    also say monschtiö (_on_ French).

  =Heavy= (difficult), tscháh-tan (_an_ French).

  =Hide= (v), nåh-chron (_ch_ guttural; _on_ French).

  =High=, mock-scheh.

  =Hole=, chro-gä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Hollow= (adj), chro-gä̍ (_ch_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Horn=, hä̍h.

  =Horns= (antlers), häh.

  =Horse= (young horse), schangtóing-ä.

  =Hot=, moschtä.

  =House= (lodge), tschi̍h.

  =Hunger=, chråni̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Hunt= (n), kinángra.

  =Hunt= (v), kinángra.

  =Hunter=, kinángra-uarupeh.

  =Hurricane= (storm), tåh-såggä-uayhäh-häh (the whole run

  =I=, mi̍h.

  =Ice=, nóchä (_ch_ guttural; _a_ short).

  =Incurable=, ginih-schkúnnä.

  =Indistinct=, tahi̍-schkúnnä.

  =Internal= (within), róhtata.

  =Intoxicate= (v), tå-ningé (_ninge_ nasal).

  =Iron=, mǻ-sä (first syllable longer; first _a_ almost like _an_

  =Island=, rú-mi-tschi̍ (_rumitschi_, or _rumaetschi_).

  =Jar= (vessel), däh-chä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Joy= (enjoyment, mirth), gi̍ro (German throughout).

  =Knife=, måh-hi.

  =Know= (v), ju̍a-hamg-äh.

  =Know= (v; be acquainted with), hah-pang-äh.

  =Lame=, uåh-hi̍ragä.

  =Lance= (spear; sword-lance), uåh-yaueh (letters in _yaueh_ are

  =Land=, mayón (French).

  =Laugh= (v, or n), ick-scháh.

  =Lay= (v; lay down), jan (_an_ French).

  =Leader= (chief), uong-gé-gi-hi (first syllable almost like
    _wong_; _g_ guttural).

  =Leaf= (of a tree), nǻchpä (_nach_ long).

  =Left= (direction), aratscheh.

  =Leg=, rägä.

  =Lie= (v; deceive), tohshäh.

  =Light= (v; illuminate), hån-ue-on-re (_an_ and _on_ French; _ue_
    nasal, likewise _han_).

  =Light= (v; kindle), ohan-ue (_an_ French; _u_ and _e_ separated).

  =Lightning=, wáhkonda-gron (_gron_ French).

  =Like= (v; be fond of), ooch-thá (_ch_ guttural).

  =Lip=, ih-hå.

  =Little=, tscho-kerá.

  =Long=, sreh-djeh (_j_ French).

  =Loose= (of clothes), grån-reh (_an_ French).

  =Maiden=, tschichmi-ing-ä (_ich_ guttural).

  =Maize=, wå-dud-djé (_j_ French).

  =Man=, uong-gä, or uong-äh; same word as for human being.

  =Man= (human being), uong-äh.

  =Marry= (v; of a man), grong-äh.

  =Marry= (v; of a woman), uåruchä̍.

  =Meal= (or to eat?), uåårudjé (_j_ French).

  =Messenger=, ikomónne (_ne_ short).

  =Milk= (n), teh-på-seh-nih (run together).

  =Mirror=, måse-angitan (_e_ short; _an_ French).

  =Money=, må-ses-kå (all syllables even); i.e., white metal.

  =Moon=, pi̍h: they add a limiting word; the words for sun and
    moon are the same, but they believe the two to be distinct.

  =Morning=, hån-uä.

  =Mother=, ináh.

  =Mountain=, hämokschä̍.

  =Mouth=, hi̍.

  =Much= (many), roh-han (_an_ French).

  =Murder= (v; kill), tsä̍h.

  =Music=, uå-yanuäh (_yan_ French).

  =My=, mih-te-uäh.

  =Nail= (on the feet), si̍ha-schágä.

  =Nail= (on fingers), naue-ue-schágä.

  =Nail= (on the hands), nombä-schágä (_nom_ French).

  =Naked=, tåh-huh.

  =Name= (n), rahjä (_j_ German).

  =Narrow=, broͣskäsch-schkúnä (_na_ short).

  =Necklace= (neck ornament), wånon-peh (_on_ French).

  =Needle=, måh-sickan (_an_ French).

  =Negro=, mååk-schi-säuäh.

  =Night=, haǻn-hä.

  =Noon=, pi̍oh-cons-ská (_cons_ French).

  =Nose=, påso.

  =Not= (no), niäkóh.

  =Old=, isch-ágä.

  =Old man=, uánscha (_an_ French).

  =Old woman=, inahak-schingä (German throughout).

  =Oldest=, inó.

  =On the other side= (of a river), ni̍agreck.

  =Once=, jóng-kä.

  =Over=, mok-schüátta (_atta_ short).

  =Over= (above), mååk-schäh.

  =Pain= (n), nih-djé (_j_ French).

  =Paint= (v), okompé (French throughout).

  =Palate=, räsä̍.

  =Pale= (v; grow pale, fade), indéhska; i.e., white or pale face.

  =Peace=, mayon-pi̍h (_on_ French).

  =Pipe= (tobacco), rå-no-uä̍.

  =Plant= (v), o-yú (together); i.e., put something in the earth.

  =Play= (v). schkåh-djé (_j_ French).

  =Pluck= (v; feathers), hi-snudjä (_j_ French).

  =Pointed=, påh-hi.

  =Pond= (pool), same word as for swamp.

  =Pouch= (sack), osché (_e_ somewhat like _a_ umlaut).

  =Powder= (gun-powder), åh-chudjäh (_ch_ guttural; _j_ French).

  =Pray= (v; to the lord of life), wahkonda-åchagä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Pregnant=, nichta-chontjä (_ch_ guttural; _j_ French).

  =Press= (v), bri̍chä-onongä.

  =Press out= (v; express?), sagéonang-ä (the whole run together;
    _ge_ German, as in _geben_).

  =Pretty=, oh-com-pih (French).

  =Prick= (v; sting), wå-yah-uä (_ua_ short).

  =Prisoner=, same word as for caught, or captured.

  =Proud= (haughty), tan-ra-gon-da (_an_ and _on_ French).

  =Pulse=, ahk-kan (first _a_ barely audible; _an_ French).

  =Punish= (v; whip), utschi̍.

  =Push= (v; thrust), nih-djé (_j_ French).

  =Quick=, ho-che-rä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Rain= (n), ni-o-iu (run together).

  =Reconcile= (v; appease), mayonpih (_on_ French).

  =Red=, schu-djä̍ (_j_ French).

  =Resistance= (self-defence), ankirragä̍ (_an_ French).

  =Rib=, roh-toh.

  =Ripe= (of fruits), si̍h-da (_da_ short).

  =River=, nisch-nong-ä.

  =Rock= (cliff), i̍ro.

  =Rot= (v), obrån-pesch-kunä̍ (_an_ French).

  =Rotten= (lazy?), chritagä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Round=, schnåh-schnåh.

  =Run= (v), nong-ä.

  =Salt down= (v; pickle, corn), nischko-oiú.

  =Scalp=, nantó (_an_ French).

  =Sea=, nih-chonn-djé (_dje_ French); the Ayowas say, nih-chon-je
    (_je_ German).

  =Secret=, nå-chron (_ch_ palatal; _on_ French).

  =See= (v), uatah (_u_ and _a_ follow closely).

  =Sexual organs= (female), uieh (_u_ separated).

  =Sexual organs= (male), reh.

  =Shade= (shadow), oh-uan-seh (_an_ French).

  =Shallow= (water), nichä-uäh (_ch_ guttural).

  =Sharp= (pointed), på-hih.

  =Shave= (v), chru-scherá (_ch_ guttural).

  =Shoot= (v; with an arrow), måhkudjeh.

  =Shoot= (v; with a gun), jutjehkudjeh (_j_ French).

  =Shore= (bank), nih-må-åh.

  =Short=, süït-tscheh.

  =Shout= (v; call), sih-uan (_uan_ short, like _wan_ nasal; _an_

  =Shout= (v; give the warhoop), graah (_r_ with the point of the

  =Sick=, okischegä.

  =Side=, såh-ning-ä.

  =Sing= (v), yan-uah (_an_ French).

  =Sister=, tång-äh.

  =Sit= (v), ah-mi-nåh.

  =Skin= (hide), hå.

  =Sleep= (v), iyán (_i_ and _y_ slightly separated; _an_ French).

  =Sleepy=, yon-gondah (_on_ French).

  =Slowly=, srih-djeh (_j_ French).

  =Small=, ing-äh.

  =Smell= (v; sniff at, scent), obran (_an_ French); smell
    (something), obranré.

  =Smoke= (n), scho-djä (_j_ French).

  =Smoke= (v; tobacco), rah-nehi.

  =Snow= (n), påh; same word as for head and nose.

  =Sole= (of the foot), si-ro-ta-tá (_sirotata_).

  =Son=, hih-ing-äh.

  =Speak= (v), id-djé (_j_ French).

  =Spirits= (distilled), pedjé-ni (_j_ French); i.e., fire-water.

  =Spot= (v; stain), måchré (_ch_ guttural).

  =Spring= (source), nih-hong-ä.

  =Spring= (the season), päh-käh.

  =Spring= (v; leap, jump), attåunuah (nasal; _aun_ nasal; _n_

  =Spy= (v; listen), ånoch-ron-no-kron (_on_ French).

  =Star=, piká.

  =Start= (v; start an animal), hå-sé.

  =Stick=, nan-ing-ä (_an_ French).

  =Still= (silent), echan-schkunäh (_ch_ guttural; _an_ French).

  =Stinginess=, (greediness), gi-tschächä (_cha_ palatal).

  =Stomach=, mong-ä (_a_ short).

  =Stone=, i̍ro, or i̍h-roh.

  =Stop= (v; hold fast, arrest), o-nongä (run together).

  =Storm= (thunder-storm), tájä-soggä̍ (_j_ French).

  =Straight= (direct), ruh-tan (_an_ French).

  =Strangle= (v), gi-to-dje (_j_ French).

  =Strike= (v; beat), uh-tschin (_tschin_ nasal; _in_ like _i_).

  =Strong=, brih-chäh (_r_ with the point of the tongue; _ch_

  =Stump=, påhi̍-schkunäh.

  =Stupid=, bréjé-schkunä̍ (_j_ French).

  =Summer=, tohk-äh.

  =Sun=, pi̍h.

  =Sunrise=, pi̍h-gri̍h.

  =Sunset=, pi̍h-hi̍h.

  =Swamp=, tschérauä (_ua_ short).

  =Sweet=, skóh.

  =Swelling= (boil), ouä̍ (short and together).

  =Swim= (v), nih-uan (_an_ French).

  =Tail= (of an animal), sinn-djä (_j_ French).

  =Teach= (v), wå-kon-seh (_on_ French).

  =Tear out= (v; pull out), gi-na-sché.

  =Tears= (n), ischtá-ni̍h; i.e. eye-water.

  =Teeth=, ihi̍.

  =There= (of place), tschekä̍, or kö̍ta.

  =Thick= (large), chonje chonje (_j_ French).

  =Thin=, brékä.

  =Thumb=, nau-uä-chonje (_ch_ short); i.e., thick, or big finger.

  =Thunder= (n), gron-gron (_on_ French); wahkonda-gron-gron.

  =Tie= (v; bind, fasten), ru-ski-djä (_j_ French).

  =Tinder-box=, pedjé-on (_j_ and _on_ French).

  =Tobacco=, rah-nih.

  =Toe=, sihasch-schángä.

  =Tomahawk=, i-sua-ing-ä (run together).

  =To-morrow=, härúh-tata.

  =Tongue=, redseh.

  =Toothache=, ihi̍-nidjeh (_j_ French).

  =Trace= (track of an animal), sih-grä̍ (last syllable short).

  =Trade=, uå-ru-ma.

  =Trader=, same word as for buy.

  =Trap= (snare), månse-råch-tagä (_ach_ guttural).

  =Tree=, grå-uéh (_gr_ guttural).

  =True=, mikä̍.

  =Ugly=, püsch-schkunnä.

  =Undress= (v; strip), unaie-gistrüdje (_j_ French).

  =Unmarried=, ming-grong-äschkunnä; of a woman, uåruch-äschkunnä.

  =Unripe=, sidah-schkúnnä.

  =Until= (unto), ätchån (_ch_ guttural; _an_ French).

  =Urine=, däjä̍ (_j_ French).

  =Vein= (artery), kán (French).

  =War=, mayón-peschkuni̍h (_on_ French); literally, bad land.

  =War-club= (with the iron point), uehrutschin (_tschin_ nasal;
    _n_ French).

  =Warm=, mosch-tschä̍.

  =Warmth= (of weather, or water), tåh-chran (_ch_ guttural).

  =Warrior= (brave man), wå-schúscheh.

  =Wash= (v), uå-ruh-jäh.

  =Water=, ni̍h.

  =Wax=, uagriska-minggräh.

  =Weep= (v), cha-gä (_ch_ guttural; _ga_ short).

  =Wet= (adj), tohkä.

  =What? how?= tå-ku-rä̍.

  =Whistle= (v; pipe), suh-dä̍.

  =White=, skáh.

  =White man=, må-song-kä; i.e., he works in iron.

  =Whole= (very), brughä̍ (_gh_ guttural).

  =Widow=, aegran-ning-ä (_an_ French).

  =Wind= (n), tad-djé (_j_ French).

  =Wing=, ahú.

  =Winter=, påh-nih.

  =Within= (come in), gúh.

  =Woman= (wife), ina-hakä (final _a_ barely audible).

  =Wood=, nä̍h.

  =Work= (v), uå-on (_on_ French).

  =Wound= (v), òh.

  =Wound= (v; shoot), òh.

  =Wrap up= (v), ruberin (_in_ like _i_ nasal).

  =Year= (winter), páhni (_ni_ short).

  =Yellow=, si̍h.

  =Yes=, hontiö̍ (_an_ French).

  =Young= (not old or little), schiniä̍ (_nia_ nasal).


  =One=, jon-kä̍.

  =Two=, noh-uä.

  =Three=, tåh-ni.

  =Four=, toh-uä.

  =Five=, såh-tan (_an_ French).

  =Six=, schåh-kuä (_kua_ short).

  =Seven=, schåh-cheman (second _ch_ guttural; _e_ short; _an_

  =Eight=, kräh-råbbeneh (first _e_ short).

  =Nine=, schonkä̍.

  =Ten=, kräh-bran (_an_ French).

  =Twenty=, krän-bran-noh-uä.

  =Thirty=, kräh-bran-tåh-ni.

  =Forty=, kräh-bran-toh-uä.


  =Bear= (black), montchä̍ (_cha_ almost like _tia_).

  =Bear= (grizzly), måntó (_an_ French).

  =Beaver=, rauä̍ (_a_ and _u_ somewhat separated).

  =Buffalo=, tjä̍ (_j_ French).

  =Deer= (common, or Virginian), tahg-tsche, or simply thá.

  =Dog=, schonk-okännäh.

  =Duck=, michä-iniä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Elk= (great deer), hóma (_ma_ short).

  =Fox= (black), mischnäkä-sä-uä.

  =Fox= (gray), mischnäkä.

  =Fox= (red), mischnäkä-schudjä (_j_ French).

  =Hare=, misch-tsching-gä̍ (run together).

  =Horse=, schong-äh.

  =Mule=, noͣn-tua-chonjä (_ch_ guttural).

  =Opossum=, ik-scha-mina (run together); i.e., the one which lies
    down, or sleeps with laughter.

  =Otter=, tohsch-nong-ä (all syllables even).

  =Ox=, tschehs-kah.

  =Skunk=, mong-äh.

  =Snake=, wå-kån (_an_ French).

  =Turkey= (wild), wåe-ink-chontjeh (first _e_ barely audible; _ch_
    guttural; _j_ French).

  =Turtle=, keth-han (_an_ French).

  =Wolf= (black), schanton-sä-uä.

  =Wolf= (gray), schanton-schkáh (_anton_ French).

  =Wolf= (prairie), schah-monnikassi̍h.


[263] Written from the pronunciation of Major Dougherty, Indian
agent for this nation, who understands the language thoroughly. This
language, with only slight variations, is spoken by the Otos, Ayowäs,
and Missouris.--MAXIMILIAN.


  =All= (the whole), tsche-túh (_e_ short).

  =Bad=, hå-ku-na-heh.

  =Buffalo=, taraháh.

  =Child=, pi̍h-rau (_rau_ together and German).

  =Cold= (adj), te-pe-tseh.

  =Come= (v), ueh-ta.

  =Father=, attiasch (_i_ and _a_ separated).

  =Gone= (gone away), ueh-tiet.

  =Good=, tunaheh.

  =Goods= (wares), låh-pion (_pion_ French).

  =Great= (tall), ti-réh-hu.

  =His=, ku-tá.

  =Horse=, arúhsch.

  =Kill= (v), uetekut (_ue_ separated).

  =Love= (v; prize), tirǻh-pire-huh (_e_ audible).

  =Maize=, lå-khé-schu.

  =Man=, så̍hnisch.

  =Meal= (or to eat?), tih-uáh-uah (run together).

  =Mule=, kit-kehåh-keh (first _e_ short).

  =My=, ku-ta-tih.

  =Not= (no), kåh-kih.

  =Pipe= (tobacco), lah-uisch.

  =Quick=, uisch-ke-tiuh (_ke_ short).

  =Sleep= (v), titkah.

  =Slow=, påhith.

  =Small=, kakiréhhu.

  =Sun=, sok-kóh-ro (_ro_ half short).

  =Trade= (n), tiråh-poh.

  =What?= tire-kéhro (first _e_ distinctly pronounced but somewhat

  =White=, tå̍ h-kåh.

  =White man=, sáhnisch-tå̍h-kåh.

  =Woman= (wife), tsoppat.

  =Your= (plural), ku-ta-schih.


[264] Written from the pronunciation of an American; I, therefore,
cannot guarantee the correctness of these words.--MAXIMILIAN.

PUNCA, Pons of the Canadians

  =Arm=, adn (_d_ and _n_ barely audible).

  =Arrow=, mán (French).

  =Bow=, mandéh (_an_ French).

  =Child=, schi̍nga-schi̍nga.

  =Earth=, tån-dä.

  =Eye=, ischtá.

  =Fire=, pä̍hd.

  =God= (creator), wåhkonda.

  =Hair=, nanschiha (_an_ French; _ha_ short).

  =Hand=, nombä̍ (_om_ French).

  =Head=, nanschti (_an_ French).

  =Man=, nů́h (_u_ between _o_ and _u_).

  =Moon=, mi̍h-om-báh (_om_ French), or mih-ombáh.

  =Mouth=, hi̍h.

  =Pipe= (tobacco), nīnibá.

  =Star=, mi̍hka.

  =Sun=, mi̍h.

  =Tomahawk=, manse-päschingá (_an_ French; _se_ short).

  =Water=, ni̍h.

  =Woman=, wáh-uh.[265]


[265] From the words given above it appears that the Puncas are
descended from the Omáhas; for their language is the same with
only very slight variations, a fact which they, themselves,

SAUKIS, SAKIS; Sacs of the French[266]

  =Arrow=, annó.

  =Beautiful=, uatchitá.

  =Beaver=, améhk.

  =Black=, makåtä̍.

  =Bow=, matä̍.

  =Buffalo=, nannosó.

  =Child=, nänitschonés (_es_ with emphasis).

  =Devil= (evil spirit), mdji̍-mnitó (_j_ French), or

  =Elk= (great deer), mäschauáh.

  =Eye=, ski̍schick.

  =Fire=, skotäw (_aw_ short; _w_ barely audible).

  =Foot=, nasset.

  =God= (good spirit), bakéhmánito.

  =Green=, skepok-kuaiuah, or spe pokiä̍.

  =Hair=, minesai (_ai_ together).

  =Hand=, nanätsch (second _a_ between _a_ and _a_ umlaut; _ch_

  =Head=, utab.

  =Horse=, naketóhsh-kescháh (first _e_ and _ke_ short).

  =House= (lodge), uïkiahb (_ui_ short).

  =Leader= (chief), tapáne-táke (_e_ barely audible).

  =Leg= (whole leg), nekáht.

  =Maiden=, schaskesé (first _e_ short).

  =Man=, nänni̍.

  =Mirror=, woapamúhn.

  =Morning=, uapåk.

  =Mouth=, tätóhn.

  =Night=, anaquick.

  =Nose=, machkiuonn.

  =One-eyed=, po-ke-kua.

  =Otter=, kittä̍h.

  =Pipe= (tobacco), poakan.

  =Red=, máschkue-wiauáh.

  =Tobacco=, saëmon (_on_ French).

  =Tomahawk= (battle axe), papake-hüit (_huit_ short); the real
    tomahawk is, popokiä̍.

  =Turkey= (wild), pänáh (first _a_ umlaut).

  =Ugly=, mianåt.

  =War=, nitscheschkuá.

  =Warrior=, uätåsäͦ̈ (final _a_ between _a_ umlaut and _o_ umlaut).

  =Water=, nä̍pe (short; _e_ barely audible, almost like _i_).

  =White= (the color), uapeschekann.

  =Woman= (wife), i̍kua.

  =Wood=, massahan (_h_ barely audible).

  =Yellow=, u̍ssuah, or assáuah (_aua_ separated).


[266] Written from the pronunciation of a Sauki Indian.--MAXIMILIAN.

SNAKE INDIANS; Shoshones, in the Rocky Mountains[267]

  =Arrow=, tóhietsitta (_iet_ together; _sitta_ distinctly

  =Bow=, náhmeack.

  =Earth=, a̍hsche (_ah_ long; _e_ ½).

  =Far= (distant), máhnarko.

  =Fire=, kohn-ne (_e_ ½).

  =God=, tiwitsim-pohhacante (_e_ distinctly pronounced); i.e., the
    lord of life.

  =Hair= (hair of head), uchkannea (second _a_ barely audible).

  =Head=, ochkanneh (_ch_ guttural).

  =Horse=, punko.

  =Horse= (race horse), punko-emáhhi-mia (_mi_ separated from _a_;
    _a_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Love= (I love), tiwitsin-kamahk.

  =Love= (I love all white men), oyette-tabebo-kamangkä.[268]

  =Man=, han-aht-se (_an_ French; _e_ ½ and short).

  =Meal= (or to eat?), máhrichkia (_ich_ with the point of the

  =Moon=, ohtse-táhbe (_e_ ½); i.e., the night sun.

  =Pity= (have pity, ayez pitié), tiwitsch-naschuntita.

  =Sun=, táhbe (_e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Water=, ohksche (_e_ ½).

  =Woman= (wife), uáh-ai-pe (_ai_ together; _e_ ½).


[267] Written from the pronunciation of the Spanish interpreter, Isidor
Sandoval. On the Snake Indians, or Shoshonés, see the reports of the
missionary Parker (_ibid._, p. 300), _Astoria_, p. 163, and Captain
Bonneville, p. 159, etc.--MAXIMILIAN.

_Comment by Ed._ For Sandoval, see our volume xxiii, p. 132, note 109.

[268] The Snake Indians (les Serpens) call themselves Shoshonés. They
are allies of the Flatheads, and enemies of the Blackfeet and Crows.
They dwell in the Rocky mountains and beyond, on the Columbia; they
fall into two divisions--the true Shoshonés, and the so-called Gens de
Pitié, or Radiqeurs (Root-diggers)--the Maradiços of the Spaniards.
The former keep a great number of dogs, which they do not use as
pack animals, but for food. They do not have as many horses as the
Blackfeet; but employ them for carrying burdens. They live in leather
tents. They are generally not so well formed as the Blackfeet; still
there are many tall, well developed men among them. Their tribe is said
to be very numerous, more so than the Dacotas. They carry on trade
with the Spaniards, who exchange beaver and other furs for leather
shirts and similar articles. They are not hostile to the whites. The
Root-diggers, on the other hand, are a wretched people. They do not
have leather tents; but merely set poles together which they cover with
boughs, hay, and grass. Their physiognomy is said to be distinguished
by rather flat noses. They are very poor and barbarous, go nearly
naked, live chiefly on roots, and possess no weapons. They eat ants in
quantities; scooping up a whole hill of these, they wash them, knead
them into balls, bake these between coals, pulverize them, and then
make a soup. Mr. Campbell of Fort William, who has often visited them,
gave me the following account of them. They were so barbarous and so
indifferent to their environment, that everything about him seemed new
and ridiculous to them. At that time they did not know the value of the
beaver skins, which they singed. Some of their huts, which he visited,
had remained for a long time in the same place without their ever
having looked about for a better region. He found a large number of
mountain goat skins among them; and, as they were so little acquainted
with the whites, it was possible to carry on a very profitable
trade with them. The Comanches, who call themselves Jamparicka, are
said to speak practically the same language as the Snake Indians.
They live at the sources of the Rio Colorado (Rivière rouge). They
decorate one arm of their shirts with tufts of hair, the other with

_Comment by Ed._ For Robert Campbell and Fort William, see our volume
xxiii, p. 198, notes 154, 155, respectively.

WASAJI, or Osage[269]

  =American= (an), Manhi̍-tánga (_an_ French).

  =Arm=, ischtó.

  =Arrow=, uan (_an_ French).

  =Autumn=, tandje (_an_ and _j_ French).

  =Avenge= (v), gráschupä.

  =Beard=, putain (_tain_ French), or indjähin (_j_ French; _in_
    nasal, like _i_).

  =Bird=, uaschi̍nga.

  =Black=, sábä.

  =Blind=, ischtá-uä̍rabaje (_j_ French; _e_ distinctly

  =Blood=, uahpi̍h.

  =Blue=, tóh.

  =Bone= (bones), uah-huh.

  =Bow=, minn-djä (_j_ French).

  =Brave=, uanompasche (_sche_ German; distinctly pronounced).

  =Brave man=, uassissigä (guttural).

  =Brook=, uatschi̍ska.

  =Brother= (older), uischiniäh.

  =Brother= (younger), uissonga.

  =Child=, schi̍nga-schinga.

  =Cold= (adj), sni̍h; very cold, sni̍h-uatschä.

  =Copper= (metal), mansä̍-sih.

  =Dance= (v), uatschi̍.

  =Day=, hambá (French).

  =Deaf=, nihü̍tsche-ning-kä (_e_ ½; the whole run together).

  =Devil= (evil spirit), uakán-pi̍hschä (_a_ short and ½).

  =Die= (v), ts-ä̍h (_ts_ is merely a fore tone).

  =Dish= (of wood), i̍ntschipä (German throughout).

  =Dog=, schong-gä (German).

  =Door=, tischúpä.

  =Dream= (v), hombra (German throughout).

  =Drink= (v), latan (French).

  =Dumb=, i̍ha-baje (_j_ French; _e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Ear=, natáh: hence mule, natáh-tánga; i.e., big ears.

  =Earth=, makáh, or maniga (guttural, indistinct).

  =Enemy=, okitsche (_e_ ½).

  =Englishman=, Sanganásch.

  =Evening=, pah-set-tan (_an_ French).

  =Eye=, ischtá.

  =Father=, indadjä (_j_ French).

  =Feather=, manschon (_on_ French).

  =Fire=, pedje (_j_ French; _e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Flesh=, táh-tóhka.

  =Forest=, schán.

  =Frenchman=, Ischtáchä (_ch_ German, guttural).

  =Friend=, korá.

  =Go= (v), grih-grah (German throughout; _r_ with the point of the

  =God=, uakán-tánga (first _an_ French) or uakoͣ́nda.

  =Good=, tanhä (_an_ French); it tastes good, láhgenih.

  =Great= (tall), tánga (German, guttural).

  =Gun=, uahóta; rifle, minh-gi̍ng-graha.

  =Hair=, pah-hah.

  =Hand=, nompé (_om_ French).

  =Head=, páh.

  =Healthy=, ansi̍ri.

  =Heart=, nonn-je (_j_ French; _e_ distinctly pronounced).

  =Heat=, (n), man-schtä (_an_ French; _schta_ German).

  =Horse=, kawa; plural is the same.

  =House= (lodge), ti̍h.

  =Hunger=, nompä-anhin (_om_ French likewise _an_ and final _in._
    nasal, like _i_).

  =Hunt= (v), tábreh.

  =I=, uïe (_e_ ½).

  =Ice=, tschácha (_ch_ guttural).

  =Iron=, mansä̍ (_an_ French); yellow iron.

  =Kettle= (iron), tschäckä̍.

  =Knife=, manhi (_an_ French).

  =Lame=, ih-rá-ha.

  =Lance=, uä̍h-schap-schäh (the whole run together).

  =Lead= (n), mansä-man (_an_ French).

  =Leader= (chief), kahigä̍.

  =Leg=, schä̍ga (German throughout).

  =Life=, ani̍h.

  =Lightning=, uakin-ala (_in_ nasal, almost like _i_; the whole
    run together).

  =Man=, niká; nika-schiga, several men, people.

  =Meal= (or to eat?), uanúmbra (German throughout).

  =Medicine-feast=, opä̍han-uakan (_an_ French); or medicine-day,
    hámba-uakan (_am_ and _an_ French).

  =Medicine-lodge=, kih-uakándagä.

  =Medicine-man=, uakándagä (German throughout; _g_ guttural).

  =Medicine-pouch=, uahhóbä.

  =Moon=, mi̍h, or mi̍h-ómba (_om_ French).

  =Morning=, han-bach-tschä (_han_ French; _bach_ German guttural).

  =Mother=, ni̍h-tánga.

  =Mountain=, pahha.

  =Mountain= (great), pahha-tánga.

  =Mountain= (small), pahha-schi̍nga.

  =Mourning= (n), nanschischon.

  =Mouth=, i-há.

  =Much= (many), hühe (_e_ ½).

  =Negro=, ni̍ka-sabä.

  =Night=, hán-dje (_an_ and _j_ French; _e_ short).

  =Nose=, pah-schu.

  =Pipe= (tobacco), naniómba.

  =Powder= (gun-powder), nichotsche (_ch_ guttural; _e_ distinct).

  =Quick=, uasch-kan (_kan_ French).

  =Quiver=, uáh-onju (_n_ and _j_ French); this, as well as bow and
    arrow, no longer occurs among them.

  =Red=, schúdja (_j_ French).

  =Red= (to paint red), schudja-gáhcha (_ch_ guttural).

  =River=, uatschi̍ska-tánga; i.e., great brook, or river; they
    call the Missouri, Nih-schodje (_j_ French; _e_ ½), i.e., the
    muddy water.

  =Sand=, tschansemon (French).

  =Scalp= (n), pahá.

  =Scalp= (v; scalp an enemy), pahá-rüsá.

  =Scalp-dance= (war-dance), tután-uatschi.

  =Shield= (n), uágrä (short; _r_ with the point of the tongue); to
    carry a shield, tschehá-uágrä.

  =Sick=, itüh-häga (run together).

  =Silver=, mansaskan (_an_ French); i.e., white iron.

  =Small=, uah-hohstia, or uah-hohta.

  =Smoke= (n), schódiä.

  =Snow= (n), wáh.

  =Speak= (v), i̍hha-uaska.

  =Spirits= (distilled), pädjini̍h.

  =Spring= (the season), päädje (_aa_ separated; _j_ French).

  =Star=, uïtscháchpe (_ch_ German, guttural).

  =Stingy= (greedy), uah-chrih (_ch_ with the point of the tongue).

  =Stone=, in (_in_ somewhat nasal, like _i_).

  =Strong=, uaschkan-gran-rä (_an_ and _gran_ French).

  =Summer=, bellokellan (_an_ French).

  =Sun=, uin (_u_ and _i_ separated; _in_ nasal, like _i_).

  =Teeth=, hi̍h.

  =Thunder= (n), gronhóta.

  =Tobacco= (smoking tobacco), nanähü.

  =Tomahawk= (with the pipe), manhispä-nani̍omba (_an_ French).

  =Tongue=, lähja (_j_ French).

  =Toothache=, hi̍h-hi̍h.

  =Trail=, ohschángä (German).

  =Ugly=, pih-sche (_e_ ½).

  =Village=, taman (_an_ French).

  =War=, tu-tan (_an_ French).

  =War-club= (casse tête, tomahawk), manhispä-schi̍nga.

  =Warmth=, manschtä (_an_ French).

  =Wash= (v), gruschá.

  =Water=, ni̍h.

  =Weep= (v), hagä̍.

  =White= (color), skáh.

  =Widow=, ni̍hka-tombaschä (_om_ French).

  =Wind= (n), tadjä (_j_ French).

  =Winter=, páhletan (_e_ short; _an_ French).

  =Woman= (wife), uakó (_ua_ separated).

  =Wood=, tschán (_an_ French).

  =Yellow=, si̍h.

  =Yes=, hóh-uä.

_Articles of Dress_

  =Blanket= (woolen), hahi̍n (_in_ nasal, like _i_).

  =Deer's-tail= (hair ornament), táhsinnja (_j_ French).

  =Leggings=, hü̍hninggä (German).

  =Moccasins=, hómpä (_om_ French).

  =Shirt=, o̍ch-kiüera (_ch_ guttural; _e_ ½); i.e., white man's
    shirt, for they wear none, not even of leather.


  =One=, uïnchtschä (_uinch_ nasal; _u_ and _i_ separated; _n_
    French; _ch_ guttural).

  =Two=, nombá (_om_ French).

  =Three=, lahbeni (_e_ ½; _ni_ short).

  =Four=, toh-bá.

  =Five=, sah-tá (_s_ soft; _ta_ short).

  =Six=, schah-pé.

  =Seven=, peh-umbá (German).

  =Eight=, kih-atóba.

  =Nine=, grä̍bena-tscheh-uïningkä̍ (the whole run together); i.e.,
    ten less one; they also say, schangká.

  =Ten=, grä̍bena (_e_ ½; _na_ short).

  =Eleven=, grä̍bena-ahgenä-uächze (_uach_ nasal; _ach_ guttural;
    _ze_ short).

  =Twelve=, grä̍bena-agenih-nombá.

  =Thirteen=, grä̍bena-lahbeni.

  =Twenty=, grä̍bena-nombá; and so on.

  =Hundred=, grä̍bena-hütanga.

  =Thousand=, grä̍bena-itó-grabë̍na-hütanga.

       *       *       *       *       *

  =I eat=, uaranombra-tatsch, or uanumbra-minktsch.

  =You= (thou) =eat=, uaranumbra.

  =He eats=, same as I eat.

  =We eat=, there is no plural form, the plural is expressed by
    using "many."

  =Eat= (imper singular and plural), uanumbra.

  =I shall eat=, nomp-eh-anhin-uaranumbra-tatsch (_an_ and _n_
    French); i.e., I am hungry and shall eat.

_Names of Other Tribes_

  =Ayowas=, Páhodjä.

  =Comanches=, Baschtá.

  =Crows=, Kahchä̍ (_ch_ guttural).

  =Dacotas=, Schauánn (_a_ and _u_ separated).

  =Foxes=, given same name as Sahkis.

  =Konzas=, Kansä̍ (_an_ French).

  =Missouris=, Waschóra.

  =Omáhas=, Omahá.

  =Otos=, Wadochtáta (_och_ guttural).

  =Pahnis=, Pani̍.

  =Sakis=, Sáhki.


  =Antelope=, tatóhka.

  =Badger=, hogá (_ga_ German, guttural).

  =Bear= (black), uassábä.

  =Bear= (grizzly), mantó (_an_ French).

  =Beaver=, tscháhbä.

  =Buffalo= (bull), tschetoga.

  =Buffalo= (calf), tschéh-schínga.

  =Buffalo= (cow), tschéh.

  =Cat=, mi̍hka.

  =Cat= (European), ing-grong-grä̍scha (German).

  =Elk= (general name), opán (_an_ French).

  =Elk= (calf), opán-schinga.

  =Elk= (doe), opán-mi̍nga (second word German).

  =Elk= (stag), opán-tánga, or hächága (_ch_ guttural).

  =Fox=, schongréscha (German).

  =Fox= (prairie), schongréscha-schi̍nga.

  =Hare= (white), manschtin-skah.

  =Lynx= (felix rufa), mih-ká.

  =Muskrat=, táh-si.

  =Opossum=, sindiäschtá.

  =Otter=, tochenángä (_ch_ German, guttural).

  =Panther=, ingróng-ga (German throughout; run together).

  =Panther-skin=, ingrónggaha.

  =Rabbit= (hare), manschtin-schi̍nga (_an_ French; _in_ nasal,
    like _i_).

  =Skunk=, mang-gá.

  =Snake=, uets-ah (_u_ and _e_ separated; the whole run together).

  =Snake= (rattle snake), sin-diä̍-chala (_ch_ guttural).

  =Spider=, tschä̍büka.

  =Turkey= (wild), súhka.

  =Wolf=, schomikásse (_e_ distinct).

_The Months_

  =July and August=, tschetoga-ki̍rucha; i.e., the moon when the
    buffalo is in heat.

  =September, October and November=, tah-kiruchä, i.e., the time
    when the deer is in heat.

  =December=, tah-habrähka; i.e., moon of the thin hides.

  =January and February=, mi̍hka-kiruchä; i.e., the time when the
    lynx is in heat.

  =March and April=, oh-uä-gachä (_ch_ guttural); i.e., the time of
    the maize.


[269] Written from the pronunciation of Mr. Chardon, who had lived a
long time among the Osages and understood the language perfectly. They
call their people Wasaji. Formerly they were a powerful tribe, and were
always at war with the neighboring Indians, even with the Konsas who
speak the same dialect. They were originally divided into the Great
and Little Osages; but about forty years ago a part of them, known
under the name of the Chaneer's, or Clermont's band, separated from
the rest and moved to the Arkansa. On the present dwelling place of
the Osages, see Gallatin (_ibid._, p. 126). They regard themselves as

_Comment by Ed._ For F. A. Chardon, see our volume xxiii, p. 188, note
144. For Clermont's band and its separation from the Osage, consult our
volume v, pp. 191, 192.


This sign language has been treated in various works. Say has given
noteworthy vocabularies in Edward James's _Account of the Expedition
of Major Long to the Rocky Mountains_. The Arikkaras, Mandans,
Minnitarris, Crows, Chayennes, Snakes, and Blackfeet all understand
a system of signs, which, as we were told, are unintelligible to the
Dacotas, Assiniboins, Ojibuas, Krihs, and other nations. The following
vocabulary is taken from the first group.[271]

       *       *       *       *       *

    [From Colonel Garrick Mallery's "Sign Language of the Indians
    of the Upper Missouri in 1832."]

Although nearly every book of travels among the Indians found between
the Alleghenies and the western slope of the Rocky Mountains, refers
to their frequent and convenient use of sign language, there are
only three useful collections of described signs of any early date,
either printed, or, so far as ascertained, in manuscript. These are as

       *       *       *       *       *

The one collected by Prince Maximilian von Wied-Neu-Wied, in 1832-34,
from the Cheyenne, Shoshoni, Arikara, Satsika, and the Absaroki, the
Mandans, Hidatsa, and other Northern Dakotas.[273] This list is not
published in the English edition, but appears in the German, Coblenz,
1839, and in the French, Paris, 1840. Bibliographic reference is often
made to this distinguished explorer as "Prince Maximilian," as if there
were but one possessor of that christian name among princely families.
No translation of this list into English appears to have been printed
in any shape, while the German and French editions are costly and
difficult of access, so the collection cannot readily be compared by
observers with the signs now made by the same tribes. The translation
now presented is intended to facilitate such comparison. It is based
upon the German original, but in a few cases where the language was so
curt as not to give a clear idea, was collated with the French edition
of the succeeding year, which, from some internal evidence, appears
to have been published with the assistance or supervision of the
author. Many of the descriptions are, however, so brief and indefinite
in both their German and French forms, that they necessarily remain
so in the present translation. The princely explorer, with the keen
discrimination shown in all his work, doubtless observed what has
escaped many recent reporters of aboriginal signs, that the latter
depend much more upon motion than mere position--and are generally
large and free--seldom minute. His object was to express the general
effect of the motion, rather than to describe it so as to allow of
its accurate reproduction by a reader who had never seen it. For the
latter purpose, now very desirable, a more elaborate description would
have been necessary, and even that would not in all cases have been
sufficient without pictorial illustration. In a few instances the
present writer has added explanations preceded by a dash--. Remarks
on the signs might be indefinitely extended, but the present object
is to assist present observers in making their own comparisons and
suggestions, which, it is hoped, they will contribute to the final
work on Sign Language, now in preparation by the Bureau of Ethnology
of the Smithsonian Institution, of which notice has been given in a
preliminary pamphlet lately issued.

It is worthy of note that the distinguished explorer, who was the
earliest to publish a comprehensive and scientific account of the
tribes of the upper Missouri, is the only printed authority agreeing
with the present writer in denying the existence of a universal sign
language among the several tribes, in the sense of a common code,
the report of which has generally been accepted without question.
He states that the signs described, gathered by him from the tribes
above mentioned, are unintelligible to the Dakotas (probably Sioux),
Assiniboins, Ojibwas, Krees, and other nations. He undoubtedly means,
however, that different signs prevailed among the two bodies of
Indians, so divided by himself, and that the individuals who had only
learned by rote one set of those signs, would not understand the other
set which they had never seen, unless they were accomplished in the
gesture speech as an art, and not as a mere memorized list of arbitrary
motions. It has been clearly ascertained that two Indians of different
tribes who have neither oral language nor previously adopted signs in
common, can, after a short trial, communicate through familiarity with
the principles of gesture speech, signs being mutually invented and

       *       *       *       *       *

The philosophic prince also was one of the first to correct another
common error, in attributing the use of signs to the poverty of the
aboriginal tongues.

_List of the Prince of Wied-Neu-Wied_

  =1. Good=: Place the right hand horizontally in front of the
      breast, and move it forward.--This gesture is more fully
      described by a recent observer, as follows: "Place the right
      hand horizontally in front of the breast, and touching it,
      fingers and thumbs closed and extended, back of hand up,
      move rather sharply to the front until the forearm is nearly
      extended." It may convey the suggestion of "level," "no
      difficulty," and resembles some signs for "content." Many
      Indians and deaf mutes use gestures to express a pleasant
      taste in the mouth, for "good" even in a moral sense. (G. S.
      124; S. L. 25.)

  =2. Bad=: Close the hand and open it whilst passing it
      downwards.--This sign is still frequent, the idea of dropping
      out the supposed contents of the hand as not worth keeping,
      being obvious. (G. S. 27; S. L. 26.)

  =3. See=: Pass the extended index-finger forward from the eye.
      (G. S. 229.)

  =4. Come=: Elevate the index-finger near the face, extend the
      hand and return it with a number of gentle jerks.--In the
      prevalent sign noticed now for "come," in the sense of "come
      here," the index, after the forearm (not hand alone) is
      extended, is crooked slightly as if hooking on to an object,
      and drawn sharply toward the person. The degree of motion is,
      however, proportioned to the occasion, and the successive
      "gentle jerks" of the author indicate less urgency than one
      sharp redrawal. (G. S. 68.)

  =5. Arrive=: Clap the hands, elevating the index-finger of the
      right hand.--To express arrival at a place indicated by
      previous gestures, some of the upper Missouri tribes now
      hold the left hand fingers extended and closed, well out in
      front of the body, palm toward it, forearm horizontal, right
      hand between left and body, index extended vertically, other
      fingers and thumb closed, nails outward, then the right hand
      is carried sharply out until it strikes the left. The same
      sign is used in a direction to go to a place indicated, and
      that for returning from a place is the same with reversed
      position of hands. It is conjectured that the clapping of
      the hands mentioned by the author as commencing the sign
      refers to the accomplishment of the motion, as southern
      negroes say "done come." (G. S. 70.)

  =6. Go, depart=: Like _come_; but begin near the face and extend
      the hand with a number of gentle jerks. (G. S. 120.)

  =7. Speak=: Place the flat hand back downward before the mouth
      and move it forward two or three times. (G. S. 245.)

  =8. Another speaks=: Place the hand in the same position,
      beginning farther from the mouth, drawing it nearer and
      nearer. (G. S. 246.)

  =9. Man=: Elevate the index-finger and turn the hand hither
      and thither.--The "turning of the hand hither and thither"
      probably signifies more than the simple idea of man, and
      is used for "only one man" or "a man who is alone." The
      finger represents the male organ of generation, and among
      some tribes the finger is held erect or crooked downward, to
      indicate mature or declining age. (G. S. 176.)

  =10. Woman=: Pass the palm of the extended hand downward over the
      hair on the side of the head, or downward over the cheeks.
      (G. S. 287.)

  =11. Child=: Push the index-finger rapidly into the air then
      draw the hand back downward.--The distance of the hand from
      the ground when the motion ceases, indicates the height of
      the child referred to. Indians often indicate the height of
      human beings by the hand placed at the proper elevation, back
      downward, and that of inanimate objects or animals not human
      by the hand held back upward. (G. S. 54.)

  =12. Kill=: Clinch the hand and strike from above downward.--This
      motion, which may be more clearly expressed as the downward
      thrust of a knife held in the clinched hand, is still used by
      many tribes for the general idea of "kill," and illustrates
      the antiquity of the knife as a weapon. The actual employment
      of arrow, gun, or club in taking life, is, however, often
      specified by appropriate gesture. (G. S. 158.)

  =13. Arrow, To shoot an=: Place the tips of the fingers downward
      upon the thumb, then snap them forward. (G. S. 25.)

  =14. Gun, Discharge of a=: Place both hands as in No. 13, extend
      the left arm, contract the right before the face, then snap
      the ends of the fingers forward. (G. S. 130.)

  =15. Arrow, To hit with an=: After the fingers have been
      snapped, strike the hands together and elevate the
      index-finger of the right hand. (G. S. 24.)

  =16. Gunshot, To hit with a=: After the fingers have been
      snapped, strike the hands together as in No. 15. (G. S. 131.)

  =17. God, great spirit=: Blow upon the open hand, point upward
      with the extended index-finger whilst turning the closed hand
      hither and thither, then sweep it above the earth and allow
      it to drop. (G. S. 89.)

  =18. Medicine=: Stir with the right hand into the left, and
      afterwards blow into the latter.--All persons familiar with
      Indians will understand that the term "medicine" foolishly
      enough adopted by both the French and English to express the
      aboriginal magic arts, has no therapeutic significance. Very
      few even pretended remedies were administered to the natives,
      and probably never by the professional shaman, who worked
      by incantation, often pulverizing and mixing the substances
      mystically used, to prevent their detection. The same
      mixtures were employed in divination. The author particularly
      mentions Mandan ceremonies, in which a white "medicine"
      stone, as hard as pyrites, was produced by rubbing in the
      hand snow, or the white feathers of a bird. The blowing away
      of the disease, considered to be a malign power foreign to
      the body, was a common part of the juggling performance. (G.
      S. 179.)

  =19. Gun=: Close the fingers against the thumb, elevate the hand
      and open the fingers with a quick snap. (G. S. 129.)

  =20. Bow=: Draw the right arm back completely, as if drawing the
      bowstring, whilst the left arm is extended with clinched
      hand. (G. S. 43.)

  =21. Arrow=: Pass the index-finger of the right hand several
      times across the left arm. (G. S. 23.)

  =22. Arrowhead, Iron=: With the index-finger of the right hand,
      touch the tip of the extended forefinger of the left hand
      several times. (G. S. 25.)

  =23. Gunflint=: With the index-finger of the right hand cut off
      a piece of the extended thumb, so that the finger is laid
      across the thumbnail. (G. S. 131.)

  =24. Gun-screw=: Elevate the hand to indicate a gun, and twist
      the fingers spirally around the thumb. (G. S. 131.)

  =25. Question=: Extend the open hand perpendicularly with the
      palm outward, and move it from side to side several times.
      (G. S. 210.)

  =26. Gunpowder=: Rub the thumb and index-finger together
      repeatedly. (G. S. 131.)

  =27. Coat=: Separate the thumb and index-finger of each hand and
      pass them downward over the sides of the body. (G. S. 61.)

  =28. Leggings=: Open the fingers as before and draw them upward
      along both legs. (G. S. 166.)

  =29. Moccasins, shoes=: Raise the foot and stroke it from front
      to back with the index-finger of the hand on the same side.
      (G. S. 232.)

  =30. Breechcloth=: Pass the flat hand from between the legs
      upward toward the belly. (G. S. 48.) = 31. Hat=: Pass the
      parted thumb and index-finger about both sides of the head
      where the hat rests upon it. (G. S. 135.)

  =32. True, It is=: Lower the hand in front of the breast, then
      extend the index-finger, raise and move it straight forward
      before the person. (G. S. 273.)

  =33. Lie=: Pass the second and third finger of the right
      hand toward the left side in front of the mouth.--By the
      expression "second and third" finger the author means, as
      appears in other connections, the index and middle finger.
      The idea of double tongued, two kinds of talk, prevails now
      among all Indian tribes, though it is sometimes made by one
      finger, the index, moved successively from the mouth in two
      different directions. (G. S. 166.)

  =34. Know=: Spread the thumb and index-finger of the right hand,
      sweep toward the breast, moving them forward and outward so
      that the palm turns up. (G. S. 161.)

  =35. Do not know=: First place the fingers in the preceding
      position, then turn the right hand upward with spread fingers
      so that they point outward toward the right side. (G. S. 162.)

  =36. Much=: Move both hands toward one another and slightly
      upward.--This is the formation of a "heap." (G. S. 208; S.
      L. 24.) = 37. Little=: Pass the nearly closed hands several
      times by jerks over one another, the right hand above. (G. S.

  =38. Trade=: Strike the extended index-finger of the right hand
      several times upon that of the left. (G. S. 268.)

  =39. Exchange=: Pass both hands with extended forefingers
      across each other before the breast.--In the author's mind
      "exchange" was probably intended for one transaction, in
      which each of two articles took the place before occupied by
      the other, and "trade" was intended for a more general and
      systematic barter, indicated by the repetition of strokes, in
      which the index-fingers mutually changed positions. (G. S.

  =40. Horse=: Place the index and third fingers of the right hand
      astraddle the index-finger of the left.--By the "third" the
      author means the middle finger. He counts the thumb as the
      first. (G. S. 144.)

  =41. Horse, To ride a=: As before stated, but with this
      difference, that the right hand extends farther and the
      gesture is made quickly. (G. S. 147.)

  =42. Dog=: Pass the flat hand from above downward, stopping at
      the height of a dog's back. (G. S. 96; S. L. 28.)

  =43. Beaver=: With the back of the open right hand, strike the
      palm of the left several times. (G. S. 32.)

  =44. Otter=: Draw the nose slightly upward with the first two
      fingers of the right hand. (G. S. 194.)

  =45. Bison, female=: Curve the two forefingers, place them on the
      sides of the head, and move them several times. (G. S. 40.)

  =46. Bison, male=: Place the tightly closed hands on both sides
      of the head with the fingers forward. (G. S. 40.)

  =47. Antelope=: Pass the open right hand outward from the small
      of the back.--This, as explained by Indians examined by the
      present writer, indicates the lighter coloration upon the
      animal's flanks. A Ute who could speak Spanish accompanied it
      with the word _blanco_, as if recognizing that it required
      explanation. (G. S. 22.)

  =48. Sheep, bighorn= (_Ovis montana_): Move the hands in the
      direction of the horns on the side of the head by passing
      them backward and forward in the form of a half-circle. (G.
      S. 231.)

  =49. Mule=: Hold the open hands high beside the head, and move
      them from back to front several times like wings. (G. S. 186.)

  =50. Elk= (_Cervus can._): Stretch the arms above and along side
      of the head. (G. S. 103.)

  =51. Deer=: Pass the uplifted hand to and fro several times in
      front of the face. (G. S. 86; S. L. 27.)

  =52. Deer, black tail=: First make the preceding gesture, then
      indicate a tail. (G. S. 88; S. L. 27.)

  =53. Buffalo-robe=: Pass both fists crossing in front of the
      breast, as if wrapping one's self up. (G. S. 59.)

  =54. Day=: Place both hands at some distance in front of the
      breast, apart and back downward, elevate the index-finger and
      move it forward to indicate one, twice for two days, etc.
      When counting on the fingers begin at the left hand. (G. S.
      77; S. L. 20.)

  =55. Night=: Move both hands open and flat, that is horizontal,
      the backs up and in small curves in front of the breast
      and over one another.--The conception is _covering_, and
      consequently obscurity. In the foregoing sign for _day_ the
      author probably meant that the hands, palms up, were _moved_
      apart, to denote openness. (G. S. 187.)

  =56. Sun=: Form a small circle with the forefingers and hold them
      toward heaven. (G. S. 256.)

  =57. Moon=: Make the same sign, after having made that for night.
      (G. S. 183.)

  =58. River=: Open the right hand and pass it before the mouth
      from above downward. (G. S. 222.)

  =59. Forest=: Slightly spread and raise the ten fingers bringing
      the hands together in front of the face, then separate
      them.--The numerous trees and their branches are indicated.
      (G. S. 112.)

  =60. Mountain=: Raise the arm from the elbow without moving the
      latter, the back of the clinched hand directed toward the
      front. (G. S. 141.)

  =61. Prairie, plain=: Lay the hands flat upon their backs and
      move them straight from one another in a horizontal line. (G.
      S. 198.)

  =62. Village=: Place the opened thumb and forefinger of each hand
      opposite to each other, as if to make a circle, but leaving
      between them a small interval, afterward move them from
      above downward simultaneously.--The villages of the tribes
      with which the author was longest resident, particularly the
      Mandans and Arikaras, were surrounded by a strong, circular
      stockade, spaces or breaks in the circle being left for
      entrance and exit. (G. S. 277.)

  =63. Kettle=: Same sign as for _village_, but is made closer to
      the earth.--Singularly enough, the configuration of a common
      kettle (the utensil obtained from the whites in trade being,
      of course, the one referred to) is the same as that of the
      stockaded villages, the intervals left between the hands
      representing in this case the interruption in the circle
      made by the handles. The differentiation is effected by the
      position closer to the earth. (G. S. 157.)

  =64. Lodge=: The same, with the addition that the finger is
      elevated to indicate the number, one. (G. S. 170.)

  =65. Lodge, Entering a=: Pass the right hand in short curves
      under the left, which is held a short distance forward.--The
      conception is of the stooping to pass through the low
      entrance, which is often covered by a common flap, and the
      subsequent rising when the entrance has been accomplished.
      In the same tribes now, if the intention is to speak of a
      person entering the gesturer's own lodge, the right hand
      is passed under the left and toward the body, near which
      the left hand is held; if of a person entering the lodge of
      another, the left hand is held further from the body and the
      right is passed under it and outward. In both cases both
      hands are slightly curved and compressed. (G. S. 172.)

  =66. Robe, Red=: First indicate the wrapping about the shoulders,
      then rub the right cheek to indicate the red color.--The red
      refers to the paint habitually used on the cheeks, not to
      the natural skin. The Indians know better than to designate
      between each other their natural color as red, and have been
      known to give the designation _red man_ to the visiting
      Caucasian, whose blistered skin often better deserves the
      epithet, which they only apply to themselves in converse with
      the conquering race that insisted upon it. (G. S. 59, 66.)

  =67. Robe, Green=: Indicate the wrapping about the shoulders, and
      with the back of the left hand make the gesture of stroking
      grass upon the earth. (G. S. 59, 66.)

  =68. Robe, Blue=: Indicate the wrapping, then with two fingers of
      the right hand rub the back of the left.--It is conjectured
      that the veins on the back of the hand are indicated. (G. S.
      59, 66.)

  =69. Ax=: Cross the arms and slide the edge of the right hand
      held vertically, down over the left arm. (G. S. 267.)

  =70. Beads, Glass=: Stroke the fingers of the right hand over the
      upper arm of the left. (G. S. 31.)

  =71. Vermillion, cinnabar=: Rub the right cheek with the fingers
      of the right hand.--The chief use of this pigment was to
      paint the cheeks. (G. S. 67.)

  =72. Knife=: Cut past the mouth with the raised right hand.--This
      clearly refers to the general practice of cutting off food,
      as much being crammed into the mouth as can be managed and
      then separated by a stroke of a knife from the remaining
      mass. This is specially the case with fat entrails, the
      aboriginal delicacies. (G. S. 160.)

  =73. Fire=: Hold the fingers of the right hand slightly opened
      and upward, and elevate the hand several times.--This
      portrays the forked tongues of the flames rising. (G. S. 109.)

  =74. Water=: Same as "river."

  =75. Smoke=: Snuffle the nose and raise the fingers of both hands
      several times, rubbing the fingers against each other.--The
      rubbing may indicate the former mode of obtaining fire by
      friction, accompanied with smoke, which is further indicated
      by the wrinkled nose. (G. S. 240.)

  =76. Partisan=: First make the sign of the pipe, then open the
      thumb and index-finger of the right hand, back of the hand
      outward, move it forward and upward in a curve.--By the
      title of "partisan" the author meant, as indeed was the
      common expression of the Canadian voyageurs, a leader of an
      occasional or volunteer war party. The sign is explained
      by his account in a different connection, that to become
      recognized as a leader of such a war party, the first act
      among the tribes using the sign was the consecration, by
      fasting succeeded by feasting, of a medicine pipe without
      ornament, which the leader of the expedition afterward
      bore with him as his badge of authority, and it therefore
      naturally became an emblematic sign. There may be interest in
      noting that the "Calendar of the Dakota Nation" (Bulletin U.
      S. G. and G. Survey, vol. iii, No. 1) gives a figure (No. 43,
      A. D. 1842) showing "One Feather," a Sioux chief, who raised
      in that year a large war party against the Crows, which fact
      is simply denoted by his holding out, demonstratively, an
      unornamented pipe. (G. S. 53.)

  =77. Chief=: Raise the index-finger of the right hand, holding
      it straight upward, then turn it in a circle, and bring it
      straight down a little toward the earth.--If this gesture
      is accurately described by the author, its conception may
      be "elevated in the midst of surrounding inferiors." In
      view, however, of the fact that Indians now make a forward
      curve instead of a horizontal circle, the former instead of
      the latter may have been intended in the curt expression.
      The prevailing delineation of the superior authority of the
      chiefs is by superior height, one form of which is reported
      as follows: Right forearm nearly vertical, index extended,
      thumb and other fingers closed, nails toward cheek and about
      eight inches from it. Extend right arm vertically about eight
      inches; turn index as an arrow turns in the air and bring
      down in front of face between the eyes until about opposite
      the chin. (G. S. 51; S. L. 19.)

  =78. White man, American=: Place the open index-finger and thumb
      of the right hand toward the face, then pass it to the right
      in front of the forehead to indicate the hat. The fist can
      also be used in same way. (G. S. 283.)

  =79. Negro=: First make the sign for white man, then rub the
      hair on the right side of the head with the flat hand.--The
      present common sign for "black" is to rub or touch the hair,
      which, among Indians, is almost universally of that color.
      (G. S. 186.)

  =80. Fool=: Place the hand in front of the head, back outward,
      then turn it round in a circle several times. (G. S. 112.)

  =81. Scalp=: Grasp the hair with the left hand, and with the
      right one flattened cut away over the left. (G. S. 228.)

  =82. Content, satisfied=: With the raised right hand, pass with a
      serpentine movement upward from the breast and face above the
      head. (G. S. 119; S. L. 35.)

  =83. Mine, this belongs to me=: With the fist, pass upward in
      front of the breast, then push it forward with a slight jerk.
      (G. S. 200.)

  =84. Belongs to another=: Pass the hand quickly before the face
      as if to say, "go away," then make gesture No. 83. (G. S.

  =85. This does not belong to me=: First make gesture No. 83,
      then wave the right hand quickly by and in front of the face
      toward the right. (G. S. 203.)

  =86. Perhaps I will get it=: First, No. 83, then move the right
      hand right and left before the face, the thumb turned toward
      the face.

  =87. Brave=: Close the fists, place the left near the breast, and
      move the right over the left toward the left side. (G. S. 45.)

  =88. Coward=: Point forward with the index followed by the
      remaining fingers, each time that is done draw back the
      index.--Impossible to keep the coward to the front. (G. S.
      106; S. L. 23.)

  =89. Hard=: Open the hand, and strike against it several times
      with the right (with the backs of the fingers). (G. S. 134.)

  =90. Soft=: Make gesture No. 89, then strike on the opposite side
      so as to indicate the reunion. (G. S. 242.)

  =91. Hard, Excessively=: Sign No. 89, then place the left
      index-finger upon the right shoulder, at the same time extend
      and raise the right arm high, extending the index-finger
      upwards, perpendicularly. (G. S. 135.)

  =92. Repeat, (a thing) often=: Extend the left arm, also the
      index-finger, and with the latter strike the arm at regular
      intervals from front backward several times. (G. S. 221.)

  =93. Heard, I have=: Open wide the thumb and index-finger of the
      right hand, place them over the ear, and in this position
      move them quickly past the chin and nose. (G. S. 139.)

  =94. Listen=: Place the open thumb and index-finger over the
      right ear and move them hither and thither. (G. S. 137.)

  =95. Run=: Lay both hands flat, palm downward, and pass the right
      rapidly high and far over the left, so that the body is
      somewhat raised. (G. S. 225.)

  =96. Slow=: Extend the left arm, curving the forefinger and
      holding it still. The right arm does the same but is drawn
      back with several short and circular movements. (G. S. 237.)

  =97. Fat=: Raise the left arm with fist closed back outward,
      grasp the arm with the right hand, and rub downward thereon.
      (G. S. 106.)

  =98. Lean=: Hold the flattened hands toward one another before
      the breast, separate them, moving all the fingers several
      times inward and outward toward and from the breast. (G. S.

  =99. Sick=: Hold the hands as just stated, toward one another,
      bring them, held stiff, in front of the breast, and move them
      forward and backward from and to the same. (G. S. 233.)

  =100. Dead=: Hold the left hand flat over the face, back outward,
      and pass with the similarly held right hand below the former,
      gently striking or touching it. (G. S. 83.)


[270] In the original German edition, the first paragraph and its
accompanying note (270) form the only introduction to Maximilian's
account of the Indian sign language. As this account had already
been Englished by an expert in this field, the late Colonel Garrick
Mallery, I have adopted the latter's version, found in his "Sign
Language of the Indians of the Upper Missouri in 1832," in _American
Antiquarian_, ii (Chicago, 1879-80), pp. 218-228. Mallery's version was
also incorporated in his "Collection of Gesture-Signs and Signals of
the North American Indians with some Comparisons" (Washington: Bureau
of Ethnology, 1880). A few of the descriptions are also referred to
in his "Introduction to the Study of Sign Language among the North
American Indians, as illustrating the Gesture Speech of Mankind,"
published in the same year by the Bureau of Ethnology. The opinion of
Maximilian's work entertained by so eminent an authority as Colonel
Mallery is of course interesting and valuable, and it has seemed
proper to reprint here the pertinent part of his introduction to the
_American Antiquarian_ article. This introduction will also be found
in substance in his "Gesture-Signs" and "Sign Language," cited above.
Reference to the pages in the "Gesture-Signs" (G. S.) and in the "Sign
Language" (S. L.), where each description is given, are here indicated
in parentheses.--TRANS.

[271] Dr. Mitchell (Warden, _American Antiquities_, p. 179) has a
very incorrect conception of the Indians, if he believes that they
ordinarily communicate by means of signs. The signs are used only when
a person does not wish to be heard, or when he is addressing people of
other nations. According to Dunbar (_ibid._, p. 176) this sign language
agrees with the Chinese letters; but I do not understand what is meant
by this statement.--MAXIMILIAN.

_Comment by Ed._ For Warden, see our volume xxii, p. 149, note 63.
Samuel L. Mitchell (1764-1831) was known as the "Nestor of American
Science." His learning was encyclopædic; he belonged to many scientific
societies both in America and Europe. For Sir William Dunbar, see our
volume iv, p. 325, note 209.

[272] The first two lists mentioned by Mallery are: that of William
Dunbar, American Philosophical Society, _Transactions_, vi; and the
one, probably by T. Say, in James's _Long's Expedition_, in our volume
xvii, pp. 289-308.--ED.

[273] Mallery (G. S. 11) says that from the time and attention which
Maximilian gave to the Mandans and Hidatsa, it may be safe to conclude
that all these signs were actually obtained from them.--ED.


Some time in the year (it was before the arrival of the Whites in
America) a large band of Indians, who call themselves Fish-eaters
(_Hoton-ga_), who inhabit the lakes, being discontented, concluded
that they would migrate to the southwest in pursuit of the buffalo,
and accordingly did so. At Lake Puant they divided, and that part
which remained, still continued their original name in Indian, but
from some cause or other the Whites called them Winnebagos. The rest,
more enterprising, still continued on the journey, until they reached
the Mississippi and the mouth of the Joway River, where they encamped
on the sand-beach and again divided, one band concluding not to go
farther, and those who still wished to go on called this band, which
still remained encamped on the sand-beach, Pa-ho-dje, or Dust-noses;
but the Whites, who first discovered them on the Joway River, called
them Joways (_Ayowäs_). The rest of them continued on their direction,
and struck the Missouri at the mouth of the Grand River. Having only
two principal chiefs left, they here gave themselves the name of
Neu-ta-che, which means "those that arrive at the mouth," but were
called by the Whites the Missouris. One of their chiefs had an only
son, the other chief had a beautiful daughter, and, having both a
gentle blood, thought no harm to absent themselves for a night or two
together, which raised the anger of the unfortunate girl's father to
such a pitch, that he marshalled his band and prepared for battle.
They however settled it so far as not to come to blows, but the father
of the unfortunate son separated from the others, and continued
still farther up the Missouri, whereupon they called themselves
Wagh-toch-tat-ta, and by what means I know not they have got the
name Otos. The Fish-eaters, or the Winnebagos as we call them, still
continued east of the Mississippi in the State of Illinois. The Joways,
having ceded to the United States all their title to the lands they
first settled, have moved West of the State of Missouri, between the
waters of the Missouri and the Little Platte. The Missouris, having
been unfortunate at war with the Osages, here again separated, and a
part of them live now with the Joways, and a part with the Otos. The
Otos continued still up the Missouri until they arrived at the Big
Platte, which empties into the Missouri, when they crossed and lived
some time a little above its mouth, but of late years have resided
about 80 miles (by water) from the Missouri, on the Platte River.


This Document is headed--Andrew Jackson, President of the United States
of America, to all and singular to whom these presents shall come,
greeting; &c. &c. Then come thirteen articles, of which the following
is the preamble:

Articles of a treaty made and concluded by William Clarke,
Superintendent of Indian Affaires, and Willoughby Morgan, Colonel of
the United States 1st Regt. Infantry, commissioners on behalf of the
United States, on the one part; and the undersigned deputations of
the confederated tribes of the Sacs and Foxes; the Medawah-Kanton,
Wahpacoota, Wahpeton, and Sissetong bands or tribes of Sioux; the
Omahas, Joways, Otos, and Missouris, on the other part.

The said tribes being anxious to remove all causes which may hereafter
create any unfriendly feeling between them, and being also anxious
to provide other sources for supplying their wants besides those of
hunting, which they are sensible must soon entirely fail them, agree
with the United States on the following articles:

Article I. The said tribes cede and relinquish to the United States for
ever all their right and title to the lands lying within the following
boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the upper fork of the Demoine River,
and passing the sources of the Little Sioux and Floyd's Rivers, to the
fork of the first creek which falls into the Big Sioux, or Calumet,
on the east side; thence down said creek, and Calumet River, to the
Missouri River: thence down said Missouri River to the Missouri State
line above the Kansas; thence along said line to the northwest corner
of the said state; thence to the highlands between the water falling
into the Missouri and Desmoines, passing to said highlands along the
dividing ridge between the forks of the Grand River; thence along
said highlands or ridge separating the waters of the Missouri from
those of the Desmoines, to a point opposite the source of Boyer River,
and thence in a direct line to the upper fork of the Desmoines, the
place of beginning. But it is understood that the lands ceded and
relinquished by this treaty are to be resigned and allotted under the
direction of the President of the United States to the tribes now
living thereon, or to such other tribes as the President may locate
thereon for hunting, and other purposes, &c. &c.

The other Articles follow. Here are the names of some of the Indian
chiefs who signed the contract:--


  _Mash-que-tai-paw_ (Red-head).
  _Sheco-Caiawko_ (Tortoise-shell).
  _Kee-o-cuck_ (The Vigilant Fox).
  _Pai-o-tahit_ (Heartless).
  _Os-hays-Kee_ (Ridge).
  _She-she-quaninee_ (The Little Gourd), &c.


  _Wapataw_ (The Prince).
  _Taweemin_ (Gooseberry).
  _Keewausettee_ (Who climbs everywhere).
  _Appenioce_ (The Great Child).
  _Kaw-kaw-kee_ (The Crow), &c.


  _Wabishaw_ (The Red Leaf).
  _Tchataqua mani_ (The Little Crow).
  _Waumunde-tunkar_ (The Great Calumet Eagle).
  _Taco-coqui-pishnee_ (Dauntless).
  _Wah-coo-ta_ (The Bowman).


  _Opan-tanga_ (The Great Elk).
  _Chonques-kaw_ (The White Horse).
  _Tessan_ (The White Crow).


  _Wassan-nie_ (The Medicine Club).
  _Mauhooskan_ (The White Cloud).
  _Tah-roh-ha_ (Many Stags).


  _I-atan or Shaumanie-lassan_ (Prairie-Wolf).
  _Mehah-hun-jee_ (Second Daughter).
  _Kansaw-tanga_ (The Great Kansa), &c.


We send greeting to all mankind! Be it known unto all nations, that the
most ancient, most illustrious, and most numerous tribes of the red
skins, lords of the soil from the banks of the great waters unto the
tops of the mountains, upon which the heavens rest, have entered into
solemn league and covenant to make, preserve, and cherish a firm and
lasting peace, that so long as the water runs, or grass grows, they may
hail each other as brethren and smoke the calumet in friendship and

On the vigil of the feast of St. Andrew, in the year eighteen hundred
and thirty-one, the powerful and distinguished nation of Blackfeet,
Piëgan, and Blood Indians, by their ambassadors, appeared at Fort
Union, near the spot where the Yellow Stone River unites its current
with the Missouri, and in the council-chamber of the Governor Kenneth
M'Kenzie met the principal chief of all the Assiniboin nation, the Man
that holds the Knife, attended by his chiefs of council, le Brechu,
le Borgne, the Sparrow, the Bear's Arm, la Terre qui Tremble, and
l'Enfant de Medicine, when, conforming to all ancient customs and
ceremonies, and observing the due mystical signs enjoined by the grand
medicine-lodges, a treaty of peace and friendship was entered into
between the said high contracting parties, and is testified by their
hands and seals hereunto annexed, hereafter and for ever to live as
brethren of one large united happy family; and may the Great Spirit,
who watcheth over us all, approve our conduct and teach us to love one

Done, executed, ratified and confirmed at Fort Union on the day and
year first within written, in the presence of Jas. Archdale Hamilton.

                                                             H. CHARDON.









  K. M'KENZIE, on behalf of the Piëgans and Blackfeet.


                   [Condensed by Asa Currier Tilton]

These observations consist of those which were made by Prince
Maximilian at Fort Clark in 1833-34, and of extracts from the records
kept at Fort Union for the two years preceding, by Mr. Mc Kenzie. The
observations were systematized by Prof. Mädler, then at Dorpat, but
formerly at Berlin. His conclusions and comments are printed in his own

A table is given of the observations at Fort Union in 1832-33. It shows
the monthly average and the daily variation of temperature. The daily
and annual variations are found to be greater than in Europe, even in
the interior of Russia; and are those of a typical continental climate.
Some variations are manifestly unusual. The period of observation in
so variable a climate is too short to reduce the figures to a formula;
but a table of the differences is given, and some of the most marked
variations and apparent exceptions are discussed.

The observations of the principal winds are given in another table.
Here, also, the period of observation is too short for definite
results; but more correspondence is found with Europe than in the case
of temperature. As in Europe, the north and the south winds are rarest,
the former especially.

Still another table shows the influence of the winds on temperature.
This is valuable in spite of the short period covered. The south wind
is found to be the warmest; and the northwest wind, followed by the
northeast, the coldest. There is too little north wind to conclude that
it is regularly as warm as the data indicate.

The southwest wind keeps its place throughout the year, the northwest
wind only in the autumn and winter; in the spring and summer, the
northeast wind takes its place as the coldest. For all the seasons, the
east wind corresponds most nearly to the average temperature.

The observations at Fort Clark are given in similar tables. From
November to the latter part of January the cold increased; the first
part of February was decidedly warmer. The winter was very cold not
alone in the Missouri valley but in the Atlantic states as well; it
was, however, one of the mildest on record in Europe.

The table on the winds indicates none which corresponds to the average
temperature. The northwest and west winds vary from it but little,
however. The mildest wind seems to be the southwest; while the greatest
cold seems to coincide with the northeast wind.

Another table gives the cloudy and clear days, and indicates their
relation to temperature. From November to the beginning of March the
clear mornings are the colder; in the latter part of March there is no
difference. In December, January, and February the clear middays are
the colder; for the rest of the time, the cloudy or neutral days are
coldest. In January, the neutral days are the warmest.

OF 1833-34[274]


  =Beginning.= _Residents_: Cathartes septentrionalis;[275]
    Aquila leucocephala; Falco sparverius; strix virginiana,
    asio; Corvus corax, americanus audub.; Pica hudsonica;
    Lanius septentrionalis; Alcedo alcyon; Quiscalus versicolor;
    Parus atricapillus; Sturnella ludoviciana; Picus villosus,
    pubescens; Tetrao phasianellus; Tringa; Totanus; Anas boschas
    fera, crecca, discors; Fulica americana.[276]

  =Middle.= _Residents_: Same as above. Some of the following
    begin to migrate: Cathartes; Falcones; Corvus amer.; Alcedo;
    Quiscalus; Sturnella; Fringilla erythrophthalma; Fulica;
    Tringa; Totanus (even earlier); Pelecanus trachyrynchos
    lath.;[277] grus, and recurvirostra.

    _Migrants_: Quiscalus vers.; Sturnella; Anser hyperboreus,
    canadensis; all species of Mergus and Anas, among them Anas
    sponsa;[278] likewise Pelecanus.

    _Birds of passage_: Turdus migrat.; Grus, both species;

  =End.= _Residents_: Tetrao phasian.; Corvus corax; Pica huds.;
    Picus pubesc., villosus; Parus atricap.; Aquila leucoc.;
    Alcedo alcyon (now migrating).

    _Migrants_: Quiscalus, solitary; Anser canad.; Ansas boschas,
    crecca, discors; Cygnus; Mergus; Fringilla linaria, including
    unfamiliar species.


  =Beginning.= _Residents_: Strix virgin., asio; Corvus corax; Pica
    huds.; Tetrao phasian.; Lanius septentr.

    _Migrants_: Aquila leucoc.; Anas; Mergus; Cygnus; Anser.

  =Middle.= _Residents_: Same as in beginning of month.

    _Migrants_: Fring. linaria; Emberiza nivalis; Bombycilla

  =End.= _Residents_: As above.

    _Migrants_: As in the middle of the month.


  =Beginning.= _Residents_: As above.

    _Migrants_: As in end of November; Bombycilla garrula.

  =Middle.= Same as in beginning of month.

  =End.= Same as in middle of month.


    Same as in December; finches and buntings no longer occur.


  =Beginning.= Same as in January; no finches or snow buntings.

  =Middle.= _Residents_: Fring. linaria; Ember. nivalis in small
    finches and snow buntings often very numerous.


  =Beginning.= Same as in February.

  =Middle.= _Residents_: Same as in the winter.

    _Migrants_: Ember. nivalis; Fring. linaria.

    _Birds of passage_: Anas boschas. The first ducks were seen on
    the thirteenth of March; they were flying up the Missouri. On
    the fourteenth the first prairie hen (Tetrao phasian.) called.
    On the fifteenth a small flock of gray finches (Fring. canad.?)
    appeared; and on the sixteenth the first swan. Ducks now appear


[274] Each month is divided into three parts of ten and eleven
days each with the exception of February, where the divisions are

_Comment by Ed._ For bibliographies of earlier as well as later
works on American ornithology, see Elliott Coues, "List of Faunal
Publications relating to North American Ornithology," being the
Bibliographical Appendix to his _Birds of the Colorado Valley_
(United States Geological Survey of the Territories, _Misc. Pub._ No.
11, 1878); also his "Second Instalment of American Ornithological
Bibliography," U. S. Geog. and Geographical Survey _Bulletin_, v, No. 2

[275] I describe this vulture under the term _septentrionalis_,
because I now regard it as a distinct species. I am indebted to Privy
Councillor Lichtenstein of Berlin for the opportunity of examining
several specimens of _Urubus_ from different parts of South America
and from Mexico; and I am now convinced that they, together with the
Brazilian, form a species which is distinct from the North American.
The male of the southern red-headed _Urubu_ (_C. aura_) is smaller,
more uniformly dark, with stronger metallic gloss, and with less
brightly-rounded wing feathers than the northern. In the Brazilian
bird the iris is bright red, and in the mature bird the head is sky
blue and orange. In the North American bird the head is of a dirty
violet red, occasionally violet, the base of the bill lac red the iris
grayish brown with a lighter band around the pupil, and a narrow bright
red band on the outer edge. The immature birds of both species have
a dirty violet head, etc. I hope to deal more thoroughly with this
subject in another place. I will remark in passing that the statement
of Schomburgk (see _Annals of Natural History_) in a natural history of
the king vulture (_Vultur papa l._), "that the other vultures will not
eat until the king vulture has satisfied himself," is most certainly a

_Comment by Ed._ For Lichtenstein, see _post_, note 276. The Schomburgk
referred to is probably Sir Robert Hermann Schomburgk, the famous
explorer, and the author of works on Guiana and the Barbadoes. A
publication was started at Edinburgh in 1837 under the title, _Magazine
of Zoology and Botany_; in 1839 the name was changed to _Annals of
Natural History_, and the place of publication to London; later, the
title became _Annals and Magazine of Natural History_.

[276] _Fulica americana_ is different from _atra_. This is shown
more clearly in Wilson's description than in that of Audubon. The
latter's description of the bill of the American bird does not agree
with my observation; I have always found it uniformly colored, as
Wilson describes it. I found no birds of the genus _Fulica_ in Brazil;
consequently D'Orbigny (see De la Sagra, _Hist. Nat. de l'Isle de Cuba,
ornith._, p. 273) is in error when he says that _Fulica atra_ was seen
by me in Brazil. In North America I frequently found a similar bird, as
has been said; but I cannot regard it as identical with the European.
Regarding the _Fulica_ observed by D'Orbigny in South America I can
give no opinion, as I saw none myself.--MAXIMILIAN.

_Comment by Ed._ The references are to: Alexander Wilson, _American
Ornithology_ (Philadelphia, 1801-14, 9 vols.); John James Audubon,
_Ornithological Biography_ (Edinburgh, 1831-39, 5 vols.), forming the
text to his _Birds of America_ (London, 1827-38, 4 vols.); and to
_Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l'Isle de Cuba; par M.
Ramon de la Sagra ... Ornithologie par Alcide d'Orbigny_ (Paris, 1839,
1 vol. and atlas). Alcide Dessalines d'Orbigny was a French naturalist
who spent several years in South America, collecting natural history
specimens. An account of his journey is given in his _Voyages dans
l'Amerique meridionale_ (Paris, 1834-47, 9 vols.); he also published
other works.

[277] On the pelican of the Mississippi and Missouri, which I have
often mentioned under the term _Brachydactylus_, it is to be noted
that Lichtenstein has rejected this word and chosen in its place
for this species Latham's name, _Trachyrynchos_, and that I have
followed the change. On this subject, see Lichtenstein, _Beitrag zur
ornithologischen Fauna von Californien_.--MAXIMILIAN.

_Comment by Ed._ Martin Heinrich Karl Lichtenstein was a famous German
naturalist. The work referred to by Maximilian was published in
_Abhandlungen der Koeniglichen Akademie_ (Berlin, 1838-39).

[278] In De la Sagra's atlas, plate xxx, there is a very good picture
of this exceedingly beautiful species of duck; it is, however, to be
criticised as not giving to the bill and eye the natural color, which
is far more beautiful. Bodmer has painted them very accurately from
life; and I hope to use this picture in another place.--MAXIMILIAN.


  Callitriche _linearis_ (non ead. cum autumnali).

  Caulinia Canadensis, Mx non fragilis nec flexilis.

  Gratiola anagalloidea, Mx non Virginica.

  Utricularia macrorhiza, Le Conte.

       "      gibba.

       "      cornuta.

       "      purpurea.

  Lycopus pumilus (species vix bona).

  Monarda Kalmiana.

  Circæa alpina.

  Lemna gibba.

    "   polyrrhiza.

  Salix tristis.

    "   petiolaris.

    "   rosmarinifolia.

    "   ? indeterminata.

    "   ? indet.

  Iris versicolor (non Virginica).

  Dulichium Canadense (species non bona).

  Eriophorum vaginatum.

       "     Virginicum.

       "     polystachium.

  Polygonum racemosum.

  Milium pungens.

  Calamagrostis agrostoides.

  Trichodium caninum.

       "     laxiflorum.

       "     montanum.

  Panicum verrucosum.

  Aira monticola, L. v. S.

  Poa Canadensis.

  Galium Claytoni.

  Houstonia serpyllifolia.

       "    tenella.

  Cornus circinata.

     "   alternifolia.

     "   rubiginosa, L. v. S.

     "   Canadensis.

  Myrica, Gale.

  Ilex Canadensis.

   "   opæa.

  Potamogeton distans, L. v. S.

  Hydrophyllum Canadense (rare).

  Dodecatheon Meadia.

  Azalea viscosa.

     "   arborescens.

     "   hispida.

     "   bicolor.

     "   nitida.

  Apocynum hypericifolium.

  Campanula acuminata.

  Lonicera parviflora.

  Viola cordata non villosa, Ell.

     "  clandestina.

     "  rotundifolia.

  Ribes trifidum.

    "   prostratum.

    "   gracile.

    "   resinosum.

    "   oxyacanthoides.

  Asclepias phytolaccoides.

      "     viridiflora.

      "     nivea?

  Gentiana pneumonanthe.

      "    linearis.

      "    crinita.

  Heuchera pubescens.

  Panax quinquefolium.

  Cicuta bulbifera.

  Viburnum pyrifolium.

      "    squamatum vix var. nudi.

      "    lantanoides.

  Sambucus pubens.

  Parnassia Caroliniana.

  Azalea racemosa.

  Allium triflorum.

  Pontederia angustifolia.

  Convallaria borealis.

      "       umbellata.

      "       biflora.

      "       latifolia.

  Juncus conglomeratus.

  Leontice thalictroides.

  Prinos lævigatus.

  Helonias erythrosperma.

  Trillium erythrocarpum.

      "    erectum.

      "    pendulum.

      "    cernuum.

  Veratrum viride.

  Menispermum Virginicum.

  Æsculus Pavia (very rare).

  Oxycoccos macrocarpus.

      "     hispidulus, Gualth.

  Vaccinium amœnum.

      "     pallidum.

      "     tenellum (non Pennsylv.)

      "     resinosum.

  Acer Pennsylvanicum (strict.)

    "  montanum.

  Œnothera pusilla.

      "    fruticosa.

      "    ambigua.

  Epilobium spicatum.

      "     squamatum.

  Populus trepida.

  Polygonum cilinode.

  Gaultheria procumbens.

  Epigæa repens.

  Andromeda caliculata.

      "     racemosa.

  Rhododendron maximum.

  Kalmia latifolia.

     "   angustifolia.

  Rhexia Virginica.

  Ledum palustre.

  Chletra alnifolia.

  Pyrola uniflora.

     "   secunda.

  Rhodora Canadensis.

  Tiarella cordifolia.

  Silene Pennsylvanica.

  Oxalis acetosella.

  Prunus Canadensis.

    "    Pennsylvanica.

  Spiræa tomentosa.

  Aronia glabra.

  Sorbus Americana.

  Dalibarda repens.

      "     fragarioides.

  Rubus strigosus.

    "   hispidus.

    "   inermis.

  Potentilla hirsuta.

  Saracenia purpurea.

  Clematis viorna.

  Ranunculus Pennsylvanicus.

      "      Belvisii, Sprengel.

  Coptis trifolia.

  Caltha flagellifolia.

  Gerardia heterophylla.

     "     monticola, L. v. S.

  Chelone lanceolata, Mich.

  Linnæa borealis.

  Geranium Carolinianum.

     "     robertianum.

     "     pusillum.

  Taxus Canadensis.

  Corydalis glauca.

     "      formosa.

     "      fungosa.

     "      cucullaria.

  Polygala sanguinea.

     "     cruciata.

  Lupinus perennis.

  Astragalus Carolinianus.

  Hypericum Canadense.

     "      Bartoni.

  Eupatorium linearifolium.

     "       teucrifolium.

     "       verbenæfolium.

     "       falcatum?

     "       scabridum, Ell.

  Liatris montana, L. v. S.

  Gnaphalium obtusifolium (margaritaceum).

  Erigeron purpureum.

  Aster conyzoides.

    "   radula.

    "   acuminatus.

    "   concinnus.

    "   rigidus.

    "   thyrsiflorus.

  Solidago odora.

      "    petiolaris.

      "    hispida.

      "    rigida.

      "    stricta.

      "    squarrosa.

      "    pulchella, L. v. S.

  Rudbeckia digitata.

      "     fulgida.

  Prenanthes serpentaria.

  Habenaria spectabilis.

      "     ciliaris.

      "     blephariglottis.

      "     orbiculata.

      "     rotundifolia.

      "     grandiflora, Bigelano.

  Pogonia verticillata.

  Spiranthes gracilis, Bigel.

  Cypripedium parviflorum.

  Cypripedium spectabile.

  Calla palustris.

  Eriocaulon pellucidum.

  Sparganium natans.

  Carex disperma.

    "   pedunculata.

    "   loliacea.

    "   Gebhardi.

    "   Darlingtonii, L. v. S.

    "   nigromarginata, L. v. S.

    "   polystachia.

    "   xantherophyta.

    "   oligostachya, L. v. S.

    "   tarda, L. v. S.

    "   halsigona.

    "   sylvatica.

    "   umbellata.

  Urtica procera.

  Alnus glauca.

  Myriophyllum ambiguum.

  Betula populifera.

  Pinus balsamea.

    "   nigra.

    "   inops.

    "   microcarpa.

  Lycopodium clavatum.

      "      integrifolium.

  Lygodium palmatum.



_Clematis cordata_, Pursh. ♂--_Ranunculus_ pusillus, P.--_R._ repens,
L. var. laciniis foliorum acuminatis, petiolis pedunculisque hirsutis,
major et minor.

_Anemone Pensylvanica_, L.--_Aquilegia Canadensis_, L.--_Delphinium
azureum_, Mich.--_Thalictrum anemonoides_, De C.

_Hydrastis Canadensis_, L. (The very bitter root-stock of this plant
contains a beautiful yellow dye, and is used in America as a medicine).


_Sisymbryum brachycarcum_, Richards. An S. canescentis, Nutt. var.
glabriuscula? Confer S. Sophia, Pursh.

_Nasturtium sylvestre_, De C. (The American plant has larger leaves
than the German).--_Stannleya pinnatifida_, Nutt.

_Vesicaria Ludoviciana_, De C. (Alyssum Ludovicianum, Nutt.; Myagrum
argenteum, Pursh.)

_Erysimum asperum_, De C. (Er. lanceolatum, Pursh.; Cheiranthus asper,

_Alyssum dentatum_, Nutt. Flores Nuttalio et Candollio huc usque erant
ignoti.--_Dentaria laciniata_, Mich.


_Diclytra cucullaria_, De C.--_Corydalis aurea_, Willd.--_C. flavula_,


_Sanguinaria Canadensis_, L. (A celebrated medicine plant.)


_Peritoma serrulatum_, De C. (Cleome serrulata, Pursh.)


_Viola Canadensis_, Pursh--_V. pubescens_, Nutt.--_V. sagittata_,
Ait.--_V. villosa_, Ell.--_V. cucullata_, Ell.


_Polygala alba_, Nutt. Torrey in Ann. Lyc. Novebor II. p. 168. The root
is quite the same as that of the officinal Radix senegæ.


_Linum rigidum_, Pursh? Agrees indeed, in many particulars, but the
petals are not narrow (angustissima), but obovate, longer than the
calyx; the lower leaves of the stalk are opposite, very small, and
linear-spatulate, 1-1½ lines long. The sepals are beautifully ciliated,
with glandular teeth.

_Linum_ (_Adenoblepharum_) _annuum_, foliolis calycinis
ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis trinervibus glanduloso-ciliatis, petalis
obovatis, foliis rigide erectis linearibus, inferioribus brevissimis
obtusis suboppositis.

_Linum Lewisii_, Pursh. Vix idem ac L. sibiricum, De C. Flores sunt


_Cristaria coccinea_, Pursh. (Sida? coccinea, De C.; Malva coccinea,
Nutt.) Seems to form a distinct genus, but I found no perfect fruit to
determine the character.


_Rhamnus alnifolius_, var. foliis minoribus.


_Acer saccharinum, L._


_Vitis cordifolia_, Michx. and (probably) Vitis riparea, Michx.


_Oxalis violacea_, L. Styli hirti.


_Rhus Toxicodendron_, L.--_R. aromatica_, L.--_Zanthoxylum fraxineum_,


_Sophora_ (_Pseudosophora_, De C.) _sericea_, Nutt. Torr. in Ann. Lyc.
Novebor, p. 174, n. 65. Our specimen is entirely covered with white
appressed hairs, which cover also the upper side of the leaves; the
flowers are white; the calyx is gibbous below, and quinquefid; the
upper teeth are broader and rather shorter. Of the 10 stamina every
2-3 are united at the bottom by the thick filaments; the two upper
ones are more slender, and quite free. The ovary is covered with silky
hairs; the claw of the standard is very stiff; the keel runs into a
narrow point, as in Oxytropis.

_Thermopsis rhombifolia_, De C. (Thermea rhombifolia, Nutt.; Cytisus
rhombifolius, Pursh.)

_Petalostemum violaceum_, Mich., var. foliis plerisque ternatis.

_Petalostemum virgatum_, nob. P. spicis cylindricis compactis,
bracteis scariosis obovatis cuspidulatis calyce paulo brevioribus,
calycibus glabris sulcatis dentibus ciliatis, foliolis subtrijugis
lanceolato-oblongis glabris, caule ramoso virgato ramis monostachyis.

Intermediate, between the two divisions of this genus, the proper
Petalantheræ and Kuhnisteræ. The perfectly spiked inflorescence
connects it with the former; the nature of the bracteæ and the ciliæ of
the shorter teeth join it to the latter. From the two white flowering
Petalostemones P. candidum and macrostachyum, it is sufficiently
distinguished by the two short bracteæ, quite hidden under the flowers;
it cannot be more closely connected with Petalostemum corymbosum,
because of the spiked inflorescence.

_Psoralea incana_, Nutt. (Ps. argophylla, Pursh.) Folia in nostra
quinata, summa ternata.

_Psoralea tenuiflora_, Pursh? Foliola ternata, oblongo-lanceolata,
mucronata. Legumen ovatum, in rostrum attenuatum,
glandulosoexasperatum, calyce longius. Flores cœrulei. An nov. sp.?
Quite the form of an amorpha, but the flowers appear like those of
glycyrrhiza; unfortunately it cannot be accurately examined.

_Amorpha nana_, Nutt. De C. (A. microphylla, Pursh.) Calyx glaber
dentibus ciliatis.--_Oxytropis Lamberti_, Pursh.

_Astragalus Missurensis_, Nutt. An cum A. Hypoglotti
conjungendus?--_Astragalus racemosus_, Pursh. Var. foliolis foliorum
inferiorum ovalibus.

_Astragalus gracilis_, Nutt. Torr. l. c. p. 179. This is indisputably
the Dalea parviflora, Pursh, but whether really his Astragalus
tenellus, I doubt.--_Astragalus Carolinianus_, L.

_Lathyrus polymorphus_, Nutt. De C. Torr. in Ann. Lyc. Novebor. II. p.
180, n. 99. (Lathyrus decaphyllus et Vicia stipulacea, Pursh.)--_Vicia
Americana_, L.

_Vicia Americana β angustifolia_; foliolis oblongo-linearibus
mucronatis pubescentibus. An distincta species?


_Fraxinus platycarpa_.


_Rubus trivialis_, Michx. Diagnosi adde: caule primario glabro angulato
aculeis sparsis rectis aut sursum falcatis (!), foliis supra pilosis
subtus molliter pubescentibus, ramulis petiolis pedunculisque villosis
et aculeis retrorsum curvatis armatis, corymbis in ramulis terminalibus
simplicibus, sepalis ovatis brevicuspidatis. Rubus trivialis perperam
ab aliis ad R. hispidum Linn. refertur. An Rubus argutus Link. Enum.
hujus cenostri synonymon? (Dewberries incol.) _Potentilla supina,
L._--_Fragaria elatior_, Ehrh.

_Rosa_. A species of the division of the Cinnamomeæ, Ser., or Linkianæ,
Trattin; allied to the Rosa Woodsii and Rosa Americana; it may also be
compared with Rosa obovata, Raf.; but it is very probably a good new
species, which may be so characterized:

_Rosa Maximiliani_, N. ab. E. tubo ovarii subgloboso (ante anthesin
ovato), pedunculis petiolisque inermibus et glabris, foliis solitariis,
aculeis stipularibus subfalcatis, stipulis subovatis planis
denticulatis a foliolis inferioribus distantibus, laciniis calycinis
ternis margine setis exiguis appendiculatis, foliolis glabris ovalibus
obtusis basi cuneiformibus integerrimis a medio dense incurvo-serratis.
The flowers are large, red, with emarginate petals; the sepals are
shorter than the petals, a little broader at the apex, and downy
above; the ripe fruit is conical and crowned; the peduncles are red
and slender; the leaflets bi-or trijugated, small, bluish-green below,
quite smooth, without prickles, the lowest pair smaller; the stalk
is red, and seems to have been furrowed when alive; the prickles are
nearly opposite each other.

_Rosa_ (_Cinnamomea_) _obovata_ Rafinesque? Differt specimen
nostrum: floribus sub-corymbosis nec solitariis, et fructibus vix
subgloboso-depressis, sed potius subglobosis. Var. floribus albis.
Authors have indeed this species under R. cinnamomea, but this is
certainly wrong.

_Rosa Carolina_? cum fructibus absque flore.--_Amelanchier sanguinea_,
De C. (Pyrus sanguinea, Pursh.)

_Cratægus coccinea_, Lin.--_Prunus serotina_, Ehrh.--_Cerasus pygmœa_,
De C.?


_Bartonia ornata_, Pursh.


_Claytonia Virginiana, Ait._


_Callilophis Nuttallii_, Spach. in Ann. des sc. natur. 1835, Sept.
p. 3. (Œnothera serrulata, Nutt. Hook exot. Fl. t. 140). In nostro
specimine flores vix dimidium pollicem lati sunt.

_Anogra pinnatifida_, Spach. (Œnothera pinnatifida, Nutt. Oen.
albicaulis, Pursh., nec Fraser.)

_Pachylophis Nuttallii_, Spach. (Œnothera scapigera et Œ. cæspitosa.
Pursh. Suppl. Œnothera cæspitosa, Sims. Spreng.)

_Œnothera pubescens_, Willd. Probably a variety of Œno biennis--_Gaura
coccinea_, Pursh. Gauridii est generis Spach. Fructus (immaturus) fere
cylindricus, dense pubescens. Ovula 2-4, pendula, nuda.

_Gaura coccinea β integrifolia._ Torr. in Ann. Lyc. Novebor. II. p.
200, n. 145. Distincta species. Genus inter Gauridium Spach. et Gauram
medium, illi proximum, sed differens stigmate discoideo 4-dentato.
Ovula 4 in ovario uniloculari.


_Ceratophyllum submersum_, Pursh. An eadem ac species Europæa?


_Chrysobotrya intermedia_, Spach. Ann. des Sc. natur. Juillet, 1835, p.
4, t. 1, B.

_Chrysobotrya revoluta_, Sp.? folia majora, magis villosa. An
fructus ovalis? Secundum cl. Nuttall. omnes Chrysobotryæ species pro
varietatibus Rib. aurei habendæ sunt.

_Ribes Cynosbati_, Michx.--_R. floridum_, L'Her.


_Ziziæ species?_ The fruit is not sufficiently formed to be quite sure
of the genus.

_Chærophyllum procumbens_, V. Boscii, De C.--_Pastinacca fœniculacea_,
Spr. (Ferula fœniculacea, Nutt.)

_Cymopterus glomeratus_, De C. (Thapsia, Nutt.)--_Osmorhiza
longistylis_, De C. (Urospermum, Nutt.)


_Aralia nudicaulis_, L. The root is said to be used as Radix


_Viscum flavescens_, Pursh. De C. ♀. In nostro specimine folia ovalia,
basi cuneata, distincte trinervia. An hujus loci V. verticillatum, Nutt?


_Cornus sericea_, var. asperifolia, Michx.


_Viburnum Lentago_, L.


_Galium dasycarpum_, N. ab E. G. caule erecto ramoso ad ungulos aspero,
geniculis hirtis, foliis quaternis lanceolatis obtusis trinervibus
utrinque hispido-scabris, pedunculis axillaribus folio multo
longioribus trichotomis in paniculam terminalem dispositis, bracteis
ovalibus, fructu setis rectis densissime tecto.

In sylvis ad castellum Union aliisque in locis sylvaticis, 5
Julii.--Ser. Princ. Wied.

Differt a Galio septentrionali R. et Sch. seu Galio boreali,
Pursh. caulis angulis asperis, foliis præsertim subtus et supra
circa margines, setulis exiguis hispidis, fructu (immaturo saltem)
densissimis setis rectis, neque apice uncinatis, candicante. Folia
margine revoluta.


_Symphoria glomerata_, Pursh. (Symphoricarpus vulgaris, De C. Michx.)


_Cirsium lanceolatum_, Scop.

_Liatris Punctata_, Hook. Fl. Bor.--Amer. I. p. 306, t. 105, De C.
Prodr. V. p. 129, n. 5. Var. caule glabro. Huius loci esse videtur
_Liatris resinosa_, De C. in horto Genevensi culta, semine a cl.
Pourtalès ex Arcansas allato, nec. vero Nuttall.

_Kuhnia Maximiliani_, Sinning. (Sectio Strigia, De C.) caule herbaceo,
foliis ovato-lanceolatis, inferioribus a medio grosse et inæqualiter
serratis superioribus subintegerrimis sessilibusque, corymbo terminali
composito ♃.

Kuhnia suaveolens, Fres. in En. Sem. horti Francofurtensis anno 1838.

Habitat in sylvis, frutetis et in collibus ad Missouri fluvium
superiorem prope Fort Clark.

Differt evidenter a Kuhnia eupatorioide: foliis saltem superioribus
plerisque, haud petiolatis sed basi parum angustiori sessilibus,
inferioribus ovato-oblongis uno alterove dente absque ordine præditis,
superioribus ovato lanceolatis lanceolatisve integerrimis, utrinque,
præsertim subtus, glandulis micantibus inspersa, corymbo plurifloro
magis patula, involucri foliolis inferioribus valde decrescentibus
anguste linearibus laxe patulis. Corollæ albæ. Involucri foliola
superiora oblongo lanceolata, nervoso striata. Antheræ inclusæ pallidæ,
in plerisque syngenesicæ sed solito facilius separabiles multis etiara
in tubum hinc fissum aut in binas partes divisum concretæ. Styli rami
crassi, obtusi, papuloso-asperi. Pappus plumosus albus basi flavescens.

Variat foliis caulinis modo magis modo minus serratis, quandoque et

_Senecio ceratophyllus_, N. ab E.

S. foliis oblongis, inferioribus lyrato-pinnatipartitis superioribus
pinnatipartitis petiolatis cauleque lanuginosis, laciniis acuminatis
extrorsum inciso-dentatis, dentibus angustis, petiolis auriculatis
amplexicaulibus, floribus umbellatis, pedunculis elongatis nudis.

On the upper Missouri, June 13.

Nearly related to Senecio balsamitæ, but sufficiently different,
as I was convinced by specimens which I received through Mr. Gray,
from New York. The plant of the Missouri is much larger, 1½-2 feet
high, entirely covered with loose downy hair. The lowest leaves are
not entire, but lyrate and pinnatified below to the mid-rib, with a
terminal lobe. The laciniæ and the terminal lobe have long, narrow,
pointed teeth; the middle leaves are of the same shape; the ultimate
lobe is, however, narrower, and shows the transition to the upper,
entirely pinnatified leaves. The laciniæ of these upper leaves are
nearly lanceolate, and have, above and below, two or three teeth,
but at the middle only one or no tooth. The petiole is long, and the
auricles distant from the lower laciniæ. In Senecio balsamitæ the
cauline leaves are sessile; these too, have here, only blunt teeth;
the receptacles are twice as large as in Senecio balsamitæ, and the
scales of the involucrum are very pointed. In Senecio balsamitæ, on the
contrary, they are much less pointed, and may often be designated as

_Artemisia Douglassiana_, Bess. Abr. n. 39. Hook. Fl. Am. bor. p. 323.
De C. Prodr. VI. p. 115, n. 118.

_Erigeron sulcatus_, N. ab. E. hirtus, caule sulcato corymboso-ramoso
ramis foliosis unifloris, foliis lanceolato-linearibus integerrimis
sessilibus, periclinii squamis hirsutissimis, ligulis angustis
numerosissimis periclinio duplo longioribus (albis.) (Am. 8, Juni ♃.)

Differt ab Erigeronte pumilo, Nutt. caule fastigiatim ramoso stricto
sulcato. An huius var. Pappus biserialis, seriei exterioris pilis

_Erigeron asperus_, Var. caule unifloro. (Erigeron) asperum, Nutt. Gen.
am. II. p. 147. De C. Prodr. VI. p. 286, n. 16.

_Stenactis annua, var. obtusifolia._--_Aster Novi Belgii, var. β
squarrosus_, N. ab E.--_Aster bellidiflorus, var. β_, N. ab E.

_Aster hirsuticaulis_, Lindl. in De C. Prodr. V. p. 242, n. 107. foliis
conformibus lanceolato-linearibus integerrimis pericliniique foliolis
ciliatis et setaceo-mucronatis pilosulis, caule pubescente recurvo a
basi ramoso, ramis simplicibus patentibus, calathiis in apice ramorum
confertis subspicatis (3-8), periclinii foliolis oblongo-linearibus
laxiusculis apice herbaceis subrecurvis. (Aster setiger, N. ab E. in

Locus ante Asterem diffusum.

Species mucrone foliorum et squamarum periclinii setiformi (seu
potius seta has partes terminante) et floribus magnitudine Bellidis
in apicibus ramorum approximatis brevissime pedicellatis, spicas
cylindricas in aliis autem veluti capitula exhibentibus, distincta.
Radius brevis, albus.--Caulis 1-2 ped. altus, dense cano-hirtus. Folio
in caule et ramis conferta, patentia, caulina 1½-2 poll. longa, 1½ lin.
lata, ramea 1½ pollices longa et vix lineam lata, omnia setulis ciliata
et parce pilosula, seta terminata. Rami ab infimo caule incipientes,
2½ poll. longi, apicem versus ita decrescentes, ut apex caulis racemum
compositum densum angustumque exhibeat.

_Aster multiflorus var. β ciliatus_, N. ab E. (Gen. et sp. Ast.)

_Aster rubricaulis var. β elatior_, N. ab E. G. et Sp. A. Near Fort Mc
Kenzie, in the prairies of the upper Missouri, 12th Sept., 1833.

_Chrysopsis gossypina_, De C. (Inula gossypina, Pursh.) Integumentum
omnino ut in _Inula villosa_, Nutt. (Chrysopsi villosa, De C.), sed
folia obtusa quandoque cum parvo mucronulo. Pappus pallide sulphureus,
exteriori serie brevissima alba.

SIDERANTHUS, Fraser. (Amelli sp., _Pursh._ Starkea? _Nutt._ Aplopappi
sp. _De C._)

Calathium multiflorum, radiatum, radio uniseriali femineo, flosculis
bidentulis; floribus disci 5--dentatis hermaphroditis, stigmatum cono
sterili longo scabro. Clinanthii alveolæ lacero-paleaceæ. Periclinium
pluriseriale, imbricatum, foliolis linearibus, setaceo-mucronatis
nervo infra apicem tumente herbaceo. Achænia cuneiformi-angusta,
erostria, sericeo hirta. Pappus pilosus, denticulato scaber,
pluriserialis, radiolis exterioribus brevioribus. Fruticulus foliis
alternis pinnatisectis, laciniis spinuloso-setigeris.

This genus is next to Aplopappus, Cass., from which it is
distinguished, besides the habit, by the unequal pappus, and by the
scales of the involucrum below the mucro, which are herbaceous, and
marked with glandular swellings. From this last character we might
be inclined to connect it with Clomenocoma, Cass.; but this genus is
sufficiently distinguished by the truncated bearded branches of the
style. Our genus is more nearly allied to Sommerfeltia, Less., and
almost the only difference is in the fertile florets of the disk, which
in the other are barren.

_Sideranthus spinulosus_, Fras. ex Steud. (Aplopappus? spinulosus, De
C., Prodr. V., p. 347, n. 8. Starkea? pinnata, Nutt. Gen. II. p. 169.
Amellus? spinulosus, Pursh. Fl. Am. septentr. II. p. 564. Torrey in
Ann. Lyc. Novebor. II. p. 213, n. 223.) On the 12th of September, near
Fort Mc Kenzie. Flower large, yellow.

_Solidago lateriflora_, var. caule simplici (Solidago fragrans, Willd.)

_Achillea tomentosa_, L. The North American plant differs from our
European, in having a slender tall stem, shorter in florescence, and,
as it seems, a pale yellow ray of the compound flower; it is perhaps a
distinct species.

_Brachyris Eutamiæ_, Nutt., De C. Prodr. V., p. 313, n. 3. (Solidago
Sarothræ, Pursh.) Radius disci altitudine; pappus radii (imperfecti)
brevior. Periclinia glutinosa.

_Grindelia squarrosa_, R. Br. (Donia squarrosa, Pursh.,
Nutt.)--_Galardia bicolor v. aristata_, Nutt.

_Helianthus petiolaris_, Nutt. in Diar. Acad. sc. nat. Philad. a. 1821.
Act. p. 115. De C. Prodr. V. p. 586, n. 6. _Var. humilis_ (circiter
semi-bipedalis), foliis, longe petiolatis ovatis acuminatis basi
cuneatis obtuse serratis triplinerviis asperis hispidisque, pedunculo
terminali solitario elongato gracili hirsuto, periclinio a folio
oblongo acuto bracteato.

_Obeliscaria columnaris_, De C. Prodr. V., p. 559, n. 2. (Rudbeckia
columnaris, Pursh., Fraser).

_Iva, anthyifolia_, Nutt.? Periclinium pentaphyllum, foliolis ovatis
ciliatis. Flosculi feminei, 2-3, squama tenui truncata suffulti;
flosculus minimus, tubulosus, truncatus; ovarium ovale, compressum,
pubescens, pappo tubuloso coronatum. Flosculi ♂ plurimi, cylindrici,
decem-sulcati, glandulosi, subpedicellati, pistilli nullo vestigio.
Antheræ inclusæ, filamentis brevissimis. An proprii generis?--_Iva
axillaris_, Pursh. Probably a new species of Lactuca or Prenanthes; but
the specimen is imperfect.

_Jamesia_, N. ab E. (Prenanthis species dubiæ Torr. in Ann. Lyc.
Noveborac. II., p. 210.)

Achænium erostre, pentagonum, sessile. Pappus uniserialis, plumosus.
Clinanthium nudum, scrobiculatum. Priclinium pauciflorum, cylindricum,
foliolis 5-6, majoribus subæqualibus, 3-4 minoribus inæqualibus ad
basin veluti canaliculatis. Flosculi rosei 5-6.

Proximum genus Podospermo, sed differt achæniis haud stipitatis. A
Scorzoneris differt habitu. Herbæ ramosæ, foliis angustis integris aut
pinnatifidis, ramis uni-plurifloris.

_Jamesia pauciflora_, nob. (Prenanthes? pauciflora, Torrey,
l. c.) Caule valde ramoso, foliis glabris lineari-lanceolatis
sinuato-pinnatifidis, laciniis angustis integerrimis, ramis elongatis
unifloris. Achænia glabra, pallida, longitudine pappi, obtuse
pentagona, lateribus linea media notatis transversim subtorosis. Area
baseos callo annulari ambitus achenii cincta.

_Sonchus Ludovicianus_, Nutt. (Lactuca, De C.)? Folia lanceolata,
runcinata, rarissime autem denticulata.

_Troximon marginatum_, Nutt.


_Apocynum hypericifolium_, Pursh.

_Asclepias speciosa_, Torr. James in Ann. Lyc. Noveborac. II., p. 218,
n. 260.


_Arbutus Uva ursi_, L.


_Ellisia Nyctelea_, L.


_Phlox pilosa_, L.


_Calystegia Maximilianea_, N. ab E. volubilis, glabra, foliis
hastato-sagittatis obtusis submucronatis, pedunculis teretibus folium
subæquantibus, bracteis ovali-oblongis obtusis ciliolatis calyce
longioribus; calycis laciniis breviacutatis.

Species calystegiæ sepium similis, sed notis indicatis abunde diversa.
Folia minora sunt, flores ejusdem fere magnitudinis (albi?) Calyx
longitudine quartæ partis corollæ. Tota planta glabra, solis bracteis
lanuginoso-ciliatis. Folia inferiora, ambitu ovato apice obtusissima;
superiora magis triangularia, obtusiuscula cum mucronulo.


_Echinospermum Lappula_, Lehm.

_Echinospermum strictum_, N. ab E. E. caule stricto superne stricte
ramoso foliisque lanceolatis callosis et patenti-pilosis, corollæ tubo
calyce breviori, glochidibus nucum brevibus marginalibus serie simplici
dispositis. ʘ (Rochelia nov. sp., Nutt. Mscp. Torr. in Ann. Lyc.
Noveborac. II., p. 226, n. 300?).

This species may be easily distinguished by the characters indicated,
from E. lappula and patulum, Lehm.

_Myosotis glomerata_, Nutt. (Cynoglossum glomeratum, Pursh. Suppl.)
Intermediate between Anchusa and Myosotis.

_Lithospermum denticulatum_, Lehm. (Pulmonaria Sibirica, Pursh. nec.
Lin.) Stylus in nostris inclusus nec exsertus, reliqua congruunt.
Limbus longitudine est tubi, qui Lithospermo pulchro est brevior.

_Batschia longiflora_, Pers.--_B. canescens_, Michx. (Anchuso
Virginica, Lin.)

Both plants contain in the bark of their roots the same red dye as the
officinal roots of the Alcanna tinctoria.

_Pulmonaria Virginica_, L.


_Pentstemon grandiflorum_, Nutt. (P. Bradburnii, Pursh.) Stamen sterile
fert antheram parvam bilobam.

_Pentstemon cristatum_, Nutt. (P. erianthera, Pursh.)

_Pentstemon viscidulum_, N. ab. E. herbaceus, subtillissime
subsquamuloso-pubescens, foliis lanceolatis amplexicaulibus
inferioribus denticulatis, pedunculis fasciculatis, folia superiora
superantibus, calycibus acuminatis corollisque glanduloso-pubescentibus
fauce imberbi, filamento sterili ab apice ad medium aureo-barbato.

This plant is near to Pentstemon erianthera, but differs from that, and
from the other species with which I am acquainted, by the glutinous
pubescence of the flowers. These are wide, infundibuliform, and seem
to have been of a dark red colour. My specimen is about a span high.
This species has, perhaps, been already described among species of
Pentstemon recently made known; I have not, however, been able to find
any corresponding with it where I looked for it.

_Pentstemon lævigatum_, Nutt.

_Euchroma grandiflora_, Nutt. Torr. Ann. Lyc. Noveborac. II. p. 230.
(Castilleja sessiliflora, Pursh.)


_Scrophularia lanceolata_, Pursh. A broad-leaved form, with elliptical
leaves, but to be known by their acuminated base, and by the deep
unequal serratures, though almost too nearly allied to Scrophularia


_Monarda mollis_, Willd.

_Mentha arvensis, var. α sativa_, Beth. M. sativa, Lin. Specimen
nostrum omnino ad hanc speciem pertinet minimeque ad Mentham
Canadensem, Lin. Pili caulis breves sunt et reversi, folia vere ovalia
et ovali-oblonga, utrinque glabriuscula nec basi neque apice multum
attenuata, licet acuta. This species is new in the American Flora.

_Stachys palustris var._ Caule prælongo simplicissimo, foliis
brevioribus latiusculis. I find no mention of Stachys palustris in the
American botanists.


_Verbena Aubletia_, L.?--_V. bracteosa_, Michx.


_Lysimachia ciliata_, L.


_Plantago cordata_, Lam. (Pl. Kentuckensis, Michx.)--_P. pusilla_, Nutt.


_Comandra umbellata_, Nutt. (Thesium umbellatum, Willd.) It differs
from Santalum only by the parts of the flowers being quinary, whereas
they are in fours or quaternary in Thesium; but the glandular scales
between the stamina are the same. The ovules are erect.


_Laurus Benzoin_, L.--_L. Diospyros_, L. (Sassafras Diospyros, N. v.


_Shepherdia argentea_, Nutt.


_Kochia dioica_, Nutt. Flores ♂ glomerati; glomeruli pedunculati,
axillares, in apice caulis nudi. Bractea infra glomerulum una,
angusta. Perianthium parvum, pedicellatum, campanulatum, quinquefidum,
membranaceum, laciniis ad basin extus lobulo herbaceo appendiculatis.
Stamina quinque, rudimento exiguo pistilli inserta; filamenta
filiformia; antheræ infra medium adfixæ, oblongæ, bilocellatæ,
dehiscendo quadricornes. Femina ignota.--Planta annua, humilis, glabra.
Caulis compressus, dichotomus. Folia alterna, lanceolata, obtusa,
sessilia, succulenta, punctata, glauca, subpapillosa, glabra.

Variat: Simplicissima, 1-3 poll. longa, capitulo solitario terminali.
An Cyclolepidi Generi Moqu. Tandon, aut Villemetiæ adscribenda?


_Polygonum coccineum β terrestre_, Michx. (Polygoni amphibii β
terrestris Var. Meissn.)

_Rumex verticillatus_, Willd.--R. venosus, Pursh.

_Eriogonum sericeum_, Pursh. (Eriog. flavum, Fraser.)

Eriogonum _multiceps_, N. ab E. albo-tomentosum, caule suffruticoso
multicipiti, pedunculo terminali simplici, involucris (florum
fasciculis) capitatis, capitulo subinvolucrato, calycis laciniis ovatis
ciliatis, foliis radicalibus (surculorum inferis) lanceolatis utrinque

Distinctissima species. Differt ab Eriogono sericeo, Pursh. seu Eriog.
flavo, Fras.: caule ad basin multifido, ramis dense foliosis, pedunculo
2-3 poll. longo tomentoso nudo terminatis, foliis angustioribus
involucris sessilibus calycinis laciniis ovatis, ab Eriog. pauciflora:
floribus multo minoribus intra involucrum pedicellatis nec sessilibus.
An error in verbis Purshii, ut loco "floribus" legendum sit
"involucris" aut "fasciculis?"


_Euphorbia maculata_, L.--_E. marginata_, Pursh. (nec Kunth.)


SARCOBATUS. Flores amentacei. Amentum androgynum, superne
masculum. Squamæ masculæ peltatæ, orbiculares, repando-lobatæ,
contiguo-imbricatæ, e centro pedicellatæ, tetrandræ. Antheræ oblongæ,
subtetragonæ, sessiles, bilocellatæ rima laterali dehiscentes. Squamæ
feminæ subcordatæ, supra basin adfixæ. Pistillum singulum; ovarium axi
amenti adpressum, ovatum, depressum, inferne strigoso-sericeum, vertice
glabrum (an inferne cum calyce, seu urceolo, concretum?); stigmata duo,
sessilia, divergentia, subulata, papilloso-scabra. Fructus ignotus.

_Sarcobatus Maximiliani_, (Pulpy Thorn, Lewis and Clarke Iter.)

Frutex pedalis et altior, ramosissimus, ramis plerisque geminis
confertis subtriquetris glabris pallidis, epidermide vetusta rimosa.
Cicatrices foliorum tumentes, unde rami tuberculati et vetustiores
quidem hinc inde quasi annulatim diffracti. Folia ½-¾, poll., longa,
¾, lin. lata, trigono-semicylindrica, linearia, obtusa, sessilia,
integerrima, carnosa, glauca glabra, siccando caduca, nervo medio
(in siccis) supra et infra prominulo. Amenta in ramulis terminalia,
sessilia, ½ poll, circiter longa, lutescentia, a basi ad medium
feminea, superne mascula. Axis inter flosculos femineos dense
tomentosus, subtrigonus et a casu squamarum infra pistillum singulum
cicatrice lunata præditus, inter flores masculos glaber, tuberculatus,
tuberculis quaternatim digestis sedem antherarum quaternarum, singulæ
squamæ stipitem singentium, prodentibus. Limbus squamæ masculæ
(membranaceæ omnino peltatatæ et indusium Aspidii cujusdam longius
pedicellati referentis) repando 5-6 lobus. Squamæ femineæ diverg. ⅜
positæ sunt.

In regione Mississippi fluvii superiori tractus latos investit hic

This shrub has some similarity with Ceratiola ericoides, and may have
been overlooked on that account. As we are still unacquainted with
the fruit, the place of the genus in the natural system cannot be
positively assigned, and it is possible that it may be connected with
the Euphorbiaceæ of the tribe Hippomaneæ.


_Morus rubra_, W.


_Salix longifolia._ Torrey in Ann. Lyc. Noveborac. II., p. 248. (An
Mühlenb.?) Var. sericans, foliis junioribus undique, adultioribus
subtus lanuginoso-sericeis canescentibus. Flores amenti masculi
inferiores triandri. Squamæ acutiusculæ. Capsulæ pedicellatæ. Fol. 1½-3
poll. longa, 1½-2 lin. lata, magis minusve denticulata quandoque fere
integerrima. An distincta spec.? ♂

_Salix Houstoniana_, Pursh? With rose willow. (An S. longifoliæ var.?)

_Salix...._ Probably a new species.

_Salix...._ Probably the form of the male plant of Salix lucida, Willd.
♂ Tetrandrous; the stamina are very hairy at the bottom. Branches,

_Salix lucida_, Willd. ♀ Agrees with the above-mentioned male plant,
and belongs to the same species.

_Populus angulata_, Willd.


_Quercus imbricaria_, Michx. Rather this, probably, than the cinerea,
for it seems not to be evergreen.

_Quercus alba_, W.--_Q. castanea_, Mühl. (Fructus edules).--_Q.
obtusiloba_, Michx.--_Q. coccinea_, Michx.

_Carpinus Americana_, L.


_Pinus flexilis_, James in Ann. Lyc. Noveborac. II. p. 249, n. 428.

_Juniperus barbadensis_, Lin. This species probably coincides with J.
Sabina of our gardens. J. Hermanni, too, probably belongs to this place.

_Juniperus communis_, L.

_Juniperus repens_, Nutt. (J. prostrata horti nostri colore intense
viridi nec glauco et odore multo debiliori recidit. Fr. N. ab
E).--_Juniperus Virginiana_, L.


_Juncus setaceus_, Rostk.


_Smilax_: caule inermi angulato, foliis cordato-ovatis acutis
septemnerviis, pedunculo communi umbellæ (♂) petiolum subæquante.

An _Smilacis herbacei_ varietas? Differt solummodo brevitate pedunculi,
Fr. N. ab E.

_Smilacina racemosa_, Desf.

  _Uvularia grandiflora_, Sm.   } on the Lower
                                } Missouri.
  _Trillium recurvatum_, Beck.  }


_Allium reticulatum_, Fraser. (All. angulosum, Pursh. Probably also
Allium striatum, Torr. in Ann. Lyc. Noveborac. II. p. 251, n. 441, but
not Don.)

_Erythronium albidum_, Nutt.


_Tillandsia usneoides_, Lin.


_Tradescantia Virginica_, Lin.


_Sisyrinchium anceps_, Lam.


_Scirpus Duvalii_, Hoppe. Scirpus acutus, Mühlenb. Involucri folium
erectum in hoc convexum nec carinatum. Squamæ spiculæ emarginatæ,
mucronatæ, ciliatæ. Stylus bifidus. Maculæ culmi fungi parasitici
primordia sunt.

_Scirpus robustus_ var. spiculis glomerato-capitatis.

_Carex Mühlenbergii_, Schkuhr.--_C. longirostris_, Torrey.--_C.
pellita_, Mühlenb. Var. β (Schkuhr. t. Nun. f. 150).--_C. acuta_, Lin.

_Uncinia filifolia._ (Carex filifolia, Nuttall.) Rare. Torrey and
Schweinitz did not see it with ripe fruit.


_Diagraphis arundinacea_, P. de B.

_Hierochloa fragrans_, Kunth. In nostro specimine glumæ flosculos
adæquant; flosculi masculi circa apicem pubescentes.

_Stipa capillata_, Lin.

_Sesleria dactyloides_, Nutt. Deserves to form a distinct species,
which belongs to the Chlorideæ, and from the habit should be placed
next to Chondrosium. Two peduncles mostly come out of the upper sheath;
some leaves are biennial. The unilateral spikes are hardly half an inch
long, oval, and often tinged with violet on the back. The lower valve
of the calyx turned to the rhachis is more than twice as small as the
upper. I always found only two flowers; the upper one stalked; both
similarly formed, with triple-nerved lower valve, which terminates in a
short point; the upper valve is ciliated. The scales are smooth, nearly
quadrate, obtusely crenated. Three stamina with yellow anthers. In
many flowers the pistil is entirely wanting, and the plant is perhaps

Our Sesleria may be compared, though only remotely, with S. disticha.

_Chondrosium oligostachyum_, N. ab E. spica solitaria binisve
rectiusculis, spiculis subtrifloris, flosculis binis superioribus
stipitatis sterilibus, inferiori sessili villoso, supremo cucullato
mutico univalvi, secundo parvo bivalvi setis tribus ad basin stipato,
culmo geniculato simpliciæ lævi, foliis linearibus, ore vaginarum

Atheropogon oligostachyus, Nutt. Gen. et Spec. I. p. 78; Torr. in. Ann.
Lyc. Noveborac. II. p. 254, n. 476.

_Eutriana oligostachya_, Kunth. En. I. p. 282, n. 12.

Cum Chondrosiis magis quam cum Eutrianis congruit, neque spicæ omnino
rectæ. Rhachis dorso convexa. Spicæ circiter pollicares, vel singula
adjecto mucronulo, vel duæ et tum una terminalis. Spiculæ arcte
imbricatæ. Glumæ lanceolatæ, glabræ aut pilosulæ, uninerves, inferior
duplo minor. Flosculi fertilis valvula inferior lanceolata ex utroque
latere medio setam promit valvula paulo breviorem, non ex ipso margine
provenientem sed ex nervo laterali; infra apicem bidentem valvulæ seta
brevis et rigida. Pedicellus flosculorum sterilium infra flosculos
barba annulari cinctus. Flosculus horum inferior parvus, ovalis,
obtusus, muticus, glaber, setis ad basin una laterali et una utriusque
lateris rectis æqualibus linea paulo longioribus divergentibus. Tertii
flosculi valvula sursum cucullata, truncata, mutica.--Culmus 1½-1
ped. longus, teres, glaber ad genicula infractus. Vaginæ internodiis
breviores. Ligula brevissima, denticulata. Folia 2-1 poll. longa, lin.
1 lata, linearia, acuminata, subtus convexa, supra concava, lævia,
glauca, glabra, circa basin subtilissime puberula.

_Spartina patens_, Mühlenb. spicis (4-8) alternatim secundis
brevibus adpressis, rhachi hispidula, glumis dorso setoso-hirsutis,
superiori flosculum æquante brevi-mucronata, inferiori duplo minore
setaceo-acuminata foliis culmo brevioribus patentibus in apicem fere
filiformem attenuatis culmoque glabris.

    Spartina patens, Mühlenb. Descr. n. 6, p. 55; Schult. Mant.
    Syst. Veg. II. p. 150, n. 6, a. Kunth. En. 1, p. 279, n.
    12.--Dactylis patens, Act. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, p. 160; R. et Sch.
    S. Veg. II., p. 632, n. 19.--Trachynotia patens, Poir. Enc.
    meth. Suppl. II. p. 443.

Species distinctissima foliis arcu patentibus 5-7 poll, longis, ad
basin 2 lin. latis, in apicem filiformem attenuatis subconvolutis,
inferioribus disticho-approximatis, superioribus distantibus.--Culmus
1-1½ pedes altus, in nostris tortus. Spicæ partiales subpollicares;
arcte contiguæ. Spiculæ haud pedicellatæ sed callo brevi insertæ,
oblongæ, 3 lin. longæ. Gluma superior altero latere ad carinam
trinervis, ex apice obtuso brevissime mucronulata, secundum carinam
setis patulis mollibus densis ciliata; inferior subbinervis, apice
attenuata, carina laxius ciliata, plus duplo brevior. Valvulæ obtusæ,
inferior paulo brevior, carina infra apicem ciliata. Antheræ violaceæ.

_Brizopyrum spicatum._

(Uniola stricta, Torr. in Ann. Lyc. Noveborac. Sept. 1824, p.
155).--Br. siculum, β Americanum LK.--Uniola spicata, Lin. Festuca
distichophylla, Pursh.

_Arundinaria macrosperma_, Michx.

_Agropyrum repens_, P. de B. Var. ε Leersianum R. et Sch. Spiculis
inferioribus geminis.--Specimina nostra singularia, alta, glauca. Folia
radicalia angustissima, filiformia. Spiculæ 6-8 floræ, pubescentes,
glaucæ. Glumarum aristæ 1-2 lin., valvularum lin. 4-5 longæ, patentes.
Gluma inferior 3--superior 5-nervis.

_Elymus striatus_, Willd.--_Hordeum jubatum_, Ait.


_Adiantum pedatum_, Willd.


_Equisetum arvense_, L.--_E. hyemale_, L.


_Azolla Caroliniana_, Willd.


_Mnium (Bryum) ciliare_, Greville in Annals of the Lyc. of New York.
1825, IX. p. 273, t. 23. Our specimens are distinguished by the leaves
being generally entire to the middle, in which they approximate to
those of Mn. cuspidatum; but they are much narrower, cuneiform below,
like those of Mn. affine. I always saw the Setæ single, much bent, and

_Dicranum purpurascens_, Hedw. (Ceratodon purpureus γ purpurascens,
Brid.) Most probably; but the fruit is not quite formed.

_Neckera viticulosa._ In some particulars approximates to Neckera
minor; but the leaves are always inclined. A beautiful yellow.

_Cryphæa inundata_: caule pendulo laxe pinnatim-ramoso ramulis apice
incurvis, foliis distantibus oblongo-lanceolatis carinatis nervo crasso
excurrente, inferioribus arete complicatis obliquis, capsulis ovalibus
heteromallis subsessilibus perichætio longissimo immersis, dentibus
peristomii interioris longis persistentibus coloratis apice incurvis.

In ramis fruticum inundatis ad flumina Wabash, Fox and Black Rivers.
Decembre cum fructu maturo.

Differs from Chryphæa heteromalla, not only by the long, slender stems,
and the thick projecting nerve of the leaves, but most especially by
the stiff red ciliæ of the inner peristome, which almost exceed the
exterior ones in length, and are incurved inwards at the point. The
lower cauline leaves are so broken that the two halves touch with their
upper surface, and the leaf acquires almost an ensiform appearance. The
leaves of the involucrum are quite nerveless. The capsule is yellow. I
did not see the operculum and the hood.


_Usnea hirta_, Ach.--_Parmelia tiliacea_, Ach.


_Polyporus velutinus_, Fr., pileo supra sordide albo
subfuligineo.--_Exidia auricula Judæ_, Fr. Syst. Myc.

Our specimen is distinguished by its size and remarkably pale colour.


Winter Residents:

   1. Cathartes Aura septentr.
   2. Aquila leucocephala.
   3.   "
   4.   "    Haliaëtus amer.
   5. Falco borealis.
   6.   "   uliginosus Bon.
   7.   "   Sparverius.
   8. Strix asio.
   9.   "   nebulosa.
  10. Corvus americanus Aud.
  11. Garrulus cristatus.
  12. Psittacus carolinensis.
  13. Picus pileatus.
  14.   "   auratus.
  15.   "   carolinus.
  16.   "   varius.
  17.   "   villosus.
  18.   "   pubescens.
  19.   "   erythrocephalus.
  20. Sitta carolinensis.
  21. Certhia familiaris amer.
  22. Alcedo Alcyon.
  23. Sturnella ludoviciana Bon.
  24. Fringilla cardinalis.
  25.     "     hyemalis.
  26. Fringilla canadensis.
  27.     "     pennsylvanica.
  28.     "     melodia.
  29.     "     tristis.
  30. Parus bicolor.
  31.   "   atricapillus.
  32. Muscicapa coronata.
  33. Sialia Wilsoni Sw.
  34. Regulus cristatus.
  35. Troglod. ludovicianus.
  36.    "     hyemalis.
  37. Columba carolinensis.
  38. Meleagris Gallopavo.
  39. Tetrao umbellus.
  40.   "    Cupido.
  41. Perdix virginiana.
  42. Ardea herodias.
  43. Anser canadensis.
  44.   "   bernicla.
  45. Anas Boschas fera.
  46.  "   clangula amer.
  47. Mergus Merganser.
  48.   "    serrator.
  49.   "    cucullatus.
  50. Falco?

In November the following still occurred:

1. Quiscalus ferrugineus (a few). 2. Fulica americana (migrating). 3.
Grus canadensis. 4. Podiceps carolin. (migrating). 5. Anas sponsa
(in large numbers). 6. Anas crecca, querquedula, discors, and other
species. 7. Fringilla erythrophthalma.

In December a few of the following:

Fringilla erythrophthalma.

In the second half of January:

Columba migratoria. (This was due to the mildness of the winter.)

In February, returned:


1. Anas sponsa. 2. Anas rufitorques. 3. Anas crecca. 4. Anas acuta. 5.
Icterus phöniceus.

_Middle and end_:

6. Falcones. 7. Fringilla erythrophthalma. 8. Scolopax. 9. Turdus
migratorius. 10. Grus canadensis (flight of cranes). 11. Quiscalus
versic. 12. Quiscalus ferrugineus.

In the first part of March the following appeared in the region around

1. Anser albifrons. 2. Anser canadensis. 3. Quisc. ferrugineus. 4.
Quisc. versicolor. 5. Icterus phoeniceus. 6. Larus? (fourth of March
seen on the Wabash). 7. Grus canadensis (on the fifth of March Anser
canadensis also appeared). 8. Fringilla purpurea (on the tenth of
March). 9. Scolopax. 10. Fringa? 11. Hirundo? (on the fourteenth of
March the first flight of swallows occurred).

      *      *      *      *      *      *

Transcriber's note:

    Simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors were
    silently corrected.

    Anachronistic and non-standard spellings retained as printed.


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