The Story of CRISCO

The Procter & Gamble Co.


_Price Twenty-Five Cents_

[Illustration: _The Story of CRISCO_]



The Story of Crisco

Things To Remember

Hints To Young Cooks

How To Choose Foods

Methods of Cooking

Time Table for Cooking

The Art of Carving











Vegetarian Dishes



Calendar of Dinners



Lettuce Cocktail                                                     153
Onion Cocktail                                                       161



Apple Strudel                                                        221
Boston Brown                                                          98
Brown Nut                                                             98
Coffee                                                                99
Coffee, Swedish                                                      113
Corn                                                                 100
Crisco Milk                                                          101
Fruit, Yorkshire                                                     114
Gluten                                                               104
Graham                                                               102
Health                                                               105
Hominy                                                               105
Nut, Steamed                                                         112
Raisin and Buttermilk                                                109
Raisin and Nut                                                       221
Rolled Oats                                                          109
Rye, Swedish                                                         113
Savarin                                                              110
Southern Spoon                                                       112
Water                                                                114
Wheat, Entire                                                        102

Biscuits, Rolls, Etc.

Baking Powder Biscuit                                                 97
Buttermilk Biscuit                                                    98
Citron Buns                                                           99
Cornmeal Rolls                                                       100
Crisco Batter Cakes                                                  101
Dessert Biscuit                                                      101
Fruit Rolls                                                          104
Hot Cross Buns                                                       106
Lunch Rolls                                                          107
Maryland Beaten Biscuits                                             107
Scones, Cream                                                        100
Scones, Oven                                                         108
Soda Beaten Biscuit                                                  111
Sour Milk Biscuit                                                    111
Twin Biscuit                                                         113

Muffins, Etc.

Bran Gems                                                             98
Columbia Muffins                                                     100
Corn Cakes                                                           194
Ginger Gems                                                          104
Golden Corn Muffins                                                  105
Imperial Muffins                                                     106
Muffins                                                              107
Pop Overs                                                            198
Rye Muffins                                                          110
Sour Milk Tea Cakes                                                  112



Almond and Citron                                                    130
Black Cake with Prune Filling                                        119
Boiling Water                                                        120
Butterless-Milkless-Eggless                                          120
Caramel                                                              121
Chocolate                                                            121
Chocolate, Black                                                     181
Cream Puffs                                                          123
Cream Puff Balls                                                     123
Cushion                                                              198
Devil's Food                                                         124
Dutch Apple                                                          214
Feather                                                              210
Fig                                                                  125
Flag                                                                 194
Fruit Cake, Apple Sauce                                              119
Fruit Cake, Crisco                                                   123
Fruit Cake, Southern                                                 132
Fruit Drops                                                          103
Genoa                                                                185
Gennoise                                                             125
Gingerbread                                                          125
Gingerbread, Whole Wheat                                             132
Gold                                                                 126
Golden Orange                                                        126
Hurry Up                                                             126
Jam                                                                  207
Jelly Roll                                                           129
Lady Baltimore                                                       127
Layer Cake, Cocoanut                                                 122
Layer Cake, Cocoanut                                                 226
Layer Cake, Coffee                                                   112
Layer Cake, Lemon                                                    127
Lord Baltimore                                                       128
Lunch Cakes                                                          128
Marble                                                               129
Marmalade                                                            129
Mocha                                                                196
Pound                                                                120
Princess                                                             205
Queen Cakes                                                          215
Rose Leaf                                                            131
Sand                                                                 127
Shortcake, Oyster                                                     57
Shortcake, Peach                                                     124
Shortcake, Red Raspberry                                             195
Shortcake, Strawberry                                                124
Shortcake, Scotch                                                    131
Seed Cake, Old Fashioned                                             130
Silver Nut                                                           131
Simnel                                                               131
Sponge                                                               127
Tilden                                                               202
Walnut                                                               130
Wholesome Parkin                                                     132


Chocolate Fudge                                                      144
Clear Almond Taffy                                                   144
Cocoanut Caramels                                                    144
Cream Candy                                                          145
Crisco Drops                                                         145
Crisco Fruit Fudge                                                   145
Everton Taffy                                                        145
Fig Fudge                                                            146
Honey Squares                                                        146
Maple Candy                                                          146
Molasses Candy                                                       146
Peanut Fudge                                                         147


Aigrettes                                                            197
Biscuit                                                              151
Canapes                                                              161
Cheese Balls                                                         196
Croutons                                                             214
Drops                                                                194
Fondue                                                               219
Ramekins                                                             151


Almond Fingers                                                       211
Chocolate Wafers                                                      99
Chocolate Brownies                                                    99
Crisco Brownies                                                      101
Filled Cookies                                                       102
Fruit Cookies                                                        103
Ginger Crisps                                                        203
Ginger Snaps                                                         104
Jumbles                                                               97
Lemon Wafers                                                         106
Maple Cookies                                                        107
Oatmeal Cookies                                                      108
Rose Leaves                                                          110
Shortbread                                                           111
Spice Cookies                                                        112
White Cookies                                                        114


Bean                                                                 178
Beef                                                                 193
Chicken                                                              195
Chestnut Boulettes                                                   231
Egg                                                                  141
Pea                                                                  227
Pear                                                                 227
Potato                                                               152
Potato and Nut                                                       136
Salmon                                                               155
Tomato                                                               228



Honey                                                                105
Nut                                                                  108
Raised                                                               109
Rich                                                                 109



Caramel Custard                                                      178
Creole                                                               140
Curried                                                              140
Cutlets                                                              165
Croquettes                                                           141
Eggs with Cucumbers                                                  141
Eggs with Tomatoes                                                   141
Egg Sandwiches, Fried                                                 85
Savory                                                               142


Apricot                                                              200
Baked                                                                140
Friar's                                                              159
Kidney                                                                63
Spanish                                                              183
Cutlets                                                              165
Croquettes                                                           141
Eggs with Cucumbers                                                  141
Eggs with Tomatoes                                                   141
Egg Sandwiches, Fried                                                 85
Savory                                                               142


FISH, Etc.

Blue, Baked                                                          194
Cassolettes of Fish                                                   53
Clams, Scalloped                                                     183
Clams, Steamed                                                       225
Codfish Balls                                                        152
Cod, Boiled                                                          169
Cod, Curried                                                          54
Cod, Steamed                                                         218
Crabs, Dressed                                                        53
Fish, Fried                                                           56
Fish, Fried                                                          198
Fish Pudding                                                          55
Flounder, a la Creme                                                  54
Flounder, a la Turque                                                 55
Gateau of Fish                                                        56
Halibut, Baked                                                        52
Halibut, Grilled with Parmesan                                       214
Halibut, a la Paulette                                               166
Halibut Ramekins                                                     192
Halibut Turbans                                                      154
Lobster, Broiled                                                     171
Lobster, Fried with Horseradish Sauce                                 56
Lobster Newburg                                                      175
Mackerel, Broiled Spanish                                            167
Mackerel, a la Claudine                                              175
Mackerel, Cold Vinaigrette                                           184
Oysters, Fried                                                       171
Oyster Shortcake                                                      57
Salmon, Baked with Colbert Sauce                                      52
Salmon, Boiled                                                       167
Salmon Croquettes                                                    155
Salmon Mold                                                           57
Salmon, Planked                                                      189
Sardine Canapes                                                      167
Shad, Baked                                                           53
Shad, Planked                                                        170
Scallops                                                             228
Scallops, Baked in Shells                                            220
Smelts, Broiled                                                      214
Smelts, Fried                                                        222
Smelts, Planked                                                      207
Terrapin, a la Maryland                                              230
Trout, Baked                                                         190


Apple Fritters                                                        78
Apricot Fritters                                                     172
Anchovy Fritters                                                     157
Carrot Fritters                                                      175
Corn Fritters                                                         68
Crisco Battercakes                                                   101
French Pancake                                                       199
Fried Cornmeal Nut Cakes                                             102
Fried Cakes with Apple Sauce                                         103
Fruit Pancake                                                        195
Italian Fritters                                                     222
Salsify Fritters                                                     160
Sour Milk Griddle Cakes                                              111
Strawberry Fritters                                                  187
Waffles                                                              113


Apples with Red Currant Jelly                                        224
Apple Sauce                                                          225
Baked Apples                                                         229
Baked Bananas                                                        181
Devilled Bananas                                                     134



Beef, a la Mode                                                      191
Beef, Braised Fillet                                                 158
Beef Croquettes                                                      193
Beef Collope                                                          59
Beef, Chipped in Cream                                               183
Beef, Fillet                                                         205
Beef Loaf                                                            151
Beef Loaf                                                            186
Beef Olives                                                          200
Beef Steak Pudding                                                   205
Beef Steak and Kidney Pie                                            151
Beef Tournedos with Olives                                           191
Bobotee                                                              182
Brains, Baked                                                        189
Calf's Head Vinaigrette                                              161
Chops, Breaded                                                       166
Ham, Baked                                                           209
Hearts, Baked Stuffed                                                164
Indian Dry Curry                                                     213
Kidneys, Broiled with Green Peppers                                  162
Kidney Omelet                                                         63
Lamb, Casserole                                                      218
Lamb Chops, Broiled                                                  168
Lamb Chops, Stuffed                                                  221
Lamb, Crown, with Peas                                               180
Lamb, Fricassee with Dumplings                                       197
Lamb, Leg, Boiled Stuffed                                            186
Lamb, Salmi                                                          189
Lamb, Spring, Steak, a la Minute                                     173
Lamb, Tournedos                                                      198
Live, Baked and Bacon                                                201
Liver, Stewed with Mushrooms                                         206
Mutton, Braised Loin                                                  60
Mutton, Braised with Mushrooms                                       157
Mutton, Boiled                                                       204
Mutton Cutlets                                                       152
Mutton, a la Soubise                                                 168
Meat Cakes                                                            63
Ox Tongue, Braised                                                   176
Ox Tongue, Curried                                                    61
Roast, with Spaghetti                                                 64
Roast, Pot, with Tomato                                              181
Shepherd's Pie                                                       210
Steak, Beef, Baked                                                   224
Steak, Flank, Stuffed                                                200
Steak, Porterhouse                                                   208
Steak, Round with Macaroni                                            63
Steak, Swiss                                                         199
Steak, Sirloin with Fried Apples                                      65
Stew, Irish                                                          156
Sweet Breads                                                         183
Sweet Breads, Fried                                                   62
Sweet Breads with Mushroom Puree                                     173
Tripe, Baked                                                         229
Tripe, Fricasseed                                                    197
Toad in the Hole                                                     163
Veal, Blanquette                                                     197
Veal, Braised Fillet                                                 169
Veal Chops                                                           196
Veal Cutlets, Breaded                                                193
Veal Goulash                                                         159
Veal Haricot                                                         216
Veal and Ham Pie                                                     165
Veal Loaf                                                            180
Veal Pot Pie                                                         172
Venison, Cutlets                                                     220
Venison, Spiced                                                      224


Casserole                                                             60
Country Club                                                         201
Croquettes                                                           195
Curried                                                              192
Fried                                                                 61
Fried, Mexican Style                                                  62
Fried, Swiss Style                                                   213
Fricassee, Brown                                                     153
Grilled                                                              178
Hot Pot                                                              226
Impanada                                                             208
A la King                                                            178
Pie                                                                  171
Planked                                                              158
Planked                                                              199
Roast Stuffed                                                        150
Stewed                                                               175
Stewed with Olives                                                   168
Souffle                                                              163
Supreme                                                              160
A la Tartare                                                          60

Other Fowls

Duck, Braised with Turnips                                           217
Duckling, Roast                                                      187
Fowl, Roast with Chestnuts and Mushrooms                             202
Fowl, Pilau                                                          211
Guinea Hen, Roasted                                                  168
Guinea, Roast Chicken                                                218
Pigeons, Fried                                                       169
Squab, Stewed                                                        208
Turkey, Roast                                                         64

Hare and Rabbit

Belgian en Casserole                                                 230
Jugged                                                               149
A la Marengo                                                         217
Roast                                                                152
Stewed                                                               221



Cornstarch Pastry                                                     90
Crisco, Plain                                                         90
Crisco, New                                                           90
Flake No. 1                                                           91
Flake No. 2                                                           92
German                                                                93
Hot Water                                                             93
Puff                                                                  92
Puff, Rough                                                           93
Sugar for Tartlets                                                    94
Tip Top                                                               90

Cobblers and Dumplings

Apple Dumplings                                                       78
Fig and Apple Cobbler                                                226
Peach Cobbler                                                        204


Almond Layer                                                          91
Apple                                                                166
Apple                                                                215
Beer Steak and Kidney                                                151
Blueberry                                                            200
Butterscotch                                                          94
Cherry                                                               188
Chicken                                                              171
Chocolate Cream                                                      218
Cocoanut                                                             227
Cream                                                                181
Double                                                                91
Mince                                                                225
Orange                                                               212
Pumpkin                                                              223
Rhubarb Custard                                                       94
Shepherd's                                                           210
Squash                                                               224
Veal and Ham                                                         165
Veal Pot                                                             174
Washington                                                           162

Tarts, Etc.

Apple                                                                160
Apricot                                                               95
Bakewell                                                              95
Bartemian                                                             95
Chestnut                                                             217
Currant                                                               94
Fruit                                                                182
German                                                               135
Lemon and Apple                                                      226
Maids of Honor                                                       190
Pastry Fingers                                                       230
Peach Delights                                                        82
Puffs, Orange                                                        213
Puffs, Raisin                                                        227
Roly Poly, Cherry                                                    189
Roly Poly, Raisin                                                    227
Rhubarb Fanchonettes                                                 192
Windsor                                                              201


Almond                                                               192
Almond and Apple                                                     221
Amber                                                                210
Apple, Charlotte                                                     212
Apricot                                                              196
Baba with Syrup                                                      222
Baked Indian                                                         220
Beef Steak                                                           205
Black Cap                                                            216
Boston                                                               230
Bird's Nest                                                          165
Bread                                                                226
Bread, with Cherries                                                 210
Cabinet                                                              156
Canned Corn                                                          179
Caramel Bread                                                         79
Caramel Rice                                                          79
Carrot                                                                79
Cherry Blanc-Mange                                                   199
Chestnut Dainty                                                      217
Chocolate                                                            202
Chocolate Bread                                                      188
Chocolate Jelly                                                       80
Chocolate with Macaroons                                             209
Coburg                                                               159
Cocoanut                                                             219
Conservative                                                         211
Cottage                                                               80
Countess                                                             204
Cranberry                                                            221
Cup                                                                  192
Date                                                                 222
Eve's                                                                229
Farina                                                               225
Fish                                                                  55
Golden                                                               219
Graham                                                               223
Graham, Steamed                                                      166
St. Leonard's                                                        204
Macaroon                                                             201
Macaroni, Baked                                                      223
Molasses Sponge                                                       81
Monica                                                                81
Noodle                                                                81
Nut                                                                  211
Peach                                                                199
Pineapple                                                             82
Plum, English                                                        229
Plum, Mrs. Vaughn's                                                   82
Raisin                                                               163
Raisin Batter                                                        213
Raspberry Batter                                                     191
Rhubarb                                                              137
Rhubarb, Baked                                                        78
Rice                                                                  83
Rice, Ground                                                         193
Snow Balls                                                           197
Snow Balls, Fruit                                                    158
Snow Pudding, with Custard                                           206
Sultana                                                              228
Swiss                                                                177
Walnut                                                                83
Woodford                                                              83


Brown Bread                                                          219
Cherry                                                               195
Cornstarch                                                           228
Date                                                                 158
Pineapple                                                            223
Rice                                                                 172
Snow                                                                 193
Squash                                                               201
Vegetable                                                            136
Vegetable                                                            212



Apple, Celery and Nut                                                 74
Asparagus                                                             74
Cabbage                                                              163
Carrot                                                               186
Celery and Almond                                                     74
Cheese                                                               206
Cream Cheese and Pimiento                                            154
Daisy                                                                179
Fruit                                                                 75
Grapefruit                                                           189
Hungarian                                                             75
Orange                                                               150
Orange and Tomato                                                     75
Pear and Pimiento                                                    189
Potato and Nut                                                        75
Potato and Pimiento                                                   76
Shrimp                                                                76
Waldorf                                                              159
Watercress                                                           190


Egg and Anchovy                                                       85
Fried Egg                                                             85
Hot Cheese                                                           211
Hudson                                                                86
Pimiento Cheese                                                       86
Rice                                                                  86
Sardine                                                               87
Tomato                                                                87
Tomato and Horseradish                                                87


Artichoke                                                            157
Asparagus                                                             47
Bean, Black                                                          149
Bonne Femme                                                          228
Cauliflower                                                          206
Cheese                                                                48
Chestnut                                                             207
Crab                                                                 187
Fish                                                                  48
Giblet                                                               216
Hollandaise                                                          174
Hotch Potch                                                          180
Kidney                                                               176
Lentil                                                                49
Mulligatawney                                                        161
Oxtail                                                               164
Okra                                                                 216
Pepper Pot                                                           179
Pilau a la Turque                                                    198
Potato                                                               175
Princess                                                             168
Red Pottage                                                          173
Rice (Thick)                                                          50
Scotch Broth                                                         164
Spring                                                               182
Turnip                                                               185
Turtle, Mock                                                         176
Verte                                                                 50
White                                                                172


Clam                                                                 167
Lobster                                                               49
Lobster                                                              150
Oyster                                                               209


Clam                                                                 206
Corn                                                                 173
Fish                                                                 185

Cream Soups

Corn, a la Creole                                                    213
Cucumber                                                             190
Lettuce                                                              154
Tomato                                                                48


Indienne                                                             185
Norfolk                                                               49
Peanut                                                               214
Tapioca                                                              165



Artichokes                                                           215
Artichokes, Jerusalem                                                 69
Asparagus Loaf                                                       177
Asparagus, Italian Style                                             209
Asparagus, Plain                                                     187
Beans                                                                190
Beans, Baked                                                         200
Bean Croquettes                                                      178
Beans, Lima, Curried                                                 220
Beans, String                                                        188
Beets, Buttered                                                      208
Beets, Creamed                                                       177
Beets, New                                                           203
Beets, Stuffed                                                        71
Brussels Sprouts with Crisco                                          67
Cabbage, a la Creme                                                  219
Cabbage, German Sour                                                 179
Cabbage, Ladies'                                                     154
Carrot Fritters                                                      175
Carrots, Glazed                                                      188
Carrots, a la Poulette                                               203
Carrots, Viennese                                                     72
Celeriac                                                             217
Colcannon                                                             67
Corn Creole                                                          207
Corn Fritters                                                         68
Corn Okra and Tomatoes                                                68
Cauliflower                                                          207
Cauliflower, Curried                                                  68
Cauliflower, au Gratin                                               155
Cauliflower, Fried                                                   208
Egg Plant, en Casserole                                               69
Eggplant, Fried                                                      205
Eggplant, Stuffed                                                     71
Eggplant, Stuffed                                                    216
Kohl Rabi, Creamed                                                   203
Lentils and Rice                                                      67
Lentils, Savory                                                       70
Lettuce, Stewed                                                      162
Mushrooms au Gratin                                                   70
Mushrooms Cooked Under Glass Bells                                   154
Mushrooms, Grilled                                                   164
Onions, Stewed                                                       202
Onions, Stuffed                                                      207
Onions, Stuffed with Nuts                                            184
Parsnips, Baked                                                       67
Parsley, Fried                                                        69
Peas                                                                 186
Peas, Green, a la Maitre d'Hotel                                      69
Peppers, Stuffed Green                                               162
Potatoes, Anna                                                       184
Potatoes, Chantilly                                                  203
Potatoes, Creamed au Gratin                                           68
Potato Croquettes                                                    152
Potatoes, Duchesse                                                   170
Potatoes, Franconia                                                  157
Potatoes, French Fried                                               180
Potatoes, Grilled                                                    215
Potatoes, Hashed Brown                                               203
Potatoes, New a la France                                             70
Potato Pone                                                           70
Potato Puffs                                                         174
Potatoes, Savory                                                     215
Potato Souffle Austrian Style                                        181
Potatoes, Stuffed                                                     71
Potatoes, Stuffed                                                    186
Potatoes, Sweet, Baked                                               225
Potatoes, Sweet Candied                                              153
Potatoes, Sweet Southern Style                                       209
Scalloped Pumpkin and Rice                                           216
Slaw, Cold                                                           210
Spinach, a la Creme                                                  166
Spinach, Martha                                                      184
Squash, Souffled                                                     201
Squash, Summer                                                       194
Succotash                                                            204
Tomatoes, Baked Stuffed                                              208
Tomato Croquettes                                                    228
Tomatoes, Escalloped                                                 153
Tomatoes, Grilled                                                    174
Tomatoes, Stewed                                                     150
Turnips, Creamed                                                     170
Turnips, Mashed                                                      202
Vegetable Souffle                                                    212


Asparagus Loaf                                                       177
Bananas, Devilled                                                    134
Bean Cutlets                                                         133
Cauliflower Snow                                                     134
Craigie Toast                                                        134
Croquettes Marchette                                                 135
Duck, Mock                                                           210
Goose, Mock                                                          174
Mincemeat, Lemon                                                     134
Nut Loaf                                                             212
Nut and Macaroni Savory                                              136
Nut Roast                                                            220
Potato and Nut Croquettes                                            136
Potato Sausage                                                       136
Potato Sefton                                                        137
Rice a la Maigre                                                     137
Rice, Spanish                                                        137
Timbale, Molds                                                       138
Veal Roast, Mock                                                     162
Vegetable Souffle, Mixed                                             136
Vegetable Pie                                                        138


Bombay Toast                                                         160
Croutes, a la Marie                                                  156
Croutes, a la Rosamonde                                              156
Macaroni a l'Italienne                                               182
Risotto                                                              155

_"Man's most important food, fat."

"Those who say--'The old fashioned things are good enough for us.'"

"The difference between substitute and primary."

"That 'Lardy' taste."

"Fry fish, then onions, then potatoes in the same Crisco."

"We all eat raw fats."

"A woman can throw out more with a teaspoon than a man can bring home
in a wagon."

"Hidden flavors."

"Keeping parlor and kitchen strangers."


"Recipes tested by Domestic Scientists."_


The word "fat" is one of the most interesting in food chemistry. It
is the great energy producer. John C. Olsen, A.M., Ph.D., in his book,
"Pure Food," states that fats furnish half the total energy obtained
by human beings from their food. The three _primary_, solid cooking
fats today are:

[Illustration: _Butter Lard Crisco_]

There are numbers of substitutes for these, such as butterine,
oleomargarine and "lard compounds."

The following pages contain a story of unusual interest to _you_. For
you _eat_.

See Page 233

_The Story of Crisco_

The culinary world is revising its entire cook book on account of the
advent of Crisco, a new and altogether different cooking fat.

Many wonder that any product could gain the favor of cooking experts
so quickly. A few months after the first package was marketed,
practically every grocer of the better class in the United States was
supplying women with the new product.

This was largely because four classes of
people--housewives--chefs--doctors--dietitians--were glad to be shown
a product which at once would make for more _digestible_ foods, more
_economical_ foods, and better _tasting_ foods.

Cooking and History


Cooking methods have undergone a marked change during the past few
years. The nation's food is becoming more and more wholesome as
a result of different discoveries, new sources of supply, and the
intelligent weighing of values. Domestic Science is better understood
and more appreciated.


People of the present century are fairer to their stomachs,
realizing that their health largely depends upon this faithful and
long-suffering servant. Digestion and disposition sound much the same,
but a good disposition often is wrecked by a poor digestion.

America has been termed a country of dyspeptics. It is being changed
to a land of healthy eaters, consequently happier individuals. Every
agent responsible for this national digestive improvement must be
gratefully recognized.


It seems strange to many that there can be anything _better_ than
butter for cooking, or of greater utility than lard, and the advent of
Crisco has been a shock to the older generation, born in an age less
progressive than our own, and prone to contend that the old fashioned
things are good enough.


But these good folk, when convinced, are the greatest enthusiasts.
Grandmother was glad to give up the fatiguing spinning wheel. So the
modern woman is glad to stop cooking with expensive butter, animal
lard and their inadequate substitutes.

And so, the nation's cook book has been hauled out and is being
revised. Upon thousands of pages, the words "lard" and "butter" have
been crossed out and the word "Crisco" written in their place.

A Need Anticipated

Great foresight was shown in the making of Crisco.

The quality, as well as the quantity, of lard was diminishing
steadily in the face of a growing population. Prices were rising. "The
high-cost-of-living" was an oft-repeated phrase. Also, our country was
outgrowing its supply of butter. What was needed, therefore, was not
a _substitute_, but something _better_ than these fats, some product
which not only would accomplish as much in cookery, but _a great deal

When, therefore, Crisco was perfected, and it was shown that here
finally was an altogether _new_ and _better_ fat, cookery experts were
quick to show their appreciation.

In reading the following pages, think of Crisco as a _primary_ cooking
fat or shortening with even more individuality (because it does
greater things), than all others.

Man's Most Important Food, Fat

No other food supplies our bodies with the _drive_, the vigor, which
fat gives. No other food has been given so little study in proportion
to its importance.

Here are interesting facts, yet few housewives are acquainted with

Fat contains more than twice the amount of energy-yielding power or
calorific value of proteids or carbohydrates. One half our physical
energy is from the fat we eat in different forms. The excellent book,
"Food and Cookery for the Sick and Convalescent," by Fannie Merritt
Farmer, states, "In the diet of children at least, a deficiency of fat
cannot be replaced by an excess of carbohydrates; and that fat seems
to play some part in the formation of young tissues which cannot be
undertaken by _any other constituent of food_...."

The book entitled "The Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning," by the two
authorities, Ellen H. Richards and S. Maria Elliott, states that the
diet of school children should be regulated carefully with the fat
supply in view. Girls, especially, show at times a dislike for fat.
It therefore is necessary that the fat which supplies their growing
bodies with energy should be in the purest and most inviting form and
should be one that their digestions _welcome_, rather than repel.


The first step in the digestion of fat is its melting. Crisco melts
at a lower degree of heat than body temperature. Because of its low
melting point, thus allowing the digestive juices to mix with it, and
because of its vegetable origin and its purity, Crisco is the easiest
of all cooking fats to digest.

When a fat smokes in frying, it "breaks down," that is, its chemical
composition is changed; part of its altered composition becomes a
non-digestible and irritating substance. The best fat for digestion
is one which does _not_ decompose or break down at frying temperature.
Crisco does not break down until a degree of heat is reached _above_
the frying point. In other words, Crisco does not break down at all
in normal frying, because it is not necessary to have it "smoking hot"
for frying. No part of it, therefore, has been transformed in cooking
into an irritant. That is one reason why the stomach welcomes Crisco
and carries forward its digestion with ease.

Working Towards an Ideal

A part of the preliminary work done in connection with the development
of Crisco, described in these pages, consisted of the study of
the older cooking fats. The objectionable features of each were
considered. The good was weighed against the bad. The strength and
weakness of each was determined. Thus was found what the ideal fat
should possess, and what it should _not_ possess. It must have every
good quality and no bad one.

After years of study, a process was discovered which made possible the
ideal fat.

The process involved the changing of the composition of vegetable food
oils and the making of the richest fat or solid _cream_.


The Crisco Process at the first stage of its development gave, at
least, the basis of the ideal fat; namely, a purely _vegetable_
product, differing from all others in that absolutely no animal fat
had to be added to the vegetable oil to produce the proper stiffness.
This was but one of the many distinctive advantages sought and found.

Not Marketed Until Perfect

It also solved the problem of eliminating certain objectionable
features of fats in general, such as rancidity, color, odor, smoking
properties when heated. These weaknesses, therefore, were not a part
of this new fat, which it would seem was the parent of the Ideal.

Then after four years of severe tests, after each weakness was
replaced with strength the Government was given this fat to analyze
and classify. The report was that it answered to none of the tests for
fats already existing.

A Primary Fat

It was neither a butter, a "compound" nor a "substitute," but _an
entirely new product_. A _primary_ fat.

In 1911 it was named Crisco and placed upon the market.

Today you buy this rich, wholesome cream of nutritious food oils in
sanitary tins. The "Crisco Process" alone can produce this creamy
white fat. No one else can manufacture Crisco, because no one else
holds the secret of Crisco and because they would have no legal right
to make it. Crisco is Crisco, and nothing else.

Finally Economical

At first, it looked very much as if Crisco must be a high-priced
product. It cost its discoverers many thousands of dollars before ever
a package reached the consumer's kitchen.

Crisco was not offered for sale as a _substitute_, or for housewives
to buy only to save money. The chief point emphasized was, that
Crisco was a richer, more wholesome food fat for cooking. Naturally,
therefore, it was good news to all when Crisco was found also to be
more economical.

Crisco is more economical than lard in another way. It makes richer
pastry than lard, and one-fifth less can be used. Furthermore it can
be used over and over again in frying all manner of foods, and because
foods absorb so little, Crisco is in reality more economical even than
lard of _mediocre_ quality. The _price_ of Crisco is lower than the
average price of the best pail lard throughout the year.


Crisco's Manufacture




It would be difficult to imagine surroundings more appetizing than
those in which Crisco is manufactured. It is made in a building
devoted exclusively to the manufacture of this one product. In
sparkling bright rooms, cleanly uniformed employees make and pack

The air for this building is drawn in through an apparatus which
washes and purifies it, removing the possibility of any dust entering.

The floors are of a special tile composition; the walls are of white
glazed tile, which are washed regularly. White enamel covers metal
surfaces where nickel plating cannot be used. Sterilized machines
handle the oil and the finished product. No hand touches Crisco until
in your own kitchen the sanitary can is opened, disclosing the smooth
richness, the creamlike, appetizing consistency of the product.

The Banishment of That "Lardy" Taste in Foods

It was the earnest aim of the makers of Crisco to produce a
strictly _vegetable_ product without adding a hard, and consequently
indigestible animal fat. There is today a pronounced partiality from
a health standpoint to a vegetable fat, and the lardy, greasy taste
of food resulting from the use of animal fat never has been in such
disfavor as during the past few years.

So Crisco is absolutely _all_ vegetable. No stearine, animal
or vegetable, is added. It possesses no taste nor odor save the
delightful and characteristic aroma which identifies Crisco, and is
suggestive of its purity.

Explanation of "Hidden" Food Flavors.

When the dainty shadings of taste are over-shadowed by a "lardy"
flavor, the _true_ taste of the food itself is lost. We miss the
"hidden" or _natural_ taste of the food. Crisco has a peculiar power
of bringing out the very best in food flavors. Even the simplest foods
are allowed a delicacy of flavor.


Take ginger bread for example: The real _ginger_ taste is there. The
_molasses_ and spice flavors are brought out.


Or just plain, every-day fried potatoes; many never knew what the real
_potato_ taste was before eating potatoes fried in Crisco.

Fried chicken has a newness of taste not known before.

New users of Crisco should try these simple foods first and later take
up the preparation of more elaborate dishes.

Butter, Ever Popular

It is hard to imagine anything taking the place of butter upon the
dining table. For seasoning in cooking, the use of butter ever will
be largely a matter of taste. Some people have a partiality for the
"butter flavor," which after all is largely the salt mixed with the
fat. Close your eyes and eat some fresh unsalted butter; note that it
is practically tasteless.


Crisco contains richer food elements than butter. As Crisco is richer,
containing no moisture, one-fifth or one-fourth less can be used in
each recipe.

Crisco always is uniform because it is a manufactured fat where
quality and purity can be controlled. It works perfectly into any
dough, making the crust or loaf even textured. It keeps sweet and pure
indefinitely in the ordinary room temperature.

Keep Your Parlor and Your Kitchen Strangers

Kitchen odors are out of place in the parlor. When frying with Crisco,
as before explained, it is not necessary to heat the fat to _smoking_
temperature, ideal frying is accomplished without bringing Crisco to
its smoking point. On the other hand, it is necessary to heat lard
"smoking hot" before it is of the proper frying temperature. Remember
also that, when lard smokes and fills the house with its strong odor,
certain constituents have been changed chemically to those which
irritate the sensitive membranes of the alimentary canal.

[Illustration: The Lard Kitchen.]

[Illustration: The Crisco Kitchen--No Smoke.]

Crisco does not smoke until it reaches 455 degrees, a heat higher
than is necessary for frying. You need not wait for Crisco to smoke.
Consequently the house will not fill with smoke, nor will there be
black, burnt specks in fried foods, as often there are when you use
lard for frying.

Crisco gives up its heat very quickly to the food submerged in it and
a tender, brown crust almost _instantly_ forms, allowing the inside of
the potatoes, croquettes, doughnuts, etc., to become _baked_, rather
than soaked.

[Illustration: Fry this, Then this, Then this--in the same Crisco.]

The same Crisco can be used for frying fish, onions, potatoes, or
any other food. Crisco does not take up food flavors or odors. After
frying each food, merely strain out the food particles.

We All Eat Raw Fats

The shortening fat in pastry or baked foods, is merely distributed
throughout the dough. No chemical change occurs during the baking
process. So when you eat pie or hot biscuit, in which animal lard
is used, _you eat raw animal lard_. The shortening used in all baked
foods therefore, should be just as pure and wholesome as if you were
eating it like butter upon bread. Because Crisco digests with such
ease, and because it is a pure vegetable fat, all those who realize
the above fact regarding pastry making are now won over to Crisco.


A hint as to Crisco's purity is shown by this simple test: Break open
a hot biscuit in which Crisco has been used. You will note a sweet
fragrance, which is most inviting.


A few months ago if you had told dyspeptic men and women that they
could eat pie at the evening meal and that distress would not follow,
probably they would have doubted you. Hundreds of instances of
Crisco's healthfulness have been given by people, who, at one time
have been denied such foods as pastry, cake and fried foods, but who
_now_ eat these rich, yet digestible Crisco dishes.

You, or any other normally healthy individual, whose digestion does
not relish greasy foods, can eat rich pie crust. The richness is
there, but not the unpleasant after effects. Crisco digests _readily_.

The Importance of Giving Children Crisco Foods


A good digestion will mean much to the youngster's health and
character. A man seldom seems to be stronger than his stomach, for
indigestion handicaps him in his accomplishment of big things.

As more attention is given to _present_ feeding, less attention need
be given to _future_ doctoring. Equip your children with good stomachs
by giving them wholesome Crisco foods--foods which digest with ease.

They may eat the rich things they enjoy and find them just as
digestible as many apparently simple foods, if Crisco be used

They may eat Crisco doughnuts or pie without being chased by
nightmares. Sweet dreams follow the Crisco supper.


The Great Variety of Crisco Foods

There are thousands of Crisco dishes. It is impossible to know the
exact number, because Crisco is used for practically every cooking
purpose. Women daily tell us of new uses they have found for Crisco.

Many women _begin_ by using Crisco in simple ways, for frying, for
baking, in place of lard. Soon, however, they learn that Crisco _also_
takes the place of butter. "Butter richness without butter expense,"
say the thousands of Crisco users.

Tasty scalloped dishes, salad dressing, rich pastry, fine grained
cake, sauces and hundreds of other dishes, where butter formerly was
used, now are prepared with Crisco.

"A Woman Can Throw Out More with a Teaspoon Than a Man Can Bring Home
in a Wagon"


Kitchen expense comes by the _spoonful_. Think of the countless
spoonfuls of expensive butter used daily, where economical Crisco
would accomplish the same results at one-third the cost.

It should be remembered that one-fifth less Crisco than butter may be
used, because Crisco is _richer_ than butter. The moisture, salt and
curd which butter contains to the extent of about 20 per cent are not
found in Crisco, which is _all_, (100 per cent) shortening.

Remember also that Crisco will average _a lower price per pound
throughout the year than the best pail lard_. And you can use less
Crisco than lard, which is a further saving. [Illustration: Hotel

[Illustration: Domestic Scientists Use Crisco]

Brief, Interesting Facts

Crisco is being used in an increasing number of the better class
hotels, clubs, restaurants, dining cars, ocean liners.

Crisco has been demonstrated and explained upon the Chautauqua
platform by Domestic Science experts, these lectures being a part of
the regular course.

Domestic Science teachers recommend Crisco to their pupils and use it
in their classes and lecture demonstrations. Many High Schools having
Domestic Science departments use Crisco.

Crisco has taken the place of butter and lard in a number of
hospitals, where purity and digestibility are of _vital_ importance.

[Illustration: Hospital Dietetic Class]

Crisco is Kosher. Rabbi Margolies of New York, said that the Hebrew
Race had been waiting 4,000 years for Crisco. It conforms to the
strict Dietary Laws of the Jews. It is what is known in the Hebrew
language as a "parava," or neutral fat. Crisco can be used with
both "milchig" and "fleichig" (milk and flesh) foods. Special Kosher
packages, bearing the seals of Rabbi Margolies of New York, and Rabbi
Lifsitz of Cincinnati, are sold the Jewish trade. But all Crisco is
Kosher and all of the same purity.

[Illustration: The Kosher Seal]

Campers find Crisco helpful in many ways. Hot climates have little
effect upon its wholesomeness.

It is convenient; a handy package to pack and does not melt so quickly
in transit. One can of Crisco can be used to fry fish, eggs, potatoes
and to make hot biscuit, merely by straining out the food particles
after each frying and pouring the Crisco back into the can to harden
to proper consistency before the biscuit making.


Practically every grocer who has a good trade in Crisco, uses it in
his own home.

Crisco is sold by net weight. You pay _only_ for the Crisco--not the
can. Find the net weight of what you have been using.

Bread and cake keep fresh and moist much longer when Crisco is used.


Women have written that they use empty Crisco tins for canning
vegetables and fruits, and as receptacles for kitchen and pantry use.

Crisco's Manufacture Scientifically Explained

To understand something of the Crisco Process, it is necessary first
to know that there are three main constituents in all the best edible

Linoline, Oleine, Stearine.

The chemical difference between these three components is solely
in the percentage of hydrogen contained, and it is possible by the
addition of hydrogen, to transform one component into another.

Though seemingly so much alike, there is a marked difference in the
physical properties of these components.

Linoline which has the lowest percentage of hydrogen, is unstable and
tends to turn rancid.

Oleine is stable, has no tendency to turn rancid and is easily

Stearine is both hard and indigestible.

The Crisco process adds enough hydrogen to change almost all the
linoline into nourishing digestible oleine.

Mark well the difference in manufacture between Crisco and lard
compounds. In producing a lard compound, to the linoline, oleine and
stearine of the original oil is added more stearine (usually animal),
the hard indigestible fat, in order to bring up the hardness of the
oil. The resultant compound is indigestible and very liable to become

       *       *       *       *       *

The following pages contain 615 recipes which have been tested by
Domestic Science Authorities in the Cooking Departments of different
colleges and other educational institutions, and by housewives in
their own kitchens. Many have been originated by Marion Harris Neil
and _all_ have been tested by her.

We have undertaken to submit a comprehensive list of recipes for your
use, which will enable you to serve menus of wide variety.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this little volume and that you
will derive both help and satisfaction from the recipes.

We will go to any length to help you in the cause of Better Food. We
realize that women must study this product as they would any other
altogether new article of cookery, and that the study and care used
will be amply repaid by the palatability and healthfulness of all
foods. A can of Crisco is no Aladdin's Lamp, which merely need be
touched by a kitchen spoon to produce magical dishes. But _any_ woman
is able to achieve excellent results by mixing thought with Crisco.

Let us know how you progress.

Yours respectfully,

[Illustration: The Procter & Gamble Co.]

_Things to Remember in Connection with These Recipes_

No need for Crisco to occupy valuable space in the refrigerator.
In fact, except in most unusual summer heat, it will be of a better
consistency outside the refrigerator. Crisco keeps sweet indefinitely,
summer and winter, at ordinary room temperature.

[Illustration: Use level measurements]

In making sauces, thoroughly blend the flour and Crisco before adding
the milk.

In using melted Crisco in boiled dressing, croquettes, rolls,
fritters, etc., be sure that the melted Crisco is cooled sufficiently
so that the hot fat will not injure the texture of the foods.

When using in place of butter, add salt in the proportion of one level
teaspoonful to one cup of Crisco.

Remember that Crisco, like butter, is susceptible to cold. It readily
becomes hard. In creaming Crisco in winter use the same care as when
creaming butter. Rinse pan in boiling water and have the Crisco of
the proper creaming stiffness before using. Unlike butter, however,
Crisco's purity is not affected by weather. It remains sweet and pure
indefinitely without refrigeration.


In deep frying, do not wait for Crisco to smoke. (See page 35.)

_Remember That_--

_When pie crust is tough:_ It is possible you have not used Crisco
properly. Perhaps the measurements were not correct. Perhaps the water
was too warm, or the dough was handled too much. Shortening cannot
make pastry tough.

_When fried foods absorb:_ It is because Crisco is not hot enough, or
because you have not used enough Crisco. Use plenty and the raw foods,
if added in small quantities, will not reduce the heat of the fat. The
absorption in deep Crisco frying should be less than that of another

_When cake is not a success:_ It is not the fault of the Crisco.
Either too much was used, the oven heat not perfectly controlled or
some important ingredient was used in the wrong proportion. Crisco
should be creamed with the sugar more thoroughly than butter, as
Crisco contains no moisture to dissolve the sugar.

_When cake or other food is not flavory:_ Salt should have been added
to the Crisco, for Crisco contains no salt.

_When there is smoke in the kitchen:_ Crisco has been burned or heated
too high for frying. Or some may have been on the _outside_ of the pan
or kettle.

_When Crisco is too hard:_ Like butter, it is susceptible to heat and
cold. Simply put in a warmer place.

_Hints to Young Cooks_

_Also, How to Choose Foods, Methods of Cooking, Cooking Time Table,
The Art of Carving_, by MARION HARRIS NEIL.

Before commencing to cook, look up the required recipe, read and think
it out. Note down on a slip of paper the materials and quantities
required. Collect all utensils and materials required before
commencing. Success in cookery depends on careful attention to every
detail from start to finish. Quantities, both liquid and dry, should
be exact. Small scales and weights should form part of the kitchen
equipment where possible, and the measuring cups cost so little that
no one need be without them.

Throughout this book the measurements are level


_How to Choose Foods_

Money can be spent to infinitely better advantage in the store, than
by giving orders at the door, by phone or mail. Every housekeeper
knows how large a proportion of the housekeeping money is swallowed up
by the butcher's bill, so that with the meat item careful selection is
most necessary in order to keep the bills within bounds.

In choosing meat of any kind the eye, the nose and the touch really
are required, although it is not appetizing to see the purchaser use
more than the eye.


In choosing meat it should be remembered that without being actually
unwholesome, it varies greatly in quality, and often an inferior joint
is to be preferred from a first class beast to a more popular cut from
a second class animal. To be perfect the animal should be five or six
years old, the flesh of a close even grain, bright red in color and
well mixed with creamy white fat, the suet being firm and a clear
white. Heifer meat is smaller in the bone and lighter in color than
ox beef. Cow beef is much the same to look at as ox beef, though being
older it is both coarser in the grain and tougher; bull beef, which
is never seen however, in a first class butcher's may be recognized by
the coarseness and dark color of the flesh, and also by a strong and
almost rank smell.


To be in perfection, mutton should be at least four, or better five
or six years old, but sheep of this age are rarely if ever, met with
now-a-days, when they are constantly killed under two years. To know
the age of mutton, examine the breast bones; if these are all of a
white gristly color the animal was four years old or over, while the
younger it is the pinkier are the bones, which, in a sheep of under a
year, are entirely red.

Good mutton should be of a clear dark red, the fat firm and white,
and not too much of it; when touched the meat should feel crisp yet
tender. If the fat is yellow and the lean flabby and damp, it is bad.
A freshly scraped wooden skewer run into the meat along the bone
will speedily enable anyone to detect staleness. For roasting mutton
scarcely can be hung too long, as long as it is not tainted; but for
boiling it must not be kept nearly so long or the meat will be of a
bad color when cooked.


The freshness of lamb is comparatively easy to distinguish, as if
fresh the neck vein will be a bright blue, the knuckles stiff, and the
eyes bright and full.


Veal is at its best when the calf is from three to four months old.
The meat should be of a close firm grain, white in color and the fat
inclining to a pinkish tinge. Veal is sometimes coarser in the grain,
and redder in the flesh, not necessarily a mark of inferiority, but
denoting the fact that calf has been brought up in the open. Like all
young meat, veal turns very quickly, therefore it never should hang
more than two or three days. In choosing veal always examine the suet
under the kidney; if this be clammy and soft, with a faint odor, the
meat is not good, and always reject any that has greenish or yellowish
spots about it. The head should be clean skinned and firm, the eyes
full and clear, the kidneys large and well covered with fat, the liver
a rich dark clear color, free from any spots or gristle, while the
sweetbreads should be firm, plump, of a delicate color, and free from


The flesh of pork, when in good condition, is a delicate pinky white,
with a close fine grain; the fat, which should not be too abundant, of
a white color, very faintly tinged with pink; the skin should be thin
and elastic to the touch, and the flesh generally cool, clean, and
smooth looking; if, on the contrary, the flesh is flabby and clammy
when touched, it is not fresh.

Pork, like all white meat, is quick to taint, and never should be kept
long before cooking. If you have the slightest doubt about pork, it is
best to reject it, for unlike other meat which may be quite wholesome
and usable, though not of precisely prime quality, pork _must_ be
in really first class condition to be wholesome, and therefore it
is impossible to be too particular in the choice of it. Always if
possible look at the tongue, for, as in beef, this is a very fair
criterion of the condition of the animal; a freshly scraped new
wooden skewer run into the meat along the bone is a good test of the
freshness of the pork, and be careful especially to examine the fat,
for if there be little kernels in it the pork is "measly," a very
common disease among pigs, and one particularly unwholesome to the

Pigs for fresh pork should be of medium size, not over fat, and
under a year old. Pigs destined to become bacon are usually older and
larger. Sucking pigs should be small, and are best when about three
weeks old. A sucking pig should be cooked as soon as possible after
it is killed, as it taints very quickly; unless fresh, no care in the
cooking will make the crackling crisp, as it should be.


Good bacon has the lean of a bright pink and fine in the grain, while
the fat is white and firm. If the lean is high colored, it probably
has been over salted and is old besides, and in consequence will
be hard and salty; while if there be yellow marks in the fat, and
a curious, rather musty smell, it will have an unpleasant taste. In
choosing a ham always run a clean knife or skewer in at the knuckle,
and also at the center; if it comes out clean and smelling sweet,
the ham is good; but if out of order the blade of the knife will be
smeared and greasy looking, and have a disagreeable, strong odor.


The condition of venison is judged chiefly by the fat, which should be
a clear creamy white color, and close in texture. Always try venison
by running a sharp knife along the haunch bone, which is usually the
first to turn; if, in taking it out, the knife has a blackish-green
look and an unpleasant odor, the meat is tainted, and unfit for use.
Venison requires to be kept a considerable time before it is in proper
condition, and needs great care in its management. It must be examined
carefully every day, and if there is the slightest doubt, it should
be washed in lukewarm milk and water, then dried in clean cloths, and
when perfectly dry, should be covered thickly all over with ground
ginger and pepper; when required for use, dust off the pepper and
ginger, and wash the meat in a little lukewarm water, and dry it
thoroughly. Venison, like mutton, improves with age, and this can be
judged by the condition of the hoof, which in a young animal has a
small, smooth cleft, while in an old one it is deeply cut and rugged.
The haunch is the prime joint, its perfection depending on the greater
or less depth of the fat on it. The neck and shoulder also are very
good. They are used chiefly for stews or pies.

Hares and Rabbits

A hare when fresh killed is stiff and red; when stale, the body is
supple and the flesh in many parts black. If the hare be old the
ears will be tough and dry, and will not tear readily. Rabbits may
be judged in the same manner. In both, the claws should be smooth and
sharp. In a young hare the cleft in the lip is narrow, and the claws
are cracked readily if turned sideways.


Poultry to be perfect, should have just reached their full growth (the
only exceptions to this are "spring chickens," ducklings, goslings,
etc., which are considered delicacies at certain seasons); they should
be plump, firm fleshed, and not over fatted. Over-fed fowls are often
a mass of greasy fat, which melts in the cooking and spoils the flavor
of the bird. A hen is at her best just before she begins to lay; her
legs should be smooth, her comb small, bright, and soft. A young cock
has the comb full, bright colored, and smooth, the legs smooth, the
spurs short, and in both the toes should break easily when turned
back, and the weight of the birds should be great in proportion to
their size. Contrary to the practice with game, poultry never should
be kept long, as they turn easily, and are spoilt if the least high.
They also require longer cooking, in proportion to their size, than
game, and never should be underdone. Dark-legged fowls are best for
roasting, as their flesh is moister and better flavored cooked in this
way than the white-legged ones, which from their greater daintiness of
appearance are to be preferred for boiling.

_Turkeys_ should be plump, white-fleshed, young, the legs plump and
firm, black and smooth, with (in the cock) short spurs, the feet soft
and supple; the eyes should be full and clear, the neck long, and
the wattles of a bright color. A hen turkey is best for boiling.
Like fowls, an old turkey is fit for nothing but the stewpan or the
stockpot. Turkeys require hanging for at least a week, though they
must never be "high" or "gamey."

_Geese_ always should be chosen young, plump, and full breasted, a
white skin, a yellow smooth bill, the feet yellow and pliable. If the
feet and bill are red and hard, and the skin hairy and coarse, the
bird is old. Geese should be hung for a few days. Ducks, like geese,
should have yellow, supple feet; the breasts full and hard, and the
skin clear. Wild ducks should be fat, the feet small, reddish, and
pliable, the breast firm and heavy. If not fresh, there will be a
disagreeable smell when the bill is open. The male is generally the
more expensive, though the female is usually more delicate in flavor.

_Pigeons_ always should be young and extremely fresh, and when so,
they are plump and fat, with pliable smooth feet.

NOTE--In selecting game pluck a few feathers from the under part of
the leg; if the skin is not discolored the bird is fresh. The age may
be known by placing the thumb into the beak, and holding the bird up
with the jaw apart; if it breaks it is young; if not, it is old, and
requires longer keeping before cooking to be eatable.

_Guinea-fowl_ are judged like poultry, but require hanging for some


Fish in good condition usually is firm and elastic to the touch, eyes
bright and prominent, gills fresh and rosy. If the fish is flabby,
with sunken eyes, it either is stale or out of condition.

_Salmon_ should have a small head and tail, full thick shoulders,
clean silvery scales, and its flesh of a rich yellowish pink. When
quite fresh there is a creamy curd between the flakes, which are stiff
and hard; but if kept this melts, softening the flesh and rendering it
richer, but at the same time less digestible.

_Trout_, in spite of the difference in size, may be judged by the
same rule as salmon. However, it will not bear keeping, deteriorating

_Cod_, unlike salmon, should have a large head and thick shoulders;
the flesh being white and clear, and separating easily into large
flakes, the skin clean and silvery. Most people consider cod improves
by being kept for a day or two and very slightly salted.

_Herrings_ must be absolutely fresh to be good, and when in this state
their scales shine like silver. If kept over long their eyes become
suffused with blood.

_Mackerel_ also must be quite fresh. They never should be bought
if either out of condition or season. If fresh they are peculiarly
beautiful fish, their backs of an iridescent blue green barred with
black, and their bellies of a pearly whiteness.

_Smelts_ should be stiff and silvery, with a delicate perfume faintly
suggestive of cucumber.

_Halibut_ is a wholesome fish. It should be middling size, thick and
of a white color.

_Lobsters, Crabs, Prawns, and Shrimps_ are stiff, and with the tails
tightly pressed against the body. With the former, weight is a great
guide, as the heavier they are the better; but if there be the least
sign of wateriness, they should be rejected at once.


Green vegetables always are at their best when cheapest and most
plentiful. Out of season they never have the same flavor, however well
they may be grown. Excepting artichokes, all summer vegetables,
as lettuce, peas, beans, and asparagus should be cooked as soon as
possible after gathering. The freshness of most vegetables may be
ascertained easily by taking a leaf or a pod between the fingers. If
fresh this will snap off short and crisp, while if stale it will be
limp and soft. It is an economy to buy winter vegetables, such as
carrots, parsnips, turnips, beets, celery, and potatoes in large
quantities, if you have storage room, as if buried in sand and kept
from the frost they may be kept a considerable time. Onions should
be kept hung up in a cool, dry place. If allowed to sprout the flavor
becomes rank and coarse.


A mode of ascertaining the freshness of eggs is to hold them before a
lighted candle or to the light, and if the egg looks clear, it will
be tolerably good; if thick, it is stale; and if there is a black
spot attached to the shell, it is worthless. No egg should be used for
culinary purposes with the slightest taint in it, as it will render
perfectly useless those with which it has been mixed. Eggs may be
preserved, however, for a considerable time without any further
special precaution than that of keeping them in a cool place. A very
effective method of preserving eggs for winter use is to rub a little
melted Crisco over each to close the pores, and then to pack the eggs
in bran, salt or sawdust, not allowing them to touch each other.


_Methods of Cooking_

There are seven chief methods of cooking meat--roasting, boiling,
baking, stewing, frying, broiling and poaching.

The first three are most suitable for joints weighing four pounds
or more, but not satisfactory for smaller pieces which are liable to
become hard and flavorless by the drying up or loss of their juices.

Of the other three methods, stewing may be applied to fairly large and
solid pieces, but it is better for smaller thin ones, while frying and
broiling can be used only for steaks, chops, and similar cuts.

Braising and steaming are combinations and modifications of these


Roasting is one of the oldest methods of cooking on record, and still
remains the favorite form of cooking joints of meat or birds. The
success of every method of cooking depends largely upon the correct
management of the fire. In roasting, this is particularly the case,
as a clear, brisk and yet steady fire is needed. To roast a joint it
should be placed before great heat for the first ten minutes and then
allowed to cook more slowly. The great heat hardens the outside of the
meat and keeps in the juices. If allowed to cook quickly all the time
the meat is likely to be tough. The fire should be bright and clear.
The joint should be basted about every ten minutes, as this helps to
cook it, keeps it juicy and improves the flavor. The time allowed
is fifteen minutes for every pound, twenty minutes over for beef and
mutton; for veal and pork twenty minutes for every pound and thirty
minutes over.

Oven Roasting

Roasting in the oven of ordinary coal stoves or ranges is not
considered so good as roasting before an open fire; nevertheless it
may be said safely that the greatest part of meat roasting is done in
close ovens. It appears, from various experiments that meat roasted or
baked in a close oven loses rather less of its weight than if roasted
by an open fire.

The excellence of a roast depends to a great extent upon the amount of
basting it receives.

Some cooks season a joint before it is cooked, while others season it
with salt and pepper just before it is served. There is a difference
of opinion as to which is the more correct way of the two. Meat of
newly killed animals requires longer cooking than meat which has been
hung for a time.

In warm weather joints require slightly less time for roasting than in

Boned and rolled or stuffed meats require longer cooking than the same
joints would if neither rolled nor stuffed. The meat of young animals
and that of old ones requires different treatment. As a rule young
flesh, containing less fibrine, requires longer cooking. White meat,
such as pork, veal and lamb, always should be well cooked and never
must be served rare. The exact time and process of roasting must
be left to the good management of the cook, who must be guided by
circumstances and conditions. The cook's business is to serve the
joint as full of nourishing qualities as possible. Though roasting is
considered one of the easiest and most simple processes of cookery, it
really requires quite as much attention to obtain perfect results as
is necessary to prepare so-called "made" dishes, the recognized test
for good cooks.


Boiling (of fresh meat).--This is cookery by immersion in boiling
liquid, which after a few minutes is reduced to simmering. The object
of the high temperature at first is to harden the surface albumen and
so seal the pores and prevent the escape of the juices. If continued
too long, this degree of heat would tend to toughen the joint
throughout; after the first few minutes, therefore, the heat must be
reduced to about 180° F. The pan used for boiling meat should be only
just large enough to hold the joint, and the quantity of liquid no
more than is required to cover it. For the boiling of salt meat the
general rule of first hardening the surface is not to be followed. The
salting of meat withdraws a large proportion of its juices, while at
the same time the salt hardens the fibres, and this hardness would
be intensified by extreme heat. Very salt meat sometimes is soaked in
cold water to extract some of the salt, but whether this is done or
not, the rule for boiling salt meat is to immerse it in cold or tepid
water and bring slowly to boiling point; boil for five minutes to seal
the pores and prevent any further loss of juice, then reduce to 180°
F., and maintain a uniform temperature till the meat is cooked. Salt
meat takes longer to cook than fresh meat, and the saltness may be
qualified by boiling vegetables with the meat, turnips especially
being useful for this purpose.


The actual differences between roasting and baking are not great, the
terms being frequently interchanged. Meat loses rather less weight
when baked than when roasted, but the flavor of meat is inferior
and less developed. The heat of an oven being steadier, baking takes
somewhat less time than roasting. In a gas oven having an open
floor the current of air is not impeded, and such baking very nearly
approaches roasting, and the flavor generally is acknowledged to be
the same.


Stewing is cooking slowly with a small quantity of liquid in a covered
vessel. The method is specially suitable for the coarser and cheaper
parts of meat, which are rendered tender without loss of their juices.
The usual plan is to make a gravy flavored and colored to suit the
stew, and after the ingredients are well blended and cooked to lay
the meat in the boiling liquid. After about two minutes boiling,
the temperature is reduced to simmering, about 160° F., a lower
temperature than that required for a large joint of "boiled" meat. The
time depends greatly on the quality of the meat, but none will stew
satisfactorily in less than from one and a half to two hours, and the
longer allowance is to be preferred.


Broiling, sometimes called grilling, is cooking by the direct action
of fire brought almost into contact with the meat. The outer surface
is burned or seared, the albumen hardened and the juices, which have
a tendency to escape on the side turned from the heat, are retained
in the meat by frequent turning. The fire for broiling must be very
clear, intensely hot and high in the grate. The utensil required for
broiling is a gridiron, the bars of which are greased and heated to
prevent sticking and subsequent tearing of the meat. The gridiron is
laid quite close over the heat, so that the lower surface is dried and
hardened at once.

The meat must be turned at very short intervals before the juices have
been driven from the heat to the opposite surface. If once allowed to
reach the surface, they will be thrown off in turning and lost, the
meat being correspondingly impoverished. By constant turning the
juices are kept moving backwards and forwards, and the meat remains
moist and full of flavor. Each side should be exposed to the fire
about three times, and it is not desirable to use meat less than one
inch or more than one and a half to two inches thick for the purpose.

The thinner pieces should have even greater heat applied than the
thick ones, as the longer thin ones are exposed to the fire the
more dry and tasteless they become, while the thicker pieces may be
slightly withdrawn after thoroughly hardening the surface and cooked
rather more slowly that the heat may penetrate to the center. The
frequent turning must be continued, or the juices will reach the
hardened outer fibres, soften them, and escape.

If a double broiler is used the turning is managed easily, but with a
single gridiron care must be taken not to puncture the meat by using
a fork. Steak tongs are made for the purpose of lifting and turning
broiled meat, but a spoon or a spoon and knife will answer. A single
rim of fat on the chop or steak will tend to keep the edge moist and
baste the meat, but too much will cause flame to rise in continuous
jet, making the surface smoky. If there is absolutely no fat on
the piece to be broiled, morsels of finely chopped suet may be
occasionally thrown into the fire, so the sudden spurt of flame from
this source leaves a deposit of fat on the meat which improves the
flavor, and, without softening the albumen, prevents its becoming
uneatably hard and dry.


Frying may be looked on as a derivative of broiling, and passes by
easy stages, from broiling on a slightly greased metal plate, or
_sautéing_ in a shallow pan in a small quantity of Crisco, to cooking
by actual immersion into a bath of hot fat. In a house where small
and delicately made dishes are in demand, and where variety in the
re-dressing of cold meats has to be studied, this frying in deep fat
is one of the cook's most needed accomplishments. Though exceedingly
easy to do well, it is also exceedingly easy to do badly.

Deep fat frying, which means submerging the food in the fat, is far
superior to shallow or saute frying, and can be done most economically
with Crisco. Little is absorbed by the foods, and the Crisco does
not take up the odor or flavor of the food which is fried in it. This
characteristic makes it possible to use Crisco for frying one article
of food after another.

Use _plenty_ of Crisco for frying. The temperature of the hot Crisco
then will be but little lowered when the food is added. There is
little absorption and what is left may be used for _all_ frying,
merely by straining out food particles after each frying.

Sufficient Crisco should be put into the pan to fill it about
two-thirds full. From two to three pounds for a pan eight inches
in diameter will not be too much. Into this pan or kettle a wire
"frying-basket" should fit quite loosely, the basket measuring quite
an inch less across the top than the pan.

Let Crisco get hot gradually in the pan. Do not put into an already
hot container. No fat should be treated in this manner.

Do Not Wait for Crisco to Smoke

Heat Crisco until a crumb of bread becomes a golden brown in

60 seconds for raw dough mixtures, as crullers, fritters, etc.

40 seconds for cooked mixtures, as croquettes, codfish balls, etc.

20 seconds for French fried potatoes.

Seconds may be counted thus: one hundred and one, one hundred and two,

The fat may be tested also by dropping into it a little piece of the
article to be cooked. When it rises to the top, bubbles vigorously and
browns quickly, the fat is hot enough.

When prepared, the foods must be placed in the basket, not too many
at a time or too close together, and then lowered gently into the fat.
They generally will sink to the bottom for a minute or two, and only
float when they have begun to brown. When a bright golden brown, take
up the basket and let the fried things drain in it, over the hot fat,
for a few seconds. Then take them out gently one by one, and lay them
on a sheet of brown or kitchen paper.

The draining over the pan is one of the principal things to attend
to; if this be neglected, the fat will cling about the fried things,
making them both look and taste greasy, whereas if properly drained
in the basket to begin with, they will afterwards scarcely mark the
paper. When, as is sometimes the case, no frying basket is used, each
thing fried should be drained between a spoon and the edge of the pan.

To Clarify

It is economy to use three pounds in the kettle, clarifying the fat
when it is put away. To clarify Crisco, take that which has been used
for deep frying and when it has cooled, but not solidified, strain
through a double thickness of cheese cloth, replace kettle on stove,
drop several slices of potato into the Crisco and reheat. When the
potatoes are golden brown, take out and pour the Crisco back into the
tin. With this little care, fish, oysters, onions, chops, fritters,
doughnuts, etc., may be fried over and over again in the same Crisco.


The dry or saute method of frying is less satisfactory, in that it
is difficult even after much practice to produce a uniformly colored
surface. A small quantity of fat only is needed, and where the fat,
i.e., the heat, ends, a crack is formed in the outer coat, through
which flavor escapes and fat enters; the appearance also is rendered
unsightly. Flat fish can be fried fairly well by this method, or,
indeed, almost any thin substance, as thin edges are not affected in
this way. For pancakes and other articles of similar nature it is the
best method. It rarely is possible to use the fat from the dry method
a second time, except for dishes of the same kind, as the fat always
is more or less flavored by the food cooked in it. The most digestible
fat for frying and the best for results undoubtedly is Crisco.


Steaming is a process very similar to boiling, for it is cooking in
the heated vapor of water. This practice as a means of cookery is
largely adopted in hotels, clubs, schools and hospitals, and other
large institutions; also frequently applied in ordinary home cookery
for particular articles of food requiring a very slow process of
cooking. An ordinary kitchen steamer, with a close-fitting lid is
generally all that is required for simple household cookery on a small
scale. The articles of food which are to be steamed are prepared in
exactly the same manner as for boiling. Many puddings, some meats, and
some vegetables are considered better if cooked by steam, and inasmuch
as the process of cooking is a very slow one, there is no fear of
the food being destroyed by too fierce a heat, as the temperature in
steaming never reaches beyond 212° F. Fish, meat and poultry cooked by
steam are as a rule tender, full of gravy and digestible. By steaming,
watery vegetables are made drier; tough meats are softened and made
tender; while farinaceous mixtures and puddings develop a totally
different flavor when baked or fried.


Braising is a combination of roasting and stewing small joints of
meat in a shallow stewpan. It is a favorite method of cooking with
the French, and is supposed to bring out an unusually fine flavor and
aroma. The pan in which a braise is to be made always should be lined
with slices of bacon, carrot, onions and herbs, upon which the meat is
placed. It usually is moistened with stock or stock and wine. The
more delicate meats, such as sweetbreads, fillets, fowls and turkeys
sometimes are covered with buttered paper; this is done to prevent
the heat from the top of the pan scorching or imparting too much of a
roast flavor to the meats which are to be braised. Occasional basting
during the process of this method of cooking is essential. When done,
the meat is taken up, the fat removed from the vegetables and gravy,
which latter is then reduced, strained and blended with some kind of
gravy or thin sauce.

Poaching and Marinating

Poaching is the name usually given to the process of cooking an
article by placing it for a few minutes in boiling water. Marinating
or pickling is a process with a formidable name with a simple meaning.
To marinate simply is to soak meat in a mixture for some hours, or
even days, with the idea of improving its flavor of softening its
fibres and making it tender. Vinegar, oil, pepper and salt are mixed
together and the meat packed in the mixture; sometimes a sliced onion
and herbs are added. The meat, of course, should be wiped first, but
not washed.

Cooking in Earthenware

Stone or earthenware cooking appliances are used to very great
advantage for various forms of preparing food. For the homely
_pot-au-feu_ the French housewife has used fireproof earthenware
dishes for generations, and does so today. But besides soups, various
savory dishes, and all sorts of stews are cooked in stoneware pots.
Indeed, so much has this form of cookery come into fashion that many
dishes are sent to table in the pots in which they are cooked. Cooking
in stoneware has no equal where slow cooking is aimed at, and there
are many dishes which one would do well to refrain from attempting
unless cooked in this fashion. These cooking pots are inexpensive,
and certain foods taste decidedly better if cooked in this way. For
braising, pot roasting, or stewing fruit and other articles which need
to be cooked slowly under close cover, the application of a moderate,
even heat produces far better results than if quick heat is applied.
For such cases the use of earthenware cooking pots is recommended.


  _Time Table for Cooking_


  Beef, loin or ribs, rare, per lb.          8 to 10 minutes
  Beef, loin or ribs, well done, per lb.    12 to 16 minutes
  Beef, ribs, rolled, rare                  12 to 15 minutes
  Beef, ribs, rolled, well done             15 to 18 minutes
  Beef, fillet, rare                        20 to 30 minutes
  Beef, fillet, well done                         60 minutes
  Mutton, leg, rare, per lb.                      10 minutes
  Mutton, leg, well done, per lb.                 14 minutes
  Mutton, forequarter, stuffed, per lb.     15 to 25 minutes
  Lamb, well done, per lb.                  15 to 20 minutes
  Veal, well done, per lb.                  18 to 22 minutes
  Pork, well done, per lb.                        20 minutes
  Venison, rare, per lb.                          10 minutes
  Chicken, per lb.                          15 to 20 minutes
  Turkey, nine lbs.                                  3 hours
  Goose, nine lbs.                               2-1/2 hours
  Duck, domestic                            1 to 1-1/4 hours
  Duck, wild                                20 to 30 minutes
  Grouse                                    25 to 30 minutes
  Ham                                           4 to 6 hours
  Fish, 3 or 4 lbs.                         45 to 60 minutes
  Small fish and fillets                          20 minutes
  Beans with pork                               6 to 8 hours
  Bread, white loaf                         45 to 60 minutes
  Graham loaf                               35 to 45 minutes
  Baking powder biscuits                    12 to 15 minutes
  Gems                                      25 to 30 minutes
  Quick doughs                               8 to 15 minutes
  Cookies                                    8 to 10 minutes
  Gingerbread                               20 to 30 minutes
  Sponge cake                               45 to 60 minutes
  Cake, layer                               20 to 30 minutes
  Cake, loaf                                40 to 60 minutes
  Fruit cake                                    2 to 3 hours
  Cake, wedding                                 3 to 5 hours
  Cakes, small                              15 to 25 minutes
  Batter puddings                           35 to 45 minutes
  Pies                                      30 to 50 minutes
  Tarts                                     15 to 20 minutes
  Patties                                   15 to 25 minutes
  Vol-au-vent                               50 to 60 minutes
  Muffins, yeast                                  30 minutes
  Muffins, baking powder                    20 to 25 minutes
  Indian pudding                                2 to 3 hours
  Rice or tapioca pudding                             1 hour
  Bread puddings                            45 to 60 minutes
  Scallop dishes                            15 to 20 minutes
  Custard                                   35 to 45 minutes
  Custard in cups                           20 to 25 minutes


  MEATS                                         2 to 6 hours
  Corned meat                                   4 to 6 hours
  Ox tongue                                     3 to 4 hours
  Ham, 12 to 14 lbs                             4 to 5 hours
  Turkey, 10 lbs                            3 to 3-1/2 hours
  Fowl, 4 to 5 lbs                              2 to 3 hours
  Chicken, 3 lbs                            1 to 1-1/2 hours
  Fish, 2 to 5 lbs                          30 to 45 minutes
  Lobster                                   25 to 30 minutes
  Cod, 3 to 5 lbs                           20 to 30 minutes
  Haddock, 3 to 5 lbs                       20 to 30 minutes
  Halibut, thick piece, per lb                    15 minutes
  Salmon, thick piece, per lb               10 to 15 minutes
  Asparagus                                 20 to 30 minutes
  Beans, shell or string                        1 to 3 hours
  Beets, young                                    50 minutes
  Beets, old                                    3 to 4 hours
  Brussels Sprouts                          15 to 20 minutes
  Cabbage                                   35 to 60 minutes
  Carrots                                             1 hour
  Cauliflower                               25 to 30 minutes
  Corn                                      12 to 20 minutes
  Macaroni                                  20 to 35 minutes
  Turnips                                   30 to 45 minutes
  Onions                                    45 to 60 minutes
  Parsnips                                  30 to 45 minutes
  Spinach                                   15 to 20 minutes
  Tomatoes, stewed                          15 to 20 minutes
  Rice                                      20 to 30 minutes


  Steak, 1 inch thick                        4 to 10 minutes
  Steak, 1-1/2 inches thick                  8 to 12 minutes
  Lamb or mutton chops                       6 to 10 minutes
  Chicken                                         20 minutes
  Quails                                           8 minutes
  Squabs                                    10 to 12 minutes
  Shad, whitefish and bluefish              15 to 20 minutes
  Fish slices                               12 to 15 minutes
  Liver                                       4 to 5 minutes


  Smelts and other small fish                 3 to 5 minutes
  Breaded chops                               5 to 8 minutes
  Potatoes, raw                               4 to 8 minutes
  Fish balls and croquettes                         1 minute
  Muffins, fritters, and doughnuts            3 to 5 minutes

  Weights and Measures

  27-1/3 grains                                       1 dram
  16 drams                                           1 ounce
  16 ounces                                          1 pound
  1 teaspoonful                                     60 drops
  3 teaspoonfuls                             1 tablespoonful
  4 tablespoonfuls         1 wineglass, 1/2 gill, or 1/4 cup
  16 tablespoonfuls                                    1 cup
  2 gills                                              1 cup
  2 cups                                              1 pint
  2 pints                                            1 quart
  4 quarts                                          1 gallon
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco                            1 ounce
  2 tablespoonfuls salt                              1 ounce
  2 tablespoonfuls sugar                             1 ounce
  4 tablespoonfuls flour                             1 ounce
  1 tablespoonful liquid                           1/2 ounce
  1 square chocolate                                 1 ounce
  1/3 cupful chopped nut meats (blanched)            1 ounce
  1 cupful currants                                1/4 pound
  1 cupful crumbs                                  1/4 pound
  4-1/3 cupfuls coffee                               1 pound
  3-1/2 cupfuls confectioners' sugar                 1 pound
  4-1/2 cupfuls graham flour                         1 pound
  2-2/3 cupfuls oatmeal                              1 pound
  5 cupfuls rolled oats                              1 pound
  4-1/3 cupfuls rye meal                             1 pound
  1-7/8 cupfuls rice                                 1 pound
  2-1/3 cupfuls dry beans                            1 pound
  2 cupfuls granulated sugar                         1 pound
  2-2/3 cupfuls brown sugar                          1 pound
  2-2/3 cupfuls powdered sugar                       1 pound
  1 cupful (volume)                                 8 ounces
  1 cupful water                                8-1/3 ounces
  1 pint butter                                      1 pound
  1 quart-flour                                      1 pound
  10 small or 9 medium eggs                          1 pound

All materials are measured level, i.e., by filling spoon or cup more
than full and leveling with a case knife.

To measure meal, flour, sugar and similar ingredients, sift lightly
into the measure, then level.

Standard measuring cups made of tin, aluminum or glass holding half
a pint always should be used. Coffee and teacups vary so much that
correct proportions can not be obtained by using them.

To measure a spoonful of dry material, fill the spoon heaping, then
level. To measure a half-spoonful, fill and level the spoon, then
divide in half lengthways; for quarter-spoonfuls, divide the halves

_Use level measurements in all recipes in this book._

_The Art of Carving_

Carving is an art, and one which anybody, with a knowledge of a few
general directions, can acquire easily.

A proper set of carving tools is almost indispensable, and should
comprise: a good thin, sharp-bladed knife, a solid two or three
pronged fork, and a pair of carving scissors. Anything that needs to
be carved at table should be placed on a dish sufficiently large
to allow the joint to be turned without moving the dish from its
position. The dish should be placed close in front of the carver.
Such joints as beef, veal and ham should be cut very thin; while lamb,
mutton, and pork should be cut a trifle thicker.

_To carve a fowl_, begin by sticking the fork into the pinion and draw
it towards the leg; and then, passing the knife underneath, take off
the wing at the joint. Next slip the knife between leg and body, to
cut through the joint; and with the fork turn leg back, and joint will
give way. Then take off other wing and leg. After legs are taken off,
enter knife into the top of breast, and cut under merrythought or
wishbone so as to loosen it, lifting it with the fork. Afterwards cut
slices from both sides of breast. Next, take off collarbones, which
lie on each side of wishbone and then separate side bones from the
back. The breast and wings are considered the most delicate parts; the
back as the least desirable, generally is left on platter.

_A turkey_ is carved in same manner, except that the legs and wings,
being larger, are separated at lower joint. Lower part of leg (or
drumstick) being hard, tough, and stringy, usually is allowed to
remain on platter. First cut off wing, leg, and breast from one side;
then turn turkey round and cut them off from the other.

_To carve a goose_, separate leg from body by putting fork into small
end of leg, pressing it close to body, and then passing knife under,
and turning leg back as you cut through joint. To take off wing, put
fork into the small end of wing, and press it closely to body, then
slip knife under and separate the joint. Next, cut under wishbone and
take it off, and cut slices from breast. Then turn and dismember the
other side. Take off upper side bones next to wings, then two lower
side bones. The breast and legs of a goose are considered the most
choice. If a goose is old, there is no fowl so tough.

_Quails_ merely are split down the back, as also are pigeons, giving a
half to each person.

_To carve loin of mutton,_ a portion is cut through, beginning at the
best end. If kidney be in it, a slice should be served as far as it
will go to each portion. Care must be taken that the bone is well
jointed. The butcher chops the loin between each vertebra. When big
mutton is carved it gives a large chop, oftentimes more than the
amount desired, but a chop cannot be divided without waste, or one
portion being all the inferior end. It is therefore a good plan to
joint a loin of mutton with a small meat saw, cutting any thickness
desired. In this case the actual bone will often have to be sawn
through. The result will be more economical, and the servings more
agreeable. The loin also can be boned entirely, stuffed or not, as
preferred, the flap end folded and fastened over the fillet portion.
Then the meat can be carved across any thickness.

_To carve leg of mutton,_ stand joint the inner part of the leg
uppermost and cut across center to bone, towards carver, then cut
rather thick slices on either side. To serve the meat equally, unless
any special part is desired, a portion of the knuckle is served with
a slice of the thick end. The prime fat is the kernel of fat at the
thick end.

_To carve forequarter of mutton or lamb._ The forequarter of mutton
usually is not served whole unless the mutton be very small. The
forequarter of lamb frequently is served whole. Before cooking it
must be jointed through the chine of bone at the back, to enable this
portion being served in chops, twice across the breastbones the entire
length, and at short intervals at the edge of the breast. Before
serving it is usual to separate the shoulder by pressing the fork
in by the knuckle, then passing knife round shoulder, crossing about
center of joint, raising shoulder without cutting too much meat off
breast. Leave shoulder in position on joint; a second dish is sent to
table on which to lay it while the other part is being carved.

_To carve rabbit or hare._ In either case first separate legs and
shoulders; then cut the back part across, into two parts. This is
accomplished best by inserting the knife into joint, and raising up
the back by means of the fork. The back or fillet part is considered
the best portion of a hare or rabbit.

_To carve sirloin of beef,_ a sirloin should be cut into thin slices
with a sharp, firm cut from end to end of the joint. At the upper
portion the cut should be clean and even; then use point of knife to
loosen slices from bones. In carving undercut, remove superfluous fat,
and cut slices from end to end in same manner as upper portion. Be
careful always to cut down straight to the bone of a sirloin or rib
of beef; by so doing you will not spoil appearance of joint, and what
remains will look tidy.

_To carve ham._ Ham should be cut through to the bone first from
center or near thin end. Slices must be cut thin. Always commence
cutting from upper side. The fairest way by far, so as to serve fat
and lean evenly, is to begin cutting from center of thickest part, and
to cut thin circular slices; by this means the flavor of the ham
is far better, and it will prove to be the more economical way of

_To carve ox-tongue._ Commence cutting from middle of tongue; cut
slices not too thin and take them from each side being careful not to
cut slices through to bottom part of tongue. Extreme end of the tip
and the lower part of tongue generally are used up for chopping in
salpicons, etc. A little of the fat should be put on each plate. When
rolled tongue is served it must be cut horizontally into rather thin

_To carve fish._ A silver sheer or trowel should be used for this
purpose; a steel knife applied to fish often spoils the delicacy of
its flavor. Great care must be taken to prevent breaking the flakes,
which ought to be kept as entire as possible. Short-grained fish, such
as salmon, etc., should be cut lengthwise, not crosswise.


Six Hundred and Fifteen Tested Recipes

"Calendar of Dinners"

[Illustration: Crisco]

by Marion Harris Neil


An economical housewife may supply good gravy and thick soups at
very little, if any, addition to the weekly expenses, as soups are
an excellent method of using up scraps and bones from joints and
vegetables that otherwise are wasted. Soup, if taken as the primary
course of a substantial dinner, if well flavored and warm, acts as a
stimulant in the stomach, exciting the gastric glands, and generally
enabling that organ to perform its functions more easily. For this
object the soup should be thin and not too much of it partaken,
otherwise it dilutes the digestive juices too much. If it is to
form the chief part of the meal, the soup will be more nutritious if
thickened, especially so, if pulse--i.e. peas, beans, and lentils--is
used as the thickening medium.

Stock is the liquid in which meat, bones, or vegetables have been
cooked, and which contains an extract from these substances. It is
used for soups, sauces, and gravies. Fresh or cooked bones or meat may
be used. A stock pot may be kept on the stove, into which are put any
scraps of meat, bones, gristle, or vegetable; at the end of the day it
is strained, and all fat taken off. Bones and meat for stock must be
broken into small pieces. Cold water should be used, and a little
salt to extract the nutriment. The whole must be brought slowly to the
boiling point; then, the temperature lowered, the fat and scum taken
off. When wanted for clear soups the vegetables should be cleaned,
but not cut up, or with the long cooking they may mash and thicken the
soup. In hot weather it is better to leave out the vegetables, as
the stock turns sour more quickly if vegetables have been used in its
preparation. They can be cooked separately and added when using the


The soup should simmer for five or six hours to extract the gelatinous
matters. If the stock is skimmed occasionally it will be much clearer.
Keep the lid on the stock pot to prevent loss by evaporation. The
bones can be cooked again next day for a second stock, but the
vegetables must be taken out. Care must be taken that nothing doubtful
in freshness be put into the stock pot. Meat and bones should be well
wiped with a damp cloth before using them. If onions be put in the
soup unpeeled, simply washed and the root end cut off, they will help
to color the soup. When using eggs for other dishes, if the shells be
washed before breaking them and added to the stock pot they will help
to clear the soup. For clear soups care must be taken that nothing
of a floury nature be added to the stock pot. Stock always should
be strained before cooling. Never allow it to stand in stock pot
all night. Clear gravy soup consists of the extractives, flavoring
matters, and gelatine of meat and bones.

Consommé is a good stock made from beef, veal, and often fowl, and
flavored with vegetables, cooled, freed from fat. It is clarified with
whites and shells of eggs, and chopped raw lean beef, and strained
through a cloth. It should be brilliantly clear and of a pale brown
color. Any fat floating on the stock may be removed by passing a piece
of kitchen or blotting paper over the surface. Soup left from a meal
will keep better if strained from the vegetables that have been served
in it. In hot weather, stock left over must be boiled each day,
and poured into a clean basin to prevent its turning sour. In warm
weather, soups with milk in their composition should have a pinch of
baking soda added.

Thickenings for soup consist usually of yolks of eggs and cream beaten
together in a basin, the boiling soup poured on slowly, stirring well
at the same time. Soups thus thickened should not be allowed to
boil again, otherwise they will curdle. Instead of eggs and cream,
cornstarch and milk may be used to thicken the soup.

Asparagus Soup

  40 heads asparagus
  3 tablespoonfuls flour
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/2 cupful cream
  1 quart white stock
  1 bunch herbs
  1 bay leaf
  4 sprigs parsley
  2 egg yolks
  1 blade mace
  Salt and white pepper to taste
  1 onion

Take heads off asparagus, and put aside. Cut up stalks in slices, also
onion, put these into saucepan with Crisco, herbs, parsley, bay leaf,
and mace, and fry gently for fifteen minutes, add flour, then stock,
and simmer slowly for 1-1/2 hours. Rub through sieve, add cream, yolks
of eggs, and seasonings, reheat, but take care not to boil soup. Just
before serving throw in asparagus tops, which should be first cooked
in a little boiling stock.

Cheese Soup

  4 tablespoonfuls grated cheese
  3 quarts clear soup stock
  1-1/2 cupfuls flour
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 cupfuls cream
  2 eggs
  Salt, pepper, and paprika to taste
  Finely grated cheese

Put flour into double boiler, add gradually cream, Crisco, 4
tablespoonfuls of grated cheese and paprika to taste, stir over fire
till a smooth paste. Break in eggs, mix well, cook two minutes longer
and allow to cool. Roll into balls, when they are all formed, drop
into boiling water and cook gently five minutes. Drain and put into
soup tureen. Pour over boiling stock and serve with dish of finely
grated cheese.

Cream of Tomato Soup

  2 tablespoonfuls flour
  1-1/2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful milk
  2-1/2 cupfuls strained tomato juice
  1 teaspoonful celery salt
  Salt, pepper, and paprika to taste
  Pinch baking soda
  1 tablespoonful tomato catsup

Blend Crisco and flour together in saucepan over fire, add milk and
bring to boiling point. Heat tomato juice, tomato catsup and add soda
and seasonings. Just before serving add Crisco mixture to tomato juice
and stir till boiling. Serve hot. Another method, is to cook 1 quart
can of tomatoes with 1 quart of water twenty minutes, then rub through
sieve. Blend 2 tablespoonfuls Crisco with 2 tablespoonfuls flour, add
1 tablespoonful sugar, salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste, and 1
tablespoonful tomato catsup. Add pinch of baking soda to tomatoes,
then add gradually to Crisco mixture. Just bring to boiling point and
serve with tablespoonful whipped cream on top of each plate.

Fish Soup

  1 lb. cod, or other white fish
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 quart white stock, or half milk and half water
  1 small carrot
  1 small onion
  1 stalk celery
  3 parsley sprigs
  1 blade mace
  2 egg yolks
  1/2 cupful cream
  1 lemon
  2 tablespoonfuls flour
  1 teaspoonful chopped parsley

  Dry toast

Wash and dry fish and cut into small pieces. Put into saucepan with
stock, vegetables cut in small pieces, parsley and mace. Let these
simmer for half hour, then strain off liquid. Melt Crisco in pan, stir
in flour, then add fish liquor and stir till it boils. Draw it to the
side of fire and let cool slightly. Beat yolks of eggs with cream,
and, when soup has cooled, strain them in. Reheat soup without boiling
it, to cook eggs. Season, and add few drops lemon juice and chopped
parsley. Serve with small pieces of dry toast.

Lentil Soup

  1 cupful lentils
  2 cupfuls milk
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  3 pints stock or water
  1 onion
  1 carrot
  2 stalks celery
  1 tablespoonful flour
  1 bay leaf
  Salt and pepper to taste
  1/4 cupful cream

Wash lentils; soak twenty-four hours; drain well. Cut onion, carrot
and celery into small pieces, then put them into a saucepan with
Crisco, cover, and cook gently for fifteen minutes. Add stock and
simmer 2 hours, then rub through sieve. Return to pan, add milk,
seasonings, and bring to boil. Moisten flour with 1/2 cupful milk or
stock, add it to soup and simmer five minutes. Season to taste and add
cream. Serve with croutons of fried or toasted bread.

Lentils are a small leguminous seed, not so generally known as beans,
but an excellent nitrogenous food, containing about 25 per cent.
protein, more than 50 per cent. starch, with over 2 per cent. fat.
They are not used as much as they ought to be.

Croutons are made by cutting bread into tiny cubes and browning
through and through in hot oven or putting into a frying pan with 2
tablespoonfuls Crisco and browning well. If latter is used great care
must be used as the croutons will brown easily.

Lobster Bisque

  1 can lobster
  1 cupful breadcrumbs
  1 quart milk
  1 quart water
  1 tablespoonful flour
  1/4 cupful Crisco
  Salt, pepper, red pepper, and grated nutmeg to taste
  Squares fried bread
  Thin lemon slices

Open a can of lobster of good quality, take out best pieces and cut
into small squares without tearing; put them aside. Place remains of
lobster in mortar or basin, and pound quite smooth with Crisco. Soak
bread in water, adding flour, and seasonings, and put all on fire in
soup pot with pounded lobster and Crisco; stir till it boils, and boil
for fifteen minutes; then pass it through sieve, add milk and pieces
of lobster, and return to the pot till it boils up. Serve with small
squares of fried bread, and send thin slices of lemon to table with
it. This is an excellent soup, and can of course be made with fresh

Norfolk Puree

  1/2 cupful barley, pearl
  1 quart water
  3 pints white stock
  1/2 cupful cream
  1 yolk of egg
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  4 tablespoonfuls cooked carrot balls
  4 tablespoonfuls cooked peas
  Salt, pepper, and paprika to taste
  Diced toast or fried bread

Put barley into saucepan of cold water, bring to boil, let boil five
minutes, then drain off water; this removes the slightly bitter taste.
Now put barley into saucepan with Crisco and water, let these boil
gently until barley is tender, drain, and rub through sieve. Add stock
to this puree and let simmer ten minutes. Beat yolk of egg with cream
and when soup has cooled slightly, strain them in. Stir soup over fire
a few minutes to reheat; but be careful that it does not boil, or it
will curdle. Season carefully, add carrot balls and peas, which should
first be heated in a little stock or water. Serve with dice of toast
or fried bread. If you do not possess a round vegetable cutter, cut
the carrot into small dice. This is a particularly nourishing soup. If
you prefer a slightly cheaper variety, use milk instead of cream, and
if you have no white stock use milk and water in equal proportions
instead, and cook a carrot, turnip and onion in milk and water for
twenty or thirty minutes.

Soup Verte

  4 tablespoonfuls flour
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 quarts stock
  1 bunch parsley
  1 lb. spinach
  1 bunch parsley
  1 teaspoonful sugar
  2 egg yolks
  1 lemon
  Salt and pepper to taste

Put stock into saucepan; add spinach and parsley, picked and
thoroughly washed; let all boil twenty minutes; strain, rubbing puree
through sieve. Return it all to saucepan, add Crisco and flour mixed
together with cupful of water, sugar and strained juice of a quarter
of lemon. Let boil five minutes. Beat yolks of eggs with 1/4 cupful
water, add them gradually to soup off fire, and stir near fire until
cooked. Soup must not boil after yolks are added. Season with salt and
pepper and serve.

Thick Rice Soup

  2 pints water or stock
  Salt and pepper to taste
  2 small onions
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful rice
  1 cupful canned tomatoes, or 4 fresh ones

Wash and drain rice. Heat Crisco in saucepan, add rice and stir
constantly until a golden brown. Now add water or stock, onions and
tomatoes cut in small pieces, and seasonings. Cook slowly for one



Fish, though not quite so nutritious or so stimulating as butcher's
meat, is an excellent article of diet, as it is light and easy of
digestion and well suited to delicate persons and those following
sedentary occupations, who generally do not take exercise in the fresh
air. Fish contains a fair proportion of flesh forming and mineral
matter, and the white kinds very little fat, hence their value in a
sick diet. A few fishes are rich in fat, as salmon, mackerel, eels,
and herrings; they are more satisfying as a meal, but usually more
difficult to digest, except the latter, which is fairly easy to
digest, and, being inexpensive, forms an economical food.

The digestibility will vary also with the quality of the fish and the
methods of cooking. White fish when boiled is improved by being rubbed
over with a cut lemon, or by adding a little vinegar to the water in
which it is cooked to keep it white and firm. The fish should be
put into hot, not boiling water, otherwise the higher temperature
contracts the skin too quickly, and it breaks and looks unsightly.
Salt fish may be placed in cold water, then boiled to extract some of
the salt; if the fish has been salted and dried, it is better to soak
it in cold water for about twelve hours before cooking.

Fish to be fried should be cooked in sufficient hot Crisco to well
cover it, after having been dried and covered with batter, or with
beaten egg and breadcrumbs. To egg and breadcrumb fish put a slice
into seasoned flour, turning it so that both sides may be covered.
Shake off all loose flour. Brush fish over with beaten egg. Raise fish
out of egg with the brush and a knife, drain off egg for a second, and
lay fish in crumbs. Toss these all over it, lift out fish, shake off
all loose crumbs, lay the slice on a board, and press crumbs down, so
that surface is flat. The thicker the fish the more slowly it must be
fried after the first two minutes, or it will be raw inside when the
outside is done.


_To bone fish._ The process of boning is known as filleting and is
generally done by the fish dealer, but when this is not the case the
single rule for boning must be strictly adhered to in order to keep
the knife on the bone lifting the flesh with the left hand while the
knife slips in between the bone and the flesh. Flat fish are divided
down the middle of each side well into the bone, and the boning is
begun at either side of the incision. Round fish are cut down the
back, the flesh is laid open from one side and the bone is removed
from the other. Occasionally round fish are boned readily, the
whole fish minus the bones being returned to its proper shape, as in
anchovies, sardines, herrings, haddocks, etc., in this case the fish
would be split down the front, not the back, and stitched together
after boning.

Fish stock is made from the bones, skin and trimmings of white fish.
These are broken small and generally flavored with onion, parsley,
herbs, and seasonings. The proportion of water used is rather larger,
as the flavor is much stronger and also more easily extracted than
from meat.

Baked Halibut

  2 lbs. halibut
  1 cupful tomatoes
  2 tablespoonfuls flour
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  3/4 teaspoonful salt
  1/8 teaspoonful pepper

Clean fish, season with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, place in
Criscoed baking pan, pour over tomatoes, and dot with Crisco. Bake in
a moderate oven, basting often.

Baked Salmon with Colbert Sauce

  1 slice salmon, 1-1/2 lbs. in weight
  4 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1 tablespoonful chopped parsley
  1 tablespoonful tarragon vinegar
  1 chopped shallot, gherkin and anchovy
  Salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste and water

  For Sauce

  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 tablespoonfuls flour
  1 teaspoonful lemon juice
  3 anchovies
  1 tablespoonful chopped parsley
  Pepper to taste
  2 cupfuls fish stock, or milk and water

_For fish._ Mix Crisco with shallot, gherkin, anchovy, and seasonings,
lay salmon in this mixture and let it "marinade," as it is called, for
one hour. At the end of that time lift it out; do not shake off any
ingredients that are sticking to it. Now lay it in a well Criscoed
fireproof dish, cover it with a greased paper, and bake in moderate
oven for thirty minutes.

_For sauce._ Melt Crisco in small saucepan, stir in flour, add fish
stock and stir until it boils and thickens. Rub anchovies through fine
sieve, and add with seasonings. Serve in hot tureen with fish.

Baked Shad

  1 shad weighing 4 lbs.
  1/4 lb. mushrooms
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  2 tablespoonfuls chopped parsley
  2 tablespoonfuls chopped chives
  1 cupful breadcrumbs
  1 egg
  Salt and white pepper
  Salt pork
  1 cupful cream
  1 teaspoonful cornstarch

Clean, wipe and dry the shad. Melt Crisco, add breadcrumbs, chopped
mushrooms, parsley, chives, egg well beaten, salt and pepper. Stuff
fish with this forcemeat, then lay it in a greased pan, put thin
strips of salt pork over it and bake in hot oven for forty minutes.
Lay the fish on a hot platter. Pour cream into baking pan, add
cornstarch and stir till boiling. Serve with the fish.

Cassolettes of Fish

  1/2 lb. cold cooked fish or shrimps
  1/2 cupful milk
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/2 cupful water
  2 tablespoonfuls cream 2 eggs
  4 tablespoonfuls flour
  Salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste
  1 teaspoonful lemon juice
  2 lbs. cooked potatoes

Rub potatoes through a sieve, add little salt and pepper, 1 egg well
beaten, and 2 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco and mix well. Roll out
on floured baking board to 1-1/4 inches in thickness. Cut into small
rounds, brush over with remaining egg well beaten, toss in fine
breadcrumbs, mark the center slightly with a smaller round cutter. Fry
to golden color in hot Crisco. Remove lids, carefully remove bulk of
potatoes from inside, fill with mixture, replace lids, and serve hot.
For mixture, blend 2 tablespoonfuls of the Crisco with flour in a
saucepan over the fire, add milk, water and seasonings and cook for
a few minutes. Put in flaked fish and make hot. Add cream last. 1/2
teaspoonful of anchovy extract may be added if liked.

Sufficient for ten cassolettes.

Dressed Crab

  1 good sized heavy crab
  6 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 tablespoonfuls breadcrumbs
  3 tablespoonfuls olive oil
  2 tablespoonfuls vinegar
  1 tablespoonful chopped parsley
  Crisp lettuce leaves
  Salt and pepper to taste

If possible choose a crab with large claws. Boil crab in boiling
salted water for thirty minutes, take up and break off large and small
claws. Lay crab on its back, pull back the flap under its body, pull
it right out and commence to remove flesh from shell. Take care that
the little bag near head, usually full of sand, is taken out. Throw
away all bone and finny pieces. The flesh is of two kinds, some firm
and white, rest soft and dark. Separate former into little shreds with
a fork, also the white meat from claws, which must be cracked in order
to obtain it. Mix dark soft substance with crumbs, add oil, vinegar,
and seasonings to taste. Toss shredded white meat also in a little
seasoning, but keep the two kinds separate. When shell is empty
wash and dry well. Fill shell with the two mixtures, arranging them
alternately, so that they appear in dark and white stripes. Have it
heaped a little higher in center. Decorate meat with lines of finely
chopped parsley, and force the Crisco round edge with a forcing bag
and tube. Place crab on some crisp lettuce leaves. Arrange some of the
small claws in a circle round shell.

Curried Cod

  2 lbs. cod
  1/4 cupful Crisco
  2 cupfuls white stock
  1 tablespoonful flour
  2 teaspoonfuls curry powder
  1 medium-sized onion
  1 tablespoonful lemon juice
  Salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste
  2 cupfuls plain boiled rice
  2 tablespoonfuls chopped cocoanut

Wash and dry the cod, and cut into pieces two inches square. Melt
Crisco in a saucepan, fry cod lightly in it, then take out and set
aside. Add sliced onion, flour, and curry powder to the Crisco in
saucepan and fry ten minutes, stirring continuously to prevent onion
becoming too brown, then stir in the stock and cocoanut, stir until it
boils, and afterwards simmer for twenty minutes. Strain and return
to saucepan, add lemon juice and seasonings to taste, bring nearly to
boil, then put in fish, cover closely, and cook slowly for half hour.
An occasional stir must be given to prevent the fish sticking to the
bottom of the saucepan. Turn out on hot platter and serve with rice.
The remains of cold fish may be used, in which case the preliminary
frying may be omitted.

Flounder a la Crème

  1 flounder about 2 lbs.
  2 cupfuls milk
  1 tablespoonful cream
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 blade mace
  6 whole white peppers
  4 tablespoonfuls flour
  Lemon juice
  Salt and pepper to taste

Skin flounder, and take fillets off neatly by sharply cutting down the
middle of back, and pressing the knife close to the bones. This will
produce 4 long fillets. Cut each of them in half lengthways, and tie
up in pretty knot; sprinkle a little salt over and put them aside.
Wash skin bones of fish, put them into a small saucepan with milk,
mace, and whole peppers and simmer for half hour; strain milk into
clean saucepan; add fillets, and allow to simmer for ten minutes. Lift
them out, and add to milk the Crisco and flour beaten together; stir
till it becomes quite smooth; add salt, pepper and lemon juice to
taste, and cream; put in fillets gently to warm through; dish neatly
and pour the sauce over them. Serve very hot.

Flounder a la Turque

  For Fish

  1 large flounder
  1 teaspoonful chopped parsley
  3 tablespoonfuls breadcrumbs
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered herbs
  1 pinch powdered mace
  Salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste
  1/2 cupful picked shrimps

  For Sauce

  1/2 lemon
  1 egg
  1/2 cupful melted Crisco
  1 yolk of egg
  1/2 teaspoonful mustard
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 pinch red pepper
  1 tablespoonful vinegar
  2 chopped gherkins

  1 teaspoonful chopped parsley

_For fish._ Wash dry and trim flounder. On one side make cut down
center from near head to near tail and raise flesh from the bones.
Make a stuffing with Crisco, parsley, breadcrumbs, herbs, shrimps,
lemon juice, seasonings, and nearly all the egg, and insert under the
fillets of the flounder, leaving the center open. Dot with Crisco.
Brush fish over with remaining egg, sprinkle with browned breadcrumbs,
put on Criscoed baking tin, and bake thirty minutes. Serve with sauce.

_For sauce._ Put egg yolk into a bowl, and, with a wooden spoon stir
a little; then add by degrees melted Crisco, stirring constantly; then
add seasonings, vinegar, gherkins and parsley.

Fish Pudding

_(Kate B. Vaughn)_

  For Pudding

  2 lbs. cooked fish
  1 cupful milk
  1 tablespoonful flour
  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  2 eggs
  Salt and pepper to taste
  1/4 teaspoonful onion juice
  1 tablespoonful Worcestershire sauce
  Cream sauce

  For Sauce

  3 tablespoonfuls flour
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 slice carrot
  1 slice onion
  1 slice celery
  1 blade of mace
  1 bay leaf
  6 whole peppers
  1 sprig of parsley
  1/4 teaspoonful salt

  1 cupful thick cream

_For pudding._ Boil fish in boiling salted water till done. Shred or
break in small pieces, and free from skin and bone. Blend Crisco and
flour in a saucepan over fire, add milk and stir till boiling, remove
from fire, add eggs well beaten, seasonings, and mix well. Turn into
Criscoed fireproof dish, cover with greased paper, set in warm water,
and bake in moderate oven for thirty minutes. Serve with the sauce,
potato balls, and chopped parsley.

_For sauce._ Blend Crisco and flour in a pan over fire, add
vegetables, mace, bay leaf, peppers, parsley, milk, and simmer for
thirty minutes. Strain, return to pan, add salt, allow to heat, then
add cream and it is ready to serve.

Fried Fish

  1 egg
  Salt and pepper to taste

Clean fish, season with salt and pepper. Dip in crumbs, brush over
with beaten egg, and crumb again. Fry in deep Crisco and drain on
brown paper.

_Sauce_. Blend 1-1/2 tablespoonfuls Crisco with 1 tablespoonful flour
in saucepan over fire, add 1 cupful of milk or cream and bring to
boil, cook for a few minutes over hot water. Cool and add 2 chopped
green bell peppers and 6 medium-sized chopped sour pickles.

Fried Lobster with Horseradish Sauce

  1 boiled lobster
  Crisco for frying
  1 egg
  1 cupful thick cream
  Salt and paprika to taste
  2 tablespoonfuls grated horseradish

Cut lobster meat into neat pieces, dip in beaten egg, toss in
breadcrumbs and fry in hot Crisco to brown well. Whip up cream, season
it well with salt and paprika and stir in horseradish; heap this sauce
in the center of the serving dish and arrange the pieces of fried
lobster round it. Serve hot.

Gateau of Fish

  For Fish

  1-1/2 lbs. cooked white fish
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/2 cupful breadcrumbs
  1/2 cupful milk
  2 eggs
  1 teaspoonful chopped parsley
  1 teaspoonful anchovy paste or extract
  Salt and pepper to taste
  Lemon slices

  Dutch or oyster sauce

  For Sauce

  2 tablespoonfuls flour
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful milk
  1/2 cupful oyster liquor
  1 teaspoonful lemon juice
  Salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste
  2 hard-cooked eggs

  1 dozen small oysters

_For fish._ Cook fish; remove skin and bone, chop it, then put it in
a basin, add breadcrumbs, parsley, seasonings, milk, eggs well beaten,
and melted Crisco. Mix well, turn into a Criscoed mold, cover with
greased paper and steam one hour. Serve with sauce poured over, and
dish garnished with lemon slices.

_For sauce._ Blend Crisco and flour in pan over fire, stir in
milk, oyster liquor, stir till it boils for eight minutes, then add
seasonings. Boil one minute, add eggs chopped, and oysters. Mix and

Oyster Shortcake

  2 cupfuls flour
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  3/4 cupful milk
  1 quart oysters
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  2 tablespoonfuls cornstarch
  1/4 cupful cream
  Salt and pepper to taste

Mix flour, baking powder and 1/2 teaspoonful salt, then sift twice,
work in Crisco with tips of fingers, add milk gradually. The dough
should be just soft enough to handle. Toss on floured baking board,
divide into two parts, pat lightly and roll out. Place in two shallow
Criscoed cake tins and bake in quick oven fifteen minutes. Spread them
with butter. Moisten cornstarch with cream, put into pan with oysters
and seasonings and make very hot. Allow to cook a few minutes then
pour half over one crust, place other crust on top and pour over rest
of oysters. Serve at once.

Sufficient for one large shortcake.

Salmon Mold

  1 can salmon
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/2 cupful rolled crackers
  3 eggs
  1 tablespoonful Worcestershire sauce
  Salt and pepper to taste


  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  1 tablespoonful flour
  1 egg
  1 cupful milk
  Salt and pepper to taste

_For the mold._ Remove oil, skin and bone from the salmon. Rub salmon
smooth, add eggs well beaten, crackers, and seasonings. Turn into a
Criscoed mold, and steam for one hour. Turn out and serve with sauce.

_For sauce._ Blend Crisco and flour in a saucepan over fire, add
milk, and stir and boil for five minutes. Add egg well beaten, and
seasonings, pour at once over salmon. Garnish with parsley.

Sufficient for one small loaf.




Cookery is a branch of applied chemistry. To cook anything, in the
narrower sense of the term, means to bring about changes in it by
submitting it to the action of heat, and usually of moisture also,
which will make it more fitted for food; and it is on the nature of
this action on different materials that the _rationale_ of the cook's
art chiefly depends. Good cooking can make any meat tender, and bad
cooking can make any meat tough.

The substance in meat called albumen becomes tougher and more
indigestible, the higher the temperature to which it is subjected
reaches beyond a certain point. It is this effect of heat on albumen,
therefore, which has to be considered whenever the cooking of meat
is in question, and which mainly determines the right and the wrong,
whether in the making of a soup or a custard, the roasting or boiling
of a chicken or a joint, or the frying of a cutlet or an omelet.

We now will see to begin with, what are the special ways in which it
bears on meat cookery. Take a little bit of raw meat and put it in
cold water. The juice gradually soaks out of it, coloring the water
pink and leaving the meat nearly white. Now take another bit, and pour
boiling water upon it; and though no juice can be seen escaping, the
whole surface of the meat turns a whitish color directly.

Lean meat is made up of bundles of hollow fibres within which the
albuminous juices are stored. Wherever these fibres are cut through,
the juice oozes out and spreads itself over the surface of the meat.
If, as in our first little experiment, the meat is put in cold water,
or even in warm water, or exposed to a heat insufficient to set the
albumen, either in an oven or before the fire, the albuminous juices
are in the first case drawn out and dissolved, and in the second
evaporated. In either case the meat is deprived of them. But if the
meat is put into boiling water or into a quick oven or before a hot
fire, the surface albumen is quickly set, forms a tough white coating
which effectually plugs the ends of the cut fibres, and prevents any
further escape of their contents.

Here, then, we have the first principles on which meat cookery must be
conducted; viz: that if we wish to get the juices out of the meat,
as for soups and stews, the liquid in which we put it must be cold
to begin with; while if we wish, as for boiled or roast meat, to keep
them in, the meat must be subjected first of all to the action of
boiling water, a hot fire or a quick oven. The meats of soups and
stews must not be raw, and that of joints must not be tough; and the
cooking of both one and the other, however it is begun, should be
completed at just such a moderate temperature as will set, but not
harden, the albumen. That is to say, the soup or stew must be raised
to this temperature, after the meat juices have been drawn out by
a lower one, while a joint or fowl must be lowered to it after the
surface albumen has been hardened by a higher one.

All poultry or game for roasting should be dredged with flour before
and after trussing, to dry it perfectly, as otherwise it does not
crisp and brown so well. Unless poultry is to be boiled or stewed it
never should be washed or wet in any way as this renders the flesh
sodden and the skin soft. Good wiping with clean cloths should be
quite sufficient. With the exception of ducks and geese, all poultry
and game require rather a large addition of fat during roasting, as
the flesh is dry. Chickens will cook in from twenty to thirty minutes;
fowls take from thirty to sixty minutes when young and tender, the
only condition in which they are fit to roast; turkeys take from one
to two hours and even more if exceptionally large. Game takes longer
in proportion to its size than poultry, and all birds require better
and more cooking than beef or mutton.


Beef Collops

  1 lb. hamburg steak
  1 chopped onion
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful water or stock
  1 tablespoonful flour
  Salt and pepper to taste
  1 teaspoonful mushroom catsup or Worcestershire sauce
  Sippets of toast or croutons
  Mashed potatoes or plain boiled rice

Melt Crisco in saucepan, put in beef and onion and fry light brown,
then sprinkle in flour, add water or stock, catsup or sauce, and
seasonings. Cover pan and let contents simmer very gently forty-five
minutes. Arrange collops on hot platter with border of sippets of
toast or croutons, or border of hot mashed potatoes, or plain boiled

Braised Loin of Mutton

  3 lbs. loin mutton
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 celery stalk
  1/2 teaspoonful whole white peppers
  1 bunch sweet herbs
  Salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste
  1 turnip
  1 carrot
  3 cloves
  2 sprigs parsley
  4 tablespoonfuls flour
  12 button mushrooms
  1 onion

Remove bone from mutton, rub with a little salt, pepper and red pepper
mixed together; roll up and tie in neat roll with tape; cut up celery,
onion, carrot and turnip, and lay them at bottom of saucepan with
herbs and parsley; lay mutton on top of these, and pour enough boiling
water to three parts cover it, and simmer slowly two hours; lift
mutton into roasting tin with a few tablespoonfuls of the gravy; set
in hot oven until brown; strain gravy and skim off fat, melt Crisco in
saucepan, add flour, then add gravy gradually, seasoning of salt and
pepper, mushrooms, and boil eight minutes. Set mutton on hot platter
with mushrooms round, and gravy strained over.

Chicken a la Tartare

  1 young chicken
  1 egg
  3/4 cupful Crisco
  Salt and pepper to taste
  Mixed pickles
  Tartare sauce

Singe, empty, and split chicken in half; take breastbone out and
sprinkle salt and pepper over. Melt 1/2 cupful Crisco in frying pan
and fry chicken half hour, turning it now and then. Remove from pan
and place between two dishes with heavy weight on top, till it is
nearly cold. Then dip in egg beaten up, and roll in breadcrumbs.
Melt remaining Crisco, then sprinkle it all over chicken; roll in
breadcrumbs once more. Fry in hot Crisco to golden color. Serve at
once with a garnish of chopped pickles, and tartare sauce.

Chicken en Casserole

  1 tender chicken for roasting
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  Salt and pepper
  1 pint hot water
  1 cupful hot sweet cream
  2 cupfuls chopped mushrooms
  1 tablespoonful chopped parsley

Clean chicken, split down back, and lay breast upward, in casserole.
Spread Crisco over breast, dust with salt and pepper, add hot water,
cover closely and cook in hot oven one hour. When nearly tender, put
in the cream, mushrooms, and parsley; cover again and cook twenty
minutes longer. Serve hot in the casserole. Oysters are sometimes
substituted for mushrooms, and will be found to impart a pleasing

Curried Ox-Tongue

  6 slices cooked ox-tongue
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 teaspoonfuls curry powder
  6 chopped mushrooms
  1 cupful brown sauce
  1 dinner roll
  1 egg
  1 cupful boiled rice

_For tongue._ Cut slices of tongue, fry in Crisco, season with 1/4
teaspoonful salt and curry powder, then add mushrooms, and brown
sauce, simmer ten minutes. Cut large dinner roll into slices, and
toast them lightly on both sides; dip them in egg well beaten then
fry in hot Crisco and drain. Dish up slices of tongue alternately with
fried slices of roll, pour sauce round base, and serve with boiled

_For brown sauce._ Melt 3 tablespoonfuls Crisco, add 1 chopped onion,
piece of carrot, 2 mushrooms, and fry a good brown color; stir in 2
tablespoonfuls flour and fry it also; then add 1 cupful stock or water
and few drops of kitchen boquet. Let all cook ten minutes, stirring
constantly add seasoning of salt and pepper, and strain for use.

Sufficient for 6 slices.

Fried Chicken


Select young tender chickens and disjoint. Wash carefully and let
stand over night in refrigerator.


_(Kate B. Vaughn)_

Drain chicken but do not wipe dry. Season with salt and white pepper
and dredge well with flour. Fry in deep Crisco hot enough to brown
a crumb of bread in sixty seconds. It requires from ten to twelve
minutes to fry chicken. Drain and place on a hot platter garnished
with parsley and rice croquettes.


_(Kate B. Vaughn)_

Make batter of 1 cupful flour, 1 teaspoonful salt, 2 grains white
pepper, 1/2 cupful water, 2 well beaten eggs, and 1 tablespoonful
melted Crisco. Have kettle of Crisco hot enough to turn crumb of bread
a golden brown in sixty seconds. Drain chicken but do not dry. Dip
each joint separately in batter and fry in the Crisco until golden
brown. It should take from ten to twelve minutes. Serve on a folded
napkin garnished with parsley.


_(Kate B. Vaughn)_

Drain chicken but do not wipe dry. Season with salt and white pepper
and dredge well with flour. Put three tablespoonfuls Crisco in frying
pan and when hot place chicken in pan; cover, and allow to steam for
ten minutes. Uncover, and allow chicken to brown, taking care to turn
frequently. Serve on hot platter, garnished with parsley and serve
with cream gravy.


Select medium-sized chickens and wash well, then cut into neat
pieces and season them. Mix 1 cupful cornmeal with 1 cupful flour, 1
tablespoonful salt and 1 tablespoonful black pepper. Dip each piece
in mixture and fry in hot Crisco twelve minutes. Drain and serve with
cornmeal batter bread.


Wash young chicken, cut into neat pieces, dust with salt, pepper,
and flour, and fry in hot Crisco twelve minutes. Drain, place on hot
platter, pour over it 1/2 pint hot sweet cream, sprinkle over with
chopped hot roasted peanuts, little salt and pepper.

Fried Chicken, Mexican Style

  1 tender chicken
  Salt and pepper to taste
  1 clove garlic
  1 seeded green pepper
  2 large tomatoes
  5 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  Corn croquettes

  For Croquettes

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 can or 14 ears corn
  2 tablespoonfuls flour
  2 cupfuls milk
  1/2 teaspoonful sugar
  Pepper and salt to taste
  1 egg

_For chicken._ Draw, wash and dry chicken, then cut into neat joints,
sprinkle with salt and pepper. Heat Crisco in frying pan, add clove
of garlic and pepper cut in small pieces. When garlic turns brown
take out, put chicken in, fry till brown, then cover closely, allow to
simmer till ready. A short time before covering chicken, add tomatoes
peeled and cut in small pieces.

_For croquettes._ Drain liquor from can of corn, or grate ears, and
chop kernels fine. Blend Crisco and flour together in pan over fire,
add milk, stir till boiling and cook five minutes, stirring all the
time, add seasonings, and corn, and cook five minutes, then allow to
cool. When cold, form lightly with floured hands into neat croquettes,
brush over with beaten egg, toss in crumbs and fry in hot Crisco to
a golden brown. Drain. Place chicken on hot platter, garnish with
croquettes and serve hot.

Fried Sweetbreads

  Peas or new Potatoes
  Rich brown gravy

Sweetbreads should always be blanched before using. To blanch, soak in
cold water two hours, changing water 3 or 4 times. Put into saucepan,
cover with cold water, add little salt, and skim well as water comes
to boil. Simmer from ten to thirty minutes, according to kind of
sweet-bread used. Remove to basin of cold water until cold, or wash
well in cold water and press between two plates till cold. Dry, remove
skin, cut in slices, coat with beaten egg and toss in breadcrumbs, and
fry in hot Crisco to a golden brown. Serve round peas or new potatoes,
with rich brown gravy.

For those whose digestions are at fault, sweetbreads ought to be eaten
as a daily ration if the pocketbook will afford it. For this special
part of the animal's anatomy is that one of all the viscera whose
mission is to help digestion. It is of the very pancreas itself, that
stomach gland of marvelously involved structure which elaborates the
powerful pancreatic juice. It is alkaline in nature, able to digest
starches, fats, and most of what escapes digestion in the stomach
proper. It received its name from a fancied resemblance in its
substance and formation to the rising lumps of dough destined for

Kidney Omelet

  4 kidneys
  6 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  6 eggs
  Salt and pepper to taste
  1 tablespoonful chopped parsley
  2 tablespoonfuls cream

Melt 2 tablespoonfuls Crisco in frying pan. Skin kidneys and cut into
small dice and toss them into hot Crisco three minutes. Whisk whites
of eggs to stiff froth, then add yolks, seasonings, parsley, and
cream, then add kidney. Make remaining Crisco hot in omelet pan or
frying pan, pour in omelet and fry over clear fire six minutes. When
the edges are set, fold edges over so that omelet assumes an oval
shape; be careful that it is not done too much; to brown the top, hold
pan before fire, or put it in oven; never turn an omelet in the pan.
Slip it carefully on a hot dish and serve the instant it comes from
the fire.

Macaroni and Round Steak

  1/2 package macaroni
  1/2 can tomatoes
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 onions
  Salt and pepper to taste
  1/2 cupful grated cheese
  1 lb. round steak
  1/2 cupful breadcrumbs

Break macaroni into inch lengths and add it with 1 tablespoonful of
the Crisco to plenty of boiling water and boil twenty minutes, then
drain. Put steak and onions through a food chopper. Put macaroni into
Criscoed fireproof dish, then put in meat and onions, add seasonings,
tomatoes, cheese, breadcrumbs, and remainder of Crisco melted. Bake in
moderate oven one hour.

Meat Cakes

  1 lb. round steak
  3 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  3 small onions
  1 tablespoonful chopped parsley
  2 eggs
  1/4 lb. grated cheese
  2 cupfuls breadcrumbs
  Salt, pepper, and paprika to taste
  Tomato sauce

  For Sauce

  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 carrot
  1 turnip
  2 onions
  3 tablespoonfuls flour
  2 cupfuls stock
  1 can or 1/2 lb. fresh tomatoes
  1 tablespoonful tomato catsup
  1 bunch sweet herbs
  Salt, pepper, and red pepper
    to taste
  1 blade mace
  1 bay leaf

_For meat cakes._ Grind steak and onions together, add Crisco, cheese,
parsley, crumbs, seasonings, and eggs lightly beaten. Mix together;
form into small cakes, toss in flour and fry in hot Crisco. Serve hot
with tomato sauce.

_For sauce._ Slice vegetables, fry in Crisco ten minutes; then add
flour, stock, mace, bay leaf, tomatoes, catsup, and herbs. Stir till
they boil, then simmer gently forty-five minutes. Rub through sieve,
add seasonings and use.

Sufficient for twelve meat cakes.

Roast Turkey

  For Stuffing

  1 quart fine breadcrumbs
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  11/2 teaspoonfuls salt
  2 tablespoonfuls chopped onion
  1 lemon
  1 tablespoonful chopped parsley
  1/4 teaspoonful powdered thyme
  1/4 teaspoonful white pepper
  1 egg
  1 cupful country sausage
  A little warm water
  1 turkey
  Salt pork

Mix sausage with breadcrumbs, add egg well beaten, Crisco, seasonings,
grated rind and strained juice of lemon, and moisten with a little hot
water. Be careful not to make stuffing too moist. See that turkey is
well plucked, singed and wiped; fold over pinions, and pass skewer
through them, thick part of legs and body, catching leg and pining it
on other side; now secure bottom part of leg, which should have feet
cut off half way to first joint, fill breast of bird with stuffing and
skewer down skin. Place 2 strips salt pork in bottom of roasting
pan, lay in turkey and place several strips salt pork over breast
and sprinkle lightly with flour. Roast in hot oven, allowing fifteen
minutes to the pound. Baste occasionally with melted Crisco. Serve hot
decorated with cooked onions, celery tips, cranberries, and parsley.

Roast with Spaghetti

  2 tablespoonfuls flour
  3 lbs. sirloin steak
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 large onion
  1/4 lb. bacon
  Salt and pepper to taste
  1/2 cupful water
  1/2 can tomatoes
  1 cupful cooked peas
  1 cupful cooked spaghetti
  1 cupful cooked mushrooms
  8 stuffed olives

Melt Crisco and make very hot in roasting pan, lay in steak, season
with salt and pepper, cover with layer of sliced onion, layer of
bacon, add water, cover, and cook in moderate oven about three hours.
Have ready peas, mushrooms, and spaghetti. Place meat on hot platter.
Add juice of tomatoes to gravy, and flour moistened with a little
cold water, peas and mushrooms, and when hot pour round meat. Spread
spaghetti on top and decorate with olives.

Sirloin Steak with Fried Apples

  1 sirloin steak weighing 2 lbs.
  3 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 teaspoonful white pepper
  4 tart apples

Mix salt and pepper with melted Crisco, then rub mixture into steak
and let steak lie in it twenty minutes. Broil it over a clear fire
till done and serve surrounded with fried apples. Peel and core and
slice apples, then dip in milk, toss in flour, and drop into hot
Crisco to brown.



In the vegetable kingdom the cereals form a very important part of our
diet, by supplying chiefly the carbohydrates or heat giving matter.
Another nutritious group termed pulse, are those which have their seed
enclosed in a pod. The most familiar are peas, beans, and lentils;
peas and beans are eaten in the green or unripe state as well as in
the dried. Vegetables included in the pulse group are very nourishing
if they can be digested, they contain a large amount of flesh forming
matter, usually a fair amount of starch, but are deficient in fat.
Peas and beans also contain sulphur and tend to produce flatulence
when indulged in by those of weak digestion. Lentils contain less
sulphur, and do not produce this complaint so readily.

The more succulent vegetables include tubers, as potatoes and
Jerusalem artichokes, leaves, stems, and bulbs, as cabbages, spinach,
celery, and onions, roots and flowers, as carrots, parsnips, and
cauliflower. These are very valuable on account of the mineral matter,
chief of which are the potash salts, so necessary to keep the blood in
a healthy condition.

Care should be taken in cooking vegetables not to lose the salts.
Steaming is preferable to boiling, by preserving the juices, though it
does not tend to improve the color of green vegetables. A little lemon
juice added to the water in which new potatoes are boiling improves
their color. Mint is sometimes cooked with new potatoes. To secure a
good color in vegetables when cooked, careful cleaning and preparation
before cooking is essential. Earthy roots, such as potatoes, turnips,
and carrots, must be both well scrubbed and thoroughly rinsed in clean
water before peeling. From all vegetables, coarse or discolored leaves
and any dark or decayed spots should be carefully removed before

Potatoes should be peeled thinly, or, if new, merely brushed or rubbed
with a coarse cloth to get the skin off. Turnips should be thickly
peeled, as the rind in these is hard and woody. Carrots and salsify,
unless very old, need scraping only. After the removal of the skin,
all root vegetables (except those of the onion kind) should be put in
cold water till wanted. Potatoes, artichokes, and salsify especially,
must not remain a moment out of water after peeling, or they will turn
a dark color, and to the water used for the two last, a little salt
and lemon juice should be added in order to keep them white.

Root vegetables should be boiled with the lid of the pan on, green
vegetables should be boiled with the lid of the pan off, for the
preservation of the color.

Baked Parsnips

  1/2 cupful Crisco
  5 parsnips
  Salt and pepper to taste

Peel and wash parsnips and cut into two lengthwise, and steam for one
hour. Remove from fire, lay in greased baking pan, sprinkle with salt
and pepper, spread Crisco over top and bake slowly till tender. Serve

Brussels Sprouts with Crisco

  1/2 cupful Crisco
  2 baskets brussels sprouts
  1/2 cupful grated cheese

Trim sprouts and cook them in boiling salted water till tender, drain
and dry on clean cloth. Heat Crisco hot, then add sprouts, and fry
until very hot. Turn them into hot vegetable dish, sprinkle cheese
over them and serve immediately.

Sufficient for one dish.


  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/2 lb. cold cooked potatoes
  1/2 lb. cold cooked cabbage
  1 onion
  Salt and pepper to taste

Chop onion and cabbage and mash potatoes. Put into frying pan with
Crisco and fry few minutes adding seasonings. Turn into Criscoed
fireproof dish and brown in oven.

Lentils and Rice

  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/2 cupful lentils
  1/2 cupful milk
  1/2 cupful water
  1 teaspoonful curry powder
  1 small onion
  1 tablespoonful lemon juice
  1 cupful boiled rice
  Salt and pepper to taste

Wash lentils and soak them in milk twelve hours. Melt Crisco slice
onion and fry a pale brown, add curry powder, milk, water, seasonings,
and lentils, simmer two hours and add lemon juice just before serving,
Serve with rice.

Corn Fritters

  1 tablespoonful melted Crisco
  1 can crushed corn
  1 cupful flour
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  2 teaspoonfuls salt
  1/4 teaspoonful white pepper
  3 tablespoonfuls milk

Put corn into bowl, add Crisco, salt, pepper, flour, baking powder,
and milk. Mix well and drop in spoonfuls on a Criscoed griddle. Fire
brown on both sides. These fritters are a palatable accompaniment to
roast chicken.

Sufficient for twelve fritters.

Corn, Okra and Tomatoes

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 tablespoonfuls sugar
  Salt and pepper to taste
  6 ears corn
  6 okra pods
  6 tomatoes
  2 cupfuls water

Cut corn from cob, put into saucepan, cover with water and bring to
boil. Scald and skin tomatoes and cut okra into cross sections half
inch long. Add both to corn with Crisco and seasonings. Stir and cook
until tender. Serve hot.

Curried Cauliflower

  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cauliflower
  1 sliced onion
  1 dessertspoonful curry powder
  1 tablespoonful lemon juice
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1 cupful stock or water

Boil cauliflower in boiling salted water till tender, drain, then
divide into small flowerets. Fry onion in Crisco a few minutes, then
add curry powder, lemon juice and stock or water. Simmer fifteen
minutes, then strain into clean saucepan. Add cauliflower and salt and
simmer fifteen minutes. Serve hot.

Creamed Potatoes au Gratin

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 quart peeled and diced potatoes
  2 cupfuls milk
  1 tablespoonful flour
  1 cupful grated cheese
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1/4 teaspoonful white pepper
  Few breadcrumbs

Cut potatoes in about 11/2-inch pieces, then boil carefully in boiling
salted water. When done, drain, and pour into Criscoed fireproof dish.
Blend Crisco and flour in saucepan over fire, add milk, stir till
boiling, then add cheese and seasonings. Pour over potatoes; grate
a little cheese over top, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and bake five
minutes in hot oven.

Eggplant en Casserole

  4 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1 large eggplant
  3 small onions
  2 garlic cloves
  3 tomatoes
  1 green pepper
  Salt and pepper to taste

Slice eggplant into thin slices, then slice onions, garlic, tomatoes
and pepper quite thin. Arrange them, alternately, in a Criscoed
casserole, seasoning each layer with salt and pepper. Pour in melted
Crisco and cover. Cook over slow fire or in moderate oven till the
eggplant is tender. Serve hot or cold.

Fried Parsley

  1 bunch parsley
  Salt and pepper to taste

Wash, pick and dry the parsley; put into frying basket and immerse
in hot Crisco fifteen seconds or until crisp. Drain and sprinkle with
salt and pepper. It should be a nice green color. If it turns black it
has been too long in the fat.

Green Peas a la Maitre d'Hotel

  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 quart shelled peas
  Salt and pepper to taste
  1 tablespoonful lemon juice
  2 sprigs mint
  1 tablespoonful chopped parsley
  1 teaspoonful sugar

Shell peas and throw into plenty boiling water containing a
teaspoonful of salt, sugar, and mint; boil fast until tender, then
drain. Mix lemon juice with Crisco and parsley; stir this among peas,
reheat them, and serve at once.

Jerusalem Artichokes

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 lb. artichokes
  2 tablespoonfuls flour
  1 yolk of egg
  2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice
  1 1/2 cupfuls milk
  2 tablespoonfuls cream
  Salt and pepper to taste
  1 teaspoonful chopped parsley
  1/4 cupful vinegar
  1 pint boiling milk

Wash and scrape artichokes, and throw each one in cold water
containing vinegar, when all are done, rinse in water and put into
boiling milk, add cupful of boiling water and teaspoonful of salt.
Boil quickly with lid off, pierce with fork to know if done. Lift into
hot dish and cover with sauce. Blend Crisco and flour in saucepan,
over fire, add milk, salt and pepper, and cook five minutes. Remove
from fire, add egg beaten with cream and lemon juice, pour over
artichokes and sprinkle parsley over top.

Mushrooms au Gratin

  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  14 large mushrooms
  1 egg
  Salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste
  1 tablespoonful chopped parsley
  2 tablespoonfuls chopped cooked meat
  2 tablespoonfuls breadcrumbs
  1/2 cupful stock
  1 tablespoonful chopped suet

Beat up egg, add suet, breadcrumbs, meat, parsley, and seasonings.
Wash and remove centers from mushrooms, season with salt, pepper, and
red pepper, also place tiny piece of Crisco in each. Then put heaping
teaspoonful of forcemeat in each one, and cover with crumbs. Lay on
Criscoed tin, add stock, and bake fifteen minutes. Serve on hot dish
with gravy poured round.

Sufficient for fourteen mushrooms.

New Potatoes a la France

  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 lbs. new potatoes
  2 sprigs mint
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 tablespoonful chopped parsley
  1 tablespoonful lemon juice

Wash and scrape potatoes. With round vegetable cutter scoop out from
potatoes a number of little balls like marbles; boil these till tender
in water, to which have been added salt and mint. Drain, add Crisco,
parsley, and lemon juice. Toss them about gently in pan a few minutes,
and serve on hot dish.

Potato Pone

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 generous cupful grated raw sweet potatoes
  1 cupful molasses
  1 cupful milk
  1 teaspoonful powdered ginger
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 tablespoonful chopped candied orange peel
  1/2 cupful sugar

Grate potatoes or put them through meat chopper, add molasses, sugar,
milk, Crisco, salt, spices, and orange peel. Mix well, turn into
Criscoed fireproof dish and bake in moderate oven till firm.

Sufficient for one small pone.

Savory Lentil Dish

  4 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1 cupful lentils
  1 bay leaf
  3 springs parsley
  1 chopped onion
  Salt, pepper, and powdered mace to taste
  1 cupful boiled rice
  1-1/2 cupfuls highly seasoned tomato sauce

Wash lentils and soak in plenty of cold water four hours. Put into
boiling salt water, add bay leaf, parsley, seasonings and cook till
tender. Chop and fry onion in 3 tablespoonfuls of Crisco, add lentils,
rice and remainder of Crisco, stir and allow to get hot. Turn into hot
dish and pour over tomato sauce.

Stuffed Beets

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  6 beets
  2 green peppers
  2 tablespoonfuls breadcrumbs
  1/2 teaspoonful onion juice
  Salt and pepper to taste

Select 6 smooth even-sized beets and boil in boiling salted water
until tender. Peel, remove root end and remove center, leaving shell
about half inch thick. Remove stems and seeds from peppers; cover
peppers with boiling water ten minutes. Dice them with scooped out
beet, add Crisco, breadcrumbs, and seasonings. Mix and divide into
beet shells, dot with Crisco and bake in moderate oven twenty
minutes. Serve garnished with watercress.

Sufficient for six beets.

Stuffed Eggplant

  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  3 small eggplants
  1/2 cupful breadcrumbs
  1-1/2 cupfuls stock
  1/2 cupful chopped cooked chicken or veal
  1 egg
  Salt, pepper, and nutmeg to taste
  1/2 cupful white wine
  Criscoed crumbs
  1 tablespoonful flour
  1 tablespoonful sherry

Cut eggplants in halves and scoop out inside, leaving shell half inch
thick. Soak 1/2 cupful breadcrumbs in 1/2 cupful stock ten minutes,
then add cooked chicken, 2 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco, egg,
well beaten, and seasoning of salt, pepper and nutmeg. Divide this
forcemeat into eggplants, sprinkle Criscoed crumbs on top, set them in
greased pan, pour in rest of stock and white wine and bake half hour
in moderate oven. Serve on hot dish with following sauce.

Put 1 tablespoonful Crisco and 1 tablespoonful flour into saucepan and
blend over fire, add sherry and 1 cupful liquor from pan in which they
were baked, and cook five minutes.

Sufficient for three eggplants.

Stuffed Potatoes

(_Kate B. Vaughan_)

  2 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  6 large potatoes
  2 tablespoonfuls grated cheese
  1 yolk of egg
  Salt and pepper to taste

Wash six well shaped white potatoes and rub skin with Crisco. Bake
until tender, cut slice off one end, and with a teaspoon remove
all potato from shells. Mash the potato, adding Crisco, cheese,
seasonings, and egg yolk. Refill shells and bake fifteen minutes.
Serve hot on napkin.

Sufficient for six potatoes.

Viennese Carrots

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 bunch carrots
  1 tablespoonful flour
  1/2 teaspoonful sugar
  2 tablespoonfuls vinegar
  Salt and pepper to taste
  1 tablespoonful chopped parsley
  1 cupful cooked peas

Scrape carrots, cut in small pieces, and boil till tender in boiling
salted water. Blend Crisco and flour together in saucepan over
fire, stir in 1 cupful water in which carrots were cooked, boil five
minutes, then add sugar, seasonings, vinegar, parsley, peas, and
carrots; simmer ten minutes and serve hot in vegetable dish.




Salads are classified into two groups--i.e., the raw, such as lettuce,
endive, radishes, cucumber, celery, etc., and the cooked, such as
those made from cooked vegetables, eggs, cooked cold fish, poultry,
and meat. The raw materials should be washed most carefully and well
cleaned before mixing, and the utensils for cutting and mixing, as
well as the basins or bowls used, should be clean and dry. Every
salad, no matter how plain and simple it may be, should be made to
look inviting and tempting. The method of draining or drying is a very
easy performance so long as the salad leaves, whatever they may be,
are almost free from moisture. This is effected best by putting the
leaves, which should be broken, not cut with a knife, into a wire
basket and drying them well, or else putting them into a cloth lightly
folded and shaking well until the outer moisture of the leaves is well
absorbed. The salad then is ready for mixing.

Any cold boiled vegetables left over from dinner are useful as giving
variety to salads, and help to make a good accompaniment to cold meat
served to luncheon. Thinly sliced cold potatoes--new ones for choice,
green peas and string beans, are especially good for this purpose, and
even Brussels sprouts, carrots, and turnips may be used on occasion in
small quantities. More substantial salads, prepared with cold meat or
fish, form appetizing luncheon or breakfast dishes. Those made with
chicken, lobster and salmon respectively are most widely known, but
fillets of flounder, cold ham or beef, or lamb make very good salads,
and even the humble herring, and dried and salted fish, may be used
with advantage in this way.

The meat or fish should be cut up into cubes or convenient small
pieces, and piled up in the center of the dish or salad bowl on a
layer of seasoned, shredded lettuce. Over this should be poured half
of the dressing. Round this should be arranged the green constituents
of the salad, cut up rather small, garnished with slices of tomato
or beets, cucumber and hard-cooked egg. The remainder of the dressing
should be poured over this, and the top of the meat or fish pyramid
may be ornamented with a few sprigs of endive or parsley.

Apple, Celery and Nut Salad

  For Dressing

  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  1 teaspoonful mustard
  1 teaspoonful sugar
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1/4 teaspoonful white pepper
  2 eggs
  4 tablespoonfuls lemon juice
  1 cupful whipped cream

  For Salad

  1 quart chopped apples
  1 pint diced celery
  1-1/2 cupfuls blanched and shredded almonds
  2/3 cupful rolled pecan nut meats

_For salad._ Mix apples, celery and nut meats.

_For dressing._ Melt Crisco, add mustard, sugar, salt, pepper, yolks
of eggs well beaten, and lemon juice. Cook in double boiler till
it thickens, then add whites of eggs stiffly beaten. Chill and add
whipped cream just before serving. Dressing should be mixed with

Asparagus Salad

  For Dressing

  6 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1/4 teaspoonful paprika
  Pinch black pepper
  1 tablespoonful tarragon vinegar
  2 tablespoonfuls cider vinegar
  1 tablespoonful chopped cucumber pickles
  1 tablespoonful chopped green peppers
  1 teaspoonful chopped parsley
  1 teaspoonful chopped chives
  1 can asparagus or fresh cooked asparagus

Drain asparagus and chill. Mix salt with paprika, add pepper, tarragon
vinegar, cider vinegar, Crisco, pickles, peppers, parsley, and chives,
mix well and pour over the asparagus.

Celery and Almond Salad

  1 cupful melted Crisco
  1 yolk of egg
  1 tablespoonful lemon juice
  1 tablespoonful vinegar
  1 head celery
  1/2 cupful blanched almonds
  1 crisp lettuce
  Few drops green color
  1/2 teaspoonful sugar
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 teaspoonful mustard
  Red pepper to taste

Melt and cool Crisco. Prepare celery and cut into very thin strips and
plunge in ice water until wanted. Blanch and shred almonds; wash and
dry lettuce leaves. Put yolk of egg into bowl, add mustard, salt,
and red pepper and mix well with wooden spoon. Add sugar, teaspoonful
lemon juice, teaspoonful vinegar; beat in Crisco gradually. Remove
spoon and beat with egg beater five minutes, then beat in rest of
lemon juice and vinegar. Add more seasonings if needed and enough
green color to make it look pretty. Dry celery and mix with almonds,
then toss them into dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves.

Fruit Salad


  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  Pinch of salt
  2 tablespoonfuls sugar
  2 tablespoonfuls vinegar
  2 eggs
  1/2 pint whipped cream


  24 marshmallows
  1 can pineapple
  2 juicy apples
  6 oranges
  Lettuce leaves

_For salad._ Cut fruit and marshmallows into small pieces, then mix
and chill.

_For dressing._ Beat up eggs in double boiler, add vinegar, sugar,
salt, Crisco and cook until thick. Cool and add whipped cream. Mix
with fruit and serve on crisp lettuce leaves.

Orange and Tomato Salad

  3 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  4 tomatoes
  4 oranges
  1 tablespoonful chopped parsley
  Tarragon vinegar

Peel oranges and tomatoes, and slice and arrange alternately in salad
bowl. Mix juice squeezed from "tops and bottoms" of oranges with an
equal quantity of tarragon vinegar, add Crisco and salt to taste. Pour
over fruit and sprinkle chopped parsley on top.

Potato and Nut Salad

  For Dressing

  5 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1 teaspoonful mustard
  1 teaspoonful salt
  2 teaspoonfuls sugar
  2 yolks of eggs
  3/4 cupful cream or milk
  1/4 cupful vinegar

  For Salad

  3 cupfuls sliced cold potatoes
  1 cupful broken hickory nut meats
  1 teaspoonful chopped onion
  Chopped parsley
  Cold cooked sliced beets
  Sliced lemon
  Lettuce leaves

_For dressing._ Mix sugar, salt, and mustard, add Crisco and stir
thoroughly; then add yolks of eggs well beaten, cream, and lastly
vinegar. Cook in double boiler until consistency of cream. If milk
is used instead of cream, add 1 teaspoonful flour to other dry

_For salad._ Mix potatoes, nuts, and onion together, and place on
crisp lettuce leaves; pour over dressing and garnish to taste with
beets, lemon, and parsley.

Potato and Pimiento Salad

  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  4 potatoes
  2 hard-cooked eggs
  1/2 can pimientos
  1 tablespoonful chopped cucumber pickle
  1 teaspoonful salt


  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  2 teaspoonfuls dry mustard
  1 teaspoonful salt
  2 tablespoonfuls sugar
  1 lemon
  1/2 pint vinegar
  2 eggs

_For salad._ Boil potatoes and slice them, add Crisco and salt. Now
chop pickles, eggs, and pimientoes and add them and set in cool place
to chill.

_For dressing._ Put vinegar into double boiler, add strained lemon
juice, sugar, salt, mustard, then add Crisco and eggs well beaten.
Cook until thick, then cool and use.

Shrimp Salad

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 can shrimps
  1 cupful celery cut in cubes
  1 cupful tart apples cut in cubes
  1 cupful broken Brazil nut meats
  1/2 cupful broken English walnut meats
  Salt and pepper to taste
  1 lemon
  4 tablespoonfuls vinegar
  2 tablespoonfuls water
  4 eggs
  1 teaspoonful dry mustard
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful sugar
  1/2 teaspoonful white pepper
  1/2 cupful thick cream and 1 cupful whipped cream
  Crisp lettuce leaves

Break shrimps into pieces, put them into earthenware dish, moisten
with a little melted Crisco, season with vinegar, salt and pepper. Put
apple cubes into a small dish and sprinkle lightly with lemon juice,
then put in celery cubes with a little more lemon juice and toss
together. Cover and set aside. Prepare nut meats. Heat vinegar and
water in double boiler, beat eggs, then gradually add them to vinegar,
stirring all the time. Now add Crisco and cook slowly, stirring
constantly. Remove from fire, and beat till cold, then add mustard,
salt, sugar, and pepper. Add the thick cream just before serving. When
ready to serve toss nuts, celery, apples and shrimps together with a
silver fork, and add a little dressing. Heap on crisp lettuce leaves
on individual plates, and pour over each salad a heaping spoonful of
the dressing; and top with spoonful of unsweetened whipped cream.



Puddings as a rule either are boiled, steamed or baked. For boiled
puddings, care should be taken that the saucepan be kept boiling or
the water will get into the pudding and spoil it. For pudding cloths,
use materials such as linen or cheese cloth. After using, the cloth
must be thoroughly washed in plenty of water with a little washing
soda, but on no account use soap, and see that the cloth is perfectly
dry before putting it away. Many puddings are lighter and better
steamed, and then instead of the cloth only a piece of Criscoed paper
is required, twisted over the top of the basin or mold. Very light
puddings, such as custards, should be placed in a steamer. Most of
the steamed puddings mixed a little softer, are excellent baked in a
pudding dish.

In steaming puddings keep them at a uniform heat all the time, and be
careful not to lift the lid off the pan for the first half hour. All
farinaceous puddings should be cooked well, as then they are easier
to digest. Cornstarch must be well cooked, from eight to ten minutes.
Mold for jellies or blanc-manges should be well rinsed with cold water
before using. Batters must be well beaten and allowed to stand for
thirty minutes or longer before cooking, because the starch in
the flour swells, and the batter will therefore be lighter.
Batter puddings should be put into a quick oven. Puddings composed
principally of milk and eggs should be very gently cooked, as strong
heat will cause them to curdle.

In stewing fruit, prepare syrup first. Bring to boil, lay fruit in,
and simmer gently. Souffles should be very light and spongy. Eggs
form a large part of souffles, more whites than yolks are used and
the former are beaten to a stiff froth. All souffles should be served
quickly. Omelets are composed mainly of eggs. They can be savory or
sweet. If over-cooked an omelet will be tough. To prevent milk running
over when it comes to boil, put spoon in saucepan. Never leave spoon
in saucepan if you wish the contents to cook quickly, and in any case
a metal spoon never should be allowed to stand in a boiling saucepan
containing fruit or any acid.

Apple Dumplings

  5 apples
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 cupfuls flour
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  3/4 cupful milk

Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together. Work in Crisco with
finger tips; add gradually milk, mixing with knife to a nice dough.
Roll 1/2 inch thick, cut into squares and lay in center of each an
apple, pared and cored. Fill up centers with sugar and cinnamon and
take corners off the dough and pinch together. Place in Criscoed
baking pan, dot over with sugar and Crisco and bake in moderate oven
for twenty-five minutes or till nicely browned. Serve hot with milk.

Sufficient for five dumplings.

Apple Fritters

  1-1/2 cupfuls flour
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1 egg
  1 tablespoonful melted Crisco
  3/4 cupful milk
  3 apples cut in quarter inch slices
  3 tablespoonfuls sugar
  1 lemon

Peel, core and slice apples, then sprinkle 2 tablespoonfuls sugar
and strained juice of the lemon over them. Sift flour, baking powder,
sugar, and salt into bowl, add milk to well beaten egg and stir liquid
gradually into dry materials, beating thoroughly, then add Crisco.
Cover apple slices with batter and drop them into plenty of Crisco
heated so that small breadcrumb browns in sixty seconds. Fry for four
or five minutes. Drain and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Any other
fruit may be substituted for apples or a combination of fruits makes a
delicious fritter.

Sufficient for twelve fritters.

Baked Rhubarb Pudding

  2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 teaspoon salt
  2 bundles rhubarb
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1 lemon
  6 tablespoonfuls brown sugar
  1/2 cupful granulated sugar

Put granulated sugar into small saucepan over fire, and when brown,
coat inside of plain pudding mold with it. Sift, flour, salt, and
baking powder together, rub Crisco finely into it, then mix whole to
a smooth paste with cold water. Turn out on a floured board, cut off
one-third of it, and put one side for the lid. Roll out remainder
until twice the circumference of the top of the mold, then drop gently
into mold, pressing evenly against sides. Fill center with rhubarb,
cut in pieces an inch long. Add grated rind and strained juice of half
of the lemon, brown sugar and 3 tablespoonfuls water. Roll out pastry
that was put on one side, wet edges of it, lay it on top. Cover with
a piece of greased paper, and bake in moderate oven one hour. Turn out
and serve with hot milk.

Caramel Bread Pudding

  3 cupfuls breadcrumbs
  1 quart hot milk
  2 eggs
  1 teaspoonful lemon extract
  Grated nutmeg to taste
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 cupful sugar
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  Whipped cream

Put Crisco, crumbs, and salt into a basin, add hot milk and soak ten
minutes. Melt sugar and brown it lightly in a small pan over fire,
then add it to the bread, with eggs well beaten, and flavorings. Pour
into Criscoed pudding dish and bake in moderate oven till firm. Serve
with whipped cream.

Caramel Rice Pudding

  1/3 cupful rice
  1/2 teaspoonful lemon extract
  3 eggs
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  2 cupfuls milk
  1/4 cupful sultana raisins
  2 tablespoonfuls powdered sugar
  1/4 cupful granulated sugar

Melt granulated sugar in small saucepan and cook until brown, but do
not burn; pour it while hot into pudding mold and spread it all over
inside. Wash rice, parboil, drain, and cook slowly in milk thirty
minutes; turn into basin, add powdered sugar, Crisco, salt, raisins,
extract, and eggs well beaten and pour into prepared mold. Set mold
in pan of boiling water and bake in oven till quite set. Turn out and
serve hot or cold.

Carrot Pudding

  For Pudding

  1 cupful brown sugar
  1 cupful grated carrots
  1 cupful grated raw potatoes
  3/4 cupful Crisco
  1 cupful seeded raisins
  1/2 cupful breadcrumbs
  1/2 cupful milk
  1-1/2 cupfuls flour
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  1 teaspoonful mixed spices
  1 cupful currants
  Prune sauce

  For Sauce

  1/2 lb prunes
  1 wineglassful sherry wine
  1 lemon
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon

_For pudding._ Cream Crisco and sugar together, add carrots, potatoes,
raisins, currants, crumbs, flour, baking powder, salt, and milk. Turn
into Criscoed mold, cover, and steam steadily for three hours.

_For sauce._ Soak prunes in water over night, after first washing
them. Next day put them in pan with water they were soaked in, just
enough to cover them, simmer gently until quite soft. Do not allow to
boil, or fruit will be spoiled. Take out stones, crack some, and
save kernels. Rub prunes through sieve, add sherry, kernels blanched,
grated rind and strained lemon juice, and cinnamon, and then, if
thicker than rich cream, add more wine, or water, and use.

Chocolate Jelly

  2 squares chocolate
  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  2 cupfuls boiling water
  3/4 cupful sugar
  4 tablespoonfuls cornstarch
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1/2 cupful chopped walnut meats
  Whipped cream

Break chocolate into small pieces, dissolve in boiling water, add
Crisco, salt, cornstarch mixed with sugar, stir and boil for eight
minutes. Remove from fire add vanilla and nuts and pour at once into
wet mold. Cool, turn out and serve with whipped cream.

Cottage Pudding

  1 cupful sugar
  1 egg
  1 cupful milk or water
  2-1/4 cupfuls flour
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2-1/2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1 cupful sultana raisins


  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  1 cupful sugar
  1 egg
  1 teaspoonful flour
  1/2 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1-1/2 cupfuls boiling water

_For pudding._ Cream Crisco and sugar together, add egg well beaten,
milk, vanilla, flour, baking powder, salt, and raisins. Mix well, turn
into greased mold, and bake twenty-five minutes in moderate oven. Turn
out and serve with sauce. This pudding may be steamed for one and a
half hours.

_For sauce_. Mix flour, sugar, and Crisco in small saucepan, then stir
in egg and boiling water and boil for three minutes. Flavor with the

Molasses Sponge Pudding

  2 cupfuls flour
  2 teaspoonfuls powdered ginger
  1/2 teaspoonful baking soda
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1/2 cupful molasses
  1 egg
  1 tablespoonful breadcrumbs
  3/4 cupful milk
  1/2 teaspoonful salt

  For Sauce

  1 teaspoonful Crisco
  1 teaspoonful cornstarch
  2 tablespoonfuls lemon juice
  3 tablespoonfuls molasses
  1 cupful hot water

_For pudding_. Mix flour, breadcrumbs, soda and ginger together, then
rub in Crisco with finger tips. Beat egg, add milk, molasses, salt and
stir into dry ingredients. Turn mixture into Criscoed mold, cover with
greased paper and steam steadily for two hours. Turn out and serve
with sauce.

_For sauce_. Blend Crisco and cornstarch together, add molasses,
water, and lemon juice, and boil a few minutes.

Monica Pudding

  3 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  2 cupfuls milk
  1/2 cupful flour
  3 eggs
  1/4 cupful sugar
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 teaspoonful vanilla extract

  For Sauce

  1/4 cupful Crisco
  1/2 cupful powdered sugar
  1/2 cupful cream
  1/2 teaspoonful vanilla extract

_For pudding_. Heat 1 cupful milk. Add other cupful milk gradually to
flour, then stir into boiling milk, stir and cook five minutes. The
mixture should be quite smooth. Remove from fire, add Crisco, sugar,
yolks of eggs well beaten, salt, vanilla, and whites of eggs stiffly
beaten. Turn into Criscoed baking dish, set in pan half full of
boiling water. Bake in moderate oven thirty-five minutes. Serve with

_For sauce_. Melt Crisco, add sugar, cream and vanilla extract and
bring to boil.

Noodle Pudding

  1 pint noodles
  3/4 cupful sugar
  4 eggs
  1/4 cupful melted Crisco
  1 lemon
  1/4 cupful blanched and chopped almonds
  2 cupfuls milk
  1/4 teaspoonful salt

Throw noodles into boiling salted water, and cook five minutes. Drain
in colander. Beat eggs until light and stir in the noodles. Grease
pudding dish with Crisco, put in layer of noodles, sprinkle with
sugar, almonds, grated lemon peel, and melted Crisco. Then add another
layer of noodles and proceed as before, until all are used up. Add
milk and salt, and bake one hour in moderate oven. Serve hot with milk
or cream. This pudding is delicious with stewed fruits.

Peach Delights

  1 quart flour
  3 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  2 tablespoonfuls sugar
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 egg
  1 teaspoonful lemon extract
  Peaches, fresh or canned
  Whipped cream

Sift flour, salt, sugar, and baking powder together, then rub Crisco
lightly into them with finger tips; add lemon extract and enough milk
to make soft dough. Drop mixture into Criscoed gem pans; place 1/2
peach on each one; fill cavities with sugar and bake in hot oven
twenty-five minutes. Serve with whipped and sweetened cream.

Sufficient for twenty delights.

Pineapple Pudding

  For Pudding

  1 can pineapple
  1 cupful sugar
  4 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1 cupful breadcrumbs
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  6 eggs
  Hard sauce

  For Sauce

  4 tablespoonfuls sugar
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  2 tablespoonfuls sherry
  4 tablespoonfuls blanched and chopped almonds

_For pudding_. Beat eggs, add crumbs, salt, Crisco, sugar, and
pineapple cut into small dice. Turn into Criscoed pudding dish and
bake in moderate oven until firm. Serve hot or cold with sauce.

_For sauce_. Beat Crisco with sugar to a cream, add salt, sherry, and

Mrs. Vaughn's Plum Pudding

  1/2 lb. brown sugar
  3 eggs
  1/4 lb. breadcrumbs
  1/2 lb. browned flour
  1/2 lb. Crisco
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered cloves
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  1 teaspoonful powdered ginger
  1/2 teaspoonful grated nutmeg
  1/4 teaspoonful powdered mace
  1/2 cupful New Orleans molasses
  1/2 cupful brandy (or grape juice)
  1/4 cupful lemon juice
  1/2 lb. seeded raisins
  1/2 lb. sultana raisins
  1 lb. currants
  1 lb. crystallized fruits, consisting of pineapple, cherries,
  figs, orange peel, and citron

Chop crystallized fruits, add raisins and currants, then pour brandy
(or grape juice) over them and let stand several hours. Cream Crisco
and sugar, add eggs well beaten together, and all other ingredients.
Divide into greased mold (small Crisco cans will do) filling
two-thirds full and steam steadily for three hours. Turn out while hot
and serve with hard sauce.

Sufficient for two medium-sized puddings or one very large one.

Rice Pudding

  1/2 cupful rice
  3 cupfuls milk
  3/4 cupful sugar
  1/4 cupful Crisco
  3 eggs
  Powdered cinnamon to taste
  1/4 cupful seeded raisins
  1/2 teaspoonful salt

Wash rice and steam it in milk until thick, then allow to cool. Cream
Crisco and sugar, add well beaten eggs, raisins, salt, rice, and
cinnamon. Grease pudding dish with Crisco, pour in mixture and bake
one hour in moderate oven.

Walnut Pudding

  1/2 cupful sugar
  2 cupfuls flour
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  4 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  2 eggs
  1 cupful milk
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1 cupful chopped English walnut meats

  For Sauce

  1 cupful sugar
  1/2 cupful water
  3 yolks eggs
  2 cupfuls whipped cream
  1/2 teaspoonful lemon extract

Mix flour, sugar, salt and baking powder together, add eggs well
beaten, vanilla extract, milk, Crisco, and nuts. Mix well and divide
into 9 greased individual molds, cover with greased papers, and steam
steadily for three-quarters of an hour. Turn out and serve.

_For sauce_. Boil sugar and water till syrup spins a thread, pour
over beaten yolks of eggs, and stir quickly. Set aside to cool, stir
occasionally, add lemon extract and just before serving mix in whipped

Sufficient for nine individual puddings.

Woodford Pudding

(_Kate B. Vaughn_)

  1 cupful sugar
  3 eggs
  1/2 cupful buttermilk
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  1-1/2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1 cupful blackberry jam
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 teaspoonful grated nutmeg

  For Sauce

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful whipped cream
  Powdered sugar
  1/4 teaspoonful salt

_For pudding_. Cream Crisco and sugar together, add salt, eggs well
beaten, nutmeg, flour, soda mixed with buttermilk, and jam. Mix well
and turn into Criscoed pudding dish and bake in moderate oven thirty
minutes or until firm.

_For sauce_. Cream Crisco and beat in as much powdered sugar as it
will take up, add salt, and stir over boiling water until it becomes
liquid, flavor with vanilla extract or sherry, and just before serving
add cream. Serve hot with pudding.



If the slices of bread have to be spread with butter or with a paste
it should be done before they are cut off. The slices should not be
cut thicker than an eighth of an inch. When butter is used there must
just be enough of it for us to know in some mysterious fashion that
it is there. Every scrap of a sandwich should be eatable. Sandwiches
usually are served on folded napkins, and arranged in circles, so
that one overlaps the other. It is well to lay a damp napkin over the
sandwiches, if they are not wanted immediately, in order to keep them
moist. To make superior sandwich butter, work one cupful of butter
in a basin with a clean and dry wooden spoon until soft; then add by
degrees half a cupful of whipped cream, seasoning of salt and mustard,
and put it in a cool place until required.

Egg and Anchovy Sandwiches

  3 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  10 anchovies
  3 hard-cooked eggs
  2 tablespoonfuls grated cheese
  1 teaspoonful curry powder
  1/2 teaspoonful lemon juice
  Salt to taste
  Brown bread

Bone anchovies, put them in basin or mortar with eggs, cheese, and
one tablespoonful Crisco, and pound all well together. Mix remaining
Crisco with curry powder, lemon juice, and salt to taste. Cut some
thin brown bread, spread with curry mixture and layer of anchovy
paste. Lay another piece of bread on top, and cut into fancy shapes.
Arrange on a lace paper and garnish with watercress.

Sufficient for fifteen sandwiches.

Fried Egg Sandwiches

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  4 hard-cooked eggs
  2 tablespoonfuls cream
  Salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste
  2 rasped rolls
  Fritter batter


Cut hard-cooked eggs free from shells into slices and pound with
Crisco and cream to a paste. Season with salt, pepper, and red pepper.
Cut rolls into thin slices, butter them, spread them with the mixture
and make into small sandwiches. Dip each sandwich into some prepared
fritter batter, and fry to golden brown in hot Crisco. Drain and serve

Sufficient for twelve sandwiches.

Hudson Sandwiches

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/2 lb. cooked meat
  6 stoned olives
  1 teaspoonful capers
  2 hard-cooked eggs
  Salt and pepper to taste
  Crisp lettuce leaves
  12 picked shrimps
  Brown bread

Put through food chopper cooked meat, olives, capers, and yolks of
hard cooked eggs, then add Crisco and seasonings. Spread mixture
on slices of buttered brown bread, and stamp them out with a round
cutter; sprinkle surfaces of sandwiches with chopped whites of eggs.
Dish up in circular fashion. Put lettuce in center with shrimps and
a few sprigs of parsley. This sandwich quite repays the trouble of

Sufficient for twenty sandwiches.

Pimiento Cheese Sandwiches

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful diced cheese
  1 teaspoonful cornstarch
  6 tablespoonfuls milk
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 can pimientoes
  Paprika to taste
  Graham bread

Put cheese into double boiler, add Crisco, cornstarch, milk, salt, and
paprika to taste and stir and cook until smooth, then add pimientoes
cut into small pieces. Spread between buttered slices of graham bread.

Sufficient for twenty-five sandwiches.

Rice Sandwiches

  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  1/2 cupful rice
  1 sprig parsley
  1 blade mace
  1 strip lemon peel
  2 tablespoonfuls chopped cooked liver
  2 tablespoonfuls chopped cooked ham
  Salt and pepper to taste

Boil rice in plenty of boiling salted water, add parsley, mace, and
lemon peel. When quite tender strain off water, take out parsley,
mace, and lemon, and stir into the rice, liver, Crisco, ham, and
seasonings. Cut an even number of slices of bread, spread mixture when
cold on one-half, and cover with remaining slices of bread. Trim and
cut into diamond shapes.

Sufficient for twenty sandwiches.

Sardine Sandwiches

  2 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1 dozen sardines
  1 tablespoonful whipped cream
  1 tomato
  Salt, pepper, and paprika to taste
  Lettuce leaves
  Slices of brown or white bread

Bone and skin the sardines, then rub through sieve, add cream, Crisco,
pulp of tomato and seasonings and mix well. Spread mixture between
slices of brown or white bread and butter, stamp out in rounds, in
center of each round force a row of whipped cream seasoned with salt
and red pepper, place small stamped out leaves of lettuce round the

Sufficient for twelve sandwiches.

Tomato Sandwiches

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful water
  1/2 cupful vinegar
  2 eggs well beaten
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful mustard
  1 tablespoonful flour
  1-1/2 tablespoonfuls sugar
  Few grains red pepper
  Firm ripe tomatoes
  Whipped cream

Mix sugar, flour, salt, mustard and red pepper together, add eggs,
vinegar, Crisco, and water and cook in double boiler until thick,
stirring all the time. To every tablespoonful of dressing add equal
quantity of whipped cream. Skin and slice tomatoes very thin, dip
slices into dressing and place between thin slices of buttered bread.
Cut into finger shaped pieces.

Sufficient for thirty sandwiches.

Tomato and Horseradish Sandwiches

  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  1/4 cupful grated horseradish
  1 tomato
  1/4 cupful mayonnaise
  Salt and paprika to taste

Mix Crisco, horseradish, and mayonnaise together. Skin and slice
tomato, sprinkle with salt and paprika. Spread thin slices of bread
and butter with Crisco mixture, and put sliced tomato between, cut
into fancy shapes and garnish with parsley.

Sufficient for ten sandwiches.



There are two principal divisions, within which all varieties may be
included, viz:

1. Short or plain pastries.

2. Flaky pastries.

Of these, the former includes all pastes in which the fat is mixed
evenly with the dough throughout; the latter, those in which, by one
means or another, the two are arranged in alternate layers. The short
pastes are the simplest, and for this reason should be experimented on
to begin with. With pastry, a good deal always depends on the mixing.
The best way is to measure out the average quantity of liquid, to pour
about three-quarters of this gradually into the flour, at the same
time stirring this briskly with a knife, so as to get it evenly
moistened, and then add, in very small quantities at a time, as much
more water as may be needed. To see, in this way, when the flour has
been moistened enough, is easy. By the time the first three parts of
water have been put in, most of it will have stuck together in little
separate rolls; if on pressing these they should not only cling
together, but readily collect about them whatever loose flour there
may be, sufficient moisture will have been added; but so long as the
mixture, when pressed, remains to some degree crumbly, it is a sign
that a little more water is required. When done, the paste should
stick together, but should not adhere either to the hands or to the
basin. If it does this it is too wet, and more flour must be dusted
over it and kneaded in till the surplus moisture has been absorbed. A
sure sign of its having been mixed properly is when it can be rolled
into a lump, and the basin wiped out cleanly with it, as with a cloth.
To roll out, flour the pastry board slightly, lay the dough on it, and
form it into a neat, flat oblong shape.


Press it out first a little with the roller, and then roll with
short, quick strokes to the thickness required. Always roll straight
forwards, neither sideways nor obliquely. If the paste wants widening,
alter its position, not the direction of the rolling. At the beginning
of each stroke, bring the roller rather sharply down, so as to drive
out the paste in front of it, and take especial care in rolling to
stop always just short of the edges. Short pastry differs from the
flaky pastries in requiring but one rolling out.

It should be handled and rolled as little as possible and when
carefully made it should not be in the least leathery or tough. Air in
this method is mixed equally throughout the paste, and when it expands
in the oven raises the paste in all directions. The flakiness of
pastry depends upon the kind and amount of shortening used. Crisco
makes tenderer crust than either lard or butter. Make pastry in a
cool atmosphere and on a cool surface. The lightness of pastry depends
largely upon the light handling in blending the Crisco with the flour
and in the rolling of the pastry upon the board. The best results are
obtained by cutting the Crisco into the flour with a knife.

If pastry contains baking powder it should be put into the oven as
quickly as possible, but if it contains a liberal supply of Crisco
without baking powder, it improves by being set aside in a cool place
a few hours. Pastry that is light, dry and flaky, is separated more
easily by the gastric fluids than that which is heavy. The flour must
be of good quality, fine and dry. All pastry requires to be placed
in a hot oven, slightly hotter for flaky than short crust. The oven
should register from 310° F. to 340° F. The great heat quickly will
cause the starch grains to burst and absorb the fat, otherwise the
pastry will be heavy.

In making flaky pastry, if it has been rolled and folded properly,
and not allowed to stick to the board, nor cut so that air can pass
through layers, this air when heated in the oven expands and raises
the paste in layers or puffs. Heat of oven must be great enough to fix
the pastry in this raised condition, and as cold air prevents this,
the oven door must not be opened too soon, or any more than necessary.
See that the oven is clean.

Plain Crisco Pastry

  1-1/2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  Cold water

Sift flour and salt and cut Crisco into flour with knife until finely
divided. Finger tips may be used to finish blending materials. Add
gradually sufficient water to make stiff paste. Water should be added
sparingly and mixed with knife through dry ingredients. Form lightly
and quickly with hand into dough; roll out on slightly floured
board, about one-quarter inch thick. Use light motion in handling
rolling-pin, and roll from center outward.

Sufficient for one small pie.

The New Crisco Pastry

  2 cupfuls flour
  3/4 cupful Crisco
  1 egg
  1 tablespoonful lemon juice
  Sufficient cold water to hold mixture together
  3/4 teaspoonful salt

Sift flour and salt into basin. Flour blade of knife, and chop Crisco
into flour, being careful to keep flour between blade of knife and
shortening. When mixture looks like meal, add gradually, egg well
beaten and mixed with lemon juice. Roll pastry into ball with knife.
May be used at once, but will be improved if allowed to stand in cool
place for one hour. Should be rolled out once and handled as lightly
as possible. May be used for sweet or savory dishes. Bake in hot oven.
The purpose of the addition of lemon is to render gluten of flour more
ductile, so that it will stretch rather than break as paste is rolled
out, or as it rises in oven.

Sufficient for two pies.

Tip Top Pastry

  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1-1/2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  2-1/4 cupfuls flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  Cold water
  1 teaspoonful lemon juice

Sift and mix together flour, salt, and baking powder. Rub in Crisco
with finger tips. Chill two hours. Then take out 1/2 cupful, and
to remainder add lemon juice and cold water gradually to make stiff
paste. Knead lightly and roll into long narrow strip. Sprinkle dough
with half of reserved mixture and fold so as to make 3 layers. Turn
half way round, roll again into strip, sprinkle with rest of mixture
and fold as before. Roll and fold twice more, and pastry is ready for
use for cakes, puddings, or pies.

Sufficient for two pies.

Cornstarch Pastry

  1-1/4 cupfuls cornstarch
  1-1/4 cupfuls flour
  2 tablespoonfuls sugar
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  1 yolk of egg
  Milk to mix

Rub Crisco lightly into cornstarch and flour, add salt, sugar, baking
powder, beaten yolk of egg, and sufficient milk to mix to stiff paste.
Roll out lightly and use for tartlets or one crust pie.

Sufficient for two large pies.

Double Pie

  Top Layer

  1 cupful sugar
  1 cupful sweet milk
  2 eggs
  2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful salt

  Under Layer

  1 cupful molasses
  1 cupful brown sugar
  1 pint hot water
  Plain Crisco Pastry
  1 lemon
  1 egg
  2 tablespoonfuls flour

Line large pie plate with pastry.

_For under layer._ Mix sugar with flour, add molasses, egg well
beaten, grated lemon rind, and hot water, and pour into prepared pie

_For top layer._ Cream Crisco and sugar together, add eggs well
beaten, milk, salt, flour, and baking powder. Spread mixture over
under layer and bake in hot oven thirty-five minutes.

Sufficient for two large pies.

Almond Layer Pie

  For Pastry

  2 cupfuls flour
  7 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/2 teaspoonful salt

  For Filling

  6 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  3/4 cupful sugar
  1 lemon
  3 eggs
  1/2 cupful blanched powdered almonds
  1/4 teaspoonful salt

Make short crust of Crisco, flour, salt, and water. Roll out thin, and
line Criscoed pie plate with piece of paste.

_For filling._ Cream Crisco and sugar together, add eggs well beaten,
almonds, salt, grated rind and one tablespoonful lemon juice. Mix well
and spread one-half of mixture on to pastry. Then cover with a layer
of pastry, the rest of mixture, and lastly cover with pastry. Bake in
a moderate oven until brown. Or the pastry may be rolled out, brushed
over with melted Crisco, the mixture spread over it, and rolled up
to form a roly-poly. Lay on a Criscoed tin and bake in moderate oven
until brown.

Sufficient for one large pie.

Flake Pastry No. 1

  2 cupfuls flour
  8 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  3/4 teaspoonful salt
  Just enough cold water to hold dough together

Sift flour and salt and cut half the Crisco into flour with knife
until it is finely divided. The finger tips may be used to finish
blending materials. Then add water sparingly, mixing it with knife
through dry materials. Form with the hand into dough and roll out on a
floured board to quarter inch thickness. Spread one-third of remaining
Crisco on two-thirds of dough nearest you; fold twice, to make three
layers, folding in first that part on which Crisco has not been
spread. Turn dough, putting folded edges to the sides; roll out,
spread and fold as before. Repeat once more. Use a light motion in
handling rolling-pin, and roll from center outward. Should Crisco be
too hard, it will not mix readily with flour, in which case the result
will be a tough crust.

Sufficient for two covered pies.

Flake Pastry No. 2

  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  Cold water

Mix salt with flour; divide Crisco into four equal parts, rub in one
of these only, and then mix to stiff paste with a little cold water.
Shape into neat oblong piece, and roll into straight strip about three
times as long as it is broad. All over this put on, with the point of
knife, one of remaining quarters of Crisco, distributing it evenly in
little dabs about size of a pea, so that they look like buttons on
a card. Now flour surface lightly and fold paste exactly in three by
taking hold of the two bottom corners and doubling them upwards from
you and then of the top corners and doubling them downwards towards
you. Turn now at right angles to its former position so as to have
open ends pointing towards you. Press these quickly together with
the roller to inclose some air, and press paste across also in two or
three places, making little ridges, thus preventing air which has been
shut in, from forming into large bubble. Roll out again, and repeat
till remaining two parts of Crisco have thus been used. At the last
rolling, bring to required thickness; and if it needs widening as well
as lengthening, turn it at right angles to its former position, and
roll straight across it as before, a rule which, with flaky pastry,
should always be observed, since, unlike the short pastries, its
lightness suffers if rolled obliquely to the direction in which it has
been folded.

Sufficient for two small pies.

Puff Pastry

  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 cupful Crisco
  2 cupfuls flour
  1 yolk of egg
  2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice
  Cold water

Measure Crisco and set in cold place to chill it. Sift flour and salt
into basin, and add lemon juice. Take a quarter of the Crisco, and rub
it lightly into flour with finger tips until there are no lumps left.
Beat yolk of egg and add a little cold water, then add them to the
flour, making them into a stiffish dough. Turn this on to floured
board, and work well with hands until it will no longer stick to
fingers and forms a perfectly smooth dough. Form into oblong piece and
roll out to about half inch thickness. The Crisco to be used should be
as nearly, as possible of same consistency as the paste.

Form it into neat flat cake, and place in center of pastry. Fold
up rather loosely, and flat the folds with rolling-pin. Place in
refrigerator for ten minutes. Then roll out pastry into long narrow
strip, being careful that Crisco does not get through. Fold exactly
in three, press down folds, and lay aside in cool place or in
refrigerator fifteen minutes. This is called giving the pastry one
"turn" and seven of these is the number required for this pastry. The
next time the pastry is rolled, place it with the joins at your right
hand side, and open end's towards you. Give two "turns" this time,
and again set aside in cool place for at least fifteen minutes.
Repeat this until pastry has had seven rolls in all. The object of the
cooling between the rolls is to keep Crisco and flour in distinct and
separate layers, in which it is the function of the rolling-pin and
folding to arrange them, and on which the lightness of the pastry

When rolling, keep the pressure of the two hands as equal as possible.
If the pastry becomes rounded, it shows that there is more pressure
being done on the rounded side than the other. After it has received
its last roll, it is better to be laid aside before using, then rolled
to the thickness required.

Sufficient for two pies.

Rough Puff Pastry

  2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco, generous measure
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful lemon juice
  1 egg
  Cold water

Have Crisco cold and firm. Sift flour and salt into basin, add Crisco
and cut into pieces one inch square. Beat up egg, add lemon juice
and a very little cold water, then add them gradually into other
ingredients making them into a stiff paste. Roll in a long piece on
floured board, fold in three, turn rough edges toward you and roll
out again, continuing this for five times. Place in refrigerator or in
cool place ten minutes between each rolling. This pastry may be used
at once for all kinds of sweet or savory pies, but it is improved by
standing for a few hours in a cool place. Bake in hot oven. Sufficient
for two covered pies.

German Paste

  5 cupfuls flour
  1 1/2 cupfuls Crisco
  1/3 cupful ground almonds
  1 cupful sugar
  2 eggs
  2 yolks of eggs
  1 1/3 teaspoonfuls salt

Sift flour and almonds into basin, rub Crisco into them, add salt,
sugar, eggs well beaten and water to make stiff paste. Leave in cool
place two hours, then roll out and use for pies and tartlets.

Sufficient for four pies.

Hot Water Paste

  1 cupful flour
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/3 teaspoonful salt
  1/4 teaspoonful baking powder
  3 tablespoonfuls boiling water

Sift flour, salt and baking powder into basin, rub Crisco lightly into
them, then stir in boiling water. Cool paste before using, or it will
be too sticky to handle.

Sufficient for one pie.

Butterscotch Pie

  1 egg
  1 cupful dark brown sugar
  1 cupful milk
  3 tablespoonfuls flour
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  3 tablespoonfuls water
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1 tablespoonful powdered sugar
  1 baked crust
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract

Put yolk of egg into saucepan, add brown sugar, flour, milk, water,
Crisco, salt, and vanilla. Stir over fire until it thickens and comes
to boiling point. Pour into baked pie shell. Beat up white of egg,
then beat powdered sugar into it. Spread on top of pie and brown
lightly in oven.

Sufficient for one pie.

Rhubarb Custard Pie

  1 cupful cut rhubarb
  1 cupful sugar
  1 tablespoonful flour
  1 tablespoonful melted Crisco
  2 eggs
  1/2 teaspoonful ginger extract
  1 cupful milk
  Crisco pastry

Cut rhubarb in small pieces and mix with sugar and flour. Beat egg
yolks, add milk, ginger extract, and melted Crisco. Line pie plate
with pastry, and fill with rhubarb mixture. Pour custard over and bake
in moderate oven until firm. Cover with meringue made with stiffly
beaten whites of eggs to which two tablespoonfuls powdered sugar have
been added.

Sufficient for one small pie.

Sugar Paste for Tartlets

  1 cupful sugar
  4 cupfuls flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco, generous measure
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  3 eggs
  1 lemon

Sift flour on to baking board, make hole in center, and put in grated
lemon rind, salt, sugar, eggs, and Crisco. Mix the whole to a stiff
pastry. This paste is used for the bottom layer of pies and to
line tartlet tins of various kinds. It is excellent for turnovers.
Sufficient for thirty tartlets.

Currant Tartlets

  1/3 cupful currants
  3 tablespoonfuls ground rice
  2 whites of eggs
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  3/4 cupful sponge cake crumbs
  4 tablespoonfuls sugar
  2 tablespoonfuls chopped candied orange peel
  1/2 teaspoonful lemon extract
  Pinch of salt
  Crisco pastry
  1 tablespoonful cream

Cream Crisco and sugar together, add ground rice, crumbs, peel,
currants, cream, salt, lemon extract, and whites of eggs well beaten.
Roll out paste, cut into rounds, line some Criscoed tartlet tins with
rounds, put in each a tablespoonful of the mixture. Bake tartlets in
moderate oven from twelve to fifteen minutes. Or, these tartlets may
be covered with frosting, and a little chopped cocoanut sprinkled over

Sufficient for nine tartlets.

Bartemian Tarts

  1 cupful sugar
  1 lemon
  1/4 lb. chopped candied citron peel
  Crisco flake pastry
  1 egg
  1 cupful raisins
  1 tablespoonful melted Crisco
  1/4 teaspoonful salt

Roll pastry thin and cut out large cakes of it. Beat egg, add sugar,
Crisco, rind and strained juice of lemon, salt, citron, and raisins.
Mix and put tablespoonful of mixture on each of pastry cakes, wet
edges of paste and fold like old fashioned turn over. Do not stick
with fork or juice will run out. Lay turn overs on Criscoed tins and
bake in hot oven from twelve to fifteen minutes.

Sufficient for twelve tarts.

Apricot Tarts

  2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  4 tablespoonfuls sugar
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 egg
  2 teaspoonfuls vanilla extract
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  Apricot jam or jelly
  Whipped cream
  Preserved cherries

Rub Crisco into flour, add salt, sugar, baking powder, break egg in
and mix well with fork, then add vanilla. Roll out, cut with cutter
and line Criscoed tartlet tins with the rounds. Line with paper and
put in some rice or peas to keep paste from rising; bake in hot oven
twenty minutes. Remove rice and papers. When pastries are cold put in
each one a spoonful of the jam or jelly. Fill with whipped cream and
decorate with cherries and angelica.

Sufficient for thirty tarts.

Bakewell Tartlets

  4 tablespoonfuls sugar
  2 eggs
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful flour
  1/2 teaspoonful baking powder
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 teaspoonful lemon extract

Cream Crisco and sugar, then add eggs well beaten, flour, salt,
baking powder, and extract. Line twelve tartlet tins with pastry, put
teaspoonful of preserves in each, then divide mixture into them, and
bake in moderately hot oven twenty minutes.

Sufficient for twelve tartlets.




The usual method of making bread is to ferment dough with yeast;
the latter acts upon certain constituents in the flour ultimately
producing a gas which permeates the dough. The dough is placed in a
very hot oven, the heat kills the yeast plant, the gas expands with
the heat, still raising the dough. The loaf is set in shape, and, when
finally cooked and the gas all escaped, will be found to be light and
full of tiny holes. Certain factors hasten or delay these changes. A
moist, warm medium being most favorable to the growth of the yeast,
the water should just be lukewarm; then a good flour, containing
about 8 per cent of gluten is necessary. This gluten is the proteid in
flour; when well mixed with water it forms a viscid elastic substance,
hence it is necessary to well knead dough to make it more springy, so
that when the gas is generated in it, it will expand and take the form
of a sponge, and thus prevent the gas from escaping. The bread must be
put into a very hot oven at first, 340° F., so that the yeast plant is
killed quickly. If this be not accomplished soon, the loaf may go on
spreading in the oven, and, if not sour in taste, will not be of such
a good flavor.

Plenty of salt in dough is said to strengthen the gluten, give a
good flavor to the bread, and keep it moist for a longer time, but it
rather retards the working of the yeast. Flour also may be made into
a light loaf by using baking powder to produce the gas. This is a much
quicker process, but the bread is not liked so universally as when
made with yeast. For, when yeast is used, other changes take place in
the dough besides the production of the gas, that seem to give bread
the characteristic flavor constantly welcome by the palate. Good flour
has a slight pure smell, free from any moldy odor.


Yeast is a fungoid growth, a microscopic plant capable of starting a
fermentation in various substances. It grows rapidly in a favorable
medium, as when mixed with flour and water, and kept in a warm place,
resulting in setting up fermentation. Baking powders are composed of
an acid and an alkali. Some kind of flour usually is added to keep
them dry and free from lumps. When the mixture containing the baking
powder is moistened the acid and the alkali chemically combine and
alter, a gas being generated. If the articles be placed soon in great
heat, the gas is warmed, expands, and in its endeavor to escape raises
the mass. The heat sets the mixture in this raised condition, thus the
cake or pudding is rendered light, easier to masticate and digest.

Baking powders are used for two reasons. First. To supply a gas to
take the place of ingredients, as when used in making bread, buns,
etc. If flour, salt and water were mixed and baked in a large loaf, it
would be a hard, indigestible mass. If baking powder be mixed in with
similar ingredients and baked, the result would be a light loaf, easy
to masticate and digest.

Second. It is used to save labor. When a richer mixture be made it
requires to be well beaten to mix in air. Baking powder often is added
to save some of the otherwise necessary beating.

Baking Powder Biscuits

  2 cupfuls flour
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder[A]
  1 teaspoonful salt

Mix and sift twice dry ingredients. Work in Crisco with finger tips,
add gradually milk, mixing with knife to soft dough. Toss on floured
board; pat and roll to one-half inch thickness. Shape with biscuit
cutter. Place on Criscoed tin and bake in hot oven twelve minutes. To
have good biscuits dough should be handled as little as possible, just
enough to get in shape to cut. Milk or water used for mixing should
be very cold, and biscuits should be gotten into oven at once after
adding liquid to flour. If top of each biscuit is lightly brushed over
with melted Crisco before baking, crust will be much nicer. Sufficient
for fifteen biscuits.

[Footnote A: Amount of baking powder may be increased if especially
raised biscuits are desired. 2 teaspoonfuls, however, is most
healthful amount.]

Best Jumbles

  2 cupfuls sugar
  1 cupful Crisco
  4 eggs
  4 cupfuls flour
  3 tablespoonfuls milk
  1 teaspoonful salt
  3 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1 teaspoonful almond extract
  1 teaspoonful rose extract

Cream Crisco and sugar thoroughly together, then gradually add eggs
well beaten, now add milk, extracts, flour, salt and baking powder.
Mix and roll out lightly on floured baking board; cut into circles
with doughnut cutter, lay on Criscoed tins and bake in moderate oven
from seven to ten minutes or till light brown. These cookies will keep
fresh two weeks, and if milk is left out, a month.

Sufficient for seventy jumbles.

Boston Brown Bread

  1 cupful ryemeal
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful sugar
  1 cupful cornmeal
  1 cupful graham flour
  3/4 tablespoonful baking soda
  1/3 teaspoonful salt
  3/4 cupful molasses
  1-3/4 cupfuls sweet milk

Mix and sift ingredients. Dissolve soda with one tablespoonful hot
water, add to molasses, then add milk and mix with dry ingredients.
Turn into greased mold two-thirds full, grease cover, and steam
steadily three and a half hours. A 6-pound Crisco pail can be used for
a mold.

Sufficient for one loaf.

Bran Gems

  1/2 cupful bran
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 tablespoonful whole wheat flour
  1/2 cupful white flour
  1/2 cupful milk
  1 saltspoonful salt
  1 egg
  2 tablespoonfuls molasses
  1 teaspoonful baking powder

Mix Crisco thoroughly with molasses, add egg well beaten, milk, salt,
bran, flours, and baking powder. Divide into well greased gem pans,
and bake in hot oven from eight to ten minutes. These gems are
excellent for constipation.

Sufficient for eight gems.

Brown Nut Bread

  4 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  2 eggs
  1 cupful sugar
  1 cupful sour milk
  2/3 cupful New Orleans molasses
  1-1/2 cupfuls flour
  1-1/2 cupfuls graham flour
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  1 cupful sultana raisins
  1 cupful chopped nut meats

Beat eggs and sugar together for five minutes, then add molasses, soda
mixed with milk, salt, flours, raisins, and nuts. Mix and turn into
Criscoed and floured cake tin and bake in slow oven one and a quarter

Sufficient for one medium-sized loaf.

Buttermilk Biscuits

  1 quart flour
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 tablespoonful sugar
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  1 egg
  3/4 pint buttermilk

Sift flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar together, then rub in
Crisco with finger tips, add egg well beaten, and soda mixed with
milk. Dough should be soft and little more milk can be added if
needed. Roll out lightly and handle as little as possible. Cut with
biscuit cutter, lay on Criscoed tins and bake in hot oven ten minutes.

Sufficient for thirty biscuits.

Chocolate Brownies

  1 cupful sugar
  6 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  2 eggs
  2 squares chocolate
  1/3 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 cupful flour
  1 cupful chopped English walnut meats
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  3 tablespoonfuls boiling water

Cream Crisco and sugar together, add eggs well beaten, chocolate
dissolved in boiling water, salt, flour, vanilla, and nuts. Divide
and spread thin in 2 Criscoed square pans and bake in slow oven from
twenty to twenty-five minutes. Cut in strips and serve with ice cream.
These are a cross between cookies and heavy cake.

Sufficient for fifty brownies.

Chocolate Wafers

  1 cupful sugar
  5 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 cupfuls flour
  1/4 cake chocolate
  2 eggs
  1/4 teaspoonful baking soda
  1/2 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1/4 teaspoonful salt

Cream Crisco and sugar together, add chocolate melted, eggs well
beaten, vanilla extract, flour, salt, and soda. Mix and turn out on to
floured baking board. Roll out thin, and cut with small cutter. Lay on
Criscoed tin and bake from seven to ten minutes in moderate oven.

Sufficient for forty-six wafers.

Citron Buns

  1 yeast cake
  6 tablespoonfuls sugar
  3/4 cupful Crisco
  1/2 cupful raisins
  1/4 cupful chopped citron peel
  1 teaspoonful lemon extract
  1 cupful scalded milk
  1 egg
  5-1/2 cupfuls flour
  1/4 cupful lukewarm water
  1 teaspoonful salt

Scald milk, add half of sugar and salt; when lukewarm add yeast
dissolved in water and 1-1/2 cupfuls flour. Mix, cover, and let rise
till light; then add Crisco, remainder of sugar and flour, raisins,
peel, and extract. Knead lightly, cover, and let rise. Divide into
small pieces, let rise on greased tins, brush over with beaten egg and
bake in hot oven twenty minutes.

Sufficient for twenty-two buns.

Coffee Bread

  3/4 cupful milk
  1/2 cupful melted Crisco
  1/2 cake compressed yeast
  1 teaspoonful salt
  2 eggs
  1 cupful sugar
  1 teaspoonful lemon extract
  1/4 cupful chopped English walnut meats

Heat milk slightly, then add flour to make batter and yeast dissolved
in little lukewarm water. Allow to rise until light, then add Crisco,
eggs well beaten, sugar, lemon, salt, and enough flour to make stiff
dough. Knead ten minutes and let rise until light. Place in Criscoed
pan and let rise again. Spread with melted Crisco and sprinkle with
sugar, cinnamon and nuts. Bake in hot oven half an hour.

Sufficient for one large loaf.

Columbia Muffins

  3 tablespoonfuls sugar
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 egg
  1-1/2 cupfuls milk
  1 teaspoonful salt
  3-1/2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  3-1/2 cupfuls sifted flour

Sift flour, salt, and baking powder together. Cream Crisco and sugar,
add egg well beaten, then milk and flour mixture. Divide into Criscoed
and floured gem pans and bake twenty-five minutes in hot oven.

Sufficient for twenty muffins.

Corn Bread

  1 cupful cornmeal
  2 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1 cupful flour
  1/2 cupful sugar
  1 cupful sour cream
  2 eggs
  1/2 teaspoonful baking soda
  1/2 teaspoonful salt

Mix cornmeal with flour, sugar, salt, Crisco, eggs well beaten, and
soda mixed with cream. Mix well and turn into Criscoed tin and bake in
moderate oven thirty minutes.

Sufficient for one small pan of corn bread.

Cornmeal Rolls

  1-1/4 cupfuls flour
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 egg
  1/2 cupful milk
  1 tablespoonful sugar
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  3/4 cupful cornmeal
  4 teaspoonfuls baking powder

Sift together flour, cornmeal, salt, baking powder, and sugar. Rub in
Crisco with finger tips, then add egg well beaten and milk. Roll out,
cut into rounds with a large cutter, brush over with melted Crisco,
fold over as for Parkerhouse rolls, brush tops with beaten egg or milk
and bake in hot oven ten minutes.

Sufficient for fifteen rolls.

Cream Scones

  2 cupfuls flour
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  3 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  2 teaspoonfuls sugar
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  2 eggs
  1/3 cupful cream
  1 white of egg

Mix and sift flour, salt, sugar, and baking powder. Rub in Crisco with
finger tips, add eggs well beaten and cream. Knead dough lightly on
floured baking board, divide into four equal pieces, make smooth and
roll out, and cut into 4 small scones. Lay them on hot griddle, brush
over with beaten white of egg and fry slowly on both sides. The dough
should always be lightly handled.

Sufficient for sixteen scones.

Crisco Brownies

  1/3 cupful sugar
  1/3 cupful Crisco
  1/3 cupful molasses
  2 eggs
  1 cupful flour
  1 cupful chopped nut meats
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 teaspoonful vanilla extract

Cream Crisco and sugar together, add eggs well beaten, molasses,
extract, flour, salt and nuts. Divide into small fancy Criscoed tins,
or bake in Criscoed sheet tin and cut in squares. Bake in moderate
oven half hour. These are a cross between cake and candy.

Sufficient for twelve squares.

Crisco Batter Cakes

  3 eggs
  1/2 cupful melted Crisco
  1 cupful flour
  1 cupful buttermilk
  1/2 teaspoonful baking soda
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful salt

Beat up yolks of eggs, add milk, Crisco, and flour mixed with salt,
soda, and baking powder and beat till smooth. Fold in whites beaten
to a stiff froth. Drop in large spoonfuls on ungreased skillet or
griddle. Serve hot with butter or maple syrup.

Sufficient for fifteen cakes.

Crisco Milk Bread

  3 tablespoonfuls sugar
  3 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  2 tablespoonfuls salt
  1 yeast cake
  1 quart milk
  About 7 pints flour

Mix yeast cake with 1 tablespoonful sugar. Heat milk, add remainder
of sugar, Crisco, and salt. Cool and add yeast and flour to make stiff
dough. Turn out on floured baking board, cut in three pieces, knead
first one piece then others stretching dough; let rise over night or
in warm temperature five hours. Knead lightly and divide into Criscoed
pans. Allow to rise and bake in moderate oven one hour. From same
dough, French bread, breadsticks, horse shoe rolls and French rolls
can be made.

Sufficient for three loaves.

Dessert Biscuits

  1 cupful confectioners' sugar
  1 cupful Crisco
  1 cupful flour
  5 whites of eggs
  1/2 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1 teaspoonful salt

Cream Crisco and gradually add sugar, mix thoroughly, and incorporate,
one by one, whites of eggs. Now add flour, salt, and vanilla. Mix
well, then place in small, long heaps on a Criscoed tin. Bake in cool
oven to pale brown color.

Sufficient for sixty biscuits.

Entire Wheat Bread

  1/4 cupfuls boiling water
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1-1/4 cupfuls milk
  2 teaspoonfuls salt
  2 tablespoonfuls sugar
  1 yeast cake
  1/4 cupful tepid water
  Whole wheat flour

Mix boiling water, milk, sugar, salt, and Crisco together. Add yeast
cake dissolved in tepid water, with 3-1/2 cupfuls whole wheat flour.
Mix and let stand until light. Add more flour until soft dough is
formed, then knead and divide into two loaves. Place in Criscoed tins
and let stand until the dough doubles its bulk. Brush over with milk
and bake in moderate oven one and a half hours.

Sufficient for two small loaves.

Excellent Graham Bread

  2 cupfuls graham flour
  4 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1/2 cupful flour
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  1-1/2 cupfuls sour milk
  1/4 cupful sugar
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful baking soda

Sift flours with baking powder, salt, sugar, and soda, then add Crisco
and milk. Mix and turn into greased and floured cake tin and bake in
moderate oven fifty minutes.

Sufficient for one small loaf.

Filled Cookies

  1 egg
  1 cupful sugar
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1/2 cupful milk or cream
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  3-1/2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 teaspoonful salt

  For Filling

  1 cupful chopped raisins
  1 tablespoonful flour
  1/2 cupful sugar
  1/2 cupful water
  1/2 cupful chopped walnut meats

_For cookies._ Cream Crisco and sugar, add salt, egg well beaten,
milk, vanilla, and flour sifted with baking powder and soda. Mix and
turn out on figured baking board. Dough should be soft. Roll very thin
and cut out with cooky cutter. Spread one-half of cookies with filling
then place remaining cookies on top and press edges together. Place on
Criscoed tins and bake in moderately hot oven fifteen minutes.

_For filling._ Mix sugar and flour in saucepan, add raisins, nuts, and
water, stir and cook until thick. Cool before using.

Fried Cornmeal Nut Cakes

  2 cupfuls yellow cornmeal
  2 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  3 cupfuls boiling water
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 egg
  1/2 cupful chopped nut meats

Bring water and salt to boil, stir in cornmeal, add nut meats, and
stir and cook ten minutes. Remove from fire and add egg well beaten,
and melted Crisco. Turn into Criscoed tin and cool. When cold, slice
and fry in hot Crisco. Serve with honey or maple syrup.

Sufficient for six or eight slices.

Fried Cakes with Apple Sauce

  1 cupful sugar
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  3 cupfuls sour milk
  1/4 teaspoonful grated nutmeg
  1 teaspoonful lemon extract
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  Apple sauce

Cream Crisco, gradually add sugar, then add salt, nutmeg, lemon, soda,
baking powder, sour milk and sufficient flour to make stiffish dough.
Roll out on floured baking board, cut with large round cutter, and
fry in hot Crisco until well cooked and nicely browned on both sides.
Drain and serve with hot apple sauce.

Sufficient for twenty cakes.

Fruit Cookies

  1 teaspoonful salt
  2 cupfuls brown sugar
  1 cupful Crisco
  1 cupful chopped raisins
  1 cupful chopped English walnut meats
  3 eggs
  1 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered allspice
  1 teaspoonful powdered ginger
  1-1/2 teaspoonfuls baking soda
  2 tablespoonfuls sour milk

Cream Crisco and sugar together, add salt, eggs well beaten, soda
mixed with milk, spices, raisins, nuts, and enough flour to make stiff
dough. About 5 cupfuls flour will be sufficient. Roll out, cut with
cooky cutter, lay on Criscoed tins and bake in moderate oven from ten
to twelve minutes.

Sufficient for sixty cookies.

Fruit Drop Cakes

  1 cupful sugar
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  2 cupfuls flour
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1 teaspoonful salt
  4 tablespoonfuls currants
  4 tablespoonfuls chopped nut meats
  2 tablespoonfuls chopped candied citron peel
  3 eggs
  2/3 cupful milk
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract

Cream Crisco and sugar together, add yolks of eggs well beaten. Beat
whites stiffly and add alternately with milk. Add sifted flour, baking
powder and salt, then fruits, nuts and extract. Divide mixture into
Criscoed and floured gem pans, and bake twenty minutes in moderate

Sufficient for eighteen drop cakes.

Fruit Rolls

  1 cupful milk
  1 yeast cake
  1/4 cupful lukewarm water
  1/4 cupful sugar
  1/4 cupful melted Crisco
  2 teaspoonfuls salt
  2 eggs
  1/2 cupful chopped cocoanut
  1/8 lb. chopped candied citron peel
  1/2 cupful chopped English walnut meats
  1/2 cupful currants
  1/2 cupful sultana raisins
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered mace

Scald milk, when lukewarm add yeast cake dissolved in tepid water and
1-1/2 cupfuls flour, beat well, cover and let rise till light. Add
sugar, salt, eggs well beaten, Crisco and enough flour to knead;
knead, let rise again. Roll out one-eighth inch thick, spread with
melted Crisco, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and mace, fruit and
nuts; roll like jelly roll and cut in one inch pieces. Place pieces in
Criscoed pan, let rise, brush over with melted Crisco, and bake in hot
oven twenty minutes.

Sufficient for sixteen rolls.

Ginger Snaps

  2 cupfuls molasses
  1 cupful brown sugar
  1 cupful Crisco
  2 teaspoonfuls baking soda
  2 teaspoonfuls powdered ginger
  1 teaspoonful powdered mace
  1 teaspoonful salt
  2 tablespoonfuls boiling water

Cream Crisco and sugar together, add molasses, spices, salt, soda
mixed with boiling water and sufficient flour to make stiff paste.
Roll out thin, cut with small cutter, lay on Criscoed tins and bake in
hot oven from five to seven minutes.

Sufficient for one hundred snaps.

Ginger Gems

  1 cupful sugar
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  3/4 cupful chopped preserved ginger
  2 eggs
  1 cupful milk
  3 cupfuls flour
  3 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful salt

Cream Crisco and sugar together, then add eggs well beaten. Sift
flour, baking powder, and salt together and add alternately with milk
to first mixture. Now mix in ginger and divide mixture into Criscoed
and floured gem pans and bake in hot oven twenty-five minutes.

Sufficient for sixteen gems.

Gluten Bread

  2 cupfuls scalded milk
  2 cupfuls boiling water
  2 teaspoonfuls salt
  1 egg
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/4 cupful warm water
  1/2 yeast cake
  3 cupfuls gluten flour

Mix Crisco, boiling water, milk, and salt. When lukewarm, add yeast
cake dissolved in warm water, egg well beaten, and gluten. Let rise,
when risen and spongy beat well, add enough gluten to make a stiff
dough and knead well. Allow to rise, shape in loaves, place in
Criscoed bread pans, let rise, and bake for one hour in moderately hot

Sufficient for two small loaves.

Golden Corn Muffins

  1 cupful flour
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful yellow cornmeal
  3 tablespoonfuls sugar
  1 cupful milk
  2 eggs
  1 teaspoonful salt
  3 teaspoonfuls baking powder

Cream Crisco and sugar thoroughly together, add eggs well beaten
and milk. Then stir in slowly dry ingredients which have been sifted
together three times. Divide into greased gem pans and bake in
moderately hot oven twenty-five minutes.

Sufficient for twelve muffins.

Hominy Bread for Breakfast

  3 cupfuls cooked hominy
  2 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1-1/2 cupfuls cornmeal
  2 eggs
  1 teaspoonful salt
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  2 cupfuls milk

Beat eggs, add milk and hominy. Sift in cornmeal, add baking powder
and salt; add Crisco. Beat all together three minutes. Pour into deep
Criscoed pan and bake one hour in slow oven. Serve hot.

Sufficient for one large loaf.

Health Bread

  2 cupfuls flour
  3 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  2 cupfuls whole wheat flour
  2 cupfuls bran
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 cupful sugar
  1 egg
  2 cupfuls milk
  1 cupful molasses
  1 cupful stoned chopped dates
  2 teaspoonfuls baking soda
  1/2 cupful hot water

Mix flours and bran together, add Crisco, salt, sugar, egg well
beaten, milk, molasses, soda dissolved in boiling water, and dates.
Mix well together and turn into two Criscoed and floured tins and bake
in moderate oven one and a quarter hours. This bread is excellent for

Sufficient for two loaves.

Honey Doughnuts

  3 eggs
  1/2 cupful sugar
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1-1/2 cupfuls honey
  1 cupful sour milk
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  1 teaspoonful cream of tartar
  1 teaspoonful lemon extract
  5-3/4 cupfuls flour
  1 teaspoonful salt

Cream Crisco, honey and sugar well together, then add eggs well
beaten, mix well, add milk, lemon extract, flour, salt, soda, and
cream of tartar. Mix and turn out on baking board, roll out and cut
with doughnut cutter. Fry in plenty of hot Crisco. If a piece of
bread browns in hot Crisco in sixty seconds, temperature is right for
doughnuts and fritters.

Sufficient for sixty-five doughnuts.

Hot Cross Buns

  1/4 cupful sugar
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 teaspoonful salt
  3/4 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  1 teaspoonful powdered ginger
  1 egg
  1/2 yeast cake
  1/4 cupful chopped candied citron
  1/2 cupful seeded raisins
  1 cupful scalded milk
  1/4 cupful lukewarm water

Add Crisco, sugar, and salt to milk; when lukewarm, add yeast cake
dissolved in water, spices, egg well beaten, and sufficient flour to
make a stiff-dough. Mix well, add raisins and peel, cover, and let
rise over night. In morning divide into pieces and form into neat
buns; place in Criscoed pan one inch apart, let rise, brush over
with milk or beaten egg, and bake in moderately hot oven twenty-five
minutes. Cool, and with ornamental frosting make a cross on each bun.
The cross may be made by placing strips of paste on buns before they
are baked.

Sufficient for twenty buns.

Imperial Muffins

  1/2 cupful scalded milk
  1/4 cupful sugar
  1/4 cupful Crisco
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1/3 yeast cake
  3/4 cupful lukewarm water
  1-3/4 cupfuls flour
  1 cupful cornmeal

Add sugar and salt to milk; when lukewarm add yeast cake dissolved in
1/4 cupful of the water, and 1-1/4 cupfuls flour, cover, and let rise
until light, then add Crisco, cornmeal, remaining flour and water.
Let rise over night, in morning fill Criscoed muffin rings, two-thirds
full; let rise until rings are full and bake thirty minutes in hot

Sufficient for twelve muffins.

Lemon Wafers

  2 eggs
  2 cupfuls sugar
  2 cupfuls Crisco
  2 cupfuls milk
  5 cents baker's ammonia
  5 cents oil of lemon
  Flour to make stiff dough
  2 teaspoonfuls salt

Cover ammonia with milk and let soak over night. Next morning add
sugar, Crisco, salt, eggs well beaten, lemon and enough flour to make
a stiff dough. Roll very thin, cut in squares or diamonds, lay on
Criscoed tins and bake from five to seven minutes in hot oven.

Sufficient for one hundred and eighty-six wafers.

Lunch Rolls

  1 yeast cake
  1-1/4 cupfuls milk
  2 tablespoonfuls sugar
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  4 cupfuls flour
  1 egg
  1 teaspoonful salt

Scald and cool the milk, then add yeast and sugar. Now add Crisco and
2 cupfuls flour. Beat thoroughly, then add egg well beaten, remainder
of flour and salt. Mix and turn out on floured board and knead lightly
and thoroughly, using as little flour as possible. Place in greased
bowl, cover and set aside in warm place to rise two hours. When light,
form into small rounds, place one inch apart on greased pan. Allow to
rise half an hour. Brush over with Crisco and bake in hot oven fifteen

Sufficient for twenty rolls.

Maple Cookies

  1 egg
  1 cupful sugar
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful sour cream
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  3 tablespoonfuls hot water
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  Maple sugar

Cream Crisco and sugar together, add egg well beaten, mix well, add
cream, salt, soda dissolved in water, and sufficient flour to make of
right consistency to drop from spoon. Grate some maple sugar on each
cookie and bake in moderate oven eight minutes. Sufficient for forty

Maryland Beaten Biscuits

  4 cupfuls flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1 teaspoonful salt

Mix and sift flour and salt. Cut Crisco in with knife or work in
lightly with finger tips. Mix a little milk and water together chill
thoroughly and add enough to dry ingredients to make stiff dough.
Everything should be as cold as possible. Beat with rolling-pin until
dough blisters. Roll to one-third inch in thickness and cut into
small biscuits, prick in center and set in refrigerator an hour before
baking. Place biscuits on Criscoed tins and bake in moderate oven
thirty minutes. Biscuits may be baked in moderate gas oven and gas
turned off when biscuits are golden brown. Allow biscuits to remain
ten minutes in cooling oven to dry out.

Sufficient for sixty small biscuits, a fraction larger than a dollar.


  1 cupful scalded milk
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful boiling water
  1/4 cupful sugar
  1-1/2 teaspoonfuls salt
  1/2 yeast cake
  1 egg
  4 cupfuls flour

Add Crisco, salt, and half of sugar to milk and water; when lukewarm
add yeast mixed with remaining sugar, egg well beaten, and flour. Beat
thoroughly, cover, and let rise until light. Put greased muffin rings
on hot griddle greased with Crisco. Fill half full with raised muffin
mixture and cook slowly until well risen and browned underneath. Turn
muffins and rings and brown other side. When muffins are cold, split
open, toast, and serve with marmalade.

Sufficient for sixteen muffins.

Nut Doughnuts

  1-1/4 cupfuls sugar
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1-1/2 cupfuls milk
  2 eggs
  4 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1 cupful chopped English walnut meats
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1 teaspoonful lemon extract
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  Flour to make soft dough

Cream Crisco and sugar together, add eggs well beaten, milk, salt,
extracts, baking powder, nuts, and sufficient flour to make soft
dough. Roll out, cut with cutter and fry in hot Crisco to a golden
color. Drain and sift with sugar.

Sufficient for seventy-five doughnuts.

Oatmeal Cookies

  1-1/4 cupfuls sugar
  1 cupful Crisco
  3 cupfuls rolled oats
  2 eggs
  1/2 cupful sour milk
  1 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  1 teaspoonful powdered ginger
  1 cupful stoned chopped dates
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  2 cupfuls flour
  1 teaspoonful salt

Cream Crisco and sugar thoroughly together, add eggs well-beaten,
rolled oats, dates, salt, spices, soda dissolved in milk, and flour.
Mix and drop from spoon on Criscoed baking tins. Bake in moderate oven
from ten to twelve minutes.

Sufficient for forty-five cookies.

Oven Scones

  4 cupfuls flour
  5 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 tablespoonful sugar
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  2 teaspoonfuls cream of tartar
  1 egg
  Sweet milk

Rub Crisco finely into flour, add sugar, salt, soda, and cream of
tartar. Beat egg, put half of it into cup, then with one-half and some
sweet milk make other ingredients into soft dough. Knead very little
on floured baking board, divide into five pieces, make them smooth and
roll out, not too thinly, cut them into four small cakes. Lay them on
a Criscoed tin, brush over with remaining egg and bake in hot oven ten
minutes. A few currants or raisins may be added if liked.

Sufficient for twenty small scones.

Raised Doughnuts

  1 cupful milk
  1/4 yeast cake
  1/4 cupful lukewarm water
  1-1/2 teaspoonfuls salt
  1 cupful sugar
  1/4 cupful Crisco
  2 eggs
  1 teaspoonful grated nutmeg

Dissolve yeast cake in lukewarm water. Scald milk and cool, then add
yeast, half teaspoonful of the salt and flour to make a drop batter.
Set in a cosy place to rise. Cream Crisco with sugar, add eggs well
beaten, remainder of salt and nutmeg, add to yeast mixture with enough
flour to make stiff dough; let rise again. When risen, make into small
balls and place in a Criscoed pan to rise. When light drop into plenty
of hot Crisco and cook from four to five minutes until doughnuts are
done. Drain on soft paper and dredge with powdered sugar.

Sufficient for seventy doughnuts.

Raisin and Buttermilk Bread

  4 cupfuls flour
  5 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful soda
  2 teaspoonfuls cream of tartar
  3 tablespoonfuls sugar
  2 eggs
  Buttermilk to make soft dough
  1 cupful sultana raisins

Sift flour, salt, soda and cream of tartar into basin, rub in Crisco
fine, add sugar, raisins, eggs well beaten, and sufficient buttermilk
to make soft dough. Make into smooth mound, roll out, divide into
four pieces, lay on greased tin and bake in moderate oven twenty-five

Sufficient to make four small loaves.

Rich Doughnuts

  1 cupful sugar
  5 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  3 eggs
  4 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1-1/2 teaspoonfuls salt
  1 cupful milk
  1 teaspoonful grated nutmeg
  Flour to make soft dough

From 4-1/2 to 5 cupfuls flour sifted before measuring. Cream Crisco,
add sugar gradually, and eggs well beaten. Sift dry ingredients and
add alternately to egg mixture. Roll out as soft as can be handled.
Cut with cutter and fry in hot Crisco. Heat Crisco until crumb of
bread becomes golden brown in sixty seconds.

Sufficient for sixty doughnuts.

Rolled Oats Bread

  2 cupfuls boiling water
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful rolled oats
  1/2 cupful molasses
  2 teaspoonfuls salt
  1/2 yeast cake
  1/2 cupful lukewarm water

Add boiling water to oats and allow to stand one hour; add molasses,
salt, Crisco, yeast cake dissolved in lukewarm water, and flour to
make stiff dough; knead well, let rise, knead a very little, divide
into two Criscoed bread pans, let rise again and bake forty minutes in
moderate oven.

Sufficient for two small loaves.

Rose Leaves

  1 cupful sugar
  6 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 eggs
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful rose extract
  2 cupfuls flour

Cream Crisco, adding sugar gradually, then stir in eggs well beaten;
add salt, extract, and flour. The dough should be soft. Now chill
dough, then roll very thin, using sugar instead of flour, to dust
rolling-pin and board. Cut out with small fancy cutter. Place on tins
greased with Crisco and bake in moderate oven eight or ten minutes or
until slightly browned.

Sufficient for fifty small cakes.

Rye Muffins

  1 cupful flour
  2 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1 cupful ryemeal
  2 tablespoonfuls brown sugar
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1 egg
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 cupful milk

Sift flour, meal, baking powder, and salt together. Beat egg and sugar
together, then add them with milk and melted Crisco. Mix and divide
into Criscoed gem pans and bake in moderate oven twelve minutes.

Sufficient for twelve muffins.


  1 yeast cake
  4 tablespoonfuls sugar
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  5 tablespoonfuls lukewarm water
  2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  3 eggs
  2 tablespoonfuls chopped almonds
  1 cupful whipped cream

  For Syrup

  3/4 lb. lump sugar
  3 cupfuls water
  3 tablespoonfuls lemon juice

_For cake_. Put yeast cake into cup, add 1 tablespoonful sugar, 1
tablespoonful flour, and lukewarm water. Allow to rise ten minutes.
Put flour into basin, add salt, remainder of sugar, almonds, yeast
mixture, eggs well beaten, and Crisco melted and cooled. Beat ten
minutes with wooden spoon. Turn into Criscoed tube mold. Allow to rise
until doubled in size, then bake in quick oven forty-five minutes.
Mold should be sprinkled over with shredded almonds.

_For syrup_. Boil sugar and water for almost forty-five minutes, then
add lemon juice. Soak cake with syrup and when cold serve with cream
in center.

Sufficient for one savarin.

Shortbread Cookies

  2-1/2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1/2 cupful sugar
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 egg
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract

Beat Crisco, sugar, and salt to cream. Add gradually egg well beaten,
flour, and flavoring. Knead lightly on floured baking board, then roll
out one-fourth inch thick and cut into small rounds. Mark them with
fork, lay on Criscoed tins and bake in moderate oven from ten to
fifteen minutes.

Sufficient for forty cookies

Soda Beaten Biscuit

  1 quart flour
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1/5 teaspoonful baking soda

Sift flour with soda and salt, then rub in Crisco thoroughly with
finger tips, and mix to stiff dough with buttermilk. Beat with
rolling-pin or hammer until dough blisters. Roll out one-third inch
in thickness, cut with round cutter, and lay on Criscoed tins. Bake in
moderate oven from thirty to forty minutes.

Sufficient for forty biscuits.

Sour Milk Biscuits

(_Kate B. Vaughn_)

  2 cupfuls flour
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 teaspoonful baking soda
  1 cupful sour milk

Sift flour and salt into basin, rub Crisco lightly into them. Stir
soda into milk until it effervesces and then add to flour. Turn out on
floured baking board, knead lightly until smooth, roll out quarter of
an inch thick, cut with biscuit cutter, place on greased tin and bake
twelve to fifteen minutes in hot oven.

Sufficient to make twelve biscuits.

Sour Milk Griddle Cakes

  2 cupfuls flour
  1 tablespoonful melted Crisco
  2 cupfuls sour milk
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  1 egg
  1 tablespoonful sugar

Sift dry ingredients, add milk, well beaten egg, and melted Crisco.
Drop by spoonfuls on hot griddle, greased with Crisco. Cook until
browned, then turn and cook on other side. Serve hot with syrup.

Sufficient for eighteen cakes.

Sour Milk Tea Cakes

  1 cupful cornmeal
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 eggs
  1-1/2 cupfuls sour milk
  2 cupfuls flour
  3/4 cupful sugar
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful lemon extract

Beat up the eggs, add meal and milk and mix well, add flour, sugar,
soda, and salt sifted together. Now add extract and Crisco, melted,
and beat two minutes. Divide into Criscoed and floured gem pans and
bake in moderate oven fifteen minutes.

Sufficient for sixteen cakes.

Steamed Nut Bread

  1/2 pint graham flour
  1/3 cupful Crisco
  1/2 cupful white flour
  1 cupful milk
  1 cupful chopped English walnut meats
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1 cupful sugar
  1 egg

Cream Crisco and sugar together, add egg well beaten, milk, salt,
flours, baking powder, and nuts. Mix and turn into Criscoed mold,
cover with greased paper and steam two hours. This nut bread is
delicious served hot with butter. It may be served as a pudding with
cream or liquid sauce.

Sufficient for one loaf.

Southern Spoon Bread

  3 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  2 cupfuls cornmeal
  1 quart milk
  1 teaspoonful salt
  3 eggs

Heat milk to boiling point, then stir in meal and salt; add Crisco and
cook five minutes. Cool mixture, add yolks of eggs well beaten, then
beat whites of eggs to stiff froth and fold in. Pour batter into
Criscoed two-quart pan and bake in moderate oven forty minutes. Serve
while hot, using a spoon with which to serve it. This is especially
good served with roast pork.

Sufficient for one large pan of bread.

Spice Cookies

  3 eggs
  1-1/2 cupfuls brown sugar
  1 cupful Crisco
  1 cupful molasses
  1/2 cupful sour milk
  2 teaspoonfuls baking soda
  1/2 teaspoonful black pepper
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  1 teaspoonful powdered ginger
  1 teaspoonful powdered cloves
  1 teaspoonful grated nutmeg
  1/2 teaspoonful baking powder
  Flour to make a stiff dough

Beat eggs five minutes, then add sugar and beat five minutes, then
add Crisco and beat until thoroughly mixed, add molasses, milk, soda,
salt, spices, baking powder, and enough flour to make stiff dough.
Leave mixture in basin until following day. Take pieces of dough and
roll out, cut with small cutter, lay on Criscoed tins and bake in
moderate oven from seven to ten minutes.

Sufficient for ninety cookies.

Swedish Coffee Bread

  2 cupfuls hot milk
  3/4 cupful sugar
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  15 cardamom seeds
  1 yeast cake
  2 cupfuls flour

Remove seeds from cardamoms and grind fine, add to hot milk with
Crisco, sugar, and salt. When lukewarm add yeast cake mixed with a
little tepid water and flour. Mix and allow to rise. Then add flour
enough to make stiff dough. Knead and let rise again, then make into
rolls or loaves. Let rise again and bake in moderate oven till ready.

Sufficient for eighteen rolls or two small loaves

Swedish Rye Bread

  2 tablespoonfuls sugar
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 teaspoonfuls salt
  1 yeast cake
  3 cupfuls rye flour
  1 cupful white flour
  4 cupfuls boiling water

In evening add Crisco, sugar, and salt to boiling water; cool, add
yeast cake mixed with a little tepid water or sugar, rye flour and
white flour. Allow to rise and in morning add more white flour, a
little at a time, to make a stiff dough. Let rise, knead again and
bake in Criscoed pie tins or cake tins as it will rise better than
if baked in bread tins. Bake in hot oven half hour. When taken out of
oven brush crust with a little melted Crisco.

Sufficient for four loaves.

Twin Biscuits

  1 cupful milk
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  2 cupfuls flour
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco

Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together, rub in Crisco with tips
of fingers, then add milk. Pat and roll out dough, cut with cutter,
brush with melted Crisco, place one on top of another, lay on Criscoed
tin and bake in hot oven from ten to twelve minutes.

Sufficient for twelve biscuits.


  3 cupfuls flour
  2 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1/2 teaspoonful baking soda
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 tablespoonful sugar
  2 cupfuls sour milk
  2 eggs

Mix and sift dry ingredients, add milk gradually, yolks of eggs well
beaten, melted Crisco, and whites of eggs beaten to stiff froth; cook
on hot waffle iron greased with Crisco. Serve with maple syrup, or
honey and butter.

Waffles may be served for breakfast, luncheon, supper or high tea. A
waffle iron should fit closely on range, be well heated on one side,
turned, heated on other side, and thoroughly greased with Crisco
before iron is filled. In filling, put tablespoonful of mixture in
each compartment near the center of iron, cover, and mixture will
spread to fill iron. If sufficiently heated, it should be turned
almost as soon as filled and covered. In using new iron, special care
must be taken in greasing, or waffles will stick.

Sufficient for six waffles.

White Cookies

  2 cupfuls sugar
  1 cupful Crisco
  1/2 cupful thick sour milk
  2 eggs
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1/2 teaspoonful lemon extract

Cream Crisco and sugar together, add eggs well beaten, soda mixed with
sour milk, salt, extracts, and about 5 cupfuls flour. Roll very thin,
cut with cookie cutter, lay on Criscoed tins, bake in moderately hot
oven five minutes. To keep any length of time, when cold, place in
covered tin cans and set in cool place, and they will be as crisp as
when first baked.

Sufficient for ninety cookies.

Yorkshire Fruit Loaves

  2 lbs. flour
  3/4 cupful Crisco
  1 teaspoonful salt
  2 cupfuls milk
  1 yeast cake
  1 cupful sugar
  1 cupful sultana raisins
  1 cupful currants
  1/2 cupful seeded raisins
  1/2 cupful chopped candied citron peel
  1 teaspoonful powdered ginger
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered mace

Heat Crisco in milk, then cool and add yeast cake mixed with a little
sugar; stir in flour and salt, and allow to rise four hours. Mix
sugar, fruit, peel, and spices into risen dough. Let rise again then
divide into two Criscoed loaf tins. Allow to rise fifteen minutes,
then bake in moderate oven one and a half hours.

Sufficient for two medium-sized loaves.

Water Bread

  2 cupfuls boiling water
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 tablespoonful sugar
  2 teaspoonfuls salt
  1/4 yeast cake dissolved in
  1/4 cupful lukewarm water
  About six cupfuls sifted flour

Mix Crisco, sugar and salt, pour on boiling water; when lukewarm add
dissolved yeast cake. Stir in enough flour to make a batter; beat
well, then add more flour, a little at a time to make stiff dough,
mixing with a knife. Turn on a floured board; knead until it is
smooth, elastic and does not stick to the board. Put into a bowl
greased with Crisco, cover closely and let stand in a warm place over
night. The first thing in the morning knead again until fine grained;
shape into loaves and place in a warm pan greased with Crisco. Cover
and put in a warm place. When double in bulk, bake in a hot oven. Bake
one hour.



There are five principal ways of making cakes.

The first method is used for plain cakes. The shortening is rubbed
into the flour in the same way as for short pastry; then the dry
ingredients, such as sugar, fruit, and spice, are added, and lastly
the eggs and milk. Then all are mixed well together.

The second way is used for fruit, pound, and seed cakes. The
shortening and sugar are creamed together, the eggs beaten in one at
a time, and the fruit and flour stirred in lightly and quickly at the

In the third way the eggs and sugar are beaten together until thick
and creamy, then the flour is stirred in lightly and quickly. This is
used chiefly for sponge cakes and cakes of that texture.

For the fourth way the sugar, shortening, milk, and syrup or molasses
are melted together, then cooled slightly and added to the dry
ingredients. This method is used for ginger-breads.

In the fifth way the sugar and eggs are beaten thoroughly over boiling
water, then cooled before the melted shortening and dry ingredients
are added. This method is used for Gennoise cake and some kinds of
layer cakes. Care must be taken to insure the right consistency of
cakes. The mixture should be fairly stiff. If too moist the fruit
will sink to the bottom. For rich cakes the tins should be lined with
paper, the paper coming a short distance above the tins, so that the
cake is protected as it rises. For very rich fruit cakes, experience
has shown that it is best not to grease the paper or tin. The cake is
not so liable to burn, and the paper can be removed easily when the
cake is done without injuring it. On the other hand, if tins are lined
for sponge cakes or jelly-rolls, the paper should be greased.


When making cakes in which baking powder, carbonate of soda, cream of
tartar or tartaric acid are used, almost everything depends upon the
handling, which should be as light and as little as possible. The more
rapidly such cakes are made the better they will be. Two cooks working
from the same recipe will often produce entirely different results, if
one kneads her mixture as if it were household bread, while the other
handles it with due lightness of touch. As soon as the baking powder
or other rising medium is added to the mixture, the cake should be put
into the oven as quickly as possible. Soda alone is never good in a
cake where there is shortening, unless some substance containing acid
is used along with it. Molasses is one of the substances containing

The greatest care and cleanliness must be exercised in all cake
making; and accuracy in proportioning the materials to be used is
indispensable. The flour should be thoroughly dried and sifted, and
lightly stirred in. Always sift flour before measuring, then sift it
again with the baking powder to insure a thorough blending.

Good cakes never can be made with indifferent materials. Eggs are used
both as an aerating agent and as one of the "wetting" materials. It
is not economy to buy cheap eggs, for such eggs are small, weak,
colorless, and often very stale. Eggs should be well beaten, yolks and
whites separately, unless other directions are given. The yolks must
be beaten to a thick cream and the whites until they are a solid
froth. Sugar tends to improve the texture of cakes, and when cheap
cakes are made, plenty should be used, provided that the cake is not
made too sweet. It should be dissolved before being added to the fat
and the flour.

For best cakes, and all that are required of a light color,
fine-grained sugar should be used. With coarse-grained sugar there
is danger of producing specks which show on the cakes after baking,
unless they have been made by the method of beating up the eggs and
sugar together with a beater over hot water. This method will dissolve
the grains of sugar.

Always buy the best fruits for cake making, as they are sweetest and
cleanest. Currants and sultana raisins for cakes should not be too
large, but of medium size, sweet and fleshy. Cheap dry sultanas should
not be used. Though there is no need to wash sultanas, yet if the
fruit is inclined to be very dry, it will be better to do so than
to put them in to spoil the appearance and the flavor of the cake.
Currants always should be washed, cleaned, and dried before using.
Orange, lemon, and citron peel should be of good color and flavor.
They should not be added to cake mixture in chunks, as often is
done, but should be in long shredded pieces. Large pieces of peel are
sometimes the cause of a cake cutting badly. In making fruit cakes
add the fruit before the flour, as this will prevent it falling to the

If a cake cracks open while baking, the recipe contains too much
flour. There are two kinds of thick crusts which some cakes have. The
first of these is caused by the cake being overbaked in a very hot
oven. Where this is so, the cake, if a very rich one, has a huge crack
in the top caused by the heat of the oven forming a crust before the
inside has finished aerating; then as the interior air or gas expands,
it cracks the crust to escape. This crack spoils the appearance of the
cake, and when cut it generally will be found to be close and heavy
in texture. To guard against this it is necessary to bake them at a
suitable temperature, noting that the richer the cake the longer the
fruit takes to bake.

The second kind of thick crust referred to may only be on top of the
cake, and in this case may be caused by an excess of fat and sugar
being mixed together, or otherwise insufficient flour. In this case
the mixture will not bake, but only forms a kind of syrup in the oven,
and the cake sinks in the center. A cake made under such conditions
would have a thick shiny crust, and be liable to crumble when touched.
The inside of the cake would be heavy, having more the appearance of
pudding than cake.

Successful cake making means constant care. In recipes in which milk
is used as one ingredient, either sweet or buttermilk may be used
but not a mixture of both. Buttermilk makes a light, spongy cake,
and sweet milk makes a cake which cuts like pound cake. _In creaming
shortening and sugar, when the shortening is too hard to blend easily
warm the bowl slightly, but do not heat the shortening, as this will
change both the flavor and texture of the cake._ For small cakes have
a quick oven, so that they set right through, and the inside is baked
by the time the outside is browned. For all large cakes have a quick
oven at first, to raise them nicely and prevent the fruit sinking to
the bottom. The oven then should be allowed to become slower to fire
the cakes thoroughly.

Cake must not be hurried. Keep the oven steady though slow, and after
putting a large cake into it do not open the door for at least twenty
minutes. During baking, do not open the door unnecessarily, or in
fact do anything to jar the cake lest the little bubbles formed by the
action of the baking powder burst, causing the gas to escape and the
cake to sink. This produces what is known as a "sad" cake, but refers
probably to the state of mind of the cook. A very light cake put into
a quick oven' rises rapidly round the sides, but leaves a hollow in
the middle.

If a cake is made too light with eggs or powder and an insufficient
quantity of flour is added it will drop in the center. Another
frequent cause is the moving of cakes while in the oven before the
mixture has set properly. The same defect is produced if the cakes
are removed from the oven before being baked sufficiently. When a cake
batter curdles, the texture will not be so even as if the curdling had
not taken place. Sometimes the mixture will curdle through the eggs
being added too quickly, or if the shortening contains too much water.
This forms a syrup with the sugar, and after a certain quantity of
eggs have been added the batter will slip and slide about, and will
not unite with the other ingredients. Weak, watery eggs are another
cause of this happening; and although this may be checked by adding
a little flour at the right time, yet the cake would be better if it
were unnecessary to add any flour until all the eggs had been beaten
in, that is, if the batter had not curdled. Before turning out a cake
allow it to remain in the tin for a few minutes. It is best to lay it
on a wire cake stand, or lay it on a sieve; but if you do not possess
these, a loosely made basket turned upside down will do. If the cake
will not turn out of the tin easily, rest it on its side, turning it
round in a couple of minutes and it may loosen, if not, pass a knife
round the edge, turn the cake over on a clean cloth, and let it stand
a few minutes.

Do not place cakes in a cold place or at an open window, or the steam
will condense and make them heavy. A rich cake improves in flavor and
becomes softer with keeping (from 2 to 6 weeks, according to quality)
before cutting. Wrap, when cold, first in a clean towel, then in
paper. After a week remove the paper and put the cake into a tin
wrapped in the towel. Small cakes may be baked in tiny molds or tins,
or baked in a flat sheet, and then cut out into squares, diamonds or
rounds. Then they can be frosted or coated with cream and decorated
with cherries or other crystallized fruits. If a real distinction is
desired, they may be placed in tiny crinkled paper cases, bought by
the hundred at a trifling cost.

Cake tins should be greased with Crisco and dredged with flour, the
superfluous flour shaken out, or they can be fitted with paper which
has been greased with Crisco. When creaming Crisco and sugar, do not
grudge hard work; at this stage of manufacture the tendency is to give
insufficient work, with the result that the lightness of the cake is

Apple Sauce Fruit Cake without Milk

  1 cupful brown sugar
  1-1/2 cupfuls apple sauce
  2-1/2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1 lb. raisins
  1 teaspoonful powdered cloves
  1 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  1 teaspoonful grated nutmeg
  2 teaspoonfuls baking soda
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  3 tablespoonfuls vinegar

Cream Crisco and sugar thoroughly together, add apple sauce, flour,
raisins, spices, salt, and soda mixed with vinegar. Mix and pour into
greased and floured cake tin and bake in moderate oven one and a half

Sufficient for one cake.

Black Cake with Prune Filling

  1-1/2 cupfuls sugar
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  3 eggs
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1 cupful milk
  1/2 teaspoonful baking soda
  2 cupfuls flour
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1/3 cake chocolate

  For Filling

  1 cupful sugar
  1/3 cupful boiling water
  1 white of egg
  1/2 cupful stoned stewed prunes
  1/3 cupful blanched chopped almonds

_For cake._ Beat 1 egg in double boiler, add 1/2 cupful milk, 1/2
cupful sugar and chocolate; mix well and cook until it thickens. Cool
and set aside. Cream Crisco with remainder of sugar, add salt, eggs
well beaten, soda mixed with remainder of milk, flour, baking powder
and vanilla. Mix well and add chocolate paste, and divide into two
Criscoed and floured layer cake tins. Bake twenty minutes in moderate

_For filling._ Boil sugar and water together without stirring until it
forms a soft ball when tried in cold water, or 240° F., then pour it
over the beaten white of egg, beating all the time. Now add chopped
prunes and almonds and beat well. Put between layers of cake.

Sufficient for one good-sized layer cake.

Pound Cake

  2 cupfuls sugar
  2 cupfuls Crisco
  2 teaspoonfuls salt
  12 eggs
  4 cupfuls flour
  1/2 teaspoon powered mace
  3 tablespoons brandy

Cream Crisco and sugar thoroughly together, add yolks of eggs well
beaten, fold in whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth, add brandy,
flour, salt and mace, and mix lightly and quickly. Turn into a papered
cake pan and bake in a slow oven for one hour and twenty minutes.

Sufficient for one large cake.

Boiling Water Cake

  1 cupful boiling water
  1 cupful sugar
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1 egg
  1/4 cupful chopped candied citron peel
  1 cupful sultana raisins
  2-1/2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 teaspoon salt
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1/4 teaspoonfuls grated nutmeg
  1/2 teaspoon lemon extract

Put Crisco and sugar into basin, pour boiling water over them; let
stand till cold, then add egg well beaten, sift in flour, salt, baking
powder, and nutmeg, add peel, raisins, and lemon extract, and mix
well. Turn into greased and floured small square tin and bake in
moderate oven half hour. Cool and cover with boiled frosting.

Sufficient for one small cake.

Butterless-Milkless-Eggless Cake

  2 cupfuls brown sugar
  2/3 cupful Crisco
  2 cupfuls water
  2 cupfuls sultana raisins
  2 cupfuls seeded raisins
  1 teaspoonful salt
  2 teaspoonfuls powdered cinnamon
  1 teaspoonful powdered cloves
  3 tablespoonfuls warm water
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered mace
  1/2 teaspoonful grated nutmeg
  2 teaspoonfuls baking soda
  4 cupfuls flour
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  1-1/2 cupfuls chopped nut meats
  3 tablespoons warm water

Put Crisco into saucepan, add sugar, water, raisins, salt, and spices,
and boil three minutes. Cool, and when cold add flour, baking powder,
soda dissolved in warm water and nut meats. Mix and turn into Criscoed
and floured cake tin and bake in slow oven one and a half hours.

Sufficient for one medium-sized cake.

Caramel Cake

  For Cake

  1-1/4 cupfuls sifted sugar
  2 eggs
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1 cupful cold water
  3 cupfuls flour
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1/2 cupful granulated sugar
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1/4 cupful boiling water

  For Filling

  1 teaspoonful Crisco
  1 ounce chocolate
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1/2 cupful hot water
  1/2 cupful brown sugar
  1/2 cupful granulated sugar
  Pinch salt

_For cake_. Put granulated sugar into small pan and melt over fire
till brown, remove from fire, add boiling water, stir quickly, return
to stove, and stir until thick syrup; set aside to cool. Beat Crisco
and sugar to a cream, add eggs well beaten, flour, baking powder,
salt, vanilla, three tablespoonfuls of the syrup and water. Mix and
beat two minutes, then divide into two Criscoed and floured layer tins
and bake in moderate oven twenty minutes.

_For filling_. Melt granulated sugar in small pan and stir until
it becomes a light brown syrup, add the water gradually, then brown
sugar, Crisco, salt, and chocolate stirring all the time. Cook until
it forms a soft ball when tried in cold water, or 240° F. Remove from
fire, add vanilla, beat until creamy, then spread between cakes.

Sufficient for one layer cake.

Chocolate Cake

  For Cake

  1 cupful sugar
  3/4 teaspoonful salt
  1/4 cupful grated chocolate
  3/4 cupful Crisco
  5 eggs
  2 cupfuls flour
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  1/2 cupful sultana raisins
  1/2 cupful candied chopped citron peel

  For Chocolate Frosting

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 squares melted bitter chocolate
  2 cupfuls powdered sugar
  6 tablespoonfuls coffee
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 teaspoonful vanilla extract

_For cake_. Cream Crisco; add sugar gradually, yolks of eggs well
beaten, milk, flour, salt, baking powder, grated chocolate, citron,
and raisins. Mix and beat two minutes, then fold in stiffly beaten
whites of eggs. Turn into Criscoed and floured tin and bake for one
and a quarter hours in a moderate oven. When cold cover with frosting.

_For chocolate frosting_. Knead Crisco into sugar. Melt chocolate,
add coffee, sugar, salt, and Crisco, and stir until thick, then add
vanilla and put away to cool. When cold spread on cake. This frosting
may be used any time. It is just as good made one day and used the
next by adding a little more hot coffee. It is always soft, creamy and

Sufficient for one cake.

Cocoanut Layer Cake

  For Cake

  1 cupful sugar
  3 cupfuls flour
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  4 eggs
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1 cupful milk
  2 teaspoonfuls vanilla extract
  3 teaspoonfuls baking powder

  For Filling

  1 teaspoonful Crisco
  1 cupful sugar
  1 cupful water
  Pinch cream of tartar
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1 white of egg
  1/2 cupful chopped cocoanut
  1/4 teaspoonful salt

_For cake_. Cream Crisco and sugar together, sift the flour, baking
powder, and salt, and add alternately with the beaten yolks of eggs
and milk. Beat thoroughly, then add stiffly beaten whites of eggs and
flavoring and mix gently. Grease layer tins with Crisco then flour
them and divide mixture into three portions. Bake in a moderate oven
twenty minutes.

_For filling_. Boil water and sugar together, add Crisco and cream of
tartar, and boil until it forms a soft ball when tried in cold water,
or 240° F. Beat white of egg to stiff froth, add salt, then pour in
syrup gradually, add vanilla and beat until thick and cold. Spread on
cake and sprinkle over with cocoanut.

Sufficient for three layers.

Coffee Layer Cake

  Dark Part

  1 cupful dark brown sugar
  2/3 cupful cold strong coffee
  3 yolks of eggs
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1 tablespoonful molasses
  1/4 cupful raisins
  2 cupfuls flour
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered cloves
  1/2 teaspoonful grated nutmeg
  1/2 teaspoonful salt

  White Part

  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1 cupful granulated sugar
  3 whites of eggs
  2/3 cupful milk
  2 cupfuls flour
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1/2 teaspoonful salt

_For dark part_. Cream Crisco and sugar, add yolks well beaten,
coffee, molasses, flour, salt, baking powder, spices and raisins.
Mix and divide into two Criscoed and floured layer tins and bake in
moderately hot oven twenty minutes.

_For white part_. Cream Crisco and sugar, add milk, vanilla, flour,
salt, baking powder, then fold in stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Bake
in two layers. Put layers together and ice with following frosting.

Put 2 cupfuls dark brown sugar and 3/4 cupful water into saucepan, add
1 tablespoonful Crisco and 1 teaspoonful vanilla extract. Boil till
mixture forms soft ball when tried in cold water or 240° F., remove
from stove, beat till it begins to cream, then add 1 cupful chopped
raisins. Spread on cake and allow to dry.

Sufficient for one large layer cake.

Cream Puffs

  1 cupful water
  1 cupful flour
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  5 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  4 eggs

Put Crisco into small saucepan add water, bring to boiling point,
add quickly flour and salt, stir well with wooden spoon until mixture
leaves sides of pan, remove pan from fire, allow mixture to become
cool, but not cold, add eggs, one at a time, and beat each one
thoroughly in. Set in cool place one hour. Put mixture into forcing
bag with tube and force it on to a tin greased with Crisco into small
rounds; bake in hot oven forty minutes. When cold split them open on
one side and fill with whipped cream sweetened and flavored to taste.

To make eclairs with this mixture press it on to tins in strips three
and a half inches long, and a little distance apart. Brush over tops
with beaten egg and bake in moderate oven thirty minutes. Cut open one
side then fill and dip top into chocolate icing.

Sufficient for fifteen cream puffs.

Cream Puff Balls

  1 cupful flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 cupful water
  4 eggs

Put Crisco and water into small saucepan, bring to boil, add quickly
flour and salt, stir well with wooden spoon until mixture leaves sides
of pan, remove from fire, allow to cool, but not become cold, add
eggs, beating each one thoroughly in. Turn mixture on to well Criscoed
plate and divide into small puffs or cakes. Put on Criscoed tins and
bake a golden brown in hot oven, thirty minutes. These puffs may be
filled with preserves, custard, or savory mixtures.

Sufficient for thirty puffs.

Crisco Fruit Cake

  1-1/2 cupfuls Crisco
  2 cupfuls sugar
  4 cupfuls flour
  6 eggs
  1 wineglassful brandy
  1/2 lb. blanched and chopped almonds
  1/2 lb. English walnut meats (broken in small pieces)
  1/2 lb. stoned and chopped dates
  1 lb. currants
  1 lb. seeded raisins
  1 lb. glace cherries
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 cupful New Orleans molasses
  1/2 cupful cold black coffee
  1 teaspoonful grated nutmeg
  2 teaspoonfuls powdered cinnamon
  1 teaspoonful powdered cloves

Cream Crisco and sugar together, add eggs well beaten, beat five
minutes, then add coffee, soda mixed with molasses, brandy, flour
sifted with salt and spices. Now add raisins, currants, dates,
cherries cut in halves, and nuts. Mix carefully and turn into Criscoed
and papered tin and bake in moderate oven two and a half hours. Brandy
may be omitted.

Sufficient for one large cake.

Devils Food Cake

  1-1/2 cupfuls sugar
  1-1/2 cupfuls milk
  1/2 cake chocolate
  2 teaspoonfuls vanilla extract
  2 eggs
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  3 tablespoonfuls boiling water
  Boiled frosting

Put 1/2 cupful of sugar into small saucepan, add chocolate and
1 cupful milk. Put on stove and stir till it boils five minutes,
stirring now and then. Remove from fire, add vanilla and set aside to
cool. Beat Crisco and remainder of sugar to light cream, then add
eggs well beaten and beat two minutes. Now add remainder of milk, soda
dissolved in boiling water, flour, salt, and chocolate mixture. Mix
carefully and divide into two large greased and floured layer tins
and bake in moderate oven twenty-five minutes. Turn to cool and put
together with boiled frosting.

Sufficient for two large layers.

Peach Shortcake

  2 cupfuls sugar
  1 cupful milk
  5 eggs
  3 cupfuls flour
  Quartered peaches
  3/4 cupful Crisco
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful almond extract

Cream Crisco and sugar together, then add milk, eggs one by one,
always beating well between each one, flour sifted with baking powder
and salt, then add extract. Mix and divide into two layer tins that
have been greased with Crisco and bake twenty minutes in moderate
oven. Turn out and spread with butter. Put together with quartered and
sweetened peaches and pile some peaches on top.

Sufficient for one cake.

Strawberry Shortcake

  3 cupfuls flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  3 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1 cupful whipped cream
  1 egg
  2 tablespoonfuls sugar
  1 cupful milk
  1-1/2 pints strawberries

Sift the flour with the baking powder, salt and sugar, then cut in the
Crisco with a knife, add egg well beaten, and milk. The dough should
be a soft one. Roll in two layers, spread in two Criscoed pans and
bake in a hot oven until a light brown color. Mash and sweeten one
cupful of the strawberries, put on one layer, then place second layer
on top. Sweeten remainder of strawberries, spread on top layer, and
cover with the whipped cream. Decorate with whole ripe strawberries.

Fig Cake

  1 cupful sugar
  3 eggs
  1 cupful milk
  2 teaspoonfuls powdered cinnamon
  3 cupfuls flour
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  3 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1/2 teaspoonful grated nutmeg
  1 cupful shredded figs

Wash and dry figs then shred them. Cream Crisco and sugar together,
add eggs well beaten, and beat five minutes. Sift dry ingredients, and
add to first mixture alternately with milk. Add figs and flavorings
and turn into Criscoed and floured cake tin. Bake one hour in moderate

Sufficient for one small cake.

Gennoise Cake

  3/4 cupful flour
  6 tablespoonfuls sugar
  6 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  4 eggs
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful almond extract
  Boiled frosting
  Preserved cherries or cocoanut
  1/4 teaspoonful salt

Break eggs into bowl, add sugar and beat for ten minutes over a pan
of boiling water. Remove from water and beat till mixture is thick
and cold; remove beater, sift in flour, salt, and baking powder; mix
carefully, add melted Crisco and almond extract. Turn at once into
small square greased and papered tin and bake in a moderate oven
twenty minutes. Turn out and remove paper. Cool and cut in eight
square pieces. Cover with boiled frosting and decorate with cherries
or cocoanut.

Sufficient for eight small cakes.


  1/2 cupful sugar
  1 egg
  1/2 cupful molasses
  1/2 cupful milk
  1-1/3 cupfuls flour
  1/4 cupful Crisco
  1 teaspoonful salt
  2 teaspoonfuls powdered ginger
  1 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered cloves
  1/2 teaspoonful baking soda or 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder


  1 teaspoonful Crisco
  1 cupful (1/2 lb.) maple sugar
  1 tablespoonful flour
  1 egg
  1 cupful boiling water

_For cake_. Cream Crisco and sugar together, add egg well beaten,
molasses, milk, soda, flour, salt, and spices. Mix and turn into
Criscoed tin and bake in moderate oven forty minutes.

_For sauce_. Dissolve maple sugar in boiling water. Rub together
Crisco and flour. Add gradually boiling syrup; and lastly the beaten
egg. Then return to fire and stir briskly until thickened.

Sufficient for one small gingerbread.

Golden Orange Cake

  2 cupfuls sugar
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful orange extract
  1 cupful milk
  5 eggs or yolks of 10 eggs
  4 cupfuls flour
  1 cupful Crisco
  4 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  Orange icing

_For cake_. Cream Crisco and sugar together, add salt, eggs well
beaten, orange extract, and flour and baking powder alternately with
milk. Mix carefully and turn into Criscoed and floured cake tin and
bake in moderate oven about one hour. This mixture may be baked in

_For icing_. Boil 1 cupful water with 2 cupfuls sugar till it forms
soft ball when tried in cold water, or 240° F., then pour over well
beaten yolks of four eggs, beat until smooth and thick, add 1-1/2
teaspoonfuls orange extract and spread at once on cake.

Sufficient for one large cake.

Gold Cake

_(Kate B. Vaughn)_

  3/4 cupful sugar
  5 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/2 cupful milk
  4 yolks of eggs
  1-1/2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  3 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful lemon extract

Cream Crisco and sugar together. Beat egg yolks very light and add to
creamed mixture. Add dry ingredients, milk, and lemon extract and
mix well. Turn into a small Criscoed and floured cake tin and bake in
moderate oven forty-five minutes.

Sufficient for one small cake.

Hurry Up Cake

  3/4 cupful sugar
  1-1/2 cupfuls flour
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/2 teaspoonful almond extract
  1/2 teaspoonful lemon extract
  2 whites of eggs
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder

Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar into bowl. Put whites of
eggs into measuring cup, add Crisco, and fill cup with milk. Add to
dry mixture with extracts and beat vigorously six minutes. Pour
into small Criscoed and floured cake tin and bake in moderate oven
forty-five minutes. Cake may be frosted if liked.

Sufficient for one small cake.

Crisco Sponge Cake

  3 eggs
  1 cupful sugar
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1-1/4 cupfuls flour
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful orange extract
  1/2 cupful cold water

Cream Crisco; add salt, yolks of eggs well beaten, and sugar, and beat
for five minutes, add orange extract and cold water. Beat up whites of
eggs to a stiff froth and add alternately with the flour sifted with
the baking powder. Divide into Criscoed and floured gem pans and bake
in a moderate oven for fifteen minutes.

Sufficient for twelve cakes.

Sand Cake

  1 cupful Crisco
  1 cupful sugar
  1 teaspoonful salt
  5 eggs
  1/2 lb. cornstarch
  1 teaspoonful lemon extract

Cream the Crisco and salt, add sugar by tablespoonfuls, beating all
the time, then add the yolks of the eggs each one separately, then add
the cornstarch by tablespoonfuls, lemon extract and lastly whites of
eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Turn into a papered cake tin and bake in
moderate oven for three-quarters of an hour. Sufficient for one cake.

Lady Baltimore Cake

  (White Cake)

  1 cupful sugar
  3/4 cupful Crisco
  1/2 cupful cold water
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  2-1/2 cupfuls flour
  2-1/2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  6 whites of eggs

  For the Filling

  1 cupful sugar
  1/2 cupful boiling water
  2 whites of eggs
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  Pinch cream of tartar
  1/2 cupful chopped candied cherries
  1/2 cupful chopped candied pineapple

_For cake._ Cream Crisco and sugar together. Sift together three times
dry ingredients and add alternately with water. Add vanilla, beat
mixture well, then fold in stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Divide into
two Criscoed and floured layer cake tins and bake in moderate oven
twenty-five minutes.

_For filling._ Put sugar and water into saucepan, stir till boiling,
add cream of tartar, then boil until it forms a soft ball when tried
in cold water, or 240° F.; pour on to the stiffly beaten whites of
eggs, pouring in a steady stream and very slowly, adding while beating
vanilla, cherries and pineapple, beat till thick and divide between
and on top of cake.

Sufficient for one large layer cake.

Lemon layer Cake

  6 tablespoonfuls sugar
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  3 eggs
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  12 tablespoonfuls flour
  Grated rind 1 lemon

  For Lemon Filling

  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 lemons
  3/4 cupful sugar
  4 yolks of eggs
  1 white of egg
  1/4 teaspoonful salt

_For cake._ Put the eggs, sugar, and lemon rind into basin, stand it
over pan of boiling water, and beat until warm; then remove from hot
water, and continue beating until mixture is stiff and cold; then add
flour mixed with baking powder and salt, and pass through sieve, add
Crisco melted but cool, taking care to stir very gently, but on no
account beat it. Divide mixture into two small Criscoed and floured
layer cake tins, and bake ten minutes in moderately hot oven. Turn out
and cool, then put together with lemon filling.

_For filling._ Beat up eggs in saucepan, add Crisco, salt, grated
rinds and strained lemon juice. Stir with wooden spoon over gentle
heat until mixture just comes to boiling point. When cold use.

Sufficient for one layer cake.

Lord Baltimore Cake

  1 cupful sugar
  3/4 cupful Crisco
  1/2 cupful cold water
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  2 1/2 cupfuls flour
  2 1/2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  6 yolks of eggs

  Filling or Frosting

  1 cupful sugar
  1/2 cupful boiling water
  2 whites of eggs
  Pinch cream of tartar
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1/2 cupful chopped raisins
  1/2 cupful chopped nut meats
  5 chopped figs

_For cake._ Cream Crisco and sugar together. Sift together three times
dry ingredients and add alternately with water. Add vanilla, beat
mixture well, then fold in beaten yolks of eggs. Divide into two
Criscoed and floured layer cake tins and bake in moderate oven
twenty-five minutes.

_For filling._ Put sugar and water into saucepan, stir till boiling,
add cream of tartar, then boil until it forms soft ball when tried
in cold water, or 240° F.; pour on to stiffly beaten whites of
eggs, pouring in steady stream and very slowly, adding while beating
vanilla, raisins, nuts, and figs, beat until thick and divide between
and on top of cake.

Sufficient for one large layer cake.

Lunch Cakes

  1 scant cupful sugar
  6 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful milk
  2 eggs
  2 cupfuls flour
  3 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract

Cream Crisco and sugar together, then add well beaten eggs. Sift dry
ingredients, and add to first mixture alternately with milk. Divide
into Criscoed and floured gem pans and bake in moderately hot oven
fifteen minutes.

Sufficient for fifteen cakes.

Jelly Roll

  4 eggs
  1 cupful sugar
  2 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  2 cupfuls flour
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  4 tablespoonfuls milk
  Jelly or preserves
  1 teaspoonful lemon extract

Beat eggs and sugar together twenty minutes, remove beater, sift in
flour, salt, and baking powder, add milk, extract, and melted Crisco.
Grease large flat tin with Crisco, dust over with flour, pour in
mixture and spread out evenly. Bake twelve minutes in moderately hot
oven. Turn out on sugared paper, spread quickly with jelly or preserve
and roll up at once. The cake will crack if spreading and rolling are
not quickly done. Sliced jelly roll is delicious with custard.

Sufficient for one jelly roll.

Marble Cake

  2 cupfuls sugar
  1 cupful Crisco
  3-1/2 cupfuls flour
  4 eggs
  1 cupful milk
  3 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  2 tablespoonfuls molasses
  2 tablespoonfuls melted chocolate
  1 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  1/2 teaspoonful grated nutmeg
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered allspice
  1 teaspoonful salt

Cream Crisco, add gradually the sugar, yolks of eggs beaten until
thick, flour, salt, baking powder, milk, and egg whites beaten to
stiff froth. Mix carefully and to one-third the mixture add spices,
molasses, and melted chocolate. Drop in Criscoed cake pan alternately
a spoonful of each mixture, and draw spoon through once or twice to
make colors lie in lines. Bake in moderately hot oven one hour.

Sufficient for one medium-sized cake.

Marmalade Cake

  1/2 cupful sugar
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1 cupful marmalade
  1-1/2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1 egg
  2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered ginger

Sift salt, flour, and baking powder into basin, rub in Crisco with
finger tips, add ginger and egg well beaten. Knead lightly to smooth
paste and divide into two pieces. Roll out pieces and line Criscoed
dinner plate with one of them. Spread over with marmalade, cover with
remaining piece of paste, pinch neatly round the edges and bake in
moderate oven half an hour. Cut like pie and serve hot or cold.

Sufficient for eight pieces.

Old Fashioned Seed Cake

  2 cupfuls sugar
  1-1/2 cupfuls Crisco
  4 cupfuls flour
  1 teaspoonful salt
  2 tablespoonfuls carraway seeds
  12 eggs

Cream Crisco and sugar thoroughly together, then drop in eggs one by
one, beating each one in well before next is added, sift in flour and
salt, add carraway seeds. Turn into Criscoed and papered loaf tin and
bake in moderately hot oven one and a half hours.

Sufficient for one large cake.

Almond and Citron Cake

  1 cupful sugar
  1 cupful Crisco
  5 eggs
  1/2 lb. blanched chopped almonds
  1/4 lb. shredded candied citron peel
  2 cupfuls flour
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  1/2 wineglass brandy
  1/4 teaspoonful powdered mace
  1 teaspoonful salt

Cream Crisco and sugar thoroughly together, beat in yolks of eggs one
by one, add almonds, citron, brandy, mace, flour, baking powder, salt,
mix well and fold in whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Turn into
a papered cake pan and bake in a moderate oven for one hour. Cover
with boiled frosting if liked.

Sufficient for one large cake.

Walnut Cakes

  For Cakes

  1 cupful sugar
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1 cupful milk or water
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  2 cupfuls flour
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1 whole egg and 2 yolks of eggs
  1 cupful chopped walnut meats
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract

  For Frosting

  1 cupful sugar
  1 cupful water
  2 whites of eggs
  Pinch Cream of tartar
  1 teaspoonful lemon juice
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract

_For cakes._ Cream Crisco and sugar thoroughly together, add eggs well
beaten, salt, vanilla, milk or water, baking powder, flour, and nuts.
Mix well and divide into Criscoed and floured gem pans and bake ten
minutes in moderate oven. When cold cover with boiled frosting.

_For frosting._ Dissolve sugar and water over fire in a saucepan, add
cream of tartar and boil until it forms a soft ball when tried in cold
water, or 240° F. Pour on to the beaten whites of eggs, pouring in a
steady stream and very slowly, adding, while beating, lemon juice, and
vanilla; beat until thick, and use.

Sufficient for fifteen cakes.

Rose Leaf Cakes

  1 cupful rose leaves
  3 cupfuls flour
  1 cupful sugar
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  3 eggs
  1 cupful milk
  2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1 lemon
  1/2 teaspoonful salt

Cream Crisco and sugar thoroughly together, then add eggs well beaten,
flour, baking powder, salt, milk, grated rind and 1 tablespoonful
lemon juice, and fresh rose leaves. Divide into Criscoed and floured
gem pans and bake in moderate oven from twelve to fifteen minutes.

Sufficient for thirty-five cakes.

Scotch Shortbread

  4 cupfuls flour
  3/4 cupful sugar
  1 cupful Crisco
  1 large egg
  1 teaspoonful salt

Sift flour and salt on to baking board. Cream Crisco, sugar and egg in
basin and when thoroughly beaten turn out on board and very gradually
knead in flour. Make into two smooth rounds, pinch them round the
edges, prick over top with fork, lay on papered tin and bake in
moderate oven thirty-five minutes. Leave on tin until cold.

Sufficient for two round cakes.

Silver Nut Cake

  1 cupful sugar
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  4 whites of eggs
  1/2 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  2 cupfuls flour
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  3 teaspoonfuls baking powder
  1 cupful chopped pecans or English walnut meats
  1/2 cupful milk

Cream Crisco and sugar. Sift dry ingredients and add to Crisco
mixture, alternating with the milk; add nuts and vanilla extract. Beat
egg whites to stiff froth and fold in at last. Turn into Criscoed and
floured cake tin and bake in moderate oven thirty-five minutes.

Sufficient for one small cake.

Simnel Cake

  3/4 cupful sugar
  3/4 cupful Crisco
  4 eggs
  2 cupfuls sultana raisins
  1/4 cupful seeded raisins
  1/2 cupful chopped candied citron peel
  2 cupfuls flour
  1 teaspoonful baking powder
  1/2 teaspoonful almond extract
  3/4 teaspoonful salt

  For Filling and Icing

  1/4 lb. ground almonds
  2 cupfuls powdered sugar
  2 eggs
  1 teaspoonful almond extract

_For cake_. Cream Crisco and sugar together, add eggs well beaten,
flour, baking powder, salt, almond extract, raisins, and peel. Make
filling by mixing almonds with powered sugar, eggs well beaten and
almond extract. Line Criscoed cake tin with paper and place in half
of cake mixture, then put in layer of filling, then remaining half of
cake mixture. Bake in moderate oven. When cake is nearly baked, place
remaining almond paste on top and finish baking. Cake takes from one
hour to one and a quarter hours.

Sufficient for medium-sized cake.

Southern Fruit Cake

  1 cupful sugar
  1 cupful Crisco
  1 cupful molasses
  1/2 cupful sour cream
  3 cupfuls flour
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 teaspoonful baking soda
  3 eggs
  1 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  1 cupful seeded raisins
  1/2 cupful currants
  1/4 teaspoonful grated nutmeg
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered cloves
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered allspice

Cream Crisco and sugar thoroughly together, then add molasses, cream,
flour, soda, eggs well beaten, salt, spices, and fruit. Mix well and
turn into Criscoed and papered cake tin and bake in slow oven one and
a half hours.

Sufficient for one large cake.

The Wholesome Parkin

  1 cupful flour
  1/2 cupful melted Crisco
  2 cupfuls fine oatmeal
  3/4 cupful molasses
  3 tablespoonfuls sugar
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1 egg
  1 teaspoonful powdered ginger
  1/4 teaspoonful powdered allspice
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  1/2 teaspoonful baking soda

Melt Crisco and mix with molasses, then add sugar, egg well beaten,
salt, soda, spices, flour, and oatmeal. Mix and pour into small square
Criscoed tin and bake in moderate oven thirty-five minutes. This
little cake is excellent when a week old.

Sufficient for one small cake.

Whole Wheat Gingerbread

  4 tablespoonfuls sugar
  1/2 cupful Crisco
  2 eggs
  1 teaspoonful baking soda
  1/4 cupful milk
  2 cupfuls flour
  2 cupfuls whole wheat flour
  1/2 cupful seeded raisins
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1-1/2 cupfuls molasses
  1/2 cupful chopped nut meats
  1 teaspoonful powdered ginger
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered mace
  1 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  3 tablespoonfuls chopped candied lemon peel

Mix flours, then add peel, raisins, nuts, spices, and salt. Melt
Crisco, molasses, and sugar, then cool, and add them with eggs well
beaten, with soda mixed with milk. Mix well and turn into Criscoed and
floured cake tin. Bake in moderate oven one hour.

Sufficient for one large cake of gingerbread.



Even those who are by no means decided vegetarians may be glad to pass
over a dinner occasionally without meat. It is perhaps not too much to
say that every housekeeper ought to be able to provide a meal
without the aid of meat. We do not mean by this simply the cooking of
vegetables or the preparations of puddings, but the presentation of
dishes intended to take the place of flesh, such as soups and
broths made without meat, vegetable stews, lentil fritters and other
healthful and nutritious dishes. A vegetarian menu is not so simple
as it sounds. It requires knowledge and discrimination on the
housekeeper's part to serve a solid meal without flesh or fowl.

Now that meat is so dear it is the favorable moment to try a vegetable
diet for a time. One mistake to be avoided in this catering is the
putting down of too many dishes of a pulpy character--food which
is soft is excellent with other things, but alone it is neither
satisfying nor very nourishing, at least to a person of strong
digestion. All of them should not be white, for instance, and the same
rule holds good in other things besides color. A nice dish for this
kind of diet is a vegetable curry, in which all the vegetables are
treated like meat and turned out crisp; all the vegetables, too, must
be fresh and young for this method of serving, so that anything like
stringiness is absolutely impossible.

Crisco is entirely vegetable.

Bean Cutlets

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 tablespoonful flour
  1/2 cupful bean liquor
  Salt and pepper to taste
  2 eggs
  1/4 lb. dried beans
  A few cooked mixed vegetables

Soak beans in water twenty-four hours, then boil for several hours
till quite tender, drain them, preserving liquor, chop them very fine;
blend Crisco with flour in saucepan over fire, add bean liquor, beans,
salt and pepper, and yolks of eggs; turn out on to a dish and set
aside till cold. Then cut out with cutlet-cutter or shape with knife;
dip in beaten whites of the eggs, then in fine breadcrumbs, repeat
a second time, and fry in hot Crisco. Serve on hot platter decorated
with a few hot cooked mixed vegetables. Sufficient for eight cutlets.


Devilled Bananas

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  8 bananas
  1 teaspoonful chopped pickles
  Few grains red pepper, or 1 dessertspoonful chopped chillies

Slice bananas, mix with salt, chopped pickles and red pepper or
chopped chillies and put them into hot Crisco. Cook for four minutes
and serve. Sufficient for eight bananas.

Cauliflower Snow

  2 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  2 cauliflowers
  4 poached eggs
  Salt and paprika to taste
  Toasted bread

Boil cauliflowers in salted water till tender, then drain and set near
fire till quite dry. Remove all green parts and press flower through
a potato ricer upon a hot dish, on which they are to be served. In
no way crush the mass as it falls from the ricer. Sprinkle over with
melted Crisco. Surround dish with poached eggs, each laid upon square
of toasted buttered bread. Dust each egg with salt and a little
paprika. Serve very hot.

Craigie Toast

  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  4 eggs
  4 tomatoes
  Salt and pepper to taste
  1/2 cupful milk
  1 teaspoonful chopped gherkin or capers

Skin, seed and chop tomatoes, add eggs well beaten, gherkin, milk,
salt and pepper. Melt Crisco, add other ingredients and stir over fire
till thoroughly hot. Serve at once on toast. The mixture may also be
baked in oven twenty minutes and then garnished with small pieces of
toast. Sufficient for four pieces of toast.

Excellent Lemon Mincemeat

  1/2 cupful Crisco
  2 large lemons
  4 apples
  1/4 lb. chopped candied lemon peel
  1 lb. currants
  1-3/4 cupfuls sugar
  1 teaspoonful powdered cinnamon
  1 teaspoonful powdered ginger
  1/2 teaspoonful grated nutmeg
  1/2 teaspoonful powdered allspice
  1/4 teaspoonful powdered cloves
  1 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 cupful seeded raisins
  1/2 cupful chopped nut meats

Extract juice from lemons and remove pips. Now put lemons into
saucepan, cover with cold water, and boil until lemon feels quite
tender. Change water at least twice, drain and pound peel to a paste,
add apples, cored, peeled and chopped, lemon peel, Crisco, currants,
raisins, salt, spices, lemon juice, nut meats, and sugar. Put into a
jar and cover. This mincemeat is excellent for pies and tartlets.

Sufficient for four pies.

German Tart

  For Pastry

  6 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  3/4 cupful flour
  3/4 cupful potato flour
  1 tablespoonful sugar
  1/2 teaspoonful mixed spices
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful lemon juice
  Cold water

  For Mixture

  3 apples
  3/4 cupful prunes
  4 tablespoonfuls sugar
  1/2 lemon
  1/2 cupful water
  1 tablespoonful cakecrumbs

For mixture, peel, core and slice apples, and wash prunes in lukewarm
water. Put these into a small saucepan with sugar, grated lemon rind
and cold water. Stew slowly until apples are soft. Then remove prunes,
and take out stones. Cut prunes in small pieces and return them to
apples and cool. For pastry, sift flours, sugar, salt, and spices
into basin. Add Crisco and cut it into flour with knife until finely
divided. Then rub together lightly with finger tips until as fine as
breadcrumbs. While rubbing, keep lifting flour well up in basin so
that air may mix with it and Crisco is not made too soft. Add lemon
juice and sufficient water to make stiff paste. Divide into two equal
pieces. Wet a dinner plate with cold water and leave it wet. Roll
out one of the pieces rather thinly, and line plate with it. Sprinkle
cakecrumbs over it, then spread on mixture. Roll out the other piece
of pastry for a cover. Wet round the edge of the pastry, lay other
piece of pastry on, and press edges well together. Trim round with
knife or scissors, and mark neatly round the edges. Brush over top
with a little water or beaten white of egg. Dredge with sugar, and
bake in moderate oven forty-five minutes. Serve hot or cold. The tart
may be covered with boiled frosting.

Marchette Croquettes

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  4 tablespoonfuls cooked spinach
  3 small cooked potatoes
  1 tablespoonful chopped onion
  Salt and pepper to taste
  2 hard-cooked eggs
  1 raw egg
  Crisco flake pastry

Rub spinach and potatoes through wire sieve; fry onion in Crisco, add
spinach and potatoes, season with salt and pepper, fry a few minutes,
then set aside till cold. Roll out pastry, cut out some small rounds,
then place spoonful of vegetable mixture on half the number of pastry
rounds, place slice of hard-cooked egg on each, brush round edges with
beaten egg, press other round on this, dip in egg and breadcrumbs and
fry in hot Crisco. Serve hot. Sufficient for six croquettes.

Mixed Vegetable Souffle

  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  1/4 lb. cooked carrots
  1/2 lb. boiled potatoes
  3/4 lb. boiled turnips
  1/2 lb. stewed onions
  1 tablespoonful chopped parsley
  Salt and pepper to taste
  3 eggs

Chop onions, add vegetables mashed, then mix well, add Crisco,
seasonings, and yolks of eggs. Beat up whites of eggs to stiff froth
and fold them into mixture, then turn it into Criscoed fireproof dish
and bake thirty minutes in moderate oven.

Nut and Macaroni Savory

  4 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  1/2 lb. chopped Brazil nuts
  1 cupful boiled macaroni
  1-3/4 cupfuls breadcrumbs
  2 eggs
  3 cupfuls milk
  2 tablespoonfuls chopped parsley
  Salt, pepper, and powdered mace to taste
  Brown sauce

Cut macaroni into small pieces and put into bowl, add nuts,
breadcrumbs, seasonings, eggs well beaten, and milk; turn into well
greased earthenware dish, dot with tiny pieces of Crisco and bake in
moderate oven forty-five minutes. Serve hot with brown sauce.

Potato and Nut Croquettes

  2 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco
  2 cupfuls riced potatoes
  1 tablespoonful milk
  Salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste
  Few drops onion juice
  1 egg and 1 yolk of egg
  1/3 cupful chopped nut meats
  1/4 cupful cream
  1/4 cupful breadcrumbs

Mix potatoes with Crisco, milk, yolk of egg, onion juice and
seasonings, and mix well. Put cream and breadcrumbs into small
saucepan and stir to thick paste, then cool; now add nuts, salt and
pepper to taste and half yolk of egg. Inclose some of nut mixture
in potato mixture, making ingredients into neat croquettes. Beat up
remainder of egg with tablespoonful of water. Roll croquettes in fine
breadcrumbs, brush over with egg, and again roll in crumbs. Fry in hot
Crisco to golden brown, then drain. Crisco should be heated until
a crumb of bread becomes a golden brown in forty seconds. Serve hot
decorated with parsley.

Sufficient for eight croquettes.

Potato Sausage

  1/2 cupful Crisco
  1/4 lb. chopped onions
  1/2 lb. cold boiled mashed potatoes
  1/2 lb. breadcrumbs
  Salt and pepper to taste
  2 beaten eggs

Mix all ingredients thoroughly well together with wooden spoon, then
form into sausages; tie each well in cloth, and boil exactly as a
roly-poly. If not to be eaten when newly cooked, put aside, and untie
when wanted. This sausage is also good if oatmeal is added instead of
breadcrumbs, or it may be made half oatmeal and half breadcrumbs.

Sufficient for twelve sausages.

Potatoes Sefton

  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  3 baked potatoes
  Salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste
  1 yolk of egg
  1 tablespoonful cream
  Chopped parsley

Split potatoes in halves lengthways. Scoop out centers, rub them
through a sieve, add seasonings, melted Crisco, yolk of egg, and
cream. Beat well till light, then put mixture into forcing bag with
tube, force into potato cases which should be dried. Heat in moderate
oven. Sprinkle a little chopped parsley on top and serve decorated
with watercress.

Sufficient for three potatoes.

Rice a la Maigre

  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 grated shallot
  1/2 cupful boiled rice
  4 chopped hard-cooked eggs
  1 tablespoonful white sauce
  1 raw egg
  1 cupful thick tomato sauce
  Salt, pepper, and paprika to taste
  3 baked tomatoes
  1 tablespoonful chopped parsley

Fry shallot in Crisco, then add rice, two of the hard-cooked eggs,
white sauce, raw yolk of egg, and seasonings. Stir over fire till very
hot, then turn out on to hot dish; pour over tomato sauce, sprinkle
with parsley and garnish with remainder of eggs, and baked tomatoes.

Rhubarb Pudding

  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  4 tablespoonfuls sugar
  2 eggs
  1 lemon
  1/2 cupful flour
  1 cupful stewed rhubarb
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  Few breadcrumbs

Crisco a pudding dish and dust it over with breadcrumbs. Put layer of
breadcrumbs at bottom, then spread in rhubarb. Beat Crisco and sugar
till creamy, beat in yolks of eggs, add grated rind of lemon, sift in
flour and salt. Spread this mixture over rhubarb and bake in moderate
oven twenty minutes. Beat up whites of eggs to stiff froth, add one
tablespoonful of sifted sugar and half teaspoonful lemon juice. Drop
in spoonfuls on top of pudding and return to oven to brown lightly.

Spanish Rice

  1/2 cup Crisco
  1/2 cupful grated cheese
  6 tablespoonfuls rice
  1 can tomatoes
  5 small onions
  1 cupful hot water
  Salt and red pepper to taste
  1/4 cupful chopped olives

Wash rice and put it in bowl, add Crisco, seasonings, cheese, hot
water, tomatoes, olives, and onions cut in small pieces. Turn into a
Criscoed fireproof dish and bake in moderate oven one hour, or until
rice is tender.

Timbale Molds

  1 teaspoonful melted Crisco
  3/4 cupful flour
  1 egg
  1/2 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 cupful milk

Sift flour and salt into bowl, add egg well beaten, milk and Crisco.
Beat five minutes then strain into cup. Have kettle of Crisco on
fire and heat until cube of bread will become golden brown in sixty
seconds. Heat timbale iron in hot Crisco, let stand two or three
minutes, then drain and dip into batter to half inch of top of iron;
submerge in Crisco and fry until batter is crisp and lightly browned.
Remove from iron and drain on paper. If batter does not cling to
iron, then iron is not hot enough. If Crisco sizzles considerably, and
batter case spreads out and drops from the iron, mold is too hot. If
iron is lowered too far into batter the case will come over top of
iron and be difficult to remove. Creamed dishes of all kinds can be
served in these cases. Cold custards, cooked vegetables, fruits or
ices may be also served in the cases.

Sufficient for forty cases.

Vegetable Pie

  1/4 cupful melted Crisco
  6 potatoes
  2 carrots
  1 parsnip
  1/2 head celery
  1 cupful peas
  1 egg
  1 cupful sliced beans
  2 onions
  4 tomatoes
  Pepper and salt to taste
  Sufficient white vegetable stock to cover
  1 teaspoonful powdered herbs

Peel and slice potatoes and partly boil them. Then prepare parsnip,
carrots, celery and onions, and cook them for fifteen minutes. Grease
large fireproof dish and place in all vegetables in layers, with
herbs, Crisco, salt and pepper to taste. Pour in white stock, cover
with layer of sliced potatoes and bake in moderate oven for one and a
half hours.

Sufficient for one large savory pie.




When there is any doubt as to the freshness of eggs, they may be
tested in various ways. Quite fresh eggs will sink in a strong brine,
and as they become stale they remain suspended at different depths
in the brine, until an absolutely stale egg will float. Successful
preservation depends in a great measure upon the condition of the egg
at the time of preserving. Different methods of preserving all aim
at the same thing, namely, at coating the porous shell with some
substance which will prevent the air entering and setting up
decomposition. See page 30.

When used as food, eggs should be cooked at a low temperature--about
160° F., or if in the shell at about 180° F. The time varies with
the size of the egg, from two and a half minutes for poaching a
medium-sized egg to four and a half minutes for boiling a large one.
If too much cooked, or at too high a temperature, the white becomes
tough, hard, and to many people, indigestible.

When required for salads, garnishing, etc., the eggs must be boiled
from ten to twenty minutes, and if the yolks are to be powdered for
sprinkling, they must be cooked for a longer time, or the centers will
be somewhat tough and elastic, and useless for the purpose.

In beating eggs, a little salt added to the whites helps to bring them
to a froth more quickly. When frothed whites are to be mixed with a
heavier or more solid substance, great care must be taken not to
break down the froth. The object of beating being to mix in air, rough
handling afterwards would render the beating useless; the mixing must
therefore be done very carefully. They should be folded or wrapped up
in the other substance, but the mixing also must be thorough, for
any pieces of white separated from the rest will toughen and taste
leathery, besides failing in the special purpose of giving lightness
to the mixture. After mixing lightly and perfectly all such
preparations should be cooked at once. The white "speck" always should
be removed from a broken egg, as it is easily distinguished after
cooking, and in anything of a liquid nature, such as custards, sauces,
etc., it would be hard and unpleasant.


Baked Omelet

  1 tablespoonful melted Crisco
  4 eggs
  8 tablespoonfuls milk
  1/2 teaspoonful cornstarch
  2 tablespoonfuls water
  Salt and pepper to taste

Beat eggs well, add milk and beat again, add Crisco, seasonings, and
cornstarch mixed with water. Turn into a Criscoed fireproof dish and
bake in moderate oven fifteen minutes. Serve hot.

Creole Eggs

  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 tablespoonfuls flour
  8 hard-cooked eggs
  2 cupfuls tomato pulp
  Salt, pepper, and paprika to taste
  1 small chopped onion
  1 bay leaf
  1 blade mace
  2 cloves
  2 tablespoonfuls chopped parsley
  Pinch of powdered thyme
  Slices of cooked ham

Fry onion, pepper, and parsley in Crisco till tender; add cloves,
thyme, bay leaf, and mace, cook three minutes, then stir in flour,
and tomato pulp. Let mixture boil stirring all the time then strain.
Quarter the hard-cooked eggs. Put layer of tomato sauce in Criscoed
baking dish, then layer of ham, then eggs sprinkled with salt, pepper,
and paprika, then sauce, ham, and eggs, last layer being sauce. Cover
with breadcrumbs, dot with Crisco and bake ten minutes in moderate

Curried Eggs

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  6 hard-cooked eggs
  1 small chopped onion
  1 chopped sour apple
  2 teaspoonfuls curry powder
  1 lemon
  4 chopped butternuts, or 6 chopped almonds
  3 tablespoonfuls cornstarch
  2 cupfuls milk
  1/2 teaspoonful salt

Boil eggs till hard, peel and place in cold water until required.
Fry onion in Crisco a few minutes, add curry powder, apple, nuts, and
cornstarch moistened with milk. Simmer fifteen minutes. Stir from time
to time. If too thick add a little white stock or water. Cut eggs in
halves, and lay them in the sauce with the salt to get thoroughly hot
through. Put eggs into deep hot dish, strain sauce over them, garnish
with croutons and lemon slices.

Egg Croquettes

  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  2 tablespoonfuls flour
  3/4 cupful milk
  6 hard-cooked eggs
  1 teaspoonful chopped parsley
  1/2 cupful chopped cooked tongue or ham
  Salt, pepper, and grated nutmeg to taste
  1 egg

Chop eggs and mix them with ham, parsley, and seasonings. Melt Crisco,
stir in flour, then add the milk and boil three minutes stirring all
the time. Now add egg mixture and if required add more seasoning. Cool
mixture then divide it into nine portions and make each into a neat
croquette; brush over with the egg beaten with a tablespoonful of
water, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in hot Crisco. Drain and garnish
with fried parsley. Crisco should be hot enough to brown breadcrumb in
forty seconds.

Sufficient for nine croquettes.

Eggs with Cucumber

  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  3 eggs
  1 large cucumber
  1/2 cupful stock
  1 tablespoonful tomato pulp
  Salt and pepper to taste
  1 cupful tomato sauce

Peel cucumber, cut off ends and divide rest into two-inch pieces.
Remove center portion of each with a cutter or small spoon. Place them
in a Criscoed pan with stock; cover with greased paper and cook in
oven till just tender. Great care must be taken so as not to break the
shapes. Break eggs into saucepan, add Crisco and tomato pulp; season
nicely and stir over fire until creamy and just set. Place cucumbers
on hot platter and fill cavities with eggs. Cover with thick tomato
sauce, and serve hot.

Sufficient for five pieces.

Eggs with Tomatoes

  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  4 even-sized tomatoes
  8 rounds buttered toast
  3 eggs
  2 tablespoonfuls cream
  1 tablespoonful chopped pimiento
  Salt and pepper to taste

Select ripe tomatoes but do not have them too large; remove stems and
cut each in halves crossways; remove cores and pips, and fry lightly
in two tablespoonfuls Crisco. Have rounds of buttered toast a
little larger than tomatoes. Beat eggs in small saucepan, add cream,
pimientoes, rest of Crisco, seasonings, and stir over fire until
creamy and just setting. Place each half tomato on round of toast,
divide egg mixture into tomatoes, garnish with parsley and serve hot.

Savory Eggs

  6 eggs
  4 tablespoonfuls chopped cooked chicken, ham or tongue
  Salt and pepper to taste
  2 tablespoonfuls chopped parsley
  6 rounds fried toast

Crisco six small molds. Mix ham, parsley, and seasonings together,
throw a little into each mold, shake it well round sides; break into
each mold one egg, taking care not to break yolk, sprinkle with salt
and pepper, and dot with Crisco. Steam four or five minutes, or until
set. Turn out on rounds of fried toast and serve at once.




It is well to have a confectioner's thermometer for candy making,
so that the syrup may be removed from the fire at exactly the right
degree. Such thermometers are made of wood, brass, or copper, and the
degrees on them should mark not less than 350°. A thermometer always
should be gently lowered into the boiling sugar. When not in use,
it should be kept hanging on a nail or hook. When required for candy
making, place thermometer in pitcher of warm water, so that it may
rise gradually, and return it to the warm water on removing it from
the hot candy. This dissolves the clinging candy and protects the tube
from breaking. The wooden thermometer can be used to stir with, and is
very easy to keep clean.

If there is no thermometer handy it is better to make a list of the
various stages in sugar boiling, and learn how to test the sugar.
First there is the "thread" (216° F. to 218° F.) This is reached when,
on dipping the finger and thumb first into cold water and then into
the syrup, you can draw them apart, and an unbroken thread is formed,
which gradually can be drawn wider apart on further testing as the
degree of boiling is completed.

The next is the "pearl" (220° F.) To see if the syrup has reached
this stage, after the sugar has dissolved let it boil for eight to ten
minutes, then dip a wooden skewer into the syrup to obtain a drop of
it. Dip the finger and thumb into cold water, then rub the drop of
syrup between them; if it feels smooth, the syrup has reached the
desired stage. The next is the "blow" (230° F.) Dip a spoon into the
sugar, shake it, and blow through the holes; if sparks of light or
bubbles be seen, you may be sure of the blow. This is followed by the
"feather" (235° F.) To test this, dip a spoon into the boiling syrup,
and when it may be blown easily from the spoon in long shreds it has
reached the right degree.


Next comes the "ball" (240° F. to 250° F.) Dip the finger and thumb
first into cold water, and then into the syrup, the latter then can be
rolled into a soft ball between the finger and thumb. A little longer
boiling gives the hard ball. This in turn is succeeded by the "crack"
(290° F. to 300° F.) To test this, drop a little of the syrup into
cold water; if it then breaks off sharp and crisp it has reached the
crack. The final stage is the "caramel" (350° F.) which comes very
quickly after the crack, the syrup becoming first a pale yellow, and
then a rich golden brown, and finally black or burnt. When it first
reaches this stage the pan should be removed from the fire, a little
lemon juice or water added, and then the whole reboiled to the proper
stage or shade. To prevent granulation, it often is advisable to add a
pinch of cream of tartar, to the pound of sugar.

Chocolate Fudge

  1 cupful milk
  Pinch of salt
  2 squares (2 ozs.) chocolate
  2 cupfuls sugar
  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract

Put Crisco, milk, sugar, salt, and chocolate into saucepan, and stir
and boil until it forms a soft ball when tested in cold water, or 240°
F. Remove from fire, add extract, allow to stand a minute, and beat
until creamy. Pour into Criscoed tin and mark off into squares.

Clear Almond Taffy

  4 cupfuls sugar
  1 cupful Crisco
  Pinch cream of tartar
  1 cupful water
  2 cupfuls almonds
  1/2 teaspoonful almond extract
  1/4 teaspoonful salt

Blanch, split, and bake almonds to golden brown. Crisco a tin, and
sprinkle almonds on it split side down. Dissolve sugar and water
together in saucepan, add Crisco, salt, and cream of tartar, and boil
until when tested in cold water it will be brittle, or 300° F. Add
almond extract and pour over nuts. When firm, cut in squares.

Sufficient for one large pan.

Cocoanut Caramels

  1 cupful dessicated cocoanut
  2 tablespoonfuls glucose
  1 lb. brown sugar
  3/4 cupful Crisco
  1 cupful water
  1 cupful milk
  1 cupful cream
  1 teaspoonful rose extract
  1 teaspoonful almond extract
  1/4 teaspoonful salt

Soak cocoanut in milk for twenty minutes, then put it into a saucepan
with sugar, glucose, salt, and one-third of the Crisco, add second
third of Crisco when it forms heavy thread, or registers 230° F., add
third piece of Crisco, cream and extracts, when it again reaches 230°
F. When it reaches the hard ball stage or 250° F., turn at once into a
Criscoed tin. Cut when half cold. When all are cut, wrap each caramel
in waxed paper.

Crisco Drops

  1/2 cupful golden syrup
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/4 cupful water
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1/2 teaspoonful vanilla extract

Put Crisco, golden syrup, water, and salt into saucepan and boil until
it is almost brittle when tested in cold water, or 290° F., then add
vanilla. Allow to cool down, and then drop on to Criscoed tin.

Sufficient for twenty drops.

Cream Candy

  1/2 cupful water
  2 cupfuls brown sugar
  3 tablespoonfuls Crisco, melted
  1 teaspoonful orange extract
  1/4 teaspoonful salt

Dissolve sugar in water in saucepan over fire, and boil until it spins
a heavy thread, add Crisco and salt and boil until it forms a soft
ball when tested in cold water, or 240° F. Remove pan from fire, add
orange extract, allow to stand five minutes, then stir until the syrup
begins to "grain." Pour quickly into wet tin. When half cold, mark
into squares; leave till following day in a cool place; then break up.
Keep in airtight tins.

Sufficient for twenty small squares.

Crisco Fruit Fudge

  2 cupfuls sugar
  1 cupful milk
  2 tablespoonfuls cocoa
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1 teaspoonful lemon extract
  1/2 cupful chopped English walnut meats
  1/2 cupful sultana raisins
  2 tablespoonfuls cream
  Pinch of salt

Put Crisco, sugar, cocoa, salt, and milk into saucepan, and stir till
it boils to 240°, or until it forms a soft ball when tested in cold
water. Remove from fire, add raisins, cream, nut meats, and extracts,
and beat mixture until thick and creamy. Put back on stove, and heat,
stirring constantly until melted, then pour into Criscoed tins. When
partly cool mark into neat squares.

Sufficient for thirty squares.

Everton Taffy

  1 gill water
  2 cupfuls brown sugar
  4 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  Pinch cream of tartar
  1/4 teaspoonful salt

Put sugar and water into saucepan; stir occasionally until it boils;
then add cream of tartar. Put cover on pan and boil five minutes, add
Crisco and salt and boil until, when tried in cold water it will snap,
or 300° F. Add vanilla and pour into Criscoed tin. Mark in squares
when half cold, and break up when quite cold. Wrap in waxed paper.

Fig Fudge

  Pinch cream of tartar
  1/4 lb. chopped figs
  1 lb. brown sugar
  Pinch salt
  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  1 cupful water
  1 teaspoonful lemon extract

Wash and dry figs, then chop them. Put sugar and water into saucepan,
and dissolve, add Crisco and cream of tartar, and when it boils, add
figs, and boil to a soft ball when tried in cold water, or 240° F.,
stirring all the time. Remove pan from fire, add lemon extract and
salt, cool five minutes, then stir until it begins to grain, and
quickly pour into Criscoed tin. When half cold mark in squares.

Honey Squares

  1 cupful strained honey
  1 cupful brown sugar
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/2 cupful cream
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  Pinch cream of tartar
  1 teaspoonful lemon extract

Put Crisco, salt, honey, cream and sugar into saucepan; stir over slow
fire until dissolved, then add cream of tartar. Boil until it forms a
hard ball when tested in cold water, or 252° F. Remove from fire, stir
in lemon extract, and pour into Criscoed tin. Mark into squares before
cold. Wrap in waxed paper.

Sufficient for twenty-five squares.

Maple Candy

  1 cupful maple sugar
  1/2 cupful brown sugar
  1 tablespoonful Crisco
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
  1 cupful water

Dissolve sugars in water in saucepan over fire, when boiling add
Crisco and salt and boil until it hardens when dropped in cold water,
or 258° F. Remove from fire and add vanilla. Pour into Criscoed tins.
When half cold mark into squares. Wrap in waxed paper.

Molasses Candy

  2 cupfuls brown sugar
  1/4 cupful molasses
  5 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1 gill water
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract

Dissolve sugar in water in saucepan over fire, then add Crisco,
molasses, and salt and boil until when tested in cold water it forms a
hard ball, or 254° F. Now add vanilla and pour into Criscoed tin. When
quite cold break into rough pieces.

Peanut Fudge

  2 cupfuls brown sugar
  2 tablespoonfuls Crisco
  1 cupful milk
  1/4 teaspoonful salt
  1 cupful chopped peanuts
  1 teaspoonful vanilla extract

Boil milk, sugar, Crisco, and salt until it forms a soft ball when
tested in cold water, or 240° F. Remove from fire, add nuts and
vanilla, beat until creamy. Pour into Criscoed tins, and when cool cut
into cubes.


[Illustration: "_Now, good digestion wait on appetite and health on

_Calendar of Dinners_

January 1

  _*Black Bean Soup
  Roast Leg of Mutton, Currant Jelly
  Stewed Tomatoes
  Baked Sweet Potatoes
  Macedoine Salad
  Cheese Straws
  Fruit Cake

_*Black Bean Soup_--2 cups black beans, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1 onion,
1 lemon, 2 quarts stock or water, 2 stalks celery, 2 hard-cooked eggs,
1-1/2 tablespoons flour, 3 cloves, 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce,
salt, pepper, red pepper, and mustard to taste.

Wash beans and soak over night; in morning drain, cover with boiling
water and boil 30 minutes; drain, throwing away water. Slice onion,
dice celery, and cook 5 minutes in half of Crisco in soup pot; add
beans, stock or water, and cloves. Simmer until beans are soft,
add more water as stock or water boils away. Rub through sieve, add
remaining Crisco and flour rubbed together, then heat to boiling
point, add seasonings. Cut lemon in thin slices, removing seeds, and
cut eggs in thin slices. Put them into a hot soup tureen, and strain
soup over them.

January 2

  _Palestine Soup
  *Jugged Hare, Red Currant Jelly
  Brussels Sprouts
  Potato Puff
  Endive Salad
  Cheese Fingers
  Vanilla Souffle

_*Jugged Hare_--1 hare, 1 cup Crisco, 1-1/2 pounds gravy beef, 1
onion, 1 lemon, 6 cloves, 1 cup port wine, few forcemeat balls, salt,
red pepper and pepper to taste.

Skin, paunch and wash hare, cut it into pieces, dredge with flour, and
fry in hot Crisco. Have ready 1-1/2 pints gravy, made from beef, and
thickened with flour. Put this into jar; add pieces of fried hare,
onion stuck with cloves, lemon peeled and sliced, and seasonings;
cover jar tightly, put into saucepan of boiling water, and let it stew
until hare is quite tender, taking care to keep the water boiling.
When nearly ready pour in wine, add forcemeat balls, and allow to cook
10 minutes. Serve with red currant jelly.

For forcemeat balls, mix together in basin, 2 tablespoons Crisco,4
tablespoons crumbs, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1/4 teaspoon poultry
seasoning, 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind, seasoning of salt, pepper,
red pepper, and paprika, and 1 beaten egg, form into small balls, roll
in flour, and add to hare.

January 3

  _*Lobster Bisque
  Toasted Crackers
  Roast Pigeons
  Sweet Potatoes
  Fried Hominy
  Lettuce Salad
  Cheese Balls
  Lemon Meringue Pie

_*Lobster Bisque_--4 tablespoons flour, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1
tablespoon salt, 1 head celery, 2 lobsters, 1 small onion, 6 whole
white peppers, 4 sprigs parsley, 1 quart milk, white pepper to taste.

Cover lobsters with boiling water, add salt, celery diced, whole
peppers, parsley and onion. Cook until lobsters' claws can easily be
pulled apart; it will probably take 25 minutes. When cool enough to
handle, cut lobsters down back, remove meat from body and claws. Save
coral. Put back all tough parts with small claws and shells, and cook
for 20 minutes in same liquor. Liquor must be considerably reduced.
Dry coral, rub through sieve. Blend Crisco and flour in saucepan over
fire, stir in milk, let this come to boil, add 2 cups of strained
lobster broth. Bring to boiling point, season with salt and pepper,
and stir in sifted coral enough to give liquid bright pink color.
Place lobster meat cut in fine pieces in hot tureen, pour hot mixture
over and serve hot.

January 4

  _Lentil Soup
  Roast Loin of Pork, Apple Sauce
  Potato Balls
  Artichokes, a la Creme
  *Orange Salad
  Cheese Fingers
  Pineapple Pudding

_*Orange Salad_--1 tablespoon brandy, 1 tablespoon melted Crisco,
1/2 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon chopped tarragon, 1 teaspoon chopped
chervil, and 6 oranges.

Cut peel from oranges, carefully removing all pith, cut out pulpy
pieces in each of natural divisions so that there is no skin of any
kind or pips taken out with pieces fruit, sprinkle over these pieces
tarragon, chervil, melted Crisco, brandy and sugar. This salad should
be placed on ice if possible 1 hour before serving.

January 5

  _Cheese Canapes
  Julienne Soup
  Bread Sticks
  *Roast Stuffed Chicken, Brown Gravy
  Creamed Cauliflower
  Potato Croquettes
  Olive Salad
  Cheese Relish
  Pistachio Ice Cream

_*Roast Stuffed Chicken_--6 tablespoons breadcrumbs, 2 tablespoons
Crisco, 2 tablespoons chopped cooked ham, 1 beaten egg, 1 teaspoon
chopped parsley, 1 chicken, 2 tablespoons milk, seasoning red pepper,
white pepper, salt, powdered mace and herbs to taste.

Clean and draw chicken. Melt Crisco, add it to crumbs, ham, egg,
parsley, milk, and seasonings; mix and place in breast of fowl. If
young chicken leave on feet, which should be scalded and skinned;
if an older bird, cut off legs half-way to first joint, turn back
pinions, run skewer through them, catching top part of legs; tie
bottom part of legs together. Set in hot oven from 3/4 to 1-1/4 hours,
according to size; baste well with melted Crisco, and about 15 minutes
before it is finished dredge with flour and brown. To make brown
gravy, pour from tin fat, sprinkle in 2 teaspoons browned flour, then
add 1 cup boiling water, containing 1/2 teaspoon extract beef, salt
and pepper; allow this to boil 3 minutes, strain over chicken, or
serve in sauceboat.

January 6

  _Oyster Cocktail
  Fried Cod Steaks
  Potatoes au Gratin
  *Stewed Tomatoes
  Cold Slaw
  Cheese Wafers
  Cocoanut Pudding

_*Stewed Tomatoes_--1 can tomatoes, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 1 cup
breadcrumbs, seasoning salt, pepper and paprika.

Empty tomatoes into double boiler, add breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, and
paprika, and cook slowly for 1/2 an hour, stirring from time to
time. Just before serving add Crisco and stir till melted. While the
tomatoes will be ready with 1/2 hour's cooking, they are improved by
cooking 1 hour, and are better still if warmed again after cooling.

January 7

  _Clam Cocktail
  Boiled Salmon with Parsley Butter
  Roast Duck, Olive Sauce
  and Fried Hominy
  Riced Potatoes
  French Peas
  Creamed Salsify
  Celery Mayonnaise
  *Cheese Ramekins
  Banbury Tarts

_*Cheese Ramekins_--4 tablespoons flour, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1/2 cup
milk, 3 whole eggs, 1 white egg, salt, white pepper, and red pepper to
taste, and 1/2 cup grated cheese.

In saucepan, mix Crisco and flour over fire, when smooth stir in milk,
and cook until thick, add seasonings; mix well. Remove pan from fire,
add yolks eggs 1 by 1, mix each thoroughly, then mix in cheese, and
fold in stiffly beaten white egg. Pour into Criscoed ramekins, and
bake in hot oven 15 minutes. Serve hot.

January 8

  _Cherry Cocktail
  Corn Soup
  Crisp Crackers
  Pot Roast with Dumplings
  Lettuce and Radish Salad
  *Cheese Biscuits
  Spice Jelly

_*Cheese Biscuits_--4 teaspoons flour, 6 tablespoons grated Parmesan
cheese, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1 yolk of egg, 2 teaspoons cold water,
salt and red pepper to taste.

Mix flour and cheese; add salt and red pepper to taste. Rub in Crisco
lightly. Mix yolk egg with water; add enough of these to mix flour,
etc., to stiff paste. Knead till smooth on floured board, then roll
out and cut into biscuits with small cutter; lay on Criscoed tin
and bake in quick oven 8 to 10 minutes, or until they are a delicate
biscuit color. They require to be carefully watched, as they burn
easily. Parmesan cheese is best, but other dry kinds can be used.
The biscuits are brittle, so always prepare more than are actually
required. They rewarm well with care.

January 9

  _Vermicelli Soup
  *Beef Loaf, Tomato Sauce
  Mashed Potatoes
  Baked Squash
  Apple and Celery Salad
  Cheese Wafers
  Mince Pie

_*Beef Loaf_--2 pounds lean meat, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1/4 pound salt
pork, 1 cup cracker crumbs, 3 beaten eggs, 1 teaspoon onion juice, 1
tablespoon lemon juice, 1 cup beef stock, salt and pepper to taste.

Wipe meat, remove all skin and membranes, then put it through meat
grinder, add Crisco melted, eggs, crumbs, onion juice, lemon juice,
stock and seasonings. Press into greased pan and cover. Bake 1 hour.
Baste occasionally during baking with melted Crisco.

January 10

  _Cream of Carrot Soup
  *Beef Steak and Kidney Pie
  Baked Potatoes
  Scalloped Onions
  Cauliflower Salad
  Lemon Snow

_*Beef Steak and Kidney Pie_--2 pounds lean steak, 4 sheep's
kidneys, some melted Crisco, salt and pepper to taste, 1 tablespoon
Worcestershire sauce, and some pie crust.

Cut steak very thinly and dip it in melted Crisco, then in flour
seasoned with salt and pepper. Roll up pieces of steak and lay them in
fireproof baking dish. Skin kidneys, cut them in thin slices, leaving
out fat in middle kidney; dip them also in seasonings and lay them on
top of meat. Sprinkle in Worcestershire sauce and fill up dish with
water. Roll pastry rather larger than size required for dish. Wet
edge of dish and put narrow band of paste round; wet band, place on it
remainder of paste, which cut to size of dish, then pinch edges, and
brush over with beaten egg. Make large hole in top and into this put
ends some leaf-shaped pieces of paste, with an ornament in center;
brush leaves over with egg and bake in hot oven 1-1/2 hours.

January 11

  _Tomato Bisque
  Pickled Peaches
  *Roast Rabbit, Currant Jelly Sauce
  Hominy Squares
  Riced Potatoes
  Boiled Onions
  Cranberry Salad
  Apricot Tapioca

_*Roast Rabbit_--6 tablespoons breadcrumbs, 3 tablespoons chopped
cooked ham, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1
teaspoon grated lemon rind, 1/2 teaspoon powdered herbs, 3 chopped
mushrooms, three beaten eggs, 1 rabbit, salt, pepper, and red pepper
to taste. Beat up eggs, add mushrooms, Crisco, ham, breadcrumbs,
parsley, and seasonings, and mix well. Wipe rabbit, and season inside
with pepper, salt, and powdered cloves. Lay forcemeat inside rabbit
and sew top; skewer head back and legs on each side; roast 1 hour,
basting well with melted Crisco. Serve hot with currant jelly sauce.

January 12

  _Clear Soup
  Roast Duck, Plum Jelly
  Mashed Turnips
  *Potato Croquettes
  Apple Salad
  Hot Cheese Wafers
  Grape Fruit Jelly

_*Potato Croquettes_--2 pints mashed potatoes, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons
Crisco, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, salt, pepper, and red pepper to

Mash potatoes by rubbing them through wire sieve with back of wooden
spoon; dissolve Crisco, add it to potatoes with 1 of eggs well beaten
and seasonings. Mix and divide into 10 or 12 pieces, form them
into neat croquettes, brush over with remaining beaten egg, toss in
breadcrumbs, and fry in hot Crisco.

January 13

  _Oysters on Half Shell
  Pickled Pears
  *Mutton Cutlets
  Potato Balls
  Chestnut Puree
  Lettuce, French Dressing
  Pineapple Bavarian Cream

_*Mutton Cutlets_--Slit 1 pound chestnuts, place in hot oven to loosen
skins, shell and take off inner skin. Place in saucepan with gravy
to cover and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Boil until tender, then drain and rub
through sieve. Chop fine 2 slices ham, add 2 tablespoons Crisco with
1/4 pound chestnut puree, season with salt, pepper and red pepper. Add
1 egg yolk and mix. Trim 8 cutlets, make 1/4 cup Crisco hot in frying
pan, cook cutlets 1 minute on right side only, then arrange them flat
on dish, cover with another with weight on top, leave until cold.
Spread puree over cooked side of cutlets, brush with beaten egg
and cover with breadcrumbs. Fry on both sides, and place in oven 5
minutes. Dish in circle on mashed potatoes; fill center with fried
potato balls and sprinkle with, chopped parsley. Serve with gravy.

January 14

  _Cream of Cheese Soup
  *Codfish Balls
  Baked Potatoes
  Baked Macaroni and Peas
  Spinach Salad
  Cheese Relish
  Fig Pudding

_*Codfish Balls_--2 cupfuls mashed potatoes, 1-1/2 cupfuls shredded
codfish, 1 egg, 1 tablespoonful Crisco, melted, 1/8 teaspoonful
pepper. Put codfish in wire strainer, let cold water run through and
squeeze dry. Mix the hot, unseasoned potatoes with codfish. To this
add the melted Crisco, beaten egg and pepper. Beat well. Shape in
balls and fry in deep Crisco until a golden brown color.

January 15

  _Vegetable Soup
  Pickled Beets
  Sauted Chicken, Brown Gravy
  *Candied Sweet Potatoes
  Lettuce and Green Pepper Salad
  Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce

_*Candied Sweet Potatoes_--12 sweet potatoes, 1 cup boiling water,
brown sugar, 1/4 cup Crisco, salt, pepper, and powdered cinnamon. Pare
and parboil potatoes, cut in halves, boil 10 minutes, drain, lay in
greased baking dish. Spread with Crisco, sprinkle with brown sugar,
salt, pepper, and powdered cinnamon, pour in boiling water and
cook until tender. Baste often with sauce in pan while cooking. The
cinnamon may be omitted.

January 16

  _*Lettuce Cocktail
  Cream of Spinach Soup
  Broiled Hamburg Steak
  Baked Potatoes
  Brussels Sprouts
  Pineapple Salad
  Cheese Balls
  Urney Pudding

_*Lettuce Cocktail_--1 crisp head of lettuce, 4 tablespoons tomato
catsup, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce, 4
hard-cooked eggs, 4 tablespoons vinegar, 3 tablespoons sugar, 4 small
onions, and salt to taste.

Cut lettuce fine with scissors and shred eggs and onions. Melt Crisco,
when cool, add tomato catsup, Worcestershire sauce, sugar, vinegar and
salt. At serving time pour this sauce over lettuce, eggs and onions.
Serve very cold in cocktail glasses.

January 17

  _Prune Cocktail
  *Brown Fricassee of Chicken
  Boiled Rice
  Baking Powder Biscuit
  Apple and Celery Salad
  Mince Pie

_*Brown Fricassee of Chicken_--Draw, singe, and joint chicken. Put 4
tablespoons Crisco in saucepan; when brown, put in chicken. Stir until
every piece is nicely browned, then add 2 tablespoons flour, stir
again, add 1 pint boiling water or stock, stir until it boils; add 1
teaspoon of salt. Cover, and let simmer gently until tender, then
add 1 teaspoon onion juice, and little black pepper. Put neck-piece,
heart, liver, gizzard, and back pieces in center of dish; put 2 pieces
of breast on top, second joints on one side of plate, legs crossed on
other, and wing at each end of plate. Pour sauce over, sprinkle with
chopped parsley, and serve.

January 18

  _Broiled Halibut
  Maitre d'Hotel Potatoes
  *Escalloped Tomatoes
  Lettuce, French Dressing
  Pumpkin Pie
  Cheese Squares

_*Escalloped Tomatoes_--Drain juice from 1 can tomatoes. Brush baking
dish over with Crisco, and cover bottom with tomatoes; dot with
Crisco, dredge with pepper and salt, and sprinkle generously with
breadcrumbs: arrange another layer of tomatoes, and crumbs, and
so proceed until dish is filled. Pour over all enough of juice of
tomatoes to moisten well, and then finish dish with covering of
crumbs. Bake 20 minutes in moderate oven.

January 19

  _Consomme with Vermicelli
  Grated Parmesan Cheese
  Fried Oysters, Sauce Tartare
  *Mushrooms Cooked Under Glass Bells
  Supreme of Chicken
  Asparagus, Cream Glacé
  Orange Ice

_*Mushrooms Cooked Under Glass Bells_--Saute 1/2 pound of peeled
mushroom caps, in 3 tablespoons Crisco, season with salt and paprika,
add 1 cup of cream, cover and let simmer until reduced a little.
Arrange mushrooms on round of bread in mushroom dish, pour liquid
over, cover with glass bell and bake 20 minutes in moderate oven. Send
to table without removing glass, which confines delicate flavor and
aroma of mushrooms.

January 20

  _Clam Chowder
  Rolled Beefsteak, Peanut Butter Sauce
  Boiled Onions
  *Cream Cheese and Pimiento Salad
  Baked Custard
  Lady Fingers
  Black Coffee_

_*Cream Cheese and Pimiento Salad_--Wash and dry 1 can pimientoes.
Fill them with creamed cheese. Chill, slice and serve on crisp
lettuce leaves with following dressing: Mix 1/2 tablespoon salt, 1/2
tablespoon mustard, 3/4 tablespoon sugar, and 1 tablespoon flour,
and when thoroughly blended, add 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten, 3
tablespoons melted Crisco, 3/4 cup milk, and 1/4 cup vinegar. Cook in
double boiler, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. Strain and

January 21

  _*Cream of Lettuce Soup
  Roast Shoulder of Mutton, Caper Sauce
  Mashed Potatoes
  Baked Squash
  Celery Salad
  Cheese Wafers
  Apple Tapioca

_*Cream of Lettuce Soup_--3 cups white stock, 2 heads lettuce, 2
tablespoons cooked rice, 1/4 cup cream, 1/4 tablespoon onion, finely
chopped, 1 tablespoon Crisco, yolk 1 egg, nutmeg, salt and pepper to
taste. Remove outer leaves from lettuce and shred it. Cook onion 5
minutes in Crisco, add lettuce, rice, and stock. Add cream, yolk egg
slightly beaten, nutmeg, salt, and pepper to taste.

January 22

  _Filleted Anchovies with Lemon
  Ripe Olives
  Salted Pistachio Nuts
  Consomme, a la Royale
  *Halibut Turbans
  Roast Goose, Apple Jelly
  Potato Puff
  Mashed Turnip
  Endive and Roquefort Cheese Salad
  Coupe St. Jacques

_*Halibut Turbans_--Have 4 slices halibut cut 1/2 an inch thick;
remove skin and bone, thus securing 16 fillets. Dip in melted Crisco;
squeeze over juice of 1 lemon, little onion juice and sprinkle with
salt and pepper. Commencing with the widest end, roll each fillet into
a "turban" and fasten by running through each Criscoed wooden skewer.
Bake 20 minutes, basting with hot stock, or Crisco melted in hot
water. Arrange crown shape on serving dish. Fill the center with
boiled potato-balls, dressed with salt, Crisco, and chopped parsley.
Serve with Hollandaise sauce.

January 23

  _Barley Soup
  Corned Beef
  *Ladies' Cabbage
  Fried Celery
  Beet Salad
  Arrowroot Pudding with Stewed Fruit

_*Ladies' Cabbage_--Cut small, hard head cabbage into halves; remove
core and harder portions, chop remaining part quite fine. Throw this
into kettle of boiling salted water, boil uncovered for 30 minutes;
drain in colander. Put cabbage back in saucepan, add 2 tablespoons
Crisco, 1 tablespoon flour; dust flour over cabbage; stir carefully
with wooden spoon, and add 1/2 pint of milk, 1/2 teaspoon of salt
and 1 saltspoon of white pepper. Stand this on back part of stove to
simmer 10 minutes; send to table.

January 24

  _Blue Points
  Brown Bread Sandwiches
  Broiled Squabs
  Potato Croquettes
  *Cauliflower au Gratin
  Asparagus Salad
  Cheese Fingers
  Spanish Cream

_*Cauliflower au Gratin_--Boil 1 large cauliflower, drain it, and
break sprigs apart. Arrange in layers in Criscoed baking dish,
sprinkling each layer with cheese, seasoning it with pepper and salt,
and little melted Crisco. When dish is filled pour on 1 cup white
sauce, sprinkle top with crumbs and cheese, and let bake 15 minutes to

January 25

  _Sardines on Toast, Caper Sauce
  *Risotto Peas
  Fried Canned Tomatoes
  Lettuce and Hard-Cooked Eggs
  Jellied Prunes Whipped Cream
  Gold Cake

_*Risotto_--1/2 pound rice, 1 small onion, 4 tablespoons Crisco, 1/4
cup grated Parmesan cheese, 1/2 pint tomato sauce, about 1 pint good
stock, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and 1/2 teaspoon saffron.

Wash rice in several courses of water, drain and dry. Peel and chop
onion. Melt Crisco in stewpan; when hot add onion, fry over gentle
fire until light fawn color, then add rice; shake pan over fire for
a few minutes, so as to fry rice a little. Next add seasoning, salt,
pepper, nutmeg, and saffron; moisten with little stock, and add more
as rice begins to swell. When stock is used up, gradually add sauce.
When rice is tender mix in grated cheese. It is then ready to serve.
In preparing this dish remember that rice should be well done, and
should be neither too dry nor too moist.

January 26

  _Onion Soup
  Roast Chicken, Chestnut Stuffing,
  Giblet Sauce
  Celery au Jus
  Baked Macaroni with Cheese
  *Grapefruit Salad
  Burnt Almond Ice Cream

_*Grapefruit Salad_--Take out inside of grapefruit, and cut edge
of shell into points; slice meat of fruit with 2 oranges, 1 cup
pineapple, 1 cup cherries, 1/2 cup chopped nut meats, 1 diced apple,
the juice of 1 lemon, and 3 tablespoons powdered sugar; fill shell,
and serve with following dressing:

Beat yolks 2 eggs until creamy, then add to them 1/2 teaspoon dry
mustard and same quantity salt. Next beat in slowly 4 tablespoons
melted Crisco and 6 tablespoons hot vinegar. Cook in double boiler
until it thickens. When cold, and just before serving, 1 cup of cream,
sweet or sour, may be folded in.

January 27

  _Shrimp Cocktail
  *Salmon Croquettes, Tomato Sauce
  French Peas
  Mashed Potatoes
  Pickled Mangoes
  Cottage Pudding, Maple Sauce

_*Salmon Croquettes_--1 pound can salmon, 1/2 teaspoon salt, red
pepper to taste, 1/4 cup crackercrumbs, 1/2 teaspoon grated onion,
1 well beaten egg, 1 tablespoon Crisco, and 1 tablespoon chopped

From 1 can salmon, opened neatly, take fish and chop it fine; add salt
and pepper, Crisco, parsley and crackercrumbs; moisten it with the egg
and mix well, turn out upon dish; then roll into cones, dip these in
beaten egg seasoned with salt and pepper, roll in breadcrumbs. Fry in
deep Crisco until delicate brown, drain them a moment, arrange neatly
on hot dish and serve with tomato sauce. The Crisco should be heated
until crumb of bread becomes golden brown in 40 seconds.

January 28

  _*Croutes, a la Marie
  Oyster Balls, Horseradish Sauce
  Potato Souffle
  Baked Cucumbers
  Nut and Celery Salad
  Chocolate Bavarian Cream

_*Croutes, a la Marie_--Pass 1 small tureen foie gras through fine
wire sieve. Put in basin, add 1 teaspoon Crisco, pepper and salt to
taste, and then stir in gently 1/2 a gill cream. Pipe with a star
tube on to round croute of short crust; garnish with pimientoes cut in
strips and whipped cream.

January 29

  _Lobster Canapes
  Cream of Oyster Soup Crackers
  Planked Shad, Roe Sauce
  Duchess Potatoes
  Cucumbers, French Dressing
  *Cabinet Pudding

_*Cabinet Pudding_--8 stale lady fingers, 12 macaroons, 3 tablespoons
cherries, currants, and citron peel chopped fine, 1 tablespoon sugar,
3 eggs, 1 pint milk, 2 teaspoons Crisco, and vanilla extract.

Decorate bottom of mold with some fruit, lay row macaroons round edge
of bottom. Cut ladyfingers into pieces, mix with fruit and loosely
fill mold. Beat eggs with little cold milk, and 2 teaspoons Crisco,
scald remainder of milk, and pour on to eggs, beating at the same
time. Sweeten and flavor to taste. Gently pour this into mold. Cover
with Criscoed paper and place in steamer to cook until set. This will
take 3/4 of an hour. Let pudding stand 1 minute or 2 before turning
out. Serve with custard sauce.

January 30

  _*Croutes, a la Rosamonde
  Roast Tenderloin of Pork
  Sweet Potatoes, Southern Style
  Spinach, a la Creme
  Parmesan Cheese
  Apple Salad
  Cranberry Pie

_*Croutes, a la Rosamonde_--Take some small round tomatoes, and cut
in slices 1/4 inch thick. Lay in dish and sprinkle with melted Crisco,
vinegar, pepper and salt. Then make some round croutes of short paste
little larger than tomato; place 1 slice tomato on each, 1 rolled
fillet anchovy on top, and garnish with 1 hard-cooked egg yolk and
small piece white endive.

January 31

  _Spinach Soup
  *Irish Stew
  Baked Macaroni
  Onion and Lettuce Salad
  Cheese Puffs
  Golden Parfait

_*Irish Stew_--1 pound middle neck mutton, 2 pounds potatoes, 4
onions, 1 tablespoon Crisco, bunch of herbs, pepper and salt, 1
tablespoon flour, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley, and cold water.

Put Crisco into saucepan with mutton which should be cut into small
pieces. Peel and quarter onions, and put them in saucepan, add herbs
and barely cover with cold water. Peel potatoes, choose small ones and
do not cut them up, and lay over meat, sprinkle little salt and pepper
on potatoes and bring to boil. Then add flour and stand saucepan where
it will stew gently 2 hours. Take out herbs, season to taste with
salt and pepper. Dish up meat in circle on flat dish, put potatoes and
onions in center, leaving 1 potato in saucepan, to mash and thicken
the gravy a little, pour gravy over stew, and sprinkle with parsley.
Inferior cuts of mutton can be used advantageously for this dish,
such as scrag-end or breast of mutton; the bones and gristle with long
stewing give a nice flavor to the dish.

February 1

  _*Braised Loin of Mutton with Mushrooms
  Boiled Potatoes
  Spinach Garnished with Hard-Cooked Eggs
  Spiced Currants
  Carrot Salad
  Coffee Jelly

_*Braised Loin of Mutton with Mushrooms_--3 pounds loin mutton, 1
stalk celery, 1/2 teaspoon whole peppers, 1 bunch of sweet herbs, 2
tablespoons Crisco, pepper, salt, red pepper, 1 turnip, 1 carrot, 2 or
3 cloves, sprig of parsley, and 2 tablespoons flour.

Remove bone from mutton, thoroughly rub it with salt, pepper, and red
pepper; roll up and tie into roll; cut up celery, onion, carrot,
and turnip, and lay them at bottom of stewpan with sweet herbs and
parsley; lay mutton on top of these, and pour round enough water to
3 parts cover it, simmer slowly 1-1/2 to 2 hours; lift mutton into
dripping tin with few tablespoons gravy; set in brisk oven until
brown; strain gravy and skim off fat, put Crisco into saucepan, and
when brown, add flour, and brown also; then add gravy gradually,
little pepper and salt, and 1 dozen button mushrooms, skinned; boil 8
minutes; dish mutton with mushrooms round, and gravy strained over.

February 2

  _*Artichoke Soup
  Fried Fillets of Fish, Sauce Tartare
  Riced Potatoes
  Onions Stuffed with Nuts
  Egg Salad
  Toasted Cheese
  Russian Charlotte

_*Artichoke Soup_--2 pints white stock or water, 1 pint milk, 2
pounds Jerusalem artichokes, 2 onions, 1 bay leaf, 1 strip celery, 2
tablespoons Crisco, pepper and salt to taste.

Wash artichokes, put 1 tablespoon vinegar into basin of water and keep
artichokes in it as much as possible while paring them, to preserve
their whiteness. Cut onions, bay leaf, celery, and artichokes into
slices, melt Crisco in stewpan, fry vegetables 10 or 15 minutes
without browning; then pour in stock and boil until tender. Rub
through fine sieve, return to saucepan, add milk and seasoning, bring
to boil and serve.

When a thicker soup is desired 1 dessertspoon of cornstarch, flour, or
a mashed potato should be blended with little milk or stock, and added
to soup a few minutes before serving.

February 3

  _Consomme du Barry
  Roast Ribs of Beef
  *Franconia Potatoes
  Corn Cakes
  Mashed Turnips
  Radish Salad
  Marshmallow Pudding

_*Franconia Potatoes_--Pare 10 medium-sized potatoes; parboil five
minutes. Place on grate under roast ribs of beef. Baste with melted
Crisco, and bake from 20 to 30 minutes, turning often.

February 4

  _Steamed Oysters
  Lamb's Tongues, Tremont Style
  Browned Potatoes
  *Anchovy Fritters
  Romaine Salad
  Madeira Jelly

_*Anchovy Fritters_--Pound yolks 2 hard-cooked eggs with 1/2 dozen
bottled anchovies, 1 teaspoon capers 4 tablespoons Crisco and 4
tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese. Rub all through fine wire sieve
and add yolk 1 raw egg and 1 tablespoon breadcrumbs. Season with
pepper and with salt if it is needed.

Form paste into small balls, roll first in breadcrumbs, then in egg
and again in crumbs, and drop into hot Crisco. Serve on napkin with
grated Parmesan cheese. The recipe as here given may be doubled, and
"redoubled" as many times as it is thought the demand for fritters
will warrant.

February 5

  _Broiled Smelts
  Chicken, a la Florentine
  Brussels Sprouts with Cheese
  Spanish Salad
  Cheese Loaf
  *Date Souffle

_*Date Souffle_--Stone and chop 1/2 pound dates and cook them in
1/2 cup boiling water, mashing until smooth. Add 1 tablespoon melted
Crisco, stiffly beaten whites 5 eggs, 1/4 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon
lemon juice, and salt to taste. Pour into Criscoed souffle mold and
bake until brown, or 25 minutes. Serve cold with boiled custard or
whipped cream.

February 6

  _Rose and White Radishes with Butter
  Cream of Mutton Soup
  Baked Bluefish, Breslin Style
  *Planked Chicken
  Jerusalem Artichokes Saute
  Apple and Cress Salad
  Snow Pudding with Chocolate Sauce

_Planked Chicken_--Cream together 1/4 cup Crisco, 1 teaspoon minced
onion, 1/4 tablespoon each of minced red pepper, green pepper, and
parsley, 1/2 clove minced garlic, and 1 teaspoon lemon juice.

Split 1 young chicken as for broiling, place in pan, sprinkle with
salt and pepper, dot over with Crisco, and bake until nearly done in a
quick oven. Then Crisco plank, arrange upon it border made from 2 cups
of hot mashed potatoes to which have been added seasoning and beaten
yolks of 3 eggs. This is put on with a pastry tube and may be made
as fanciful as desired, with rosettes and pyramids. Brush over with
beaten egg diluted slightly with water, and place chicken in center.
Peel and saute 8 large mushroom caps, place on chicken (which has been
spread with prepared butter), place in very hot oven to brown potatoes
and finish cooking chicken. Serve on plank at once.

February 7

  _Crab Canapes
  St. Germain Soup
  *Braised Fillet of Beef
  French Bean Salad
  Bar-Le-Duc Cream

_*Braised Fillet of Beef_--Tie up fillet of beef neatly with string
and put in stewpan, bottom of which has been well Criscoed and lined
with thin slices fat bacon and 2 sliced onions. Cook for 20 minutes,
then barely cover with stock, add 1 wineglass of sherry, and bring to
a boil; then add 1 small onion stuck with cloves, 1 small turnip, 1
carrot, 1 bouquet of herbs, 1 tablespoon Crisco, salt and pepper to

Let meat simmer gently in this for 1-1/2 to 2 hours. For garnish, take
equal quantities of French peas and string beans, artichoke bottoms,
new carrots and turnips. Cut latter in uniform shapes with fancy
vegetable cutter, and cook them separate in consomme. Strain off about
3/4 pint of stock from fillet of beef, and pour on brown roux, made
with 2 tablespoons each of flour and Crisco; stir until it boils, add
small piece of glaze and reduce a little over quick fire. Add dash of
kitchen bouquet, salt, and pepper. Dish up fillet of beef, glaze it
with some of sauce, and arrange vegetables around it in little heaps,
each kind separate. Serve remainder of sauce in a boat.

February 8

  _Faubonne Soup
  Baked Fish
  Grenadins of Veal
  Roast Pigeons
  Endive Salad
  *Fruit Snowballs

_*Fruit Snowballs_--Cream 1/4 cup Crisco with 1/2 cup sugar, add 1/4
cup milk, 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, and 3 stiffly beaten
egg whites. Mix and divide into small Criscoed molds, cover with
Criscoed papers, and steam 35 minutes. Turn out, sprinkle with
powdered sugar, garnish with candied cherries and pineapple and serve
with custard sauce made with egg yolks.

February 9

  _Petite Marmite
  *Goulash of Veal
  Cauliflower, Cream Sauce
  Braised Endive
  Orange Salad
  Mousseline Pudding

_*Goulash of Veal_--1-1/2 pounds lean veal, 1 pound partly cooked
new potatoes, 4 tablespoons Crisco, 1/2 small onion, 1/2 pint cream,
paprika, pepper, and salt. Free meat from skin and sinews and cut it
into dice. Cut potatoes into cubes. Melt Crisco in saucepan, add meat
and fry lightly for several minutes, add onion, finely chopped, stir
over fire for about 5 minutes, season with salt and pepper to taste
and add potatoes. Pour off superfluous fat, mix carefully and
moisten with cream and 1 tablespoon rich white stock, season with
a sufficiency of paprika pepper to give sauce a pink tint, and cook
gently for 20 minutes. It is best to cook the Goulash at latter stage
in a fireproof earthenware stewpan, in which it should be sent to
table. Great care must be taken so as not to break potatoes while
cooking. Serve very hot.

February 10

  _Broiled Beefsteak
  Baked Potatoes
  Creamed Onions
  Waldorf Salad
  Jellied Figs
  Nut Cookies

_*Waldorf Salad_--1 quart chopped apples, 2 cups diced celery, 1-1/2
cups blanched and shredded almonds, and 2/3 cup rolled pecan nut

Dress with following dressing, adding little more sugar and lemon
juice to taste, just before serving. Mix 1 tablespoon melted Crisco,
1 teaspoon each mustard and white sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4
teaspoon pepper. Add 2 well beaten egg yolks and then beat in slowly 4
tablespoons lemon juice. Cook in double boiler till it thickens. Then
add whites 2 eggs beaten stiff. Keep on ice till wanted. Stir in 1 cup
whipped cream just before serving. This is very good made with 5 egg
yolks and 1/2 cup thin cream if whipping cream is unobtainable.

February 11

  _Cream Soup
  Flounder au Gratin
  Veal Cutlets, Brown Gravy
  Creamed Potatoes
  Cauliflower Polonaise
  Radish Salad
  *Friar's Omelet

_*Friar's Omelet_--Peel and core 1 pound cooking apples, and boil to
pulp with little water and sugar. When nearly, cold add 1 tablespoon
Crisco and 1 or 2 well beaten eggs.

Crisco a pudding dish and coat thickly with breadcrumbs. Pour in
mixture and cover thickly with more breadcrumbs. Cook in oven for 3/4
of an hour. A little lemon peel can be added if liked.

February 12

  _Gravy Soup
  Fish Souffle
  Beef Olives
  Braised Turnips
  Potato Puff
  Apple and Grapefruit Salad
  *Coburg Pudding

_*Coburg Pudding_--3 cups milk, 1/2 cup rice, 1 cup boiling water, 1
egg, 4 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon powdered cinnamon, 1 tablespoon
Crisco, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.

Well wash rice, sprinkle it into boiling water and cook gently until
all water is absorbed. Heat milk, in double saucepan if possible, add
half-cooked rice and boil gently until it is perfectly soft and of
thick creamy consistency. Should it become too thick before it is
really soft, add more milk. Beat egg, until very light, add half sugar
to it. When rice is cooked, whisk egg in at once, a little at a time.
Then add salt and piece of Crisco size of walnut. Turn mixture into
dish in which it is to be served. Mix rest of sugar with cinnamon.
Sprinkle this evenly over top of rice. Put rest of Crisco in small
pieces over top of pudding just before it is required. Place pudding
in front of fire, or in oven for second or two, when Crisco, etc.,
will form a delicious sauce over surface of pudding.

February 13

  _*Bombay Toast
  Boiled Halibut, Lobster Sauce
  Roast Capon
  Beet and Potato Salad
  Cheese Ramekins
  Peach Border

_*Bombay Toast_--Fry the required number of croutes in Crisco. When
cold spread with paste of pounded chicken and cream. Chop some capers,
and lay in a thick line across the chicken paste. On one-half put
grated yolk of hard-cooked egg, on the other half put grated white of
hard-cooked egg, and serve.

Saint Valentine's Day.

February 14

  _Cupid Canapes
  Clam Bouillon
  Fillets of Fish
  *Supreme of Chicken
  Martinique Potatoes
  Kumquat and Celery Salad
  Tutti Fruitti Ice Cream

_*Supreme of Chicken_--Remove breast meat from 2 young chickens and
trim into shape. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in cream, roll
in flour and saute in Crisco until delicately browned. Place in small
pan, dot over with Crisco, and bake until tender.

Remove to cutlet-shaped pieces of hot boiled ham (cut very thin),
garnish top of each with 3 short stalks of asparagus, seasoned with
Crisco, and pour around following sauce: Melt 3-1/2 tablespoons
Crisco, add 3-1/2 tablespoons flour, and stir until well blended; then
pour on gradually while stirring constantly 1 cup chicken stock and
1/2 cup cream. Bring to boiling point, season with salt and paprika,
and add yolk of 1 egg.

February 15

  _Swedish Soup
  Poached Eggs on Top
  Stuffed Breast of Veal
  Stewed Tomatoes
  Fried Carrots
  *Apple Tartlets

_*Apple Tartlets_--Line some tartlet tins with Crisco pastry. Fill
with stewed apples to which a little melted Crisco and grated nutmeg
have been added. Cover with a meringue and brown in the oven for a few

February 16

  _Consomme Colbert
  Braised Mutton Cutlets with Kidneys
  Stuffed Potatoes
  *Salsify Fritters
  Spinach Salad
  Cheese Balls
  Meringues, a la Chantilly

_*Salsify Fritters_--3 heads salsify, lemon juice, salt, 2 tablespoons
milk, 1 tablespoon melted Crisco, fried parsley, 4 tablespoons flour,
and 2 eggs. Wash, scrape, and soak the salsify in cold water seasoned
with salt and lemon juice to taste. Boil in salted, acidulated water
until tender. Take it up when done, drain, and cut the salsify into
pieces all the same size. Sieve the flour into a basin, work in the
yolks of the eggs, the milk, and the melted Crisco. Beat to a smooth
batter, season with salt and pepper to taste. When ready to fry, beat
up the whites of eggs very stiffly and stir them lightly into batter.
Drop the salsify into the batter, then into hot Crisco and fry to a
golden brown color. Take up, drain, and serve garnished with fried

February 17

  _Strained Gumbo
  Oyster Souffle
  *Calf's Head, Vinaigrette
  Baked Eggplant
  String Beans
  Russian Salad

_*Calf's Head, Vinaigrette_--Clean and scald 1/2 a calf's head. Cover
with water and boil 1/2 an hour, then plunge into cold water.
When cool, remove meat and cut in small squares. Make a roux of 1
tablespoon Crisco and 2 tablespoons flour cooked thoroughly; add 4
cloves, 3 whole peppers, small onion, carrot, 2 bay leaves, dash of
thyme, and 2 tablespoons strong vinegar. Add the meat. Simmer 2 hours;
remove into deep dish and cover with vinaigrette sauce, which is made
with 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon paprika, dash white pepper mixed
with 3 tablespoons tarragon or plain vinegar. Add 6 tablespoons olive
oil, 1 tablespoon gherkins, and 1 teaspoon each chives and parsley all
chopped very fine, and 1 tablespoon minced green pepper. Blend well
before pouring over meat. This may be served either hot or cold.
Garnish with cucumber pickles cut into fan shapes.

February 18

  _*Cheese Canapes
  Lamb Chops
  French Peas
  Baked Potatoes
  Artichoke Salad
  Russian Charlotte
  Preserved Ginger

_*Cheese Canapes_--8 croutes bread, 1/4 pound cheese, 2 tablespoons
Crisco, salt and red pepper to taste, 1 teaspoon mustard, and 1
dessertspoon sherry.

Cut the croutes of bread out of slices of stale bread with a round
cutter 2 inches across. Fry the bread a golden color in hot Crisco.
Cut up cheese; put it into a mortar with Crisco, and pound until it
becomes a smooth paste; then season with salt and red pepper to taste.
Add the mustard and sherry. When all ingredients are thoroughly mixed,
put it on the croutes of bread; place them in oven until hot through,
then serve at once.

February 19

  _*Mulligatawney Soup
  Roast Pork, Frozen Apple Sauce
  Creamed Onions
  Indian Salad
  Toasted Biscuits
  Mocha Souffle

_*Mulligatawney Soup_--Saute in 1 tablespoon melted Crisco, 1 minced
onion, 1 tablespoon minced cooked ham, 3 cloves, 1/2 carrot, and 1
stick celery, minced fine, 1/2 cup cooked chicken cut in dice, and 3
pints of chicken stock. Cook fifteen minutes, add 1/2 a green apple,
diced, 1/2 cup stewed or canned tomatoes, 1 teaspoon tomato catsup, 1
teaspoon curry powder, 2 tablespoons boiled rice, 1 teaspoon salt, and
2 drops Tabasco sauce. Simmer 1/2 hour and serve with or without thin
slices of lemon cut in quarters.

February 20

  _*Onion Cocktail
  Halibut, a la Martin
  Roast Mutton, Currant Mint Sauce
  Okra and Tomatoes
  Cucumber Jelly Salad
  Spanish Cream

_*Onion Cocktail_--2 cups diced apples, 1 cup diced onions, 1 cup
seeded raisins. Fill cocktail glasses with onions, apples, raisins,
pour over a sour dressing made as follows: 1/4 cup each of vinegar
and water, 1 tablespoon Crisco, salt and red pepper to taste, and 2
teaspoons sugar. Place in small saucepan over fire until Crisco melts,
then stir in well beaten yolks of 2 eggs, stirring constantly until
thick. Place in ice box to cool before using.

February 21

  _Boiled Halibut, Anchovy Butter
  Pigeons, a la Chasseur
  Griddled White Potatoes
  *Stewed Lettuce
  Oyster Salad
  Cheese Relish
  Pineapple Cream

_*Stewed Lettuce_--Wash the desired number of heads of lettuce,
cutting off the stalks at the roots, and put into a saucepan with 1
onion sliced, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, and
salt and pepper to taste, with a very little water, to cook slowly for
2 hours. By this time the water should have pretty well cooked away,
leaving the lettuce fairly dry. Remove from it the onion and parsley,
put into a dish, dress well with melted butter and send to table hot.

Washington's Birthday

February 22

  _Cherry Cocktail
  Salted Nuts
  Oyster Soup
  Fried Chicken, Cream Gravy
  Sweet Potatoes
  White Grape Salad
  Beaten Biscuits
  *Washington Pie
  Martha Washington Fruit Cake
  Fruit Punch

_*Washington Pie_--3/4 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon Crisco; beat together
thoroughly; add 1/2 cup sweet milk, 2 cups flour, 2 beaten eggs, 2
teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon lemon; make into 3 cakes and put
jelly or custard between.

February 23

  _Red Cabbage Soup
  *Broiled Kidneys with Green Peppers
  French Peas
  Fried Bananas
  Grapefruit and White Grape Salad
  Cheese Balls
  Russian Jelly

_*Broiled Kidneys with Green Peppers_--Split some fine beef kidneys,
remove the outer skin and sinews, and wipe well. Sprinkle the kidneys
with pepper and salt, and let stand for an hour or more. Dip them
then, into melted Crisco and broil over a clear fire. Meanwhile, chop
2 green peppers, freed from their seeds, and fry with 1/2 a teaspoon
chopped onion and 1 tablespoon chopped parsley in Crisco till the
pepper is quite done, having no more moisture, or Crisco that is in
the pan, than is necessary to cook the green peppers. Dish the kidneys
and surround with the sauce of green peppers.


February 24

  _Cream of Celery Soup
  *Mock Veal Roast
  Stewed Turnips
  Asparagus Salad
  Apple Pie

_*Mock Veal Roast_--1/2 pint shelled roasted peanuts, 1/2 pint
lentils, 2 tablespoons melted Crisco, 1/2 pint toasted breadcrumbs,
milk, pepper and salt to taste.

Soak the lentils over night; drain, bring them to a boil; throw away
water; cover with fresh water and boil until tender; drain again;
press them through a colander. Add nuts, chopped or ground, melted
Crisco, breadcrumbs and seasoning, with sufficient milk to make it the
consistency of mush. Pour into baking dish and bake in a moderate oven
1 hour. Beans or peas may be substituted for lentils.

February 25

  _Clam Broth with Whipped Cream
  Boiled Fish
  Dressed Cucumbers
  Panned Chicken
  Riced Potatoes
  *Stuffed Green Peppers
  Celery and Lettuce Salad
  Caramel Rice Pudding

_*Stuffed Green Peppers_--6 large green peppers, 1 pint boiled rice,
1 tomato, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1 medium-sized onion, and 1 teaspoon
salt. Cut the tops from peppers and remove seeds. Add to rice the
onion and tomato, chopped and salt. Wash peppers, stuff them with
boiled rice, put on tops and stand them in a baking pan. Cover bottom
of baking pan with a little water; add to it the Crisco. Bake in a
quick oven 20 minutes, basting 2 or 3 times.

February 26

  _Cream of Beet Soup
  Pork Tenderloins, Apple Sauce
  Baked and Glazed Potatoes
  Buttered Parsnips
  *Raisin Pudding, Liquid Sauce

_*Raisin Pudding_--Wash and dry 1 pound Sultana raisins; Crisco
a pudding dish; put in a layer of boiled rice, over it a layer of
raisins, and continue until the dish is nearly full, having rice
on top. Beat 2 eggs; add 2 teaspoons sugar, 1 pinch of salt, 3
tablespoons melted Crisco, and 2 cups sweet milk; pour it over
pudding, and bake 1/2 hour. Serve with liquid sauce.

February 27

  _Sago Soup
  Brown Stew of Mutton Chops
  Stewed Turnips
  Boiled Potatoes
  *Cabbage Salad
  Lemon Sponge

_*Cabbage Salad_--Shave 2 cups shredded cabbage in thin strips or chop
fine and mix with the following dressing: 2 tablespoons Crisco,
1/2 cup hot vinegar, 1 teaspoon dry mustard, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1
teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon pepper, 1/2 onion, cut fine, and 1/2 cup
sweet or sour cream, milk or water. Dissolve the sugar in cream. Mix
with rest of the ingredients. Mix while hot and serve with the salad
slightly warmed.

February 28

  _Consomme with Spaghetti
  *Chicken Souffle
  Creamed Potatoes
  Celery and Apple Salad
  Stuffed Dates

_*Chicken Souffle_--2 cups cold roast chicken, a 1/4 cup cold boiled
ham or tongue, 5 tablespoons Crisco, 2 tablespoons flour, 1/2 cup
cream, 3/4 cup chicken broth, a 1/4 cup chopped nut meats, salt and
paprika to taste, and 4 eggs beaten separately.

The chicken, ham or tongue should be chopped very fine before
measuring. Melt 3 tablespoons Crisco in a frying pan; add the chopped
meat and stir over fire until Crisco is absorbed. Make a sauce of 2
tablespoons Crisco, the flour, broth and cream. Pound the meat in a
mortar, adding meanwhile the sauce. Press the whole through a
fine sieve; add the nut meats, seasonings and yolks of eggs. Mix
thoroughly, and fold in the whites of eggs. Bake in a Criscoed dish
till firm in the center. Serve with mushroom or tomato sauce. This
may also be cooked in individual dishes. 25 minutes will be needed for
cooking in a large dish, about 12 minutes in individual dishes. It
is better to cook a souffle too long than too short a time always,
provided that the temperature be kept about 208° F.

March 1

  _*Toad in the Hole
  Pressed Beef with Aspic
  Beet and Endive Salad
  Compote of Fruit, Maids of Honor

_*Toad in the Hole_--2 cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 pound link
sausages, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons melted Crisco, and 3 cups milk. Sift
the flour and salt into a basin; beat up eggs well, and after mixing
them with the milk and melted Crisco, pour gradually on flour, beating
it well with a wooden spoon. When quite smooth, pour it into a well
Criscoed fireproof dish; skin the sausages and lay them in the batter,
and bake in a moderate oven for 3/4 of an hour. Serve in small squares
arranged neatly overlapping each other on a hot dish.

March 2

  _*Oxtail Soup
  Trout, Black Butter Sauce
  Stewed Steak and Oysters
  Pear Salad
  Cheese Eclairs
  Sweet Omelet

_*Oxtail Soup_--1 oxtail, 2 quarts second stock or water, 2 onions,
2 carrots, 1 turnip, 2 strips celery, 4 tablespoons Crisco, a 1/2 cup
diced lean ham or bacon, a boquet-garni, 12 whole peppers, 2 cloves,
salt, 1 glass sherry, and 1 tablespoon cornstarch.

Cut the tail into small joints, put it into a stewpan, cover with
cold water, boil up and strain. Dry the pieces of oxtail, roll them
in flour, put them with ham and sliced vegetables and Crisco into the
stewpan, and fry until brown. Then add stock, herbs, whole peppers,
cloves, and salt, boil and skim well. Put on lid and cook very gently
for about 4 hours. Strain, remove fat, return to stewpan, and when
soup boils add sherry and cornstarch smoothly mixed together, stir
and cook for a few minutes. Serve smaller pieces of tail in soup,
remainder may be reheated in a good brown sauce, and used as an


March 3

  _*Grilled Mushrooms
  Vegetable Soup
  Cheese Omelet
  Baked Beans
  Iced Asparagus
  Fruit in Jelly

_*Grilled Mushrooms--_1 cup mushrooms, pepper and salt to taste,
Crisco, and lemon juice. Carefully peel the mushrooms, cut off a
portion of stalk, and season with salt. Broil them over a clear fire,
turning them once, and arrange them on a very hot dish. Put a small
piece of Crisco on each mushroom, season with pepper and salt to
taste, and squeeze over them a few drops of lemon juice.

March 4

  _Spanish Soup
  *Baked Stuffed Heart
  Mashed Potatoes
  Fried Beets
  Red Cabbage Salad
  Orange Pudding

_*Baked Stuffed Heart_--Take an ox heart and season it inside with
salt and pepper, and fill it quite full of herb forcemeat; fasten
it up with a needle and string, rub the heart over well with melted
Crisco and fold it up in a well Criscoed paper; tie it up, put heart
in a baking tin in the oven, keeping it well basted with melted
Crisco, then remove the paper and dish upon a hot dish, and serve
round it a good brown sauce or tomato sauce or brown caper sauce, and
garnish with olive potatoes. This should be served while hot.

March 5

  _*Scotch Broth
  Browned Veal Knuckle
  Riced Potatoes
  Buttered Parsnips
  Olive and Lettuce Salad
  Cheese Straws
  Apricot Parfait

_*Scotch Broth_--2 pounds neck mutton, 1 cup barley, 1 cup peas, 1
carrot, 1 turnip, 1 teaspoon sugar, 3 onions or leeks, 1 tablespoon
Crisco, 1 small cabbage, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 16 cups water
or stock, salt and pepper to taste.

Prepare vegetables and cut them into small pieces. Put water or stock
into large earthenware pan, and when it boils, add meat and barley.
Boil up, skimming frequently, add vegetables, and then simmer for 3
hours. Now stir in one extra carrot grated, salt and pepper, sugar and
Crisco. Simmer again for 30 minutes. Add parsley and broth is ready to


March 6

  _Spinach Soup
  *Egg Cutlets, Cream Sauce
  Brussels Sprouts
  Tomatoes, French Dressing
  Cheese Fingers
  Sultana Pudding

_*Egg Cutlets_--Put 2 tablespoons Crisco into a pan, when melted,
add 2 tablespoons flour, 1 cup milk gradually, boil for 3 minutes,
stirring all the time, then add 2 raw yolks of eggs, remove from the
fire, add 2 tablespoons cooked chopped peppers, 6 chopped mushrooms,
red pepper, white pepper, salt and nutmeg to taste and four chopped
hard-cooked eggs. Turn on plate to cool. Shape into cutlets. Brush
over with beaten egg, roll in fine breadcrumbs and fry in hot Crisco.
Serve very hot with cream sauce.

March 7

  _*Tapioca Puree
  Brazillian Stew
  Mashed Potatoes
  White Grape Salad
  Ginger Ice Cream

_*Tapioca Puree_--1 quart white stock, or half stock and half milk,
1/4 pint cream, 1 tablespoon melted Crisco, yolks of 3 eggs, 1
tablespoon fine sago or crushed tapioca, salt and pepper to taste.

The stock should be well flavored, otherwise it must be simmered with
a little onion, carrot, celery, and herbs, and strained for use. Bring
stock to boiling point, sprinkle in sago, or tapioca, and stir and
cook until it becomes transparent; then let soup cool slightly. Mix
yolks of eggs and the cream together, then the melted Crisco, and add
to soup and stir till it thickens; it should have the consistency of
single cream. When a thicker soup is desired, mix teaspoon flour or
cornstarch with a little milk, and add it to soup at same time as sago
or tapioca. Season to taste, and serve.

March 8

  _Turnip Soup
  Beef Stew with Dumplings
  Mashed Potatoes
  Russian Salad
  *Bird's Nest Pudding

_*Bird's Nest Pudding_--3 eggs, 3/4 cup flour, 6 tablespoons Crisco,
1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup blanc-mange, pinch baking powder, pistachio
nuts or cocoanut, angelica and apricot jam.

Break eggs into basin, add sugar to them, and beat over saucepan of
hot water until mixture is consistency of thick cream. Melt Crisco;
sieve flour and baking powder together. Stir Crisco and flour quickly
and lightly into egg mixture, turn into well-criscoed mold, and bake
in a moderate oven for 15 to 20 minutes. Turn out when done, and let
the cake get cold. Rub some apricot jam through a hair sieve, put a
thin layer of this over the cake, roll it either in chopped pistachio
nuts or desiccated cocoanut. Stand on a dish. Have ready some
blanc-mange eggs, fill the center with these, and arrange round the
base of the nest some pieces of angelica to represent twigs. It is now
ready to serve. The blanc-mange eggs are made by either filling some
egg-molds with blanc-mange, or by emptying out some eggs, and using
the shells. The eggs must be emptied through as small a hole as
possible. When set, the shells are broken away carefully.

March 9

  _*Veal and Ham Pie
  Baked Sweet Potatoes
  Fried Parsnips
  Salad of Canned Asparagus Tips
  Cheese Fritters
  Caramel Pudding with Meringue

_*Veal and Ham Pie_--1-1/2 pounds veal, 2 hard-cooked eggs, few grains
red pepper, dust of powdered mace, 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind,
1/2 pound ham, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 6 whole peppers,
powdered sweet herbs, and pastry.

Cut veal and ham into very thin pieces; mix on a plate, flour, salt,
pepper, sweet herbs, lemon rind, red pepper, and mace, roll in this
seasoning each piece of veal, and lay in a pie dish, alternately,
layers of veal, ham, and egg, cut in slices; pile this in center of
dish, add 1/2 cup water; line edge of dish, cover and decorate with
Crisco Flake Pastry; when baked add a little very good seasoned stock,
which should become a jelly when the pie is cold, or a little gelatine
may be added; garnish with parsley if served cold.

March 10

  _Cream of Cabbage Soup
  *Halibut, a la Poulette, White Sauce
  Baked Potatoes
  Macaroni, Italian Style
  Chicory Salad
  Cheese Crusts
  Plum Pudding

_*Halibut, a la Poulette_--Slice of halibut, weighing 2 pounds, 1/4
cup melted Crisco, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, few drops onion juice,
pepper and salt to taste.

Clean fish and cut into neat fillets. Add seasonings to melted Crisco,
and put dish containing Crisco in saucepan of hot water to keep Crisco
melted. Take up each fillet separately with a fork, dip in Crisco,
roll and fasten with small wooden skewer. Put in shallow pan, dredge
with flour, and bake 12 minutes in hot oven. Remove skewers, arrange
on platter for serving, pour around 1-1/2 cups white sauce, and
garnish with yolks of 2 hard-cooked eggs rubbed through a strainer,
whites of hard-cooked eggs cut in strips, lemon cut fan-shaped, and

March 11

  _Asparagus Soup
  Baked Salmon, Hollandaise Sauce
  Mashed Potatoes
  *Spinach, a la Creme
  Escarole Salad
  Cheese Straws
  Cocoanut Pudding

_*Spinach, a la Creme_--2 pounds spinach, pepper, salt, and nutmeg
to taste, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 1/2 cup thick cream, and 1 teaspoon

Wash and pick spinach, throw it into a pan of boiling water containing
a little salt and soda; boil until tender, 10 to 15 minutes; pour on
to a wire sieve, and squeeze out all the water; rub through the sieve
with a wooden spoon; put spinach into a saucepan, with seasoning,
butter, and cream. The spinach may be prepared as above and mixed with
white sauce instead of cream; garnish with fried croutons.

March 12

  _Porterhouse Steak, Maitre d'Hotel Butter
  French Fried Potatoes
  Stewed Tomatoes
  Shredded Cabbage, Cream Dressing
  *Apple Pie

_*Apple Pie_--Use Crisco Plain Paste. For filling for a medium-sized
pie tin, use 3 cups pared and sliced apples, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/8
teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1
tablespoon lemon juice, and grated rind of 1/2 lemon.

March 13

  _Baked Stuffed Haddock
  Julienne Potatoes
  Creamed Cucumbers
  Egg Salad
  *Steamed Graham Pudding, Hard Sauce

_*Steamed Graham Pudding_--1/2 cup molasses, 1/2 cup milk, 1 egg, 1/4
cup Crisco, 1-1/2 cups graham flour, 1/2 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon
salt, 1 cup stoned and chopped dates.

Melt Crisco, add molasses, milk, egg well beaten, dry ingredients,
mixed and sifted, and dates; turn into Criscoed mold, cover, and steam
2-1/2 hours. Serve with hard sauce. Figs cut in small pieces may be
used in place of dates.

March 14

  _*Breaded Chops
  Baked Potatoes
  Celery Hearts
  Creamed Carrots and Peas
  Lettuce, French Dressing
  Apricot Whip, Custard Sauce

_*Breaded Chops_--Wipe and trim mutton chops, sprinkle with salt and
pepper, dip in crumbs, egg, then crumbs, and fry in hot Crisco from 5
to 8 minutes, then drain. Do not fry more than 4 chops at a time, and
allow the Crisco to reheat between fryings. After testing Crisco for
temperature put in the chops, then lower the heat that the surface of
the chops may not be burned while the inside is yet under done.

March 15

  _*Sardine Canapes
  Baked Beans
  Baked Potatoes
  Apple and Celery Salad
  Cheese Wafers
  Date Cream Pie

_*Sardine Canapes_--Take 6 or 8 sardines, mash up with yolk of a
hard-cooked egg, pepper and salt to taste, a little lemon juice and
1 teaspoon melted Crisco. Have some rounds of bread fried a pretty
golden brown color in hot Crisco, spread the mixture on the croutes;
garnish round the edges with some finely chopped parsley and white of
1 egg rubbed through sieve.

March 16

  _*Clam Bisque
  Codfish Balls
  Escalloped Tomatoes
  Cucumber Salad
  Bermuda Onions
  Custard Pie

_*Clam Bisque_--2 cups clams, 2 tablespoons chopped onions, bit of bay
leaf, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 4 tablespoons flour, 2 cups chicken stock,
1 teaspoon salt, pepper and red pepper to taste, 1 pint hot cream, and
1 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce.

Chop clams, and cook in stock 20 minutes. Melt Crisco, add onions,
cook 5 minutes; add flour, strained clam liquor, cook 5 minutes; add
seasonings, cream, and serve.

St. Patrick's Day

March 17

  _Irish Potato Bisque
  Salted Pistachio Nuts
  *Boiled Salmon, Parsley Sauce
  Mashed Potatoes
  Brussels Sprouts
  Shamrock Salad
  St. Patrick's Pie
  Green Frosted Cakes
  Green Mints

_*Boiled Salmon_--Put the salmon in enough boiling water to cover, add
1 teaspoon salt to each quart of water; boil 1 minute, then draw on
one side, and simmer slowly until cooked, allowing 10 minutes to the
pound; drain thoroughly, and serve on folded napkin; decorate with

Serve with parsley sauce. For sauce. Blend 2 tablespoons Crisco with
2 tablespoons flour, add 1 cup milk, salt, pepper, and red pepper
to taste, stir till boiling, then boil 8 minutes, add 2 tablespoons
chopped parsley, mix well and use.

March 18

  _*Broiled Spanish Mackerel
  Grilled Guinea Chicken
  Candied Sweet Potatoes
  Baked Eggplant
  Cold Asparagus, Vinaigrette
  Devilled Cheese
  Macedoine of Fruits

_*Broiled Spanish Mackerel_--Split a good-sized Spanish mackerel down
the back, clean and wipe as dry as possible, leaving the head and tail
on or off, as desired. Sprinkle well with salt and pepper. Rub the
wire broiler with Crisco and lay on this, flesh side up. Turn when the
flesh is tender and broil on the skin side until brown and crisp, and
serve with cucumbers dressed with oil and lemon juice.

March 19

  _*Chickens Stewed with Olives
  Chartreuse of Spinach
  Baked Squash
  Asparagus Salad
  Rhubarb Tarts

_*Chickens Stewed with Olives_--Cut 2 young chickens into joints and
put to cook in 3 pints of water with pepper, salt and an onion. Cook
until the chickens are very tender. Take up, drain and wipe chickens
and fry them in Crisco till they brown. Strain water in which chickens
were cooked and take a little more than 1/2 a pint of it for sauce.
Put this into the frying pan in which chickens were fried, thicken it
a little, and into it put 2 dozens olives, chopped, and 1 tablespoon
capers. When it is quite hot and smooth pour over chickens and serve.

March 20

  _Princess Soup
  Veal Chops, Horseradish Sauce
  Fried Carrots
  Baked Asparagus Tips
  Spinach Salad
  Peach Mousse

_Princess Soup_--Chop very fine 1 cup sorrel, and cook in 1 tablespoon
Crisco. Add 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon tarragon or white wine
vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon flour, and when boiling add 1
pint hot water. Cook for 1/2 hour, then add 1 quart white stock and a
grating of nutmeg and dash of red pepper. Bring to a boil, add beaten
yolk of 1 egg and 1 cup cream and serve.

March 21

  _Baked Shad Roe with Bacon
  *Broiled Lamb Chops, Mint Jelly Sauce
  Baked Asparagus Tips
  Shrimp Salad
  Rice Souffle

_*Broiled Lamb Chops_--Trim and flatten chops, sprinkle each with
sherry wine, rub with salt and white pepper and broil over a clear
fire until they are done, according to the tastes of those who are to
eat them. Melt together 4 tablespoons Crisco, if there are 8 chops, a
small tumbler mint jelly, add to it chopped parsley and a few drops of
lemon juice and pour over chops just as they are to be served.

March 22

  _Czarina Soup
  *Guinea Hen, Roasted
  Mashed Potatoes
  Creamed Onions
  Dandelion Salad
  Frozen Pudding

_*Guinea Hen, Roasted_--Truss 2 guinea hens, cover breasts with thin
slices of bacon, and put in roaster and bake, basting often until
tender. Remove bacon and brown. Melt in roasting pan 2 tablespoons
Crisco, stir in 2 tablespoons flour, pour in gradually 2 cups scalded
cream, and stir constantly. Strain, season with salt and white pepper,
and, if liked, a tiny grain nutmeg, and pour this over guinea hens, or
pass separately. Serve with these, potato balls of uniform size, which
have been sauted in Crisco and sprinkled with chopped parsley.

March 23

  _Cream of Cauliflower Soup
  Flounder au Gratin
  *Mutton Cutlets, a la Soubise
  Tossed Tomatoes
  Combination Salad
  Apple Dumplings

_*Mutton Cutlets, a la Soubise_--6 mutton cutlets, 1/2 cup dried
beans, brown sauce, 2 onions, 3 tablespoons Crisco, and 1/2 cup white
sauce. Trim cutlets, season them with pepper and salt, and fry in hot

Soak dried beans in water for several hours, then boil them in a
stewpan until tender. Drain, and pass them through a sieve. Melt
Crisco in a saucepan, stir in sieved beans, add to them the onions,
previously boiled and sieved, season, and stir over fire until hot.
Then add white sauce. Dish cutlets in a circle on a hot dish, and put
puree of beans and onions in center. Pour some brown sauce round and

March 24

  _Calf's Tail Soup
  *Braised Fillet of Veal
  Braised Belgian Endive
  Potato Puree
  Beet and Cabbage Salad
  Banana Trifle

_*Braised Fillet of Veal_--3-1/2 pounds veal, 1/4 pound larding bacon,
1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, 1/2 lemon, forcemeat, stock and a little

Remove bone, fill in cavity with forcemeat. Cut some even strips of
bacon 1/4 of an inch thick, and with a larding needle thread neatly on
top of meat. Slice vegetables, place them in a pan, set veal on these,
sprinkle with a little lemon juice. Cover with Criscoed paper, and add
stock to come three-parts up the meat. Cover closely and set pan in
oven (in order to get top heat also) or over a gentle fire, and simmer
2-1/2 to 3 hours. Remove veal to a dripping tin with very little
stock, and brown in front of fire or in hot oven. Reduce stock in pan,
meanwhile, by fast boiling without lid, and strain round meat. Garnish
with cut lemon, and, if liked, with curled bacon and forcemeat balls.

The forcemeat is made as follows: Add 1/4 cup Crisco, 4 tablespoons
chopped cooked ham, 1 cup breadcrumbs, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley,
1 teaspoon mixed herbs, thyme, and marjoram. Add salt and pepper to
taste, and mix with 2 well-beaten eggs.

March 26

  _Scallop Chowder
  *Boiled Cod, Oyster Sauce
  Mashed Potatoes
  Stewed Corn
  Watercress, French Dressing
  Cheese Biscuits
  Ginger Pudding

_*Boiled Cod_--Wash the fish (about 2 to 3 pounds cod), and put into
a fish-kettle, containing enough boiling water to cover it. Add some
salt, bring quickly to boil; then draw pan to side of fire, and let it
stay in hot water until cooked. Do not let water boil or simmer again.
Cod cooked in this way has a much finer flavor than if it is allowed
to simmer or boil. Take up fish on drainer, slide it on to a hot dish
on a folded napkin, and serve garnished with sprigs of crisp
parsley. Send to table with oyster sauce, which is made as follows: 4
tablespoons Crisco, 6 tablespoons flour, 1 small onion, 1/2 carrot,
12 whole peppers, 1/2 bay leaf, 1 clove, 1 bouquet garni, small blade
mace, salt, and ten oysters. Peel the onion, scrape carrot; put them
into saucepan with bay leaf, whole pepper, bouquet garni, and clove;
add milk, and bring to boil. When milk boils take out mace and bay
leaf. Melt Crisco in small saucepan; mix in flour smoothly; whisk into
this hot milk. Stir until it boils, then let it simmer from 10 to 15
minutes. Take out bouquet; rub sauce through a sieve. Take 10 oysters
and their liquor and put into a saucepan and bring to boiling point.
Then take the oysters and cut each in quarters. Heat the sauce and add
the oyster liquor, reduce well, strain and return to saucepan; stir in
1 yolk of egg, bind, and then add oysters and lemon juice. Stir till
hot, but it must not boil. Season to taste and serve.

March 26

  _Pepper Cocktail
  *Fried Pigeons
  Baked Onions
  Mashed Potatoes
  Celery and Nut Salad
  Cheese Custards
  Orange Ice Cream

_*Fried Pigeons_--4 pigeons, 1/2 pound sausage meat, 1 egg, carrot,
turnip, onion, celery, mace, and cloves. Empty and split pigeons
in halves, lengthways; remove 1 joint of wing and of leg, and truss
neatly; wash thoroughly.

Put into a stewpan, a small bit turnip and carrot, small onion, bit of
celery, blade of mace, few cloves and whole peppers; place pigeons on
top; add 2 cups water, and all giblets of pigeons nicely cleaned and
prepared; cover all with Criscoed paper and cover them with lid, and
cook gently 1 hour. Remove pigeons from pan, and dry each thoroughly.
Divide sausage into 4 portions; fill hollow of pigeons with these, and
with floured hands pat it quite smooth, using flour all over pigeons.
Have an egg well beaten; cover carefully with it, and roll in fine
breadcrumbs. Put into hot Crisco, and fry a golden brown. Have the
following sauce in dish, and place the pigeons neatly in center:
Strain liquor pigeons were stewed in, and into pan put 1 tablespoon
flour and 1 tablespoon Crisco, moisten it with a little cold water;
then add to it the liquor, a 1/4 teaspoon meat extract, 1 small tomato
chopped up, and salt to taste; let all boil for 10 minutes; then
strain. It may require more stock or water to be added to make sauce a
good consistency.

March 27

  _Grape Fruit Cocktail
  Roast Duck, Currant Jelly
  *Creamed Turnips
  Sweet Potato Croquettes
  Apple Salad
  Cheese Straws
  Marmalade Ice Cream

_*Creamed Turnips_--Wash turnips, and cut in 1/2 inch cubes. Cook 3
cups in boiling salted water 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain, and
serve with the following sauce: 2 tablespoons Crisco, 2 tablespoons
flour, 1 cup milk, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste. Put Crisco
in saucepan, stir until melted and bubbling; add flour mixed with
seasonings, and stir until thoroughly blended. Pour on gradually the
milk, adding about 1/3 at a time, stirring until well mixed, then
beating until smooth and glossy.

March 28

  _Anchovy Eclairs
  *Planked Shad, Butter Sauce
  Potato Puff
  Asparagus Salad
  Cheese Sandwiches
  Cafe Parfait

_*Planked Shad_--Clean and split down the back a good 3-pound shad.
Heat plank very hot, lay fish upon it, skin side down, or that portion
will be raw. The hot plank cooks it. Brush flesh carefully over with
olive oil, then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake for 30 minutes in
a hot oven. Baste frequently with melted Crisco. It may be cooked in
a gas range having the flame over the fish. When cooked pour over the
fish 2 tablespoons melted Crisco and juice of 1 lemon. Garnish with
parsley and quarters of lemon. Set the plank on a serving dish and
serve with butter sauce.

March 29

  _Printanier Soup
  Broiled Chicken, Oyster Sauce
  *Duchesse Potatoes
  String Beans
  Watercress, French Dressing
  Cheese Biscuits
  Lemon Meringue Pie

_*Duchesse Potatoes_--Wash, peel and boil two pounds potatoes, drain
off water and dry in oven, then rub through sieve, add 3 egg yolks,
2 tablespoons Crisco, 1 tablespoon cream, seasoning salt, pepper and
grated nutmeg. When well mixed lay on floured board and divide into
12 pieces, shape each piece into a square, put them on a buttered tin,
brush over with beaten egg and bake in hot oven till well browned.

March 30

  _Cream of Barley Soup
  English Chicken Pie
  Broiled Tomatoes
  Cucumber Salad with Red Peppers

_*English Chicken Pie_--1 chicken, 1/2 pound veal fillet, 4 ounces
bacon, 3 hard-cooked eggs, 1/4 pound mushrooms, 2 tablespoons Crisco,
pepper and salt to taste, chopped parsley, puff-pastry, stock, and 1

Cut fowl into small joints, season these with salt and pepper. Slice
veal thinly, line bottom of fireproof dish with this, place on top a
layer of chicken. Chop mushrooms finely, saute them in Crisco in small
stewpan; sprinkle half of this over pieces of chicken, then layer of
hard-cooked eggs, over that thin slices bacon and chopped parsley.
Continue in this way until all ingredients are used up and the
fireproof dish is full; fill dish three parts full with stock. Put a
strip of pastry round the edge of dish, wet this lightly with water,
cover the pie with puff-pastry rolled out to the proper size and
thickness; press down the paste on to the wet edge of paste, trim
round. Decorate the paste at the edge according to taste; brush over
pie with beaten egg, make a slit in the center of the lid, and place
a circle of pastry leaves round it. Put pie in moderate oven, and bake
about 1-1/2 hours. Pour in a little stock before serving.

March 31

  _Deviled Clams
  *Broiled Lobsters, Melted Butter
  Potatoes au Natural
  Baked Macaroni
  Romaine Salad, French Dressing
  Snow Pudding, Chocolate Sauce

_*Broiled Lobsters_--Kill lobsters by cutting tails off with one
stroke of the knife, just where they join the body. With another clean
cut divide each lengthwise into 2 equal parts, shell and all. Take out
coral, the one long intestine and stomach. Crack claws with a hammer.
Put within a Criscoed broiler, split side downward, and broil over
fire. As soon as juice begins to run freely withdraw long enough to
baste liberally with melted Crisco, and return to fire, turning often
to keep in juices. Cook about 10 minutes on split or flesh side, and
8 upon other. Have ready sauce made by rubbing 2 tablespoons Crisco
to cream with lemon juice and finely-minced parsley, adding little
red pepper, and baste lobsters with this while hissing hot. Serve half
lobster to each guest.

April 1

  _*Fried Oysters, Tartare Sauce
  Roast Guinea Hens
  Rice Croquettes en Surprise
  Lettuce, Asparagus and Red Pepper Salad
  Cheese Wafers
  Pineapple Mousse

_*Fried Oysters_--Wash, drain, and dry oysters between 2 towels; let
stand in a marinade 10 or more minutes, then drain again. Roll in
crackercrumbs, seasoned with salt, pepper, and paprika. For 2 cups
oysters, beat 2 eggs with 2 tablespoons cold water until well mixed;
dip oysters, crumbed, into egg, and roll again in crumbs.

Fry 1 minute in hot Crisco. Use frying-basket and cook 6 oysters at a
time. Drain and serve at once with tartare sauce.

The marinade is made as follows: Take 1 part melted Crisco and 3 of
vinegar, with salt and pepper to taste. Stir oysters into this and let
stand 10 minutes, then drain off any of the marinade that has not been

April 2

  _Emergency Soup
  *Veal Pot Pie
  Baked Dumplings
  Cabbage Salad
  Fruit Jelly, Whipped Cream

_*Veal Pot Pie_--Wipe piece of veal from shoulder; and cut into pieces
for serving; add 1/2 inch strip salt pork or bacon for each piece
of veal, cover with cold water, put over fire and bring quickly to
boiling point, then, after boiling five minutes, skim and let simmer
until meat is tender. When nearly tender, add salt and pepper to
taste, and biscuit mixture cut into rounds. Cook ten minutes without
lifting cover. Serve meat in center of platter, dumplings at ends
and sauce, thickened, if needed, with flour and water, over whole.
Dumplings may be steamed 15 minutes over saucepan boiling water. This
is usually preferable, to avoid removing them from fire until instant
of serving. Beaten yolks of 2 eggs, diluted with 1/2 cup cream and
added to sauce, gives a richer dish.

Biscuit mixture is made as follows: Sift 1 quart good flour, 2
teaspoons baking powder and 1 teaspoon salt, putting it through
sifter 2 or 3 times. Rub into flour 1 large tablespoon Crisco and add
sufficient sweet milk to make dough as soft as can be rolled and cut.
Roll about 3/4 inch thick, cut with round biscuit cutter.

April 3

  _Crecy Soup
  Mutton Cutlets
  Savory Lentils
  Roast Pigeons
  Chipped Potatoes
  Egg and Lettuce Mayonnaise
  *Apricot Fritters, Vanilla Sauce

_*Apricot Fritters_--6 apricots, 1/2 pint syrup, half lemon,
frying-batter, Crisco and vanilla sauce.

Select firm, ripe apricots, or preserved ones can be used, cut them
in halves, and take out stones. Stew them gently in syrup with grated
rind of 1/2 lemon. When they are tender, drain well, and let them
cool. Have ready some frying-batter, dip apricots into it, then fry in
plenty of hot Crisco. When a nice golden color, take them up, drain on
paper, dish up on a napkin and serve with vanilla sauce.

April 4

  _Brown Soup
  Mousse of Ham
  Veal Olives
  Mashed Potatoes
  Pear Salad
  Cheese Ramekins
  *Rice Souffle
  Fruit Custards

_*Rice Souffle_--4 tablespoons ground rice stirred to smooth paste
with 1/2 tablespoon Crisco and 6 tablespoons milk. Add remainder of a
pint of milk, and put all into a saucepan, and stir till it thickens.
Add beaten yolks 4 eggs and 2 tablespoons sugar well stirred, also
add the well whisked whites of 4 eggs. Mix all thoroughly, place in a
Criscoed souffle dish, and bake for 1/2 hour. Serve instantly.

April 5

  _*White Soup
  Fried Fillets of Haddock
  Roast Chicken, Bread Sauce
  Potato Chips
  Brussels Sprouts
  Cress and Orange Salad
  Iced Castle Puddings

_*White Soup_--2 small onions, 1 turnip, 1 pound potatoes, 1 stalk
celery, 2 small parsnips or artichokes, 3 pints water, 1/2 pint milk,
1 tablespoon flour or cornstarch, 2 tablespoons Crisco, and salt to

Cut about 2 pounds of any white vegetables, previously washed and
peeled, into pieces, or preferably several kinds mixed, and boil them
until soft in the water with salt and Crisco. Rub them through sieve
or colander, put them back in the stew pan with milk, and let boil.
Put in flour, mixed smoothly with little cold water or milk; let soup
boil for 10 minutes, and then serve.

April 6

  _Broiled Soft Shell Crabs
  *Sweetbreads with Mushroom Puree
  Boiled Bermuda Onions
  New Green Peas
  Lettuce and Radish Salad
  Fried Cornstarch Pudding

_*Sweetbreads with Mushroom Puree_--Blanch and prepare sweetbreads, by
cutting away all the windpipes and fibrous nerves. When they are quite
cool, put under a weight to flatten well. Dip them in melted Crisco
and broil, without browning too much, over a clear fire.

Put sweetbreads on very thin slices of round toast and serve with this
puree poured over all: Chop 1 dozen fresh mushrooms and put them to
cook with 1/2 pint of cream and 1/2 cup fine breadcrumbs. Cook them in
double boiler till mushrooms can be pressed through rather fine sieve.
Return this puree to fire, season with salt and white pepper, and let
get as hot as possible before using it for sweetbreads.

April 7

  _Grilled Brook Trout
  *Spring Lamb Steak, a la Minute
  Lentil Croquettes
  Potato Rissoles
  Grapefruit Salad
  Golden Parfait

_*Spring Lamb Steak, a la Minute_--Rub some fillets of spring lamb
steak with salt and pepper, and fry them gently in 3 tablespoons
Crisco which has been melted in an iron frying pan, until thoroughly
cooked. Remove from frying pan and keep hot. Put 12 large fresh
mushroom caps in pan and cook until tender, adding 1/4 cup cream and
salt and pepper to taste. Put lamb steak on hot platter, garnish with
mushroom caps, and pour sauce around.

April 8

  _*Red Pottage
  Boudins of Ham with Peas
  Roast Ribs of Beef
  Yorkshire Pudding
  Chiffonade Salad
  Rhubarb Tart and Custard

_*Red Pottage_--1/2 a pound dried beans, 1 teacup tomato puree, 1
beet, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 2 onions, piece of celery, 1 small piece
of parsnip, 2 quarts good stock. Put Crisco in saucepan then add
onions, celery and parsnip; cook a little, do not let it get very
brown, then add dried beans, tomato puree; sliced beet and add pepper
and salt to taste and then stock, and boil till all is tender. Rub
through a fine sieve, reheat and serve.

April 9

  _*Corn Chowder
  Broiled Steak
  Baked Potatoes
  Horseradish, Cream Dressing
  Scalloped Tomatoes
  Celery Salad
  Cherry Sponge

_*Corn Chowder_--1 can corn, 1 cup salt pork cut in cubes, 1 cup
potatoes, 1/2 cup chopped onions, salt and red pepper to taste, 3 cups
water, 2 cups milk, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1 tablespoon flour, and 1/2
cup crackercrumbs. Cook salt pork in frying pan for 5 minutes; add
onion and cook until a yellow color. Parboil potatoes 5 minutes;
add to onion with corn and water; cook 20 minutes. Thicken milk with
Crisco and flour cooked together. Combine mixtures; add crackercrumbs
and salt and pepper to taste, then serve.

April 10

  _Puree of Black Beans
  Baked Macaroni
  *Potato Puff
  Cabbage Salad
  Cheese Puffs
  Spice Jelly, Whipped Cream

_*Potato Puff_--Prepare 2-1/2 cups hot mashed potato. Add 3/4 cup
milk, 2 well-beaten yolks of eggs, 3 tablespoons Crisco, and salt and
pepper to taste. Beat this well, then add beaten whites of 2 eggs.
Pile lightly in Criscoed baking dish and bake until puffed and brown.

April 11

  _Bean Soup
  Globe Artichoke with Sauce Hollandaise
  Stuffed Peppers
  Potato Straws
  *Grilled Tomatoes
  Pimiento Salad
  Assorted Cakes

_*Grilled Tomatoes_--Wipe tomatoes, spread little Crisco on each with
a knife, and set on grill pan near to clear fire. Turn often, basting
or keeping moist with Crisco. Whole tomatoes cook in 7 to 10 minutes,
according to size. Sliced ones in about 5 minutes. When meat or ham is
being grilled tomatoes will cook in pan underneath the grid on which
meat rests.

April 12

  _*Hollandaise Soup
  Escalloped Potatoes
  Vegetable Pie
  Celery Patties
  Romaine Salad
  Chocolate Tapioca

_*Hollandaise Soup_--1 quart vegetable stock, 4 tablespoons Crisco, 4
tablespoons flour, 4 yolks eggs, 1/2 pint cream, 1/2 cup green peas,
cooked, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup carrot, cut in small pieces, cooked,
1 teaspoon sugar, 1/2 cup cut cucumber, cooked, and 1 teaspoon chopped

Trim peas, carrots and cucumbers with round cutter, size and shape of
peas. Cook them in boiling water, being careful not to cook them too
much. Melt Crisco and flour in stewpan; add stock and let boil well.
Break yolks of eggs into a basin and add cream, then add the liaison
of eggs and cream to stock; let it just come to boil, being careful
it does not curdle. Strain into a clean stewpan, add vegetables which
have been previously cooked, and tarragon and serve.

April 13

  _Indian Soup
  *Mock Goose, Apple Sauce
  Stewed Celery
  Pineapple Salad
  Rhubarb Pie

_*Mock Goose_--2 cups breadcrumbs, 2 cups dropped black walnuts, 2
cups boiled rice, 6 hard-cooked eggs, 3 raw eggs, 1 tablespoon grated
onion, salt, pepper and grated nutmeg to taste.

Put breadcrumbs in saucepan with 2 cups water; cook for a few minutes;
add hard-cooked eggs, chopped; take saucepan from fire and add black
walnut meats and the rice. When this is well mixed, add raw eggs,
slightly beaten, and seasonings. Form this into shape of a goose,
reserving portions for legs and wings. Take a tablespoon of mixture in
your hand and press it into shape of a leg; put piece of dry macaroni
into it for bone and fasten it to goose. Do other side same way. Form
remaining portions into small pieces looking like wings tucked under;
press them to side of goose. Brush goose over with melted Crisco and
bake for 1 hour. Serve with apple sauce.

April 14

  _*Lobster Newburgh
  Glazed Sweetbreads
  Loin of Lamb, Roasted, Mint Sauce
  Potato Croquettes
  Pineapple Sherbet

_*Lobster Newburgh_--2 pounds lobster, 1/4 cup Crisco, salt, red
pepper, and grated nutmeg to taste, 1 tablespoon sherry, 1 tablespoon
brandy, 1/3 cup cream, and 2 egg yolks. Remove cooked lobster meat
from shell and cut in slices. Melt Crisco, add lobster and cook 3
minutes. Add salt, red pepper, grated nutmeg, sherry and brandy; cook
1 minute, then add cream and yolks of eggs slightly beaten, and stir
until thickened. Serve with toast.

April 15

  _*Stewed Chicken
  Baking Powder Biscuit
  Buttered Parsnips
  Celery and Orange Salad
  Cheese Relish
  Ribbon Jelly

_*Stewed Chicken_--Draw, singe, and joint a stewing chicken. Season
pieces with pepper and salt and cover with boiling water. Cover and
stew gently until tender.

Remove chicken. Place pieces in a colander on a plate in oven to
drain, and thicken gravy by adding 1 tablespoon flour rubbed with
1 tablespoon Crisco. Add salt and pepper to taste, a little chopped
parsley and 1 cup milk. Beat an egg until light; pour on it part of
gravy, beating carefully to prevent lumps; return to remainder of
gravy; bring to boil and pour over chicken.

April 16

  _Oyster Bisque
  *Mackerel, a la Claudine
  Lettuce and Pepper Grass Salad
  Cheese Balls
  Princess Pudding

_*Mackerel, a la Claudine_--Take a nice large fresh mackerel, split
it down back and remove bone, season fish with melted Crisco, chopped
fresh mushrooms, salt, pepper, and finely chopped shallot; put on to a
grill iron and cook in front or over brisk fire for about 15 minutes,
then take up and serve on hot dish with the following sauce: Take 1
cup brown sauce, 2 tablespoons capers, pinch chopped parsley, four
anchovies rubbed through sieve, 1 teaspoon glaze, and 1 chopped
shallot, 3 or 4 shredded button mushrooms; boil up and simmer for 10
minutes, rub through sieve, then add juice of 1 lemon and 4 chopped
olives, reboil and serve.

April 17

  _*Potato Soup
  Breaded Lamb Chops, Tomato Sauce
  Mashed Potatoes
  Creamed Turnips
  Cheese Salad
  Canary Pudding

_*Potato Soup_--1 quart white second stock or water, 1/2 pint milk,
1 pound potatoes, 1 onion, 1 stalk celery, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 1
tablespoon fine sago or crushed tapioca, salt and pepper to taste.

Slice potatoes, onion, and celery. Make Crisco hot in stewpan, add
vegetables, fry and cook until Crisco is absorbed, stirring frequently
to prevent them browning. Add stock, and simmer until vegetables are
tender (about 1 hour). Rub through fine sieve; return to saucepan, add
milk, and bring to boil. Sprinkle in sago, cook until transparent, add
seasoning to taste, and serve.

April 18

  _Orange Cocktail
  Boiled Capon, Caper Sauce
  Buttered Beans
  *Carrot Fritters
  Olive Salad
  Baked Chocolate Custard

_*Carrot Fritters_--Have nice, young, tender carrots, clean and scrape
them carefully, and cut each one in two lengthwise. Put to boil in
salted water. Take up, drain and cool, and make a frying batter as
follows: Beat up 1 egg, sift in 1 cup flour, 3/4 cup milk, pinch of
salt, and 1 tablespoon melted Crisco. Mix till smooth and glossy.
Allow to stand in cool place for 1 hour, then add 1 teaspoon baking
powder. Put in few pieces of carrot at a time. Drop into hot Crisco
and fry for few minutes. Serve hot.

April 19

  _*Kidney Soup
  Flounder, White Sauce
  Roast Shoulder of Mutton
  Spinach au Jus
  Cauliflower and Red Pepper Salad
  Moulded Pears, Whipped Cream

_*Kidney Soup_--1/2 pound ox kidney, 1/2 pound lean beef, 3 pints
brown stock, 3 tablespoons coarsely chopped fat bacon, 1 tablespoon
chopped onion, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 tablespoons Crisco, salt and
pepper to taste.

Wash kidney and beef quickly, dry them, and cut them up quite small.
Melt Crisco in saucepan, add bacon, onion, and kidney, and fry them
until brown. Add stock and salt to taste, and simmer soup for about
2-1/2 hours. Strain out solid parts, pound them to a paste, and
rub this through fine wire or hair sieve. Rinse out pan, mix flour
smoothly and thinly with little of strained soup. Reboil rest of
liquid, pour in flour, and stir it till it boils. Cook for ten
minutes and carefully skim it. Then mix in smoothly sieved meat, add
seasoning, reheat soup without boiling it after adding meat, and it
is ready to serve. Water can replace stock; if so, add piece of carrot
and turnip and bunch herbs to soup, but do not pound or sieve these.
A more delicate soup is made with four or five sheep's kidneys instead
of ox kidney. Add little caramel coloring if needed.

April 20

  _Celery Soup
  *Braised Ox-Tongue
  Baked Potatoes
  Mashed Turnips
  Cold Slaw
  Rice Mousse

_*Braised Ox-Tongue_--1 ox-tongue, 1 pint stock, 1 onion, 1 small
carrot, 1 bouquet garni, 1 clove, 1/2 pint piquante sauce, and 6
thin slices bacon. Trim ox-tongue, which should be obtained salted or
pickled ready for use. Blanch, and let it cool. Put into fish-kettle
or stewpan, large enough to hold tongue, slices bacon, onion peeled
and sliced, carrot scraped and cut in pieces, bouquet garni and clove;
add stock, put in tongue, and cook until three parts done, then take
it up, and skin while hot. Strain liquor it was cooked in, take off
fat, add piquante sauce, put tongue into this, and finish cooking.
When tender, cut in slices, dish, and pour sauce over, and serve.
Mashed potatoes, spinach, or peas served with tongue is a great

The piquante sauce is made as follows: 4 shallots, 3 mushrooms, 1 bay
leaf, 1/2 carrot, sprig thyme, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 4 tablespoons
vinegar, half pint brown stock, 1/2 teaspoon anchovy extract, 1
tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, 3 tablespoons flour, salt and red
pepper to taste.

Peel and chop shallots, carrot, and mushrooms; melt Crisco in a
saucepan; fry vegetables a nice brown; then add vinegar, bay leaf, and
thyme. Reduce vinegar to half the quantity; stir in flour, dilute with
stock, bring to boil; then add anchovy extract, Worcestershire sauce,
salt and red pepper to taste. Take out thyme and bay leaf. Simmer for
10 minutes. Skim, and use as required.

April 21

  _*Mock Turtle Soup
  Beef, a la Mode
  Beet Salad
  Cheese Wafers
  Rhubarb Shortcake

_*Mock Turtle Soup_--1/2 calf's head, 2 pounds shin beef, small
knuckle veal, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1/2 cup flour, 1 ounce ham, large
bunch herbs, 12 whole peppers, 6 cloves, blade mace, 3 onions, 1
carrot, 1/2 head celery, 1 leek, glass sherry or some lemon juice,
salt and red pepper to taste, and quenelles. Leave head in water to
soak for 5 or 6 hours; then wash well and take out brains. Bone head.
Cut 6 ounces lean part of veal and reserve to make quenelles.
Then chop bones taken from head, the veal, and beef. Put them into
stockpot, and place flesh from head on top; then well cover with
water, add little salt and let slowly come to boil. Skim well; add
vegetables, cleaned but not cut up, and spices. Let all simmer very
slowly for 8 or 9 hours. When head is quite tender (it will take about
four hours), lift it out carefully and place between 2 dishes to press
until quite cold. Strain stock. Melt Crisco in pan, add ham cut into
small pieces, and fry slowly for five minutes, then add flour and
stir until it is of dark brown color. Take off stove and add stock by
degrees; stir over fire until it boils; put it at corner of stove to
simmer for 20 minutes; skim and strain it. Cut head into small square
pieces and warm up in soup; add sherry, red pepper, and salt to taste.
Turn it out into tureen, then put in some very small quenelles, made
with teaspoons, and poached for 10 minutes in water.


April 22

  _Calcutta Bisque
  Tomatoes Casino
  *Asparagus Loaf, Bechamel Sauce
  Leeks in Butter
  Roast Potatoes
  Cherry Salad

_*Asparagus Loaf_--Crisco thoroughly a charlotte russe mold, 1/4 size,
and line it with cooked tips of asparagus well drained. Cook together
2 tablespoons flour, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 1 teaspoon salt, dash of
pepper, add gradually 1 cup of cream and boil 5 minutes. Remove from
fire, add 1 cup cooked asparagus tips and 4 eggs thoroughly beaten.
Turn mixture into mold, set in pan of hot water and cook in a moderate
oven about 30 minutes or until center is firm. Turn loaf on hot dish,
arrange about it, little oblong pieces of bread that have been dipped
in beaten eggs and milk and browned. Pour sauce around it and serve at


April 23

  _Julienne Soup
  Creamed Salsify Patties
  Mushrooms in Casserole
  Mashed Potatoes
  Green String Beans
  Orange Fritters
  *Swiss Pudding

_*Swiss Pudding_--1-1/2 cups breadcrumbs, 1 pound apples, 4
tablespoons brown sugar, 2 tablespoons Crisco, and grated lemon rind.
Choose good cooking apples, peel, core, and thinly slice them. Well
Crisco a pint pudding-dish, place some crumbs on bottom, and press
some against the sides of dish, put in layer of apples, some sugar,
a little lemon peel or any other flavoring preferred, then a few more
crumbs, and repeat this until all are used; leaving crumbs for top

Pile mixture up little as it shrinks while cooking. Place Crisco in
small pieces on top. Bake in moderately hot oven until apples are
quite cooked and pudding is browned top and bottom. Turn pudding out
on to flat dish, sprinkle sugar over top. Serve with boiled custard or
cream. This pudding may be served hot or cold.


April 24

  _Cream of Pea Soup
  Ladies' Cabbage in Ramekins
  Chestnut Puree
  Mock New Potatoes
  *Creamed Beets
  Banana Salad
  Marshmallow Pudding

_*Creamed Beets_--Boil 8 medium-sized beets until tender, then remove
from saucepan and place them in cold water, rub skins off carefully
with hands, cut in 1/2 inch cubes. Make a sauce of 2 tablespoons
Crisco creamed with 2 tablespoons flour and 1/2 cup water in which
beets were boiled 2 tablespoons cream, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 2
teaspoons sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Pour sauce over hot beets
and serve in hot dish.


April 25

  _Cream of Turnip Soup
  *Bean Croquettes, Tomato Sauce
  Savory Rice
  Lettuce Salad, French Dressing
  Stewed Prunes

_*Bean Croquettes_--1 pint white beans, 1/2 cup cream, yolk 2 eggs, 1
tablespoon Crisco, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1
teaspoon onion juice, 1 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste. Soak beans
over night, drain, cover them with fresh water, boil an hour, drain,
throw away water, cover with fresh water and boil until tender; drain
and press beans through colander. Rub Crisco and flour together, add
cream, stir until almost boiling, then add yolks of eggs. Stir again
for a minute over fire, add bean pulp and all seasonings; mix and
turn out to cool. When cool, form into cylinders, dip in egg, roll in
breadcrumbs and fry in hot Crisco. Serve with tomato sauce.

April 26

  _Mushroom Canapes
  *Chicken, a la King
  Potato Croquettes
  Tomato Mayonnaise
  Washington Pie

_*Chicken, a la King_--1/2 boiled chicken (one pint in thick pieces),
2 tablespoons Crisco, 2 fresh mushrooms, 1 cup cream, 1/2 cup sherry
wine, yolks 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 green pepper and 1 red pepper,
cut in long thin strips. Melt Crisco, add mushrooms, cook 5 minutes.
Add chicken, heat through, add salt, wine and the strips of peppers.
(The chicken should be removed from bone in long thick pieces.) Beat
yolks until light, add cream, cook over boiling water or in chafing
dish, stirring constantly until thickened, about 1-1/2 minutes; then
pour over hot chicken mixture and serve at once on toast.

April 27

  _Fried Trout
  *Grilled Chickens
  Glazed New Potatoes
  Broiled Tomatoes
  Stuffed Cucumber Salad
  Cheese Sticks
  Roman Cream

_*Grilled Chickens_--Have small spring chickens, clean and wipe
well, and split down back. Soak them for an hour in olive oil that is
seasoned with an onion, sliced, some salt, pepper, parsley and lemon
juice. Lift them from this dressing, and without wiping at all, but
sprinkling over them a little flour, set to broil over a clear fire.
Melt 4 tablespoons Crisco, add to it juice of 1 lemon, glass of
Madeira and tablespoon cooked ham chopped as finely as it is possible
to get it. Have this sauce hot, and put over chickens when taking them

April 28

  _Clam Cocktail
  Shad, Stuffed and Baked,
  Brown Butter Sauce
  Mashed Potatoes
  Beets Stuffed with Peppers
  *Caramel Custard

_*Caramel Custard_--1 eggs and 1 yolk, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 pint milk,
and 1 teaspoon lemon extract. Have plain tin pudding mold, put 3
tablespoons sugar into small saucepan and stir till it becomes quite
brown like coffee. Pour this into mold and run it all over bottom of
it. Crisco then sides of mold, beat eggs and sugar together till mixed
well, then add milk and flavoring. Pour all into prepared mold, cover
with piece of Criscoed paper; have stewpan with an inch of boiling
water in it; put saucer or something flat in bottom of it, set pudding
tin on this, and cover pan with lid. Let steam slowly for at least 1
hour. It must not boil, but be set on part of stove where it will keep
hot without boiling. Turn out and serve hot or cold.


April 29

  _Cream of Salsify Soup
  Nut Sausage, Brown Sauce
  Grilled Sweet Potatoes
  *Sour German Cabbage
  Apple and Prune Tart

_*Sour German Cabbage_--2 quarts chopped cabbage, 2 tablespoons
Crisco, 1/2 cup vinegar, salt and pepper to taste.

Soak cabbage in cold water for 1 hour; drain; place it in an uncovered
kettle of boiling salted water, cook 20 minutes; drain and return
to kettle. Add vinegar, bring cabbage to boiling-point and cook 5
minutes. Add Crisco, salt and pepper to taste.

April 30

  _*Pepper Pot
  Mutton Cutlets, Tomato Sauce
  New Potatoes
  Lima Beans
  Sliced Tomato Salad
  Cheese Fingers
  Violet Mousse

_*Pepper Pot_--A small knuckle of veal, 1 pound cooked tripe, 1 onion,
2 medium-sized potatoes, 1 bunch pot herbs, 1 cup Crisco, 3 quarts
cold water.

Wash veal and pot herbs and slice onion, put them with water, in soup
kettle, on back of stove, where they will come gradually to boiling
point. Allow to simmer 4 hours or more. Strain and set away to cool.
This must be done day before it is wanted. When cold, skim off every
particle of fat, add to it potatoes, cut in small cubes, tripe, cut in
1/2 inch squares, bay leaf, few sprigs parsley chopped fine, and meat
cut from knuckle, rejecting every bit of fat and gristle. Put them on
to boil just long enough before dinner to cook potatoes; when boiling
season to taste with salt and red pepper. Thicken soup with one
teaspoon each flour and cornstarch mixed smooth with little water.
Mix Crisco with 1 cup flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt and little pepper, and
enough cold water to make dough stiff enough to roll out, cut in small
squares and boil in soup 1/2 hour.

May 1

  _Beef Soup
  Roast Beef
  Yorkshire Pudding
  Browned Potatoes
  *Canned Corn Pudding
  Spinach and Egg Salad
  Strawberry Sherbet

_*Canned Corn Pudding--_1 can corn, 1 cup hot milk, 1/4 teaspoon salt,
1/2 teaspoon sugar, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1 tablespoon flour, and 1

Melt Crisco; mix well with flour; add the milk gradually, then the
seasoning and corn, and last of all beaten egg. Pour into Criscoed
baking dish and bake in moderate oven for 1/2 hour.

May 2

  _Porterhouse Steak
  Scalloped Potatoes with Onion
  Artichokes, Hollandaise Sauce
  *Daisy Salad
  Roquefort Cheese
  Lemon Ice Cream with Grated Pineapple

_*Daisy Salad_--Arrange around border of salad plates a row of crispy
lettuce leaves, and in the center put a tablespoon of dressing. This
makes center of daisy. Around this put petals made by cutting into
narrow strips whites of hard-cooked eggs. Take yolks of these eggs
and put through strainer, scattering over dressing in center to give a
rough appearance. This will require about five hard-cooked eggs.

The dressing for the center is made as follows: Beat together 3 eggs,
add to them 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon salt,
2 tablespoons Crisco, 2 teaspoons mustard mixed to paste with 2
teaspoons water, and pepper to taste. Bring to boiling point.

May 3

  _Normandy Soup
  *Veal Loaf, Brown Sauce
  String Beans
  Baked Tomatoes
  Mexican Salad
  Cheese Fingers
  Vanilla Ice Cream
  Strawberry Tarts

_*Veal Loaf_--1 pound cold roast veal finely chopped, 1/2 pound
sausage meat, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 4 tablespoons breadcrumbs, 1/2 cup
stock or gravy, 1 egg, salt and pepper to taste.

Mix veal, sausage meat, Crisco, and breadcrumbs together, season
liberally with salt and pepper, and add egg. Mix thoroughly and add
gravy or stock gradually until it is thoroughly moistened. Form into a
short thick roll, cover lightly with flour, or, when economy is not
an object, coat with egg and breadcrumbs. Bake in moderate oven for 1
hour, basting occasionally with hot Crisco, and serve hot with brown

May 4

  _Clear Gravy Soup
  *Crown of Lamb with Peas
  Potato Croquettes Cauliflower
  Bird's Nest Salad
  Cheese Custard
  Sultana Roll, Strawberry Sauce

_*Crown of Lamb with Peas_--Select parts from 2 loins containing ribs,
scrape flesh from bone between ribs, as far as lean meat and trim off
backbone. Shape each piece in semi-circle, having ribs outside and sew
pieces together to form a crown. Trim ends of bones evenly and rather
short and wrap each bone in thin strip fat scraps to prevent bone from
burning. Place on rack in dripping pan with bowl in center of crown to
preserve its shape. Dredge with flour, sprinkle with salt and pepper,
basting frequently with melted Crisco, and allowing 9 minutes to the
pound for roasting. Cover bones with Criscoed paper. Remove paper from
bones before serving and fill the center with peas. Place paper frills
on chop bones and parsley around base. The center of crown may
be filled with potato balls, French fried potatoes, or puree of

May 5

  _*Hotch Potch
  Baked Ham in Pastry
  Mashed Turnips
  Potato Balls
  Stuffed Tomato Salad
  Caramel Ice Cream

_*Hotch Potch_--1/3 cup pearl barley, 1 small cabbage, 2 carrots, 1
turnip, 2 onions, parsley and herbs, 4 tablespoons Crisco, salt and
pepper to taste, and 3 quarts water. Put barley on fire with cold
water. Scrape or grate one of carrots, and put it aside in little
water. Chop all rest of vegetables very small, and when water boils
put them in with Crisco, salt and pepper. There should be enough
vegetables to make it rather thick. Boil for 2 hours, then add scraped
carrots, and boil for another 1/2 hour. Many other vegetables may be
added. Lettuce, green peas, and celery when in season.

May 6

  _Pear and Ginger Cocktail
  Tomato and Vermicelli Soup
  Broiled Beefsteak
  *French Fried Potatoes
  Lettuce Salad
  Lemon Pudding, White Sauce

_*French Fried Potatoes_--Wash and pare small potatoes, cut in eighths
lengthwise, and soak 1 hour in cold water. Take from water, dry
between towels, and fry in deep Crisco. Drain on brown paper and
sprinkle with salt. To test Crisco, heat until a crumb of bread
becomes a golden brown in 20 seconds.

May 7

  _*Tomato Pot Roast
  Beet Greens
  Boiled Potatoes
  Spring Salad
  Rhubarb Tutti Fruitti
  Maple Gingerbread

_*Tomato Pot Roast_--Rub over with flour surface of a 4-pound piece of
beef cut from lower round, and season it with salt and pepper. Finely
chop 2 onions and fry them until brown in 3 tablespoons melted Crisco.
Remove onions, put in meat, and cook it until well browned on all
sides. Add can of tomatoes and 2 quarts water, cover, and let simmer
for about 2 hours, or until meat is tender. Remove meat; thicken and
strain liquor. Cut meat in slices and serve in sauce, or use cold for

May 8

  _Cream of Beet Soup
  Cold Pot Roast
  Stuffed Potatoes
  String Bean Salad
  Stewed Apricots
  *Black Chocolate Cake

_*Black Chocolate Cake_--1-1/4 cups sugar, 2 eggs, 1/4 cup Crisco,
4 squares chocolate, 1-1/2 cups flour, measured after sifting, 3
teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup milk, and 1 teaspoon

Cream Crisco and sugar, add well beaten eggs, then chocolate melted,
beat thoroughly. Sift salt and baking powder with flour and add
alternating with milk to previous mixture. Add flavoring last and beat
thoroughly before pouring into a pan well greased with Crisco. Bake in
a moderate oven about 40 minutes.

May 9

  _Broiled Bluefish
  *Souffle Potatoes, Austrian Style
  Radish Roses
  Coffee Jelly, Whipped Cream
  Sponge Cakes

_*Souffle Potatoes, Austrian Style_--Select 6 large even-sized
potatoes, wash and scrub them, and when dry bake them in hot oven
until done. Cut off small portion of skin and remove inside part while
hot. Rub this quickly through sieve into a basin, add 1 tablespoon
cream, 1 tablespoon Crisco, salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste, and work in
4 yolks of eggs.

Beat whites of eggs to stiff froth, and stir lightly into mixture.
Fill potato shells with this, and bake slowly for about 1/2 hour, or
long enough for mixture to rise, and surface of it to brown. If liked,
a little grated cheese can be incorporated with mixture and sprinkled
over top of potatoes just before baking second time.

May 10

  _Haricot Soup
  Rice Fritters
  Tomatoes au Gratin
  *Baked Bananas

_*Baked Bananas_--Remove skins from 7 bananas and cut in halves
lengthwise. Put in shallow granite pan or on an old platter. Mix 2
tablespoons melted Crisco, 1/3 cup sugar, and 2 tablespoons lemon
juice. Baste bananas with 1/2 the mixture. Bake 20 minutes in slow
oven, basting during baking with remaining mixture.

May 11

  _Fish Soup
  Salt Cod Fish Balls
  Steamed Brown Bread
  Dressed Shredded Cabbage
  *Cream Pie

_*Cream Pie_--3 eggs, 3 tablespoons sugar, 3 tablespoons flour, 1
tablespoon Crisco, 1-1/2 pints milk, and 1 teaspoon lemon extract.

Mix sugar and flour and then put into a saucepan, then add yolks of
eggs, Crisco, milk and flavoring. Stir constantly until it thickens
and then divide into 2 baked pie crusts and cover with a meringue made
of whites of eggs.

May 12

  _Fried Fish, Tartare Sauce
  Calves' Tongues
  Sorrel Puree
  French Pigeon Pie
  *Macaroni, a l'Italienne
  Polish Salad
  Apricot Parfait

_*Macaroni, a l'Italienne_--1/4 pound macaroni, 2 tablespoons flour,
2 tablespoons Crisco, salt and paprika to taste, 1/2 cup brown stock,
1/2 cup tomato pulp, and 1/2 cup grated cheese. Make sauce of Crisco,
flour seasonings, stock, and tomato pulp. Tomato pulp should be quite
thick from long cooking. Add macaroni, cooked until tender, in boiling
salted water, rinsed and drained. Reheat in double boiler, adding
cheese meanwhile. Serve when cheese is melted and whole is very hot.

May 13

  _Grilled Salmon
  Galantine of Beef, Aspic Jelly
  Vegetable Salad
  *Fruit Tart Custard

_*Fruit Tart_--2 pounds fruit, 1 cup sugar, ginger, 2 cups flour,
6 tablespoons Crisco, and baking powder. If tart is to be made of
rhubarb, it should be well washed (not skinned) and cut up in inch
lengths, packed tightly into dish, sugar sprinkled among it, also 1/2
teaspoon ground ginger. If made of gooseberries, they should be picked
clean, washed, and put in dish with little cinnamon. If apples are
used, they must be peeled and sliced very thinly, sugar sprinkled
among them, and little lemon peel grated, or 1/2 teaspoon ground
cinnamon. In no case put water in. Paste. Put flour in basin with
dessertspoon, sugar, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, 6 tablespoons Crisco,
and crumble latter among flour until all lumps have disappeared, then
pour in cold water to make stiff paste; turn it out on board and roll
it a little larger than size of dish; after wetting it, cut off band
of paste to put round edge of dish; wet band again and place remainder
paste on. Press it down very lightly, to make edges adhere; pare and
notch them neatly according to taste; brush top with cold water, and
dust fine sugar over, then put in oven to bake for 1 hour. When fruit
tart begins to boil out at side it is usually ready.

May 14

  _*Spring Soup
  Slices of Galantine of Beef
  Lettuce and Egg Salad
  Cheese Toast
  Bananas in Custard

_*Spring Soup_--1 large lettuce, 12 spring onions, 2 tablespoons
Crisco, 1 pint milk, 1 pint stock or water, 1 tablespoon cornstarch,
parsley, salt, nutmeg, croutons of bread and sugar.

Wash lettuce and onions, shred lettuce and slice onions thinly. Melt
Crisco in saucepan, and fry lettuce and onions for about 5 minutes;
add stock and part of milk, and let simmer gently for 10 minutes. Mix
cornstarch with remainder of milk, pour into soup and stir until it
boils, simmer for another 10 minutes; season to taste with pepper,
salt, sugar, and little nutmeg. Cut some crust of bread into thin
strips and dry quite crisp in oven; put them into tureen with parsley
picked small, and pour soup over. Watercress, endive, or sorrel may be
used either along with, or in place of, the lettuce for a change.

May 15

  _Julienne Soup
  Boiled Potatoes
  Cream Cheese and Pimiento Salad
  Blanc-mange and Stewed Fruit

_*Bobotee_--1 pound lean beef or mutton, 6 ounces bread, 8 tablespoons
Crisco, 4 onions, 4 tablespoons almonds, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1
tablespoon curry powder, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 teaspoons salt, and 4

Soak bread in milk, then squeeze it, mince meat. Chop onions and fry
in hot Crisco, keeping them of a pale color, add bread, curry, sugar,
vinegar, and salt, then well mix in meat and eggs beaten. Crisco
a pudding dish. Bake from 20 to 30 minutes. Serve in pudding dish
garnished with slices of lemon and parsley. Can be eaten either hot or

May 16

  _*Chipped Beef in Cream
  Baked Potatoes
  Lettuce and Radish Salad
  Cheese Balls
  Frozen Macedoine

_*Chipped Beef in Cream_--Make white sauce using 8 tablespoons Crisco,
8 tablespoons flour, 3 cups milk and 1 cup cream. To it add 1/2 pound
dried beef broken into small pieces. Cook about 5 minutes and just
before serving pour very slowly on to 2 well beaten eggs. Serve at

May 17

  *Spanish Omelet
  Molded Spinach
  New Potatoes
  Corn Salad
  Cheese Sticks
  Frozen Souffle

_*Spanish Omelet_--1 green pepper, 1 red pepper, 1 onion, 3
tablespoons Crisco, 6 mushrooms, 6 eggs, 6 tablespoons water, salt and
pepper to taste.

Put 1/2 Crisco in saucepan, add onion chopped very fine, mushrooms and
red and green pepper; cover, cook slowly for 20 minutes. Make plain
omelet from rest of ingredients; turn this out on heated dish, fill
ends of dish or platter with Spanish sauce, and send it to table.

This omelet can be made very handsome by saving 1/4 of green and
red pepper, cutting it into fancy shapes to use a garnish for top of

May 18

  Lentil Soup, au Maigre
  *Scalloped Clams
  Stewed Tomatoes
  Beet and Cabbage Salad
  Vanilla Ice Cream
  Maple Sauce

_*Scalloped Clams_--Chop 25 clams fine and season with red pepper and
salt to taste. Blend together 1 tablespoon each Crisco and flour, and
cook with 1 cup liquid, half milk and half clam juice, with a tiny
pinch of soda, and stir until smooth and creamy. Add chopped clams
with 1 beaten egg. Have ready large clam or scallop shells, Crisco on
inside and fill with clam mixture, smoothing over with silver knife
blade. Arrange on baking dish and bake about 6 minutes, or until well
browned. Garnish with parsley and pass sliced lemons with them.

May 19

  _Grape Fruit
  Cream of Celery Soup
  Creamed New Potatoes
  Green Peas
  Hot Biscuit
  Fruit Salad
  Orange Ice
  Sunshine Cake

_*Sweetbreads_--Clean and soak 2 pairs of sweetbreads in cold water
for an hour or more, then put them in pan with enough water to cover
them, and cook them for 20 minutes. Take them out and place them in
cold water for 2 or 3 minutes to make them firm. Dry thoroughly, rub
them with tablespoon of Crisco. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and
place in a pan with brown sauce. Cook in hot oven for 20 minutes.
Baste often with the sauce.

May 20

  _Cream of Pea Soup
  Stuffed Eggs, Tartare Sauce
  Baked Bananas
  Potato Fluff
  *Onions Stuffed with Nuts
  Apple Salad

_*Onions Stuffed with Nuts_--2 large Spanish onions, or 6 good-sized
Bermuda onions, 1 cup boiled rice, 1 cup chopped English walnut meats,
mixed with 1 teaspoon salt, 1 saltspoon pepper, and 1 raw egg.

Put onions, without peeling into a saucepan of boiling water; add half
the salt and boil for 1/2 an hour. Drain and dry. Remove outside skin,
and with handle of a teaspoon, take out center, saving it for the
sauce. Mix nuts, rice, seasoning and egg; fill this into onions; stand
them in baking pan, brush with melted Crisco and bake in moderate
oven for 1/2 hour. Chop very fine the portion that you have taken from
center, press it through a sieve, add this pulp to a cup of tartare
sauce and pour it into a sauceboat. Serve onions on platter; pass the

May 21

  _Oloronnaise Potage
  Broiled Shad Roe
  *Anna Potatoes
  Duckling Braise with Cherries
  Fresh Asparagus, Swiss
  Weimar Pudding

_*Anna Potatoes_--Peel, wash and drain 4 good-sized, sound, raw
potatoes. Slice them with a Saratoga-chip potato machine. If none is
at hand, slice them as fine as possible. Grate 2 ounces of Parmesan or
Swiss cheese. Heat 2 tablespoons Crisco in a small frying pan, remove
pan from fire and cover bottom with light layer of potatoes. Mix
teaspoon salt with 2 saltspoons white pepper, sprinkle a little over
potatoes, spread a little cheese over potatoes, and place few bits
Crisco over cheese. Arrange another layer of potatoes--and so on till
all are employed. Cover pan, place on moderate fire for 5 minutes.
Turn them over with cake turner; let them cook again 3 minutes, then
place in hot oven for 10 minutes. Turn on hot dish and serve.

May 22

  _Little Neck Clams
  Parmentier Puree
  Veal Cutlets
  Mashed Potatoes
  *Spinach, Martha
  Chicory Salad
  Biscuit Tortoni

_*Spinach, Martha_--Trim off stalks of 3 quarts fresh spinach,
discarding stale leaves if any. Thoroughly wash and drain, plunge in
gallon boiling water with 1 tablespoon salt and boil for 10 minutes.
Take them up with skimmer, drain on sieve, press out all water, chop
finely, place in saucepan. Cut 3 slices bread in 1/3 inch square
pieces, place on plate, pour over them 1 tablespoon vinegar, then
brown them in small frying pan with 1 tablespoon melted Crisco to
golden color, add them to spinach, with 2 hard-cooked eggs cut into 8
pieces each, 1 tablespoon Crisco, salt, sugar, grated nutmeg to
taste, and 4 tablespoons cream. Mix well with wooden spoon and cook 10
minutes, lightly mixing once in a while, dress on vegetable dish and

May 23

  _Potage, a la Monaco
  *Mackerel, Cold, Vinaigrette
  Cucumbers, Bechamel Sauce
  Tomato and Artichoke Salad
  Monte Carlo Pie

_*Mackerel, Cold, Vinaigrette_--Select fine mackerel; clean, leaving
head on, wrap in piece of cheesecloth, and boil in strong solution of
vinegar and water until tender, taking care that it does not cook too
long. 15 to 25 minutes should be sufficient. Make a vinaigrette sauce
with 1/2 cup tarragon vinegar, 1 cup melted Crisco, 1 teaspoon made
mustard, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon chopped shallots,
and 2 teaspoons chopped capers. Put vinegar into basin, add mustard,
little salt, stir in Crisco and chopped ingredients. Mix well
together, lay mackerel, after removing from cloth, on long platter,
pour over vinaigrette sauce and let marinate thoroughly, putting
in refrigerator as soon as cool. Serve ice cold in bed of parsley,
garnished with lemon slices, and pass vinaigrette sauce with it.

May 24

  _*Puree, a l'Indienne
  Lamb Stew with Dumplings
  Lettuce, French Dressing
  Cheese Balls
  Snow Pudding

_*Puree, a l'Indienne_--2 large apples, 4 tablespoons Crisco, 1 large
onion, 1 large carrot, 1 turnip, white 2 leeks, 1 stalk celery, sprig
parsley, 1 bay leaf, 1 tablespoon cocoanut, juice 1/2 lemon, 1 tomato,
1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon red pepper, 1 tablespoon curry powder, 1
teaspoon curry paste, 1/2 cup cream, some boiled rice, and 2 quarts of

Melt Crisco, cut up all vegetables (prepared) into rough pieces, fry
them a little in hot Crisco, add also curry powder, and fry it. Do not
peel apples; simply wipe, cut up and add with vegetables. When fried
for 7 minutes, add all ingredients except cream, simmer till soft,
then rub all through fine sieve, return to pan to reheat, and gently
add cream. Serve rice on paper mat, as croutons are served with most

May 25

  _*Fish Chowder
  Cucumber and Tomato Salad
  Cheese Croquettes
  Bakewell Pudding

_*Fish Chowder_--1 white fish weighing 5 pounds, 4 cups potato dice,
1/2 cup onion dice, 1/2 cup salt pork dice, salt, pepper, and red
pepper to taste, 4 cups hot water, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 4 tablespoons
flour, 4 cups milk, and 10 buttered crackers. Remove head and skin
and cut fish into fillets. Cover head, skin and bones with cold
water; simmer 20 minutes, strain. Reserve liquor. Parboil potatoes
10 minutes. Cook onion in salt pork until yellow. Arrange in layers,
fish, potatoes, onions and salt pork; cover with water in which bones
were cooked, and simmer until potatoes are tender. Thicken milk with
Crisco and flour cooked together, combine mixtures, add seasonings,
and pour over buttered crackers which have been previously soaked in
cold milk. Do not allow onion or salt pork to burn.

May 26

  _*Turnip Soup
  Beefsteak and Kidney Pie
  Lettuce Salad
  Caramel Trifle

_*Turnip Soup_--Take 2 pounds of peeled turnips, cut into small
squares, place in a stewpan with 4 tablespoons Crisco, stir them
over a quick fire, add pinch salt, 1 tablespoon flour, add 3 pints of
stock, simmer gently for 1-1/2 hours, and pass whole through a sieve.
Put back in stewpan, and add little seasoning. Bring to boil, and just
before sending to table add 1 cup of good cream.

May 27

  _Chutney Canapes
  Roast Sirloin of Beef
  Franconia Potatoes
  Summer Squash
  Olive Salad
  Strawberry Ice Cream
  *Genoa Cake

_*Genoa Cake_--1/4 pound Crisco, and 1/4 pound butter. Mix to a cream
with 1/2 pound sugar, add little mace, stir in gradually yolk of 6
eggs and 1/2 beaten whites, 10 ounces flour, beat well for 1 minute,
add 1 pound raisins, 1/4 pound citron, cut very fine, grated rind of 1
lemon, and 2 ounces chopped almonds. Mix well, add remainder of beaten
whites last. Mix well, put in pan lined with paper, sprinkle top with
chopped almonds and bake in slow oven.

May 28

  _Mock Consomme
  Roast Crown of Lamb, Currant Mint Sauce
  Potato Balls
  Asparagus on Toast
  *Carrot Salad
  Raspberry Ice Cream

_*Carrot Salad_--Scrape, cut into slices and then into fancy shapes,
4 large carrots. Soak in cold water for 1/2 an hour, and then cook in
boiling unsalted water until tender. Drain and dry. Line salad bowl
with crisp lettuce leaves, and arrange on top the carrots. Serve with
following dressing: Rub sides and bottom of bowl with clove garlic,
add salt and pepper to taste and 6 tablespoons melted Crisco; add
piece of ice, if possible; stir until salt is dissolved, then add 1
tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice. Beat until thick; use at once.

May 29

  _Raw Clams
  Chicken Pie
  *Stuffed Potatoes
  Broiled Tomatoes
  Pepper and Cucumber Salad
  Cheese Fingers
  Pineapple Jelly

_*Stuffed Potatoes_--Bake 7 good-sized potatoes. When done, cut off
a lengthwise slice; scoop out potato with a spoon. Mash; add 1
tablespoon Crisco, salt and pepper to taste, 1/2 cup milk, and 2 egg
whites beaten stiff. Refill skins with this mixture. Pile lightly, do
not smooth, bake until potatoes are puffed and brown.

Decoration Day

May 30

  _Fruit Soup
  Breaded Mutton Chops
  Tomato Mayonnaise
  Banana Charlotte Russe
  Assorted Cakes

_*Peas_--1 quart cooked green peas, 2 ounces of lean cooked ham cut
into dice, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 2 tablespoons good stock, 1 teaspoon
flour, 1/2 small onion finely chopped, a pinch of sugar, grated
nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste. Fry onion until lightly browned in
Crisco, add flour and ham, stir over fire for a minute or two, then
put in peas, stock, sugar, and nutmeg. Season to taste, simmer for ten
minutes, stirring occasionally, then serve.

May 31

  _Milk Soup
  *Beef Loaf, Brown Sauce
  Radish and Watercress Salad
  Vanilla Pudding, Jam Sauce

_*Beef Loaf_--Mix together 3 pounds chopped raw beef, 1/4 pound of
minced salt pork, 1 cup cracker dust, 2 teaspoons, each, of salt and
pepper, and moisten all with 2 beaten eggs, teaspoonful onion juice,
and teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. Work in 2 tablespoons melted
Crisco, and pack in a Criscoed mold. Cover; set in a roasting pan of
boiling water, and cook in a steady oven for 2 hours. Serve with brown

June 1

  _Curried Lobster
  *Boiled Stuffed Leg of Lamb
  Scalloped Sweet Corn
  Cherry Salad
  Frozen Watermelon

_*Boiled Stuffed Leg of Lamb_--Have small, tender leg of lamb, and
remove bone. Make forcemeat of 1/2 pound fresh mushrooms cut in
pieces, 1/2 cup chopped boiled ham, 1/2 cup breadcrumbs, and 2
tablespoons melted Crisco. Season with pepper and salt, and put into
the lamb in place of removed bone. Tie it up well, wrap in piece
of cheesecloth, and boil in salted water, having juice 1/2 lemon, 1
onion, and few branches of parsley in it. Serve with currant jelly
sauce; that is, 4 tablespoons butter melted together with 1/2 tumbler
currant jelly and 1/2 glass white wine.

June 2

  _Green Vegetable Soup
  Fried Chicken, Virginia Style
  Cornmeal Bread
  Broiled Tomatoes
  Bean Salad
  *Strawberry Fritters

_*Strawberry Fritters_--Have large, ripe strawberries, remove hulls
and clean them thoroughly. Moisten each berry with little brandy, roll
in sugar and stand till berries absorb considerable sweetness. Roll
them in finest possible breadcrumbs and drop into hot Crisco. Sprinkle
strawberries with powdered sugar when taking up, and serve with them
sweetened whipped cream. Care must be taken that strawberries are
not too ripe. They must be quite hard and firm to be perfectly
satisfactory when served.

June 3

  _*Crab Soup
  Salmon, la Francesca
  Veal, Roasted
  Chiffonade Salad
  Tipsy Pudding

_*Crab Soup_--Remove cooked meat from 6 hard-shelled crabs and chop
finely. Add 3 cups white stock, 2/3 cup stale breadcrumbs, 1 slice
of onion, 1 sprig of parsley, and simmer 20 minutes. Blend together
1 tablespoon Crisco and 1 tablespoon flour, and add 1 cup cream, salt
and red pepper to taste. Combine mixtures and bring to boiling point.

June 4

  _Boiled Halibut, Lobster Sauce
  Beef Roll in Jelly
  Italian Risotto
  *Hungarian Salad
  Manhattan Pudding

_*Hungarian Salad_--Mix equal parts shredded fresh or preserved
pineapple, bananas in small pieces, and sections tangerines, and
marinate together in French dressing. Fill banana skins with mixture,
sprinkle generously with paprika, arrange on lettuce leaves, and serve
with French dressing.

The dressing is made as follows: Put 4 tablespoons melted Crisco in
cold bowl; if possible, put in small piece ice. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt,
saltspoon pepper, and stir until salt is dissolved, add tablespoon
vinegar or lemon juice. Beat for 3 minutes until dressing is as thick
as good cream. Use at once.

June 5

  _Grapefruit Cocktail
  *Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce
  Rice Fritters
  Creamed Carrots
  Macedoine Salad
  Rhubarb Meringue Pie

_*Roast Duckling_--This is prepared and trussed similarly to goose,
but not usually stuffed. Roast from 30 to 40 minutes. Green peas are
the usual accompaniment to roast duckling. Serve with apple sauce,
which is made as follows: 1 pound cooking apples, 1 tablespoon Crisco,
1/2 cup water, and sugar. Peel, core, and slice the apples, cook them
in a stewpan with water and Crisco, add a little sugar to taste. Stir
well, or pass through a sieve.

June 6

  _Hamburg Steak, Maitre d'Hotel
  Baked Potatoes
  Lettuce and Radish Salad
  Strawberry Mousse
  Lady Fingers

_*Asparagus_--Boil 2 cups asparagus tips in salted water 15 minutes,
then drain them; while they are cooking put 1 cup milk in double
boiler, and when boiling pour some of it on 2 lightly beaten eggs,
stirring vigorously meanwhile, then put eggs into double boiler with
milk, and stir until it begins to thicken. Add 1 teaspoon Crisco, salt
and pepper to taste, and remove from fire. Cut asparagus tips into 1/2
inch pieces and add them to sauce. Take 6 stale rolls, cut off tops,
remove inside, let them dry in oven; when crisp and hot fill each with
asparagus in sauce, replace tops and serve.

June 7

  _Boiled Salmon, Egg Sauce
  Creamed Potatoes
  New Peas
  Dressed Lettuce
  *Chocolate Bread Pudding

_*Chocolate Bread Pudding_--3/4 cup breadcrumbs, 2 cups scalded milk,
3 squares melted chocolate, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon Crisco, salt to
taste, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, 1/4 cup cold milk, 3/4 cup sugar and 1/2
cup Sultana raisins. Mix all ingredients in order given. Pour into a
Criscoed baking dish, set into pan of hot water, and bake 1 hour in
moderate oven; stir twice during baking to keep chocolate from rising
to the top.

June 8

  _Veal Cutlet, Brown Gravy
  Mashed Potatoes
  *Glazed Carrots
  Pea Salad
  Cottage Pudding, Strawberry Sauce

_*Glazed Carrots_--For this, carrots must be cut into even cones or
ovals, and it is convenient to use imported carrots in glass bottles.
If these are used they are already boiled; if fresh carrots are used
scrape, wash them and cut out little shapes with patent cutter, then
boil slowly until tender, but not quite done, and put 4 cups of them
in frying pan with 4 tablespoons melted Crisco, sprinkle with fine
sugar, and stir over hot fire until they begin to brown; add 4
tablespoons stock they were boiled in, adding more stock if needed,
and continue stirring until carrots are nicely glazed.

June 9

  _Roast Beef
  Horseradish Relish
  Franconia Potatoes
  Bean Salad
  *Cherry Pie

_*Cherry Pie_--1 quart ripe cherries, 1 yolk egg, 3 tablespoons cream,
and 1/2 cup sugar. Wash cherries, stem and place in colander over dish
to catch juice. Place thin layer of the following dough on shallow
pan, sprinkle top with breadcrumbs. Spread stoned cherries over
evenly. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Beat yolk well, add cream
and cherry juice and pour over all. Bake in hot oven until well
browned at bottom.

The dough is made as follows: 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1 cup flour, 1/2
teaspoon baking powder, 1/4 cup sugar and 1 egg. Mix dry ingredients.
Work in Crisco with finger tips; add egg; mix. Toss on slightly
floured board and roll a 1/4 inch thick. This makes enough dough for a
large oblong pan.

June 10

  _Scotch Broth
  Cold Roast Beef
  Creamed Potatoes
  *String Beans
  Tomato and Olive Salad
  Vanilla Ice Cream
  Crushed Raspberries

_*String Beans_--If fresh beans are used pick them over, remove ends
and "strings," and boil for 1/2 an hour or more; then drain them, and
add 1 tablespoon Crisco and 2 tablespoons milk, season to taste, and
serve after 10 minutes' slow cooking. If canned beans are used omit
the first long boiling.

June 11

  _Vegetable Soup
  Broiled Steak
  Stuffed Tomatoes
  Baked Macaroni
  *Pear and Pimiento Salad
  Apricot Blanc-mange

_*Pear and Pimiento Salad_--Fill each canned pimiento with 2 halves
canned pears; place each pimiento in nest of lettuce and serve with
following dressing: Put 1 teaspoon salt and 1 saltspoon black
pepper in bowl, and stir into them with wooden spoon, very slowly, 4
tablespoons melted Crisco, and add 2 tablespoons vinegar, mixing it
well with Crisco.

June 12

  _Cream of Tomato Soup
  *Planked Salmon
  Potato Balls
  Fresh Green Peas
  Lettuce and Cucumber Salad
  Cheese Bread-Sticks
  Lemon Pudding

_*Planked Salmon_--Have salmon cut in steaks 1-1/2 or 2 inches thick.
2 steaks of average size can be placed on medium-sized plank. Crisco
plank thoroughly, place fish upon it, and broil under gas broiler,
turning flame low after first few moments. Or it can be baked in oven
of range. Serve on plank, surrounded by potato balls cut with French
vegetable cutter. Heat 1/4 cup cream, add salt and pepper to taste,
and 3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley. Shake potato balls in this
until well covered with seasonings. Serve Hollandaise sauce with
planked salmon.

June 13

  _Strawberry Cocktail
  Roast Lamb, Mint Sauce
  Mashed Potatoes
  Carrots and Peas
  *Cherry Roly Poly

_*Cherry Roly Poly_--Roll pastry or a baking powder biscuit dough very
thin, about 1/8 of an inch in thickness, sprinkle with sugar, and dot
with ripe stoned cherries. Roll like a jelly roll, press, and close
the ends as tight as possible. Tie in a floured cloth, and cook in
boiling water 2 hours, or steam in steamer 1 hour. Remove from cloth
and serve on hot platter with the following sauce: 1/2 cup Crisco, 1
cup powdered sugar, 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons wine, and 2 egg whites.
Cream Crisco; add sugar, yolk of egg and wine. Cook over hot water
until hot. Remove from fire and add beaten whites of eggs.

June 14

  _Roasted Little Neck Clams
  *Salmi of Lamb
  Fried New Potatoes
  Boiled Bermuda Onions
  Individual Strawberry Pies

_*Salmi of Lamb_--Cut cold roast lamb in thin slices. Cook 5 minutes 2
tablespoons Crisco with 1/2 tablespoon finely chopped onion. Add lamb,
sprinkle with salt and pepper, and cover with 1 cup cold lamb gravy
seasoned with Worcestershire sauce. Cook until thoroughly heated.
Arrange slices overlapping one another lengthwise of platter, pour
around sauce, and garnish with toast points. A few stoned olives and
mushrooms improve this sauce.

June 15

  _Cream of Pea Soup
  *Baked Brains
  Mashed Potatoes
  Escalloped Asparagus
  Romaine Salad
  Greengage Ice Cream

_*Baked Brains_--Prepare brain of an ox by washing and skimming it,
and then steep it on back of range for 1 hour. Rub it with flour and
salt, lay on it bits of Crisco, and set in oven, having added water
to dish in which it is to bake. Bake it 1 hour, basting it often,
and serve with mushroom sauce. Onion sauce may be substituted for the
mushroom sauce.

June 16

  _*Baked Trout
  Chicken Epicurean
  New Potatoes
  String Beans in Cream
  Tomato Salad
  Pineapple Bisque

_*Baked Trout_--Clean brook trout, season with salt, black pepper, and
paprika. Lay in Criscoed baking pan, dredge with flour, sprinkle
with chopped parsley and bits of Crisco, pour over little vinegar and
water, and bake in hot oven until done, basting often with Crisco.
Garnish with parsley, and serve hot with cream sauce.

June 17

  _Brunoise Soup
  Porterhouse Steak
  Stuffed Potatoes
  Belgian Salad
  Compote of Cherries

_*Beans_--Boil 1 quart beans until tender, salting them well when half
cooked. Beat 1 tablespoon Crisco to a cream, beat in yolk 1 egg, 1
tablespoon finely chopped parsley, 1 saltspoon black pepper, and 2
teaspoons lemon juice; when this sauce is well mixed stir it into
beans, taking care not to break them, then serve.

June 18

  _Cream of Celery Soup
  Stewed Chicken
  Rice Croquettes
  Green Peas
  *Watercress Salad
  Lemon Jelly
  Iced Coffee_

_*Watercress Salad_--Take plenty fresh young sprigs of watercress,
wash and dry them thoroughly, put them lightly in dish, add 3 sliced
shallots. Pour over them dressing made with 3 parts melted Crisco and
1 of lemon juice or vinegar. Garnish with tufts scraped horseradish.

June 19

  _Roast Loin of Mutton
  Creamed Spinach
  Baked Potatoes
  Pineapple Charlotte
  *Maids of Honor

_*Maids of Honor_--Crisco puff pastry, 4 tablespoons sugar, 1
tablespoon ground almonds, 2 eggs, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, 4 tablespoons
melted Crisco, and 1 tablespoon cocoanut. Roll out Crisco puff pastry
and line 8 gem pans with it. Put eggs and sugar into basin, and beat
them together for 15 minutes; then stir in lightly Crisco, ground
almonds, cocoanut, and vanilla. Put 3 teaspoons into each gem pan and
bake in a moderate oven for 20 minutes. When cooked, sprinkle over
with little sugar.

June 20

  _*Cream of Cucumber Soup
  Grilled Salmon, Mayonnaise Sauce
  Lamb Cutlets
  Green Peas
  Mashed Potatoes
  Cold Fruit Souffle

_*Cream of Cucumber Soup_--2 large cucumbers, 8 onions, sprig parsley,
handful spinach, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 1
quart white stock, 1 cup milk, 2 cups cream, 2 yolks eggs, nutmeg, 1
teaspoon sugar, pepper and salt to taste, croutons.

Peel cucumbers and cut firm part into dice, about 3 tablespoons; boil
gently in salted water until soft, drain and reserve for soup. Cut
remainder cucumber into pieces, cut onions small. Make Crisco hot in
stewpan, fry onions and cucumber 5 minutes, add parsley with stock,
let it simmer 20 minutes. Mix cornstarch with milk, stir in soup until
it boils, let boil 10 minutes. Well wash and drain spinach, pound it
in mortar, turn it into cloth and squeeze lightly as possible. Pour as
much of this liquor into soup as will make it a delicate green color.
Pass soup through sieve, turn it back into stewpan. Mix cream and
yolks of eggs in basin, pour boiling soup on to them, stirring at same
time, return to pan; it must not boil again or it will curdle. Season
to taste with nutmeg, pepper, and salt. Cut bread into dice, fry pale
color in hot Crisco, drain and toss them in sugar, sprinkle little red
pepper over and place in oven 2 minutes. Warm dice of cucumber, put
them in tureen with croutons and pour hot soup over and serve.

June 21

  _Fried Flounders, Lemon Sauce
  *Beef, a la Mode
  Cauliflower au Gratin
  Creamed Potatoes
  Fruit Chartreuse

_*Beef, a la Mode_--3 pounds lean beef, larding bacon, 1 quart stock,
1 glass claret, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 4 tablespoons flour, 2 carrots,
1 chopped onion, 10 button onions, sprig parsley, piece thyme, 1 bay
leaf, juice half lemon, 2 cloves, salt and pepper to taste.

Trim, bone, and lard meat, place it in basin with wine, lemon juice,
chopped onion, cloves, salt, pepper parsley, thyme, bay leaf, and let
it stand 2 hours, basting frequently. Melt Crisco in stewpan, drain
beef, and fry it brown, and at same time lightly fry button onions.
Remove both from stewpan, put in flour, and fry until it acquires a
nut-brown color; add stock and wine marinade in which meat was soaked,
and stir until boiling. Replace meat and onions, season to taste, add
carrots thinly sliced, cook gently for 3 hours, stirring and skimming
occasionally. When done place on hot dish, strain sauce over, and
garnish with groups of onions and carrots.

June 22

  _*Tournedos of Beef with Olives
  Braised Lettuce
  Baked Potatoes
  Alligator Pear Salad
  Strawberry Ice Cream

_*Tournedos of Beef with Olives_--2 pounds fillet beef, 8 croutons
fried bread, 2 tomatoes, white sauce, olives, straw potatoes, 4
tablespoons Crisco, and seasoning.

Cut fillet in slices 1 inch thick, trim into small rounds with cutter.
Melt Crisco in saute pan, fry tournedos quickly and brown nicely,
season with pepper and salt, and dress each on round crouton of bread,
cut same size as fillet, and fried. On this place thin slice tomato
that has been slightly cooked in Crisco; in center of tomato place a
teaspoon white sauce; on that, again, arrange olives. Cut potatoes in
strips, and fry them golden brown in hot Crisco; arrange these round
tournedos, and serve hot.

June 23

  _Soup with Marrow Balls
  Sweetbread Patties
  Green Peas
  Saratoga Chips
  Beet Salad
  *Raspberry Batter Pudding

_*Raspberry Batter Pudding_--1 pint milk, 2 eggs, 4 tablespoons
flour, salt, and melted Crisco. Put flour and good pinch of salt into
a basin, make a well in center, break in eggs, stir, gradually mixing
in flour from sides, and add milk by degrees until a thick, smooth
batter is formed. Now beat well 10 minutes, add remainder of milk;
cover, and let stand for at least 1 hour. When ready to use, put 1
tablespoon melted Crisco into pudding dish, and while it is heating
give batter another good beating. Pour into dish, and bake in quick
oven for 35 minutes. Serve with raspberries and sugar.

June 24

  _Puree of Peas
  Baked Red Snapper, Tomato Sauce
  Riced Potatoes
  Buttered Beets
  Cabbage Salad
  *Cup Puddings

_*Cup Puddings_--These should be baked in little cups or molds. For 1
pudding, take 1 tablespoon of following ingredients: flour, Crisco,
milk, currants, sugar.

For 3 puddings use treble quantities. Put flour into a basin with a
pinch of salt, together with currants and sugar; melt Crisco to pour
in, add milk, and mix well together. Put into Criscoed cups and bake
in a moderate oven for a 1/4 of an hour. Tops should be nicely browned
when done. These puddings are nice either hot or cold.

June 25

  _Soup with Bread Balls
  Fried Spring Chicken, Milk Gravy
  New Potatoes
  Tomato Mayonnaise
  *Rhubarb Fanchonettes

_*Rhubarb Fanchonettes_--2 pounds rhubarb, 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup
strained orange juice, 1 tablespoon powdered gelatine, 1 piece
orange peel, 1 cup cream, whipped, flavored and sweetened, number of
individual pastry shells.

Cut rhubarb into inch pieces. Hot house variety needs no peeling.
Place in baking dish in layers, sprinkling sugar between layers. Add
2 tablespoons water, 1 tablespoon Crisco, and a few thin strips orange
peel, place in moderate oven, cover and bake 1 hour. Dissolve gelatine
in orange juice and when rhubarb is cooked remove it from oven and add
this mixture to it. Let it get cold. When ready to serve fill shells
with rhubarb mixture, heap with whipped cream and decorate with
crystallized orange peel.

June 26

  _*Curried Chicken
  New Green Peas
  Young Carrots
  Macedoine Salad
  Boiled Custard with Snow Eggs

_*Curried Chicken_--Clean and dress a 3-pound chicken and cut in pieces
for serving. Put 1/3 cup Crisco in a hot frying pan, add chicken,
and cook 10 minutes, tightly covered. Then add liver and gizzard, and
continue cooking for 10 minutes longer.

Cut 2 medium-sized onions in thin slices, and add to chicken with 2
teaspoons salt and 1 tablespoon curry powder. Add sufficient boiling
water to cover, and simmer until chicken is tender. Remove chicken,
strain liquor, and thicken it with a roux of flour and water. Make
border of boiled rice around platter or serving dish, arrange chicken
in center, and pour curry sauce over it.

June 27

  _Boiled Salmon, Egg Sauce
  Boiled Potatoes
  Cucumber Salad
  *Almond Pudding

_*Almond Pudding_--Beat separately yolks of 2 eggs and whites of 3, and
mix to a cream with 4 tablespoons ground almonds, 4 tablespoons sugar,
and 4 tablespoons Crisco. Mix in a wineglass of sherry, and pour into
a Criscoed mold ornamented with nuts. Bake it, and serve hot.

June 28

  _Cream of Lettuce Soup
  Bread Sticks
  *Halibut Ramekins
  Baked Potatoes
  Ginger Ice Cream
  Lady Fingers

_*Halibut Ramekins_--Flake rather finely 1-1/2 pounds cooked halibut.
See that it is free from bones and skin. Have ready 1 pint seasoned
white sauce. Crisco few fireproof dishes.

Mix halibut with sauce, season with salt and pepper, then fill dishes
with it, smooth over surface with wetted knife, and cover with thin
layer white sauce. Sprinkle top with mixture of breadcrumbs and grated
cheese, and place a few tiny bits Crisco here and there on surface.
Bake in fairly hot oven 25 minutes, so as to get it thoroughly heated
and surface browned. Dish up and serve hot.

June 29

  _*Beef Croquettes, Brown Sauce
  Mashed Potatoes
  Fruit Salad

_*Beef Croquettes_--Melt 2 tablespoons Crisco, stir in 1 tablespoon
flour, gradually add 1/2 pint milk, stir till it boils 4 minutes, add
salt and pepper to taste; 1/2 pound cold cooked chopped beef and 4
tablespoons breadcrumbs. Turn out on plate to cool. Divide into 8
pieces, flour them and make into neat croquettes. Egg and breadcrumb
them. Fry till brown in hot Crisco. Drain and serve hot with brown

June 30

  _*Breaded Veal Cutlets
  Egg Plant
  Cress, Whipped Cream Dressing
  Cottage Pudding, Strawberry Sauce

_*Breaded Veal Cutlets_--1-1/2 pounds fillet or neck of veal, Crisco
for frying, 1/2 teaspoon chopped parsley, 1/4 teaspoon grated lemon
rind, salt and pepper, egg and breadcrumbs.

Cut meat into thin slices, which afterwards trim into neat fillets.
Beat egg, mix with it parsley, lemon rind, good seasoning of salt and
pepper. Brush cutlets over with this preparation, coat them carefully
with breadcrumbs, fry quickly and lightly in hot Crisco. Serve with
either tomato or piquante sauce, or, when gravy is preferred, brown
little flour in Crisco in frying pan, add little salt and pepper, pour
in 1/4 of a pint of hot water, boil up, and strain.

July 1

  _Boned Chicken
  Stuffed Pepper Salad
  Sliced Tomatoes
  White and Brown Bread
  *Ground Rice Pudding
  Coffee Jelly

_*Ground Rice Pudding_--1/2 cup ground rice, 3 cups milk, 3 eggs,
4 tablespoons sugar, rind 1/2 lemon, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 1/4 cup
Sultana raisins, and brown breadcrumbs.

Boil milk slowly, sprinkle in ground rice, boil 6 minutes. Remove add
sugar and Crisco. Mix well, cool a little, add eggs well beaten,
stir and flavor with grated lemon rind. Crisco plain mold, dust with
toasted breadcrumbs. Pour in pudding. Bake 1 hour in moderate oven.
Serve with following sauce: 1 small lemon, 1 cup water, 1 teaspoon
cornstarch, 1 tablespoon sugar, and few drops red color. Put
cornstarch into pan with lemon juice, add other ingredients and bring
to boil.

July 2

  _Spanish Veal Balls
  Summer Squash
  Buttered Beets
  Lettuce and Peppergrass Salad
  *Snow Souffle
  Iced Coffee_

_*Snow Souffle_--Put 2 tablespoons Crisco and 4 tablespoons potato
flour in pan, stir well together, add 1/2 cup milk, pinch salt, and
stir till boiling. Remove from fire, add 4 tablespoons sugar, yolks
3 eggs 1 by 1, 1/2 teaspoon orange flower water, and fold in stiffly
beaten whites of eggs. Pour into Criscoed souffle mold, put greased
paper round. Bake for 20 minutes in moderate oven. Serve at once.

July 3

  _Roast Lamb
  New Potatoes
  Green Peas
  *Summer Squash
  Watercress and Cucumber Salad
  Coffee Ice Cream
  Lady Fingers_

_*Summer Squash_--Cut summer squashes into small pieces and boil
till tender in salted water. Put into a clean towel and wring out
all water. Put squashes into saucepan and add to each cup of them, 2
tablespoons cream and 1/2 tablespoon Crisco. Heat thoroughly before
sending to table.

Declaration Day

July 4

  _Fruit Cocktail
  Carrot Soup Radishes
  Stuffed Shoulder of Veal, Roasted
  Potato Souffle
  Green Corn
  Molded Spinach, French Dressing
  Washington Ice Cream
  *Flag Cake

_*Flag Cake_--2/3 cup sugar, 1/2 cup Crisco, 2/3 cup milk, 1-2/3 cups
flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, whites of 4 eggs,
and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cream Crisco and sugar together, add flour,
salt, baking powder, milk, vanilla and whites of eggs beaten to a
stiff froth. Mix carefully, turn into Criscoed and floured tin and
bake in moderate oven for 3/4 of an hour. Decorate with frosting and
tiny flags.

July 5

  _Iced Pimiento Consomme
  Small Tenderloins of Beef
  Molded Potatoes
  *Corn Cakes
  Orange, Grapefruit and Romaine Salad
  Cup Custards

_*Corn Cakes_--Make a custard from 2 eggs well beaten, 1/2 cup milk,
1/2 tablespoon Crisco, and 1/2 tablespoon sugar; beat into this 3/4
of cup of canned corn. Sift together twice, 7/8 cup of flour, 1
tablespoon baking powder, and 1/2 teaspoon salt; beat into other
mixture, and drop in Criscoed muffin rings by the tablespoon; set in a
Criscoed dripping pan, and bake in a moderate oven until done.

July 6

  _Clam Bisque
  Lamb Chops
  Escalloped Corn
  Creamed Sweet Potatoes
  German Salad
  *Cheese Drops
  Strawberry Bavarian Cream

_*Cheese Drops_--Add to 3-1/2 tablespoons flour, 2 tablespoons melted
Crisco, and blend together until smooth. Remove from fire, add 4
tablespoons grated cheese, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and a dash of red
pepper. Fold in stiffly beaten whites of 3 eggs, and drop from end of
spoon on a Criscoed baking sheet about 1 inch apart, and bake from
12 to 14 minutes in a moderate oven. Serve hot in folded napkin with
salad course.

July 7

  _Beef Broth with Vermicelli
  *Baked Bluefish
  Cucumbers, French Dressing
  Mashed Potatoes
  Buttered Bermuda Onions
  Heavenly Hash

_*Baked Bluefish_--Select nice large bluefish, clean, and prepare it
for baking. Wash it in salted water, and after drying it thoroughly,
stuff with bread stuffing, and sew up opening and rub fish all over
with salt. Then, having put small pieces of Crisco over, place in
pan with enough water to cover bottom, and bake in hot oven 45 or 50
minutes. After it begins to bake, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Baste
it often with liquid in pan and a little melted Crisco. When it is
cooked and a nice color, remove carefully to hot plate. Do not break
it. Serve with brown sauce poured round fish as garnish, or serve it
in a separate dish.

July 8

  _Iced Bouillon
  Broiled Chicken
  Mashed Potatoes
  New Peas
  Tomato Mayonnaise
  *Red Raspberry Shortcake, Hot Marshmallow Sauce

_*Red Raspberry Shortcake_--4 cups sifted flour, 3 tablespoons baking
powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons Crisco, milk, and 2 quarts red
raspberries. Sift baking powder and salt with flour, rub in Crisco;
then with fork stir in lightly and quickly sufficient milk to make
soft dough--too soft to roll. Turn it into Criscoed tin, and bake
in hot oven 30 minutes. Unmold, and leaving it inverted, cut circle
around top within 1 inch of edge; lift off circle of crust, and with
fork pick out crumb from center, leaving about 3/4 of an inch of
biscuit around sides. Spread inside cake with butter, fill with
crushed raspberries, which have been standing 1/2 hour or more mixed
with enough sugar to sweeten them. Turn off juice from berries before
filling cake. Replace circle of crust, and serve with following sauce:
1/2 pound marshmallows, 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar, and 1/2 cup
boiling water. Cut marshmallows in pieces and melt in double boiler.
Dissolve sugar in boiling water, add to marshmallows, and stir until
blended. Serve hot with shortcake.

July 9

  _Sardines and Lemon
  Cold Roast of Lamb, Mint Sauce
  Creamed Potatoes
  Endive and Cheese Salad
  *Cherry Souffle
  Iced Tea_

_*Cherry Souffle_--4 tablespoons flour, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 1/2
cup milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 3 whole eggs and 1 additional white, 4
tablespoons sugar, and 4 tablespoons chopped preserved cherries.

Put Crisco and flour in saucepan, mix over fire, add milk, stir till
it boils and becomes thick; remove from fire to cool 10 minutes, add
sugar, yolks eggs, 1 by 1 stirring each thoroughly, whites stiffly
beaten up, then add chopped cherries. Pour all into Criscoed souffle
mold. Put into saucepan with 1/2 an inch of boiling water. Put lid on
saucepan and steam gently 3/4 hour. Turn out, send to table with jam
sauce round.

July 10

  _Clam Broth
  *Chicken Croquettes
  Buttered Rolls
  Mayonnaise of Lettuce and Tomatoes
  Tutti Fruitti Ice Cream

_*Chicken Croquettes_--2 cups cooked chicken, 1/2 teaspoon salt,
1/4 teaspoon celery salt, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon onion
juice, and 1 cup white sauce.

Mix ingredients in order given. Cool mixture, shape, crumb and fry in
hot Crisco. The white sauce is made as follows: 2 tablespoons Crisco,
4 tablespoons flour, 1 cup milk (heated), salt and pepper to taste.
Melt Crisco, add flour, then add milk gradually. Cook over fire until
smooth and thick. Add seasoning.

July 11

  _Roast Beef
  Yorkshire Pudding
  Potato Croquettes
  String Beans
  Lettuce, French Dressing
  *Fruit Pancakes

_*Fruit Pancakes_--2 cups flour, 2 cups milk, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 2
eggs, nutmeg and salt to taste. Put flour into basin with salt, grated
nutmeg, eggs, pour milk in by degrees, stirring smoothly; beat it well
in order to let the air in, and then let it stand for 1/2 an hour.
This allows starch grains in flour to swell, and so batter is lighter.
When ready to fry, warm Crisco and pour in, stirring at same time.
Make some Crisco hot in a small saucepan, ladle some into a frying
pan, when very hot, pour back into saucepan, but do not drain it, then
ladle sufficient batter in to cover the bottom of pan, shake it gently
over rather a sharp fire, and, when nicely browned, toss it over and
brown other side, turn on to a wire or sieve, sprinkle with sugar
and ripe blackberries. Roll it up, and keep it warm while finishing
remainder of batter. Dish them up on platter, each row crossways to
prevent under ones from becoming sodden. Sprinkle sugar over top and

July 12

  _Cottage Pie
  New Stringless Beans
  Olive Salad
  Cheese Biegnets
  *Apricot Pudding
  Iced Coffee_

_*Apricot Pudding_--Put 1 pint milk into saucepan, add two tablespoons
Crisco, and bring to boiling point. Mix 1/2 cup cornstarch with 1/2
cup milk and stir slowly into boiling milk, add 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Heat 1 cup apricot jam, and strain off juice. Stir the pieces of
apricot into cornstarch and cook for 5 minutes. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon
chopped pistachio nuts into wet mold and pour in hot mixture. Turn out
when cold and surround with apricot juice.

July 13

  _Cream of Peanut Soup
  *Veal Chops
  Mashed Potatoes
  String Beans
  Onion Salad
  Meringues Filled with Custard

_*Veal Chops_--Trim neatly 8 chops and put into frying pan with 4
tablespoons Crisco, and fry over quick fire a nice brown color. As
the meat will afterwards be cooked again, the frying process should be
done quickly without actually cooking the chops. Place them between 2
boards, put weight not too heavy over top, and keep them until cold.
Strain Crisco, and keep for further use. Cut 1/2 cup pork and 1/2
cup beef marrow into small pieces, pound in mortar; when fine, add
1 tablespoon anchovy paste, 1 teaspoon powdered savory herbs, 1 yolk
egg, and piece of Crisco about size of nutmeg. Pound thoroughly until
smooth, season with pepper and salt, rub through sieve, and cover side
of each chop thickly with this. Put them on Criscoed baking sheet,
cover with few fried breadcrumbs, sprinkle with melted Crisco and
place in hot oven for 10 minutes. Dish up chops in circle on hot dish,
and serve.

July 14

  _Steak, a la Parmesan
  Corn Pudding
  Mashed Potatoes
  Lettuce, French Dressing
  *Cheese Balls
  Peach Ice Cream

_*Cheese Balls_--1/2 cup breadcrumbs, 1 teaspoon Crisco, 1/4 teaspoon
mustard, 1 cup grated cheese, 1 egg, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and a few
grains red pepper. Rub Crisco into crumbs and cheese, add seasonings
and egg well beaten. Shape in small balls and fry in hot Crisco. Drain
and serve hot.

July 15

  _Stuffed Shoulder of Veal, Braised
  Buttered Beets
  Potato Roses
  Onion and Tomato Salad
  Rhubarb Dumplings
  *Mocha Cake

_*Mocha Cake--_Sift 6 cups flour with 1 teaspoon baking powder into a
basin, add 1 teaspoon each of powdered cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves,
1 cup brown sugar, 1/2 teaspoonful salt, and 1 cup Crisco; rub well
together, add 1/2 a cup golden syrup, 1 cup strong cold coffee, 2
well beaten eggs, 1 cup currants and 1 cup sultana raisins, mix well
together. Pour into Criscoed and papered tin and bake in moderate oven
2 hours.

July 16

  _Tomato Soup
  Fried Chicken
  Pea Souffles
  Creamed White Potatoes
  Bean Salad
  *Snow Balls

_*Snow Balls--_1 cup sugar, 1/4 cup milk, 1/2 cup Crisco, 2-1/4 cups
flour, 3-1/2 teaspoons baking powder, and whites of 4 eggs. Cream
Crisco, add sugar gradually, milk, and flour sifted with baking
powder; add whites of eggs beaten stiff. Steam 35 minutes in Criscoed
cups; serve with stewed or preserved fruit.

July 17

  _Iced Currants
  *Blanquette of Veal
  Fried Artichokes
  Duchesse Potatoes
  Cauliflower and Red Pepper Salad
  Macaroon Trifle

_*Blanquette of Veal--_2 tablespoons Crisco, 2 pounds fillet of
veal, 1/2 cup cream, 4 tablespoons flour, 1 large onion, 1 carrot,
seasoning, 12 preserved mushrooms, and 12 whole peppers. Cut veal into
square pieces, put them into stewpan with enough cold water to cover,
bring it to boil, and skim well; add salt to taste, onion cut in
quarters, carrot, whole peppers; cook gently 1 hour. Take up meat,
strain stock, and measure off 1 pint. Melt Crisco in stewpan, stir
in flour, add stock; boil and skim; cook for a few minutes. Add
mushrooms, cut in slices, and cream; put in pieces of veal; make hot,
but do not boil again; season nicely, dish up, sprinkle little chopped
parsley over, and serve.

July 18

  _Onion Soup
  Fricasseed Tripe
  Baked Potatoes
  Stringless Beans
  Tomatoes Stuffed with Pineapple
  Bisque Ice Cream

_*Fricasseed Tripe--_Cut 2 pounds of tripe into narrow strips, add 1/2
cup of water, 2 cups milk, season with salt and pepper, add 1/4 cup
Crisco mixed with 2 tablespoons flour; simmer for 30 minutes and serve
hot. A little chopped parsley is an improvement.

July 19

  _Cream of Asparagus Soup
  *Lamb Fricassee with Dumplings
  Mint Jelly
  Green Peas
  Romaine Salad
  Toasted Crackers

_*Lamb Fricassee with Dumplings--_ Cut up and dice enough cold lamb
to make 1 quart. Season with salt and white pepper, put into Criscoed
baking dish and pour over following sauce: Blend 2 tablespoons Crisco
with 2 tablespoons flour, and cook until brown. Now add 2 cups water
and when it boils season with salt, pepper, onion juice to taste and
pour over meat. Cover and bake in moderate oven 20 minutes.

To make the dumplings, sift together 2 cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt,
1/4 teaspoon sugar, and 2 teaspoons baking powder. Add 1 tablespoon
Crisco and rub in with tips of fingers, then add sufficient milk to
make soft dough. Roll out and cut into small biscuits. Place on top of
lamb and bake in hot oven for 12 minutes. Serve hot.

July 20

  _Roast Beef's Heart
  Boiled New Potatoes
  Cauliflower au Gratin
  Baked Bean Salad
  *Cheese Aigrettes
  Apricot Meringue Pie

_*Cheese Aigrettes--_Bring 2 tablespoons Crisco and 1/2 cup water to
boiling point, then add 1/2 cup flour and stir until mixture leaves
sides of pan. Cool, but do not allow to become cold, then add 2 eggs,
1 by 1, 4 tablespoons grated cheese, salt, pepper, and paprika to
taste and beat well. Allow to stand in cool place 30 minutes. Drop by
teaspoons into hot Crisco and fry a golden brown. Drain and sprinkle
with grated cheese. Serve hot. The Crisco should not be too hot or the
cheese will burn.


July 21

  _Strawberry Cocktails
  Macaroni Cutlets, Cheese Sauce
  Tomato Mayonnaise
  Pimiento Sandwiches
  Frozen Banana Whip

_*Pop Overs_--Beat up 3 eggs until light; add 1 cup milk and 1
teaspoon melted Crisco. Pour this gradually into 1 cup flour and 1/2
teaspoon salt, beating all the time until smooth. Crisco iron gem
pans, put them in the oven, and when hot, take them out and fill them
half full of this batter. Put them back in the oven and bake for 45
minutes. They should be at least 4 times their original bulk. If they
fall, they are not thoroughly done. The oven should be hot.

July 22

  _*Pilau, a la Turque
  Peppers Stuffed with Green Corn
  Huntington Salad
  Cheese Rolls
  Baked Custard

_*Pilau, a la Turque_--Put 1 1/2 cups of stock, with 1 cup stewed
and strained tomato, over fire. When boiling add 1 cup well-washed
or blanched rice and 1/2 teaspoon salt; stir lightly with fork,
occasionally, until liquor is absorbed. Then add 1/2 cup Crisco,
season with salt and pepper, and cook over hot water until tender;
remove cover, and stir with fork before serving.

July 23

  _Vegetable Soup
  *Fried Fish
  Baked Shoulder of Mutton
  Onion Puree
  Chipped Potatoes
  Fruit Jelly
  Toasted Cheese Fingers

_*Fried Fish_--Marinade 4 halibut steaks for 1 hour; drain, dip in
salted flour, then in beaten egg, lastly in fine salted and peppered
crumbs. Leave on ice for 1 hour, and fry in hot Crisco.

July 24

  _Lamb Potpie
  Summer Squash
  Mashed Potatoes
  Dressed Cucumbers
  Raspberry Float
  *Cushion Cake
  Iced Coffee_

_*Cushion Cake_--Cream 1 cup Crisco with 1/2 cup sugar, add 2 well
beaten eggs, and 1/2 cup milk. Sift 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking
powder, and 1/2 teaspoon salt, and add to Crisco mixture, with
1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Divide into 2 parts, add to 1 part 2
tablespoons molasses, 1 cup seeded raisins, 1/2 teaspoon cloves, 1
teaspoon cinnamon, and 1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg. Bake in Criscoed
and floured cake tin for 20 minutes. Take out of oven, spread white
part on top, return to oven and bake until done.

July 25

  _*Tournedos of Lamb
  Rissole Potatoes
  Grape and Pimiento Salad
  Frozen Cheese
  Toasted Crackers
  Iced Coffee_

_*Tournedos of Lamb--_Six lamb chops cut 2 inches thick, will be
required. Remove bone and fat and with skewers arrange in 6 circular
pieces. Around each wrap a thin strip of bacon, fastening in place
with wooden skewers. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, place on well
Criscoed broiler, and broil over clear fire 15 minutes. Remove to
hot-platter, garnish with rissole potatoes, and pass mint jelly with
them. The potatoes are done in this way: Peel and wash 8 Bermuda
potatoes of uniform size, put in ice water for 15 minutes, dry in a
towel, and fry until delicate brown in hot Crisco. Drain on paper,
then bake until soft. Remove to serving platter, and pour around 1
cup of rich white or cream sauce or 1 cup of heavy cream scalded and


July 26

  _Cream of Green Peas
  Bean Loaf with Rice
  Stewed Corn
  Tomato and Lettuce Salad
  *Peach Pudding

_*Peach Pudding_--Fill Criscoed baking dish full of peaches and pour
over top a batter made of 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 cup
flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 well beaten egg, 1/2 teaspoon salt,
and 1 cup milk. Bake in moderate oven 30 minutes. Serve with cream.

July 27

  _Anchovy and Pimiento Canapes
  Halibut Baked, a la Creole
  French Fried Potatoes
  Hot Slaw
  *French Pancakes

_*French Pancakes_--4 tablespoons sugar, 4 tablespoons Crisco, 1/2
cup flour, 2 eggs, 1/2 tablespoon lemon extract, and 1 cup milk. Heat
Crisco and mix other ingredients gradually to them, bake in six
small criscoed plates for 5 minutes. When done, put jam between every
alternate one, and serve high on a dish.

July 28

  _Puree of Fruit
  Steak with Fresh Mushrooms
  String Beans
  Riced Potatoes
  Lettuce and Watercress Salad
  *Cherry Blanc-mange

_*Cherry Blanc-mange_--Put 1 quart of milk into a saucepan, add 1
tablespoon Crisco. Mix 1 cup cornstarch smoothly with 1/2 cup cold
milk; when the milk boils stir in cornstarch and stir for 10 minutes,
then add 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Stew 2 cups
cherries until tender in _1/2_ cup water, add 2 tablespoons sugar.
Rinse out a mold with cold water, arrange a few cherries in the
bottom, then put in some blanc-mange, then rest of cherries mixed with
cornstarch. Turn out when firm. Serve with milk.

July 29

  _Iced Tomato Bouillon
  *Swiss Steak
  Mashed Potato
  Egg Plant Fritters
  Lettuce Salad, Chifonade Dressing
  Strawberry Parfait

_*Swiss Steak_--1 pound steak, 1 cup flour, salt and pepper, 4 skinned
tomatoes, 1 sliced onion, and water. Have steak cut 2 inches thick,
and pound into it the flour. Put steak into a skillet, with 3
tablespoons Crisco and brown on both sides. Then cover with water,
adding sliced onion, tomatoes sliced and cover closely and let simmer
for 3 hours. Just before steak is done add salt and pepper to taste.
When done, the gravy is already made and is delicious.

July 30

  _Clear Soup
  *Planked Chicken
  Potato Croquettes
  Asparagus Tips
  Boiled Rice
  Pineapple Salad
  Vanilla Ice Cream
  Strawberry Sauce

_*Planked Chicken_--2 spring chickens, 1 cup boiled rice, 1/2 pound
mushrooms, and 1 glass guava jelly. Stew mushrooms; put chicken either
in oven or under broiler, bone side to hottest part of fire. Heat and
Crisco a plank; put chicken on, bone side down; sprinkle with melted
Crisco, dust with salt and pepper and broil on board under gas for
1/2 an hour. Garnish with rice; pour over mushrooms. Place at corners
small bread patties, holding the guava jelly.

July 31

  _*Baked Beans
  Finger Rolls
  Beet and Potato Salad
  Lemon Jelly,
  Whipped Cream
  Cafe Parfait_

_*Baked Beans_--Wash 2 quarts of small white beans, put them in a
saucepan, cover with cold water; as soon as they come to a boil,
drain; put them in a fireproof baking dish, add 4 tablespoons Crisco,
1 chopped onion, salt and pepper to taste and 1/4 teaspoon mustard,
fill dish with boiling water, cover tight, and bake from 5 to 6 hours;
add more water as required to keep from getting dry. They can be
warmed over as needed.

August 1

  _Brown Fricassee of Kidneys
  Summer Squash
  New Cabbage Salad
  *Blueberry Pie

_*Blueberry Pie_--Line a deep perforated tin with Crisco Plain Pastry;
brush over with water or white of egg. Fill with floured blueberries;
add sugar, Crisco, salt and vinegar. Allow 1 cup sugar to 3 cups
berries, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1/8 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon
vinegar. Cover with crust and bake.

August 2

  _*Beef Olives
  Braised Lettuce
  Stuffed Potatoes
  Beet Salad
  Cheese Relish
  Red Currant Cream
  Lady Fingers

_*Beef Olives_--Cut 2 pounds of steak into pieces 4-1/2 inches long
and 2 inches wide. Mix together in a basin 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs,
1 chopped onion, 4 tablespoons Crisco, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley,
salt, pepper, and paprika to taste and 1 well beaten egg. Spread a
little of this mixture on each piece of meat, roll up and tie with
fine string. Melt 2 tablespoons Crisco in a pan, brown pieces of meat
in it; stir in 1 tablespoon flour, gradually add 2 cups water, bring
to boiling point and cook slowly 1-1/2 hours. Remove string and dish
in a circle, season the gravy and strain over the meat.

August 3

  _Cream of Corn Soup
  *Stuffed Flank Steak
  Mashed Potato
  Shelled Beans
  Onion and Mint Salad
  Ivory Cream

_*Stuffed Flank Steak_--Buy a flank steak. Fry 2 tablespoons chopped
onion in a 1/4 cup Crisco. Add 1/2 cup soft, stale breadcrumbs, 1/4
teaspoon mixed herbs, salt and pepper to taste. Spread over steak,
roll and tie. Brown in 3 tablespoons Crisco, and remove to casserole
or covered dish. To the Crisco in pan add an equal quantity of flour,
and brown, then add 1 cup stock or boiling water, and 1 cup strained
tomato, season with salt and pepper, pour over the roll, cover dish,
and cook slowly until meat is tender. If cooked in casserole it may be
served in same dish.

August 4

  _Fried Soft Shell Crabs,
  Sauce Tartare
  Hashed Browned Potatoes
  Pepper and Cucumber Salad
  Cheese Fingers
  *Apricot Omelet

_* Apricot Omelet_--Cut 6 preserved apricots into dice, and heat up
in a little fruit juice. Beat up 5 eggs, add pinch of salt and 1
tablespoon sugar. Melt in an omelet pan or frying pan 2 tablespoons
Crisco, when hot pour in beaten eggs and stir over quick fire till
they commence to thicken, put in the prepared apricots, then shape
quickly into an oval form by folding the ends. Allow the omelet to
acquire a golden brown by putting it in the oven, turn out on to a hot
dish, dredge with sugar and serve at once.

August 5

  _*Country Club Chicken
  Sweet Potatoes
  Green Corn
  Tomato Salad
  Apple Whip
  Chocolate Wafers

_*Country Club Chicken_--Wash 2 broilers or quite young chickens, cut
them in halves or quarters if they be large enough, wipe them and dip
each piece in beaten egg, well seasoned with salt and pepper and mixed
with cream. Roll pieces in breadcrumbs and place them in Criscoed pan,
dot generously with Crisco and place in hot oven for 15 minutes. Now
put chicken in hot kettle, cover and let smother and steam for 30
minutes or until tender on a slow fire. Place chicken on hot platter;
add half cup hot cream to gravy in kettle and strain it over chickens.

August 6

  _*Baked Liver and Bacon
  Mashed Potatoes
  Corn on Cob
  Lettuce and Pineapple Salad
  Stewed Pears
  Hasty Cake

_*Baked Liver and Bacon_--Select liver, wash it well, rub it with
Crisco, and place it in vinegar with 1 chopped shallot, a little
chopped parsley, and salt and pepper to suit taste. Let it stand
overnight; roast it, adding strips of bacon. Baste it frequently with
the vinegar mixture. When done, make brown gravy, and serve very hot.

August 7

  _Grilled Trout
  Chicken Saute
  *Souffled Squash
  Potato Croquettes
  French Salad
  Fruit Compote

_*Souffled Squash_--Take medium-sized Hubbard squash, remove seeds
and stringy portion, and pare. Place in steamer and cook over boiling
water for 30 minutes. Mash and season with Crisco, salt and pepper to
taste. To 2 cups of the mashed squash, add gradually 1 cup cream, when
blended, yolks of 2 well beaten eggs, and finally the stiffly beaten
whites of the eggs. Pour into Criscoed souffle dish and bake in
moderate oven till firm. Serve at once.

August 8

  _Clam Cocktail
  Roast Lamb, Mint Jelly
  Rice Fritters
  Lima Beans
  Lettuce and Banana Salad
  *Windsor Tartlets
  Iced Coffee_

_*Windsor Tartlets_--Crisco Plain Pastry, 2 eggs, 4 tablespoons
Crisco, 4 tablespoons sugar, 1-1/2 tablespoons cornstarch, 5
powdered macaroons, 18 glace cherries, 1 piece of lemon peel, and 1/2
tablespoon chopped almonds.

Put Crisco and sugar into 1 basin and beat them to a cream. Add yolks
of eggs, 1 at a time, and beat each well in. Chop cherries and peel,
add them and macaroons to mixture, mix thoroughly, add almonds and
cornstarch. Roll out Crisco Plain Pastry and line small tartlet tins
thinly with it. Beat whites of eggs to stiff froth and stir lightly
into mixture. Fill each lined tin three parts full. Bake them in
moderate oven until mixture is set and brown. Dust with sugar and
serve either hot or cold. Place crossbars of pastry over mixture, if
liked. Stale cakecrumbs can be used instead of macaroons.

August 9

  _Casserole of Lamb
  Spiced Peaches
  *Macaroon Pudding
  After Dinner Mints

_*Macaroon Pudding_--Soak 6 macaroons in 1/2 cup milk. Heat 2 cups
milk in double boiler, add 2 tablespoons cornstarch moistened with 1
well beaten egg, 1 teaspoon Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and macaroons.
Cook for 20 minutes, remove from fire, add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
extract. Turn into Criscoed and sugared pudding dish, sprinkle 1/2 cup
sugar on top, and cover with sliced peaches. Serve cold.

August 10

  _Tomato Bisque
  Potato Croquettes
  Fried Egg Plant
  Celery and Apple Salad
  *Chocolate Pudding

_*Chocolate Pudding_--Crisco a mold or basin. Beat 3 tablespoons
Crisco and 2 tablespoons sugar to a cream, then beat in 3 yolks of
eggs. Dissolve 11/2 teacups grated chocolate smoothly in 1 cup milk,
add it to Crisco mixture, with 2 cups cakecrumbs, 1 teaspoon vanilla,
1/2 teaspoon salt, and whites of eggs stiffly beaten. Fold the whites
in gently. Pour into prepared mold, cover with Criscoed paper and
steam for 2 hours. Turn out and serve with white sauce. This mixture
may be placed in a Criscoed pudding dish and baked in a moderate oven.

August 11

  _Fried Chicken, a la Maryland
  French Fried Potatoes
  *Stewed Onions
  Stuffed Tomato Salad
  Musk Melon with Ice Cream

_*Stewed Onions_--Peel onions and boil in boiling salted water till
tender. When done, drain, and turn into hot vegetable dish. Melt 2
tablespoons of Crisco in saucepan, then stir in 1 tablespoon flour,
mix well, add 1 cup milk and stir till boiling, add salt and pepper to
taste and pour over onions.

August 12

  _Broiled Ham
  Baked Potatoes
  Green Corn Custard
  Apple Salad
  Grape Juice Syllabub
  *Tilden Cake

_*Tilden Cake_--Cream 1/4 cup Crisco with 1 1/2 cups sugar, add 4 well
beaten eggs, 1 cup milk, sift in 3 cups flour, 3/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2
cup cornstarch, 2 teaspoons baking powder, and add 2 teaspoons lemon
extract. Turn into Criscoed and floured cake tin and bake for 1 1/2
hours in moderate oven.

August 13

  _*Roast Fowl with Chestnuts and Mushrooms.
  Franconia Potatoes
  Shell Beans
  Lettuce and Tomato Salad
  Peach Short-Cake

_*Roast Fowl with Chestnuts and Mushrooms_--Stuff 1 large or 2 small
fowls with chestnuts or mushroom stuffing, truss it, brush with melted
Crisco, dust with salt and pepper, and put on a rack in pan and in a
hot oven until beginning to brown, reduce heat, and cook 1 or 2 hours,
basting often. Add to pan 1/2 cup hot water, 1 slice salt pork, diced,
tiny bit bay leaf, 1 clove, and sprig of parsley. If with mushrooms
pour over little sherry mixed with cream. When done place fowl on
platter, pour off all fat in pan but 3 tablespoons, add 2 tablespoons
flour and slightly color, add 1 cup stock from giblets cooked with 1
slice of salt pork, salt and pepper, a little lemon juice, and minced
giblets. Serve surrounded with chestnut or mushroom puree put through
a pastry bag and tube in roses. Place a small piece of canned red
pepper on each rose and serve gravy in boat.

August 14

  _Celery Soup
  Braised Ox Tongue
  *Mashed Turnips
  Baked Potatoes
  Waldorf Salad
  Ginger Ice Cream

_*Mashed Turnips_--Peel and dice 3 turnips, cover with boiling salted
water and cook till tender; drain and press the water well out of
them. Return to pan and add 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1 teaspoon salt,
and 1 saltspoon white pepper, beat and mash them well together, when
thoroughly hot turn into vegetable dish and serve.

August 15

  _Fish Souffle
  Braised Stuffed Shoulder of Mutton
  Breaded Potatoes
  *Carrots, a la Poulette
  Pineapple Jelly
  French Pastry

_*Carrots, a la Poulette_--Boil 2 bunches of carrots until tender in
boiling salted water, then drain. Blend 2 tablespoons Crisco with 1
tablespoon flour, when smooth add 1 cup milk and stir till boiling,
add salt, pepper and paprika to taste, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
and cook for 5 minutes, then add carrots and allow to cook for 5
minutes longer. Serve hot.

August 16

  _Cream of Rice Soup
  Hanoverian Steaks
  *Hashed Browned Potatoes
  Carrots en Casserole
  Custard Souffle, Foamy Sauce

_*Hashed Browned Potatoes_--Sprinkle 2 1/2 cups cold boiled potato
cubes with salt and white pepper to suit taste. Melt 1 1/2 tablespoons
Crisco; add 1 tablespoon flour and 1/2 cup brown stock. Cook 5
minutes; add potato cubes; cook 10 minutes, stirring, without breaking
potatoes. Melt 1 tablespoon Crisco in another frying pan. When brown,
turn in potatoes, spread evenly, and cook 10 minutes; fold like an
omelet, and serve hot.

August 17

  _Lamb Chops
  *Chantilly Potatoes
  Turkish Salad
  Fruit Ice Cream

_*Chantilly Potatoes_--Prepare nicely seasoned, lightly mashed
potatoes and mound on a hot platter. Beat 1/2 cup cream until stiff,
add 1 teaspoon melted Crisco, 1/2 cup grated cheese, season to taste
with salt, pepper and red pepper. Pile lightly on to the potato and
put in oven to brown. Be sure that the oven is very hot.

August 18

  _Watermelon Cocktail
  Cannelon of Beef
  *Creamed Kohl Rabi
  Stuffed Celery
  Meringues Filled with Ice Cream

_*Creamed Kohl Rabi_--Slice kohl rabi, boil 20 minutes or until nearly
tender, and arrange in a baking dish in layers with the following
sauce: 2 tablespoons Crisco, 2 tablespoons flour, 1/2 pint milk, 1/2
teaspoon salt, and 1 saltspoon pepper. Rub Crisco and flour together;
add milk, cold. Stand saucepan over fire and stir continually until
it reaches the boiling point; take from fire, and add salt and pepper.
Then strain. Season each layer with pepper and salt, sprinkle the top
with breadcrumbs and bake 20 minutes.


August 19

  _Cream of Turnip Soup
  Asparagus Salad
  Coffee Souffle
  *Ginger Crisps
  Iced Tea_

_*Ginger Crisps--_ Cream 1/2 cup Crisco with 1/2 cup sugar, add 1 cup
molasses, 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon and nutmeg, 1 teaspoon salt, 2
teaspoons baking powder, and flour to make stiffish dough. Roll thin,
cut out with cutter and bake in quick oven.

August 20

  _Corned, Beef
  Buttered Potatoes
  *New Beets
  Lettuce, Italian Dressing
  Tapioca Cream

_*New Beets--_ Peel hot cooked beets, cut into slices, and toss about
for 3 or 4 minutes in saucepan which contains 3 tablespoons Crisco
to which has been added 1 teaspoon plain vinegar, or a few drops of
tarragon, 2 cloves, and 1 teaspoon sugar.

August 21

  _Cold Sliced Corned Beef
  Baked Potatoes
  Jellied Vegetables
  Pea Salad
  *Countess Pudding

_*Countess Pudding_--Line small Criscoed platter with Crisco pastry.
Put 1 tablespoon Crisco in saucepan, add 1 cup milk, when warm pour
over three tablespoons chopped cocoanut, add 1 tablespoon sugar.
Allow to remain 30 minutes, add 3 yolks of eggs well beaten, and 1/2
teaspoon vanilla, pour into platter, bake 30 minutes in hot oven.
Beat up whites of eggs, add pinch salt, 1 tablespoon sugar, and 1/2
teaspoon almond extract, pile on top of pudding and sprinkle with
cocoanut. Brown in slow oven. Serve hot or cold.


August 22

  French Fried Potatoes
  Tomato Jelly Salad
  Orange Marmalade Ice Cream
  Caramel Cake

_*Succotash_--Boil 1 dozen ears of corn for 3 minutes. Cut corn from
cob, taking very small piece from top of each grain, then press out
pulp. Mix this with an equal quantity of nicely cooked lima beans; add
Crisco, salt and white pepper to taste; reheat and serve.

August 23

  _Fish Timbales, Cream Sauce
  Mashed Potatoes
  Stewed Okra
  Cucumber Salad
  Cheese Straws
  *St. Leonard's Pudding

_*St. Leonard's Pudding_--Line edge of a pudding dish with pastry, and
spread 2 tablespoons of jam in the bottom. Blend 4 tablespoons Crisco
with 1/2 cup flour, when smooth stir in 1 cup milk, 4 tablespoons
sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 2 yolks of
eggs, stir well together and pour over jam, bake 30 minutes. Beat up
whites of eggs to a stiff froth, add 1 tablespoon sugar, and arrange
roughly on the top. Place in oven until lightly browned.

August 24

  _*Boiled Mutton, Caper Sauce
  Riced Potatoes
  String Beans
  Olive Salad
  Toasted Crackers
  Plum Compote

_*Boiled Mutton_--Wipe leg of mutton, put on fire, barely covered
with boiling water, and let boil about 10 minutes, then simmer until
tender; season with salt when half cooked. A few slices of onion,
turnip, and carrot, or 2 or 3 stalks of celery, may be added while
cooking. When tender, brush over the meat with melted Crisco and
sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Serve with caper sauce which is
made as follows: Mix 2 tablespoons Crisco with 1 tablespoon flour;
add 1 cup boiling water; stir it over fire until thick; add to it 1
hard-cooked egg chopped fine and 2 tablespoons of capers.

August 25

  _Barley Broth
  Mutton Souffle
  Sweet Corn
  Creamed Carrots and Peas
  *Peach Cobbler

_*Peach Cobbler_--Sift 1-1/2 cups flour and 1-1/2 teaspoons baking
powder. With tips of fingers work into flour 1 tablespoon Crisco, and
when well mixed add 1/2 cup milk.

Peel and slice 4 peaches, and mix with 3/4 cup sugar and 2 tablespoons
melted Crisco. In bottom of baking dish invert a cup, around this
arrange peaches, and over all place dough patted out to about 3/4 of
an inch in thickness. Bake in moderate oven until crust is brown and
peaches are tender. This will require about 40 minutes. The cup keeps
dough from lying on fruit and becoming soaked with juice.

August 26

  _*Beef Steak Pudding
  Spaghetti with Tomato
  Potatoes on Half Shell
  Green Pepper Salad
  Apricot Pudding

_*Beef Steak Pudding_--Line a Criscoed basin with plain pastry. Mix
together on a plate 1 tablespoon flour, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/2
teaspoon pepper for seasoning. Cut 1 pound lean beef in thin slices,
dip them in the seasoning, and place them lightly in the basin; split
1 sheep's kidney, skin and cut in thin slices; dip them also in the
seasoning, and put them in basin, and pour over 1 cup of water for
gravy. Wet the edges of the paste on basin; roll out a piece of paste
large enough to cover the dish; place it on, press down at the edges,
and sprinkle a little flour over top. Now dip a pudding cloth in
boiling water, tie it tightly over the top, and plunge the pudding in
plenty of boiling water; then boil for 3 hours. Remove the cloth,
and turn the pudding out on a dish. Liver and bacon mixed, or mutton,
makes a good pudding of this kind.

August 27

  _Steamed Clams
  Vegetable Salad
  Brown Bread Sandwiches
  Peach Tapioca
  *Princess Cake

_*Princess Cake_--Line small square cake tin with plain Crisco pastry.
Sprinkle in 1/2 cup cleaned currants. Cream 1/2 cup Crisco with 1
cup sugar, then add 3 well beaten eggs, 3 cups flour, 1-1/2 teaspoons
baking powder, and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Divide mixture into 2 portions.
Add 1 tablespoon grated chocolate and 4 tablespoons milk to 1 portion.
Put cake mixtures in spoonfuls on top of currants and bake in moderate
oven for 35 minutes. Serve in square pieces.

August 28

  _Iced Bouillon
  Pulled Bread
  *Fillet of Beef, Horseradish Sauce
  Franconia Potatoes
  Corn Souffle
  Endive, French Dressing
  Salted Triangles
  Violet Mousse

_*Fillet of Beef_--Trim fillet into good shape. Lard it plentifully,
letting the whole upper surface be perforated with lardoons. Place
in baking pan thin slices of larding pork, over pork place layer of
chopped onion, carrots, turnip, and celery; lay tenderloin on top.
Pour in 1 cup stock, add 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, 4
sprigs parsley, 1 bay leaf, and 2 cloves. Bake in hot oven 30 minutes,
and baste frequently. Remove when done; strain off gravy and skim off
grease. Blend 1 tablespoon Crisco with 1 tablespoon flour in a pan,
add gravy strained from pan, 1/2 cup grated horseradish, salt and
paprika to taste and bring to boiling point, then add 2 tablespoons
lemon juice and 1 tablespoon vinegar. Spread sauce on hot serving dish
and lay fillet on it.


August 29

  _Baked Macaroni, Tomato Sauce
  Green Corn
  *Fried Egg Plant
  Cantaloupe Salad
  Marmalade Pudding
  Iced Coffee_

_*Fried Egg Plant_--Peel good-sized egg plant; cut into slices of
1/4 inch. Dust with salt and pepper; dip in beaten egg; roll in fine
breadcrumbs and saute in hot Crisco. When they are brown on 1 side,
turn and brown on the other. If preferred, the egg plant may be dipped
in thin batter instead of egg and crumbs, and fried.

August 30

  _*Clam Chowder
  Stuffed Tomato Salad
  Welsh Rarebit
  Lemon Pie

_*Clam Chowder_--Remove heads from 4 cups clams and chop. Parboil 4
cups potatoes. Cook 1 chopped onion and 1/2 cup salt pork cut in
cubes 15 minutes. Arrange clams, potatoes, onion and pork in layers
in saucepan; cover with 3 cups boiling water, and simmer till tender.
Blend 3 tablespoons Crisco with 2 tablespoons flour, add 4 cups
scalded milk and stir till boiling; add clam mixture, seasonings to
taste, 1 dash of Tabasco sauce, and serve hot.

August 31

  _Bisque of Clams and Peas
  Stuffed Peppers
  *Cheese Salad
  Toasted Crackers
  Lemon Sherbet
  Whipped Cream

_*Cheese Salad_--To 1 cup cooked chopped chicken, add 1/2 pound soft
American cheese and 1/2 cup pickled chopped cauliflower. Rub through
sieve, yolks of 2 hard-cooked eggs, add 1 teaspoon French mustard, 4
tablespoons melted Crisco, 3 tablespoons vinegar, red pepper, paprika,
and salt to taste. Pour this sauce over salad and garnish with whites
of eggs cut in slices and branches of pickled cauliflower.

September 1

  _*Cauliflower Soup
  Roast Beef, Brown Gravy
  Oven-Panned Potatoes
  Creamed Carrots
  Celery and Green Pepper Salad

_*Cauliflower Soup_--Cut large parboiled cauliflower into thick
slices, also 2 large onions and heart of a stalk of celery. Fry these
in hot Crisco. When done to a golden color, remove them from pan to
drain. Have ready stewpan of chicken and veal stock, ready seasoned
as for table, then place in slices of cauliflower, onions, and celery,
and allow them to simmer until vegetables can be broken with 2 forks.
Add to this 1 glass of Madeira wine. Pull stewpan aside, and stir in 2
beaten yolks of eggs, and enough cream to make whole thickness of
rich cream. Let all simmer, but not boil. Send to table with small
dice-shaped pieces of toast.

September 2

  _Caviare on Toast
  Fricassee of Chicken
  Banana Fritters
  Boiled Potatoes
  Creamed Onions
  Vegetable Salad
  *Snow Pudding with Custard

_*Snow Pudding with Custard_--Mix 2 tablespoons arrowroot with 3
tablespoons cold milk. Boil 1 cup milk then pour it on to mixed
arrowroot, pour back into pan and boil gently for 8 minutes,
stirring all the time, then allow to cool. Stir in yolks of 2 eggs, 2
tablespoons Crisco, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons sugar, pour into
Criscoed pudding dish; beat whites of eggs to a stiff froth and mix
lightly in. Dust nutmeg over top and bake in moderate oven 10 minutes.
Serve quickly with custard.

September 3

  _*Stewed Liver with Mushrooms
  Baked Potatoes
  Scalloped Egg Plant
  Celery and Apple Salad
  Peach Trifle
  Sponge Cake

_*Stewed Liver with Mushrooms_--Melt 1 tablespoon Crisco and add 1-1/2
tablespoons flour. Brown by long slow cooking. Add salt and pepper and
2 cups water. Cook till as thick as good cream. Have 1 pound of calf's
liver cut into 2-inch cubes. Pour boiling water over them and drain
immediately. Drop these into brown sauce and cook slowly 10 or 12
minutes. They must not cook rapidly nor too long. In the meantime peel
some mushrooms if they are fresh and require such treatment, and drop
into melted Crisco and allow to simmer. Just before taking up liver
add mushrooms.

September 4

  _Noodle Soup
  Lamb Chops
  French Fried Potatoes
  Watercress Salad
  Plum Tart

_*Cauliflower_--Boil and drain 1 cauliflower and dredge top with
pepper and salt, sprinkle with grated cheese, and pour little
melted Crisco over it. Set in oven for 5 minutes to brown, and serve
surrounded with tomato sauce.

September 5

  _Hot Boiled Tongue, Lemon Sauce
  Boiled Potatoes
  French Fried Parsnips
  Cauliflower Salad
  *Baked Quinces
  Jam Cake

_*Jam Cake_--Cream 2/3 cup Crisco with 1 cup sugar, add 3 well beaten
eggs, 1/2 cup sour cream, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 cups flour, 1/2 glass
strawberry preserves, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon each cloves,
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, and 1/2 teaspoon salt, mix and bake in layers.
Put strawberry preserves between layers, and white icing on top.

September 6

  _Planked Bluefish with Potato Border
  Grilled Tomatoes
  *Corn Creole
  Pepper Salad
  Cheese Pasties
  Grape Juice Water Ice

_*Corn Creole_--Put 2 cans corn into saucepan with 2 tablespoons
chopped green peppers and 1 cup milk, and cook, slowly 10 minutes;
season with salt and pepper, add 2 tablespoons Crisco and serve. This
may be put in baking dish, covered with breadcrumbs, and baked 15

September 7

  _*Chestnut Soup
  Smothered Chicken
  Parsley Potatoes
  Peppers Stuffed with Corn
  Pineapple Salad
  Almond Custard

_*Chestnut Soup_--Boil 1 quart chestnuts 20 minutes, then remove
shells and brown inner skin, and put into saucepan with sufficient
boiling water to cover them. Add piece lemon rind and 1 teaspoon salt,
when soft remove rind and rub through a sieve. Then pour over
them stirring all the time, 2 quarts white stock, 1/2 cup cream, 1
tablespoon Crisco rolled with 2 tablespoons flour, seasoning of salt
and pepper. Bring to boiling point, remove from fire and serve hot.

September 8

  _*Planked Smelts
  Baked Lamb Chops
  Breaded Beets
  Riced Potatoes
  Avocado Pear Salad
  Apricot Cream

_*Planked Smelts_--Crisco a plank quite generously, and place upon
it smelts that have been split, cleaned, and seasoned, and squeeze
liberal amount of lemon juice over them. Arrange in form of large
fish shape, and garnish with potato roses put on with pastry tube and
sprinkle with tiny bits of Crisco and finely chopped parsley. Place
plank in oven and cook until potatoes are slightly browned. Garnish
before taking to table with sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, dressed in
vinegar, between potato roses.

September 9

  _Soft Shell Crabs on Toast
  Broiled Steak
  Creamed Potatoes
  *Stuffed Onions
  Oyster Plant Salad
  Mint and Pineapple Sherbet

_*Stuffed Onions_--Boil 8 large onions in boiling salted water
till tender. Drain, and with sharp knife cut centers from each. Mix
together in a basin 2 tablespoons chopped cooked ham, 3 tablespoons
crumbs, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 2 tablespoons cream, 1 beaten egg, salt,
pepper, and paprika to taste, and 1 tablespoon chopped parsley. Fill
with this mixture, sprinkle each with crumbs and dot with Crisco.
Place on baking dish and bake in moderate oven 1 hour. Spanish onions
are best to use.

September 10

  _Braised Ox Tails with Chestnuts
  Boiled Sweet Potatoes
  *Baked Stuffed Tomatoes
  Lima Bean Salad
  Peach Chartreuse

_*Baked Stuffed Tomatoes_--Prepare tomatoes by scooping out centers.
Put into a basin 1 cup crumbs, season with salt and pepper, 1 dozen
chopped olives, 2 tablespoons chopped capers, 1 tablespoon chopped
parsley, 1 tablespoon Crisco, beaten yolks 3 eggs, and moisten with
stock. Fill tomatoes and set in hot oven to bake. Sprinkle top with
crumbs and dot with Crisco.

September 11

  _Oysters au Gratin
  Sirloin Steak, Anchovy Sauce
  Duchesse Potatoes
  *Buttered Beets
  Red Cabbage and Celery Salad
  Apricots Parisienne

_*Buttered Beets_--Boil 1 dozen small beets in plenty of water and
when tender put into cold water, slip peeling off of them, cut them
in thin slices and put in saucepan with 4 tablespoons Crisco, pinch
of salt and little pepper. Add before they are quite hot 1 tablespoon

September 12

  _Fish Croquettes
  Cucumber Puree
  Broiled Duckling, Apple Sauce
  *Fried Cauliflower Potatoes
  Olive Salad
  Omelette Souffle

_*Fried Cauliflower_--Remove large outside leaves from cauliflower,
and cut flowers from stalk in symmetrical bunches and drop in salted
ice water for a few moments. Cook in scalded milk and water until
tender, then drain and let cool, and rub well with melted Crisco,
which has been salted and peppered. Dip into frying batter and fry in
hot Crisco until golden brown, draining upon white paper.

September 13

  _Clam Cocktails
  *Stewed Squabs
  Grape Jelly
  Potato Balls
  Green Corn
  Watermelon Frappe

_*Stewed Squabs_--Cut 2 squabs into neat joints. Put 1 cup water in
saucepan when it boils lay in squabs, 1 sliced onion, and 1 slice
of carrot, simmer for 1-1/2 hours. Blend 2 tablespoons Crisco with
2 tablespoons flour, add 1 cup stock from squabs, salt and pepper to
taste and boil for 5 minutes stirring all the time. Arrange the squabs
on a hot dish and strain over the sauce.

September 14

  *Porterhouse Steak
  Scalloped Tomatoes
  Lima Beans
  Apple and Chestnut Salad
  Pear Sponge

_*Porterhouse Steak_--Have large porterhouse steak well trimmed and
shaped, and slit with sharp knife an opening flatwise through sirloin
and tenderloin. Make forcemeat of 1 dozen olives chopped, 2 pounded
anchovies, 1 chopped red pepper, salt and onion juice to taste, and 2
tablespoons melted Crisco. With this forcemeat fill smoothly cavities
made in steak. Pinch steak together firmly at edges and set away on
ice for 1 hour or even longer. Broil them over clear fire and serve
without sauce.

September 15

  _Pea Soup
  Celery Mayonnaise
  Apple Trifle

_*Impanada_--Cut up raw chicken, and flour each piece well. Line deep
dish with slices raw sweet potato, slices raw white potato, some of
chicken, little onion, few slices of bacon, salt and pepper to taste,
and 1 can of tomatoes chopped fine, 2 tablespoons Crisco, and 1
tablespoon vinegar. Cover top of dish with sweet and white potatoes.
Bake very slowly from 2 to 3 hours. Serve hot. This takes 3
medium-sized sweet potatoes and 6 medium-sized white potatoes.

September 16

  _*Baked Ham
  Baked Potatoes
  Brussels Sprouts
  Spiced Grapes
  Apple Salad
  Ice Cream with Kisses

_*Baked Ham_--Soak ham over night then wash and scrape it. Put it into
cold water; let it come to boiling point then simmer for 2 hours. Let
the ham cool in the water; then remove and draw off the skin. Bake in
moderate oven for 2 hours; baste it frequently; using 1 cup of sherry
wine, 2 spoonfuls at a time; then baste with melted Crisco. When done,
cover with a paste made of browned flour and browned sugar moistened
with sherry, and return to oven to brown.

September 17

  _*Oyster Bisque
  Broiled Lamb Chops
  Griddled Sweet Potatoes
  Bean Croquettes, Tomato Sauce
  Cauliflower Salad
  Cocoanut Custard

_*Oyster Bisque_--Boil 1 quart oysters in their own liquor with about
1 pint mildly-flavored white stock. Let boil for 1/2 an hour or even
longer. Take up and strain, put back to boil, season with salt and
white pepper as needed, add 1 quart rich milk and 1/2 a pint of cream.
Blend together 1 tablespoon potato flour with 1 tablespoon melted
Crisco, and with this thicken soup till it is smooth and velvety.

September 18

  _Hamburg Loaf, Tomato Sauce
  Maitre d'Hotel Potatoes
  Beet and String Bean Salad
  Cheese Creams
  *Chocolate Pudding with Macaroons

_*Chocolate Pudding with Macaroons_--Put 3 cups milk to boil. Have 5
tablespoons grated chocolate in pan with 1/2 cup boiling water and 4
tablespoons sugar. When chocolate paste is smooth pour in milk. Mix 4
tablespoons cornstarch with 1 cup milk, add 1 teaspoon Crisco, and 1/4
teaspoon salt, and with this thicken boiling milk. Add 1 cup macaroon
crumbs and beaten whites of 2 eggs. Pour into wet mold and set on ice
1 hour.

September 19

  _Vegetable Soup
  Roast Spare Ribs, Apple Sauce
  *Sweet Potatoes, Southern Style
  Orange Custard

_*Sweet Potatoes, Southern Style_--Bake sweet potatoes until
thoroughly done. Remove from oven and cut in halves lengthwise; remove
potato from skins carefully, so as to keep skins in condition to
refill. Mash potato, adding sufficient melted Crisco and cream to
moisten. The potato mixture should be of the consistency of mashed
potato when put back in shells. Season with salt, pepper, and a
very little sherry. Refill skins, brush tops with Crisco and brown 5
minutes in hot oven.

September 20

  _Broiled Striped Bass
  Porterhouse Steak with Olives
  Baked Creamed Potatoes
  *Asparagus, Italian Style
  String Bean Salad
  Pineapple Fluff

_*Asparagus, Italian Style_--Cut tender parts of 2 bunches of
asparagus into short lengths and set to boil till quite tender. Take
up, drain, and put into saucepan with 3 tablespoons melted Crisco,
few drops lemon juice, sprinkling of red pepper and salt. Let get
thoroughly hot, take up, and serve on slices of fried bread.

September 21

  _Fried Cod Steaks
  Sweet Potatoes
  Boiled Onions
  Cucumber Salad
  Walnut Pudding
  *Feather Cake

_*Feather Cake_--Cream 1/2 cup Crisco with 1/2 cup sugar, and 1/2
teaspoon salt, and 2 eggs beaten with 1/2 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon lemon
extract, 1 cup milk, 2-1/2 cups flour, and 2-1/2 teaspoons baking
powder. Beat 2 minutes and turn into Criscoed and floured cake tin.
Bake in moderate oven for 3/4 of an hour.

September 22

  _Cream of Barley Soup
  *Shepherd's Pie
  Broiled Tomatoes
  Cucumber Salad with Red Peppers
  Wine Jelly

_*Shepherd's Pie_--Chop 1 pound cooked meat, mix in 2 tablespoons
breadcrumbs, 1 chopped onion, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 cup
gravy, salt and pepper to taste, 2 tablespoons Crisco, half teaspoon
powdered herbs, and 1 tablespoon tomato catsup. Turn into fireproof
dish and cover with thick layer seasoned mashed potatoes. Brush over
with beaten egg and dot with pieces of Crisco. Bake 20 minutes.

September 23

  _*Mock Duck, Rice Stuffing
  Buttered Beets
  Lettuce Salad
  Grape Sherbet

_*Mock Duck_--1 cup chopped celery, 2 cups breadcrumbs, 2 cups chopped
black walnut meats, 2 cups boiled rice, 6 hard-cooked eggs, 3 raw
eggs, 1 tablespoon grated onion, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 saltspoon
pepper, and 2 tablespoons Crisco.

Cook crumbs with 1 pint water for 5 minutes; add celery, hard-cooked
eggs, chopped; remove from fire, add Crisco, nuts, rice and
seasonings. Mix well with raw eggs, slightly beaten. Form into shape
of duck, brush over with melted Crisco and bake 1 hour. Serve with
apple sauce.

September 24

  _Macaroni Soup
  Fried Scallops
  Tournedos, a la Bordelaise
  Mashed Potatoes
  Baked Tomatoes
  *Cold Slaw
  Queen Mab Pudding

_*Cold Slaw_--Cut 2 cabbages very fine and put it in salad bowl.
Boil 2 tablespoons vinegar. Beat up 2 eggs, add 1/2 cup sour cream, 2
tablespoons Crisco and add them to boiled vinegar. Stir over fire
till boiling, add 1 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper, pour over
cabbage, and it is ready to serve when very cold.

September 25

  _Broiled Butterfish
  German Fried Potatoes
  Cucumber Salad
  Cheese Balls
  *Bread Pudding with Cherries

_*Bread Pudding with Cherries_--Soak 1/2 pound bread in cold water
till soft. Press out water and beat out any lumps with fork. Add 2
tablespoons Crisco, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract,
and 1/4 pound glace cherries and 1 teaspoon baking powder. Mix well,
and add 1 well-beaten egg and 3 tablespoons milk. Put into Criscoed
basin and cover with Criscoed paper, and steam for 1-1/2 hours.

September 26

  _Veal Cutlets
  Sliced Lemon
  Baked Cucumbers
  Lyonnaise Potatoes
  Red Pepper Salad
  *Amber Pudding

_*Amber Pudding_--Peel, core, and quarter 8 apples. Put 3 tablespoons
Crisco in a pan, when warm add apples, 3 tablespoons sugar, grated
rind 1 lemon, and stew slowly till soft, then rub through a sieve.
Add yolks of 3 eggs, and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Roll out Crisco pastry
thinly, cut off a strip and press it on to the edge of a wet pudding
dish. Put apple mixture into dish and bake for 30 minutes in a hot
oven. Beat up whites of eggs with 1/2 teaspoon salt, to stiff froth,
add 2 teaspoons sugar and 2 drops vanilla. Heap this meringue all
over apple mixture. Dust with sugar and place here and there a glace
cherry. Replace in oven to brown slightly.

September 27

  _Pot Roast of Beef, Gravy
  Boiled Potatoes
  Stuffed Cucumber Salad
  *Conservative Pudding

_*Conservative Pudding_--The weight of 3 eggs in Crisco, sugar, and
flour. Beat Crisco and sugar to a cream, add flour, 1 teaspoon baking
powder, and mix slowly with eggs. Add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract and
mix all well. Ornament a Criscoed mold with raisins, pour in mixture,
steam 2 hours and serve hot with milk.

September 28

  _Pea Soup
  Boiled Tripe, Cream Sauce
  Stewed Celery
  Mashed Potatoes
  Beet Salad
  Meringues with Sliced Peaches
  *Almond Fingers

_*Almond Fingers_--2 cups flour, 1/2 cup Crisco, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons
sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon baking powder. Rub Crisco into flour, add
sugar and baking powder. Make into stiff paste with egg. Roll out
and cut into fingers. Chop 1 cup almonds and mix with 1/2 cup sifted
sugar, and white of 1 egg. Spread on fingers and bake quickly a light
brown color.

September 29

  _*Pilau of Fowl
  Glazed Carrots
  Potatoes au Gratin
  Lettuce and Nasturtium Salad
  Vanilla Eclairs

_*Pilau of Fowl_--Truss fowl for boiling, place in pan with 3 cups
stock or water and simmer 30 minutes. Wash and dry 1 cup rice. Melt
2 tablespoons Crisco and fry 1 chopped onion to golden brown in it;
remove onion to plate, add 2 extra tablespoons Crisco and fry rice and
1/4 cup blanched almonds till yellow, add onion, 2 tablespoons seeded
raisins, with salt and paprika to taste. Tie in piece of muslin 3
cloves, 6 whole white peppers, 1 bay leaf, and 1 inch cinnamon stick
and add them. Make hole in center of rice, lay fowl in it, pour in 1
cup of the stock, let simmer until fowl and rice are cooked, adding
more stock as rice swells. Turn fowl over during cooking. Serve fowl
with rice around it.

September 30

  _Raw Oysters
  Steamed Fish, Lemon Sauce
  Stuffed Tomatoes
  Radish and Lettuce Salad
  *Hot Cheese Sandwiches
  Vanilla Cream Puffs

_*Hot Cheese Sandwiches_--Melt 1/4 pound cheese with 3 tablespoons
Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon salt, few grains red pepper, and 1 teaspoon
mustard; moisten with a little vinegar and spread between thin slices
of white bread. Cut into neat rounds.

October 1

  _Veal Cutlets
  Rice Croquettes
  Lima Beans
  Cabbage and Apple Salad
  *Nut Pudding

_*Nut Pudding_--1 cup soft breadcrumbs, 2 cups scalded milk, 1
tablespoon Crisco, 1 cup chopped nuts, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 egg yolks,
3/4 cup sugar, juice and grated rind of 1 lemon, 2 egg whites beaten
until stiff, and 2 squares chocolate, melted. Mix breadcrumbs, milk,
Crisco, nuts, salt, egg yolks, sugar, chocolate, juice and rind of
lemon. When well blended, cut and fold in whites of eggs; pour into
Criscoed individual molds, and bake 20 to 30 minutes. Serve hot with


October 2

  _Tomato Bisque Crackers
  Baked Sweet Potatoes
  Baked Beans
  Corn Fritters
  Lettuce, French Dressing
  *Orange Pie

_*Orange Pie_--Line pie tin with Crisco pastry. Beat yolks of 3 eggs
with 1 cup sugar till light; add 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 2/3 cup
milk, grated rind and strained juice of 1 orange. Place in double
boiler and stir till it thickens, then pour on to crust and bake
30 minutes. Cover top with meringue made with whites of eggs and
sweetened with 3 tablespoons sugar and flavored with 1 teaspoon orange
extract. Place in oven to brown.


October 3

  _Cream of Lettuce Soup
  *Vegetable Souffle
  Baked Potatoes
  Boiled Green Peppers
  Stuffed Egg Salad
  Apple Tapioca

_*Vegetable Souffle_--Blend 3 tablespoons Crisco with 2 tablespoons
flour, add 1 cup milk, stir till boiling, add 1/2 cup grated cheese,
yolks of 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, seasoning of salt,
pepper, and red pepper, and cook till it thickens.

Remove from fire and fold in stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Put
some pieces of boiled cauliflower into Criscoed mold, then slices of
seasoned tomatoes. Pour in mixture, sprinkle on few crumbs and bake
till firm. Garnish with watercress and serve immediately.


October 4

  _Almond Soup
  *Nut Loaf, Cranberry Jelly
  Lima Beans
  Carameled Sweet Potatoes
  Onion Souffle
  Butterscotch Pie
  Orange Ice

_*Nut Loaf_--Mix together 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1 cup chopped English
walnuts and almonds, 1 cup crumbs, 1/2 teaspoon salt, dash pepper, 1
large ground onion, 3 tablespoons flour, 2 well-beaten eggs and 1 cup
milk. Pour into Criscoed pudding dish and bake 30 minutes.


October 5

  _Baked Chestnuts
  Galantine of Lentils
  Escalloped Tomatoes
  Fruit Salad
  *Apple Charlotte

_*Apple Charlotte_--Cut bread into slices 1/4 inch thick; then into
strips 1-1/2 inches wide, and as long as the height of mold to be
used; cut 1 piece to fit top of mold, then divide it into 5 or 6
pieces. Crisco mold; dip slices of bread in melted Crisco, and arrange
them on bottom and around sides of mold, fitting closely together or
overlapping. Fill center entirely full with apple sauce made of tart
apples stewed until tender, seasoned with Crisco and sugar. A little
apricot jam can be put in center if desired; chopped almonds also may
be added. Cover top with bread, and bake in hot oven 30 minutes. The
bread should be an amber color like toast. Turn it carefully on to
flat dish. Serve with any sauce that you like.


October 6

  _Creole Chowder
  Stuffed Potatoes
  Spaghetti with Cheese
  Lentil and Nut Salad
  *Orange Puffs, Orange Sauce

_*Orange Puffs_--Beat 1/2 cup Crisco with 2/3 cup sugar, add 2
well-beaten eggs, 3/4 cup milk, 2 cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt,
2 teaspoons baking powder, and 1 teaspoon orange extract. Bake in
Criscoed and floured gem pans and serve hot with orange sauce.

For sauce. Mix 1/2 cup sugar with 2 tablespoons cornstarch, and 1/4
teaspoon salt. Add 1 cup boiling water and boil eight minutes, add
grated rinds and strained juice 2 oranges and 3 tablespoons Crisco.

October 7

  _Carrot Soup
  *Indian Dry Curry
  Boiled Rice
  Cabbage Salad
  Pineapple, Bavarian Cream

_*Indian Dry Curry_--2 pounds beef, 4 tablespoons Crisco, 1 onion, 2
tablespoons curry powder, 2 chopped gherkins, 1 dessertspoon chutney,
1 saltspoon salt, juice of 1/2 a lemon, and 1/2 pint thin brown sauce
or gravy.

Melt Crisco in stewpan, put in onion (sliced), and fry for a few
minutes. Then add meat, cut in small pieces, and fry all together for
about 10 minutes. Now sprinkle curry over meat, and stir contents of
saucepan over fire for another 5 minutes. The gherkins, chutney and
salt must now be added; also sauce or gravy; and stewpan must be set
over very slow fire about 1 hour; by that time meat should be quite
tender. Add lemon juice, and dish up. Serve with plainly boiled rice.

October 8

  _*Fried Chicken, Swiss Style
  Sweet Corn Croquettes
  Broiled Tomatoes
  Crab Salad

_*Fried Chicken, Swiss Style_--Cook chicken in salted water till it
is fairly tender. Take up, let get cool, and cut into neat pieces for
frying. Sprinkle these pieces with salt, pepper, and onion juice, then
moisten them well with melted Crisco. Let them stand 1 or 2 hours to
absorb flavoring of dressing, then dip in batter and drop into hot
Crisco to cook till brown. This batter make of 1 cup flour, as much
milk as is needed to have it stiff, 2 eggs, whites and yolks beaten
separately, and 1/2 cup brandy. This batter will be better for
standing, after it is mixed, for 1 hour.

October 9

  _Roast Shoulder of Veal
  Roasted Potatoes
  Lima Beans
  Pickled Plums
  Romaine Salad
  *Raisin Batter Pudding

_*Raisin Batter Pudding_--Beat up 3 eggs, sift in 2 cups flour and 1/4
teaspoon salt, add 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1 cup cream, and beat for
8 minutes; then add 1 teaspoon baking powder and 1 teaspoon orange
extract. Pour into a Criscoed casserole, sprinkle over 8 tablespoons
sultana raisins, and bake in moderate oven 1 hour. Serve with maple

October 10

  _*Cream of Corn, a la Creole
  Scalloped Fish and Oysters
  Potato Croquettes
  Cauliflower and Beet Salad
  Squash Pie

_*Cream of Corn, a la Creole_--Put 1 can of corn through meat chopper,
add 1 large onion, sliced, 1 sprig of parsley, and 1 pint of water.
Cook altogether 20 minutes, being careful not to let it scorch, then
press through a fine sieve, extracting all pulp possible. Melt 2
tablespoons Crisco, add an equal amount of sifted flour, 1/2 teaspoon
salt, and dash of pepper. Cook to smooth paste; then add, very
gradually, 1 quart scalded milk. When thick and smooth, add corn pulp
and juice and 1 tablespoon sugar. Add salt to taste, and just before
serving add 1 cup scalded cream or very rich milk.

October 11

  _Roast Veal
  Mashed Sweet Potatoes
  Green Beans
  Stuffed Beet Salad
  *Dutch Apple Cake

_*Dutch Apple Cake_--2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 3 teaspoons baking
powder, 1 cup milk, 2 eggs, and 3 tablespoons melted Crisco. Mix and
sift dry ingredients. Add beaten yolks, Crisco and milk. Beat well;
cut and fold in stiffly beaten whites. Spread mixture 1/2 inch thick
on Criscoed pans. Lay apples cut into eighths in 2 rows on top of
dough. Sprinkle with sugar; bake in hot oven 30 minutes. Serve with
lemon sauce.

October 12

  _Cream of Carrot Soup
  Roast Pig, Apple Sauce
  Candied Sweet Potatoes
  Creamed Celery
  Kumquat Salad
  *Cheese Croutons

_*Cheese Croutons_--Cut crusts from thin slices of stale bread and
spread lightly with creamed Crisco, then with a layer of cream cheese
seasoned with salt and pepper. Cover with a second slice of bread and
cut into fingers 1 inch wide, using a sharp knife. Place in a shallow
pan and brown in a hot oven.

October 13

  _*Peanut Puree
  Roast Pig Reheated in Casserole
  Baked Potatoes
  Red Cabbage Salad
  Sultana Roll

_*Peanut Puree_--1 cup peanut butter, 1 quart milk, 1 tablespoon
Crisco, 1 teaspoon onion juice, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 1 bay leaf, 1
blade mace, pepper and salt to taste. Put milk, Crisco, peanut butter,
onion juice, pepper, bay leaf and blade mace in double boiler; stir
and cook until hot. Moisten cornstarch in little cold milk and add it
to hot milk; stir until smooth and thick; strain through sieve. Add
salt and serve at once with croutons.

October 14

  _*Grilled Halibut with Parmesan
  Roast Mutton, Currant Jelly Sauce
  Creamed Turnips
  Browned Sweet Potatoes
  American Salad
  Apple and Prune Pie

_*Grilled Halibut with Parmesan_--Take desired number of fillets
of halibut and grill on both sides until nicely browned. Take from
broiler, spread with Crisco, cover with grated Parmesan cheese, season
with salt and dash of paprika on each slice, and set in hot oven until
cheese is well browned and melted. Serve with lemon slices and potato
balls tossed in melted Crisco containing chopped parsley.

October 15

  _*Broiled Smelts
  Roasted Squabs
  Oyster Plant, Italian Style
  Oriental Salad
  Sweet Cider Jelly

_*Broiled Smelts_--Select 12 large smelts, clean well and split. Chop
12 olives, 1/2 green pepper with seeds removed, 2 sprigs parsley,
add 1/2 tablespoon Crisco. Spread paste inside each smelt. Close fish
together, sprinkle with salt, moisten with melted Crisco and broil
over clear fire.

October 16

  _Poëled Fowl, Cranberry Sauce
  Mashed Potatoes
  Cauliflower au Gratin
  Tomato and Green Pepper Salad
  Macaroon Custard
  *Queen Cakes

_*Queen Cakes_--1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 3
eggs, 1/4 cup currants, 1/4 cup glace cherries (cut in dice), grate
nutmeg, thin rind 1/2 lemon (chopped finely), juice 1 lemon, 1 cup
flour, 4 tablespoons rice flour, and 1 teaspoon baking powder. Put
Crisco and sugar in basin and work with wooden spoon to cream, add
salt and eggs 1 by 1, and beat mixture thoroughly.

Mix in separate basin fruit, lemon rind, flours and baking powder.
Stir this into other mixture, add nutmeg, and strained lemon juice.
Stir mixture several minutes longer. Have ready Criscoed gem tins,
three-parts fill them with mixture and bake in fairly hot oven from 20
to 25 minutes. Unmold cakes and place on sieve to cool. Cakes may be
coated with chocolate or boiled frosting.

October 17

  _Baked Veal Cutlet
  Potatoes Scalloped with Green Peppers
  Spinach Salad
  *Apple Pie, Whipped Cream

_*Apple Pie_--Core, peel and cut in halves 8 tart apples. Line pie
plate with Crisco pastry, and fill with apples; sprinkle over 3
tablespoons sugar, 1/2 teaspoonful cinnamon, or nutmeg and cloves, and
2 tablespoons Crisco in small pieces. Bake till apples are soft, then,
at the last moment cover with 1 cupful whipped cream, and send to

October 18

  _Rice Soup
  Fish Pudding
  *Savory Potatoes
  Cheese Custard
  Apple Dumplings

_*Savory Potatoes_--Pare 10 large potatoes and slice them, add
1 chopped onion. Crisco pudding dish, put in potatoes and onion,
sprinkle with salt and pepper, 1 teaspoon sage and dot with Crisco,
add 1 cup water and bake for 1-1/4 hours.

October 19

  _Lamb Cutlets, Morland Style
  Riced Potatoes
  Celery Salad
  Crackers Cheese
  Peach Melba

_*Artichokes_--Select some small artichokes, trim them and put in
earthenware stewpan containing some hot Crisco. Season with salt and
pepper and cover stewpan, leaving to cook for about 10 minutes. Then
add for each 1 dozen artichokes, 1 pint canned peas and 1 shredded
lettuce. Cover once more and cook gently without moistening, the
moisture of lettuce and peas sufficing.

October 20

  Young Chickens, Roasted
  Stuffed Tomatoes
  *Grilled Potatoes
  Apple and Nut Salad
  Fruit Cup

_*Grilled Potatoes_--Cut cold boiled potatoes into 1/2 inch slices
lengthways, dip in melted Crisco, sprinkle with chopped olives, pour
over a little melted Crisco and send to table.

October 21

  _*Giblet Soup
  Spiced Shoulder of Mutton
  Brussels Sprouts
  Mashed Potatoes
  Prune Mold

_*Giblet Soup_--Scald and cut up 1 set of giblets--these include the
neck, gizzard, liver, and heart of any fowl, put them into a pan
with 1 quart stock or water, 1 whole onion stuck with cloves, and the
grated rind of 1/2 a lemon. Simmer for 3 hours and strain. Peel and
slice 2 onions and fry them in 3 tablespoons melted Crisco when brown,
stir in 1 tablespoon flour and fry it brown, add the stock and stir
till boiling, put back the giblets, season with salt and pepper, 1
grated carrot and simmer for 30 minutes.

October 22

  _*Okra Soup
  Curried Mutton
  Stewed Celery with Egg Sauce
  Asparagus Salad
  Pear Fritters

_*Okra Soup_--Cut into pieces 2-1/2 cups okra, slice 1 onion, slice
1 carrot, slice 1 turnip, three tomatoes skinned and sliced, 1
cup beans, 1 can peas, dice 2 stalks celery and chop 3 tablespoons

Melt 3 tablespoons Crisco in a saucepan, add onion, carrot, turnip,
beans, and cook 15 minutes, add okra, celery, and 5 cups water, cook
slowly for 1-1/2 hours, add seasoning of salt, pepper and red pepper,
tomatoes, corn and peas and simmer for 40 minutes. If too thick, thin
with stock. Serve hot.

October 23

  _*Haricot of Veal
  Baked Tomatoes
  Russian Fish Salad
  Date Souffle

_*Haricot of Veal_--Cut 2 pounds fillet of veal into small pieces of
uniform shape and size, and fry till a light brown in hot Crisco. Add
2 tablespoons flour blended with 2 tablespoons melted Crisco. Season
with salt and pepper, cover with 1 pint stock or water, and let
simmer, covered closely, till veal is done and till stock is well
cooked away. Take up, arrange in circle on dish, and in center put
Lima beans, boiled and reheated in plenty of Crisco.

October 24

  _Roast Pork, Apple Sauce
  Browned Parsnips
  Glazed Sweet Potatoes
  Porcupine Salad
  *Black Cap Pudding

_*Black Cap Pudding_--Mix 1/4 cup currants, with 3 tablespoons sugar,
1/2 teaspoon salt, 1-1/4 cups flour sifted with 1 teaspoon baking
powder, 1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 2 well
beaten eggs, and 2 cupfuls milk, and beat well together. Crisco a
pudding mold, sprinkle in some currants, pour in mixture, cover with
greased paper and steam for 2 hours. Serve with milk.

October 25

  _Wild Duck with Mushrooms
  *Stuffed Egg Plant
  Apple and Cucumber Salad
  Almond Pudding
  Hot Cheese Denises

_*Stuffed Egg Plant_--Parboil 1 egg plant and cut in halves. Scrape
out some of the inside and chop some cold cooked meat with 2 tomatoes,
1 onion, and 2 green peppers. Then mix with 1 beaten egg, 1 tablespoon
Crisco, and salt and pepper to taste. Fill halves with this mixture;
sprinkle with breadcrumbs and tiny bits of Crisco, put in baking dish
with little stock or water, and bake.

October 26

  _Mock Pigeon, Espagnole Sauce
  *Scalloped Pumpkin and Rice
  Baked Sweet Potatoes
  Combination Salad
  Honeycomb Pudding

_*Scalloped Pumpkin and Rice_--In Criscoed fireproof dish arrange
layer of stewed pumpkin, cover with layer of boiled rice, then layer
of white sauce, proceed until ingredients are used. Cover with crumbs,
dot with Crisco and bake until browned on top. To cook pumpkin, cut
in two, scrape out the interior, pare and cut into small pieces. Steam
and cook till tender. Rub through a sieve, add 2 tablespoons Crisco,
season with salt, pepper, and paprika.

October 27

  _Noisettes of Mutton
  String Beans Latticed Potatoes
  French Salad
  *Chestnut Dainty

_*Chestnut Dainty_--Boil 1 pound of Italian chestnuts 15 minutes; then
remove shells and skins, and put back to boil until tender, with 1 cup
of milk and 1 teaspoon Crisco, on the back part of range until soft
enough to rub through a sieve. Crisco a mold well and line thickly
with pulp, then add layer of apple sauce colored pink with currant
jelly; then another layer chestnuts and again a layer of apple sauce.
Over this squeeze some lemon juice, and bake in quick oven. Turn,
out on platter, and surround with whipped cream, colored with little
currant jelly.

October 28

  _Shrimp Canapes
  Roast Mutton, Onion Sauce
  Sweet Potatoes
  Corn Salad
  Pumpkin Pie

_*Celeriac_--Well wash and peel the celeriac. Cut them in quarters
and boil in boiling salted water until quite tender. Drain well and
arrange in a hot dish and pour egg sauce over them.

For egg sauce, blend 2 tablespoons Crisco with 2 tablespoons flour,
add 1 cup milk and stir till boiling, add seasoning of salt and pepper
and boil for 8 minutes, stirring all the time, then add 2 hard-cooked
eggs rubbed through a sieve, mix well and serve.

October 29

  _Cream of Spinach Soup
  Baked White Fish, Caper Sauce
  Rice Croquettes
  String Beans
  Boiled Dressing
  *Chestnut Tartlets

_*Chestnut Tartlets_--Boil and mash 1 pint chestnuts, add 1/4 cup
each creamed Crisco and cream, 1 beaten yolk, 1/4 cup powdered sugar,
little salt, and 1 1/2 cups milk. Cover inverted small tartlet tins
with Crisco pastry, bake, and fill with mixture, and bake again.

October 30

  _Brussel Sprout Soup
  *Rabbit, a la Marengo
  Parisian Potatoes Braised Celery
  Lettuce, French Dressing
  Prune and Rice Meringues

_*Rabbit, a la Marengo_--Cut up 1 rabbit into neat joints. Melt 1/2
cup Crisco in saucepan, put in rabbit and fry it quickly till browned,
add 2 chopped small onions, and fry for a few minutes, pour off any
fat into another pan, add to rabbit 1 cup brown sauce, 2 chopped
tomatoes, 8 button mushrooms, seasoning of salt, pepper, and paprika.
Put on lid and simmer gently 1 hour. Arrange rabbit on hot dish, put
mushrooms in heaps round with thin lemon slices, season gravy and pour
it over.


October 31

  _Clear Soup
  *Braised Duck with Turnips
  Riced Potatoes
  Orange Salad
  Goblin Cakes
  Custard Souffle, Vanilla Sauce

_*Braised Duck with Turnips_--Wash and cut 2 carrots, 2 stalks celery,
2 turnips, 1 onion in large pieces, put them in pan on these place 4
slices ham, then 1 duck trussed for roasting, 1 bunch parsley, 2 cups
water, dust nutmeg, pepper, and salt. Lay Criscoed paper over top,
then lid, and simmer 1 hour or till duck is tender.

Melt 3 tablespoons Crisco in a pan, add 1 dozen small peeled turnips
and toss till they are golden color. When duck is cooked, remove
strings and skewers. Put on hot dish, and arrange turnips round.
Season gravy and strain over duck.

November 1

  _Irish Stew
  Baked Rice
  Lima Beans
  Macedoine Salad
  *Chocolate Cream Pie

_*Chocolate Cream Pie_--2 squares chocolate, 1/4 cup cornstarch,
1 teaspoon Crisco, 1 pint milk, 2 egg whites, 1/2 cup sugar, 3 egg
yolks, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1 tablespoon vanilla. Melt chocolate,
add sugar, cornstarch, egg yolks, salt, Crisco and milk. Cook in
double boiler till thick, stirring constantly; flavor with vanilla.
Pour into a baked pie crust shell, cover with meringue made by beating
egg whites till stiff and adding 2 tablespoons sugar; brown in oven
and serve cold.

November 2

  _Baked Rolled Fillets of Fish, Bechamel Sauce
  Cucumber Salad
  Yeast Rolls
  *Roast Guinea Chickens, Guava Jelly
  Rice Croquettes
  Scalloped Egg Plant
  Pear and Celery Salad
  Lemon Sherbet
  Sponge Cake

_*Roast Guinea Chickens_--Put 2 tablespoons Crisco in each of the
birds, this prevents them getting dry. Slit 2 slices bacon once or
twice then tie over breasts of birds, which should be trussed for
roasting. Wrap them in Criscoed paper and bake in a quick oven for
30 minutes, baste well and frequently; for the last 8 minutes remove
paper and bacon; sprinkle with a little flour, salt and pepper, baste
well, and let brown. Serve on hot dish, garnished with rolls of bacon.
Hand with it gravy, bread sauce, and guava jelly.

November 3

  _Celery Soup
  *Casserole of Lamb
  Sweet Pickle
  Creamed Onions
  Mashed Potatoes
  Cabbage Salad
  Caramel Ice Cream

_*Casserole of Lamb_--2-1/2 pounds loin of lamb, 1/2 cup rice, 2
cups good gravy, 1 blade mace, 1/2 cup Crisco, 2 egg yolks, salt and
pepper, and a little grated nutmeg. Half roast loin of lamb, and cut
it into steaks. Boil rice in boiling salted water for 10 minutes,
drain it, and add to it gravy with nutmeg and mace; cook slowly until
rice begins to thicken, remove it from fire, stir in Crisco, and
when melted add yolks of eggs well beaten; Crisco a casserole well,
sprinkle steaks with salt and pepper, dip them in melted Crisco, and
lay them in Criscoed dish; pour over gravy that comes from them, add
rice and simmer for 1/2 an hour.

November 4

  _Tomato Soup
  *Steamed Cod, Parsley Sauce
  Roast Ribs of Beef, Horseradish Sauce
  Charlotte Russe

_*Steamed Cod_--Wipe 4 cod steaks dry, and sprinkle with salt, pepper,
lemon juice, and melted Crisco on under side; lay on Criscoed platter,
put another Criscoed platter over; set on top of saucepan of boiling
water, and steam 3/4 of an hour, or until fish begins to leave bones.
Serve with parsley sauce.

For parsley sauce. Blend 2 tablespoons Crisco with 2 tablespoons flour
in a pan over the fire, add 1 cup milk and stir till boiling, season
with salt, pepper and red pepper, and stir and cook for 10 minutes,
then add 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, and serve.

November 5

  _Ham Timbales, Cheese Sauce
  Paprika Potatoes
  Apple and Celery Salad
  *Cocoanut Pudding

_*Cocoanut Pudding_--1 cup scalded milk, 3/4 cup soft breadcrumbs, 1/2
cup grated cocoanut, 2 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1/2 cup cocoa,
1/2 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 2 egg whites, and 1/4 teaspoon

Soak bread in scalded milk until soft. Add cocoanut, sugar, cocoa,
Crisco, lemon juice and salt; beat well; add yolks eggs beaten, cut
and fold in stiffly-beaten whites. Turn into Criscoed pudding dish and
bake in moderate oven 30 minutes. Serve hot or cold.

November 6

  _Roast Duck
  Egg Plant Croquettes
  Peppers Stuffed with Rice
  Canned Pears on Lettuce, with Mayonnaise
  *Brown Bread Souffle

_*Brown Bread Souffle_--Melt 2-1/2 tablespoons Crisco, add 1/2 cup
milk, 1/2 cup cream, 2 cups brown breadcrumbs, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and
grated rind 1 lemon; let boil 2 minutes, stirring well, remove pan
from fire, add 4 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon
vanilla extract, and when cool, beaten yolks 4 eggs. Beat egg whites
stiffly and add them lightly. Pour mixture into Criscoed tin, cover
with Criscoed paper and steam gently 1 hour. Serve hot with sweet

November 7

  _Corned Beef
  *Cabbage, a la Creme
  Olive Salad
  Hasty Pudding
  Cocoanut Cakes

_*Cabbage, a la Creme_--Trim and wash 1 cabbage, then boil in boiling
salted water, adding 1 peeled onion stuck with 2 cloves. When tender
take out onion and drain cabbage. Either chop finely or rub through a
sieve. Melt 1 tablespoon Crisco in pan, put in cabbage, stir it well,
add 3 tablespoons cream gradually, salt and pepper to taste.

When thoroughly hot, pile in hot dish, and garnish with sippets fried
bread or toast.

November 8

  _Cold Corned Beef
  Baked Potatoes
  Pickled Beets
  Cauliflower Salad
  Cheese Wafers
  *Golden Pudding

_*Golden Pudding_--Line and ornament small pudding dish with puff
pastry. Beat 2 tablespoons Crisco with 4 tablespoons sugar till
creamy, add 4 tablespoons cakecrumbs, yolks 3 eggs beaten with 1/2
cup milk, 1/2 teaspoon salt, grated rind and strained juice 2 oranges.
Pour into pudding dish, and bake 40 minutes. Whip up egg whites to
stiff froth, stir in 3 tablespoons sugar, few drops yellow color, 1
teaspoon orange extract, and pile on top of pudding. Put back in oven
to brown.

November 9

  _Broiled Steak
  Mashed Potatoes
  Spinach with Butter Sauce
  Escarole Salad
  *Cheese Fondue

_*Cheese Fondue_--2 tablespoons flour, 1/2 cup grated cheese, 1
tablespoon Crisco, 2 eggs, salt, pepper and red pepper, and 1/2 cup
milk. Melt Crisco, add flour, then milk gradually. Stir till they
boil, cool a little, add cheese and yolks and seasonings. Fold in
whites stiffly beaten. Pour into a Criscoed souffle tin. Bake 20
minutes in hot oven. Fold a napkin round and serve hot.

November 10

  _Haddock au Gratin
  *Venison Cutlets
  Hashed Browned Potatoes
  Oyster and Celery Salad
  Marrons, a la Creme

_*Venison Cutlets_--Trim venison cutlets in usual way. Put 4
tablespoons Crisco in saute pan and when hot put in cutlets, seasoned
with salt and pepper, fry till brown. Then take out cutlets, put into
pan 1/2 tumbler currant jelly to melt, add 2 tablespoons Crisco with
1/2 teaspoon salt, and serve separately with cutlets.

November 11

  _*Baked Scallops in Shells
  Chicken Souffle
  Fried Celery
  Latticed Potatoes
  Watercress and Green Pepper Salad
  Meringues Glaces

_*Baked Scallops in Shells_--Take desired quantity of fresh
scallops--1 pint or 1 quart, and cook them in little white wine until
done. Drain, cut in quarters, and add to them 1/2 their quantity of
minced onion fried until tender, but not brown. Moisten with white
sauce, season with red pepper and salt, heap high in scallop shells,
cover with breadcrumbs moistened in melted Crisco, and brown in hot
oven. Garnish with lemon slices and parsley.

November 12

  _Hamburg Steak Balls
  Mashed Potatoes
  Fried Parsnips
  Apple and Celery Salad
  *Baked Indian Pudding

_*Baked Indian Pudding_--3-1/2 quarts milk, 3 tablespoons cornmeal,
1/2 pint molasses, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon
cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon ginger. Boil 1 quart milk; add to it
molasses, Crisco, salt, and spices, and lastly meal stirred smooth
with little cold milk; scald whole together, and turn into a well
Criscoed baking dish.

When it begins to crust over, stir it all up from bottom, and add
1 pint of cold milk. Repeat process every 1/2 hour, or oftener if
pudding browns too fast, till 5 pints are used; then let it bake till
done--6 hours in all. Serve hot with sauce of grated or granulated
maple sugar stirred into rich cream, and kept very cold till needed.

November 13

  _Lamb Cutlets
  *Curried Lima Beans
  Tomato Salad
  Cheese Fritters
  Benedictine Jelly

_*Curried Lima Beans_--Chop 1 onion finely and fry it for a few
minutes in 2 tablespoons Crisco, add 1 tablespoon curry powder, 1
teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon flour, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, and 1 cup
water, allow to cook slowly for 20 minutes, then add 1-1/2 cups cooked
lima beans, mix well and serve hot.

November 14

  _Cream of Tomato Soup
  *Nut Roast
  Piquante Sauce
  Sweet Potatoes
  Fried Egg Plant
  Lettuce Salad
  Baked Quinces

_*Nut Roast_--1/2 cup lentils, 1/2 cup shelled roasted peanuts, 1/2
tablespoon Crisco, 1/2 cup toasted breadcrumbs, 1/2 teaspoon salt,
1/2 saltspoon pepper and milk. Soak lentils over night; in morning
drain, cover with fresh water and bring to boil. Drain again; and
put in fresh water and cook until tender. Drain once more; throw away
water and press lentils through colander. Add nuts, either ground or
chopped, Crisco, breadcrumbs, seasoning and milk sufficient to make
mixture consistency of mush. Put into Criscoed baking dish; bake in
moderate oven 1 hour; turn out on heated platter; garnish with parsley
or watercress and serve with Piquante sauce.


November 15

  _Sweet Potatoes au Gratin
  Corn, a la Southern
  *Raisin and Nut Bread
  Apples Stuffed with Celery
  Caramel Custards

_*Raisin and Nut Bread_--1 egg, 3/4 cup sugar, 1-1/2 cups milk, 1
teaspoon salt, 3 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 2 tablespoons
Crisco, 1/2 cup raisins, and 1 cup chopped walnut meats. Beat egg with
sugar; add sifted flour, baking powder and salt alternately with milk;
last add Crisco, melted, and walnuts. Bake in deep pan in slow oven 45

November 16

  _Cream of Corn Soup
  Roast Turkey, Giblet Sauce
  Mashed Potatoes
  Creamed Onions
  Melon Mangoes
  Cheese Fingers
  *Apple Strudel

_*Apple Strudel_--Sift 2 cups flour with 1/2 teaspoonful salt and 1
teaspoon sugar. Add gradually 1 cup lukewarm water and knead until
dough does not stick to hands. Roll dough as thin as possible on
floured board. Place clean tablecloth on table, put rolled out dough
on it and pull carefully with fingers to get thin as possible. Mix
4 cups chopped apples with 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, 1 cup
seeded raisins, and 1 cup currants. Spread over dough, and spread
little Crisco over apples. Take cloth in both hands, and roll strudel
over and over like roly poly. Roll strudel into Criscoed baking pan
and bake in hot oven until brown.

November 17

  _*Stewed Rabbit
  Glace Potatoes
  Baked Onions
  Jellied Baked Beans
  Cranberry Bavarian Cream

_*Stewed Rabbit_--Melt 4 tablespoons Crisco in saucepan; joint rabbit
and fry quickly in Crisco, then fry 1 sliced onion until browned, stir
in 2 tablespoons flour and brown flour; now add gradually 2 cups water
and stir till smooth, when boiling add salt, pepper, and paprika to
taste, and 2 tablespoons chopped parsley; simmer slowly 1-1/2 hours.
Dish and strain over gravy.

November 18

  _Julienne Soup
  Toast Points
  Stuffed Hearts
  Browned Potatoes
  Baked Squash
  *Almond and Apple Pudding

_*Almond and Apple Pudding_--Pare and core 6 apples, chop into small
pieces and sprinkle with 1/2 cup sugar. Have ready 2 cups breadcrumbs,
soaked in 1/2 cup milk to which 1 tablespoon melted Crisco has been
added. Beat 2 eggs till light, add to them grating of nutmeg, a pinch
of cinnamon and good pinch of salt. Mix apple with soaked breadcrumbs,
then eggs, and lastly 2 dozens blanched almonds chopped fine. Thin
with 1/2 cup milk, then pour into Criscoed tin and bake. Serve with
sweetened cream.

November 19

  _Spare Ribs Stew
  Rice Croquettes
  Waldorf Salad
  Cheese Biscuits
  *Cranberry Pudding

_*Cranberry Pudding_--Cream 1/2 cup Crisco with 1 cup sugar, add 3
eggs well beaten, 1/2 cup milk, 3-1/2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking
powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon almond extract, then stir
in 1-1/2 cups cranberries, turn into Criscoed mold, cover with greased
paper and steam 4 hours. Serve with milk.

November 20

  _Oyster Croquettes
  *Stuffed Lamb Chops
  Chestnut Puree
  Mashed Potatoes
  Egg Plant Fritters
  Kumquat and Endive Salad
  Stewed Figs

_*Stuffed Lamb Chops_--Wipe 6 French chops, cut 1-1/2 inches thick.
Split meat in halves, cutting to bone. Cook 2-1/2 tablespoons Crisco
and 1 tablespoon chopped onion 5 minutes; remove onion, add 1/2 cup
chopped mushroom, and cook 5 minutes; add 2 tablespoons flour, 3
tablespoons stock, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and
few grains red pepper. Spread mixture between layers of chops, press
together lightly, wrap in Criscoed paper cases, and broil 10 minutes.
Serve with chestnut puree.

November 21

  _Baked Boned White Fish
  Bread Dressing
  Drawn Butter Sauce
  Stewed Tomatoes
  Mashed Potatoes
  *Date Pudding

_*Date Pudding_--Clean, stone, and chop 1 pound dates, add 1 cup
English walnut meats, broken in pieces, 1/2 cup flour, 1 teaspoon
baking powder, and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Beat up 4 egg whites to
stiff froth, then fold in 1/2 cup sugar, add beaten egg yolks, 1/2
tablespoon melted Crisco and date mixture. Turn into Criscoed tin and
bake in moderate oven 30 minutes. Cut in squares and serve cold with
whipped cream.

November 22

  _*Fried Smelts
  Sauce Tartare
  Roast Chicken
  Creamed Chestnuts
  Canned Stringless Beans
  Orange and Romaine Salad
  Mint Ice Cream

_*Fried Smelts_--Clean, trim the fins, and remove gills; wipe very
dry, roll in flour, brush over with beaten egg, roll in crumbs and fry
in hot Crisco until crisp; drain on soft paper, dish on lace paper
in a heap, and garnish with fried parsley, serve with sauce tartare.
Smelts make a nice garnish for many fish dishes, the tails drawn
through the eyes, dressed as above, and fried.

November 23

  _Bisque of Clams
  Boiled Fish
  Hollandaise Sauce
  Baked Parsnips
  Celery Salad
  *Italian Fritters

_*Italian Fritters_--1 egg, 1 cup milk, grated rind 1 lemon, 2
tablespoons Crisco, 5 slices stale cake, 1/2 teaspoon powdered
cinnamon, sugar and few grains salt. Cake should be about a 1/4 of an
inch thick, not less. Cut out into oval or round shapes with cutter.
Beat egg, mix with milk, lemon rind, salt, and about 1 teaspoon
sugar. Lay slices of cake in this custard until they are soft, but not
crumbly; time will depend upon how stale cake is. Heat 1/2 Crisco in
frying pan, lift few pieces of cake up carefully and lay them in hot
Crisco. Brown 1 side, then turn them over and brown other side also.
Add some pieces of Crisco as required. Mix cinnamon with 2 teaspoons
sugar and sprinkle some of these over each fritter. Serve with hard

November 24

  _Cannelon of Beef
  Creamed Cabbage
  Franconia Potatoes
  Cranberry Salad
  Cheese Wafers
  *Baba with Syrup

_*Baba with Syrup_--Sift 3 cups flour and 1/2 teaspoon salt into a
basin, add 1 yeast cake dissolved in 1/2 cup lukewarm milk; make well
in center of flour, pour in 5 beaten eggs, mix with the hand for 5
minutes. Put it into Criscoed basin, spread over with 1/2 cup Crisco,
cover and put in warm place until it has risen to twice its original
size. Knead until elastic, add 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 tablespoons
currants, 2 tablespoons sultana raisins, knead again. Turn into large
Criscoed mold. It should not be more than half full. Allow to rise to
top of tin, then bake in moderate oven for 30 minutes. Turn out and
pour syrup over it. To make syrup, boil 2 cups water with 1/4 cup
sugar for 10 minutes, then add 2 tablespoons apricot jam and boil 5
minutes. Strain, add 1 wineglass rum and bring to boiling point.

November 25

  _Quick Beef Soup
  Panned Chicken
  Brown Sauce
  Curried Rice
  Creamed Carrots
  Tomato Salad
  *Baked Macaroni Pudding

_*Baked Macaroni Pudding_--1 pint milk, 4 long sticks macaroni, 1 egg,
2 tablespoons sugar, nutmeg, 1 tablespoon Crisco, and salt to taste.

Bake macaroni into 1/2 inch lengths. Boil milk, shake in macaroni and
salt and boil it very slowly for 1/2 an hour, or until quite tender,
and keep it well stirred during cooking. Thickly Crisco a pudding
dish and beat up egg. Add sugar and Crisco to macaroni, let it cool a
little, then pour in egg and mix it well. Grate little nutmeg on top
and bake pudding very slowly until top is delicately browned.

November 26

  _Pea Soup
  Boiled Tongue
  Raisin Sauce
  Rice Balls
  Stewed Celery
  Tomato and Cress Salad
  *Graham Pudding

_*Graham Pudding_--Mix 2 cups graham flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2
tablespoons Crisco, 1 teaspoon each cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and
nutmeg, 1 cup currants, 1 cup molasses, 1 egg well beaten, 1 cup milk,
2 teaspoons soda dissolved in 1 tablespoon hot water. Pour in Criscoed
mold, cover with Criscoed paper and steam 3 hours. Turn out and serve
with milk.

November 27

  _Steak en Casserole
  Sweet Potato Croquettes
  Boiled Cauliflower
  Pear and Grape Salad
  Cheese Fritters
  *Pineapple Souffle

_*Pineapple Souffle_--Cream 1-1/2 tablespoons each Crisco and flour,
add 1 cup canned grated pineapple and juice. Cook 5 minutes, remove
from fire, add little salt, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 3 beaten egg
yolks. Bake in Criscoed dish 20 minutes. Serve with following sauce:
Cook 2 tablespoons creamed Crisco in double boiler, add 2 yolks of
eggs, 1 at a time, beat, and add 4 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons
orange juice, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, and 1/2 cup whipped cream. Serve

November 28

  _Mock Bisque Soup
  Mutton Haricot
  String Beans
  Fried Parsnips
  Lettuce and Pepper Salad
  *Apples with Red Currant Jelly

_*Apples with Red Currant Jelly_--6 cooking apples, 4 tablespoons
flour, 1 egg, cakecrumbs, apricot jam, 6 glace cherries, red currant
jelly, Crisco and syrup. Choose apples as much as possible same size,
peel and core them carefully, so as not to break them. Put 1 cup syrup
into stewpan or baking tin, put in apples and cook over fire or in
oven until nearly done. Baste them occasionally with syrup. Let them
get cold, then roll them in flour, brush over with beaten egg, toss
in sifted cakecrumbs, and fry in hot Crisco a golden brown. Drain on
piece of paper, fill centers with apricot jam, cut out some rounds of
red currant jelly, place 1 on top of each apple and a glace cherry on
that. Dish up and serve hot or cold. An apricot syrup should be sent
to table separately with apples.

November 29

  _Smoked Salmon Toast
  *Spiced Venison
  Black Currant Jelly
  Creamed Turnips
  Grilled Sweet Potatoes
  Escarole Salad
  Cheese Dressing
  Peach Gateau

_*Spiced Venison_--Rub a piece of venison with salt, pepper, vinegar,
cloves, and allspice; then put into baking pan. Pour over 1 cup melted
Crisco, add 2 sliced onions, sprig of thyme, 3 sprigs parsley, juice 1
lemon, and 1/2 pint hot water. Cover and bake in hot oven till tender.
Sprinkle with flour, add 1 glassful of sherry wine and allow to brown.

Thanksgiving Dinner

November 30

  _Bisque of Oyster
  Broiled Smelts
  Drawn Butter
  Roast Turkey
  Cranberry Sauce
  Mashed Potatoes
  Stewed Celery
  Romaine Salad
  Roquefort Cheese
  *Hot Pumpkin Pie
  Orange Ice

_*Hot Pumpkin Pie_--Line pie tin with Crisco Pastry. Mix 2 cups
steamed and strained pumpkin, with 2 teaspoons Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon
salt, 1 cup sugar, 1/2 teaspoon each cinnamon, cloves, mace, allspice,
and ginger, grated rind of 1 lemon, 1 cup milk, 1/2 cup cream, 2
well beaten eggs, and pour into prepared pie plate. Bake till firm in
moderate oven. Serve hot. As a change, place on the pumpkin pie as it
comes out of the oven a layer of halved marshmallows, replace in the
oven and let them brown.

December 1

  _Oyster Bouillon
  *Baked Beefsteak
  Fried Beets
  Baked Potatoes
  Grapefruit and Endive Salad
  Nougat Ice Cream

_*Baked Beefsteak_--Cut 2 pounds of sirloin, 1/2 inch thick. Mix 1 cup
breadcrumbs, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1/2
tablespoon chopped onion, 1/2 teaspoon each of salt, pepper, and red
pepper, 1/2 teaspoon kitchen bouquet, and moisten with stock. Spread
this over steak and roll it up, fastening with skewers or tying, and
put on rack in roasting pan. Add 1/2 cup stock, and bake 1/2 hour,
basting often. Place on hot platter, and pour around it sauce made
from 2 tablespoons Crisco and 3 tablespoons flour blended together,
with salt and pepper to taste, and 1-1/2 cups beef stock cooked until
boiling, then strained and added to 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce.

December 2

  _Baked Pork Spareribs
  Mashed Potatoes
  Celery and Cranberry Salad
  *Squash Pie

_*Squash Pie_--2 cups stewed squash, 1 tablespoon melted Crisco,
1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 2/3 cup sugar; 1 teaspoon
ginger, 2 eggs, and 2 cups milk. Beat eggs until light. Place squash
in quart measure, add sugar, Crisco, salt, spice, and then beaten
eggs. Stir well and add sufficient milk to make 1 quart of whole mass.
Turn into pie tin lined with Crisco pastry and bake slowly for 45
minutes. When done a silver knife when inserted will come out from it
clear. Squash pie will become watery if allowed to boil.

December 3

  _Brown Fricassee of Chicken
  Cranberry Jelly
  Sweet Potatoes
  Boiled Onions
  Orange and Pineapple Salad
  *Farina Pudding

_*Farina Pudding_--Stir into 3 cups boiling milk 1 cup farina, and
cook 10 minutes. Rub together 1 tablespoon Crisco and 2 tablespoons
sugar; add yolks of 3 eggs, grated rind of 1 lemon and 25 chopped
blanched almonds. Stir this mixture into farina after it is little
cooled; lastly add whites of 3 eggs beaten to stiff froth. Steam this
pudding in covered mold for 1-1/2 hours. Serve with any sweet pudding

December 4

  _Clear Soup with Rice
  Mashed Potatoes
  Cold Slaw
  Plum Pudding
  Hard Sauce
  *Individual Mince Pies
  Cheese Wafers

_*Individual Mince Pies_--Roll out Crisco paste 1/8 inch thick, stamp
into rounds and line gem pans, place in each 2 teaspoons of mince
meat; roll out more pastry rather thicker than first, stamp into
rounds size of top of pans, wet edges and cover pies, brush over with
beaten egg, sprinkle with sugar, and bake 20 minutes in hot oven.

For mince meat, put into jar 1 pound chopped apples, 1 pound sultana
raisins, 1/4 pound chopped figs, 1/2 pound currants, grated rind,
strained juice 3 lemons, 1 cup Crisco, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 pound
chopped almonds, grated rind, strained juice 3 oranges, 2 grated
nutmegs, 1/2 cup sherry, 1 cup brandy, 1 ounce mixed spice, 1/2 pound
each chopped candied orange and lemon peel, and 2 cups brown sugar.
Mix well and keep in well sealed jar.

December 5

  _*Steamed Clams
  Roast Ribs of Beef
  Currant Jelly
  Rice Croquettes
  Stewed Tomatoes
  Apple and Celery Salad
  Mince Pie

_*Steamed Clams_--Wash and scrub clam shells; place in kettle; add
water, allowing 1/2 cup water for each peck of clams. Cover kettle
and cook until shells open. Serve hot with the following sauce: 3
tablespoons Crisco, 3 tablespoons lemon juice, 4 tablespoons chopped
parsley, salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste.

Cream Crisco and add remaining ingredients. Kettle should be
removed from range as soon as shells open, otherwise clams will be

December 6

  _Caviar Canapes
  Roast Duck
  *Apple Sauce
  Canned Beans
  Mashed Potatoes
  Tomato Jelly Salad
  Apple Dumplings

_*Apple Sauce_--1 pound apples, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons
Crisco, 1/2 cup water, and strained juice of 1/2 lemon. Peel, core,
and slice apples, put them into saucepan with sugar, Crisco, water,
lemon juice, and cook them until tender. Serve with roast duck.

December 7

  _Stewed Chicken
  Cream Dressing
  *Baked Sweet Potatoes
  Creamed Carrots
  Onion Salad
  Indian Pudding
  Bon Bons

_*Baked Sweet Potatoes_--Peel boiled sweet potatoes and cut in slices
crosswise. To 2 cups of slices allow 3 tablespoons Crisco, and 2
tablespoons each of sugar and vinegar. Have Crisco hot, lay potatoes
in it, sprinkle sugar over top, and pour vinegar over lightly. Bake
until a golden brown.

December 8

  _Lamb Chops
  Creamed Potatoes
  Lima Beans
  Carrot Salad
  Pineapple Ice Cream
  *Cocoanut Layer Cake

_*Cocoanut Layer Cake_--Beat 1/4 cup Crisco with 1 cup sugar till
creamy, add 2 well beaten eggs, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 2-1/2 cups flour
sifted with 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 cup water and 1/2 teaspoon
almond extract, mix and divide into Criscoed and floured layer tins.
Bake 20 minutes in moderate oven. Use boiled frosting and shredded
cocoanut for filling.

December 9

  *Chicken Hot Pot
  Celery Salad
  Dried Apricot Shortcake

_*Chicken Hot Pot_--Prepare large chicken. Cut into as small pieces
as joints allow. Do not remove meats from bones. Boil chicken until
nearly tender and keep broth left in kettle when you remove chicken
from it. Cut 1 pound of lean, raw ham into small squares. Wash and
peel and parboil 8 large potatoes and slice them. Slice 3 medium-sized
onions. Put into deep baking dish layer of chicken, layer of ham,
layer of potatoes, and layer of onions. Repeat until all are used up;
when arranging these layers strew tiny bits of Crisco over them. Pour
chicken broth over layers, well seasoned with salt and pepper. Add
enough water to almost fill pot. Cover pot, and bake for 1-1/2 hours.
Be sure plenty of water is in pot while baking is in progress. When
cooked put baked chicken and vegetables in large tureen. Garnish edges
with parsley. Sprinkle parsley and sliced cooked carrots over top.
Serve with small slice of toast on each plate.

December 10

  _Cream of Celery Soup
  Broiled Oysters, a la Francaise
  Bean Salad
  Cheese Straws
  *Fig and Apple Cobbler

_*Fig and Apple Cobbler_--Nearly fill Criscoed baking dish with equal
amounts of sliced apples and chopped figs, arranging them in layers;
add 1 cup water, strained juice 1 lemon and cover with Crisco biscuit
dough about 1 inch thick. Place on range, cover tightly with a pan and
simmer 30 minutes. Lift cover carefully, make an opening in middle of
crust, and pour in another 1/2 cup water, 2 tablespoons Crisco, and
1 cup scraped maple sugar. Sprinkle a little maple sugar over top of
pudding before serving it.

December 11

  _Roast Pork, Apple Sauce
  Franconia Potatoes
  Creamed Onions
  Endive and Grape Salad
  *Lemon and Apple Tart

_*Lemon and Apple Tart_--Line a large pie plate with Crisco pastry.
Mix together 2 cups grated apple, grated rind and juice of 1 lemon,
1-1/2 cups sugar, 2 eggs, beaten without separating whites and yolks,
2 tablespoons melted Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1 cup thin cream.
Turn into plate lined with pastry, wet edge, and put strips of pastry
over top of filling. Finish with strip of pastry on edge. Let bake
until firm in center.

December 12

  _Baked Codfish
  Piquant Beets
  Baked Potatoes
  Lettuce and Cheese Salad
  *Bread Pudding

_*Bread Pudding_--4 cups bread cut in dice, 3 tablespoons sultanas,
2 tablespoons chopped candied peel, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon
Crisco, rind of 1 lemon, 2 eggs, 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 cup
milk, and 4 lumps of sugar. Put lump sugar in dry saucepan and heat
until it turns dark brown. Add milk and stir it over fire until sugar
dissolves. Mix bread, cleaned sultanas, chopped peel, sugar, Crisco,
grated lemon rind, and colored milk. Beat up eggs and add them with
lemon juice. Let mixture stand for 1/2 an hour, or longer, if bread is
stale. Have ready Criscoed mold, put in mixture, cover top with piece
of Criscoed paper, and steam it for 2 hours. Turn carefully on to hot
dish and serve with it any good sweet sauce.

December 13

  _Chestnut Soup
  Pork Chops
  Apple Sauce
  Steamed Squash
  Lettuce and Pepper Salad
  *Raisin Roly Poly

_*Raisin Roly Poly_--2 cups flour, 2 cups breadcrumbs, 3/4 cup Crisco,
1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4 pound stoned raisins, 1/4 tablespoon salt,
and cold water. Rub Crisco well into flour, breadcrumbs, sugar, salt,
and add raisins stoned and halved. Add enough water to mix whole
into soft paste. Roll into neat shape. Roll up in floured and scalded
pudding cloth, tying ends securely. Put in pan of fast boiling water,
and let boil steadily for 3 hours. Take off cloth, and serve pudding
on hot dish.

December 14

  _Corn Chowder
  Bread Sticks
  Chicken and Chestnut Salad
  Stuffed Celery
  *Raisin Puffs
  Vanilla Sauce

_*Raisin Puffs_--Beat 2 tablespoons Crisco with 1/2 cup sugar till
creamy, add 1 beaten egg, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup milk, 1-1/3
cups flour sifted with 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon grated
nutmeg, and 1 cup chopped raisins. Crisco baking cups and fill half
full with mixture and steam for 1 hour.

December 15

  _Boiled Ham
  Fried Potatoes
  Asparagus on Toast
  Bar-Le-Duc and Cheese Sandwiches
  *Cocoanut Pie

_*Cocoanut Pie_--1 cup chopped cocoanut, 3 eggs, 1 cup cream, 1
cup milk, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 4 tablespoons cold water, 2
tablespoons Crisco, 6 tablespoons sugar, and some Crisco pastry. Line
2 pie plates with Crisco pastry. Put milk and cream into saucepan,
bring to boiling point, add cornstarch mixed with water. Remove
saucepan from fire, stir in Crisco. Let stand until perfectly cold.
Beat up yolks of eggs and sugar together, then add cocoanut to them.
Add this mixture to milk with stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Divide
into prepared pie plates and bake in moderate oven for 30 minutes.
Serve hot.

December 16

  _Baked Fish Pudding
  Galantine of Veal
  *Pea Croquettes
  Tomato Sauce
  Cream Cheese Salad
  Chocolate Meringues

_*Pea Croquettes_--Boil 1 cup dried peas that have been soaked over
night, till tender, strain and press through sieve. Fry 1 chopped
onion in 1 tablespoon Crisco, add to peas, with 1 tablespoon melted
Crisco, 2 tablespoons flour, salt and pepper to taste, 2 beaten eggs,
and breadcrumbs to make stiff enough to form into croquettes. Brush
over with beaten egg, toss in breadcrumbs, and fry golden brown in hot
Crisco. Serve hot with tomato sauce.

December 17

  _Farina Soup
  Salmon Loaf
  Glazed Potatoes
  Stewed Carrots
  Cabbage Salad
  *Pear Croquettes

_*Pear Croquettes_--6 halves canned pears, 1/2 cup rice, 2 tablespoons
sugar, 2 cups milk, 1 lemon, 1 egg, lady fingers and angelica. Put
milk and sugar in saucepan, bring to boil, and then add rice and
grated rind of 1 lemon. Stir this over fire until rice is tender and
milk absorbed, then turn it on to plate, and put aside to cool. Stand
pears on hair sieve until syrup has drained away, then stuff hollow
side with boiled rice, shaping it to a dome, so that they look like
whole pears. Beat egg on plate, crush lady fingers, and rub them
through wire sieve. Dip stuffed pears in egg, and toss in lady finger
crumbs. Have ready pan of hot Crisco, fry croquettes in it until a
golden brown. Take them up, and drain on paper. Insert small piece
of angelica in end of each to represent pear-stalk. Dish up and serve

December 18

  _Fillets of Flounder
  Tournedos of Beef
  *Tomato Croquettes
  Celery Mayonnaise
  Orange Tartlets

_*Tomato Croquettes_--Cook 1 quart tomatoes until reduced to 2 cups.
Add to them 2 cups crumbs, 3 tablespoons melted Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon
salt, dust sugar, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, pinch red pepper, and dust of
nutmeg. Set away to cool. Shape into croquettes, roll in flour, brush
over with beaten egg, toss in crumbs and fry in hot Crisco.

December 19

  _*Soup Bonne Femme
  Broiled Lamb Steak with Virginia Ham
  Stuffed Egg Plant
  Frontenac Salad
  Apple Tart

_*Soup Bonne Femme_--Wash, dry, and cut up 2 large heads of lettuce,
1 pound sorrel, and 1 pound spinach. Add 3 pints white stock, and
simmer, with 1/2 cup Crisco, 2 carrots, and 2 onions, for 1 hour.
Blend together 2 tablespoons Crisco, 4 tablespoons flour, and yolks of
2 eggs, thin with 1 cup of boiling milk, and add to broth. Season with
salt and pepper, press through sieve, and serve with croutons.

December 20

  _Lentil Soup
  Roast Loin of Pork
  Apple Sauce
  Potato Balls
  Celery and Pineapple Salad
  *Sultana Pudding

_*Sultana Pudding_--Line shallow dish with plain pastry, put in
bottom layer of sultana raisins. Beat 1/2 cup Crisco to a cream with
4 tablespoons sugar, add 2 well beaten eggs, 2 tablespoons milk, 1/2
teaspoon lemon extract, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 cup flour. Mix and
spread on top of raisins and bake 30 minutes in moderate oven. Serve

December 21

  Broiled Squab Chickens
  Braised Endive
  Potatoes Anna
  Chiffonade Salad
  Apricot Custard

_*Scallops_--For 1 pint of scallops take 2 tablespoons Crisco. Melt
in frying pan, add scallops and 2 minced onions and 1 tablespoon flour
with 1 pint liquor from scallops. Cook thoroughly, seasoning with salt
and bit of paprika, then add 1/2 cup breadcrumbs and yolks of 4 eggs.
Fill small shells with mixture and bake in quick oven, adding, if
liked, little grated cheese.

December 22

  _Petite Marmite
  Goulash of Veal
  Saute Potatoes
  Orange Salad
  *Cornstarch Souffle

_*Cornstarch Souffle_--Bring 1 quart milk and 1 tablespoon Crisco to
boiling point; beat 4 tablespoons cornstarch with 1 cup sugar, yolks
of 5 eggs together and add to hot milk. Stir and cook 8 minutes
then add 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Pour into
Criscoed fireproof dish. Beat up whites of eggs to stiff froth,
then beat in 4 tablespoons sugar, pour over top of pudding and brown
lightly in oven.

December 23

  _*Baked Tripe
  Mashed Potatoes
  Stuffed Onions
  Baked Bean Salad
  Cheese Balls
  Stewed Figs
  Whipped Cream

_*Baked Tripe_--Cut tripe into good-sized pieces and spread over
them the following stuffing: Mix together 4 tablespoons crumbs,
3 tablespoons Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon salt, dust powdered mace, 1
tablespoon chopped cooked ham, 1 chopped onion, 1 tablespoon chopped
parsley, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, dust paprika, and 1 well beaten egg.
Roll them up and fasten with wooden toothpicks.

Dredge with flour and spread on each 1 tablespoon Crisco. Bake in hot
oven 30 minutes, basting frequently with melted Crisco and hot water.
Garnish with lemon slices and pass melted butter.


December 24

  _Cream of Tomato Soup
  Cheese Souffle
  Graham Rolls
  French Dressing
  *Eve's Pudding

_*Eve's Pudding_--Mix together in a basin, 1 cup seeded raisins, 3
tablespoons Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 cups crumbs, 1 cup currants,
8 chopped apples, 1 teaspoon each, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg, 1/4
cup milk, and 4 well beaten eggs. Pour into Criscoed mold, cover with
greased paper and steam 2 hours. Serve with hot milk.

Christmas Dinner

December 25

  Stuffed Olives
  Tomato Soup
  Roast Turkey
  Cranberry Jelly
  Roast Sweet Potatoes
  Mashed Turnips
  Brussels Sprouts
  Orange and Celery Salad
  Vanilla Blanc-mange
  *English Plum Pudding

_*English Plum Pudding_--1 cupful breadcrumbs, 1 cupful flour,
1 cupful brown sugar, 1/2 cupful Crisco, 1 teaspoonful salt, 2
teaspoonfuls baking powder, 1 teaspoonful mixed spices, 3 eggs, 1
cupful milk, 1/2 cupful seeded raisins, 1/2 cupful chopped candied
citron peel, 1 cupful currants, 1/2 cupful chopped preserved ginger,
1/4 cupful brandy, 1/2 cupful chopped English walnut meats. Mix flour
with breadcrumbs, add Crisco, sugar, salt, baking powder, spices,
nuts, fruit, milk, eggs well beaten, and brandy. Pour into Criscoed
mold, cover with greased paper and steam steadily for four hours. Turn
out and serve with liquid or hard sauce. The brandy may be omitted.

December 26

  _Stuffed Veal Heart
  Tomato Sauce
  Baked Sweet Potatoes
  Mashed Turnips
  Lettuce, Apple and Date Salad
  Cream Cheese on Toasted Crackers
  *Baked Apples with Custard

_*Baked Apples_--Core and peel 8 apples; fill centers with 1/4 cup
Crisco creamed with 1/2 cup brown sugar, add 4 tablespoons chopped
citron peel, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice mixed together. Mix 2
tablespoons sugar with 1/2 cup water and brush over apples; sprinkle
with crumbs browned in hot Crisco; bake for 20 minutes in moderate
oven. Serve cold with custard.

December 27

  _*Terrapin, a la Maryland
  Saratoga Chips
  Roasted Capon
  Oyster Sauce
  Sweet Potatoes
  Stewed Celery
  Apple and Cabbage Salad
  Hamburg Cream

_*Terrapin, a la Maryland_--Put terrapin in kettle, cover with boiling
salted water, add 2 slices each carrot and onion, and 1 stalk celery.
Cook till meat is tender. Remove from water, cool, draw out nails from
feet, cut under shell close to upper shell and remove. Empty
upper shell, remove and discard gall bladder, sand bags and thick

Liver, small intestines are used with meat. Add terrapin meat to
3/4 cup white stock, 2 tablespoons wine; cook slowly until liquor
is reduced half. Add liver separated in pieces, 2 yolks of eggs, 1
tablespoon Crisco, salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste, 1 tablespoon
flour mixed with 1/2 cup cream, and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Make hot
and just before serving add 1 tablespoon sherry wine. Turn into hot
dish and garnish with toast points.

December 28

  _*Belgian Hare, en Casserole
  Scalloped Potatoes
  Braised Celery
  Pineapple and Celery Salad
  Lemon Pudding
  Caramel Sauce

_*Belgian Hare, en Casserole_--Separate hare into joints; season
with salt, paprika and red pepper, and saute in 1/4 cup Crisco with
2 slices of bacon cut in dice to golden brown. Put hare in casserole
with 1 cup hot water and put on cover. Bake 30 minutes, then add
2 tablespoons Crisco rubbed into 2 tablespoons flour, 1 cup water,
seasoning to taste, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Cook in moderate
oven for 3 hours. Send to table without removing cover.


December 29

  _Nut Turkey Roast
  Cranberry Jelly
  Creamed Onions
  Baked Potatoes
  Hubbard Squash
  Pineapple and Orange Salad
  *Pastry Fingers
  Lalla Rookh

_*Pastry Fingers_--Sift 1/2 cup pastry flour, 2 cups entire wheat
flour, and 1 teaspoon salt into basin, add 3 tablespoons Crisco, and
1/2 cup butter, cut them into flours with knife until finely divided.
Then rub in fine with finger tips and make into stiff paste with cold
water. Roll out 1/4 inch in thickness, cut in finger shape pieces,
lay on Criscoed tins and bake from 7 to 10 minutes in hot oven. Cool,
brush over with slightly beaten egg white, and sprinkle with salted
pine nuts. Return to oven to brown nut meats.

December 30

  _Sirloin Steak
  Glazed Pumpkin
  Marbled Potatoes
  Celery Salad
  Cheese Relish
  *Boston Pudding

_*Boston Pudding_--Cut 1 loaf bread into thin slices and spread with
Crisco. Crisco baking dish, put into it layer bread, sprinkle over
1 tablespoon each cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg, then a layer
seeded raisins, and so on till dish is full. Pour over 1 quart milk
sweetened to taste, with 3 well beaten eggs, allow to soak 4 hours,
then add 2 cups more milk sweetened to taste. Cover dish and bake in
moderate oven 3 hours. Serve with wine sauce.

December 31

  _Codfish, Delmonico Style
  Roasted Leg of Lamb
  *Chestnut Boulettes
  Baked Potato Strips
  Watercress and Green Pepper Salad
  Cherry and Almond Parfait
  Lady Fingers

_*Chestnut Boulettes_--Mix together in a basin 1 cup mashed chestnuts,
which have been peeled after cooking in boiling salted water, beat
into this 1 tablespoon whipped cream, 1/2 tablespoon Crisco, 1/4
teaspoon salt, 2 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon sherry
wine. Cool and fold in beaten egg whites, form into small balls, dip
in beaten egg, toss in crumbs and fry in hot Crisco. Drain and serve.


An addition to the Crisco library, "The Whys of Cooking," or Questions
Asked and Answered, by Janet McKenzie Hill, of the Boston Cooking
School and Editor and Publisher of "American Cookery" is off the
press. Illustrated and containing 150 new recipes, it will be a
valuable book every woman will appreciate.

We will be glad to send this to any one who will write for it,
enclosing five 2-cent stamps.

  Address Department C.O.
  The Procter & Gamble Co.
  Cincinnati, Ohio.

End of Project Gutenberg's The Story of Crisco, by Marion Harris Neil